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Journal of Psychiatric Research 35 (2001) 165–172

The first-night effect may last more than one night

O. Le Bona,*, L. Stanerb, G. Hoffmanna, M. Dramaixc, I. San Sebastiana,
J.R. Murphyd, M. Kentosa, I. Pelca, P. Linkowskie
Sleep Center, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Brugmann, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Sleep Laboratory — FORENAP — Centre Hospitalier de Rouffach, France
Ecole de Santé Publique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA
Cliniques Universitaires Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Received 27 November 2000; received in revised form 2 April 2001; accepted 19 April 2001

The first-night effect in sleep polysomnographic studies is usually considered to last for one night. However, a few observations
have indicated that variables associated to rapid eye movement sleep take longer to stabilize. Notwithstanding, current opinion
holds that second nights of recording can be used without restriction for research and clinical purposes. The goal of this study was
to describe the dynamics of habituation to polysomnography in optimal conditions. Twenty-six young, carefully screened, healthy
subjects were recorded in their home for four consecutive full polysomnographies. Repeated measures ANOVA were applied.
Between the two first nights, while there were no differences in sleep duration in non-rapid eye movement sleep, marked mod-
ifications in corresponding spectral power were observed. The dynamics of adaptation of rapid eye movement sleep appeared
to be a process extending up to the fourth night. Similar dynamics in NREMS and REMS homeostasis have been observed
in sleep deprivation studies, and it appears that the same mechanisms may be responsible for the FNE. The longer habituation
process of REMS in particular has important implications for sleep research in psychiatry. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
Keywords: REM; REM latency; NREM; FNE; Habituation; Home polysomnography

1. Introduction adds yet another factor: (4) the change in environment.

The FNE remains a crucial topic in sleep studies, since it
The first-night effect (FNE) has been recognized in could bias any polysomnography (PSG), whether per-
sleep polysomnographic studies since 1964 (Rechtschaf- formed for clinical or research purposes. Though an
fen and Verdone) and was later described in more detail unavoidable burden in practice, it can also be seen more
(Agnew et al., 1966). Its main characteristics include: positively from a theoretical perspective as representing
less total sleep time (TST) and rapid eye movement an adaptation process of the brain to external stress
sleep (REMS), a lower sleep efficiency index (SEI), more (Hartmann, 1968; Schmidt and Kaelbling, 1971), per-
intermittent wake time, longer REMS latency (RL). No haps comparable to psychophysiological insomnia
clear pattern has been described for Non-REMS (Wauquier et al., 1991).
(NREMS), on the other hand. The origin of FNE is The process of returning to steady-state by habitua-
probably multifactorial and includes: (1) discomfort tion in sequential PSG has not been studied extensively.
caused by electrodes; (2) limitation of movements by In fact, most studies of the FNE considered only two
gauges and cables; (3) potential psychological con- consecutive nights. Two studies compared the first night
sequences of being under scrutiny. In most cases, studies versus the mean of two consecutive nights (Browman
have been performed in specialized sleep units, which and Cartwright, 1980; Edinger et al, 1997) and a two-
week study was performed in healthy controls (Roehrs
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32-2-477-25-54; fax: +32-2-477-
et al., 1996), but no specific comparison was reported on
25-50. the differences between night 2 and the nights immedi-
E-mail address: (O. Le Bon). ately following. One study focused on the short-term
0022-3956/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0022-3956(01)00019-X
166 O. Le Bon et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 35 (2001) 165–172

stability of five sleep parameters in elderly healthy con- report of periodic limb movements, snoring or sleep
trols (not including REMS variables) and concluded apnea; sleep-apnea index (AHI) >= 5 on the initial
that an average of 2 weeks was necessary to achieve night of monitoring; periodic limb movement episodes
stability for certain measures (Wohlgemuth et al., 1999). on the initial night of recording; routine consumption of
Pioneering work on six consecutive nights was per- more than 10 alcoholic beverages (10-g units) per week,
formed as early as 1971 (Schmidt and Kaelbling), which or consumption of illicit drugs; use of psychotropic
demonstrated that REMS took more than 1 night to drugs within 3 weeks before the study; and, transmer-
stabilize. A more recent and extensive study of about 32 idian flights or shift work within 4 weeks preceding the
healthy subjects in a lab setting demonstrated significant study. Subjects were requested not to drink alcohol for
differences, specifically between the second and the third a week before entering the protocol and to change their
night, for REMS latency and REMS time in the first life habits as little as possible during the time of the
third of the night, but not for REMS as a whole (Tous- study.
saint et al., 1995). The protocol was approved by the hospital’s Ethics
Notwithstanding previous findings, present opinion Committee and informed consent was obtained. The
holds that habituation to polysomnography is a matter study was conducted in accordance with the rules and
of the first night of recording and that the second night regulations for the conduct of clinical trials stated by
can be used without restriction for research and clinical the World Medical Assembly (Helsinki, Tokyo, Venice
purposes. In practice, a first night (usually referred to as and Hong Kong).
the habituation night) is spent with partial or full cable
and gauge connections but no actual recording, the sec- 2.2. Methods
ond night is then recorded and used for comparisons.
The objective of the present study was to analyze the Recordings were made between Mondays and Fri-
dynamics of the habituation process to poly- days, in order to avoid the more irregular weekend
somnography in optimal conditions. The study covered schedules. The technician went to the subjects’ home
four consecutive nights of recordings performed at around 9 pm, explained the procedure and answered
home and included a comprehensive set of variables. questions. He then placed three pairs of EEG electrodes
The sample was very carefully selected and is larger (FZp1-A1; C4-A1; O2-A1), 1 pair of EOG electrodes, a
than in previous studies of young subjects at home chin and two inferior limb EMG electrodes, thoracic
(Coates et al., 1981; Sharpley et al., 1988). and abdominal gauges for respiratory movements and
thermo-resistors around the mouth and the nose. Sub-
jects went to bed at their usual sleep time and connected
2. Subjects and method the wires, in a very straightforward procedure, to sleep
analyzer Alice (Respironics, Pittsburgh, PA). When the
2.1. Subjects subjects decided to go to sleep, they launched the poly-
somnography and turned out the light. When they
Eighty-four volunteers, aged 15–45 (mean 27.8, S.D. spontaneously woke up in the morning, they stopped
9.7, 47 females), were recruited by advertisement and the recording and removed the electrodes. The same
paid for participation. A comprehensive screening was sequence was repeated for all study nights.
made to ensure selection of individuals with no known Recordings were randomly analyzed by one of two
existing or previous condition which might correlate well-trained technicians, on a 21’’ screen displaying 30-s
with abnormal sleep. Volunteers first answered a polysomnograph epochs, with the exception of micro-
detailed questionnaire designed to elicit sleep history by arousals, which were always scored separately by the
phone. Those meeting questionnaire-based criteria were same person. Classical scoring criteria were used
then given a structured interview (by O.L. and G.H.), (Rechtschaffen and Kales, 1968). Visual scoring was in
using the ASDA (1990) criteria for sleep disorders and three steps: (1) determination of sleep stages; (2) detec-
axis I DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, tion and quantification of respiratory sleep events and
1994) criteria for psychiatric diagnoses (except for sleep periodic limb movements; and (3) detection and quan-
disorders). tification of microarousals. The inter-rater reliability
Inclusion criteria were: regular sleep schedules, was measured in another recent protocol and exceeded
absence of sleep-related complaints or regular naps, 0.90 for all variables (Le Bon et al., 1997a). Sleep effi-
regular weekday work or no employment, no previous ciency index (SEI) was defined as TST divided by time
polysomnography and completion of informed consent. in bed (TIB). Sleep onset latency (SOL) was defined as
Exclusion criteria were: DSM-IV axis I disorder; perso- the time between lights out and the first epoch of stage
nal or first-degree familial affective disorder (because of 2. Intermittent wake time represents the time spent
potential influence on REM latency (Giles et al., 1989)); awake after sleep onset (WASO). A periodic limb
significant somatic condition; excessive daytime sleepiness; movement episode was defined as five or more periodic
O. Le Bon et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 35 (2001) 165–172 167

limb movements during more than 20 s. In a modifica- groups were created by splitting the sample at 25 years,
tion of the criteria established by Bonnet et al. (1992), in order to obtain similar size groups. P-values were
microarousals were scored as positive only when asso- Geisser–Greenhouse corrected. Post-hoc comparison
ciated with EMG increases. REMS latency has received between pairs of nights was performed using simple
several operational definitions in the past (Knowles et (forward: night 1 and night 2 (N1–N2); N1–N3; N1–
al., 1982; Reynolds et al., 1983) and none has been N4; backward: N2–N4) or repeated (N2–N3) contrasts
shown to be indisputably superior to the other, thus two of the RM-ANOVAS. Polynomial contrasts were esti-
definitions were used here: RL_A was defined as the mated to determine which equation best fitted the evo-
time between the first epoch of stage 2 and the first lution of the means (linear, quadratic and cubic
epoch of stage REMS; RL_B was defined as the time contrasts were examined). Bedtime was converted in
between the first 10 min of stage 2 not interrupted by minutes after at 9 pm. This permitted to enter it as a
more than 1 min of stage 1 or wake and the first 3 min decimal and positive variable in the RM-ANOVA.
of stage REMS. Hypotheses tests were two-sided and carried out at the
The intervals between the end of a REMS period and 5% significance level. All statistics were computed with
the beginning of the next were named RL2 to RL6 SPSS 9 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).
according to when it occurred during the night.
NREMS/REMS cycles include each REMS episode and
the NREMS episode immediately preceding it. Each 3. Results
REMS episode began with the first epoch of REMS and
ended after the last epoch of REMS was followed by at 3.1. Descriptive values
least 15 min of NREMS. A NREMS episode is the time
spent between two consecutive REMS episodes or Eighty-four subjects responded to our advertisement
between a REMS episode and either the beginning or (mean age 27.8, range 15–45 years, S.D. 9.7, 47
end of the night. No other requirement was necessary females). Results from telephone questionnaires and
for the definition of REMS or NREMS episodes, con- physician interviews were causes for exclusion of 47
sidering that the first REMS episode may be very short individuals (five parasomnias, five irregular sleep sche-
and perhaps even virtual (‘‘aborted first-REMS’’; dules, seven restless legs or suspicion of periodic limb
Dement and Kleitman, 1957). movements, 10 snoring problems, five excessive daytime
The spectrogram was computed for all EEG channels. sleepiness, nine anxiety disorders, six affective dis-
The sampling rate was 100 Hz. Each channel was cre- orders). First night polysomnography resulted in the
ated by computing the spectrum every 6 s and each 6-s exclusion of an additional six subjects (two periodic
spectrum was the average of two spectra computed on limb movement and four apneic/hypopneic indices over
two overlapping windows of 5.12 s (0–5.11 and 0.88– five). Thirty-one subjects (36.9%) met inclusion criteria
5.99). The signal was multiplied with a 512 point Bar- and were considered to be normal control subjects.
tlett window after suppressing the mean from each point Data from five subjects had to be excluded because of
in order to remove the 0 Hz component. The Fast technical problems (two 800 Mb optical disks seriously
Fourrier Transform was then applied to estimate spec- damaged during storage, for unknown reasons).
tral power and was averaged for the two overlapping Twenty-six subjects (mean age 26.7, range 15–45 years,
segments (mV2/Hz). Six frequency bands were analyzed: S.D. 9.8, 12 females) completed all aspects of the study
Ultra-Slow (0.25–0.8 Hz), Delta (1–3.9 Hz), Theta (4– and no missing PSG epochs were observed. The group
7.4 Hz), Alpha (7.5–12.4 Hz), Sigma (12.5–17.9 Hz) and was split in two by age: 14 subjects were < 25 years and
Beta (18–25 Hz). The data from frontal, central and 12 were >= 25 years. The index of sleep respiratory
occipital origins were averaged. Spectral analysis data disorders in the final 26 subjects was 2.8/h (S.D. 1.49),
were analyzed as total power per night, and not by and no episodes of periodic limb movements were
NREMS/REMS cycles, as advocated in a recent study observed. Bedtime (mean and range) was respectively
(Preud’homme et al., 2000). The data presented are for for the four nights: 11:16 pm (10:09 pm–01:05 am),
the spectral power corresponding to visually scored 11:10 pm (09:42 pm–00:51 am), 11:16 pm (09:31 pm–
NREMS and REMS. 00:51 am), 11:23 pm (09:53 pm–00:48 am).

2.3. Statistics 3.2. Data analyses

Three variables required log transformation to In addition to the descriptive data for each of the 4
achieve normal distributions: WASO, SOL and REM nights, Table 1 presents the global results of the RM-
density (RD). ANOVAs with two factors (gender and ANOVAS with gender and age group as cofactors, the
age group) were applied to compare repeated measures contrasts between pairs of nights and the equations that
collected over 4 nights (RM-ANOVAS). Two age best fitted the curves across the four nights. Statistically
Table 1
Selected sleep variables and between nights comparisonsa

N1 N2 N3 N4 RM-ANOVA N1–N2 N1–N3 N1–N4 N2–N3 N2–N4 N3–N4 Slope

(mean;S.D.) (mean;S.D.) (mean;S.D.) (mean;S.D.) (P;d.f.;F) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P)

TIB (min) 468.1 (37.6) 470.4 (36.7) 466.9 (52.5) 472.3 (43.1) ns
SPT (min) 445.2 (39.9) 456.5 (35.4) 450.1 (53.8) 454.3 (41.7) ns
TST (min) 408.0 (54.2) 434.6 (40.2) 426.0 (56.1) 431.7 (48.5) (0.060;2.6;2.8)
SEI (TST/TIB) (%) 87.0 (7.8) 92.5 (4.6) 91.3 (6.3) 91.4 (6.1) 0.001;2.7;6.7 0.000 0.014 0.002 ns ns ns Lin>quad
SOLb (min) 13.9 (11.6) 9.7 (8.4) 11.6 (20.0) 12.2 (11.4) ns
WASOb (min) 37.2 (27.2) 21.2 (20.1) 24.0 (26.3) 22.5 (28.3) 0.000;2.8;9.1 0.000 0.001 0.000 ns ns ns Lin>quad
Awakenings (#) 8.6 (6.4) 4.7 (4.3) 5.3 (5.6) 4.9 (6.0) 0.002;2.9;5.9 0.001 0.005 0.002 ns ns ns Lin>quad
Microarousals (/h) 11.8 (6.8) 12.1 (6.1) 12.2 (7.8) 12.1 (5.3) ns

O. Le Bon et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 35 (2001) 165–172

Mvt Time (min) 7.1 (4.8) 9.1 (5.0) 9.5 (5.0) 10.1 (4.8) 0.003;2.8;5.5 0.017 0.008 0.003 ns ns ns Lin
Stage Shifts (#) 192.1 (41.0) 197.8 (40.2) 190.3 (38.4) 189.7 (40.3) ns
Stage 1 (min) 49.6 (20.1) 51.2 (17.7) 46.7 (16.4) 52.0 (18.0) ns
Stage 2 (min) 185.1 (39.8) 192.6 (40.8) 184.9 (42.3) 189.4 (49.6) ns
Stage 3 (min) 39.2 (14.5) 43.0 (17.6) 38.4 (13.1) 36.5 (14.5) (0.083;2.8;2.4)
Stage 4 (min) 67.9 (32.4) 62.9 (37.8) 63.7 (34.3) 62.1 (39.0) ns
SWS (min) 107.2 (38.9) 105.9 (44.5) 102.0 (38.5) 97.9 (42.0) ns
NREMS (min) 341.9 (33.6) 349.8 (28.2) 333.8 (38.9) 339.4 (38.1) ns
NREMS-US (mV2/Hz) 43590.3 (26271) 63793.8 (47176) 53320.4 (41444) 48150.4 (27238) 0.041;2.7;3.0 004 ns ns ns (.052) ns Quad
NREMS-Delta (mV2/Hz) 24424.7 (13128) 30398.7 (18248) 28068.6 (16612) 27689.4 (16310) 0.022;3.0;3.9 002 ns ns ns ns ns Quad
NREMS-Theta (mV2/Hz) 2961.5 (1184.3) 3498.2 (1745.2) 3430.9 (1397.0) 3673.7 (2195.7) ns
NREMS-Alpha (mV2/Hz) 1059.9 (411.2) 1208.9 (701.9) 1197.8 (565.9) 1328.4 (969.7) ns
NREMS-Sigma (mV2/Hz) 436.2 (177.7) 490.1 (253.6) 497.5 (236.2) 584.7 (468.2) ns
NREMS-Beta (mV2/Hz) 100.8 (30.3) 118.0 (72.4) 124.2 (66.7) 144.9 (118.1) ns
REMS (min) 61.3 (22.6) 77.8 (21.4) 82.1 (25.3) 84.7 (28.9) 0.000;2.6;9.6 0.001 0.000 0.000 ns ns ns Lin>quad
REMS Density$ (/REMS) 12.6 (22.8) 10.0 (17.7) 11.3 (15.1) 10.6 (11.9) ns
Number of cycles (#) 3.8 (1.0) 4.1 (0.8) 4.2 (0.8) 4.2(0.9) (0.079;2.6;2.5)
RL_A (min) 117.9 (42.3) 99.7 (42.8) 88.1 (42.3) 77.0 (40.8) 0.001;2.8;6.7 ns 0.004 0.000 ns .021 ns Lin
RL_B (min) 123.6 (55.1) 110.8 (54.4) 86.3 (44.8) 96.1 (45.0) 0.048;2.4;3.0 ns 0.019 (0.071) ns ns ns Lin
RL2 (min) 123.0 (40.0) 116.4 (39.5) 97.8 (17.3) 112.4 (22.6) 0.027;1.8;4.2 ns 0.002 ns .026 .001 .014 Quad>lin
RL3 (min) 97.6 (24.2) 97.8 (19.5) 112.2 (25.2) 114.0 (38.2) 0.048;2.5;3.0 ns 0.013 (0.076) .021 (.090) ns Lin
RL4 (min) 90.2 (14.8) 91.1 (20.0) 94.0 (22.1) 90.8 (25.0) ns
RL5 (min) 66.5 (13.2) 79.0 (16.0) 84.6 (19.5) 68.2 (21,6) ns
REMS-US (mV2/Hz) 3282.6 (2207.3) 5747.7 (4161.5) 5268.4 (3118.3) 5699.6 (3542.4) 0.005;2.6;5.1 0.001 0.003 0.006 ns ns ns Lin
REMS-Delta (mV2/Hz) 1341.9 (802.9) 2169.5 (1219.7) 2091.4 (992.9) 2244.9 (1318.6) 0.002;2.3;6.7 0.000 0.003 0.004 ns ns ns Lin
REMS-Theta (mV2/Hz) 303.0 (224.6) 440.9 (320.4) 472.6 (281.7) 503.9 (323.6) 0.004;2.3;5.6 0.003 0.001 0.006 ns ns ns Lin
REMS-Alpha (mV2/Hz) 95.3 (56.7) 138.3 (105.8) 153.8 (101.4) 178.5 (150.6) 0.014;1.9;4.9 0.012 0.002 0.009 ns ns ns lin
REMS-Sigma (mV2/Hz) 32.2 (18.1) 49.7 (36.2) 58.4 (40.0) 70.6 (71.0) 0.024;1.7;4.4 0.009 0.003 0.011 ns ns ns Lin
REMS-Beta (mV2/Hz) 14.9 (7.3) 23.2 (16.5) 26.2 (15.6) 29.4 (20.9) 0.001;2.4;7.1 0.008 0.001 0.002 ns ns ns Lin
N1, N2, N3, N4, nights 1–4; N1–N2, N1–N3, N1–N4, N2–N3, N2–N4, post-hoc contrasts;; slope as determined by polynomial contrasts : Lin, linear; Quad, quadratic, in decreasing order of
significance when more than one equation fitted the curve
Logtransformed for the comparisons; TIB, Time In Bed; SPT, Sleep Period Time; TST, Total Sleep Time; SEI, Sleep Efficiency Index; SOL, Sleep Onset Latency; WASO, Wake after sleep onset;
Microarousals, microarousal index; Mvt time, Movement time; SWS, Slow Wave Sleep ; NREMS, Non Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Time; REMS, Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Time; RL_A, REMS
latency, definition A ; RL_B, REMS latency, definition B; RL2-RL5, intervals between consecutive REMS episodes; NREMS-US, NREMS Ultra-Slow; REMS-US, REMS Ultra-Slow
O. Le Bon et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 35 (2001) 165–172 169

significant results were observed for SEI, WASO, Movement Time showed a progression globally simi-
Number of Awakenings, Movement Time, REMS, lar to that of REMS related variables.
RL_A, RL_B, RL2, RL3, the spectral frequency bands
Ultra-Slow and Delta corresponding to visually scored
NREMS and all frequency bands for visually scored 4. Discussion
REMS. Trends were observed for TST, Stage 3 and
Number of Cycles. No age or gender interaction was In this study of the dynamics of the habituation pro-
evidenced with the between-night comparison, and RM- cess to polysomnography, divergent patterns appeared
ANOVA for bedtime was not significant (data not according to the variables studied. Whereas NREMS
shown). duration parameters were not significantly influenced by
With the exception of the REMS latency measures, the habituation phenomenon, the intensity of NREMS
the variables that were significantly different in the (Slow Wave Activity, SWA), measured by spectral ana-
RM-ANOVA were also significant for the contrasts lysis in the Ultra-Slow and Delta frequency bands,
between N1–N2, and these differences represent a showed marked differences between N1 and N2, yet no
rather classic first-night effect. It is interesting to note significant differences between N1 and N3. This sig-
that Ultra-Slow in NREMS stages increased by 46% nificant difference was due to a deficit in SWA in the
from N1 to N2, and Delta by 24%, which is in first night compared to N2. Interpretation of these
sharp contrast with the absence of modifications in results is difficult as the mean power on N3 cannot be
NREMS or Slow Wave Sleep (SWS) duration variables. not different from two significantly different values, that
Also, WASO and the Number of Awakenings on N1 is, mean power on N1 and N2. Examination of the
were almost doubled in comparison with consecutive means showed a peak of SWA on N2. From the trend
nights. observed between N2 and N4 for NREMS Ultra-Slow
The N1–N3 comparisons provided a few important power band and the quadratic equation that best fitted
divergences compared to the N1-N2 pairs. The lower the curves across the 4 nights for NREMS Ultra-Slow
frequency spectral power bands in NREMS (Ultra-Slow and Delta power bands, we infer that a rebound in
and Delta) were not significantly different, whereas SWA was present on N2 with respect to the directly
associations were found for RL_A, RL_B, RL2 and consecutive nights.
RL3. The comparisons between N1 and N4 provided an In contrast, the habituation process appeared to be
almost identical profile as in the N1–N3 comparisons, different for paradoxical sleep: REMS, RL, RL2, RL3
except for the absence of significance for RL2 and and the spectral power bands in REMS showed a con-
trends observed in RL_B and RL3. The comparisons tinuous progression across sequential nights, at least
between N2 and N4 were positive only for RL_A and until N3. The differences became significant only in
RL2 (the contrast for NREMS Ultra-Slow was close to comparisons between the first and the third night for the
significance: P=0.052). The N3–N4 comparison various measures of REMS latency. The pattern of
showed a significant contrast only for RL2. evolution until the fourth night was more complex,
Examination of the means for several NREMS vari- showing a further increase in the differences for RL_A
ables, especially for the lower frequencies power bands (N2-N4 pair). The slopes of the best-fit equations were
(Ultra-Slow and Delta), showed peaks in N2, although linear or predominantly linear in all cases except in
no contrast proved significant between N2–N3 or N2– REMS-related lower frequencies power bands.
N4 for these values. The best-fit equation for the
NREMS variables significant in the ANOVA (lower
frequencies power bands) was quadratic. In contrast,
evolution of the means of REMS variables significant in
the ANOVA (REMS, measures of REMS latencies,
REMS spectral power) revealed gradual increments
until N3 in all cases, except in lower frequencies power
bands. The comparisons of the various measures of
REMS latencies were not significant in N1–N2, yet
proved significant in N1–N3 (RL_A, RL_B, RL2,
RL3), and in some cases in N1–N4 (RL_A), N2–N3
(RL2, RL3) and N2–N4 (RL_A, RL2). The slopes were
linear or predominantly linear except in all REMS rela-
ted variables, except for RL2.
As an illustration of the gradual progression of
REMS related data, Fig. 1 presents a scattergram of the Fig. 1. Bivariate scattergram of the RL_A in function of the con-
four sequential RL_A. secutive nights (RL_A in minutes).
170 O. Le Bon et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 35 (2001) 165–172

These data can be compared with outcomes from exhibit different habituation processes. FNE has been
sleep suppression and recovery studies and we can reported to be present to a lesser degree in inpatients
speculate that the same type of mechanism is operating with depression (Mendels and Hawkins, 1967; Kupfer et
in the habituation process. On one hand, the increase al, 1974; Toussaint et al, 1995; Rotenberg, 1997),
observed in SWA on N2 is consistent with the data on insomnia (Coates et al., 1981; Edinger et al., 1997) and
SWA recovery after sleep suppression (Borbély et al., PTSD (Saletu et al., 1996; Woodward et al., 1996). In
1981; Brunner et al., 1993) and could be compatible inpatients suffering from sleep respiratory disorders,
with the Two-Process Model proposed by Borbély one night of recording alone is generally accepted for
(1982). On the other hand, the longer delay before the diagnostic purposes (Lord et al., 1991; Mendelson,
achievement of steady-state for REMS is in agreement 1994), although a recent study in a large group of
with studies on REMS homeostasis, showing a more apneic-hypopneic patients (Le Bon et al., 2000) showed
protracted and progressive habituation process com- typical FNE, as well as a substantial under-diagnosis of
pared to NREMS (Endo et al., 1998). Furthermore, the respiratory events when only the first night is con-
two first REMS episodes were shown to be displaced sidered. In the use of plethysmographies for the detec-
toward the end of the night (longer RL and RL2 on N1) tion of male impotence, the FNE is considered to be
starting from N1 and to recover subsequently in linear marginal (Kader and Griffin, 1983).
increments, whereas the opposite was true of the third Comparison of the velocity of habituation in different
REMS episode (shorter RL3 on N1). This pattern of subject groups has never been performed, to our
stabilization is more in favor of an internal homeostasis knowledge. If patients have already reached their steady
for REMS and a slower regulation than of an antag- state on the second night while control subjects are still
onistic influence by SWA, which would probably have affected by a habituation process, false positive differ-
affected the second night more specifically. ences in REMS latencies will be observed, leading to
Thus, a two-part sequence is suggested: an increased systematic bias. Consequently, until the habituation
state of vigilance or arousal is observed on the first patterns for these parameters over more than 3 nights
night, as demonstrated by an almost two-fold increase are better known in patients and healthy controls
in the number of awakenings and the WASO in com- groups, it is not safe to assume that the second night is
parison with further nights, resulting in lower SEI, an adequate basis for comparison. The wisest option in
SWA and REMS. We speculate that this first night, the meantime may be to discard a minimum of two and
marked by a poor efficiency in relationship with a global perhaps three consecutive habituation nights in place of
arousal effect due to the novelty of the situation, has an one as is usually performed, and use the next night(s) as
effect on consecutive nights which is similar to that of a a basis for comparison. This is especially true for studies
partial sleep deprivation. The second night shows an on REMS and REMS latency, which show a prolonged
important increase of SWA that is not paralleled by habituation process, and perhaps also for spectral ana-
increased NREMS duration, and a more limited lyses. At the very least, the cut-offs for the determina-
increase of REMS. We speculate that it corresponds tion of REMS latencies should be adapted in function
mainly to a recovery night after a partial sleep depriva- of the habituation process. It is also interesting to note
tion on N1. The N3 may correspond to a steady-state that REM density, which has also been associated with
for SWA (see first paragraph for this topic), whereas depression (Foster et al., 1976), was not shown to be
steady-state would be reached in N3 or even N4 for influenced by the habituation process in our study.
REMS, according to the variables and the definitions Another interesting result from this study is the pre-
used. sence of a habituation process in a home setting. It is
This slower adaptation of REMS and RL to sleep generally considered that no habituation is needed in
recording has important implications for psychiatry. such cases and that the change in environment is more
Shortened RL remains a frequent and puzzling phe- significant than the procedure of sleep recording itself.
nomenon in a broad spectrum of affective and anxiety Previous studies performed at home in young healthy
disorders, and several theories compete to explain their subjects have not demonstrated FNE (Coates et al.,
origin (see Le Bon et al., 1997b for a discussion). The 1981; Sharpley et al., 1988). Conflicting results have
present observation revealed that the RL_A observed been found in older age groups, however, with some
on N4 was more than 40 min shorter than in the usually evidence of FNE in one study (Wauquier et al., 1991)
discarded N1, but also significantly more than 22 min that was not replicated subsequently in a cross-over
shorter than in N2, which is the night that is often used study (Edinger et al., 1997). Two studies also tended to
for comparison with patient groups. Now, if the habi- favor environmental changes (sleep unit versus home
tuation process is comparable between subjects and setting (Coble et al., 1974; Browman and Cartwright,
patients, comparisons could be rightfully performed 1980)) as being a more important factor than poly-
using the corresponding night in both groups. However, somnography per se to explain FNE. These studies
various studies have shown that different populations advocated the use of better accommodations for
O. Le Bon et al. / Journal of Psychiatric Research 35 (2001) 165–172 171

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