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Site Planning

Author/s:          Transfiguracion, Jared C. 
        Rizal Technological University (Boni Campus)     

Abstract: Building is a great shelter to us, all of people around the world are nearly occupying most of it. At their best
they enrich people’s experiences and improve lives but the effect of architecture both human individuals in
wider environment is far beyond on our consciousness, are we far or getting left behind to our consciences?,
Building has a broader impact their immediate site and the people that use them every day also it affects the
surrounding community and economy around it and they impact the environment and this effects can go for a
very long time. Buildings took years to design and build they’re around for decades sometimes centuries. So the
impact that building have on the world around them really matters too. Because it can manipulate the
surrounding environments due to excessive planning, we only target to build and build more structure that
focus on the growth of our economy. But how about the surroundings that will affect future generations.

Keywords: The balance of three main aspect which are mainly about environment, social and economy aspects.


Site planning is the art of arranging an external physical environment in complete detail. Site
planners are basically who are interfering into structures and the land, whose plans to be carried out in one
continuous foreseeable process, according to one original design, under the control one agency, inclusive of
all the details of engineering, landscaping, and architecture.
Site planners may be concerned with the surrounding environment also it aims at all types of buildings with
areas as small as a cluster of five or six single-family houses, or even with a single building and its ground,
or they may plan something like cities. The idea of site planning is well directed into boundaries between
architecture, engineering, city planning, and landscape architecture, and it’s practiced by professionals of all
these groups. At the upper hand, it shows us how widely site planning it is. The site is very crucial income
with the basic knowledge of one site planners it can basically affect millions of millions environmental
cycle due to fast population growth those planners are critically thinking ways how to minimize the
structure that will not cause future generation environmental scarcity. Often however these aspects of
architecture the wider impacts of buildings are not considered with really unfortunate results to understand
this is we have to look at the development of architecture of the past hundred and fifty years the built
environment specifications around us is the legacy of modernism which the environment is continuing to
suffer which emerged at the beginning of the century out of the industrial revolution and industrial society
modernism liberated.
However those revolutionary industrial growth for the past 20th century affects how our life still moving on
those cheap fossil fuels we’re able to light our homes with electricity and also were able to warm and up
and cool it down and also the way it too fast how our society liberated to it, that our walls could get thinner
and we could use more glass into it and it didn’t matter to us back then how will those things literally affect
our environment. The materials too are vastly much more readily available, our architects and builders were
no longer restricted by what was available to them locally or regionally also the fundamentals how our
transport no longer reside, particularly we design our transportation base on our cities how they can easily
The industrialization brought huge progress it has enabled us to lead healthier longer and more comfortable
lives, as a result, the impact that it has had on the evolution concept of our built environment has had some
negative externalities and also some unfortunate consequences sometimes those consequences are obvious
example it is those large glass skyscrapers it can extremely cause a fire when the sunlight refracts to it glass
also those built buildings are giving 1/3 of global CO2 emissions because of its air-condition and those built
environment surrounding our society also affect how this CO2 emission can literary cause hundreds human
life not also human and also animals too. And this pollution will be around for far longer than any
individual building affecting people worldwide for generations to come buildings use 40 % of global energy
and 40 % of global resources and around a quarter of the world’s water supply so the impact that building
has is huge and the effects on it really matter.

Figure 1 (Source: Real Vision)

The downfall of Venezuela serves as a

modern-day macro tragedy. Once the
riches nation in Latin America,
Venezuela is now a broken economy
enveloped in crime, corruption and

We also denied unintended consequences example it is those Venezuelan people due to economic
breakdown people of Venezuela are migrating in Columbian border it’s how the effect of demographic
changes all across their country, due to misleading or inappropriate planning of Venezuelan government the
affected people and those kids suffered a lot.

Figure 2 (Source: Unreported World)

The City with no water: Imagine having to

spend half your salary or more buying water.

Another example on this is, the city with no water in Pakistan people there are suffering due to
mismanagement of their water board officers. In late 19th the city of Karachi, Pakistan are isolated of
abundant water, they are used to have a lot of water to drink in late 19th and now present phase they are
suffering a huge amount of loss on their water system this will affect future generation on Karachi,
Pakistan. Those only who is rich can afford the water on their homes and those poor people are dying to
have a bottle of water to drink for a day. So why this is happening right now because it’s literally connected
to our planning a site and also where climate change moves drastically.
The three benefactors of it are environmental, social and economy these effectors have a huge impact on
Site planning as we considered this role has a key point on it. The environmental is the first one we will be
considering it for further behaviour on environment cycle we allocate and first move on past phase how our
structures or building can really be built into an environment that has a nature on it we utilize and
considered using a site planning each site has a general climate, which it shared with the surrounding
region, and a microclimate, any modification of the general climate, which may be peculiar to a very small
area. The topographic surface, the boundary between earth and air, has particular implications for the site
development. Sometimes it determines the organization of the plan. The gradient of paths, the low of
utilities, the use of areas, the disposition of buildings, the visual aspect, are all affected by it. Sometimes a
site planner can exercise no more than partial control over the environment. This occurs in the layout of
subdivisions, in the preparation of long-range site plans, and in the control of future site planning. Although
these three activities are quite distinct, they share the same qualities of incompleteness and indeterminacy,
and are thus worth discussing and comparing together.
The second one is Social this has the idea how our social environment interacts with each other individual it
has also a huge impact because we cannot put an individual on any environment without things that can
support the daily needs of those people. Inequality undermines social cohesion and a sense of shared society
it actually undermines people’s willingness to protect the environment. Inequality first was seen as
something that was necessary for growth to happen was something that was necessary, for productivity
without inequality there will be no productivity then we started to realize that it’s okay, too much inequality
maybe a real moral problem. In inequality results from people’s life chances from their starting point often
from just luck or unlucky turn of events. There a lot of things that we can basically do on-site planning
having a social idea that can help people for their own needs. The drastically growth of our population
causes social interruption because it collides with the birth rate and the death rate of how an environment
still living or how the environment still continuing to grow.
The last one is Economy this how based how cities still progressing and still continuing to grow this has a
critical impact, just like I said before in Venezuela the people are suffering due to their economic
breakdown once a city or a country has mismanagement the outcome is inviable. This thing behaves as a
category of how site planning is connected to it and how the behaviour of an individual focus on these
So basically site planning has all round down of it cycles, all throughout of this thing one wrong move it
will have a big impact in future generations. We have rules and guidelines to make our future better than
making a future worst due to wrong planning. In all ages, our ancestors have their own what so-called site
planning they literally have the concept which or how our past is connected to them. Traditionally, the
Greek philosopher Hippodamus (5th century BC) is regarded as the first town planner and inventor of the
orthogonal urban layout. Aristotle called him “the father of the city planning”. And also 150,00 years ago
our ancestors which is Homo Sapien know some of planning they literally migrate each place to know what
is the best place that suite for their community that will affect thru their lives. Food that can easily get
nearby and also shelters that can provide protection from the outside danger they clustered themselves by a
ranking of who is the fittest of them all just like in the present day. The so-called City of dreams is laddered
by ranking, who is the richest people and the poorest that can only avail a place that can give protection to
them and also a daily food that can extend life out of hunger. It’s a place has generated enormous social
value bringing highly skilled people all around the world creating a diverse cultural and creative
environment in this City of dreams and it’s a place that has great economic value to its community.

The goals of any plan are never standard, there are some general objectives which tend to occur and are
worth remembering as criteria against which plan alternatives can be checked:
1. Functional adequacy: The question is how the environment can literally move all way down long
due to new environment. And how the people will interact based on the location that are given for
their own needs.
2. Optimum communication: how our high profile connected to its own valuable concept, the ideas
that will affect our dominant role. The goal is the environment can give much opportunity for
neighbourly communication as possible.
3. Choice: Where an individual is highly valued, where it is difficult to desire of the site users. The
goal here is how an individual can be much more important that they can access private things and
full control of an individual event.
4. Cost: The thing is how we supposedly manage the cost of planning our environment and the
reliable resources that we can get in a certain way that is not pricey. And also we need to think
what is good for the environment.
5. Health and Comfort: Obviously in community we need also to think how the created environment
can affect our health and it will be a beneficial for all living individual there not also in human and
also animals too. The comfort of people reside of their own privacy and also their security on that
6. Adaptability: It is a way how an environment can easily adopt the new environment that given to
them as a community change.
7. Image Quality: If it is to be liveable and enjoyable, a development should be shaped to present a
vivid and coherent visual image. Moreover, it should seem meaningful, continuous with its
surroundings, expressive of its functions and of the aspirations of its builders.

This thing has a big impact on how we can have a big efficient economy that can take our life into
prosperous social status. The idea of this concept is how long we can evolve the way our environment
evolution expanded all thru of events. It’s helpful to us that we know all about these ideas and application
on-site planning it can really help how our society balance the natural cycle of its environment. And also
into one individual, we need to have a limitation on how our cities or buildings to be created without
affecting the ecosystem that supposedly living in that environment. So the challenge that we have was how
will our society grow and develop, but at the same time, we’re thinking further our social and
environmental ambitions so with the enlargement of our buildings and the streamlining which is example
our road network. The streamlining of the production that flowing in the process there’s an environmental
strategy that underpins on it the whole perspective of our design or on the site. Its large photovoltaic arrays
will provide operational energy to the site boreholes and reed beds will create a close-loop between our
water cycle that filters the wastewater on a site and can literally convert that wastewater as clean water that
can be used once again after we waste it. And also our waste garbage system and coppiced fast growing
garbage will provide zero miles renewable biomass for all of their substance all combined within a holistic
site strategy. Architecture itself has design a sense of self natural which is we’re using it today at a present-
day an example of it is some buildings in Singapore has a natural environment connected on it like trees
that can help to lower the incoming heat and also it gives fresher environment into that community that
living on that kind of place or building and also it lessen the cause of CO2 emission of building that
produces all over decades or century. We have so many technologies that may help us to understand how
our environment, social and economy cycling all through it, technologies that will be our guidelines to
achieve 0 % climate suffering and also helpful guidelines that will achieve on social life. The impact on
how our community necessarily demand these characteristics is based on how a site planner can literally do
his job right and also how the way he clustered all environmental habitat to its site. All of this is connected
into one mind into all millions of people that will live or living on the next few years to come.

So what will be my conclusion to all the things that I put on my term paper, do I agree or disagree on how
site planning can affect the behavioural of humane life.
I, therefore, conclude that I agree on how our site planning has been build or created. We cannot demand all
of the dilemmas that our government fighting for to prevent that kind of stratification on our living
environment. We need to start on our self, not to our government or our planner it will start on our own self
because if we know that our government is like that, the way we don’t want to be, change is something
valuable that will never be paid of money. We need to take care of our own environment also we need self-
reliance how things might go wrong or things we don’t want supposedly to be the outcome of our living
society. It’s just a sample of the way how our things work on all thinking and ideas that come up on our
society how helpful it is or not, the drastic change of our doings without thinking may cause a sudden big
impact on our society. We need to follow the rules and outlines of it to help our economy grow. I’ve been
reading lately some articles how Filipino culture cycle still wrong out of it the cycle that past on so many
generations, that our community still get left behind on some other neighbours countries because they call it
Filipinos are (tamad) lazy, Because of its culture doesn’t change at all. We’re the starting point of what
endpoint will be, it will be our own hands not government hands or other hands because we’re the burden of
this society. I think change is something not easy to do, but it will help our future generation not to suffer
our burden that can last for a decade or a century. A future generation that has a balance environmental
cycle and also a balance in social and economic status.

Kevin Lynch. 1962. Site Planning. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The M.I.T Press.
Jeff Speck. Nov 13, 2012. Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One step at a time, America:
Macmillan Publishers

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