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A. Background of the Study............................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problem....................................... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ........................................... 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ........................................ 4

E. Objective of the Study.................................................. 5

F. Significance of the Study ............................................. 5


A. Classroom Debate........................................................ 6

1. The Understanding of Classroom Debate ............. 6

2. The Objective of Classroom Debate ................... . 8

3. The Components of Classroom Debate................. 10

4. Format and Steps to Run Classroom Debate......... 14

5. Rules of Classroom Debate ................................... 17

B. Speaking ...................................................................... 19

1. The Understanding of Speaking............................ 20

2. The Objectives of Speaking .................................. 22

3. The Elements of Speaking..................................... 22

4. Types of Speaking Test ......................................... 25

5. Scoring Speaking Test........................................... 28

C. Relevant Study……………………………………….................... 33

D. Conceptual Framework ............................................... 34

E. Hypothesis................................................................... 35


A. Place and Time of the Study........................................ 36

B. Method and Research Design...................................... 36

C. The Population and Sample......................................... 37

D. The Research Intrument .............................................. 37

E. The Techniques of Data Collecting............................... 43

F. The Techniques of Data Analysis .................................. 45

A. The Background of the Study
English is important to learn because it is very needed as the medium of communication. In English
learning, students have to master four language skills. Those are listening, speaking, reading and
writing. The four skills are important but speaking seems intuitively the most important one because
speaking skill represents a real challenge to most language learners. Students can express
themselves and learn how to follow social and cultural rules appropriate in any communicative

The obejctives of English learning in Indonesia is based on curriculum of KTSP 2006 (Kurikulum
Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan). The objective of English learning is stated on competence standard and
based competence of KTSP. One of learning objectives of English subject in KTSP is to improve
communicative competence including spoken communication.3 It means that speaking skill is
needed to measure students’ ability for English subject. The objectives of speaking skill for senior
high school can be seen at the indicators of English syllabus.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the English syllabus for eleventh year students of senior high school, the writer identified
the students’ problems in speaking skill in as follows:

1. Pronunciation; Students feel difficult to produce the right pronunciation in learning some English
expression such as attitude, love, anger, annoyance.

2. Grammar; Students feel difficult to use grammatical rules based on the situations such as telling
the case in narrative using simple past tense, using the right article or preposition, etc.

3. Vocabulary; Students admit that they have limits vocabulary to produce speech such as monolog
in narrative form or debate with peers. Since English contains many words with differerent usage,
the students should

C. Limitation of the Problem

To clarify the problem, it is necessary to make limitation of the problem. The writer limits the
problem in the effectiveness of classroom debate towards students’ speaking skill. In this case, the
writer focused on the areas of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary that affect to speaking skill.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The writer has formulated the problem as follow: “The Effectiveness of using debate technique in
improving speaking skill in senior high school student”
E. The Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to find out the empirical evidence whether or not classroom debate is
effective to improve students’ speaking skill.

1. The Understanding of Classroom Debate
The idea of classroom debate is basically from the concept of debate competition among
schools. Debate is well enough known as arguing ideas between two opposite sides. In school
environment, debate is well known as an English competition among students in which the students
are representatives from their schools. Debate demands students to be able to defend their opinions
so it requires good ability to speak English well.

Another opinion comes from Mulholland that in a formal debate, a strong developed
personal need and strong social preference are presented for manageable agreement and
disagreement. The two are intertwined and affect the formulation of a very high proportion of
speech behaviors produced in interaction. It means that debate has a huge amount of interaction
role among people because people want a confession of ideas about agreement or diagreement. In
presenting the confession, the deabaters will strongly show their characteristic of speech behaviors
during interaction.

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