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Anomie Theory (Durkheim)

1. Social norms are confused.

2. Lack of norms leads deviant.
3. Society transformed from Mechanical society to Organic society.
4. Result of organic society= Division of labor.
5. No social solidarity and social functions on diversity.
6. Rapid change society leads confusion.
7. Changing condition/Adjustment of life leads to conflict and deviance.
8. The system break down either during great prosperity or great depression, anomie is
the same result.

Labelling Theory (Howard Becker)

1. No act is intrinsically criminal but made so by the law.
2. Criminal definition are enforced by powerful groups by their representative like
3. A person does not become criminal by violating law, but by labelling process by
which authorities confer this status upon him.
4. Only a few people are caught in violation of law while many may be equally

Stain Theory (Merton)

1. The origin of deviance to the tension that are caused by the gap between cultural
goals and means people have available to achieve those goals.
2. Society characterized by both culture and social structure.
3. Culture establish goals for people while social structure provides means for
people in society.
4. People use accepted/appropriate means to achieve that goals. In this case goals
and means in society are in balance.
5. When goals and means are not balance with each other than deviance is likely to
6. Marton classified people in five general categories with regards to their relations to
cultural accepted goals and means.
a. Conformity (believe in both cultural goals and means)
b. Ritualists (Don’t believe in cultural goals, believe in means)
c. Innovators (Accept cultural goals, but reject conventional method to achieve
d. Retreatists (Reject both cultural goals and means)
e. Rebels (Reject both cultural goals and means, but substitute new goals, means)
Differential Association Theory (Sutherland)

1. Criminal behavior is learned.

2. Criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other persons in a process of
3. The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs within intimate personal
4. When criminal behavior is learned, the learning includes techniques of committing the
crime (which are sometimes very complicated, sometimes simple) and the specific
direction of motives, drives, rationalizations, and attitudes.
5. The specific direction of motives and drives is learned from definitions of the legal
codes as favorable or unfavorable.
6. A person becomes delinquent because of an excess of definitions favorable to
violation of law over definitions unfavorable to violation of the law.
7. Differential associations may vary in frequency, duration, priority, and intensity.
8. The process of learning criminal behavior by association with criminal and anti-
criminal patterns involves all of the mechanisms that are involved in any other
9. While criminal behavior is an expression of general needs and values, it is not
explained by those needs and values, since non-criminal behavior is an expression of
the same needs and values.

Positive School of Criminology

1. Positive School proposed by Cesare Lombroso

2. His theory of Born criminal state that criminals are a lower form of life, nearer to their
apelike ancestor than non criminal in traits and dispositions.
3. Unless the circumstances in nature are extremely, incidentally and usually favorable,
this person cannot refrain from crime because of their Peculiar physical nature.
4. Positive School differentiated between various types of criminals success as thieves,
murderers, sex offenders and characterized then which Peculiar stigmata.
5. Lombroso classified criminals into three main categories

Born criminal
Insane criminals

The major contribution of Ferri to the field of criminology to his "law of criminal saturation"
he presupposes that the crime is the synthetic product of three major factors.

Physical / geographical
Ferri: The heterogeneity social condition destroy the congenial social relationship which
proves to be fertile ground of criminality.

Fairy what about a five fold classification of criminals

Born criminal, occasional criminal, passionate meaning, insane criminal, habitual


Raffaelo Garofalo define crime as an act, which offence the sentiment of Pity and probity
possessed by an average person and which are injurious to society.

(Lack of Pity generate crime against person, lack of probity leads to crime against

He suggested some techniques to give up criminals from society death penalty, imprisonment
or transportation, reparation.

Socialist School of criminology

1. Economic conditions are more directly related to crime.

2. Economic conditions are direct economy motivation what is the effect of Commerce
entertain, unemployment economic basis of Social justice and behavior pattern.
3. Marx and Engels believe that economic inequalities are the truth form of Crime. As a
consequences of disparity in economic status of society is divided into different
4. There is constant tension between these classes this lead to crime.
5. In society where economic disparity are wide the incident of crime is high.
6. According to Marx and Engels law has been made of oppressing the exploited classes.
7. Marx and Engels analyzed the intern relation between state and law. They are both
that states and no work hand in hand in the hole of human history after their
8. According to them exploitation was permanent economy during slavery, feudalism,
capitalism. Exploited the common people particular the working classes.
9. According to Bonger, capitalism creates selfishness and greed among the people,
inequality and poverty encourage crime. So long capitalism exist, crime remain as a
normal phenomenon.

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