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Merit Rogge

Classroom Management Theories

Theorist Critical Aspect 1 Critical Aspect 2 Critical Aspect 3 Critical Aspect 4 Critical Aspect 5
William Glasser Almost all behavior is Closeness and Events in the past We only have We have a “Quality
chosen. The only connectedness are what build direct control over World” and the
person whose satisfies our basic who we are today. two parts of “Total only way we can
behavior we can needs. When As a teacher, we Behavior”. Acting be happy with our
control is our own, so teachers use the should focus on and Thinking are needs in real life,
teachers should habits of motivating our the only parts of is to satisfy the
guide students to supporting and students to take our behavior that needs in the
become responsible encouraging control over who we control, and we “Quality World”.
for their behavior. rather than they will be in the should teach We need to aim
criticizing and future. students how to students in the
blaming this helps have complete direction that gets
provide closeness control over these them to their
and two aspects. imaginary goals.
Jacob Kounin “With-it-ness” is the Overlapping is Momentum is very Smoothness is Group Focus is
ability to have being able to be important when being able to keep being able to
control over a teaching a new building a lesson on track and engage the whole
classroom. A teacher idea, but also have because it needs avoiding any class by creating
should use verbal control of the to be taught in a tangents that some type of
and non-verbal student’s behavior way that is would distract suspense or
methods to make at the same time. constantly from the end goal. competition in the
sure students are Basically, the same engaging and As a teacher, there classroom. Being
aware that the thing as multi- never boring the should be some able to keep all of
teacher is aware of tasking. This can students. Always system in place the students
any bad behavior. also be applied to having something that keeps the engaged with each
Even though the students who have for them to do or students from other will make
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teacher may not finished an something for being able to be teaching a new
actually be aware, it assignment and them to focus on. distracting to you concept much
can be used as an they are just or the rest of the easier.
illusion. reading a book, class.
Fred Jones Working the crowd Teachers should If a student begins Reducing time Backup Systems
involves the teacher constantly be to act out, moving with individual are very important
being close to the moving within the closer to them will help will keep for a last resort
students. Students students. Being most likely cause students from with misbehaving
tend to behave close to them the behavior to getting off track, students. Being
appropriately when physically will stop. This usually as you will be able able to speak with
teachers are in close avoid them being avoids any to make it around them privately
proximity such as able to get away problems with a to every student within/outside the
walking around and with any type of student arguing as and help them classroom or with
monitoring/assisting. distractions as well. individually. When professionals on
they are more a student feels, site are the best
likely to get you aren’t giving options.
caught. them enough
attention, they are
more likely to act
Canter & Canter Establishing a set of Establish a set of Remain assertive Using positive Making sure the
easy to understand disciplines that when punishing reinforcement students have a
classroom rules at will be used if a students. When a throughout good
the beginning of the student does act student shows any punishing a understanding of
year is very up. Having a sign of weakness student is the best what is expected
important. They need consistent set of they are more way to make sure of them will make
to have a clear set of disciplines will likely to try and it doesn’t happen managing them
guidelines for their make sure that exploit it. Using a again. Use this easier. Having an
behavior they are aware of firm voice and outside of expectation will
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what to expect. maintaining eye punishment by make them more

contact are the praising them likely to succeed in
most important of when they do your classroom.
these tactics. something good.
Rudolf Dreikurs All behavior has a When a student is When a student is When a student is Humans are social
purpose. As a teacher trying to get trying to gain displaying beings and we are
it is your attention, there power or control inadequacy in the motivated to
responsibility to find are many ways to over the learning belong to some
what the reason they stop it. Ignoring classroom, you environment, find group. When a
are behaving the way their behavior, can either a way to get them student is acting
they are and stop it. recognizing good acknowledge it back on track by up, we can have to
behavior and and move on, or teaching it keep that in mind
distracting the you can punish differently, as we determine
student are a few them right then. It teaching it slower why they are
ways of doing that. is completely or giving them acting up. They
based on the tutoring sessions. may just be trying
scenario. to fit in to some

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