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First of all, the researcher would like to express greatest gratitude to Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, the almighty, the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful for
the blessing, healt, and Guidance upon the researcher in accomplishing this
research design.
Unforgettable, Shalawat and Salam will always be with our beloved
Prophet Muhammad Shallahu’alaihi Wasallam who has declared, taught and
spread Islam for the whole mankind. So that, the researcher, one of them who
accept Islam can be helped and guided by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
As an ordinary human who has the weakness and limitedness, the
researcher realizes that the research design can not be finish without any support,
guidance and help from the other people and another side. For that, by the honor
of this, the researcher wants to say thank you very much to the honorable:

1. Tri Kurniawati,M.Pd as the first supervisor for her guidances, time, and
advice given for completing this research design.
2. Dian Shinta Sari, M.Pd as the second supervisor, for her guidances, time,
and advice during process of completing this research design.
3. Rustam, S.Pd, M.Pd, Kons as the rector of IKIP PGRI Pontianak for the
best facilities who has been given for us during studying in this college.
4. Dr. Elva Sulastriana, M.Pd as the Dean of Language Education
Department and Art Faculty of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak who has given an
agreement to the title of this Research and it can be conducted.
5. Citra Kusumaningsih, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Department
of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak who has agreed to the title of this research and it
can be conducted.

6. Desi Sri Astuti, M.Pd as the Secretary of English Education Study

Program of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak who has helped the Researcher in
completing the administration needed for this research.
7. The English Education Department Lecturers who have given their
knowledge during the researcher study at English Study Program in IKIP-
PGRI Pontianak.
8. The Researcher beloved family, Mother,Father, Brother , sisters and my
husband who always give their supports, loves and prays to the researcher
in accomplishing this research design.
9. All the researcher,s beloved friends in C Morning class in the academic
year of 2014 for the happiness and helping given to the researcher’s
lecture time in IKIP-PGRI Pontianak.
The researcher realizes that this research design is still far from being
perfect . Therefore, the researcher needs the constructive suggestions and
criticisms on this research design for better improvement.

Pontianak, January 2019

The Researcher



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... iii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ iv

LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................................v


A. Research Background.................................................................1
B. Research Question .....................................................................4
C. Objectives of Research ...............................................................4
D. Benefits of the Research............................................................5
E. Scope of the Research ................................................................5
F. Research hypotheses ..................................................................7
G. Research methodology ...............................................................7


A. The Nature of Motivation

1. Definition of Motivation ......................................................13
2. Types of motivation .............................................................14
3. Roles of Motivation .............................................................21
B. The Nature of Writing Ability
1. Definition of Writing Ability .................................................22
2. Aspect of Writing ..................................................................23

TEMPORARY BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................26


Tables Pages

1. Computation of Writing Score ........................................................................26

2. Specification of Motivation Questionnaire Test .............................................28


Appendices Pages

Appendix 1The Questionnaire Motivation ............................................................29

Appendix 2Test Intruction of Writing Descriptive text ........................................33

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