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Sacking the Citadel

The History, Theory and Practice

of the Classic Bishop Sacrifice


Jon Edwards

Foreword by

Karsten Muller

Russell Enterprises, Inc.
Milford, CT USA
Sacking the Citadel

The History, Theory and Practice of the Classic Bishop Sacrifice

by Jon Edwards

ISBN: 978-1-888690-74-3

© Copyright 20 11

Jon Edwards

All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system

or transmitted in any manner or form whatsoever or by any means, elec-
tronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the express written permission from the publisher except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Published by:
Russell Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 3131
Milford, CT 06460 USA

Cover design by Janel Lowrance

Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents

Signs & Symbols 5

Foreword 7

Introduction 8

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice

Part I: History

Chapter 1
The Life & Times of Giaocchino Greco 13

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice

Part II: Theory

Chapter 2
"On Attacking the Castled King" 26

Chapter 3
The Art ofChess Combination 30

Chapter 4
The Art ofAttack 36

Chapter 5
Contemporary Theory 49

The 'itJg8 line 50

The 'itJg6 line 56
The 'itJh6 line 72
The ~xg5 line 78
The 'itJh8 line 84
The '/¥txg5 line 88
The Classic Bishop Sacrifice
Part III: Practice

Chapter 6
Games 94

Greco's Sacrifice, the Early Years 94

Greco's Sacrifice, through 1910 95
Greco's Sacrifice, 1911-1935 126
Greco's Sacrifice, 1936-1959 161
Greco's Sacrifice, 1960-2010 200

Chapter 7
Greco's Quiz 361

Chapter 8
Related Literature 381

Bibliography 387

Index of Openings 390

Index of Asset Combinations 392

Index of Players 394

Signs & Symbols

1-0 White wins

0-1 Black wins
'i1-'i1 Draw agreed
+ check
"" a strong move
!! a brilliant or unobvious move
? a weak move, an error
!? a grave error
!? a move worth consideration
an equal position
~ White stands slightly better
± White has a clear advantage
+- White has a winning position
'f Black stands slightly better
Black has a clear advantage
-+ Black has a winning position
00 an unclear position
00 with compensation
ol Olympiad
m match
ch championship
wch world championship
corr correspondence game
(D) see the next diagram

Sacking the Citadel


Greco's Greek Gift

A whole book on the single motif Axh7+? Is this really worth it and is enough
relevant material available, I hear you ask. I can assure you that there is. The theme
is so deep and rich that Jon Edwards has even decided to deal only with Greco's
version of the classical Greek Gift sacrifice, Axh 7 +.

After .tlg5+, Black's king can go to g8, h8, g6 and h6, when White again has
different ways to continue the attack. Edwards deals with all of them in detail and
even constructs a complete taxonomy of all motifs. Usually this is not done, as
there is simply not enough space in a book to cover all themes and to analyze when
it is likely that the combination of assets makes the sacrifice successful. Edwards
does it, and does it well. Consequently, important motifs lie entirely open before
your eyes and you can see how all the details and aspects of the "Greco" tactics
work. This attention to detail is very important to the understanding of the royal
game both in a general way and in great depth.

Tactical motifs like Axh7+ followed by .tlg5+ are the ABC of chess, and under-
standing their essence will enable you to use them almost on intuition alone. But
accurate calculation is of course also an extremely important skill. So you might
want to try to figure out on your own if the sacrifice works, ifit is speculative or
just unsound, then find Black's best defense and calculate to the end. As a result,
you will have fun enjoying the fireworks, while learning one of the most important
skills ofthe royal game.

Karsten Muller
November 20 10

Sacking the Citadel


In or around 1620, Giaocchino Greco, an aspiring chess master from the Italian
province of Calabria, made a remarkable discovery, a complex bishop sacrifice on
h7 that often results in mate or material gain. More remarkable perhaps, he recorded
the idea.

This book attempts to fill two voids in the literature. The first is an accessible
biography of Greco, whose unearthing of and willingness to share the sacrifice
surely warrants some historical reward. His usual biographical treatments fill a few
paragraphs. With a bit of sleuthing, I've been able to offer a somewhat lengthier
narrative and to place his life within the broader context of his times and his
contribution to modem chess. The second, and of more immediate interest to
chess players, is my attempt to construct a comprehensive taxonomy of Greco's
bishop sacrifice, to classify the conditions required for the sacrifice to succeed, to
delineate its possibilities, and to chart its progress through the years.


abc d e f g h

Greco's Sacrifice on h7 (or h2 by Black) has figured in thousands of games and is

well known by all serious chess players. The sacrifice is almost always accepted to
prevent the loss of a pawn (there are a few, interesting exceptions), and the attacker
soon follows with 4:\g5+ and then often with a queen move to attack h7 seeking a
quick checkmate, a king hunt, or material (or positional) gain. The defender has
four and sometimes five options, retreating the king to g8 (common) or h8
(uncommon and almost always awful), advancing the king to g6 (a dangerous but
often stubborn defense), 'it'h6 (an interesting defense when White's dark square
bishop has been exchanged or cannot easily reach the c I-h6 diagonal), or capturing
the 4:\g5 (dangerous, especially if White has a pawn on h4 and a rook on hI).

Some call the bishop sacrifice the "Greek Gift," likely an obscure reference to the
Trojan Horse and Virgil's famous intonation in Aeneid 11.49 "timeo danaos et dona
ferentes." ("I fear the Greeks even when they are bringing gifts.") It is possible
that another master, the Italian Giulio Cesare Polerio, discovered it first. Simply


put, we will never know for sure. And some have named it after Edgard Colle, who
used it to secure a brilliancy prize in 1930 at Nice (see game 62).

In my view, the sacrifice, at least in the classic line involving 4:Jg5+, should be
named after the Italian master who effectively shared it with the world. In The Art
ofAttack in Chess, (London, 1965) Vukovic proposed that the name ought to be
the Classic Bishop Sacrifice in deference to its early origin and simplicity. To make
the question more confusing, there are other interesting sacrifices on h7 that do
not involve a subsequent 4:Jg5+ or queen attack upon h7. Although it truly does
not matter, I suggest simply that the notion ofthe Classic Bishop Sacrifice or Greek
Gift ought to apply generically to the sacrifice of the bishop on h7. When the
maneuver is followed classically within two or three moves by 4:Jg5+ and a queen
attack upon h7, it is then a Greco Sacrifice, the focus of this book.

As Vladimir Vukovic reminds us, Greco's Sacrifice "is the oldest and most explored
of all the sacrifices involved in the attack of the castled king." Modern chess
players are fully acquainted with the sacrifice and work hard to prevent it. And yet,
thousands of modern games involve the sacrifice, often in complex, sophisticated,
and pleasing circumstances.

Greco's Sacrifice has been a regular topic in the popular chess literature. It appears,
notably, as a 14-page chapter in Eugene Znosko-Borovsky's The Art of the Chess
Combination (1936); chapter five of George Renaud and Victor Kahn's The Art of
the Checkmate (1953); chapter six (and part of chapter 7) of Vladimir VukoviC's The
Art of the Attack in Chess (1965); section 27 of Euwe and Kramer's The Middle
Game, Book 2 (1965); sections 32-35 of Murray Chandler's popular How to Beat
Your Dad at Chess (1998); in a delightful article by Pete Tamburro "A 400 Year-Old
Attack," Chess Lifefor Kids (June, 2007); as a four-page section in Karsten Milller's
challenging Chess Cafe Puzzle Book; and just last year (2009) in approximately half
of J!xh7+ by David Rudel.

The individual game with Greco's first bishop sacrifice appears notably as game
#25 in Hoffmann's The Games of Greco, as game #199 in Irving Chernev's 1000
Best Short Games of Chess, and as game 31 in ChessBase's MegaBase 2010.

Most publishers place strict limits on how much material authors can include in
their work. Authors of books about chess tactics agonize over what they can
include and what they must leave out. The point? The depth and length required
for a complex taxonomy of the Greco Sacrifice are incompatible with publishers'
usual requirements for more generalized texts. With regard to the Greco Sacrifice,
Renaud and Kahn acknowledge:

"A complete description of Greco's Mate would need at least one hundred pages
and cannot, therefore, be included in this book, especially as this sacrifice does
not necessarily lead to a forced mate."

Sacking the Citadel

Although Euwe and Kramer emphasize the importance of noting even "little
accidental circumstances which may prove vital in assessing the correctness of
the offer," they add:

"It would not be possible to make a systematic explanation of every possible

variation of the Bishop sacrifice on KR7 (h7) within the compass of this book. We
shall have to limit ourselves to some of its most typical forms."

And, despite coverage in four sections of his book, Murray Chandler agrees:

"There are so many different positions where the classic Greek gift sacrifice can be
played that an entire book could be written on the subject."

And so, apart from Greco's biography in Chapter 1, that's what this book attempts
to do.

The book contains three sections. The first section provides the brief history of
Greco and his discovery. The second section winds through the efforts made by
Edwin Voellmy, Eugene Znosko-Borovsky, Vladimir Vukovic and others to explain
the inner workings of the sacrifice. It ends with chapter 5, a contemporary classifi-
cation that contains useful explanations for beginners and surprises even for the
strongest chess players.

The third and, by far, longest section contains more than 300 annotated games. I
have made an effort to locate every published game that involved the sacrifice
through to 1959 when Vukovic wrote about the sacrifice. More than a few ofthose
127 games have appeared in the literature, but often with significant errors. I have
made an effort to correct the record.

Among these games, for those who simply want to sample the remarkable history
of the sacrifice, I recommend several of these contests. Game number 1, Greco's
discovery, is of more than historic importance. Play through it, and marvel at the
care required to achieve victory. It is not a coincidence that many sources include
games 12 (Fritz- Mason 1883), 41 (Capablanca-Molina 1911), 65 (Alekhine-
Asgeirsson 1931), and 95 (Kottnauer-Kotov 1946). The most complex game by far
in these early years was game 62 (Colle-O'Hanlon 1930) which will continue to
challenge chess players for decades to come. I have made every effort to offer a
verdict on the game, but the strongest players will want to examine that game and
its many variations carefully.

In the period from 1960 to the present, I was able to include less than ten percent
of all the sacrifices I found. I spent months playing through every game and hand
selecting the games that appear here. They form a remarkable lot, with varied and
often quite challenging themes.


Those looking for a more instructive experience might start with chapter 5, the
modern classification, and then run through this interesting set of games: 137
(Kranzl-Matrisch), 151 (Vieweg-Kadner), 170 (Short-Agdestein), 183 (Chandler-
Anagnostopoulos), 195 (Harris-Trimpi), 237 (Hellsten-Jakobsen), 251 (Avrukh-
Ramesh), and 284 (Fridman-Tan).

For more advanced players, one group of the games are notable because they
have significant theoretical interest within their respective openings. Such games
include 147 (polugaevsky-Tal), 168 (Borg-Veer), 181 (Sax-Timman), and 261 (Blanco
Gramajo-Salcedo Mederos).

Although you can surely treat every game in the book as a test, I have also added
a separate quiz in chapter 7. Some of you may be tempted to start there, but you will
undoubtedly fare better by first reviewing the modern classification and at least an
assortment of games.

I must express my profound appreciation to the publisher, Hanon Russell. He was

throughout willing to support this lengthy undertaking, and he was memorably
compassionate when I underwent surgery earlier this year. I acknowledge a special
debt of gratitude to Peter Tamburro, a well-known chess author and regular
contributor to Chess Life, for his persistence in locating published examples and
his many words of personal and chess encouragement. And, of course, I would
never have completed the book without the love and support of my wife Cheryl,
who has never once complained about my passion for the royal game.

I express my gratitude to Alessandro Sanuito for permission to use the photograph

of the Lisbon codice. Just before press time, German grandmaster Karsten MUller
forwarded two remarkable games that were included as games 307 and 308. I thank
Lorene Lavora for her friendship and for transforming many of the book's images.

I hope to complement this effort in the years ahead by looking at other great
players, notably Damiano, Philidor, Boden, Blackburne, Morphy, and their mates.
Who were the people who passed down such wonderful mating patterns and
sacrifices? How did their lives and times affect the contemporary game and our
modern chess culture? And look at what their ideas have wrought!

Jon Edwards
Pennington, NJ
December 20 10

Sacking the Citadel

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice

Part I: History

Chapter 1

The Life & Times of Giaocchino Greco

Despite many disadvantages, a shortened lifespan, underprivileged roots, and no

formal education, Giaocchino Greco (1600-1634) brought chess almost single-
handedly from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment and, in important respects,
established the discipline for modem chess play. I would agree with Euwe, himself
a former world champion, that Greco "was the first great genius in the history of
modem chess."

A short but prolific life

Very little is known of Greco's first two decades. He grew up in Southern Italy, in
Celici (East ofCosenza) in Calabria, and hence his affectionate nickname, il Calabrese.
As a common man, his life just two centuries earlier would have been significantly
restricted. In an inventory of households, Wickrnann records that most households
of the late Renaissance had a chess set. Even a man of average means, now with
some spare time and growing self confidence, could have chess as part of his life.
Greco's creative talent could find a memorable outlet.

The Kingdom of Naples, of which Calabria was a province, was, with Madrid, one
of the world's great chess centers. Under secure Spanish rule since 1501, the city
of Naples had become a cosmopolitan city of approximately 400,000 people, in
Europe second or third in population only to Paris and London. Home to artists
such as Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, and Salvator
Rosa, philosophers such as Giordano Bruno, Tomrnaso Campanella, and Bernardino
Telesio, and writers such as Giovan Battista Marino, Naples represented an
important cultural center that undoubtedly encouraged the freedom for personal
exploration and philosophical inquiry that cultural breakthroughs usually demand.

During the culmination of the Renaissance, the century before Greco was born,
Italy had produced other chess masters, notably Paolo Bol, "il Siracusano" (1528-
1598), Giovanni Leonardo, "The Wandering Knight" (1542-1587), Giulio Cesare
Polerio (c. 1550-1610), Dr. Alessandro Salvio (c. 1570-1640), and Michaele di Mauro.
It is a tribute to the Renaissance and its ideals that these were not nobles but
common men who could marshal their talent and aspire to greatness in the art of
chess. The last of Italy's Renaissance chess masters, Greco acquired knowledge
ofthe game in local Italian clubs and improved quickly by reading the work ofRuy
Lopez Libro de la invencion liberal y arte del juego del Axedrez ("Book of the
Liberal Invention and Art of Playing Chess" 1561) and Salvio's first book, Trattato

Sacking the Citadel

Dell' Inventione Et Arte Lieberale Del Gioco Di Scacchi (1604). On showing

promise, Greco began studying with Don Mariano Marano, a celebrated local
player who invited Greco into his home.

Johanes Gutenberg's invention of moveable type printing in 1439 enabled the

mass production of books. Years ago, I had the good luck to tour the rare book
vault at Princeton University. Here were the fruits of Gutenberg's efforts. What
struck me the most was that the bibles and other religious texts from that early
period were magnificent and quite pristine. By remarkable contrast, the early chess
books were haggard and worn to the bone, a clear sign of their esteem and use
through the years.

Among Greco's Italian contemporaries, only Salvio published books during his
lifetime. Salvio's writings drew upon his own knowledge and experiences as well
as others, and so it was natural perhaps that Greco's writings would borrow heavily
from those he had read, especially Salvio's. His three chess works were all published
in Naples, and so the two masters were very likely personally acquainted. By 1600,
when Greco was born, Salvio was considered a leading player and perhaps even
the unofficial world champion. Given to criticisms of other players and perhaps
irritated that Greco appropriated his writings, Salvio intimated that Greco had not
surpassed the ability of his instructor, Marano, but there seems little doubt that
Greco, not unlike many modem prodigies, quickly surpassed the ability of his
teacher and moved on.

In 1513, Niccolo Machievelli (1469-1527), perhaps the Italian Renaissance's most

famous political thinker, wrote The Prince, a summary of his political thinking. One
of the book's key themes dealt with those qualities that a prince would need to
prosper, to retain honor, glory, and fame. More than just a sound army and good
fortune, a prince required certain qualities of leadership or "virtus." The Prince
contains no definition of the word, but it appears to be a set of qualities that permit
leaders to withstand blows to fortune. While a prince might not have all of the
needed qualities for leadership, it was vitally important that he appear to have
those qualities. Chess was a very small part of the equation, but its characteristics
were well suited to a leisurely life, and it seems clear that an aristocrat incapable of
playing well had at least to appear capable of doing so. Moreover, a merchant
aspiring to a higher social level would be inclined to adopt the social trappings of
the aristocracy. Skill at chess would help.

In order to maintain their power and legitimacy, Renaissance rulers and noblemen
understood the need for conspicuous sponsorship of the arts. Indeed, they
competed amongst themselves to attract the finest practitioners. Jakob Burckhardt's
"the state as a work of art," expresses in a single phrase the central role of the arts
in personal and institutional settings. The role of chess and its masters appears
remarkably similar to other forms of Renaissance creativity. Like Renaissance art,

The Life & Times of Giaocchino Greco

music, mathematics, and architecture, chess could provide its experts with
recognition and remuneration.

Mathematicians and musicians, for example, traveled from town to town, impressing
the local gentry with their skill in return for their financial support. In these areas
of culture and inquiry, Italy exerted an almost hypnotic influence over the western
world. Kings, princes, and affluent merchants competed for the services ofItaly's
great painters and sculptors in an effort to bring culture and distinction to their
courts and so, it was natural that they would also seek to attract Italy's great
chess players. During the 16th century, it was common for artists to travel to Italy
to work with the masters, and that may have been true with chess as well, but by
1620 when Greco set out to travel, the Renaissance was ebbing in Italy in the wake
offoreign invasions and the Church's conservative reaction to the Reformation.

And so, following the course of many accomplished chess players in the 15th and
16th centuries, Greco sought fame and fortune through matches and patronage.
Around 1619, he obtained support from a number of Rome's wealthy prelates by
providing them with a personally written collection of openings "Trattato del
nobilissimo e militaire esercitio dei Scacchi, nel quale se contengano molti bellissimi
tratti." In Rome, Monsignor Corsino della casa Minutoli Tegrini, Cardinal Savelli,
and Monsignor Francisco
Buoncompagni all received
manuscripts. Copies of these
manuscripts, dated 1620, are in the
Corsiniana library in Rome. This
member of the Buoncompagni
family, who inherited his interest
in chess from his father, the Duke
of Sora, later became Archbishop
of Naples.

Later, as was also the custom for

chess masters of the time, Greco
traveled through France,
England, and Spain, searching for
the adventure of worthy
opponents and the financial
support oflocal nobility. Leaving
Italy at the young age of 21, he
impressed the court of Duke
Enrico of Lorraine at Nancy and
then took on Paris, where he
earned the considerable sum of
5,000 crowns for defeating the
leading players of France, Amault

Sacking the Citadel

Ie Carabon. Chaumont de la Salle, and the Duke de Nemours. That may make Greco,
suggests Andy Soltis, the world's first great money player. Unfortunately, we are
told that Greco soon thereafter lost that sum to thieves while en route to London,
although he regained at least a portion of his monies by defeating the best English
players, notably Sir Francis Godolphin and Nicholas Mountstephen.

Greco so impressed the English public that he very likely inspired the playwright
Thomas Middleton to write A Game o/Chess. The satirical play, an allegory for the
strained relationship between England and Spain, enjoyed considerable success
until the Spanish Ambassador officially protested the play's insults.

A contemporary French poem commemorated Greco's skill and provides some

estimation ofthe French reverence for Greco's aggressive style of play:

A peine dans la carriere (Barely having begun the game)

Contre moi tu fais un pas, (Against me you make a move,)
Que par ton demarche fiere (Which, by your proud step)
Tous mes projets sont abas (Bring all my projects down)
Je vois, des que tu t'avances (I see, as soon as you advance)
Ceder tous mes defenses, (Crushing all my defenses)
Tomber tous mes champions (The defeat of all my champions)
Dans ma resistance vaine, (In my vain resistance)
Roi, Chevalier, Roc, and Reine (My King, Knight, Rook, and Queen)
Sont moindre que tes pions. (Are less than your pawns.)

Having achieved entrepreneurial success and recognition as one of the world's

best players, Greco spent three years towards the end of his short life at the
Madrid court of Philip IV who, like his more famous predecessor, Philip II, took
delight in the game.

Spain had become the foremost western European power while Philip II (1527-
1598) was king (from 1556 until his death). He massively increased the importation
of silver, established the first Pacific trade routes, began settlements in the
Philippines (which was named after him), and launched the famed Armada against
England (which helps to explain the glaring antipathy of English historians). A
Spanish priest, Rodrigo (Ruy) Lopez de Segura (c. 1540-1580) became the first
modem chess writer and analyst and a favorite at the court of Philip II. An article in
Harper's, "The Game of Chess: A scene in the Court of Philip II," describes the
extent to which the King adored and embraced the game.

History records that, at age 31, Greco died in the West Indies. He was in the
company of a Spanish nobleman, undoubtedly another supporter. Apart from his
obviously premature departure, there is no hint of impropriety in the history,

The Life & Times of Giaocchino Greco

although other Italian chess masters of the time met untimely deaths, poisonings,
at the hands of jealous adversaries.

Leonardo, "the Wandering Knight," had traveled to the court of Philip II to challenge
the great Ruy Lopez and Alfonso Ceron. In a match played before Philip II,
Leonardo lost. Later, in Portugal, he defeated EI Morro, the strongest player there.
He died years later in Naples, apparently poisoned by rivals. Having defeated the
competition in Italy, Paolo Boi also traveled to the court of Philip II. Later, he
became a favorite of Pope Pius V. On his return to Naples, Boi played Salvio. A five
move combination won Salvio's queen, but Salvio had seen two moves deeper and
won back his queen. Boi is said to have commented: "Youth can do more than age.
You are in the prime of life, and I am seventy years old." Three days later, Boi also
died from poison, though perhaps of his own doing.

Greco's manuscripts

It was common at the time for masters to maintain notebooks offrequently played
variations, the rough equivalent of today's databases. In an era when openings
were not deeply analyzed, ideas were more easily discovered or improved, and
masters seeking an edge would gather up and try to improve upon the ideas of the
day. It is natural that Greco would have done so as well.

In return for the support of patrons,

Greco shared with his benefactors
handwritten manuscripts or
codices that set forth his theories
and thoughts about chess. His
documents were all written in
Italian and most have decorated
title pages dedicated to a patron.
Most included a dedication, a
history of the game, a detailing of
the game's remaining regional
variations, summaries drawn from
the works ofRuy Lopez and Salvio, and collections of Greco's own opening ideas,
page after page ofthem. It is likely that others prepared the elaborate introductions,
and that the sloppier Italian script of the games was in Greco's own hand. There are
also variations within Greco's manuscripts. Not all contain introductions and, over
time, they appear to be longer and somewhat better written. His handwriting, like
his grammar, "improves by degrees," suggests White in Greco and His
Manuscripts. And, suggests White, "there is so great a difference in the various
signatures that it may be doubtful whether they are all by him." It may be, as White
believes, that Greco had the early parts of the manuscripts calligraphed by artists
and then wrote himself the body of the text, a hypothesis confirmed in part by the
simplistic chess errors in the calligraphed portions of the manuscripts.

Sacking the Citadel

Their handwritten nature imposed practical limits on their length and number.
Approximately 22 of his manuscripts have survived including several from the
early Italian period. Alessandro Sanvito provides a detailed bibliography with
wonderful images of the existing Greco manuscripts. Murray and White list and
describe the existing manuscripts from Italy, France, and Great Britain. Murray,
observes that by the time of Greco's second visit to France, the manuscripts "are
no longer collections of openings only but are collections of games in which the
play is continued until the mate is reached or in sight." He adds that these
manuscripts "were treasured by their owners and their friends."

By sharing complete games rather than simple opening variations, Greco departed
from the practices of the other masters of his age. We know that Greco presented
a beautiful copy of the manuscript to the Duke of Lorraine dated July 5,1621. In
London, Greco presented copies of his manuscript to Sir Francis Godolphin and
Nicholas Mountstephen. These, the first two manuscripts that contain complete
games, are preserved today in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum. His
recording ofthe games and their variations relied on a wordy notation that seems
primitive by today's standards but which nonetheless permits any reader to replay
Greco's exact moves and thoughts. Although the games contain many simplistic
mistakes, they are particularly noteworthy for their consistent commitment to rapid
development, the use ofthe initiative, and for the compelling punishment of weak play.

When Greco returned to Paris in 1624, he replaced the longer and less attractive
games and variations with many spectacular brilliancies. Throughout, Greco's
notes were written in a style that exposed his limited education, but they also
reveal a wondrous time of the exploration of new opening lines, not just the Giuoco
Piano and Two Knights' Defense but also the Queen's Gambit, the Sicilian Defense,

The Life & Times of Giaocchino Greco

many lines of the King's Gambit, and even some fianchetto defenses. Greco appears
to deserve the credit for discovering the Sicilian Wing Gambit (1.e4 c5 2.b4),
From's Gambit (1.f4 e5) and an aggressive variation of the Falkbeer Counter Gambit
(l.e4 e5 2.f4 d5 3.c x d5 c6).

Chess in the Renaissance

While the literature ofthe late Middle Ages occasionally portrayed lower classes
as chess players, the reality was that chess was the predominant preserve of the
nobility. The still preserved jewel-encrusted sets are clearly regal. Only slowly did
the game map European social structure into the rules and the pieces.

When chess arrived in Europe, the rules of the contemporary Arabic game were
preserved. Indeed, until about 1200, Europeans played with Muslim rules and sets.
But the Muslim pieces were abstract in deference to the Koran's prohibition of
casting naturalistic figures in art. With time, medieval Europe, with its tradition of
animistic worship, preferred more realistic images.

At first, members of the aristocracy vied to commission the most unusual sets
depicting real or legendary conflicts. In the process, the male counselor, the vizier,
having no place in the European political order, became the queen, the tusks ofthe
elephant, rising as two points, began to resemble the animal itself and then became
the headdress of the bishop (in France, the jester), the horse became the knight
(with eyes), and the chariot became the tower, today's rook. Only the king and
pawn, at opposite ends of the social hierarchy, retained their original identities,
even though their form also became far more realistic.

The emergence of more schematic pieces, less pretentious and less expensive,
appealed to the emerging group of serious players who could travel from region to
region and still recognize the pieces. Indeed, Greco's pieces would be recognized
instantly today.

It is remarkable, to me at least, that the histories of the Italian Renaissance almost

never mention chess, especially given the game's long-standing association with
intellectual achievement. One of the rare exceptions is Fernand Braudel's
Capitalism and Material Life, 1400-1800 in which, within the context of humanism
and the urgent desire for order and human control, he discusses an emerging cadre
of European town planners during the Renaissance to put forth plans in chessboard
patterns. The transformation may help to account for such configurations in
European colonies and even for the town square in Marostica, a small town in the
province ofVicenza where, every two years, the townspeople play out a game of
human chess in the town's square, itself a giant chessboard.

The "Renaissance" or rebirth, sought to emulate the glories and high civilization
of the Greeks and Romans. Renaissance humanism emphasized the notion that

Sacking the Citadel

while God created the universe, humans developed and industrialized it. And so,
the Italian Renaissance, the rebirth, is best remembered for its human achievements,
its music, its art, its literature, its architecture, and its science. Inevitably, perhaps,
these efforts also laid the foundation for our modern world, the emergence of
secular states, and the remarkable growth of the natural sciences. As it transpired,
the great cultural change and achievements ofthe period also involved remarkable
changes in the game of chess.

Within 20 miraculous years at the end of the 15th century, near the penultimate
years of the Renaissance, the game of chess emerged with a set of invigorating,
new rules. During the same era in which Michelangelo carved the Pieta, Copernicus
gazed into the stars, da Vinci conceptualized a helicopter, and Columbus began his
journeys across the Atlantic, the chess queen and bishop gained the ability to
move more than a single square, the king and rooks could now castle, the pieces
representing the king and queen now towered over all the others, and pawns that
had not yet moved could thrust forward two squares. This latter adjustment in the
rules required one additional change, the en passant pawn capture, which was
undoubtedly introduced to prevent a pawn from queening without the opponent's
pawn on an adjacent rank having a chance to stop it.

Marilyn Yalom offers a wonderful discussion in Birth of the Chess Queen about
how the queen, initially the weakest piece resting at the side of the king, came to
assume such great powers despite her secondary status in society. When the
game reached Europe, all ofthe pieces were of approximately the same size. By the
16th century, the king and queen tower above the other pieces. To what extent did
the emergence ofthis powerful piece reflect the growing power of real-life queens
and women of privilege? Did her presence on the chessboard symbolize an
enduring, monogamous partnership, and perhaps also the reality that in some
European countries, most notably Isabella of Castile, women ruled alone and
determined the inheritance ofland?

Undoubtedly inspired by Europe's desire to see itself in the game and to speed it
up, the new moves harmonized astonishingly well. The books and travels of masters
like Greco helped to standardize the rules and spread enthusiasm for the superior,
new version. Under the old rules, even slight material advantages were easy to
sustain. Players tended to build up their positions patiently, laying siege to their
opponent's positions over dozens of moves. I suspect that the former rules suited
Europe's aristocracy because anyone could quickly learn and feel that they were
playing competitively. In this regard, chess differed dramatically from the other
arts. Not every prince could paint or play an instrument well, but all could claim
some ability at chess.

Now, in the new, more dynamic game, material could be sacrificed even early in the
game to obtain significant counterplay or to achieve attractive checkmates.
Wonderfully complex combinations could net significant material gain or significant

The Life & Times of Giaocchino Greco

strategic advantages. In many ways, chess now brought to Europe the kind of
harmony and beauty that we normally attribute to the art, music, and architecture
of the period.

To the detriment of the aristocracy, the new rules appealed to the growing
intellectual elite in Europe and, over time, helped to change chess from a noble
pursuit to one in which even a common man like Greco could hope to achieve
greatness. I have already noted the widespread availability of inexpensive sets
during the Renaissance which obviously reduced the exclusivity of the game.
During the Renaissance and through Greco's life, as we have seen, the nobility
sought to sustain its command over the game by contracting for lessons and
information from the most talented players. Over a century or more, however, the
nobility grew discouraged with chess as a leisure activity, abandoning the game to
players recognized for their skill.

Perhaps it is more remarkable, as suggested by Colleen Schafroth, that chess

survived at all during this period of re-examination and inquiry. As a consequence
of the apparent powers of concentration required to play the new game, youngsters
were advised by Baldassare Castiglione Libro del Cortegiano (Book of the
Courtier), 1528 to seek out more profitable endeavors.

Around the time of Greco's youth, England's King James I, who was evidently
frustrated with the royal game, revealed: "I thinke it over fond because it is over-
wide and Phiosophicke a folly. For where all such light playes, are ordained to free
mens heads for a time, from the fashious thoughts on their affaires; it by the
contrarie filleth and troubleth mens heads, with as many fashious toyes of the
play, as it was filled with thoughts on his affaires" (Yachnin, p.316).

Ironically, Greco's travels throughout Europe did not include a return to Italy
where the new castling conventions were not yet agreed upon in every community,
notably that a king, once placed in check, could not subsequently castle. The
centers of chess would soon pass to the other locales in Europe that adopted all of
the modern rules. Starting a chess game in Italy would for years require that
competitors first agree on the rules, while elsewhere in Europe, players could
benefit from a consistent approach. Italy, perhaps the most important chess region
in the world, would quickly become its backwater.

Into the Enlightenment

By the late 18th century, with a growing leisure class, interest in chess was exploding
throughout Europe. A game that had been dominated by kings and princes was
now the rage, especially in French and English coffee houses. And, in the restless
age of the enlightenment, ambitious common men could aspire to excel at chess,
and they had Greco largely to thank.

Sacking the Citadel

Like many artists whose work becomes celebrated only after their death, Greco's
legacy became apparent only decades and centuries after his life had ended. The
first English edition of Greco's work appeared in London in 1656 when Francis
Beale published The Royale Game of Chesse-play, Sometimes the recreation of
the late King, with many of the Nobility, Illustrated with almost an hundred
Gambetts, Being the Study of Biochimo the famous Italian, a selection of games
from one of Greco's English manuscripts. This edition by Beale was the most
important chess book written in English to that time, and inspired the poet Richard
Lovelace to pen an epigraph:

Sir, now unraveled is the Golden Fleece:

Men that could only fool at Fox and Geese
Are new made politicians by thy book,
And both can judge and conquer with a look.
The hidden fate of princes you unfold;
Court, clergy, commons, by your law controlled;
Strange, serious wantoning, all that they
Blustered, and cluttered for, you play.

A more usefully compiled and combined edition, "Chess Made Easy, or the Games
ofGioachino Greco, the Calbrain, with additional games and openings, illustrated
with remarks and general rules" appeared in 1750 and thereafter generated 41
editions in French, English, German, Dutch, Danish, and Italian. A facsimile of the
German edition, which was compiled in 1784 by Moses Hirschel, appeared as
recently as 1979. These editions of Greco's treatise on chess play made Greco the
first chess master to supply the masses with complete games that illustrated carefully
honed opening and middlegame strategies.

Greco's games

Most ofthe Greco games that fill these editions contain brilliant combinations and
sacrifices that anticipate remarkably the 19th century's Romantic Age ofAnderssen,
Morphy, and Blackburne. Here, the first recorded smothered mate:

Giuoco Piano [C50]
Europe 1620

1.e4 e5 2.4)0 4)c6 3.Ac4 Ac5 4.0--0 4)f6 5.13e1 0--0 6.c3 fIe7 7.d4 exd4
8.e5 4)g4 9.cxd4 4) xd4 10.4) xd4 fIh4 1l.4)f3

The Life & Times of Giaocchino Greco


abc d e f g h

11 ... ~xf2+ 12.\fIhl ~gl+ 13.{)xgl {)f2# 0-1

(b) Greco - NN
Europe 1620
Sicilian Defense [B20]

l.e4 c5 2.b4 cxb4 3.d4 e6 4.a3 bxa3 5.c4 11,b4+ 6.11,d2 11,xd2+ 7. ~xd2 d5
8.e5 dxc4 9.11,xc4 {)c610.{)e2 {)ge711.laxa3 0-012.0-0 {)f513.lad3 a6
14.f4 b515.J1.b3 a5 16.g4 {)h617.h3 a418..1lc2 b419.f5 exf5 20.g5 b3
21.Jl.dl ~a5 22. ~f4 ~b5 23.lag3 11,d7 24.gxh6 g6 25. ~g5 f6 26.exf6laf7
27.{)f4 {) xd4 28.{) xg6 {)e6


abc d e f g h

29.{)e7+ \fIh8 30.~g7+ {)xg7 31.fxg7+ laxg7 32.hxg7# 1-0

Sacking the Citadel

(c) Greco Composition 1623

Black to move and draw


abc d e f g h

1...~a1+ 2.~f1 ~xf1+ 3.~xf1 Ah3 4.~f2 Axg2 when White, unable to
control the h8-queening square, cannot force the h-pawn home. VI-VI

More than simply learning the rules, seventeenth century readers might discern
from these complete games appropriate lines of opening play and even middlegame
strategies. Here were also magnificent finishes, with breathtaking queen sacrifices,
king walks, and checkmates. Perhaps, Greco found that placing such ideas and
games in his manuscript would boost his immediate standing and his financial
support, but there is no doubt that the games had a powerful impact on the 17th-
and 18th-century public.

There is considerable debate among the chess historians regarding whether these
were real games or composed variations. None of his opponents' names are
recorded, for example, and many seem simply to be interesting variations chosen
for their appeal rather than complete games. For most players, the discussion is
unimportant because there is no debate about the lasting effect of these editions,
revelation of the enchanting possibilities of chess to a public hungry for such
knowledge. And so, the 1750 English edition promised, as a subtitle, "The whole,
so contrived, that any person may learn to play in a few Days without any farther
Assistance. "

Losing no opportunity to appeal to the common man, the edition also contains a
clever frontispiece, an image by C. D. Moor that represents an older man and
young boy sitting and playing chess, with a man overlooking them holding a glass
of wine. Note also the guitar hanging upon the wall, and the cloth and furniture
representative of common usage in the 16th century. Having risen from humble
and uneducated roots, Greco had emerged long after death as an educator of the
masses, a true Renaissance man in the age of the Enlightenment.

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice

Part II: Theory

Made Eafy:

With Additional
llluJ\.nteJ with
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{on may leam to play in. kIV Days,
witho.t any fartb" :\ai~nre

Printed {(It J 3114 P«K)'APT.'
Jlmt, and W £.\111)' \" 1111
MtlC, t.

Sacking the Citadel

Chapter 2

"On Attacking the Castled King"

In his 1000 Best Short Games o/Chess,

Irving Chernev's coverage of Greco's
1620 sacrifice was especially notable for
its mention of Erwin Voellmy's
taxonomy. Without that mention,
subsequent writers might well have
failed to credit Voellmy with his fine
Erwin Voellmy
In 1911, Dr. Erwin Voellmy (1886-1951)
was the first chess player to attempt to (On Attacking the Castled King), was
construct a functional taxonomy or the first to examine the conditions that
classification of Greco's sacrifice. must exist for the Greco sacrifice to
succeed. Voellmy's first attempt leaves
Voellmy taught mathematics, authored useful principles, the basis for every
several chess books, notably Die future taxonomy. Voellmy's efforts fall
An/angsgriinde des Schachspiels, well short of a comprehensive
(Basel: H Majer) 1927 and Schachtaktic classification, but given the material
(in three volumes) (Basel: H.Majer) and tools available to him in 1911, he
1928, and for 40 years contributed a certainly provides a remarkably firm
chess column in Basler Nachrichten, a foundation.
German-language daily newspaper
published in Basel, Switzerland. He won Voellmy adds annotated games at the
the Swiss chess championship in 1911, end of each part of his two-part article.
1920, and 1922 and represented Finding the games in 1911 without the
Switzerland in the first three chess help of a database was itself an
Olympiads. Undoubtedly his most impressive achievement. The 13 games
notable chess achievement was a he provides are especially useful because
shared first with Alexander Alekhine at seven of them do not appear in the
Bern 1932. Unfortunately, I have found ChessBase's large Mega database.
no record of a Voellmy game using the
Greco sacrifice. Three of the 13 games that Voellmy
includes are entertaining but strangely
His 1911 article in Schweizerischen are not Greco Sacrifices. All three
Schachzeitung, the Swiss Chess involve bishop sacrifices onh7, but are
Review, "Vom Rochadeangriff: Ein not followed at any point by a
Beitrag zur Theorie des Mittelspiels" subsequent knight check on g5 or any

"On Attacking the Castled King"

of the themes that Voellmy discusses. following diagram fragment to illustrate

One of the games is simply an that it is often best to capture first on f7
instructive but concocted variation of rather than on h7. In this fragment, it's
the French Defense, provided below. mate in five if Black defends with
The remaining nine Greco sacrifices are 1...1:!e8, but only if White continues
discussed in chapter 6 as games 7, 8, correctly with 2.i!ltxf7, setting up the
12,17,21,22,23,36,and38. checkmate by removing the black f-
pawn. For implementations of the
I review his efforts at classification in checkmate that Voellmy might well have
detail because his article is very difficult seen, see games 6,14,22,32,36 and 39.
to locate, because many readers may
not be able to read or translate VoeUmy's fragment
effectively Voellmy's original German
text, and because the following findings Mate in five moves after 1...1:!e8
are useful for what follows.

Voellmy begins his essay by

emphasizing that the Greco Sacrifice is
marked first and foremost by the bishop
capture on h 7. A successful subsequent
attack, he continues, requires a
combination of factors such as better 1 ... §e8 2. ~xf7+ 2.~h7+ <M8 3.~h8+
development, superior control of space, ~e7 4.~xg7 2 •.• ~h8 3.~hS+ ~g8
and the displacement of key defending 4.~h7+ ~f8 S.~h8+ ~e7
pieces. When these factors are present, 6.~xg7.
the defending side can be exposed to a
ferocious assault. These observations Voellmy draws useful principles from
are generalized fore bearers of the the above example.
observations put forth in 1959 by
Vladimir Vukovic (see chapter 4). (1) For the sacrifice to succeed, Black's
h7-square must be protected only by
In his second paragraph, Voellmy the king. The normal 4Jf6 defender has
presents basic and sound strategy for left or been driven off, customarily by
the ~g8 line. In the following diagram, e4-e5 advance. And the defender will
when the queen arrives on h5, it not have control over the bl-h7
threatens checkmate on h 7 but also diagonal or be able to play ~c8-f5
brings influence over the f7-square. It owing to the closed nature of the pawn
often proves to be impossible to defend structure with a black pawn on e6, a
against both attacks. In this fragment, structure common in several openings,
we can presume that the black queen notably the Queen's Gambit and the
cannot defend safely with ~d8-d3. French Defense. In such openings,
Therefore, to create a safety square for White often advances the e-pawn to
the king, the 1:!f8 must often leave f8, in e5, driving off the 4Jf6 to d7.
this case to e8, giving the white queen
the choice of capturing either the f-pawn Note that Voellmy does not mention the
or the h-pawn. Voellmy uses the possibility of maneuvering the black

Sacking the Citadel

queen onto the b1-h7 diagonal, a theme often rests on d8 or c7) or other
that will occur regularly in later chapters. significant material, and ii1txg7 +. In order
It is also odd that the fragment does for White's attack in this line to
not include a black pawn on e6, a succeed, Voellmy emphasizes that Black
customary feature whose absence will must not be able to force the white
often result in a successful defense with queen off the g-file.
Voellmy draws no distinction whatever
(2) For checkmate to occur after the between the two variations (1.~d3 and
~h7-gS retreat, the d6 and dS escape 1. ii1tg4) and offers no other possibilities
squares must be occupied or controlled, for White or Black in the ~g6 line.
and the attacking queen must be able There's no hint, for example, ofh4-h5
to capture safely on f7 once the ~fS as a main line, of the effect of Black's
moves away. Therefore, there must be .. .£7-f5, or the complexities of White's
no .£\g6 or ~d7. The defender must not en passant capture on f6.
be able to distract the attack with a
successful counter-attack on the Voellmy expressed surprise that it was
attacking king or queen. If Black retains hard to find an example to illustrate
a knight on e7, White should play adequately his points about the ~g6
ii1txh 7 + rather than ~xf7. line. "Examples with a straight forward
character are far more rare than one
As we will see later in some detail, Voellmy would think." He therefore offered the
is substantially correct in these following example, an interesting line in
observations but lacking in the detail that the Steinitz variation of the French
generations of future chess now allow. Defensem[Cll].

It is remarkable, given the lack of any 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£le3 .£lf6 4.e5
supporting games or examples, that .£lfd7 5.f4 e5 6.dxe5 .£le6 7 ..£lf3
Voellmy recognized that Black might Axe5 8.Ad3 O-O? (S .. .f6 Probably
have a successful counter-attack. best, challenging the center)
Although he acknowledges its
importance, Voellmy gave no example
of why a black knight on e7 significantly
changes the analysis.

Ifthese criteria are set for the ~gSline,

continues Voellmy, the only hope for
the defender will lie in the advance of
the king to g6.

(3) In the line with ... ~g6, White should abc d e f g h

seek to play 1.ii1td3+ f5 2.~g3 or 1.ii1tg4
f5 2.ii1tg3 when the discovered check 9.Axh7+!? 9.a3!? 9 •.. <it>xh/lO..£lg5+
by the knight will have at least two <it>g6! 10 ... ~h6? 11.~d3! with the idea
threats: .£\e6+ winning the queen (which of ~h7# (11.~g4+) 11...~hS

"On Attacking the Castled King"

12.<£lxf7++- (12.f5+-). The 'it'gBline makes only three brief observations in

involves the usual mate in two, a single paragraph.
10 ...'it'gB? 1 I.~h5 §eBl2.~xf7+ ~hB
13.~h5+ ~gB14.~h7+ 'it'fB15:~hB+ First, the h4-pawn is often required to
~e7 16.~xg7#; 1O ... ~hB?? 1I.~h5+ support the knight's movement to g5.
~gB 12.~h7#. 1l.~d3+ Voellmy Second, capturing the knight on g5 will
misses an opportunity to discuss usually activate the White rook on hI.
1I.h4!? and to point out one of the in- And third, forward movement of the king
teresting differences between ~d3 and to g6 leads frequently to challenging
~g4. After 1I.~d3 f5, White gains the positions in which the mating attack
option to play 12.<£lxe6. The most chal- can be quite complex.
lenging try is 1 I.h4!? f5 12.<£lxe6 ~a5
when White, with promising moves The few readers with copies of
such as ltd2, g4, ~xd5, and even h5 Voellmy's original articles will observe
has a tangible advantage. 1l •.. f5 that I have written more about Voellmy
12. ~g3 Not 12.exf6+? ~xf613.<£lh7+ than he did about Greco's Sacrifice. I
~f7 14.<£lxfB <£lxfB'I=; or 12.<£lxe6 ~a5 have done so out of respect and
13.<£lxfB+ <£lxf814.ltd2 <£lb415.~g3+ admiration. His was the first effort to
~h7=. 12 •.• ~e8 The only move given classify the sacrifice. His efforts are
byVoellmy, but 12 ... ~a5! 13.ltd2 ~b4 certainly limited and flawed. He spends
14.<£lxe6+ 'it'f7 15.<£lxfB <£lxf8=. most of his print time on the ~gB line
13.~xe6+ ~f7 14.~c7 ~d8+- but never even mentions lines
15.e6+ "with material advantage," ac- involving ~h6. There is very little
cording to Voellmy, but Black can gain coverage of lines involving a capture
equality. Far better is 15.<£lxaB! +-. on g5. And his classification provides
15... ~g816.exd7 ~xc717.dxc8~ little help in the complex lines and the
~xc8= many variants that modern chess
reveals. But given the surprising
The second part of the article, published paucity of the evidence available to him,
in December 1911, looked at Greco Voellmy did remarkably well. He
Sacrifice lines in which White has certainly advanced the conversation
already played h4. Accompanied by constructively, and he deserves his
games 8, 12, 17, and 23 (and a non-Greco place in the history and practice of the
game, Pillsbury-Hanham, 1893), Voellmy Greco Sacrifice.

Sacking the Citadel

Chapter 3

The Art of Chess Combination

Eugene Znosko-Borovsky (1884-1954)

was a Russian chess master, writer,
teacher and literary critic. Born in St.
Petersburg, he debuted in international
chess at Ostend 1906, winning the
Brilliancy Prize for his game against
Amos Burn. His chess career was
interrupted repeatedly by military
service. He served in the Russo-
Japanese battles of 1904 and 1905 and
then during World War I. Thereafter, he
settled in Paris.

Znosko-Borovsky most notable chess

result was a first in Paris, 1930 ahead of
Eugene Znosko-Borovsky
Tartakower, Lilienthal, and Mieses.
During his career, he defeated Voellmy's important essay." Although
Capablanca, Rubinstein, Euwe, and the quote suggests that many authors
Bogoljubov and beat Colle in a short were guilty of the omission, the existing
match in 1922. literature shows that Renaud and Kahn
were referring only to Znosko-
He is well remembered for his widely Borovsky's The Art of Chess
selling short book, How Not to Play Combination. In my opinion, the failure
Chess, and his contributions to to mention Voellmy's obscure articles
middlegame theory. It was in his 1936 does not meaningfully bear upon
book, The Art of Chess Combination, Znosko- Borovsky's treatment. It
that he devoted fourteen pages to the suggests simply that there may have
Greco Sacrifice. His treatment is more been bad blood between the Frenchmen.
detailed and far more wide-ranging than
Voellmy's. He sets a somewhat higher Given the obscurity of Voellmy's
standard for a classification of the taxonomy, Znosko- Borovsky's
sacrifice by looking in more depth at treatment was for most chess players
two of the main variations. their first overview of the Greco
Sacrifice. Znosko-Borovsky places the
Writing in 1953, Renaud and Kahn state sacrifice within the context of attacks
that "most people who have studied this upon a castled king. While castling is
sacrifice have omitted to mention often played to provide safety to the

The Art of Chess Combination

king, he notes that the reality can be almost always required for the sacrifice
that the king is left alone in these to succeed in all variations.
positions to protect the pawn cover,
leaving the pawns weaker than they In the \t>g8 line, Znosko-Borovsky
were prior to castling and the target of correctly observes that the 4Jg5 and
potentially dangerous and appealing ~h5 are usually sufficient with their
attacks. combined attack on h7 and f7. Like
Voellmy, he adds that the attack is called
Znosko-Borovsky states that White's into question ifthe defender can defend
assault upon the black king often the f7 pawn with a piece other than the
involves three pieces, a knight that can Elf8.
reach g5, a light-square bishop on the
bl-h7 diagonal, and the queen which In the \t>g6 line, Znosko-Borovsky
can exert additional pressure on h 7 from becomes the first commentator to
the h-file, usually h5 or h4, or from distinguish between the ~d3+ and
along the bl-h7 diagonal. The sacrifice ittg4, but here too his conclusions are
is often needed because playing 4Jg5 simplistic and misleading. We shall later
first would permit Black in many observe that there are conditions under
instances to repel the attack against the which each move can be superior.
h7-square by playing ... g6 or ... h6. Znosko-Borovsky concludes his
Znosko-Borovsky later adds that, for introductory remarks instead that the
the sacrifice to succeed, it is necessary check along the diagonal seldom leads
to drive off the defending 4Jf6 usually to gain because the 4Jg5 is often en
and most effectively with the e5-pawn prise and because Black can parry the
advance but, depending upon attack in several ways, notably with f7-
circumstances, with a ~g5xf6 capture f5. He therefore recommends ~g4,
or with 4Jg4 or 4Je4, though White must when White, even after .. .f5 ~g3 .. .f4
preserve at least one knight to follow ittg4, gains the immediate threat of a
the sacrifice with 4Jg5+. The proceeding powerful discovered check that often
observations and conclusions are will net a queen, a rook or a powerful
unobjectionable. double attack upon the g7 pawn. In the
main, these observations are inaccurate
Znosko-Borovsky then suggests: "this and unhelpful.
triple force (the bishop, knight, and
queen) is normally sufficient to assure Znosko-Borovsky suggests that even
the success of the attack." This simple- the capture of the ElfS in the \tlg6 line
sounding principle may have seemed provides adequate compensation, a
useful to early chess readers but it is finding that is very often inaccurate. He
inaccurate and unhelpful. We can concludes that "When none of these
collectively compliment Znosko- threats is realizable, the combination is
Borovsky for attempting to provide the doomed to failure; but it is rarely that
first generalized advice, but it is discovered checks are innocuous."
seriously flawed. As we have already Again, his conclusions are simplistic,
seen in general terms, additional even in the first main example that he
support beyond the three pieces is reviews. As we shall see, the \tlg6 is

Sacking the Citadel

often the most complex of the lines, but There were certainly far more instructive
there are other possibilities for White games at Znosko-Borovsky's disposal.
in this line beyond the choice of ~d3
and ~g4. It is often useful to use the Colle-O'Hanlon, 1930
continuing threat of the discovered
check to bring in reinforcements, but Znosko-Brorovsky switches abruptly
there are also many positions in which from a simplistic, unhelpful example to
the discovered checks are indeed, one that is unarguably the most complex
remarkably innocuous. Greco Sacrifice at his disposal, Colle-
D'Hanlon, from 1930 (see game #62).
Yates - Marin, 1930
Here too, he notes that the three pieces
Rather than use Greco's discovery from are appropriately posted for the sacrifice
1620, Znosko-Borovsky starts his and the white ~c1 assists the attack by
discussion of specific examples with guarding the .£lgS.
Yates-Marin, 1930 (see game #64), a
strange choice because the position in He emphasizes from the start that the
that game at the time of the sacrifice black kingside is insufficiently defended
involves a white queen on g4 rather and yet we know from even a casual
than on dl. After the acceptance of the glance at Black's position that the
sacrifice, White's best continuation is previous movement of the black rook
not the usual 2 ..£lgS but rather the more to e8 (creating the flight square to f8)
powerful and unthematic 2.~hS+! and the absence of a white pawn on e5
forcing the black king back to g8 and controlling the key f6-square should
obviating even the possibility of the cause at least some pause in drawing
other variations. optimistic conclusions. Without the
need to create a flight square for the
Znosko-Borovsky suggests that this king in the 'it>g8 line by moving the rook
first example "Shows the matter very from fB-e8, Black can use that move to
simply," because all three pieces, the bring a piece to f6 or to defend the f7
bishop, knight, and queen are present, square laterally, with a queen on f6, or
because the black king defends the h7- with a knight on eS.
pawn by itself, and because there is no
black knight on f6 to prevent the Although he provides no analysis
combination from succeeding. But in whatsoever, he concludes that careful
tenns of pedagogy, the use of the Yates analysis demonstrates that White wins
-Marin game is a poor choice. Its in all lines.
sacrifice involves only the single
variation, it involves an inversion of the "We see the valuable lesson for White
usual attacking move order, and does that in such a case the sacrifice may be
nothing to show off even the possibility made without hesitation and for Black
of~g6, ~h6, ~h8, or a capture ofthe that he must foresee the sacrifice and
.£lgS. Given the queen's placement and parry the menace. In the present
its quick access to h5, the game barely position, Black's previous move was
meets my definition of a Greco Sacrifice. cxd4, a grave blunder, for a defending

The Art of Chess Combination

move such as 4Jf6 would have removed Black is lost whenever the king goes
all danger." there, without emphasizing the key role
of White's dark-square bishop and
There are numerous errors and whether Black can successfully play
distortions in this quotation. There are ... §'h8. As we will see, there are many
world-class players who are willing to positions in which ~h6 comes into
rely primarily upon intuition, at least in consideration because the dark-square
simultaneous exhibitions, but the bishop has been traded or is off the c1-
sacrifice in the Colle game was so h6 diagonal.
remarkably complex that at least some
preparatory analysis was advisable. In His most useful observations in the
the actual game, Black crumbled under Colle game come in the ~g6Iine, in no
the defensive chore, a common small part because that line represents
occurrence as we will see throughout a convincing win for White. Although
the games, but few players would want he began the chapter by emphasizing
to bank regularly on their opponents' the importance of following ~g6 with
future errors. 4Jf6 would have ~g4, this queen sortie does not
prevented the sacrifice, but its absence succeed in the Colle game because Black
cannot be reasonably faulted given the can play 4Jf6 or f5 and the white queen
ultimate unsoundness of Colle's move. cannot successfully retreat to g3. "We
Finally, Znosko-Borovsky's failure to see then that this attack is only possible
offer any analysis of this amazing game, when the g3-square is neither blocked
and his overarching desire simply to nor attacked."
draw intuitive conclusions, seem to me
to brand his treatment as intellectually Znosko-Borovsky's final generalization
lazy and pedagogically unhelpful. These that "generally the king's flight to g6 is
are, for me, strong conclusions, but as not advisable, for there he is too
we shall see, not as strong as the exposed to attacks" is simply unhelpful.
conclusions that Vukovic reached. There are, as we will see, many times
when '<!tg6 represents the defender's
To further the embarrassment, Znosko- best or only shot at surviving (or
Borovsky asserts that success is easy winning). Given Black's control over g4
against the ~g8 retreat owing to the and g3, White's attack in the Colle-
double threat against the undefended o 'Hanlon game succeeds only with h4-
h7- and f7-squares when the knight h5. The attack there in the ~g6 line
reaches g5 and the queen reaches h5. works, Znosko-Borowski correctly
As we will see in the analysis of the points out, because the h5 threat is
game, Black's best hope rests precisely accompanied by another threat, iii'd3,
in this challenging line. There are and because Black cannot successfully
perpetual checks to be had and Black defend with 4Jf6 owing to iii'd3+ and
may obtain drawing if not winning 4Jxf7.
chances when able to run the king to
the queenside. Alekhine - Asgiersson, 1931

Throughout his entire chapter on the He uses this game, our Game #65, to
Greco Sacrifice, Znosko-Borovsky has note an additional role for white h-pawn,
only two mentions of the ~h6Iine, that not simply as support for the 4Jg5 and

Sacking the Citadel

to threaten h5+ as in Colle-O'Hanlon,

but to respond to the capture of the 8
knight by a ~e7 with the h-pawn and 7
using the opening of the h-file to fuel 6
the attack and "to justify the original 5
sacrifice." These are useful 4
observations, but they are again spoiled 3
by Znosko-Borovsky's lethargic lack of

"It is impossible to analyze all the abc d e f g h

variations here, or even the principal
one, comprising as it does no less than There is enormous pedagogical power
19 moves. It is plain, too, that White in comparing variations from very
could not imagine all of the tactical similar positions. In these two games,
combinations which sprang out of the White's position is identical. In
main combination. The essential point Alekhine-Asgiersson in the first
is to have so favorable a position that diagram, Black has played t!e8 and c5,
without a clear vision of the result a while in Mason Fritz, Black chose a
bold sacrifice is justified ... In our queenside fianchetto that leaves the
example, the bishop sacrifice is justified rook on f8.
because the essential conditions which
we have laid down are fulfilled. There is Znosko-Borovsky correctly observes
nothing to fear." that the rook on f8 hurts the defense
because 'it'g8 is no longer a viable
Mason - Fritz, 1883 option. The black king must therefore
migrate forward to g6, "which as we
Znosko-Borovsky redeems himself know," suggests Znosko-Borovsky,
somewhat by comparing two nearly "leads to disaster." The verdict, of
identical positions from Alekhine- course, is correct, but the reliance on
Asgiersson, 1931 and Mason-Fritz generalizations rather than some
(Game #12): analysis leaves much to be desired.

Mason-Fritz is one of the few games in

8 Il!lli!~§~"..!~I.i.• which Znosko-Borovsky offers an
opinion based on calculation. He
suggests that, after 'it'g6, White cannot
play 12.~g4 owing to ~xg5, 13.hxg5
4 ~xg5 when "the attack is repulsed," but
3 he overlooks a much stronger, winning
2 plan, 13 ..£Je2! with the idea of .£Jf4 and
abc d e f g h

The Art of Chess Combination

Capablanca-Molina, 1911 to demonstrate that White does indeed

have significant winning chances with
After looking at three games, Marshall- 16.i£1g4 e5 17.4Je6+ (a powerful
Bum (Paris, 1900), Capablanca-Becker discovered check, but the knight is self-
(Carlsbad, 1929), and lanowski-Chajes pinned!) 17 ... 'it>fB IB.~adl (lB.4JxdB
(New York, 1916) in which Black Axg4) IB ... i£1eB19.i£1d6 "with manifold
prevents a possible Greco Sacrifice by threats," but Black wins trivially there
compromising each kingside with f-, g-, with 19 ... 4Jxe6. Along the way, Znosko-
and h-pawn advances, Znosko- Borovsky also misses an easier win for
Borovsky concludes with a discussion Black with IB ... Axe6! 19.i£1h4+ g5
ofCapablanca-Molina (Game # 42). He 20.i£1h6 4Jg6 21.~xdB ~axdB-+.
correctly notes that the 'ittgB line loses
quickly owing to blocking of the king's I have no meaningful knowledge about
escape by the ~fB. In the 'ittg6 line, the machinations among the French
Black's only hope, White's i£1g4, is not chessplayers of the 1930s, but I cannot
decisive, he adds, because the queen help but wonder whether Renaud and
cannot safely remain on the g-file after Kahn, in expressing consternation over
14.i£1g4 f5 15.i£1g3 f4! 16.exf4 4Jf5 Znosko-Borovsky's failure to cite
17.i£1g4 4Jh6 with a perpetual. Voellmy's work, may rather have been
using that complaint as a substitute for
Not content with the verdict of a forced the kind of criticism that The Art of
draw, having already suggests that the Chess Combination, or at least his
'it>g6 line is inherently too dangerous coverage of the Greco Sacrifice, appears
to consider, Znosko-Borovsky attempts to deserve.

Sacking the Citadel

Chapter 4

The Art of Attack

Vladimir Vukovic (1898-1975), a Croatian

chess player and writer, obtained his
international master title in 1922,
represented Yugoslavia on second
board at the first Chess Olympiad in
London in 1927, and for decades edited
8ahovski Glasnik, the official chess
magazine of the Yugoslavian chess Vladimir Vukovi6
The sixth and seventh chapters of his
Vukovic is best remembered for The Art book were able to draw upon more
ofAttack in Chess. Published originally material and helped him to reach
in Croatian in 1959 and soon thereafter remarkably useful insights. Most
translated into English, the volume notably, Vukovic postulates that at least
became an instant classic, appearing in two active supporting pieces (other
most masters' lists of the top ten chess than the light-square bishop, the knight
books. Having read the general that reaches g5, and the white queen)
considerations contained in VukoviC's are required for the Greco Sacrifice to
third chapter, "On castling and succeed.
attacking the castled position in
general," one amateur on the web Although new technologies, more
lamented, "I will never castle again." games, and the test of time have
permitted me to draw more detailed
Aware of both Voellmy's and Znosko- conclusions in my fifth chapter, there
Borovsky's work, Vukovic significantly is no doubt that Vukovic deserves
expanded our understanding of the enormous praise for this observation
conditions required for Greco's Sacrifice which appears to be substantially
to succeed. Vukovic correctly logged correct. He uses this observation to
the most common attributes of the estimate intuitively that Colle's 1930
sacrifice and helped to guide effort must be unsound, but he
generations of chess players to pursue mysteriously fails to apply that same
the sacrifice intuitively and correctly. In intuitive grasp to Kottnauer-Kotov,
evaluating VukoviC's work, I have relied 1946. In that game, the attacking side
upon the modem 1993 edition because does not have at least two additional
it contains a preface and editorial notes assets, and indeed the sacrifice is
and corrections by grandmaster John flawed, but Vukovic incorrectly
Nunn that make the book that much concludes that the sacrifice is sound.
more valuable.

The Art of Attack

Like the other annotators of the period, The sacrifice is indeed sound here, as
Vukovic did not have a computer to test White has enormous advantages in this
his findings. The result is that errors do position, including the secure e5-pawn
infiltrate the analysis in the book, in no and the dark-square bishop as
small part because Vukovic admirably additional assets. The e5-pawn has
attempts to analyze the positions in driven off the 4:Jf6, the dark square
substantial depth. Readers of his work bishop itself discourages the ~h6 line,
will gain a significant intuitive feel for and the e6-pawn and Black's poor
when the sacrifice works, and I must development prevents Black from
acknowledge that his analytical errors gaining control over the bl-h7 diagonal.
do not significantly detract from the
worth of his effort. Here, the ~g8 line results in the
instructional mate in five. The ~h6line
To his credit, Vukovic begins with a permits devastating discovered checks
summary of Greco's 1620 game that on e6 or f7, but Vukovic, committed to
involves the sacrifice (game #1). With pedagogy, remarks that the discovered
an obvious interest in sound pedagogy, check succeeds because Black's queen
he then presents a series of composed is within easy reach on d8. Were the
situations to illustrate the main black queen on a5, for example, White
concepts. would win with the ~g4-h4 maneuver.

His first diagram is unlikely to occur in The most interesting line is the ~g6
real life because, as in the game score I line. Vukovic correctly notes that h4
have created, Black has to lose a tempo with the idea ofh5 is often the strongest
with ... c6 and ... c5 to reach it. idea, at that time a new addition to the
writing about the line.
(a) Vukovic, page 122
12.Axh7+ 'it'xh7 13.{)g5+ 'it'g6
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.{)c3 {)f6 4.e5 13 ... ~h614.4:Jxe6+; 13 ... ~g814.~h5
{)fd7 5.{)f3 Ab4 6.a3 j'txc3+ Ele8 15.~xf7+ ~h8 16:i*h5+ ~g8
7.bxc3 c6 8.j'td3 c5 9.0-0 cxd4 17.~h7+~f818.~h8+~e719.~xg7#
10.cxd4 {)c61l.c3 0-() 14.h4 .§h815.h5+ .§xh516..~d3+
f516 ... ~h617.~h7# 17.exf6+ 'it'xf6
8 17 ... ~h6 18.~h7# 18.'~f3+ 'it'e7
7 18... ~g619.~f7+ ~h6 20.4:Jxe6+ Elg5
6 (20 ... ~h7 21.~xg7#) 21.~xg7+ ~h5
22.~h7+ ~g4 23.~h3# 19"~xh5+-
Vukovic uses this example to introduce
important pedagogical ideas and to
pose the question: how to judge the
correctness of the sacrifice. What are
abcdefgh the necessary conditions in the white
and black positions required for the
classic bishop sacrifice?

Sacking the Citadel

Ovemll: • It is more important that no

black knight should be able to
• The sacrifice involves three reach f6 and that neither the
main lines ...'ittg8, ... 'itth6, and bishop nor queen should be
... 'ittg6; able to reach the bl-h7
• All three variations must be diagonal.
sound for the sacrifice to be
sound. If any contain a For the attack to succeed:
loophole, the combination
"falls to the ground."
• The defender should not be
able to decline the sacrifice
For White:
(here, I have found only a
single example);
• White must have a queen, a
knight, and a bishop; • The arrangement of the Black
• The White bishop must attack pieces should not deviate
h 7 "to force the tempo of the greatly from the normal (a dis-
attack"; appointing conclusion, as the
• It is not essential that the games in chapter 6 make abun-
attack be check (worth dantly clear);
mentioning, though the • White, in addition to the
database contains only 18 bishop, queen, and knight,
games in which the sacrifice must have at least two other
commences without check by supporting pieces for the at-
the bishop); tack to succeed. The two most
• It is not essential that Ah7 common members ofthis sup-
capture a pawn. (here, I found porting cast are the e5-pawn
no such examples); and the dark-square bishop
• A knight must be able to be (as we will see, this asset com-
within easy, safe reach of the bination is actually the second
g5-square; most common pair), but many
• The queen must have access other combinations are also
to h5 ... though in some cases possible involving the queen's
enough to be able to get to the knight and an active rook on
the e-file or occasionally, on
an open f-file.
For Black:
The final point just above is, without
• Black will customarily have
pawns on fl, g7, and h7; question, Vukovic's most important
• There will be a bishop rather contribution to the taxonomy. He
than a pawn on g7 on rare arranges the additional assets into fine
occasions; categories, distinguishing for example,
• The presence of the ~d8 and the specific location of the dark-square
~f8 points to but does not bishop on cl or f4. There- are a few
assure the correctness of the missing possibilities as I point out in
sacrifice; chapter 5, but his main point is clear,

The Art of Attack

and correct. It is, as he suggests, a 6.4Je4+ ~e7 7.AgS+ +-; 4 ... 4Jb8
simple, practical criterion for the S:~h7 ~e7 6:ffxg7 ~e8 7.4Jh7 4Jd7
sacrifice and away for both attacker and 8.§xe6++-] S.~h4+- )3 ... §h84.~d3+
defender to get their approximate (4.hS+ §xhS S.~d3+ fS; and not4.~g4
bearings. when Black can force the queen off the
g-file with ... 4Jf6-hS and ... fS) 4 .. .fS
To explore these findings, and to S.~g3 ~g8 (S ... ~f6 6.§xe6#)
illustrate the importance of each of the 6.4Jxe6+ ~f7 (6 ... ~h7 7.hS +-)
three main variations, Vukovic turns 7.4JgS+ ~g6 (7 ... ~f8 8.Ad6#; 7 ... ~f6
next to eight additional composed 8.§e6++-) 8.hS+ §xhS 9.§e8 ~xe8
positions. lO.4Je6+ ~f7 1l.~xg7+ ~xe6
12.§el ++-. 3.'lth5 ~f64.'lth4~e8
(b) Vukovic, page 124 4 ... g6 S.~h6 with AeS and §e3-h3;
4... eS! (Vukovic fails to mention Black's
8 best defense, which succeeds in getting
7 the Ac8-fS) S.dxeS AfS 6.exf6 ~xf6
6 preventing the mate and halting White's
attack, but Black remains a clear pawn
down. 5.-'le5 'lte7 S... Ac7 6.§e3 +-
(c) Vukovic, page 125

abcdefgh 8
In this composed position, White has 6
two additional assets, the dark-square
bishop on f4 and the active §el.
Vukovic created this position to
illustrate the ~g8 line, in which White
must compensate for the lack of control
over f6 by seizing control over eS with
the bishop and then swinging the §el abc d e f g h
to h3. The '<t'g6 line is more difficult
than Vukovic suggests. His White has additional assets in the dark-
recommendation permits Black to equalize square bishop, the strongly defended
quickly. Once again, 3.h4 is the key. eS-pawn, and the active §el. Vukovic
uses this creation to illustrate the
1.-'lxh7+ \fIxh7 2.~g5+ \figS! importance in the ~g8 line of keeping
2 ... ~h6? 3.4Jxf7+; 2 ... ~g6 3.h4 the black bishop offfS. White therefore
(3.i{yd3+ '<t'f6 [3 .. .fS 4.i{yg3+-] 4:'~h3 continues with 3.~e4+ continuing to
[4.i{ye4 recommended by Vukovic, the h-file only after 3 .. .fS.
since White threatens 4Jh7+ and 4Jxe6,
and ~e7 falls to i{yxe6, but Black has 1.-'lxh7+ l.AgS ~d7 2.~e4 g6
4 ... g6!=.] 4... i{ye8 [4 ... g6 S:~h7 i{ye8 3.Axa6 1. •• \fIxh7 2.~g5+ \figS

Sacking the Citadel

2 ... 'it'g6 3.iJ'e4+ f5 (3 ....M5 4.iJ'h4+-) (7.g4 <£\f6 8.<£\xe6+ ~h7 [8 ... g5
4.iJ'h4+- 3.'~e413.~h5ili5-+ 3 ...fS 9.itxg5#] 9.~xg7#) 7 ... <£\f6 8.§h3+
3... g6 4.~h4 +- 4.'~h4 4.exf6 <£\xf6-+ <£\h5 9.§xh5#. 3.t\'hS when Black
4 •.• Etf7 S.t\'h7+ 5.~h8+ ~xh8 cannot successfully defend the f7-
6.<£\xf7+ +-; 5.e6 §f6 (5 ... ~xg5 is the pawn. 3 ..• t\'e7 3 ... §e7 4.iJ'h7+ 'it'f8
only way to avoid mate) 6.~h7+ ~f8 5.~h8#; 3 .. .f6 4.iJ'h7+ 'it'f8 5.~h8+
7.e7+ ~xe7 8.~h8#. S... <i!»fS 6.e6+- ~e7 6.iJ'xg7#; 3 ... <£\xe5 4.dxe5 'it1c7
5.§e3 <£\c6 6.§h3 'it'f8 7.<£\h7+ 'it'e7
(d) Vukovic, page 125 8.~g5+ ~d7 9.~xf7+ <£\e71O.<£\f8++-.
4.t\'h7+ <i!»fS S.t\'hS#
One might quibble about the use of
compositions rather than existing
games, but Vukovic appears to use
5 these not simply to illustrate some of
4 the interest variations in the 'it'g8 line,
3 but also to suggest how such positions
2 can be sensitive to even small changes.
Advance the white h-pawn to h4 in any
of the previous three examples and the
abc d e f g h
sacrifice, he suggests, no longer
succeeds. Having a pawn on h4 assists
This is another interesting creation by
White in the ~g6 line, but it represents
Vukovic. It is unclear just how White
a liability in the ~g8 lines. In examples
managed to exchange the <£\bl for (b) and (c), for example, the white queen
Black's dark-square bishop. That said, will no longer have access to h4. In
the exchange is clearly advantageous example (d), Vukovic adds, the h4-pawn
for White, who emerges here with the blocks the white rook's ability to reach
e5-pawn, the unopposed dark-square an open h-file in the ~g6 line. True
bishop, and the §el. Black has an extra enough, though in example (d), it's still
tempo for the defense with the rook on a win, a remarkable one in fact.
e8, but White's position is so strong in
other respects that the attack still Vukovic example (d) with an h4-pawn
breaks through. In the ~g8 line, Black
cannot effectively defend the f7-square. 8
And in the ~g6Iine, ~d3+ overwhelms 7
1.Axh7+ <i!»xh7 2.JilgS+ <i!»gS 2...'it'g6
3. iJ'd3+ (3.h4 also wins, but Black can
delay the mate by playing ~xg5; 3.~g4 3
f5 4.~g3 ~e7 5.<£\xe6+ is crushing but 2

does not mate) 3 .. .f5 (3 ... ~h5 4.~h7+

~g4 5.f3#) 4.exf6+ ~xf6 (4 ... 'it'h5 abcdefgh
5.~h7+ ~g4 6.f3#) 5.~f3+ ~g6 With the pawn on h4, White has to rely
(5 ... ~e7 6.§xe6#) 6.~f7+ ~h6 7.§e3 upon the third asset, the §el, to swing

The Art of Attack

to g3 in the 'ittg8 line. The pawn on h4 Another creation that is unlikely to

can assist White in the 'ittg6 line with occur, in this case because Black has
h5+, although it's mate in seven with an additional tempo. The extra time is
3.~d3+. unhelpful, given that it involves pawn
moves such as a6 and b6. Black has
1..11,xh7+ ~xh7 2.4)g5+ ~g8 2...'ittg6 clearly castled into danger. White has
3. ~d3+ (3.h5+ 'itth6 [3 ... 'ittf5 4:~f3 #] two assets, the e5-pawn and the dark-
4.4:lxf7++-) 3.. .f5 (3 ... 'it'h5 4.g4+ 'it'xh4 square bishop. The 'it'g8 line is
(a) 4 ... 'ittxg4 5.~f3+ 'ittxh4 6.~h3#; (b) interesting only because Black has a
4 ... 'itth6 5.~h7# [5.4:lxf7#]; 5.~h3#) knight on e7. White should therefore
4.exf6+ 'it'xf6 (4 ... 'it'h5 5.~h7+ 'ittg4 capture on h 7 and proceed with ti'h8+,
6.4:lf3 gxf6 7.~g6# [7.4:lh2 #]) 5.ti'f3+ 4:lh7+, and Ag5+. In the key 'it'g6Iine,
'ittg6 (5 ... 'itte7 6 ..§.xe6#) 6.~f7+ 'itth6 i*d3+ is met adequately by 4:lf5, and h4
7.4:lxe6+ +- 3:li\'h5 4)f8 4.4) xf7 ~d7 gives Black a chance to defend with
5.~h8+ ~xf7 6 . .§e3 ~e7 7 ..§g3 .§.h8 and ~g8.
1..11,xh7+ ~xh7 2.4)g5+ ~g6 2 ...'it'gB
Vukovic turns to the 'ittg6Iine, showing 3.ti'h5 .§.e8 4.ti'h7+ (4.ti'xf7+ Vukovic
four compositions in which the 'ittg6line questions this move, suggesting that
is critical. Again there are mistakes in Black has an adequate defense, but
the analysis (which John Nunn surely White also wins here easily after 4 ... 'itth8
should have corrected), but Vukovic 5 ..§.ael- idea .§.e3-h3 - [5.~h5+ 'ittg8
deserves substantial praise for being 6 ..§.ael 4:lf5 7.i*f7+ 'itth8 8.i*g6 'ittg8
the first commentator to attempt an 9 ..§.e3 +- ] 5 ... cxd4 6.ti'h5+ 'ittg87.Acl!
explanation of when to play h4 and - with the horrific threat of Aa3 and
when to try ~g4. Careful readers will i*h7 mating - 7 ... 4:lxe5 8.Aa3+-)
observe that placing the queen on the 4 ... 'ittf8 5.ti'h8+ 4:lg8 6.4:lh7+ 'it'e7
b I-h 7 diagonal, usually with ti'd3+, 7.Ag5+ f6 (7 ... 4:lf6 8.ti'xg7 +-; 7 ... 'ittd7
deserved to be in this mix of candidate 8.Axd8 +- ) 8. ti'xg7 #. 3. ~g4 Vukovic
moves. suggests that 3.~g4 is stronger
because after 3.h4 .§.h8 4.~g4 f5
(e) Vukovic, page 126 5.~g3 (5.e xf6 but this capture is
stronger here because 5 ... 'ittxf6 6.Ae5+
8 4:lxe5 7.dxe5+ 'ittg6 [7 ... 'it'xe5 8.4:lf7+]
7 8.4:lxe6+ 'ittf7 9.4:lxd8+ .§.xd8 1O.e6+
6 Axe6 11. ti'f4+ 'ittg8 12. ~e5 'ittf7
13 ..§.fel +-) 5 ... ti'g8 6.dxc5 bxc5
7.4:lxe6+ 'ittf7 8.4:lxc5±; 3.~d3+?! 4:lf5
4.g4 f6 5.gxf5+ exf5 6.exf6 gxf6 7.4:lf3
c4 8.ti'd2 .§.g8 9.'itthl 'it'f7 10 ..§.gl ~.
3 ••. f5 4.~g31 4.exf6 'ittxf6 5 ..§.fel
(5.Ae5+ 4:lxe5 6.dxe5+ 'ittxe5 when the
abcdefgh .§.f8 prevents 4:lf7+) 5 ... g6 6.4:lxe6
Axe6 7.i*xe6+ 'ittg7 8.Ae5+ 'itth7
9.~h3+ 'it'g8 10.~h8+ 'ittf7 11.ti'h7+

Sacking the Citadel

~e812 ..\.tg3+-. 4 •• .'~eS 5.h4 5.~fe1 6 ..\.tg5+ ~e8 7 ..\.txd8 <£lxd8 8.~ xe4 +- ;
cxd4 6.<£lxe6+ ~t7 7.<£lc7 +- 5 ••. ElhS 4 ... ~h8 the only move offered by
Black does not have to permit the Vukovic (4 ... ~g6 - Nunn suggests that
following mate in four (5 ... ~g8! 6.h5+ White must now repeat the position, but
~h6 7.<£lxe6+ ~h7 8.<£lc7 'l!lIxh5 White is winning easily after 5.'l!lIg3
9.<£lxa8 g5 10.'l!l'h2 'l!l'xh2+ 11..\.txh2 ~f6 6.<£lxe6 fxe6 [6 ... .\.txe6 7.'l!lIg5 #]
cxd4 12.cxd4 <£lxd4 13.<£lxb6+-). 7 ..\.tg5++-) 5.'l!l'f4+ ~g6 (5 ... <;t>e7
6.{)xe6+ ~f7 7.~xg7+ ~xe6 6.'l!l'xt7+ ~d6 7.~xe6+ .\.txe68.'l!l'xe6#)
S.~f6+~d79.~d6# 6.'l!lIxf7+ ~h6 7.g4 g6 8.<£lxe6+ g5
9.'l!lIh5#. 4.~g3 f4 4 ... ~f6 5.<£lxe6
(0 Vukovic, page 127 .\.txe66 ..\.tg5++- 5 ..1lxf4 5.'l!lIg4 'l!lIxg5
5 .•. ~f5 5 ... \t>f6 6.<£lxe6 .>lxe6 7 ..\.tg5+
6.h3 VukoviC's suggestion, which
wins, but better is 6.<£lh7 e5 7 ..\.txe5 +-.
6 •.• ~eS 6 ... <;t>f6 7.<£lxe6 7.{)h7 ~h5
S. ~d3+ ~xf4 9.g3 #

(g) Vukovic, pages 127-8

abc d e f g h
In this creation, White has two
additional assets, the ~e1 and the dark-
square bishop. Without direct control 3
over e5, the ~g8 line involves a 2

lengthier but straight-forward treatment

when the black king reaches d6. abc d e f g h
Without the pawn on e5, White must
select 'l!lIg4 here, since h4 gives Black Vukovic created this position to explore
time to defend with f5 and 'l!l'd3+ simply a critical ~g6 line, but the <;t>g8 line is
permits the black king to escape to f6 far more challenging here because
and e7. Black's queen is already defending the
t7 -pawn. White's additional assets here
1 ..1lxh7+ ~xh7 2.{)g5+ ~g6 2...<;t>g8 are the e5-pawn and the <£ld2, whose
3.'l!lIh5 ~e8 4.'l!l'xt7+ ~h8 5.'l!l'h5+ ~g8 development requires creative
6.'l!lIh7+ ~f8 7.'l!lIh8+ ~e7 8.~xg7+ planning. In the ~h6 line, White wins
~d6 9 ..\.tf4+ <£le5 10.<£lt7++- 3.~g4 quickly without the dark-square bishop
3.h4? f5; 3.'l!l'd3+?! ~f6:j: 3 •••f5 3... ~f6 simply by playing 'l!lIg4-h4. In the ~g6
4.'l!l'h4 (a) perhaps the simplest win is line, White wins with the same
4.<£lxe6 fxe6 (4 ... .\.txe6 5. 'l!l'g5 #) maneuver because 'l!lIh7+ leads to a
5 ..\.tg5+; (b) 4.<£le4+ Nunn's quick mate. In the 'it'g8 line, White
recommendation, and probably the most succeeds slowly by developing the
accurate move. 4 ... ~e7 5.'l!l'xg7 dxe4 king's rook and then the queen's knight.

The Art of Attack

1.1txh7+ ~xh7 2.4)g5+ ~g6 2...'it'h6 from making meaningful use of the bl-
3.i£yg4+- Ad7 (3 ... <tIxe5 4.dxe5 i£yxe5 h7 diagonal. The 'it>h6line is interesting
5.<tIdf3 i£yf5 6.i£yh4+ 'it>g6 7.g4+- ~f4 because, with the queens facing off on
S.<tIh7) 4.i£yh4+ 'it>g6 5.i£yh7+ 'it>xg5 the d-file, White gains the marvelous
6.f4+ 'it>g4 7.~h3#; 2 ... 'it'gS! 3.~h5 <tIxf7+. In the key 'it>g6 line, the threat
EleS 4.Elfel (Vukovic instead of a queen trade requires ~g4, which
recommends 4.<tIdf3 <tIdS 5.<tIh4 <tId7? wins quickly after f5 because White can
[5 ... 'it>fS 6.<tIg6+ fxg6 7.i£yhS+ 'it'e7 safely retreat the queen to g3 or proceed
8.i£yxg7+ <tIf7 9.<tIxf7 'it'd7 IO.<tId6+ more actively with the en passant capture,
Ele7 11.i£yxg6±] 6.i£yh7+ 'it'f8 7.Elael when the <tIc3 again enters the position
[7.<tIg6+! fxg6 S.i£yhS+ 'it'e7 9.i£yxg7+ with force.
<tIf7 I O. i£yxf7 + 'it'dS Il.<tIxe6+ El xe6
I2.~xe6+- ] 4 ... 'it>f8 5.Ele3 <tIdS 6.Elf3 1.1txh7+ ~xh7 2.4)g5+ ~g6 2...'it'h6
<tIa4 7.Elbl when White succeeds with 3.<tIxf7+; 2 ... 'it'gS 3.~h5 ~d3
i£yh4 and by bringing in the <tId2 with 4.<tIce4 +- using the extra piece to
b3, bxc4, and <tIe4) . 3.'~g4!3.h4 'it'h6! recapture control over h7. 3. ~g4 3.h4
3 •.•f5 4. ~h4 Possible because Black's ~xdl 3 ..• f5 4.exf6! 4.~g3 ~eS
queen is off d8. White's powerful threat 5.<tIxe6+ 'it'f7 6.<tIc7 ~c6 7.<tIxaS <tIxaS
is 5.i£yh7+ 'it>xg5 with mate in two to S.Elfdl +- 4 .•• ~xf6 4 ... gxf6 5.<tIxe6+
follow. 4 ... 4)xe5 5.dxe5 ~xe5 5.4)ce4+ ~e5 5 ... 'it'g6 6.<tIxe6++-
6.4)df3 ~c7 7.Etael +- 6.f4+ ~d5 7.Etac1 mates most quickly.

(h) Vukovic, page 128 Vukovic created a single example to

illustrate that the 'it>h6 variation can also
8 be critical. One of the curiosities in his
7 book is that, in composing these
examples, Vukovic had the opportunity
to create fully sound pedagogy. In the
following example, he certainly makes
the point at a glance that the 'it'h6 line
3 is especially challenging when White,
2 in this case, does not have a dark-
square bishop and has a pawn on h4
abcdefgh blocking the ~g4-h4 maneuver. As will
soon be clear, he created the right
This final composition for the 'it'g6line impression, but the example itself is
is very similar to Capablanca-Molina ironically flawed. He acknowledges that
(Game 42). In that position, White's e- there is no forced win in the 'it'h6 line,
pawn was on e3. Here, with the <tIc3, it but he assures readers that there is a
represents an important additional promising attack. The line he suggests
asset. In the 'it>gS line, White is able to is unsound, and the best alternative
use the <tIc3 to prevent the black queen offers nothing more than a draw.

Sacking the Citadel

(i)Vukovic, page 129 ... 4Je7. (3.~d2 ~e7 4.4Jxe6+ 'itth7

5.4JxfB+ .§xfB= and Black is better
placed, says Vukovic, but the dynamic
equality here is the best that White can
hope to achieve.) 3 ... ~d7 4. ~d2 4.h5
f5-+ 4 ...g6-+

(j) Vukovic, page 130

Declining the Sacrifice

It is clear that Vukovic aimed to be

abc d e f g h comprehensive in his coverage. He was
the first to mention the notion that ltxh7
In this composition, White has only one could come without check and the first
additional asset, the e5-pawn. In the to mention that there might not even be
~gB line, White has the familiar mate in a pawn on h7. He then became the first
five. In the ~g6line, ~g4 and ~d3 both commentator to mention the possibility
provide White with promising, nearly of declining the sacrifice with ... 'itthB.
winning positions. The ~h6 line is the Normally, if the defender declines the
best choice for Black. VukoviC's sacrifice, the attacking side will simply
suggestion, 3.f4, fails quite rapidly. win a pawn. Says Vukovic: "The
White's best chance in the line is to attacker must therefore consider what
place the queen on the dark squares. will happen ifhis opponent plays ... 'itthB
and does not take the bishop."
1.~xh7+ CjfjIxh7 2.~g5+ CjfjIh6
In the ChessBase database, I have
2 ... ~gB 3.~h5 .§eB 4.~xf7+ ~hB
found a single example in which the
5.~h5+ ~gB 6.~h7+ ~f8 7.~hB+ ~e7
defender declines the sacrifice
B.~xg7#; 2 ... ~g6 and White wins
successfully. I could quibble about
easily, suggests Vukovic, though it is
whether the attacker must consider this
not so easy to work out, even with the possibility, but my real concern is that
pawn already on h4. 3. ~g4 (a) 3. ~d3+ the composed example does not
f5 (3 .. .'itth5 4.~h7+ ~g4 5.f3+ ~g3 actually make the point. Although the
6.4Je4+ dxe4 7.~xg7+ ~f4 [7 ... ~xh4 bishop on h7 appears to be trapped,
8.~g4#] B..§ael+-) 4.exf6+ (4.~g3
White still wins quite easily.
~d7 5.4Jxe6+ ~h7 6.4JxfB+ '§xfB=)
4 ... ~xf6 5 . .§ael ltcB 6 . .§e3 ~e7
7.~g6 ~eB 8.~xg7+ ~d6 9 ..§fel ~e7
lO ..§xe6+ Axe6 11..§xe6+ ~xe6
12.4Jxe6 ~xe6 13.~xc7±; (b) 3.h5+?
~xg5-+; 3 ... ~h6 (3 .. .f5 4.h5+ ~h6
5.4Jf7+ ~h7 6.~g6+ ~gB 7.4JxdB+-)
4.4Jxf7+ .§xf7 5.~xe6+ .§f6 6.exf6
~xf6 7.~xd5 ±). 3.f4 Recommended by
Vukovic as White's best chance to win
but Black has ... ~d7 -+ rather than hi~ abc d e f g h

The Art of Attack

1..1lxh7+ ~h8 2.~g5 ~xdl part to the presence of the Ag7 rather
3 ..§fxdl g6 And now, according to than a pawn. VukoviC's analysis of that
Vukovic, with the better prospects, line is complex and correct. He was the
owing to the threat of '3ilg7 and E1h8, first to discover the importance of
but White is clearly winning after 20.Af4! rather than 20.f4.
4 ..1le3 ~g7 4... E1c8 5.b4 ~g7 6.Axb6
axb6 7.E1d7 ~d5 8.a4 E1c7 9.E1xc7 tzJxc7 In the critical '3ilg6 line, however, he
10.a5 bxa5 11.E1xa5 f6 l2.exf6+ ~xf6 mysteriously abandons the principle
l3.h4 ~c6l4.E1a7 tzJd5 l5.tzJe4+ '3ile5 that two additional assets are required
l6.tzJc5 5.bxc4 ~xc4 5 ... bxc4 6.E1d4 for the sacrifice to succeed. He argues
Ad5 7.E1f4 tzJd7 8.Ad4 '3ilh6 9.Ae3 that White is able to overcome the
\ttg7 10.~d4= 6 . .1lc5 .§h8 7 . .§d7 normal deficiency because a bishop
.1ld5 8 •.§xf7+ ~h6 9.f4+- rather a pawn rests on g7. As a result,
White gains the important idea of tzJxe6
Vukovic concludes his chapter on the discovered check and the threat of a
Greco Sacrifice with an analysis of capture on g 7 of a bishop rather than a
several critical games. His ambition is pawn. That threat, suggests Vukovic,
evident in his selection, unarguable the gives White the opportunity to bring
most challenging sacrifices at his up the reserves with E1f1-el.
disposal. And in selecting these games,
he invites comparison with Znosko- As it turns out, Vukovic is both right,
Borovsky's earlier, shabby treatment. and wrong. With only the single
There are small and large mistakes in additional asset, the sacrifice does not
the analysis, but the fact is that Vukovic work owing to l7 ...'3ilg6 l8.~g4 f5
provides a powerful sense of the effort 19.~g3 E1g8!, a move that appears to
required to master the sacrifice. have eluded generations of
commentators. His analysis, painstaking
Kottnauer-Kotov 1946 (Game 95) as it was, contained flaws. But his
general insight, that at least two
8 additional assets are generally required
7 for the sacrifice to succeed, was right
6 on target.
Capablanca-MoJina, 1911 (Game 41)
Vukovic uses this game as an example
of a successful sacrifice despite the fact 3
that the attacking side has only one 2

additional asset, the dark-square Acl.

The \ttg8line is not trivial owing in large abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

Another ambitious game to annotate, impressed by the depth and

and here, VukoviC's analysis, with only sophistication ofthe game's variations.
one minor flaw, reaches the correct It is therefore difficult to understand
conclusion, that there is a loophole in VukoviC's point of view.
the 'it'g6 variation that Capablanca's
opponent failed to exploit. Vukovic Despite the game's complexities,
emphasizes that White has only one Vukovic insists that two of the
supporting piece, and a weak one at variations are unsound, and he uses the
that, the <£Jc3. Vukovic found Black's game as an illustration of a sacrifice that
draw with 15 .. .f4, and had only one is not correct. Although there are two
unjustified observation in the line with supporting assets, the ~el and the
15 ... 'it'f6 that N unn corrects in the dark-square bishop, Vukovic suggests
algebraic edition. A significant that the verdict of an unsound sacrifice
improvement over the coverage by ought to have been immediately
Znosko-Borowski and an impressive job apparent, with the <£Jd7 ready to defend
byVukovic! at f6, the lack ofa pawn on e5, with the
rook on e8 saving a key tempo in the
CoUe-O'Hanlon, Nice 1930 (Game 62) ~g8 line, and with Black unable to
prevent White from occupying the g-
file in the ~g6Iine.

Once again, there are again serious flaws

in VukoviC's analysis, but as I discuss
in chapter 6, I agree that with him that
Colle's sacrifice was ultimately
unsound. And in chapter 5, I build on
what was apparent in Vukovic's thinking
about this game, that additional assets
abc d e f g h are required to overcome key positional
Vukovic begins his harsh discussion of
Colle's effort by stating that, while some The Greco Sacrifice with a pawn on h4
have come to name the sacrifice after and a rook on the h-file
Colle in honor of this game, there is no
such justification "as Colle never played Vukovic concludes his discussion
a good game which contained the about the Greco Sacrifice towards the
sacrifice ... " end of his next chapter on ranks, files,
and diagonals in the attack on the
"A great lover of the classic sacrifice, castled king.
Colle here too is unable to control his
temperamental passion for sacrifice ... " In these variations, he adds, the pawn
on h4 acts as a support for the <£Jg5. He
One may quibble about whether the provides two games in which the h-file
game truly deserved the Brilliancy Prize opens up as part of the attack.
at Nice, but all readers will be duly

The Art of Attack

I include here the first of the two, and h6, the 'it'g6 line fails quickly to
Steinitz-Galmayo, Havana, 1888 because 11.~d3 .§.hS (to prevent mate on f7)
the classic Greco Sacrifice did not 12A~xf7+ winning the queen. The
actually occur and the actual game, challenge is the 'ot>g6 line, the reason
which involves a knight sacrifice on g5 that Steinitz rejected the sacrifice. After
prior to a .llxh7+ sacrifice, does not 11.~d3+ f5, Steinitz saw that there was
appear in the games section. no win after the discovery with
12.4Jxe6+, but White wins quickly with
(k) Steinitz-Golmayo Zupide the usual 12.~g3 when a somewhat
French Defense [C 11] patient buildup pounds Black into
Havana 1888 submission.

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.e5 With but one analytical mistake which
4)fd7 5.f4 c5 6.dxc5 Jl.xc5 7.4)f3 0- Nunn addresses, Vukovic's analysis is
08.Ad34)c6 correct. But this game remains a strange
example to show offthe importance of
h4 in protecting the 4Jg5 and in opening
the h-file, when indeed, h4 is not
required at all and the 4Jg5 and its
capture precede the sacrifice on h7.

2 . .llxh7+ 'ot>xh7 10.4Jg5+ 'ot>g6! (a)

10 ... 'ot>gS 11.'l1Yh5+- .§.eS 12.'l1Yxf7+
'it'hS 13.'l1Yh5+ 'ot>gS 14.'l1Yh7+ 'ot>fS
15.~hS+ 'ot>e716.'l1Yxg7#; (b) 1O ... 'ot>h6
abc d e f g h 11.~d3 (11.~g4+-) 11.. . .§.hS
(11...~xg5 12.fxg5+ 'it'h5 13.~h7+
In this game, Steinitz, apparently 'it'g4 14.'l1Yh3 #) 12.4Jxf7+) 1 1. 'l1Yd3 + f5
believing that the Greco Sacrifice was 12.~g3 (According to Vukovic, Steinitz
flawed, prepared it with h4 rather than rejected the Greco Sacrifice because he
executing it immediately. Intent on saw only 12.4Jxe6? and concluded that
giving an example with h4, Vukovic itdoesnotwork.12 ... ~h4+ [12 ... ~a5!
does not dwell on the immediate the move that Steinitz apparently feared
sacrifice itself, save to correct Steinitz's leads to a win for White. 13 ..lld2 is an
beliefs and to note that the sacrifice improvement over the immediate
works. 13.4JxfS. 13 ... 4Jb4 14.~g3+ 'it'f7
15.4Jg5+ 'ot>eS 16.4Jxd5 +-]13.g3 'l1Yh3
And well it should. White has 14.'l1Yxd5 .§.eS15.4Jxc5 4Jcxe516.4Jxd7
additional assets in the e5-pawn, the 4Jxd7+ 17.'ot>f2 4Jf6 lS.'l1Ydl 4Jg4+
dark-square bishop, and the knight on 19.'ot>f3 b6+) 12 ... 'l1Ya5 (12 ... ~eS
c3. In the 'ot>gS line, the the presence of 13.4Jxe6++- 'it'f7 14.4Jxg7! - Nunn-
the rook on the fS escape square [14.4Jc7 ~dS 15.4JxaS+- Vukovic]
enables the customary mate in five. 14 ... .§.gS 15.4JxeS .§.xg3 16.e6+ 'ot>xeS
Even though the dark-square bishop 17.exd7++-) 13.h4 4Je7 14 ..lld2! (a)
does not have immediate sway over g5 14.4Jxe6+ 'it'f7 15 . .lld2 .llb4

Sacking the Citadel

(15 ... ~xe616.4Je4 fxe417.~xa5 4Jxe5 This more helpful example of the
18.fxe5 ~f2+ 19.'l?xf2 .§.xf2 20.'it'xf2 sacrifice with h4 "is correct," says
b6 2Ulc3±) 16.4JxfB=; (b) 14.h5++- Vukovi6, "even though it demands
~h615.4Jxe6'§'f716.'l?g5+ ~h717.h6 extreme precise and high quality play
g6 IB.'l?h4 ~hB 19.4Jg5 .§.fB 20.e6 d4 from the attacker." White can rely upon
21.~d2+- 14 ... 'l?a6 15.4Jxe6+ ~f7 three assets, the e5-pawn, the 4Jc3, and
16.4Jc7+- h4-pawn since the .§.hl joins the attack
after captures on g5. And by castling
9.h4f610..£lg5fxg5 queenside, the .§.dl can also enter the
fray usefully. But the sacrifice requires
great care in the 'it'gBline because Black
has already created the fB escape
square. Vukovi6 somewhat unfairly
critiques Alekhine's play, offering an
impressive improvement, but the real
story in his notes is the depth of his
annotations. Many of these sacrifices
are indeed complex, but players of every
level will benefit from the intuitive nature
abc d e f g h of his approach and the certainty that
great care is often required.
1l.j',txh7+ ~xh7 12.hxg5+ ~g8
13.~h5 .£ldxe514.fxe5 !U515.g4 Overall, Vukovi6 produced a
§,xe5+ 16.~dlj',te317.j',txe3 §,xe3 pathbreaking taxonomy with helpful
18..£lh5 §,f3 19.96 ~f8 20.~h8+ coverage of most lines. He was
~e7 21.~xg7+ 1-0 dedicated to useful pedagogy and in-
depth analysis. Nunn corrects many,
Alekhine-Asgeirsson, Reykjavik, though by no means all of the mistakes.
1931 (Game 65) Despite the analytical errors, the whole
book will remain a classic for
generations to come.

abc d e f g h

Chapter 5

Contemporary Theory

Chapters two, three, and four rare cases, an over-loaded 4Jf6

summarized historic efforts by Edwin will also defend the h7-pawn;
Voellmy, Eugene Znosko-Borovsky, and • The sacrifice is almost always
Vladimir Vukovic, to explain the Greco accepted. Declining it costs a
Sacrifice. Their efforts and tournament pawn and the attack can often
experiences over the past century make proceed with 4Jg5.
it possible now to attempt a more
comprehensive taxonomy. This chapter .£\g5+
examines all ofthe main lines with both
simple and more complex examples as • The white knight will almost
well as additional illustrative games and always move from f3, but other
squares are possible.
relevant references to the games in this
For purposes of discussion, I refer to
• The queen will usually have
the sacrifice on h7 only. Of course, the access to a square that can
sacrifice is often carried out by Black reach h7, preferably h5, but
on h2. also including h3, h4, bI, c2,
The Greco Sacrifice relies primarily • When possible, playing ~h5
upon three pieces: before 4Jg5 forces the black
king back to g8, eliminating
Axh7 other options usually available
to the defender.
• White's light-square bishop
captures the black h7-pawn,
A brief note on pawn structure: Most
almost always with check, of the games, a clear majority, involve a
usually from d3 but pristine defensive pawn structure with
occasionally from other pawns on f7, g7, and h7. But the
squares along the b I-h7 sacrifice occurs successfully against a
diagonal; variety of structures, notably black
• There is no requirement that pawns on f6 rather than f7, a bishop
there actually be a black pawn rather than a pawn on g7, as well as the
on h7, but it is almost always absence of f- and g-pawns.
• The h7-square is defended In response to the 4Jg5 check, Black
only by the black king. In very has five possible responses, all of which
are discussed within this chapter:

Sacking the Citadel

'it'gS; '.t'g6; '.t'h6; 'it'hS; Capturing the 1.Jlxh7+~xh72.4)g5+~g83.~h5

knight - with a dark-square bishop, the
queen, or with an f- pawn. 8
To succeed, as we learned from Vukovic,
the attacking side will usually need at
least two additional assets beyond the
light-square bishop that captures on h7, 4
the knight that reaches g5, and the 3
queen. Generally, the more challenging 2
the defense, the more additional assets
will be required to succeed. The final abc d e f g h
section of this chapter provides a
survey of additional assets and more
With the obvious threat of ~h7#.
specific conclusions regarding the
3 ... §eS creating an escape square on
situations that require them.
f8 for the king. Should the white queen
now capture on f7 or deliver check on
h7? 4. ~xf7+1 Launching a checkmate
After 1.~xh7 '.t'xh7 2.<£\g5, the defender in five. (4.~h7+ 'it'fS 5.~hS+ 'it'e7
may find some immediate comfort in the 6.Yffxg7 when Black can defend f7 with
'.t'gS retreat because the king regains §f8 or continue to run the king towards
some degree of safety behind the re- the queenside with ... 'it'd7). 4 ••• ~h8
maining kings ide pawns. In the 'it'gS 5.~h5+ ~g8 6.~h7+ ~f8 7.~h8+
line, White will almost always move the ~e78.~xg7#
queen to attack the h7-square. Ifavail-
able, White's best move is almost al- 8
ways 3.'l1i'h5 where the queen will at- 7
tack both the h7- and f7-squares. The
double attack is often the key to the
success ofthe attack in this line because
the defender can often defend one but 4
not both of the squares. 3
The basic checkmate
abc d e f g h
7 The obvious point, first noted by
6 Voellmy, is that the checkmate is enabled
5 by White's asset on e5, which controls
4 the d6 escape square, and the presence
3 of the white queen on d8.
Two additional assets were required for
success. The e5-pawn controlled the
abc d e f g h escape square on d6 and White's dark-

Contemporary Theory

square bishop defended the 4Jg5, A defender blocks the escape route
discouraging Black from playing ~xg5.
This basic mate appears in many games 7
within this volume. It appears, often as 6
a rejected line, in games 141, 148 (with a 5
black piece blocking the d6-escape
square), 168, 192,234,240,258 (with
White's dark-square bishop controlling
d6), 259, and 264.

Even when this "mating" combination abc d e f g h

does not lead to an immediate mate
because one of the d6 or d8 escape Here, the Ae8 covers f7 but more
squares is vacant, it still can expose the importantly blocks the retreat by the
king to a scintillating attack. For such rook. 1.Jlxh7+ 'i!}xh7 2 ..£jg5+ 'i!}g8
examples,seegames 149, 154, 159, 167, 3.~h5 when Black must sacrifice the
211,220,250,251, 256, 257,260,267,270, queen to prevent the mate in one.
and 273.
8 7
7 6
6 5
5 4
4 3
3 2

abc d e f g h
abc d e f g h
Here, the queen is off d8, protecting the Here, the rook can run, but the ~e7
f7-pawn, but White still prevails by blocks the escape path. 1.Jlxh7+
activating the dark-square bishop on a3 'i!}xh7 2 . .£jg5+ 'i!}g8 3.~h5 Eld8
where it covers the f8 escape square. 4.~h7+ 'i!}f8 5.~h8*
1.Jlxh7+ 'i!}xh7 2..£jg5+ 'i!}g8 3.~h5
Eld8 4.Jla3! when Black can only delay For other examples of blocked escapes
the mate by sacrificing the major pieces. leading to quick checkmates in the ~g8
line, see games 182, 185, 198,216,223,
243,248,253, and 306.

Sacking the Citadel

Defending with tl/c7 The defender can shut down the attack
if ... 4::If6 is playable. White has only one
8 additional asset here, the dark-square
7 bishop. The absence of the e5-pawn is
6 sorely felt. 1 ..1lxh7+ ~xh7 2.~g5+
~g8 3. tl/h5 Once again, the white
queen enters with attacks upon h7 and
t7. Here's however, the ~f8 need not
leave its defense of t7. 3 ... ~f6. The
attack is over. To overcome this
defense, White would need a rook on
abc d e f g h an open f-file or to be able to capture
on f6 with a knight or with the dark-
The defense can succeed when a queen square bishop.
or rook defends the t7-pawn laterally.
Here, the black queen is already For examples of defending with ... 4::If6,
defending f7 when the white queen see games 187, 199, 213, and 233.
arrives on h5. As a result, the ~f8 can
create a escape square without allowing Defending with ... ~f8
~xt7. 1..1lxh7+ ~xh7 2.~g5+ ~g8 Elb8. White's only entry into
the position is now on h7. 7
can choose between running the king 6
to the queens ide and further defending 5
the f-pawn. 6 ••• Elf8 Even here, White 4
may have an edge in the endgame ifhe 3
is able to push aggressively the 2
kingside pawns.

For examples of the ~c7 defense, see abc d e f g h

games 152, 155, 173,206,212,269,290,
and 295. Here, the rook is already off f8. White
has an e5-pawn preventing the black
Defending with ••• ~f6 knight from returning to f6, but the
knight can also defend well from f8.
8 1..1lxh7+ ~xh7 2.~g5+ ~g8
~f8 Of course, White can still enter
the position here on t7. If the black rook
were off f8 and the queen or rook
defended f7, White would need
substantial additional forces to prevail.
3 4.~xt7+ ~h8 White can draw trivially
2 here with a perpetual checK. With an
additional rook swing to h3, White
abc d e f g h would quickly prevail. Black, in turn,

Contemporary Theory

hopes to end the attack with ... '«rd7 or

".'«re7. 8
For examples of...4::\f8, see games 158, 6
228,252,268, and 292. 5
Defending with JUS
d6 diagonal. With additional assets, for
example a 4::\c3 and ~el to block the
3 queen's on e4, the attacking side can
2 often overcome such resistance.
1.Jlxh7+ Cifi'xh7 2..£JgS+ Cifi'gS 3.~hS
abc d e f g h ~d3 when now, to win quickly, White
would need to block the queen's reach
Here, a small change makes a huge toh7.
difference. Black's light-square bishop
is not blocked by the e6-pawn and has For examples in which Black defends
easy access to the key b I-h7 diagonal. by placing the queen on the bl-h7
Black has excellent chances to hold in diagonal, see games 135, 161, 165,214,
the <;!;>g8 line when a bishop or queen 224,229,239,277,297, and 304.
can reach f5 or another square along
the key diagonal. 1.Jlxh7+ Cifi'xh7 Attacking with an active rook and dark-
2 . .£JgS+ Cifi'g8 3. ~hS 3. '«rd3 The square bishop
attacking side can prevent ".Af5 at a
price, because the '«rd3 attacks h7 but 8
not also n. 3".g6 Black can therefore 7
simply prevent the mate threat on h7. 6
4.'«rh3 and another advantage of the 5
~c8 is that it prevents movement to the
h3-square. 4".Axh3 3 •.• JlfS stymieing
the attack.

For examples of defending by placing

the bishop on the bl-h7 diagonal, see abc d e f g h
games 151, 194,231,246, and 266.
The pattern is different when White has
Defending with ~d3 an active rook rather than an e5-pawn.
1.Jlxh7+ Cifi'xh7 2..£JgS+ Cifi'gS 3.~hS
In this case, Black defends with 5". ~d3 Once again, the queen reaches h5 with
again reaching the key bl- attacks upon f7 and h7. 3 ••• E!e8

Sacking the Citadel

4"~xf7+ ~h8 White does not have For games in the 'it'g8 involving a €Je7,
the usual mate in five because the e5- see games 160, 162, 164, 178, 200, 204,
pawn is not there to cover the d6 escape 205,249,255,262,278,296,302, and 305.
square. 5.E!e3 So the rook enters the
fray, threatening Elh3 "". Black has knights on e7 and d7

For examples of rook swings in the 'it'g8 8

line, see games 138,210,218,280,294, 7
298, and 304. 6
~e7 with protection on e6 4
8 2
abc d e f g h
4 With knights on both e7 and d7, White
3 can take advantage of the fact that the
2 Jlc8 no longer defends e6 to capture
that pawn with €Jxe6, threatening both
the queen and checkmate on g7.
abc d e f g h
1..1l,xh7+ ~xh7 2.~g5+ ~g8 3.~h5
E!e8 4. ~xf7+ ~h8 5.~ xe6 when
As Voellmy pointed out first in 1911, the
Black can stave off an immediate mate
attack changes when Black has a knight
by sacrificing the queen with ... €Jf5.
on e7. 1 ..1l,xh7+ ~xh7 2.~g5+ ~g8
3. ~h5 again entering the attack with
For relevant examples, see games 190,
additional pressure on both fl and h7.
226, and 271.
3 ... E!e8 4.~h7+ Often with the €Je7,
White should enter on h7 rather than
When the queen cannot reach h5
fl. The following variation should be
part of every attacker's arsenal. 'i:i'fxfl is
thought to be a mistake because White, 8
without any additional assets in the 7
position, may have to settle for a 6
perpetual check. In reality, 'i:i'ffl often 5
works too, so long as there are 4
additional assets. A rook swing might 3
deliver mate on the h-file, or even here,
bringing the Jlc1-a3 with its pin of the
€Je7 will often be enough. 4.'i:i'fxf7+
'it'h8 5.'i:i'fh5+ 'it'g8 6.'i:i'fh7+ 'it'f8 7.'i:i'fh8+ abcdefgh
€Jg8 8.€Jh7+ 'it'f7. 4 ••• ~f8 5.~h8+
~g8 6.~h7+ ~e7 7.Ag5+ f67 ... €Jf6 Here, the white queen does not have
8.'i:i'fxg7 'it'd7 9.€Jxf6+; 7 ... 'it'd7 8..llxd8 immediate access to the key h5-square.
8.~xg7# 1.Axh7+ ~xh7 2.~g5+ ~g8 3.~h3

Contemporary Theory

The queen can still reach the h-file, but White has four additional assets, the
at h3, where it attacks h7 but not also e5-pawn, the dark-square bishop, the
f7. 3 ... E!eS-Black can therefore create 4Jd2, and the §eI. Nonethless, Black's
an escape square on f8 without having bishops are very active and Black has a
to wony about ~xf7. 4. ~h7+ ~f8 and significant counter attack on the white
although there is no quick mate, White center. 15.Axh7+ ~xh7 16..£)g5+
may still sustain an attack with ideas ~g8 Selecting the wrong line. Black
like ~h8-g7 or ~h5 and 4Jh7-f6 or with survives in the ~g6 line owing to his
the assistance of additional assets. development and especially the
connected rooks, which support §h8.
There are many examples in the book of 16 ... ~g6! 17.h4 §h8 18.~g4 f5
attacking queens that cannot reach h5 19.exf6 .llxf2+. Sacrificing back the
directly. For examples of the queen material in order to re-post the queen
entering on h3, see games 145, 150,203, on f5. 20.~xf2 ~c5+ 2I.~f1 ~f5+
215,245,265, and 275. For examples ofthe 22.~xf5+ 4Jxf5 23.fxg7 §xh4 24.4Jxe6
queen reaching h4, see games 146, 147, 4Jxg7 25.4Jxg7 §hl + 26.~f2 §xel
163,177,188,197,201,279,303. The white 27.~xel ~xg7 28.4Jf3;1;. 17.~h5
queen may also need to attack from d3, Axf2+ A common theme, sacrificing a
occasionally just to prevent the defender piece in order to reach the key bl-a7
from reaching the bl-h7 diagonal. diagonal. 18.~hl ~c2 Reaching the
Examples are games 157, 170, 181, 183, 191, diagonal, but White's additional assets
202,235,254,263,299, and 300. are able to block the queen's reach to
h7. 19•.£)de4 Axe4 20.E!xe4 and the
Gleizerov - Ganguly ~h5 covers the dl square. 20 ••• E!fc8
Calcutta 1999 21.~xf7+ ~h8 22.~h5+ ~g8
Queen's Gambit Accepted [026] 23.Ae3 A beautiful move, protecting
c1 and inviting the capture on e3 when
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e3 .£)f6 4.Axc4 §h4 decides. 23 ••• .£)f5 23 ... .llxe3
e6 5..£)f3 c5 6. ~e2 a6 7.dxc5 Axc5 24.~f7+ ~h8 25.§h4+ ~h7 26.§xh7#
8.0-0 0-0 9.e4 b5 10.Ab3 Ab7 24.~h7+ ~f8 25.~g6 .£)xe5
1l..£)bd2 ~c712.e5 .£)fd713.E!el 26.~xe61-0
.£)c614.Ac2 .£)e7
Radu - Bondoc
8 Bucharest 2007
7 Sicilian Defense [B22]
1.e4 c5 2.c3 .£)f6 3.e5 .£)d5 4.d4
cxd4 5.cxd4 e6 6 ..£)c3 d6 7.exd6
Axd6 8 •.£)f3 0-0 9.Ad3 .£)c6 (D)
2 Il~f~.~~~J,~'Y~~~~~'~1 White has two additional assets, the
4Jc3 and the dark-square bishop, but
abcdefgh the real story is that Black can trivially

Sacking the Citadel

15.~h4e516..£Jd2 Black is better, but

8 both parties agreed to a draw. ~-~
6 In several games within this collection,
5 the defender forces a knight back to the
f6-square, sacrificing one so that the
second can defend. See games 171, 227,
228, and 244.

The 'ifjlg6line
In the 'itJg6 line, Black, often in
bring the 4Jd5-f6. 10.Axh7+ 'ifjlxh7 recognition that other alternatives are
l1.l~)g5+ 'ifjlg812. ~h5 .£Jf6 With one hopeless, boldly brings his king in front
move, White's attack has ended. 0-1 of the kingside pawns. It is not
surprising that Voellmy and Znosko-
Valickova - Stodolova Borovsky both concluded that the
Alekhine's Defense [B03] entire 'itJg6 line was simply too
Czechia 2001 dangerous to play. When they wrote,
they focused upon two alternatives for
1.e4 .£Jf6 2.e5 .£Jd5 3.d4 d6 4.Ac4
White, ~g4 and ~d3+. Vukovic added
e6 5.~e2 dxe5 6.dxe5 Jl.c5 7 ..£Jf3
analysis of a third alternative, h4 with
c6 8.0-0 0-0 9.c3 .£Jd710.Ad3 ~c7
White has two additional assets, the e5- the idea ofh5+. The reality is that White
pawn and the dark-square bishop, but has six variations for the attacking
Black has a counter-attack on the center arsenal.
and both knights are poised to retake
the f6-square. • ~g4, the traditional option,
provides protection for the
8 4Jg5 and threatens a
discovered check that can
decimate the defender.
• ~d3+ offers no immediate
protection for the knight, but
the check is annoying and
3 substantially limits the
2 defender's options.
• h4 provides useful support for
abc d e f g h the 4Jg5 and, when played with
a dark-square bishop, often
11.Axh7+ 'ifjlxh712 ..£Jg5+ 'ifjlg8 By threatens h5+ forcing the
far the best line for Black. 12 ... ~g6 ~g6-h6 where it will
13.'~e4+ f514.exf6+ ~xf615.~xe6#. encounter a devastating
13.~h5 .£J5f6 Giving back a piece to discovered check- from the
prevent the mate. 14.exf6 .£Jxf6 4Jg5.

Contemporary Theory

• Rook swings to g3 threaten

discovered checks, and an
immediate fih3, when
available, threatens i£fh5+.
• f5+ pries open the f-file and
the diagonal for the dark-
square bishop, but more
importantly opens the f4-
square for .t\e2-f4. At first glance, it appears that White
• .t\g3, or .t\fl-g3, which must have a forced win here. The queen
supports i£fh5+. covers f5, g5, and h5. The e5-pawn
covers the f6-square. The .t\g5 covers
The sections on each move will help f7 and h7. And White will often have a
you to determine the situations in dark-square bishop to discourage 'i11h6.
which each of the moves is optimal. And even without the dark-square
White often prevails in this variation bishop, 'i11h6 will now meet an
and indeed, there are many situations immediate i£fh4-h7 when Black will often
in which more than one move will win. walk into a mating net after 'i11xg5.
But the 'i11g6 line is by no means a walk
in the park. A substantial amount of For the moment, and often for quite a
experience is needed. while, the black king simply cannot
safely move and White has an
... ~g6, White plays ~g4 aggressive plan, .t\g5xe6 with a
discovered check that hits the fifS, the
i£fg4 has always seemed the most g7-square (which usually contains a
natural response to ... 'i11g6. Down a pawn but on rare occasions a bishop),
piece, the i£fg4 has many positive and from time to time the i£fdS. Other
features: discovered checks are also possible,
and so the defender must carefully keep
• It adds protection to the .t\g5; loose pieces and the queen from
• It immediately limits the squares such as c5 and c7.
defenders options;
• It threatens a discovered How can Black defend successfully
check that will win at least a once the queen reaches g4? One key is
rook and sometimes a queen; whether the e5-pawn is defended. An
• When the black rook is not on immediate .t\xe5 can fully disrupt
h8, the i£fg4 can move to h4 White's attack. Black may be able to
with the idea of i£fh7 # . force a knight back to the f6-square.
Black may have control over g3 making
Here's the basic position after i£fg4. it impossible for White to sustain the
queen on the g-file after .. .f5. And Black
may be able to defend with .. .f6, forcing
the .t\g5 to commit to a discovered
check before White has an opportunity

Sacking the Citadel

to bring other assets to bear. Note that A simple example. White has a secure
4Jxe6, when it nets only the ~fS, is often e5-pawn and the dark-square bishop as
insufficient for White to achieve a additional assets. Note that Black's .>lb7
sustainable initiative. no longer defends the e6-pawn, a
significant target if Black defends by
The advance of the f-pawn to f5 is the advancing the f-pawn. 1 . .1lxh7+
most frequent response to ~g4. With <it'xh7 2.4)g5+ <it'g6 2 ... ~g8 3.~h5
the ~g4 en prise, White, unless there ~e8 4:~h7+ \ftfS 5.'l11h8+ 4Jg86.4Jh7+
is an immediate check or checkmate on '!)e7 7.,ilg5+ 4Jf6 8.~xg7 +- 3. ~g4
e6 (~xe6), must either capture the pawn 3.~d3+ f5 4.4Jxe6 (4.e xf6+ \ftxf6
on f6, giving the black king some air, or 5.~f3+ 4Jf5) 4 ... ~e8 5.4Jxf8+ ~xfS
move the queen. When possible, a 3 ... f5 3 ... f6 4.4Jxe6+ Note that the
retreat to g3 preserves a discovered knight would be walking into a self-pin
check by the knight. When the black if the .>lb7 were instead on e8. 4.exf6
~f8 cannot be anchored on h8, ~g4- Had the e6-pawn been far better
h4 is another powerful idea, aiming for defended, White would have
~h7 and a thematic mate if the 4Jg5 is considered the retreat with ~g3 to
defended and an interesting mating net sustain the threat of a discovered
if the black king captures an check. 4 ... <it'xf6 4 ... gxf6 5.4Jxe6++-
undefended 4Jg5. 5.~xe6# It is not common for strong
players to fall into this checkmate. Of
Black's other option, an immediate .. .f6, course, when Black defends the e6-
is a useful resource when the black pawn, White can add ~el to pressure
queen is not reachable by a discovered the pawn further.
check from the 4Jg5. The advance to f6
has the merit of forcing the action and For other examples of the mate, or
eliminating the discovered check, which pressure from a rook on e6, see games
after .. .f5 might otherwise remain as a 161,232,246, and 302.
resource awaiting the arrival of
additional forces. The importance off6

The basics of~g4

1...f5 The typical reaction to ~g4.
2. ~g3 White is able to maintain the
queen on the file and the threat of
4Jxe6+. 2 ... §h8 A horr!ble move,
abc d e f g h removing the rook from its needed
defense of the f6-square. 3.4)xe6+

Contemporary Theory

~f7 Avoiding the mates after 'ttYxg7. piece, the<£lgS.17 ••• ~xg518.h4+The
4. 't\'xg7+ A key to the 'ttYg4 variation. mating net varies with the assets at
The <£Ie6 supports this capture, which White's disposal. In many of these
is more powerful still in rare positions positions, White can profitably play
when Black has a bishop rather than a i*xg7(+). 18 ••• ~g4 19.£3+ ~g3
pawn ong7. 4 ••• ~xe6 5.'t\'f6* 2O.'t\'h5+-

Thedangerof~x~e6 For relevant examples, see games 167,

169, 173,200,206,227,248,256,266,and
8 271.
6 't\'g4 without an e5-pawn
abc d e f g h
Even when the rook remains on fB, if 2

can still be very dangerous for Black to

capture the <£Ie6. 1.~ xe6+ ~f7 abc d e f g h
2.'t\'xg7+ ~xe6 2 ... '<t>eB 3.'ttYxfB#
3.~d4* Even without an eS-pawn, 'ttYg4 can
prevail. White relies here on the dark-
Sacrificing the ~g5 square bishop and §.fel as the
additional assets in the position.
8 I.Jlxh7+ ~xh7 2.~g5+ ~g6 3.'t\'g4
7 f5 4.'t\'g3 Maintaining the queen on the
6 g-file. 4 ••• f4 4 ... i*cB S.<£Ixe6+ '<t>f7
6.i*xg7+ '<t>xe6 7.§.el + '<t>d6 B.i*h6+
'<t>c7 9 ..1lf4+ 5.'t\'g4 Jlc8 S ... i*cB
6.<£Ixe6+ '<t>f7 (6 ... '<t>f6 7.§.el g6
B.i*h4+ '<t>f7 9.'ttYh7+ '<t>eBIO.<£IxfB+-)
7.i*xg7+ 'it'xe6 (7 ... 'it'eB B.i*xfB++-)
B.§.el+ '<t>d6 (B ... '<t>fS 9.§.eS #)
abcdefgh 9.i*xe7++-; S...'<t>f6 6.§.el.1lcB 7 ..1lxf4
<£IfS B.<£Ixe6 .1lxe6 9 ..1lgS++- 6.§el
Here, after .. .fS, White should play 'ttYh4- ~f6 Even though the eS-pawn is not
h7 because the black rook cannot reach present to prevent this retreat, the king
the hB-square. It is generally wise to move does encourage the.1lc1 to reach
consider this maneuver when the §.hB gS. 7.Jlxf4 ~f5 7 ... eS 8..1lxeS+ 'it'g6
cannot be anchored. 16. 't\'h4 f4 9.<£Ie6+ '<t>f7 lO.i*xg7+ ~xe6
17. 't\'h7+ Sacrificing an additional 1l.J1c7++- 8.~xe6 and the threat of

Sacking the Citadel

~gS is more important than the knight. obvious problem is that ii:l'g4 is not
8 ... Axe69.Ag5+ check, giving Black an opportunity to
capture on d4. 3 ..• ~xd4 Hitting the
For other examples, see games 138, 190, ~g4 as well as the eS-pawn. 4. ~g3
211,258,278, and281. f51 4 ... ii:l'xeS S.~f4 ii:l'fS 6.<£\xe6+ \!tf6
7.ii:l'xg7+ ~xe6 8..§.ael + .£leeS 9.~xeS
~g4 can fail to ••• 4) xe5 .£lxeS 1O.f4+- 5.4)xe6+ Check, and
attacking the ii:l'd4. 5 ••• ~g4= White's
8 attack is over. .£lxf8 will not sustain the
7 initiative.
~g4 can fail if Black controls g3
abc d e f g h

The undefended eS-pawn by itself need 3

not discourage the sacrifice, but here, 2

Black can control both g4 and g3.

1.-'txh7+ ~xh7 2.4)g5+ ~g6 3. ~g4 abcdefgh
More common, without the eS-pawn,
For examples, see games 141, 168,223, Black's dark-square bishop controls g3.
259, and 289. 1.-'txh7+ ~xh7 2.4)g5+ ~g6 3.~g4
f5 -+ and White cannot capture the f-
~g4 can fail to ~xd4 pawn en passant.

8 For examples, see games 149, 153, 188,

7 240,244,262,268,282, and 292 .•
Black forces a knight to f6
abc d e f g h

Black has two obvious attacks upon the 3

d4-pawn, which will become vulnerable 2

once the <£\f3 moves to gS. 1.Axh7+

~xh7 2.4)g5+ ~g6 3.~g4 The abc d e f g h

Contemporary Theory

White initiates the sacrifice with only

the e5-pawn as an additional asset, and 8
Black can -force a knight back to f6. 7
1.Axh7+ 'iflxh7 2.4)g5+ 'iflg6 3.~g4 6
4)5f6 The move obviously returns a 5
piece, but it foils White's hope to retain
the queen on the g-file. 4.exf6 4) xf6
5.~g3 4)h5 6. ~g4 4)f6=

For an example, see game 171.

abc d e f g h
Phanthomas2004 - Mertens 2004 12...f513.~g3 ~e814.4)e2 A knight
Owen's Defense [A40] that can reach f4 is a very useful asset
in this line. 1-0
l.d4 e6 2.4)f3 b6 3.Ag5 Ae7
4.Axe7 4) xe7 5.e3 0-0 6.Ad3 Ab7 Chow-Yeten
7.0-0 d6 8.Axh7+ 'iflxh7 9.4)g5+ Queenstown 2009
'iflg610.~g4 Queen's Gambit [D06]

8 1.d4 d5 2.c4 4)f6 3.cxd5 ~xd5

4.4)c3 ~a5 5.4)0 e6 6.Ad2 AM
7 Ir"':~.,.r":~" . ...:r. 7.e4 0-0 8.Ad3 c6 9.e5 4)d5
10.Axh7+ 'iflxh7 1l.4)g5+ 'iflg6
abc d e f g h 5
10••• 'iflf6 Trying to take advantage of
the absence of a pawn on e5.
1l.4)h7 # Don't letthis happen to you.
abc d e f g h
Freyberg - Koeppe
Germany 200 1 12 •.•f5 13. ~h4 The .§.f8 cannot safely
Caro-Kann Defense [BI2] move to h8. 13•.• f414.~h7+ 'iflxg5
15.4)e4+ 15.h4+ ~g4 16.~g6#;
1.e4 d5 2.d4 c6 3.e5 e6 4.4)f3 c5 5.c3 15 ..£\e4+ ~g4 16.h3# 1-0 16.f3#;
4)c6 6.Ad3 cxd4 7.cxd4 Ab4+ 16.~h3#
8.4)c3 4)ge7 9.0-0 0-0 10.Axh7+
'iflxh711.4)g5+ 'iflg612. ~g4

Sacking the Citadel

Lednicky - Seben else return to g6, when ~h7 is

Slovakia 2001 checkmate if the knight defended or will
French Defense [C 19] force the capture of the 4::lg5. It is also
e.vident that the e5-pawn, as in the ~g4
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.1~c3 .1lb4 4.e5 c5 Ime, plays a key role in controlling f6.
5.a3 .1lxc3+ 6.bxc3 J£\c6 7.J£\f3
J£\ge7 8 . .1ld3 .1ld7 9.0-0 0-0
10..1lxh7+ ~xh7 1l.J£\g5+ ~g6

~g3 ~d3+

The practical result is that Black's

options are also quite limited after
~d3+. If the king is unable to capture
the 4::lg5, usually because White has a
abc d e f g h
dark-square bishop on the c1-h6
diagonal or because ~xg5 leads to
12...f513.~g3 ~a5 13 .. .f4 14.~g4
mate, Black will have three choices.
~c7 15 ..Ilxf4+- 14.h4 E!h8? Fatally
~g6-h6 will meet ~h7 checkmate. 'it'h5
weakening the f6-square. 15.J£\xe6+
will meet a mate in two, with ~h3-h7 or
~f7 15 ... ~h7 16.~xg7#; 15 ... ~h5
16.4::lxg7# 16.~xg7+ ~xe6 16... 'it'e8
17.~xh8++- 17.~f6# 1-0
In almost all ofthe games, Black has no
choice therefore but to play .. .f5. Note
••. ~g6, White plays ~d3
that unlike ~g4, Black loses the option
here of playing .. .f6 because the king is
~d3 is often given as an alternative to
in check. After .. .f5, White has several
~g4 without a great deal of comment.
pleasant options:
Unlike ~g4, in the left fragment below,
~d3 places the 'it'g6 in check. As a
result, the defender must remove the • 4::l( x)e6 will be playable when
the e6-square is undefended;
king from check and does not have time
to capture a central pawn, remove the • White can transpose to the
~g4 f5 line with ~d3-g3 while
queen from danger, or maneuver a knight
having eliminated options
back to f6. Of course, the ~d3, unlike
other than .. .f5 after ~g4;
the ~g4, does not provide direct
support for the 4::lg5. One of the key • ~d3-h3, which is similar to
~g4-h4 except that the ~h3
variations, therefore, is the immediate
does not help to defend the
~xg5. Note also that the black king has
4::lg5; -
access to h5, but after ~d3-h3, it is clear
that Black will either capture the 4::lg5 or

Contemporary Theory

• The remarkable en passant For examples of games with .£\xe6 as an

discovered check with e5xf6; alternative to the en passant capture,
• And occasionally when see 250, 251,295, and 299.
White does not have an e5-
pawn, even .§.xe6+. ~d3<i!;>xg5

~d3mates 8
8 6
7 5
6 4
5 3
4 2
2 abc d e f g h

abcdefgh Normally, White could count on two

additional assets, the .£\c3 and the
Black must play .. .f5. All king moves lead secure e5-pawn. After Black captures
to simple checkmates. 3 ••. f5 when the .£\g5, White can also count on the
White has four candidates from which advance of the kings ide pawns, notably
to select the best move. 3 ... \tlh6 the f-pawn. 1.A.xh7+ <i!;>xh7 Vdg5+
4.~h7#; 3... \tlh5 4.~h7+ (4.~h3+ ~g6 <i!;>g6 3.~d3+ <i!;>xg5 4. ~h7 A critical
5.~h7#) 4 ... ~g4 5.~h3#, (5.h3#, or maneuver, cutting off all of the king's
5.f3 #) 4.exf6+ A remarkable check, retreats. The idea often works even
when once again, king retreats to the h- when Black can respond with an
file are harshly punished. 4 ..£\xe6 is anchored .§.h8 because White can
certainly an option worth considering; advance the kingside pawns with check
4. ~g3. A position identical to the and because the g-pawn is en prise.
variation 3.~g4 f5 4.~g3; 4.~h3 is 4 ••• Jdxe5 5.dxe5 g6 6.f4+ <i!;>f5
similar to ~h4 when White first plays 7.~h3# The final mate makes good
~g4. This is a very nice option when use of the .£\c3 controlling the e4
the black rook, as here, cannot be escape square.
anchored on h8 4 .•. <i!;>xf6 4 ... \tlh6
5.~h7 #; 4 ... ~h5 5.~h7+ (5.g4+ ~xg4 For other games after ~d3+ involving
[5 ... ~h4 6.~h3#] 6.~h3# [6:~'f3+ a successful attack after \tlxg5, see
~h4 7.~h3#]) 5... \tlg4 6.h3# ,6.f3#, games 171,250,251,252,255,273, and
or6.~h3#) 5.'§xe6# 279. The attack does not always prevail.
For examples when White does not
The immediate checkmate with .§.e6 is have adequate additional assets here,
rare, but White often follows up after see games 173,260, and 292.
the en passant capture with .§.fel. See
games 143, 171,202,223,240,268,279,
282,284, and 30 I.

Sacking the Citadel

~d3 with no blackf-pawn 3.~d3+ f5 3 ... ~h64.~h7#; 3... ~h5

4.~h3+ (4.~h7+ <;!;>g4 5.f3# [5.h3#;
8 5.~h3#]) 4 ... <;!;>g6 5.~h7# 4.~h3
7 Often the best move when the defender
6 cannot safely respond with §h8.
For examples of~d3-h3 when the rook
cannot reach h8, see games 157, 206,
221,255, and 283.

abc d e f g h
The absence of the f-pawn, which gave 7
Black useful options in the ~g8Iine, is
a significant liability here. 1.,1lxh7+
Cjf}xh7 2.4)g5+ Cjf}g6 3. ~d3+ Etf5
Black cannot block the check with .. .f5.
3 ... <;!;>h6 4.~h7#; 3 ... <;!;>h5 4.~h3+ 3
(4.~h7+<;!;>g45.h3# [5.~h3#]4 ... <;!;>g6 2

5.~h7#). 4.4)xe6 Of course, g4 also

wins, but 4Jxe6 penn its White to win abcdefgh
even more. 4 ••. ~h4 5.4)f4++-
White has three additional assets, the
For examples, see games 186,270,272, e5-pawn, the dark-square bishop, and
and 274. the 4Jc3, but Black has significant
pressure upon e5. 1.,1lxh7+ Cjf}xh7
~d3-h3 2.4)g5+ Cjf}g6 3.~d3+ Using the check
to avoid the capture of the e5-pawn.
8 3.~g4 fails because Black can capture
7 the e5-pawn with tempo, and escape
6 the discovered check on f5. 3 ... 4Jcxe5
5 4.~g3 <;!;>f5!= 5.~f4+ ~g6 6.~g3 'ittf5.
3 .••f5 4. ~g3 Reaching the traditional
position without having had to deal
with ~g4 4Jxe5. 4 •.• ~a5 5.4) xe6+
Cjf}f7 6. ~xg7+ Far superior to the
capture of the §f8. 6 •.• Cjf}xe6 7.~g6+
abc d e f g h 4)f6 7 ••• Cjf}e7 S.Jlg5+ +-

White relies here on two additional For additional examples of~d3-g3, see
assets, the e5-pawn and dark-square games 159 and 168.
bishop. The key in this example is that
the §f8 cannot be anchored on h8.
1.,1lxh7+ Cjf}xh7 2.4)g5+ Cjf}g6

Contemporary Theory

~d3 with a loose piece on c5 The attack with ~d3+ fails here because
Black can block the b 1-h7 diagonal with
8 4Jf5, exposing the ~d8's attack upon
7 the undefended 4Jg5. 1..1l,xh7+ ~xh7
6 2.~g5+ ~g6 3.~d3+? 3.'iii'g4 f5
5 4.~g3 +- 3 ... ~f513 ... ~xg5 4:l*h7 +-
4Jg6 5.f4+ 4Jxf4 6Jhf4 +-; 3 ... f5
4.4Jxe6+- 4.g4 4.4Jh3 'iii'h4-+
4 ••. ~xg5-+

For similar examples, including knight

abcdefgh moves to e4 to block the check from
the ~d3, see games 153, 181, 190,205,
Note the black queen on c5 and White's 226,249,285, and 296.
4Jc3 ready to fork the black king if it
reaches f6. 3.Jlxh7+ ~xh7 4.~g5+ A much more compelling defense would
~g6 5.~d3+ White's attack can also be Jli5 to block the check, but no games
be potent after ~b1 and especially in the book match that criterion.
~c2. There are positions in which the
white queen can reach b1 or c2 but not
Baudifier - Saatdjian
d3 directly, and there are times when
Lyon 2000
~c2 has the added benefit of attacking
French Defense [C02]
a loose piece on the c-file. 5 ...f5 Once
again, the king moves get mated.
5 ... ~h6 6.~h7#; 5 ... <i!th5 6.~h7+ 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.~f3 ~h6
(6.~h3+ ~g6 7.~h7#) 6 ... <i!tg4 5.Jld3 ~c6 6.0--0 cxd4 7.Jlf4 Jlc5
7.~h3#. 6.exf6+ ~xf6 7.~ge4+ 8.lael ~ge7 9.h3 0--0 lO•.1l,xh7+
Black can capture only one of the ~xh711.~g5+ ~g612. ~d3+
knights (7.4Jce4+).
For other examples of such captures on 7
c5,seegames 181, 191,235,239,263, 6
and 264. 5
~d3 against ~f5 and ~xg5
abc d e f g h
12... ~f5 13. ~h3 Taking advantage
ofthe 1=:([8's inability to defend from h8.
3 13 ... ~h6 13 ... 4J xe5 14.Axe5 d3
2 15.~h7+<i!txg516.4Jd2Axf2+ 17.~h1
Axel (17 ... 4Je3 18.4Jf3+ ~g4
abcdefgh 19.~h3#) 18.4Jf3+ <i!tg4 19.~h3#

Sacking the Citadel

14.g41 Threatening~h5#.14 ••. .£)xg4 ••. ~g6, White plays h4

15:~h7# 1-0
Many chess players are familiar with the
Sziraki - Olah idea ofpreparing the Greco Sacrifice with
Eger 1991 h4. The pawn helps to defend 4Jg5,
Semi-Slav Defense [047] especially when Black has a bishop on
e7. A later section of this chapter
1.e4 e6 2 •.£)e3 d5 3.d4 .£)f6 4 •.£)f3 focuses exclusively upon positions in
e6 5.e3 A,e7 6.A,d3 dxe4 7.A,xe4 0- which Black defends with .Ilxg5.
08.0-0 .£)bd7 9.e4 ~e710.e5 .£)d5
11.~e2 .£)7b612.A,d3 e513..£)b5 The h2-h4 pawn advance is useful in
~e6 14.dxe5 A,xe5 15.A,xh7+ other situations as well, especially
~xh716..£)g5+ ~g6 when White has a dark-square bishop
and a rook on hl. Indeed, the advance
8 can manufacture an effective,
7 additional asset out of White's pristine
6 kingside structure.
In the section that focuses upon the
'it'h6 line, we will see that h4 can be a
distinct liability there when White does
not have a dark-square bishop. But here,
many players have selected the ~g6
abcdef line in part because the ~h6 was not a
viable choice owing to the presence of
White wins in several variations. ~c2 a dark-square bishop on the cl-h6
places winning pressure upon the ~c5, diagonal.
~e4-h4 penetrates to h7 effectively,
and 17.~g4 wins too, because after We have already seen that there are
l7 ... f6, White has 18.~e4 f5 19.~h4. situations in which White cannot play
17.~d3+ 17.~c2+ f5 18.exf6+ ~xf6 'l:;i'g4 or ~d3+ after 'it'g6. But White
19.4Je4++-; 17:~e4+ f5 18.~h4+-; retains a viable alternative, especially
17.~g4 f6! 18.~e4+! f5 19.~h4 when the attacking side has a dark-
17 •.. f5 18. ~h3 f4 Aiming for square bishop. Rather than play ~g4,
complications by disrupting the ~c1 's for example, when the most frequent
communication along the key diagonal. response, ... f5, attacks the queen,
19.~h7+ ~xg5 20.h4+ The quickest requiring the capture of the pawn or the
path. 20 .•• ~g4 21.~g6+ ~xh4 retreat of the queen, White can consider
22.g3+ fxg3 23.~g5+ 1-0 23.'l:;i'xg3+ playing h4 first, threatening rather than
'it'h5 24. 'l:;i'g5 #; 23. 'l:;i'g5+ ~h3 executing ~g4. With the pawn already
24.~h5# on h4, White gains the threat ofh4-h5+,
often forcing the black king to h6, when
the dark-square bishop gains enormous
influence, or to f5, where the king is
often mated simply with g2-g4 or 'l:;i'f3.

Contemporary Theory

Once the pawn is on h4, White can play

~g4 knowing that ... f5 will now meet 8
h5+, driving the king to h6. 7
8 5
7 4
6 3
5 2
abc d e f g h

16.h5+ ~h6 16 .. .'~f6 even without

abcdefgh the e5-pawn, the king is too exposed
without a retreat to e7. 17.~f3#.
The h4-advance works best when 17.4)xti++-,or17.4)xe6++-.
White has a dark-square bishop, a
secure e5-pawn, and a rook on hI. For examples ofh4-h5 against <it>g6, see
Remarkably enough, the advance of the games 131, 178, 199, 217, and 291.
h-pawn often still succeeds even when
White has castled kings ide and a black h4 when the black rook cannot reach
rook can reach h8 in no small part h8
because .§h8 once again weakens f7.
1.j'txh7+ ~xh7 2.4)g5+ ~g6
Without a dark-square bishop, the king
can often hide effectively on h6, 8
although White does have the idea of 7
following up with ~d3 threatening 6
~h7#. If Black is forced to play ... g6to
prevent the infiltration of the queen on
h7, h4-h5 promises to open the h-file
for the .§hl.

Black defends best when the king's rook

can reach h8 with an anchor, but there abc d e f g h
are many examples in which the black
rook's ability to reach h8 by itself is 3.h4 ~d7 4.h5+ ~h6 4 ... <it>f5
insufficient to blunt the white attack. 5.~f3#; 4 ... <it>f6 5.~f3+ ~f5 6.4Jh7#
5.4)xti+ ~d3 will often work here.
The pawn is already on h4 5 ••. ~h7 6.Ele6 4)f5 7.4)g5+ ~g8

With the pawn already on h4, White

wins quickly and effectively with h5+, For similar examples, see games 134,
forcing the king to h6 where the dark- 139, and 237.
square bishop ends the discussion.

Sacking the Citadel

hS forces EthS, weakening f7

1.-'lxh7+ <i!}xh7 2.~gS+ <i!}g6 7
8 5
7 4
6 3
5 2
3 abcdefgh
Once again, h4 is playable even without
abc d e f g h a rook on hI. 3.h4 3.~g4?! .£\xe5 4.~g3
<it'f5 and the win is elusive. 3 .. :~e7
h4 and ~g4 both prevail, and most Seeking to safeguard the queen from
players might avoid h4 without having the coming discovered checks. 4. ~g4
the rook on hI. Here, the threat of h5 only now, since ... f5 meets h4-h5+.
forces the §.f8 to give up its defense of 4.h5+ <it'h6 5.~g4 f5 6 ..£\f7+ <it'h7
the f7-square. 3.h4 3.~g4!? la,xf2+ 7.~g6+ ~g8 8 ..£\g5+-. 4 .••fS S.hS+

4.~xf2 f5 5.~h4 §h8 6.~g3 +- <i!}h6 6.~f7+ A double discovered

3 .•• EthS 4.hS+ A nice surprise. The check, and the queen now has access
to the g6 entry-square. 6 ..• <i!}h7
push still works despite the fact that
7.~g6+ <i!}gS8.~gS+-
the §h8 can capture it. 4.~d3+ f5
(4 ... ~h5 5.g4+ <it'xg4 6:iii'f3+ ~xh4
For similar examples, see games 141,
7.~h3#) 5.exf6+ 'it'xf6 6.~f3+ ~e7
160,213, and 234.
(6 ... ~g6 7.~f7+ ~h6 8 ..£\xe6++-)
7.~f7+ ~d68.§xe6+ la,xe69.M4++-;
Sanchez Almeyra - Rodriguez
4.~g4 f5 5.exf6 (5.~g3 ~e7 6 ..£\xe6+
Maringa 1991
'it'h7 7 ..£\xc5 ~xc5 8.e6±). 4 ••. EtxhS French Defense [C 16]
S:~d3+ fS 5 ... <it'h6 6.~h7# 6.exf6+
And Black has no good move. 'it'h6 1.e4e6 2.d4dS 3.~c3 .11,b44.eS ~e7
finds a mate in one, and the alternative S . .11,d2 b6 6.~f3 0-0 7 ..11,d3 cS
cedes the §h5 and, more important, the S ..11,xh7+ <i!}xh7 9.~gS+ <i!}g6
f7 entry square. 6 ..• <i!}xf6 6 ... <it'h6
7.~h7# 7:~f3+ <i!}e7 S:li\'f7+ <i!}d6 8
9.Af4++- 7
For similar examples, see games 137,
192,207,231, and 287.

h4 with a castled king 3


1 •.11,xh7+ <i!}xh7 2.~gS+ <i!}g6

abc d e f g h

Contemporary Theory

10.h4! More accurate than 'l£rg4 - method will depend here upon Black's
1O.~g4 f5 11.~g3 f4 12.~g4 'l£re8±. full set-up. Obviously, White could also
10 ... ~eS 11. ~g4 Only now, when play 7.4::If7 and 8.Ag5.
l1...f5 meets 12.h5+.11 ..• ~f511...f5
12.h5+ ~h6 13.4::Ixe6+ ~h7 For additional examples of the Elh3
14.~xg7# 12.h5+ <t>h613.~ge4+! swing, see games 130, 189, 194,210,218,
13.4::Ixf7+? ~h7 14.~g6+ ~g8-+ 280, and 304.
13 ... <t>h7 13 ... g5 14.hxg6+ ~g7
15.Elh7+ ~g8 16.4::If6# 14.h6 1-0 Rook swings to g3
14 ... h6 g615.4::If6+ ~h816.4::Ixe8+-
••• <t>g6, White swings a rook to the 7
kingside 6
Rooks play an important part as
additional assets in most lines, but they
are especially effective when they can
reach g3 and h3 quickly.

Rook swings to h3 abc d e f g h

8 I.Jlxh7+ <t>xh7 2.~g5+ <t>g6 Once

7 again, the fastest method is with a rook
swing, here to g3. 3.Etg3 Retaining the
4::Ig5 and threatening 4::Ixe6+. 3.El h3
'l£rxg5 4.Elg3+-. 3 •.. f6 3 ... f5
4.4::Ixe6++- 4.~d3+ f5 5.~xe6+
3 When the knight will often threaten at
2 least the Elf8, if not more, and aim for
Elxg7. 5 .•. <t>f7 5 ... ~h6 6.Elxg7+-;
abcdefgh 5... ~h7 6.Elxg7++- 6.~xf5+ One of
many advantages to the rook swing,
I.Jlxh7+ <t>xh7 2.~g5+ <t>g6 Many when it is available, is that it frees the
moves win here for White, but the queen up for other duties, notably this
fastest and most compelling method is powerful capture. 6 ••• <t>e7 6 ... ~g8
with Elh3 threatening 'l£rh5. 3.Eth3 7.Elxg7++- 7.Etxg7++-
3.Elg3 f5 (3 ... ~f5 4. i1i'd3 #) 4.4::Ixe6+
3 .•• EthS To defend the h5 entry square, For additional examples of the Elg3
the rook must cede its defense of f7. swing, see games 96, 216, 229, 248, and
4. ~d3+ f5 5.exf6+ Here, Black has 294.
only one move because king retreats to
the h-file are covered by the rook. Gharamian - Waquet
5 .•. <t>xf6 6.Etf3+ And now, the rook La Fere 2003
enters powerfully on the unopposed f- French Defense [C06]
file. 6 ••• <t>e7 7.Etf7+ The winning

Sacking the Citadel

l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5 ••• <i!(g6, White plays ~g3
~fd7 5.Ad3 c5 6.c3 ~c6 7.~e2
'll\'a5 8.0-0cxd4 9.cxd4 Ae710.~f3 Having or moving a knight to g3 is so
f611.exf6 ~ xf612.~f4 0-0 13.Etel powerful that it trumps other
.Q.b4 14.Ete3 ~e4 15.Axe4 Etxf4 considerations. Here are the basic
White undertakes the sacrifice relying examples. The 4Jg3 permits the white
upon two additional assets, the dark- queen to infiltrate powerfully upon h5.
square bishop and the E!.e3 ready to Black's best hope, when White does
swing to g3 or h3. 16..Q.xh7+ <i!(xh7 not have a pawn on e5, is to run the
17.~g5+ <i!(g6 king to f6 and e7.

8 ~g3 mates on h5
6 8

5 7
4 6
3 5
2 4
abc d e f g h 2

When the rook swings to g3 and h3 abcdefgh

both win convincingly. 18.Eth318.E!.g3
E!.f5 (lB ... e5 19.4Je6+ 'it'f7 20.Axf4 White has three additional assets, the
'it'xe6 21.dxe5 +-) 19.4Jxe6+ 'it'f7 e5-pawn, the dark-square bishop, and
(19 ... 'it'h7 20.E!.xg7+ 'it'hB 21.~g4+-; the 4Jg3, which plays a key role in its
19 ... 'it'f6 20.4Jxg7 Ad6 21.4Jxf5 Axf5 support of both h5 and f5 and
22.Ag5+ 'it'e6 23.E!.e3+ 'it'd 7 discourages Black from bringing the
24.~h5 +-) 20.4Jxg7 +- 18 ••• Etxd4 king to g6 or h6. Note that the e5-pawn
1B ... 'it'xg5 19.Axf4+ 'it'f6 (19 ... 'it'xf4 also has an important role to playas
20.'l*h5 +-) 20.~h5 'it'e7 21.E!.g3 'it'd7 well in guarding f6.
22.E!.xg7+ 4Je7 23.E!.c1 +-; 1B ...'it'f6
19.Axf4 +- 19. 'll\'h5+ <i!(f6 19 ... 'it'f5 1..Q.xh7+ <i!(xh7 2.~g5+ <i!(g6 Black,
20.E!.f3+ 'it'e5 21.4Jf7+ 'it'e4 22.~g4# perhaps seeing the mate in five in the
20.'ll\'f7+ <i!(e5 21 ..Q.e3 Etc4 21...'it'd6 'it'gBline, takes a stab at an alternative.
22.~xg7 Ad2 23.4Jf7+ 'it'c5 24.Axd4+ 2 ... 'it'gB 3.~h5 E!.eB 4.~xf7+ 'it'hB
4Jxd4 25.~fB+ 'it'b6 (25 ... 'it'b5 5.~h5+ 'it'gB 6.'l*h7+ 'it'fB 7.'l1i'hB+ r:te7
26.4Jd6+ +- ) 26.~dB+ 'it'a6 27.E!.a3 +- 8.~xg7#; 2... 'it'h6 3.~h5# 3.'ll\'h5#
22.h31-0 The knight supports the ~h5 and even
cuts off the f5-retreat.

For other examples of this quick mate,

see games 79, 155, 180,and230.

Contemporary Theory

4)f1-g3 Here, .§.fel and a nice 4Jg3-f5 maneuver

overcomes the absence of an e5-pawn.
8 1 . .1lxh7+ \t'xh7 2.4)g5+ \t'g6
7 3. ~h5+ Without a pawn on e5, the king
6 can run to f6. If Black had a piece on
5 e7, 4Jh7 would mate. 3 ••. \t'f6 4.4)f5!
exf5 4 .. .';!ilxf5 5.4Jh7+ 'it>e4 6 ..§.dl with
itrf3# to follow; 4 ... e5 5..§.el +-. Likely
with a winning advantage, depending
of course on the rest of the Black set-
up. 5.lael g6 6.~h6 lahS 7.4)h7+
abcdefgh laxh7S..1lg5#

The 4Jg3 is so powerful that moving a Trangoni - Rigo

knight there from f1 or e2 is often the Venice 2005
most efficient path for the attack. Queen's Pawn Game [DOS]
1•.1lxh7+ \t'xh7 2.4)g5+ \t'g63.4)g3
Black has only one move to prevent l.d4 e6 2.4)f3 4)f6 3.4) bd2 c5 4.e3
~h5. 3 ..• lahS But the rook move
4)c6 5.c3 d5 6 ..1ld3 .1le7 7.0--0 0--0
weakens the f7-square. 4.~d3+ f5 S.~e2 b6 9.dxc5 bxc5 10.e4 ~c7
4 ... ~h6 The .§.hB prevents ~h7, but the
1l.h3 .1lb7 12.lael 4)d7 13.4)f1
obvious knight fork is also checkmate,
laaeS 14.4)g3 .1ld6 15.e5 4)cxe5
5.4Jxf7 #. 5.4) xe6 With two powerful
16. .1lxh7+ \t'xh7 17.4)g5+ \t'gS
threats, 4JxdB and ~xf5. 5.exf6+ If
17 ... ~g6
Black has a bishop defending e6, White
can try the en passant capture.
5 ... \t'xf6 Avoiding the mate after 'it>h6,
but now giving the queen a path to f7
with ~f3+. 5 ... 'it>h6 6.4Jf7#. 6.~f3+
\t'e7 7. ~f7+ with a powerful attack.

For examples involving 4Jf1-g3, see

games 115, 135, 161,240, and 295.

4)g3 without e5
abc d e f g h
7 IB.4Jxe6! Here, the immediate itrh5+
6 permits the Black king to reach e7.
IB.itrh5+ 'it>f6. IB .. .fxe6 allows a pretty
mate in two. IB ... 'ltfbB 19.4Jxf8+ AxfB
20.'ltfh5+ 'it>f6 21.Ag5+ 'it>e6 22.f4 +-
19.~h5+ '<t>f6 20.Ag5#.

IS.4)h5 f619.4) xg7 \t'xg7 20. ~h5

abcdefgh lahS 21.4)xe6+ laxe6 0--1

Sacking the Citadel

.•• <it>g6, White plays f5

8 7
7 6
6 5
5 4
4 3
3 2

abc d e f g h
convincing continuation. 16.h4 .I1b6+
Another interesting resource for White, 17.~h2 .I1f5 18.h5+ ~f6 (18 ... ~h6
f5+, opens the diagonal for the dark- 19.4Jxf7+) 19.94 ~c8 20.gxf5 ~xf5
square bishop and the f4-square for the 21.Jld2 'It'e7 22.E!.el + 'It'f8 23.E!.xe8+
knight. 1.ltxh7+ <it>xh7 2 ..£)g5+ <it>g6 ~xe8 24.~e2+ ~f8 25.E!.e1 4Jd7
3.f5+ It should be evident that the 26.~e7+ 'It'g8 27.E!.eU. 16... Axf5
combination has sting even without the 17.Elxf5! Ab6+ 17 ... 'lt'xf5 18.~f3+
E!.f1 in support. 3 ...exf5 4 ..£)f4+ with ~g6 (18 ... 'lt'e5 19.~e4+ ~f6
the obvious threat of~h5 #. 4 ... <it>xg5 20.4Jh7#) 19.~xf7+ ~h6 20.4Je6++-;
4 .. .'it'h6 5.~h5# 5.~h5# 17 ... ~d7 18.E!.xf7+- 18.<it>hl ~e7
19 . .£)e6 <it>h7 19 ... fxe6 20.~h5#
For examples off5 in action against the 20.Elxf7 ~xf7 21..£)g5+ <it>g8
'It'g6Iine, see games 151, 170,205,219, 22 . .£) xf7 <it>xf7 23. ~h5+ <it>f8
and 253. 24.Jtg5 .£)a6 25.~h71-0

Yanayt- Grabowski The <it>h6line

Las Vegas 2009
Schmid Benoni [A60] The 'It'h6 line is a much less common
defensive choice for an obvious
1.d4 .£)f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4 •.£)c3 exd5 reason. When White has a dark-square
5.cxd5 Ad6 6.e4ltc7 7.f4d6 8.Ad3 bishop on the c1-h6 diagonal, the ~h6
0-0 9 •.£)f3 Ele810.0-0 c411.ltxc4 is often subject to a brutal discovered
.£)xe412..£)xe4 Elxe413.Ad3 Ele8 check from the 4Jg5, which has a
14.Axh7+ <it>xh715..£)g5+ <it>g6 (D) versatile reach notably including the
d8-square where the black queen often
White cannot successfully play either resides.
~d3 or ~g4 owing to the influence of
Black's Jlc8. Even 16.h4 meets Jlb6 The number of squares that the knight
check and .I1f5. 16.f5+ The only can reach in one or two moves is
impressive. Practically speaking, the list
includes d8, the queen's starting
square, as well as many of the squares
to which the queen often develops, c7,

Contemporary Theory

d6, c5, d4, and f6. Add the h8-square games 217,255, and 270). When the 4Jg5
to the list, an important square because is anchored, as is almost always the
Black may move a rook or the queen case when White has a dark-square
there to prevent the i;l'd3-h7 and ~d3- bishop on the key diagonal, ~d3
h3-h7 maneuvers. threatens ~h7 as well as ~d3-h3-h7
(which works well after ... g6).
7 With the bishop on the diagonal but
6 blocked by a mobile f-pawn, f4-f5,
activating the discovered check is often
the answer. See games 133,200, and 242.
One of the disadvantages off4-f5 is that
the e6xf5 capture can open the e-file to
the defender's advantage (see game
abc d e f g h
White plays ~d3
When unable to prevent the discovered
check, the defender will often move the Even when the dark-square bishop has
queen to a safer square. Movements off been traded or cannot easily reach the
the eighth rank, however, run the risk key c1-h6 diagonal, White has other
that 4Je6+ or 4Jf7 + will snag a now resources, notably ~g4-h4 and ~d3,
undefended rook. again with the idea of~h7 # as well as
For the defender, there are three useful,
central squares that are immune in one 8
or two moves from the 4Jg5 's 7
discovered checks, e8, d7, and
especially e7. For examples of games
involving a black queen on those three
squares, see games 131, 141, 160, 165,
216,219,237, and 306, all still won by 3
White because the attacking side often 2

has possibilities even more powerful

than the discovered check. abc d e f g h

Even when the black queen can be Both ideas work well here .... §f8-h8
caught by a discovered check, White's defending on h7 simply encourages
best move with the discovered check in 4Jxf7 forking the king and queen.
the air is often not actually to move the
4Jg5, but rather to threaten mate with 1.~d3 1.i;l'g4 §h8 (1...~c7 2.i;l'h4+
i;l'g4-h4-h7 (see games 159, 162, 167, 'it'g6 3.~h7#) 2.4Jxf7++- 1 ... Eth8
242, 243, and 255) or with ~d3 (see 1...g6 2.~h3+ <:t;g7 3.i;l'h7# 2 •.£!xf7+

Sacking the Citadel

When White does not have a dark-

8 square bishop
6 The ~h6 line is clearly more complex
when White no longer has a dark-square
bishop, or at least when that bishop is
not on the cl-h6 diagonal. Even under
such circumstances, White has
considerable chances, depending of
course upon the number of additional
abc d e f g h assets that can join in the attack.

1.~d31.~g4'§'h82.~h4+~g63.~xh8 In the ~h6 line, when White no longer

1 ••• ~h8 2~h3+ ~g63.~xh8 has a dark-square bishop, or it is off the
key diagonal, White still has multiple
Rook swings to h3 options and possibilities:

Another recurring theme is a rook swing • Return the bishop to the c1-
to the h3-square. Note in the following h6 diagonal (see game 296);
example that the 4Jg5 is again immune • Place the queen on the
from capture thanks to the collaboration diagonal, usually with ~d2 or
between the queen and rook, with a nice i1¥e3 (which may have the
assist from the e5-pawn eliminating the additional merit of ~e3-h3)
f6-e7 escape route. and the usual discovered
check with the 4Jg5 (see games
8 9,24,86,245 and 285);
7 • Use the queen to launch an
attack along the bl-h7
diagonal with ~e4, ~d2,
~bl, or most often with i1¥d3.
See games 29,74, 127, 131,
164,181, 183, 198,250,268,270,
272,274,283,291,299, and 306;
• Storm the defender's kings ide
abc d e f g h with a patient pawn storm (see
game 18).
1.~g4 1..§.e3 g6 (1...~xg5 2 ..§.g3+
~h6 (a) 2 ... ~f4 3.~g4# [3.i1¥f3#]; (b) Voellmy was the first to emphasize that
2... ~h4 3.i1¥g4#; (c) 2... ~f5 3.~g4# the defender is often well advised to
[3.~f3#]; 3 . .§.h3+ ~g5 [3 ... ~g6 select the 'it'h6 line when White does
4.~h5# (4.i1¥g4#)] 4.'§'h5+ [4.~h5+ not have a dark-square bishop and
~f4 5..§.h4# ]4 ... ~g6 5.~g4#) 2..§.h3+ when White has already played h4,
~g7 3.i1¥g4 .§.h8 4.'§'xh8 ~xh8 5.~h4+ blocking the h-file and ruting out the
~g8 6.i1¥h7+ ~f8 7.4Jxe6+ 1. .. ~h8 ~g4-h4 and the i1¥d3-h3-h7
2.~h4+ ~g6 3.~xh8 maneuvers.

Contemporary Theory

It turns out that it's not at all that simple.

It is true that 'ffi'd3 still threatens 'ffi'h7, 7
and so Black will often counter with ... g6 6
(especially when ... §h8 is not an option) 5
blocking the queen's access to h7. After
... g6, White can try h4-h5, using the
pawn as an asset rather than a liability.
(see games 10,74,127,198, and 274).
Here's the basic idea.
abc d e f g h
7 18.Eldhl.Q.f(719.gxf/+ Elxf/ 2O.~g6
CjfjIfS 21.Elxg7 Elxg7 22.ElhS+
In addition to whether or not there's a
dark-square bishop, the other key
3 consideration is whether Black can play
2 ... §h8 defending the h7-square with
support from the other rook or queen.
abc d e f g h Obviously, without such support, the
white queen in the 'ffi'd3-h3 line will
1:~d3 The h4-pawn blocks the usual simply capture the §h8. For games with
'ffi'g4-h4 maneuver, and the e3-pawn rook support when White has a dark-
blocks 'ffi'd2, but White has another square bishop, see games 159, 162,242,
interesting idea. The threat, of course, 243, and 255. For games with a dark
is 'ffi'h7 #. Defending with ... §h8 invites square bishop without support for the
the knight fork on f7, and so 1 .••g6 2.h5 §h8, see game 167 .
.Q.xg5 2 ... r,t>xg5 3.hxg6; 2 ... r,t>g7
3A:'lxe6+ +-. The knight is immune For games without rook support when
since fxe6 allows 'ffi'xg6 3 ... fxe6 White has a dark-square bishop, see
4.'ffi'xg6+ r,t>h8 5.'ffi'h6+ \t>g8 games 129, 173,201,227,246,247,248,
6.§cgl + +-; 2 .. .f5 3.exf6 §xf6 4.hxg6+ and 256. For games without a dark-
'it'g7 5.§h7+ r,t>f8 (5 ... r,t>g8 6.§chl +- ) square bishop and without support for
6.4Jxe6+ +-. 3.hxg6+ ~g7 3... Ah4 the §h8, see games 161, 166,226,251,
4.§cgl r,t>g7 5.§g4+- 4.Elh7+ ~gS and 270.
5.gxf/+ Elxf/ 6:~g6+ +-
Rendle - Guido
In game 127, Teschner-Spassky, the Bratt02005
verdict hung by a tempo. Here is the Sicilian Defense [B40]
position in that game after move 17 in
which White has an extra tempo, 0-0-0. 1.e4c5 2.~f3 e6 3.b3 ~f6 4.e5 ~d5
5 •.Q.b2 .Q.e7 6.~c3 ~ xc3 7 ..Q.xc3 0-
o S..Q.d3 ~c6 9.h4 f510.exf6 .Q.xf6

Sacking the Citadel

1l.exf4 Af6 12.-'\.xh7+ <it'xh7

8 13.{)g5+ <it'h614. ~d3 g6
6 8
5 7
4 6
3 5
2 4
abc d e f g h 2

12.Axh7+ <it'xh7 13.{)g5+ <it'h6 abcdefgh

Black selects the 'it'h6 line in part
because White's dark-square bishop By no means is h5 a reliable
has no ready access to the c1-h6 continuation. To be sure, after h5,
diagonal. Still, White has a winning White again threatens <£\xf7 and
attack, in part because the ~c3 controls ~xg6#, but Black's ~f6 eliminates the
the e5 and f6 flight squares. 14.~d3 threat. 15.h5 .Q.xg515 ... 'it'g716.hxg6
g614 ... ~xg515.hxg5+ 'it'xg516.~g3+ §hB17.§xhB~xhB-+ 16.fxg5+~xg5

'it'f5 17.§h5+ g5 1B.~d3+ 'it'g4 17.hxg6+ <it'g718.f4 ~xg6 ~1

19.~h3+ 'it'f4 20.~f3#; 14 ... §hB
15.<£\f7++- 15.h5 threatening ~xg6#. Van Malde - Metzen
With a pawn on f7, White's threat Karlovy Vary 2009
would be the <£\xf7+ fork and ~xg6#. French Defense [C 13]
15 ... {)e7 15 ... 'it'xg5 16.f4+ 'it'xf4
1.d4 d5 2.{)c3 {)f6 3.-'\.g5 e6
17.~f3+ 'it'g518.~g3+ 'it'f519.~xg6+
4.Axf6 ~xf6 5.e4 dxe4 6.{)xe4
'it'f4 20.0-0#; 15 ... 'it'g7 16.~xg6+
~d8 7.{)f3 Ae7 8.,1ld3 {)d7 9.~e2
'it'hB 17.~h7# 16.{)f7+ 16.hxg6+! 0-0 10.h4 {)f6 1l.{)xf6+ ,1lxf6
'it'g7 (16 ... 'it'xg517.~g3+ 'it'f51B.§h5+ 12.~c613.<it'b1 a514.Axh7+
'it'e4 19.d3#) 17.§h7+ 'it'gB 18.~h3 <it'xh715.{)g5+ <it'h6
~xc3 19.~h6 §xf2 20.§f7 ~xd2+
21.'it'xf2 ~e3+ 22.'it'fl ~xg5 23.~h7 # 8
16... Etxf7 17.hxg6+ 1-0 17.hxg6+
'it'g7 1B.§h7+ 'it'gB 19.9xf7+ 'it'fB
Mocquard - Herdier 4
Guingamp 1999 3
Slav Defense [D 13] 2

.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5 cxd5 4.{)f3 abc d e f g h

{)f6 5.{)c3 e6 6 ..Q.f4 .Q.e7 7.e3 0--0
8.Ad3 {)c6 9.Etc1 {)h510.h4 {) xf4 16.~e4 g6 17.h5 Axg5 18.hxg6+
<it'g719.Eth7+ <it'f619 ... 'it'gB 20.gxf7+

Contemporary Theory

!':Ixf7 21.~g6++- 20 ..~e5+ ~xg6 Pinilla Santibanez - Fernandez

20 ... 'it'e7 21.~xg5+ 'it'd6 22.'~f4+ ~d7 Aranguiz
23.g7 !':1gB- 24.~xf7+ ~d6 25.~f4+ Euskadi 1992
'it'd726.~f8+- 21.E!g7+ 1-0 21.~g7+ French Defense [C05]
'it'f5 22.g4+ 'it'xg4 (22 ... 'it'e4 23.~e5+
'it'f3 24.!':Ih3+ 'it'xg4 (a) 24 ... ~xf2
25.~h2#; (b) 24 ... 'it'g2 25.~g3# 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5
[25.~h2#]; 25.!':Igl + 'it'xh3 26.~g3#) ~fd7 5.f4c5 6.c3 ~c6 7.~df3 ~b6
21...'it'h6 22.!':Ihl + .llh4 23.!':Ig4+- 8.a3 Ae7 9.~h3 0-0 10.Ad3 f6
11.b4 cxd4 12.cxd4 fxe5 13.dxe5
Dawkins - Stupak ~xb414.axb4 j'txb4+ 15.~f1 ~c5
IECG e-mail 2004
Queen's Indian Defense [EI4] 8
1.d4 ~f6 2.~f3 b6 3.e3 Ab74.Ae2 5
e6 5.c4 Ab4+ 6.Ad2 Axd2+ 4
7.~bxd2 d5 8.cxd5 j'txd5 9.0--0 0--0
10.j'td3 ~bd7 11.e4 j'tb7 12.e5
~d5 13.h4 c5 14.j'txh7+ ~xh7
abc d e f g h
7 16.j'txh7+ ~xh7 17.~fg5+ ~h6
18. ~g4 The usual idea of ~g4-h4;
18.f5? !':Ixf5+-+. 18••• ~b5+ 19.~gl
~e8 Preventing h4, but now, of course,
White can safely advance the f-pawn.
3 20.f51-0
Schmitz - Heisterhagen
abc d e f g h Bad Zwesten 2005
Sicilian Defense [B22]
White's sacrifice should not succeed
here. The h4-pawn blocks the idea of 1.e4c5 2.c3 ~f6 3.e5 ~d5 4.d4cxd4
~g4-h4. ~c2, with the idea of~h7, is 5.cxd4 e6 6.~f3 d6 7.Ac4 ~c6 8.0-
stuffed by ... g6 because there is no !':Ihl o Ae7 9.Ad2 0-0 10.~c3 ~xc3
behind the h-pawn to support h5. 11.Axc3 dxe5 12.dxe5 b613. ~e2
16. ~g4 16.4::lc4 is White's best chance Ab7 14.E!ad1 ~c7 15.Ad3 ~b4
here, providing protection for the e5- 16.Axb4 j'txb417.Axh7+ ~xh7
pawn and preparing ~d2. 16 ... ~e7 18.~g5+~h6
17.~de4cxd418.f4 ~e319.~xti+

Sacking the Citadel

White has a dark-square bishop but it

8 is off the key diagonal. White can win
here with two lines, itl'd3 and 'lfig4, but
6 notwithAc1 or'lfic2.16.~d3116.'lfic2
5 g6 and the itl'c2 does not have access
to h3; 16.~g4 'lfib4 17.~g3 f5 IB.h3
f4 I9.'lfih4+ 'it1g6 20.'it1h2 f3 21.'lfih7+
'itlxg5 22.~xg7+ 'it'f5 23.~h7+ 'itlg5
24.Ac1 + +-; I6.Ac1 'it'g6I7.'lfid3+ f5
IB.'lfig3 4Jxe5 +. 16 ... f5 I6 ... g6
abc d e f g h I7.itl'h3+ 'it1xg5 (17 ... 'itlg7 IB.'lfih7#)
I8.Ac1 + Ae3I9.Axe3+ +-; I6 ... 'itlxg5
The E!d4 rook swing gains a useful I7.~g3+ ~h6IB.itl'h4+ 'itlg6I9.g4+-
tempo against the Ab4. Note that, 17.~h3+ <it>xg5 I7 ... ~g6 IB.'lfih7+
should Black capture the 4Jg5, the rook 'it1xg5 I9.h4+ 'itlf4 (19 ... 'itlg4 20.'lfig6+
and queen, with a small assist from the 'it1xh4 [20 ... ~f4 21.~g3+ 'itle4
e5-pawn, easily overwhelm the lone 22.~f3#] 21.g3+ ~h3 22.'lfih5#)
king. 19.Eid4119.E!d3 g6 20.E!h3+ ~g7 20.~h5withamatingnet.18.~h71-0
21.E!h7+ 'it1gB 22:~e3 'lfic6= 19•.•f5 I8.~h7 4Jxe5 I9 ..ilxe5 itl'b4 20.'lfixg7+
19.. .'i!j1xg5 20.itl'g4+ 'it1h6 21.itl'h4+ 'itlg6 ~h5 21.~hI +-
22.E!g4+ 'it1f5 23.E!g5 #; 19 ... g6
20.E!xb4 (20.itl'e3 +-) 20.Eih4+ 1-0 The .1lxg5line

Janecek - Petricek In addition to the normal king moves,

ICCF e-mail 2004 ~gB, 'it1g6, and ~h6, Black will often
French Defense [C06] have the option of capturing the knight
on g5 with his dark-square bishop.
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5
~fd7 5 •.1ld3 c5 6.c3 ~c6 7.~gf3 As in Greco's original example from 1620
~b6 8.0-0 cxd4 9.cxd4 ~ xd4 (game #1), ... Axg5 is an important
10.~ xd4 ~xd411.~f3 ~b612.b3 variation of the sacrifice. In the line, in
.1lc513..1lb20--0 14..1lxh7+ <it>xh7 addition to the light-square bishop's
15.~g5+ <it>h6 attack upon h7, a knight reaching g5,
and the queen reaching the h-file,
8 White's h-pawn will be at h4, defending
7 the 4Jg5 when it joins the attack. Black
6 will usually have a dark-square bishop
5 on e7 or f6, and it is also common for
4 the black queen to add support to the
3 attack from dB. Obviously, in the
following fragment, Black retains other
options. As we will see, the 'itlgB line
usually transposes after ~h5 forcing
abc d e f g h the bishop capture on g5. The 'itlg6line
is especially interesting when White

Contemporary Theory

does not have a dark-square bishop The attack tends to be more challenging
because, as we have seen, the h4-pawn and the defense substantially eased
blocks the usual 'l11g4-h4 maneuver. But when the f8-square is vacant at the time
the 'it'g6 line is fraught with danger of the sacrifice because Black can
because White has, in addition to 'l11d3+ escape the immediate mate with ~g8-
and 'l11g4, the powerful idea ofh5+. f8. White has two primary options in
that line, continuing with ~h8xg7, or
Here, after the ...1.l.xg5 capture, White playing the immediate g5-g6.
will recapture with the h4-pawn, h4xg5,
opening the h-file for a White rook When Black's rook rests at f8 and the f-
which usually rests on hI but may
file is open, Black gains the opportunity
require posting there. As a result of the
to play ... .§.f5, pinning White's g5-pawn
capture, the black king will often be in
to the queen, preventing or at least
check from the .§.hl.
delaying g5-g6. The obvious problem
for Black in that line is that the .§.f5 is
vulnerable to attack from White's
kingside pawns.
5 After 4Jg5+, Black's move order does
4 matter because the immediate ... ~g8
3 ~h5 eliminates even the possibility of
2 'it'g6. By playing ...1.l.xg5 first, Black
usually gains the choice between ... ~g8
abcdefgh and ... ~g6.

On the retreat to g8, White will usually On 'it'h7-g6, ~h5 will force the king to
continue naturally on the next move f5 where the black king is extremely
with 'l11h 5 threatening mate on h 7 or h8. exposed and almost always subject to a
If Black's rook is on f8 and the f-pawn mate, the form of which will however
on f7, White's attack will usually depend upon the position and the
succeed quickly. additional assets at White's disposal.

The horrific threat of'l11h8 '"' eliminates Perez Alvarez - Rios Rebollo
defenses such as .§.f8-e8, ... 4Jf6, or even Madrid 2009
occupying the bl-h7 diagonal. French Defense [CII]

To create an escape square, Black will 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£\c3 .£\f6 4.e5
need to advance the f-pawn to f6 or f5, .£\fd7 5..£\f3 Jl.e7 6.Jl.d3 0--07.h4
when g5-g6 will end the discussion. c5
Indeed, many dozens of quick mates
follow that monotonous pattern. Black's Here is the sacrifice with ... 1.l.xg5 in its
defensive hope is to have a knight simplest form. Once again, only the
capable of capturing the g-pawn or else black king defends the h7-pawn, the
a very convincing counter attack on the 1.l.d3 is set to sacrifice on the h 7 -square,
queenside or in the center. the 4Jf3 can reach g5, the ~dl eyes h5,

Sacking the Citadel

and White even has a dark-square 10.hxg5+ Cit'g81O ... 'itfg611.~h5+ 'itff5
bishop to discourage ... 'iti'h6. 12.g4# mate in one, of course, butthere
are also three instructive mates in two.
8 (a) 12.~h7+ 'iti'g4 (12 ... g6 13.~h3#)
7 13.~h3#; (b) 12.~h3+'iti'g613.~h7#;

(c) 12.g6+ ~g5 13.~xg5# or 13.g4#.
1 t:~h5 f6 11...f5 12.g6 12.g6 1-0
Muller - Brueckner
3 Hanau2008
2 Owen's Defense [BOO]

abc d e f g h l.d4 b6 2.~c3 e6 3.a3 .Q.b7 4.e4 d6

5 . .Q.d3 ~d7 6.~f3 .Q.e7 7 . .Q.f4
White initiates the sacrifice with four ~gf6 8. ~d2 0--0 9.0--0--0 a610. ~e2
additional assets, the secure e5-pawn, a51l.g3 ~h512.h4 ~xf413.gxf4
the dark-square bishop, the h4-pawn, b5 14.§dgl c5 15.e5 cxd4
and the .£\c3, which controls the e4-
square should Black attempt to run his
king forward to g6 and f5. The sacrifice
works easily here for many reasons.
Black's rook occupies the f8-square,
Black cannot play ... §f5 to inhibit the
later advance of White's g5-pawn,
Black's knights will not be able to
capture the g-pawn when it reaches g6,
and Black has no counter-attack on the
queenside or center. 8 •.Q.xh7+ Cit'xh7 abc d e f g h
9.~g5+ In addition to ... i.txg5, Black
has the customary array of choices. The The sacrifice is especially notable here
because the Black i.tb7 reaches straight
'iti'h8 line results in the usual mate in
through to hI. White attempts the
two. The 'iti'g8 line transposes quickly
sacrifice counting on the .£\c3, the e5-
because, after 10.~h5, Black must
pawn, and the h4-pawn!§hl as
capture on g5 to prevent mate. The 'iti'h6
additional assets. 16..Q.xh7+ Cit'xh7
line is quite hopeless given the presence 17.~g5+ .Q.xg5 17 ... 'itfg8 18.~h5
of the dark-square bishop. 9 ••• .Q.xg5 i.txg5 transposing to the game;
9 ... 'itfg8 10.~h5 ~xg5 (10 ... §e8 17 ... 'itfh618.~d3 g6 (18 .. .f519.exf6 g6
11.~h7+ 'itff8 12.~h8#) Il.hxg5 20 ..£\f7+ §xf7 21.~xg6#) 19 ..£\xf7+
transposing; 11...f5 (11...f6 12.g6) §xf7 20.~xg6#; 17 ... 'itfg618.~d3+ f5
12.g6; 9 .. .'~h6 10 ..£\xf7++- Fritz 12 (18 ... 'iti'h6 19.~h7#; 18 ... 'iti'h5
suggests instead 10 ..£\ge4 with mate in 19.~h7#) 19.exf6+ 'iti'xf6 20.'£\h7+ 'itff7
12; 9 ... 'iti'h8 10.~h5+ 'iti'g8 11.~h7#; 21.~g6+ 'iti'g8 22.~xg7#. 18.hxg5+
9 ... 'iti'g6 10.~d3+ f5 (a) 10 .. .'~h6 .Q.xhI18... 'itfg619.~h5+ 'itff5 20.~g4+
11.~h7#; or (b) 10 ... 'itfh5 Il.g4+ ~g6 2l.f5+ exf5 22.~h5# 19.~h5+
'iti'xg4 (11...'iti'h6 12.~h7#) 12.~f3#. Cit'gS 2O.§xhl f5 21.g61-0

Contemporary Theory

Sharafiev - Gazizov 1l •.£)f3 f612.e4 .£)b613.e5 fxe5

Oktjabrsky 2004 14.fxe5 Jte715.h4 b4
French Defense [COO]
1.e4 e6 2.b3 .£)f6 3.e5 .£)d5 4.c4 7
.£)b6 5.d4 Jte7 6.,£)0 0-0 7 •.Q,d3 6
d5 S.h4 f5 9.exf6 Jtxf6 5

abc d e f g h

White has the secure e5-pawn, the dark-

square bishop, and the ~h1 as
additional assets. Black's only hope in
abc d e f g h this dangerous line is bringing the {'\c6-
e7 where it can capture the g6-pawn
With the open f-file, Black gains two and prevent the usual mate on h7.
options, ... ~eS with the idea of<it>gS-f8, 16..Q,xh7+ !ifjlxh7 17. .£)g5+ Jtxg5
and ... ~f5, pinning the advancing g5- 17 ... <it>gS IS. ~h 5 .llx g5 The only move
pawn. 10.Jtxh7+ !ifjlxh7 1l. .£)g5+ to prevent ~h7-hS#. 19.hxg5
!ifjlgS 11...<it>h6 12.~d3+-; 11...<it>g6 transposing to the game; 17 ... <it>h6
12.~d3+ 'iti'h6 (12 ... <it>h5 13.g4+ <it>h6 lS.{'\g4+ 'iti'h5 (lS ... <it>g6 19.h5+ <it>f5
[13 ... <it>xg4 14.~f3#] 14.~h7#) 20.0-0#) 19.{'\f6+ <it>g6 20.~c2+ <it>h6
13.~h7#; 11...Jlxg5 12.hxg5+ <it>g6 21.~h7# or 21.{'\f7#); 17 ... <it>g6
(12 ... <it>gS transposing to the game) lS.h5+ 'iti'h6 (lS ... <it>f5 19.94#)
13.~h5+ 'iti'f5 14.g6+ (14.~h7+ <it>g4 19.{'\g4#. 1S.hxg5+ Black's move
[14 ... g615.~h3+ 'iti'e416.{'\c3+ <it>xd4 order preserves the option of playing
17.~e3#] 15.~h4# [15.~h3#]) lS ... 'iti'g6. 1S•••!ifjlgS1S... <it>g619.~h5+
14... 'iti'e415.~e5+'iti'd316.~e2+'iti'xd4 'iti'f5 20.g4 # 19. t\'h5 .£)e7 20.g6
17.~e3#. 12.t\'h5 Jtxg5 13.hxg5 20.{'\g4+- 20 ••• .£)xg6 21.t\'xg6And
EteS13 ... ~f5 fails immediately because White, with three assets aiming at the
the ~dS is unanchored. 14.t\'hS++- kingside, wins easily. 21. •• t\'eS
14.g6'iti'fS15.Jla3+ 1-0 15 ..llg5+-or 22. t\'h7+ ctIfi 23.Jtg5 f!g8 23••• EthS
15 ..lla3+ ~e716.~hS#. 24.t\'xhS+- 24..£)g4 1-0 With the
idea of 0-0+.
Chomistek - Csefalvay
Trencin 1995 Kulhanek - Fuchs
Queen's Pawn Game [DOO] Bm02001
French Defense [COO]
1.d4 .£)f6 2.e3 e6 3.Jtd3 d5 4 •.£)d2
c5 5.c3 .£)c6 6.f4 .Q,d6 7. t\'e2 0-0 1.e4 e6 2 ..£)f3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4 cxb4
S..£)h3 .£)d7 9 . .£)f2 c410.Jtc2 b5 5.d4 .£)e7 6.a3 .£)ec6 7.axb4 Jtxb4+

Sacking the Citadel

8.c3 .1le7 9 . .1ld3 0-0 10.h4 f6 16.~h5 E!.f5 17.~h7+ '<t'f8 lS.E!.h5
1l.exf6.1lxf6 ~d6-+ ) l3 ... b4

8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2

abc d e f g h abc d e f g h

White misses the e5-pawn, and has to For additional assets, White has the
rely upon the dark-square bishop and 4Jc3 and E!.h1, unlikely enough given
the E!.hl. 12..1lxh7+ <i!lxh7l3./f)gS+ Black's counter-attack on the
.1lxgS 13 ... 'it1gS 14.~h5 Axg5 queenside. To survive, Black employs
transposing; 13 ... '<t'g6? 14.h5+ +- ... E!.f5 pinning the g-pawn. 14..1lxh7+
(14.~d3+ 'it1h5 15.g4+ 'it1xg4 <i!lxh7 15./f)gS+ <i!lg8 lS ... '<t'g6?
16.~f3#). 14.hxgS+ <i!lg814 ... '<t'g6? 16.~d3++-; 15 ... 'it1h6? 16.~d3 g6
15.~h5+ '<t'f5 16.~h7+! g6 (16 ... '<t'g4 17.h5 4Je7 (17 ... 'it1xgS 18.~g3+ '<t'fS
17.E!.h4# or 17.~h3#) 17.~h3+ 'it1e4 [lS ... '<t'h6 19.~xg6#] 19.E!.dfl#)
lS.~e3+ 'it1f5 19.~f4# (19.~f3#) lS.hxg6+ '<t'g7 19.E!.h7+ '<t'gS
IS. ~hS /f)e7 Once again, Black 20.4Jf7+- 16.~hS .1lxgS 17.hxgS
depends upon 4Jxg6 to prevent the fifSI White is unable first to secure the
mate. 16.g6 /f)xg6 17.~xg6 Here, g5-pawn with f4.18.g41? 18.E!.df1! bxc3
White retains an advantage after (lS ... E!.xfl+ 19.E!.xfl ~e7 20.g6+-)
17 ... 4Jc6 or 17 ... 4Jd7 or even 17 ... e5 19.94 E!.xfl + 20.E!.xfl +- 18 ... fixgS
but Black has some play. 17.•• ~f6? 19.~h4 fig619 ... '<t'f7! 20.E!.dfl + '<t'eS
18.~h7+ <i!lf7 19.fih3+- ~d8 21.axb4 ~e7+ 20.~h7+ <i!lf7
20.fif3+ <i!le8 21.fixf8+ <i!lxf8 21.fidfl + fif6 = 22.gS fixfl+
22.~h8+1-0 23.fixfl+ <i!le7 24.axb4 24.~xg7+
'<t'd6 (24 ... '<t'eS 2S.~f7#) 2S.axb4
MaIinin - Ivanova 4Jxb4 26.E!.fS ~e7 27.E!.f7 ~dS=
Soukhumi2007 24 ••• /f)xb4 2S.~xg7+ <i!ld6 26.fif8
Staunton Gambit [A82] ~e7 27.fif7 ~d8 28./f)e4+ dxe4?
And now, the win is quite pleasing;
l.d4 fS 2.e4 fxe4 3./f)c3/f)f6 4.f3 2s ... 'it1c6=. 29.~eS+ <i!lc6 30.~c5+
exf3 S./f) xf3 e6 6 ..1ld3 .1le7 7 ..1lgS <i!lb7 31.~xb4+ <i!la7 31...'<t'c6
/f)c6 8.a3 a6 9. ~e2 0--0 10.0--0--0 bS 32.g6 +- 32. ~cS+ <i!lb7 33.g6 eS
1l..1lxf6 .1lxf6 12.h4 dS l3.<i!lbl 34.dS e3 3S.g7 e2 36. ~b4+ 36.~c6+
Preparation, removing the king from the '<t'b837.~c3+- 36•.• <i!la73-7.~d21-
cl-h6 diagonal (13.Axh7+ 'it1xh7 o 37.gS~ ~xgS 3S.E!.xc7++-
14.4Jg5+ Axg5+ 15.hxg5+ '<t'gS

Contemporary Theory

Antony - Eide
New Zealand 1996 8
Queen's Pawn Game [D02] 7
l.d4 4)f6 2.4)f3 d5 3.Af4 e6 4.e3 5
Ae7 5.Ad3 0-0 6.4)bd2 c5 7.c3 c4 4
8.Ac2 h5 9. ~e2 Ab7 10.e4 4)c6 3
1l.e5 4)d712.h4 ~e8 2

abc d e f g h
Here, White initiates the sacrifice with
5 insufficient additional assets, only the
4 dark-square bishop, and Black can suc-
3 cessfully use the vacated f8-square to
2 escape the pressure. 10.Axh7+ ~xh7
11.4)g5+ ~g8 12.~h5 Axg5
abc d e f g h 13.hxg5 ~f8 14.g6 14.~h8+ ~e7
15.~xg7 Ae616.g6 Elg817.~h7 Elxg6
Black has conspicuously played Ele8, 18.~xg6 fxg6 19.~g5+ ~f8 20.~xd8
vacated the fB-square for the king's Elxd8+ 14... ~f6-+ 15.gxf7 ~xf7
escape. White counts nonetheless on 16.~g5 ~f6 17.~h8+ ~e7
the secure e5-pawn, the dark-square 18.~xe8+ ~xe8 19.~h5+ g6
bishop, and, after the capture on g5, 20. ~h7 4)e7 21.0-0-0 Ae6 22.~el
the Elh1.13.Axh7+ ~xh714.4)g5+ ~d7 23.Ad4 ~f7 24.~h4 4)f5
~g8 14 ... ~g6 15.~g4+-; 14 ... ~h6 25. ~e4 d5 26. ~e2 4) xd4 27.cxd4
15.<£Jxf7+ +- 15. ~h5 Axg5 15 ... <£Jf8! a6 28.f3 ~e8 29. ~f2 ~h8 30. ~e3
16:tii'xf7+ ~h8 17:tii'h5+= 16.hxg5 ~h2 31.~gl ~f4+ 32.~bl Af5
~f8 16 ... f5? 17.~h8+ ~f7 18.g6+ 33.~f1 ~xd4 34.~e2 ~6 35.~e8+
~xg6 19.~h5#; 16 ... f6 17.g6 ~f8 ~d6 36.~e3 ~xg2 37.~a3+ ~d7
18.~h8+ ~e719.~xg7# 17.g61+- 1- 38.~a4+ ~c6 39.~d4 ~xc2+
o 17 ... ~e7 17 ... fxg6 18.~xg6 <£Je7 4O.~al ~d241.~g7+ ~c642.~6+
19.Elh8+ <£Jg8 20.<£Jf3 with the idea of ~b5 43.a3 ~dl + 0-1
<£Jg5 and Elxg8; 18.gxf7 ElfBI9.~g5+.
Schwarz - Barth
Papp-Nagy Berlin 1999
Pecs1998 French Defense [CI4]
Petroff Defense [C42]
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.Ag5
l.e4 e5 2.4)f3 4)f6 3.4) xe5 d6 4.4)f3 Ae7 5.Axf6 Axf6 6.4)f3 0-07.e5
4) xe4 5.4)c3 4) xc3 6.dxc3 Ae7 j},e7 8.Ad3 c5 9.h4 cxd410.Axh7+
7.j},d3 0-0 8.h4 ~e8 9.Ae3 4)c6 ~xh7 1l.4)g5+ Axg5 11 ... ~h6-+
12.hxg5+ ~g6 12 ... ~g8 13.~h5 f5
14.g6+- 13.~h5+ ~f5

Sacking the Citadel

It's mate in three. 15.g6+! <llxf4

8 15 ... 'ifte416.~e5#; 15 ... 'it>f616.~g5#
7 16.~e5+ 1-0 16 ... 'iftg417.f3#

The <llh8line
The retreat of the king to hB is an ex-
tremely rare occurrence because the
move typically results in a quick mate
in two moves. Obviously, ~h5+ now
abc d e f g h occurs with an attack upon the black
king, leaving no opportunity whatever
It's mate in 10. Can any human find it? for a meaningful defense.
14.g6+ 14.g4+! 'iftf4 (14 ... 'iftxe5
15. ~h2 #) 15.4Je2+ 'it'e4 (15 ... 'it'f3 8
16.~h3+ 'ifte4 17.~d3+ 'it'xe5
18.~g3+ 'it'e4 19.~f4#; 15 ... 'it>xe5
16.~h2+ 'it'e417.~f4#) 16.~h2 ~xg5 6
(16 ... ~a5+ 17.'it'fl ~d2 18.f3+ 'it>xf3 5
[IB ... 'it>e3 19.~f4#] 19.~g2+ 'it>e3 4
20.E!.h3#)17.~g3+- 14••• ~g515.g4+ 3
<llf4 16. .£Je2+ Winning the queen, 2
which is surely enough. 1-0
Jayaram - AIlahverdiyev
Baku 2008
French Defense [ClO] 1.j},xh7+ <llxh7 2 . .£Jg5+ <llh8?
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£Jd2 dxe4 4 ..£J xe4
j},e7 5 . .£Jf3 .£Jf6 6 . .£Jxf6+ j},xf6 This mate is so easy to see that it never
7.j},d3 b6 8.Ae4 c6 9.Af4 0-0 occurs outside scholastic events. I have
10.h4 Ab7 1l.Axh7+ <llxh7 mentioned the 'ifthB line only twice in
12 . .£Jg5+ j},xg5 13.hxg5+ <llg6 this book, in games 230 and 288, and no
13 ... 'it>gB 14.~h5 f5 15.g6+- commentator has to date provided a
14.~h5+~5 reason why the 'it'hB line might have
any independent significance.
7 As it happens, there are at least three
6 reasons why the 'it'hB line might be the
continuation of choice.
l. When the defender's f7-pawn has
moved, retreat of the king to g8 might
expose it to attack along- the a2-bB
diagonal. The 'it'hB line is worth
abc d e f g h considering when the mate on h 7 is off

Contemporary Theory

the table (in other words, the attacking

queen does not have ready access to 8
the h-fiIe) and when ~h7-g8 would 7
result in a useful, tempo-winning 6
movement of a bishop or queen to the 5
key a2-b8 diagonal.
2. When the attacking queen and ~g5
are both already attacking an
undefended pawn on f7, the defending
king may not want to retreat to g8 and abc d e f g h
permit ~xf7+. The ~h8 line may be
preferable in the above scenario, 20.Jlxe5 Jlxe5 21.§c4+-; 18 ... ~h6
especially when the queen does not 19.~e6++-; 18... ~g6!? also avoids the
have easy access to the h-file and when capture on d5 with check. 19.ii¥xd5
~xf7+ does not involve a game winning when Black can hope to survive with
fork. ... §f5 or ...§ad8. 19..£Jd4.1leS19 ... g6
20.~b5 ~b8 21.§el ~f3+ 22.ii¥xf3
3. When Black has a major piece, most ,ilxf4 23.gxf4 ii¥xf4= 20.E!e120.We6;!;
often a rook, on f6 (f3 for White), ~h8 20 •.• .1lg6 21 •.£Jb5 ~d7 22 . .£Jxd6
(~hl) may be the safest choice given .£Jd3 23.E!e6 E!f6 24..£Jdf7+ \t'gS
the possibility of §f6-h6, not only 25 ..£Jh6+ \t'hS 26..£Jhf7+ Yz-Yz
preventing the checkmate but
potentially augmenting the defender's Zelkind - Kharroubi
pressure down the h-file. Philadelphia 1998
French Defense [C02]
Here are five examples of games that
correctly defended in the ~h8 line. 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 .£Jc6
5 ..£Jf3 ~b6 6.a3 .£Jh6 7.b4 cxd4
Kupsys - Zikharev S.cxd4 .£Jf5 9.Ae3 Ad7 10.Ae2
ICCF correspondence 1998 E!c811.0-0 Ae712.~d3 a613..£Jc3
French Defense [C06] .£Ja7 14.E!ac1 0-0 15.E!fe1 ~dS
16..1ld1 .£J xe3 17. ~xe3 a5 lS.E!b1
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 •.£Jd2 .£Jf6 4.e5 ax b4 b4 .£Jc6 20. .£Ja2 E!aS
.£Jfd7 5 ..1ld3 c5 6.c3 .£Jc6 7 ..£Je2 21.E!e2 .£Ja7 22..£Jc3 .£J b5 23 ..£J xb5
cxd4 S.cxd4 f6 9.exf6 .£J xf610..£Jf3 .1lxb5 24.E!eb2 ~b6 25.Ac2 E!fcS
Ad61l.0-0 ~c712.g3 0-0 13..1lf4 26.h4 ~c6 27. .£Je1 ~c3 2S. ~f4
Ad714.E!c1.£Jg415.h3 e516.dxe5 E!c4 29 ..£J0 E!xb4 30.E!xb4 Axb4
.£Jgxe517.Axh7+ \t'xh71S..£Jg5+ 31.Axh7+ \t'xh7 32..£Jg5+ (D)
Note here that the White queen cannot
The normal ~g8 line has no merit here quickly reach the h-fiIe, and Black will
because 19.~xd5 arrives with check. clearly want to avoid ~xf7 +. Given the
lS ••• \t'hS 18 ... ~g8 19.~xd5+ ~h8 weakness on f7, the ~h8line is Black's

Sacking the Citadel


abc d e f g h abcdefgh

only hope of survival. 32 ••• ~hS White has two additional assets, the
32 ... ~gS 33."ili'xf7+ ~hS 34."ili'h5+ ~gS .£Jg3, which eliminates the ~g6 and
35."ili'h7+ ~fS 36."ili'hS+ ~e7 37."ili'xg7+ 'ifth6 lines, and the .§c1. For his part,
~dS (37 ... ~eS 3S."ili'f7+ ~d8 39 ..£Jxe6+ Black has an interesting decision here
~cS 40 ..§xb4+-) 3S ..£Jxe6+ ~eS between ~gS and ~hS. The .§f6 plays
(3S ... ~cS 39."ili'gS+ ~d7 40."ili'f7+ Ae7 an interesting role in defending the key
41..£Jc5+ +-) 39 ..£Jc7+ ~dS g6-square and also eyes h6 in the event
40 ..£Jxb5+-; 32 ... ~h6 33 ..£Jxe6+ ~h7 that White tries "ili'h5. 17 .•. ~hS
(33 ... ~g6 34."ili'g5+ ~h7 35."ili'xg7#; 17 ... 'iftg6 lS."ili'h5 #; 17 ... ~h6
33 ... ~h5 34."ili'g5#) 34."ili'xf7 .§gS lS."ili'h5#; 17 ... ~gS lS."ili'h5 .§f4
35."ili'h5#; 32 ... ~g6 33."ili'xf7+ ~h6 (1S ... .§h6 19."ili'f7+ ~hS 20."ili'xd7 +-;
34 ..£Jxe6+- 33.~xf7 33 ..£Jxf7+? ~gS 18. .. .£JdS 19."ili'h7+ ~f8 20 ..£Jh5 ~e7
34 ..£Jg5 '§fS~ 33 •.. JlfS? 33 ... AeS! 21."ili'xg7++-) 19."ili'h7+ ~fS 20 ..£Jh5
34."ili'xb7 '§al 35 ..£Jxe6 .§xb1 + 36.~h2 "ili'xd4 21."ili'hS+ ~e7 22."ili'xaS .§fS
.lli837."ili'xb1 Jl.b4= 34.~xb7 34."ili'h5+ 23."ili'xb7 .£JdS 24."ili'a6 "ili'h4 IS.~d3
~gS 35."ili'h7# 34 ••• ~al 35.~xal 18."ili'h5+ .§h6 19 ..£Jf7+ 'ifth7 20 ..£Jg5+
~xal + 36.~h2 ~xd4 Yz-Yz Yz-Yz Daurelle-Zebre, corr 2006;
20 ..£Jxh6!? Jl.eS! 21..£Jf7+ ~gS 22 ..£Jh6+
Maksimenko - Nosenko gxh6 23."ili'xh6 .£Jxd4 24."ili'g5+=.
Alushta 1999 IS ••• g6! lS ... .§h6 19 ..£Jf7+ ~gS
French Defense [C06] 20 . .£Jxh6+ gxh6 21. "ili'g6+ ~fS
22 ..£Jf5+- 19.4)3e4 ~g7! 19 ... dxe4
20."ili'h3+ ~g7 21."ili'h7+ ~fS 22."ili'hS+
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)d2 4)f6 4.e5 ~e7 23."ili'g7+ ~dS 24."ili'xf6+ +-
4)fd7 5.Jld3 c5 6.c3 4)c6 7.4)e2 20.4)xd6 4)xd4 21.~fel e5 22.~xe5
cxd4 S.cxd4 f6 9.exf6 4) xf610.4)f3 ~xd6 23.~e7+ ~gS 24.~cel ~fS
Jld6 11.0-0 ~c7 12.Jlg5 0-0 24 ... .§c8 25.4)e6 4)f5 26.~xd7 ~xd7
13.4)g3 Jld714.~c1 ~b615..1l.xf6 27.4) xfS ~xfS 2S.g4 4)e7 0-1
~xf616.Jlxh7+ ~xh717.4)g5+
Kubacsny - Auer
Nord Baden 2004
Sicilian Defense [B95]

Contemporary Theory

l.e4 c5 2.4)£3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.4) xd4 ~xg5 S.4)f3 ~c5 9.4)c3 4)f6
4)f6 5.4)c3 a6 6.Ag5 e6 7.~d2 10.~d3 0-0 11.0-0-0 ~xf2
Ae7 S.£3 0--0 9.0-0-0 b5 10.h4 b4 12.§.hfl ~xg2 13.~xd6 ~g4
1l.4)ce2 ~b612.Ae3 ~a513.~bl 14.§.gl 4)eS 15.~d2 ~e6 16.e5
d514.e5 4)fd715.f4 4)c516.4)b3 4)d7 17.~f4 4)c5 IS.b4 4)d7
4)xb3 17.cxb3 Ad7 IS.4)d4 §.cS 19.Ad3 ~e7 20.§.del f5 21.exf6
19.Ad3 Ab5 20.f5 4)d7 21.fxe6 ~xf6 22.Axh7+ The sacrifice counts
fxe6 22.4)xe6 4)xe5 23.Axh7+ on three additional assets, the two
~xh7 24.4)g5+ active rooks and the 4Jc3. 22 .•• ~xh7
7 8
6 7
5 6
4 5
3 4
2 3

abc d e f g h
The r,!th8line is Black's only chance for
survival here. In the 'it'g8 line, ~xdS+ Black probably selected the 'i11h8 line
picks up the 4JeS. 24 ... ~xgS activates using the process of elimination. 'i11h6
the E'!hl. And in the 'it'g6 line, 2S.hS meets a mate in two. 'i11g6 loses the
forces the king to h6 where White has a queen to E'!e6. And the 'i11g8 line
killing discovered check. 24 ••• ~hS exposes the king to a powerful check
24 ...'i11g8 2S:i!1fxdS+ 'i11h8 26.~xeS+-; from ~c4. 23••• ~hS 23 ...r,!tg8 24.~c4+
24 ... 'i11g6 2S.hS+ r,!th6 (2S ... 'i11f6 'it'h8 2S.E'!g4 ~h6 26.E'!h4 +- ; 23 ... 'i11h6
26.~f2++-; 2S ... 'i11fS 26.~f2+ 'i11g4 24.~h4+ 'i11g6 2S.~h7#; 23 ... 'i11g6
27.E'!d4#) 26.4Jf3++-; 24 ... ~xgS 24.E'!e6+- 24.~e4 When Black can
2S.hxgS+ 'it'g6 26.~xdS+- 25.~xd5 defend the mate with either ~h6 or
Af6 2S ... ~c7 26.~d4 ~c2+ 27.'i11al ~f4+. 24••. ~h6 24 ... ~f4+ 2S.~xf4
~f6 28.~xeS E'!d8 29.4Jf7+ 'i11h7 E'!xf4 26.E'!xe8+ E'!f8 27.E'!e7 4Jf6
30.4Jxd8 E'!xd8 31.~xd8~xd8 32.E'!xd8 28.4Jf7+ 'i11g8 (28 ... 'i11h7 29.4Je5 4Je8
~xg2 33.E'!ddl +- 26.~e4+- g6 30.4Je4 ~f5 31.4JgS+ 'i11g8
27.h5 ~gS 2S. ~d5+ ~fS 29.4)h7+ 32.E'!xb7 +-) 29.4Je5 4Je8 30.4Jg6+-
~e7 30.4) xf6 ~xf6 31.§.dfl + 1-0 25. ~xeS! ~f6 25 ... aS!? 26.h4 'i11g8
27.~e4 axb4 28.~xb4 4Jf6 29.E'!e7
Sherwood - Just 4Jd5 30.4Jxd5 cxd5 31.~d4 E'!a6
IECG e-mail 2006 32.~xd5+ 'i11h8± 26.~e4 ~h6
Philidor's Defense [C41] 26 ... ~f4+ 27.~xf4 E'!xf4 28.E'!e8+ E'!f8
29.E'!e7 4Jf6 30.4Jf7+ 'i11h7 (30 ...'i11g8
l.e4 e5 2.4)f3 d6 3.d4 exd4 4.4) xd4 31.4Je5+-) 27.~bl 4)f6 2S.~c4
c6 5.Ae2 Ae7 6.Ae3 Ag5 7.Axg5

Sacking the Citadel

~h5 29.lae7 a5 30 . .£)f7+ laxf7 examples of this defensive maneuver.

31.laxf7axb432.lafxg7 Jl,e61-0 Attackers and defenders should
certainly include the resource in their
The ~xg5!? line middlegame arsenals.

Under the right circumstances, Black Durao - Heidenfeld

can successfully sacrifice his queen for N etanya 1961
the 4:Jg5! The move is a remarkable French Defense [C 14]
defensive possibility that only one
chess author, grandmaster Karsten 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£)e3 .£)f6 4.Ag5
Miiller, briefly mentioned in his Ae7 5.e5 .£)fd7 6.Jl,xe7 ~xe7 7.f4
ChessCafe Puzzle Book 1, (p.50), albeit 0--0 S..£)f3 e5 9.Jl,d3 exd4
without an example.
The simple principle: the defender may 7
be able to sacrifice the queen 6
successfully for the attacking knight if 5
the defender already has or will soon
obtain sufficient material compensation.
This finding appears to be independent
of whether the attacking side can count
on the two additional assets that
Vukovic suggested were needed for the abc d e f g h
sacrifice to succeed. In other words, the
... ~xg5line appears to be an exception White has the basic requirements for
to Vukovic's hypothesis. the sacrifice here. The .ild3 reaches h7,
the 4:Jf3 can follow immediately to g5,
Keep in mind that the attacking player and the ~dl stands ready to reach h5.
has already sacrificed a bishop on h7 However, the 4:Jc3 is en prise.
(or h2 by Black). The queen's capture 10.-'ixh7+ ~xh7 11..£)g5+ The
ofthe knight on g5 nets a second piece. king's retreat to g8 invites 12.~h5.
The sacrifice therefore merits 11.r.t>h6 would meet 12.~d3+ or
consideration in positions in which the 12.~g4 with the idea of ~h4-h7.
attacking side had previously sacrificed 11. •• ~xg5! An impressive move. For
an additional piece or exchange, or the queen, Black nets three pieces and
when the Greco-type sacrifice against the e5-pawn. 12.fxg5 dxe3 13.0-0
h 7 (or h2) occurs while the attacker has .£)xe5 14.~h5+ ~gS 15.laf4 .£)g6
another piece en prise. 16.laf3 e5 And Black has emerged
with all the play. White has no mean-
There are 11 examples, several in sub- ingful action on the h-file, and just look
lines, of the queen sacrifice, games 76, at the center and those minor pieces!
82,120,129,144,172,216,219,237,246, 17.bxe3 .£)e6 lS.laafl Jl,e6 19.94
and 306. To better make the point, I .£)ee7 20.lah3 lafeS 21.~h7+ ~fS
present below four additional modem 22.lahf3 lae4 23.h3 laaeS 24.lae3

Contemporary Theory

Elxc3 25.Elxc3 Elxc3 26.h4 Elg3+ nal. Can White force the black queen
27.<it'h2 Elxg4 2S.h5 Elh4+ 29.<it'gl off the diagonal? 22.Elf14)b6 23.Elf2
4)f4 30.h6 gxh6 31. ~hS+ 4)gS ~b1 24.Elb2 ~f5+ 25.g4 4)d3
32.~xe5 hxg5 33.~bS+ <it'g7 26 ..Q.g3 and now, where is the black
34.~xb7 4)f6 35.~xa7 d4 36.a4 queen to go? (26.gxf5 4.Jxf4+ -+ fork-
4)h3+ 37.<it'h2 4)d5 3S.a5 4)e3 ing the king and queen.) 26 ... ~xg51
39.Elf3 4)f4+ 40. <it'gl E!g4+ 41. <it'h2 27.~xg5 4)xb2 with a very easy win
Elg2+ 42. <it'h1 Eld2 0-1 now that mate is no longer threatened.
28. <it'g2 .Q.d7 29.h4 Elf7 0-1
Altrock - Kamp
Oberliga 1985 Juan Roldan - Alvarez
French Defense [Cll] Almeria 1989
Ruy Lopez [C63]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)d2 4)f6 4.e5
4)fd75.f4c56.c34)c67.4)df3cxd4 1.e4 e5 2.4)f3 4)c6 3 ..Q.b5 f5 4.d4
S.cxd4 ~b6 9.4)e2 .Q.b4+ 10.4)c3 f6 f xe4 5.4) xe5 4) xe5 6.dxe5 c6 7 ..Q.c4
1l.g3 fxe512.fxe5 0--0 13..Q.f4 ~a5 ~a5+ S..Q.d2 ~xe5 9.0--0 d510..Q.b3
14. .Q.d3 .Q.xc3+ 15.bxc3 ~xc3+ 4)f6 l1..Q.c3 ~g5 12.f4 ~g6
16.<it'f14)b4 13. .Q.d4 .Q.d6 14.c4 0-0 15.cxd5

abc d e f g h
abc d e f g h
17. .Q.xh7+ The sacrifice counts on
two additional assets, the secure e5- An ambitious move aiming to undermine
pawn and the dark-square bishop on the d5-pawn. 17... .Q.xh2+ Better is
f4, but Black has an impressive 17 ... .llxf5 lS.4.Jxd5 4.Jxd5 19 ..llxd5+
counter-attack on the queens ide that ~hS 20.~b3 §adS. For the sacrifice,
will only improve once White plays Black counts on the light-square
~h5. 17 ••. <it'xh7 lS.4)g5+ <it'gS bishop, the secure e4-pawn, and the
19. ~h5 and White is poised to deliver §fS as additional assets. lS.<it'xh2
a simple checkmate on h7.19 ... ~xa1 + 4)g4+ 19.<it'gl ~h5 With the obvious
20.<it'g2 ~xa2+ Black now has over- mate threat. 20. ~xg41 Once again, our
whelming material superiority, but can theme must have come as quite a shock.
he prevent the checkmate? 21.<it'h3 20 ... ~xg4 21.fxe6 Netting a third
~c2 The first key to the defense, plac- piece, and Black clearly cannot hold the
ing the queen on the key c1-h7 diago- central pawns. 21 .•. ElfeS 22.4)xd5+-

Sacking the Citadel

e3 23 . .1lxe3 ~hS 24.~c7 ~e4 A final comment on assets

25 . .§ael .§acS 26.~ xeS .§xeS
27..1lxa7 ~b4 28.M2 h6 29..§cl h5 In 1959, Vladimir Vukovic postulated
30..§fdl ~f4 31 ..§c3 ~g4 32..§g3 that at least two active supporting
~e2 33..§d71-0 pieces (other than the light square
bishop, the knight that reaches g5, and
Kallio - Marin the White queen) are usually required
Gothenburg 2001 for the Greco Sacrifice to succeed.
Nimzo-Indian Defense [E20] Specifically, he suggested that two
additional supporting assets include
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.~c3 .1lb4 4.f3 some combination of two of the
0-0 5.e4 d5 6.e5 ~fd7 7.cxd5 exd5 following features:
S.f4 c5 9.~f3 ~c6 lO.a3 .1la5
1l..1ld3 cxd4 • The dark square bishop
(usually along the cl-h6
8 diagonal, discouraging the
7 black king from h6).
6 • A second knight (from c3, d2,
5 or e2 reaching e4 or f4).
• A rook (often on the open e-
file, the semi-open h-file, or
sometimes the f-file).
• A secure pawn on e5 (to
prevent Black from defending
abc d e f g h with4Jf6).
• A pawn on h4 (with a rook on
Once again, White initiates the sacrifice
with a piece en prise. 12..1lxh7+ ~xh7 With access to a wide variety of
13.~g5+ ~xg51 The queen sacrifice complex games, I have added some
should be obvious at this point. The additional assets to the original list:
rest ofthe game is a remarkable display
of the unleashed power of the minor • With regard to the rooks,
pieces. 14.fxg5 dxc315.0-0 ~dxe5 adding other files that permit
16.h4 .1lg417. ~xd5 .§adS And now swings to the kingside, from
the black rooks also join the fray. the a- through the f-file;
lS.~e4+ ~gS19.bxc3 .§fe8 20.~c2 • Additional squares for the
.1lh5 21 ..1lf4 ~d3 22 ..1lg3 .1lb6+ second knight, including fl,
23.~hl.§e3 Or just .. .1::!e2. 24.~h2 f2, g3, g4, b5, and d6. In game
.§e2 25. ~a4 ~c5 26. ~b5 .§dd2 257, even a knight on a4
27 . .§ael .§xg2+ 2S.~h3 .1lc7 proved to be a needed asset;
29..§eS+ 29..1lxc7 .1lg4* 29 ... ~h7 • Kingside expansion, with at
30.g6+fxg60-1 least two connected pawns f-
g or g-h on the fourth rank or

Contemporary Theory

• Consideration for pawns on It is clearly apparent in his book that

e5 that are not secured but are Vukovi6 was prepared to bend his gen-
mobile or viable nonetheless. eral principle about assets with circum-
stances. In this regard, he implicitly in-
To test his proposition, I have indexed corporates the main finding ofVoellmy's,
all of the asset combinations. Many that a successful attack requires a com-
readers will find it fascinating to view bination of factors such as better de-
how certain asset combinations appear velopment, superior control of space,
to grow and wane in popularity. The and the displacement of key defending
index is also extremely useful for those pieces.
interested in comparing and contrast-
ing games with similar characteristics, I offer the following summary from the
a powerful technique that I use often in games in this volume.
my correspondence chess games.
Fewer additional assets may be required
More remarkable is the apparent evolu- when:
tion and refinement on the collective think-
ing about the sacrifice. I reviewed statis- • The white queen has access
tically the distribution of asset combina- to h5 prior to {jg5, eliminating
tions over time. The asset combinations the 'it'g6 and 'it'h6 lines;
in the early games played through 1935 • The white rook is already on
reflect, I believe, a distinct lack of overall the third rank ready to swing;
clarity with regard to the assets required • The black §.f8 cannot move;
for the sacrifice to succeed. • The black queen on e7 blocks
the escape route;
In the sacrifices played until 1911, • White has a knight already
slightly more games involved three as- poised on g3 or f4.
sets than two, and three games involved
no additional assets whatever. A third More than two additional assets are
of the games played between 1911 and often required in complex positions
1935 contained only a single additional when, for example:
asset. The games played between 1936
and 1959 reflect, I believe, a more com- • Black has a pawn on f6;
prehensive appreciation for the sacri- • The black bishop or queen
fice, with most of the games involving can reach the bl-h7 diagonal;
two or three additional assets. The • Black's rook has vacated the
games played after 1960, illustrate not f8 escape square;
just that refined understanding, but also • Black has a knight, bishop, or
the fact that the games have become queen protecting the f7 -quare;
more complex, somewhat more fre- • Knights can force one knight
quently requiring three or four addi- back to f6;
tional assets to overcome strong de- • Black has an uncontested rook
fenses or significant counter-play. on an open f-file, especially on
f6 where it can safely reach h6;

Sacking the Citadel

• Black has a counter-attack on Finally, I should add that Vukovic also

the e5-pawn; suggested that most common combina-
• In the 'it'h6 line, when White tion of additional assets was the dark-
does not have a dark-square square bishop and e5-pawn. It is sur-
pawn but does have a pawn prising, perhaps, but that combination
on h4; runs a close second to another asset
• White enters the position with pair, the dark-square bishop and an ac-
a significant material deficit; tive rook.
• In the 'it'g8 line, when the
white queen cannot reach h5
in one move.

The Classic Bishop Sacrifice

Part III: Practice

Sacking the Citadel

Chapter 6


Greco's Sacrifice, the Early Years But it is undeniably interesting that

only 39 of the 3,500 Greco Sacrifices I
In their second volume on middlegame have found were played prior to 1911.
strategy, Dr. Max Euwe and H. Kramer
relate the story of a wealthy man who, David Rudel, the author of the recent
as he lies dying, stipulates that his sons book jlxh7!, somehow found the fol-
will receive their inheritance only after lowing game. I offer it with my notes as
they carry out a sound bishop sacrifice part of this introduction as evidence that
on the h7-square. I personally hope that even a world champion could miss a
the story is apocryphal, but it speaks historic opportunity.
directly to Greco's profound legacy.
Steinitz - NN
A century ago, Euwe and Kramer's The Hague, simul. exhibition 1873
story would likely have specially Queen's Gambit Accepted [020]
touched the chess community. A sacri-
fice that we think oftoday as quite com- 1.d4 dS 2.c4 dxc4 3.e3 4)f6 4.Axc4
mon and often "in the air" was then ac- e6 S.4)f3 .1lb4+ 6.4)c3 c6 7.0-0
tually a rarity in tournament practice. In .1lxc3 8.bxc3 4)bd7 9.Jla3 4)b6
this first section, I present all of the 10..1ld3 4)fdSll.c4 4)e712.e40-0
Greco Sacrifices that I have been able 13.eS4)d7
to unearth before 1911, the year in which
a Swiss mathematician, Erwin Voellmy, 8
produced the sacrifice's first taxonomy, 7
the topic of the second chapter. Obvi- 6
ously without a database to assist his 5
search, Voellmy located only eight of
the games in this section. Of course, to
be completely fair to Voellmy, four of
the games here come from Voellmy's
study but do not appear in ChessBase's
MegaBase. abc d e f g h

The results suggest that it is quite likely Steinitz played 14Ajg5 h615.'l;,Yh5 and
that many other early Greco Sacrifices so the following variation, obviously a
are out there, either unpublished and missed opportunity, does npt show up
lost to the ether or tucked away in ob- in a database search.
scure journals and newspaper columns.


14.Axh7+ ~xh7 15.4Jg5+ ~g6 should be proof enough that Greco's

Black is mated quickly after 15 ... ~g8 name belongs alongside such company,
16.'lifh5 ~e817.'l£th7+ ~f8 18.'l£th8#; and that he helped to bring chess not
And little better is 15 ... ~h616.'l£tg4.f:lf5 only to the enlightenment but to the
17.f4 ~h8 18 ..f:lxf7++-. 16.~g4 f5 modern age as well.
17.~g3 f418.~g4 Staying on the g-
file to sustain the threat of the discov- The Greco Sacrifice through 1911
ered check. 18.•. ~e8 19.4J xe6+ ~f7
20.4Jc7 +- In ChessBase's chronologically orga-
nized Mega Database 2009 of nearly
Despite the rarity of the games, and 4,000,000 games, Greco's recorded
despite Steinitz's oversight, I think it "games" occupy places 15 through 102.
likely that all serious tournament play- None of the names of his adversaries
ers of the day were aware of the sacri- was ever listed, adding evidence that
fice, in no small part thanks to Greco. If the games were never played. But there
anything, players a century ago were is little debate that game number 31
far better acquainted with Greco's leaves Greco with lasting immortality,
games. For chess at least, it was a sim- with a profound impact on modern
pler time, certainly in terms of the chess. As you can see here, it involves
amount of infonnation at their disposal. the first ever "Greco Sacrifice." Anno-
They had far fewer distractions in and tators seem to delight in noting that the
out of the game. early moves are undistinguished. Given
the beauty and soundness of the sacri-
I have organized the 39 games in this fice, their observation seems moot. The
section chronologically. That means, of finale is spoiled somewhat by Greco's
course, that Greco's contribution comes failure to find the faster checkmate.
first. There, I have incorporated the Greco may have been unaware of the
annotations and thoughts of Greco, better 11 th move. He makes no note of
Renaud and Kahn, and Chernev who it in any of his manuscripts.
previously annotated the game. The
annotations in the other games, unless (1) Greco, Gioacchino - NN
otherwise noted, are entirely mine. Europe 1620
Throughout, I have sought to lay the French Defense [COl]
foundation for the taxonomy in Chap-
ter 5 by presenting the most important 1.e4 e6 2.d4 4Jf6 3.Ad3 4Jc6 4./clf3
variations in each game. Ae7 5.h4 0-0 6.e5 4Jd5

Note, of course, the remarkable list of

talent in these early games. Alekhine,
Bernstein, Bird, Blackburne, Burn,
Capablanca, Labourdonnais, Lasker,
Marshall, Maroczy, Morphy, Paulsen,
Pillsbury, Schleeter, Steinitz, and
Zukertort. Here are the great names of
the Romantic period in the 19th century,
as well as four world champions. That
abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

The general criteria for the sacrifice are and (3) The further advance of the king
set and easily discemable. Only the to g6 or h6." 8 ••• J:txg5 After the retreat
black king defends the h7 -pawn. to g8, S... ~gS, White wins quickly with
White's 4Jf3 can easily reach g5 and 9.i*h5 Axg5 (9 ... .§eS lO.i*h7+ 'ittf8
the white queen can follow to h5. And 11.'i';j<hS#; 9 ... 4Jf6 lO.exf6 .§eS
so, after 8.4Jg5, retreats of the black 11.i*h7+ 'ittfS 12.i*hS#) 1O.hxg5 f5
king to g8 or h8 will meet 'i';j<h5, winning (lO .. .f611.g6) 11.g6 'i';j<h4 12.'i';j<xh4 with
quickly. The presence of White's dark- mate next move; s... ~g6 9.h5+ wins
square bishop clearly discourages Black quickly because 9 ... ~h6 (9 ... ~f5
from playing S ... 'itth6. And finally the lO.g4#) lO.4Jxf/++- 'itth7 11.4JxdS;
line with s... 'ittg6 faces 9.i*d3, 9.h5+, After the retreat to h8, White usually
and even 9.i*g4. mates quickly, as here, after 8. .. ~hS?
9.'i';j<h5+ 'ittgSlO.'i';j<h7#. The retreat to
One of the key criteria in judging intu- h6 is especially dangerous when White
itively the soundness ofthe Greco Sac- has a dark-square bishop. S ... ~h6
rifice is the number of additional assets 9.4Jxe6+ wins a queen and initiates a
(beyond the basic bishop, knight, and mate in II, says Fritz 12. 9.hxg5+ ~g6
queen) that the attacking side can bring 9 ... 'ittgS lO.i*h5 f5 11.g6 when Black
to bear upon the position. Vukovic was can only delay the mate by pitching his
the first to note that the attacking side queen. 11...i*h4 12.i*xh4 10.~h5+
needs at least two additional assets. In ~f5 11.~h7+ Chernev was first to
this first position from 1620, White has mention a quicker checkmate with
a secure pawn on e5, the dark-square 11.i*h3+! ~g6 (11...'itte4 12.'i';j<d3#)
bishop, and, in lines involving a cap- 12.i*h7# 1l ... g6 12.~h3+ ~e4
ture on g5, the rook on the h-file. 13.~d3# 1-0

7.J:txh7+! ~xh7 After 7 ... 'itthS, (2) De LaBourdonnais - Lecrivain

Renaud and Kahn state: "Black may Paris 1837
refuse the sacrifice, in which case White French Defense [COO]
may withdraw his bishop with S.Ad3
and be content with the extra pawn, or The French master Louis-Charles Mahe
he may play S.4Jg5 and give increased de LaBourdonnais (1795-1840) was con-
momentum to the attack; this was sug- sidered the unofficial world chess cham-
gested by Greco himself and we also pion during the early 19th century. Af-
think that this continuation is far stron- ter squandering his family fortune on
ger." S.4Jg5! g6 9.4Jxf/+ .§xf/ 10.Axg6 ill-advised land deals, LaBourdonnais
i*gS (10 ... .§g7 11.i*h5+ 'ittgS 12.Ah6 began to play chess professionally
i*fS13.i*g4 d614.Axg7 i*xg715.h5) when he defeated his chess teacher
S ... 4Jdb4 9.4Jg5 g6 lO.4Jxf/+ .§xf/ Alexandre Deschapelles in 1821. He
11.Axg6 .§g712.'i';j<h5+ ~gS13.c3 4Jd5 fought an unofficial world champion-
14 ..§h3+- 8.4)g5+ When Renaud and ship match against Alexander
Kahn suggest "Black now has three McDonnell in 1834. He earns further
lines of play: (1) Withdrawal ofthe king recognition here for the second Greco
to gS; (2) The capture of the knight; Sacrifice to be recorded for posterity.


l.e4 e6 2.f4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.4)f3 4)c6 17.g4 fxgS 18.gxfS+ §xfS -+) 16.. .fxgS
5.c3 ~b6 6.Jld3 a6 7.Jlc2 Jld7 17.gxfS+ §xfS lS.fxgS <£\e7-+.
8.d4 cxd4-9.cxd4 Jlb4+ 10.4)c3 14.~h5 §fc8? The weakness ofthe
4)ge711.0-0 0-0 white d4-pawn after 13.<£\gS should
have encouraged Black to play
8 14 ... ~xd4+!= lS.§f2 §fdS (lS ... ~d3
7 16.fS §fcS 17.~xf7+ 'it'hS lS.~hS+
6 <;t>gS 19.~h7+ <;t>fS 20.fxe6++- 'it'e8
21.~hS+ <£\g8 22.~xgS+ <;t>e7
23.§f7#) 16.~xf7+ <;t>hS 17.~hS+
<;t>g8=. 15.~xf7+ ~h8 16.~h5+
Faster is 16.§f3! ~xd4+ 17.<;t>h1 +-.
16...~g817:~h7+ 17.§f3 is still more
accurate.17 ... ~f8 18.~h8+ 4)g8
abc d e f g h 19.4)h7+ White should aim to activate
the §fl with19.fS exfS 20.e6 ~xd4+
The white pawn on f4 introduces an in- 21.<;t>h1 <£\ce7 (21...'it'e7 22.<£\xdS+
teresting twist. The pawn move secures ~xdS 23. ~xg7 + <;t>d8 24.~e3 +- )
the e5-pawn but hems in White's other 22.exd7 §c6 23.<£\h7+ 'it'f7 24.<£\e2
additional asset, the dark-square bishop when the threat of <£\gS gives White a
on c I. The advance of the white f-pawn strong and likely winning advantage.
also opens the a7-g1 diagonal for Black 19 ..• ~f7 20.4)g5+ Missing 20.fS!
and enables an effective counterattack. ~xd4+ 21.<;t>h1 ~xeS 22.fxe6+ +-.
12.Jlxh7+ ~xh713.4)g5+ ~g8 As 20 ..• ~f8 21.f5 ~e7 Other Black tries
here, there is rarely hope in 13 ... <;t>h8 do not fare better. 21...~xd4+ 22.<;t>h1
14.~hS+ <;t>g8 lS.'~h7 #. After exfS 23.e6 'it'e7 24.<£\xdS+ (or 24.~e3!)
13 ... 'it'h6 many players would be 24 ... ~xdS 2S.~xg7+ 'it'dS 26.M4+-;
tempted to play fS to open the diagonal 21...exfS 22.e6 ~xd4+
for the bishop, but far faster is the idea 23.<;t>h1+-22.~xg7+ ~d8 23.fxe6
of~g4-h4. 14.'ili'g4 ~xd4+ (14 ... §h8 4)ge7 24.§f8+ ~c7 25.4)xd5+ 4)xd5
prevents 'ili'h4, but gives up the defense 26.~xd7+ ~b8 27.~xc8+ ~a7
of the f7-pawn. lS.<£\xf7+ 'it'h7 28.~xa8* 1-0
16.~hS+ <;t>gS 17.~xhS+ 'it'xf7
18.~xaS+-) lS.'it'h1 §hS 16.<£\xf7+ (3) Cochrane - Staunton
'it'h7 17.~h3+ 'it'gS lS.~xhS+ 'it'xf7 London 1842
19.'ili'xaS+-. Black missed the best de- Bishop's Opening [C24]
fense with 13 ... <;t>g614.~d3+ (White's
center crumbles after 14.~g4 ~xd4+ A Scottish chess master and barrister,
lS.§f2 <£\xeS 16.~g3 <£\fS 17.<£\xe6+ John Cochrane (1798-1878) became a
<£\xg3 lS.<£\xd4 ~cS -+; 14. ~c2+ fS very strong chessplayer while study-
lS.exf6+ 'it'xf6 16.<£\h7+ <;t>f7 17.<£\xfS ing law. His book, A Treatise on the
<£\xd4 18.~h7 <£\dfS+ 19.'it'h1 §xfS-+) Game of Chess, introduced the
14 ... <£\fS! when the threat on the d4- Cochrane variation of the King's Gam-
pawn prevents White from playing bit: l.e4 eS 2.f4 exf4 3.<£\f3 gS 4.~c4
15.g4. lS.~e3 f6 16.g4 (16.exf6 gxf6 g4 S.<£\eS ~h4+ 6.'it'fl f3. He played

Sacking the Citadel

matches against the two strongest upon the active rooks and the 4Jc3. It is
French players, Deschapelles and a very unusual position in which the
Labourdonnais. After a tour of military sacrifice occurs without check, and in
duty in India, he helped Howard which White's active rooks and their
Staunton prepare for a match against pressure on the black bishops on d6
the Frenchman Saint-Amant. On return and e6 more than compensate for the
to India, he was a leading member of lack of an e5-pawn. After the capture,
the Calcutta Chess Club. without which Black is simply a pawn
down, White could have improved with
After defeating Saint-Amant in 1843, 16. ~e4+, eliminating the 'it'g6Iine. With
Howard Staunton (1810-1874) was gen- help from several white inaccuracies,
erally regarded as the strongest player Black defends well enough to draw,
in the world. His standardized chess missing his way only on move 20.
sets became the norm. He organized the 15.Axh7! White had another oppor-
first international chess tournament of tunity to win quickly with 15.~e4 g6
1851 that resulted in the Adolf 16.Axb5 cxb517.4Jxb5 +-. 15... 'it'xh7
Anderssen's emergence as the unoffi- The effort to trap the bishop loses
cial world champion. A prolific chess quickly:15 ... g616.Axg6fxg617.~xe6.
writer and commentary, his Chess- 16..£Jg5+ The most efficient path here
Player's Handbook (1847) helped to is 16.~e4+ ~g8 (16 ... 'it'h6 17.~h4+
popularize chess in England during the 'it'g6 18J~xd6 ~xd6 19.4Je5+ 'it'f5
19th century. 20.g4+ ~f4 21.l':'!.e4#. Note that the
obvious 16 ... g6 17.4Jg5+ 'it'g7
l.e4 e5 2.Ac4 .£Jf6 3.d4 c6 4 ..£J0 18.~d4+ is winning because the queen
.£Jxe45.dxe5d56.exd6.£Jxd67.Ad3 now swings to h4+-.) 17.4Jg5 g6
Ae7 B.O-O 0-0 9.Af4 Ag4 10..£Jc3 18.~h4 f6 19.4Jxe6+-. 16 ... 'it'gB
h5 1l.E!el 'it'hB A fine positional White does not have a dark-square
player, Staunton may well have hoped bishop, but 16 ... ~h6 invites 17.4Jxe6
with this move to steer clear of the Axh2+ (17 ... fxe6 18.~xe6+ l':'!.f6
Greco Sacrifice. 12. ~e2 Ae6 19.~h3+ ~g6 20.g4 'it'f7 21.g5 l':'!.f4
13.Axd6 Axd614.E!adl ~c7 22.~e6+ ~f8 23.~e8#) 18.'it'h1 fxe6
19.1':'!.d3+- when the rook reaches h3
8 with powerful effect. The black king is
7 far too exposed after 16... 'it'g617.4Jxe6
6 Axh2+ 18.~h1 fxe6 19.~e4+ 'it'h6
(19 ... l':'!.f5 20.g4+-) 20.l':'!.d3 with a com-
mon theme, a powerful rook swing to
the kingside+-. 17..£Jxe6 17.~e4! is
an efficient alternative, avoiding ...
Af5 -+. The immediate threat is obvi-
ous, but the queen can also reach the
abc d e f g h h-file safely after 18 ... g6 18.~h4 f6
19.4Jxe6+-, avoiding 17.iMl5 Af5-+.
For additional assets, beyond the Ad3, 17 ... Axh2+ IB.'it'fl White's best
the 4Jf3, and the queen, White relies chance lies with 18.~h1 fxe6


19.~xe6+ ~h7 (l9 ... §.f7 20.g3+-) when White has three mates from which
20.g3 .\lxg3 21.~h3+ +-. 18 ... fxe6 to choose: 17.'l£th3+ 'it'g6 1B.'l£th7#;
19.~xe6+ ~f7 Missing an opportu- 17.'l£th7+ ~g4 1B.'l£th3 #; 17.g4+ ~xg4
nity to reach an even game with 19 ... ~f7 (17 ... ~h4 1B.'l£th3#; 17 ... 'it'h6
20.~xf7+ §.xf7 21.§.eB+ ~h7 22.4:\e4 18.~h7# or 1B.4:\f7#) 18.'l£tf3+ 'it'h4
M4 23.g3 .\lc7=. 20.Jile4 j},f4 Or sim- 19.'l£th3#. 14 ... 'it'h6 is much too dan-
ply 20 ... 4:\d7=. 21.g3 j},h6 22.~e5 a5 gerous with the dark-square bishop on
23.~e8+ <;t>h7 24.~d8 ~a6 25.~e4+ the board. 15.4:\f7+ 'it'g6 (15 ... 'it'h7
g6 26.~xa8 ~xe5 27.~d4 j},g7 16.'l£th5+ ~gB 17.~xhB#) 16.'l£td3+
28.~h4+ jlh6 29.~h8+ <;t>xh8 'it'h5 17.'l£th7+ ~g4 1B.§.f4# or
30.~xh6+ 1-0 lB. 'l£th3 #. Black cannot consider
... Axg5 because the Ae7 is required to
(4) Vexin - Thompson anchor the §.fB. 14 ... Axg5 15.'l£th5+
Philadelphia 1845 Ah616.§.xfB+- .15.~xf8+ <;t>xf8Cap-
French Defense [COO] turing with the bishop robs the black
king of its needed escape square.
l.e4 e5 2.f4 e6 3.~f3 d5 4.e5 ~e6 15 ... AxfB 16.~h5 Ae7 (16 ... Ad6
5.e3 j},e7 6.j},d3 f6 7.j},e2 ~h6 17.exd6+-) 17.'l£th7+ 'it'f818.~xhB#.
8.d4 0-0 9.0-0 ~b6 10.<;t>hl fxe5 16. ~h5 j},xg5 Black obtains no relief
1l.fxe5 ~f712.b3 ~h8 even by ditching the knight with
16 ... 4:\g617.'l£txg6 Axg518.Axg5 ~c7
8 19.'l£th7+-. 17.~xh8+ <;t>f717 ... 'it'e7
7 1B.'l£txg7+ and the black bishop falls
6 +-. 18.j},xg5+- ~b519.~d2 <;t>g6
5 20.h4 20.g4 wins by capturing key
squares. Or White can win in style with
20.Ah6! gxh6 21.'l£tgB+ with a fun mat-
ing net, a common theme when the black
king captures the 4:\g5 in an open board.
The variations are long but well worth
abcdefgh reviewing to become familiar with the
recurring themes. 21... 'it'f5 (not 21... ~h5
White has three additional assets, the 22.4:\f3+-) 22.'l£tf7+ ~g5 (22 ... 'it'g4
e5-pawn, the dark-square bishop, and 23.h3+ 'it'h4 [23 ... 'it'g5 24.4:\f3#;
the active §.fl. The open f-file is the 23 ... 'it'g3 24.~f3+ ~h4 25.~g4#])
story here. Black selects the ~gB line, 23.'l£tf6+ 'it'h5 (23 ... 'it'g4 24.h3+ 'it'g3
stepping into a nightmarish attack after 25.'l£tf3+ 'it'M 26.'l£tg4#) 24.g4+ 'it'xg4
the exchange of rooks. 13.j},xh7+ 25.§.gl + +- . 20 ... ~e2 21.~f1 exd4
<;t>xh7 14.~g5+ <;t>g8 The ~g6-line 22.-'1,f6 Fritz 12 found a mate in eight
produces two thematic mates after with the pretty 22.§.f6+ gxf6 23.'l£txf6+
~d3+. On 14 ... ~g6 15.§.xfB .\lxfB ~h5 24.'l£tf7+ 'it'g4 25.'l£tf4+ 'it'h5
(15 ... Axg5 16.~d3+ 'it'h5 [16 ... ~h6 26.g4+ 'it'g6 27.'l£tf6+ 'it'h7 2B.'l£tf7+
17.§'xhB#] 17.~h3+ 'it'g6 [17 ... Ah4 ~hB 29 .Af6 #. 22 ... ~ xd2 22 ... 'l£txfl +
1B.g4+ ~g6 19.~d3#] 1B.g4+-) only delays the inevitable. 23.~xg7+
16.~d3+ ~h5 (16 ... ~h6 17.'l£th7#) <;t>h5 24.g4# 1-0

Sacking the Citadel

(5) Schulten - Morphy 17 ... Jtxh2+! 18.cifj>xh2 .£)g4+

New York (blindfold) 1857 19.cifj>g3 Once again, the attacking side
King's Gambit Accepted [C29] mates quickly after 19.'i!thl ~h4+
20.'i!tgl ~h2#. In the 'i!tgl line, the
Defined by aggressive, tactical games black queen quickly reaches h2. 19.'i!tgl
and energetic combinations and sacri- ~h4 and, with the pawn on e3, Black
fices, The Romantic Era of chess in the can meet any lateral rook move such as
19th century immortalized the chess of flfel with 4Jf2 and ~hl mate. 20.flf4
Paul Morphy, Adolf Anderssen, and ~h2+ 21.'i!tfl ~hl + 22.4Jgl e2+ -+.
Joseph Blackburne. This remarkable It's the e-pawn, mobile once the knight
blindfold encounter integrates Greco's retreats to b 1, that decides the game in
Sacrifice into the era and further authen- this line. Black missed a tougher defense
ticates his legacy. with 'i!th3, but few players would have
happily consented to play like that
l.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Jtc4 d5 4.exd5 against Morphy. 19.'i!th3 is White's
.£)f6 5 ..£)c3 Jtd6 6 ..£)f3 0--0 7.0--0 best defense, but 19 ... ~g5 is winning
Ag4 8.d4 .£)bd7 9 . .£)e2 .£)b6 because 20.4Jg3 (20.g3 4Jf2 -+)
10.Jtb3 .£) bxd511.c4 .£)e312.Jtxe3 20 ... e2-+ (21.flf3 4Je3 with the idea
fxe3 13.~d3 Ete8 14.Jtc2 Jth5 of ~h6). 19 ... ~g5 20.Etf5 gxf5
15..£)h4 Jtg616..£) xg6 hxg617.c5 21.~xf5 ~xf5 22.Jtxf5 .£)f6-+ With
a clearly winning material advantage.
23.cifj>f3 g6 24.Jtc2 Etad8 25.Etdl
cifj>g7 26 . .£)f4 .£)d5 27 . .£) xd5 e2
28.Etel Etxd5 0-1

(6) Bird - Steinitz

London 1866
Ruy Lopez [C84]

The Englishman Henry Edward Bird

abc d e f g h (1830-1908) played in the first interna-
tional tournament in London, 1851. A
This blindfolded effort by the great practicing accountant, not a profes-
Morphy is the first recorded game to sional chess player, he played in tour-
carry out a successful Greco Sacrifice naments for more than 50 years. Among
with the black pieces. The conditions many highlights, he lost a match to Paul
are fully set. For additional assets, Morphy in 1858. In 1876 in New York,
Black has a mobile e3-pawn and the he received the first brilliancy prize ever
fle8. White must accept the sacrifice, awarded for his game against James
and here, after ... 4Jg4+, the black pawn Mason. He is well remembered for Bird 's
on e3 plays an important role in pre- Opening (1. f4), as well as Bird's De-
venting the white king from escaping fense to the Ruy Lopez (l.e4 e5 2.4Jf3
to f2. 4Jc6 3.~b5 4Jd4). -


The Austrian Wilhelm Steinitz (1836- harder by the absence of an eS-pawn

1900) was the first undisputed world covering d6. It is interesting to add that
chess champion from 1886 to 1894 when White has no additional assets in the
he lost his title to Emanuel Lasker. A position, a clear clue of its inaccuracy.
commitment to all-out attacks defined 15.Jtxh7+ Cit'xh7 16..~h5+ Cit'gS
his early career, but Steinitz developed 17..£lg5 EteS The great Steinitz fails to
and became renowned for a positional see that Black can defend effectively
approach that often still resulted in along the b1-h7 diagonal with
memorable, and likely sounder, attacks. 17 ....~d3!-+. IS.~xf7+ Cit'hS
In match play, Steinitz defeated all com- 19.~h5+ Cit'gS 20.~h7+ Cit'fS
ers between 1862 and 1892 including his 21.~hS+ Cit'e7 22.~xg7+ 1-0 With
match against Henry Bird in 1866. This the obvious finale: 22 ...'i!td6 23.<tlt7+
game represents one of his five losses or§d1+.
to Bird, unnecessary had he found the
correct defense on move 17. (7) Goring - Minckwitz
Leipzig 1871
1.e4 e5 2..£lf3 .£lc6 3.1tb5 .£lf6 4.d4 Ruy Lopez [C63]
exd4 5.e5 .£le4 6.0-0 a6 7.1ta41te7
S.c3 dxc3 9.bxc3 0--0 10..~d5 .£lc5 l.e4 e5 2. .£lf3 .£lc6 3.1tb5 f5 4.d3
1l.1tc2 b6 12.Jte3 Jtb7 13.Jtxc5 .£lf6 5.exf5 Jtc5 6.0--0 0--0 7.1txc6
Jtxc514.e6dxe6 dxc6 S . .£lxe5 Jtxf5 9.Jte3 ~e7
10.d4 EtadS 1l.c31td6 12..£lc4 (en-
8 abling the sacrifice. 12.f4 maintains a
7 grip on the position.)
5 8

4 7

3 6
2 5


A remarkable position so early in the

life of the Greco Sacrifice. <tlg5, of abc d e f g h
course, is unplayable immediately fol-
lowing the sacrifice on h 7. Instead, Bird Black initiates the sacrifice with several
cleverly inverts the normal move order additional assets, the light-square
by playing 16.'lii'hS before 17.<tlgS. By bishop and both active rooks. Once
so doing, White forces the king back to again the defender misses the toughest
g8, avoiding even the possibility ofthe defense. So early still in the history of
~h6, ~g6, and ~h8 lines. Missing the sacrifice, and yet one immutable fact
17 ... 'lii'd3, Steinitz instead permits a is becoming clear. The sacrifice gener-
quick win with 17 ... §e818.'lii'xt7+ with ates significant and often overwhelm-
the customary mate made only slightly ing challenges for the defending side.

Sacking the Citadel

White correctly sees that control over

the h2-bS diagonal is key to the de-
fense, but White misses 16. 'l*d2 or
even 16. 'l*c1 defending rather than re-
treating the Af4. Black's nice 16th move
is well worth a look. 12 .•• Axh2+
13.lit>xh2 ~g4+ 14.lit>g114.'i!tg3 b5
(forcing the knight off d6) 15.4Jcd2
(15.4Jbd2 bxc4 16A:Jxc4 ~e6+)
15 ... ~d6+ (the queen cannot move to
g5, but Black is able to play ~d6-g6 abc d e f g h
still seizing control over the key g-file)
16.ltf4 'l*g6 17.~f3 §deS-+. An instructive example. The sacrifice
14... ~h4? 14 ...lte6! Opening the f-file works because White can bring up key
first, preparing rather than playing reserves, the ltb2-c1 in the ~h6 line
14 ... ~h4 15.4Je5 (15.4Jcd2 'l*h4 and the §c5-c3 in the ~g6 and ~gS
16.§e1 ~h2+ 17.'i!tfl ~h1 + lS.'i!te2 lines. In the game, note especially
'l*xg2-+) 15 ... 4Jxe5 16.'~c1 4Jg4+. White's patience on move 20, avoiding
15.JU4+- -'l,e416.Ag3? Still winning a tempting discovered check.
is 16.'l*d2+- . 16... ftxf2! 17.-'l,xh4Al- 16.Axh7+! Iit>xh717.~g5+ Iit>g6 In
ternatives fare no better: 17.§xf2 the ~gS line, with the black knight on
'l*xg3 -+; 17 .ltxf2 ~h2 # 17... ft xg2+ e7, White would normally play 'l*xh7-
18.lit>h1 fth2+ 19.1it>gl fth1# 0--1 hS, 4Jh7, and ltg5. Of course, the white
ltb2 cannot reach g5 in one move, and
(8) Paulsen - Schwarz so White captures on f7, driving the
Leipzig, 1879 king to hS, and uses the §c3-h3 rook
French Defense [C02] swing to finish up. 17 ... ~gS lS.'l*h5
§feS19.'l*xf7+ 'i!thS 20.§c3+-. In the
Louis Paulsen (1833-1891) was among 'i!th6 line, the rook swing is again re-
the top five players in the world quired should Black attempt to defend
through the 1860s and 1870s. In 1862, with an anchored ... §hS. 17 ... ~h6
he narrowly lost the world champion- 18.'l*g4 (with the ideaof'l*h4-h7. White
ship by tying Adolf Anderssen, though also has lS.Ac1 with the idea of 4Jxe6+)
Paulsen later defeated Anderssen in lS ... 'l*cS (attempting to safeguard the
matches in 1876 and again in 1877. Con- queen from the discovered checks. [If
sidered one of the top defensive play- instead lS ... 'i!tg6 19.'l*g4 'l*cS
ers of all time, Paulsen nonetheless un- 20.4Jxe6+ 'i!th7 21.'l*xg7#] 19.'l*g4
corks a brilliant attack in the following ~g6 [19 ... 4Jf5 20.'l*h3+ ~g6
game. 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 e5 4.e3 21.~h7#] 20.4Jxe6+ ~h7 21.'l*xg7#)
~e6 5.~f3 ~b6 6.a3 Ad7 7.b4 lS ... §hS (attempting to prevent the
exd4 8.exd4 ~ge7 9.~e3 ~f5 main idea of'l*h4-h7)19.§c3 (but now
10.~a4 ~e7 1l.-'l,b2 Ae7 12.fte1 the rook swing to the kings ide decides)
a6 13.~e5 Axe5 14.ftxe5 0-0 19 ... g6 20.'l*f4 ~g7 21.'l*f6+ ~h6
15.Ad3 ~fe7 (21...~gS 22.'l*xf7#) 22.§h3#.
18. ~g4!? In the ~g6 line, White can


improve with ~d3-g3 or 'ltYf3 and h4 'it'xe6 (26 ... 'it'e8 27.Elxh8#) 27.'ltYf6#
because ~g4 first penn its Black to play with a thematic checkmate when the rook
.. .f6, an additional and often effective is offf8; and not 2S ... 'it'e8 26.Elxh8+ +-.
option when Black is over-protecting 26.~g6+ ~e7 27.~xg7+ 1~ Black
the e6-pawn, here with the Ad7. must cede the rook or succumb to an
18.~d3+! ( .. .f6 is not possible, and the immediate checkmate. 27.'ltYxg7+ 'it'd8
queen is not required to move after 18 (27 ... 'it'e6 28.'ltYf6#) 28.Elxh8+.
.. .fS) 18. ..fS 19.h4! (with the idea ofh5+)
19 ... b6 20.hS+ 'it'h6 (20 ... 'it'xgS 21.h6! (9) De Soyres - Skipworth
'it'g6 22.'ltYg3+ 'it'f7 23.'ltYxg7+ 'it'e8 Boston 1880
24.h7 +-) 21.Ac1 +- 'ltYb7 22 ..£lxe6+ French Defense [C 14]
'it'h7 23 ..£lxf8+ ElxfB 24.Elc3+- .IS•••f5
18. ..f6! 19..£lxe6+ (Black is saved by the l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4.ltg5
self-pin on the .£le6) 19 ... 'it'f7 20 ..£lxc7 lte75.ltxf6ltxf6 6.~f3 0--0 7.ltd3
(20.'ltYxg7+? 'it'xe6 when White does c5 S.e5lte7 9.h4 c4
not have assets ready to exploit the
'it'd6) 20 ... Axg4 21..£lxa8 El xa8;J; . 8
19. ~g3 ~cS 19 .. .f4 (a common defen- 7
sive try, but here, White gains the pleas- 6
ant option of either ~g4 or ~h4) 5
20.~h4 Elh8 (ceding control over the
f-pawn) 21.~xf4 .£lfS 22.h4 Elaf8
23.hS+ ElxhS 24.ElxhS 'it'xhS 2S.g4+
'it'g6 26. ~h2 +-. 20.Elc3! The rook
swing is powerful, and as is often the
case, there's simply no reason to rush abc d e f g h
the discovered check. 20 ..£lxe6+!? 'it'f7
21. 'ltYxg7 + (or simply 21..£lxf8!) White initiates the sacrifice counting
21...'it'xe6 (21...'it'e8?? 22.~xf8#) upon the .£lc3-e2-f4, the secure eS-
22.~h6+ 'it'f7 23.'ltYf6+ 'it'e8-+. 20•.•f4 pawn, and the h-pawn as additional as-
21. ~g4 ~f5 After 21...ElfS White has sets. White can patiently build up with
the attractive 22 ..£le4+ (aiming for d6) c3 and ~c2. In the game, this was the
22 ... 'it'h7 (22 ... 'it'f7 23 ..£ld6+ forks the first serious defense with ... 'it'h6, made
king and queen) 23 ..£ld6 ~d8 (now the plausible by the absence of White's
rook adds its voice to the attack) dark-square bishop and the presence
24.Elh3+ 'it'g8 2S.~h4 'it'f8 26.g4 Elf7 of the white h4-pawn, which prevents
(26 .. .fxg3 27.~h8+ .£lg8 28.Elxg3+-) the powerful 'ltYg4-h4 idea.
27.~gS .£lg8 28 ..£lxf7 'it'xf7 29.'ltYxf4+
+-. 22.Elh3 ElhS 23.~ xe6+ ~f7 10•.Q.xh7+ ~xh711.~g5+ ~h6 The
24.~xf5+ ~e7 There's also no hope 'it'g8 line ends quickly with mate in the
in 24 ... 'it'e8 2S.~g6+ 'it'e7 26.'ltYxg7+ corner. 11...'it'g8 12.'ltYhS Axg5
'it'xe6 27.'ltYf6# or in 24 ...'it'g8 2S.Elxh8+ (12 ... Ele8 13.i*h7+ 'it'f8 14.i*h8#)
'it'xh8 26. 'ltYhS + 'it'g8 27 ..£lgS +- . 13.hxgS fS 14.g6+- when Black can
25. ~g5+ ~xe6 Black might as well delay the mate only with ... i*h4. In the
capture the knight. 2S ... 'it'f7 26.~xg7+ 'it'g6Iine, .£lc3-e2-f4 provides sufficient

Sacking the Citadel

assistance. 11...'it'g6 12.4:Je2 (the im- l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4.j},g5
mediate 12.~g4 meets 12 ... Axg5 [or j},e7 5.j},xf6 j},xf6 6.~f3 0-0
12 ... 'it'h6 13.~f4 'it'g6 14.h5+ 'it'h6 7.j},d3 b6 8.h4 j},b7 9.e5 j},e7
15.4:Jxe6+ Ag5 16.4:Jxg5 ~xg5
17. ~xg5+ 'it'xg5 IS.4:Jxd5=] 13.4:Je2 8
(aiming forf4) 13 .. .f5 [13 ...§hSI4.4:Jf4+
7 Ir....~,?....;
'it'h7 15.hxg5+ 'it'gS 16.0-0-0+-] 6
14.4:Jf4+ 'it'f7 15.~h5+ 'it'e7 and the 5
king finds a measure of safety.
16.~xg5+ 'it'eS 17.~xg7~) 12 ... 'it'h6
13.~d2 (taking the role of the dark-
square bishop) 13 ... ~b614.c3 making
room for~c2-h7. l4 ... 4:Jc615.~c2 g6
The rook is needed on f8 to defend the abcdefgh
f-pawn. 16.h5 +- when White wins
nicely in all three lines: 16 ... A similar position to the last game, with
'it'g717.hxg6 f51S.exf6+ Axf619.§h7+ the same additional assets, although
'it'gS 20.g7 +-; 16... 'it'xg517.~d2+ 'it'f5 here, White has easy access to the d3-
(17 ... 'it'g4 IS.~f4#) IS.~f4#; and square. In the game, White proceeds
16 ... Axg5 17.hxg6+ 'it'g7 IS.§h7+ too patiently but Black fails to find the
'it'gS 19.9xf7+ §xf7 20.~g6+ +-. most challenging defense. 10.j},xh7+
12.~d2 j},xg5 13.hxg5+ Iiflg6 Iiflxh711.~g5+ Iiflg6 In lines involv-
14.~e2 ~xg5 Advancing the f-pawn ing ... Axg5, White mates quickly with
doesn't relieve the pressure here. 14 .. .f6 the usual idea of ~h5 and g5-g6.
15.gxf6 §hS 16.0-0-0 gxf6 17.~f4 11...'it'gS 12.~h5 Axg5 (the capture
fxe5 (17 ... f5 IS.g4±; 17 ... 'it'f7 IS.g4 seeks to avoid the easier mate with
4:Jd719.g5 f5 20.g6++- 'it'g721.§dgl; 12 ... §eS 13.'iii'h7+ 'it'fS 14.~hS#)
17 ... 4:Jc6 IS.exf6 Ad7 19.~d6±) 13.hxg5 f5 14.g6+-. In the ... 'it'h6line,
18.~xe5 §h4 19.4:Jf4+ (the knight joins White can play ~d2, forcing ~d7, and
the attack) 19 ... 'it'f7 20.§del 4:Jc6 then ~d3 forcing ... g6 when the h4-h5
21.4:Jxe6 Axe6 22.~xe6+ 'it'g7 23.g3 pawn thrust is devastating. 11. .. 'it'h6
§xhl 24.§xhl +-. Still down material, 12.~d2! (it is premature to play
White's two majors provide a winning 12.~d3!? because Black survives after
advantage against the exposed king. On 12 ... g6 13.h5 Axg5 14.hxg6+ Ah4!
14 ... f5, 15.gxf6 transposing. 15.~f4+ 15.~g3 fxg6 16.§xh4+ 'it'g7 17.4:Je2
Iiflf5 16.E!h5 ~xh5 17.~xh5 g5 §hS IS.§xhS ~xhS 19.4:Jf4 'iii'h6
18.c3Iiflg619.~c2+ Iiflxh5 20. ~h7+ 20.4:Jxe6+ 'it'hS 21.4:Jxc7 4:Jc6 22.4:JxaS
1--0 With a fun mate in three to end the ~hl + 23.'it'd2 ~xal = with a likely per-
game. 20.~h7+ 'it'g4 21.~h3+ 'it'f4 petual) 12 ... ~d7 (interesting is
22.~f3#. 12 ... ~cS placing the queen out of the
knight's reach, but 13.§h3 successfully
(10) Crespi - Cavallotti activates the rook. 13 ... 4:Jc6 14.§g3
Milan 1881 §gS 15.4:Jxf7+ 'it'h7 16.~d3+ g617.h5
French Defense [CI4] Aa6 IS.hxg6+ 'it'g7 19.~d2 +-)
13.~d3! (only now, when the back


queen cannot reach g5) 13 ... g6 An easy, instructive example. White's

(13 ... 1.txg5 14.hxg5+ 'it'xg5 15.'l£rg3+ additional assets include the active
'it'f5 16.Eth5+ g5 17 . .§xg5 #) dark-square bishop, the secure e5-
14.h5 +- wins in all lines: 14 ... 'itJg7 pawn, and the .§f1. The game continua-
15.hxg6'§hS16.'§xhS'it'xhS17.~h3+ tion with ... 'it'g6 is the most challeng-
'it'g7 1S.'l£rh7+ 'itJfS 19.~hS#; ing, but the threat of a discovered check
14 ... 'it'xg5 15.'l£re3+ 'itJg4 16.f3+ 'it'g3 after ~g4 paralyzes the defense.
17.'l£rd2+-; 14 ... Axg5 15.hxg6+ 'it'g7 13.Axh7+! Cit>xh714.~g5+ Cit>g6Af-
16.'§h7+ 'it'gS 17.~h3 +-. 12.~e2 ter the 14 ... 'itJgS retreat, White mates
12.'l£rd3+! f5 (Black cannot move the quickly thanks to the Aa3's pin on the
king: 12 ... 'it'h513.g4+ 'it'xg4 [13 ... 'it'h6 black 4Je7. 14 ... 'itJgS 15.~h5 .§eS
14.'l£rh7#] 14.'l£rf3#; or 12 ... 'itJh6 16.~h7+ 'it'fS17.~hS#. In the ... 'itJh6
13.'l£rh7#) 13.exf6+ with a lovely en line, White has no trouble because the
passant discovered check. 13 ... 'itJxf6 'l£rg4-h4 maneuver is available.
(13 ... 'itJh5 14.g4+ 'it'xg4 15.'l£rf3#) 14 ... 'it'h6 15.~g4 .§hS 16.4Jxf7++-.
14.'l£rf3+ 'itJg6 15.h5+ 'itJxg5 when 15. ~g4! White can also win easily here
White has a mate in three starting with with a rook swing 15 ..§f3+- or with
16. ~g3+. 12 ••• Cit>h6 13.~f4 g6 15.'l£rd3+ 4Jf5 (15 ... f5 16.4Jxe6+-)
14.h5 Axg5? Black's only chance lies 16.g4+-.15••. f516.~g3~e8Theef­
in 14 ... Ab4+! 15.c3 'l£rxg5 but White fort to eliminate the pin with 16... 'it'h6
retains a large edge after 16.'l£rf3 'itJg7 walks into 17.~h4+ 'itJg618.~h7# and,
17.hxg6+-. 15.hxg6+ Cit>g716.Eth7+ of course 16 ... .§hS 17.4Jxe6+ 'itJf7
Cit>g8 17.~h5 Jtf6 18.Eth8+ 1-0 1S.4JxdS+ +- . But Black cannot avoid
White mates in two after 18.gxf7, .§hS+, danger with 16 ... ~cs 17.4Jxe6+ (initi-
or .§g7+. atingaquickmate) 17 ... 'it'f71S.~xg7+
'itJxe6 19.~xe7#. 17.~xe6+ Cit>f7
(11) Salvioli-Crosara 17 ... 'itJh6 walks into a mate in two,
Venice 1883 1S.'l£rg5+'itJh719.~xg7#.18.~xg7+??
Bogo-Indian Defense [A40] Easily winning is 1S.4Jxg7! +- .§gS
19.4JxeS .§xg3 20.4Jd6+ 'it'e6 2l.hxg3.
l.d4 e6 2.c4 Ab4+ 3.~c3 Axc3+ 18... Cit>xe6 -+ and suddenly, Black is
4.bxc3 b6 5.e4 d6 6.f4 Jtb7 7.Ad3 fine. The final result suggests that
~d7 8.~f3 c6 9.e5 d510.cxd5 cxd5 White actually played 18.4Jxg7! 1-{)
II.Jta3 ~e712.0--0 0--0
(12) Fritz - Mason
8 Nuremberg 1883
7 French Defense [C14]
Alexander Fritz (1857-1932) competed
regularly in German chess events. He is
best known for a variation in the Two
Knights Defense, known affectionately
today as the Fritz (l.e4 e5 2.4Jf3 4Jc6
3.Ac4 4Jf6 4.4Jg5 d5 5.exd5 4Jd4), and
abcdefgh for lending his last name to one of

Sacking the Citadel

today's most popular chess engines. Once again, the capture simply opens
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Jilc3 Jilf6 4.j},g5 the h-file to White's advantage:
-'le7 5.-'lxf6 j},xf6 6.Jilf3 0-0 11...Axg5 12.hxg5+ ~g6 (12 ... ~g8
7.-'ld3 b6 S.h4 -'lb7 9.e5 j},e7 13.~h5+-) 13.~h5+ ~f5 14.~h3+
(with another nice king hunt) 14 ...'iti'g6
8 15.~h7+'iti'xg516.~h5+'it'f417.g3#.
7 11 ... ~g8 12.~h5 with the familiar mates
6 12 ... .§e8 (12 ... Axg513.hxg5 f514.g6)
13.~h7+ 'iti'f8 14.~h8#. 12.Jile2
White's best is 12:~d3+! f5 when king
retreats lose quickly (a) 12 ... 'it'h5
13.g4+ 'iti'xg4 (13 ... 'iti'h6 14:~h7#)
14.~f3#; (b) 12 ... 'tTth6 13.~h7;
13.exf6+ ~xf6 14.~f3+ 'iti'g6 15.h5+
abc d e f g h (the h-pawn, which provided support
for g5, now becomes an offensive
A position remarkably similar to Greco's weapon) 15 ... 'it'h6(15 ... ~xg516.~g3+
game of 1620 and to games 9 and 10. 'iti'f5 17.~g6+ 'iti'f4 18..£)e2 #) 16.~d3
White has a secure pawn on e5 and the .§f5 (16 ... 'iti'xg5 17.~g6+ ~f4
possibility of bringing in the queen's 18 ..£)e2 #; 16 ... Axg5 17.~g6#)
knight with .£)c3-e2-f4. In the game, 17 ..£)xe6+-. The familiar alternative
White missed an opportunity after 12.~g4 fares less well: 12 ... Axg5
12.'~'d3 f5 to carry out a powerful dis-
13 ..£)e2 f514.'£)f4+ 'tTtf715.~h5+ 'it'e7
covered check with 13.exf6+. The score
16.~xg5+ 'iti'd7 17.~xg7+ ~e7
of Fritz-Mason appears (with the moves
18.~xe7+ 'iti'xe719 ..£)g6+ 'iti'f7 20.'£)xf8
8 and 9 reversed and without mention
of the players' names) as the second 'iti'xf8±. 12 .•• j},xg5 12 ... 'iti'h613.~d2
~c8 a frequent retreat to remove the
game in Emanuel Lasker's famous Com-
mon Sense in Chess. In his annotations, queen from the .£)g5 's reach, though the
Lasker also misses the more accurate disadvantage, an inactive queen, is ob-
12.~d3+. 10.-'lxh7+ <;!;>xh711.Jilg5+ vious. The main alternative 13 ... ~d7
<;!;>g6 The absence of the dark-square invites 14.'~d3 g615.h5 when White's
bishop should have encouraged Black attack prevails in all lines: (a) 15 ...'tTtg7
to find the best defense with ... 'iti'h6 16.hxg6+-; (b) 15 ... ~xg5 16.hxg6+
when White should again play ~d2- 'tTtg717 ..§h7+ 'iti'g818.~h3+-; and (c)
(to force 'iti'g6) ~d3 to setup ... g6 h5. 15 ... 'tTtxg5 16.~e3+ 'iti'f5 (16 ... 'it'g4
11...'iti'h6 12.~d2 ~d7 13.~d3 when 17.~f4#) 17.~f4#. After 13 ... ~c8,

Black can try 13 .. .f5 14.exf6 g615.h5 White wins easily by bringing up the
.§xf6 16.hxg6+ 'iti'g7 (16 ... ~xg5 .§hl, another advantage to having the
17.~g3+'iti'f518.'§h5#) 17.~h3+- or h-pawn on h4. 14 ..§h3 Aa6 15 ..§g3
13 ... .§h8 14 ..£)xf7+ ~h5 15 ..§h3 with .§g8 16.~f4+-. 13.hxg5 f5 Alterna-
g4+ and ~f3#; or 13 ... g614.h5 itxg5 tives are worse. 13 ... .§h8 14.'£)f4++-
(not surprisingly, bringing the king out 'iti'xg5 15.'§h5+ '§xh5 16.~xh5+ ~xf4
into the open is fraught with danger: 17.g3+ 'iti'e4 18.~g4#; i3 ... ~xg5
14 ... 'iti'xg5 15.~e3+ ~g4 [15 ... 'iti'f5 14.'£)f4+ ~f5 15.~d3+; and 13 ... 'iti'xg5
16.g3+-] 16.f3+ 'iti'g3 17.~d2+-). 14 ..§h5+ starts a mate in four. 14.gxf6


Elh815.4)f4+ ~f716.~g4Elxhl+ many of the successful sacs, the e-file

17.~d2 gxf6 Greed makes it easy for is closed and a white pawn on e5 has
White: 17.:.1'hal 18.'ltrxe6+ 'itlf8 forced the black knight off its useful f6-
19..£)g6#.18.~g6+ 18.Elxhl +- brings square. Here, the white e-pawn has
on a faster mate, says Fritz. 18... ~e7 been exchanged on d5, with the result
19.~g7+ ~e8 20.~g8+ ~e7 that Black's light-square bishop can
21.~xe6+ ~f8 22.Elxhl j';te8 1--0 easily reach the key bl-h7 diagonal. As
It's mate in four with 22 ... Ac8 23.Elh8+ important, White does not have re-
'itlg7 24.Elh7+ 'itlxh7 25.'ltrf7+ 'itlh8 serves ready to bring up. Indeed, even
26 ..£)g6#. the white king is unprepared. 9.j';txh7+
~xh710.4)g5+ ~g811.~d311.'ltrh5
(13) Guest - Burn Af5 when Black gains control over the
London 1887 key bl-h7 diagonal. 11 ...g6 The white
French Defense [C 11] queen does not have access to h3.
12.0--0 4)e613.~g3 ~g714.j';tf4 f6
The Englishman Amos Bum (1848- 15.4)f3 4)d4 16.4)xd4 .1lxd4
1925) was a contending player at the 17.Elfdl.1le518.b4 .1lxb419.~b3
end of the 19th century. A student of ~b6 20.~xd5 .1le6 21.~0 ~e6
Wilhelm Steinitz, he reached an equal 22. ~e3 Elfe8 23.a3 .1lg4 24. ~g3
first at London, 1887 and first at Co- j';txdI25.Elxdl Elad8 26.Elfl.1ld6
logne, 1898. He also played in the fa- 27..1lxd6 ~xd6 (}-1
mous Hastings tournament of 1895, fin-
ishing in twelfth place. Remarkably, he (14) Blackburne - Zukertort
is involved in three games within this Frankfurt 1887
section; this is his only victory. Queen's Gambit Declined [D55]

l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)e3 4)f6 4.j';td3 Joseph Henry Blackburne (1841-1924)

e5 5.dxe5 j';txe5 6.exd5 4)xd5 was one of the best players in the late
7.4)xd5 exd5 8.4)0 0--0 19th century and an integral part of the
Romantic Age of chess. Nicknamed the
8 "Black Death," he popularized chess by
7 giving simultaneous and blindfold dis-
6 plays. The son of a temperance preacher,
Blackbume was known ironically for his
heavy drinking of whiskey while play-
ing. His best results included an equal
first with Steinitz at Vienna 1873, first in
London, 1876, and first in Berlin 1881,
three points ahead of Zukertort, his ad-
abc d e f g h versary in this game.

With only one additional asset, the dark- l.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.4)e3 4)f6 4.Ag5
square bishop, the white position does j';te7 5.e3 b6 6.4)f3 Ab7 7.Elel 0--0
not satisfy key preconditions here, and 8.j';txf6 j';txf6 9.exd5 exd5 10.Ad3
indeed the sacrifice fails quickly. In e5 11.0--0 e4 12.j';tbl 4)d713.4)d2

Sacking the Citadel

EleS 14.t~\'f3 {)fS 15.{)xc4 {)g6 (15) Hodges - Blackmar

16.{)d2 '/Nd717.g3 {)e71S.Elfel a6 Brooklyn 1892
19.{)e2 EladS 20.{)f4 Jlg5 21.h4 French Defense [CI4]
Jlxf4 22.'/Nxf4 {)c6 23.{)f3 '/Nd6
A notable American player during the
8 late 19th century, Albert Hodges won
7 the U.S. Championship in 1894 but is
6 best remembered for playing inside
Ajeeb, the chess-playing automaton
that resembled a finely dressed sultan.
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.{)c3 {)f6 4 ..1l,g5
.1l,e7 5.e5 {)fd7 6.Jlxe7 '/Nxe7
7.'/Nd2 a6 S.f4 c5 9.{)f3 {)c6
abc d e f g h 10.{)dl0-0 1l.c3 b5 12.Jld3 cxd4
13.cxd4 .1l,b7 14.a3 ElacS 15.0-0
White's extra pawn going into the sac- {)b616.'/Ne2 {)a5
rifice greatly simplifies the calculations.
So does the absence of the black rook 8
from f8. Although the white queen does 7
not have easy access to the h5-square,
the double attack on f7 after <£\g5+ pre-
vents the black king from retreating to
g8, and the knight fork discourages ~h6
or ~h8. Finally, White's destruction of 3

~g6 is fun to watch. 24..1l,xh7+! ~xh7 2

25.{)g5+ 1-0 With the rook offf8, the

king retreats to h8 and h6 meet a brutal abc d e f g h
knight fork. 25 ... ~h8 26.<£\xf7+;
25 ... ~h6 26.<£\xf7+. 25 ... ~g8 meets a Hodges takes advantage of three addi-
variant of the habitual mate in five. Note tional assets, the strong e5-pawn, the
that the d6-square is occupied by the !!f1, and even the <£\d1-e3. The game
black queen rather than controlled by provides a nice opportunity to compare
an e5-pawn. 26.i*xf7+ ~h8 27.i*h5+ two responses, 19.~g4 and 19.~d3+
~g8 (27 ... i*h6 walks into 28.<£\f7+) in the ~g6Iine. i*g4 is more accurate in
28.i*h7+ ~f8 29.~h8+ ~e7 this instance because the queen exerts
30.~xg7"". 25 ... ~g6 a frequent theme influence over both e6 and g7.
is that h5 can be very powerful in the 17..1l,xh7+ ~xh71S.{)g5+ ~g6 ~g8
~g6 line. 26.h5+ ~xh5 (26 ... ~h6 fails very quickly to ~h5 because the
27.<£\xf7+) 27.g4+ ~h4 (27 ... ~g6 ~e7 blocks the king's escape route.

28.i*f5+ ~h6 29.<£\xf7 "") 28.<£\f3+ ~h3 18 ... ~g8 19.~h5 !!fd8 20.~h7+ ~f8
29.<£\e5+- . 21.~h8"" and although White does
not have a dark-square bishop, ~h6 fails
quickly in view of !!f3. 18 ... ~h6
19.!!f3+- . 19.'/Nd3+ 19.~g4! f5 (19 .. .f6


20.f5+ exf5 [20 ... 'ifth6 21.~h4.] 1.~f3 d5 2.d4 ~f6 3.c4 e6 4.~c3
21.~xf5+ ~h6 22.~h7+ 'it>xg5 c65.e3.Q.d66•.Q.d3~bd77.~e20-
23 ..!:!f5+ ~g4 24 ..£Jf2.) 20.exf6 'it>xf6 08.0-0 §.e8 9.§.dl e510.dxe5 ~xe5
21 f5 +- . Other tries for Black on move 11.~xe5 .Q.xe5 12.cxd5 cxd5
20 also fare poorly: (a) 20 ... gxf6 13.~c2 .Q.e614..Q.d2
21..£Jxe6+ 'iftf7 (21..5.t'h7 22.m3 +- )
22 ..!:!e1 .!:!g8 23:i!'Yh5+ .!:!g6 24.f5; (b)
20 ... ~xf6 21..£Je4+; and (c) 20 .. :i!'Yd7
21.fxg7 +- . The real surprise in this po-
sition is that White has another win-
ning maneuver in .£Je3-f5: 19 ..£Je3! f5
20.exf6 gxf6 21..£Jf5! (a remarkable
move) 21..:i!'Ye8 (the knight is immune!
21... ~xf5 22:i!'Yd3+ 'it>g4 23:i!'Yh3.;
21...exf5 22.~xe7 +- ) 22 ..£Jxe6 and the
knights are swarming: 22 ... .!:!g8 23 ..!:!ae1 abc d e f g h
~h7 24.~f3+-. 19 ••• f5 20.exf6+
~xf6 20 ... ~h5 when White can take A Greco Sacrifice attempted against the
h7 with check. 21."i!'Yh7+ 'iftg4 22 ..£Je3 •. great Lasker, with the black pieces no
21.§.el §.c6 22.~e3 g6 23.~g4+ less, fails to the future world champion's
~g7 24.~e5 §.f6 25. ~h3 ~g8 surgically accurate defense. After 18.f4,
26.§.e3 26 ..£Jg4 is the more natural con- driving the black queen to h6, there's
tinuation. 26••• ~bc4 27.~gf7? §.xf7
simply no way for Black to bring addi-
28.~ xg6 ~f6 29.§.g3 §.c8 Black is
tional pieces to bear against the ex-
also certainly better after 29 ... "i!'Yxd4+.
posed white king in part because the
30.§.el §.g7 31.f5 §.f8? Black is still
Ae6 blocks any possible rook swing.
surviving after 31.. ..!:!f7. 32.~h8+ ~f7
14•••.Q.xh2+ 15.~xh2 ~g4+ 16.~!
33.~xf8# 1-0
16.'iftg1 ~h4 17.Ae1= using the ~c2
and the bishop to protect f2. With fl
(16) Lasker,Em. - Golmayo
open, 'it>h1 does not get mated instantly,
Havana 1893
but there's still a mating net after
Queen's Gambit Declined [D46]
16.'ifth1 "i!'Yh4+ 17.~g1 ~xf2+ 18.~h1
"i!'Yh4+ 19.~g1 ~h2+ 20.'it>f1 ~h1 +
Emanuel Lasker (1868-1941) reigned as
21.'ifte2 ~xg2+ 22.'it>e1 ~f2 •.
world champion for 27 years. He is still
16••• h5 There's no alternative for the
regarded as one of the strongest play-
attack, because 16 ... "i!'Yd6+ 17.f4 and
ers ever,joining a list that includes only
White seizes the initiative, and
Fischer, Kasparov, Capablanca,
16 ... ~g5 17.f4 when the queen cannot
Alekhine, and Botvinnik. In world cham-
remain on the g-file. 17.§.hl ttg5
pionship match play, he defeate~
18.f4+- tth6 19.e4 d4 20.~e2
Steinitz, Marshall, Tarrasch, Janowski,
§.ac8 21.ita4 ~e5 22.fxe5 White
and Schlechter, losing the title finally in
also wins with 22.Ah5 or 22.~a3 Ac4
1921 to the Cuban, Jose Raul
23.fxe5 ~xd2 24.ltxc4 '!:!xc4
25 ..£\[4+-. 22••• ttxd2 23.§.adl itg5+
24.Cit'h2 ~xe5+ 25.g3.Q.g4 26.§.del

Sacking the Citadel

h4 27"~xd4 hxg3+ 2S.Cjfjlg2 ~xd4 the third rank makes the sacrifice an
29.4:) xd4 ~cd8 3O.Jl.b5 ~eS 31.Jl.e2 easier calculation. Altogether, an im-
.Q.xe2 32.4:)xe2 ~xe4 33.Cjfjlxg3 ~d3+ pressive effort. 20 •.Q.xh7+ CjfjIxh7
34.<tf/f2 ~d2 3S.<tf/f3 ~e6 36.4:)f4 21.4:)gS+ <tf/gS In the ~g61ine, the ~c3
~xeI37.~xel ~xb2 3S.~e8+ <tf/h7 can immediately join the attack 21...~g6
39.~e2 ~xe2 40.4:)xe2 gS 41.4:)c3 22.~g3 +- or 22.<£)xf7 +- . Even the re-
CjfjIg6 42.4:)e4 bS 43.4:)d6 a6 44.<tf/g4 treat to g8 encourages Pillsbury to play
f6 4S.a3 fS+ 46.4:) xfS as 47.4:)d4 b4 ~h3 although 22:~h4 is fully satisfac-
4S.a4 <tf/f6 49.4:)b3 CjfjIeS SO.4:)xaS tory. 22.~h3 With the idea of ~h8+.
CjfjId4 SI.4:)b3+ CjfjIc4 S2.aS 1-0 22 ••• ~eS Vacating the e7 escape
square. 23.~h4 CjfjIfS 24.4:)h7+ CjfjIgS
(17) Pillsbury - Burn 2S.4:)f6+ CjfjIfS Alternatives are in-
Hastings 1895 stantly mated: 25 ... gxf6 26:~h8 #; and
Queen's Gambit Declined [055] 25 ... <£)xf6 26. ~h8 #. 26.4:) xeS More ef-
ficient is 26 ..~g5 +-. 26 ••• CjfjlxeS
Pillsbury, the young American, entered 27.~gS cxd4 2S.~hS+ 1-0
the great 1895 Hastings tournament as
a relative unknown, and yet placed first (18) De Visser - Young,J
ahead of Lasker, Steinitz, Tarrasch, Manhattan 1895
Chigorin, and many of the world's other French Defense [CI4]
great players. His win here in round 16
permitted him to retain a share of the l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.4:)c3 4:)f6 4 ..Q.gS
lead with only five rounds to play. .Q.e7 S.Jl.xf6 Jl.xf6 6.4:)13 0-0
7.Jl.d3 cS S.eS Jl.e7 9.h4 fS 10.exf6
l.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3.4:)c3 4:)f6 4.Jl.gS Jl.xf6
.Q.e7 S.e3 0-0 6.4:)f3 b6 7.~cl.Q.b7
S.cxdS 4:)xdS 9.Jl.xe7 ~xe7 8
10.4:)xdS .Q.xdS 1l..Q.d3 ~cS12.e4 7
J}.b713.0-0 4:)d714.~e2 a61S.~c3 6
c616.~fc1 bS 17.~e3 ~c71S.~f4 5
~ac819.eS cS
abc d e f g h
Without a pawn on e5, White must rely
3 upon the <£)c3-e2-f4 and the h4-pawn
2 as additional assets. Still, Black still
faces an enormous defensive task. In
abc d e f g h the game, Black played 12 ... ~h6 when
it is White who fails to find the best
The well defended e5-pawn and the path with 13:~d3! since 13 ... g6 meets
presence of the white rook already on 14.h5 +- . II.Axh7+ CjfjIxh712.4:)gS+


~h6 Black successfully rejects 'it'g6 27•.£!c1.£!d8 2S.Etfel ~fS 29 ..£!d3

(it's a pretty mate in three) 12 ... <;tJg6 .1lb5 30•.£!c5 ~xf4 31.Etxe6 Ethl
13.~d3+ <;tJh5 14.g4+ <;tJxg4 (14 ... 'it'h6 32.~xhl Etxhl 33.Etxhl ~xd4
15.~h7#) 15.'l:ii'f3#. In the 'it'gB line, 34.Ete7+ ~fS 35.Etc7 b6 36.Etfl +
White can select a quick perpetual or .1lxfl 37•.£!d7+ ~e7 0-1
try for more with 14.0-0-0. 12 ... <;tJgB
13.~h5 fieB (13 ... ~xg5 14.hxg5 fieB (19) Maroczy - Billecard
15.g6 <;tJfB16.dxc5+-) 14.0-0-0! see Hastings 1895
game 272 (14.'l:ii'f7+ <;tJhB15.'l:ii'h5+ =). French Defense [C14]
White gains a clear advantage after
12 ... ~xg5 13.hxg5+ <;tJgB (13 ... 'it'g6 is Geza Maroczy (1870-1951) won a side
much too dangerous, 14.'l:ii'h5+ 'it'f5 event at Hastings 1895 and, during the
15.~h7++- g6 16.~h3+ 'it'xg5 next decade, won or placed well in two
[16 ... <;tJf4 17.~g3+ 'it'f5 1B.fih4+-] dozen tournaments. He was, according
17.~h4+ and the king hunt is on <;tJf5 to Capablanca, one of the best players
1B.g4+ 'it'f4 19 ..£\e2+ 'it'e4 [19 ... 'it'f3 of the time. A match against Lasker was
20.~g3+ <;tJe4 21.~d3#] 20.g5+ <;tJf3 canceled and, in 1908, Maroczy retired
[20 ... <;tJf5 21.~f4#; 20 ... fif4 from chess. The Maroczy bind, a for-
21.~xf4#] 21.fih3+ 'it'g2 22.~g4#) mation with white pawns on c4 and e4,
14.~h5 fieB 15.g6 <;tJf8 the king es- bears his name.
capes, but White has a clear initiative
after 16.dxc5 and 17.0-0-0. 13.f4 Miss- l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 . .£!c3 .£!f6 4 ..1lg5
ing the more accurate continuation with .1le7 5 . .1lxf6 .1lxf6 6 . .£!f3 0-0
13.~d3! threatening ~h7#. 13 ... ~xgS 7 •.1ld3 c5 S.e5 .1le7 9.h4 f510.exf6
(and not 13 ... g6 14.hS with the idea of Etxf6
~xg6# 14 ... figB [14 ... ~eB IS ..£\f7+
~xf7 16.hxg6+ <;tJg7 17.fih7++-]
IS.'£\f7++-) 14.hxgS+ <;tJxgS IS.fih7
when the white queen and rook com-
bine against the exposed king in all
lines: (a) IS ... figB 16.0-0-0 (bringing
up the third major) 16 ... cxd4 17.~g3+
<;tJf6 IB.fixd4 'it'e7 19.fig4+-; (b)
IS ... ~f6 16.~g3+ 'it'fS 17.'l:ii'f3+ 'it'gS
(17 ... <;tJg6 IB.~hS#) 1B.'l:ii'hS+ 'it'f4
19.93#; and (c) IS ... 'l:ii'c716 ..£\bS ~d7 abc d e f g h
17.~g3+ <;tJf6 (17 ... 'it'fS IB.fixg7 +-)
IB ..£\d6+- and White will likely con- The .£\c3 and h4-pawn serve as addi-
tinue with f4.13 •.• ~eSI4..£!e2 .£!c6 tional assets, but the rook on f6 should
15.c3 Ad7 16.g4 cxd4 17.cxd4 have discouraged White from the sac-
.1lxg5 Or simply 17... ~e71B.'l:ii'd2 ~b4 rifice. Black was unlikely to fall for
19..£lc3~d6-+ .18.~d3g619.hxg5+ 12 ... <;tJgB 13.'l:ii'd3 fifS 14.g4. After the
~g7 20.C}-O-() EthS 21 . .£!g3 ~f7 'it'gB retreat, the rook is ready to swing
22.Ethfl Etac8 23.~bl ~e7 24.~e3 to h6 to foil ~hS. Despite the unsound
Eth2 25. ~gl Eth4 26. .£!e2 EtchS nature of the sacrifice, White still tri-

Sacking the Citadel

umphs. 1l.Axh7+ ~xh7 12.~g5+ Ae7 9.Jtd3 EteSl0.0--0 e5 1l.dxe5

~gS In the ~h6Iine, a plausible choice ~xe512.~xe5Axe513.~e2
without a dark-square bishop for the
attack, White plays ~d2, threatening a 8
discovered check. 12 ... ~h6 13.~d2 7
~eS 14 ..£\xe6+ ~h7 15 ..£\e7±. In the 6
~g6 line, White can play ~d3 threat-
ening mate and again using the h-pawn
in the event of ... g6. 12 ... ~g613.~d3+
when White prevails in all lines: (a)
13 ... m5 unable to block the check with
... f5, Black can block it with the rook,
but 14.g4+-; (b) 13 ... ~h5 (it's mate in abcdefgh
six) 14.g4+ ~xg4 (14 ... ~h615.~h7#)
15 ..§.gl+ ~h5 (15 ... ~xh4 16.~h3#; Black must rely upon the light-square
15 ... ~f416 ..£\e2#) 16 ..£\f7+-; and (c) bishop and the .§.eS as additional as-
13 ... ~h6 14.~h7#. 13.~h5 Eth6 sets, but White's active bishops limit
14.~f7+ ~hSI5.0-0-0 ~fS More the possible scope of the attack.
accurate is 15 ... exd4 16 ..£\b5 ~d7 13...Jtxh2+ 14.~xh2 ~g4+ 15.~g3
17.~b1 .£\e6-+. 16.f4 Ad7 The ~gl retreat is the best line for
17.~xfS+ AxfS IS.~f7+ ~h7 White because the queen on e2 is al-
19.~xh6 ~xh6+ White's attacking ready covering the f2-pawn, permitting
prospects are gone, and Black has two the .§.fl to create an escape-square for
bishops for the rook. 20.dxe5 ~e6 the king.15.~gl ~h4 16 ..§.fe1 iii'h2+
21.f5 Axe5 22.fxe6 Jtxe6 23.~xd5 17.~f1 .£\e5 lS ..llf5 (1S ..£\a4 .llg4

EtdS 24.~e3 Etxdl + 25.Etxdl ~h5 19.f4 '£\f3 20.~f2 [20.gxf3 .llh3+-+]
26.Etel Af5 27.~e4 Axe4 2S.Etxe4 20 ... '£\h4 21..§.gl .llh3 22 ..llxh7+ ~fS
Af2 29.b4 Axh4 30.b5 ~dS 31.e4 23.~d1 .llxg2 24 ..llxg7+ ~xg7

Af6 32.~e2 ~g6 33.e5 ~f7 25.~g4+ ~hS-+) lS ... ~h1 + 19.~e2

34.~d3 ~e6 35.~e4 Ae7 36.b6 ~xg2 20 ..llxeS ~f3+ 21.~d2 (21.~fl
Axe5 Better is 36 ... axb6 37.exb6 .§.axeS +) 21... ~xf2+ 22 ..§.e2 '£\f3+
.£\dS=. 37.~d5 Axb6 3S.Etxe6 Ae5 23.~d3 .£\e5+=. The ~h3 line walks
39.Ete4 b6 4O.Eta4 a5 41.Etxa5 bxa5 into a devastating discovery: 15.~h3
42.~xe5 ~e6 43.~b5 ~d5 .£\xe3+ -+ and there's obviously no
44.~xa5 ~e5 45.a4 g6 46.g3 g5 point in 15.~h1 iii'h4+ 16.~gl ~h2#.
47.g4 ~e6 48.~b4 ~b6 49.a5+ ~a6 15... ~g5 16.Axh7+ White needed to
50.~a4 ~a7 51.~b5 ~b7 52.~e5 play 16.f4 to survive. 16.f4 iii'h5 17.e4
1--0 .£\e3 lS.~e2 ~g6+ 19.~h2 '£\xf1+
20 ..§.xfl dxe4=. 16... ~fS Also viable
(20) Skipworth - Jones is 16... ~hS 17.f4 .§.xe3+ lS ..§.f3 ~h5
Craigside 1897 19 ..§.xe3 .£\xe3 20.~e2 ~xe2 21..£\xe2
Slav Defense [A 13] ~xh7~. 17.f4 ~h5 IS.~dl g6
18. ..f5! traps the bishop. 19.jtxg6 fxg6
l.e4e6 2.~e3 d5 3.e3 e6 4.~f3 Jtd6 20.~e3 Ete7 Better is 20 ... ~h2+
5.d4 ~d7 6.b3 ~gf6 7.Ab2 0--0 S.e5 21.~f3 .§.e7~. 21.~el? Eth7 22.Etgl


~f5 22 ... 4Je5! -+ when the knight is 17 ... xt'h6 1S.i11td3+- or 1S.~g4+-.
immune in view of...~xg4and ... .§f7#. IS. ~d3+ Here in the '<t'g6line, the white
23..£)c3.£)e5 24.fxe5 ~h4+ 25.'if}f3 queen easily reaches g3 when the .§e1
~g4+ 0-1 It's mate after 26.'<t'f4 g5 #. provides useful control over the e6-
square. 1S.i11tg4+- and 1S.h4+- are
(21) Hulsen - Brody also winning. lS •.•f5 As usual, there's
Berlin 1897 no hope in IS ... '<t'h5 19.i11th7+ '<t'g4
Giuocco Piano [C56] 20.h3# or 1S ... '<t'h619.i11th7#.19.~g3
With the idea of 4Je6 +-. 19 ••• .£)c6
1.e4 e5 2.,£)0 .£)c6 3.~c4 ~c5 4.0- 20..£)e6+ 20 ..§e1 is a useful additional
o .£)f6 5.c3 .£) xe4 6.d4 exd4 7.cxd4 move to hold the 4Je6 for support of
~e7 S.d5.£)bS 9 . .§e1.£)d610.~d3 i11txg7. 20 .•• 'if}f7 21 . .£)xdS+ .£)xdS
0-0 1l . .£)c3 .£)eS 12.d6 .£)xd6 22 ..§e1 .£)e6 23. ~h3 g6 24. ~h4 c6
13.~f4 .£)e8 25. ~e7+ 'if}gS 26.j},h6 .£)Sg7
7 (22) Futterer - Zinski
6 Berlin 1897
5 Two Knights Defense [C58]
1.e4 e5 2 . .£)f3 .£)c6 3.~c4 .£)f6
4 ..£)g5 d5 5.exd5 .£)a5 6.d3 h6 7 ..£)f3
~d6 S.c3 0-0 9.h4.£) xc410.dxc4 c5
1l.a3 e412..£)fd2 '§e813.0-0
abc d e f g h
At first glance, Black's position at the 7
time of the sac has the appearance of
one fully lacking in development. For
additional assets, White has the 4Jc3,
the active .§e1, and the dark-square
bishop, but Black has the ~e7 poised 3
to prevent 4Jf3-g5. This is the first game 2
in which the Greco Sacrifice, to succeed,
requires an additional exchange sacri- abc d e f g h
fice, in this case 15 ..§ xe7, eliminating
the dark-square bishop to continue Another successful sacrifice by Black
safely with 4Jg5. 14.~xh7+ 'if}xh7 owing in large part to White having ig-
15..§xe7 ~xe716..£)d5 Gaining a free nored the center. Black has three addi-
tempo. 16.4Jg5+ would likely transpose, tional assets, the mobile e4-pawn, the
although Black has the option ofi11txg5. .§eS, and the light-square bishop.
16•.• ~dS 17•.£)g5+ 'if}g6 The '<t'gS re- 13...~xh2+ 14.'if}xh2 .£)g4+ 15.'if}g3
treat fails quickly because the .§f8 can- The checkmate after 15.'<t'g1 follows a
not create an escape square. 17 ... '<t'gS typical pattern, the usual mate in five
18.~h5+- and the .§fS cannot move; initiated by the capture first of the f-

Sacking the Citadel

pawn. IS.'it>gl ~h4 16 ..§el ii;Yxf2+ In the 'it>g6 line, White mates in four
17.'it>hl ii;Yh4+ 18.'<!igl ii;Yh2+ 19.'it>f1 with 12 ... 'it>g6 13.~c2+ '<!ihS 14.g4+
ii;Yhl+ 20.'it>e2 ii;Yxg2#; IS.'it>h3 walks 'it>xg41S.f3+ 'it>hS (IS ... 'it>g316 ..§h3*)
right into 15 .. .'ijxf2+-+ although 16.~h7*. 13.~e2 The main alterna-
IS ... ii;YgS with the idea of ii;YhS is also tives fare no better: 13.~d3 g6-+ and
devastating. 15 .• :~d6+ ... ii;Yd6 brings 13.~g4 ii;Ye7 14.~f4 cxd4 IS.lLle6+
on a quick mate thanks to the rook's 'it>h7 16AJxf8+ ~xf8-+. 13 ... ,Axg5
ability to reach e3. 16.f4 Both king re- Simpler is 13 ... g6-+. 14.hxg5+ 'It>xg5
treats walk into mates in one: 16.'it>h4 Clearly dangerous but the only chance
ii;Yh2*; 16.'<!ih3 ii;Yh2*. 16 ... exf3+ for a win. 14 ...'<!ig6 invites 1S. lLlf4 + '<!ifS
17.'lt>xf3 Eie3* 0--1 16..§hS +- . 15.~g3 After lS.lLlf4 Black
can run the king to f6 or try 15 ... .§h8
(23) Fahndrich - Mandelbaum 16 ..§hS+ '<!if6 (16 ... .§xhS 17.~xhS+
Vienna 1897 '<!if618.~eS *) 17.dxcS §.xhS 18.ii;YxhS
Queen's Gambit Declined [055] lLla6=+=. 15 ... g6?? Far more prudent is
running the king to safety with IS ... '<!if6
l.d4 d5 2.c4 ~f6 3.~c3 e6 4.J1g5 16.lLlhS+ 'it>e7 17.lLlxg7 §.h8=+=.
,Ae7 5.e3 0-06.,Ad3 b6 7.,Axf6 ,Axf6 16:~f3+- Once again, the attacking
8.cxd5 ,Ab7 9.~f3exd510.h4c5 side prevails despite an unsound sacri-
fice. 16... f517.~f4+ 'It>f618.~e5+
8 'It>g5 19.Eih5+! gxh5 20. ~g7+ 'It>h4
7 21.~xf5+ Eixf5 22.~g3410 1--0
(24) Pillsbury - Judd
St Louis 1898
Queen's Indian Defense [EI2]
l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.~c3 b6 4.~f3
,Ab7 5.,Af4 ,Ad6 6.,Axd6 ~xd6
abc d e f g h 7.cxd5 ,Axd5 8.e4 ,Ab7 9.Eic1 a6
10.Ad3 ~e711.0--0 0--0 12.e5 ~d8
White relies here on the lLlc3 and the
h4-pawn as additional assets. The ab- 8
sence of the dark-square bishop and the 7
closed nature of the c1-h6 diagonal
make 12 ... 'it>h6 a winning move. Yet
again, however, poor defense permits
White's attack to prevail. White finishes
the game with a lovely rook sacrifice 3
and a pretty mate. 1l.,Axh7+ 'It>xh7
12.~g5+ 'It>h6 White overwhelms
12 ... 'it>g8 with 13.ii;YhS-f7 and the cap- abc d e f g h
ture of the unanchored ilb7. 12 ... 'it>g8
13.ii;YhS .§e8 (13 ... ilxgS 14.hxgS fS Another lovely win for the American
IS.g6+- ) 14.ii;Yxf7+ 'it>h8 IS.ii;Yxb7 +-. champion. White has two additional


assets, the secure e5-pawn and the

4Jc3-e2-f4. Given the absence of 8
White's dark-square bishop, the ~h6 7
line is the real test. After 14 ... \t>h6 6
15:i£rd2 ~g6, White no longer has 5
16.~g4, but 16.4Je2 with the idea of
4Jf4, is fully sufficient for the win.
13•.1lxh7+! <if}xh714.~g5+ <if}h6 In
the \t>gS line, White can take advan-
tage of Black's lack of support on e6 by
playing 4Jxe6, hitting the queen and abc d e f g h
threatening mate on g7. 14 ... ~gS
15.~h5 E!eS 16.~xf7+ ~hS White relies here on the secure e5-pawn
17.4Jxe6+-; 14 ... ~g6 15:i£rg4! (not and the idea of E!c1-c3, but with the
15.~d3+ 4Jf5-+ [15 ... ~xg5? 16:i£rh7 white queen on d2, the variation with
4Jg6 17.f4+] ) 15 ... f5 16.exf6 ~xf6 ~gS was bound to be trouble. The
17.E!fe1 once again, a useful compan- queen cannot safely reach the h-file,
ion in the ~g4line to pressure the weak- and from d3, White exerts pressure on
ened e6-pawn. 17 ... ~d7 (17 ... ~cS h7 but not also f7. Note also that the f-
18.4Jce4++-) 18.E!xe6++-. 15.~d2 file is open, giving Black the opportu-
<if}g616.~e2 ~d5 Alternatives fare no nity to defend with E!f5 and g6.
better: 16... c517.4Jf4++- and 16.. :i£reS 16 ..1lxh7+ <if}xh7 17.~g5+ <if}gS
17.4Jf4+ ~h6 1S.E!c3+-. 17.~d3+! Black's development and pressure on
<if}xg5 Black can avoid a mating net only the d-pawn allows him to achieve ap-
with 17 ... f5 1S.4Jxe6+-. lS.f4++- proximate equality in the ~g6 line:
18.~h7! is mate in eight, says Fritz 12; 17 ... ~g6 1S.4Jxe6 4Jxd4 19.4Jxf8+
1S ... E!gS 19.h4+ ~g4 20.f3 #. 4JxfS 20.4Jc3lle6 21.4Ja4 'ff1a7 22.4Jc5
IS.••<if}h619. ~h3+ <if}g6 20.f5+ exf5 4Jc6 23. ~d3+ ~f7 24.0-0+ \t>gS
21.Etxf5 EthS 22. ~g4+ <if}h723.Etxfi 25.~h1 E!eS=. There's no point walk-
1-0 Here it's mate in three with ing into a pin with 17 ... ~h6
23.~h5+ ~gS 24.~xf7+ ~h7 1S.4Jxe6+ +-. The ~hSline is interest-
25.E!h5#. ing because the white queen has no
immediate access to the h-file, but
(25) Te Koiste - Swiderski White still prevails with 17 ... ~hS
Amsterdam 1899 18.~d3 E!f5 19.~h3+ ~gS 20.~h7+
French Defense [CI4] ~fS 21.'ff1hS+ \t>e7 22.'ff1xg7+ +-.
lS.~d3 Not 1S.4Jxe6 E!f7-+.
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4 ..1lg5 lS••• Etf5 19.~ xe6 ~ xd4 Far better is
.1le7 5.e5 ~fd7 6 •.1lxe7 ~xe7 19 ... g6 20.g4 4Jcxe5 21.dxe5 E!xe5+
7.~d2 a6 8.~d1 c5 9.c3 ~c610.f4 22.~f1 'ff1xe6-+. 20.~xd4? White
~ 11.~f3 f612 ..1ld3cxd413.cxd4 can hope to survive after 20.4Jxd4.
~b414.Etc1 fxe515.fxe5 ~b6 20 ••• ~xe6-+ 21.Etc3 ~xe5+
22.~xe5 Etxe5+ 23.<if}d2 ~f6
24.Etc7 ~e4+ 25. <if}e3 ~f6+ 26. <if}d4
Ete4+ 27.<if}c5 Etc4+ 2S.<if}b6 ~d7+

Sacking the Citadel

0-1 Winning the exchange since at Paris, 1867 tied with Steinitz. His first
29.~a5 b6 is mate. place finishes include Warsaw 1868,
Paris 1878, Nuremberg, 1883, and the
(26) DyckhotT - Trimborn German Chess Championship in 1883.
Munich 1900 He is, perhaps, best remembered for
Queen's Gambit Declined [DS3] several opening variations, notably the
popular Winawer variation of the French
l.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3 . .£le3 .£lf6 4.jlg5 Defense.
jle7 5.e3 0-0 6.jld3 dxe4 7.jlxe4
b6 S:~f3 e6 9.jlxf6 jlxf6 10.h4 One of the strongest players in Russia
'ifJe711.jld3 .£la612..£lh3.£lb4 in the late 19th century, Alapin (1856-
1923) is best known today for having
8 introduced a range of offbeat opening
7 variations, one of which, the c3-Sicilian
6 (l.e4 c5 2.c3) remains a popular choice
5 in modern tournaments.
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 . .£le3 .£lf6 4.Ag5
Ae7 5.jlxf6 jlxf6 6.Ad3 e5 7 ..£lf3
0-0 S.e5 jle7 9.dxe5 f610.h4 .£le6

abc d e f g h 8
Without an e5-pawn or dark-square
bishop, White relies instead on the <tIc3
and the h4-pawn. With the white knight
on h3 rather than f3, White can again
play ~h5 first, eliminating the possibil- 3
ity of variations other than \t'gS. 2

13.jlxh7+! <i!lxh7 There's obviously

no point in 13 ... ~hS 14.~h5 +-. abc d e f g h
14.'ifJh5+ <i!lgS As is quickly evident,
Black has no reasonable defense and As we shall see later in the book, the
succumbs to the usual idea, after sacrifice can work with a black pawn on
15 ... Axg5 16.hxg5, of 17.g5- f6, but here, White simply does not
g6.15 ..£lg5 jlxg5 16.hxg5 f517.g6 have sufficient reinforcements. White's
1~ eS-pawn is under assault and there's no
dark-square bishop. White must there-
(27) Winawer- Alapin fore rely upon the <tIc3 and h4-pawn as
Monte Carlo 1901 additional assets. Black gets a winning
French Defense [CI4] position in the game with \t'gS because
the 14 ... <tIe5 capture eliminates the e5-
Szymon Wmawer(1838-1920) was a lead- pawn and eyes the White's-advancing
ing player during the 19th century. In g-pawn. 1l.jlxh7+ <i!lxh712 ..£lg5+
his first tournament, he finished second <i!lgS Perhaps the most interesting pos-


sibility is the immediate capture on g5, Revolution, a second in the Great De-
but careful defense results in a per- pression, and a third to the Nazis. In a
petual. 12 ... fxg5 13.hxg5+ ~gS chess career that spanned six decades,
14J''!hS+ ~f7 (not 14 ... ~xhS15.i£rh5+ Bernstein had many successes, nota-
~gS 16.g6 .§.f5 17.i£rh7+ ~fS blya first in Berlin 1902/3, a shared first
18.i£rhS#) 15.i£rh5+ g616 ..§.h7+ 'it>eS in Stockholm, 1906, and first in the Mos-
17.i£rxg6+ ~d7 18.4:Jxd5 exd5 (avoid- cow City championship of1911. Follow-
ing lS ... i£ra5+ 19.b4 4:Jxb4 20.4:Jxe7 ing the end of the second world war,
4:Jd5+ 21.~f1 4:Jxe7 22 ..§.d1+ 'it>c6 Bernstein represented France at the
23 ..§.d6+ ~xc5 24 ..§.xe7±) 19.i£rd6+ 11th Chess Olympiad in Amsterdam.
~eS 20.i£rg6+=. White fails in the 'it>h6
line, because 13. i£rd3 meets f5, and 1.e4 e5 2.~f3 ~f6 3.~c3 ~c6
13.i£rd2 meets fxg5. 12 ... 'it>h6 13.'~d3 4 ..1lb5 .1lc5 5.~xe5 0--0 6.0--0 fIeS
(13.'ii¥d2 fxg5 14.hxg5+ ~g6) 13 .. .f5. 7.~f3 ~ xe4 S.d4 .1lfS 9.~ xe4 fIxe4
In the ~g6Iine, 13.i£rd3 f5 when there's 10..1ld3 fIe8
no en passant capture to keep the at-
tack alive. 13.~h5 fxg5 14.hxg5 8
~ xe515.g6 ~ xg6 Black eliminates the 7
mating threats by giving back only one 6
ofthe two extra pieces. 16.~xg6 -'tf6 5
17.~h7+ ~f718.~h5+ g619.~e2
fIhS-+ 20.0-0-0 -'td7 21.~f3
fIxhl 22.fIxhl ~g7 23.~e3 .1lg5
24.f4 .1lf6 25.~e2 ~e7 26.g4 fIhS
27.fIel ~f7 2S.c3 fIcS 29.c6 bxc6
30.g5 .1lg7 31.~g3 ~d6 32.~xa7 abc d e f g h
~xf4+ 33.~bl ~eS 34.~e2 ~h4
35.~gl c5 36.~c1 fIbS 37.fIe2 Another game in which even inaccu-
j},xc3 38.~xc5 ~b4 39.~f2 -'td4 rate play by White garners the full point.
40.~h2 ~xb2+ 41.fIxb2 fIxb2+ For additional assets, White relies on
42.~xb2 -'txb2 43.~xb2 ~e7 the dark-square bishop and the .§.el.
44.~d3 ~d6 45.~c3 e5 46.~el For Black, only 'it>g6 makes sense here
d4+ 47.~b4 -'tf5 4S.a4 -'te4 49.a5 given the presence of White's dark-
~c6 50.~c4 ~b7 51.~b3 j},d5+ square bishop and the queen's access
52. ~b4 .1le4 53. ~c4 ~c6 54.~b4 to h5. Following the sacrifice, 13.h4
~d5 55.~b5 d3 56.a6 ~d4 57.a7 gives White a strong pull by forcing
~c30--1 the black king into the center.
1l..1lxh7+ ~xh712.~g5+ ~g6 With
(28) Bernstein - Kulomzin the bishop on fB, there's no point in con-
Kiev, 1903 sidering 12 ...'it>gS13.i£rh5+-.13.~d3+
Four Knights Game [C48] One of the advantages of the ~g6-line
is that the white queen cannot immedi-
A grandmaster and businessman, Ossip ately move to h5. On 13.d5!? Ae7! (su-
Bernstein (1882-1962) gained and lost perior to 13 ... 4:Je5 14.f4 and 13 ... f5
three fortunes, one to the Bolshevik 14.h4 4:Je5 15.h5+ 'it>f6 16.'ii¥d4+-)

Sacking the Citadel

14:~d3+ f5 15 ..£Jf31.lJ6 16.dxc6 dxc6 lit'xh711.4)g5+ lit'h6! The 'it'g8line

17.~b3;!;. White's best isI3.h4! f5 and the .Q.xg5 line fail in the usual way,
14.h5+ 'it'f6 15.d5 .£Je5 16.~d4 trans- with the opening of the h-file and the
posing to a favorable variation of the advance of the g-pawn to g6. 11...'lt'g8
13.d51ine.13...f514.~g3 Jld615.f4 12.~h5 Axg5 13.hxg5 f6 14.g6+-;
lit'f6 16.Ad2 White can take a per- 11...Axg5 12.hxg5+ 'it'g613.~h5+ 'It'f5
petual with 16 ..£Jh7+ 'it'f7 17 ..£Jg5+ 14.g4+ 'it'f4 (14 ... 'it'xe5 15.~h2#)
'it'f6=. 16••• Ab4? White's gamble pays 15 ..£Je2+ 'It'e4 16.~h2+-. Black can
off. 16... Ae7=; 16 ... .£Jxd4=. 17.Jlxb4 survive in the 'It'g6line because the king
4)xb418.~h3+- d519.~xb4~e7 can escape to the center after 11 ... 'it'g6
20.~c3 ~e3+ 21.~xe3 Elxe3 12.~d3+ f5 (12 ... 'it'h5 13.g4+ 'it'xg4
22.Elael Elxe123.Elxel Ad724.Ele5 [13 ... 'it'h6 14.~h7#] 14.~f3#)
c6 25.lit'f2 Ele8 26.lit'e3 c5 27.Elxe8 13.exf6+ 'it'xf614.~xd4+ e5=. 12. ~d3
cxd4+ 28.lit'xd4 Axe8 29.lit'xd5 With the idea of~h7 #. 12•••g613.4)e2
Jlc6+ 30.lit'd6 Axg2 31.c4 lit'g6 No better is 13.h5 'it'g7 14.hxg6
32.lit'e5 Ac6 33.b41~ fih8-+ .13... lit'g714.f4 Elh815.0--4-
o 4)c6 16.4)xd4 4)xd4 17.~xd4
(29) Kemeny - Schrader ~b618.~d3 Jld719.h5 AxgS Black
St Louis 1904 is close to winning after 19 ... Ab5
French Defense [C 14] 20.~g3 ite2 21.h6+ fixh6 22.fixh6
Axdl 23.'lt'xdl Axg5 24.fxg5 ~d4+
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.Ag5 25.'it'c1 fih8=+'. 20.fxg5 gxh5
Jle7 5.Jlxf6 Axf6 6.4)f3 0-0 7.e5 21.Eldfl Jlh5 22.~3 Jlxfl23.Elxfl
Ae7 8.Ad3 c5 9.h4 cxd4 Elaf8 24. ~f6+ lit'h7 25. ~e7 ~e3+
26.lit'dl ~xe5 Or simply 26 ... ~d4+
8 IL__,_:;.I~~_~ 27.'it'c1 ~xe5 -+. 27.Elxf7+ Elxf7?
7 Sti11 winning is 27 ... 'it'g6-+. 28.~xf7+
6 ~g7 29.~xh5 = lit'g8 30.~e8+ ~f8
5 Yz-Yz
(30) Schlechter- Wolf
Ostend 1905
Queen's Gambit Declined [040]

abc d e f g h Carl Schlechter (1874-1918) is best re-

membered for seriously challenging
For additional assets, White relies upon Emanuel Lasker in the 1910 world chess
the .£Jc3-e2, the e5-pawn, and the h4- championship match, needing only a
pawn. For Black, the e5-pawn is inse- draw in the last game but falling short.
cure and Black hopes to dominate the Beginning in 1883, he played in more
dark squares on the kingside. Black than 50 international chess tourna-
gains a large edge with 11 ... 'it'h6, as in ments. He carne in first place at Munich
the game. After 24 moves, Black is win- 1900, Coburg 1904, Ostend 1906,
ning easily, but Black's horrible 27th Stockholm 1906, Vienna 1908, Prague
move tosses away the win. 10.Jlxh7+ 1908, Hamburg 1910, and in the


Trebitsch Memorial Tournaments in tives fare less well. 21.h4 ~cB+ keeps
Vienna (1911 , 1912, 1913). the queen off g4 and prepares ... ~f5.
And White wins only an exchange af-
l.d4 d5 2.4)f3 4)f6 3.e3 c5 4.c4 e6 ter 21.~c2+ f5 22.exf6+ 'iftxf6 23.4Jh7+
5.Ad3 4)c6 6.0-0 a6 7.4)c3 dxc4 'it'f7 24.4JxfB 'it'xfB~. 21 .•. f5 21...f6
S.Axc4 b5 9.Ad3 Ab7 10.a4 c4 without the attack upon the white
1l.axb5 axb5 12.E!xaS AxaS queen, White can afford to play
n.Abl ~b814.e4 Ae715.Ag5 0- 22.4Je6+ 'iftf7 23.exf6 gxf6 24.~g7+
o16.e5 4)d517.4) xd5 exd51S.Axe7 offering the 4Je6 24 ... 'it'xe6 (24 ... 'ifteB
4)xe7 25.~xfB++-) 25 ..§el++-. 22.exf6
Much less convincing is the familiar
8 22.~g3!? 4Jc6 23.4Je6+ 'iftf7 24.4Jg5+
7 'it'eB 25.4Je6=. 22 ••. gxf6 White's at-
6 tacks are instructive: 22 ... 4Jf5 23.4Je4+
the most powerful discovery 'it'f7
24.4Jg3 g6 25.4Jxf5+-; 22 ... 'it'xf6
23 ..§eltaking aim on e6. 23.4)e6+ ~f7
24.~g7+ ~xe6 25.E!el+ ~f5
26.~h7+ White has a slightly faster
mate with 26.g4+ 'it'f4 27.~h6+ 'iftf3
abcdefgh (27 ... 'it'xg4 2B.h3+ 'it'f5 [2B ... 'iftf3
29 ..§e3#] 29.~h5+ 'it'f4 30.~g4#)
The conditions are once again set for a 2B ..§e3+ 'iftxg4 29.h3+ 'it'f5 30.~h5+
successful Greco Sacrifice. The white 'iftf4 31.~g4#. 26 .•. ~g5 27.E!xe7+-
e-pawn has driven Black's knight off It's mate in six with 27.h4+ 'it'g4
f6, the white queen has quick access to (27 ... 'iftf4 2B. ~h5 +-) 2B.f3+ 'iftf4
h5 for use in the 'iftgB variation and to (2B ... 'it'g3 29.~g7+ 4Jg6 30.~xg6+
g4 if Black chooses to play 'ifth6 or 'it'xh4 31.~g4#) 29.~h6+ 'it'g3
'iftg6. And Black's poor development (29 ... 'it'f5 30.g4#) 30.~g7+ 4Jg6
gives White the time to bring up the 31.~xg6+ 'it'xh4 (31...'it'f4 32.~g4#)
.§f1-el-e3. White's 22nd move is espe- 32.~g4#. 27 ..• E!gS 2S.E!e3 b4
cially instructive, keeping the attack alive 29.E!g3+ ~xg3 30.~xgS+ 1-0
with 22.exf6 rather than 22.~g3, which
gives Black a chance to gain the develop- (31) Burn - Marshall
ment needed for a successful defense. Ostend 1906
19.Axh7+ ~xh7 20.4)g5+ ~g6! In Queen's Pawn Game [D02]
the 'iftgBline, White's makes good use
of the undefended e6-square. 20 ... 'iftgB Frank Marshall (1877-1944) was the U.S.
21.~h5 .§cB (21.. ..§eB 22.~xf7+ 'it'hB chess champion from 1909-1936 and
23.f4 with the idea of.§f3-h3) 22.~xf7+ competed unsuccessfully for the world
'ifthB 23.4Je6 4Jf5 24.~xf5+-. In the championship against Lasker in 1907.
'ifth6Iine, White has ~g4-h4, as well as He finished fifth at the 1914 St. Peters-
f4-f5 if Black plays ... 4Jg6 and ~cB. burg tournament behind Lasker,
20 ... 'ifth6 21.~g4 4Jg6 22.f4 ~cB Capablanca, Alekhine, and Tarrasch.
23.f5 +-. 21. ~g4! The usual alterna- Tsar Nicholas II is said to have con-

Sacking the Citadel

ferred the title of Grandmaster on ing for trouble. 23.g4+ ~xg4 (23 ... ~h4
Marshall and the four other finalists. 24.~f3+ ~xg4 [24 ... ~h3 25.~cgl +-]
Known for his great tactical skill, he in- 25.~cgl + ~h5 26.~h7+ ~h6
troduced the famous Marshall Gambit 27 .~g5 # ) 24.~hgl + +- . 22. ~h5 ~e5
in the Ruy Lopez. Simpler is 22 ... ~f5 -+ when Black can
sacrifice the exchange to relieve the
l.d4 d5 2.~f3 c5 3.c3 e6 4.M4 ~c6 pressure. 23.~h7+ ~fS 24.~hS+
~e7 25.~xg7+ ~d6 More accurate
5.e3 ~f6 6.~bd2 .1ld6 7.Ag3 0-0
S..1ld3 EteS 9.~e5 .1lxe5 10.dxe5 is 25 ... ~e8! 26.~g3 ~d7-+. 26.~g3
Not 26.~xf6 ~g4+. 26 ... ~d7 27.e4
~d711.f4 c412.Ac2 ~b613.~f2
~c6 2S.e5 ~fS? 28. .. ~f8 is playable,
~xb2 14.Etcl ~xa2 15.~e2 f5
but Black's best chance lay with
16.exf6 ~xf617.Ah4 EtfS1S.Axf6
28 ... ~xf4! 29.~xf4 ~c5 30.~c2 .ild7
Etxf619.~f3 ~a3
31.~bU. 29.exf6 ~xf6 30.~gS
Missing the transition to a winning
endgame with 30.'li11xf6 ~xf6 31.h4+-
when the h-pawn is a flier. 30 ... ~c5
31. ~eS+ Ad7 32. ~xaS e5 33.~h3
better is 33 .Rhfl ~g6+ 34. ~f2 ~d3+
35.~f1 ~xcl 36.~f2 ~c2 37.g3
~d3 -+ 38.~xa7d439.~xd3Ah3+

(32) Bernstein - Maroczy

abc d e f g h Ostend 1906
Queen's Gambit Declined [D37]
Down material against the future Ameri-
can champion, Bum prepares and plays l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.~c3 ~f6 4.~f3
the sacrifice. Black can easily parry the Ae7 5.Af4 0-0 6.e3 b6 7.cxd5 exd5
attack with ~h6 or, even better as in S.Ad3 a6 9.0-0 Ab7 10.~e5 c5
the game, use the ~f6 to aid the ~g8 11. ~f3 Eta712.Etadl c413.Abl b5
retreat. Marshall's errors on moves 25 14.e4dxe415.~xe4~bd716.~c6
and 28 ought to have cost him the full Axc617.~xf6+ ~xf618.~xc6 ~d5
point, but Bum returned the favor on 19.~b6 Etd7 20.Etfel Ab4 21.Ad2
moves 30 and 33 to decide the course Ad6 22. ~a5 ~xd4 23.Ac3
of the game. 20.Axh7+ ~xh7
21.~g5+ ~gS Bum lacks a dark-square
bishop to aid the ~h6 line and has no
meaningful way to bring up reinforce-
ments. 21...~h6! 22.~g4 ~b2+
23.~g3 ~f8 24.'li11h4+ ~g6-+. Less
convincing is 21...~g6? 22.'li11c2+ when
Black has 22 ... m5 23.g4 e5 24.~hgl
'li11e7 25.~g3=. Of course, Black should
avoid king retreats since 22 ... ~h6 meets
23.'li11h7# and 22 ... ~h5 is clearly ask-


Black does not appear to have the req-

uisite additional assets here, but the 8
~d4's starting position already exerts 7
pressure upon f2. The movement of the 6
white rook to the e-file relinquished 5
control over that key f2-square, permit-
ting Black, upon sacrificing on h2, to
infiltrate powerfully on f2 as well. In the
game, Bernstein settled upon 25.~h1,
a relative rarity in these positions, and
Black missed crushing shots on his next abc d e f g h
two moves. 23 .•• Axh2+ 24.~xh2
.£Jg4+! Black has to settle for a draw A rematch of the two competitors in
after 24 ... ~h4+ 25.~gl 4Jg4 26.'§'xd7 game 31 played at the same tournament
~xf2+ 27.~h1 ~h4+=. 25.~hl ~gl just one year later. Playing White this
faces ~xf2+ and it's mate in five be- time, it is Marshall's turn to try the Greco
cause the dl- and d3-squares are occu- Sacrifice which he prepares spectacu-
pied or covered. 25.~gl? ~xf2+ larly with an exchange sacrifice on h5
26.~h1 ~h4+ 27.~gl ~h2+ 28.~f1 that nicks Black's pawn structure.
~h1 + 29.~e2 ~xg2 #. Black's king is White's additional assets include the
too exposed after 25.~h3 4Jxf2+ dark-square bishop, the 4Jd2-f3, and
26.~g3 (26.~h2 ~h4+ 27.~gl the possibility, albeit slow, of bringing
4Jxd1-+ ) 26 ... ~g4+willingly ditching the '§'a1 into the game on hI. Note, of
the knight 27.~xf2 (27.~h2 .§.xd1-+) course, that a bishop rather than a pawn
27 ... .§.xd1-+. Black wins quickly after rests on g7, often a key in the ~g6line
25.~g3 ~xf2+ 26.~xg4 (26.~h3 because White will capture a bishop
g5-+) 26 ... ~xg2+ with a fun mating ex- rather than a pawn on g7. Black's only
ercise for the reader: 27.~f4 ~f2+ hope was to decline the Greco Sacrifice
28.~g4 h5+ 29.~h3 g5 -+. 25 .. :~xdl with ~f8 because, after 11.4Jg5, all of the
Simpler is 25 ... ~f4-+. 26.f3 It's hope- defenses crumble quickly despite the abil-
less even after White's best move ity of the black knight to reach f6.
26.Af5 4Jxf2+-+. 26 ... ~d5 Missing 10.Axh7+ ~xh711 ..£Jg5+ ~g6 In
a game ending shot with 26 .. ..§.eB! -+ . the ~gB line, White infiltrates on f7,
27.fxg4 .§d6 2S.~c7 b4 29.Ae4 driving the king to h8 where 0-0-0 de-
.§h6+ 30.~gl ~b5 31.Ad2 .§e6 cides. 11...~gB 12.~xh5+- 4Jf6
32.Af3 .§feS 33.'§xe61--O (12 ... 4JfB 13.~xf7+ ~hB 14.0-0-0+-
provides a similar end) 13.~xf7+ ~hB
(33) Marshall - Burn 14.0-0-0+- with .§.h1 to come.
Ostend 1907 12..£Jdf3 e5 The queen and knights
Queen's Pawn Game [A48] work harmoniously to deliver a mate in
four after 12 ... 4Jf8 13.4Jh4+ ~f6
1.d4 .£Jf6 2 ..£Jf3 d6 3.Af4 .£Jbd7 14.~xh5 4Jg615.4Je4+ ~e616.'~f5#.
4.e3 g6 5.Ad3 Ag7 6 ..£Jbd2 0--0 7.h4 13•.£Jh4+ ~f614..£Jh7+ ~e7There's
.§eS S.h5 .£J xh5 9 ..§xh5 gxh5 a remarkable mate in two after 14 ... ~e6
15.d5+ ~e716.4Jf5#. 15•.£Jf5+ ~e6

Sacking the Citadel

16.4) xg7+ There's a mate in six involv- There's simply no way for the attack to
ing a pretty knight sac with 16.d5+ progress meaningfully. 12... hS 13..11.f4
'it'xf5 17.~xh5+ 'it'e4 18.'lii'f3+ c;t>f5 4)g4+ 14.<i,!tg1 gS lS . .11.eS §gS
19.94+ 'it'g6 20.~e4+ f5 21.~xf5*. 16.Axg4+- hxg4 17.4)e4 4)d7
16... <i,!te7 Not surprisingly, 16 .. .'~d5 lS.~xg4 4)xeS 19.dxeS <i,!tfS
walks into a mating net: 17.c4+ 'it'c6 (or 20.§ad1 ~c7 21.4)f61-O
17 ... 'it'xc4 lB. 'lii'b3 * or 17 ... c;t>e4
1B.f3 *) 1B.'lii'a4+ 'it'b6 (lB ... b5 (35) Pestalozzi - Duhm
19.~xb5*) 19.~b5*.17.4)fS+ <i,!te6 Bern 1908
lS.dS+ <i,!txfS 19.~xhS+ <i,!te4 20.0- French Defense [CI4]
0--0 1-0 Black resigns in order to avoid
seeing 20 ... exf4 21.~d4*. 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.AgS
Ae7 S..11.xf6 Axf6 6.eS .11.e77..11.d3
(34) Lasker,Em. - Marshall cS S.dxcS .11.xcS 9. ~g4 0--0 10.4)f3
World Championship 1907 4)c6
French Defense [CII]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.Ad3 7
cS S.4)f3 c4 6.Ae2 dxe4 7.4)eS 6
.11.d6 S.O--O a6 9.4) xc4 h610.f3 exf3 5
1l.AxO 4

abc d e f g h

White has additional assets in the e5-

pawn and the .£\c3, but the real story is
the ~g4 which, with early access to h5,
eliminates lines other than c;t>gB. The
abc d e f g h game provides a nice illustration of the
classic checkmate in five, showing also
This is, I believe, the only Greco Sacri- how the black king will escape if White
fice to appear in a world championship plays 'lii'h7 before ~t7. 1l.Axh7+!
game. Trailing badly in the match, <i,!txh712.~hS+ <i,!tgS13.4)gS §eS
Marshall makes a poor decision. 14. ~xf7+! Tempting, but a clear mis-
White's position was already prefer- take, is 14.'lii'h7+? c;t>fB 15.'lii'hB+ c;t>e7
ably, but Black can play on with 16.~xg7 'it'd7 when the king escapes.
1l ... .l1c7. The Greco Sacrifice fails
14... <i,!thS1S.~hS+ <i,!tgS16.~h7+
quickly because Black has no tangible
<i,!tfS17.~hS+ <i,!te718.~xg7# 1-0
additional assets, even .£\g4 requires
preparation, and because Lasker can
quickly gain control over the key h2-bB (36) Mackenzie - Billings -
diagonal. 1l ... Axh2+ 12.<i,!txh2 Binningham 1908
Queen's Gambit Declined [D60]


l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.4:}c3 4:}f6 4 ..11.g5 defend the <tJg5 because the queen
4:}bd7 5.e3 .11.e7 6.4:}f3 0-0 7 ..11.d3 alone cannot mate a lone king on g5.
c5 8.0-0 bb 9.cxd5 4:}xd510•.11.xe7 14.~c2+ 'it'xg5-+ and of course 14.h4
4:} xe711.dxc5 4:} xc5 Voellmy wrongly ~xd1-+. 14..•e5? Black can obtain a
attaches a question mark here, contend- perpetual check by activating the <tJe7-
ing that the knight is needed on f6. He f5-h6. 14 ... f5! 15.~g3 f4 (15 ... 'it'h6
would have been correct were the sac- 16.~h4+ 'it'g6 17.~g3=) 16.exf4 <tJf5

rifice sound. 17.'~g4 <tJh6 1B.'~g3 <tJf5=. 15.4:}e6+

\tIf616.f4 4:}c6 Other alternatives lose
more quickly (a) 16... ~d617.§ad1 +-
~xe6 1B.~g5#; (b) 16 ... ~xe6
17.~g5#; and (c) 16 ... e4 17.f5 ~xe6
6 1B.fxe6+ 'it'e5 19 .ext7 +-. 17.f xe5+
5 More accurate is 17.§ad1 <tJxe61B.§xdB
4 §xdB19.~h4++- . 17••• \tIe718.4:}xdS
3 .11.xg4 19.4:}xc6+ \tIe6 20.h3 .11.h5
2 21.g4 .11.g6 22.!!adl .11.d3 23.4:}e2
\tId7 24.4:}b4 \tIe6 25.4:}xd31--O
abc d e f g h (37) Salwe - Vidmar
St Petersburg 1909
The absence of additional assets be- Queen's Gambit Declined [D40]
yond the <tJc3 casts doubt upon the
sacrifice here. Black correctly selects l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.4:}c3 c5 4.e3 4:}f6
~g6, the best defense, but misses a 5.4:}f3 4:}c6 6.a3 .11.d6 7.dxc5 .11.xc5
drawing line courtesy of f7-f5-f4 and 8.b4 .11.d6 9 ..11.b2 0-0 10..11.d3 a5
<tJe7-f5-h6. 12 . .11.xh7+ \tIxh7 1l.b5 4:}e512.4:}xe5 .11.xe513.~e2
13.4:}g5+ \tIg6 White's attack is crush- ~e7 14.0-0 b6 15.4:}a4 .11.c7
ing in the ~gB line because White can 16.!!ac1 !!d817.c5 bxc518.4:}xc5
drive off the <tJc5 defender with a timely .11.d619. ~c2 e5 20.a4.11.g4 21.4:}b3
b4. 13 ... ~gB 14.'~h5 §eB 15.'~xf7+ !!ac8 22. ~bl e4 23 . .11.c2 .11.e2
~hB 16.b4 ~b7 (knight moves permit 24.!!fel
<tJxe6. For example, 16 ... <tJd7
17 .<tJxe6 +- and sacrificing the knight 8
provides no relief. 16... <tJf5 17:~h5+ 7
~gB 1B.§ad1 <tJd7 19.~h7+ ~fB 6
20.<tJxe6+ +-. The knight is immune in 5
view of ~hB when Black cannot ad- 4
equately defend his queen) 17.§ad1
~cB 1B.bxc5 bxc5 19.~h5+ 'it'gB
20.e4+-. With the black bishop still on
c8 where it disrupts the communication
between the §aB and the ~dB, White abc d g h
gains a nice resource in the 'ifi'h6 line
with 14.<tJxf7+. 13 ...'it'h614.<tJxf7+ §xf7 The sacrifice winds up winning quickly
15.~xdB+-. 14.~g4 White needs to here because the remarkable black

Sacking the Citadel

bishop on e2 controls key squares, and maneuvering the queen to h2 and then
of course because White's pieces are swinging the rooks to the kingside.
hopelessly bottled up on the queenside. 26 ... ~d6 27.l=!xe2 ~h2+ 28.'it'xg4
In the game after ~h3, Black mates ~xg2+ 29.'it'h4 (29.~f4 ~f3+ 30.'it'g5
quickly because the queen reaches h2 [30.'it1e5 ~f6,*] 30 ... h6+ 31.'~h4 g5 '*)
forcing the white king out into the open 29 ... l=!d6-+. 27.Axe4 Eth6+ 28.!;flg3
board. 24 .•• Axh2+ 25.!;flxh2 4)g4+ ~h4+ 29.!;flf4 ~h2+ 0-1 There's a
Missing a quick rout with 25 ...'l:Yd6+! forced mate after 30.g3 ~xf2+ 3UU3
26.f4 (26.'it'gl .£Jg4 27.g3 ~h6-+; ~xf3+ 32.~g5 f6+.
26.g3 .£Jg4+ 27.'it'g2 Af3+ 28.'it'fl
~h6-+) 26 ... exf3+ -+. 26.!;flh3 In the (38)NN-NN
'it'gl line, Black can accurately box out Basel 1910
White's dark-square bishop by playing Queen's Gambit Declined [D40]
~d6 and then the queen to the h-file
only after White commits with g3. l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.e3 c5 4.4)f3 4)f6
26.'it'gl ~d6 27.g3 (27.f4 ~h6-+; 5.Ad3 4)c6 6.4)c3 a6 7.a3 dxc4
27.l=!xe2 ~h2+ 28.'it'fl ~hl '*) 8.Axc4 h5 9.Aa2 Ah710.0--0 Ad6
27 ... ~h6 28.l=!xe2 ~h2+ 29.'it'fl 1l.dxc5 Axc512.~c2 ~e713.h4
~h 1 '*. White has surprising drawing Ad6 14.Ahl Etc8 15.Ah2 4)e5
chances after 'it'g3 because the Ae2 is 16.4)xe5 Axe517.~d2 0-0 18.4)e2
en prise and because White, after f2-f4 Etfd819.4)d4
exf3, has Axh7+ and ~f5 lurking in the
position, preventing Black from piling 8
on with ~g5. The key for Black is the 7
exchange sacrifice on c2, drawing the 6
white queen to c2 where it is vulnerable 5
to attack from a discovered check from
the .£Jg4. 26.'it'g3! l=!xc2! (26 ... ~g5 27.f4
~g6 [27 ... exf3 28.Axh7+ 'it'f8 29:~f5]
28.l=! xe2 +- when, without the ex-
change sacrifice on c2, the discovered
check cannot reach the queen) 27.~xc2 a h c d e f g h
(27.l=!xc2 ~d6+! 28.f4 [28.'it'h4 ~h6+
29.~g3 ~h2,*; 28.~h3 ~h2,*] A game found by Voellmy. For additional
28 ... exf3+ 29.'it'h4 [29.'it'h3 .£Jf2+ asserts, Black can rely upon the active
30.~h4 ~h6+ 31.~g3 ~g5+ -+; light-square bishop and the active
29.~xg4 f5+ 30.'it'xf5 ~g6+ 31.'it'f4 rooks. In the 'it'g3 line, the black queen
l=!f8+-+] 29 ... .£Jxe3-+) 27 ... ~g5 28.f4 reaches the g-file long enough to sup-
exf3 (28 ... ~g6 29.~xe2+-) 29.l=!xe2 port a compelling discovery. Once again,
(29.gxf3 .£Jxe3+ -+) 29 ... .£Jxe3+ the defender finds the best moves hard
30.~xf3 .£Jxc2 31.l=!cxc2 (31.l=!exc2 to find. 19... Axh2+ 20.!;flxh2 4)g4+
~f5+ 32.'it'g3 ~d3+-+) 31...~f5+ 21.!;flg3 The 'it'h3line again meets ~g5-
32.'it'e3 (32.'it'g3 ~d3+ -+ ) 32 ... l=!e8+ h5. 21.~h3 ~g5-+ 22.l=!hl ~h5+
33.'it'd4 ~g4+ 34.'it'd3=. 26 ... Etd6 23.'it'g3 ~xh1. The 'it'gl line loses
Black can win a bit more quickly by quickly to the usual idea of ~h4 since


the light-square bishop has both g2 and 13.4Jxf7+ +-; 12 ... .§.xh5 13.~xh5+ 'it'f5
f3 covered. 21.)fj>gl ~h4 22.4Jf3 14.g4#] 13.g4#) 12.~g4 4Jd5+
~xf3-+ . . 21. .. ~g5 Avoiding 13.)fj>f1 +-. Avoiding the tempting
21...~d6+ 22.f4+-. 22.Axh7+ Black 10 ... ~xg51Utxg5 4Jxc312.~d3++-.
triumphs with a queen sacrifice after 11. ~h5 E!eS When White has the cus-
22.f4 4Jxe3+ 23.fxg5 4Jxfl + -+. The tomary mate in five.12.~xf7+ ~hS
best try for White is 22.f3 4Jxe3+ 23.)fj>f2 13.~h5+ ~gS 14.~h7+ ~fS
4Jg4+! 24.'it'el (24.fxg4 ~xd2+) 15.~hS+~e716.~xg7# 1-0
24 ... ~h4+ 25.)fj>e2 4Je5 -+. 22 .•• ~xh7
23.f4 ~g6 24.E!hl + ~gS 25.E!agl (40) Capablanca - Davis
4)f6+0-1 Chicago 1910
French Defense [CI4]
(39) Lasker,Em. - Schenzen
Buenos Aires simul. exhibition 1910 Jose Raul Capablanca (1888-1942)
Queen's Gambit [D06] reigned as world chess champion from
1921 to 1927 and most rank him among
l.d4 d5 2.c4 4)f6 3.cxd5 ~xd5 the best players of all time. Among
4.4)c3 ~dS 5.e4 e6 6.4)f3 Ab4 many outstanding achievements was
7.Ad3 ()....() S.e5 4)d5 first place at San Sebastian 1911, one of
the strongest tournaments ever held,
and second place at the famous St. Pe-
tersburg tournament of 1914.

l.d4 d5 2.4)c3 4)f6 3.Ag5 e6 4.e4

Ae7 5.Axf6 Axf6 6.4)f3 0-0
7.Ad3 c6 S.e5 Ae7 9.h4 f510.exf6

abc d e f g h 7
White has two additional assets, the
secure e5-pawn and the dark-square
bishop, and Black has only a modest
counter-attack upon the queens ide. The 3
reality is that Black's development is 2

poor, and it's a quick win for the world

champion. The selected defense with abc d e f g h
'it'g8 leads to an excellent example of
the checkmate with ~f7+ followed by White's additional assets in the posi-
~h5+ and ~h7+. 9.Axh7+ ~xh7 tion are the 4Jc3-e2-f4, and the h4-pawn
10.4)g5+ ~gS In the )fj>g6line, the .§.hl that provides an entry for the rook after
supports the powerful advance of the a capture on g5. The black position,
h-pawn. 10 ... )fj>g6 11.h4 4Jxc3 though poorly developed on the
(11..J':l.h8 12.h5+ 'it'f5 [12 ... )fj>h6 queenside, features notably the .§.f8 on

Sacking the Citadel

an open file. In the game, Black selects The Greco Sacrifice: 1911-1935
the 'lttg8 line, which should lead to a
quick draw with 13 ... E!.e8. Black blun- History records as many Greco Sacri-
ders by capturing the knight, permitting fices in the 24 years after Voellmy's ar-
Capablanca to demonstrate his accurate ticle as it had in the 300 years following
technique. 1l.Jlxh7+ <iflxh712.~g5+ Greco's discovery. The credit for the
<iflg8 In the 'ltth6 line, White has ~d3 exponential increase is surely not
with the idea of~h7. That line is play- Voellmy's but rather the growth in both
able for Black because White does not tournament play and in publications
have a dark-square bishop to aid sup- able to record interesting contests.
port for the 4Jg5. 12 ... ~h6 13.~d3
i.txg5 (13 ... g614.h5 i.txg5 [14 ... 'lttxg5 As you will see, the games are begin-
15.~xg6+ ~f4 16.4Je2#; 14 ... ~e8
ning to take on a more interesting and
15.hxg6+ ~g7 16.E!.h7+ 'lttg8 17.g7 sophisticated character. In the games
i.txg7 18.E!.h8++-] 15.~xg6#) within the first section of this chapter,
14.hxg5+ ~xg515.~g3+ 'lttf6(15 ... ~f5 the defense was generally sloppy, and
even inaccurate combinations often
16.~xg7+-) 16.E!.h7 E!.g8 17.~e5+
won. Here, the improved defenses are
'it'f7 18.~h5+ ~e7 19.~g5+ ~e8
beginning to hold.
20.~g6+ 'lttf8 21.E!.h3 4Jd7 22.0-0-0
4Jf6",. The 'lttg6 line leads quickly to
Once again, the games feature a remark-
mate because Black does not have an f-
able cast of players: Alekhine,
pawn to block ~d3+.12 ... ~g613.~d3+
Capablanca, Cheron, Dus Chotimirsky,
'ltth514.g4+ 'lttxg415.~f3#. And cap- Fine, Kashdan, Koltanowski, Lasker,
turing on g5 only activates the E!.hl. Marshall, Purdy, Rubinstein,
12 ... i.txg5 13.hxg5+ 'lttg8 14.~h5+-. Spielmann, Winter, Yates, and Znosko-
13.~h5 Axg5? White has nothing Borovsky. This section also makes clear
more than a draw after 13 ... E!.e8 that these were very active years for
14.m7+~h815.~h5+'lttg8=.14.hxg5 Lasker on the exhibition circuit.
~e8 15.g6 <iflf8 16.~h8+ <ifle7
17.~xg7+ <ifld6 18.~e5+ <ifld7 Without question, the most important
19.~h7+ ~e7 20.0--0--0 The most ac- of the games in this section is Colle's
curate win is 20.E!.h8 E!.e8 21.g7 E!.g8 victory over O'Hanlon (game 62), a
22.~h5 'ltte7 23.~h4+ 'lttf7 24.~xd8 game that brought Colle the Brilliancy
E!.xd8 25.E!.xd8 ~xg7 26.E!.xc8+-. Prize at Nice in 1930. The game has been
20 ••• ~g8 21.~xe7+ <iflxe7 22.~g5+ subjected to intense scrutiny within
<ifld7 23.~hl <iflc7 24.g71--O tactical game collections, in opening
manuals on the Colle System, and of
course in most of the published cover-
age on the Greco Sacrifice. In The Art of
Attack in Chess, Vukovic is the first to
contend that Colle's combination was
deeply flawed, for both positional and
tactical reasons. In the mosfrecent edi-
tion, Nunn adds to the analysis and
seeks to restore the brilliancy to Colle.


My analysis suggests that Colle's sac- Black can count on the light-square
rifice is indeed unsound if by that we bishop as an additional asset, but the
mean that the defender had a path to at activity of the f1.f8 is well balanced by
least a draw. That path exists, although the white f1.fl. The sacrifice is unsound
it is fair to say that the defensive bur- here, but there are surely few defenders
den was steep indeed, and that most who would have willingly played 16.~g3!
annotators of the game, with consider- againstAlekhine. The remarkable point is
able time at their disposal, fared little that the discovered check with ... 4::\xe3+
better than O'Hanlon. in that line leaves the 4::\e3 self-pinned to
the black queen. Alekhine's opponent
(41) Rotlewi - Alekhine
selected instead to retreat with ~g1 and,
Cologne 1911
when Alekhine missed the more aggres-
Dutch Defense [A84]
sive 18 ... g5, White reciprocated by los-
Alexander Alekhine (1892-1946) de- ing outright, overlooking a winning ad-
feated Capablanca in 1927 to become vantage with 20.~f2. 14... .Q.xh2+?
the fourth world chess champion. He 15.<it'xh2 4:)g4+ 16.<it'gl In the ~h3
dominated tournaments play during the line, Black can try ... 'ii¥g5-h5, but with
1920s and 1930s. He also played first the weakness of the d5-pawn, Black
board for France in four Olympiads, simply advances the f-pawn to unveil
winning individual prizes in each. He the light-square bishop. 16.~h3 f4
successfully defended his world title 17.4::\xd5 4::\xe3+ 18.~h2 4::\xc2
against Bogoljubow in 1929 and 1934. 19.4::\xb6+ ~g7-+. In the ~g3line, the
After losing the title to Holland's Max discovered check on e3 walks into a
Euwe in 1935, Alekhine regained the self-pin when ~g3-f2 is fully winning.
crown in 1937. He had a fierce and imagi- 16.~g3! 'ii¥g5 (not 16... 'ii¥d6+ 17.e5 +- )
native attacking style, and actively 17.e5 4::\xe3+ (walking into a self-pin;
gave simultaneous exhibitions, as will 17 ... 4::\xe5+ 18.~f2+-) 18.~f2+-
be obvious from his several contribu- 4::\xc2 (18 ... 'ii¥xg2+ 19.~xe3 g5 20.4::\f4
tions to this chapter. gxf4+ 21.~d3 'ii¥h3+ 22.~e2 f3+
23.f1. xf3 +- ) 19.1.txg5 4::\xa 1
l.d4 e6 2.c4 f5 3.4:)c3 4:)f6 4.e3 d5 20.f1.xa1 +- .16..• ~h417.E!f41 White
5 ..Q.d3 c6 6.4:)ge2 Ad6 7.0 0-0 8.0-- can settle for a perpetual with 17.f1.f3
o 4:)bd7 9.~c2 g6 10 . .Q.d2 e5 'ii¥h2+ 18.~f1 'ii¥h1 + 19.4::\g1 4::\h2+
1l.cxd5 e4 12.Ac4 4:)b6 13..Q.b3
20.~f2 4::\g4+ 21.~f1 4::\h2+=.
17••. ~h2+ 18.<it'fl ~hl+ Black's
best try is 18...g5 19.4::\xd5±. 19.4:)gl
4:)h2+ Or 19 ... fxe4 20.f1.xf8+ ~xf8
21.4::\ceU. 20.<it'e2? White's last try for
an advantage was difficult to judge given
the exposure of the white king. 20.~f2!
4::\g4+ 21.~3 'ii¥h5 (21...fxe4+ 22.'ii¥xe4
.Ilf5 23.f1.xf5 f1.xf5+ 24.~xg4+-) 22.~e2
fxe4 23.f1. xf8+ ~xf8 24.f1.f1 + 1.tf5
25.~e1 +-. 20••. ~xg2+ 21.&2 ~g4+

0--1 White shows respect in the face of a

Sacking the Citadel

beautiful variation: 22.4Jf3 4Jxf3 23.§.xf3 In the <it'g8 line, White is able to bring
fxe4 24:~xe4 Jle6 25.~xg4 ~xg4-+. up reinforcements with §.dl-d4.
13 ... <it'g8 14.~h5 §.e8 (14 ... ~d3
(42) Capablanca - Molina Carranza 15.e4) 15.~xf7+ <it'h8 16.~h5+ ~g8
Buenos Aires 1911 17.§.fdl ~d7 18.b4 +-. The ~h6 line
Queen's Gambit Declined [D53] involves an instructive combination
with 14. 4Jxf7+! exploiting the
1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.~e3 ~f6 4.Ag5 unanchored black queen. 13 ... ~h6
~bd7 5.e3 e6 6.~f3 Ae7 7.exd5 14.4Jxf7+ §'xf715.~xd8. 4 ..~g4 With
~ xd5 8.Axe7 ~ xe7 9.Ad3 e510.0- the exchange of queens in the air, White
00-0 1l.dxe5 ~ xe5 cannot select a quiet continuation, and
14.~c2+ meets ~xg5-+. 14... f5! The
normal move to gain time against the
~g4. The alternative 14 ... e5? 15.4Je6+
walks into another self-pin when
15 ... <it'f6 adds to the pressure on the
knight. The other two king moves,
15 ... <it'h616.~xg7+ <it'h5 17.~g5# and
15 ... ~h716.~xg7#, fail very quickly.
After 15 ... <it'f6 Capablanca tried to make
16.f4 work. But 16... 4Jc617.§.adl4Jd3
abc d e f g h 18.~g5+ <it'xe6 19.f5+ ~d7
20.§.xd3++- is a clear improvement
With only one additional asset, the 4Jc3, over Capablanca's 17.~g5+ <it'xe6
White ought not expect success here. 18.f5+ <it'd7 19.§.fdl + ~c7!. Against
Black plays the toughest defense, the 16 ... e4 17.f5! fxe6 18.fxe6+ ~e5
<it'g6 line, which should have held. Per- (18 ... 4Jf5 19.§.xf5++-) 19.~xg7+
haps hoping for more, Black turns down <it'xe6 20.§.xfB +- is slightly more ac-
a simple draw with 15 .. .f4. Black's de- curate than Capablanca's 17.~g5+
fense cracks on move 21, missing 4Jgf4 ~xe6 18.~e5+ ~d7 19.§.fdl + 4Jd3
and a middlegame with at least even 20.4Jxe4 <it'c6 (20 ... ~e8 21.4Jd6+)
chances. 12..11,xh7+ <itlxh713.~g5+ 21.§.xd3 ~xd3 22.§.cl + <it'b6 23.~c7+
~ <it'a6 24.4Jc5+ +-. 15"~'g3 <itlh6 Black
can force a quick perpetual with 15 .. .f4!
8 16.exf4 4Jf5 17.~g4 4Jh6 18.~g3
7 4Jf5=. But that didn't stop one annota-
6 tor, Znosko-Borovsky, from suggesting
5 that White was still better after
4 16.~g4?-+ e5 17.4Je6+ ~f6 18.§.adl

3 (Black is clearly better after both

18.4Jxd8 ~xg4-+ and 18.~xg7+
<it'xe6 19.§.adl ~e8 20.'~h6+ §.f6
21.§.d6+ <it'xd6 22.~xf6+ ~e6 23.§.dl +
abc d e f g h <it'c6 24.b4 §.d8 25.§'xd8 ~xd8
26.bxc5 ~d7 27.~xe5 fxe3 28.fxe3


Ac4+) 18 .. .'~e8 (Black is even better 26 ... ~xe8 27.~h5 with even chances.
after 18 ... Axe6 19.'~h4+ g5 20.'l()'h6+ 19 ...exf5 20.l!adl ~d3 Golombek
4Jg6 2U!xd8 ~axd8-+) 19.~d6 "with notes that after 20 ... ~e8, 21.4Jd5+ starts
manifold threats," according to Znosko- a mate in five after 2l...~xg5 22.f4+ 4Jxf4
Borovsky, but Black wins trivially with 23.h4+. 21. ~h3 ~df4 Nunn correctly
19 ... 4Jxe6-+. Another try for Black is gives 2l...4Jgf4= since 22.4:ili7+ (22.~g3
unimpressive, and the 4Jd3 comes un- ~h8) 22 ...W 23.~g3 Ae6=. 22.~g3
der fire: 15 ... 'it'f616.b4 4Jd3 17.4Jh7+ ~c7 23.l!fel ~e2+ 24.l!xe2 ~xg3
'it'f7 18.~ad1 ~h8 19.4Jg5+ ~f6 25.~h7+ ~ 26.hxg3l!h827.~g5+
20.00 4Jg6 21.4Je1 +- .16.~h4+ ~g6 ~628.f41-O
17.~h7+ Capablanca is trying hard to
win, turning down a repetition with (43) Tyroler - Balla
17.'l()'g3=. 17... ~f6 Taking the knight Temesvar 1912
with 17 ... 'it'xg5 loses quickly because Queen's Gambit Declined [055]
White can trap the king with 18.~xg7+
'it'h5 (18 ... 4Jg6 19.f4+ 'it'g4 [19 ... ~h5 l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.~c3 ~f6 4 ..Q.g5
20.'l()'h7+ 'it'g4 21.'l()'h3#] 20.~xg6+ ~bd7 5.e3 .Q.e7 6.~f3 0-0 7.l!c1 a6
'it'h4 21.'l()'h6+ ~g4 22.'l()'h3#) and 8.cxd5 exd5 9 ..Q.d3 b610.0-0 .Q.b7
then bring the ~f1 into the game. 19.f4 11.~e5 c5 12.~c2 h6 13 . .Q.xf6
4Jg8 20.~f3 +-. 18.e4 White was ~xf614.dxc5 .Q.xc515.l!fdl ~e7
clearly in a fighting mood and would 16.~f3 .Q.d617. ~b3 d418.~xd4
not have steered the game towards a
forced perpetual with 18.'l()'h5 g6
19.'l()'h4 'it'g7 20.~h7+ ~f6 21.~h4=. 8
18..• ~g6 Black would reach a similar 7
position after 18 ... 4Jd3 while retaining 6
the 4Je7 to watch the f5-square one 5
move longer. On 19. ~d1, Black would
gain the additional option of19 ... 4Jec6.
19.exf51? A position that has attracted
considerable interest. Vukovic suggests
19.~adl4Jd3 20.f4 4Jgxf4! 21.e5+! ~e7 abc d e f g h
(suicidal is 21...'it'xe5 22.'l()'xg7+ ~d6
[22 ... 'l()'f6 23.~c7+ ~d4 24.~xf4+ ~e3 Black launches the sacrifice counting
25J!f3+ 'it'd4 26.~fxd3 #; 22 ... ~f6 only on the powerful Ab7 as an addi-
23.4Jf7+ +-]23.~xf4). After the game, tional asset. White may have been
Capablanca thought that the best try tempted to play ~g3 because the queen
was 19.f4! fxe4 20.~ad1 ~b6 cannot safely play to g5 owing to f4.
21.~d6+- but Nunn found 19 ... 'l()'d4+! Black strikes correctly with ~e5+ but
20.'it'h1 (20.~f2 4Jxe4-+) 20 ... 4Jxe4 strangely misses the win by turning
21.4Jcxe4+ fxe4 22.~ad1 ~xd1 (the down White's bishop offer on h7.
logical 22 ... 'l()'c410ses spectacularly to 18....Q.xh2+ 19.~xh2 ~g4+ 20.~g3
23.f5! +- ) 23.~xd1 ~h8 24.4Jxe4+ ~f7 Once again, there's no point in consid-
25.4Jd6+ 'it'f6 26.4Je8+ (26.4Je4+=) ering 20.~h1? ~h4+ 21.~gl ~xf2+

Sacking the Citadel

22.~h1 ~xg2#. White can safely de- (44) Sundstrom - Holm

fend with 'it'gl because, with the rook Stockholm 1912
off fl, White can take the opportunity Petroff Defense [C42]
to defend the f2-pawn along the rank
and use the fl escape square to begin 1.e4 e5 2•.£Jf3 .£Jf6 3 ..£J xe5 d64..£Jf3
the king's migration towards the .£J xe4 5 . .£Jc3 .£J xc3 6.dxc3 Jle7
queenside. 20.~gl! ~h4 2Uk2 ~h2+ 7.Jld3 0--0 S.h4 EleS 9.Jle3 .£Jc6
22.~fl Axg2+ 23.~e1 ~ae8 24.~d5
(24.~e2 Afl 25.~c2 ~gl 26.~f3 ~h1
27.~d2 ~g2=) 24 ... ~gl+ 25.'it'd2
~xf2+ 26.~c1 Axd5 27.~xd5 ~xe3+
28.~cd2 ~f2 29.~f5 ~xd3+ 30.~xd3
with three connected pawns for the
piece in an even endgame. 0.~h3 walks
into a fork that also undermines the
white e-pawn, 20 ... ~xf2+ 21.~g3
~xe3+ -+. 20 ••• ~e5+ The mistakes
here are instructive. After 20 ... ~d6+ abc d e f g h
White can safely capture the knight
because the queen and light-square White can count here on two additional
bishop are not able to work together assets, the dark-square bishop and the
harmoniously. 21.~xg4 +- and h4-pawn, but Black has already posted
20 ... ~g5 fails quickly to 2l.f4! . 21.f4 the king's rook actively and the light-
Now, by clear contrast to the variation square bishop has ready access to f5.
in the last note, the queen and Ab7 com- In the game, 'it'g6 walks into a pretty
bine for an efficient mate in four: mating net thanks to the white h-pawn.
21.'it'xg4 ~g5+ 22.~h3 ~xg2+ 10.Jlxh7+? Cifjlxh7 1l..£Jg5+ Cifjlg6?
23.'it'h4 g5+ 24.~h5 ~h3#. The ~g8 retreat (and the capture on g5
21 ••• ~xe3+ 22.Cifjlxg4 White now has which transposes) provide superior
no real choice but to capture the ~g4. defense because, with the rook already
On 22.~f3 ~f2+ 23.~h3 (23.~xg4 on e8, Black gains a tempo for the es-
~xg2+-+) 23 ... 1.txf3-+; or 22.~h4 cape with ~f8. 11...'it'g8! 12.~h51.txg5
~xf4 -+. 22 ... Jlxg2 23.Jlh7+ Black (12 ... Af6 13.~xf7+ 'it'h8 14.~h5+
does not even need to capture the ~h1 'it'g8=) 13.hxg5 ~f8 14.~h8+ 'it'e7
after 23.~h1 ~xd3 24.~c2 f5+ 25.~h4 15.~xg7 1.te6 (solidifying the position,
g5+ 26.fxg5 ~xd4+-+. 23 ••. CifjlhS? A and the king has a clear path to the
mystifying error after so much hard queenside) 16.0-0-0 (16.g6 ~g8+)
work. Black has a fully winning posi- 16 ... ~d7+; 11...Axg5 12.hxg5+ ~g8
tion after 23 ... ~xh7! -+. 24..£Jce2 f5+ 13.~h5 ~f8 transposing. 12.h5+! Cifjlf6
25.Jlxf5 Jlh3+ 26.Cifjlh4g5+ 27.Cifjlh5 The black king certainly does not want
~e8+ 2B.Jlg6 Jlg4+ 29.Cifjlxg4 ~xg6 to enable the dark-square bishop by
30.Elc6 h5+ 31.Cifjlh3 ~h7 32.~e6 walking into a discovered check on h6,
Elae8 33.~h6gxf4 34.~xh7+ Cifjlxh7 but the alternatives lose quickly.
35..£Je61--O 12 ... 'it'f5 falls to a nice mate in three:
13.~f3+ ~e514.~e4+ 'it'f615.~h7#.


13. ~f3+ And here, White misses a mate 17.iiJ'h7#) when there are two pretty
in four: 13.iiJ'd5! <tIe5 14.<tIh7+ ~f5 mates from which to choose: 17.iiJ'h7+
15.g4+ ~xg4 16.iiJ'e4 #. 13 ••. j},f5 The 'itlg4 1B.f3+ ~g3 19 . .§.h3+ ~xg2
horrible looking 13 ... ~e5 allows a mate 20 ..§.gl# and 17.g4+ 'itlxg4 1B ..§.dg1 +
in two with 14.iiJ'f4+~d515.c4#.14.g4 'itlh519.~h7#. The line with 15 ... Axg5
~c8 15.4)e4+ Cit>e5 16.~f4+ Cit>d5 16.hxg5+ activates the .§.h1 and gives
17.0--0--0+ Cit>c418.4)xd6# 1--0 Black a horrible choice between
16 ...'<t>gB 17.~h5+- f5 1B.g6+- and
(45) Rastrelli - Falchetto 16 ... 'itlg617.~h5+ ~f5 18.~h3+ 'itle4
Correspondence 1914 (18. .. ~g619.~h7#) 19.~f3#.16.~h5
French Defense [C I 0] Ete8 The exchange this late is hopeless.
16 ... Axg5 17.hxg5 f5 1B.g6+- and
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 dxe4 4.4) xe4 Black cannot capture the g-pawn.
4)f6 5.4)xf6+ ~xf6 6.4)f3 ~d8 17.~xf7+ Cit>h818.h511--O White fin-
7.j},e3 4)c6 8.c3 j},e7 9.j},d3 j},f6 ishes in style, sacrificing the Ag5 to
10.~e2 b6 1l.Ae4 Ab7 12.~ bring all of the other white pieces into
0--0 13.h4 4)a5 the attack. 1B ... Axg5 (lB ... .§.e719.~g6
Axg5 20.Axg5+-) 19.h6 gxh6
8 20.'§'xh6+ Axh6 21..§.h1 +-.
7 If-~,r-~
6 (46) Pearsall- Marshall
USA 1915
Scotch Game [C45]
l.e4 e5 2.4)f3 4)f6 3.d4 exd4
4.4) xd4 4)c6 5.4)xc6 bxc6 6.j},d3 d5
7.exd5 cxd5 8.0--0 j},e7 9.4)c3 0--0
abc d e f g h 10.j},g5 c6 1l.~f3 Etb8 12.b3 h6
13.j},xh6 gxh6 14.~g3+ Cit>h8
In what appears to be the first success- 15. ~xb8 j},d616. ~xa7
ful Greco Sacrifice to occur in a pre-
served correspondence chess game, 8
White relies upon the dark-square 7
bishop and the h4-pawn as additional
assets. Black responds with the 'itlgB
line, the only choice that does not lead
to immediate mate or significant mate-
rial loss. As is typical for correspon- 3
dence chess, Black's resignation re- 2

quires some explanation, notably the

unstoppable threat of iiJ'g6 and h6. abc d e f g h
14.j},xh7+ Cit>xh715.4)g5+ Cit>g8 In
the 'itlg6 line, the presence of the ~J6 Trailing badly at the time of the sacri-
hurts the defense by blocking ... f5. fice and with only the light-square
15 ... 'itlg6? 16.iiJ'c2+ 'itlh5 (16 ... 'itlh6 bishop as an additional asset, Marshall

Sacking the Citadel

may have launched it knowing how dif-

ficult a time defenders have often had. 8
But the white queen on a7, seemingly 7
out of play, solidly covers the critical 6
f2-square making the '.t'gl line a very
simple win. 16 .•• .1lxh2+ 17.'it>xh2
4)g4+ IS.'it>gl Up a rook and pawn,
White can afford to return some mate- 3
rial. The open g-file may have encour- 2

aged Marshall, but even after IS .. J::!gS,

the discovery nets nothing more than abc d e f g h
an exchange on f1. IS.~g3 .!::!gS
(IS ... ~gSI9.f4 V;f;Jg7 20.<tle2+-) 19.f3 Another nice sacrifice from a corre-
V;f;Jd6+ 20.f4 <tle3+ 21.'.t'h2 <tlxfl + spondence player. White relies on the
(21 ... .!::!xg2+ 22.'.t'hl V;f;Jf6 23.V;f;Jxe3 +- ) dark-square bishop and the .!::!f1 as ad-
22 ..!::!xfl +-. IS ... ~h4 If Black at- ditional assets. The '.t'g61ine represents
tempts to seize control over the b8-h2 the toughest defense, since Black may
diagonal, White can simply shut it down survive after IS.~d3+ <tlfS. As it turns
with f4, IS ... ~d6 19.V;f;Jd4+ '.t'gS out, the attacking side misses the quick-
20.f4 +-. 19.1afel White has a much est win with IS.h4 and 16.hS+.
more efficient defense by redeploying 13..1lxh7+! 'it>xh714.4)g5+ 'it>g6 The
the queen on the key b8-h2 diagonal. ~gS line holds no hope here for the
19.V;f;Jd4+ '.t'gS 20.V;f;Jf4+-. 19 ... ~h2+ defender because White can sacrifice
20.'it>f1 ~f4 On 20 ...V;f;Jhl + White not the Jlf4 in order for the .!::!f1 to take full
only migrates the king to the queens ide, advantage of the open f-file: 14 .. .'~gS
but also manages to activate his pieces
IS.Jlxc7! Jlxc716.~hS .!::!eSI7.~h7+
for an attack down the h-file. 21.'.t'e2
'.t'fS IS ..!::!xf7#. 15.h4 With the threat
V;f;Jxg2 22.V;f;Jd4+ f6 23.V;f;Jf4 .!::!eS+
of 16.hS+. IS.~d3+!? gains back the
24.'.t'd2 <tleS 2S.~xh6+ '.t'gS
piece after <tlfS (Not IS ... MS 16.V;f;Jg3 +-
26 ..!::!hl +-. 21.4)e2 ~f6 22.~d4+-
or IS .. .fS 16.~g3+-) but Black can
4)e5 23.4)gl laeS 24.4)f3 c5
safeguard the king after 16.g4 f6
25.laxe5 cxd4 26.laxeS+ 'it>g7
27.laxc8 ~f4 28.a4 h5 29.'it>e2 ~d6 17.<tlf3 '.t'h718.gxfS ~eSI9.<tlh4 ~hS
30.lae8 f6 31.4) xd4 ~h2 32.lael f5 20.V;f;Jg3±. 15 ...f5 Preventing hS with
33.'it>f3 f4 34.lale61--O IS ... .!::!hS leaves the f-pawn exposed.
16.<tlxf7 ~xf7 17.Jlxc7++-; IS ... f6
(47) Boucher-Robbins does nothing to prevent 16.hS+ ~h6
Correspondence 1916 with a killing discovery, 17 .<tle6+ +- .
Vienna Game [C33] And taking the queen out of the line of
fire still leaves the king horribly exposed,
l.e4 e5 2.4)c3 4)c6 3.f4 exf4 4.4){3 IS ... V;f;JeS 16.hS+ '.t'h6 (16 ... ~f6
.1lb4 5.4)d5 4)f6 6 ..1lc4 0--0 7.0--0 17.V;f;Je2+-; 16 ... ~fS 17.Jle3#) and
4) xe4 S.c3 .1la5 9.d4 4)f6 10..1lxf4 there's no need to rush the discovered
4)xd511..1lxd54)e712•.1le4d5 check, 17.a4 c61S.V;f;Je2 M5-19.g4 JlcS


20 ..§ael +- . 16.fU3 The rook swing is 18.~h5+ <;t>g8 19.~h7+ <;t>f8 20.b4
effective, but White can simply advance when 20 ... .£Jxe4 21..£Jexe4 .Q.xe4
the h-pawn:-16.h5+! <;t>f6 17.~el .£Je6 22.~h8+ .£Jb8 23 ..§e7 ends the discus-
18.~g3 (aiming at both e5 and g6,Dor sion. Instead, the rook retreat
simply 18.~h4+-) 18 ... .§h819.Ae5+ withI5 ... .§e8 loses more quickly,
rtle7 20 ..llxg7+-. 16... .£lg8 17.f!g3 16.~xf7+ rtlh817 ..§fdl with 18.b4 to
'it>f6 18. ~e2 ~e8 19.f!e3 ~c6 follow. The simplest defense is the <;t>h6
20.~h51-O line. There, given the absence of a dark-
square bishop, White can only try
(48) Capablanca - Borochow 14 ... <;t>h615.~g4 when 15 ... .£Jf5 threat-
New York 1918 ens ~xg5. 14 ... <;t>h6! 15.~g4 .£Jf5
Queen's Gambit Declined [D63] 16.f4. It would have been interesting to
see what Capablanca had in mind in that
1.d4 d5 2..£lf3 .£lf6 3.c4 e6 4.Ag5 line, since the logical 16.f4 gives Black
.£lbd75..£lc3Ae76.e30-07.f!c1 b6 the opportunity to counter with
8.cxd5 .£lxd5 9.j'txe7 .£lxe710.j'td3 16 ... ~d3 17 ..§fel g6 18.~h3+ <;t>g7
19.~h7+ rtlf6 20 ..§edl ~e4 21.g4 .£Jd3
22.gxf5 exf5 23 ..§e2 .§ad8=. To make
matters worse for White, Black could
also try 15 ... .£Jd5 a likely improvement
because 16.~h4+ rtlg6 17.~h7+ rtlf6
6 gives the king an escape to e7: 18 ..§fdl
5 ~b8 19 ..£Jee4+ .£Jxe4 20 ..£Jxe4+ rtle7
4 21.~xg7 .§g8 22.~d4 .§e8 23.~g7
3 .§xc1 24.~g5+ <;t>f8 25 ..§xc1 ~d8+.
2 15.~g4 15.~e2+? fails to both
15 ... <;t>xg5 when there's no support for
the mate or simply to 15 ... ~d3. 15...f5
abc d e f g h
16. ~g3 'it>f6 There's no relief to be
found in 16... ~b8 17.f4 .§h8 because
Relying upon only one additional as-
18.b4 .£Ja6 pries open White's access
set, the .£Je3, the sacrifice is unsound to g7. 19 ..§fdl <;t>f6 20 ..§d7+-. 17.b4
here, but the world champion exhibits .£ld7 After 17 ... .£Je4 White can recover
stronger will power. In the actual game, an exchange with 18 . .£Jh7+ rtlf7
Capablanca's opponent misses the best 19 ..£Jxe4 .llxe4 20 ..£Jxf8 rtlxf8 21.f3
defense in the <;t>g6 line with 18 ... .£Jd4 .Q.e6 22 ..§fdl ~e8 but the final posi-
or 18 ... .£Jd3. 13.Axh7+? 'it>xh7 tion offers relatively even chances for
14. .£lg5+ 'it>g6 In the <;t>g81ine, Black both sides. 18.f!cd1 More accurate is
defends the threats on h7 and f7 either 18 ..§fdl with the idea of .£Jb5-d6.
by retreating the .§f8 to create an es- 18 ... .£lg6? Black's best defense is
cape-square, or by playing ~d3 in an 18... .£Je8 to discourage incursions on d6.
effort to control the b I-h7 diagonal. 19.f!d6 f!e8 20.f!fd1 +- .£lgf821.e4
14 ... rtlg815.~h5 ~d3 The queen move The simplest win is 21..£Jh7+ <;t>f7
looks promising, but White can simply 22 ..£Jxf8+- removing the defender of the
block the diagonal, reinitializing the .£Je7. 21 ...g6 22. ~h4 'it>g7 23.f!xd7+
threats. 16.e4 .§fe8 17.~xf7+ rtlh8 .£lxd7 24.~h7+ 'it>f625.f41-0

Sacking the Citadel

(49) Leise - Wellington the queen sacrifice on g5 was a signifi-

Correspondence 1919 cant improvement over the actual
Ruy Lopex [C80] course of the game, the usual mate in
five. 18 ... 'l1i'xg5 19 ..llxg5 4Jxh2
1.e4 e5 2.4)0 4)c6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4 20.Af4 ±. 19. ~xf7+ ~h8 20. ~h5+
4)f6 5.0-0 4) xe4 6.d4 b5 7.Ab3 d5 ~g8 21. ~h7+ ~f8 22. ~h8+ ~e7
8.a4 §.b8 b5 ax b5 10.dxe5 Ae6 23.~xg7# 1--0
1l.c3 Ac5 12.4)bd2 0-0 13:~e2
Af514.Ac2 4)xd215.Axf5 4)xfl (50) Pahl- Delbner
Berlin 1921
8 Vienna Game [C29]
6 1.e4 e5 2.4)c3 4)f6 3.f4 d5 4.fxe5
4)xe4 5.4)f3 4)xc3 6.bxc3 c5 7.d4
4)c6 8.Ae2 Ae7 9.0-0 0-0 10. ~e1
Ae611. ~g3 ~h812.Ad3 c4
abc d e f g h
Although White relies upon a familiar
pair of additional assets, the dark-square
bishop and the e5-pawn, this is an un- 3
usual example because the sacrifice fol- 2

lows an exchange sac on fl. The black

knight on fl controls the g3-square, abcdefgh
preventing the usual 'l1i'g4-g3 maneu-
ver in the 'it'g61ine. 16.Axh7+ ~xh7 This is the second game in this book in
17.4)g5+ ~g8 Black can claim an ad- which the sacrifice occurs without giv-
vantage after 17 ... 'it'g6! 18.'l1i'd3+ (not ing check. The black bishop on e6 gives
18.~g4 4Jxe5) 18 .. .f5 because White Black far more mobility than a pawn on
is able to recover an exchange but Black that square, but the open f-file prevents
emerges with a small but persistent ma- Black from playing Af5. Black incor-
terial edge, 19.exf6+ (19.4Je6 4Jxe5 rectly decides to play Jlxg5 when the
20.4Jxf8+ 'l1i'xf8 21. ii:t'xfl 4Jg4 -+ ) 'it'g8 retreat appears to equalize.
19 ... 'it'xf6 20.4Jh7+ (20.ii:t'f3+ 'it'e7 13.Axh7 ~xh7 Black may have as-
21. 'l1i'e2+ 4Je3 22.A xe3 A xe3 sumed that by playing 'it'h8, ... g6 was a
23.~xe3+ 'it'f6 24.4Jh7+ 'it'f7 25.ii:t'f4+ useful response, but the reality is that
'it'g8 26.4Jxf8 'l1i'xf8 27. 'l1i'xc7 ii:t'f6 =+') ... g6 fatally weakens the dark squares
20 ... 'it'f7 21.4Jg5+ 'it'e7 22.~e2+ 4Je3 around the black king. 13 ... g6 14.4Jg5
23.Axe3 Axe3 24.ii:t'xe3+ 'it'f6 with the idea of 'l1i'h4 14 ... Axg5
25.4Jh7+ 'it'f7 26.ii:t'f3+ 'it'g8 27.4Jxf8 15.Axg5 ~c716.Af6+ 'it'xh717.'l1i'h4+
ii:t'd6! 28.4Jg6 ii:t'xg6 29.ii:t'xd5+ 'it'h7=+'. 'it'g8 18.~h8#. 14.4)g5+ Axg5 De-
18. ~h5 §.e8 Already up an exchange, spite White's obvious assets, the e5-


pawn, the dark-square bishop, and the Here, Black has already played §eS and
open f-file, Black has a saving, iftough- is able to defend with 4Jf6 or 4JfS. The
to-find sequence in the '<t>gSline. Black absence of a black pawn on e6 also
can count here on the bishops to pre- gives Black the opportunity to develop
vent the white rooks from reaching the the ~cS, especially with ~f5. It is very
h-file, and Black can manufacture sig- useful to compare this position to Game
nificant counterplay on the the a7-g1 62, Colle-O'Hanlon, where Black has
diagonal. 14 ... '<t>gS! 15.,,*h4 ~xg5 most though not all of these defensive
16.~xg5 (with the threat of ~f6) possibilities. In this game, White relies
16 ... ,,*a5 (not immediately 16 ... ,,*b6 upon a tame pair of additional assets,
17 ..E!abl) 17 ..E!f3 (correctly avoiding the 4Jc3 and the h4-pawn. Black de-
17.~f6 'l11xc3 IS.'l11g5 [IS.~xg7 fends well by selecting the ~gSline and
,,*xd4+-+] IS ... 'l11xd4+ 19.'<t>hl "i£rg4) winds his way successfully through the
and only now when the .E!al cannot complications. 13•.1lxh7+? ~xh7
move to bl 17 ... ,,*b6 18.~f6 4Jxe5!, a 14.{)g5+ ~g8 White does not have
remarkable resource. 19.~xe5 f6 20.Af4 dark-square bishop, but 14... '<t>h6walks
§aeS 21.§afl ~d7 22."i£rh5=. 15..1lxg5 straight into 15.4Jxf7+. With the rook
~d7 White emerges with the initiative off f8, Black can consider 14 ... ~xg5
and a material edge after 15 .. .f6 16.'l11h4+ 15.hxg5+ '<t>gS (not 15 ... '<t>g616.'l11h5+
~gS 17.exf6 gxf6 IS.Axf6 .E!xf6
~f5 17. "i£rxf7 + +-) because after
19.§xf6+-. 16..1lf6! gxf6 The mate is 16. 'l11h5 the king can escape toward the
trivial after 16 ... g6 17.'l11h4+ '<t>gS queenside. 16 ... '<t>fS 17. "i£rhS+ '<t>e7
IS."i£rxg7 .E!gSI9.,,*h6 '<t>eS 20.f4 4Jf8+.
19.Elxg4+ ~xg4 20.~xg4+ ~h6 On Correct play in the '<t>g6line leads here to
20 ... ~hS, 21.exf6 forces 21.. ..E!gS when
an uneasy equality. 14... ~g6 15."i£rc2+
22.'l11h5 is checkmate. 21.Elfl Elg8
(on "*g4, Black can capture on g5) 15 .. .f5
16.4Je6 (not 16.g4 4Jf8-+) 16 ..."i£rb6
17.4Jf4+ (better than 17.h5+ '<t>h6
(51) Brach - Jares
IS."i£rxfS 4Jf819."i£rf4+ '<t>h7 20.4Jc7 "i£rxb2
Bmo 1921
21.0--0 ~d7 22.4JxaS .E!xaS=i=) 17... '<t>t7
Queen's Gambit Declined [D63]
(17 ... '<t>f6? walks into a fork IS.4Jfxd5+
cxd519.4Jxd5++-) IS."i£rxf5+.
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.{)c3 {)f6 4 ..1lg5
{)bd7 5.e3 .1le7 6.{)f3 0--0 7.Elel c6
8.cxd5 exd5 9 •.1ld3 {)e4 10..1lxe4
.1lxg511 ..1lbl Ele812.h4 .1le7

3 abc d
Position after 18. itff5 (analysis)

abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

Now Black can try: (a) 18 ....iU6 (52) Alekhine - Lovewell

19. ~h5+ 'it'f8 (avoiding the knight fork New York simul. 1923
after 19 ... 'it'e7 20 . .£Jfxd5+ exd5 Englund Gambit [A40]
21 ..£Jxd5+ and a white pull after 19 ... g6
20.~xg6+ 'it'f8 21.~h7 ~g7 22.h5 .£Jf6 l.d4 e5 2.dxe5 .£)c6 3 ..£)f3 .1lc5
23 ..£Jg6+ 'it'f7 24 ..£Je5+ 'it'f8 25.~g6 4.-'lf4 .£)ge7 5.e3 0--0 6 ..£)c3 .£)g6
~e7 26.h6 ilh8 27.f4 ~e6 28.g4 ~g8 7.-'ld3 .£)xf4 8.exf4 Ete8
29.~e2 ~h7 30.~h2 Ele6 31.~h4±)
20.~h8+ 'it'f7 (trying for more with
20 ... 'it'e7 walks into another knight fork
21..£Jfxd5+ exd5 22 ..£Jxd5+ 'it'd8
23 ..£Jxb6 Elxh8 24 ..£Jxa8±) 21.~h5+ is
a perpetual; (b) 18 ... 'it'g819.~e6+ 'it'h8
(avoiding 19 ... 'it'f8 20 ..£Jg6# and
19 ... 'it'h7 20.~g6+ 'it'g8 21.~xe8+ +- )
20.~f7+-; and (c) 18 ... .£Jf6 when
White barges through with 19.~g6+
'it'fS (19 ... 'it'g8 20 . .£Jh5 .£Jxh5 abc d e f g h
21.~xe8++-) 20.h5 ~d8 21.h6 gxh6
22.Elxh6+-. 15.~h5 .1lxg5! Black's Alekhine provides us with a Greco min-
other plausible defensive tries lead to iature. White can count on the .£Je3 and
equality: (a) 15 ... .£Jf6 (bringing the a secure e5-pawn, but Black has devel-
knight to f6 where it defends h7 but oped the king's rook on e8. 9.-'lxh7+
White enters on f7) 16.~xf7+ 'it'h8 ~xh710 ..£)g5+ ~g8 The game ends
17.h5 (no better is 17.~g6 Elf818 ..£Jf7+ abruptly after only 11 moves, but it
Elxf7 19.~xf7 ~f5 20.h5 ~e8 would have been very interesting to see
21.~xe8+ Elxe8 22.f3=) 17 ... Elf818.h6 what Alekhine would have played after
Elxf7 19 ..£Jxf7+ 'it'h7 20 ..£Jxd8 ~xd8 10 ... 'it'g6. White has many options
21.hxg7+ 'it'xg7=; (b) 15 ... .£Jf8 (forcing there, 11.h4, 11.Qg4, and 11.~d3, but
a quick perpetual) 16.~xf7+ 'it'h8 the former is the most forcing continu-
17.~h5+ 'it'g8 18.~f7+=; and (c) ation. (a) 1l.h4! (taking advantage of
15 ... M6 (also drawing with a perpetual) the uncastled king, aiming with h5+ to
16.~xf7+ 'it'h817.~h5+= (17.~g6.£Jf8 drive the king to h6 with .£Jxf7 to fol-
18.~h5+ 'it'g8 19.~f7+=). 16.hxg5 low) 11.. ..£Jxe5 (a standard defensive
~f817.~h8+ ~e718.~xg7 Etg8 try, returning material but undermining
19. ~h6 .£)f8 20.f4 .£)g6 21.0-0 ~f8 the white center) 12.fxe5 Elxe5+ 13.'it'fl
21 ... ilf5 -+ is more accurate. 22. ~h5 d6 (not 13 ... ~f6 when 14.~d3+ ~f5
Eth8 23.~e2 ~d8 24.e4 dxe4 15 ..£Jee4 and White can continue with
25.~xe4 f5 26.~e3 ~e7 27.~d2 .£Jee4, h5+, and after ... 'it'h6, ~d2; and
.1le6 28.Etfel ~f7 29.g3 .1ld5 there's no relief in giving back the ex-
30.Ete2 ~d7 31..£)xd5 ~xd5 32.Etg2 change with 13 ... Elxg5 14.hxg5 ~xg5
b6 33.h3 Eth3 34.Etc2 Etah8 35. ~c3 15 ..£Je4 ~f5 16.~d3+-) 14 ..£Jd5 aim-
'£)xf40--1 ing for .£Jf4 14 ... ~d7 15 ..£Jf4+ 'it'f6
(avoiding 15 ... 'it'f5 16.~f3+- or
15 ... 'it'h6 16.~h5#) 16.~d3 Ele8


17 .§h3 +- and the rook enters the game With a clearly superior position, Black
with effect; (b) 11. ~g4 here is complex ought to continue here with ... 4Jd5 or
and interesting. 11 .. .f5 the standard re- ... Af5. Instead, Black embarks on the
sponse. 12.~h4 aiming to play ~g3 sacrifice which, with the white rook on
only when the rook vacates its support e1, is speculative, despite two strong
oft7 (12.~g3 4Jxe5 13.0-0 4Jg414.h3 assets, the light-square bishop and the
d5 15.hxg4 fxg4 16.§ad1 c6 secure e4-pawn. Selecting the 'it'glline,
17.4Jce4;!;) 12 ... §hS13.~g3 4Jxe5 (the White has 17.4Jf1 simultaneously de-
knight, of course, is immune thanks to fending the key f2- and h2-squares.
the threat of ~xg5) 14.4Je6+ when Unlike many of the games decades ear-
Black has a remarkable response to the lier, White organizes and maintains a
discovered check, 14 ... 4Jg4! 15.4JxdS successful defense. 14 ••• ~xh2+
Jlxf2+ 16.~xf2 4Jxf2 17.'it'xf2 ±. Black 15.~xh2 .£Jg4+ 16.~gl 16.'it'g3
will recover the knight, but the immedi- ~d6+! (16 ... ~g5 is less convincing
ate capture encourages IS. 4Jb5; and because White can gain time against
(c) Less compelling is 11. ~d3+ f5 the queen with 17.4Jdxe4 ~g618.~d2
12.~h3 because Black has a nice cen-
[lS.4Jf6+ ~xf6 19.§h1 h6-+]
tral shot with §xe5+ 13.'it'd2 ~gS;!;.
lS ... 4Jf6+ 19.'it'h2 4Jxe4 20.4Jxe4
There's no point in dwelling on 1O...'it'h6
§xe4=t=) l7.f4(17.'it'h4~h6+ 18.'it'g3
l1.4Jxt7+ or 10 ... 'it'hS 11.~h5+ 'it'gS
~h2#) 17 ... exf3+ lS.'it'xf3 ~f6+
12.~h7+ 'it'fS13.~hS+ 'it'e714.4Jd5#.
19.'it'g3 (the alternative 19.'it'e2 walks
11.~h5 f6 1--0 and Black resigned
into mate 19 ... §xe3+ 20.'it'd1 4Jf2#)
rather than face an easy mate in three:
19 ... ~f2+ 20.'it'h3 4Jxe3+ -+ with mate
12.~h7+ 'it'fS 13.~hS+ 'it'e7 with two
mates in one 14.4Jd5# or 14.~xg7#. quickly to follow. 16•.. ~h4 With the
rook already off f1, White can easily
(53) Przepiorka - Makarczyk cover both f2 and h2. 17. .£Jf1 ~f5
Warsaw 1926 Black likely assumed that he needed to
Slav Defense [D45] defend the central pawn, but more pow-
erful is the idea of a rook swing.
V~~f3 .£Jf6 2.c4 c6 3.d4 d5 4 •.£Jc3 e6 17 ... §e6! lS.Ab2 (capturing the pawn
5.e3 .£Jbd7 6.a3 ~d6 7.cxd5 exd5 with lS.4Jxe4 walks into lS ... §xe4 fol-
8.~d3 0-0 9.0-0 §e810.~c2 ~e7 lowed by a queen capture on f2 and
11.M .£Je4 12.§el .£Jdf613.~xe4 ... Af5) IS ... §h619.4Jg3 4Jxe3 20.§xe3
dxe414..£Jd2 Ag4 21.f4 exf3 22.gxf3 ~xg3+ 23.~g2
~f4 24.§e4 ~xf3 25.~xf3 Axf3
26.§e7;!;. 18. .£Jg3 ~g6 19 . .£Jce2
More consistent is 19.'it'fl 4Jh2+
20.'it'e2 ~g4+ 21.'it'd2 +- and the king
will find safety on the queenside.
19 .••h5 20 ..£Jf4 ~h2+ 21.~f1 h4
22..£Jge2 h3 To push the h-pawn, Black
can sacrifice another piece: 22 ... Ah5
23.4Jxh5 h3 24.4Jef4 hxg2+ 25.4Jxg2
~xh5:j: when the idea of... ~h1 + forces
abc d e f g h 4Jf4, which will remain exposed to a g5-

Sacking the Citadel

push. 23.4)xh3 ~hl + 24.4)egl Ah5 Relying upon two additional assets, the
25.~e2 4)e5+ 26.~d2 4)d3 27.§fl active dark-square bishop and the h4-
a5 Black's best chance for advantage. pawn, Alekhine tries the sacrifice in a
27 ... ~xg2 28 ..llb2 .llg4 (forcing a weak- position that contains a black pawn on
ening of the pawn structure) 29.~f4 f6. White's bigger problem is that, with-
~xf4 30.exf4 (and now the e-pawn is out a pawn on e5, Black can play ~f6
mobile) 30 ... e3+ 31.~c3 e2 32.§fe1 (after fxg5), providing time to defend
~xf2 33.'it'b3 ~xf4+. Black has three fully with ~e8-g6. 15..11,xh7+ ~xh7
pawns for the piece, the advanced e- 16.4)g5+ fxg5 White can win back an
pawn, and superior development. exchange in the 'it'g8 line, but nothing
28 . .11,b2 ~xg2 29.~c3 axb4+ more. 16 ... 'it'g8 17.~e6 ~c8 18.h5
30.axb4 §xaI31.§xal.11.g4 32.4)f4 (18.~xf8 ~xf8 19.h5 ~f5+:j:)
4)xf4 33.exf4 e3 34.f3 e2 35.§el 18 ... §t7:j:; while the 'it'g6 line walks
Axf3 36.~d3 .11,g4 37.~d2 ~f2 into h5+ and a discovered knight fork,
38.4)xe2 Ah5 39.d5 Axe2 4O.§xe2 16 ... 'it'g6? 17.h5+ 'it'h6 (17 ... 'it'f5
~xf4+ 41.~c2 §xe2+ 42.~xe2 18.g4 #) 18.~e6+ +-. 17.hxg5+ ~g8
~f5+ The simplest path to the draw is Remarkably, Black can also hold in 'it'g6
42 ... ~xb4=. 43.~d3 ~xd5 44.~xd5 line with 17 ... 'it'g6 18.~h5+ 'it'f5
cxd5 45.~d3 f6 46.~d4 ~f7 19.~h7+ (Alternatives offer nothing
47.~xd5 ~e7 48.~c5 ~e649.b5 g5 more than even chances: 19.~h3+ 'it'g6
50.~b6 f5 51.~xb7 f4 52.~c61~ 20.~h5+ is a perpetual; Black is simply
winning after 19.96+ .llg5 -+; and
(54) Alekhine-- Perez Gomar 19.e4+ dxe4 20.g4+ 'it'xf4 21.~h2+
Buenos Aires simul. exhibition 1926 ~xg5 22.~h5+ is another remarkable
Queen's Indian Defense [E12] perpetual.) 19 ... 'it'e6 (19 ... 'it'g4 walks
into a mate with 20.~h3# as does
l.d4 4)f6 2.4)f3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.4)c3 19... g6 20.~h3+ ~e4 2l.f3#) 20.~xg7
.11,b7 5..11.g5 .11,e7 6.e3 ~ 7 ..11,d3 d6 (With the king ready to run towards the
8.~e24)bd79.~c510.~bld5 queenside, White ought to settle here
1l.cxd5 4) xd512.4) xd5 exd513.h4 for a perpetua120.~h3+ 'it't7 21.~h5+
f614.Af4c4 ~e6=) 20 ... §xf4 21.exf4 'it'd6:j:.
18.~h5 Axg5 19.Axg5 4)f6
8 20.~h4 ~e8 21.f3 ~g6+ 22.~al
7 ~f7 23. ~f4 §ae8 24.g4 Ac6 Black
6 is fully safe and winning after
24 ... 'it'g8-+. 25.Ah4 ~g8 26.~d6
Aa4 27.§d2 ~f7 28.g5 4)e4!
29.fxe4 ~fl+ 30.§dl Axdl
31.~xd5+ ~h832.e5.11,f3+ 33.§xfl
Axd5 34.§el Ag2 35 ..11,g3 §fl
36.§xfl Axfl 37.d5 Ag2 38.d6
abc d e f g h .11,d50--1


(55) Makarczyk - Kohn 21. 'lfixg7 # 16.'itJh5 And again, the rook
Lodz 1927 on e8 aids the defense 16 ... .£lf8!
Caro-Kann Defense [D05] 17.j},f4 .£lg6 Black's best continuation
is probably 17 ... Ab7! preparing the ad-
1.d4 e6 2.e4 d5 3.exd5 exd5 4.j},d3 vance of the d-pawn, countering
.£le6 5.e3 e6 6 ..£lf3 'itJe7 7.0--0 j},d6 White's flank attack with a counter in
8.Ele1.£lf6 9 ..£lbd2 0--0 10.'itJe2 b6 the center. IB ..§.e3 '§'adB 19 ..§.ael d4
1l..£le5 j},xe512.dxe5 .£ld713..£lf3 20 ..§.h3 4Jg6 21.4Je4 4Jcxe5 22.~h7+
Ele8 'it'fB 23.Ag5 f5 (23 .. .f6 24.4Jxf6 gxf6
25.Ah6+ +-) 24.4Jf6 ~f7 25.4JxeB
.§.xeB 26.cxd4 4Jd7=. 18.Ag3 .£lee7
19.h4 .£lf5 20.'itJh7+ ~f8 21.h5
.£lge7 22.h6 .£l xh6 23. 'itJh8+ .£leg8
Not 23 ... 4JhgB when White has a re-
markable smothered mate with
24.4Jh7 #. 24.Ah4 Tempting is
24.4Jh7+ rtie7 25.4Jf6 gxf6 26.exf6+
4Jxf6 27.'lfixh6 'lfid7 when White recov-
ers the piece. 2B ..ilh4 'it'd6 29 ..ilxf6 but
abc d e f g h the final position has no meaningful
winning chances for either side.
Although White can rely upon the e5- 24 ••. ~e7 25 •.£le4+ ~d7 26 •.£ld6
pawn and the dark-square bishop, the Aa6 27.'itJxg7 ~e6 28.e4 dxe4
sacrifice fails because Black, having al- 29. 'itJg3 'itJd 7 30. 'itJa3 +- Ae8
ready played .§.eB and 'lfic7, has 4JfB 31. 'itJf3+ ~e5 32. 'itJe3+ ~e6
defending both ofthe key entry squares 33. 'itJe4+ ~e7 34. 'itJxa8 .£lf5
with one move. White should instead 35.'itJxa7+ ~e6 36.'itJa4+ ~e7
have tried 14.Af4 with an undisputed 37..£lxe8+ 1-0
advantage. 14.j},xh7+ ~xh7
15. .£lg5+ ~g8! In the 15 ... 'it'g6 line, (56) Mansfield - Znosko Borovsky
White has two familiar options: (a) Cheltenham 1928
16.~g4 invites the capture of the e5- Ruy Lopex [C78]
pawn. 16 ... 4Jdxe5 17.~g3 and now the
black king can run towards e7 17 ... 'it'f6 In this game, defeat ofthe Greco Sacri-
IB.4Jh7+ rtie7 19.Af4 'it'd7 20 ..§.e3 fice means victory for Znosko-Borovsky
.§.gB 21..§.ael f6 22.4Jxf6+ gxf6 and a possible source of inspiration,
23.~xgB ~dB 24.'lfih7+ ~e7=; or (b) seven years prior to the publication of
16.~d3+! avoids the capture on e5 and his treatment on the Greco Sacrifice.
the queen can now force its way to f7.
16 .. .f5 (not 16 ... 'it'h5 17.'lfih3+ 'it'g6 1.e4 e5 2..£lf3 .£le6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4
IB.~h7# or 16 ... rtih6 17.~h7#) .£lf6 5.0--0 j},e5 6.e3 Aa7 7.d4.£l xe4
17.exf6+ rtixf6 18. ~f3+ and the king is 8.d5 .£le7 9 ..£lxe5 0--0 10.Ae2 d6
in a mating net. 18 ... rtig6 (IB ... rtie7 1l . .£lxf7? (11.4Jf3 was necessary)
19..§.xe6+ rtidB 20.4Jf7#) 19.~f7+ 'it'h6 1l •.• .£lxf2!-+
20.4Jxe6+ rtih7 (20 ... g5 21.Axg5#).

Sacking the Citadel

and 1929), but is best remembered as a

chess endgame theorist and composer
of endgame studies. In 1959, the first
year of the award, he became FIDE In-
ternational Master of Chess Composi-
tion. His life's work is the monumental
four-volume Handbook of Endgames
including detailed proofs and hundreds
of endgame studies.

abc d e f g h 1.d4 Jilf6 2c4e6 3.Jilf3d54.Ag5 j'te7

5.Axf6 Axf6 6.cxd5 exd5 7.Jilc3 0--0
White embarks on the sacrifice, an act 8.e3c69.Ad3~e810h4c5
of desperation, relying upon a single
additional asset, the dark-square bishop. 8
The.§.fl has been neutralized, and take 7
note of the powerful Aa7. Any move-
ment of the <£\f2 will be check and White
cannot seriously consider 14 ..§.xf2
.§.xt7. With the sac, White is able to play 4
<£\g5 with check, but after itfh5, Black 3
has a violent counter attack with <£\h3+ 2
and other discoveries. 12.j'txh7+ If the
queens are captured, White's is taken abcdefgh
with check, 12.<£\xdB <£\xd 1+.
12•.. ~xh713.Jilg5+ ~g8 In the 'itlg6 Another example in which the defender
line, Black blocks the check on the di- has already freed up the f8-square prior
agonal with a check of his own. to the sacrifice. Moreover, the e-file is
13 ... 'itlg614.ifi'c2+ <£\d3+-+; no better open and the light-square bishop has
is simply moving the queen out of the
access to f5. White relies upon the h4-
reach of the discoveries: 14.ifi'e2 <£\h3+
pawn and the <£\c3 as additional assets
but White clearly misses a dark-squar~
15.'itlh1 .§.xfl + 16.ifi'xfl <£\f2+ 17.'itlg1
ifi'hB-+. 14.~e2 There's nothing to be
bishop or especially an e5-pawn.
gained from 14.'~h5 <£\h3+ 15.'itlh1
1l.Axh7+? ~xh712.Jilg5+ ~g8 The
.§.xfl #. 14••• j'tg4-+ 15.Jilf3 j'txf3
'itlg6line is more ofa struggle: 12 ...'ittg6
16.gxf3 Jild3+ 17.~h1 Jilxc1
13.ifi'f3 (what else? ... Af5 will block
18. ~e6+ ~f719.~xc1 Jilf5 20.~e1
checks along the bl-h7 diagonal, and
~h4 21.Jild2 Jilg3+ 22.~g2 Jilh5
23.~h1 Jilf40-1
the light-square bishop also controls
g4) 13 ... Ae6 14.<£\e2 Axg5 15.hxg5
(57) Cheron - Nilsson .§.hB 16.<£\f4+ 'itlxg5 17.ifi'g3+ 'ittf6
The Hague 1928 1B.<£\xd5+ Axd5 19.ifi'e5+ 'ittg6
Queen's Gambit Declined [D30] 20 ..§.xhB ifi'xhB 21.ifi'g3+ and White
must settle for a perpetual check. The
Andre Cheron (1895-1980) was three- attempt to improve with 16.0-0-0 <£\c6
time champion of France (1926, 1927, 17.<£\f4+ 'ittxg5 1B.'§'xhB ifi'xhB


19.~xe6+ fxe6 20.~fl 'l£fh7 21.'l£fxb7 activity, is easily defeated. After 16.g6,
~b4 22.~e7+ requires that Black de- White unarguably has a winning advan-
fend accurately with 22 ... 'it'g4 23.f3+ tage. 11 ••• Axh2+? It was more prudent
'it'g3 24.~d6+ 'it'f2 25J::(d2+ 'it'fl and thematic to play 11 ... ~e4.
26.§dl +=. 13.~h5 The .§.fB has al-!}xh2 .£!g4+!}gl Black can
ready moved, giving Black a crucial use the discovered check in the 'it'g3
move to defend the fl-pawn. Black has line to regain an exchange, but White
the option of defending f7 with either emerges with equal chances. 13.'iti>g3
13 ... ~d7, 13 ... ~c7, or 13 ... Ae6!. 'l£fxg5 14.~f3 'l£fg7 15.'l£fe2, placing the
13 ... Ae6 14.0-0-0 cxd4 15.exd4 queen on a square that the knight will
.£!c616.Elde1 ~d717 •.£!xd5 JU5 not be able to reach (or 15. 'l£fd2 4Jb4 ~)
Black should simply capture the knight, 15 ... 4Jxe3+ 16.'iti>f2 4Jxf117.'it'xf14Jxd4
17 ...'l£fxd5 when, with the bishop on f6, IB.4Jxd4 'l£fxd4=.13 ••• .£!xe313 ...'l£fxg5
there's no way for the queen to make gives White an opportunity to consoli-
progress on the kingside. IS.'£! xf6+ date with 14.4Jf3+-. 14.~h5 ~xf1
gxf619.'£!xf7 '£!xd4 20..£!h6+ Ii!}fS 15.'£!xf1.£!xd416.g6 ~d717.Ah6
21.ElxeS+ ElxeS 22 . .£!xf5 ~c6+ Ele81S.gxh7+ Ii!}hS Black cannot cap-!}b1 ~e4+0-1 ture the pawn, IB ... 'l£fxh7 19.i!i'xeB#.
19. ~g6 ~c6 20.j'tg51-O
(58) Havasi - Brinckmann
Budapest 1929 (59) Gundersen - Fau)
Slav Defense [010] Melbourne 1929
French Defense [C02]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.cxd5 cxd5 4 . .£!c3
e6 5 . .£!f3 Ad6 6.e3 .£!c6 7 ..£!d2 f5 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 cxd4
S.f4 .£!f6 9.Ad3 0-0 10.0-0 g5 5.cxd4 Ab4+ 6 •.£!c3 ~c6 7 . .£!f3
ll.fxg5 .£!ge7 S.Ad3 0-0

8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2

abc d e f g h abc d e f g h

A typical Stonewall in which Black With two additional assets, the secure
would normally prepare ... g5 with 'it'hB, e5-pawn and the dark-square bishop,
§gB, ~e4, and even Ad7-eB-h4. The this is a useful example in the 'iti>gB line
sacrifice, which here cannot count on of why the attacking side would cap-
any additional assets because the ture on h7 (h2) rather than fl (f2) when
Stonewall complex blocks their possible the defending side has a knight on e7

Sacking the Citadel

(e2). In the game, Black selects the ~g6 (60) Helling - Kashdan
line and falls quickly, although White Berlin 1930
misses the most accurate attacking line Queen's Pawn Game [D05]
with 12.h5+!, often a powerful theme
when the h-pawn is backed by a rook. Isaac Kashdan (1905-1985) won the U.S.
9.Axh7+1 ~xh710..£)g5+ ~g6 With Open Championship twice (1938, 1947)
the black knight on e7, White should and represented the United States five
capture on h7 in the ~gBline. 10 ... ~gB times in chess Olympiads. His Olympiad
11.~h5 §eB 12.'~'h7+! (not 12.~xf7+ record remains the all-time best among
~hB 13.~h5+ ~gB 14.~h7+ ~f8 American players. His peak chess years
15.'~hB+ <£1gB 16.~h5 ~c7 17.,ild2 ±) coincided with the Great Depression,
12 ... ~fB13.~hB+ <£1gB 14.<£Ih7+ ~e7. which prevented him financially from
With the king now on e7, the dark-square competing for the world title. His im-
bishop joins in the attack. 15.,ilg5+ pressive tournament achievements in-
Blocking the check with the pawn al- cluded second at Frankfurt, 1930 behind
lows ~xg7#, while ... <£If6 is hopeless Aron Nimzowitsch, first at Gyor, 1930,
after ~xg7. 1l.h4! (a) 11.~g4!? also second in New York, 1931 behind
appears to win quite convincingly: Capablanca, and a shared first with
11 .. .f5 12.~g3 maintaining the queen Alekhine in Mexico City, 1932.
on the g-file. 12 .. .f4 13.~g4 ~eB re-
moving the queen from the <£Ig5 's reach. 1.d4 .£)f6 2.e3 e6 3 ..£)d2 c5 4.Ad3
14.ilxf4 §xf4 15.~xf4 <£Ixd4 16.h4 .£)c6 5.c3 t'ic7 6 ..£)gf3 d5 7.0-0 Ad6
ilxc3+ 17.bxc3 <tlc2+ 1B.~d2 <tlxa1 8.e4 cxd4 9.cxd4 .£)b410.Ab1 dxe4
19.h5+ Once again forcing the king into 1l . .£)xe4 .£)xe4 12.Axe4 Ad7
a nasty discovery. 19 ... ~h6 20.<tlxe6+ 13.E!e10-0
~h7 21.h6 ,ilxe6 22.hxg7+ ~xg7
23.~f6+ ~gB 24.§hB; and (b) 8
11.~d3+! f5 (or 11...<tlf5 12.h4 ~b6 7
[12 ... §hB 13.g4+-] 13.h5+ ~h6 6
14.g4+-) 12.h4 ~eB 13.h5+ ~h6 5
14.~g3 with an overwhelming attack.
I I... .£) xd4 The effort to prevent h5 fails
instructively. 11...§hB12.h5+ when (a)
12 ... ~h613.~d3 (or simply 13.<£Ixf7)
<£If5 14.<£Ixe6++-; (b) 12 ... §xh5
13.~xh5+ ~f5 14.g4#; and (c) abc d e f g h
12 ... ~f5 13.g4# or 13.~f3#.
12.t'ig4+-. Even faster is 12.h5+ since In the face of excellent activity and
12 ... ~f5 (12 ... ~h613.<tlxf7+ +- ) meets Black's entry square on c2, White re-
13.~xd4 ilxc3+ 14.bxc3 and g4# And, lies on two additional assets, the §e1
of course, 12.~d3+ <tldf5 13.h5+ ~h6 and the dark-square bishop. Black suc-
14.<tlxf7 is also convincing. 12 ••• f5 cessfully finds the only defense with
13.h5+ ~h614..£) xe6+ g515.hxg6 # ~g6, which works because the <tlb4
1-0 controls c2 and d3, blocking the
queen's check on the diagonal, and be-


cause after f5, ~g4 cannot retreat safely Black has the ~b7 and the 4Jd7 as ad-
to g3. 14.~xh7+ Cit>xh7 15.i£\g5+ ditional assets, but the black king is
Cit>g61 In the <i!tgS line, the attack works exposed in the center, the 4Je6 hits key
because, after ... ~c2, White can block squares such as d8, c7, g7, and even
the bl-h7 diagonal with .§e4. 15 ... 'it'gS g5, and the white ~c1 can easily reach
16.~h5 ~c2 17 ..§e4+-. 16.h4 White f4. 13 ••. ~xh2+? 14.Cit>xh2 i£\g4+
cannot maintain the queen on the g-file. 15. Cit>g3 Borne of desperation, the sac-
16.~g4 ~xh2+ 17.'it'hl f5 and now rifice fails trivially in the <i!tglline with
Black controls both g3 and g4. 18.~e2 ltf4. 15.'it'gl ~h4 16.~f4+-; despite
.§hS-+ 19.4Jh3 4Jc2. 16 .•• ~h2+ Or the light-square bishop, even the <i!th3
simply 16 ... .§hS shutting down the pos- line wins. 15.<i!th3 ~f6 16.ltg5 ~f7
sibility ofh5. 17.Cit>hl ~f418:~g4 17.'it'xg4+-. 15 ... ~f6 White's 4Je6
Black is winning, but the lines remain and ~c1 prevent ~g5, and there's no
fun: lS ..§e5 ~xe5 19.dxe5 ~xe5 meaningful alternative: On 15 ... h5,
20. ~g4 4Jd3!. Preparing a fork to 16.4JxdS+-. 16.~g51-O
counter the discovered check. 21.4Jf3+
'it'h7 22.4Jxe5 4Jxf2+ -+, and here, the (62) Colle - O'HaDloD
idea of lS.h5+ is foiled by Black's ac- Nice 1930
tivity on the c I-h6 diagonal. 18 ... 'it'h6 Queen's Pawn Game [D05]
(lS ... 'it'xg5 19 ..§e5+ <i!th6 20.ltxf4+
'it'h7-+) 19.~g4 4Jd3-+. 18••• ~xg5 Edgard Colle (1897 -1932) achieved first
19.~xg5+ Cit>h7 20.~f4 ~d8 at Amsterdam 1926 ahead ofTartakower
21. ~h5+ Cit>g8 22.~d6 i£\c2123•.§e5 and Euwe, first at Meran 1926 ahead of
f6 24.~xf8 ~xf8 25•.§c1 fxe5 0-1 Canal, and first at Scarborough 1930
ahead of Maroczy and Rubinstein. But
(61) Hasek,- Tereba poor health shortened his playing ca-
Prague 1930 reer. He died at age 34 after a fourth
Queen's Gambit Accepted [D21] operation for a gastric ulcer. He popu-
larized the opening now known as the
l.d4 d5 2.i£\f3 i£\d7 3.c4 dxc4 4.e4 Colle System: l.d4 d5 2.4Jf3 4Jf6 3.e3,
b5 5.a4 ~b7 6.axb5 ~xe4 7.i£\c3 essentially a reversed Semi-Slav Defense.
~b7 8.~xc4 i£\gf6 9.~xf7+ Cit>xf7 The game played here was one of his
10.i£\g5+ Cit>e8 11. ~b3 e6 12.0-0 many tactical successes in this line.
~d613.i£\ xe6
l.d4 d5 2.i£\f3 i£\f6 3.e3 c5 4.c3 e6
5.~d3 ~d6 6.i£\bd2 i£\bd7 7.0-0 0-
o 8 . .§el .§e8 9.e4 dxe4 10.i£\xe4

On first examination, it is surprising that

the Greco Sacrifice comes even close to
winning in this position. There is no
pawn on e5 to prevent ... 4Jf6, the black
.§eS encourages the <i!tgS retreat, and
abc d e f g h
in the 'it'g6 line, the white queen will

Sacking the Citadel

121). In the critical 'iftg8 line, both offer

8 up only the line 14. ti'h5 .:£Jf6 15. ti'xf7
7 'ifth816.f1.e4+-. The tournament pam-
6 phlet, a special insert in the 1930 Brit-
5 ish Chess Magazine, gives no hint that
the brilliancy might be flawed: "the
original character of the ... play, accord-
ing to Dr. Alekhine, plainly justifies the
award of First Brilliancy Prize to master
Colle for this game." The pamphlet goes
abc d e f g h a bit deeper, however, repeating the line
just above but also providing a real look
not be able to remain on the g-file. To at the real complexity ofthe game while
be sure, there are useful assets in the suggesting only that "14 ... ~f6
white position, notably the f1.e1 and the 15.~h7+ ~f816 ..:£Je4 ~e5 17.f4 ~d5
dark-squared bishop on cl. I have in- 18.c4 ~a519.~d2 ~c7 20.~h8+ '!;e7
corporated the key and new ideas in the 21.~xg7 wins easily." ("EZE," The Nice
notes below. The verdict? Black can International Chess Congress, 1930
wind the game to a perpetual or dynamic Leeds: Whitehead and Miller, 1930 in-
equality with excruciatingly careful serted in the British Chess Magazine
play, although few players could hope annual for 1930, pp.28-29).
to achieve that result in over-the-board
play. (b) 14 ... .:£Je5. Colle died two years after
the game was played, and Fred Reinfeld
12.A.xh7+ ~xh713..£lg5+ ~g6? The immediately began to write Colle s
game as played in the ~g6 line is wor- Chess Masterpieces (1936). With "the
thy of attention, but the ultimate sound- depth and grandeur of his finest combi-
ness will be determined in the ~g81ine. nation," Reinfeld nonetheless provides
In what follows, I have underlined the the first hint that the sacrifice might not
main line to ease the readers' path be fully sound. "If Black had seen as
through this torturous analysis. deeply as Colle did into the position,
he would have chosen the prudent
13 ... ~g8! 14.~h5 ~f6! Black's best 14 ... .:£Je5 with a view to consolidating
move! The alternatives have a fascinat- his position by .:£Jg6. White would then
ing history. (a) 14 ... .:£Jf6. For this game, be forced to take a draw by 15.f1.xe5
Colle received the First Brilliancy Prize ~xe516.~xf7+."(pp. 80-82). Inhis51
offered by the Eclaireur de Nice and Brilliant Chess Masterpieces, Reinfeld
the contemporary literature extolled the reproduces the notes without a change.
game. Deutche Schachzeitung de- Reinfeld was the first to mention the
scribed 12.~xh7 as a beautiful and perpetual check line, but the conclusion
deeply calculated conception (v.85, no.4 was later joined by Vladimir Vukovic in
April, 1930 p. 110-111). Deutsche 1965 (see Chapter 5) and by Ken Smith
Schachbliitter called it a beautiful and and John Hall in 1990 (p.2 r3) and later
original combination (v.19, no.8 1930 p. still by Alexander Baburin. (D)


this impressive game appears to lie in

13 ... 'it'g8 14.'lt1h5+ ~f6, a line men-
tioned first by Reinfeld who concluded
optimistically after 15.~h7+ 'it'f8
16.4:le4 (16.cxd4 'lt1g6-+) 16 ... ~e5
(16 ... ~f5 17.'iifh8+ r:tJe7 18.'lt1xe8+
'it'xe8 19.4:lxd6+ +-) 17.f4 (recom-
mended by Nunn, who was unwilling
to accept a drawish position after
17.cxd4). Lane focused only on
17.cxd4!? which leads to a relatively
quick equality with 17 ... 'lt1xh2+
Position after 16... 'tlh8 (17 ... 'lt1xd4 18.'lt1h8+ r:tJe7 19.Ag5+ f6
Gary Lane was first to observe that [19 ... 4:lf6 20.~xg7 Ae5 21.Eiad1 ~xb2
White is winning trivially after 16.. .'~h8 22.Eid2 +- ] 20.'lt1xg7+ r:tJd8 21.4:lxf6+- )
18.'lt1xh2 Axh2+ 19.r:tJxh2 4:lf6=. After
17.'iifh5+ 'it'g8 18.b3 with the unstop-
17.f4, Reinfeld suggested that after
pable threat of 19.'iifh7+ 'it'f8 20.Aa3
17 ... ~d5 18.c4! 'lt1a5 19.Ad2 White
"when the arrival of the bishop on a3
has a winning attack. Reinfeld's con-
completes the mating net." Here are the
clusion is correct, and indeed, White
main lines after 18.b3: (a) 18 ... Ad6
retains excellent chances after 19 ...'lt1b6
(blocks the check from a3, but enables
(19 ... ~c7 20.'lt1h8+ r:tJe7 21.'lt1xg7win-
the usual mate by occupying the d6-
ning easily, says the original tournament
square) 19.'~h7+ 'it'f8 20.'lt1h8+ r:tJe7
21.~xg7#; (b) 18 ... d3 19.'lt1h7+ r:tJf8
20.Aa3+ when ... Eie7 meets mate in one But Reinfeld overlooked important im-
and ... Ad6 meets a mate in two; and (c) provements after 18 ...'lt1c6! (see diagram
18 ... Af619.~h7+ r:tJf8 20.Aa3+ when below) 19.~h8+ (analyzed in depth by
once again, there's no good way to re- Ottow and Bucker and then Bronznik)
spond. In point offact, White wins,just and 19.f5, introduced by Nunn in his
as convincingly, by playing 17.b3 a notes to the 1998 edition ofVukovic's
move earlier than recommended by classic (Kaissiber No.3, July-Septem-
Lane. Gary Lane summarized it best in ber, 1977, pp55-6; Valeri Bronznik, Das
2001 (p.68): "I like to think that Colle Colle-Koltanowski-System pp.46-51.).
had the last laugh since his sacrifice
does work magnificently against such
an obvious defense because everyone
had missed b3!" Finally, in 1998, Grand-
master John Nunn, in his notes to mod-
ern edition of VukoviC's book, cor-
rected the error (pp.139-l41).

(c) The third alternative also makes

good use of the b3 idea: 14 ... Axh2+
15.'it'h14:1e516.Eixe5 Axe517.'lt1xf7+
'it'h8 18.'lt1g6 r:tJg8 19.b3 +-. The ques-
tion of the soundness ofthe sacrifice in Position after 18... ~c6 (analyisis)

Sacking the Citadel

Nunn's point is that after 19.fS .£lf6 they overlook the importance of declin-
(19 ... eS 20.'~hS+ ~e7 21..IlgS+ f6 ing the exchange with 23 ... E!fS!
22.'~xg7+ 'it'dS 23 . .£lxf6 .£lxf6 24.'li¥xe6 ~b6! 24:iitxe6 'it'b6 25 ..Ilh6
24 ..Ilxf6+ .Ile7 2S . .Ilxe7+! E!xe7 E!dS 26 ..Ilg5 when Black has finally
26.'li¥gS+- or 19 ... f6 20 ..Ilh6 gxh6 reached a dynamic equality with either
21..£lxd6 'li¥xd6 22.'li¥xh6+=) 20 ..£lxf6 26 ... E!fS or 26 ... E!hS. We finally return
gxf6 21..IlgS, when "White has an ex- to the conclusion of the actual game
tremely dangerous attack." But it is pre- and the ~g6Iine!
cisely here, with perfect defense, that
Black can achieve a draw with 21 ... 'it'e7! 14.h4 14.'li¥g4? fails because White
22 ..Ilxf6+ ~xf6 23.'li¥h4 ~g7 cannot sustain the queen on the g-file.
(23 ... ~xfS? 24.E!f1 + ~g6 2S.'li¥g4+ ~h7 14 ... fS (14 ... .£lf6 1S.'li¥xd4 eS-+)
26.E!xf7++-) 24.E!e4 (24.f6+ 'it'g6 1S.'li¥h4 E!hS (or 1S ... .£lf6). 14•.. EthS?
2S.E!e4 (2S.E!f1 'li¥cS 26.'li¥e4+ ~gS Removing the rook from the e-file, where
27.'li¥h7 when Black must find the amaz- it is indeed needed. Far better is 14 .. .fS
ing defense 27 ... .Ilxh2+ 28.~xh2 'li¥fS=) 1S.hS+ (The rook capture 1S.E!xe6+ no
2S ... .Ilxh2+ 26.~xh2 eS 27.'li¥g3+ longer works, E!xe616 ..£lxe6'li¥xh4-+)
(27.E!f1 E!hS 2S.'li¥xhS 'li¥xe4 29.'li¥g7+ 1S ... ~f6 (1S ... 'it'h6 enables 16..£lxe6+)
~hS 30.'li¥xf7+ 'li¥g6 31.'li¥xg6+ ~xg6 16.'li¥xd4+ .IleS (All of the alternatives
32.f7 .IlfS 33.g4 ~xf7 34.E!xfS+ ~e6) are horrible: 16 ... ~e7 17.'li¥xg7#;
27 ... ~xf6 2S.E!f1 + ~e7 29.'li¥xeS+ 16 ... .£leS 17.f4+-; 16 ... eS 17.'li¥xd6+
.Ile6) 24 ... .IleS! 2S.E!xeS (2S.'li¥g4+ E!e6 1S.'li¥xe6#). After 16 ... .IleS,
~fS 26.E! xeS exfS +; 2S.E!g4+ ~fS Vukovi6 recommended 17.E!xeS but
26.f6 .Ilxf6 27. 'li¥xf6 eS 2S. 'li¥g7 + Nunn improved with 17.'li¥h4! 'li¥aS (or
'it'e7+) 2S ... exfS 26.'li¥g3+ ~fS 17 ... 'li¥c71S.f4) 1S.b4! 'li¥a4 19.E!xeS +-
27.'li¥a3+ 'it'gS 2S.'li¥g3+ 'it'h7 29.'li¥h3+ since 19 ... ~xeS meets 'li¥d4#.
~g7 (29 ... ~g6 is too ambitious
30.'li¥g3+ ~f6 31.E!dS E!e3 32.'li¥h4+ 8
~g6 33.E!dS f6 34.'li¥hS f4 3S.'li¥gS+ 7
~fS 36.E!dS++-) 30.'li¥g3+=. 6
To win, White must instead try 19.'li¥hS+
~e7 20.'li¥xg7. Black is probably fine
here with ... ~dS, but a new improve-
ment lurks for Black with 20 ... .Ilb4 2l.f5
~dS 22 ..Ilg5+ ~c7 23.'li¥xf7 E!fS!!
24.'li¥xe6 ~b6!, completing the king's abc d e f g h
migration to the relative safety of the
queenside. Ottow and Bucker investi- 15.Etxe6+ This nice additional rook
gate the consequences of 23 ... .Ilxe1 sacrifice locked in the brilliancy
extensively in Kaissiber No.3. Their prize.15 ... 4)f6 If Black accepts the sac-
main line is 23 ... .Ilxe1 24.E!xe1 E!fS rifice with 1S .. .fxe6 White has a forced
2S.'li¥xe6 'li¥xe6 26.fxe6 .£lb6 27.e7 E!hS mate with 16.'li¥d3+ when (a) 16 ... 'it'hS
2S ..Ilf4+ ~c6 29.b4 .£lxc4 30 ..£lf6 .Ild7 17.g4+ 'it'xg4 (17 ... 'it'xh4 1S.'li¥h3#)
(though better is 30 ... d3) 31.bS+ ±. But 1S.'li¥f3+ 'it'xh419.'li¥h3#; (b) 16 ... 'it'f6


17.iH3+ ~g6 18.i,1[7+ ~h6 20.<£Jxe4+- with ideas like Elfdl, Jlg5,
19AJxe6+ +-; and (c) 16 ... ~h6 and <£Jf6; (b )19 ... <£Jf6 (sacrificing the
17.<£Jxe6++-=. 16.h5+ <if}h617.E!xd6 knight in order to place the queen on
~a518.4)xf7+ <if}h719.4)g5+ <if}g8 d3) 20.exf6 ~d3 but the advanced pawn
20.~b3+ 1--0 is ferocious: 21.fxg7 ~xg7 22.<£Jxe6+
fxe6 23.Jlh6+ +- ; and (c) 19... Ele8 with
(63) Ahues - Winter the usual mate in five: 20.~xf7+ r,t>h8
Scarborough 1930 21.~h5+ r,t>g8 22.~h7+ ~f8 23.~h8+
Slav Defense [048] r,t>e7 24.~xg7#. 19.~d3+ 19.h4! is
often a good alternative when White
1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.e3 4)f6 4.4)e3 e6 has a rook on hI, but it can also work
5.Ad3 4)bd7 6.4)f3 dxe4 7.Axe4 b5 well even when the king is castled and
8.Ad3 a6 9.a4 Ab7 10.~e2 b4 the opponent's Elf8 can reach h8 with
1l.4)e4 e5 12.4) xe5 4) xe513.dxe5 an anchor. The advance helps to an-
Axe514.e4 0--015.0--0 a516.e5 4)d7 chor the <£Jg5, it threatens h5+, and can
enable ~g4 when .. .f5 or <£Jxe5 will meet
h5+. Black has two primary responses:
(a) 19 ... <£Jxe5! 20.~xe5 ~d4 (20 ... ~d5
21.~g3+-) 21.h5+ r,t>xh5 (21...r,t>h6
22.<£Jxe6+ +- ) 22.~h2+ r,t>g6 (22 ... ~g4
23. ~h3 #) 23.Jle3 ~g4 24.Jlxc5 ~xg5
25.Jlxf8 Elxf8 26.Elac1 ±; and (b)
19 ... Elh8 20.~c2+ f5 21.exf6 r,t>xf6
22.Elel e5 23.<£Je4+ Jlxe4 24.Jlg5+
~e6 25.~xe4 with a winning attack.
abcdefgh 19.~g4? fails because 19 ... <£Jxe5 wins a
tempo and covers g4, 20. ~g3 ~d3, and
White relies on the dark-square bishop also supports the queen on d3, 21. ~xe5
and the e5-pawn as additional assets, Jld622.~b5~d5-+.19.Eldl is a rare
and the rooks are also ready to occupy but attractive possibility here. 19 ... ~e7
the central files. This is an instructive 20.~d3+. The queen now arrives with
example in which ~g6 is far superior to check and a second attack upon d7.
~g8. Winter defending correctly with 20 .. .f5 21.exf6+ r,t>xf6 22.~xd7 Elad8
~g6 but misses a powerful shot on 23.~xe7+ ~xe7 24.Jle3 and chances
move 21. After ~g6, White could have are only even, but the maneuver cre-
improved with 19.h4 with a small ad- ates a favorable impression. 19 •••f5
vantage. The line with 19.Eldl is also Forced, since both king retreats are
interesting but provides a less compel- quickly mated: 19 ... r,t>h6 20.~h7#;
ling advantage. 17.Axh7+ <if}xh7 19 ... r,t>h5 20.~h7+ r,t>g4 21.h3#.
18.4)g5+ <if}g6 After ~g8, the rook re- 20. ~g3 The two main alternatives both
treat to e8 supplies White with the result in the win of an exchange, but it
usual mate in five, and Black is other- is rare that an exchange will improve the
wise unable to maneuver a bishop or attacker's chances. After 20.<£Jxe6 ~e7
queen to the key bl-h7 diagonal. 21.<£Jxf8+ Elxf8, chances are roughly
18 ... ~g8 19.~h5 when (a) 19 ... Jle4 equal. After 20.exf6+ ~xf6 21.Elel

Sacking the Citadel

.1ld5 White can win the exchange with

22.~h7+ ~f7 23.~xfB AxfB-+ or en- 8
ter a perpetual with 23.~g5+. 20•••"/te7 7
21.~dl White dare not accept the ex- 6
change after 21.~xe6+ ~f7 as 5
22.~g5+ gives Black a chance to run
with 22 ... ~e8. 2l ••• ~ad8? Winter
misses an opportunity to seize the ini-
tiative with a sacrifice on f2: 21...Axf2+!.
Regardless of how White recaptures,
Black will be able to capture the e5-pawn abc d e f g h
and to delay or prevent the discovered
check. (a) 22:i!i'xf2 ~xe5 23.'~g3 f4 Another Greco miniature, which suc-
24.11.xf4 §xf4 (remarkably, the threat of ceeds with only one additional asset,
§g4 prevents most discovered checks the secure e5-pawn, although the
and Black also has the threat of~xg5) kings ide pawns contribute to two mat-
25.~f3+ ~f5 26.~d4+ §xd4 27.§xd4 ing nets. Had the game continued,
~g5 28.§f1 + ~g6~ when Black's po- White had a very simple win by playing
sition is active and with a small material ~h5 before ~g5. I have included the
advantage; or (b) 22.'~xf2 ~c5+ (the line with 12.~g5 first because the mat-
exposure of the king makes possible the ing nets after ~g6 and especially ~h6
capture of the e5-pawn with check) are enlightening. 1l.j'txh7+ 1-0 The
23.~e1 (if White tries for more with most accurate course is to play 'i!:i'h5
23.~f1 Black's pieces come alive: first, limiting Black's options. After
23 ... ~a6+ 24.~e1 f4 25.~xf4 ~gl+ 11...~xh7 12.~h5+ ~g8 13.~g5+­
26.~d2 ~d4+-+) 23 ... ~xe5+ 24.~xe5 Black would have to play 13 ... ~xg5 to
~xe5 25.~xe6 §fc8 26.Ae3 ~g4 preventmate.12.~g5+~g813.~h5+­
27.~f4+ ~h7+ when the exposure of transposes. After 12 ... ~h6 13.~h4+
the white king ironically gives Black all ~g614.~h7+ (White gets a mating at-
the attacking chances. 22.~ xe6+ +- tack by sacrificing the ~g5) 14 ... ~xg5
~h7 23.~xd8 ~xd8 24.j'tg5 j'txf2+ 15.f4+ ~xf4 16.~h5 +- with §f1 + to
25.~xf2"/tc5+ 26."/te31--O follow. With the queen already on g4,
12 ... ~g6 steps into an immediate dis-
(64) Yates - Marin y L1ovet, covery, 13.~xe6+. It's mate in four:
Hamburg 1930 13 ... ~h6 14.~xg7+ ~h5 15.'~h7+
French Defense [CI4] ~g4 16.f3*.

l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4.j'tg5 (65) Alekhine - Asgeirsson

J1e7 5.e5 ~e4 6.J1xe7"/txe7 7.j'td3 Reyigavik simul. exhibition 1931
~ xc3 8.bxc3 c5 9."/tg4 0--0 10.~f3 French Defense [CI4]
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4.j'tg5
.1l,e7 5.j'txf6 j'txf6 6.~f3 0-0
7 •.1l,d3 ~e8 8.e5 j'te7 9.h4 c5


12.~h5 j}.xg5 On 12 ... Jlf6, 13.~xf7+

8 'it'h8 14.exf6 ~xf6 15.~xe8++-.
7 13.hxg5 <ifjlf8 14.g6 Says Alekhine:
6 "Black hoped now to come easily out
5 of trouble after ... " 14.~h8+ 'it'e7
15.~xg7 E!.g816.~f6+ ~e814 •.• <ifjle7
14 .. .fxg6 15.~xg6+- with resources
like E!.h8 and 0-0-0. 15.gxf71af816.0-
0-0 Threatening .£lb5 now that ... ~a5
is no longer check. Incorrectly believ-
abc d e f g h ing that Alekhine had blundered by cas-
tling, Vukovic offered 16.dxc5 as an al-
An exciting game against the champion ternative which does win and may in-
of Iceland that relies on three assets, deed win more accurately as the follow-
the .£lc3, the secure e5-pawn, and the ing variations show: (a) 16... .£ld717.0-
h4-pawn. Relying perhaps on the f8 0-0 E!.xf7 (17 ... ~a5 18 ..£lxd5+! an im-
escape square, Alekhine's opponent provement over Vukovic's 18.~g5+
instead selects ~g8 and must then ex- 18 ... exd5 [18 ... 'it'd8 19.~g5++-]
change on g5, opening the h-file. The 19.~g5+ 'it'e6 [19 ... 'it'xf7 20.e6+ ~xe6
world champion provides a demonstra- 21.E!.de1 + 'it'f7 22.E!.e7+ +-] 20.~g6+
tion of how to convert a large advan- ~e7 [20 ... ~xe5 21.E!.h5+ ~f4
tage in development into a murderous 22.E!.d4#] 21.~d6+ ~xf7[21...~d8
attack. The complex lines involve won- 22.e6+- ] 22.e6+ ~e8 23.exd7+ Jlxd7
derful sacrifices on the d5-square that 24.E!.de1+ ~d8 25.~xf8++-);
are well worth a long look. 10.j}.xh7+1 18..£le4+- (18 ..£lxd5+ e xd519.e6+-);
<ifjlxh711.4)g5+ <ifjlg8 Once again, the (b) 16 ... .£lc6 17.0-0-0 ~a5 18.E!.xd5
mating nets in the ~g6 line are pleas- exd5 19 . .£lxd5+ ~e6 (19 ... ~d8
ing. 11...~g6 12.~d3+ f5 13.exf6+ 20.~g5+ 'it'd 7 21.~g4+ ~d8
~xf6 14.~f3+ 'it'g6 15.~f7+ 'it'h6 22. ~xg7 +- ) 20 . .£lf4+ +- ~e7
16.g4+- when it's mate in one with (20 ... 'it'd7 21.e6+ ~c7 22 ..£ld5+ ~b8
~h5. The ~h6line makes no sense with 23.~h2++-) 21..£lg6++-; and (c)
the rook offf8. 11...'~h6 12.~d3 (giv- 16.. Jhf717 ..£lxd5+ (more accurate than
ing Black a chance to enter a mating net Vukovic's 17.~g5+) 17 ... ~xd5
with 12 ... Jlxg5 13.hxg5+ 'it'xg5 18.~g5+ ~d719.E!.d1 +- . 16•.• a6 Very
14.~g3+ ~f5 15.E!.h5+ g5 16.~d3+ forced play highlights these sub-lines,
~g4 17.~f3#) 12 ... g6 13 ..£lxf7+ +-. making them a dream for Vukovic and
The Jlxg5 line is interesting because other annotators. 16 ... .£lc6 17.dxc5
Black's rook is off f8, creating an es- E!.xf7 18.~g5+ ~d7 19.E!.xd5+ exd5
cape for the king. 11...Jlxg5 12.hxg5+ 20.e6+ ~xe6 21.E!.e1 + 'it'd7 22.~xd5+
~g8 (obviously not 12 ... 'it'g613.~h5+ ~c7 23 ..£lb5+ ~b8 24.~xf7 +-. Here,
~f5 14.E!.h3 cxd4 15.E!.f3+ 'it'xe5 a more positional approach -16 ... cxd4
16.~h2#) 13.~h5 'it'f8 14.g6 (the key 17.E!.xd4! .£lc6 18.E!.f4 ~d7 19.~g6
move) 14 .. .'~e715.dxc5 fxg616.~xg6 ~e7 (19 ... ~c7 20.~xg7 'it'b6 21.E!.h3
E!.g8 17.E!.h3 (the attack gets more ~e7 22.g4 Jld7 23.g5 E!.ac8 24.a3 .£la5
fuel.)17 ... .£lc618.E!.f3 ~d719 ..£lxd5+-. 25.~f6+-) 20.~xg7 b6 21.g4 ~c7

Sacking the Citadel

22.4Jb5+ ~d7 23.4Jd6+-. In the line

above with 16 ... cxd4, Vukovic recom- 8
mended only 19.fig4 vtJe7 (19 ... vtJb6 7
20.f4 vtJe3+ 21.~bl 4Jd4~) 20.fixg7 6
b6 when, according to Vukovic, Black 5
is fine here owing to counterplay with
4Jd4, fiacB, and vtJc5, but White is eas-
ily winning with 21.fidl 4JdB 22.vtJg4
~c6 23.vtJd4 fibB 24.vtJa4+ ~b7
25.4Jb5 ~aB 26.4Jd6 4Jxf7 27.fid3 a5
28.fif3 +-. 17.dxc5 Alekhine: "threat- abc d e f g h
ening 4Je4." 17•• .Jdd7
Down two pawns and with a collapsing
8 center, White lashes out desperately
7 with the Greco Sacrifice that can count
only on the unanchored 4Jd6 as an addi-
tional asset. ~gB is safest because the
white queen cannot reach h5. With a
trapped knight on d6, White has no
3 choice but to play 4JxcB, exchanging a
2 key piece for Black's customarily bad
bishop and leaving White with insuffi-
abc d e f g h cient forces for a meaningful attack.
15..Q.xh7+? ~xh716.~g5+ ~g8! In
18.Elxd5! +- ~a5 The rook is poison. firm control, Black is winning after
IB ... exd5 19.4Jxd5+ ~e6 20.4Jf4+ ~e7 16 ... ~g6 and even after 16 ... ~hB.
21.vtJf5! placing a queen rather than a 17.Elxf8+ ~xf8 18.~xc8 Elxc8
pawn on e6 (Alekhine recommended 19.Elf1 ~e7 -+ 20.h4 Elf8 21.Elxf8+
21.e6 4Jf6 22.vtJe5 +-) 21...fixf7 ~xf8 22. ~f4+ ~e8 0-1
22. vtJe6+ ~f8 23.fihB #. 19. ~g5+
~xf7 20.Elh7 Elg8 21.Eld4 Avoiding (67) Gonzalez Rojo - Brunner
a tragic mistake, xd7 + ~xd7 Mexico City 1932
22.4Je4 i;¥el #. 21 ••. ~xc5 22.Elxd7+ Queen's Pawn Game [DOS]
-'lxd7 23.~e4 ~b4 24.~d6+ ~f8
25.~f6+ gxf6 26.Elf7# 1--0 l.d4 ~f6 2.~f3 e6 3.~bd2 d5 4.e3
c5 5.c3 ~c6 6 ..Q.d3 ~b6 7. ~e2
(66) Asztalos - Spielmann .Q.d6 8.0--0 0--0 9.e4 .Q.f4 10.dxc5
Bled 1931 ~xc511.e5 .Q.xd212.-'lxd2 ~d7 (D)
French Defense [C 14]
White initiates the sacrifice relying
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4 •.Q.g5 upon two additional assets, the dark-
.Q.e7 5.e5 ~fd7 6 . .Q.xe7 ~xe7 square bishop and the e5-pawn. Black
7. ~d2 0--0 8.f4c5 9.~b5 a610.~d6 defends instead with r.t>g6, when
cxd411.~f3 ~c612 •.Q.d3 f613.0- vtJd3+is more accurate than i;¥g4.
Ofxe514.fxe5 ~dxe5 After15 ... i;¥g4, Black can capture the


~e7 17 ..§ael .§hS lS.lLlxe6+

<;!th719.lLlc7'§b8±.16... ~e717.4)f4+
Better is consolidation with 17.lLlxf8+
lLlxfS lS.f4±. 17... 'it'h7 Not 17 ... 'it't7
lS.e6+. lS.e6 White overlooks
lS.~h3+! <;!tgS 19.1Llg6 ~e6 20.~hS+
<;!tt7 21.lLlxfSlLlxfS 22.f4 ±. lS ... 4)de5
19.~h3+ 'it'gS 20.~xd5 ~xe6?!
Missing 20 ... ~d6! -+. 21.4)e7 ~d6
22.~ xaS ~xd2 23.f4 ~g4 24. ~f3
abcdefgh .§eS 25..§adl ~e3+ 26.~xe3 .§xe3
The tempting 26 ... lLlxe3 does not win
e5-pawn with tempo, and after 15.'~d3 an exchange because of the pin on the
f5 White need not play 16.'~g3 but has .§eS 27.'§del .§e4. 27 . .§fel 'it'f7
2S.~e7 .§xel+ 29 . .§xel Ad7
the option of 16.exf6+ and capturing
on e6 with the lLlg5. 13.Axh7+! 'it'xh7 30.~b5 b6 31.~d6+ ~S 32.h3 ~f6
14.~g5+ 'it'g6 The <;!tgS line does not
33.'it'f2 4)e7 34.e4 4)eS 35.~xeS
lead to mate because the black queen AxeS 36..§e3 ~e4+ 37.'it'e2 'it'e7
has vacated the dS-square. Nonethe- 3S..§a3 a6 39..§b3 b5 4O.exb5 axb5
less, it leads quickly to the loss of the 41.'it'e3 Ad7 42.'it'd4 'it'd6 43..§a3
.§eS. 14 ... <;!tgS15.'~'h5 .§eS16.~xt7+ ~e5 44 . .§a7 Ae6 45 . .§f7 j},xg2
<;!thS 17.1.te3 or .§ael-e3, or simply 46..§xf5 ~e6+ 47.'it'e3 'it'e6 4s.h4
~xeS. The <;!th6 line walks into a dis- Ah3 49 . .§f7 'it'e5 50.'it'e4 'it'd6
covered check, but it's often best to 51.f51-O
look for more. 14 ... <;!th615.~g4 aiming
at a quick mate after 14 ... lLlxe6+ 15 ... .§hS (68) Dus Chotimirsky - Sergeev
16.lLlxe6++- .15.'~d3+ Here, 15:~'d3+ Moscow 1932
is more accurate because after 15.~g4 Torre Attack [A47]
and 15.h4, Black gains the option of
playing lLlxe5. (a) 15.h4lLldxe5 when 1.d4 ~f6 2.~f3 e6 3.Ag5 e5 4.e3
the king can escape to e7; and (b) b6 5.j},d3 j},b7 6.~bd2 Ae7 7.e3
~e7 S. ~e2 d5 9.0--0 0--0 10.e4 dxe4
15.~g4 f5 (15 ... lLldxe5 16.~g3 ~e7
11.~xe4 ~xe4 12.j},xe4 j},d6
17.lLlxe6+ <;!tf61S.lLld4+- with the idea
of 1.tg5) 16.~g3 (16.exf6lLlxf617.~g3 13.dxe5 j},xe514..§fdl.§e815.Af4
~e7 lS.lLlxe6+ <;!tt7 19.1LlxfS ~xfS±) ~c8
when White may have to settle for the
win of the exchange. 15...f5After ... f5, 8
in the ~g4 line, White would have to 7
retreat the queen to g3. White now gains 6
the interesting option of playing 5
16.lLlxe6. On 15 ... 'it'h5 16.~h7+ <;!tg4 4
17.~h3# and 15 ... <;!th6 meets
much stronger is the en passant cap-
ture followed by a rook to the e-file:
16.exf6+ 'it'xf6 17 . .§ael lLlde5 abc d e f g h
lS.~g3+- Less impressive is 16.~g3

Sacking the Citadel

White has a much easier advantage 24.g3+ 'it'f3 (24 ... 'it'e4 25.4Jg5#)
with 16.4Je5 or even 16.4Jg5 but sacri- 25.4Jg5+ ~e2 26.~fl#) 22.§el+-;
fices instead, relying upon the dark- (b) 19 ... ~f5 20.g4+ 'it'f6 (20 ... ~xf4
square bishop on f4 and the §dl as 21.4Jh3#) 21.4Jh7+ 'it'e7 (21...~e6
additional assets. The best defense, 22.~xe5#) 22.~xe5+ ~e6 23.~c7+
~g6, leads to even position with best 4Jd7 24.§xd7+ ~xd7 25.§el + +-; and
play and offers insight into one differ- (c) 19 ... ~h6 20.~d3 g6 21.4Jxf7+
ence between ~d3+ and ~g4, when the ~xh5 (21...'it'g7 22.~xg6+ 'it'fS
king retreats to f6. In the game, Black 23.Ah6+ 'it'e7 24.Ag5+ 'it'fS 25.~h6+
fails to defend correctly with lS .. .f5 and ~gS [25 ... 'it'xf7 26.~h7+ 'it'fS
loses quickly. 16.-'lxh7+ ~xh7 27.Ah6#] 26.~hS+ 'it'xf7 27.~h7+
17.Jilg5+ ~g61 Remarkably, in the ~gS ~fS [27 ... 'it'e6 28. ~g6 #] 2S.Ah6 #)
line, Black, with an extra tempo thanks 22.4Jxe5 §xe5 23.Axe5 ±. If Black de-
to the §eS, has no useful way to de- fends instead with IS ... §hS 19.~d3+
fend the f7 -pawn. 17 ... ~gS 18. ~h5 4Jd7 f5 20.§el §eS 21.h5+ 'it'f6 (21...~xh5
19.~xf7+ ~hS 20.~h5+ 'it'gS. There's 22.4Jxe6+-) 22.~g3+-. ~g4 gives
no mate in five because the black queen Black an additional option with ...
is off d8, but there is a mate in eight, 18... -'lxf2+ Black returns the material
21.~h7+ 'it'fS 22.~hS+ ~e7 23.~xg7+. but gets in return only a single check.
Relying on the §dS to cover the d6 es- No better is the effort to safeguard the
cape square and to the pin the 4Jd7. king with 18. .. ~f619.4Jh7+ 'it'e7 which
23 ... ~dS 24.4Jf7+ 'it'e7 25.Ag5+ 4Jf6 leads straight into a mate in two:
26.4Je5 #. 17 ... ~h6 permitting a double 20.~g5+ f6 21.'i;1xg7#. To survive,
discovered check. lS.4Jxf7+ 'it'g6 Black needed patiently to develop with
19.4Je5+ ~h7 (19 ... ~f6 20.Ag5+ ~xg5 lS .. .f5! 19.~g3 4Jd7 when, after 20.b4
21.~g4+ ~f6 22.~f4+ 'it'e7 23.~f7# there are three interesting options: (a)
or 23.4Jg6#) 20.~h5+ ~gS 21.~f7+ 20 ... AfS! When White can only win
~h7. (the rook swing delivers the final back an exchange, 21.4Jxe6+ 'it'f7
blow) 22.§d3+-. 18.~g4 lS.~d3+ 22.4Jc7 4Jf6 23.4JxeS 'i;1xeS=; (b)
transposes to a possible game continu- 20 ... Axf2+ is better here rather than in
ation after lS ... f5 19.~g3 although the game position, but White can wind
Black can err with lS ... ~f6 19.4Jh7+ his way to an advantage with 21.'it'xf2
~e7 20.Ad6+ ~dS 21.AxbS+ +-. (not 21.~xf2 e5+=) 21...4Jf6 22.~e5
White's best play here is lS.h4! with 4Jg4+ 23.'it'gl 4Jxe5 24.~xe5 ~c6
the possibility of a quick h4-h5 and, if 25.4Jf3 §acS 26.'i;1g3+ 'it'h7 27.§ac1
possible, to respond to 19.~g4 f5 with e5 28.'i;1h3+ 'it'gS 29.~xf5 §fS~; and
20.h5. After 18.h4 e5, White can con- (c) 20 ... Ae7 by contrast encourages a
tinue with 19 .h5+, flushing the king into series of sacrifices that net the black
significant pressure: (a) 19 ... ~f6 queen, 21.4Jxe6+ 'it'f7 22.§xd7! ~xd7
20.4Jh7+ ~f5 (the alternatives are 23.~xg7+ ~xe6 24.§e1 + ~e4
bombed: 20 ... 'it'e7 21.~xe5+ ~e6 25.§xe4+! fxe4 26.'i;1g4+ +-. 19.~xf2
22.~c7++- and 20 ... ~e6 21.~xe5#) ~c5+ 20 ..§d4 ~f5 21. ~h4 Jilc6
21.~d3+ ~e6 (21...~xf4 22.~g3+ ~f5 22.g4 ~c2+ 23 ..§d2 .§li8 24.Jilh7
23.~h3+ ~f4 (23 ... ~e4 24.~f3#) (With mate soon on g5) 1-0


(69) Koshnitsky - Purdy (24.<t'lxf7+ ~h4 [24 ... g5 25.~h7#]

Sydney 1932 25.~h7#)24 ... ~xg5 25.~f5#. Black's
Queen's Pawn Game [D05] only chance to survive, if barely, was
22 ... .llxg2+! 23.~xg2 ~g3+ 24.~xg3
l.d4 Jilf6 2.Jilf3 d5 3.e3 c5 4.c3 Axg3 25.~xg3 ~xg5 26.~xf7±when
Jil bd7 5.Jil bd2 t:/c7 6.Ad3 e5 7.e4 White will soon win another pawn but
c4 8.Ac2 Ad6 9.exd5 0-0 10.dxe5 the black rooks are active.
Jilxe5 1l.h3 b5 12.Jilxe5 Axe5
13.Jilf3 Ab714.0-0 Etad815.t:/e2 (70) Wilke - Priwonitz
Etfe816.Ae3 Jilxd517.EtaelJilxe3 Hamburg 1933
18.fxe3j},g3 French Defense [COO]

8 l.c4 e6 2.e4 d5 3.cxd5 exd5 4.exd5

7 1f-~~lIiIIi
Jilf6 5.Ab5+ Ad7 6.Ac4 Ae7
6 7.Jilc3 0-0 8.Jilge2 Ad6 9.0-0

abc d e f g h

In an open board, White can count only

upon the ~f1 as an additional asset.
Black permits White to use the open abc d e f g h
board, notably the open f-file with ~g4
and later ~f5+. 19.Axh7+? ~xh7 Black initiates the sacrifice relying upon
20.Jilg5+ ~g6? Black succeeds in the the light-square bishop and possible
~g8 line because Ad5 overprotects the activity from ~f8-e8. Black succeeds in
f7-square and secures the king's escape the ~glline quickly, although with the
via f8 and e7. 20 ... ~g8! 21.~h5 <t'le2, Black needs help from a rook
.lld5-+ 22.~h7+ ~f8 23.~h8+ ~e7 swing. White misses the win available
24.~xg7 .llxel-+. In the ~g6 line, with ~g3. Note that, in that line, Black
Black would have to give up his queen cannot safely maintain the queen on g5
to stal\ the mate in the corner. After and g6. 9 .•• Axh2+? 10.~xh2 Jilg4+
20 ... ~h6, 21.<t'lxf7++- ~g6 22.~g4+ 1l.~gl White misses the win available
~h7 23. ~h5+ ~g8 24. ~h8 #. 21. t:/g4 after ~g3: 11.~g3! h5 12.~hl h4+
On 21.~c2+? Black wins easily with ei- (12 ... ~g5 but the queen cannot remain
ther 21...~xg5-+ or 21...~d3-+. on the g-file 13.f4 ~g6 14.f5 ~g5
21 •.. Ah2+ 22.~hl t:/g3 1-0 Black 15.<t'le4+-) 13.~xh4 <t'lxf2 14.~b3
moved but resigned probably preferring ~g5+ 15.~xf2 ~xh4+ 16.~f1 +-. And
not to have to face a mate in three not 11 ... ~g5? when Black cannot safely
moves: 22 ... ~g3 23.~f5+ ~h5 maintain the queen on g5 and g6. 12.f4
(23 ... ~h6 24.<t'lxf7#) 24.~h7+ ~g613.f5 ~g514.<t'le4+-. 1l ••• t:/h4

Sacking the Citadel

12.§.e1 ~xf2+! The king's ability to dark-square bishop, White aims to play
escape to d3 makes 12 ... ~h2+ much ~g4-h4. Here, White is a full tempo
less accurate, 13.'~f1 ~h1 + 14 ..:£lgl ahead in that line: 13 ... ~h6 14.~h4+
.:£lh2+ 15.~e2 ~xg2 16.~d3+. (or 14.f4 .:£lxe515.~h3+ ~g616.~h7+
13.Cit>h1 §.eS! With the idea of .§.e5- ~f617.fxe5+ transposing to the follow-
h5. 14.d4 §.e3! 15.-'l.d2 Capturing on ing line) 14 ... ~g615.f4 .:£lxe516.~h7+
e3 with 15.Axe3 simply brings the ~f6 17.fxe5+ when Black has (a)
knight to e3 where it hits the queen and 17 ... ~e7 18.~xg7 +- with the idea of
threatens mate on g2.15 ... .:£lxe3 16..:£lf4 .:£lh7; (b) 17 ... ~xe5 18.~xg7+ ~d6
(16 ..§.gl ~h4#) 16 ....:£lxd1-+. Defend- 19 ..:£lxt7 + +- with a significant material
ing with 15 ..:£lgl ~h4+ 16..:£lh3 simply advantage; and (c) 17 ... ~xg5 once
encourages an easy rook sacrifice with again, taking the knight is fraught with
16 ... .§.xh3+ 17.gxh3 ~xh3+-+. danger as White can bring a rook into
15••• §.h3+ 16.gxh3 ~h2# 0-1 the fight. 18.~xg7+ when all continua-
tions win quickly for White: (1) 18...~h4
19.~h6+ ~g4 20.h3+ ~g3 (20 ... ~f5
(71) Razinger - Harum
21..§.f1 + ~xe5 22.~f4#) 21.~f1 +-;
Ebensee 1933
(2) 18 ... ~f4 19.~g3+ ~f5 20 ..§.f1 +
French Defense [Cll]
Af2+ 21..§.xf2#; (3) 18. .. ~f519.'§'f1+
Af2+ 20 ..§.xf2#; and (4) 18... ~h519.h4
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 . .£lc3 .£lf6 4.e5
f5 20.g4+ fxg4 21.~h7#. With the
.£lfd7 5.-'l.e3 c5 6. ~g4 cxd4 7.-'l.xd4
queen already on g4, 13 ... ~g6? invites
.£lc6 S . .£lf3 .£lxd4 9.~xd4 -'l.c5 14 ..:£lxe6+ +-. 14.~h5 §.eS Only
10.~g4 0-0 1l.-'l.d3 a6 Axf2+ and ~xg5 delay the end.
15.~xf7+ Cit>hS 16.~h5+ Cit>gS
8 17.~h7+ Cit>fS1S.~hS+ 1--0 It's mate
7 after 18 ... ~e719.~xg7#.
5 (72) Alekhine - Schuman
4 Washington DC simul. exhibition 1933
3 French Defense [C 10]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 . .£lc3 .£lf6 4.-'l.g5
-'l.e7 5.-'l.xf6 -'l.xf6 6 ..£lf3 .£lc6 7.e5
abcdefgh -'l.e7 S.-'l.d3 0-0 9.h4 f6
White can rely upon two additional as-
sets, the .:£lc3 and the e5-pawn, but the
real story here is that with the queen on
g4, White ought to have followed the
sacrifice with 13.~h5 eliminating even
the possibility of the ~h6 and ~g6
lines. 12.-'l.xh7+! Cit>xh7 13. .£lg5+
13.~h5+! eliminates responses other
than ... ~g8.13 ••. Cit>gS Normally, in the
~h6 line, when White does not have a abc d e f g h


For the second time in this chapter (see 13.g6 with the threat of l".lhB (playing
game 54), Alekhine sacrifices with a 13.'l;l'h5 first doesn't help: 13 ... l".lf5
black pawn -on f6. In an exhibition of 14.'l;l'hB+ ~f7 15.'l;l'h5+ g6 16.'l;l'h7+
this kind, without the time for intense ~eB 17.'l;l'xg6+ ~d7 IB.4Jxd5
calculation, the sacrifice was almost l".lxg5-+ ) and once again, Black can use
certainly based on intuition and confi- the open f-file to defend with 13 ... l".lf5
dence in his ability in such complex, 14.g4 l".lf4-+. 12.exf6 The obvious
tactical positions. To be sure, he 12.'l;l'h5? fails to fxg5 13.hxg5 l".lf5-+
outplays his opponent, but despite the when the g-pawn will fall and White's
presence of three additional assets, the attack peters out. 12... §.xf6 13.~h5
e5-pawn, the 4Jc3, and the h4-pawn, §.h614.~+ IiIlh815.0-0-0 .11,xg5+
the analysis shows that every main White will not be able to break through
variation contained a path for Black to or recover his material after 15 .. .M6! -+ .
gain the advantage. Black himself has a 16.hxg5 ~xg5+ 17.f4 ~e7 Black is
counter-attack on the e5-pawn and the better after the more aggressive is
open f-file on which to rely. Note, in 17 ... 'l;l'f5+.18.~g6 §.xhI19.§.xhl+
particular, that Black could simply have IiIlg8 20.~b5 §.b8 21.~xc7 .11,d7
taken the 4Jg5 and then used the open Avoiding 21...'l;l'xc7 22.'l;l'eB#. 22.f5
f-file after '<TtgB to play l".lf5-+. There's nothing more than a perpetual
10..11,xh7+ IiIlxh7 11.~g5+ IiIlg8 check for White after 22.'l;l'h7+ 'it'fB
White has three options in the 11... '<Ttg6 23.~hB+ 'it'f7 24.'l;l'h5+ 'it'fB 25.~hB+=.
line: (a) White can capture the f-pawn 22 ... §.c8? A careless mistake. Black is
and then maneuver the queen to g3 better and probably winning after
where it will threaten the discovery and 22 ... ~f6 23.'l;l'h7+ '<Ttf7 24.'l;l'h5+ 'it'f8
have access to c7, but after 12.exf6 gxf6 25.fxe6 .llxe6 26.4Jxe6+ 'l;l'xe6
13.~d3+ f5 14.~g3 (14.h5+ ~h6-+) 27.'l;l'hB+ 'it'f7 28.l".lfl + 'it'g6+. 23.fxe6
14 ... .llxg515.hxg5 ~xg516.~xc7l".lf7 .11,xe6 24.~ xe6 Slightly more efficient
17.~h2 f4+ Black survives the attack is 24.'l;l'h7+! ~f7 25.l".lfl + 'l;l'f6
quite readily; (b) After 12.~d3+ f5 26.l".lxf6+ +-. 24... ~f6 25. ~xf6 gxf6
Black is threatening to capture on g5, 26.c3 a5 27.liIld2 b5 28.~f4 §.d8
and 13.l".lh3 is insufficient because af- 29.§.h5 ~e7 30.g4 1iIlf7 31.§.h7+
ter 13 ....llxg514.hxg5 Black can safely liIle8 32.~e6 §.d7 33.§.h8+ 1iIlf7
play l".lhB+; and (c) And there's noth- 34.~c5 §.d6 35.§.b8 b4 36.cxb4
ing in 12.h5+ because, without a dark- axb4 37.§.xb4 ~c6 38.§.b6 ~a5
square bishop, there's no way for White 39.§'xd6 ~c4+ 40.IiIld3 ~ xd6 41.a4
to exploit 12 ... '<Tth6 (12 ... 'it'xg5 1iIle8 42.b4 IiIldS 43.b5 IiIlc7 44.IiIlc3
13.~d2++-) 13.exf6 gxf6-+. Black ~e4+ 45.~xe4 dxe446.liIld21~
also has the option of capturing on g5,
although White gains in compensation (73) Norcia - Fine
an open h-file for the rook and queen. Folkestone 1933
11...fxg512.hxg5+ 'it'gB (not 12 ... ~g6? French Defense [CI4]
13.~h5+ '<Ttf5 14.g4+ ~f4 15.~h2+
~xg5 16.f4+ ~xg4 [16 ... l".lxf4 Reuben Fine (1914-1993) was one of the
17.~h5#1 17.~h3+ ~xf4 IB.4Je2+ strongest grandmasters during the
~g5 [IB ... ~e4 19.~d3# 1 19.~h5#) 1930s and 1940s. He won the U.S. Open

Sacking the Citadel

Championship all seven times he already on the third rank, the 'i!th6 line
played, won five medals representing walks into a mate in two: 19 ... 'i!th6
the United States in the Olympiads, and 20.'li{h3+ ~g6 21.'li{h7#. 19 ... 'i!tg6
wrote several books on chess, notably 20.'li{g3 when Black gives up only an
the classic Basic Chess Endings. In exchange after 20 ... f6 21.4Jxe6+ 'i!th7
1938, Fine tied for first place with Paul (21...~f7? 22.'li{xg7+ 'i!txe6 23.f5+
Keres in one of the strongest touma- ~xe5 24.fiael++-) 22.4Jxf8+ fixf8~.
mentseverheld, theAVROtoumamentin 20.~d3+ (eliminating even the possi-
the Netherlands. Invited to compete for bility of .. .f6) 20 .. .f5 21.'li{g3 but even
the world chess championship after the here, Black's counter-attack on the e5-
death ofAlekhine, Fine declined his invi- pawn is effective. 21...4Jxe5 22.4Jxe6+
tation to pursue a career in psychology. 4Jg4 23.4Jxf8+ (White wins back an ex-
change, but nothing more) 23 ... fixf8
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 . .£)c3 .£)f6 4.-'lg5 24.h3 (hoping to win the knight, but...)
-'l.e7 5.e5 .£)fd7 6.-'l.xe7 ~xe7 24 ... 'li{e3+ 25.~xe3 4Jxe3-+. 20.~h3
7.~d2 0-0 S.f4 c5 9.dxc5 .£)c6 Arriving on the h-file on h3 where the
10.,£)0 a611 ..£)a4 .£)xc512..£)xc5 queen does not exert pressure upon f7.
~xc513.-'ld3 -'ld714.~f2 ~b4+ 20 ..• ~c5+ A key check that vacates
15.~d2 ~xb216.0--0 ~a317.~e3 the e7 escape-square.!Ihl E!fcS
~e7 22. ~h5 White cannot break through
with 22.~h7+ 'i!tf8 23.'li{h8+ 'i!te7
8 24.~xg7 fif8 25.'li{f6 'i!te8+. 22 ••• .£)dS
7 White's loss of time permits Black to
6 cover the f7-square. 23.~h7+ Ii!IfS
5 24.~hS+ li!Ie725.~xg7 -'lb5 26.c4
-'l.xc4 27.E!ac1li!1d7 Black is also win-
ning after 27 ... .llxfl 28.fixc5 fixc5-+
or simply 27 ... 'li{e3 -+. 2S.f5 ~e7
29.f6 ~e8 30.E!fel-'ld3 31.h4-'lg6
32.g4 E!xc1 33.E!xcl E!cS 34.E!el
abc d e f g h E!c4 35.E!gl .£)c6 36.h5 -'l.e4+!Ih2 .£)xe5!Ih3 -'l.f3
White can rely upon two additional as- 39•.£)xO .£)xO 40.E!g3 .£)e5 41.g5
sets, the e5-pawn and the fif1, but Fine Ii!Ic7 42.g6 ~a4 43.gxf7 E!h4+
defends precisely, selecting the ~g8!Ig2 ~xa2+!Igl ~h2+
line because the white queen can at-!Ifl E!f4+ 0-1
tack h7 only from d3 or h3 where it ex-
erts no influence over f7. As a result, (74) Spielmann - Rubinstein,S
Black can essentially make two moves, Vienna 1933
a rook move to vacate f8 for his king Queen's Gambit Declined [D55]
and 4Jd8 to defend f7. And Black can
gain time with 'li{c5+ in order to vacate l.d4.£)f62c4e63..£)c3d54..£)f3-'l.e7
the e7 escape square. IS.-'lxh7+ 5.-'l.g5 0-0 6.e3 b6 7.-'l.d3 -'l.b78.-'l.xf6
Ii!Ixh719..£)g5+ Ii!IgSI With the queen -'l.xf69.cxd5exd510.h4c5


.llg716.§h7 when to prevail, White will

need to 0-0-0 and then play either §dh1-
8 h4 or e4 blowing up the center. Best
7 appears to be 14 ... 'it'g7 when 1S.4Je6
6 fxe6 16.'iil'xg6+ 'it'h8 17.'iil'h6+ 'it'g8
5 18.'iil'g7 .llg7 19.h6 'iil'f6 and 1S.hxg6
§h8 16.§h7+ §xh7 17.4Jxh7 fxg6
18.4Jxf6 'iil'xf6 -+ do not provide White
with an advantage. 15.hxg6+ Iit'g7
16.gh7+ Iit'f6 Avoiding 16 ... 'it'g8?
17.gxf7+ §xf718.'iil'g6+ 'it'f819.'iil'xf7#.
abcdefgh 17.0--0--0 Even after an awkward move
order with 17.f4 'it'e6 18.gxf7 .llf6 +
White initiates the sacrifice here rely- White has chances by pushing the
ing upon the 4Jc3 and the h-pawn as kingside pawns. 17...c4 With the aim
additional assets. The sacrifice is com- of sealing the queenside as a new home
plex because Black has 'it'h6, which for the king. 18. ~e2 White must
saves a key tempo over the 'it'g6 'iil'd3+ counter with e4 in the center. 18.•• lit'e7
line. Without a dark-square bishop, and 19.f4 Af6 20.e4 dxe4 21.4) xe4lit'd7
with the pawn on h4, White cannot play 22.d5 4)a6 Playing 22 ... bS opens c5
'iil'g4-h4 and must therefore settle for for the knight. 23.g7 gg8 24.gh6
'iil'd3 with the idea of'iil'h7. The defense Axg7 25.gd6+ Iit'c7 26. ~xc4+ Iit'bS
is extremely difficult, and Rubenstein 27.gxdS+ gxdS 28.lit'bl4)c7 29.d6
nearly rises to the task. 1l.j'txh7+!? With superior development and central
Iit'xh712J~)g5+ Iit'h6! The 'it'g8lines control, and with the §a8 out of play,
loses because the black .llb7 is White is winning. 29 ... 4)e6 30.f5
unanchored. 12 ... 'it'g8 13.'iil'hS §e8 j'txe4+ 31.~xe4 4)c5 32.~c6 gc8
(13 ... .llxgS14.hxgS fS1S.g6) 14.'iil'xf7+ 33.~d5 gdS 34.~xf7 gd7 35.~g8+
'it'h8 1S.'iil'xb7+-. 'it'g6loses because Iit'b7 36. ~d5+ Iit'b8 37. ~c6 a5
the .llf6 prevents Black from defending 38.~xb6+ 4)b7 39.~c6 gd8
with fS. 12 ... 'it'g6 13.'iil'd3+ 'it'hS 4O.~c7+ lit'a71--O
(13 ... 'it'h6 14.'iil'h7#) 14.g4+ 'it'xg4
(14 ... 'it'h6 1S.'iil'h7#) 1S.§g1+ 'it'hS (75) Ninic - Mihajlovic
(1S ... 'it'xh416.'iil'h7#) 16.'iil'h7# . .llxgS Belgrade 1933
also leads to quick mating nets. Slav Defense [D30]
12 ... .llxgS 13.hxgS+ 'it'g8 (13 ... 'it'g6
14.'iil'hS+ 'it'fS 1S.'iil'h3+ 'it'xgS 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.e3 e6 4.4)f3 4)f6
[1S ... 'it'g6 16.'iil'h7+ 'it'xgS 17.§hS+ 5.a3 Ad6 6.4)c3 0-0 7.c5 Ac7
'it'f6 18.§eS+-] 16.'iil'hS+ 'it'f6 8.Ad3 4)bd7 9.0-0 e510.dxe5 4)xe5
17.'iil'eS+ 'it'g6 18.4Je2+-) 14.'iil'hS fS 1l.4)xe5 Axe512.Ad2 (D)
1S.g6+-. 13.~d3 g6 14.h5 j'txg5
The key position. Capturing with king, Black relies here upon the light-square
despite the computer's optimism, is al- bishop and the possibility of §e8 as
most certainly unsound but is an excel- additional assets. The defender cor-
lent practical move.14 ... 'it'xgS!? 1S.hxg6 rectly plays 'it'g3 which should have

Sacking the Citadel

(76) Skalicka - Koska

8 Prague 1935
7 Bird's Opening [A03]
5 1.f4 d5 2.e3 g6 3..£lf3 .1lg7 4 ..£lc3 c5
5.Ae2 .£lc6 6.0-0 .£lh6 7.-'\.b5 0-0
8.d3 d4 9 . .£le4 dxe3 10.c3 ~b6
3 W"""'~ ... ... "-c....J."..~"'-...~ 1l.Aa4 c412.d4 e5 13.fxe5 .£lxe5
14..£lxe5 Axe515.-'\.xe3

abc d e f g h

defended successfully in large part be-

cause after ~g5 f4, the queen cannot
safely sustain the attack from g6.
12.••Axh2+ 13.~xh2 .£lg4+ 14.~g3
The <;!tgl line fails to the usual mate in
five. 14.c;t>gl ~h4 15.§el ~xf2+
16.<;!thl ~h4+ 17.c;t>gl ~h2+ 18.<;!tfl
~h1 + 19.<;!te2 ~xg2 "" 14 ... h5 abcdefgh
14 ... ~g5 15.f4+- because the queen
cannot retreat to g6. 15.Ethl! +- d4 The sacrifice relies here upon one addi-
16.exd4 ~xd4 17.Ae3 ~e5+ tional asset, the light-square bishop,
18.Af4 ~xc519.~c2? Black's attack- although the black knight arrives on g4
ing chances end after either ready to capture the unanchored .lle3.
19A:Je4+-or 19.~d2+-. 19 ... g5 This is the first recorded game in which
20.Ae3 ~d6+ 21.~f3 Ete8 22.g3? the defending side sacrifices the queen
Much better is 22.4Je4±. 22 ... ~f6+ to capture the 4Jg4 (or 4Jg5). The idea
Missing a sweet finale with 22 ... §xe3+! works because, for the queen, White
23.fxe3 ~f6+ 24.<;!te2 ~f2+ 25.<;!td1 obtains three minor pieces and a threat
4Jxe3+ -+. 23. ~g2 Et xe3 24.Ae4 that permits him to consolidate his po-
~e5 25.Etxh5 Best is 25.M3 when, to sition fully. 15 ... Axh2+ 16.~xh2
maintain an edge, Black would have to .£lg4+ 17.~xg4 King moves lose
try 25 ... h4. 25 ... Etxg3+! 26.~f1 Not quickly to the 4Jxe3 fork. 17... Axg4
26.fxg3 4Je3+ -+. 26 ... .£lf6 Better is 18..£lf6+ ~g719..£lxg4 Following the
26 ... ~f4 with the threat of ... 4Je3+. queen sacrifice, White emerges with
27.Eth1 Ah3+ 28.~e2 Ag4+ The three minor pieces and excellent activ-
quickest end is 28 ... §xc3 29.bxc3 .llf5 ity for the queen. 19 ... Etfd8 A bit am-
30.f4 ~e6-+. 29.~d2 ~f4+ 30.~e1 bitious is 19 ... ~xb2 20 ..llh6+ c;t>h8
Etxc3! 31.Ah7+ ~g7 32. ~xc3 Ete8+ 21.Af4 (better here to hold on to the
33.~1 Ae2+ 34.~g1 ~g4+ 35.~g3 active bishop) 2l...h5 22 ..lle5+ c;t>h7
.£lxh7 36.~xg4 Axg4 37.~h2 Ete2 23.4Jf6+ c;t>h6 24.d5 §ad8 25.d6= .
38.~g3 Ae6 39.h4 .£lf6 4O.f3 ~g6 20.Ah6+ ~g8 21 . .£le5 f6 21...§d5
41.f4 .£lh5+ 42.~f3 .£lxf443.Ethg1 demonstrates that rooks are poor block-
-'\.d5+ 44. ~g4 Ete3 0-1 aders 22.§ae1 f6 23.4Jxc4 ~c7+


24 ..£JeS fxeS 2S ..llb3 with a winning 'it'g6line invites a mate in two: 10 ... ~g6
skewer 25 ... e4+ 26.~gl +-. 22. .£\xc4 11.hS+ ~fS (11... 'it'h6 12 ..£Jxe6+ +- )
'It:Jc7+ 23.Af4 'It:Jg7 Obviously not 12.g4#. 11.hxg5+ ~gS 'it'g6 again
23 ... ~xc4 24 ..llb3. 24.-'\.b3 ~hS walks into a mate in two: 11...~g6
25..£\d6 +- §d7 26.§ael g5 27.-'\.g3 12.~hS+ ~fS 13.g4#. 12.'lt:Jh5 It's
§fS 28. ~gl 'It:Jg6 29.-'\.e6 §e7 30.d5 mate in six with 12.§h8+! 'it'xh8
h5 31..£\f5 §ee8 32.Ad6 h433.Ac5 (12 ... 'it't7 13.~hS+ g6 14.~h7+ 'it'e8
g4 34.AxfS §xfS 35. .£\xh4 'It:Jg5 lS.~xg6#) 13:~hS+ ~g8 14.g6+-.
36..£\f5 'It:Jd2 37.§e4 §eS 3S.§xg4 12 ... §f5 13.f4 .£\fS 14.g4 g6
~h7 39.§f3 'It:Jel+ 40.~h2 'It:Je5+ 14 ... §xf4! lS.Axf4 g6 16.~h8+ 'it't7
41.§fg31-O 17.0-0-0 .lla6 when an easy win is no-
where to be found. 15. 'It:JhS+ ~f7
(77) Lasker, Em. - Troxler 16.gxf5 exf5 17.0-0-0 a5 IS.§h6
Luzem simul. exhibition 1935 ~e619.'lt:JgS+ ~d7 20.'lt:Jxd5+ 1-0
French Defense [C II]
(78) Koltanowski - Reilly
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 . .£\c3 .£\f6 4.e5 Barcelona 1935
.£\fd7 5..£\f3 Ae7 6.-'\.e3 0-07.Ad3 Queen's Pawn Game [A47]
l.d4 .£\f6 2..£\f3 b6 3.e3 Ab7 4.Ad3
8 c5 5 ..£\bd2 .£\c6 6.c3 e6 7.a3 'It:Jc7
7 S.e4 cxd4 9.cxd4 -'\.e7 10.0-0 0-0
6 11.b4 §ac812.Ab2 d613.§c1 'It:Jb8
5 14.'lt:Je2 §feS 15..£\b3 AfS 16.e5
This time, it's Lasker's tum to try the
sacrifice with a black pawn on f6, and 3
here, the sac is fully sound thanks in 2

no small part to the fact that White can

rely on four additional assets, the .£Jc3, abc d e f g h
the secure eS-pawn, the dark-square
bishop, and the h-pawn. Black's ad- White can rely here upon three addi-
vance of the f-pawn leaves e6 weak, tional assets, the eS-pawn, the dark-
and so, Black has no choice but to cap- square bishop, and the §c1, although
ture the knight. The lines are beautiful, the .llb2 is offthe key diagonal and the
marred only by Lasker's unfortunate §c1 does not have a quick entry into
miss of a mate in six. 9.Axh7+! ~xh7 the position. Black correctly selects the
10..£\g5+ fxg5 The retreat to 10 ... 'it'g8 ~g6 line, where the correct attack be-
invites 11..£Jxe6 ~e8 12 ..£Jxc7 +- ; the ginning with ~e4 is complex and in-

Sacking the Citadel

structive. ~e4+ eliminates the possi- 33.~h2 #) 28.~h7+ 'it'g5 29.~d4 <it'f6
bility of .. .f6 and still provides direct 30.f4 ~xf4 31.~xf5+ and this is the rea-
access to ~h4. White selects ~g4, son. White eliminated the e6-pawn on
when f6 is playable because the dis- move 24. 31...<it'e7 32.~xf4+-. 19...f5
covered check nets insufficient com- Black should have tried 19 .. .f6! forcing
pensation. 17.Axh7+! <jfjlxh7 an immediate 20.~xe6+ (20.~e4+
18.4)g5+ <jfjlg6 The <it'g8 retreat loses 'it'f7+) 20 ... <it'f7+. 20.~h4 4)f6
quickly because, with the .ll.f8, Black 20 ... dxe5 21.dxe5 ~xe5 22.l'!xc8 as
has no effective way to vacate the f8- above in the 19.~e4+ line. 21.exf6
square. 18 ... <it'g8 19.~h5 ~f6 20.exf6 <jfjlxf6 22.Elxc6 The most direct path
.ll.e7 21.~h7+ <it'f8 22.~h8#. Although to the win is with 22.d5+ since 22 ... e5
White's dark-square bishop is off the 23.~e6+ 'it'g8 24.~g5 is mate in two.
c1-h6 diagonal, White has the ~g4-h4 22 ... Axc6 23.d5+ e5 24.dxc6 Elxc6
maneuver and available reinforcements 25.f4 g6 26.4)d4 exd4 27. ~h7 Ag7
in the <it'h61ine. 18 ... <it'h6 19. ~g4 dxe5 28..1l,xd4+ Ele5 29.4)£31-0
20.dxe5 l'!c7 (20 ... l'!e7 21.~h4+ <it'g6
22.~h7+ 'it'xg5 23.h4+ <it'f4 24.l'!c4+ (79) Capablanca - Ribera Arnal
~d4 25.~xd4 <it'xe5 26.~b5+ ~c3 Barcelona simul. exhibition 1935
27 ..ll.xc3+ <it'd5 28.~e4#) 21.~h4+ Caro-Kann Defense [B 17]
'it'g6 22.~h7+ <it'xg5 23.l'!c3 ~xc3
24.f4+ 'it'g4 25.~h3#. 19.~g4 l.e4 c6 2.4)c3 d5 3.4)f3 dxe4
19.~g4 is less accurate because Black 4.4) xe4 4)d7 5.d4 4)gf6 6.4)g3 e6
can play 19 .. .f6. The usual alternative 7 ..1l,d3 Ae7 8.0-0 0-0 9.~e2 c5
19.~d3+!? forces f5 when White may 10.Eldl ~c711.Ag5 b612.d5 4) xd5
be pleased to have eliminated 19 .. .f6 13..1l,xe74)xe7
from consideration, but White must
now play 20.~g3 Ae7 21.~xe6+ <it'f7 8
22.~xg7+ <it'xe6 23.~g6+ 'it'd7 7
24. ~xf5+ <it'd8 +. The best move for 6
White is 19.~e4+ because White elimi- 5
nates 19 .. .f6 and can move now directly
to h4, a key square because the black
rook would not have an anchor on h8.
19 .. .f5 20.~h4 dxe5 with the typical
counter in the center, 21.dxe5 ~xe5
22.l'!xc8 l'!xc8 23.l'!e1 when White abcdefgh
places pressure on the e-file aiming for
e6. 23 ... .ll.d6 24.~xe6! (not yet 24.~h7+ White has two additional assets in the
<it'xg5 when White can muster no more position, the l'!d1 and the ~g3. In the
than a perpetual with 25.~xg7+ <it'h5 <it'g8 line, Capablanca sacrifices an ad-
26.~h7+) 24 ... <it'f7 25.~g5+! <it'g6 and ditional exchange in order to prevent
only now 26.~h7+ <it'xg5 (26 ... <it'f6 Black from defending with ~f6. The
27.~d4+-) 27.~xg7+ <it'h5 (27 ... ~g6 world champion misses his way on
28.h4+ <it'h5 29.~h7+ 'it'g4 30.f3+ <it'g3 move 19, but two moves later capital-
31.~xg6+ <it'xh4 32.~h6+ 'it'g3 izes on a more significant Black mistake


to deliver a spectacular checkmate. The Greco Sacrifice: 1936-1959

14.j}"xh7+ Ciftxh715..£'jg5+ Ciftg8 The
4::lg3 simplifies the ~h6 and ~g6Iines, As we approach the modem era, the
which lead to quick mates even without Greco Sacrifices become qualitatively
a dark-square bishop: 15 ... ~h6 stronger. Once again, many of the
16.~h5; 15 ... ~g6 16.~h5+ ~f6 period's best players, notably Euwe,
17.4::l5e4# or 17.4::lh7#. 16.Elxd7The Furman, Geller, Kotov, Kottnauer,
exchange sacrifice is required to prevent Olafsson, Pachman, Panov, Pirc,
16.~h5 4::lf6-+. 16....~xd717 ..~h5 Rossetto, Spassky, and Uhlmann con-
Eld8 Correctly avoiding 17 ... E!e8 tribute to the collection. Overall, there
18.~xf7+ ~h8 19.4::lh5 4::ld5 20.~g6 appears to be a better understanding of
'it'g8 21.c4+-. 18"~xf7+ The f7-pawn when to sacrifice, how best to prepare
is the right one to take. On 18.~h7+ it, and how to conduct the attack and
~f8 19.~h8+ 4::lg8 20.4::lh7+ ~e7 the defense.
White does not have a dark-square
bishop for ~g5+and therefore would In my view, five of the games in this
need to lash out with 21.4::lf5+ exf5 section stand above the rest. Vukovic
22.E!el+ ~e6-+. 18 .•• Cifth8 19.h4 uses Kottnauer-Kotov (game 93) as an
Creating tuft powerfully, with the idea example ofa successful Greco Sacrifice.
of both h4-h5 and 4::lh5. Among the al- The game is tactically rich and an ex-
ternatives: (a) The tuft is required prior ample of chess in the modem era. Just a
to 19.4::lh5 ~dl +; (b) Barging in with year after the game, Kottnauer is again
19.~h5+ leads only to a perpetual: tested in the line, this time by Pachman
19 ... 'it'g8 20.~h7+ ~f8 21.~h8+ 4::lg8 (game 95) who has had an opportunity
22.4::lh7+ ~f7 23.4::lg5+=; and (c) The to study the first game and attempt an
best may be 19.E!el! ~e8 20.4::lh5 ~xf7 improvement. It is interesting that all of
21.4::lxf7+ ~g8 22.4::lxd8+- . 19.•. .£'jf5? the players, and Vukovic himself, draw
(better is 19 ... ~e8! 20.4::l3e4 with the the wrong conclusion about the line,
ideaof4::ld6 or4::lf6) 20 ... ~xf7 21.4::lxf7+ but the games remain extremely inter-
'it'g8 22.4::lxd8±. 20. .£'jh5 White wins esting. Black can indeed defend, as
unambiguously with 20.~g6! ~g8 Vukovic ought to have predicted given
21.4::lxf5 exf5 22.E!el 'it'f8 when the h- the white position's lack of adequate
pawn demolishes the remains of the resources.
kingside: 23.h5 .llb7 24.h6 gxh6
(24 ... .lle4 25.h7) 25.'i~1xh6+ ~g8 Furman-Geller (game 120) is an exciting
26.E!e6+-. 20 ....~e8? Underestimat- encounter in which White prepares the
ing the simplification with 20 ... ~xf7! Greco Sacrifice with an additional ex-
21.4::lxf7+ ~g8 22.4::lxd8 .lld7 -+ when change sacrifice and Black, also a
White must struggle to save the knight: strong tactician, defends accurately by
23.4::lb7 ~c6 24.g4 4::lxh4 25.4::ld6 4::lf3+ returning a piece to place the queen on
and 26 ... E!d8 with the advantage. the key bl-h7 diagonal. In a sign of
21 ..£'jf611--O Setting up a lovely smoth- modem times, the sacrifice leads to a
ered mate by the two knights. 21.4::lf6 slightly favorable endgame for White.
~xf7 22.4::lxf7#.

Sacking the Citadel

I highly recommend Schuste-Niephaus ing ~g4. Black's two main tries both
(game 121) which involves a remarkable appear to fail: (a) 15 ... ~d7 16.~g4 f5
pawn sacrifice to open the b1-h7 diago- when White can interpolate 17.h5+ 'it'f6
nal for the white bishop. Finally, there 18.4Jh7+ 'it'f7 19.~g6+ 'it'g8
is a young Boris Spassky (game 125) 20.4Jg5+-; and (b) 15 ... e5 16.~g4 f5
defending with such precision that ob- (once again, White benefits from hav-
servers might well have predicted his ing prepared rather than played ~g4)
glorious future. 17.h5+ <i1tf6 (17 ... 'it'h6 18.4Je6+ g5
19.hxg6+ f4 20.4Jxd8+-) 18.~h4 .§e8
(80) Verbruggen - Simon 19.~f4 exf4 (19 ... ~c7 20 ..§ad1 .§ad8
Correspondence 1936 21.d5 +-) 20.4Je6+ +-. Playing ~g4
Queen's Pawn Game [D05] walks into a challenge because Black's
dark-square bishop controls g3 and
l.d4 /ilf6 2./ilf3 e6 3.e3 c5 4.c3 /ilc6 Black can counter pressure on the h-
5.Ad3 d5 6./ilbd2 c4 7.Ac2 b5 S.O- file with an anchored §.h8. 15.~g4 f5
o Ab7 9.Etel Ad6 10.e4 dxe4 16.~h3 e5 17.g4 <i1tf6 with high hopes
1l./ilxe4/ilxe412.Axe40-0 to survive. Black could also try 17 ... §.h8
but White appears to have great play
8 with 18.gxf5+ 'it'f619.~g2 4Ja5 20.~g4
7 ~g8 21.dxe5+ ~xe5 22 ..§xe5 'it'xe5

6 23.~f4+ 'it'f6 (23 ... 'it'd5 24.~d1 + 'it'c5

5 25.~d6#) 24.4Je4+ 1.txe4 25.~g6+

<i1te7 26.~d6+ 'it'e8 (26 ... 'it'f7 27.~e6+
<i1tfS 28.~d6#) 27 ..§e1 +-. 15 ...f5 Or
15 ... <i1tf6, offering an exchange and with
the idea of <i1te7 or g6 and
'it'g7;.Unplayable is 15 ... 'it'h516.~h7+
abc d e f g h 'it'g417.f3#. 16./ilxe6 Black is fine af-
ter 16 ..§xe6+ .§f6. 16 ... ~h4 Or
Although White does not have a pawn 16 ... .§e8 17.d5 ~d7 to escape the fork.
on e5, the attack prevails owing to help 17./ilxfS+ EtxfSlS.h3 /ildS Better is
from the ~c1 and the .§el. In a corre- 18 ... .§f6 to take command over the sixth
spondence game where precise play is rank. 19.Ae3 Ae4 20.~dl f4-+
expected, White misses a more accu- 21.f3 Af5 Simplest is 21...fxe3 22.fxe4
rate continuation with 15.h4, anchor- ~g3 23 ..§f1 ~f2+ 24.'it'h1 ~xe4-+.
ing the 4Jg5 but also, in conjunction 22.Af2 ~h5 23.~f1 Ad3+ 24.~gl
with ~g4, threatening the powerful h5+ ~f6 25.a4 /ile6 26.axb5 EthS
when the 'it'f6 retreat meets ~h4. De- 27.Eta6 ~d5 2S.~d2 ~f5 29.Etxa7
fending with .. .f5 weakens the e6-pawn /ilg5 30.h4 /ilxf3+ 31.gxf3 ~xf3
with the 4Jg5 supporting .§e1-e6( +). 32.Etxg7 Ae4 33.Etxe4 ~xe4 34.~el
13.Axh7+?! ~xh7 14./ilg5+ ~g6 ~xel + 35.Axel f3 36.Af2 EtaS
14 ... <i1tg815.~h5+- when, once again, 37.Ae3 Etal + 38.~f2 ~e4 39.Etg4+
it's mate in five with 16.~xf7 after .§e8. ~f5 40.Etgl Etxgl 41.~xgl ~g4
15. ~c2+ The best move appears to be 42.M2 ~5 43.b61--O
15.h4! with the idea ofh5+ and prepar-


(81) Baikovicius - Ernst 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£)e3 .£)f6 4.Ag5

Munich Olympiad 1936 Ae7 5.e5 .£)fd7 6.Axe7 ~xe7
Queen's Pawn Game [A80] 7. ~g4 0--0 8 ..£)f3 e5 9.Ad3 exd4

1.d4 d5 2)~)f3 e6 3.e3 f5 4.Ad3 .£)f6

5.~e2 Ad6 6 ..£)bd2 .£)bd7 7.0--0
.£)e4 8.e4 e6 9 ..£)e1 0--0 10.Axe4
dxe411.f3 exf3 12..£)dxf3 e513.d5
exd5 14.exd5 .£)f6 15.~e4 e4

abc d e f g h

With the 4:lc3 en prise, Black gains a

plausible defense with iii'xg5. White
therefore avoids 11.iii'h5 in order to
preserve the black king on h7. White
has an edge through the middlegame,
abc d e f g h but misses repeated opportunities such
as 24.iii'cl-a3 and 35.a4 to play more
White selects the wrong defense, be- actively. 10.Axh7+ Cit'xh711 ..£)g5+
lieving perhaps that Black would not Normally, White would play 11. ~h5+!?
be able to pry open the c8-h3 diagonal. to limit Black's options. But with the
That task proves to be relatively simple. 4:lc3 en prise, White might rightly ask
16.•.Axh2+ 17.Cit'xh2 .£)g4+ 18.Cit'h3 whether his position would be better
The best defense, with 18.~gl, works with the black king on g8 or h7.
because both of White's knights are 11 ••• ~xg5 In the end, it's Black's
able to reach the key f3-square. 18.'it'gl! choice. The queen can capture immedi-
~h4 when White can reach approximate ately or wait until after the king has re-
equality by returning the piece with treated: 11...'it'g8 12.iii'h5 iii'xg5
19.4:lef3 or by fighting for the key di- 13.iii'xg5 dxc314.bxc3 4:lc615.f4 4:lc5.
agonal with 19.~c7 f4 20.4:lef3. In the 12.~xg5 dxe313.hxe3 .£)e614.f4
~g6 line, the absence of an f-pawn re- f!h8 Making good use of the 'it'h7 top
quires that White meet 18.~g3 ~d6+ activate the rook on the h-file. 15.0--0
with 19.1:'!f4 g5-+ .18•.. ~d619..£)df3 .£)e5 16.f!f3 Cit'g8 17.f!d1 .£)e4
exf3 20..£) xf3 f4 21. ~e2 ~h6+ ~1 18. ~g4 h5 19.f!dd3 .£)e7 20.f!h3
22.4:lh4 4:lf2+ 23.~h2 iii'xh4+ f!xh3 21.~xh3 .£)g6 22.~e3 Ad7
23.g3 .£)e7 24. ~e2 f!c8 25. ~e3 f!e7
(82) Michel- Rellstab 26.g4 .£)g6 27.h4 .£)xh4 28.~h3
Bad Elster 1937 .£)g6 29.~h2 f!xe3 30.f!xe3 .£)xe3
French Defense [CI4] 31.~f2 d4 32.Cit'h2 .£)d5 33.~xd4
.£)gxf434.~xa7 Ae835.~b8Miss-

Sacking the Citadel

ing the win: 35.a4 bxa4 36.c4 +- . 24.~xg4 h5+ 25.~g5 (Black has the
35 •.• \tIfS 36.~d6+ \tIgS 37.~bS resources for the mating net) 25 ... ~g3+
\tIfS 3S. ~d6+ \tIgS %-Yz 26.~xh5 g6+ 27.fxg6 Elf4 28.Elhl
~g7 -+. The ~g3 line does not work
(83) Konstantinopolsky - Panov because Black can play ~g5 and ~h5.
Kiev 1938 The mating net in that line, which in-
Nimzo-Larsen Opening [A4 7] volves a further sacrifice of the <£\g4, is
instructive. The ~g3 line ends quickly
Vasily Panov (1906-1973) was a because White cannot dislodge the
chessplayer, author, and journalist. He ~g5. 21.~g3 ~g5 22.~d2 f4+ 23.~f3
won the Moscow City Championship <£\h2+ 24.~f2 ~g3+ 25.~gl <£\g4 -+.
in 1929, and he played in five USSR 21 ... ~h4 22.g3 Forced to defend h2.
Championships. His best result was a 22 ... ~xg3+ 23.~g2 On 23.~f1 or
23.~hl fxe4+-+. 23 .•• ~h4 24..§e2
clear first at Kiev, 1938. Panov is best
Not 24.d5 f4 25.dxe5 Elf5 -+. 24 •.. f4
remembered for his theoretical contri-
25. ~f3 4)e3 26..§h2 ~g5+ 27. \tIh1
butions in the Caro-Kann Defense and
~g3 2S..11.e2 4) xd1 29.4) xd1 ~e1 +
the Ruy Lopez.
30.\tIg2 .§f6 31.4)f2 .§g6+ 32.4)g4
.§xg4+ 33.~xg4 .11.xe4+ 34. .11.B
1.4)£3 4)f6 2.b3 b6 3 ..11.b2 .11.b74.e3 ~e2+ 35.\tIh3 ~xf3+ 36.~xB
e6 5.d4 .11.e7 6 ..11.d3 0-0 7.4)bd2 d5 .11.xf3 37..§f2 .11.e4 3S•.§xf4 .11.b1
S.O-O 4)e4 9.c4 4)d7 10.~c2 a6 39.a3 .§fS 40..§xfS+ \tIxfS 41.b4
11 ..§ad1.11.d612.4)e5 ~e713.4)b1 \tIf7 42.\tIg3 g5 43.a4 .11.c2 44.a5
f5 14.4)xd7 ~xd7 15.f3 4)f6 bxa5 45.bxa5 .11.b3 46.c5 .11.d5
16.4)c3 ~e7 17. .§fe1 .§f7 1S.e4 47 ..11.c1 \tIg6 4S..11.e3 c6 49.\tIh3
dxe419.fxe4 \tIf5 50 . .11.f2 h5 51 . .11.g3 .11.c4
52 ..11.d6.11.fl + 53.\tIg3 h4+ 54.\tIf2
8 .11.c4 55.\tIe3 .11.d5 56..11.c7 \tIg4
7 57.\tIf2 \tIh5 0-1
(84) Koltanowski - Yanofsky
Winapeg exhibition 1938
Nirnzo-Indian Defense [D45]
2 1.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3 .11.b4 4.e3
d5 5.4)f3 c6 6 ..11.d3 0-0 7.0-0 dxc4
abcdefgh S•.11.xc4 b5 9 ..11.d3 a6 10.e4 Ab7
11. ~e2 c5 12.e5 4)fd713.a3 cxd4
A rare example in which, in the ~glline, 14.axb4 dxc3 15.bxc3 ~c7
~d6 is preferable to ~h4 because the 16..11.xh7+ (D)
~d6 gains the additional option of
~xd4+. 19•••.11.xh2+120.\tIxh2 4)g4+ For additional assets, White counts
21.\tIg1 In the ~h3 line, Black has upon the e5-pawn and the dark-square
~g5-h5-h2, forcing the king out into bishop. 16... \tIhS Rather than declin-
the open with 24.~xg5. 21.~h3 ing the sacrifice, Black's best hope was
~g5-+ 22.exf5 ~h5+ 23.~g3 ~h2+
to accept the sacrifice and to select the


1.e4 c6 2.c4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.d4 4)f6

8 5.4)c3 e6 6.4)f3 ~a5 7.Ad2 .1l,b4
7 S.a3 .1lxc3 9 ..1l,xc3 ~dS 10.c5 0-0
6 1l..1l,d3 4)c6 12.0-0 ~c7 13.E!el
5 4)d714.b4 b615.h5 4)xd416..1l,xd4
hxc517.E!cl ~b6
abc d e f g h
~g8Iine, when the return of the mate-
rial with ite4 prevents the checkmate 3
on h7 and forces White to work hard to 2

earn the point. 16... '.t>xh717.<tJg5+ ~g8

18.~h5 ite4 (White has an easier time abc d e f g h
after 18 .. Jk819.~xf7+ '.t>h8 20.~h5+
~g8 21.~h7+ ~f8 22.~h8+ '.t>e7 Having already won a piece in a sloppy
23.~xg7+ '.t>d8 24.~g8+ <tJf8 25.~xf8+ opening, White's sacrifice is over-
~d7 26.~f7+ ~c6 27.~xe6+ +-) whelming. The presence of the §e1 and
19AJxe4 ~xe5 20.~f3 <tJb6 21.itf4 the dark-square bishop on the unob-
~f5 22.<tJg3 ~g6 23.~b7 ±. In the '.t>g6 structed long diagonal represent very
line, with Black's pressure upon the e5- strong additional assets. In the '.t>g6line
pawn, White must select 18.~d3+ as played in the game, the white queen
rather than 18.~g4 <tJxe5. 17 ... '.t>g6 quickly reaches g7. IS..1lxh7+ ~xh7
18.~d3+! (not 18.~g4 <tJxe5) 1B .. .f5 19.4)g5+ White misses a quick win
(1B ... ~h5 19.~h7+ ~g4 20.~h3#) because 19.~d3+ first eliminates the
19.~g3+- ~c4 (The e-pawn remains ~h6 line owing to the possibility of
immune: 19 ... <tJxe5 20.<tJxe6+; ~d3-e3: 19 .. .f5 (19 ... g6 20.<tJg5+ ~g8
19 ... ~xe5 20.itf4) 20.itf4 <tJc6 21.~h3+-) 20.<tJg5+ '.t>g8 21.~h3 §f6
21.§fd1 +- . 17..1l,e4 4)c61S.4)g5 g6 22.~h7+ '.t>f8 23.~h8+ '.t>e7
19. ~g4 4)dxe5 20. ~h4+ ~g7 24.~xg7++-. 19 .•• ~g6 In the ~g8
21.4)h3 f5 22.Ah6+ ~gS 23 ..1l,xfS line, the itd4 turns the usual mate in
fxe4 24..1l,c5 ~g7 25.~xe4 4)dS five into a mate in two. 19 ... '.t>g8 20.~h5
26. ~d4 4)dc6 27. ~d6 ~f7 2S.f4 §eB (20 ... <tJf6 21.itxf6+-) 21.~xf7+
4)c4 29. ~d3 AcS 30.E!f3 e5 ~h8 22.itxg7#. In the '.t>h6line, White
31.fxe5 Af5 32.E!xf5 gxf5 33.4)f2 overruns the position quickly with
§d8 34. ~g3+ ~h7 35.E!xa6 4)4xe5 ~g4-h4-h7. 19 ... ~h6 20.§xc5 <tJxc5
36.~h4+ \t>g637.Ad4 ~d5 38.~g3+ (20 ... '.t>xg5 21.~d2+ '.t>g6 22.~d3+ f5
~ 39.~f4 4)d7 4O.g41-O 23.~g3+ '.t>f7 24.~xg7+ '.t>e8
25.§c6+-) 21.~g4 e5 22.~h4+ '.t>g6
(85) Ekenberg - Salazar 23.~h7+ ~f6 (23 ... '.t>xg5
Buenos Aires Olympiad 1939 24.§xe5++-) 24.§xe5 <tJe6 25.§xe6+
Caro-Kann Defense [B 14] '.t>xg5 26.~xg7++-. 20.~d3+1 Much

Sacking the Citadel

less exciting but effective nonetheless Ab714.a40-0 15.a5 ~c716.Axf6

is the conventional 20. ~g4 4Jf6 .£!xf617.e5? .£!xd5 (D)
2Ulxf6 (21.~g3 4Jh5 when, to win,
White would need finally to play To initiate the sacrifice, White first had
22.~d3++-) 21...'ifixf6 22.4Jh7+ 'ifie7 to trade his dark-square bishop and with
23.~xg7 ~b7 24.Ek3+-. 20 ••• lit'xg5
Declining the capture with 20 .. .f5 gives
up the queen, 21.E!xe6+, but king re-
treats fare no better: 20 ... 'ifih5 when it's
mate in five: 21.~h7+ 'ifixg5 22.f4+ 'ifig4
(22 ... ~xf4 23.~h5 cxd4 24.g3#)
23.h3+ ~g3 (23 ... 'ifixf4 24.~h4+ 'ifif5
25.~g4#) 24.~xg7+ 'it'xf4 25.~g4#.
21:~g3+ Not surprisingly, there are
mates in the air. Here, it's mate in six
with: 21.f4+ 'ifih6 22.~h3+ 'ifig6 abcdefgh
23.~g4+ 'it'h7 (23 ... 'ifih6 24.~xg7+
'ifih5 25.~g5#) 24.~xg7# (a) 17.e5, lost the d-pawn. Black is win-
21...'ifih5 22.g4+ 'ifixg4 (22 ... 'ifih6 ning in all three main lines. In the game,
23.~h3+ 'ifig6 24.~h5 #) 23.~g3+ 'ifif5 Black selects the 'it'h6 line, illustrating
24.~g5#; and (b) 21...'ifixf4 22.~g3+ the difficulty that the attacking side can
'ifif5 23.E!fl + ~e4 24.E!f4 # .21 •.. lit'h5 have once the dark-square bishop is
22. ~h3+ Missing a mate in four with gone. 18.Axh7+? lit'xh7 19..£!g5+
22.~f6 gxf6 (22 ... 4Jxf6 23.E!e5+ ~h6 lit'h6 In the 'ifigS line, the black ~c7
24.~h4+ 'ifig6 25.E!g5 #) 23.E!c4 dxc4 guards f7 permitting the safe retreat of
24.E!e4+-. 22 ••• lit'g5 After 22 ...'ifig6 the E!fS. 19 ... 'it'gS 20.~h5 E!fdS
it's mate in five: 23.~g4+ 'ifih6 21.~h7+ 'it'fS 22.~hS+ 'ifie7 23.~xg7
(23 ... 'ifih7 24.~xg7#) 24.~xg7+ 'ifih5 E!f8-+. The defense in the 'it'g6line is
25.~f6 4Jxf6 26.E!e5+ 'it'h4 27.~g3#. more complex, but White cannot sus-
23.f4+ lit'xf4 23 ... ~g6 permits mate in tain the queen on the g-file after 20.~g4
three with 24.~g4+ ~h6 25.~xg7+ 4Je3 or 20 ... f5 21.~g3 f4 22.~g4
'it'h5 26. ~g5 #. 24. ~g3+ 1-0 Missing ~xf2+! 19 ... 'it'g6 20.~g4 4Je3 (20 .. .f5
a mate in two with 24.~h5 and 25.g3#, 21.~g3 f4 22.~g4 ~xf2+) 21.fxe3
but a mate in three is good enough to (21.~g3 4Jf5! [21...4Jxfl? 22.E!xfl +- ]
force resignation: 24 ... 'ifif5 25.E!fl + 22.~g4 'ifih6! 23.~f4 ~e7 24.h4 4Jxh4
'ifie4 26.~e3# or 26.E!f4#. 25.~xh4+ ~g6-+) 21...~xe3+-+.
20. ~d2 Black can respond to both
(86) Maderna - Piazzini 20.4Jce4 and 20. ~g4 with ~xe5 -+ .
Buenos Aires 1940 20 ... lit'g6 Black can also win by shut-
Slav Defense [D48] ting down the diagonal with
20 ... 4Je3-+. 21.~c2+ lit'xg5 Not all
I ..£!0 d5 2.c4 c6 3.d4 .£!f6 4.e3 e6 captures of the 4Jg510se. 22.~h7 The
5 ..£!c3 .£!bd7 6.Ad3 dxc4 7.Axc4 standard try and the best move, but the
b5 8.Ad3 a6 9.e4 c5 10.d5 c4 queen alone cannot mate the king.
1l.Ac2 Ac5 12.Ag5 ~b6 13.0-0 27... ~xe5 After 22 ... E!hS! 23.~xg7+


'it'h5-+ there's no way for White to pressure down the c-fiIe. 23 ..Q.xh7+
force a mate. 23..£Je4+ ~xe4 24.~xe4 'it>xh7 24..£Jg5+ 'it>g81 In the 'it'h6Iine,
'it>f6 25. ~h4+ g5 26. ~h6+ 'it>e7 it's useful to see the power of placing
27..§adl Somewhat better is 27.~xg5+ the queen on the b1-h7 diagonal be-
'it'd7 28.):'(fd1 ):'(g8 29.~h5 ):'(g6 30.):,(d2 cause once again the defender cannot
):'( ag8 31.g3 'it'c8 -+ but the black king safely capture the ~g5. 24 ... ~h6
is able to find a safe haven on the 25.~b1 ~xg5 and it's already mate in
queens ide. 27 .•. .§g8 28. .§fel .£Jf4 three with 26.~c1 + ~xg4 27.):,(h4+ ~f5
29..§e5 .£Jd3 30..§e2 .§ad8 31.'it>f1 28. ~f4 # . Alternatives to capturing the
.Q.xg2+ 32.'it>xg2 .£Jf4+ 33.'it>f3 .§xdl knight don't fare much better: (a)
34.~h7 .§d3+ 35..§e3 .Q.xe3 36.~xg8 25 ... ~f5 26.gxf5 ):,(xf5 27.~xe6 (over-
.Q.d4+ 37.'it>g4 f5+ 38.'it>xg5 .£Jd5 loading the Ad7) 27 ...Axe6 28.):'(xc6; (b)
39.h4 .Q.f6+ 4O.'it>h5 .§h3 41.~h7+ 25 ... ~xe5 26.'~h7+ (forcing the king to
'it>d6 42. 'it>g6 .§ xh4 0-1 capture on g5) 26 ... ~xg5 27.~xg7+ +-
~7g6 28.hxg6 ):,(h8 29.Ah4+ ):,(xh4
(87) Hahn - Normann 30.f4+ 'it'xg4 (30 ... ~xf4 allows a mate
Bad Elster 1940 in four, 31.~f6+ ~e4 32.):'(el+ ~d3
Caro-Kann Defense [B 12] [32 ... ~d4 33.~f2+ ~d3 34.):'(c3#]
33.):'(c3+ ~d2 [33 ... ~d4 34.'~f2#]
34.~f2#) 31.):,(xh4+ starts a mate in
l.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Af5 4.g4 Ad7
5.Ad3 e6 6..£le2 c5 7.c3 .£lc6 8..£ld2 eight; and (c) 25 ... ):,(h8 26.~f7#.
cxd4 9.cxd4 f6 10..£lf3 fxe5 1l.dxe5 25. ~c21 .£Jf5 Both alternatives are in-
structively crushed by rook sacrifices:
~c7 12.Af4 Ab4+ 13.~f1 .£lge7
25 ... g6 26.hxg6 ~d4 27.):,(h8+! ~xh8
14.§c1 a615..£led4 ~b816..£lb3 Aa5
(or 27 ... ~g7 28.):,(h7+ ~g8 29.~f7 +-)
17.~g2 0-0 18.Ag3 Ab6 19.h4 a5
28.g7+ ~xg7 29.~h7# and 25 ... ):,(f5
20.h5 a4 21 ..£lc5 Axc5 22.§xc5 b6
26.gxf5 ~d4 27.~b1 bxc5 28.h6 gxh6
29.):,(xh6 ~dxf5 30.):,(h8+! ~xh8
(30 ... ~g7 31.):,(h7+ 'it'f8 32.~h1 +-)
7 31.~h1 + +-. 26..§xc6 .Q.xc6 27. ~xc6
6 .£Jd4 28.~c3 .£Je2 29.~c2 .£Jf4+
5 30 . .Q.xf4 .§xf4 31.~h7+ 'it>f8
4 32..£Jxe6+ 'it>e7 33..£Jxf4 ~xe51--O
3 Black obviously resigned before wait-
2 ing for White's obvious response,
33 ... ~xe5 34.~g6+.
abc d e f g h
(88) Cruz Filho - De Souza Mendes
Rio de Janeiro 1940
Here, an unusual example with ad- Queen's Gambit Declined [D46]
vanced kingside pawns and a rook on
c5 that remains en prise for a long time l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3..£Jc3 c6 4 ..£Jf3 .£Jd7
in most lines and yet eventually con- 5.e3 .£Jgf6 6 ..Q.d3 .Q.d6 7.0--0 0--0
tributes as a key asset. In the ~g8 line, 8.~e2 dxc4 9.Axc4 e5 10.dxe5
as played in the game, ~c2 threatens .£Jxe511 ..£Jxe5 .Q.xe512..§dl (12.f4)
mate and helps the ):'(c5 to increase the 12... ~e713.~c2 (D) Black's position

Sacking the Citadel

is preferable after 13 ... .lle6 or 13 ... .llg4. with 29 ... ~b6+ 30.'<t'c4 ~a6+ 31.'<t'b3
After the sacrifice, White can wind ~b5+32.\t>a3~b4#. 29.~xc4~xf2!
through to equality or a small advan- 30.~xe4 l3.c8 31.~a3 ~xc2
tage in both main 32.~xc2l3.xc2 33.b3 Af3 34.Ab2
h5 35.Ad4a6 36.~b4 f6 37.Ac3 h4
38.l3.g1 h3 0-1

(89) Graf - Eliskases

Mar del Plata 1941
Polish Defense [A46]

l.d4 .£)f6 2..£)f3 b5 3.e3 a6 4.c4 bxc4

5.Axc4 e6 6 ..£)c3 d5 7.Ab3 Ad6
8.Ad2 0-0 .£)bd7 10. .£)a4
abc d e f g h ~e711. ~c2 .£)e412.0--0 c513.dxc5
.£)dxc514..£) xc5 Axc515.Aa5 Ab7
lines. In the \t>glline, the king's rook is 16.l3.fdl l3.ac8 17. ~e2 f5 18. .£)d2
on d1 and the white queen already de- .£)f6 19.13.el ~h8 20.a3 Ad6
fends f2, giving White time to mount 21.l3.xc8l3.xc8 22.Ac3 e5 23.~d3
an effective defense. 13 •.• Axh2+ e424.~f1
14.~xh2 .£)g4+ 15.~gl After\t>g3,
the black queen cannot stay on the g- 8
file, but White's lack of queenside de- 7
velopment and inability to organize the
rooks for coordinated defense with El.h1
gives White no meaningful chances for
a win. 15.\t>g3 ~g5 (15 ... ~e5+ 16.f4
~h5 17.El.d4+-) 16.f4 ~h5 17 ..lld3 3 If~~~:, .. )
(17.El.d4 ~h2+ lS.\t>f3 ~h4=) 17 ... g5 2
lS.f5 (lS.Axh7+ \t>g7=) lS ... ~h4+
19.\t>f3 <£le5+ 20.\t>e2 ~h2=. abcdefgh
15 ... ~h416..£)e416.El.d4 provides a
safe path to equality with 16 ... ~h2+ White's retreat with 24. ~f1 loses
17.\t>f1 ~h1 + lS.\t>e2 ~xg2 19.<£le4=. quickly. The game involves the \t>g3Iine,
16 ... Af5 17.Ad3 ~h2+ 18.~fl when 26 ... ~d6+ leads to two consecu-
~hl + 19.~e2 ~xg2 20.~d2 White tive discovered checks and a pleasing
can put up a greater fuss with 20 ..lld2 mating net. 24 .•• Axh2+! 25.~xh2
1.txe4 21..llxe4 ~xf2+ 22.\t>d3 but .£)g4+ 26.~g3 In the \t>glline, Black
Black still breaks through with 22 ... f5 must first sacrifice another exchange to
23 ..llh1 El.adS+ 24.'<t'c3 El.feS-+. prevent the .llc3 from reaching e5. Af-
20 .•• l3.adS 21.~c3l3.xd3+ 22.~xd3 ter the exchange sac, the white queen
Axe4 23.~d4 Af3 24.l3.d2 .£)f6 cannot simultaneously defend the f2-
25.~b3 .£)e4 26.l3.c2 c5 27.~e5 pawn and create an effective escape for
Adl 28.~d5 c4+ Or 2S ... ~g6 be- the white king. 26.'<t'gl El.xc3 (26 ... ~h4
cause 29.~xd1 enables a mate in four 27.1.te5 <£lxe5 -+) 27.Jld1 (27.bxc3


~h4 -+) 27 ... §c2 -+. 26 ... ~d6+ net the black .llc5. 14.Axh7+ ~xh7
26 ... ~g5 27.f4 ~g6 28.~gl= and there 15.~g5+ ~g6 In the ~g8 line, White
is no way to make meaningful progress. again achieves the standard mate in
27.f4 The two king moves are quickly five. 15 ... ~g816.i£th5 §e8 (the effort
mated: 27.~h4 i£th6+ 28.~g3 i£th2#; to sacrifice the knight on f6 in order to
27.~h3 ~h2#. 27 ... exf3+ 28.~xf3 place the queen on d3 again fails to the
Obviously not 28.~h3 i£th2 # but the active fxg7: 16 ... <£Jf6 17.exf6 ~d3
win is tougher after 28.~h4 when it's 18.fxg7 ~xg7 19.<£Jxe6+ fxe6
mate in seven with 28 ... i£th2+ 29.~g5 20 ..llh6++-) 17.~xf7+ ~h818.~h5+
~h6+ (29 ... §d6, ... h6, and even ... <£Jxe3 ~g8 19.i£th7+ ~f8 20.~h8+ ~e7
also start mates in six) 30.~xf5 <£Jxe3+ 21.~xg7#. 16.~d3+ (a) 16.h4 §h8
31.§xe3 §fB+ 32.~g4 (32.~e5 i£tf6#) (entering a position similar to the game
32 ... §f4+ 33.~g3 ~h4#. 2S ... d4+ except that the 16.h4 §h8 move pair
29.~e2 dxc3 30.bxc3 ladS 31.lad1 has been inserted) 17.i£tc2+ f5 18.exf6+
~d3+ 32.~e1 ~xe3+ 33.~e2 ~g3+ ~xf6 19.<£Jce4+ .llxe4 (19 ... ~e7
0-1 White resigned rather than face 20.<£Jxc5+-) 20.i£txe4+- hitting both
34.~f1 .llxg2+ 35.~xg2 <£Je3+. the §a8 and the e6-pawn; (b) The most
direct win here is with 16.~c2+ f5
(90) Loose - Niephaus 17.exf6+ ~xf6 18.<£Jce4+ (not 18.b4
Bad Oeynhausen 1942 because the bishop has access here to
Slav Defense [D4S] d4, 18 ... .lld4) 18 ... ~e7 19.<£Jxc5+-;
and (c) More complex but also winning
1.~f3 d5 2.d4 e6 3.c4 c6 4.e3 ~f6 is 16.~g4 <£Jxe5 17.i£tg3 i£td3 18 ..lle3
5.~c3 j},e7 6.j},d3 dxc4 7.j},xc4 c5 ~f5 (or 18 ... .lld6 19.<£Jxe6+ ~f6
S.O-O 0-0 9.dxc5 j},xc510.~e2 a6 20.<£Jf4 +-) 19.<£Jxe6+ ~g4 20.i£txg4+
1l.e4 b5 12..1ld3 .1lb713.e5 ~fd7 <£Jxg4 21.<£Jxc5+-. 16 ...f5 17.exf6+
~xf6 1S.lae1 A familiar theme, devel-
8 oping the §fel to place pressure upon
7 a weakened e6-pawn. But better is
6 18.b4! drawing the bishop to b4 where
it will not be anchored, 18 ... .llxb4
19.<£Jce4+ .llxe4 (19 ... ~e7 20.i£td4 +- )
20.i£txe4 +- with attacks upon the
unanchored bishop and rook. 1S.••e5
19.~d5+ White is also winning gfter
19.<£Jce4+ .llxe4 20.<£Jxe4+ ~e6
abc d e f g h 21.~b3+ ~f5 22.~d5 (picking up a
loose piece) 22 ... §a7 23.<£Jxc5 +-.
With the white pawn on e5, the dark- 19••• j},xd5 20.~xd5 ~b6 21.~e4+
square bishop, and the black rook on ~g6 22.~xc5 ~xc5 23.~e4+ laf5
fB, the sacrifice has sufficient assets to 24.j},e3 ~c6 25. ~g4+ ~f6 26.laac1
succeed. In the ~g6 line, White wins ~e6 27.~e4 ~c5 2S.laxc5 laa7
fastest with 16.h4 or 16.i£tc2, placing 29.g4 laf4 30.j},xf4 ~xg4+ 31.Ag3
the queen on the c-file where, in con- ~xe4 32.laxe4 ~d7 33..1lxe5+ ~f5
junction with a later <£Je4+, White will 34.lae2 ~xc5 35•.1ld4 lac7 36.lae5+

Sacking the Citadel

~f4 37.Etxc5 Etd7 38.-'le3+ ~f3 ~g814.g61-O Black can only delay
39.Etf5+ ~e2 1-0 the mate on h7-hS with 14 ... <bf6 or a
rook move.
(91) Bueno - Subiza
Larache 1943 (92) Villegas - Rossetto
French Defense [CII] La Plata 1944
French Defense [CIS]
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 . .£)c3 .£)f6 4.e5
.£)fd7 5 ..£)£3 a6 6.Jtd3 Jte7 7.-'le3 Hector Rossetto (1922-2009) was a five-
0-0 8.h4 f6 8 ... f5 9.4Jg5 +- <bb6 time Argentine Champion (1942, 1944,
1O.itfh5 h611.itfg6 Jlxg5 12.hxg5 itfe8 1947,1962, and 1972). He won Mar del
13.~xe8 .§.xe8 14.gxh6 gxh6 15.g4 Plata in 1949 and 1952 and became a
grandmaster in 1960.
7 l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£)c3 -'lb4 4.e5 c5
6 5.a3 cxd4 b4 dxc3 7.bxc3 ti\'c7
5 8.f4 ti\'xc3+ 9.-'ld2 ti\'c7 10. .£)f3
.£)e711.-'ld3 Jtd7 12. ti\'e2 0-0
abc d e f g h
This short game appeared in Euwe and
Kramer's two-volume set on the 3
middlegame. Black anticipated the Greco 2
Sacrifice by defending with f6, but the
sacrifice, which relies on three assets, abc d e f g h
the <bc3, the dark-square bishop, and
the h4-pawn, works neatly in all lines. White has a substantial advantage in
In the game, Black captured the <bg5 the diagram and could profitably con-
and faced an overwhelming attack with tinue with 13.b5, 13.0-0, or perhaps
the .§.hl joining in. 9.Jtxh7+ ~xh7 13 ..§.a3. In the game, Black defends cor-
10..£)g5+ fxg5 In the <i!tg8line, White rectly with 14 ... <i!tg8 and 15 ... itfxc2,
wins quickly with <be6 or by barging placing the queen on the key di.agonal.
forward with itfh5. 10 ... ~g8 11.<bxe6 13.Jtxh7+? ~xh7 14..£)g5+ ~g81
~e812.<bxc7 +-. Or 10 ... <i!tg811.~h5 After the sacrifice, White wins trivially
fxg5 12.hxg5 .§.f5 13.f4 with the obvi- in the <i!tg6 and ~h6 lines. 14 ... ~h6
ous idea of 14.g4. 1l.hxg5+ ~g8 15.itfd31aunches a mate in five: 15 ... g6
Movement forward with 11... ~g6 (15 ... .§.h816.<bxf7+ <i!th517.itfh3+ ~g6
meets a mate in two: 12.itfh5+ <i!tf5 18.<bxh8#; 15 ... <bf5 16.itfh3+ <i!tg6
13.g4# 12.Eth8+ ~xh8 12 ... <i!tf7 17.~h7#) 16.itfh3+ <i!tg7 17.~h7#.
when it's mate in three with 13.itfh5+ 14 ... ~g6 15.~d3+ <bf5 (15 ... f5
g614.itfh7+ ~e815.itfxg6#.13.ti\'h5+ 16.itfh3 +-) 16.itfh3+-. 15.ti\'h5 After


15.~d3, 15 ... <tJg6 16.h4 ~c4 shuts meaningful way here to prevent White's
down the attack. 15 •• :~xc2-+ 16.g4 queen from staying on the g-file after
On 16.l''!c1 ~g6-+. 16 .•• "ltg6 ~g4 or from continuing with h4-h5.
17."lth4l£1bc61S.§.a3 f6! 19.exf6 After 10 ... 'it>g6: (a) 11.~g4 f5 12.~g3
gxf6 20.l£If3 "ltbl + 2Vjfjlf2 "ltxhl f4 13. ~g4 maintaining the queen on the
22.b5l£1dS Or simply 22 ... <tJg6 23.~h6 g-file ~h6 to avoid the discovered
<tJce7. 23.Ab4 §.cS 24."lth6 §.c2+ check (13 ... e5 14.<tJe6+ ~f7 [14 ... ~h7
25. <itlg3 "ltg2+ 26. <itlh4 "ltf2+ 15.~xg7""] 15.<tJxd8+ stepping out of
27.<itlh3 It's mate in three after 27.~h5 the self-pin with a double check! +- )
Ae8+ 28. ~g6+ ~xg6+ 29. ~h6 <tJf7 "" . 14.~xf4 f!xf4 (necessary to avoid a dis-

27 •••e5 0-1 The quickest path begins covery off the diagonal) 15.~xf4 <tJd5
instead with 27 ... ~xb5 aiming for fl. 16.~h4+ 'it>g6 17.~h7+ (a common
theme, offering the <tJg5 to the exposed
(93) Taylor - Hall king) 17 ... ~f6 (17 ... ~xg5 18.~xg7+
Canada 1945 'it>f5 (18 ... ~h5 19.f4+-) 19.94+ ~f4
20.~e5+ 'it>xg4 (20 ... ~f3 21.~g3+
French Defense [CI5]
'it>e4 22.f3+ 'it>e3 23.f4+ ~e4 24. ~f3 "")
21.'it>h1 and the rook joins in on gl +-)
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.l£Ic3 Ab4 4.Ad3
18.f!ae1 ~f8 (18 ... ~xg5 19.~xg7+
l£Ie7 5.l£I£3 0-0 6.0-0 Axc3 7.bxc3
'it>h4 20.~h6+ ~g4 21.f3+ 'it>f5
dxe4 S.Axe4 c6
22.f!e5 "") 19.f4 (both rooks have be-
come active) 19... ~e7 20.f5+-; and (b)
8 Il~.f~~i"~ 11.h4 f5 (11...f!h812.~g4 f5 13.~g3
7 f4 14.~g4 ~f6 15.~xf4+ <tJf5
6 [15 ... 'it>g616.~f7+ ~h617.<tJxe6++- ]
5 16.g4+-) 12.h5+ ~f6 13.f!e1 (the
4 common theme after ... f5, placing pres-
3 sure upon the weakened e6-pawn)
2 13 ... <tJg8 14.~e2 ~d5 15.c4 ~d6
16.c5 itrd5 17.c4 (even the doubled
pawns become active) 17 ... ~d7
18.~e5+ ~e719.~xg7++-. U."lth5
§.eS 12 . .1la3 1-0 By pinning the
White relies upon two additional assets, knight, White's ~h7 leads quickly to
the dark-square bishop and f!fel. The mate. 12.~xf7+ and 12.~h7+ are also
sacrifice is readily sound primarily be- mates in six.
cause Black, with very poor develop-
ment, cannot assemble any meaningful (94) Romer - Karlsson
resistance. The ~g8 line is interesting Sweden 1946
because, with the <tJe7, the usual mate Queen's Gambit Declined [D47]
in five is not available. Nonetheless,
White wins quickly there with ~a3, pin- l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.l£Ic3l£1f6 4.l£If3 c6
ning the knight and mating in the cor- 5.e3l£1bd7 6 ..1ld3 dxc4 7 ..1lxc4 b5
ner. 9.Axh7+! <itlxh710.l£Ig5+ <itlgS S..1ld3 b4 9.l£Ie4 .1le7 10.l£Ixf6+
'it>g6 would have provided a somewhat l£I xf611.e4 Ab712..ilg5 0-0 13.§.c1
stiffer defense, but Black has no "ltb614.e5l£1d515.Axe7l£1xe7

Sacking the Citadel

the anchored rook to stop ~h3-h7, but

now the f7-pawn is unguarded:
20.4Jxt7+ <it'h7 21.4Jg5+ ~gB 22.4Jxe6
stripping Black's defenses+-; and (c)
18. . .f5 19.~h4+ ~g6 and it's mate in
nine: 20.~h7+ <it'xg5 21.~xg7+ 4Jg6
22.h4+ <it'f4 23.~h6+ ~e4 (23 ... ~g4
24.~g5 #) 24.~e3+ <it'd5 25.~f3+
<it'xd4 26.~e3+ <it'd5 27.l"ld1+ ~c4
28.~d3+ <it'c5 29.l"lcl#. 18:~?/g4 f5 On
abc d e f g h 1B .. .f6 White can transpose to the game
by capturing the f-pawn, or play
White relies here upon two additional 19.4Jxe6+! <it't7 20.4Jxg7 fxe5 21.dxe5
assets, the secure e5-pawn and the l"lc1. 4Jd5 22.0-0 +- with e6+ to follow.
Black selects the toughest defense, the 19.exf6 Avoiding 19.~g3 f4 20.~g4
<it'g6 line, but then misses the more stub- l"lf5 21.h4 ~a5= and White's attack has
born 19 ... l"lxf6, which still loses with stalled. 19... <iflxf6!? Or 19 ... l"lxf6 20.0-
correct play. 16.-'1.xh7+ <iflxh7 o 4Jf5 21.l"lc5 AcB 22.l"le1 4Jh6
17..£\g5+ <iflg6 In the <it'gBline, the Ab7 23.~e4+ 4Jf5 (23 ... l"lf5 24.l"lxc6+-)
and ~b6 do nothing to prevent ~xt7 24.h4 +- when Black succumbs to g4.
and 4Jxe6. 17 ... ~gB 1B.~h5 l"lfeB 20.~xe6+ <iflxg5 21.h4+ <iflh5
19.~xt7+ (correctly avoiding 19.~h7+ 21...<it'f4 is mate in two: 22.~e5+ ~g4
<it'fB 20.~hB+ 4JgB 21.4Jh7+ <it'e7 be- 23.~g5#. 22.g4* 1-0
cause White does not have a dark-
square bishop to play to g5 22.0-0 (95) Kottnauer - Kotov
[22.~xg7 oila6] 22 ... g6 23.~g7 l"ladB Moscow 1946
24.4Jg5 l"lfB 25.l"lfd1 c5=) 19 ... <it'hB Semi-Slav Defense [D49]
20.4Jxe6+- (or 20.~h5+ <it'gB 21.'l1i'h7+
~fB 22.4Jxe6+ ~f7 23.4Jg5+ <it'fB Cenek Kottnauer (1910-1996) was an
24.~h5 ~gB 25.~t7+ <it'hB 26.4Je6 active player in Czechoslovakia before
+-). In the <it'h6 line, White achieves and during World War II. After the war,
an attractive mating net, even without he competed in important tournaments,
help from a dark-square bishop, begin- notably Groningen 1946, Moscow 1947,
ning with ~g4-h4-h7 and the sacrifice and the Schlechter Memorial in 1947.
of the 4Jg5. 17 ... ~h6 1B.~g4: (a) He represented Czechoslovakia at three
1B ... 4JgB 19.~h4+ <it'g6 20.~h7+ chess Olympiads, Helsinki 1952, Tel
<it'xg5 when it's mate in seven: 21.f4+ Aviv 1964, and Lugano 1968. In 1953,
<it'g4 (21...<it'xf4 22.l"lfl + <it'g4 23.h3+ he emigrated to the United Kingdom.
<it'g3 24.~xg7+ <it'h2 25.l"lh1 + <it'xh1
26.<it'f2+ <it'h2 27.~g3#) 22.h3+ <it'g3 Alexander Kotov (1913-1981) was So-
(22 ... <it'xf4 23.~h4+ <it'e3 24.l"ld1 +-) viet chess champion, a two-time world
23.~xg7+ ~xf4 (23 ... <it'h4 24.~g4#) title candidate, and a prolific chess au-
24.~g4+ <it'e3 25.l"ld1 c5 26.l"lfl Aa6 thor, notably The Soviet School of
27.~f4#; (b) 1B ... 4Jf5 (locking the Chess (1958), his popular Think Like a
queen's access to h4) 19.f4l"lhB Using Grandmaster (1971) and Play Like a


Grandmaster (1978). As a player, he fin- black queen has vacated d8. Black se-
ished second in the 1939 USSR Cham- lects the challenging 'it>g6Iine. The key,
pionship becoming just the third grand- for White, is that the Ag7 puts a piece
master in the Soviet Union after rather than a pawn on a square that is
Botvinnik and Levenfish. He won the subject to capture after the usual 4Je6
Soviet title in 1948. His best result was discovered check. Given the extra time
an overwhelming first in the strong 1952 required to bring the §f1 to the attack,
Saltsjobaden Interzonal. the success of White's effort should
be doubtful. Vukovic found a torturous
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3 ..£)f3 .£)f6 4 ..£)c3 e6 win after 17 ... ~g6 18.~g4 f5 19.~g3
§f7 but all of the commentators have
5.e3 .£)bd7 6.Ad3 dxc4 7.Axc4 b5
heretofore failed to find the best move,
8.Ad3 a6 9.e4 c5 10.e5 cxd4
19 ... §g8! or even 20 ... §g8! which
l l..£) xb5 ax b512.exf6 ~b613.fxg7
achieve a dynamic equality by defend-
Axg714.~e2 0--0 15.0--0 .£)c5
ing the !J.g7 directly. 16.Axh7+ ~xh7
17. .£)g5+ ~g6 The ~g8line offers a
8 challenge because the !J.g7 controls h8
7 and the attack on f7 does not lead to
6 the usual mates. White prevails in that
5 line because 20.!J.f4 (not 20.f4) brings
4 the bishop powerfully into play on e5.
17 ... 'it>g8 18.~h5 §d8 (not 18 ... §e8
with no anchor, the rook will fall
19.~xf7+ 'it>h8 20.i£1xe8+) 19.~xf7+
'it>h8 20.Af4!.
This position had been reached twice 7
before, in Tolush-Verisov, Leningrad,
1938, and in Alonso-Keres, Madrid,
1943. In both of those games, White
chose to retreat the bishop to bl and
Black continued with .. .f5, shutting 3
down the bl-h7 diagonal. Keres, play- 2
ing Black, had been the first to notice
that the sacrifice was playable. Vukovic abc d e f g h
uses this game as an example of a suc- Position after 20.J1.[4! (analysis)
cessful Greco Sacrifice (see Chapter 4).
Like Colle-O'Hanlon (see game 62), the (connecting the rooks and fighting for
game is rich tactically and has chal- e5 and d6 [20.f4 i£1b7 (20 ... !J.b7
lenged commentators for many de- 21oi£1g6+-] 210m3? [21o!J.d2! ~xf7
cades. In the diagram above, White re- 22.4Jxf7+ 'it>g8 23.4Jxd8 Ad7 24.Ab4
lies upon two assets, the dark-square 4Jd3 25.Ae7+-] 21...i£1xf7 22.4Jxf7+
bishop and the as yet undeveloped ~g8 23.4Jxd8 !J.d7 24.b4 4Ja4 25.4Jb7

rooks. For Black, note that a bishop !J.c6,;:)

rather than a pawn rests on g7, and the

Sacking the Citadel

Black must counter the threat of Jlc7: 29.M4 Jlc6 30.~xf5 +-. 19 ... §.f7 20.b4
20 ... §.a7 21.~g6 'it'g8 22.Jle5 show- which appears to win in these spec-
ing the advantage of playing 20.Jlf4 tacular lines: (a) 20 ... 4Ja4 21.h4 e5
rather than 20.f4. 21...~f8 (22 ... ~b7 22.h5+ 'it'f6 (22 ... ~xh5 23.4Jxf7 +-)
23.§.ac1 +-) 23A)h7+ 'it'g8 (not 23.§.e1 §.e7 24.M4! exf4 25.4Jh7+ ~f7
23 ... ~e7 24.~xg7+ 'it'e8 25.4)f6#) 26.§.xe7+ ~xe7 27.~xg7+. The smoke
24.Jlxd4 §.e7 (The rook cannot leave has cleared and the black king is horri-
the eighth rank: 24 ...§'xd4 25.'£)f6+ 'it'f8 bly exposed in the center. 27 ... 'it'd6
26.~e8#) 25.4Jf6+ 'it'f8 26.§.fd1 +-. (27 ... ~d8 28.4Jf6 ~a7 29.~fS+ 'lilc7
After 20.M4!: (a) 20 .. :ii'l'b7 21.Jlc7 ~d5 30.4Je8+ 'it'b7 31.~e7+ ~a6
22.f4 §.a7 23.§.f3+-. The threats are 32.4Jc7++-) 28.h6 §.a7 29.4Jg5+-
§.h3 mate and ~h5 followed by Jlxd8; §.xg7 30.hxg7 ~d8 31.4Jf7+ winning
(b) 20 ... 4Jd7 blocks the bishop's de- the queen; (b) 20 ... 4Jd7 21.4Jxe6+ ~h7
fense ofe6. 21.4Jxe6+-; (c) 20 ... 4Jd3 (21...'it'f6 22.4Jf4+-) 22.§.e1 ~f6
doesn't prevent the threat 21.Jlc7 ~c5 (Vukovic gives 22 ... 4Jf6 23.4Jg5+ 'it'g8
22.~h5+ 'it'g8 23.~h7+ 'it'f8 24.4Jxf7 'lilxf7 25.§.e7+ 'lilxe7
24.Jlxd8+-; and (d) 20 ... e5 21.Jlxe5. 26. ~xg7 + 'it'e6 27.Jlg5 +- ) 23.Jlg5 d3
The Jlg7 is pinned to the mate on h 7. 24.Jlxf6 4Jxf6 25.4Jg5+ 'it'g8 26.4Jxf7+
21...'l1rh6 22.~e7 Jle6 23.Jlxg7+ ~xg7 ~xf7 27.~xd3+- when White's active
24.~xc5 +- . 18. ~g4 f519. ~g3 majors and material advantage assure
the win; and (c) There is no point in
8 losing the piece with 20 ... Af6 21.bxc5
7 ~c6 22.Jlf4 .ilb7 23.§.fel +-. By de-

6 fending the Jlg7, Black achieves equal-

ity immediately with 19 ... §.g8!
20.4Jxe6+ 'it'f7 21.4Jg5+=. 20.Af4
Without doubt, White's best move. On
20.~h4? ~c6 White gains an exchange:
21.4Jh7+ 'it'f7 22.~h5+ 'it'g8 23.4JxfS
Jlb7 24.~h7+ ~xf8 25.f3 d3=+= when
abc d e f g h Black has all the play. 20 ... <i!}e7
20 ... §.g8! 21.b4 4Jd7 22.4Jxe6 'lilxe6
19... <i!}f6 Among the alternatives, just (not 22 ... ~xe6 23.§.fel +-) 23.~b3+
19 ... Jlf6 and 19 ... §.f7 have obtained with a skewer of win the §.g8 but Black
attention from annotators but only a is fine after 23 ... 'it'f6 24.~xg8 .ilb7
third alternative, 19 ... §.g8, provides 25.~b3 §.e8=. 21.~ac1 ~a7 Better is
Black with equality. 19 ... M6 20.4Jxe6+ 21.. ..ilf6 or 21...§.g8. 22.~fe1 Ad7
'it'f7 21. 4JxfS (winning an exchange, but 23.h4 4)a6 24.4)xe6! Axe6
nothing more) 21...'it'xf8 22.~g6 4Je4 25. ~ xg7+ ~f7 26.Jlg5+ <i!}d7
23.§.e1! (Vukovic recommended 27.~h8 ~b8 28.~xd4+ 1--0
23.Jlh6+ when the black king can run
to e7 and d6) 23 ... §.a6 and only now (96) Euwe - Christoffel
24.Jlh6+ 'it'e7 25.~h7+ ~d8 26.~g8+ Groningen 1946
'it'd7 27.§.ac1 Jlb7 28.~h7+ 'it'd8 Slav Defense [013]


Max Euwe (1901-1981) won every Dutch quickly in the <i!tgBline because the l"!c1
chess championship in which he par- can quickly join in: 16 ... <i!tgB 17.~h5
ticipated from 1921 through 1952. He l"!fcBl8.~xf7+ 'it'hB19.l"!c3 +-. Black's
narrowly lost matches against most effective defense is in the 'it'h6
Capablanca and Spielmann, and fin- line because, without a white pawn on
ished second to Alekhine at Zurich 1934. e5 or adequate support after I£1g5+ for
In 1935, he defeated Alekhine to become the d4-pawn, Black can prevent 17.l"!c3
the fifth world chess champion, but with ... <i!txg5 and the ideaof17.~g4 and
Alekhine regained the title in the 1937 IB.~h4 with 17 ... ~xd4. 16 ... 'it'h6!
rematch. Euwe performed well at 17.~g4 (17.l"!c3 'it'xg5 -+)
Nottingham 1936 and the 1938 AVRO 17 ... ~xd4-+ 18.~h3+<i!txg519.~g3+
tournament. Later in his career, he was <i!tf6 -+. 17.4)e4 There's no advantage
a well-regarded chess writer and served to be found in either 17.~d3 <i!txg5 -+
as President of FIDE from 1970 to 1978. or 17.~g4 f5 IB.l£1e4+ fxg4 19.1£1xd6
I£1xd4 20.l£1xb7 l£1e2+-+. 17 ... ~f4!
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.4)0 4)f6 4.cxd5 18.4)c5 4)d8! 19.1ac3 Black is also
cxd5 5.4)c3 4)c6 6.Af4 e6 7.e3 a6 winning after 19.~d3+ f5 20.l"!fell"!hB.
8.Ad3 Ad6 9.Axd6 ~xd6 10.0-0 Access to the open h-file more thanjus-
0-0 II.lacl b5 12.e4 dxe413.4) xe4 tifies having the king on g6. 21.g3
4)xe414.Axe4 Ab7 (21.l£1xb7 I£1xb7 22.h3 <i!th 7 -+ )
21...l"!xh2 22.<i!txh2 ~h6 -+. 19... lah8
8 Activating the rook for defense and to
7 threaten ~xh2 #. 20. ~c2+ f5
6 20 ... <i!tf6! -+ when White cannot play
5 l"!f3 and cannot capture the Ab7 be-
cause of the mate threat. 21.lag3+ ~f7?
21...<i!th7 with a forcing sequence that
leads to a perpetual, 22.l£1xb7 I£1xb7
23.~c6 I£1d6 24.~d7 ~xd4 25.~xe6
~f6 26.l"!h3+ <i!tg6 27.l"!g3+ <i!th7=.
abc d e f g h Black is much more active after 21...<i!tf6!
22.l£1d7+ <i!tf7 (22 ... 'it'e7 23.l£1e5 +- )
Another example of an attacker over- 23.l£1e5+ <i!tgB 24.l£1g6 ~d6 gladly giv-
coming the absence of reserve assets. ing up the exchange to activate the re-
White cannot count on the heavily at- maining pieces, 25.l£1xhB l"!cB +.
tacked d-pawn, and has only the idea 22.4) xb7 lae8 Capturing the knight is
of l"!c1-c3-g3 or l"!c3-h3 to aid the at- fraught with danger because after
tack. In the game, Black defends with 22 ... l£1xb7 23.~c6 threatens both the
the 'it'g6Iine, where White cannot main- knight and entry on to the seventh rank.
tain the queen on the g-file. Black plays 23 ... l"!abB 24.~d7+ <i!tfB 25.~xg7+ +-.
well, losing his way only on move 21, 23.4)c5 +- 4)c6 24.4)d3! 4) xd4
missing an advantage after 21...<i!tf6! 25.~dl ~d6 26.f4 lah8 27.4)e5+
15.Axh7+?! Better is 15.l"!c5. ~g8 28.lad3 lad8 29.~hl ~b6
15 ... ~xh716.4)g5+ ~g6 Even with 30.4)f3 4)c6 31.lad7 laxd7 32.~xd7
the black queen off dB, White wins 4)d8 33.~e8+ ~h7 34.4)g5+ 1~

Sacking the Citadel

(97) Kottnauer - Pachman ~g7. 20.Af4 For 20.b4! see the notes
Moscow 1947 in game 95. 20 .•• e5 21.4)xf7+ 'ifjlxf7
Semi-Slav Defense [D49] 22.Axe5 ~g6 23.~xg6+ Given the
sacrificial attacks we have witnessed, it
Ludek Pachman (1924-2003) won 15 in- may be hard to believe that drawish
ternational tournaments and repre- endgames are possible, but after
sented Czechoslovakia in eight chess 23.~xg7 ~xg3 24.fxg3 \t>xg7 25 ..§ac1
Olympiads. An activist during the Cold <tle4 26.g4 d3 27.gxf5 d2 2B ..§c7+ ~hB
War, Pachman was imprisoned and tor- 29 ..§e7 ~xf5 30 ..§e5 .§dB 31..§exf5
tured. He emigrated to Germany in 1972 d1~ 32.'§xd1 '§xd1+ 33 ..§f1 .§d2
where he resumed his chess career. He White has three pawns for the knight in
wrote more than 80 books in five lan- an even endgame. 23 .•. 'ifjlxg6
guages, including notably his Check- 24.Axg7 'ifjlxg7 25.Etfel No better is
mate in Prague, an account of his po- 25 ..§fc1 <tld3 26 ..§c6 <tlxb2 27 ..§b1
litical difficulties in Czechoslovakia. <tla4 28.'§xb5 <tlc3=. 25 .•• 'ifjlf61? Black
can preserve the balance with either
l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3 c6 4.4)f3 4)f6 25 ... <tld3 26 ..§ed1 <tlf4 27.f3 ~b7
5.e3 4) bd7 6.Ad3 dxc4 7.Axc4 b5 2B.\t>f2 <tle6 or 25 ... 'it>f7 26 ..§e5 <tlb3
8.Ad3 a6 9.e4 c5 10.e5 cxd4 27 ..§d1 .§xa2 28.'§xb5 ~e6=. 26.Ete8
1l.4)xb5 axb512.exf6 ~b613.fxg7 Jlb7 27.Etxa8 Jlxa8 28.f3 Jld5
Axg714. ~e2 0--0 15.0--0 4)c5 29.b3 d3 30.'ifjlf2 'ifjle5 31.'ifjle3 f4+
32.'ifjld2 'ifjld4 33.Etel 4)e6 34.Etcl
8 Better to follow the timeless adage
7 "passed pawns are meant to be
6 pushed." 34.h4+-. 34 ..• 4)c5 35.h4
5 Jle6 36.h5 Jlf5 37.h6 4)e6 38.Etc6
'ifjle5 39.Etb6 'ifjlf6 40.Etxb5 Ah7
41.a4+- 4)d4 42.Etb7 'ifjlg6
43.'ifjlxd3 Or simply 43.'§b6+.
43 ..• 4)e6 44.Etb6 'ifjlxh6+ 45.'ifjlc4
Jlg8 46.a5 'ifjlg5 47.a6 4)c7+ 48.'ifjld4
abc d e f g h Ad5 49.b4 'ifjlh4 50.Etg6 4)a8
51.'ifjlc5 Capturing the bishop with
In a sign that we have arrived in the 51.\t>xd5 is just fine. 51 ...'ifjlh5 52.Etd6
modem age of chess, Pachman has pre- 1-0
pared an improvement to game 95, try-
ing 19 ... .§£7 rather than 19 ... .§gB!. (98) Herrmann - Harms
Kottnauer fails to find the best re- Lueneburg 1947
sponse with 20.b4 but still goes on to Queen's Pawn Game [D06]
win, thanks to a slight inaccuracy by
Pachman with 25 .. /.t>f6. 16.Axh7+ l.d4 4)f6 2.c4 d5 3.cxd5 ~xd5
'ifjlxh7 17.4)g5+ 'ifjlg6 18.~g4 f5 4.4)c3 ~d8 5.4)f3 e6 6.e4 Jlb4
19. ~g3 Etf7 N See the notes to game 7.Ad3 c5 8.0-0 0-0 9.dxc5 Jlxc3
95. 19 ... .§gB! prevails by defending the 10.bxc3 ~a511.e5 4)fd7


16.h3# or 16.f3#; 14 ... ~h61S.'l£rh7#.

8 II_>;-"~ 15.exf6+llS.4Jxe6+- and IS.'l£rg3+-
7 also win. 15 ... lifjIxf6 Not IS ... 'it'hS
6 16.'l£rh7+ ~g4 17.'l£rh3#. 16.~d4+
5 IifjIg6 Black could safely resign. The alter-
natives are easily demolished:16 ... ~e7
17.'l£rxg7+ ~e818.4Jxe6+-; and 16... eS
17.'i1:rd6+'iMS 18.'l£re6#.17.~e4+ f!f5
17 ... 'it'f6 18.'l£rxe6#; 17 ... ~hS
18.'l£rh7+ ~g4 19.'l£rh3 #; 17 ... ~h6
abcdefgh 18.'l£rh7#. 18.~xe6+ 4)f6 18 ... flf6
19.'l£re8+ ~h6 20.'l£rh8+ ~g6 21.'l£rh7#
With two additional assets, the pawn 19.~f7+ IifjIh6 20.4)e6+ g5 20 ... ~h7
on eS and the dark-square bishop, the 21.'l£rxg7# 21.j},xg5+ Faster is 21.4Jf8
sacrifice succeeds quickly. The de- with 'l£rg6 # to follow. 2t. .. f! xg5
fender plays the tougher 'it'g6 line, but 22.~xf6+ 1-0
White is fully up to the task, selecting
14.'i1:rd3+ rather than 14.'i1:rg4. Both lines (99) Pachman - Foltys
win, but the 'l£rd3 is easier here because Trencianske Teplice 1949
White is able to use the eS-pawn as an French Defense [C 10]
asset. Note the weakness here of the
e6-pawn after .. .fS, and the ease with 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 dxe4 4.4) xe4
which White is able to exploit the weak- j},e7 5.4)f3 4)f6 6.Jl.d3 4)bd7
nesses on e6 and g7 with 16.'l£rd4+. 7.4) xf6+ Jl.xf6 8. ~e2 0-0 9.h4 e5
12.j},xh7+llifjIxh713.4)g5+ IifjIg6 In
the 'it'g8 line, White can mate more 8
quickly than normal because 16.4Jxe6 7
brings on a quick mate on the next
move.13 .. .'~g814.'l£rhSwhenBlackhas
three moves to delay the mate: (a)
14 ... fle8 but the rook is unanchored,
IS.'i1:rxf7+ ~h816.'i1:rxe8+; (b) 14 ... fld8 3
IS.'i1:rxf7+ 'it'h8 16.4Jxe6 (possible be- 2

cause the black 4Jd7 block's the

bishop's defense of the e6-pawn) abc d e f g h
16 ... flg8 17.'i1:rhS#; and (c) 14 ... 4Jf6.
Obviously, 4Jf6 fails owing to the pres- Caught on the wrong side of the sacri-
ence of the e5-pawn. IS .exf6 and the fice in Game 96, Pachman tries it him-
pawn goes on to aid the attack. IS ... fld8 self, relying upon two additional assets,
16.'i1:rxf7+ 'it'h8 17.fxg7#. 14.~d3+1 the dark-square bishop and the h4-
Also winning easily is 14.'l£rg4 4JxeS pawn, passing up a clear advantage with
IS.'i1:rg3 f6 16.4Jxe6+ ~f7 17.'i1:rxg7+ 10.dxeS. Fohys selects the best de-
'it'xe618.'i1:rxf8+-. 14...f5 Again, both fense, retreating the king to g8 when
king moves after 'l£rd3 lose rapidly: White must accept a perpetual check.
14 ... 'it'hS IS.'l£rh7+ 'it'g4 16.'l£rh3# or Without control over d6, a white effort

Sacking the Citadel

to deliver the customary checkmate in

five permits the black king to escape.
10.Jlxh7+ White passes up a small
advantage with 10.dxe5 .£lxe5 11..£lxe5
Axe5 12.f6 ;!;;. 10... ~xh7 1l.4)g5+
~g8 The sacrifice works handily in the
'it'g6 line because the Af6 blocks the
usual defense with 'life4+ f5. 11...'it'g6
12.'life4+ ~h5 (12 ... 'it'h6 13.'lifh7#)
13.g4+ (13 ..£le6 fxe614.g4#; 13 ..£le6
fxe614.g4#) 13 ... ~h614.'lifh7#. The abc d e f g h
line with Axg5 leads to a lengthy but
not challenging mating net on the 15 ..£lxe6+ and 16.~xg7. 12.Jlxh7+
queenside. 11...Axg5 12.hxg5+ 'it'g6 ~xh713.4)g5+ ~g6 In the ~g8line,
(12 ... 'it'g8 13.'lifh5 f5 14.g6+-) there's no quick mate in five given the
13.'lii'h5+ ~f514.'lifh3+ 'it'e4 (14 ... 'it'g6 presence ofthe .£le7. But White simply
15.'lifh7# Camilleri -Wijesurija, Yerevan captures on h7 and proceeds through
1996) 15.'liff3+ 'it'xd4 16.Ae3+ ~c4 to h8, playing Ag5+ once the black king
17.f!h4+ ~b5 18.a4+ 'it'a6 (18 ... 'it'a5 reaches e7. 13 ... ~g8 14.~h5 f!fc8
19.'life2 c6 20.b4 #) 19.'life2+ b5 15.~h7+ (As is often the case, captur-
20.~xb5#.12.~h5.§.e8= 13.~xfi+ ing on f7 is also sound when additional
~h8 14..1l,e3 No fight was found in assets are readily available: 15.~xf7+
two other games that reached this posi- 'it'h8 16.'lifh5+ ~g8 17.~h7+ ~f8
tion: 14.~h5+ 'it'g8 15.'liff7+ (not 18.~h8+ .£lg8 19.'lifh5 Ae8 20 ..£lxe6+
15.'lifh7+? 'it'f8 16.~h8+ 'it'e7-+) 'it'e7 21.'liff5+-) 15 ... ~f8 16.'lifh8+
15 ... ~h8 16.'lifh5+ ~-~ Fischl-Barta, .£lg8 17 ..£lh7+ 'it'e7 18.Ag5+ f6
Prague 1955; 14.d5 .£lf8 ~-~ Paoli- 19.'lifxg7+ ~d8 (19 ... ~e8 20.~f8#)
Pachman, Venice 1950. 14 ••. 4)f8 20.exf6 ~c7 21.Af4+ +-. 14. ~g4
15.~h5+ ~g816.~fi+ ~-~ 14.h4 (an effort to improve upon the
~g4 line by threatening rather than
(100) Leitner-Antos playing the queen move) 14 ... f!h8
Chocen 1950 15.~g4 f5 (15 ... .£lf5 16.h5+ 'it'h6
French Defense [C02] [16 ... f!xh5 17 ..£lxe6+ ~h7
18.~xh5++-] 17.~f3 .£lce7 18.g4 f6
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 4)c6 19 ..£lxe6+ 'it'h7 20.gxf5 Axe6 2l.fxe6
5.4)f3 ~b6 6 . .1l,d3 cxd4 7.cxd4 'lifxe6 22.f!e1 +- ) 16.exf6 ~xf617.f!e1
.1l,b4+ 8.4)c3 Jld7 9.a3 .1l,xc3+ .£lf5 18.h5 .£la5 19 ..£lh7+ (to gain ac-
10.bxc3 4)ge711.0--0 0--0 (D) cess to g6) 19 ... f!xh7 20.'lifg6+ ~e7
21.Ag5+ 'it'd6 22.f!ab1 and White is
White can expect victory here with two active on both sides of the board:
additional assets, the secure e5-pawn 22 ... 'lifa6 23.Af4+ ~e7 (23 ... ~c6
and the dark-square bishop. Black cor- 24.f!xe6+ Axe6 25.'lifxe6+ .£ld6
rectly defends with the ~g6 line, when 26.'lifxd6#) 24.~xf5 +-. Less convinc-
White, after 14.'lifg4, wins despite miss- ing is14.~d3+ .£lf5 (14 ... f5 15.~g3
ing a more convincing continuation with transposes to the note after 14 ... f6)


15.g4 f6 16.gxf5+ exf5 17.exf6 gxf6 would put up a tougher defense with
1B.4Jh3 and Black is surviving, 19 ... ElfB 20.~g5+ ~f7 21.~h5+ ~gB
18. .. 'iM7 19.Elb1 ~a6 20.~xa6 bxa6 (21...4Jg6 22.~h7+ ~f6 23.h4+-) and
21.Elb7 ElfdB 22.4Jf4 ElabB 23.Elc7 there is no breakthrough for White,
ElbcB 24.4Jxd5 4Je7 25.ElxcB ElxcB 22.~g4+ ~t7 23 ..llh6 ElgB 24.~h5+
26.4Jxe7~xe7 27.Ele1 + 'ifld6;!; . 14.••f6 Elg6 25.Elfe1 ±. 20.Ah6 ~f5
14 ... 4Jf5 15.4Jxe6+ ~h7 16.4Jg5+ 21.~g6+ <it>h8 22.Ag5 ~g8 23.Af6+
(16~xf5 steps into a self-pin after ~g7 24. ~h6+ ~h7 25.Axg7+ 1--0
16 ... 'iflgB) 16 ... 'iflgB17.~h3 ElfcBl8.a4
when (a) 1B ... 4Jb4 19.~h7+ 'iflfB (101) Grosser- Ruppe
20.cxb4 ~h6 21.~xh6 gxh6 22.4Jf3 +- Soemmerda 1950
; and (b) 1B ... 4Jce7, and White initiates French Defense [C05]
an exciting king-hunt: 19.~h7+ ~fB
20.~hB+ 4JgB 2 1. 4Jh7 + ~e7 22 ..lla3+ l.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5
'ifldB (22 ...'ifle6 23.4Jg5 #) 23.Elfb1 ~h6 ~fd7 5.f4c5 6.c3 ~b6 7.~gf3 ~c6
(23 ... ~e6 24.~xgB+ ~c7 25.4JfB+-) 8.~b3 Ae7 9.Ae2 0--0 10.0-0 f6
24.~xgB+ ~c7 25.~xf7+- . 14 ... f5 11.Ae3c412.~bd2 ~xb213.~xc4
15.~g3 f4 16.~g4 Elf5 Black actively dxc4 14.Axc4 ~b6 15.Ad3 ~d5
offers the exchange but after 17 ..llxf4 16.Ad2~b6
Elxg5 18..llxg5 ~t7 (White still has the
time and resources with a rook swing 8
and kings ide pawn advance to break 7
through) 19.Elae1 4Jf5 20.Ele3 ElhB 6
(20 ... 4Jxe3 2l.fxe3+ 'iflgB 22 ..llh6+-) 5
21.Elf3 ~b2 22.~f4 'iflg6 23.g4+-.
15.exf6 Sacrificing the knight on e6
after the discovery is a common theme.
It works here because the black king is
fatally exposed on the e-file after abc d e f g h
15.4Jxe6+! 'iflt7 16.~xg7+ ~xe6 (not
16 ... 'ifleB 17.~xfB#) 17.exf6 4Jf5 Down a piece prior to the sacrifice, .llxh7
1B.Ele1 + 'ifld619 ..llf4+ when Black must only compounds White's troubles.
begin to return material to save his king. White can point to three additional as-
19 ... 4Je5 20 ..llxe5+ ~c6 21.~g6 ElgB sets in the position, the dark-square
22.~h5 ElhB 23.~d1 +-. 15 ... gxf6? bishop, the secure e5-pawn, and the
There's no obvious way for White to Elfl, but Black has a pawn on f6 and a
make progress after 15 ... ~xf6! 16.~h5 rook on f8 that can quickly become ac-
4Jg6=. 16.~e4+ Not quite returning the tive. In the game, Black captures the 4Jg5
error, but once again passing up a spec- and organizes his defense around ~b1
tacular, winning sacrifice: 16.4Jxe6+ and control over the b1-h7 diagonal.
'iflf7 17.~g7+ 'iflxe6 (17 ... ~eB 17.Axh7+? <it>xh7 18.~g5+ fxg5!
18.~xfB#) 18.Ele1 + 4Je5 19.dxe5 4Jf5 With a very active position, Black is
20.~g6+-. 16... <it>h717:~h4+ <it>g8 winning in every line except the 'iflhB
18.~xf6+ f!xf619:~xf6 ~d8 Black retreat. 1B ... ~gB 19.~h5 fxg5-+;

Sacking the Citadel

IB ... ~g619.~c2+ f5-+; IB .. .'~h6 hopeless liquidation with 20.'l£rxd2

19.~g4 fxg5 20.fxg5+ ~g6-+. l.txc2 21.'l£rxc2 ~xc3-+. 20 ... <ifJxh7
19.'~h5+ <ifJgS 20.fxg5 .£Jxe5 Also 21 ..£Jg5+ <ifJgS Down two pieces and
winning is 20 ... 4Jxd4 21.g6 §xfl with only the §fl and kingside pawn
22.§xfl4Jf5+ 23.~hl4Jf3-+. 21.<ifJhl storm as additional assets, White had
Hoping to drive off the knight and then to hope that the defender would select
play g6. The immediate 21.g6 meets either the ~g6 or the ~h6 lines, which
4Jxg6. 21 ... -'t,d7 22.dxe5 Elxfl + lose quickly in the face of White's
23.Elxfl ElfS 24.ElxfS+ AxfS 25.h3 kingside advance: 21...~g6 22.~h4 (at
White still cannot play 25.g6 ~bl +. least here, White cannot play ~h 7 * )
25 ....£Je7 26.<ifJh2 There's no hope left: 22 ... §hB 23.f5+ exf5 24.gxf5*;
26.g6 ~bl + 27.~h2 'l£rxg6. 26 .. .'~bl 21...~h6 22.~h4+ ~g6 23.'l£rh7*.
27.-'t,e3 ~e4 0-1 22. ~h4 ElfeS Best is
22 ... ~c2 -+ taking command over the
(102) Waters - Stevens key bl-h7 diagonal. 23.~h7+ <ifJf8
Fort Worth 1951 24.~hS+ 24.f5 4Jxfl 25.fxe6 4Je3
French Defense [C02] 26.ext7l.tc2 27.fxe8'l£r+ §xeB 28.~hB+
~e7 29.~xg7+ ~dB-+and the attack

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 e5 4.e3 .£Je6 5.f4 is over. 24 ... <ifJe7 25.~xg7 <ifJd7 Or
~b6 6 . .£Jf3 exd4 7.exd4 Ab4+
just 25 ... 4Jxbl-+. 26 . .£Jxe6 Elxe6
S ..£Je3 .£Jge7 9.a3 -'t,xe3+ 10.bxe3 Black can even play 26 ... ~xe6 27.f5+
~d7 28.e6+ ~c6-+. 27.~xf7+ <ifJdS
Ad7 1l.-'t,e2 EleS 12.0-0 .£Ja5
13.-'t,d2 .£Jb314.Elbl Aa415.~el Avoiding 27 ... §e7 2B.'l£rxd5+ ~eB
29.~gB+=. 28.~xe6 .£Jxfl29.~xd5+
.£Je6 16.<ifJhl .£Jea5 17.g4 ~e7
<ifJe7 30.f5 30.~e4 ~c4-+ surviving
IS.Adl 0-0 19.-'t,e2? .£J xd2
the pawn storm with the threat of ~c6.
30... Ae60-1
7 (103) Markoff - Willey
6 Correspondence 1951
5 Slav Defense [D31]
4 ,."...".,.W//h... _
l.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3 . .£Jf3 dxe4 4 ..£Je3
e6 5.e4 b5 6.a4 b4 7 ..£Ja2 e3 S.bxe3
bxe3 9 . .£Jxe3 -'t,b4 10.-'t,d2 .£Jf6
1l.Ad30-0 12.h4 e513.e5 .£Jd5
abc d e f g h

To survive, White had to try 19.1.txb3

4Jxb3 20.f5. With 19.Ac2 White is fully
lost prior to the sacrifice, which only
speeds up the end. In the ~gB line, the
defender prevails easily with 22 ... l.tc2,
stealing the key diagonal, or in the
game with 22 ... §feB, which provides a
safe escape for the king. 20.Axh7+ The
sacrifice is more promising than the abc d e f g h


With additional assets in the Ad2, the

secure e5-pawn, and the h4-pawn, 8
White has more than enough to prevail 7
handily in all lines. In the ~g6 line, as 6
played in the game, all three of the main 5
variations, 16.'~c2, 16."i!'Yg4, and 16.h5
win quickly. 14.j',ixh7+ Ci.t'xh7
15..£Jg5+ Ci.t'g6 The 'it'gBline leads the
usual mate in five: 15 ... 'it'gB 16."i!'Yh5
~eB 17."i!'Yxf7+ 'it'hB 1B."i!'Yh5+ ~gB
19."i!'Yh7+ ~fB 20.~hB+ 'it'e7 abc d e f g h
21."i!'Yxg7#. 16.h5+ 1-0 (a) 16.~g4+­
f5 (or 16 ... f6) with a mate in three: Black enjoys the light-square bishop on
17.h5+ 'it'h6 1B.4Jxe6+ 'it'h7 cB as well as the open f-file. White de-
19."i!'Yxg7#; (b) 16.~c2+ f5 17.h5++- fended with 'it'g3, but misses a remark-
forces the king to h6 for a queen-win- able defense starting with 20.~c1.
ning discovery; and (c) 16.h5+ ~f5 Karsten MUller has noted that White
(16 ... 'it'h617.4Jxf7++-) 17.g4#. also has 20.Axh7+, as after 20 ... 'it'xh7
21.~d4 "i!'Yxd4 22.4Jxd4 ~xfl 23.~xfl
White has excellent drawing chances
(104) Bialas- Uhlmann
because of his activity. Black appears
Leipzig 1951 to have excellent chances in that varia-
French Defense [C06] tion, but the win would have far more
elusive than in the game. 17... .1lxh2+
Wolfgang Uhlmann (b. 1935) received 18.Ci.t'xh2 .£Jg4+ 19.Ci.t'g3 In the 'it'gl
his grandmaster title in 1959. He won line, even though the black queen ar-
the East German Championship 11 times rives on the h-file at h6, the possibility
between 1954 and 1986. He represented of~xf2 eliminates the possibility of run-
East Germany in the chess Olympiads ning the king to fl. 19.~gl? ~h6
from 1956 through 1990. At the Palma 20.Ae5 (20.~e1 ~h2+ 21.~f1 ~xf2 #)
de Mallorca Interzonal of 1970, he 20 ... 4Jxe5-+. 19 ... 1axf2 19 ... 4Jxf2
earned a place in the Candidates cycle 20.~d2 ~d6+ 21.4Jf4 4Jxd3 22.~xd3
but lost his match against Bent Larsen. ~xf4 23.~xf4 g5 24.~af1 gxf4+ 25.~xf4
He is well-known for his mastery ofthe ~g6+ 26.~xg6+ hxg6= and White has
French Defense, his main weapon with excellent chances to draw the ending
Black throughout his tournament career. despite the slight material deficiency
owing to the superior activity of all three
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 •.£Jd2 .£Jf6 4.e5 pieces and the bishops of opposite
.£Jfd7 5.j',id3 c5 6.c3 .£Jc6 7 •.£Je2 color. 20.j',id2? Necessary was 20.~c1!
tPlb6 8 ..£Jf3 cxd4 9.cxd4 f6 10.exf6 fighting for control over f4: 20 ... ~c7+
j',ib4+ 1l.j',id2 .£Jxf6 12.0-0 0-0 21.4Jf4 ~xf1 22.Axfl g5 23.Ab2 ~d6
(23 ... ~xf4+ 24.~xf4 gxf4+ 25.'it'xf4=)
13.a3j',id6 14.h4 e5 15.dxe5 .£J xe5
24.Ae2 ~h6 (24 ... h5!?) 25.4Jh3 ~h4+
26.~f3 4Jh2+ 27.~e3 Axh3 28.~c7
~eB+ 29.~d2 ~xe2+ 30.~xe2 ~e4+
31.'it'd1 Ag4+ 32.~c1 ~e3+ 33.~b1

Sacking the Citadel

when the white king has safety on the Thanks to a disastrous 13th move by
queenside and White has the opportu- Black, White wins easily, but the varia-
nity to gain a perpetual against the ex- tion with 13 ... e6 is quite challenging.
posed black king, 33 ... d4 (33 ... Af5+ 1l . .1lxh7+ <if1xh7 12.~g5+ <if1g6
34.'itta2+-) 34:~bS+ 'ittg7 35.~c7+ Black should have selected the 'it'gSline,
'ittgS=. 20 .•. ~e3 21.laxf2 There's a a much easy win because there's no way
forced mate after 21.Axe3 ~xe3+ to prevent ... .£\f6. 12 ... 'it'gS! 13.~xh5
22.'~h4 (22.'itth2 ~h3+ 23.'ittg1 .£\f6 -+. 13.~df3 lahS? The best de-
~xg2#) 22 ... g5+ 23.'it'h5 ~eS+ fense is 13 ... e6 with the idea of ... 'it'f6-
24.'ittxg5 ~e5+ 25.'it'h4 ~h2+ 26.'ittg5 e7. 13 ... e6 14.'£\h4+ (14.dxc5 bxc5
'ittg7-+. 21 ... ~d6+ 22.<if1f3 The alter- 15.'£\h4+ 'ittf6 16..£\h7+ 'it'e7 17.~xd5
natives offer no hope: 22.'£\f4 .£\xd1 An impressive queen sacrifice that
23.§xd1 g5-+; 22.'itth4 ~h2+ 23.'it'g5 forces a perpetual check with the
~h6#; 22.§f4 .£\xd1 23.§xd1 g5-+. knights in the middle of the board
22 ... Jlg4+ 23.<if1xe3 ~e5+ 0--1 Re- 17 ... exd5 lS.'£\f5+ 'itteS [lS ... 'it'e6
signing to avoid being mated, 24.Ae4 19 ..£\xg7+ 'itte7 20.'£\f5+=] 19 ..£\d6+
~xe4#. 'itte7 20.'£\f5+) 14 ... 'it'f615.~xh5 'it'e7
16..£\g6+ (16.~h7 'it'eS 17.~xg7 ~f6
(105) Tanguay - Zalys forcing an exchange of queens, IS. ~xf6
Montreal 1952 .£\xf6+) 16 ... fxg6 17.~xg6 ~eS
London System [D02] 18.~xg7+ 'ittdS 19.Ad6 Aa6 20.AxfS
'£\xfS 21.dxc5 (21.0-0-0 ~e7 22.~xfS+
l.d4 ~f6 2.~f3 g6 3.M4 jlg74.e3 ~xfS 23 ..£\xe6+ 'itte7 24.'£\xfS §xfS=)
0--0 5.Jld3 d5 6.~bd2 ~bd7 7.h4 21...bxc5 22.0-0-0 ~e7 23.~xfS+
c5 S.c3 b6 9.h5 ~ xh510.laxh5 gxh5 ~xfS 24 ..£\xe6+ 'it'd7 25 ..£\xfS+ §xfS
26.§xd5+ 'ittc6 27.§d2± when White
8 has four undeveloped but connected
7 pawns for the piece. 14.~h4+ It's mate
6 in four beginning with the queen on the
5 bl-h7 diagonal: 14.~d3+ f5 (14 ... 'it'f6
15.Ae5+ .£\xe5 16.dxe5 #) 15.'£\h4+
'it'f6 (15 ... 'itth616.~xf5 +- ) 16.~xf5 #.
14... <if1f6 15. ~f3 1--0 Black cannot do
anything againt the upcoming 16.Ae5+
'it'xg5 17.~f3#.
abc d e f g h
(106) Fuderer - Stoltz
White sacrificed the exchange to open Belgrade 1952
the b1-h7 diagonal, but in the diagram, Queen's GambitAccepted [D28]
without a pawn on e5, White cannot
prevent Black from defending with l.d4 d5 2.c4dxc4 3.~f3 ~f64.e3 a6
... '£\f6. Instead, Black selected the 'ittg6 5..1lxc4 e6 6.0--0 c5 7. ~e2 b5 S.Jld3
line, which encourages White to use the cxd4 9.~ xd4 e510.~b3 e411.Jlc2
Af4 and the .£\d2-f3-h4 maneuver. .1ld612.ladl ~e713.~c3


23.<£\f2 and White is holding the posi-

tion. 15•.. ~h416. ~el f517•.£ld5 0-
o 18. .£ld4 a5 19.b4 Eta6 20•.£lf4
~h2+ 21.<it'fl a4 22.a3 g5 23 •.£lh3
~hl + 24.<it'e2 ~xg2 25.~hl ~xhl
26.Etxhl Etg6 27.Abl h6 28.Aa2+
<it'h7 29.f4 exf3+ 30. .£lxf3 Ete6
31 . .£lhxg5+ <it'g7 32.Ab2+ <it'g6
33 . .£le5+ <it'xg5 34. .£lxe6 .£lxe6
35.Etael -'lb7 36.Ethdl .£lee5
abcdefgh 37.Axe5 .£lxe5 38..1l,d5 Ac8 39.Ete5
Ete8 40.Etdel Ad7 41.E!.e7 f4
Black can rely here on the light-square 42.exf4+ <it'xf4 43.Etfl+ <it'g5
bishop and the e4-pawn as additional 44.<it'e3 h5 45.<it'd4 -'lh3 46.E!.hl
assets. With White's rook already on Ag4 47.Ete5 <it'f4 48.E!.fl + .£lf3+
d1 and the queen already defending f2, 49.Axf3 -'lxf3 50.Etxh5 Ete4+
White wins easily in the '<t>gl line. 51.<it'e5 E!.e3 52.Eth31-O Resigning in
13••..1l,xh2+ 14.<it'xh2 .£lg4+ 15.<it'gl respect for White's simplification to an
\tlg3 leads to a quick perpetual although easily winning king and pawn endgame:
Black can try for more with ... hS on move S2 ... l"lxa3 S3.'<t>xbS '<t>g4 S4.l"lhxf3l"lxf3
15 or later on move 18. After lS.'<t>g3!? SS.l"lxf3 \tlxf3 S6.'<t>xa4+-.
Black has the three obvious tries: (a)
Not lS ... ~gS when the e-pawn falls (107) Pirc - Porreca
with tempo: 16.<£\xe4 ~g617.<£\d6+; (b) Bled 1953
lS ... ~eS+ 16.f4 when king moves get Queen's Gambit Declined [040]
mated: 16... exf3+ 17.\tlxf3 (not 17.'<t>h3
Vasja Pirc (1907-1980) was the origina-
~h2#; 17.'<t>h4 ~h2+ 1B.'<t>gS h6#;
tor of the Pirc Defense. He was five time
17.\tlh3~h2#; 17.'<t>h4~h2+ 18.'<t>gS
champion of Yugoslavia in 1935, 1936,
~h6#) 17 ... ~f6+ 1B.'<t>g3 ~eS+= and
1937, 1951,and 1953. He became a grand-
Black can draw trivially with a perpetual
master in 1953 and an International Ar-
or play on with 1B ... hS!? 19.1"ldS ~e6
biter in 1973.
20.e4 h4+ 21.'<t>h3 <£\eS+ 22.\tlh2 <£\bc6
23.\tlg1 h3 24.l"lxeS <£\xeS 2S.<£\dS
1 ..£lf3 .£lf6 2.d4 d5 3.e4 e6 4 ..£le3 e5
ltxdS 26.exdS hxg2 27.~d2 0-0-0
5.e3 .£le6 6.a3 a6 7.exd5 .£lxd5 8.e4
28.l"lc1l"lh1 + 29.'<t>xg2l"lxc1 30.~xc1
.£lxe3 9.bxe3 exd4 10.exd4 Ae7
l"l xdS=; and (c) In the '<t>g3 line, Black's 1l.Ad3 0-0 12.Ae3 ~a5+ 13.-'ld2
interesting chances appear to lie with ~b6 14.-'le3 Af6 15.E!.bl ~a7
lS ... hS using the l"lhB for support. 16.f4 16.e5 Ae717.0-0 Axa3 (D)
h4+ 17.\tlh3 when Black will get a dis-
covery, although with the queen already Black's greed with 17 ... ~a3 enables the
on e2, there's nowhere important for the sacrifice, which can count on three ad-
knight to go: 17 ... <£\f6!? 18.'<t>h2 Ag4 ditional assets, the dark-square bishop,
19.~e1 h3 20.<£\d4 watching the f3- the secure eS-pawn, and the potential
square once the g-pawn is traded, rook swing with l"lb3. Black selects the
20 ... hxg2 21.'<t>g2 ~xd1 22.<£\xd1 ~d7 \tlg6 line, in which White wins

Sacking the Citadel

~xh4 27.g3+ fxg3 (27 ... ~h3 2S.ii¥h5 #)

2S.ii¥xg3+ ~h5 29.~g5#.

(108) Olafsson - Mellberg

Copenhagen 1953
Nimzo-Indian Defense [E41]

Fridrik Olafsson (b. 1935) won the Ice-

landic championship in 1952 and the
Scandinavian championship a year later.
abc d e f g h In 1955-56, he obtained a shared first
with Korchnoi. By tying for fifth at
quickly with ~g4 or ~d3+ despite the Portoroz in 1958, he obtained his grand-
lack of an anchor on the 4Jg5. master norm and qualified for the can-
18.j},xh7+! ~xh719 •.£lg5+ ~g6 In didates' tournament. He succeeded Max
the ~gS line, the rook retreat is to dS, Euwe as President FIDE.
requiring an additional move in the cus-
tomary mate. 19 ... ~gS 20.~h5 .§.dS 1.d4 .£lf6 2.c4 e6 3 ..£lc3 j},b4 4.e3
(20 ... .§.eS 21.ii¥xf7+ ~hS 22.~xeS+) c5 5.Ad3 0-0 6 ..£lf3 d6 7.0--0 j},xc3
21.ii¥xf7+ ~hS 22.ii¥h5+ ~gS 23.ii¥h7+ 8.bxc3 .£lc6 9.e4 .£le8 10.e5 dxe5
~fS 24.ii¥hS+ ~e7 25.ii¥xg7+ ~eS
26.ii¥f7 #. Even without the dark-square
bishop on the c1-h6 diagonal, the ~h6
line fails quickly to ii¥g4-h4 in no small
part because Black cannot quickly an-
chor a rook on hS. 19 ... ~h6 20.ii¥g4 6
(also winning is 20.~d3 ~xg5 [20 .. .f5 5
21.Ad2+-] 21.Ad2+ ~h5 [21...~g4 4
22.ii¥h3# or 21...~h4 22.ii¥h3#] 3
22.ii¥h7+ ~g4 23.~h3#) 20 ... .§.hS 2
21.~h4+ ~g6 22.ii¥xhS+-. 20.~g4
Much quicker is 20.~d3+ f5 (not
abc d e f g h
20 ... ~xg5 21.Ad2+ ~h5 [21...~g4
22.ii¥h3 #; 21...~h4 22.~h3 #]
22.ii¥h7+ ~g4 23.~h3# or 23.h3# or White has the e5-pawn and dark-square
23.f3#) 21.ii¥h3 ~xg5 22.ii¥h7+-. bishop as additional assets, but the
White has plenty of ideas like ~xg7, pawn structure provides the black
Ad2, and f4 to complete the mating net. queen with access to d3 and the bl-h7
Fritz 12 says that it's mate in seven. diagonal. In the game, Black tried the
20 ••. f5 21. ~h4 .£l xe5 22.dxe5 b5 ~g6 line when 14.~f3 against the
23. ~h7+ ~xg5 The familiar sacrifice unanchored 4Jc6 and 15.h4 provide the
of the 4Jg5. Here, White has a signifi- quickest path to a winning advantage.
cant assist from the dark-square bishop 12.Axh7+ There's a simpler advantage
and the kingside pawns. 24.Ad2+ 1-0 to be had by holding the e5-pawn with
24 ... f4 (not 24 ... ~g4 25.~h3#) and it's 12.ii¥e2!? or 12.Af4. Observing that the
mate in five with: 25.h4+ ~g4 26.ii¥g6+ sacrifice is unsound, Polugaevsky


played more positionally with 12.Ae4!? discovered check, 16.~el (16 ..£\xe6+
'tt1e7 13.Af4 h6 14 ..£\d2 Ab7 15.'tt1g4 c,t>f7 17.'£\xf8 c,t>xf8 18.~el 'tt1e6=)
'tt1e7 16.l.txe6 Axe6 17.Axh6 f5 16... ~h8 17 ..£\xe6+ c,t>h7 18.'£\f4 c,t>g8
18.'tt1g3 'tt1f7 19.Af4 ~d8 20.~adl Aa4 (White can recover an exchange but the
21..£\b3 ~d7 22.'tt1f3 ~xdl 23.~xdl attack has ended, 19 ..£\g6 ~e6 20.'£\xh8
'tt1e7 24.'tt1g3 'tt1f7 25.~h4 ~b7 26.f3 c,t>xh8=). 16.Axf4 Elxf4 17.4Jxe6+
.£\e7 27.~d6 'tt1e8 28 ..£\c1 Ad729 ..£\e2 !it'f518.4Jxd8 4Jxd819.~d3+ 1-0
~f7 30 ..llg5 .lle8 31.'£\f4 ~d7 32.Ae7
.£\a6 33.~g5 ~xd6 34.e xd6 'tt1d7 (109) Herrmann - Unzicker
35.Af6 c,t>h8 36..lle5.£\b8 37 ..£\xe6 .£\e6 Leipzig 1953
38.i.txg7+ c,t>g8 39.Ae5+ 1-0 Nirnzo-Indian Defense [E53]
Polugaevsky-Kuzmin, Tallinn 1965.
12...!it'xh713.4Jg5+ !it'g6 In the c,t>g8 Wolfgang Unzicker (1925-2006) chose
line, Black can defend because Olafsson law ahead of chess, but still retained
must play 14.~f3, gaining time against enormous strength, the "world cham-
the undefended .£\e6, rather than ~h5. pion of amateurs," according to Karpov.
13 ... ~g8! 14.~f3 (not 14.~h5? He won the German championship six
'tt1d3-+) 14 .. .f615.exf6 gxf616.~xe6 times from 1948 to 1963. From 1950 to
.lld7 17.~e4 fxg5 18.Axg5 'tt1xg5 1978, he played in twelve Olympiads and
19.'tt1xa8 .£\d6 20.'tt1xa7 .lle6+. Essen- represented the German national team
tially, Black has returned an exchange more than 400 times. His best results
but emerges with a small initiative. were a shared first at the Chigorin Me-
14:~g4 The most effective idea for morial in 1965 and shared first at
White is ~f3-h3, exploiting both the Amsterdam, 1980.
unanchored .£\e6 and the rook's inabil-
ity to defend safely on h8. 14.~f3! ~d7 l.d4 4Jf6 2.c4 e6 3.4Jc3 Ab4 4.e3
15.h4! (not 15.~h3?! .£\xe5 16.~h7+ c5 5.Ad3 0--0 6.4Jf3 d5 7.0--0 4J1xl7
~f6 and the king can escape, 17.'tt1h4 8.cxd5 exd5 9.4Je2 c410.Ac2 Ad6
~g6 18.~e4+ f5 19.'tt1xa8 .£\e6-+) 1l.b3 b512.bxc4 bxc413.4Jg3 Ele8
15 ... ~h8 16.~e4+ f5 (king moves get 14.Aa4 ~c7 15.4Jf5 Af8 16.4Jg3
mated, 16 ... ~h6 17 ..£\xe6+ +-; Eld8 17.Elbl 4Jb6 18.Ac2 Ad6
16 ... c,t>h5 17.g4+ c,t>xh4 18.~hl + c,t>xg4 19.e4 dxe4 20.4J xe4 4J xe4 21.-'lxe4
19.~f3+ ~h4 20.'tt1h3#) 17.exf6+ Ab7
~xf6 (17 ... c,t>h6 18 ..£\xe6+ +-) and
White has the usual pressure upon e6 8
once the f-pawn is gone, 18.~el c,t>e7 7
19 ..£\xe6 'tt1xe6 20.Ag5+ ~f8 (20 ... ~f7 6
21.'tt1f3++-) 21.'tt1f3+ ~f7 22.~xe8+ 5
~xe8 23.'tt1xe6+ +-. Also interesting is
14.'tt1e2+ f5 15.exf6+ c,t>xf6 16.'tt1e4;!;.
14.•. f5 Not 14 ... .£\xe5 because White
can exploit the unanchored ~a8
15.~e4+ f5 16.~xa8+-. 15.~g3 f4
Far better to defend with 15 ... ~e7 tak- abc d e f g h
ing the queen out of the reach of the

Sacking the Citadel

White can count only the Jlc1 as an position is under fire, but there is a suc-
additional asset in the position. As a cessful defense: (a) 26 ... Ad5! 27.§fel
result, the sacrifice fails in both main f6 2S.~hS+ JlgS 29.§e6 Axa3
lines. In the ~gS line, Black's rook is 30.4Jh7+ ~t7 31.§xf6+ ~e7 (31 ... gxf6
already off f8 and the black queen al- 32.~xf6#) 32.§el + ~d7 33.vtJxg7+
ready defends the t7-square. The ~g6 Jle7 34.4JfS+ ~cS 35.vtJxgS ~b7
line, by contrast, provides a much larger 36.§t7 §xfS 37.§exe7 §xgS 3S.§xc7+
and easier advantage. White cannot ~a6 +; (b) Not 26 ... Jlxa3 27.§fel +-
there maintain the queen on the g-file, cutting off the king's escape; and (c)
and without a white pawn on e5, Black 26 ... ~c6 27.d5! (not 27.f3 Axa3
can effectively counter a check from 28.§fel vtJh6-+) 27 ... 'li'!xd5 28.Jlxd6+
'li'!c2 with .. .f5. 22.Jtxh7+ White's best ~xd6 29.'li'!hS+ ~e7 30.~xg7 Jld5
chance was 22.Jlxb7 'li'!xb7 23.Jld2 31.4Jxt7 §gS 32.4Jxd6+ §xg7 33.4Jf5+
when Black has only a small advantage. ~f6 34.4Jxg7 ~xg7=. Black's active c-
22 ...Ci!lxh7 23.~g5+ Ci!lg6! In the more pawn compensates for slight material
challenging ~gS line, Black can snake deficiency. 24.h4 The alternatives of-
through to an advantage by maneuver- fer no hope: 24.'li'!g4 f5 when the queen
ing the light-square bishop to gS and is forced off the g-file and Black can
walking the king to the queenside. play §hS with an anchor; or 24.vtJc2+
23 ... ~gS 24.'li'!h5 §eS 25.'li'!h7+ ~fS f5 when 25.g4 meets 25 ... Jlxh2 check-
26.Jla3. mate. 24••• ElhS 25.Elel Ad5 26. ~c2+
f5 27.g4 ~d7 2S.Elb5 There's no hope
8 in 2S.h5+ 'M6 29.§e5 Jlxe5 30.dxe5+
7 ~e7 -+. 2S.•• Elxh4 29.f3 29.gxf5+ is
6 convincingly foiled by 29 ... vtJxf5.
5 29 .•• ElahS 30.gxf5+ ~xf5 31.~g2
Elhl+ 32.Ci!lf2 Ellh20-1
(11 0) Tokarev - Gorenstein
Ukraine 1954
Queen's Gambit Declined [D41]
abc d e f g h
Position after 26.J1a3 (analysis) 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.~f3 d5 4.~c3
c5 5.cxd5 ~xd5 6.e4 ~xc3 7.bxc3
If White instead plays 26.'~hS+ Black cxd4 S.cxd4 Jth4+ 9.Ad2 Jtxd2+
can wind the king safely to the 10.~xd2 0-0 1l.Ac4 ~d712.0-0
queens ide 26 ... ~e7 27.'li'!xg7 Jlxh2+ ~f6 13.Elfel b6 14.Eladl Ab7
2S.~hl Jld5 29.4Jxf7 §gS 30.Jlg5+ 15.~f4 Elc816.Ad3 Elc317.d5 ~e8
~d7 31.4Je5+ ~cS-+ or against lS.e5 Axd5 (D)
26.Jld2 Jld5 27.§fel f6 28.'li'!hS+ JlgS
29.4Je6+ limit the damage to an ex- White's active rooks and e5-pawn pro-
change sacrifice, 29 ... §xe6 30.§xe6 c3 vide important additional assets, but the
31.Jlh6 Jlxh2+ 32.~hl 4Jd5 33.§c6 black §c3 limits the ability of the white
'li'!e7 34.~xh2 gxh6 35.'li'!xh6+ vtJg7 rooks and the queen to operate freely on
36.'li'!h3 vtJh7 -+. After 26.Jla3, Black's the third rank. Black correctly defends


25 ... ~h6 26.~g3 threatens a killing pin.

8 25...gxf6 26. ~h5+ ~g7 27.g5 Elxe4?
7 And now Black can achieve equality
6 with 27 ... fxg5 2S.4Jxg5 ~c7 29.~h7+
5 ~f6 escaping to e7: 30.~h6+ (30.~xd5
exd5 31.~h6+ ~f5 32.~h7+=)
30 ... ~e7 31.~xd5 ~g4+ 32.~hl ~c6
33.~xe6+ fxe6 34.~h7+ ~eS 35.~g6+
~e7 36.~h7+=. 28.~h6+ ~g8
29.Elxe4 fxg5 30.Elg4 f5 31.Elxg5+
abcdefgh ~f7 32.Elg7+ 1--0

with ~g6, when White, with two equal- (111) Kazic - Reseli
izing lines at his disposal, plays inac- Correspondence 1954
curately and is lucky to win. 19.Axh7+ French Defense [C14]
~xh7 20.Jilg5+ ~g6 In the ~gSline,
white wins quickly because the 4Jf8 pre- 1.d4 e6 2.e4 d5 3.Jilc3 Jilf6 4.Ag5
vents Black from creating an escape Ae7 5.e5 Jilfd7 6.h4 c5 7.Axe7
square on fS, 20 ... ~gS 21.~h4+-. ~xe7 8.f4 a6 9.Jilf3 Jilc6 10.dxc5
21.Jile4? Once again, the defender is ~xc5 11.~d2 b5 12.Jild1 Jilb6
fine after giving back an exchange: 13.b30--0 14.Jilf2 Ab715.Ad3 Jild7
21.4Jxe6 fxe6 22.~xfS ~d7=, while
here, after 21.h4 Black gives back a 8
piece for a pawn to dull White's initia- 7
tive: 21 ... 4Jf6 22.exf6 ~xf6 23.h5+ ~h6
24.4Jxf7+. A double-discovered check
with no teeth. 24 ... ~h7 25.4Jg5+ 'it1gS
26.~xf6 ~xf6=. 21 ... Elc4 The best
defense is 21...~a3 maintaining control 3
over the third rank. 22.~g4+ 'it1h6 2

23.4Jg3 threatening ~h5+ 23 ... ~h7

24.~b4 ~xg3 gladly returning the ex- abc d e f g h
change, 25.hxg3 ~hS-+. Black's king
is safe, the rook will take control over White has three additional assets, the
the h-file, and all of Black's pieces will secure e5-pawn, the h-pawn, and the
find strong havens. 22. ~g4+ ~h6 4Jf2-g4, but White's queen has no easy
Correctly avoiding 22 ... 'it1h7 23.~h5+ access to the h-file. As a result, the ~gS
~gS 24.4Jg5 +- . 23. ~h3+ ~g6 24.g4 line is problematic, though Black once
Jilf6 25.exf6 Missing 25.f4 ~xe4 again crumbles under pressure. Were
26.~ xe4 ~cS. The pin on the bishop the white queen on dl, the game con-
and White's mating threats make the tinuation would have netted the black
rook immune: 27.~ed4 4Jxg4 28.~xg4+ queen after lS.~h5 ~xc2 19.4Jfe4
~h7 29.f5 ~c3 30.f6 ~e3+ 31.'it1f1 g6 ~xe4+ 20.4Jxe4 dxe4, a position that
32.~el +-. Trading queens with ... ~f3 remarkably still offers chances to both
gives White a winning endgame, while sides. 16.Axh7+ ~xh7 17.Jilg5+

Sacking the Citadel

~gS A bit of a curiosity, perhaps, but (112) Giusti - Cipriani

Black can hold here in the \t'hB line in Correspondence 1954
part because the white queen cannot French Defense [CI7]
directly reach the h-file with check,
17 ... \t'hB!? 18.~d3 f5 19.~f3 (the en 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 .1l.b4 4.e5 c5
passant capture would bring the knight 5 ..1l.d2 4)e7 6.4)b5 .1l.xd2+ 7.~xd2
to f6) 19 ...\t'gB 20.~h5 ~c3+, when it's 0--0 S.c3 4)bc6 9.4)d6 ~b610.4)f3
Black's tum to attack. 21.\t'fl ~xa1 + .1l.d711 ..1l.d34)c8
22.\t'e2 4:ld4+ 23.\t'd3 4:lc5+ 24.\t'd2
(24. '<fte3 ~c3+ 25.4:ld3 4:lxc2+ -+ )
24 ... 4:ldxb3+ (using the knight sacs to
set up a perpetual check for the queen)
25.axb3 4:lxb3+ 26.cxb3 ~a2+=. It's
mate in two moves in the \t'g6 line.
17 ... \t'g6? 1B.h5+ \t'f5 (lB ... \t'h6
19.4:lg4#) 19.94#, and not much bet-
ter in the '<fth6Iine: 17 ... \t'h6 1B.h5 +-
with the idea of 4:lg4#: 1B ... 4:ldxe5
19.fxe5 ~d4 20.~c1 ~xe5+ 21.'<ftfl abcdefgh
(Black's delaying tactics have ended)
21...~f5 22.4:lxe6++-. lS.~d3 EtfeS White sports a secure pawn on e5 and
19.~h7+ ~fS 20.0--0 There's noth- the 4:ld6, an important asset in many
ing in 20.~hB+ \t'e7 21.~xg7 ~c3+ -+. lines. To his detriment, the queen stands
20 ••. ~e7 Under little meaningful pres- on d2, where it aids the '<fth6 line but
sure, Black's best appears to be requires ~d3 rather than the usual
20 ... 4:ld4 21.~h5 \t'e7 22.~xf7+ \t'dB 'li1h5. In the \t'g6 line, White can offer
23.flad1 4:le2+ 24.\t'h2 ~e7 OF. up the 4:lg5 directly after either 14.~d3
21.~xg7 EtfS 22.f5 4)cxe5 23.fxe6 '<ftxg5 or after 14.~d3 f515.~h3 4:lxd6
23.4:lxe6 ~c3 24.~g5+ f6-+ 16.~h7. In all cases, White mates with
23 .•• ~d4 24. ~h7 4)f6? Letting help from the 4:ld6, or in the cases in
White off the hook. Instead, Black which Black captures the 4:ld6, by ag-
should seize the initiative with 24 ... flhB gressively advancing the kingside
25.~f5 ~xh4 -+ . 25. ~f5 4)fg4 26.c3
pawns. 12..1l.xh7+! ~xh713.4)g5+
~b6 27.4)xf7 27.exf7+- eyes the e6-
~g613 ... \t'gB14.'li1d3. The queen can-
square and prepared an assault on the not reach the h-file directly. As a result,
e-file. 27 .•• ~xe6 Better is 27 ... 4:lxf7
Black has several options to forestall
2B.exf7 4:lf6 (hoping to survive after the
the mate: (a) 14 ... fleB 15.~h7+ '<ftfB
capture on f7) 29.\t'h1 flhB 30.flae1 +
16.'li1h5; also winning is 15 ... ~hB-g7
\t'xf7 31.~f4±with the advantage, but
16 ... '<fte7 (not 16 ... \t'gB17.~xf7+ '<fthB
Black survives after ... flaeB. 2S. ~g5+
1B.4:lxeB ~xeB 19.~xeB# or 16... fle7
~d7 Black is without hope after
17.~hB#) 17.~xf7+ \t'dB 1B.4:lxeB
2B ... \t'xf7 29.4:lxg4++-. 29.4)xg4
~xeB 19.4:lxe6#; (b) 14 .. .f5 Blocking
4)xf7 30.~g71--O
the check gives White the time to get
the queen to the h-file, 15.~h3 fleB
16.~h7+ \t'fB17.~g6 and White wins


easily in all lines: 17 .. .';tJgS (or 17 ... 'tJe7 (113) Balanel- Sliwa
18.4Jxe6 Axe619.'~xeS# or 17 ... 4Jxe5 Prague 1954
lS.dxe5 4Jxd619.exd6 <it'gS 20.~h7+ Nirnzo-Indian Defense [E51]
'tJfS 21.~hS#) lS.4JxeS AxeS
19.~xeS#; and (c) 14 ... l"ldS (with the 1.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3.1lb4 4 ..1ld2
ideaof.. ..lleS fails as well) 15.'~'h7+<M8 0-0 5.e3 d5 6.4)f3 §e8 7 . .1ld3
16.~h5 AeS (16 ... g6 17.~hS+ <it'e7 4)bd7 8.0--0 .1ld6 9.§cl c6 10.e4
18.~f6+ ~fS19.~xfl#) 17.4JxeS+-. dxe4 1l.4)xe4 4)xe4 12..1lxe4 e5
13 ... ~h6 steps into a discovery, but the 13.§e1exd4
black queen is already safe: 14.~f4 with
mate in 10 according to Fritz 12:
14 ... 4Jxd6 15.4Jh3+ <it'g6 (15 ... ~h7
16.~h4+ <it'gS17.4Jg5l"lfeSl8.~h7+
'tJfS 19.exd6+-) 16.~g5+ <it'h7
17.~h5+ 'tJgS lS.4Jg5 l"lfeS
19.exd6+- and White breaks through
on f7 once again. 14.t?/d3+! Also win-
ning is 14.h4 4Jxd6 15.h5+ 'tJh6 (not
15 ... 'tJf5 16.l"lh4 and ~f4#) 16.dxc5
with exd6+- to follow. 14••. lit'xg5 abc d e f g h
14 .. .f5 (giving White an opportunity to
err) 15.~h3!+- (15.exf6+? allows the For additional assets, White has active
king to escape, 15 ... <it'xf616.4Jh7+ <it'e7 rooks and a dark-square bishop, but
17.4JxfS 4Jxd6-+) 15 ... 4Jxd6 there is no e5-pawn, and Black also has
(15 ... 'tJxg5 16.f4+ <it'g6 [16 ... <it'xf4 a rook on the open e-file, freeing up fS,
17.~g3#] 17.g4 fxg4 [17 ... 4Jxd6 and the 4Jd7 has unfettered access to
18.~h5 #] 18.~xg4+ <it'h7 [lS ... <it'h6
the key f6-square. Black correctly en-
19.~h4+ 'tJg6 20.l"lgl #] 19.1"lgl l"lfl
ters the 'tJg6 line because White can-
20.~g6+ 'tJgS 21.~xf7+ ~h7
not make progress with either ~g4 or
~c2+. Mysteriously, black agrees to a
22.~xg7 #) 16.~h7+ (forcing the king
draw in a fully winning position.
to capture the knight) 16... ~xg5 17.f4+
14..1lxh7+? Iit'xh715.4)g5+ Iit'g6! In
and it's mate in three, 17 ... <it'xf4
the <it'gS line, White can achieve a dy-
(17 ...'tJg4 lS.~xg7+ <it'xf4 19.~g3+
namic equality by capturing the fl-
'tJe4 20.~f3#) lS.~h4+ ~e319.~g3+
pawn, and then retreating to the queen
'tJe4 20.~f3#. Black might as well cap-
to g6 in order to play 4Jfl+. 15 ... ~gS
ture the knight directly rather than suf-
16.~h5 4Jf6! 17.~xfl+ ~hSl8.c5 AbS
fer with 14 ... ~h5 15.f4 l"lhS 16.g4+
19.~g6l"lf8 20.4Jfl+ l"lxfl. Black glee-
'tJxg4 17.~f3+ <it'h4 18.~h3#. 15.f4+! fully returns an exchange to free his
Iit'h6 The other king retreats are game, 21.~xfl ~gS 22.~e7= 16.t?/c2+
quickly mated: 15 ... 'tJh516.~h7+ ~g4 16.~g4 4Jf6-+. The queen is unable
17.~h3+ 'tJxf418.~g3# and15 ... 'tJxf4
to remain on the g-file, and the anchored
16.~g3#.16.t?/h3+ Iit'g617.g41--O rook will prevent the queen from dwell-
ing on the h-file. 16 ••• f5 17.§xe8
t?/xe8 18.§el t?/f8 19.4)e6 YZ-YZ

Sacking the Citadel

Drawn by agreement, but Black is fully ... ~f6 21.g3 ~f6+ 22.'£\f4 (22 ..ilf4 ~h3
winning after 19 ..£\e6 ~h8 20.h3 .£\f6 23 ..£\g1 ~xf4+ 24.'lt>e2 ~g2+ 25.'lt>e1
21 ..£\xd4 .ild7 -+. ~xf1 +) 22 ... ~h3-+; (b) Also interest-
ing and thematic is 19 ... h5 threatening
(114) Harrow - Siegel ... h4. (1) 20.'lt>f3 ~f6+ 21.'£\f4 (2U1f4
New York 1955 '£\xf4 22.'£\xf4 g5-+) 21...~xd4-+; (2)
Nirnzo-Indian Defense [E46] 20.~e1 ~h4+ 21.~f3 ~f6+, a nice
maneuver that takes advantage of both
l.d4 !z)f6 2.c4 e6 3.!z)c3 Ab4 4.e3 the queen and the h-pawn. 22.~g3 h4+
0--0 S.!z)ge2 dS 6.a3 Ae7 7.cxdS forcing the king into a useful discovery,
exdS S.!z)f4 c6 9.Ad3 !z) bd710.0--0 23.~h3 ~d6 first, threatening mate,
Ele8 11.b4 !z)fS 12.f3 !z)g613.!z)fe2 24 ..ilf4 '£\xf4+ 25.~xf4 .£\e5+ 26.'lt>h2
as 14.Elbl axb41S.axb4 Ad616.e4 .£\xd3-+; and (3) 20..£lf4 h4+ 21.~3 (ex-
dxe417.fxe4 posing the king to checks along the di-
agonal) 21...~xd4 22.'lt>e2 .£\4e5
8 23 ..£\xg6 .ilg4+ 24.~f3 fxg6 -+. With the
7 knight on g6, 19.~h3 loses instantly to
6 ~h4#. 19 .•• ~h4 20.Elf3 ~h2+
5 21.'it>{1 ~hl + 22.!z)gl !z)h2+ 23.'it>{2
4 Carefully avoiding both 23.~e2? ~xg2+
24.~f2 .ilg4+ -+ and 23. 'It>e 1 '£\xf3+ -+ .
23 ... !z)g4+ 24.'it>f1 !z)h2+ 2S.'it>f2
!z)g4+ 26.'it>{1 !z)h2+ Yl-Yl

abc d e f g h (115) Helwing - Baumann

Correspondence 1956
An ambitious sacrifice that nets a half Ruy Lopez [C99]
point. White has full control over the
center, the ~f1 is actively posted on a l.e4 eS 2.!Z)f3 !z)c6 3.AbS a6 4.Aa4
semi-open file, and White threatens e4- !z)f6 S.O--O Ae7 6.Elel bS 7.Ab3 0--0
e5. Black has two additional assets, the S.c3 d6 9.h3 !z)aS 10.Ac2 cS II.d4
.£\g6 which supports the queen on h4 ~c7 12.!z)bd2 Ab7 13.!z)f1 cxd4
and prevents White from defending 14.cxd4 ElacS IS.Abl dS 16.exdS
with .ilf4, and the ~e8, whose scope is exd417.-'tgS !z)xdS IS.Axe7 !z)xe7
obviously limited by the white center.
In the 'It>g1 line, as played in the game,
Black does not appear to have better
than a quick perpetual. 17••• Axh2+
IS.'it>xh2 !z)g4+ 19.'it>gl In the ~g3
line, ... h5 carries the powerful threat of
... h4, driving the king to f3. After
19.~g3, Black has two main tries,
19 ... ~h4+ and 19 ... h5. (a) With the
knight on g6, Black's best move is likely
19 ... ~h4+ 20.~f3 ~e6 with the idea of abc d e f g h


White has two additional assets, the (116) Dolezal- Ancin,

§el and the 4Jf1 en route to g3 or h2. Chomutov 1956
In the game; Black tried ~h6, an effort French Defense [C06]
to exploit the absence of a dark-square
bishop. White reacts correctly with 4Jg3 l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5
and an overwhelming attack, but White ~fd7 5.J}.d3 c5 6.c3 ~c6 7.~e2
blunders horribly on move 24. ,1l.e7 8.~f3 0--0 9.~f4cxd410.cxd4
19.J}.xh7+ ~xh7 20.~g5+ ~h6 In ,1l.b4+ 11.~f1 EIe812.h4f6
the ~g8Iine, Black sacrifices the 4Je7
to defend effectively with 'ittc2. 8
20 ... ~g8! 21.~h5 (21.~d3? [trying to 7
prevent 21...~c2] 21...4Jg6!) 21...~c2 6
(placing the queen on the key diago- 5
nal) 22.§xe7 Ad5 23.§c1 ~g6 and
Black is fine, 24.'ittxg6 fxg6 25.§xc8
§xc8=. In the ~g6 line, White wins
quickly with 4Jg3. 20 ... ~g6 21.4Jg3
(with the idea of ~h5) 21...~xg5
(21...§h8 to prevent 'itth5, but 22.~g4 abc d e f g h
f5 23.§e6#) 22.~g4+ (the queen has
immediate help from the knight) 22 ...~6 White has a secure pawn on e5, a dark-
(22 ... ~h6 23.~h5 #) 23.4Jh5 #. square bishop, a well developed knight
21.~g3! g6 2l...~xg5 walks into a mate on f4, and the h4-pawn. Little wonder,
in two with 22.'ittg4+ ~f6 (22 ... ~h6 therefore, that the sacrifice readily suc-
23.~h5#) 23.4Jh5#. 22.~g4 EIcd8 ceeds even against a black pawn struc-
(a) 22 ... 4Jf5 with a mating net that in- ture that prominently features the pawn
volves a pretty rook sacrifice on move on f6. The capture on g5 loses quickly
31, 23.4Jxf5+ gxf5 24. ~h4+ ~g6 because White gains an active h-file and
25.~h7+ ~xg5 (25 ... ~f6 26.~h6#) a pawn on g6. The 4Jf4 eliminates even
26.~g7+ ~h5 (26 ... ~h4 27.~h6#) the possibility of~g6. Black selects the
27.g4+ fxg4 (27 ... ~h4 28.~h6#) ~g8 retreat, which lasts longest only

28.~h7+ ~g5 29.h4+ ~f4 (29 ... ~f6 because Black can actively return a
30.~h6+ ~f5 31.~g5#)30.~h6+~f3 piece on e5. 13.,1l.xh7+! Although the
(30 ... ~f5 31.~g5#) 31.§e3+ d xe3 sacrifice is sound, White can continue
32.~xe3#; or (b) 22 ... 4Jc4 23.~h4+ risklessly with 13.~c2 4Jf8 14.h5 fxe5
~g7 24.~h7+ ~f6 25.'itth6!. A nice 15.dxe5 h6 16.§h3±. 13 ... ~xh7
waiting move that sets up a mate in two: 14.~g5+ ~g8 14 .. .fxg5 15.hxg5+
25 ... §h8 26.4Jh5+ ~f5 27.g4#. ~g816.~h5 4Jdxe5 (Black must elimi-
23.~h4+ ~g7 24.EIxe7?? A horrible nate the e5 pawn in order for the king to
miscalculation that throws away the hope to reach d6) 17.dxe5 4Jxe5 18.g6
game. White is winning after 24.~h7+ 4Jxg6 (Black might as well capture the
~f6 25.~h6+- threatening 4Jh7# and g-pawn because the 4Je5 is loose,
4Jh5+. 24 •.• ~xe7 25.~f5+ gxf5 18 ... ~f8 19.~xe5+-) 19.~h7+ ~f7
26.~h7+ ~f6 27.~h6+ ~e5 (19 ... ~f8 20.4Jxg6+ ~f7 21.4Je5++-)
28.EIel + ,1l.e4 29.~f3+ ~d5 0-1 20.'ittxg6+ +- ~e7 (20 ...<MB 21.4Jd3 +- )

Sacking the Citadel

21.~xg7+ ~d6 22.~d3+-. Remark- Despite White's relative lack of

ably enough, material is even, but queenside development, Black initiates
White's pieces are well poised for vic- the sacrifice with only one additional
tory. Af4 and )"lc1 are likely to be next. asset, the light-square bishop. As a re-
15.t\'h5.£idxe515 .. .fxg516.hxg5+- sult, Black wins only in the ~h3 and
opens the h-file, while 15 ... ~e7 cuts ~h1Iines. In the game, White defends
off the escape, 16.~h7+ ~f817.~h8#. with ~g3, a more difficult chore but
16.dxe5 .£ixe5 17.t\'h7+ Or Hartmann rises to the challenge.
17.~d3+-. 17.•. <t>fS IS. .£ih5 Also 13•..Axh2+ 14.<t>xh2 .£ig4+ 15.<t>g3
winning is 18.~d3 ~xd319.~h8+ ~e7 In the ~gl line, Black would have to
20.~xg7+ ~d6 21.~f7+. IS ••• t\'c7 try the awkward ~d6 to avoid Af4.
19. t\'hS+ Much stronger is 19 .Af4 +- . 15.~gl ~d6 (15 ... ~h4 16.Af4+-)
19••• <t>e7 20.t\'xg7+ <t>d6 21.t\'xf6 16.g3+- Ab7 17.Af4 ~c6 18.d5+-.
t\'c4+ 22.<t>gl.£id3 23.Ae3 23.~g7 15•••h516. t\'hl! t\'d6+ 17.Af4 t\'g6
hits interesting squares, the )"le8 and IS.Ac2 Or simply 18.f3 +-. IS ... f5
f5. 23 ••• Ad7 24.a3 Ac5 25.Axc5+ 19.f3 h4+ 20. t\' xh4 EleS 21.El xeS+
t\'xc5 26.Elh3 t\'c2 27. .£if7+ <t>c7 Also winning are 21.~g5, 21.Ab3+,
2S ..£ig7 ElfS 29.Elf1 ElacS 30. t\'e7 and even 21.~xg4+-. 21. .. t\'xeS
<t>hS 31.Elf3 The surgical finish is 22. .£id21~
31.)"lxd3 ~xd3 32.~e5+-. 31 •.. Ah5
32..£id61~ (118) Wiktorczyk - Bozek
Correspondence 1957
(117) Hartmann - Geissert French Defense [CIS]
Zittau 1956
Ruy Lopez [CS9] 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3..£ic3 Ab4 4.e5 .£ie7
5.a3 Axc3+ 6.hxc3 c5 7. t\'g4 ~
l.e4 e5 2 •.£if3 .£ic6 3.Ah5 a6 4.Aa4 S..£if3 t\'a5 9.Ad3 t\'xc3+ 10.j}.d2
.£if6 5.~ h5 6.Ah3 Ae7 7.Elel 0- t\'xal + 1l.<t>e2 t\'xhl
o S.c3 d5 9.exd5 .£ixd5 10. .£ixe5
.£ixe5 1l.Elxe5 .£if6 12.d4 Ad6

3 abc d e f g h

White carries out the Greco Sacrifice

abc d e f g h immediately after a double-rook sac.
Theoretically, the result in tlie ~g8line
ought to be a draw because, with the
black knight on e7, White would nor-


mally have nothing more than a per-

petual. Faced with the draw, Black tries 8
for more and loses quickly. 12. .Q.xh7+ 7
Iit>xh7 13 . .£lg5+ When possible, 6
13.~h5+ should be played first in or-
der to eliminate Black's options.
13••• lit>gS In this instance, Black's op-
tions lead to quick mates owing of
course to the activity of the ~g4:
13 ... ~g6 14 ..£\xe6+ <it>h7 15.~xg7#;
13 ... ~h6 14.~h4+ <it>g6 15.~h7#. abc d e f g h
14..~h5 EtdS! Thanks to the gain of
the rooks, Black now has the luxury of White has three usable assets, the dark-
sacrificing back his queen to gain time square bishop, the .£\e2, and the pro-
to safeguard his king. 14 ... ~xh2 tected e5-pawn, but Black's counter-
15.~xh2 .!"!.e816.~h7+ <it>f817.~h8+ play requires that White play ~d3 rather
.£\g8 18.'£\h7+ ~e7 19.Ag5+ (the stan- than try for~h5 with 12 ... <it>g813 ..£\g3
dard maneuver when Black's knight ~xd4 with the ideaof ... ~d3. To equal-
starts on e7) 19 ... <it>d7 20.~xg7 <it>c6 ize, Black needed to take advantage of
and the white attack continues to crash the ~d3+ by playing .!"!.e8, providing
through. 21.~xf7 Ad7 22.'£\f8 cxd4 the king with a usable escape.
23.f4 a5 24.f5 exf5 25.e6+-. 1l..Q.xh7+ Iit>xh712. .£lg5+ Iit>gS! In
15"~·xf7+ 15.~h7+ <it>f816.~h8+ .£\g8 the 12 ... <it>g6Iine, White has two main
17 ..£\h7+ ~e718.~g5+ ~d719.~xg7 alternatives, 13.~d3 and 13.'£\f4 with
~xg2-+ 15 ..• lit>hS 16..~h5+ Iit>gS the idea of~h5+. (a) 13.~d3+ f5 (once
17..~h7+ Iit>fS1S..~h5 g6? Having again, the retreats lead to forced mates)
defended well, Black loses his nerve. 14.'£\f4+ ~xg5 (take it now or take it
There's no win to be found after later: 14 ... <it>h6 15.~h3+ <it>xg5
18 ... ~g8=.19.~hS+ .£lgS 20.~h7 16.~h5#) either way is a quick mate,
1-0 There are no rooks for a rook swing, 15.~g3+ ~h616.~g6# or 16.~h4#;
but the queen and knight work together and (b) 13.'£\f4+ <it>f5 (the .£\g5 capture
harmoniously, 20 ... .£\h6 (20 ... .!"!.e7 makes no sense against the queen-
21.£\xe6+) 21.~xh6+ ~e7 22.~g7+ knight combination, 13 ... <it>xg5
~e8 23.~f7#. 14.~h5#) 14.~d3+ <it>xg5 (14 ... ~g4
15.~h3+ <it>xg5 16.~h5#) 15 ..£\xe6+
(119) Sobel- Tseveloidoff ~h5 16.~h7+ (White wants the mate,
Reykjavik 1957 not the rook) 16 ... <it>g4 17.h3#. After
French Defense [C06] 12 ... <it>h6 13.~d3 once again, the dis-
coveries are less interesting than the
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£ld2 .£lf6 4.e5 mates, 13 ... g614.~h3+<it>g715.~h7#.
.£lfd7 5 . .Q.d3 c5 6.c3 .£lc6 7 ..£le2 13. ~d3 Against .£\e2-g3, the queen
cxd4 S.cxd4 ~b6 9 . .£lf3 .Q.b4+ can again force its way onto the key
10.1it>f1 0--0 bl-h7 diagonal: 13 ..£\g3 ~xd414.~h5
~d3+.13 •••f5? Missing a path to equal-
ity with the obvious 13 ... .!"!.e8!, taking

Sacking the Citadel

full advantage of the queen's inability ture the 4JgS: 18.~h4 ~g6 19.flh7+
to attack f7 and h7 at the same time. ~xgS 20.h4 ~g4 -+) 18 ... ~xf8
14.'~h7+ ~f81S.'~·h8+ ~e7 16.'~xg7 19.bxc3 1.tcS+ 20.~hl .ilf2-+.
~d8 17.1.te3 1.te7=. 14.~h3 ~eS 15.~h4 ~xg51 16.~xg5 cxb2
15.~h5 +- 4:}fS 16.~f7+ ~hS 17.~adl.1le6 The minors are ready to
17.~xeS ~c7 IS..1le3 b6 19.~c1 swann. IS.h4 .1lc319.h5 ~h7 20.g4
.1lb7 20.4:}xe6 ~xeS 21.4:}xc7 ~dS .1lxe5 21. ~h4 .1ld4+ 22.~hl.1le3
22.a3 .1le7 23.4:}f4 .1lg5 24.4:}fe6 23.g5 ~aeS 24.g6+ ~gS 25.~gl d4
4:}xe6 25.4:}xe6 .1lxe3 26.fxe3 ~eS 0-1 White's attack has evaporated. If
27.4:}g5 ~fS 28.g3 4:}a5 29.~c7 ~b8 anything, it is the white king that is ex-
30.~f2 4:}c4 31.~c14:}xb2 32.~xb7 posed after ...1.tdS.
4:}d3+ 33.~g2 1--0
(121) Prokhorovich - K1avins
(120) Milotai - Fichtl Pamu 1958
Bmo 1957 Nimzo-Indian Defense [E55]
Vienna Game [C29]
l.d4 4:}f6 2.c4 e6 3.4:}c3 .1lb4 4.e3
l.e4 e5 2.4:}c3 4:}f6 3.f4 d5 4.fxe5 0--0 5 •.1ld3 c5 6.4:}f3 d5 7.0--0 dxc4
4:} xe4 5.4:}f3 .1lc5 6.d4.1lb4 7 ..1ld2 S..1lxc4 4:}bd7 9.dxc5 4:} xc510..1ld2
c5 S..1lb5+ 4:}c6 9.0--0 0--0 10..1ld3 .1la5 1l.a3 .1lc7 12. ~c2 b6 13.b4
4:}xd211.~xd2cxd412.~f4dxc3 4:}cd714.4:}b5 AbSI5.~fdl.1lb7
16.~acl a617.4:}bd4e51S.4:}e2e4
8 19.4:}fd4
6 8
5 7

4 6
3 5
2 4
abc d e f g h 2

Counting on two additional assets, the abc d e f g h

e5-pawn and the §fl, White initiates
the sacrifice already down a piece. The Black's additional assets include the
material edge penn its Black to gain an light-square bishop off the main c8-h3
overwhelming advantage with ... ~xgS, diagonal, the e4-pawn, and the 4Jd7
obtaining three minor pieces and a pawn which does have access to eS and then
for the queen. 13 . .1lxh7+ ~xh7 f3. In tum, the white rook is already
14.4:}g5+ ~gS More difficult to calcu- posted offfl, and White has excellent
late but also winning is 14 ... ~g6 control over the c-file and is effectively
lS.4Jxf7 fle7 16.flg3+ ~h7 17.4JgS+ challenging the black e-pawn. The
~h6 18.§xf8 (the usual idea of flh4- Greco Sacrifice appears to provide a sig-
h7 fails because Black can safely cap- nificant advantage with correct play. In


the 'it'glline, Black avoids his best pos- ElcS 23.~a2 ~h4 24 . .ilc3 Elxc4
sibilities with ~h4 and the 4:Je5-f3 ma- 25.4:Jdf5 ~h2+ 26.r.t>fl Elxc3 27.Elxc3
neuver. 19.~.Jixh2+ Black was clearly h5 2S.Elc7 h4 29.Elxb7 hxg3 30.4:Jxg3
in an aggressive mood, but 19 ... 4:Je5 4:Jxe3+ 3l.fxe3 4:Jg4-+). 22.Jixb5 The
with the idea of 4:Jxc4 is a perfectly rea- bishop sacrifice is unnecessary. White
sonable continuation. 20.lit'xh2 .£)g4+ is winning after 22 ..ilb3 ~h4 23.4:Jg3
21.lit'gl In the 'it'g3line, Black can sus- ~h2+ 24.'it'fl 4:Jde5 25 ..ilc3+-.

tain the queen on the g-file. 21.'it'g3 22 .•. axb5 23.~e7 ~h4 24.~g3
~xg3 25..£)xg3 .£)de5 26.Ete7 j}.d5
~g5 (there's no point in trying
22 ... ~c7+ 23.4:Jf4 when Black does not 27..£)xb5 EtfdS 28.j}.e3 .£)d3 29.Etd2
Etde8 30.£3 exf3 31.gxf3 .£)gf2
have time for ... g4 because the 4:Jg4 is
32.Etxf2 .£)xf2 33.lit'xf2 Jib3
hanging) 22.f4 ~g6 23.f5 (23.~b2
34.Etxe8+ Etxe8 35 . .£)f5 Ete4
4:Jxe3+ 24.'it'f2 4:Jxdl+ 25.Elxdl
36.j}.xg7 Ete2+ 37.lit'g3 Jie6
ElacS-+) 23 ... ~g5 (the queen will re- 38..£)bd6 Eta2 39.j}.h6 f6 40..£)e7+
main on the g-file) 24.4:Je6 fxe6 Iit'h841 ..£)e81--O
25.Jlxe6+ 'it'hS 26 ..ilxd7 and now, ac-
cording for Fritz 12, it's mate in 1O! (122) Furman - Geller
26 ... 4:Jxe3+ 27.r.t>f2 EI xf5+ 2S.Jlxf5 Riga 1958
~xg2+ 29.'it'xe3 ~f3+ 30.r.t>d4 Nimzo-Indian Defense [E54]
EldS+ -+. After 22.f3 rather than 22.f4,
Black walks into a self-pin with Semyon Furman (1920-1978) is best
22 ... 4:Jxe3+ but is fine in all lines: (a) known as the trainer of Botvinnik,
23.'it'f2 4:Jxdl +:;:, breaking the pin by Bronstein, and Karpov. He played of-
capturing the rook with check; (b) ten in Soviet events, achieving fourth
23.'it'h3 ~xg2+ 24.r.t>h4 ~h2+ 25.r.t>g5 place in the 1965 Soviet Championship
h6"" or 25 ... ~h6""; and (c) 23.r.t>h2 and becoming a grandmaster in 1966.
~xg2"". 21 .•. b5 Black's best shot is
21...~h4! with fantastic complications: Efim Geller (1925-1998) became a grand-
22.4:Jg3 (Black is winning after 22.4:Jf4 master in 1952, won the Soviet Champi-
~xf2+ 23.'it'hl ~h4+ 24.'it'gl and now onship twice in 1955 and 1979, and quali-
24 ... 4:Jde5 25.4:Jh3 ~g3 with the idea fied for the candidates' cycle six times
of ... 4:Jf3+ 26.'it'fl 4:Jf3 27.4:Jf5 4:Jgh2+ (1953,1956,1962,1965, 1968,and 1971).
He won four Ukrainian championship
2S.'it'e2 ~xg2+ 29.4:Jf2 4:Jg4 30.Elfl
titles, shared first in the 1991 World
.§.fdS-+) 22 ... 4:Jde5 23.4:Jdf5 ~h2+
Seniors' Championship, and won that
24.'it'fl 4:Jf3. Obviously, White cannot
title outright in 1992. Geller is well-
capture the knight because Black would
known as coach to both Spas sky and
have 24 ... ~xf2 "" 25. r.t>e2 (25.4:Jxe4 Karpov during their world champion-
~gl + 26.r.t>e2 ~xg2 27.Elfl [27.4:Jed6
ship matches.
4:Jxf2 2S.4:Jxb7 4:Je4+ 29.r.t>d3 ElfdS+
30.4:JxdS ElxdS+ 31..1ld5 (31.4:Jd4 1.d4 .£)f6 2.e4 e6 3 . .£)e3 Jih4 4.e3
4:Je5 ""] 31...EI xd5+ 32. r.t>c4 4:Jexd2+ e5 5.Jid3 0--0 6 ..£)f3 d5 7.0--0 dxe4
33.'it'c3 Eld7 -+) 27 ... 4:Jge5 and Black 8.Jixe4 b6 9. ~e2 j}.b7 10.dxe5
is winning) 25 ... ~xg2 26.Jlel EladS j}.xe311.bxe3 bxe512.j}.d3 .£)bd7
27.Eld6 r.t>hS:;:. Less compelling for 13.e4e414.j}.e2 ~a515.Etbl.£)e5
Black is 21...4:Jde5 22.4:Jf4= (22.4:Jg3 16.Etxb7 .£)xb717.e5 .£)d5

Sacking the Citadel

22.<t!xf6+ gxf6 23.'l1i'h7+ ~g4 24.'l1i'h3#

or 24.h3#or 24.f3#] 22.Axg5+ <;!;>g7
[22 ... <;!;>h5 23.<t!xf6+ <;!;>xg5 24.h4+ ~h6
25.'l1i'h7#] 23.Axf6+ ~h6 [23 ... ~g8
24.'l1i'g4+ ~xh7 25.'l1i'g7#] 24.'l1i'h4+
<;!;>g6 25.'l1i'g5+ ~xh7 26.'l1i'g7#)
21. 'l1i'h4+ ~g6 22. 'l1i'h7 #. 20:~h5 ~f6
After 20 ... t'!fe8 There's no mate in five
because the black queen is off d8:
21.'l1i'xf7+ <;!;>h8 22.'l1i'h5+ ~g8 23.'l1i'h7+
abc d e f g h <;!;>f8 24.'l1i'h8+ <;!;>e7 25.'l1i'xg7+ ~d8 but
the Ab7 is unanchored, 26.'l1i'xb7+-.
In a battle between titans, White sacri- 21.exf6 ~f5 22.g4 ~g6 23.~xg6
ficed the exchange in order to play e5, fxg6 24.f7+ Etxf7 White is easily win-
driving off Black 's <t!f6. In the <;!;>g8Iine, ning after 24 ... ~h8 25 ..Ila3+-.
Black cannot successfully create the f8- 25.~xf7 'it'xf7± 26.Ae3 e5 27.f4
escape square because the white queen 'it'e6 2S.fxe5 ~dS 29.EtfS EtbS
nets the loose <t!b7 at the end of the 30.Axa7 Etb1 + 31.Etf1 Etb232.Etf2
line. Instead, Black sacrifices back with Etb1+ 33.Etf1 33.~g2± 33 ... Etb2
... <t!f6 in order to place the queen on the 34.Etf2 Etb1 + 35.'it'g2 ~c6 36..1l,e3
bl-h7 diagonal. The endgame that re- ~xe5 37.h3 Ete1 3S.Ad2 Eta1
sults strongly favors White. 1S..1l,xh7+ 39.j},g5 ~d3 4O.Ete2+ 'it'd5 41.'it'g3
'it'xh719.~g5+ 'it'gS In the <;!;>g6line, Etgl+ 42.'it'h2 Eta1 43.'it'g2 .£let
White exploits the queen's access to 44.Etd2+ .£ld3 45.Ete2 .£lc146.Etd2+
e4, which adds remarkably to the power .£ld3 47.'it'g3 Ete1 4S.'it'h2 'it'e4
of the line after .. .f5 because White gains 49.'it'g2 'it'd5 50.AdS Etc151.Ag5
a double attack on the unprotected e6- 'it'e5 52.'it'f3 ~-~ Lulled to sleep and
pawn. 19 ... <;!;>g6 20.'l1i'e4+! initiates a content with the draw, White misses
mate in four (20.'l1i'g4 again fails because both 52.t'! xd3! +- and 52.t'!e2+ +- .
there's no way to sustain the queen on
the g-file. 20 .. .f5 21.'l1i'g3 'l1i'xc3 22.Ae3 (123) Schuster - Niepbaus
f4 23.'l1i'g4 <t!xe3 24.fxe3 'l1i'xe3+ Nuremberg 1959
25.<;!;>hl 'l1i'd3-+ )20 .. .f5 (The king re- Nimzo-Indian Defense [E29]
treats are quickly mated: 20 ... <;!;>h5
21.'l1i'h7+ <;!;>g4 22.'l1i'h3# or 22.h3# or 1.d4 .£lf6 2.c4 e6 3 ..£lc3 Ab4 4.e3
22.f3 #) 21.exf6+ <;!;>h5 (21... ~xf6 0--0 5..£lf3 c5 6.a3 Axc3+ 7.bxc3 d6
22.'l1i'xe6# and 21...<;!;>h6 22.'l1i'h7#) S ..1l,d3 .£lc6 9.0-0 e5 10.d5 .£le7
22.'l1i'h7+ <;!;>g4 23.h3#. The ~h6 line 11.e4.£lg612..£le1 ~a513.~c2Ad7
takes on a dark-square bishop and a 14.f4 Aa4 15.~b2 exf4 16.Axf4
white queen easily able to swing to M. .£lxf4 17.Etxf4 .£ld7 1S..£l0 EtabS
19 ... <;!;>h6 20.'l1i'e4 f5 invites a quick 19.Etf1 f6 20. ~c1 a6 (D)
mate in two (handing back the piece
brings on some complications but only To initiate the sacrifice, White first
delays the mate 20 ... <t!f6 21.<t!h7+! g5 ditches the e-pawn to open the bl-h7
[21...<;!;>h5 and it's mate in three with diagonal. After the sacrifice, the


25.~h7+ '.ftf8 26.~h8+ (26.<£Je6+ '.fte7

8 27.~xg7+ 'tie8 28.~g6+ '.fte7
7 29.~g5+) 26 ... 'tie7 27.~xg7+ '.ftd8
(27 ... 'tie8 28.Elxf4 e4 29.~h8+ '.fte7
30.Elf7 #) 28.<£Je6+ '.fte8 (28 ... '.fte8
29.~g8+ Elf8 [29 ... <£Jf8 30.Elxf4 exf4
4 31.~xf8+ '.ftd7 32.~g7+ '.fte8
3 33.h4+-] 30.Elxf8+ <£Jxf8 31.~xf8+
2 '.ftd7 32.~xb8+-) 29.~g6+ '.fte7
30.~g5+ Elf6 31.~g7+ '.fte8 32.Elxf6
abcdefgh <£Jxf6 33. ~xf6. The mating threats keep
the black queen close, when White can
doubled rooks provide the needed ad- simply start pushing the h-pawn.
ditional assets to achieve victory in 33 ... ~b6 34.~g6+ '.ftd7 35.~f7+ '.fte8
36.h4 +- . Don't miss the '.fth6 line, in
every line. The \filg6 line in the game
which White's most efficient path to the
involves a nice rook sacrifice on g4 with
win involves consecutive sacrifices of
a quick mating net. 21.e5 fxe5 There
the knight and rook: 23 ...'.fth6 24.E!.h4+
were two alternative captures on e5: (a) '.ftg6 25.~bl + 'tixg5 26.E!.g4+ +- (tak-
21...dxe5 22.Elg4 f5 23.~h6 (a nice ing the rook meets a mate in three) The
rook sacrifice that forces the king to f7 queen cannot reach the h-file directly
where White will have a powerful dis- after 23 ... 'tih8 but 24.~bl +- is over-
covery with the knight) 23 ... fxg4 whelming. 24.~b1+ Cit'xg5 25.1ag4+
24.~xh7+ \filf7 25.<£Jxe5+ (25.<£Jg5+ 1-0 The rook sacrifice starts a mate in
'tie7 [2'5 ... 'tie8 26.~xg7 Elxfl + 27.'tixfl four: 25 ... '.ftxg4 (25 ...'.fth6 26.~g6#)
~b6 28 ..llg6+ \fild8 29.<£Je6+ \file8 26.~g6+ '.fth4 27.g3+ '.fth3 28.~h5#.
30. ~h8+ <£Jf8 31. ~xf8+ \fild7
32.<£Jxe5+ +-] 26. ~xg7+ '.ftd6 (124) Kozlova - Liapunova
27.~h6+ 'tie7 28.<£Je6+ 'tib6 Moscow 1959
29.<£Jxf8+ +- ) 25 ...'tie7 26.~xg7+ '.ftd8 Nirnzo-Indian Defense [E20]
(26 ... 'tid6 27.Elxf8 <£Jxf8 28.<£Jf7+ 'tie7
[28 ... 'tid7 29.<£Jg5++-] 29.~e5+ 'tib6 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.~c3 j}"b4 4.j}"d2
30.~xb8) 27.Elxf8+ <£Jxf8 28.d6 when d5 5.e3 0--0 6.cxd5 exd5 7.j}"d3 1ae8
it's mate in five; and (b) 21...<£Jxe5 8.~ge2 c6 9.a3 j}"d6 10. ~c2 a5
22.<£Jxe5 dxe5 (Black cannot capture 11.0-0
with 22 .. .fxe5 because of 23 ..I1xh7+
'tixh7 24.Elxf8+-) and now the three 8
majors romp on the kingside: 23.Elh4 7
h6 24.m3 \filf7 25.~el \file7 26.Elg3 6
g5 (26 ... Elf7 27 ..I1g6+-) 27.Elxh6+-. 5
22.J}.xh7+! Cit'xh7 23.1~g5+ Cit'g6 In 4
the 'tig8 line, the white queen enters
the diagonal on bl when the queen, the 3 1""""'~N/_. uF~~~~'7"'~N/
<£Jg5-e6, and the Elfl tie down Black's
forces so tightly that the passed h-pawn
abc d e f g h
queens easily. 23 ... \filg8 24.~bl Elxf4

Sacking the Citadel

Black's sacrifice relies upon two addi-

tional assets, the light-square bishop 8
and the El.eS, but White, with superior 7
development, defends easily in the ~g3 6
line. There, the black queen cannot re- 5
main on the g-file and after 13.g3 ~d6+, 4
Black does not have an adequate re-
sponse to 14.f4. 11. .. Jlxh2+
12.Cit'xh2 .£Jg4+ 13.Cit'gl White is eas-
ily winning after 13.~g3! ~d6+ (not
13 ... ~g5 14.f4+- and the queen is no abcdefgh
longer able to stay on the g-file or on
the h-file after El.h1) 14.f4 El.xe3+ White has secured the e5-pawn with
15.El.f3+- or 15.~h4 ~h6#; 15.ltxe3 f4, which temporarily blocks the Jlc1
4Jxe3 16.Axh 7 + 'it'fS 17. ~c1 +- . but carries the potential of a pawn storm
13 ... ~h4 14.!!fcl After 14.El.fe1 with g4 and f5. The 'it'g6 line is chal-
~xf2+ 15.'it'h1 Black can choose to sac lenging, requiring a carefully orches-
the rook now with 15 ... El.xe3! (or later trated pawn storm. 20.Jlxh7+ Cit'xh7
with 15 ... ~h4+ 16.~gl ~h2+ 17.'it'f1 21 ..£Jg5+ Cit'g6 In the 'it'gSline, White
El.xe3! lS.Axe3 4Jxe3+ 19.~f2 rolls in quickly because Black's only
4Jxc2 -+) 16.Axe3 ~h4+ 17. 'it'gl hope, ... Af5, loses quickly to ~xf7 and
~h2+ 18.'it'f14Jxe3+ 19.'it'f24Jxc2-+. ~xf5. 21...~gS 22.~h5+- ltf5 (des-

14.•• ~xf2+ 15.Cit'hl !!xe316..£Jgl perately seeking an escape square with

White dare not capture the rook because 22 ... Ad6 simply invites 23.~h7+ 'it'fS
16.Axe3 4Jxe3-+ hits the queen and 24.exd6+-) 23.~xf7+ ~hS 24.~xf5
supports the mate on g2. 16••• ~h4+ +-. 22.g4! f5 The kingside pawn ex-
0-1 White resigns rather than allow the pansion is overwhelming the ~g6Iine.
rook sac on h3: 17.4Jh3 El.xh3+-+ There's no relief in 22 ... ~cS 23.f5+ Jlxf5
lS.gxh3 ~xh3+ 19.'it'gl ~h2+ 20.'it'f1 24.gxf5+ ~xf5 25.El.f1 +- because
~f2#. 25 ... ~xe5 meets 26.'liJrg2. And 22 .. .f6
fails to 23.f5+ Axf5 24.gxf5+ ~xf5
(125) Fucak - Petek when White can tee off with 25.El.f1 +
Correspondence 1959 ~g6 26. ~c2+ 4Je4 27 .4Jcxe4 +-.
RuyLopez [C81] 23.gxf5+ There's no need to rush the
pawns forward. More compelling is
l.e4 e5 2..£Jf3 .£Jc6 3.Jlb5 a64.Aa4 23.Ae3! lte7 24.e6! El.fS (or 24 ... Jlxg5
.£Jf6 5.0-0 .£Jxe4 6.d4 b5 7.Ab3 d5 25.gxf5) 25.exd7 4Jbxd7 26.b4 Jlxg5
8.dxe5 Ae6 9.~e2 Ae710.!!dl 0-0 27.gxf5+ El.xf5 2S.fxg5 4Jb7 29.El.f14Jd6
1l.c4 bxc4 12.Axc4 .£Ja5 13.Jld3 30.~c2 +-. 23 .•. Axf5 The bishop
.£Jc5 14.Ac2 .£Jc4 15.b3 .£Jb6 move is forced. King moves get mated:
16..£Jd4 Ad7 17.f4 !!e8 18. .£Jc3 (a) 23 ... 'it'h6 24.~g4 Axf5 25.~h4+
Af8 19..£J£3 c6 ~g6 26.~h7#; and (b) 23 ... ~xf5
24.~c2+ 'it'g4 when 25.h3 starts a mate
in three. Instead, Black could try
24 ... 4Je4 25.4Jcxe4 dxe4 26.~xe4+


'it'g4 when, once again, it's mate in three 23.flbf1 gxf4+ 24.flxf4 t£tg6+
with 27.h3+ 'it'h4 (27 ... \t>hS 28.~h7# 2S.t£txg6+ hxg6= when Black, though
or 27 ... 'it'g3 28.~e1 #) 28.~h7+ 'it'g3 up a pawn, has no meaningful winning
29.fld3. 24.<it'h1 ~c8 Black is fine af- chances; (b) The most complicated
ter 24 ... ~d7 2S.§.gl A,e7? After de- variation is 18 ... flxf2 19.~c1 t£td6+
fending well, Black misses moves such 20.<£lf4 flxfl 21.~xfl and White sur-
as 2S ... d4 or 2S ... flb8. 26.e61-O vives the attack after 21...hS (White is
even better after 21...gS 22.Axh7!)
(126) Muller - Schmidt 22.~f3 h4+ 23.'it'xh4 t£th6+ (23 ... gS+
Minden 1959 24.\t>g3 [24.\t>xgS t£th6#] 24 ... gxf4+
French Defense [C06] 2S.t£txf4 t£txf4+ 26.\t>xf4 Ad7;!;)
24.<£lhS (24. 'it'g3 ~h2 #) 24 ... gS+
1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.4)d2 4)f6 4.eS 2S.'it'g3 t£td6+ 26.<£lf4 gxf4+ 27.t£txf4
4)fd7 S.A,d3 cS 6.c3 4)c6 7.4)e2 ~xf4+ 28. \t>xf4 Ad7;!; ; and (c) The at-
~b6 8.4)0 cxd4 9.cxd4 f610.exf6 tempt to win an exchange with
4) xf611.0-0 Ad612.b3 eS13.dxeS 18 ... t£td6+ 19.f4 <£le3 fails to 20 ..ileS
4) xeS 14.4) xeS AxeS lS.§.b1 0-0 ~b6 (20 ... t£tb4 21.~c1 <£lxf1+
16.Ab2 22.t£txfl+-) 21.Ad4+-. 18 .•• ~h6
19.AeS Preventing the mate but throw-
ing away all hope. White cannot create
an escape square on fl because 19.fle1
t£th2+ 20.'it'fl when Black's active rook
enables flxf2# or 20 ... <£le3#.
19 ... 4)xeS-+ 20.~c1 4)xd3
21.~xh6 gxh6 22.§.bd1 AfS
23.4)d4 Ag6 0-1

(127) Teschner - Spassky

abcdefgh Riga 1959
Queen's Gambit [D55]
Black can count on the light-square
bishop and the open f-file as assets, but Boris Spassky (b. 1937) was the tenth
the black queen cannot safely reach the world chess Champion (1969-1972). He
g-file. In the 'it'glline, the rook's pres- won the Soviet Championship outright
sure on f2 eliminates flfl-e1 as a de- in 1961 and 1973, and gained entry into
fense, and White cannot safely bring the candidates' cycle seven times. In
the dark-square bishop to eS. 1955, he became, to that date, the young-
16 ••. A,xh2+ 17.<it'xh2 4)g4+ est ever grandmaster. He is best remem-
18.<it'gl? In the 'it'g3 line, without the bered for his loss to Bobby Fischer in
queen's access to the g-file, Black has their famous 1972 match in Iceland.
to settle for relatively equal play.
18.'it'g3! when Black has three tries: (a) 1.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)f3 dS 4.cxdS
18 ... <£lxf2! 19.~d2 (19.~c1 t£td6+ exdS S.4)c3 Ae7 6.AgS 0-0 7.e3 b6
20.<£lf4 <£lxd3 -+) 19 ... ~d6+ 20.<£lf4 8.Ad3 Ab7 9.Axf6 Axf610.h4 cS
<£lxd3 21.t£txd3 flxf4 22.flxf4 gS

Sacking the Citadel

14•.. !it'xgS! IS.f4+ Or 15.hxg6 ~g7

16.0-0--0 f5 -+. IS •••!it'h6! It was not
hard to avoid 15 ... ~g4? 16.hxg6 'l£re7
17.0-0-0 'l£rxe3+ 18.~b1 'l£re6
19.§d3+- . 16.hxg6+ !it'g717.13h7+
!it'g8 18.0-0--0 .1lg7 19.13dhl ~f6
20.gxf7+ 13xf7-+ 21.g4cxd4 22.gS
~fS 23.13xg7+ !it'xg7 24.~h2 13f8
2S.g6 ~xg6 26.13gl ~d7 27.13xg6+
!it'xg6 28.~bS 13ac8+ 29.!it'dl 13f6
abc d e f g h 30.~d6 13xd6 31.fS+ !it'xfS
32. ~xd6 ~f6 33.exd4 .1lc6 34.~a3
On the receiving end of the sacrifice, 13a8 3S.~h3+ !it'g6 36.~g3+ !it'fS
the future world champion demon- 37.~h3+ !it'g6 38.~g3+ !it'f7
strates his defensive skills. For addi- 39.~c7+ .1ld7 40.~b7 13h8
tional assets, White can count here only 41.~xa7 bS 42.!it'c2 13c8+ 43.!it'b3
on the h-pawn and the relatively slow 13c4 44.a3 !it'e7 4S.!it'a2 ~e8
.£Jc3-e2-f4 maneuver. Spas sky smartly 46.~b8 ~c7 47.~b7 !it'd648.~b6+
selects the ~h6 line and defends re- .1lc6 49.~b8 !it'd7 SO.~h8 .1la8
markablywith 14 ... '<ftxg5.11.Axh7+? SI.~h3+ !it'c6 S2.~h6+ !it'b7
!it'xh7 12.lilgS+ !it'h6! The '<ftg61ine S3. ~g7 !it'a7 S4. ~d7 .1lb7 SS. ~e7
runs into a pretty checkmate because Ac8 S6.~g7 !it'b7 S7.~eS Ad7
the ~f6 blocks f7-f5 as a defense S8.~d6 .1le8 S9.~f6 b4 60.axb4
against 'l£rd3+. 12 ... '<ftg8 13.ifl'h5 §e8 13xb4 61.b3 13b6 62.~h8 13e6
14.'l£rxf7+ '<fth8 15.'l£rxb7 +-. The ~g8 63.!it'a3 13e4 64.!it'b2!it'b6 6S.~f6+
line also loses quickly because the ~b7 ~e6 66.~e7 Ac6 67.~d6 13xd4
is unanchored. 12 ... '<ftg6 13.'l£rd3+ (it's 68.!it'c3 ~c7 69. ~d8 !it'b7 70. ~e7
mate in three) 13 ... '<fth5 (13 ... ~h6 13e4 71. ~g7 .1lbS 72. ~h7 d4+
14.'l£rh7#) 14.g4+ '<ftxg4 (14 ... '<fth6 73.!it'b4 13eS 74.~h2 13dS 7S.~d2
15.ifl'h7#) 15.§gl+ ~xh4 (15 ... ~h5 d3 76.!it'c3 13cS+ 77.!it'b4 13c2
16.ifl'h7#) 16.ifl'h7#. The line with 78. ~dl ~dS+ 0-1
~xg5 exposes the king and provides
White with the time for .£Je2-f4. The Greco Sacrifice: 1960-2010
12 ... ~xg5 13.hxg5+ '<ftg6 (the retreat
to g8 is quickly punished: 13 ... '<ftg8 The previous sections of this chapter
14.ifl'h5 f5 15.g6+-) 14.ifl'h5+ ~f5 presented a comprehensive collection
15.'l£rh3+ '<ftxg5 (15 ... '<ftg6 16.'l£rh7+ of all of the Greco Sacrifices I could lo-
'<ftxg5 17.§h5+ '<ftg4 18.ifl'f5#) cate for each time period through 1959.
16.ifl'h5+ ~f6 17.ifl'e5+ '<ftg6 Their number was relatively modest,
18 ..£Je2+-. 13.~c2 g6 14.hS A bit and I felt that it was important to present
more promising is 14 ..£Je6 fxe6 15.h5 all of the games upon which the theo-
ifl'e8 16.hxg6+ ~g7 17.§h7+ ~g8 rists of the day might have drawn.
18.§xb7 picking up the loose bishop
but 18 ... cxd4 19.exd4 il,xd4-+ when Such is not the case for the rest of the
Black is a piece up with the initiative. games in this chapter. For this period,


there are many thousands of modem W ~?? h7 x .ft check

Greco Sacrifices and frankly, most were B ~g8 h7 x .ll
not worthy- of inclusion here. I spent W tLJ?? g5 x 0 check
more than three months sifting through The search method permits searches for
available games, handpicking what now mirrored Greco-type bishop sacrifices
emerges as a simply remarkable collec- by Black upon h2. Searches of
tion of games, many appearing in print ChessBase's MegaBase and its corre-
with analysis for the first time. spondence chess database quickly gen-
erated more than 3,500 games. I supple-
In many ways, these selected games mented this assemblage with literature
deserve the attention they hopefully reviews, and I acknowledge a special
will now get. Feel free to enjoy them for debt of gratitude to Peter Tamburro, a
what they are, or use them simply as well known chess author and regular
quizzes, starting at the diagram when contributor to Chess Life, for his assis-
the sacrifice occurs. Identify the assets tance in locating published examples.
in the position and work out all of the
variations on your own. You will quickly To cull this final collection of games, I
observe that most of the sacrifices in played through all of them, first reduc-
these games succeed. Know, however, ing the huge collection to just under
that not all are sound. Even in this mod- 1,000 and then, using Fritz 12 as an as-
em era, embarking on the sacrifice still sistant, settling on the final group of
brings the burden to the defense. just under 200 games. Simply put, these
are the games I liked and enjoyed the
Once again, this section features amaz- most. They are interesting, attractive,
ing talent, including games by Donner, and appealing. They tend to be sound
Portisch, Polugaevsky, Tal, van der and complex with more than the occa-
Wiel, Spraggett, Short, Queinteros, sional king hunt. But there are also in-
Seirawan, Sax, Timman, Kortschnoi and structive errors and missed opportuni-
Kasparov. ties. In short, these tend to be well
played games that often involve com-
Finding the games plex and instructive attacking and de-
fensive themes.
To locate Greco Sacrifices and examples
of games that contain specific criteria, I As a group, the 36 correspondence
first used the maneuver search within games that made the final cut are an ex-
ChessBase. ceptionallot that deserve special atten-
tion. The games are particularly com-
The main example: A search for sacri- plex, remarkably well-played, and often
fices involving Ulxh7, ~xh7, 2.4:Jg5+ at the cutting edge of soundness.
involved the placement of the follow-
ing information within the maneuver tab For each game in the chapter, I provide
within the ChessBase search feature: an overview of what is to come. To as-
sist the test of VukoviC's proposition
that at least two additional assets (be-

Sacking the Citadel

yond the bishop that captures on h7, meets an even quicker fate than normal.
the knight that reaches g5, and the 18 .. .'it'h8 19.~xf8#. The 'iti'h6line re-
queen) are generally required for the sults in a quick mate in the corner:
sacrifice to succeed, I again list the ad- 18 ... 'iti'h6 19.4)f7+ 'ifth7 (19 ... 'iftg6
ditional assets and summarize the re- 20.'~g4+ 'ifth7 21.ili'h5 + +- ) 20.ili'h5+
sults of each of the main lines, usually 'iti'g8 2 1.ili'h8 # . The open f-file makes
the 'iti'g8 and 'iti'g6 lines, but also the even the 'iti'g6line a quick rout. 18 ... 'it'g6
other lines when there is something in- 19.~xf8 ili'xd4 20.ili'c2+ +-. 19.EtxfS+
teresting to report. <it'xfS 20. ~f3+ <it'eS Hoping to run
towards the queenside. White barges
Enjoy the games! straight in after 20 ...'iti'g8 21.ili'f7+ 'it'h8
22.ili'f8#. 21.~f7+ <it'dS 22 ..£Jxe6+
(128) Mason - Clapperton Axe6 23.Ag5+ <it'c8 24. ~xe6+ <it'c7
Correspondence 1960 25. ~f7+ <it'cS 26. ~eS+ .£JdS
French Defense [C 18] 27.Etc1 + 1""{) Not waiting for 27 ... fl.c7
28.ili'xd8# .
l.e4e6 2d4d5 3..£Jc3 Ab44.e5c5 5.33
.1la5 6.b4 cxd4 7 ..£Jb5 .1lc78.f4.£Jc6 (129) Durao - Heidenfeld
9 ..£Jf3 .1lbS 10•.£Jbxd4 .£Jge7 1l.c3 Netanya 1961
.£Jxd412cxd4 .£Jc613•.1ld3 f614.0-0 French Defense [CI4]
fxe515.fxe5 ~b616.<it'hl 0-0
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 . .£Jc3 .£Jf6 4.Ag5
8 .1le7 5.e5 .£Jfd7 6.Axe7 ~xe7 7.f4
7 0....{) S ..£JO c5 9 ..1ld3 cxd4

5 8

4 7

3 6
2 5
abc d e f g h
The open f-file and Black's poor
queens ide development make the sac- abcdefgh
rifice an easy rout. White has two addi-
tional assets in the dark square bishop White has a reinforced pawn of e5 and
and the strong e5-pawn, as well as the the ability by castling to bring the
queen's rook which can enter the posi- king's rook quickly into the game, but
tion powerfully on the c- or f-files. In White initiates the sacrifice with the
the 'iti'g8 line, the exchange of rooks on 4Jc3 en prise. As a result, the ili'xg5 line
the f-file permits the white queen to provides Black with relatively even
enter the black kings ide powerfully on chances because Black nels the addi-
I7 with Ag5+ to follow. 17..1lxh7+! tional piece. The play is sloppy but in-
<it'xh7 lS..£Jg5+ <it'gS The 'iti'h8 line structive. Black prevails owing to


White's missed opportunities and the 39.gf3 4)f4+ 4O.~gl gg4+ 41.~h2
weakness of the white kings ide after gg2+ 42.~hl gd2 0-1
19.94. 10..1lxh7+ ~xh7 1l.4)g5+
~xg51 In the ~g8line, Black is forced (130) Zaitsev - Platonov
to capture the knight, but White gains Minsk 1962
the option of capturing here with the Nirnzo-Indian Defense [E48]
queen, preserving the pawn structure.
11...~g8 12.~hS ~xgS 13.~xgS±. l.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3 Ab4 4.e3
11...~g612.~d3+ (with the 4Jc3 hang- c5 5.Ad3 0-0 6.4)ge2 d5 7.cxd5
ing, White needs to check) 12 ... fS (not cxd4 S.4)xd4 exd5 9.0-0 4)c6
12 ... ~h6 13.~h7# or 12 ... ~hS 10.~a4 .1ld6 11.4)xc6 bxc6
13.~h3+ ~g6 14.~h7#) 13.exf6+ 12.~xc6 gb813.4)b5 gb614.~c3
~xf6 (avoiding 13 ... ~hSI4.~h7+ ~g4
15.0-0+-) 14.~xd4+ ~g6 (not 8
14 ... 'itfS 15.0-0-0+-) IS.~d3+ ~f6 7
(IS ... dfS 16.g4+-) with a pleasing fi- 6
nale: 16.0-0-0 4Jc6 17.~h7 4Jb6 5
18.4Jce4+ dxe4 19.4Jxe4+ ~f7
20.4Jd6+ ~f6 21.g4+-. 12.fxg5 dxc3
13.0-0 4) xe5 Preferring to capture the
central e-pawn than 13 ... cxb214.~hS+
'<t68 IS ..§ael 4Jc6=. 14.~h5+ ~gS
, 5.gf4? White is aiming to swing the abc d e f g h
rook to the h-file. The far better way to
do so is IS ..§ael 4Jbc6 16 ..§e3 g6 Black's sacrifice can count as additional
17.~h4 +-. 15 ... 4)g6 16.gf3 e5 Or assets the light-square bishop and the
16... cxb2 holding the rook to the de- well-developed '§b6. In the ~g3 line,
fense of bi. 17.bxc3 4)c6 IS.gafl played in the game, Black quickly re-
.1le6 19.94 4)ce7 20.gh3 gfcS covers an exchange but retains the ini-
21.~h7+ ~fS 22.ghf3 Better is tiative thanks to the penetration of the
22 ..§g3= with h4-hS to follow. major pieces. 14.•• .1lxh2+ 15.~xh2
22 ..• gc4-+ 23.h3 gacS 24.ge3 4)g4+ 16.~g3 In the ~glline, White
gxc3 Black can also trap the white cannot defend with ~c7 because '§b6-
queen with 24 ... ~xg4 2S.hxg4 .§xg4+ h6 wins quickly. 16.~gl ~h417.~c7
26.~f2 .§h4-+. 25.gxc3 gxc3 26.h4 .§h6-+. 16.~h3 .§h6+ 17.~g3 4JeS
gg3+ 27.~h2 gxg4 2S.h5 gh4+ Or preparing ... ~h4 18.~xeS (or White
28 ... .§xgS 29.hxg6 .§xg6-+ again trap- can run into a neat mating net 18.~f4
ping the queen. 29.~gl 4)f4 30.h6 .§h4+ 19.94 .§xg4+ 20.~xeS f6#)
gxh6 Missing a pretty win with 18 ... ~h4+ 19.~f3 ~g4#. 16•.• gh6
30 ... .§g4+ 31.~f2 .§xgS 32.'~h8+ 4Jg8 Black selects the strongest move,
33.h7 .§g2+ 34.~el f6-+. 31.~hS+ swinging the rook to the h-file when
4)gS 32. ~xe5 hxg5 33. ~bS+ ~g7 White cannot safely play .§hl. Ambigu-
34.~xb7 4)f6 35.~xa7 d4 36.a4 ous is the traditional 16 ... ~gS?! 17.f4
4)h-H 37.~h2 4)d5 Fastest is ~hS 18.Ad2 (18.4Jd4 .§h6 19.4Jf3 4Jf6
37.. ;"~g4+ 38.~g3 4Je3-+. 3S.a5 4)e3 20.~d2 4Je4+ 21.~xe4 dxe4 22 ..§hl

Sacking the Citadel

~g4+ 23.'.£i'f2 exf3 24.gxf3 §xh1 (131) Minic-Ferry

25.§xh1 ~e6 26.~d3±) lS ... §h6 VamaOlympiad 1962
19.§h1 <£Jh2 inviting a draw, but White King's Indian Attack [A07]
is better: 20.'~)f2 <£Jg4+ 21.'it'e2 <£Jh2+
22.'it'e1 ~h4+ 23.'it'd1 Ag4+ 24.'it'c2 1.e4 e6 2.d3 d5 3.~d2 ~d7 4.g3
§cS 25.<£Jc7 ~e7 26.~d4 ~xc7+ ~gf6 5.jlg2 jle7 6.~gf3 0-0 7.0-0
27.Ac3 f6 2S.§ac1 ± .17.~f3 Forced. b6 8.e5 ~e8 9.Ele1 jlb7 10.d4 c5
Losing alternatives include 17.<£Jd4 1l.c3 ~b812.h4 ~c613.jlf1 cxd4
<£Je5 lS.<£Jf3 <£Jxd3 19.~xd3 14.~ xd4 ~ xd4 15.cxd4 ~c7
Aa6-+with an attractive skewer, and 16.jld3 jla617.jlb1 Elc818.~f3
17.~c7 ~f6 lS.~f4 ~h4+ 19.'it'f3 .Q.b419.Ele3 ~d7
§f6 -+ winning the queen. 17••• ~h2+
18.~e2 Other king moves lose quickly:
lS.'it'g3~g5# and lS.'it'f4§h4+ 19.94
(19.'it'g3 ~g5#) 19 ... §xg4+ 20.'it'e5
<£Jf3#.18•.. ~xf119.~xf1 ~g5Miss­
ing 19 ... §h1 +! 20.'it'e2 ~h4 21.~d4
Ag4+ 22.'it'd2 (22.f3 ~e1 #)
22 ... §cS-+ cutting off the king's es-
cape. 20.~c7 Elh1+ 21.~e2 ~g4+
22. ~d2 Not 22.f3 ~xg2 #. 22 ..• ~d1 +
Better is 22 ... §d1+ 23.'it'c3 §xd3+ abc d e f g h
24.'it'xd3 Af5+ 25.'it'd2 §cS-+.
23.~c3 jla6 24.~xa7 Elc8+ 25.~b4 White's additional assets include the
Avoiding 2S.<£Jc7 ~xd3+ -+ or eS-pawn and the dark-square bishop.
2S ... ~xd3 26.~xa6 ~c4+ 27.'it'aS -+. The §f3 blocks the queen's access to
27 ... Elxc1 28.Elxc1 ~xc129.b4 h5 hS and has no easy access to the h-file,
30.a4 Elb8 31.~d6 Ela8+ 32.~b6 but it still has a useful role to play. Here,
~c8 33.~c7 Elxa4 34.b5 ~b8+ the 'it'h6 line saves a useful tempo over
35.~c6 Elg4 It's quickly over after the 'it'g6line (h5 'it'h6) and forces White
3S ... §c4+-+. 36.~xd5 h4 37.~d7 to choose a square for the §f3. The
Elb4 38.~e5 Elb1 39.~d4 ~b7 decision between §b3 and §f3 is chal-
40.~d6 ~xg2 41.~xh4 ~g6+!? lenging. White selects §b3 in part, no
Throwing away the win. Black's last doubt, because it gains a tempo against
chance to secure the point was Black's unanchored bishop. 20..Q.xh7+
41...§dl+! 42.'it'e7 ~g6. 42.~d7 ~xh7 21.~g5+ ~h6 21...'it'g6 22.hS+
Eld1 + 43. ~c8 ~d6 44. ~c4 Eld2 'it'h6 (22 ... 'it'fS 23.~f3+ 'it'xgS
45.f4 ~b6 46.~e4 ~f6 47.~b7 24.§c3#; 22 ... 'it'xgS 23.§c3+ 'it'fS
Eld6 48.~b4 Eld8 49.~e4 g5 50. 24.~f3#) 23.~c2 g6 24.<£Jxf7+ The
~g2 Eld3 51.b6 ~f8 52.~c2 Elc3 threat is ~xg6 # 24 ... ~xf7 2S.§f3+ +-
53.~e4 gxf4 54.~e8++- ~g7 and the queen cannot move because
55.~d5 Elxe3 56.~xf6 Elxe8 Black is in check. 22.Elb3! Gaining time
57.~xe8+ 1-0 against the undefended-Jlb4. Also
strong is 22.§f3 ± . 22 •.. .Q.e7 23. ~c2


g6 24..£J xf7+! <ifjlh7 The double check the dark-square bishop as an additional
requires the king to move. On 24 ... 'it'g7 asset, but both rooks are able to take
25.~h6+ 'i!th7 (not 25 ... 'i!txt7 inviting part in the assault with E!ac1 and with
an invasion of the major pieces 26.E!f3+ f4. With time in a correspondence game,
'it'eS 27.~xg6+ 'i!tdS 2S.~xfS ~xfS Black correctly selects the 'i!tg6 line
29.E!xfS+ 4:\eS 30.E!f7 ~c6 because White, without a pawn on e5
31.~g5+ +-) 26 ..IlxfS .IlxfS 27.4:\g5+ or a rook on el, has no control over the
(White has won a piece and sustains f6-square. 16.Axh7+ <ifjlxh717..£Jg5+
the attack) 27 ... 'it'g7 2S.E!f3 4:\eS <ifjlg6 The 'i!tgS line is challenging, but
29.~dl E!c7 30.h5+-. 25.h5 EtgS White can prevail with careful play.
26. ~d2 AfS 27 . .£Jg5+ Better is 17 ... 'i!tgS lS.~h5 E!dS 19.~xf7+
27.m3! ~b5 28.~g5+-. 27 •.• <ifjlhS (19.~h7+? 'i!tfS-+) 19 ... 'i!thS 20.f4
2s.g4 gxh5 29.Eth3 Et xg5? Black can (with the idea of21.E!f3, and if20 ... .ilb7,
survive with 29 ... E!g6 30.E!xh5+ E!h6+. White has 21.f5) 20 ... ~b7 21.~g6'i!tgS
30.~xg5 ~g7 31.~xh5+ <ifjlgS 22 ..ild2 (activating the E!al and with
32.Ag5+- Ae2 33.Ete1 Ab5 the idea of .ilb4) 22 ... E!a6 23.E!ac1 E!d5
34.A{6 Ae8 35.~h4 ~g6 36.~hS+ (23 ... ~e7 24 ..ilb4 E!c6 25.f5 +-)
<ifjlf7 37.Eth7+ 1-0 It's mate in three: 24 ..Ilb4 +-. IS. ~g4 When the usual
with 37 ... Ag7 3S.E!xg7+ ~xg7 discovery with 4:\xe6 threatens a piece
39.~xg7#. rather than a pawn on g7. On lS.h4
Black survives with lS ... E!hS 19.~g4
(132) Arje - Weimo f5 20.~g3 Af6 (and even better is
Correspondence 1962 20 ... E!a7 21.b4 4:\a4 22.4:\xe6+ 'i!th7
Slav Defense [D49] 23.4:\g5+ 'it'gS 24.E!el ~c6 25.Ad2:j:)
21.4:\e4+ 'it't7 22.4:\xf6 'i!txf6 23 ..ilg5+
1.d4 d5 2 ..£Jf3 c6 3.c4 .£Jf6 4 . .£Jc3 'i!tt7 24.~e5 E!h7=. lS ... f5 19.~g3
e6 5.e3 .£Jbd7 6.Ad3 dxc4 7.Axc4 <ifjlf6 An important defensive resource
b5 S.Ad3 a6 9.e4 c5 10.e5 cxd4 made possible by the absence of a white
11..£Jxb5axb512.exf6~b613.fxg7 pawn on e5. 20.Af4 <ifjle7 21.Etact
Axg714. ~e2 0-0 15.0-0 .£Jc5 Ad7 Once again, with the bishop on
g7, Black's best defensive try is
8 21...E!gS! 22 ..ilc7 ~c6 23.b4 4:\e4
7 24.E!xc6 4:\xg3 25 ..Ilxg3 .ild7 26.E!b6~.
6 22.Ac7 ~c6 23.M .£Je4 24..£Jxe4
~xe4 25.~xg7+ Etf7 26.Ad6+ 1-0
(133) Krutikhin - Zhilin
Novosibirsk 1962
Falkbeer Counter Gambit [C31]

abc d e f g h 1.e4 e5 2.f4 d5 3.exd5 c6 4. ~e2 e4

5.~xe4+ Ae7 6.d6 ~xd6 7 •.£Jf3
Another Greco Sacrifice in which Black .£Jf6 S. ~e5 ~dS 9.Ac4 0-010.0-0
has a bishop rather than a pawn on g7. b5 11.Ab3 c5 12.d3 .£Jc6 13. ~e1
Here, White can count easily only upon Ab7 14 . .£Jc3 b4 15 . .£Je4 .£J xe4

Sacking the Citadel

16.dxe4 .£la5 17.J:ta4 c4 18.<ifjlh1 (34 ... 'it'e7 35.Ag5+ 'it'ffi 36.l:"l.f1 + +- )
'l:/c7 19.c3 bxc3 20.bxc3 §fd8 and it's mate in seven, 35.Af4+ 'it'xf4
21.Ac2 Aa6 22.e5 §e8 23. 'l:/g3 36.l:"l.d5 +- . 29... <ifjle7 30. 'l:/xg7+ <ifjldS
Ar8 30 ... 'it'd6 costs a piece: 31.4Je4+ 'it'c6
(31...'it'd5 32.~xc7+-) 32.~xc7+
'it'xc7 33.4Jxc5 +-. 31.§d1 + <ifjlc8
32. 'l:/d7+ <ifjlb7 33 . .£le4 §adS
34..£lxc5++- <ifjla835..£lxa6'1:/b6On
35 ... l:"l.xd7, 36.4Jxc7+ l:"l.xc7 37.f5 +-.
36.J:te3 'l:/xe3 37. .£lc7+ 37.l:"l.abl
l:"l. xd7 3S.exd7 wins easily because Black
cannot safeguard the rook and prevent
4Jc7#. 3S ... l:"l.dS 39.4Jc7#. 37... <ifjlb7
3S.§abl+ .£lb3 39..£lxe8+ 1-0
abc d e f g h
(134) Suberville - Marchetti
Already up a pawn, White can also Correspondence 1963
count upon enough additional assets, Ruy Lopez [C90]
the dark-square bishop, the active e5-
pawn, the l:"l.f1, and the active queen 1.e4 e5 2..£lf3 .£lc6 3.J:tb5 a6 4.Aa4
making the win quite easy. Black cor- .£lf6 5.d3 b5 6.J:tb3 Ae7 7.c3 d6
rectly picks 'it'gS because the white S.O-O .£la5 9.J:tc2 c5 10.§e1 .£lc6
queen enters the h-file on h4 and be- 11 ..£l bd2 0-0 12. .£lfl §eS 13. .£le3
cause the black queen covers f7, but AfS 14. .£ld5 .£lxd5 15.exd5 .£le7
White can win quickly by advancing 16.d4exd417.cxd4c4
the central pawns. 24.Axh7+ <ifjlxh7
25..£lg5+ <ifjlg8 The 'it'g6line walks into 8
a quick mate. 25 ... 'it'g6 26.f5+ 'it'h5 7
(26 ... 'it'h6 27.'liYh3#) 27.'liYh3#. The 6
mate in 'it'h6line isjust as fast 25 ... 'it'h6 5
26.'liYh3+ 'it'g6 27.'liYh7# or 27.f5#.
26.'l:/h4 J:tc5 27.e6 27.f5 also wins
easily by activating the l:"l.f1: 27 ... l:"l.xe5
2S.'liYh7+ 'it'ffi 29.4Je6+! fxe6 30.f6 'liYb7
31.'liYhS+ 'it'f7 32.~xg7+ 'it'eS
33.f7+ +-. 27 ... f6 On 27 ... l:"l.xe6 abcdefgh
2S.~h7+ 'it'fS 29.4Jxe6+ fxe6 when
once again 30.f5 +- opens the f-file for With two additional assets, the dark-
the l:"l.fl. The effort to escape meets square bishop and the l:"l.el, White tri-
27 ... 'it'ffi 2S.exf7 l:"l.e2 29.~hS+ 'it'e7 umphs in all lines. In the 'it'g6 line,
30. ~xaS +- . 28.'l:/h7+ <ifjlf8 29.'l:/h8+ played in the game, Black's control over
The mating net is entertaining after f5 prevents 'liYg4 and ~c2+. But White
29.l:"l.dl fxg5 30.'liYhS+ 'it'e7 31.~xg7+ has h4, with the threat of l15 exposing
(ditching the knight to hunt the king) the black king. 1S.Axh7+ <ifjlxh7
31...'it'xe6 32.f5+ 'it'xf5 33.'liYxg5+ 'it'e6 19..£lg5+ <ifjlg6 In the 'it'gSline, White
(33 ... 'it'e4 34.'liYd5#) 34.'liYg6+ 'it'e5 can counter Black's Af5 with l:"l.f3-h3.


19 ... 'it'g8 20.'~h5 Af5 21.~xf7+ ~h8 36.1:=\bl +-. 29 . .£\e6 ~f7 30.'l!\'f3
22.1:=\e3 when the Af5 cannot prevent 'l!\'xf3 31 •.£\g5+ ~f6 32•.£\xf3 ElhS
both 1:=\h3 -and ~h5 22 ... 4:)g8 33.Ele5 .£\f4 34..11.e7+ ~f7 35.Elf5+
23.~xf5+-. 20.h4! The threat is h5+, ~xe7 36.Elxf4 Elxh5 37.Elel + ~d6
and the Af8 prevents Black from de- 3S.Elfe4 ElahS 39.Ele6+ 1~
fending with 1:=\h8, avoiding 20.~c2+
Af5 -+ . 20 •.•f5 The alternatives are no (135) Teichmann - Sandin
better: (a) 20 ... ~a5 21.Ad2 only makes Correspondence 1965
matters worse for Black. 20 ... ~b6 takes Ruy Lopez [C99]
the queen out of the reach of the dis-
covery, but 21.h5+ 'it'h6 (not 21...'it'f6 1.e4 e5 2..£\f3 4)c6 3 ..11.h5 a6 4 ..11.a4
22.4:)h7+ 'it'f5 23.~f3# or 23.g4# ) .£\f6 5.~ .11.e7 6.Elel h5 7 ..11.h3 d6
22.~f3 f6 23.4:)e6+ 'it'h7 (23 ... g5 S.c3 ~ 9.h3 4)a510..11.c2 c511.d4
24.~xf6++-) 24.4:)xf8+ removing the 'l!\'c712 ..£\bd2 cxd413.cxd4 .11.h7
4:)d7's defender, 24 ... 1:=\xf8 25.1:=\xe7 +-; 14..£\fl ElacS 15..1lhl d5 16.exd5
and (b) 20 ... ~d7 21.~f3 ~f5 22.h5+ exd417..ilg5 .£\ xd51S..11.xe7 .£\ xe7
'it'h6 (not 22 ... 'it'f6 23.4:)h7#) 23.1:=\xe7
removing one of the queen's defenders
23 ... ~xf3 (23 ... 1:=\xe7 24.4:)e6+ 'it'h7
25.~xf5+ +- ) 24.4:)xf3+ +- and the dis-
covery removes the queen's other de-
fender. 21:l!lte2 The h-pawn is worth
considering at every stage here, 21.h5+
'it'f6 22.~f3 +- (setting up 4:)e4-d6)
22 ... Ad7 23.4:)e4+ 'it'f7 24.4:)xd6+.
However, the fastest path is 21.~f3!
Ad7 22.~g3 4:)xd5 23.1:=\e6! + +-. abc d e f g h
21 ••. f4 Not 21...~d7 22.h5+ ~h6
23.~f3+-. 22 ..1lxf4 .1lf5 23.g4 The Another carefully played correspon-
advance of the h-pawn again forces the dence game. This Greco Sacrifice in-
king to h6, 23.h5+ ~h6 (23 ... 'it'f6 volves an unusual asset combination,
24.~e5+! dxe5 25.d xe5#) the 1:=\el and the 4:)fl-g3 where it offers
24.4:)e6+ +-. 23 ••• 'l!\'d7 24.gxf5+ control over the key h5-square. In the
'l!\'xf5 25.h5+ ~h6 25 ... ~f6 26.4:)e4+ game, Black plays 'it'h6, the toughest
wins the queen, 26 ... 'it'f7 27.4:)xd6+ +-. defense, although the ~g4, g6 move
26 . .£\e6+ ~h7 27 . .1lxd6 .£\xd5 pair provides the overwhelming threat
2S..£\ xfS+ Correctly avoiding 28.AxfB of~h4+. 19..1lxh7+ ~xh7 20..£\g5+
4:)f4 (not 28 ... 1:=\xf8 29.4:)xf8+ 1:=\xf8 ~h6 In the ~g8Iine, Black can defend
30.~e4+-) 29.~f3 1:=\xe6 30.1:=\ xe6 h7 with ~c2 at the cost of1:=\xe7. Rook
4:)h3+ 31.'it'g2 ~xf3+ 32.'it'xf3 4:)g5+ retreats there result in a quick mate
33.'it'e3 4:)xe6 34.Ad6±. 2S .•. ~gS thanks to the 1:=\el 's control over the e-
Black's last chance for tough defense file. 20 ... <iftg8 21.~h5 ~c2 (21...1:=\fe8
lay with 28 ... 1:=\xf8 29.Axf8 ~g5+ 22.~h7+ 'it'f8 23.~h8+ 4:)g8 24.4:)h7#;
30.'it'fl 1:=\xfB 31.~e4+ 1:=\f5 32.h6 gxh6 21...1:=\fd8 22.~h7+ ~f8 23.~h8+ 4:)g8
33.a4 b4 34.1:=\ac1 c3 35.bxc3 bxc3 24.4:)h7#) 22.1:=\xe7+-. The <iftg6 line

Sacking the Citadel

shows off the significant influence of

the 4Jg3. 20 .. .'~g6 21.4Jg3 +- (with the 8
idea of 22.'lWhS ~f6 23.4Jh7#) 7
21...'~xgS 22.'lWg4+ ~f6 (22 ... ~h6 6
23.'lWhS#) 23.4JhS# or if instead 5
21...§hS, 22.'lWg4 ~f6 23.4J3e4+ .llxe4
24.4Jxe4+ ~eS 2S.'lWxg7++-. 21.4)g3
21.'lWg4 g6 22.4Jg3 transposing to the
game (there's no advantage to be found
in 22.'lWh4+ ~g7 23.'lWxd4+ ~gS
24.'lWh4 ~g7 25.'lWd4+=). 21. .. g6 abc d e f g h
22.~g4 ~dS!? 22 ... 4JfS 23.4JxfS+
gxf5 24:~h4+ with a mate in nine After ~g6, only one player found the
24 ... ~g6 2S.'lWh7+ ~xgS (2S ... ~f6 correct idea, 13.'lii'g4 when once again
26.'lWh6#) 26.'lWg7+ ~hS (26 ... ~f4 15.4Jxc7 overloads the queen.
27.'lWg3# [27.'lWh6#] ) 27.g4+ fxg4 1l.Axh7+ ~xh712.4)gS+ ~g6 In
(27 ... ~h4 2S.'lWh6#) 2S.'lWh7+ ~gS the ~gS line, 15. 4Jxc7 overloads the
29.h4+ ~f4 (29 ... ~f6 30.'lWh6+ ~fS black queen. 12 ... ~gS 13.'lWh5 §e8
31. 'lWgS # ) 30. 'lWh6+! threatening 4JhS # 14.'lWxf7+ (the correct capture. With the
30 ... ~f3 (30 ... ~fS 31.'lWgS#) 31.§e3+ knight on e7, taking on h7 would be
dxe3 32.'lWxe3# and not 22 ... 4Jc4 correct if the .llc1 had access to g5)
23.'lWh4+ ~g7 24.'lWh7+ ~f6 2S.'lii'h6 14 ... ~hS IS.4Jxc7+-. H.~g4!
4Je3 26.4Jh7+ ~e6 27.4Jxf8+ §xfS 13.'lWd3+ also wins, but much less eas-
ily: 13 ... 4JfS 14.g4 f61S.4Jxe6 (avoid-
28.'lWxfS+-. 23.~h4+ ~g7 24.~h7+
ing a tempting captureI5.gxf5+ exf5
~f6 2S.4)hS+ 2S.'lWh6+- is also mate
16.exf6 gxf6 and the knight no longer
in five. 2S ••. ~xgS On 2S ... gxhS
has access to e6 17.4Jf3 §eS+=)
26.'lWh6+ ~fS (26 ... 4Jg6 27.4Jh7+ ~fS
IS ....llxe616.gxfS+ ~h7 (the f-pawn is
28.'lWxhS+ ~f4 [2S ... 'lWgS 29.'lii'xgS#]
immune 16 ... .llxfS 17.§gl++-)
29.'lWg4#) 27.4Jh7 with 2S.'lWxhS+ +-. 17.fxe6+ ~gS IS.§gl fxe5 19.'lii'g6
26.f4+ 1-{)
'lWe7 20.fS (missing 20.4Jxc7 and
21.§gS) 20 ... §f6 21.'lWh5 e4 22.4Jxc7
(136) Myant - Nash 'lWxc7 23.§g3 e3 24 ..llb2 §h6?? (Black
Bognor Regis 1965 may be winning after 24 ... §afS) 25.'lWg5
French Defense [C 18] ~h7 26.0-0-0 4Jxb4 27.axb4 e2
2S.§dgl §xh2 29.'lWxg7+ 'lii'xg7
l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.4)c311.b4 4.eS cS 30.§xg7+ ~h6 31.§lg6+ 1-0 Dani-
S.a311.aS 6.b4cxd4 7.4)bS Ac7 S.f4 Miko, Debrecen 2000. H •.• fS Not
4)e7 9.4)f3 4)bc610.11.d3 0-{) (D) 13 ... 4JfS 14.4Jxe6+ +-. 14. ~g3 ~d7
Taking the queen out of the knight's
This Greco Sacrifice right out of the reach. 15.4) xc7 13gS White cannot
opening succeeds easily owing to the capture the knight, IS ... 'lii'xc7
strong eS-pawn, the dark-square 16.4Jxe6++- .16.~h44)xeS 17.fxeS
bishop, and the developed 4JbS which 1-0 17... §hS (the only move to prevent
wins the black .llc7 in key variations. 'lWh7#) IS.'lWxhS f4 19.94 fxg3


(137) Kranzl- Matrisch 17.'lild3+ f5 lS.exf6+ <;t>xf6 19.i;t'f3+

Correspondence 1965 (eyeing the f7 entry square) 19 ... <;t>e7
Nimzo-Indian Defense [E54] 20 ..!'!e1 4:\7f6 21.4:\xe6 ~d7
22.4:\xg7++- . 17•.• .§h8Blackprevents
l.d4 e6 2.c4 ~f6 3.~c3 Ab4 4.e3 h5+ but loses his defense over e6. If
0--0 5.Ad3 d5 6.~f3 c5 7.0--0 b6 instead 17 ... i;t'e7, lS.'lile4+ (or 18.h5+
8.a3 dxc4 9.Axc4 Axc3 10.bxc3 ~h619.i;t'g4 f6 20.4:\f7+ <;t>h7 21.'lilg6+
Ab7 11.'~e2 ~bd7 12.Ad3 .§c8 <;t>gS 22.h6 i;t'xf7 23.h7 + +- winning the
13.e4 .§e814.e5 ~d5 queen) lS .. .f5 19.exf6+ <;t>xf6 20.h5
(threatening ~g6#) 20 ... cxd4 21.cxd4
~fS 22.4:\h7++-. 18.~e4+ f5
19.exf6+ lit'h5 Walking into a mate in
four, but that's "better" than 19 ... <;t>xf6
20.~xe6#. 20.g4+ lit'xh4 Sidestep-
ping 20 ... <;t>h6 21.4:\f7#. 21.~hl+
4 lit'xg4 22.~f3+ lit'h4 23.~h3# 1--0
2 (138) Champion - Pratten
Bognor Regis 1965
abcdefgh Queen's Gambit Declined [D32]

White has the reinforced e5-pawn and l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.~c3 c5 4.cxd5
the dark-square bishop as additional as- exd5 5.~f3 ~c6 6.e3 ~f6 7.Ab5
sets. Black can point to the rook offfS a6 8.Axc6+ bxc6 9.dxc5 Axc5
and the two knights poised to retake 10.~d4 Ad711.a3 0--012.0--0 .§e8
the key f6-square. But Black also has 13.b4Ad614.~b3
the unanchored ~b7. In the 'it'g6 line,
White's play with h4 and i;t'e4+ in this 8
correspondence game is instructively 7
accurate. 15.Axh7+ lit'xh716.~g5+ 6
lit'g6 In the 'it'gS line, White can play 5
i;t'f7+ and capture the unanchored ~b7. 4
16 ... 'it'gS 17.'lilh5 4:\f8 (17 .. .4)7f6
18.'lilxf7+ <;t>hS19.exf6 'lilxf6 20.'lilxb7)
lS.'lilxf7+ 'it'hS 19.'lilxb7+-. 17.h4!
The threat, h5, would force the king to
h6 and a discovered check because <;t>f5 abc d e f g h
leads to g4 #. The alternatives, espe-
cially 'lilg4, are less compelling: (a) Un- Black's successful sacrifice can rely
impressive is 17.i;t'g4 f5 lS.i;t'g3 here upon the light-square bishop and
'lile7+; (b) 17.~e4+ f5 lS.exf6+ <;t>xf6 the active .!'!eS. In the <;t>g3 line, i;t'g5 is
(the other king moves are quickly mated) the winning continuation. White can-
19 ..!'!e1 (taking aim at e6) 19 ... 'lilc7 not force the queen off the g-file, and
20.~f3++-. Black can only delay the the effort to exploit the absence of the
end with 20 .. A)f4 21.'lilg4; and (c) e4-pawn with <;t>f3 meets a queen-win-
ning skewer. 14.•• Axh2+!15.lit'xh2

Sacking the Citadel

4)g4+ 16.<;t>g3 In the ~glline, the .§.eS Greco Sacrifice. Black can count on the
actively swings safely via .§.e5-h5. open f-file, the light-square bishop, and
16.~gl ~h4 17 ..§.e1 ~xf2+ lS.~h1 the e4-pawn as additional assets, but
.§.e5-+. 16•.• ~g5116 ... h517.f4 ~f6 White also has an active .§.e1 and a dark-
is less thematic but effective nonethe- square bishop that can reach f4. In the
less. lS.4Jd4 g5 Using the kingside ~g3 line, both sides miss an opportu-
pawns to blast through White's de- nity to improve but the attack as played
fenses. 19 ..§.b1 ~g7 20.~f3 4J xe3 with h5-h4 and ~d6+ is well worth a
21.l.txe3 l.tg4+ -+. Not 16 ... ~c7+? look. 14... -'l,xh2+ 15.<;t>xh2 4)g4+
when 17.f4;!; effectively shuts down the 16.<;t>g3 In the ~g11ine, White had the
diagonal and the queen has no other opportunity to drum up considerable
way to continue the attack. 17.f4 Try- counterplay with a knight sacrifice on
ing to run the king meets up with a f6. 16.~gl ~h4 17.l.tf4 (White has a
queen-winning skewer, 17.~f3 ~h5 promising counter with 17 .4Jf6+ ~xf6
lS.~g3 ~g6 19.~f3 4Jxe3 20.fxe3 [not 17 ... .§.xf6 18.~b3+ with ~g3 to
l.tg4+ -+. 17 .•• ~g6 18. <;t>f3 After follow] lS.l.tf4 when, to sustain a small
lS.f5, Black can avoid moving the edge, Black must find: IS ... 4Jxf2!
queen with lS ... l.txf5 19.~f3 4Jxe3 19.~xf2 g5 20.l.tc4+ ~g7 21..~xg5
20.l.txe3 l.tg4+ -+ . 18 ••• 4) xe3 ~xg5 22.~d4+~) 17 ... ~xf2+ 18.~hl
19.-'l,xe3 J}.g4+ 20.<;t>f2 J}.xd1 l.te6 (Black can conquer the l.tf4 with
21.f!axd1 ~c2+ 0--1 attacks upon the bishop and its de-
fender) 19.~d2 ~c5 20 ..Ile2 4Jf2+
(139) Kuhnrich - Wilson 21.~h2 (21.~gl 4Jd3+ 22.~e3
New York casual game 1966 ~xe3+ 23.l.txe3 4Jxe1-+) 21...~xd5
Sicilian Defense [B32] 22.~xd5 l.txd5 23.l.te3 .§.acS=+=.
16... h5 Black can also win with a more
1.e4 c5 2.4)£3 4)c6 3.d4 cxd4 tactical approach: 16 ... 4Jxf2 17.~d4
4.4) xd4 e5 5.4) xc6 bxc6 6.-'l,d3 f5 4Jh1 + lS.~h2 ~h4+ 19.~gl ~xe1
7.exf5 4)f6 8.0--0 d5 9.f!e1 -'l,d6 20.Af4 ~xa1 21.4Je7+ ~hS 22 ..Ilh6
10.c40--0 1l.4)c3 e4 12.-'l,fl J}.xf5 when it is Black, having accepted both
13.cxd5 cxd5 14.4) xd5 of White's rooks, who must now de-
fend: 22 ... .§.f6 23.4Jxf5 ~xf1 + 24.~xf1
8 4Jg3+ =+=. 17.-'l,c4? A tempting move that
7 walks into an unexpected checkmate.
6 More prudent was 17.~d4 h4+ 18.~h3
l.te6~. 17 ..• h4+ 18.<;t>f4 lS.~h3
4Jxf2+ -+ 18••. ~d6+ Missing a tough-
to-find mate in one, lS ... g5#.19.<;t>g5
~h6# 0--1

(140) Jackson - Formanek

abc d e f g h Seattle 1966
French Defense [CI4]
The famous New York City chess book-
store owner embarks on an ambitious


l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4.Ag5 cannot ignore the threat of 'ii:rxg6)
Ae7 5.e5 ~fd7 6.Axe7 'ifJxe7 7.f4 21. 'i£txg6 'i£txg6 22.El xg6+ ~f8 (or
0--0 S.~f3 c5- 9.Ad3 f5 10.0--0 ~c6 22 ... ~h7 23.Elgl +- when Elh3 is hard
11.~b5 a6 12.~d6 cxd4 13.<ifj1hl to stop) 23.Elh3 with mate to follow.
~c5 14.g41? f xg4? 23 ... 4Jd8 24.4Jf6+-. 19.~xf5 Best is
19.Elh3! with ideas such as Elgl and
8 'ii:rh4, 19 ... ~d7 20.4Jxf5 exf5 21.'ii:rg3
7 (not 21.'ii:rh4 'ii:rg7) 21...Ele8 22.Elh7
6 'i£txh7 23.4Jxh7 ~xh7 24.Elgl 4Je7
5 25.h4 4Je4 26.'ii:rb3 b5 27.'i£ta3 (in
search of entry squares) 27 ... ~c8
28.'ii:ra5 +-. 19 .••exf5 20. 'ifJg2 ~e6
21..§g1 ~ xg5 22•.§g3 'ifJe6 Overlook-
ing 22 ... 'ii:rh7 23.Elxg5 4Je7=. 23..§xg5
~e7 24. 'ifJh3 Ad7 25 . .§h5 .§fS
abcdefgh 26•.§h71-O

Edward Formanek had become (141) Nuenchert - Benecke

Chicago's most successful tournament Halle 1967
player, but he lost here to a St. Louis Sicilian Defense [B21]
high school student with obvious po-
tential. Following the g4-pawn sacrifice l.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 e6 4.~f3
to open the diagonal for the ~d3, White dxc3 5.~ xc3 Ab4 6.Ad2 ~f6
initiates the sacrifice, counting on the 7.Ad3 0--0 S. 'ifJe2 d5 9.e5 ~fd7
4Jd6, the e5-pawn, and the open g-file
as additional assets. Formanek correctly 8
defended with 'it'g8, but the idea ofElf3- 7
h3 more than compensates for the ma-
terial deficit. 15.Axh7+ <ifj1xh7
16.~g5+ <ifj1gS The ~g6 and ~h6lines
both meet 'i£txg4 with an overwhelming
attack. 16 ... 'it'h617.'i£txg4 +-; 16... 'it'g6 3
17.'i£txg4+- 4Jxe5 18.'i£th4. Here, the 2

'it'h8line requires a slight bit ofthought,

16 ... 'it'h8 17.'i£txg4 g6 18.Elf3 +-. abc d e f g h
17.'ifJxg4g61S..§f3 .§f5 (a) 18 ...'ii:rg7
19.Elh3 4Je4 20.4Jdxe4 dxe4 21.Elgl. For additional assets, White can count
(with no desire to be rolled, Black can here on the e5-pawn and the dark-
attempt to eliminate the white center) square bishop. By selecting the ~g6
21...4Jxe5 22.fxe5 Elf5 23.Elh7 'ii:rxe5 line, Black gives white more opportu-
24.4Jxe4 (an obvious rook sacrifice to nity to err. 12.h4 creates the possibility
mobilize the remaining majors) ofh5+, while 12.'ii:rg4 permits Black to
24 ... 'it'xh7 25.'i£txg6+ ~h8 26.'ii:rh6#; capture the undefended e5-pawn.
and (b) 18 ... d3 19.Elgl (ignoring the 10.Axh7+ <ifj1xh711.~g5+ <ifj1g6 The
pawn) 19 ... Elf5 20.4Jge4 'i£tg7 (Black 'it'g8 line leads to the customary mate

Sacking the Citadel

in five because the black king cannot (142) Neu - Hirsch

retreat to d6 or d8. 11...~gS 12.~h5 Correspondence 1967
E!.eS 13.~xf7+ ~hS 14.~h5+ ~gS French Defense [C 18]
15.~h7+ ~fS 16.~hS+ ~e7
17.~xg7#. 12.h4! 12.~g4? throws l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£lc3 J}.b4 4.e5 c5
away the advantage because Black can 5.a3 Aa5 6.b4 cxd4 7 ..£l b5 J}.c78.f4
capture on e5 with tempo and then ex- .£le7 9 ..£l£3 J}.d710..£lbxd4 .£lbc6
ploit the absence of the e5-pawn by 1l.c30-0 12.J}.d3 f613.0-0 fxe5
escaping via f6. 12 ... 4Jxe513.~g3 ~f6
14.~f4+ '!ie715.~xe5 Axc3 16.Axc3 8

f6+. More interesting is 12.~d3+!? f5 7

13.exf6+ ~xf6 (not 13 ... '!ih5 14.~h7+ 6
'!ig415.h3#) 14.~d4+ 4Je5! (throwing 5
back the piece to obtain relative equal- 4
ity) 15.4Jh7+ ~f7 16.~xe5 .§.hS 3
17.4Jg5+ ~gS 18.4Jxe6 ~e7 19.4Jxd5 2
Axd2+ 20.~xd2 ~xe6 21.~xe6+
Axe6 22.4Jc7 ~f7 23.4JxaS 4Ja6=.
abc d e f g h
12 ..• ~e7 Moving the queen out of the
knight's reach. Alternatives are no bet-
ter: (a) 12 ... 4Jxe5 (sacrificing back the Another complex game played by cor-
material doesn't lessen the attack) respondence. The position is unusual
13.~xe5 f6 (expecting to win back the in that the sacrifice occurs just follow-
piece, but...) 14.h5+ '!ih6 15.4Jxe6+ ing a black capture on e5. White can
(breaking the fork) 15 ... '!ih716.4JxfS+ therefore look to use the recapture to
AxfS17.~xd5+-; (b) 12 ... Axc313.h5+ gain a key tempo. In the '!igS line, the
'!ih6 (not playable is 13 ... ~f5 14.g4#) tempo gain occurs after 14.~h5 E!.f6
14.bxc3 preserving the bishop on the because Black cannot safely recapture
key diagonal (or 14.4Jxf7+with a game on e5. 14.J}.xh7+ ~xh7 15 ..£lg5+
winning double check+-) 14 .. .f5 (or ~g815 ... '!ih616.4Jdxe6+- when re-
14 ... ~b6 15.~g4 ~b2 16.4Jxe6+ treats by the black queen meet
~xd2+ 17.~xd2 E!.gS lS.~g5+ '!ih7 17. ~d3+. In the ~g6 line, the win is
19.~f5+ ~hS 20.4Jg5 g6 21.hxg6+ simple because the 4Jg5+ brings sup-
'!ig7 22.~xf7#) 15.4Jxe6+: and (c) port to 4Jxe6. 15 ... '!ig616.4Jdxe6 ~cS
12 ... f5? 13.h5+ ~h614.4Jxe6++-. (16 ... Axe617.4Jxe6 ~d618.~g4+ '!if7
13.~g4 Better is 13.h5+ ~h6 (not 19.fxe5++-) 17.4JxfS+ ~xfS lS.f5+
13 ... ~f5 14.g4#) when 14.~d3 is su- 4Jxf519.g4+-. 16.~h5 Black is happy
perior to any of the discoveries 14 ... f5 to give up an exchange to relieve the
(14 ... g6 15.4Jxf7+ '!ig7 16.~xg6#) pressure. Black is actually winning af-
15.exf6 +- . 13•.•f5 It's now too late to ter 16.4Jdxe6? Axe6 17.4Jxe6 ~d6
give back material with 13 ... 4Jxe5 lS.4JxfS E!.xfS -+. 16 ... .§f6 16 ... E!.f5
14.h5+ '!ih6 (14 ... ~f6 15.~f4#)
17.~h7+ '!ifS lS.4Jdxe6+ +- forks the
15.4Jxe6+ '!ih7 16.~xg7#. 14.h5+
queen. And after 16... E!.eS, White has a
~h615 ..£lf7+ ~h7 16. ~g6+ ~g8
nice variant of the usual mate involv-
ing a queen sac on move 20. 16 ... E!.eS


17.'liYh7+ ~f8 18.fxe5+ 4Jf5 19.'liYh8+ (143) Kozma - Sliwa

~e7 20.'ltfxg7+ 4Jxg7 21.§f7#. Zinnowitz 1967
17.fxe5 Finally recapturing the e5- Bogo-Indian Defense [A40]
pawn, and winning time because Black
cannot capture it. White has only a draw l.d4e6 2.c4 j'tb4+ 3.4)d2 d5 4.4)gf3
with 17.'ltfh7+ ~f8 18.'ltfh8+ 4Jg8 dxc4 5.a3 j'txd2+ 6.j'txd2 c6 7.e4 b5
19.4Jh7+ ~f7 20.4Jg5+=. 17... Elxf1+ 8.b3cxb39.~xb34)f610.j'td3j'tb7
Black can use §f6-h6 to interfere with 11.0-00-0 12.e5 4)d5
the attack 17 ... §h6 18.'ltff7+ ~h8
19.4Jgxe6 Axe6 20.4Jxe6 §xe6 gladly 8
giving upjust an exchange, 21.'ltfxe6±. 7
The capture by the knight or bishop 6
runs into a knight fork: 17 ... 4Jxe5? 5
18.'ltfh7+ 'ot'f819.§xf6+ gxf6 20.'ltfh8+
4Jg8 21.4Jgxe6+ Axe6 22.4Jxe6+ +-.
18.~xf14)xd419.~h7+ There's no
way to make progress with 19.'ltff7+
~h8 20.'ltfh5+ ~g8=. 19 ... ~f8
20. ~h8+ 4)g8 21.cxd41t's just a draw abc d e f g h
after 21.4Jh7+ ~f7 22.4Jg5+ ~f8= (not
22 ... ~e7 23.'ltfxg7+ 'ot'e8 24.'ltff7#). White can count on the dark-square
21 ••• j'txe5 22.dxe5 ~b6 23.a4 Elc8? bishop and the reinforced e5-pawn, but
Black must force White to accept a per- the 'ltfb3 does not have immediate ac-
petual with 23 ... Axa4 24.§xa4 'ltfb5+ cess to the h5-square. That delay gives
25.~f2 'ltfxa4 26.4Jh7+ ~f7 27.4Jg5+= Black an opportunity to vacate the f8-
(not playable is 27 ... ~g6? 28.~h7#). square and to defend f7 laterally. But
24.j'ta3 Also winning is 24.~h5 Ae8 Black cannot overcome his bad light-
25.4Jh7+ ~e7 26.'ltfg5+ 'ot'f7 27.~f4+ square bishop and poor queens ide de-
~e7 28.'ltff8+ 'ot'd7 (28 ... 'ot'd8 velopment. In the ~g8 line, White
29.Ag5++-) 29.Ae3+-. 24 ••. Elc3 misses the opportunity with 16.'ltfh 7 to
25.~h5 j'te8 And on 25 ... 4Jh6, cut off the king's retreat. In the game,
26.b5+ §xa3 27.§xa3 'ltfc5 28.§f3+ Black's king races to the queens ide but
~e7 29.'ltfh4 +-. 26.b5+ Elxa3 still faces incessant pressure.
27.4)h7+ ~e7 28.~g5+ ~f7 13.j'txh7+ ~xh7 14.4)g5+ ~g8
29.~f4+ 4)f6 30.Elxa3 j'txb5+ White wins trivially in the 14 ... 'ot'g6line
31.axb5 ~xb5+ 32.~gl ~bl+ with either ~g3!, 'ltfd3, or 'ltfh3: (a)
33.~f1 ~xfl+ 34.~xfl 4)xh7 15.~g3 The queen reaches the g-file
35.Elxa7 4)g5 36.Elxb7+ ~f8 37.h4 where it cannot be dislodged, 15 .. .f5
4)f7 38.Elb8+ ~e7 39.Elg8 4) xe5 (after 15 ... ~b6 16.4Jxe6+ Black must
40.Elxg7+ ~f6 41.Elg3 4)c4 42.h5 avoid 'ltfxg7# 16 ... ~f5 with a nice mat-
4)d2+ 43.~e2 4)e4 44.Elg41~ ing net: 17.~h3+ 'ot'e4 18.~f3#)
16.4Jxe6++- winning the queen; (b)
15.~h3 §h8 16.~d3+ (even with the
rook on the h-file, the king cannot safely
retreat there) 16 ... f5 17.exf6+ ~xf6

Sacking the Citadel

IS.'~f3+ 'ittg6 (IS ... 'itte7 19.'~f7+ 'ittd6 4)d7 48.~b4+ ~a6 49.~e2 c5
20. <tle4 # ) 19.'l11f7 + ~h6 20. <tlxe6+ +- ; 50.~c3 ~b5 51.~d2 c4 52.~d4
and (c) 15.'l11d3+ f5 16.exf6+ 'ittxf6 4)c5 53.g4 a5 54.g5 a4 55.d7 Jtxd7
17.!'l.ael +- (a typical maneuver once 56.~c3 Ae6 57.~d8 a3 58.~b8+
the f-pawn has moved) 17 ... .\1cS ~c6 59.~d6+ ~b5 60.~d4 4)a4
IS.'l11e4 (threatening 'l11xe6 with mate 61.~xe6 a2 62.~xc4+ ~a5
in two) IS ... 'l1i'eS 19.'l11e5+ 'itte7 63. ~d5+ ~a6 64. ~d6+ ~b5
(19 ...'ittg6 20.h4 +-) 20.<tlxe6 .\1xe6 65.~a31-O
21.'l1i'xe6+ 'ittdS 22 ..\1a5+ <tlb6
23. 'l1i'd6+ +- winning the queen. (144) Donner - Portisch
15.~h3 A bit faster is 15.'l11d3 f5 Wijk aan Zee 1968
16.'l11h3+-. 15••. lae8 16.~h5 Miss- Nimzo-Indian Defense [E50]
ing an opportunity to end to the dis-
cussion: 16.'l11h7+! ~f8 17AJe4 f6 1.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3 Jth4 4.e3
(17 ... 'l1i'c7 IS ..\1g5+-) IS.exf6 <tlxf6 c5 5.Ad3 0-0 6.4)£3 b6 7.d5 Ab7
19 ..\1b4+ !'l.e7 (19 ... ~f7 20.<tlg5#) 8.e4 b5 9.e5 bxc410.Ab14)xd5 (D)
20.<tlxf6 gxf6 21.'l11hS+ winning the
queen; 20 ... !'l.fS 21.<tle4+-. 21...'ittf7 A remarkable game. White can count
22.'l1i'xdS+-. 16••• ~d7 On 16 ... 'l1i'c7, on two additional assets, the dark-
17 ..\1a5 takes advantage of the fact that square bishop and the e5-pawn, but
the queen must defend f7' 17 ... 'l11d7 White's development is lacking. Nota-
(17 ... 'l11xa5? IS.'l11xf7+ 'itthS 19. 'l1i'xeS #) bly, White's king has not yet castled
IS.'l11h7+ ~fS 19.'l11hS+ 'itte7 20.'l1i'xg7 and Black has significant pressure on
with <tld6 to follow. 17.~h7+ ~f8
18.~h8+ IS.<tle4+- threatening both 8
<tlc5 and .\1g5. 18••. ~e7 19.~xg7 7
~d8 On 19 ... !'l.fS White wins the rook 6
outright with 20.<tlh7 'l11eS 21..\1g5+ 5
'ittd7 22.<tlxfS+ +-. 20.4) xf7+ ~c7
21.Aa5+ 4)b6 22.4)d6 ladS 23. ~g5
4)a6 24.lafc1 ~b8 25.lac3 With the
idea of!'l.f3-f7. The black king has mi-
grated all the way to b8, but White can
also break through with 25.a4 <tlc7 abcdefgh
26.!'l.abl +-. 25 ... laf8 On 25 ... <tlc7,
26.!'l.f3. 26. ~h6 lag8 27.lag3 Faster the <tlc3. As a result, in the ~gS line,
is 27.!'l.f3! 'l11g7 2S.'l11xg7 !'l.xg7 29.!'l.fS+. Black can sacrifice his queen on g5
27 ••• laxg3 28.fxg3 4)c4 29.~f8+ knowing that he will acquire additional
Ac8 30.laf1 4)xa5 31.laf7 ~c7 material on c3. 1l.Axh7+ ~xh7
32.laxc7 ~xc7 33.h4 4)c4 34.h5 12.4)g5+ ~g8 In the ~g6 line, the
lab8 35.h6 Ad7 36.~xb8+ 4)xb8 white pawn storm provides a winning
37.h7 4)xa3 38.h8~ b4 39.4)f7 plan. 12 ... ~g6! 13.'l1i'c2+ (not 13.'l11g4
4)c4 40. ~dS+ ~b7 41.4)d6+ 4)xd6 f5 14.'l11g3 'l1i'a5 when the counter-at-
42.exd6e5 43.~c7+ ~a844.~a5 b3 tack on c3 more than compensates for
45.dxe5 Ae6 46. ~c3 ~b7 47.~f2 the discovered check, 15.Ad2 <tlc6 -+ )


13 ... f5 14.h4 (14.exf6+? <;t>xf6-+)

14 ... .£lf6+. An inspired idea, prevent-
ing the h-pawn from advancing and
more than happy to part with the knight
in exchange for an escape for the king.
(14 ... .§hS 15.g4 ~eS [15 ... .£lf6
16 ..§gl +-; 15 ... Axe3+ 16.bxe3 ~eS
17.h5+ <;t>h6 lS.gxf5+-] 16.h5+ <;t>h6
17.gxf5 .£lxe3 lS.bxe3 Axh1 19.fxe6
.ilxe3+ 20.<;t>f1 ~xh5 21.~f5 +-).
13.t'1/h5 Knowing that the rook retreat abc d e f g h
with ... .§eS leads to the usual mate in
five, Black relies upon the pressure on A relatively easy win thanks to obvi-
the .£le3 to try ... 13... t'1/xg514..1l.xg5 ous additional assets, the reinforced e5-
Not 14.~xg5 .£lxe3-+ 15.a3 .£le4+. pawn, the well planted .£ld6, and the
14... 4)xc315.a3! But White is able to .§el. 18..1l.xh7+ <it>xh719.4)g5+ <it>h6
foil the idea by disrupting the coordi- In the ~gSline, White infiltrates easily
nation between Black's knight and with ~h7, ~hS, .£lgS, and ~g7 when
bishop. 15••. 4)e4+ 15 ... Aa5 16.Ad2 the .£ld6 exerts powerful control over
The point! White does not lose a piece. key squares. 19 ... <;t>gS 20.~h3 .§feS
16 ... .£la4 17 ..ilxa5 .£lxb2 lS.0-0 ±. (20 ... .§fdS 21.~h7+ ~fS 22.~hS+ .£lgS
16.axb4 4)c617..1l.e3 4)xb418.()...() 23 ..£lh7+ ~e7 24.~xg7 .§fS and it's
4)c2 19.Etac1 4)xe3 20.fxe3 The mate in four with 25.~g5+ f6 26.~g7+
smoke has cleared and Black has two .§f7 27.~xf7+ ~dS 2S.~eS"")
pieces and two pawns for the queen, 21.~h7+ ~fS 22.~hS+ .£lgS 23 ..£lh7+
not quite enough. 20 ... .1l.d5 21.Etf4 f5 ~e7 and now, after two exchanges on
22.exf6 Etxf6 On 22 ... .£lxf6, c8, the .£lgS falls: 24 ..£lxeS+ .§xeS
23.~e5 +-. 23.Etcfl Etaf8 24.Etxf6 25 ..§xeS AxeS 26.~xgS+-. In the line
4)xf6 25.t'1/e5 4)e4 26.Etxf8+ <it>xf8 with 19 ... ~g6, there are multiple paths
27. t'1/b8+ +- <it>f7 28. t'1/xa7 .1l.c6 to the win, but ~d3+ is most accurate
29.h4 <it>g6 30.g4 <it>h6 31.t'1/bS <it>h7 because Black's response ... .£lf5 does
32. t'1/f8 4)f6 33.g5 4)e4 34. t'1/f71-O not gain time against the queen. White
can quickly swing the queen to g3, Black
(145) Araiza Munoz - Galeb can only delay the attack with 21.. ..£lf5.
Lugano Olympiad 1968 20.~g3 .£lf5 21..£lxf5 <;t>xf5 (not
Sicilian Defense [B22] 21...exf5 22 ..£le6++-) 22.h4+-- when
the win requires considerable care:
l.e4 c5 2.c3 4)c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.cxd4 22 ... Axd4 23 ..£lxf7 .§xf7 24 ..§e1 +-.
e6 5.4)£3 4)f6 6.e5 4)d5 7 . .1l.c4 The queen can also swing to h3
.1l.b4+ 8.<it>f1 4)ce7 9.a3 .1l.a5 20.~h3 Axd4 (opposing the queen
10.4)bd2 t'1/c7U.t'1/b3 a612.4)e40- with 20 ... .§hS only invites 21.~g3
o 13..1l.g5 b514..1l.d3 .1l.b615.Etcl when, in addition to the discovery, Black
t'1/a716.4)d6 .1l.b717•.1l.xe7 4)xe7 has to worry about the fl-pawn.) 21.f4
.§hS 22.~g4 f5 23.exf6 ~xf6
24 ..£lge4+ Axe4 25.~g5 "". White's

Sacking the Citadel

best is likely 20.'l£1d3+ f5 21.'l£1g3 (not

21.exf6 4Jf5) and now (a) 20 ... 4Jf5 8
21.g4+-; (b) 20 ... 'it'xg5 2l.f4+ 'it'h6 7
22:l£1h3+ 'it'g6 23.g4 (the queen, 4Jd6 6
and the kingside pawns provide the net) 5
23 ... §.hS 24.f5+ 'it'g5 (24 ... exf5
25.gxf5+ 'it'g5 26.§.gl + +-) 25.'l£1e3+
'it'xg4 (25 ... 'it'h4 26.'l£1g3+ 'it'g5
27.4Jxf7#) 26.§.gl++-; and (c) As in
the line just above, although White
must force the capture of the knight. abc d e f g h
20 ... 'it'h6 21.'l£1h7+ 'it'xg5 22.f4+ ~xf4
(22 ... 'it'g4 23.'l£1h3+ 'it'xf4 24.'l£1g3 #) White has unusual additional assets
23.'l£1h4+ 'it'e3 24.§.c3+ ~d2 25.'l£1el #. here, a mobile e5-pawn and the two
20.t.\'h3+ <i!lxg5 As in the note to rooks. In the game, Black selects the
Black's 19th move, White has sufficient more challenging 'it'g6line, where White
forces for the mate if the king captures, misses the most powerful continuation
or if forced to capture, the 4Jg5. with a quick h4-h5. 19..11,xh7+ Cifj>xh7
20 ... 'it'g6 21.'l£1h7+ 'it'xg5 22.f4+ 'it'xf4 20.Jilg5+ Cifj>g6 In the 'it'gS line, White
(22 ... ~g4 23. 'l£1h3+ ~xf4 24. 'l£1g3 # ) does not have immediate access to h5
23.'l£1h4+ ~e3 24.§.c3+ ~d2 25.'l£1el #. but still infiltrates quickly thanks to the
21.Etc3 Jilf5 22.Jil xf5 It's mate in six mobility of the e5-pawn and the sup-
with 22.§.g3+ 4Jxg3+ (22 .. .'~f4 port of the §.el. 20 ... ~gS 21.'l£1h4 §.eS
23.'l£1g4#) 23.hxg3+-. 22 ••• <i!lf4 A 22.'l£1h7+ (or 22.e6 §.xe6 23.§.xe6 fxe6
better try, though still losing, is 24.'l£1h7+ ~f8 25.4Jxe6+ +- ) 22 ... ~f8
22 ... .1lxd4 23.4Jxd4 'l£1xd4 24.§.g3+ ~f4 23.e6 §.xe6 (23 .. .fxe6 24.§.xe6 §.xe6
25.§.g4+ +- . 23.g3+ 1~ And Black re- 25.4Jxe6+ 'it'e7 26.4JxdS ~xdS
signs facing a mate in three: 23 ... 'it'g5 27.'l£1hS+ ~d7 2S.'l£1xg7+ +-) 24.§.xe6
(23 ... ~e4 24.'l£1g4+ 'it'd5 25.4Je7#) fxe6 25.4Jxe6+ 'it'e7 26.'l£1h4+ +-. In the
24.f4+ 'it'g6 25.4Je7 #. ~h6Iine, White has a mate in four that
makes good use of'l£1f4-h4-f7 and of
(146) Flesch - Kovacs the §.dl. 20 ... ~h6 21.'l£1h4+ (the queen
Budapest 1969 is already poised to start the attack)
Queen's Gambit Declined [D41] 21...~g6 22.'l£1h7+ ~xg5 23.h4+ 'it'f4
24.§.d4 #. 21.h4 Securing the 4Jg5.
1.d4 Jilf6 2.c4 e6 3.Jilf3 d5 4.Jilc3 Less compelling is 21.§.d3 'l£1xg5
c5 5.cxd5 Jilxd5 6.e4 Jilxc3 7.bxc3 22.§.g3 'l£1xg3 23.'l£1xg3+. (Black has a
cxd4 8.cxd4 .11,b4+ 9 ..11,d2 .11,xd2+ rook and two minors for the queen)
10.t.\'xd2 ~ 1l.j},c4 Jilc6 12.~ 23 ... ~h7 24.e6 §.ccS 25.e7 §.feS+.
Jila5 13 . .11,d3 b6 14.EIad1 j},b7 21 ... t.\'c8 Black needs to play more
15.EIfe1 EIc816.d5exd517.e5Jilc4 actively than 21...'l£1e7 22.§.d3 +- with
18.t.\'f4 EIc7 §.g3 next. Black's best here is 21...§.hS
to prevent h4-h5, but 22.§.d3 §.h5 and
White is still winning after 23.e6 'l£1e7
(23 ... f6 24.4Jf7 §.xf7 25.'l£1g4++-)


24.l:':!g3 f5 25.4J£7+ ~h7 (25 ... ~f6 Now in the modern era, grandmasters
26.'~d4+ .£Ie5 27. ~xe5 #). The attack quickly become aware of others' games
makes progress with 26.l:':!g5 l:':!xg5 and theoretical battles can ensue. Re-
27.hxg5 ~g8 and White finally gains markably, this exact Greco Sacrifice oc-
control over the h-file. 28.~h2+-. curs in ten different games, which are
22 ..§d3 Consistent and best is 22.h5+ all here. The sacrifice can count on a
~h6 (22 ... ~xh5 23.l:':!d4+-) 23 ..£Ixf7+ mobile e5-pawn and the two active
~h7 24.e6+-. 22 ... f6 23.h5+ 'it'h6 rooks. Of note, the black .£Ib2 and the
Not 23 ... ~xh5 24.exf6+-. 24.4)e6+ ~b7 are not anchored, and Black can-
'it'h7 24 ... g5 brings on mate in six: not easily prevent e5-e6. In the key ~g6
25.hxg6+ ~xg6 26.l:':!g3+ ~f7
line, the l:':!c4's attack upon the white
27.~xf6++-. 25.4)xfS+ ~xfS
queen lessens the value of the discov-
26.exf6 .§f7 27. ~f5+ 'it'gS Avoiding
ered check when h4-h5 drives the king
27 ... ~h8 28.fxg7+ ~xg7 29.l:':!e8+ §f8
30.l:':!xf8++-. 28.~e6 Missing another to h6. The game enters a complex
win with 28.fxg7 l:':!xf5 29.gxf8~+ ~xf8 middlegame in which White, though
30.h6+-. 2S ...gxf6 29 ..§g3+ 'it'hS down a piece, can rely upon the rooks,
30.h6 4)e5 31.f4 .§e7? The losing an active knight, and the passed e-
move. Black can hold with 31...~c8 pawn. 19.Axh7+ 'it'xh7 20.4)g5+
32.~xd5 .£Ig4=. 32 . .§gS+ ~xgS 'it'g6 It is notable that none of the de-
33.~xf6+ 'it'h7 34.~xe7+ 4)f7 fenders selected the ~g8 line, which
35.~xb7 ~fS 36 . .§e7 'it'xh6 loses quickly to ~h4-h7 and e5-e6.
37..§xf71-O 20 ... ~g8 21.~h4 l:':!e8 (after the queen
sacrifice 21...~xg5 22.~xg5 .£Ixdl
(147) Polugaevsky - Tal 23.l:':!xdl +- White has f4-f5 and the
Moscow 1969 possibility of l:':!d4-h4) 22.~h7+. The
Queen's Gambit Declined [D41] queen must enter on h7 when after
22 ... ~f8 23.e6 fxe6 (not 23 ... l:':!xe6
l.c4 4)f6 2.4)c3 e6 3.4)f3 d5 4.d4 24.l:':!xe6 fxe6 [24 ... .£Ixdl 25.~h8#]
c5 5.cxd5 4) xd5 6.e4 4) xc3 7.bxc3 25.~h8+ ~e7 26.~xg7+ ~d6
cxd4 S.cxd4 Ab4+ 9.Ad2 Axd2+ 27 ..£1£7+ +-) there's no mate, because
10.~xd2 0--0 II.Ac4 4)c612.0--0 b6 the d6-square is free, but White has a
13..§adl Ab714..§fel4)a515.-'\,d3 knight fork when the king arrives at d6:
.§cS 16.d5 exd5 17.e5 4)c41S. ~f4 24.~h8+ ~e7 25.~xg7+ ~d6
26 ..£1£7+ +-. The queen sacrifice with
20 ... ~xg5 21.~xg5 relies upon winning
back the exchange, 21.. ..£Ixdl 22.l:':!xdl
l:':!c7 23.f4+-, but White emerges with
a slight material advantage and, more
importantly, the ability to play actively
here with f5 and either a rook swing or
e5-e6. 21.h4! .§c4! Among six alterna-
tives, Tal picks the strongest move, aim-
ing to prevent l:':!d4 and h5+.
abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

(a) 21...f5 22.~d4! with the idea ofh5+ 25.<£'Ixt7+ 'It'h7 [25 ... ~xh5 26.'l;1g4#]
22 ... v.f1e7 23.h5+ (or a rook swing with 26.v.f1f5+ g6 27.~xg6+-) 23.h5+ 'It'h6
23.~e3 ~hS 24.~g3 ~h5 25.<£'Ie6+ (23 ... 'it'xh5 24.g4+ 'it'g6 [24 ... 'lt'h6
'It'h7 26.~xg7++-) 23 ... 'it'h6 24.<£'It7+ 25.~h3+ 'It'g6 26.v.f1f5 #] 25.v.f1f5+ 'it'h6
(White needs simply to secure the 26.~h3#) 24.<£'Ie4+ 'it'h7 (24 ... g5
knight and then pry open the kings ide 25.hxg6+ 'it'g7 26.~h3 fxg6 27.'l;1h6+
with h6) 24 ... 'it'h7 25.i!¥xf5+ 'it'gS 26.e6 'it'f7 [27 ... 'It'gS 2S. 'l;1xg6+ 'l;1g7
~c7 27.~f4 Ac6 2S.h6 1-0 Griien- 29.'l;1e6+ ~t7 30.<£'If6++-]) 25.'l;1f5+
Gohring, Germany 1983 ; (b) 21... i!¥d7 'it'h6 (25 ... 'lt'gS 26.<£'If6+ gxf6
does nothing to prevent White's main 27.exf6+-) 26.~g3 ~xe4 27.~g6+
threat: 22.h5+! 'it'xh5 (22 ... 'lt'h6 'It'h 7 (27 ... fxg6 2S. i!¥xg6 #)
23.<£'Ixt7+ 'it'h7 [23 ... 'it'xh5 24.v.f1g5#] 28.~e6+ +-; (2) 22.g4 Aiming for a
24.e6+-) 23.~d4 +-. Four players for- kingside pawn storm when Black's best
gotthat greed rarely pays; (c) 21...<£'Ixdl defense is 22 ... f5 22 ... ~h6 23.<£'Ie4+ g5
Giving Black a large material edge and 24.hxg5+ 'It'g6 25.v.f1f5+ 'It'g7 26.<£'Ig3
eliminates the possibility of ~d4. ~hS 27.'l;1bl v.f1a3 2S.'l;1f5 <£'Ixdl
22.h5+ 'it'h6 (22 ... 'it'xh5 when it's mate 29.'l;1f6+ 'it'gS 30.e6 ~h7 31.e7 <£'Ie3
in four starting with 23.g4+ 1-0 32.g6 fxg6 33.'l;1xg6+ ~g7 34.eSv.f1+
lasnikowski-Votava, Warsaw 1989. One ~xeS 35.v.f1xeS+ 'l;1fS 36.'l;1xe3 ~g6
game kept going with 23 ... ~h6 37.'l;1e5 ~g7 3S.g5 i!¥cS 39.f4 'l;1c5+
[23 ... 'it'h4 24.<£'If3+ 'it'h3 25.'l;1g3#; 40.~e3 v.f1c1 + 41.'lt'f2 v.f1c2+ 42.<£'Ie21-
23 ... 'it'g6 24.i!¥f5+ ~h6 25.<£'Ixt7+ ~xt7 oAiken-Bacon, correspondence 1997;
26.i!¥h5#] 24.v.f1h2+ 1-0 Becker-Homs, (3) Less impressive is 22.~d2 when
Ruhrgebiet 2004) 23.<£'Ie6+ when the Black can defend with 22 .. .f5 23.~xb2
discovery nets the queen 1-0 ~c4 22 ... ~c4 23.v.f1g3 ~h6 24.~xb2 f6
Olafsson-Lombard, Athens 1969. After 25.<£'If3 ~e4 26.~be2 ~h7 27.exf6 gxf6
23.<£'Ie6+, one player still kept trying: 2S.~xe4 dxe4 29.'l;1f4 ~gS 30.<£'Id4
(1) White had no trouble mopping up v.f1e5 31.v.f1e3 f5 32.<£'Ie2 ~cS 33.~dl
with 23 ... 'it'h7 24.<£'IxdS ~cxdS 25.~xdl Ac6 34.i!¥g5 ~gS 35.v.f1h5+ 'It'g7
~deS 26.v.f1f5+ ~gS 27.i!¥d7 AaS 2S.f4 36.<£'Ig3 'it'f6 37.i!¥h6+ ~g6 3S.<£'Ih5+ 1-
~dS 29.v.f1xa7 d4 30.i!¥xb6 d3 31.v.f1e3 oDreev-Yusupov, Mainz 2003; and (e)
1-0 Gurevich-Massana, New York 1985; Finally 21...f6 also fails to prevent the
(2) 23 ... g5 when it's more important to threat: 22.h5+ +- 'It'h6 (22 ... 'It'xh5
mate than to capture the black queen, 23.g4+ ~g6 [23 ... 'lt'h6 24.i!¥h2+ 'It'xg5
24.hxg6+ 'it'xg6 25.v.f1g4+ ~h6 25. i!¥h5+ 'it'f4 26. 'l;1f5 # ] 24. 'l;1f5+ 'It'h6
26.v.f1g7+ 'it'h5 27.v.f1h7+ ~g4 25.<£'It7+ ~xt7 26.'l;1h5#) 23.<£'Ie6+ +-
2S.v.f1h3#; (3) 23 ... ~xh5 and it's mate netting the queen.
in three with 24.g4+ 'it'g6 (24 ... ~h4
25.v.f1g3#) 25.i!¥f5+ 'it'h6 26.v.f1h5 #; (d) 22.h5+ With his queen under attack,
21... v.f1e7 A logical move that places the Polugaevsky correctly continues to at-
queen out of the reach of a discovery. tack. Less aggressive is 22 ..§.d4 '§'xd4
Two players with White won here but (22 ... i!¥e7 23.~e3 '§'xd4 24.i!¥xd4 ~cS
failed to find the optimal path. (1) 25.~g3 ~cl+ 26.'lt'h2 ~c4-27.'l;1xb2
22.~e3! ~c4 (22 ... <£'Ixd 1 23.~g3 ~gS '§'xh4+ 2S.'it'gl 'it'h6 29.'l;1c1 +- when
24.h5+ 'It'h6 [24 ... 'It'xh5 25.i!¥f5 +- ] White emerges with the threat of the


discovery still intact) 23.'I:'hd4 ~d7 §c7 35.§e6±, but not 33 ...§c7 34.§e6
(Black's best line appears to be 23 ... §h8 Aa6 35.§xf6 Ad3 36.g4+-. 34..§e7+
24.g3 ~c8 25.~xb2 Af5 26.~d2; not \!jIh8? 34 ...~g8 was the last chance to
23 ... ~c8 24.~xb2±) 24.e6 fxe6 keep the fight alive 35.4Jh4 ±. 35..£Jh4
25.4Jxe6 (25.~g4 +-) 25 ... §f5 f5 36..£Jg6+ \!jigS 37..§xa71-O
26.~g4+ ~f6 (26 ... ~h6 27.~xf5+-;
26 ... ~f7 27.~xg7+ ~e8 28.4Jf8++-) (148) Cappello - Squarcialupi
27.4Jf8 ~f7 28.§e6+ (28.4Jh7#) Correspondence 1970
28 ... ~xe6 29.~g6+ 1-0 Kunath- Sicilian Defense [B22]
Ruppe, correspondence 1983.
22 ... \!jIh6 22 ... ~xh5 leads to mate in 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 .£Jf64.e5 .£Jd5
four: 23.g4+ ~g6 (23 ... ~h4 24.4Jf3+ 5 . .£Jf3 .£Jc6 6.Ac4 e6 7.0-0 d6
~h3 25.~g3#; 23 ... ~h6 24.~h2+ 1- 8.exd6 Axd6 9.cxd4 0-0 10•.£Jc3 a6
o Avrukh-Donk, Antwerp 1998) 11.~e2 b512 ..1l,d3 .1l,b713 ..£Jxd5
24.~f5+~h625.4Jxf7+ §xf7 26.~h5#. exd5
23•.£Jxf7+ \!jIh7 Avoiding the mate in
two after 23 ... ~xh5 24.g4+ ~h4 8
(24 ... ~g6 25.~f5#) 25.~g3#. 7
24. ~f5+ \!jIg8 Obviously not 24 ... g6 6
25.~xg6#. 25.e6 Securing the knight,
threatening e7, and aiming for h6.
25 ... ~f6 Forced, stopping both
threats. 25 ... ~e7 does not prevent
26.h6! +- and 25 ... 4Jxdl allows
26.e7 +-. 26. ~xf6 gxf6 27 . .§d2!
Polugaevsky finds the best move, stay- abc d e f g h
ing clear of the very tempting 27.4Jd6
4Jxdl 28.e7 §c1 29.h6 §b8 30.4Jxb7 Even in a correspondence game, mis-
§e8 31.4Jd6 §xe7 32.§xe7 4Je3+ takes are made. The sacrifice is prob-
33.~h2 4Jg4+ 34.~g3 4Jxh6 35.§xa7 lematic here in part because White can
§c5 36.§d7 §c6 37.~4 §c2 38.f3 §xg2 count on only one additional asset, the
39.4Je8 §xa2 40.4Jxf6+ ~f8 41.~g5 dark-square bishop and because Black's
00+ 42.~5 d4 43.f4 ~g7 44.4Je4 ~g8 development is fully adequate. The best
45.§xd4 §a7 46.~f6 b5 47.4Jc5 §a8 defense is the ~g6 line, but Black
48.4Je6 §b8 49.§d7 4Jh6 50.~g6 4Jg4 misses the chance to play 16... ~d7, hid-
51.~g5 4Jf2 52.f5 b4 53.~f4 §b6 ing the queen from the discoveries and
54.§e7 4Jd3+ 55.~g5 b3 56.f6 4Je5 staying in contact with the Ad6.
57.§e8+ ~f7 58.§e7+ ~g8 Yl-Yl 14.Axh7+ \!jIxh715 ..£Jg5+ \!jIg6 In
Naurnkin-Nevanlinna, Jyvaskyla 1993. the ~g8 line, Black's development ac-
27....§c6 27 ... 4Ja4 and only now 28.4Jd6 tually helps White because, in the nor-
~c6 (28 ... §c7 29.e7+-) 29.e7 §e8 mal mate in five line, the black bishop
30.4Jxe8 ~xe8 31.§xd5±. 28. .§xb2 occupies the d6 escape square.
.§e8 29..£Jh6+ \!jIh7 30..£Jf5 .§exe6 15 ... ~g816.~h5 §e8 17.~xf7+ ~h8
31 ..§xe6 .§xe6 32..§c2 .§c6 33..§e2 18.~h5+ ~g819.~h7+ ~f8 20:~h8+
Ac8 Perhaps best is 33 ... §c1 + 34.~h2 ~e7 21.~xg7#. 16.h4 16.~d3+ f5

Sacking the Citadel

shuts down the diagonal and 17.h4 can be. White has an unusual combina-
(17.i!Yh3 §hS shuts down the file). tion of additional assets, the §d1 and
17 ... i!Yd7-+ 16 .•• E!.h8 16 ... ~d7! the dark-square bishop. For his part,
17.h5+ ~h6+. White has a discovered Black cannot easily play <tJf6, despite
check with no threat, and Black can sim- the absence of a white e5-pawn, and
ply continue with ... §aeS and .. .f5.(not Black cannot reach the b1-h7 diagonal
17 ... ~f6 lSA:Jh7+ ~f5 19.94# or quickly enough. In the ~g6 line, the
17 ... ~f5 lS.iH3+ ~f4 19.~xf4#). win requires the kind of precision that a
17.g4 j'ih2+? Panic. Necessary was correspondence player is expected to
17 ... ~d71S.h5+ ~h6 when White can muster. White cannot stay on the g-file
use the discovery only to win an ex-
with an immediate i!Yg4, and h4 peters
change. 19A:Jxf7+ ~h7 20.<tJxhS ~xhS
out into a perpetual. Only after i!Yd3+
21.§d1 §eS+.I8.~g2There'snorea­
and two exchanges can White play i!Yg3
son not simply to capture the bishop,
18.~xh2 §xh4+ 19.~g3+- . 18... j'ic8
with winning effect. 14.j'ixh7+ ~xh7
15.~g5+ ~g6 In the ~gSline, the tra-
19.h5+ ~f6 20.~h7+ Overwhelming
is 20.~f3+ ~e7 21.§el+ ~d7 ditional mate is a bit more complex, but
22.~xf7+ <tJe7 23.~xh2 +-. White is able to overload the black
20... E!.xh7 21.g5+ ~f5 22.E!.el Ae5 queen. 15 ... ~gS 16.i!Yh5 §dS
23.~c2++- ~e6 24.~xh7 ~xd4 17.i!Yxf7+ ~hS1S.i!Yh5+ ~gS19.<tJxc6
25. ~xg7 f6 26.Af4 ~c6 27.Axe5 bxc6 20.§xdS+ ~xdS 21..~xb6+­
fxe5 28.E!.ac1 Ad7 29.~g6+ 1-0 i!Yxb6 (21...i!YfS 22.~h7#) 22.i!YeS#.
16.~d3+! There's no way to activate
(149) Leu - Muck the queen after 16.h4 §hS 17.<tJxc6
Correspondence 1973 bxc6 lS.i!Yg4 f5 when g3 is covered,
French Defense [C07] so: 19.Axb6 i!Yxb6 20.i!Yg3 (finally
reaching the key square, but after
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 c5 4.exd5 20 ... ~bS the line ends in a perpetual)
~xd5 5.~gf3 cxd4 6.Ac4 ~d8 7.~ 2l.f4 i!Yb6+ 22.~h2 ~f6 (taking full
o Ac5 8.~b3 Ab6 9.~bxd4 ~e7 advantage of the absence of an e5-
10.Ae3 0-0 11. ~e2 a6 12.E!.adl pawn) 23.i!Yc3+ ~g6 24.~g3=. There's
~c713.Ad3 ~1x:6 also no advantage to be found after
16.~g4 f5 17.~h4 <tJxd4 lS.Axd4 e5
8 19.Axb6 ~xb6 20.§fe1 e4 21.g4. Black
7 is also safe after 21. <tJh3 § eS (21 .. .fx g4
6 22.<tJxe4 <tJf5 23.~xg4+ ~h7 24.<tJg5+
5 ~gS 25.~c4+ ~hS 26.<tJf7+ ~h7
4 27.<tJg5+=) . 16... ~f5 16.i!Yd3 is best
3 in large part because Black cannot re-
2 spond with 16 .. .f5 when the knights
storm e6, 17 .<tJgxe6 ~xe6 lS.<tJxe6
i!Ye5 19.<tJxfS+ §xfS 20.Axb6+-.
abc d e f g h
17.~xf5 exf5 18.j'ixb6 ~xb6
19. ~g3! Better not to force the bishop
In this correspondence game, White
to e6 with 19.i!Yd6+ ~e6 20.~g3 f4
demonstrates how complex these lines
21.i!Yxf4 i!Yc5=. 19 ... f4 The reason for


avoiding 19:i£td3 becomes clear if Black queenside, and by the many additional
tries 19 ... '\ii'xb2 20.Eid6+. It's important assets, the e5-pawn, the g- and f-pawns,
here that Eid6 arrive with check:
20 ... ~e6 21.4Jxe6+ ~h7 22.'\ii'h3+ ~gS
23.4Jg5 EifdS 24.'\ii'h7+ 'it'fS 25.Eixc6
bxc6 26.Eiel +-. 20.Etd6+ f620 ... lte6
21.'\ii'g4+- (taking full advantage ofthe
pin on the bishop to find a post on the
g-file. And on 20 ...~h5 21.'\ii'd3 with the
usual offer of the 4Jg5) 21.. .g6
(21...'it'xg5 It's mate in 11 says Fritz 12
22.h4+ 'it'xh4 [22 ... ~g4 23.Eig6+ fxg6
24.'\ii'xg6+ 'it'xh4 25.~h2+-] 23.'\ii'h7+ abc d e f g h
'it'g5 24.'\ii'xg7+ ~f5 25.Eif6+ ~e4
26.'\ii'g5 +-) 22.4Jxf7 Eixf7 23.'\ii'xg6+
the 4Jd4, and the Eidl. In the ~gSline,
'it'h4 24.g3+ +-. 21. ~h4 Af5
White can reach the h-file only at h3,
21...'\ii'c5 22.'\ii'h7+ 'it'xg5 and again,
but the additional assets permit the nor-
White has the assets for a mating net:
mal infiltration on h7, hS, and g7 to suc-
23.h4+ 'it'g4 24.'\ii'xg7+ 'it'f5 (24 ... ~xh4
25.'\ii'xfS+-) 25.Eiel +-. 22.~h7+! ceed. 16.Axh7+ <i!lxh717..£)g5+ <i!lgS
<i!lxg5 23.h4+ Not 23.'lttxg7+? ltg6-+. In the 'it'g6 line, the kings ide pawns of-
23 ... <i!lg4 24.~xg7+ <i!lxh4 White fer the possibility of a quick pawn storm
mates after both 24 ... ltg6 25.'lttxg6+ with f5. White wins quickly there with
'it'xh4 26.'it'h2 +- and 24 ... ~h5 'ltth3 and 4Jh7, trapping the king in a
25.Eixf6+-. 25.~h6+ <i!lg4 26.<i!lh2 mating net. 17 ... ~g618.'ltth3! (l8.Eihgl
~xf2 There's no salvation in 26 .. .f3 4Ja2+ 19.~bl 4Jc3+ 20.'it'al f6
27.'lttg7+ ~f4 (27 ... 'it'h4 28.g3+ ~h5 21.'\ii'd3+ 4Je4 22.f5+ exf5 [22 ... 'it'xg5
29.g4+ ~xg4 30.~g3+-) 2S.'lttg3+ ~e4 once again, it's too dangerous to cap-
29.gxf3#. 27.~g7+ Missing a mate in ture the knight 23.'ltte3+ ~h4 24.4Jf3+
two: 27.Eixf2! f3 2S.gxf3#. 27..• <i!lh5 ~h3 25.'lttf2 4Jxf2 26.Eig3 #] 23.gxf5+
28.Etxf2 .£)e5 29.Etxf41-O opening the g-file for the rook 23 ... 4Jxf5
24.4Jxe4+ +- ) lS ... EihS 19.4Jh7 Eixh7
(150) Tremblay - Turcot (19 ... 4Jxdl 20.'ltth5 #) 20.f5+ winning
Correspondence 1974 in all lines:
French Defense [C 17]
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£)c3 -'lb4 4.e5 c5
5.-'ld2 .£)e7 6 ..£)b5 -'lxd2+ 7.~xd2
0--0 8.f4 .£)d7 9 ..£)f3 cxd410..£)bxd4 6
.£)c5 11.0--0--0 .£)e4 12.~e3 -'ld7 5
13.g4 ~a514.a3 Etfc815.Ad3 .£)c3 4
(D) 3
A highly unusual example distinguished
by Black's active counter attack on the
abc d e f g h
Position after 20.f5+ (analysis)

Sacking the Citadel

(a) 20 ... exf5 21.gxf5+. There are quick 11.0-0 ~xe4 12.~xe4 Etxe4
mates after both 21...4Jxf5 22.~hgl +- 13.-'l,d3 Ete8
and 21...Axf5 22.~hgl + +-. Toughest
is 21...'it'g5 22J':lhgl + 'it'f4 23.~g3+ 8
'it'e4 24.~gel + +-; (b) 20 ... 4Jxf5 7
21.gxf5+ 'it'g5 (21...exf5 22.§hgl #) 6
22.~hgl+ 'it'f4 23.~g3+ 'it'e4
24.§gel + +- when Black can only de-
lay the mate with ... 4Jg3; and (c) Black
doesn't even get a knight with
20 ... 'it>g5. It's mate in four after
21.~e3+ 'it'xg4 (21...'it'h4 22.~g3+
'it'g5 23.4Jf3+ 'it'h6 24.~h4#) abcdefgh
22.~hgl + 'it'h4 (22 ... 'it'h5 23.~g5 #)
23.~g5+ 'it'h3 24.~g3 #. The 'it'h6line White initiates the sacrifice a pawn
invites mate in two: 17 ... 'it'h618.~h3+ down, but the additional assets, the
'it'g619.~h7#.IS.'l:i1/h3 ~xdl Black dark-square bishop, and the active §f1
cannot successfully slow down the at- as well as the awkwardness of Black's
tack with 18 ... 4Jg619.~h7+ 'it'f8 20.f5. Af8 and Black's poor development as-
Black dare not move: 20 ... exf5 21.e6 sure success. In the 'it'g6 line, White's
Aa4 (21...4Jxdl 22.~xdl ~a4 win comes from f4-f5, opening up the
23.exf7 +- ) 22.exf7 - threatening both diagonal for the Ac 1 and fatally expos-
~g8 and 4Je6+ - 22 ... 4Je2+ 23.4Jxe2 ing the king after 16 ... Af5 l7.§ xf5 'it'xf5
~xc2+ (Black gains nothing with 18.g4+ . 14.-'l,xh7+ ~xh71S.~gS+
23 ... ~xb2 24.'it>xb2 ~b6+ 25.'it'al) ~g6 In the 'it'g8line, Af5 fails to ~f7+
24.'it'bl §xe2 25.~xg6+-. 19.'l:i1/h7+ and ~xf5. 15 ... 'it'g8 16.~h5 Af5
~fS 20. 'l:i1/hS+ ~gS 21.~h7+ ~e7 (There's no way to provide an escape
22.'l:i1/xg7 ~f2? 22 ... Aa4! 23.4Jg5 §fB for the king, 16 ... Ae7 17.~h7+ 'it'fB
(not 24.~xdl ~ac8 25.'it'bl Axc2+ 18.~h8#) 17.~xf7+ 'it'h818.~xf5+-;
26.4Jxc2 ~a4 27.4Je3 d4-+) and Black the 'it'h6 line loses instantly, 15 ... 'it'h6
survives after 24.4Jgxe6 4Je3 25.f5 16.4Jxf7++-. 16.fS+! Black is fine after
§fe8. 23.'l:i1/gS+ f6 There's no point 16.h4 Af5:;:. Even worse for White is
playing 23 ... 'it'e8 24. ~xg8+ -+ . 16.~d3+ Af5 -+. 16 ... ~f616 ... Axf5
24. 'l:i1/g7+ ~d8 2S. 'l:i1/fS+ 1--0 It's mate 17.~xf5 4Jd7 18.~c2 +-. If instead,
in four with 25 ... 'it'c7 (25 ... Ae8 Black captures the rook with 17 ... 'it'xf5,
26.4Jxe6+ 'it'd7 27.~d6#) 26.~d6+ White wins quickly in all lines after
'it'd8 27. 4Jxe6+ 'it'e8 28. ~f8 # . 18.g4+: (a) 18. .. 'it'e5 19.4Jxf7+ +- win-
ning the queen but also starting a mate
(151) Vieweg-Kadner in three; (b) 18 ... 'it'g6 19.~d3+ 'it'f6
Correspondence 1975 20.~f5+ 'it'e7 21.~xf7#; and (c)
Czech Benoni [A60] 18 ... 'it'f6 19.~f3+ 'it'e5 (19 ... 'it'g6
20.~f5+ 'it'h6 21.~h7#; 19 ... 'it'e7
l.e4 e6 2.d4 cS 3.dS d6 4.c4 ~f6 20.~xf7#) 20.~e4+ 'it'f6 21.4Jh7#.
S.~c3 -'l,e7 6.-'l,e2 0--0 7.f4 exdS 17.~e617.~h5! (aiming for both ~xf7
S.cxdS a6 9.a4 EteS 10.~f3 -'l,fS and 4Jh7) 17 ... ~d7 18.4Jxf7 ~xf7


19.~g5+ 'it'e5 20.EHe1 + and the mat- ~e7. Black can limit his losses, happy
ing net is in full swing. It's mate in three just to cede the exchange. 19.4Jxe6+
after 20 ... 'it'd4 (20 ... ~xd5 21.~f3+ ~c4 'it'f7 20.4JxfB 4Jxd4:;:. A bit more prom-
[21...'it'd4 22.E1ad1 + ~c4 23.~c3#] ising is 17.~d3+!? f5 1B.exf6+ 'it'xf6
22.b3+ 'it'b4 [22 ... 'it'd 4 23.E1adl#] 19.E1el. Taking aim at the e6-pawn.
23.~d2 #) 21.~d1 + ~c4 22.E1c1 + 'it'b4 19 ... 4JdB 20.i£1h3 ±. But White's best
23.Ad2#. 17••• ~b6 After 17 ... ~e7 move in the ~g6 line is 17.h4 with the
White can simply capture the queen or idea ofh5+ and gaining a tempo for the
play 1B.f6+ gxf619.4JxdB+-. 18..Q.g5+ ~d3+ line: (a) 17 ... 4Jxe5 18.dxe5 i£1xe5
~e519.Ete1 + ~xf5 20. ~d3+ 1--0 It's 19.h5+ 'it'f6 20.E1el i£1xallooks prom-
mate in two with 20 ... ~g4 21.~h3#. ising for Black, but any check by the
Ac1 will pick off the black queen
(152) Pulieri - Boch (20 ... 4Jc3 21.~d2 E1fdB 22.4Jh7+ ~e7
Correspondence 1977 [22 ... ~f5 23.i£1g5#] 23.E1xe5+- win-
Nimzo-Indian Defense [E59] ning a piece and maintaining the initia-
tive) 21.4Jh7+ 'it'e7 (21...~f5 22.g4#)
1.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3 Ab4 4.e3 22.Ag5++- f6 (22 ... 'it'd6 23.i£1xa1)
c5 5.j},d3 d5 6.4)0 dxc4 7.Axc4 ~ 23.i£1xal; (b) 17 ... f5 IB.h5+ 'it'h6
o8.~ 4)c6 9.a3 Axc310.bxc3 ~c7 19.4Jxe6++- demonstrates the threat;
11.j},d3 b612.e4cxd413.cxd4 Ab7 (c) The effort to safeguard the king
14.e54)d5 17 ... i£1e7 IB.i£1d3+ f5 (lB ... 'it'h5
19.i£1h7+ 'it'g4 20.f3+ ~g3 21.4Je4#)
19.exf6+ ~xf6 (19 ... 'it'h5 20.~h7+ ~g4
2l.f3+ ~g3 22.4Je4#) 20.i£1f3+ ~g6
21.h5+ 'it'h6 22.~d3 is much better
than the discovered check 22 ... E1f5
23.4Jxe6+ +- winning the rook out-
right; and (d) Taking away the h-file with
17 ... E1hB IB.i£1d3+ f5 19.exf6+ 'it'xf6
(19 ... ~h5 20.g4+ ~xg4 [20 ... ~xh4
21.i£1h3#] 21.i£1f3+ ~xh4 22.~h3#)
abcdefgh 20.i£1f3+ 'it'e7 (20 ... 'it'g6 21.~e4+ 'it'h5
[21...~f6 22.i£1xe6#] 22.g4+ 'it'xh4
White can rely here upon a common pair [22 ... ~h6 23.4Jf7410] 23.i£1g2+-) gives
of additional assets, the dark-square White an entry square on f7.21.i£1f7+
bishop and secure e5-pawn. With 'it'dB (21...'it'd6 22.i£1xe6#) which then
knights on c6 and d5, Black cannot force opens e6 for the knight 22.4Jxe6+ +- .
a knight back to f6, but the ~c7 does 17.~h5 Etfe818.a4 With two ideas, a
laterally defend on f7. After ~gB, White E1a3 rook swing and Aa3 to block the
plays a4 to activate the ~c1 or E1a1 on black king's escape route. 18 ..• a5
a3. 15.Axh7+ ~xh716.4)g5+ ~g8 19.Eta319.i£1h7+!? ~fB 20.Aa3+ 4Jcb4
After 16 ... 'it'g6, the lines are complex using the knight and a5 pawn to block
and instructive; White's most convinc- the diagonal. 19••. 4)d8 On 19 ... E1acB
ing line involves the immediate h4 20.E1h3 ~fB 21.E1f3 4JdB 22.4Jh7+ 'it'e7
threatening h5. 17.~g4!? f5 1B.~g3 23.Ag5+ 'it'd7 24.E1xf7+ 4Jxf7 25.i£1xf7+

Sacking the Citadel

§e7 26AJf8+ §xfB 27.~xfB §eB with §xe3. In those lines, the §c7 en-
2B.'liH7+ §e7 29.~xe7 .£\xe7 ters the fray powerfully with 27 ... cxd4
30."'~hg7 +- reaching a familiar double check. 20.'<1tgl 'ff1h4 21.§el
endgame in which the h-pawn will be (taking advantage of the .£\d3's defense
expensive to stop. 20.4)h7 The direct of f2 to run the king towards the
path to the win is 20:~h7+! '<1tfB 21..£\e4 queenside) 21...'ff1h2+ (21...§xe3
'<1te7 22.~g5+ 'it'd7 23.§c1 ~c6 22.fxe3 (or 22.§xe3 ~h2+ 23.'<1tfl
24:~xg7 §e7 25.~xe7 .£\xe7 26 ..£\d6 .£\xe3+ 24.fxe3 ~hl 25.'it'e2 ~g4+ with
~bB 27 ..~f6 .£\b7 2B.'£\xf7 +-. a skewer) 22 ... ~h2+ 23.'<1tfl ~hl+
20 •.. 4)c6 20 ... g6 (weakening the dark 24.'<1te2 'ff1xg2+ 25.'£\f2 ~xf2+ 26.'it'd3
squares and inviting ~h6 and §h3) ~f5+ 27.'<1tc3 driving the king all the
21.~h6 'ff1e7 22.§h3+-. 21.lah3 way to c3 so that 27 ... cxd4+ is a dis-
laed8 22.4)gS ~f8 23.laf3 ~e8 covered double check 2B. 'it'b4
24.laxf7 1-0 It's mate in three with [2B.'<1txd4 ~xb2+ 29.'it'xd5 ~e5#]
24 ... .£\ce7 25.§xe7+ '<1txe7 26.~f7#. 2B ... ~xb2 -+) 22. '<1tfl § xe3! Trans-
posing to the line just above. 20 ... hS
(153) Ivanov - Kogan Less convincing is 20 .. :ii1g5?! 2l.f4 ~h6
Tashkent 1977 (not 21 ...~g6 22 ..£\e5 +- ; or 21 ... §xe3+
Semi-Slav Defense [D 15] 22.§f3 ~h6 23.§xe3 .£\xe3 24.'ff1f3=)
22 ..£\e5 ~h2+ (Black has only a small
1.4)f3 dS 2.d4 c6 3.c4 e6 4.e3 4)f6 edge after 22 ... .£\xe3 23.~f3 '£\xfl +
S.4)c3 a6 6.a4 cS 7.Ad3 4)c6 8.0--0 24.~xfl cxd4 25.~xd4 f6 26.'£\f3
Ae7 9.b3 0--0 10.Ab2 b6 1l.cxdS bxa5 ~) 23. 'it'f3 .£\xe5+ 24.fxe5 'ff1h4
exdS 12.4)eS 4)b4 13.Abl Ad6 25.'it'e2 ~g4+ 26.§f3 ~xf3+ 27.'<1txf3
14.4)e2lae81S.4)f4laa716.4)fd3 ~h5+ 28.g4 ~h3 -+. The queen will
lac717.aS 4)xd318.4)xd3 again pick off the unanchored ~b2. Not
20 ... ~d6+? when 21..£\e5 +- actively
8 blocks the diagonal and readies ~d3.
7 21.4)eS Not 21.axb6 ~g5, threatening
6 both ... h4 and ... .£\xe3; and not 21.§hl
5 'ff1g5 22.f4 §xe3+-+. 21 ... ~g5 22.f4
h4+ 23.~f3 On 23.'<1th3 '£\f2+ over-
whelms, 24.'it'h2 'ff1g3+ 25.'it'gl
.£\xdl-+. 23 ... 4)xeS+ 24.dxeS ~g3+
2S. ~e2 -'lg4+ 0-1

abc d e f g h (154) Andreev - Estrin

Correspondence 1977
For additional assets, Black has the English Opening [A 18]
light-square bishop, the §eB, and the
§c7. In the '<1tg3 line, only 20 ... h5 l.c4 4)f6 2.4)c3 e6 3.e4 dS 4.eS d4
(threatening h4 and 'ff1g5) provides the S.exf6 dxc3 6.bxc3 ~xf6 7.d4 c5
advantage. 18 ... Axh2+ 19.~xh2 8.4)f3 cxd4 9.Ag5 ~fS -10.cxd4
4)g4+ 20. ~g3 In the '<1tglline, the.£\d3 Ab4+ 1l..1l,d2 ~aS 12.Ad3 4)c6
defends f2 but Black can barge through


13.§blO--O 14.§xb4 .£)xb415.0--0 'iftd6 [23 ... 'ifte8 24.~f7#] It's not mate,
~a3 just a mate in two with 24.Af4+ 'iftc6
2S. ~c7 #). Black can effectively shut
8 down the attack by placing the queen
7 on the bl-h7 diagonal, but only at the
6 cost of a piece and an exchange.
5 19.Axb4+-. 18.~g4 White is able to
bring the rook into the game at c3 and
win back a piece and then an exchange,
but all that does is restore the material
balance. 18.~bl+ 4:ld3 19.E'lc1 eS
20.E'lc3 ~b2 21.~xd3+ AfS 22.~g3 f6
abc d e f g h 23.4:lf3+ (23.4:le6+ 'iftf7 24. ~xg7 +
'ift x e6-+) 23 ... 'iftf7=.18 ... f519.~h4
Here, a correspondence game against j},d7 20. ~h7+ ~f6 21 ..11.f4 .£)c6
the seventh correspondence world White retains a distinct advantage with
champion and famous analyst Yakov much more active pieces after 21...4:ld3
Estrin. Already down the exchange, 22.AeS+ 'ifte7 23.Axg7'iftd8 24.Axf8
White has only the dark-square bishop ~xf8 2S.E'ldl ±. 22 . .11.e5+ ~e7
as an additional asset, although it be- 22 ... 4:lxeS 23.dxeS+ 'ifte7 (23 ... 'iftxgS
comes clear in the 'iftg8 line that the 24.f4+ 'iftg4 2S.~g6+ 'ifth4 26.~gS#;
advanced c- and d-pawns assist a mat- 23 ... 'iftxeS 24.~xg7+ 'iftd6
ing net. In the 'iftg6 line, the win is prob- 2S.E'ldl++-) 24.~xg7+ 'ifte8 2S.E'ldl
lematic. After 18.~bl + 4:ld3, White can ~e7 26.~g6+ 'iftd8 27.4:lxe6+ 'iftc8
gain his second asset with E'lc1-c3, but 28.4:lxf8 ~xf8 29.e6 Aa4 30.E'ldS ±
Black has time to maneuver his light- with three pawns for the piece and a
square bishop to fS. After 18.~g4 fS, much more active position. 23..11.xg7
the white queen cannot retreat to g3. ~d8 24.d5 §e8 Hopeless is 24 ... exdS
White emerges with three pawns for the 2S.cxdS 4:le7 (2S ... E'le8 26.dxc6 bxc6
piece and a winning edge thanks to the 27.4:lf7+ 'iftc7 28.AeS+ +-) 26.Axf8+-.
exposure of the black king and his bur- 25.dxc6 j},xc6 26.§dl+ ~c8 27.j},e5
ied E'la8. 16.j},xh7+ ~xh717..£)g5+ ~e7 After 27 ... E'le7 28.~h8+ E'le8
White can play 17.~bl + first with the 29.~g7 E'le7 30.~f8+ +- when the E'le7
idea of putting pressure on the pinned is pinned. 28•.£)f7 1-0
piece, 17 ... 4:ld3 18.4:leS 'iftg8=, but
Black is quite happy to give up the piece (155) Reid - Farrand
to end the attack. 17 ..• ~g6 The cus- Brighton 1977
tomary mate in five is unavailable be- Chigorin Defense [D07]
cause the black king can escape via d6,
but in that line, the dark-square bishop l.d4 d5 2.c4 .£)c6 3 ..£)c3 dxc4 4.d5
develops powerfully to f4 and mates .£)e5 5.e4 c6 6.A£4 .£)g6 7 ..11.e3 cxd5
quickly. 17 ... 'iftg8 18.~hS ~d3 8.exd5 e5 9.j},xc4 a6 10..£)f3 j},d6
(18. .. E'ld819.~xf7+ 'ifth8 20.~hS+ 'iftg8 11.0--0 f5 12.§el ~f8 13..11.d2 h6
21.~h7+ 'iftf8 22.~h8+ 'ifte7 23.~xg7+ 14.b4 .£)f615.b5 e416..£)d4

Sacking the Citadel

1.c4 4)f6 2.4)c3 c6 3.4)f3 d5 4.d4

8 e6 5.e3 4) bd7 6.Ad3 dxc4 7.-'\.xc4
7 b5 8.Ab3 b4 9.4)e2 Ad610.()"'o ()...O
6 11.a3 bxa3 12.bxa3 Ab713.4)d2 c5
5 14.Ab2
abc d e f g h

Black's impressive position includes 3

three additional assets, the light-square 2

bishop, the protected e4-pawn, and the

4Jg6. The ~gl line is most interesting abc d e f g h
in the line after 19.4Jxe4 and 20.Ab4
because White manufactures the time Black relies here on an unusual pair of
to play 21. 'ltic2, defending the f-pawn additional reinforcements, the light-
laterally. Note in that line that the §aB square bishop along the long diagonal
develops aggressively on the c-file and and the second knight. In the game,
the 4Jg6 enters the fight on e5. White defends with ~h3, attempting to
16...-'\.xh2+ 17.<i!lxh2 4)g4+ 18.<i!lgl exploit the light-square bishop's ab-
In the ~g3 and ~h3 lines, the 4Jg6 ends sence from the usual diagonal, but
the discussion instantly by supporting White fails to time d5 correctly.
'ltih4#; 1B.'ittg3 'ltih4#; 1B.'itth3 14...-'\.xh2+ 15.<i!lxh2 4)g4+ 16.<i!lh3
'ltih4 #. 18•.. ~h4 19.Ae3 In both of In the ~gl line, 'ltih4 wins quickly be-
the following lines, the black queen is cause the bishop is poised to remove
able to infiltrate via hi to g2, and the the 4Jf3 defender. 16.~gl 'ltih4 17.4Jf3
4Jg3 is able to show off its versatile (17.§e1 'ltixf2+ 1B.~h1 ~xg2 #)
scope in reaching e5, f4, and h4. (a) 17 ... Jl.xf3 1B.§e1 'ltixf2+ 19.~h1
19.4Jce2 'ltixf2+ 20.~h1 'ltih4+ 21.'ittg1 'ltixg2 #; White defends better in the
'ltih2+ 22.'ittf1 'ltih1 + 23.4Jg1 4Jh2+ 'ittg3 line because he can shut down the
24.'ittf2 4Jh4 25.Ab4+ 'ittgB 26.'itte3 long diagonal with 19.e4. 16.~g3 'ltig5
'ltixg2 -+; and (b) 19.4Jxe4 fxe4 17.f4 'ltig6 1B.'ltib1 f5 19.e4 4Je3+
20.Jlb4+ ~gB 21.'ltic2 'ltih2+ 22.~f1 20. ~f2 4Jxfl 21. ~xfl fxe4:;:.
axb5 23.4Jxb5 Jlf5 24.Jld6 'ltih1 + 16... ~g5 17.4)f4? It takes very active
25.'itte2 'ltixg2 26.§fl §cB 27.Jlc7 play with 17.d5! to shut down the di-
4J6e5 -+. 19 .•. 4)f4 20.Axf4 ~xf2+ agonal; 17 ... exd5 and then to shut
21.<i!lh1 ~xf4 22.g3 ~xg3 23.13e2 down the attack 18.4Jf3 'ltih5+
~xc3()"'1 19.'ittg3± d4? . After the ... 4Jgf6, it is
clear that the attack has been repulsed,
(156) Michaelides - Crouch 20.4Jf4 +-. The effort to shut the diago-
London 1978 nal with 17.e4!? fails to 17 ... 4Jdf618.d5
Semi-Slav Defense [D47] 'ltih5+ 19.~g3 'ltih2+ 20.~f3 exd5


2Utxd5 <£\xd5 -+. 17.•• Jildf618.d5 e5 part meaningfully in the attack, the .§.hl
19.Jile4 ~h6+ 20.'itlg3 exf4+ requires that the .§.dl sacrifice itself on
21.exf4 Or- 21.'lt'f3 <£\h2+ 22.'lt'e2 d7. In the ~gB line, the white queen
ila6+ -+ 23. 'It'd2 <£\xe4. 21 ... Jil xe4+ must enter the attack more slowly on
22.'itlxg4 22.'lt'f3 .§.aeB-+. The king is d3, giving Black the freedom of not hav-
trapped and <£\h2 is likely next. ing to defend on f7. Black misses the
22 ... .§.ae8 23. ~c2 c4 24..Q.a4 ~g6+ chance to run his king towards the
25.'itlh4 Not 25.'lt'h3 ~h5# Of the queens ide with 25 ... 'lt'd7. 20.Axh7+
three king moves, only 25.'lt'f3 is not 'itlxh7 21.Jilg5+ 'itlg8 Players might be
immediately mated but still meets tempted to try 21... ~h6 because White
25 ... ilxd5-+. 25 ... Ac8 26.~dl does not have a dark-square bishop, but
~h6+ ~1 Resigning in the face of it's mate in four with 22.~d3, threaten-
mate with 26 ... ~h6+ 27.~h5 ~xf4+ ing ~h7, when (a) 22 ... .§.hB cutting off
2B.g4~h2#. h7 but relinquishing f7 23.<£\xf7+ ~h5
24.~h3+ ~g6 25.<£\xhB!!#; (b) 22 ... g6
(157) Van derWiel-Spassov 23.~h3+ ~g7 24.~h7#; and (c) 22 .. .f5
Amsterdam 1979 23.~h3+ 'It'g6 24.'~h7#. In the ~g6
Sicilian Defense [B69] line, ~d3+ is effective because the black
rook, without an anchor from a .§.aB,
l.e4 c5 2.Jilf3 Jilc6 3.d4 cxd4 cannot safely defend on h7. 21...'lt'g6
4.Jil xd4 Jilf6 5.Jilc3 d6 6.Ag5 e6 22.~d3+ (too slow is 22.h4?! <£\e7
7. ~d2 a6 8.~ .Q.d7 9.f4 Ae7 23.~d3+ f5 24.exf6+ ~xf6:j:) 22 ... f5
10.Jilf3 b511.Axf6 .Q.xf612.~xd6 (once again, the king retreats get mated:
.§.a7 13.'itlbl b4 14.Jile2 Ae7 22 ... 'lt'h6 23.~h7# and 22 ... ~h5
15.~d2~16.Jilc1 ~b617.e5a5 23.~h3+ ~g6 24.~h7#) 23.~h3
18..Q.d3 a4 19.b3 .Q.c5 (White wins only an exchange after the
usual 23.~g3 ileB 24.<£\d3 .\.te7
25.<£\xe6+ 'It'f7 26.<£\xfB ~xfB±) . The
threat of ~h7 forces 23 ... <£\xe5
24.~h7+ ~f6 25.fxe5+ when both cap-
tures get mated: (a) Black can avoid
mate but White has an enormous posi-
tional advantage after 25 ... ~e7
26.~xg7+ ~dB (26 ... ~eB 27.~g6+
'It'e7 2B ..§.d2 ile3 29.~g7+ ~eB
30 ..§.d6+-) 27.<£\h7 .§.eB 2B.<£\f6 .§.e7
abcdefgh 29.~f8+ ~c7 30.<£\xd7 '§'xd7 31.'§'xd7+
'It'xd7 32 ..§.dl ++- and Black's position
Black has organized an impressive as- is falling apart; (b) 25 ... 'lt'xe5 and it's
sault upon the white king, but these mate in six: 26.~xg7+ .§.f6 (26 ... 'lt'f4
forces are not coordinated for the de- 27.<£\d3+ 'It'e3 [27 ... 'lt'g4 2B.<£\f3+ ~h5
fense. This is an impressive win by 29.<£\f4#] 2B.'§'hel #) 27.<£\f3+ +-; and
grandmaster van der Wei!. He relied (c) 25 ... ~xg5 and once again, a mate in
upon his two rooks and secure e5-pawn six: 26.~xg7+ ~f4 (26 ... 'lt'h4 27.'~h6+
as additional assets. Of course, to take ~g4 2B.h3+ 'It'g3 29.~g5+ ~f2

Sacking the Citadel

30.§.d2#; 26 ... 'it'h5 27.h4+-)

27.§'he1 +- . 22. 'ltd3 E!faS Black must
move the §.f8 because 22 ... g6 runs into
23.~h3 +-. It's interesting to compare
the following two lines to the game.
Especially with White's strong §.d1, the
black king simply cannot find a safe
haven in any of these lines: (a) 22 ... §.c8
23.~h7+ 'it'f8 24.~h8+ 'it'e7 25.~xg7
4Jd4 26.4Jxf7 4Jf5 27. ~f6+ 'it'e8
28.~g6+- or 28.4Jg5; and (b) 22 ... §.b8 abc d e f g h
23.~h7+ 'it'fB 24.~h8+ 'it'e7 25.~xg7
4Jd4 26.4Jxf7 4Jf5 27. 'l*f6+ 'it'e8 4Jf8. In the 'it'g8 line, therefore, Black
28.4Jg5+-. 23.'lth7+ <if/fS 24.'lthS+ can trivially draw with 16 ... 4Jf8.
Not 24.§'xd7 §'xd7 25.~h8+ rtJe7 14.Jl.xh7+ <if/xh7 15.~g5+ <if/gS
26.~xa8 §.d8 27.~xa4 4Ja7=. The white 15 ... .Ilxg5 16.hxg5+ 'it'g817.'l*h5
queen has no scope. 24 ... <if/e7 transposing to the game, but Black can
25. 'ltxg7 E!fS? After a long defensive also try 16 ... 'it'g6? 17. ~h5+ 'it'f5 when,
chore, Black misses a chance to survive not surprisingly, it's mate in four with
with 25 ... rtJd8 26.4Jxf7+ 'it'c7 27.4Jd6 18.'l*h3+ 'it'g6 (18 ... rtJf419.4Jb3+ rtJe4
(27.§'xd7+ rtJxd7 28.4Jd6+ [28.§.d1 + 20.~f3# or 18 ... 'it'xg5 19.4Je4+ rtJg6
4Jd4] 28 ... 'it'd8 29.'l*f6+ 'it'c7 20.~h7#) 19.'~h7+ ~xg5 20.4Jf3+
30.'l*f7+=) 27 ... 4Jd4 when Black 'it'g4 21.~h3# or 21.~h5# or
emerges with a safe king and signifi- 21.4Jh2 #. With the pawn already on h4,
cant pressure on the queenside, 28.§.d2 15.h5 wins quickly, but even more ac-
axb3 29.cxb3=. 26.~h7 <if/e8 27.E!d6 curate is 15 ... rtJg6 16.~d3+ when (a)
1-0 27.§. d6 interfering with the 16... f5 17.exf6+ 'it'xf6 (king retreats are
bishop's defense of the §.f8, 27 ... ~xd6 mated quickly, as usual, 17 ... 'it'h5
28.exd6 'it'd8 29. ~xf8+ +- . 18.g4+ rtJxg4 [18 ... 'it'h6 19.~h7#)
19.~f3#) 18.h5+- with the idea of
(158) Giffard - Nikolic ~g6#, or 18.'l*f3+ rtJg6 19.h5+ rtJh6
Bagneux 1979 (19 ... 'it'xg5 20.4Je4 #) 20.'l*d3 +-; and
French Defense [C03] (b) not the king retreats 16 ... rtJh5
17.g4+ rtJxg4 (17 ... rtJh6 18.'l*h7#)
l.e4 e6 2.d4 b6 3.~d2 Ab7 4.~gf3 18.~f3#, or 16 ... rtJh6 17.~h7#.
~f6 5.Jl.d3 d5 6.e5 ~fd7 7.'lte2 c5 16.'lth5 Jl.xg5? White can only draw
S.c3 ~c6 9.a3 Ae7 10.b4 cxd4 after 16... 4Jf8! 17.~xf7+ 'it'h8 18.~h5+
1l.cxd40--0 12.h4 E!e813.b5 ~a5 (D) rtJg8 19.~f7+=. 17.hxg5 <if/fS Both
moves of the f-pawn run into simple
At first glance, White appears to have checkmates: 17 ... f5 18.~h8+ rtJf7
sufficient additional assets to succeed 19.96+ 'it'xg6 (19 ... 'it'e7 20.~xg7#)
here. The dark-square bishop and the 20.'l*h5# and 17 .. .f6 18.g6 (18.~h8+
secure e5-pawnjoin with the useful h4- 'it'f7 19.96+ ~xg6 [i9 ... rtJe7
pawn. But Black has already vacated 20.'l*xg7#] 20.~h5#) 18 ... 'it'f8
the key f8-square in preparation for 19.~h8+ rtJe7 20.~xg7#. IS.a4 With


the idea of ... Aa3. 18••. tkc7 Black can queen. 15.Ag5 Axg5 16.Axh7+
return a piece on c5, but the attack still ~xh717.4) xg5+ ~g6 In the ~h61ine,
barges through: 18... .§.c819.Aa3+ 4:lc5 White has the idea of~g4-h4 and when
20.dxc5 bxc5 21.g6 fxg6 22.'l'iYxg6 'l'iYc7 Black defends with an anchored .§.h8,
23.'§'h8+ '1;e7 24.f4 '§'xh8 25.~xg7++-. White can capture pawns on f7 and e6.
19.Aa3+ 4)c5 20.tkh8+ ~e7 17 ... ~h6 18.~g4 .§.h819.4:lx£1+ '1;h7
21. tkxg7 Elg8 22.dxc5! Elxg7 Declin- 20.'lt1xe6 (threatening both ~xd7 and
ing the queen sacrifice doesn't help. 4:lg5 #) 20 ... .§.he8 21.4:lg5+ ~h8
22 ... bxc5 23.~f6+ '1;e8 24 ..§.h7 'lt1e7 22.~xd7 +-. In the ~g8 line, the nor-
25.'lt1xe7+ '1;xe7 26.Axc5+ '1;d8 mal mate in five does not work because
27.~b4 +- . 23.c6+ 1-0 It's mate in four Black has vacated the d8 escape square.
with 23 ... ~e8 (23 ... ~d8 24 ..§.h8++-) Instead, White has a lovely maneuver
24 ..§.h8+ .§.g8 25 ..§.xg8#. with 22. ~g6 exploiting the mate threat
on f7 and using that square as an entry
(159] Grigorian - Dobosz square for the attack upon the black e-
Yerevan 1980 pawn. If Black tries to run towards the
Semi-Slav Defense [D47] queens ide, White gains a powerful
passed e-pawn. If the king attempts to
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.4)0 4)f6 4.4)c3 e6 return to the kingside, White will have
5.e3 4)bd7 6.Ad3 dxc4 7.Axc4 b5 time to bring one of the rooks power-
8.Ad3 Ab7 9.0-0 b4 10.4)e4 Ae7 fully into the position. 17 ... ~g818.~h5
11.4)xf6+ 4)xf612.e4 0--0 H.eS 4)d7 .§.fe8 19.~x£1+ '1;h8 20.~h5+ ~g8
14.Ae4tkb6 21.~h7+ ~f8 22.~g6 '1;e7 (22 ... ~g8
23 ..§.ael +- ) 23.~xe6+ '1;d8 24.4:l£1+
~c7 25.'lt1d6+ ~c8 26.e6 4:lf6 27.'lt1e5
~c7 28.4:ld6+ '1;b8 29.4:lxe8+-.
18.tkg4 18.~d3+ f5 19.4:lxe6 .§.ae8
20.~g3+ '1;£1 21.4:lg5+ ~e7 22 ..§.fel
'1;d8 23.e6+-; if Black captures the
loose knight with 18 ... '1;xg5, White
plays 19.~h7 and then has time pa-
tiently to bring up a rook. To survive,
Black must strike back in the center:
abcdefgh 19 ... 4:lxe5 (19 ... ~xd4 20 ..§.adl ~f4
21.~xg7+ '1;f5 22 ..§.xd7+-) 20.dxe5
Here, White can count on the secure when Black cannot untie the mating net.
e5-pawn, the dark-square bishop, and (a) 20 ... g6 21..§.ael ~d4 22 ..§.e3 +-;
the ability to bring a rook quickly into (b) 20 ... .§.h8 21.'lt1xg7+ ~h5
the game. The ~g6 line is the key here. 22 ..§.ael +-; and (c) 20 ... .§.g8 21.h4+
18.'lt1d3 and 18.~g4 both win, but~d3 '1;f4 22 ..§.ael +- . 18•.•f519.tkg3 Elh8
is slightly more accurate owing to the The effort to undermine White's posi-
weakness of the e6 pawn after .. .f5. Af- tion with 19 ... c5 20.dxc5 ~c6
ter ~d3+, White gains the additional (20 ... 4:lxc5 21.4:lxe6+ ~£1 22.4:lxc5
option of capturing the f-pawn immedi- ~xc5 23 ..§.ac1 +- ~d5 24 ..§.c7+ '1;e8
ately without having to retreat his 25.~xg7) gives White plenty oftime to

Sacking the Citadel

blow up the center and bring in the re- but White, playing blindfold no less,
inforcements. 21.4Jxe6+ ~f7 22.4Jg5+ selects the most accurate course, 10.h4
'Ile7 23.§ad1 4Jxc5 24.§d6+-. And with the threats of h5+ and ~g4 when
19 .. .'«rxd4 exposes the queen to a dis- .. .f5 can be met with h5+. S.Jl.xh7+
covered assault: 20.4Je4+ ~h7 ~xh7 Facing a winning sacrifice, one
(20 ... 'Ilf7 21.§ad1 +-) 21.~h4+ ~g8 competitor declined it. 8 ... ~h89.~d3!?
(21...'it'g6 22.~g5+ ~f7 23.§ad1 +- ) White's best is 9.4Jg5 with the usual
22.4Jf6+ 4Jxf6 (22 ... gxf6 23.~xd4+-) idea of10.~h5, and if Black tries 9 ... g6
23.~xd4+-. 20.~xe6+ ~f7 21:~b3 aiming to trap the bishop, White has
Or simply 21.4Jc7 ~xc7 22.e6+. 10.~f3 aiming for h3. 9 ... 4Jf51O.h4.llb6
21 ••. ~e7 22.~xg7 ElagS 23.~xf5+ 11..lle3 4Jxe3 12.fxe3 f6 13.Ag6 4Je7
~dS On 23 ... 'Ilf8 White's majors 14.h5 4Jg8 15.~d2 c5 16.h6 gxh6
quickly join the attack: 24.4Jd6 §g7 17.0-0-0 f518.§h3 .lld719.§dh1 ~g7
25.~f3+ ~g8 (25 ... ~e7 26.4Jf5++-) 20.§g3 ~h8 21.4Jh4 Ae8 22 ..llxe8
26.§ae1 +-. 24.~d6 ~c7 25.Elacl ~xe8 23.4Jg6+ ~g7 24.4Jxf8+ 'Ilxf8
~bS 26.~xb7 ~xb7 27.~f3 Elg6 25.~f2 cxd4 26.exd4 Ad8 27.4Je2
2S.Elfel ~b6 29.e6 ~c7 30.g3 Elc8 Ag5+ 28.~b1 §c8 29.4Jc3 a6 30.'«re2
31.e7 ~d7 32.Ele5 ~d5 33.~xd51- ~d8 31.~h5 ~b6 32.~g6 4Je7
o The queen sacrifices highlights a nice 33.~h7 f4 34.§xg5 Y2-Yl Kadzim-
simplifying combination, 33.~xd5 cxd5 Daniel, Da Nang 2008. 9.~g5+ ~g6 In
34.§xc8+ ~xc8 35.e8~+ +-. the ~g8 line, with the black knight on
e7 and with a white dark-square bishop
(160) Stavrev - Heikkonen able to reach g5, the most efficient win
Noordwijkerhout blind 1980 follows the theoretical course, with the
French Defense [C 16] capture first on h7 rather than f7.
9 ... ~g8 10.~h5 §e8 11.~h7+ ~f8
1.e4e6 2d4d5 3.~c3 Ab44.e5 ~e7 12.~h8+ 4Jg813.4Jh7+ 'Ile714.Ag5+
5.a3 Aa5 6.Ad3 0-0 7.~f3 ~bc6 4Jf6 (14 .. .f6 15.~xg7#) 15.~xg7+-.
lO.h4! (a) 10.'~i'g4!? f5 11.~g3 f4
8 12.Axf4 4Jf513.~d3+- with 14.g4 on
7 the next move, but not 13. ~g4 4Jh6 with
6 14 ... §xf4; or (b) 10.~d3+ 4Jf5 (king
moves again walk into a quick mating
net: 10 ... ~h5 11.~h3 t [11.~h7+ ~g4
12.h3# or 12.f3# or 12.~h3#]
11...~g6 12.~h7#) 11.h4 is better
than 11.g4f6(11.. ..llxc3+ 12.bxc3~e7
13.h5+ 'Ilh6 14.g4+-). lO .•. ~eS
abc d e f g h 11. ~g4 ~f5 By playing h4 first,
11...f5 after ~g4 has no sting, 12.h5+
The sacrifice occurs here early in the ~h6 13.4Jxe6+ f4 14.~xg7#. 11...f6
opening. White can count on two addi- also fails and indeed, it's mate in three:
tional assets, the dark-square bishop 12.h5+ ~h6 13.4Jxe6+ g5 (13 ... ~h7
and the secure e5-pawn. In the ~g6 14.~xg7#) 14.hxg6#. Black does not
line, 1O.h4, 1O.~g4,and 1O.~d3+all win, even have time for a direct assault on


the center: 11...fJxe5 12.h5+ 'it'f6 checkmate at the cost of the fJe7. The
(12 ... ~h6 13.fJxe6+ 'it'h7 [13 ... g5 resulting endgame offers only a slight
14.hxg6#] 14.~xg7#) 13.fJh7#. edge for White. 20 ... 'it'g8 21.~h5 ~e2
12.h5+ Cifjlh6 13.4)ge4+ Cifjlh7 On 22.Elxe7 ~d5 23.Eld7 Eled8 24.Elc1
13 ... fJe3 Black can delay the mate on ~g6 25.~xg6 fxg6 26.Elee7 Elxd7
by ditching pieces: 14.~g5+ ~h715.h6 27.El xd7 ~xa2 28.El xd4;!; . The ~h6line
g6 16.~f6 Elg8 17.fJg5#. And after is fraught with danger because the fJf1
13 ... g5 it's mate in three: 14.hxg6+ ~g7 reaches g3 with a powerful threat.
15.Elh7+ ~g816.fJf6#. 14.h6 Axc3+ 20 ... ~h6 21.fJg3! +- g6 (With signifi-
14... g6 allows a knight fork 15.fJf6+ +- . cant assets at the ready, 21... 'it'xg5 loses
15.bxc3 4) xh616.Axh61-0 It's mate quickly: 22.~g4+ ~h6 23.~h5# or
in three after 16... gxh6 17.fJf6+ ~h8 22 ... ~f6 23.fJh5#) 22.~g4 (threaten-
18.Elxh6# as well as after 16.fJf6+ 'it'h8 ing ~h4) 22 ... Elh8 preventing the threat
(16 ... gxf6 17.Elxh6#) 17.1hh6 gxh6 but weakening f7: 23.fJxf7+ 'it'g7
18.Elxh6#. 24.fJxh8 Elxh8 25.Elxe7+ ~xe7
26.fJf5+ +- . 21.4)g3!The only win. (a)
(161) Airekoski -Anttila 21.~g4 f5 22.~h4 (22.Ele6+ Elf6
Correspondence 1981 23.~h4 Elxe6 24.fJxe6 ~d6-+)
Ruy Lopez [C99] 22 ... ~d5 when White must settle only
for an exchange, 23.fJh7 fJae6 24.fJg3
1.e4 e5 2.4)f3 4)c6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4 ~f7+; and (b) 21.~d3+ 'it'xg5-+ when
4)f6 5.()....{) Ae7 6 ..§el b5 7.Ab3 ()....{) White no longer has ~g4+, and ~h7 is
8.c3 d6 9.h3 4)a5 10.Ac2 c5 1l.d4 too slow against Black's superior de-
~c7 12.4)bd2 cxd4 13.cxd4 Ab7 velopment. 21 ••. .§h8 The rook is now
14.4)f1 .§ac815.Abl d5 16.exd5 unavailable to defend on f6. 22. ~g4
exd417.jlg5 4)xd518.Axe7 4)xe7 Cifjlf6 Not 22 ... f5 23.Ele6#. 23.4)e6
Better is 23.h4 +- with the idea ofEle6+.
8 23 ••• fxe6 24.~xe6+ Cifjlg5
7 25 . .§e5++- ~xe5 26.~xe5+ Cifjlg6
6 27.~xe7 .§hf8 28.~d6+ .§f6
29.~xd4 .§cf8 30.~h4 ~ 31..§dl
Cifjlg8 32.f3 4)c4 33.4)h5 .§6f7
34 •.§d8 .§xd8 35.~xd8+ .§f8
36.~d4.§f7 37.b31-0

(162) Knox W - Pytel

abc d e f g h Manchester 1981
French Defense [C 17]
At the time of the sacrifice, White can
lay claim to two additional assets, the 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 Ab4 4.e5 c5
Elel and the fJf1-g3. In the game, Black 5.Ad2 4)e7 6.4)b5 0--0 7.c3 Aa5
mistakenly selects the ~g6 line, which 8.dxc5 Ac7 9.f4 4)d7 lO.b4 b6
fails to fJg3. 19.Axh7+ Cifjlxh7 1l.cxb6 4)xb612.4)f3 Ab713.Ad3
20.4)g5+ Cifjlg6 In the 'it'g8line, Black 4)c4
can defend with ... ~e2, preventing

Sacking the Citadel

.llf4 (21...~g6 22.~h7#) 22.B:xf4+

8 <;tJe5 (22 ... ~g6 23.~h7+ ~xg5
7 24.h4#) 23.B:el++-. 16.~g41 Much
6 more accurate than 16.~c2+ 4Jf5 17.g4
Ab6 1B.gxf5+ exf5 19.4Jd4 .llxd4
20.cxd4 +- with B:g1 next. 16 ... f5
17. ~g3 ~d7 Taking the queen out of
3 the line of fire. Otherwise 17 .. .B:hB
2 1B.4Jxe6+ <;tJf7 19.4JxdB+ +- .
18.~xe6+ ~f71B ... ~h6 also permits
abc d e f g h a mate in two 19.~xg7+ <;tJh5
20.~g5#. 19.~xg7+ ~xe6 Or
White's additional assets include the 19 ... <;tJeB 20.~xf8# 20.~d4# 1-0
dark-square bishop, which can be cap-
tured by the 4Jc4, the reinforced e5- (163) Mueller - Gallien
pawn, and the 4Jb5, which plays an im- Correspondence 1982
portant role. In the game, Black selects French Defense [C05]
the ~g6 line, where White can play
~g4 and retain the queen on g3. The l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 c5 4.~gf3
final combination shows nicely the ~f6 5.e5 ~fd7 6.c4 dxc4 7.~xc4
threat of the discovered check and the cxd4 8 ..1ld3 .1lb4+ 9.Ad2 Axd2+
queen's capture on g7. Black is unable 10.~xd2 0-0 11.0-0 ~c6 12.~f4

to escape via e6 because, once again, ~c5

the 4Jb5 has a role to play, in this case
delivering mate from d4. 14..1lxh7+ 8
~xh715)dg5+ ~g6 In the ~gBline, 7
with the black 4Je7, White captures on 6
f7, removing the defender of the e6- 5
pawn, and later plays 4Jxc7 when the 4
recapture by the black queen permits a 3
knight fork on e6. 15 ...~gB16:~'h5 B:eB
17.~xf7+ <;tJhBIB:gjrh5+ ~gB19.~h7+
<;tJf8 20.4Jxc7 ~xc7 21.4Jxe6+ +-. In the
<;tJh6 line, White proceeds with ~g4- abc d e f g h
h4 and g4, never requiring help from
the .lld2. 15 ... <;tJh6 16.~g4 .llxe5 White has an unusual pair of additional
17. ~h4+ <;tJg6 1B.g4 threatening ~h5 # assets, the e5-pawn and the 4Jc4. In
and leaving Black with no reasonable the game, 14 ... <;tJg6 threatens ~xg5, re-
response: (a) 1B ... 4Jf5 19.9xf5+ ~xf5 quiring h4. White's play is fully correct
(19 ... exf5 20.B:g1 +-) 20.fxe5 4Jxd2 in this carefully conducted correspon-
21.4Jd6+ ~xe5 22.4Jgxf7++-; (b) dence game. The black king is forced to
1B ... B:hB 19.4Jh7 B:xh7 20.~g5#; (c) capture the 4Jg5, after which White con-
1B ... 4JgB the toughest variation, leav- structs an instructive matil'!g net with
ing White with a mate in seven 19.f5+ 18.~h7.13.Axh7+ ~xh714.~g5+
exf5 (19 ... <;tJf6 20.4Jh7#) 20.gxf5+ ~g6 In the ~gB line, the white queen
(20 ... ~f6 21.4Jh7 #) 20 ... ~xf5 21.0-0+ can reach h4 not h5, but White can take


advantage of the <£lc4 with 17.<£lxf7, an wonderful assist) 20.f3 E!.h8 (20 ... ~g5
additional sacrifice that mates or nets 21.<£ld6+ <it>f4 22.~xf8+ +-) 21.E!.ael
the black queen. 14 ... 'it'g815.~h4 E!.e8 ~h4 22.<£ld6+ <it>f4 23.<£le4! ~hl +
16.~h7+ 'it'fBI7.<£lxf7! 'it'xf7 (17 ... ~d7 24. <it>f2 <£ld3+ 25. <it>e2 +- . 20.g4+ <i!lh4
18.<£lcd6+-) 18.<£ld6+ +- 'it'f8 21.<i!lg2 ~g5 22.E!hl+ <i!lxg4
(18 ... 'it'e7 19.~xg7# or 18 ... ~xd6 23. ~xf8 ~f5 24.f3+ 1-0
19.exd6 <£ld7 20.~h5+ 'it'fB 2l.f4+-)
19.~h8+ 'it'e7 20.~xg7#. 15.h4 f6
(164) Forzan - Kemp
15 ... E!.h8 prevents h5+, but White also Albuquerque 1982
has 16.~g3 ~e7 (saving the queen) French Defense [C 16]
17.<£lxe6+ 'it'h5 (not 17 ... <it>f5 18.<£lxg7+
1.e4e6 2.d4d5 3.4)c3 Ab44.e5 4)e7
'it'e4 19.~f3#) when White wins a
5.4)f3 0--0 6.Ad3 c5
piece, 18.<£lxc5 +-. 16.h5+ <i!lxh5
17. ~h2+! <i!lxg5 Black might as well
capture the knight. It's mate in three ""...."...,_..,.
after 17 ... 'it'g6 18.~h7+ <it>xg5 19.f4+
'it'g4 20.~h3# and mate in eight after 6
17 ... 'it'g4 18.f3+ 'it'xg5 (18 ... <it>f5 5
19.~h7+ 'it'f4 [19 ... g6 20.~h3+ <it>xg5 4
(20 ... 'it'f4 21.~g4#) 2l.f4#] 20.<£lxe6+ 3
<£lxe6 21.~h4+ 'it'f5 22.~g4#) 19.~h7 2
E!.h8 20.f4+ 'it'g4 21.~g6+ 'it'h4
22.E!.f3 +-. 18. ~h7 fxe5 The tough- abc d e f g h
est alternative, 18 ... <£ld3 challenges
White to find 19.~xg7+ with a mate in
Early in a Winawer French, White ini-
eight. (a) 19 ... <it>f4 20.f3+-; (b) 19... <it>f5
tiates the sacrifice with two additional
20.f3+-; (c) 19 ... 'it'h5 20.g4+ 'it'h4
21.~h6+ 'it'xg4 22.f3+ 'it'f5 (22 ... <it>g3
assets, a secure e5-pawn and the dark-
23.~h2#) 23.~h5+ 'it'f4 24.~g4#; and
square bishop. In the game, Black cor-
(d) 19 ... 'it'h4 20.~h6+ 'it'g4 2l.f3+ 'it'g3 rectly favors the <it>g6line, when h4-h5
(21...'it'f5 22.g4#) 22.~h2#. And the drives the king to h6 for a powerful dis-
amusing effort to run the king past the covery. 7 . .1lxh7+ <i!lxh7 7 ... 'it'h8
mating net with 18...<it>f4 falls into a mate 8.Ad3 White should instead hold on to
in five: 19.93+ 'it'g5 (19 ... <it>g4 20.~g6+ the extra pawn and continue the attack
'it'f3 [20 ... 'it'h3 21.~h5 #] 21.E!.ael +- ) with 8.<£lg5 g6 9.~f3 8 ... cxd4 9.<£lxd4
20.f4+ 'it'g4 21.~g6+ <it>h3 22.~h5+ ~c7 10.~h5+ <it>g8 11.~h7# 1-0
'it'xg3 23.E!.f3 #. 19. ~xg7+ <i!lh5 Imag- Guelicher-Krueger, Dortmund 2002.
ine playing these lines in an over-the- 8.4)g5+ <i!lg6 In the <it>g8line, with the
board event. (a) 19 ... 'it'f4 when White black knight on e7, White captures on
picks up the rook with check 20.f3 ~g5 h7 and proceeds in the customary man-
21.~xfB++-; (b) 19 ... <it>h4 when Black ner, winning trivially. 8 ... 'it'g8 9.~h5
can only delay the mate by pitching E!.e8 10.~h7+ <it>f8 11.~h8+ <£lg8
away his pieces 20.~h6+ 'it'g4 2l.f3+ 12.<£lh7+ <it>e7 13.Ag5+ f6 (13 ... <£lf6
'it'f5 (21...'it'g3 22.~h2#) 22.g4#; (c) 14.~xg7+-) 14.~xg7#. 9.h4! (a)
19 ... 'it'f5 (the white knight provides a 9.~d3+ <£lf510.h4 (easier, perhaps,just

Sacking the Citadel

to pressure the knight 1O.g4 f611.<£lxe6

Axc3+ 12.bxc3 Axe6 13.gxf5+ Axf5 8
14.§.g1++-) 10 ... c4 11.h5+ ~h6 7
12.<£lxe6+ ~h7 13.i;;irxf5+ (the white 6
queen has walked into a self-pin) 5
13 ... ~gB 14.<£lxdB Axf5 15.<£lxb7+-
with two pawns to the good; (b) 9.i;;irg4!?
It is less convincing here to play "i;;irg4
before h4. 9 ... f5 1O.i;;irg3 f4 11.i;;irg4
"i;;ireB12.h4 cxd413.Axf4 §.xf414."i;;irxf4
dxc3 15.h5+ ~h6 16.0-0-0 cxb2+ abcdefgh
17.~b1 <£lf5 18.<£lxe6+ ~h719."i;;irxf5+
~gB 20.<£lxg7 Axf5 21.<£lxeB <£ld7 Driving off the <£lf6 with e4-e5, White
22.<£lc7 §.cB 23.<£lxd5 Axc2+ 24.~xb2 also has a dark-square bishop. In the
Axd1 25.§.xd1 ±. With four connected ~g6 line, "i;;ird3 (or i;;irc2) and h4 both
passers, but there's still much work to provide a winning advantage. After
do. 9 •• :lta5 With both the §.h1 and the 18."i;;ird3 f5, the en passant capture draws
queen focused upon h5, 9 ... §.hB does the king to f6 where <£le4 picks up the
nothing to prevent 10.h5+ ~h6 unanchored Ac5. h4 and h5 have the
11.<£lxe6++-. 10.~d3+ 10.i;;irg4+- same result, though White presses in-
also works well because White, with a stead for mate. 16•.1l.xh7+ ~xh7
powerful discovery on the next move, 17.4)g5+ ~g6 In the ~gBline, Black
can sidestep the capture on c3 with can defend by giving back the knight
~dl. 10 •.• 4)f5 With the §.fB on f6 in order to place his queen on the
unanchored, there's no point in play- key bl-h7 diagonal, but White is able
ing 10 .. .f5 11.h5+ ~h612.<£lxe6+ ~h7 to take advantage of the unanchored
(12 .. .f413.<£lxfB+-) 13.<£lxfB++- win- Ac5 to regain a significant material ad-
ning the rook outright. 11.h5+ Or sim- vantage. 17 ... ~gB18.i;;irh5 <£lf619.exf6
ply 11.g4+-. 11 ••• ~h6 12.4)xe6+ i;;ird3. (having sacrificed the knight,
~h713.~xf5+ ~g813 ... ~hB steps Black defends with the queen on the
into a frontal assault: 14.h6 g6 key diagonal) 20.Ae3 (a sharp move,
15:'M6++- . 14.h6 -'lxc3+ 15.~dl +- putting pressure on the Ac5) and now:
~d816.hxg71 fxe617.~h8+ ~xg7 (a) 20 ... Aa7 21.Axa7 §.xa7 when the
18.~h7.1-0 unanchored rook provides a target,
22.fxg7 ~xg7 23."i;;irg4 i;;irg6
(165) Spraggett-Salman 24.i;;ird4+ +-; (b) 20 ... Axe3 2l.fxe3
Toronto 1983 i;;irg6 22."i;;irxg6 fxg6 23.f7+ ~hB when a
Semi-Slav Defense [D27] rook swing to the h-file ends the game,
24.§.f4 +- ; and (c) 20 ... Ad6 21.§.fd1 +-
1.c4 e6 2.4)c3 d5 3.d4 c6 4.e3 4)f6 winning the bishop. 18.h411B. "i;;irc2+ or
5.4)f3 4)bd7 6.-'ld3 dxc4 7.-'lxc4 a6 1B.i;;ird3+ f5 (king retreats are mated)
8.a4 c5 9.0-0 .1l.e7 10.~e2 4)b6 19.exf6+ ~xf6 20.<£le4+ +- picking up
1l.dxc5 -'lxc512..1l.d3 4)bd513.e4 the unanchored piece on c5. White can
4) xc3 14.bxc3 0-0 15.e5 4)d5 also win with 18.c4 <£le7 and now Black
cannot respond to i;;irg4 with ... f5 and


'lf1e7 19.'lf1g4 f5 20.exf6 'it'xf6 and (166) Appel- De Gens

White will pick up the loose piece on c5 Alkmaar 1983
after 21.<£\e4++- or 21.'lf1h5 <£\g6 French Defense [C02]
22.<£\h7+ 'it'f7 23.'lf1xc5 +-. White only
wins back an exchange with 18.i;;irg4? 1.e4 e6 2.d4 c5 3.c3 d5 4.e5 ~b6
f5 19.'lf1g3 'lf1e7 20.<£\xe6+ 'it'f7 21.<£\xf8 5.4)f3 Ad7 6.a4 4)c6 7.Ae2 cxd4
'it'xf8=. 18••• ~e7 Even with 18 ... .§.h8 8.cxd4 Ab4+ 9.{)c3 4)ge7 10.~
White can still barge through with 4)f5 1l.Ae3 f!c8 12.Ad3 4)ce7
19.h5+ '§'xh5 20.i;;ird3+ f5 21.exf6+ 13.4)a20-0 14.{)xb4 4)xe315.fxe3
'it'xf6 (not 21...~h6 22.<£\f7# or ~xb4
22.'lf1h7#) 22.'lf1f3+ 'it'e7 (22 ... ~g6
23.'lf1f7+ 'it'h6 24.<£\xe6++-; 22 ... ~e5
23.<£\f7 #) 23. 'lf1xh5 +-. And trying to
hide the queen 18. .. i;;ird7 19.h5+ ~h6
(19 ... ~f5 20.g4# or 20.'li,j-e4#) leaves
the king high and dry. 20. i;;ire4 f5
(20 ... g6 21.<£\xf7+ 'it'xh5 [21...~g7
22.'lf1xg6#] 22.i;;irf3+ 'it'h4 23.i;;irh3#)
21.exf6+-. 19.h5+ 19.'li,j-d3+ f5 As
usual, the king retreats get mated,
20.h5+ 'it'h6 21.<£\xe6+ and now the abc d e f g h
<£\d5 is unanchored: 21. .. 'it'xh5
(2l...'it'h7 22.<£\xf8+ i;;irxf8 23.'li,j-xd5+-) White can rely here upon two strong
22.<£\xf8 'lf1xf8 23.'lf1xd5 +-; 19.'li,j-g4 is additional assets, the secure e5-pawn
very strong since advances of the f- and the .§.f1 on an open file. In the
pawn meet h5+. 19 .. .f6 (on 19 ... f5 game, the 'it'h6 line falls convincingly
20.h5+ ~h6 21.<£\f7+ ~h7 and the to 'lf1g4-h4 with a familiar sacrifice of
queen enters powerfully on g6, the <£\g5 to draw the black king into a
22.i;;irg6+ ~g8 23.<£\g5+- and Black mating net made easier by the active
would need to capture the knight to pre- white rooks. 16.Axh7+ Iit>xh7
vent mate) 20.h5+ 'it'h6 21.<£\xe6+ 'it'h7 17.{)g5+ Iit>h6 In the ~g8line, the.§.f1
22.<£\xf8+ i;;irxf8 23. 'lf1e4+ +-. Again plays a key role in shortening the usual
picking up the loose piece. 19 •.• lit>h6 mating line because the king has no
Black cannot bring the king out into the escape once the black f-pawn has been
open with 19 ... ~f5 20.g4# or captured. 17 ... ~g8 18.'lf1h5 .§.fd8
20.'lf1e4#. 20.4)xe6+ 20.i;;irg4 setting 19.'li,j-xf7+ ~h8 20.'li,j-h5+ 'it'g8
up the discovered check with an added 21.'lf1h7#. In the ~g6Iine, White breaks
mate threat on g6. 20 .. .f6 21.<£\xe6+ through powerfully with an additional
'it'h7 22.<£\xf8+ i;;irxf8 23.i;;ire4+ +- pick- rook sacrifice on f6. 17 ... 'it'g6 18.'li,j-g4
ing up the loose piece on d5. 20••• lit>h7 (not 18.i;;ird3+? when Black can capture
21.~d3+ Iit>g8 22.4)g51-0 22.<£\g5 the <£\g5 18 ... <£\f5 19.94 ~xg5 20.gxf5
Saving the knight with a threat 22 ... g6 exf5 -+ and the white queen cannot
23.i;;irxd5 +- winning a piece. reach h7) 18 ... <£\f5 (18 .. .f5 19.exf6 gxf
6 20.<£\xe6+ 'it'f7 and White breaks
through with a lovely rook sacrifice on

Sacking the Citadel

f6 21.§xf6+ 'i!txf6 [21...'i!te8 22.§xf8#] tried ~g6, but met with 'ii11g4, the cor-
22.§f1 + .£IfS 23.~xfS+ '!;e7 24.~gS+ rect response. 'ii11g4-h4 threatens 'ii11h7,
,!;d6 [the other king moves are quickly driving the king into 'i!txgS and a pow-
mated 24 ... ~xe6 2S.~eS# or 24 ... '!;e8 erful discovered check. Maintaining the
2S ..£Ig7#] 2S ..£Ixf8+-) 19..£Ixe6+ ,!;h7. queen on the g-file with ~g3 is more
Thanks to the black .£IfS, there's no self- complicated, but it wins too. 10.Jtxh7+
pin 20.~h3+ '!;g8 21..£IgS with the ob- Ciflxh711.4)g5+ Ciflg6 In the ~g81ine,
vious mate threat 21.. ..£Ih6 and then Black cannot return the knight to f6 or
picking up the loose piece 22. ~xd7 +- . take control over the bl-h7 diagonal.
18. ~g4 ~d2 19. ~h4+ Ciflg6 Rather than permit the black king to mi-
20.~h7+ Ciflxg5 21.h4+ Ciflg4 grate towards c7, White wins quickly
22.Eif4+ Faster is 22.~xg7+ .£Ig6 with .£Ie4 threatening .£If6. 11... ~g8
23.~h6+-. 22 •.• Ciflg3 23.Eif3+ Ciflg4 12.~hS §c8 13.'ii11xf7+ 'i!th8 14 ..£Ide4
24.Ciflh2 Or 24.~xg7+ .£Ig6 2S.~f6+-. (not 14.~hS+ ~g8 IS.'ii11h7+ 'i!tf8
24 .•• 4)g6 25.Eiafl Also winning is 16.'ii11h8+ 'i!te717.'ii11xg7+ ~d8 and the
2S.§g3+ ,!;fS 26.~hS+ 'i!te4 27.§a3+-. king is escaping) 14 ... ~c6 (14 ... .£Ic6
25 •.. ~xg2+ 26.Ciflxg2 4)xh4+ IS ..£If6 .£Ixf6 [IS ... gxf6 16.~h7#]
27.~xh4+ Ciflxh4 28.Eih3+ Ciflg4 16.exf6 itf8 and White is mating
29.Eig3+ 1-0 17.'ii11hS+ ,!;g818.f7#) IS.§dl +- with
the idea of§d3-h3. The ~h6line meets
(167) Tarjan - Hodgson ~g4-h4. 11...~h6 12.~g4 §h8 and
Manchester 1983 this defensive try can't succeed unless
Polish Defense [A40] the rook has an anchor, 13.'ii11h4+ 'i!tg6
14. ~xh8 +- . 12. ~g41 Very tempting is
1.d4 b5 2.e4 Jtb7 3.Jtd3 c5 4.c3 12.~c2+ because, once again, the king
4)f6 5.4)d2 e6 6.4)gf3 ~b6 7.dxc5 moves get pummeled: (a) It's mate in
Jtxc5 8.0--() 0--() 9.e5 4)d5 four after 12 ... 'i!thS 13.'ii11h7+ 'i!tg4
(13 ... '!;xgS 14 ..£Ie4+ ~g4 IS.h3#)
8 14.h3+ 'i!tf4 (14 ... ~xgS IS ..£Ie4#)
7 IS ..£Idf3 + +- ; (b) And mate in three if
6 Black captures the knight, 12 ... 'i!txgS
5 13 ..£If3+ ~g4 (13 ... ~hSI4.'ii11h7+ 'i!tg4
IS.h3#) 14.h3+ ~hSlS.'ii11h7#; but (c)
Black can safeguard his king with
12 ... fS! 13.exf6+ 'i!txf6 14.'ii11h7 'i!te7
IS.~xg7+,!;d816 ..£Ide4ite7=.12 .••f5
12 .. .f6 13 ..£Ixe6+ ,!;f7 14 ..£IxcS 'ii11xcS
abc d e f g h IS ..£Ie4+- bringing the second knight
into d6, ~c616 ..£Id6+ 'i!tg8 (Black must
Black's impressive development none- guard the g-pawn) 17.ith6 +-.
theless leaves his king unattended. 13.~h4 Or 13.'ii11g3 f4 14.'ii11g4 when
White can point to three additional as- Black can force the queen offthe g-file,
sets, the dark-square bishop, the eS- 14 ... itxf2+ IS.§ xf2 .£Ie3 but not also
pawn, and the .£Id2 ready to support the h-file, 16.'ii11h4+-. 13 ... 4)f6
the attack from e4. In the game, Black 14.exf6 4)a6 On l4 ... gxf6 White has a


mate in three by sacrificing the knight: both White players failed to find the
15.'~h7+'it'xg516 ..£\e4+'<t>g417.h3#. correct follow-up with 11..£\g5. 1O...'<t>h8
And after 14... 'i!txf6 15 ..£\df3 .£\c6 11..lld3 (11..£\g5! .£\cxe5 12.'lii'h5 .£\f6
16.b4 .lle7 17.~h5 e5 18..£\h7+ '<t>e6 13.'lii'h3 [giving White plenty of time to
19 ..lle3 ~d8 20.~g6+ .llf6 21.'£\fg5+ bring up the reinforcements and to push
White's pieces overwhelm: (a) 21...'<t>e7 the f-pawn] 13 ... .lld6 14 ..§ael 'ltic7
22 ..llc5+ d6 23.Eifdl +-; (b) 21...'<t>d6 15 ..llxe5 .llxe5 16.f4 .lld6 17 ..lld3+
22 ..llc5+ +-; and (c) 21...'<t>d5 '<t>g8 18 ..£\h7 .£\d7 19.f5+-) 11 ... g6
22 ..§adl + 'i!tc4 (22 ... .£\d4 23.cxd4 +- ) (11...g512 ..llxg5 'ltic713.'lii'e2 '<t>g7 0-
23.'~xf5 +- threatening ~d3#. lS.fxg7 1 Shilin-Ivlev, Kiel2004) 12.'ltid2 .£\b4
~xg716.~h7+ ~617.4)df3 Axf3 13 ..llg5 f6 14.exf6 '£\xf6 15 ..£\e5 '<t>g8
18.4) xf3 1-0 Resigning in the face of 16..llxg6 'lii'c7 17 ..§ael .£\c6 18..£\xc6
18 ... .§g8 19.~h4+ 'i!tf7 20 ..£\e5+ '<t>e8 bxc6 19.~f4 'ltig7 20 ..llh6 'lii'xg6
21. ~h 7 +- when White threatens both 2Ulxf8 .llxf8 22 ..£\a4 .£\e4 23 ..£\b6
the rook and mate. .lld6 24.'lii'h4 .£\g5 25.~g4 .§b8
26 ..£\xc8 .§b4 27.f4 1-0 Etmans-Tare,
(168) Borg - Veer Dieren 1999. 1l.4)gS+ ciflg6 The '<t>g8
Thessaloniki Olympiad 1984 line leads to the customary mate in five:
Fench Defense [Cll] 11...'<t>g8 12.'ltih5 .§e8 13.'ltixf7+ '<t>h8
14.'lii'h5+ '<t>g815.~h7+ '<t>f816.'lii'h8+
1.e4 e6 2.4)f3 dS 3.4)e3 4)f6 4.eS '<t>e7 17.'ltixg7#. 12.~d3+ 12.'lii'g4?
4)fd7 S.d4 eS 6.dxeS 4)e6 7 ..Q.f4 .£\dxe5 13.'ltig3 '<t>h5= neatly sidesteps
AxeS 8.Ad3 a6 9.0-0 0-0 the pressure because, without a pawn
on e5, the king can escape to f6 and e7.
8 And on 12.h4? Black can simply cap-
7 ture the e-pawn 12 ... .£\dxe5 -+ and then
6 escape via f6. 12 ••• fS Not 12 ... '<t>h5 in
5 view of 13.~h3+ '<t>g6 14.'lii'h7#.
13.~g3! Or 13.exf6+ '<t>xf6 (hopeless
is 13 ... 'i!th514.'lii'h7+ 'i!tg415 ..£\xe6+-)
14 ..§ael when White still wins after
14 ... .£\b6 15.'ltig3 'ltie8 16..lle3 .llxe3
17 ..§xe3 +-. 13 •.• ~b6 13 ... 'ltie8
abcdefgh 14 ..£\xe6+ '<t>t7 15 ..£\c7+-(winning a
piece and an exchange) 15 ... ~d8
Another example that has attracted 16.e6+ '<t>g8 17.exd7 .llxd7 18..£\xa8
some theoretical interest. With the dark- ~xa819 ..£\xd5 .£\d4 20.'lii'd3 'lii'd8 21.c4
square bishop, the e5-pawn, and the .£\e6 22 ..§adl .llc6 23 ..lle5 'lii'h4 24.b3
possibility of .£\c3-e2-f4, White has .lle8 25.~g3 'lii'h6 26.'£\f4 .£\g5 27.'ltid3
good reason to expect success. Two .£\e4 28.'£\h3 .llc6 29.'£\f4 .§e8 30 ..llc7
players declined the sacrifice. In the ~h4 31.~c2 'ltig4 32 ..£\d5 .£\f6 33 ..§fel
'it'g6Iine, ~d3-g3 is far superior to ~g4 .§c8 34 ..llg3 .llxd5 35.cxd5 .£\e4 36.h3
owing to Black's double attack upon the ~xg3 37.'<t>f1 ~xf2+ 38.'ltixf2 .llxf2
e5-pawn. 10..Q.xh7+ ~xh7 In two 39 ..§xe4 fxe4 40.'<t>xf2 .§c2+ 41.'<t>e3
games, Black declined the sacrifice, and '§xg2 42.'<t>xe4 .§e2+ 43.'<t>f5 '<t>f7 44.d6

Sacking the Citadel

.§e8 45.h4 .§d8 46.d7 b5 47.b4 g6+ petual. Trying for more, White inspires
48.~e5 ~e7 49.a3 '§xd7 50 ..§xd7+ the black queen and knight to demon-
~xd7 51.~f6~d6 52.~xg6~d5 53.h5 strate how well they work together.
~c4 54.h6 ~b3 55.h7 ~xa3 56.h8~ 22 ••. Axh2+ 23.ct1xh2 4:)g4+ 24.ct1g3
~xb4 57.~b2+ ~a4 58.'~a2+ 1-0 In the ~gl line, the .§c4 is pinned to
Meinke-Meyer, Kei12001. 14.4:)xe6+ the fl escape square, giving Black time
ctlf7 Sidestepping both 14 ... ~h5 to prevent ~xh 7 and to arrange a crush-
15.4Jxg7# and 14 ... ~h7 15.~xg7#. ing rook sacrifice on e3. 24.~gl ~h4
15.4:) xd5 ~a5 Taking the knight costs 25.~c2 g6 26.Aa3 ~h2+ 27.~f1 .§xe3
the queen, 15 ... ~xe6 16.4Jxb6. cutting off the escape route, and if
16.4:)de7 Elg817.~g5 g618.~h4 28.fxe3 .ilxc4+ 29.'ltfxc4 4Jxe3+ -+ ; and
Af'819. ~h7+ Ag7 20.4:)g5+ ctle7 Or 24. ~h3 gets crushed by 24 ... 4Jxf2+ -+ .
20 ... ~f8 21.~xg6+- with mate in the 24 ••• ~g5 Black has no hope of an ad-
air. 21.~xg81-O vantage after 24 ....ilxc4 25.~xc4 ~g5
26.~f3 ~h5 27.~g3 ~g5=. 25.f4
(169) Apol- Christen 25.~f3 h5-+ with the idea of ~f6-
Thessaloniki Olympiad 1984 ~xf2 26.~d3 g6 27.~e2 4Jxe3 28.fxe3
Semi-Slav Defense [D46] ~xg2+ 29.~el .ilxc4-+ and the over-
loaded queen cannot recapture.
1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.e3 4:)f6 4.4:)£3 e6 25 •.. ~h5 26.e4? The best is simply to
5.4:)e3 4:)bd7 6.Ad3 Ae7 7.0-0 0-0 overprotect the e3-pawn with 26 ..ilc1
8.b3 b6 9.Ab2 Ab7 10.Ele1 e5 ~h2+ 27.~f3 ~h5 28.~g3=.
1l.exd5 exd5 12. ~e2 4:)e413.Elfd1 26 •.• Axe4 27.~xe4 4:)e3 28.~e6
4:)xe3 14.Axe3 4:)f6 15.Ab1 Ele8 ~g4+ 29.ct1f2 Not 29.~h2 ~xg2#.
16.Ab2 Ad617.~d3 e418.bxe4 29 ••. 4:)xd1+ 30.ct1g1 No better is
Aa6 19.4:)e5 dxe4 20.4:) xe4 Ele8 30.~el .§c8 31.~b5 4Jxb2 32.~xb2
21.~b3 Elxe4 22.Elxe4 ~g3+ 33. ~f2 .§c1 + -+. 30 ... Ele8
31.~b5 4:)xb2 32.~xb2 ~xf4
33.Ae2 ~d2 0-1

(170) Short - Agdestein

Naestved 1985
French Defense [C II ]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4:)e3 4:)f6 4.e5

4:)fd7 5.f4 e5 6.4:)f3 4:)e6 7.Ae3 a6
8.~d2 b5 9.dxe5 ~a5 10.Ad3 b4
abc d e f g h 1l.4:)e2 Axe5 12.0-00-0 13.ct1h1
Black initiates the sacrifice with one
additional asset, the .§e8, as well as a A lovely effort from a well-known grand-
Aa6 that appears to need to capture the master. Short embarks upon the sacri-
.§c4. In the game, White correctly se- fice relying upon a secure e)-pawn, and
lects the ~g3 line, which, with accu-
rate play, should result in a quick per-


Black must play either ~h6 or capture

8 the 4Jg5. (a) On IS ... ~h6 19.Axe5+-
7 because recapturing on c5 leads to mate
6 in two: 19 ... 4Jxc5 (19 ... ~xe5 20.'i1l'h3+
~xg5 21.~h5 #) 20.'i1l'h3+ ~xg5
21.~h5#; (b) After the capture on g5,
it's mate in eight: IS ... ~xg519.4Jxd5+
Axe3 20.~xe3+ f4 (20 ... ~h5 21.4Jf4+
~h6 22.~h3+ ~g5 23.~h5#;
20 ... ~h4 21.~g3+ ~h5 22.4Jf4+ ~h6
abcdefgh 23.~h4#; 20 ... ~g6 21.4Jxe7+ ~h5
22.~h3+ ~g5 23.~xf5#) 21.~xf4+
two other potential assets, a 4Je2 that ~h5 (21...~g6 22.~g4+ ~h7
can enter the fray via g3, and the possi- [22 ... ~h6 23.~h4+ ~g6 24.4Jxe7#]
bility of ~f1-f3. Black defended in the 23. ~h5+ ~gS 24.4Jxe7 #) 22. 'i1l'f3+
~gSline, where White cannot move the
~h6 23.~h3+ ~g5 (23 ... ~g6
queen directly to h5. Black missed the 24.4Jxe7+ ~g5 25.~f5#) 24.~g3+
best chance to hold with 16 ... f5. ~h5 (24 ... ~h6 25.'i1l'h4+ ~g6
14.Jtxh7+ ~xh715.J£\g5+ ~g8 In 26.4Jxe7#) 25.4Jf4+ ~h6 26.~h4#. In
the ~g6 line, f5 is the most efficient
the ~h6 line, White can maneuver the
path, opening up the diagonal for the
queen to h4 via e 1. The mate is attrac-
dark-square bishop and f4 for the
knight. 15 ... ~g616.f5+! when both king tive and instructive, with f4-f5 and 4Je2-
moves get mates (16 ... ~h617.'i1l'el +- f4. 15 ... ~h6 16.Axe5 4Jxe5 17.~el
and 16... ~h5 17.4Jxf7 ~xf7 IS.4Jg3+ ~g6 IS.~h4 ~hS 19.f5+ exf5
~g4 19.'i1l'e2+ ~h4 20:~'h5 #) and so, 20.4Jf4#. 16.~d3 Eife8 Black's best
Black must try 16 ... exf5. 17.4Jf4+ +- is hope lay with 16 .. .f5! closing down the
the right idea and indeed it provides queen's diagonal and preventing f5, but
White with an advantage, but the most White can now take advantage of the
accurate path is 17.~d3 threatening undefended e6-pawn. 17.4Jxe6 (or
'i1l'xf5 17 ... 4Je7 (ignoring the threat in- 17.exf6 4Jxf6 IS.Axe5 'i1l'xe5 when
vites a mate in five: 17 ... 4Jexe5 White wins back only an exchange
18.~xf5+ ~h5 [1S ... ~h6 19.4Jxf7#] 19.4Jxe6 ~a5 20.4JxfS ~xfS 21.4Jg3=)
19.4Jf3++-) and only now 18.4Jf4+ 17 ... Axe3 IS.4JxfS 4JxfSI9.~xe3 4Je6
20.~d3 4Je7 21.4Jd4 4Jxd4
8 22.~xd4~.White has a rook and two
7 pawns for the pieces, but it is not clear
6 how the rooks can gain activity.
5 17.~h7+ ~f8 18.f51 J£\dxe5
IS ... exf5 19.4Jg3 ~e7 (not 19 ... ~xe5
20.4Jxf5 ~xf5 21.~xf5 ~e7 22.~xf7+
~dS 23.Axc5 'i1l'xe5 [23 ... 4Jxe5
24.~gS #] 24.4Je6+) 20.4Jxf7! 4JfS
(20 ... ~xf7 21.4Jxf5 4Jexe5 22.4Jd6+
abcdefgh ~e6 23.4Jxb7+-) 21.~xf5+-.
Position after lB.tDf4 (analysis) 19.Jtxc5+ ~xc5 Black must recapture

Sacking the Citadel

on c5. 19 ... <£Je7 20.~hS# 20.fxe6 ct;e7 to provide a more substantive advan-
On 20 ... .£JdS the entire white anny gets tage. 12•.11.xh7+ ct;xh713.4)gS+ ct;g6
involved, 21.4::\f4 '$;e7 22.f!.ael fxe6 In the '$;gS line, Black can defend by
23.~xg7+ '$;d6 24.~xe5++- and giving back a piece on f6. White retains
20 ... f!. xe6 invites 21.4::\xe6+ +- . a clear edge in that middlegame, a
21:~xg7 ct;d6 Insufficient is 21...f!.fS queens ide pawn majority, but the win
22.~f6+ '$;d6 23.exf7+ '$;d7 24.~f5+ would not be trivial. 13 ... '$;gS 14:~'h5
'$;d6 25.4:)[4 +- . 22.exf7 ms 23. ~h6+ 4::\7f6 15.exf6 4::\xf6 16.'~h4 e5 (with the
ct;d7 24.~h3+ ct;e7 2S.~e6+ ct;d8 idea of iU5; 16 ... f!.dS 17.4::\de4 4::\xe4
26.~xeS 1-0 A queen sacrifice provides 18.~xe4 cxd4 19.f!.ac1 ~d6 20.~h7+
the "simplification": 26 ... 4::\xe5 27.4::\e6+ '<!tfS 21.~hS+ '$;e7 22.~xg7 ~f4
'$;e7 28.4::\xc5+-. 23.f!.fel .!'!d5=) 17.f!.fc1 b6 IS.dxc5
bxc5 19.4::\b3 ~d6 20.f!.xc5 ~f5
(171) Quinteros - Seirawan 21.~xb4±.14.~g4Missing 14.~c2+!
BielInterzonal1985 when all of Black's responses are
Nimzo-Indian Defense [Ell] sharply met: (a) 14 .. .f5 15.exf6+ when
White mates or gains a significant ad-
1.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)f3 .11.b4+ vantage after all four king moves: (l)
4 ..11.d2 cS S..11.xb4cxb4 6.4)bd2 0-0 The immediate capture with 15 ... '<!txg5
7.e4 d6 S..11.d3 ~c7 9.0-0 4)bd7 provides the best chance for the defense
10.cS dxcS n.eS 4)dS 16.fxg7 '$;h6 (16 ... f!.gS 17.~h7+-)
17 .gxf8~+ 4::\xfS IS.dxc5 ±; (2) After
8 15 ... '<!txf6 16.~h7 The queen quaran-
7 tines the king and prepares for the ar-
6 rival of reinforcements. 16 ... ~c6
5 17.f!.ael4::\f4 IS.4::\de4+ '<!te719.~xg7+
'<!tdS 20.dxc5+-; (3) 15 ... '$;h616.~h7+
Forcing the capture when it's mate in
five: 16... '<!txg5 17.4::\e4+ '<!tf4 (17 ...'<!tg4
18.~h3+ '$;f4 19.~f3#)lS.g3+ '$;f3
(lS ... '$;g4 19.f3#) 19.4::\d2+ '<!tg4
abc d e f g h (19 ... '<!te2 20.E!.fe1 + '<!txd2 21.f!.ad1 #)
20.~g6+ 'ifth3 21.~h5#; (4) 15 ... '<!th5
A battle oftitans. For additional assets, 16.~h7+ +- '$;g4 17.4::\xe6 f!.xf6
Quinteros can count only on the e5- lS.h3# or lS.~h3#; (b) 14 ... '$;xg5
pawn, although his center is under fire, 15.~h7 (White's usual response after
and the 4::\d2 which can quickly reach the capture, cutting off retreats and
e4. Black's knights are both aimed at threatening ~xg7) 15 ... g6 (15 ... 4::\xe5
f6, and the ~c7 has the potential of 16.4::\e4+ '$;f4 [16 ... '<!tg4 17.f4 4::\xf4
defending f7. American grandmaster lS.h3+ 4::\xh3+ 19.~xh3# or
Vasser Seirawan defended with the '$;g6 19.9xh3#] 17.g3+ '<!tg4 [17 ... '<!tf3
line, inviting 14.~g4 f5 15.~g3 when lS.4::\d2+ '$;e2 (1S ... '<!tg4 19.h3+ '<!tg5
again Black can defend by returning a 20.4::\e4#) 19.E!.fe1+ (19.~e4+ '<!txd2
knight on f6. Of special interest was the 20.f!.ad1#) 19 ... '<!txd2 20.f!.ad1#]
possibility of 14.~c2+, which appears IS.h3+ '$;f3 19.4::\g5+ [19.f!.ae1 +-]


19 ... 'it'e2 20.~c2#) 16.f4+ 4:)xf4 (172) Malikov - Yudovich

17.h4+ 'it'g4 (17 ... 'it'f5 1B.~h6+-) Soviet Union 1985
1B.1'hf4+ (an "additional rook sacrifice Sicilian Defense [B80]
speeds the finale) 1B ... 'it'xf4 (lB ...'it'g3
19.~h6+-) 19.~h6+ 'it'g4 (19 ... 'it'f5 l.e4 c5 2 ..£Jf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4 ..£J xd4
20.~g5#) 20.~g5#; (c) After .£Jf6 5 ..£Jc3 a6 6 ..1l.e3 e6 7.~d2 h5
14 ... 'it'h6 White forces the capture on S.f3 b4 9 ..£Jce2 d510.e5 .£Jfd711.f4
g5 when it's mate in four, 15.'l1i'h7+ .1l.c5 12•.£Jh3 .1l.xe3 13.~xe3 0-0
'it'xg5 16.f4+ 4:)xf4 (16 ... 'it'g4 14..£Jgl .£Jc6 15..£Jf3 a5 16..1l.d3 a4
17.~h3#)17.4:)e4+ 'it'g4 1B.h3+
(lB.4:)f2+ 'it'g5 19.h4 #) 1B ... 4:)xh3+ 8
19.~xh3# or 19.9xh3#; (d) After 7
14 ... 'it'h5 Black can resist the capture 6
on g5 for a few moves, but the mate 5
soon follows: 15.~h7+ 'it'g4 (15 ... 'it'xg5
16.f4++-) 16.h3+ 'it'xg5 (16 ... 'it'f4
17.g3+ 'it'xg5 18.4:)e4# or 18.4:)f3#)
17.f4+ 4:)xf4 1B.4:)e4# or 1B.4:)f3#.
14...f5 Black is fine with aggressive
play, 14 ... 4:)7f6! 15.exf6~f4:j:.15.~g3 abc d e f g h
15.~h4 4:)7f6 16.exf6 gxf6 using the
~c7 to defend on h7! 15... f416. ~h3 In this position, White has only one
After 16.~g4 4:)7f6 17.exf6 4:)xf6 additional asset, the secure e5-pawn,
1B.4:)xe6+ 4:)xg4 19.4:)xc7 f'!bB and the white knight on b3 is en prise.
20.dxc5 ± White is a pawn up but Black Moreover, the white queen has access
has the bishop and active development. to the h-file only on h3. In the 'it'gBline,
16... .£J7f6 17..£Jde4 cxd4 IS.exf6 Yudovic exploited the attack on the 4:)b3
.£Jxf619..£Jxf6 gxf6 20..£Jxe6 .1l.xe6 by sacrificing his queen for the 4:)g5 and
21.~xe6 ~e5 22.~g4+ ~g5 obtaining adequate play. 17..1l.xh7+
23.~f3= EiadS 24.Eiadl 24.Elfe1 ~xh71S. .£Jg5+ ~gS In the 'it'g6Iine,
ElfeB 25JheB f'!xeB 26.~xb7 'l1i'c5= the queen reaches g3 so quickly that
24•.• ~f5 25.Eid3 Eid5 26.Eifdl Eie8 the discovered check is potent, provid-
27.h4 Eie4 2S.Ei3d2 a5 29.Eid3 ~e6 ing a mate in four. 1B ... 'it'g6 19.~g3
30.~h3 Safer is 30.'it'h2 +=. 30•.• ~xh3 (White gains only an exchange after
31.gxh3 Eie2-+ 32.h5+ ~xh5 19:~d3+!? f5 20.4:)xe6 ~b6 21.4:)xf8+
33.Eild2 f3 34.Eixd4 Eig5+ 0-1 The 4:)xfB:j:) 19 ... ~b6 (the discovery wins a
white king has been caught in a net, queen after both 19... 4:)dxe5 20.4:)xe6+
35.'it'fl (35.'it'h2 f'!g2+ 36.'it'h1 f'!e1 #) 4:)g4 21.4:)xdB f'!xdB 22.4:)c5+- and
35 ... f'!e1 + 36.'it'xe1 f'!gl #. 19 ... f6 20.4:)xe6+ +-). Removing the
queen from the reach of the knight
leaves the king in a mating net,
20.4:)xe6+ 'it'f5 2 1. 4:) xg7 + 'it'e4
22. 'l1i'f3 #. In the 'it'h6 line, the queen's
entry on h3 forces mate in two, lB ... 'it'h6
19.~h3+ 'it'g6 20.~h7#. 19.~h3

Sacking the Citadel

19.~d3 !!e8 20.~h7+. In the game with 8.~c3 c5 9.dxc5 j},xc3 10.bxc3
~h3, White gains the option of play- bxc5 1l.exd5 ~xd5 12.c4 ~c6
ing ~h5! . 19 ... E!e8 20:~'h5 20.~h7+ 13.E!e1 j},b714.j},e4 ~c7
r.t>f8 21.~h8+ r.t>e7 22.~xg7 !!f8-+
and White's attack has stalled. 8
20 ... ~xg5 It's a perpetual after
7 Ir...~~.'
20 ... <tJf8 21.~xf7+ r.t>h8 22.~h5+ r.t>g8 6
23.~f7+=; giving back the piece for the
e-pawn is tempting but insufficient:
20 ... <tJcxe5 2l.fxe5 <tJxe5 22.0-0 axb3
23.!!ae1 ~b6+ 24.r.t>h1 !!a7 (24 ... bxa2
25.!!xf7 <tJxf7 26.~xf7+ r.t>h8
27.~xe8#) 25.!!xe5 bxa2 26.!!ee1 +-.
21. ~xg5 Eliminating the mate, and re- abc d e f g h
lying upon White's <tJb3 as the third
piece for the queen. 21.fxg5 axb3 22.0- White's pawn structure is unhelpful and
o <tJdxe5 23.axb3 ,ila6 24.!!fe1 d4 the sacrifice must therefore rely upon
25.~h4 !!ed8 26.~g3=. 21 ... axb3 two uncommon additional assets, the
22.cxb3 f6?! Better is 22 ... ,ila6=. two rooks. In the game, Black selects
23.~g6 White will have more activity the ~h6 line, when ~g4-h4 combines
after 23.exf6 <tJxf6 24.0-0 <tJe4 25.~g4 with a rook swing and the development
±. 23...Aa6 24.E!cl Ab5 25.a4 bxa3 of the queen's room to the e-file.
26.bxa3 ~e7 27.~h5 fxe5 28.fxe5 15.Axh7+ Cit'xh7 16.~g5+ Cit'h6 In
White's connected passers will decide the ~g8 line, the black king cannot
after 28.a4 ,ild3 29.!!c7 !!ed8 safely run to the queenside owing to a
30.fxe5 +-. 28 ... ~f5 29.a4 Ad3 well timed !!ad1 and <tJd6. 16 ... ~g8
30.g4 ~d4 3Vi!i'd2 Ae4 32.E!c7 17.~h5 !!e818.~h7+ (the black queen

~f3+ 33.Cit'e3 ~fxe5 33 ... <tJdxe5! =+= has f7 covered) 18 ... ~f819.~h8+ ~e7
34.E!gl White can improve by placing 20.~xg7 r.t>d8 (20 ... !!f8 21.<tJxe6+-)
the rook on the open file, 34.!!fl. 21.!!ad1 + ~c8 22.<tJxf7 +-. In the ~g6
34... E!ec8 35.E!gc1 E!xc7 36.E!xc7 line, after 17.~g4 f5, the weakness of
~f6 37.~g5 37.!!xg7+ ~xg7 the e6-pawn gives White time to
38.~xe5 r.t>f7 39.~c7+ r.t>g6 40.r.t>f4± threaten a rook swing to g3 or the dou-
37 ... ~f7 38. ~h4 g5 39. ~g3 e5 bling ofthe rooks on the e-file. 16... ~g6
40.h4 d4+ 41.Cit'e2 ~d5 42.E!xf7 17.~g4 (17.~d3+ ~xg5 -+ when
Cit'xf7 43. ~xe5 gxh4 44. ~h5+ Not White does not have the assets to close
44.~xe4<tJc3+-+ 44... Cit'e645.~xh4 the mating net) 17 .. .f5 18.~h4 Taking
d3+ 46. Cit'd2 E!c8 47. ~h6+ VI-VI advantage of uncontestable control
over the h-file, 18 ... ,ilc8 (18 ... <tJd7
(173) Reeh - Hoffmann 19.<tJxe6+-) 19.!!e3 f4 20.<tJxe6 Jlxe6
Biell986 (20 .. .fxe3 21.~e4+ +-) 21.!!xe6+ ~f7
Owens Defense [COl) 22.!!ae1 <tJc6 23.~h7 !!ad8 24.~g6+
~g8 25.!!xc6+-. li.~g4 ~d7
l.d4e6 2.~f3 b6 3.e4d5 4.Ad3 ~f6 18.E!e3 .£Jf6 19. ~h4+ Cit'g6
5.Ag5 Ae7 6.Axf6 Axf6 7.0--0 0--0 20.E!g3+- Cit'f5 21.E!el E!h8 22..£Jf3


22.4:Jxf7! (an unexpected queen sacrifice g3-+) 22 ... g3 23.4:Jf3 Elxf3. The obvi-
brings a quick mate) 27 ... E:!xh4 (on ous continuation 24.gxf31txf3 25.Elg2
22 ... ~xf7 - 23.Elg5# or 22 ... e5 Axg2 26.Axg2 (26. 'ttxg2 Elf8 -+ )
23.4:Jxh8+-) 23.Elg5+ with mate in two. 26 ... Elf8-+ cutting off the escape. In
22....£Ie4 23.~g4+ ~6 24.Elxe4 ~e7 the 'it'h6 line, the rook swing to h3 en-
Avoiding 24 ... Axe4 25.~g5#. ables ... ~h5. 20.'it'h3 Elf6 21.'it'g3 Elh6
25.Elxe6+ fxe6 26.~xg7+ ~d6 22.4:Je4 (22.'ttf4 ~d6+ 23.'it'g5 Elg6+
27.~e5+ ~c6Or27 .. .'it'd728.Elg7++-. 24.'it'h4 ~h2#) 22 ... ~h4+ 23.'it'f4
28. ~xe6+ ~d6 29..£Ie5+ 1~ 29.4:Je5+ 1txe4 24.fxe4 (24.fxg4 ~xg4+ 25.'it'e5
'ttc7 30.Elg7+ +-. The queen falls, and ~g3#) 24 ... g5+ 25.'it'f3 ~f2#. The
mate will follow. immediate capture on g4 transposes to
the 'it'gl line. 20.fxg4 ~h4+ 21.'ttgl
(174) Wegner - WeHn fxg4 transposes to the 'it'gl line.
Gausdal1987 20 ... f4+ 21.exf4 After the capture on
Queen's Indian Defense [EI2] g4, 21.'it'xg4, Black can swing a rook,
21...Elf6 22.Ad3, and activate the light-
l.d4 .£If6 2..£If3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.a3 .1lb7 square bishop, 22 ... e5 -+. If instead
5..£Ic3 .£Ie4 6 ..£1 xe4 .11.xe4 7.e3 .11.e7 21.'it'h3, Black can quickly relocate the
8 ..11.d3 d5 9.0-0 0-0 10.b3 .£Id7 queen, 21. .. ~g5, threatening ... ~h5
1l ..1lb2 f5 12.Elel .1ld6 13•.1lfl 22.fxg4 (22.exf4 ~h5+ 23.'ttg3 ~h2+
dxc4 14.bxc4 ~e7 15•.£Id2 .1lb7 24.'ttxg4 Elxf4+ 25.'it'g5 ~h6#)
16. ~b3 c517.a4 .£If618.f3 22 ... ~h6#. 21 ... ~f6 22.~xg4 On
22.fxg4 the black queen can pick up the
8 loose 4:Jd2, 22 ... ~xf4+ 23.'it'h3 ~h6+
7 24.'it'g3 ~xd2-+. 22 ... ~xf4+
6 23.~h3 ~xd2? Much more powerful

first is 23 ... g5! 24.g3 and the capture
on d2 will now be with check: 24 ... g4+
25.fxg4 (25.'it'h2 ~xd2+ -+ or 25.'it'h4
~h6+ 26.'it'xg4 Elf5-+) 25 ... ~h6#.
24.dxc5 .11.xf3 25.gxf3 Missing
25.Ele3+-. 25 ... ~f2 26.Ele3 White
abcdefgh may be able to hold after 26.f4 activat-
ing the queen on the third rank:
Black's sacrifice is sound - despite the 26 ... Elxf4 27.~g3 Elf3 28.1te5 Elxg3+
white pawn on f3 - thanks to two addi- 29 .Axg3 ~xc5 =+= • 26 •.. Elf4 0-1
tional assets, the light-square bishop
and the ElfS. In the game, White plays (175) Panchenko - Novikov
'ttg3 when an immediate .. .f4+ fatally Pavlodar 1987
exposes the white king. 18... .11.xh2+ Sicilian Defense [B85]
19.~xh2 .£Ig4+ 20.~g3 In the 'ttgl
line, Black can crash through thanks to l.e4 c5 2..£If3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4 ..£1 xd4
the mate threat on h2 and with an addi- .£If6 5 . .£Ic3 a6 6.a4 e6 7 ..1le2 .1le7
tional exchange sacrifice on 0. 20.'it'gl 8.0-00-0 9.f4 ~c7 10.~hl Eld8
~h4 21.fxg4 fxg4 22.Ele2 (22.e4 1l..1le3 .£Ic6 12..1ld3 .£Ib4 13.a5

Sacking the Citadel

A,d7 14.4)f3 E!dcS 15.A,b6 ~bS 19.fxg5 'ittgS White makes slow, steady
16.e54)fd5 progress: 20.~f3 .ileS (20 ... E!.fS
21.~h5 dxe5 22.E!.xf7 E!.xf7 23.g6
4Jxb6 [23 ... E!.f6 24.~h7+ ~fS
25.Ac5+ +- ] 24.gxf7+ ~fB 25.axb6+-)
21.g6 f5 (21...fxg6 22.4Jxd5 4Jxd5
23.~fB+ ~h7 24.E!.a3+-) 22:~h5 4Je7
23.~h7+ 'ittfS 24.4Je4. Exploiting the
pin. 24 ... Axg6 25.~hS+ 4JgS (Black's
poor queenside development is telling.)
26.exd6 E!.c4 (26 ... 4Jxc2 27.d7 +-)
27.E!.ae1 E!.xe4 2S.E!.xe4 ~xd6
abc d e f g h 29.E!.c4 +- . In the ~h6Iine, White gains
the unexpected and powerful possibil-
A creative and very modern Greco Sac- ity of a rook swing with 19.E!.a3.
rifice that deserves to be studied in 1B ... ~h6 19.E!.a3 4Jxc3 20.bxc3 4Jd5
some depth. White has the e5-pawn, 21.~g4 E!.hS 22.c4+-. 19.~h5 A,xg5
the 4Jc3 aiming to e4, the E!.a1-a3, and Black simply loses a piece with 19 ... 4Jf6
the E!.f1 as additional assets, but the 20.~xf7+ ~hS 21.exf6 .ilxf6
dark-square bishop will not clearly as- 22.4Jce4+- and White has a choice of
sist the attack and Black has the Ae7 to rook swings. 20.fxg5 A,e8 After 20 ... g6
remove the 4Jg5. In the game, Black the fight is over the dark squares.
defends in the 'ittgS line and secures 21.~h4 dxe5 22.E!.f3 with the idea of
the f7-pawn with AeS, but 4Jc3-e4-f6 E!.h3 22 ... 4Jf4 23.4Je4 aiming for f6
decides the contest with considerable 23 ... 4Jbd5 24.E!.d1 (threatening an ex-
help from White's active rooks in the change sacrifice) 24 ... E!.c6 25.b3 with
open board that results. 17.,1l.xh7+ c4 next. 21.4)e4 Or 21.g6 fxg6 22.~h3
Iit'xh71S.4)g5+ Iit'gS In the 'ittg6Iine, E!.c7 (22 ... Af7 23.E!.xf7 ~xf7 24.E!.f1 +
4Jxd5 is tough to meet because both 'itte7 25.~h4+ ~eB 26.~hS+ ~d7
immediate recaptures activate the white 27.E!.f7+ 'ittc6 2S.~h4+-) 23 ..ilxc7
attack. lS ... ~g6 19.4Jxd5 when (a) ~xc7 24.4Jxd5 4Jxd5 25.c4 4Jb4
19 ... Axg5 20.4Jxb4 Ah6 21.exd6 'itth7 26. ~xe6+ Af7 27. ~xd6 ~xd6
22.~d4 'ittgS 23.c4+-; (b) 19 ... 4Jxd5 2S.exd6;!:: when White has a rook and
20.~d3+ f5 (of course, the king retreats two strong pawns for the piece with an
are mated, 20 ... 'itth5 21.~h7+ 'ittg4 active central passer. 21. •. dxe5
22.~h3#) 21.exf6+ ~xf6 (not 21...'itth5 22.4)f6+ 4)xf6 Not 22 ... ~fS 23.4Jd7+
22.~h7+ 'ittg4 23.~h3#) 22.Ad4+ e5 Axd7 24.~xf7# And taking the knight
(the only move) 23.fxe5+ when the 22 ... gxf6 invites an assault on the
double check forces 23 ... 'ittxg5 kingside dark squares. 23.gxf6 4Jxf6
24.~h7+- with a mate in six; and (c) 24.E!.xf64Jd5 25.E!.h6 'ittfB 26.~h4 +-.
19 ... exd5 20.f5+ Axf5 (the other king 23.gxf6 4)d5 24.fxg7lit'xg7 25. ~g4+
moves lose quickly 20 ... 'itth6 21.~g4+­ 25.~g5+ (trapping the king for a quick
and 20 ... 'ittxg5 21.Ae3+ 'itth4 rook swing) 25 ... 'ittfB (25 ... ~hB
22.~f3+-) 21.~f3 Ae6 22.4Jxf7+-. 26.E!.a3 +-) 26.E!.a3 +-. 25 ••. lit'fS
After the capture on g5 lS ... Axg5 26.~xe6 4)xb6 On 26 ... 4Jf4 White


sacrifices the exchange, 27.Elxf4 exf4,

and the exposed black king is no match 8
for White's- majors. 2B.~h6+ 'it'gB 7
(28. .. ~e7 29.Ele1 + ~d7 30.~h3+ ~c6 6
[30 ... 'it'd6 31.~d3+ ~c6 32.~e4+ ~d7 5
(32 ... 'it'b5 33.b3+-) 33.~e7+ ~c6
34.'li1c5+ 'it'd7 35.Ele7 #] 31.~a3 +- )
29.Ad4 f6 30.'li1xf6 'lfIc7 31.~hB+ ~f7
32.Ele1 +-. 27.'li\'h6+ '1Je7 Not
27 ... ~gB 2B.Ela3+-. 2S.'li\'h4+ More
accurate is 2B.'li1g5+ 'it'fB (2B ... 'it'd7 abcdefgh
29.Elad1 + ~c6 30.'lfIf6+ ~b5
31.~xb6++-) 29.Ela3+- with Elh3 next. sets, though Black has considerable
2S••• '1JfS 29. 'li\'b4+ '1JgS 30.Ela3 e4 activity himself. Black's rooks are con-
On 30 ... f5 the majors come alive, nected, the ElfB is on an open-file, Black
31.Elg3+ ~f7 32.~g4+-. 31.axb6 is active on the dark squares, and
JlbS 32.ElfS Elc6 33.Elg3+ Elg6 Black's 4Je5 is well reinforced. In the
34.Elxg6+ Most accurate is 34.'lfIb3. game, Black plays the 'it'g6 line which
34... fxg6 3S.'li\'b3+ '1JhS The other should hold, but Black misses the
king moves fare no better. 35 ... ~h7 chance to develop the ElaB-dB and suc-
36.Elf7+ 'it'h6 37.'li1e3+ ~h5 and it's cumbs to White's central pressure.
mate in four, 3B.g4+ 'it'xg4 (3B ... ~h4 17.Jlxh7+ '1Jxh71S./i)gS+ '1Jg6 In
39.'li1h6+ 'it'xg4 40.'li1xg6+ +- ) 39.h3+ the 'it'gB line, White is able to capture
'it'h4 40.Elh7#; 35 ... 'it'g7 36.Elf7+ with the d5-pawn with check and then swing
straight-forward mates against all re- a rook to h4. 1B ... ~gB 19.Axe5 Axe5
sponses. 36.Elf7 'li\'cS 37.'li\'g3 'li\'fS 20.~xd5+ 'it'hB 21.Elc4+-. Black could
38.'li\'c3+1-0 therefore try the ~hB line, when White
can infiltrate to e6 but little more.
(176) Nijboer - Brenninkmeijer 1B ... ~hB!? (avoiding 'lfIxd5+) and now:
Netherlands 1987 (a) 19. 4Jd4 wins an exchange, but Black
French Defense [C06] is fine after 19 ... AeB 20.4Jde6 'lfId7
21.4JxfB AxfB=; (b) White has no edge
l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3./i)d2 /i)f6 4.eS at all after 19.Axe5 Axe5 20.4Jf4 AeB
/i)fd7 S.c3 cS 6.Jld3 /i)c6 7./i)e2 21.'lfId3 g6=i=; and (c) After 19.'lfIxd5
cxd4 S.cxd4 f6 9.exf6 /i) xf6 10.0-0 Ae7 20.4Jf7+ Elxf7 21.'lfIxf7 4Jxf7
j},d611./i)f3 'li\'c712.g3 0-0 13.Jlf4 22.Axc7 Axh3+ Black's activity pro-
/i)g414.Elc1 Jld71S.h3eS 16.dxeS vides him with a tangible advantage.
/i)gxeS(D) 19.'li\'xdS Elf6 Black is fine after
19... EladB! 20.4Jd4 Af5 21.4Jxf5 Elxf5=.
Some Greco Sacrifices offer promising 20./i)d4 'li\'b6 21.'li\'e4+ ElfS 22.j},e3
22.Axe5 Axe5 23.Elxc6+ exploiting the
but not necessarily winning continua-
overloaded bishop, 23 ... bxc6 24.4Jxf5
tions. Here, White can count on the
Axf5 25. 'lfIxe5 +- . 22 ••• /i) xd4
Elc1, the dark-square bishop, and pos-
23.Jlxd4 'li\'bS 24.g4 '1JxgS 2S.f4+
sibly also the 4Jd2-f4 as additional as-
'1Jh6 26.fxeS Elxfl + 27.Elxfl ElfS

Sacking the Citadel

2S.!U5 Missing a pretty mate in four black king steps into an immediate dis-
with 2S.gS+ ~xgS (28. .. ~hS 29:~'h7+ covery. White can win the black queen
~xgS 30.1.l.e3+ §f4 31.1.l.xf4#) 29.1.l.e3+ or choose to mate quickly with fS and
~hS 30.'l¥Yh7#. 2S •.• Jl.xf5 29.gxf5 two swarming knights. IS ... ~g616.fS+
Jl.e7 30.Jl.e3+ ~h7 Not 30 ... AgS exfS (16 ... ~hS 17.'t1fh3#) 17.4JdS ~d8
31.'l¥Yh4# but Black has an edge after IS.4Jf4+ ~h6 19.'l¥Yh4#. Black's best
30 ... gS! 31.h4 (31.f6 Axf6 32.exf6 hope may be in the line with IS ... AxgS,
§xf6-+) 31...§gS 32.~h2 'l¥YeS+. but Wedberg surely would have found
31.f6+ ~gS 32.fxe7 'lA'fl+ 33.~h2 the rook swing with §f3-h3. IS ... AxgS
'lA'e2+ = 34.~g3 13e8 35.'lA'd5+ ~hS 16.fxgS dxeSI7.~h4+ (17.§xf7 §xf7
36.Ag5 'lA'e1 + 37.~g4 Yz-Yz IS.g6+ ~gS 19.9xf7+ ~xf7 20.~f2+
~gS 21.AxcS±) 17 ... ~gS (17 ... ~g6
(177) Wedberg - Ionescu IS.g4+-) IS.§f3+-. 16.'lA'h4 Jl.xg5
Berlin 1988 17.f xg5 .1l,c6 Controlling key squares.
Sicilian Defense [B82] 17 ... dxeS gives White the time for a
game-ending rook swing: IS.§f3 +- .
1.e4 c5 2.lilf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.4) xd4 lS.13f4? White's best chances lie with
a6 5.Jl.d3 4)f6 6.0-0 'lA'c7 7.4)c3 d6 18.g6! fxg6 19.§xfS+ ~xf8 20.exd6
S.f4 4)bd7 9.4)f3 .1l,e7 10.'lA'e1 0-0 ~xd6 (20 ... 4Jxd6 21.'l¥YhS++-) 21.~f2+
H.e5 4)e812.'lA'g3 4)c513.Jl.e3 Jl.d7 ~gS 22.1.l.xcS ~eS 23.§el ± with a
large advantage, but Black may be able
8 to hold with ... ~fS.1S .•.dxe5 Blackre-
7 turns the favor. Better is lS ... 4Jd7
6 19.~hS g6 20.'l¥Yh6 4Jg7 21.§h4 4JhS
5 22.§xhS gxhS 23.g6 fxg6 24.~xg6+
~hS=. 19.96! fxg6 20.13xfS+ ~xfS
21.'lA'hS+ ~e7 22 . .1l,xc5+ ~d7
23.13fl ~cS 24.4)e4 Better is 24.~f8.
24 •.• .1l,d7 Black's last chance was
24 ... ~dS 2S.4Jd6+ 4Jxd6 26.~xdS+
abc d e f g h ~xdS 27.1.l.xd6 e4 2S.§f7 §cS 29.§xg7
AdS 30.c3 §c6 31.Ag3 eS= .25.4)d6+
Wedberg shows off his tactical prow- ~bS 26.b4 'lA'c6 27.4)xeS .1l,xeS
ess. His additional assets include the 2S.'lA'xg7 b6 29.13fS 13a7 30.'lA'gS
rooks, the 4Jc3-e4, the dark-square 13d7 31.13xeS+ ~a7 32.Jl.e3 'lA'e4
bishop, and the eS-pawn. Black, in tum, 33..1l,xb6+ ~xb6 34.'lA'xe6+ ~c7
cannot void the f8 escape square. None- 35. 'lA'xe5+ 1-0
theless, the lines are complex and fun.
In the game, Black defended with the (178) Ricardi - Schuster
~gS line, where White missed the pow- Buenos Aires 1988
erful18.g6 shot. Nimzo-Indian Defense [E20]

14..1l,xh7+ ~xh715.4)g5+ ~gS In 1.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3 .1l,e7 4.e4

the ~h6 line, White has a quick mate in 0-0 5.4)f3 d5 6.e5 4)e4 7 . .1l,d3
two with 'l¥Yh4-h7. IS ... ~h6 16.'l¥Yh4+ 4)xc3 S.bxc3 c5 9.h4 f5 10.exf6
~g6 17 .'t1fh7 #. In the ~g6 line, the .1l,xf6


17.Axg5+-; White also has 15.Af4 e5

(15 ... i;j"d7 16.i;j"h5+ 'it'g8 with the im-
pressive idea of 17.Ad6+- cutting off
f8, and of course, the queen cannot cap-
ture because the rook requires support.)
16.i;j"h5+ 'it'g8 17.dxe5 Axe5 18.i;j"t7+
'it'h8 19.0-0 .!lxf4 20.i;j"h5+ 'it'g8
21.i;j"h7+ 'it'f8 22.i;j"h8+ 'it'e7 23.i;j"xg7+
'it'd6 24.4Jt7++-. 1S •.• ~g8 16..11a3
16..!lf4! aiming for d6. 16... e5 (16 ... 4Jc6
abcdefgh when it's mate in five: 17.i;j"t7+ 'it'h8
18.Ad6.!le7 19.i;j"h5+ 'it'g8 20.i;j"h7+
The majority ofthe Greco Sacrifices that 'it'f8 21.i;j"h8#) 17.i;j"t7+ ~h818.dxe5
involve a pawn on h4 involve simple Af5 (18 ... A xe5 19.0-0 Axf4 20.i;j"h5+
mates on h7 so long as White has a 'it'g8 21.i;j"h7+ 'it'f8 22.i;j"h8+ 'it'e7
dark-square bishop to inhibit 'it'h6. 23.i;j"xg7+ 'it'd6 24.4Jt7+ +- ) 19.0-0-0
Such is the case here in the line with +- . 16••• 4)a6 16... 4Jd7! and White can
.\lxg5, despite White's relative lack of only find a perpetual 17. i;j"f7 + 'it'h8
development and the conspicuous ab- 18.i;j"h5+ 'it'g8 19.i;j"f7+=. 17.dxeS
sence of an e5-pawn. White's assets .11xe3+ 18.~f1 bS On 18 ... i;j"f6
are simply the dark-square bishop and 19.i;j"xe8+ and 18 ... Axa1 19.c6+-.
the h4-pawn. Black selects the more 19.exb61-O
challenging ~g8 line and declines to
capture the 4Jg5, preferring simply to (179) Pililyan - Akopov
create an escape square on f8 and rely- Correspondence 1988
ing upon the ~J6 to defend the g7- Caro-Kann Defense [B 13]
pawn. To try for more than a perpetual,
White has h5, i;j"g6, and Af4, all of 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3.exdS exdS 4 ..11d3
which offer excellent winning chances. 4)e6 S.e3 4)f6 6 ..11f4 .11g4 7.~b3
11..11xh7+ ~xh712.4)gS+ ~g8 The ~d7 8.4)d2 e6 9.4)gf3 .11xf3
usual pattern after 12 ... .!lxg5 13.hxg5+ 10.4)xf3 .11d611..11xd6 ~xd612.0-
~g8 (13 ... 'it'g614.i;j"h5+ 'it'f515.i;j"h7+ o 0-0 13.laae1 laab8 14. ~e2 lafe8
g6 [15 ... 'it'g416.i;j"h3#] 16.i;j"h3+ 'it'e4 1S.~e24)d7
17.i;j"e3+ ~f5 18.i;j"f3#) 14.i;j"h5 is
slightly longer because Black has 8
14 ... i;j"a515.g6i;j"xc3+ 16.'it'f1+-. The 11...... ·-··.=
~g6 line loses quickly to h5 and i;j"d3
threatening mate on h7 and g6. 12 ... ~g6
13.h5+ ~h6 (13 ... ~f5 14.i;j"f3# or
14.g4#) 14.i;j"d3+-. 13.~hS lae8
14.~f7+ ~h81S.~g6 White is win- 3
ning after 15.h5 Ele7 (15 ... .!lxg5 16.h6 2
gxh6 [16 ... Axh617 ..!lxh6+- ] 17.Axg5
i;j"xg5 18.i;j"xe8++-) 16.i;j"g6 Axg5 abc d e f g h
overloading the black queen

Sacking the Citadel

The correspondence games presented 28.Etxd7+ Etxd7 29.t'1e5+ ~c8Not

in this volume are a remarkably clean 29 ... 'it'dB 30.~eB#. 30.Ete8+ 1-0 Af-
group of contests. The sacrifice here ter 30 ... ~dB 31.~e6+ 'it'c7 32.~e7++­
leads to a more positional continuation it's mate in two.
because White's additional assets, the
two rooks, require f4 and f5 to mobilize (180) Mufic - Pircher
fully. In the game, Black selects the 'it'gB Caorle 1988
line and defends the f7-pawn so as to French Defense [C02]
avoid ~xf7 and a rook swing. After
23.f5, White's attack is in full swing and l.e4 c5 2.c3 4)c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.cxd4
Black, under pressure, fails to find the e6 5.4)c3.1lb4 6.4)f3 d5 7.e5 4)ge7
best defensive resources. 16..1lxh7+ 8 . .1ld3 0-0 9.a3 .1la5 10.0-0 f6
~xh717.4)g5+ ~g8 With the black 1l.exf6 Etxf612 ..1lg5 Etf713.4)e2
rook off f8, obviously not 17 ... 'it'h6 t'1d6 14.4)g3 .1ld7 15.b4 .1lb6
18..£\xf7+. In the 'it'g61ine, Black's hope 16..1le3 Etff817.b5 4)d8
is to migrate the king towards the
queenside, but White has time to ma- 8
neuver the queen to g3 and to push the 7
f-pawn with effect. 17 ...'it'g61B.f4 (not 6
18.~g4? .£\f6! or 1B.~d3? 'it'xg5
19.~h7 'it'f6) 1B ... .£\f6 19.~f3 'lii'd7
20.~g3 '£\h5 21.~d3+ 'it'f6 22 ..£\h7+
'it'e7 23.f5 'it'd6 24.fxe6 fxe6 25.~g6
~hB 26.~f7 +- (avoiding 26.~xh5
g6=). 18.t'1h5 4)d8 1B ... .£\f6 is
crushed by 19.~xf7+ 'it'hB and a rook abcdefgh
swing, 20.~e3 +-. 19. t'1h7+ ~f8
20.f4 t'1b6 2o ... ~c6 21.~hB+ 'it'e7 White's additional assets here are the
22.'lt1xg7 e5 23.fxe5 ~g6 24.~xg6 fxg6 dark-square bishop and the .£\g3. Of
25.~e3 .£\e6 26 ..£\f7 ~fB 27 ..£\d6 special interest is its utility in the 'it'gB
~xf1 + 2B.'it'xf1 .£\g5 29.h4 '£\f7
line when Black defends correctly with
~f5. By pinning the .£\g5 and offering
30 ..£\xb7 ± when White has four pawns
for the piece and a prospect of a strong the rook to the .£\g3, Black aims to re-
duce White's attacking force without
outside passed pawn. 21. t'1h8+ ~e7
having to worry about the f7 -square
22.t'1xg7 ~d6 23.f5 exf5? Black's
which is nicely defended by the .£\d8.
remaining hope was active play with
But with both rooks becoming active,
23 ... e5 24.~xe5 .£\xe5 25.~xe5+ 'it'c6 White's attack does prevail. 18..1lxh7+
26.~eB+ 'it'c7 (26 ... 'it'd6 27.~e1 +-)
~xh7 19.4)g5+ ~g8 The .£\g3 sup-
27.~e7+ 'it'c6 2B.~e1 ~c7 29.~eB+ ports an immediate ~h5 # in the 'it'g6
~d7 30.'£\h7 'it'c7 31..£\f8 ~d6 32.~e7+ and 'it'h6lines. 19 ... 'it'g6 20.~h5+ 'it'f6
'it'cB 33 ..£\e6 fxe6 34.f6 ~xb2 35.f7 21.'£\h7# and 19 ... 'it'h6 20.~h5 #.
~c1 += with a perpetual. 24.Et xf5 20.t'1h5 Etf6 Black's best defense is
t'1xb2 25.4)xf7+ 4)xf726.Etxf7 EtdS 20 ... ~f5! pinning the .£\g5- and gladly
27.Ete6+ ~c7 After 27 ...'it'xe6 it's mate giving up the exchange to eliminate one
in two2B.~g6+ .£\f6 29.~xf6#.


of the active knights 21.<tlxf5 exf5 Another theoretical duel, perhaps in

22.~h7+ \t>f8 23.~h8+ <tlg8 24.Ad2 part because the compensation for the
(threatening Ab4) 24 ... Axd4 25.§acl sacrifice is ambiguous. White has a se-
b6 26.§fel Axb5 27.~h4 Ac5 cure e5-pawn, but the queen cannot
28.<tlh7+ \t>f7 29.'~h5+ g6 30.<tlg5+ easily reach the h-file and the other ad-
when White wins in all lines: (a) ditional asset, the <tlc3, is not well
30 ... \t>g7 31.~h7+ \t>f8 32.§xc5 bxc5 poised to join the kings ide assault. In
(32 ... ~xc5 33.Ab4+-) 33.Aa5+- (b) this game and two others, the defend-
30... \t>f6 31.~h8# (c) 30 ... \t>f8 31.~h8 ers all selected the 'it'g8 line, when
.lld3 32.<tlh7+ \t>f7 33.Ac3 +-. On White must play ~d3 to reach h7.
20 ... §e8 White infiltrates with 21.~h7+
White reaches an interesting position
\t>f8 22.~h8+ <tlg8 23.<tlh5 and Black
in which he must choose between
cannot defend meaningfully with
18.'~h8and 18.~h5.14.Axh7+~xh7
23 ... ~e7 24.<tlh7+ \t>f7 25.~xg7#.
15.4)g5+ ~g8 In the \t>g6 line, with
21. ~h7+ ~f8 22.4)h5 f!f5
23.~xg7+ ~e8 24.~h8+ Or
the black queen on c5, White wins eas-
24.<tlh7 +- threatening <tlh5-f6. ily thanks to a knight fork. 15 ... 'it'g6
24... 4)g8 25. ~xg8+ ~f8 26. ~h7 Or 16.~d3+ (16.h4 f5 17.exf6 [17.h5+
26. ~g6+\t>e 7 27 Ad2 +- powerfully \t>h6-+ ] 17... gxf6=) 16.. .f5 (White must
activating the bishop. 26 ... .1lx b5 play carefully to close these mating nets
27.4)g7+ ~d7 28.4)xf5+ ~e8 16... \t>h517.~h7+ 'it'g418.~h3+ 'it'xf4
29.4)g7+ ~d7 30.f!fb1 Also winning, 19.~g3+ 'it'f5 20.<tlge4! dxe4
obviously, is the discovered check 21.§hfl + +- ) 17.exf6+ 'it'xf6 (17 ... 'it'h5
30.<tl7xe6+ +-. 30••. Ac6 31.4)7xe6+ 18.g4+ \t>xg4 [18 ... 'it'h4 19.~h3# or
~e7 32.~xe7+ ~xe7 33.4)xd8 18 ... 'it'h6 19.~h7#] 19.§dgl+ 'it'xf4
f!xd834.4)f31-0 20.~g3+ 'it'f5 21.<tlge4! dxe4
22.§f1++-) 18.<tlce4+ dxe4
(181) Sax - Timman 19.<tlxe4++-. In the 'it'h6Iine, 16.~d3
Rotterdam 1989 threatens infiltration on h7 and h3, and
French Defense [C 14] Black cannot prevent both threats.
15 ... 'it'h6 16.~d3! §h8 (16 ... g6
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.Ag5 17.~h3+ \t>g7 18.~h7# or 16 ... f5
.1le7 5.e5 4)fd7 6 ..1lxe7 ~xe7 7.f4 17.~h3+ \t>g6 18.~h7#) 17.<tlxf7+
0--0 8.4)f3 c5 9.~d2 4)c610.0--0--0 \t>h5 and it's mate in three with18.g4+
4)b611.dxc5 ~xc5 12.~b1 Ad7 \t>xg4 (18 ... 'it'h4 19.~g3#) 19.~g3+
13.Ad3 f!ac8 'it'f5 (19 ... 'it'h5 20.~g5#) 20.~g5#.
16. ~d3 f!fe8! Giving the king a clear
escape path to the queenside. Instead,
7 on 16 .. .f5 17.exf6 §xf6 and White wins
6 the §f6 with 18.~h7+ \t>f8 19.~h8+
5 'it'e7 20.~xg7+ 'it'd8 21.~xf6++-;
4 16... §fd817.~h7+ 'it'f818.~h8+ 'it'e7
3 19.~xg7 Ae8 (after 19 ... §f8 White
2 gains time against the exposed queen
20.<tlce4 dxe4 21.<tlxe4 ~b4 22.~f6+
\t>e8 23.<tld6+ +- winning the queen)
abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

20.4Jxe6 'it'xe6 21.4Je4+- .17:~·h7+ 19 ... 4Jc4! 20.f5 ~f2 21.4Jd6 4J6xe5
~8 (21...4Jxd6 22.exd6+ 'i!txd6 23.4Je4+;
21...4Jb4 22.E!.c1 exf5 23.~f7+ 'ittdS
24.~xg7± and Black should survive with
4Jd2-e4) 22.fxe6 ~xe6 23.E!.he1 4Jxd6
24.~xe5 'it'd7 25.~xd6+ 'i!txd6
26.4Je4+ ± emerging with an extra pawn.

(182) Jacobs - Hebden

Cappelle 1989
Ruy Lopez [C86]
abc d e f g h
1.e4 e5 2..£)f3 .£)c6 3.Jlh5 a6 4.Jla4
18.~h518.~hS+!?'it'e719.~h4 (after .£)f6 5.0-0 Jle7 6. ~e2 h5 7.Jlh3 0-
19.~xg7 'it'dS 20.4Jxf7+ 'it'c7 21.4Jd6 o 8.c3 d5 9.exd5 e4 10..£)g5 .£)a5
E!.gS 22.~h6 E!.hS 23.~g5 E!.cgS~ 1l.Ac2 Jld612..£)xe4
Black's king is safe and the rooks are
very active) 19 ... E!.hS (19 ... 'it'fS
20.E!.d3±) 20.4Jh7+ 'it'eS 21.4Jf6+ gxf6
(21...'itte7 22.4Jfxd5++-) 22.~xhS+
~fS 23.~xfS+ 'it'xfS 24.exf6 d4 25.4Jb5
4Jd5 26.4Jxd4 4Jxd4 27.E!.xd4 4Jxf63i.
In Zolnierowicz-Fraczek, Krakow 2003,
White selected 1S.~h4, which aims to
prevent the escape to e7. 1S ... 4Je7
19.~hS+ 4JgS 20.4Jh7+ 'it'e7 21.~xg7
'ittdS 22.4Jg5 'it'c7 (having safeguarded abc d e f g h
the king, Black begins a counter attack)
23.4Jxf7 4Jc4 24.4Jd6 E!.e7 25. ~g3 We have often seen that the defense
4Jxd6 26.exd6+ ~xd6 27.4Je4 ~c6 can be difficult even when the attack-
28.E!.d3 'it'bS 29.E!.c3 ~b6 30.f5+ e5 ing side does not embark upon a com-
31.E!. xcS+ ~xcS 32.4Jc3 (Better is pletely sound sacrifice. Here, Black can
32:~xgS 32 ... 4Jf6 33.E!.e1 'it'aS 34.a3 lay claim to only one additional asset,
d4 35.4Je2 E!.eS 36.~d3 E!.dS 37.4Jg3 the light-square bishop, and indeed,
e4 3S.~c4 ~c6 39.~b4 d3 40.cxd3 White should be able to equalize or
e xd3 41.E!.c1 d2 42.E!.d1 ~d5 43.'i!ta1 even achieve an advantage. In the 'i!tg3
b6 44.4Jf1 4Je4 45.f6 ~e6 O-I. line, Black aims to gain time for the at-
1S.4Jce4 dxe4 V2-V2 and White can de- tack with .. .f5. Black correctly returns
liver a perpetual check with ~hS-h4, the piece but turns down solid play with
Romanov- Riazantsev, Moscow 2006.) 17.d3 in favor of aggression with 17.d4.
18•.• ~e719. .£)xf719.~xf7+ permits 12••. Axh2+ 13.~xh2 .£)g4+ 14.~g3
the king to escape to the queenside: The 'it'g1 line offers no hope at all be-
19 ... 'it'dS 20.~xg7 'it'c7~. 19 ••• .£)a5 cause the ~e2 blocks the king's escape
Black's last chance to survive was route. 14.'i!tg1 ~h4 15.E!.e1 ~h2+


16.'~f1 'l11hH. 14...f515.f4 Better for giving Black an opportunity to defend

White to open lines for the dark-square f7 with <£:Jd8. But White is able to use
bishop with 15.d3 fxe416.dxe4 'l11d6+ the §d3-h3 swing to achieve the win.
17.e5 <£:Jxe5 (17 ... 'l11xe5+ 18.'l11xe5 13..Q.xh7+ ~xh714..£lg5+ ~gS In
<£:Jxe519 ..llf4+-) 18.f4 <£:Jg419.<£:Jd2 h5 the r.t>g6 line, the en passant capture
20.<£:Jf3=. 15 ••• fxe4 16•.Q.xe4 i?td6 drives the black king to f6 where the
17.d41t's not too late for solid devel- knights are able to fork the king and
opment with 17.d3 g5 18.'l11e1=. queen. 14 ... r.t>g615.'l11d3+ f5 (and once
17 .•. g5! IS.i?td3 h5 Better is again, the retreats are doomed: 15 ... r.t>h5
18 ... 'l11h6+. 19•.£la3 .Q.d7 20..Q.d2 16.'l11h3+ r.t>g617.'l11h7# and 15 ... 'it'h6
E!aeS 21.E!ael h4+ 22.~f3 E!xf4+ 16.'l11h7 #) 16.exf6+ (also winning is
Also winning is 22 ... <£:Jc4-+ bringing 16.'l11g3 'l11e7 when 17.<£:Jxe6+ 'it'f7 re-
another piece into the attack since moves the defense of the d5-
23.<£:Jxc4 bxc4 24.'l11c2 §xf4 is devas- pawn.18.<£:Jg5+ 'it'g8 19.<£:Jxd5 +-)
tating. 23 . .Q.xf4 i?txf4+ 24.~e2 16 ... r.t>xf6 (not 16 ... 'it'h5 when it's mate
E!xe4+ 25.~dl .£le3+ 26.E!xe3 in six, 17.g4+ 'it'xg4 18.§hg1 + r.t>xf4
i?txe3 27.i?txe3 E!xe3 2S.E!f6 E!g3 19.§df1+ r.t>e5 20.'l11g3+ r.t>d4
29.E!xa6 E!xg2 30.E!xa5 h3 0--1 21.'l11f4 #) 17.<£:Jce4+ dxe4 exploiting the
posting of the queen on c5
(183) Chandler - Anagnostopoulos 18.<£:Jxe4+ +-. In the r.t>h6 line, White
London 1989 achieves a quick result despite the ab-
French Defense [C 14] sence of a dark-square bishop thanks
to a quick queen swing to h3. 14 ... r.t>h6
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£lc3 .£lf6 4 •.Q.g5 15.'l11d3 g6 (trying to protect h7 opens
.Q.e7 5.e5 .£lfd7 6 ..Q.xe7 i?txe7 7.f4 f7 for the knight, which then mates beau-
0--0 S•.£lf3 c5 9.i?td2 .£lc610.0--0--0 tifully from h8, 15 ... §h816.<£:Jxf7+r.t>h5
a611.dxc5 i?txc512..Q.d3 b5 17.'l11h3+ r.t>g6 18.<£:Jxh8# and 15 .. .f5
permits mate in two: 16.'l11h3+ r.t>g6
8 17.'l11h7#) 16.'l11h3+ 'it'g7 17.'l11h7#.
7 15.i?td3 E!eS Black's main decision is
6 where to repost the §f8. After §e8, as
in the game, the black king gains the
option of running to the queens ide via
d8. Instead, two players tried 15 ... §d8
16.'l11h7+ r.t>f8 :

(a) 17.'l11h8+ r.t>e7 18.'l11xg7 §f8

abcdefgh 19.<£:Jxe6 (stripping the d5-pawn of its
defense) 19 ... r.t>xe6 20.§ xd5 +- 'l11e3+
Another instructive example. White's 21.'it'b1 <£:Jb4 22.§xd7 r.t>xd7 23.'l11xf8
additional assets are the secure e5-pawn 'l11xf4 24.§d1 + r.t>c7 25.'l11xb4 'l11xb4
and the §d1, which can swing to the g- 26.<£:Jd5+ r.t>c6 27.<£:Jxb4+ r.t>c5 28.<£:Jd3+
or h-files.ln the game, Black selects the 'it'd4 29.r.t>c1.llf5 30.§f1.llxd3 31.cxd3
more challenging r.t>g8 line, where the §a7 32.e6 fxe6 33.r.t>d2 §g7 34.g3 §g6
white queen's maneuver to h5 is slow, 35.§f4+ r.t>e5 36.d4+ r.t>d5 37.r.t>d3 §g8

Sacking the Citadel

3S.~e3 .§.cS 39 ..§.f2 .§.c4 40.h4 e5 19.~g5+ f6 20.~xg7+ <tIf7 21.exf6+

41.dxe5 'i!!txe5 42.~f3 ~f5 43 ..§.d2 'i!!tdS 22.~xf7+-. 19.~d3 ~e7 On
.§.c6 44.g4+ ~g6 45.b3 .§.f6+ 46.'i!!te4 19 ... i1'l'f2 20.~g5 'i!!txh7 21..§.g3+- and
.§.e6+ 47.~f4 .§.c6 48.h5+ 'i!!th6 49.g5+ the white attack is in full swing.
'i!!tg7 50 ..§.d7+ 'i!!thS 51.g6 .§.c1 52.h6 20.~h3 f6 21.{) xf6+ {) xf6 22.exf6
.§.f1+ 53.~e5 .§.el+ 54.'i!!td6 .§.dl+ 1-0 Black must choose between mate
55.'i!!tc6'§'c1 + 56.~b71--O Stellwagen- and the rook 22 ... ~xf6 (22 ... gxf6
Ma Yu, Groningen 1999; (b) 17.~h5 g6 23.~g6+ 'i!!tfS [23 ... ~g7 24.~xeS+]
18.~h7 <tIdxe5 19.'§'del (19.~bl 'i!!teS 24 ..§.hS*) 23.~xeS+.
20.fxe5 ~fS 21..§.del .§.a7 22 ..§.hfl +-)
19 ... ~f2 20 ..§.hfl ~xg2 21..§.gl ~f2 (184) Mejrup - Radonjanin
22 ..§.efl <tId3+ 23.'i!!tbl ~a7 24.cxd3 b4 Schwabisch Gmuend 1990
25.<tIe2 as (better is 25 ... b3) 26.f5! exf5 French Defense [C06]
27.<tIf4 <tId4 2S ..§.el Jle6 29 ..§.xe6
<tIxe6 30.<tIfxe6+ fxe6 31.<tIxe6+ ~eS 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.{)d2 {)f6 4.e5
32.<tIc7+ ~xc7 33.~xc7 .§.acS 34 ..§.el + {)fd7 5.Ad3 c5 6.c3 {)c6 7.{)e2
1--0 Kaiser-Wahl, correspondence 1996. cxd4 S.cxd4 ~b6 9.{)f3 f610.exf6
16.~h7+ Iit'fS17. ~h5 The black king {)xf611.0-0 Ad612.a3 0-0 13.~c2
can escape after 17.~hS+ 'i!!te7 Ad7 14.~e1 ~acS 15.~b1 Iit'hS
18.~xg7 ~dS (not IS ... .§.fS 19.<tIxe6 16.j},g5 e5 17.dxe5 {) xe5 lS.{) xe5
'i!!txe6 20 . .§.xd5 +-) 19.~xf7 ~e7 Axe519.Ae3
20.~g6±. 17•.. {)dS The weaknesses
on the kings ide are glaring after 17 ... g6
IS.~hS+ 'i!!te7 19.~h4 f6?! 20.exf6+
<tIxf6 21.<tIh7 ~e3+ 22.~bl 'i!!td6
23.<tIxf6.§.fS 24.'§'hel ~a7 25.f5 gxf5
26.~g3+ ~c5 27.<tIcxd5 exd5 28.~c3+
'i!!td6 29.~e5+ 1-0 Kulon-Li, Kerner
2007. lS.{)h7+! Another player tried
IS.i1'l'hS+ ~e7 19.i1'l'xg7 Jlb7 (on
19 ... b4 White barges through with
20.<tIxd5+ exd5 21.e6 ~e3+ 22.'i!!tbl abcdefgh
'i!!td6 23.exf7 <tIxf7 24.~xf7 Jlb7 25.h4
.§.e7 26.~g6+ 'i!!tc7 27.h5 .§.aeS 2S.h6 Imagine White's surprise to attack the
i1'l'xf4 29.h7 ~g4 30 ..§.c1 <tieS 31.~f6±) ~b6 and suddenly face the sacrifice.
20.<tIh7 ~e3+ 21.'i!!tbl ~xf4 22.'§'del With three additional assets, the light-
~f5 23 ..§.hfl ~h5 24.g4 ~h4 25.g5 d4 square bishop and the already active
26.g6 dxc3 27.gxf7 .§.fS 2S.<tIxfS <tIxfS rooks, Black is clearly winning here. In
29.~gl ~b4 30.~g5+ 'i!!td7 31..§.dl + all of the lines, Black will capture the
Jld5 32.b3 ~a3 33.~c1 ~xc1+ Jle3, opening the f-file, capturing on
34.'i!!txc1 'i!!te7 35 ..§.d3 <tIxf7 36..§.xc3 e3 with the queen with check, and then
<tIxe5 37 ..§.e3 <tIfg6 3S.h4 .§.hS 39.c4 swinging a rook to h3. All too easy, per-
bxc4 40.bxc4 <tIxc4 41..§.h3 0-1 haps. What makes this example inter-
Ramirez-Nur Shazwani, Turin 2006. esting is White's correct choice of the
lS .•• lit'gS Too dangerous is IS ...'i!!te7 ~hlline to force Black to find the cor-


rect sequence with ~h6-e3. ready to swing. In the 'it>g6 line the
19.•.Axh2+ 20.Cit'xh2 4)g4+ 21.Cit'hl placement of the white queen provides
21.'itfg3 (with a winning attack upon e3) quick access to g3. Here, the discovery
31...4Jxe3 22.fxe3 ~xe3+ 23.'itfh2 (the with 4Jxe6 and ~xg7 breaks though
alternative walks into a quick mate with because the black ~e7 is unanchored
23.'itfh4 f!f4+ -+ ) 23 ... f!c6-+ but even (21...'it>xe6 22.f5+-) and because the
here, there's a simple rook swing thanks 4Jc5 is also loose. 17.Axh7+ Cit'xh7
to the activity ofthe rooks. Similarly in 18.4)g5+ Cit'g6 White's queen cannot
the 'itfgl1ine line, Black begins with the reach h5, which creates no complica-
attack on e3 and concludes with a rook tions whatever in the 'it'gS or 'it>h61ines,
swing. 21.'itfgl 4Jxe3 22.fxe3 ~xe3+ two quick mates. IS ... 'it>gSI9.~h4 f!cS
20.~h7+ 'itffS. (with the black queen on
23.'itfhl f!c6-+. 21 ••• 4)xe3 22.fxe3
~h6+ A nice check that transposes into
e7, there's no escape path) 21.~hS#;
the'itfglline. 23.Cit'gl ~xe3+ 24.Cit'h2 IS ... 'itfh6 19.~h4+ 'it'g6 20.~h7#.
E!c6-+ 25.4)gl E!h6+ 26.4)h3 19. ~g3 Also winning is 19.~h4 f!xf4
20.~h7+ forcing the capture of the
E!xh3+ 27.gxh3 E!f2+ 28.Cit'gl ~g3+
knight, 20 ... 'it>xg5 21.~xg7+ and now:
29.Cit'hl ~h2# 0-1
(a) 21...'itfh5 22.g4+ f!xg4 and now all
three majors have a role: 23.~h7+ 'it>g5
(185) Huguet Mainar - Guerrero
24.f!dfl +- with h4 next; (b) 21...'itff5
Zaragoza 1990
22.g4+ (opening lines for the rooks)
French Defense
22 ... f!xg4 (22 ... 'itfe4 23.f!hel+ 'it>f3
24.~h6+-) and it's mate in six with
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.Ag5 23.f!hfl + f!f4 24.f!xf4+ 'it>xf4 25.~g3+
Ae7 5.e5 4)fd7 6.Axe7 ~xe7 7.f4 'it>f5 (25 ... 'it>e4 26.f!el + 'itff5 [26 ... 'itfd4
a6 8.4)f3 c5 9. ~d2 4)c6 10.dxc5 27.~c3#] 27.f!f1+ 'it>e4 2S.~f4#)
4)xc5 11.0-0-0 Ad7 12.Cit'bl b5 26.f!f1 + 'it>e4 27.~f4#; and (c) There's
13.Ad3 4)b4 14.4)xb5 axb5 no point in 21...'it>h4 22.g3+ +-. 19...f6
15.~xb4 E!a416.~el 0-0 20.4)xe6+ Cit'f7 On 20 ... 'it>h7 White
wins an exchange and maintains the ini-
8 tiative: 21.4JxfS+ ~xf8 22.~h4+ 'it'gS
7 (22 ... 'it>g6 23.exf6 gxf6 24.f! xd5 +- )
6 23.exf6 gxf6 24.f!xd5+-. 21.~xg7+
5 Cit'e8 21...'itfxe6 22.f5+ (forcing the king
4 to the open and winning the black
queen) 22 ... 'it>xe5 (22 ... 'it>xf5 23.~xe7)
23.~xe7+. 22.~xe7+ Cit'xe7 23.4)xc5
Or more simply with 23.4JxfS 'it>xfS
24.f! xd5 +-. 23 ... E! xf4 24.exf6+
abc d e f g h E!8xf6 25.E!hel + Cit'd6 26.4)e4+
E!xe4 27.E!xe4 E!f2 28.E!ed4 Ae6
Careful readers will find the lines in this 29.E!4d2 E!f4 30.b31-0
position almost simplistic by now, but
there are several instructive features. (186) Ftacnik - Seul
White has two additional assets, the Gennany 1990
secure e5-pawn and the active f!dl Schmid Benoni [A43]

Sacking the Citadel

l.d4 cS 2.dS .£)f6 3..£)f3 bS 4.a4 j}"b7 there's no escape since 17 ... ~e 7 invites
S.e4 b4 6 ..£)bd2 e6 7.dxe6 f xe6 S.eS 18.i;j"g5+. 16.g3 j}"xgS Simple develop-
.£)dS 9 ..£)c4 Ae710.j}"d3 0--0 11.h4 ment is harshly punished, 16 ... 4::1c6
.£)f4 17.gxf4 Axg5 1B.hxg5 +-. 17.hxgS
j}"xhl IS.g6 dS Not 1B ... .§.e4+
8 19.~f1 +-. 19.'ll\'h7+ <jf(fS 20.'ll\'hS+
7 <jf(e7 21.'ll\'xg7+ 1-0 21...i;j"xg7+ ~eB
6 22.4::1d6+ +- wins the queen.
(187) Borge - Laptev
Gyor 1990
French Defense [C05]

l.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3 ..£)d2 .£)f6 4.eS

abc d e f g h .£)fd7 S.f4 cS 6.c3 .£)c6 7 ..£)df3 'll\'b6
S.g3 cxd4 9.cxd4 j}"b4+ 10.<jf(f2 f6
White might claim three additional as- 11.<jf(g2 gS 12.h3 gxf413.Axf4 j}"fS
sets here, the e5-pawn, the 4::1c4, and 14.13.h2 j}"g7 IS.<jf(hl 0--016.Ad3
h4!Elh1, but Black's position is active, fxeS 17.dxeS .£)cS (D)
given the Ab7 on the unopposed di-
agonal, the aggressive 4::1f4, and the When well played and defended, the
.§.fB. Black has adequate defense in the sacrifice can lead to an endgame in
~gB line by returning the piece. Once which White's passed kingside pawns
Black misses his opportunity, Ftacnik are advancing against an extra piece.
demonstrates his great skill with a
lovely rook sacrifice on hI. 12.Axh7+
<jf(xh713•.£)gS+ <jf(gS Capturing on g5
only brings the .§.h1 into play. 13 ... Axg5
14.hxg5+ ~gB 15.Axf4 .§.xf4 16.i;j"h5
~fB17.g6 i;j"eB (17 ... .§.xc41B.i;j"hB+
~e7 19.i;j"xg7+ ~eB 20 ..§.hB#)
1B.4::1d6+-. In the ~g6line, White in-
filtrates quickly after Axf4. 13 ... ~g6
14.Axf4 .§.xf415.i;j"d3+ (there's no safe
way to block the check) 15 ... .§.f5
(15 ... ~h5 16.i;j"h7+ ~g4 17.4::1e3#) abc d e f g h
16.h5+ ~h6 (16 ... ~xg5 capturing the
knight brings on mate in two 17.i;j"g3+ Here, White has the e5-pawn, the dark-
~h6 1B.i;j"g6#) 17.4::1f7+ .§.xf7 square bishops, and two rooks that can
18.i;j"g6#. 13 ... ~h6 14.i;j"g4+- when join the fray. For his part, Black's posi-
the 4::1f4 must move, reinitializing the tion is active and distinctive for the Ag7
discovery. 14.Axf4 13.xf4 14 ... i;j"eB! and the .§.f8 on an open file. Black se-
15.i;j"g4 i;j"g6 when White has, at best, lects the ~gB retreat, and the sequence
only a small advantage. 15. 'll\'hS j}"e4 of the next dozen moves results in an
15 ... Axg5 16.hxg5 ~fB 17.g6+- and endgame that pits the white queen and


knight and two passed kings ide pawns 4S ••• Ae7+ 49.<if;f7 Elxa4 50.gS~
against a plethora of black pieces. As 4)dS+ 51.<if;g7 Elg4 52.<if;hS Elg5
you will see, the white position gains in 53.~g7 4)c6 54.~f7 Elxg6 55.~xg6
strength with each pawn advance on 4)xe5 56.~g7 4)c6 57.~c3 Ad5
the kingside. IS.Axh7+ <if;xh7 5S. <if;g7 Jl,c5 59.<if;h6 Jl,d4 60. ~d3
19.4)g5+ <if;gS In the 'it'g6 line, the Axb2(}""1
black king is clearly overexposed.
19 ... 'it'g6 20. ~g4 (Black can effectively (188) WinckeImann - Leisebein
block the checks along the b I-h7 diago- Corr 1991
nal) 20 ... Jlxe5 (20 .. AJxe5 21.~xe5 French Defense [C 15]
Jlxe5 22.4J1f3 Jlxb2 23.4Jh4+ '<t>f6
24.1'!fl + [picking off the 1'!f8] 24 ... '<t>e7. l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 Ab4 4.a3
[24 ... 'it'e5 25.1'!xf8+-] 25.4Jg6+ +-) Axc3+ 5.bxc3 dxe4 6.f3 exf3
21.4J5f3+ 'it'f6 22.4Jxe5 4Jxe5 7.4) xf3 c5 S. ~e2 4)c6 9.dxc5 4)ge7
23.Jl xe5+ '<t>e7 (23 ... '<t>xe5 10. ~f2 (}....O II.Ad3 4)d5
24.~g7++-) 24.1'!c1 +- with 1'!2c2 to
follow. 20 ..~h5 Elf5 21. ~eS+ ElfS
22. ~g6 Elf5 23.Elfl 4)e4 24. ~h7+
<if;fS 25.4) xe4 dxe4 26.g4 Elf7
27.Eld2 ~c7 2S.Ah6 Axh6
28. .. 1'!xfl 29.~hB+ +-, exploiting the
pin on the ~g7. 29. ~hS+ <if;e7
30.Elxf7+ <if;xf7 31.~h7+ With the
passed kings ide pawns, White has ex-
cellent chances in the endgame after abc d e f g h
31.1'!f2+ '<t>e7 32.~xh6 ~xe5 33.'I~HB+ White's tripled pawns are the most ob-
'it'd7 34.1'!f7+ 4Je7 35.~xe7+ 'it'c6 vious feature of this position, but it is
36.4Je2 ~d6 37.~xd6+ '<t>xd6 also clear that White has only the dark-
3B.4Jc3±. 31. .. <if;eS Not 31...~g7 square bishop as an additional asset,
32.1'!f2+ +- . 32. ~xc7 Axd2 33. ~h7 although 0-0 will add the 1'!fl, in some
4)e7 34.g5 b6 34 ...~xg5 35.~h5+ and lines with check. There appear to be
White picks off the bishop. 35. ~xe4 drawing resources in both main lines,
ElbS 36.~g4 Ab7+ 37.<if;h2 Ad5 but it is noteworthy that White pre-
3S.h4 <if;d7 39.~a4+ 4)c6 40.<if;h3 vailed. Even in a carefully fought corre-
ElhS 41.g6 Elh6 42.4)e2 Ag5 43.g7 spondence game, the defensive burden
Axh4 44. <if;g4 On 44.gB~ Black picks is high. 12.Axh7+ <if;xh7 13.4)g5+
offthe other queen, 44 ... ~e1 + 45.'<t>g4 <if;gS13 ... '<t>g614.h4 (not 14.~g3 ~c7
1'!h4+; White's best line is 44.~xc6+ 15.~d3+ f5-+) when now: (a) 14 .. .f5
'it'xc6 45.gB~ ~f6+ 46.'<t>g4 1'!hB 15.h5+ '<t>f6 16.c4 making good use of
47.4Jd4+ 'it'd7 48.~f7+ ~e7 with rela- the tripled pawns, 16 ... 4Jde7 17.4Je4+
tively even chances. 44 .•. Ae145.4)f4 '<t>f7 1B.4Jd6+ and maneuvering the
Elh4+ 46.<if;g5 Af3 47.<if;f6 Ab4 knight into d6;!;; and (b) White wins
4S.4)g6 48.gB~! 1'!xf4+ 49.'<t>g7 1'!g4+ the fight to play h5, 14 ... 4Jf6 15.~e2
50.'it'f7 1'!xgB 51.'it'xgB ~c5 with the 4JeB16.h5+ '<t>f617.h6 but Black's king
three minor pieces for the queen. can escape towards the center. 14. ~h4

Sacking the Citadel

4)f6 15.0-0 With the idea of Elxf6. weak e5-pawn prevents an immediate
15••. Ete8 16.Ae3 e5 The most inter- ~h5. Instead, White proceeds more
esting line is 16... 4Je5 when White can positionally, inviting Black to open the
sacrifice the exchange: 17.El xf6 ~xf6 kingside and create one of the most
18.~h7+ ~f8 19.Elfl ~g6 and then complex calculations in the book. Once
force the black queen to capture on f7. again, the lines reach endgames in
20.Elxf7+ ~xf7 21.4Jxf7 4Jxf7 22.g4 e5 which White, though down materially,
23.g5 lte6 24.g6 4Jd8 25.ltg5 ltg8 can actively advance the kings ide
26.~h4= when White's position com- pawns. 15.Axh7+ ~xh7 16.4)g5+
pensates for the material deficit. ~g8 In the ~g6Iine, White's plan with
17.EtadI17.Elxf6~xf618.~h7+ ~f8 Ela3-c3 and ~e4+ overwhelms with care-
19.Elfl +- when Black cannot safely ful play. 16... 'it'g617.Elxc3 4J8c6 (Black
move the queen and defend f7. can try to pile on the pinned rook,
17....~e718.Etxf6 ~xf619.~h7+ 17 ... 4Jd5, but all of White's other pieces
~f8 20.Etf1 ~xf1+ 21.~xf1 Ae6 come alive: 18.~e4+ f5 19.exf6+ 'it'xf6
22.4)e4 Ac4+ 23.~gl Ae6 24.Ag5 20.0-0+ ~e7 21.lta3++-) 18.~e4+ f5
f5 25. ~h8+ Ag8 26.4)f6 ~f7 19.exf6+ ~xf6 20.ltd2+-. 17.0--0 First
27.4)h51-0 safeguarding the king, and activating
the rook on the open f-file. On 17.~e4
(189) Winckelmann - Krant holding the pawn with the obvious
COIT 1991 threat on h7, but 17 ... 4Jxc2+ 18.~xc2
French Defense [C 15] ~xe5+-+and not 17.~h5 ~xe5+-+.
17.••f618.exf6 Etxf619.Etxf6 gxf6
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 Ab4 4.a3 20.4)e4 4)d5 Given the course of the
Axc3+ 5.bxc3 dxe4 6.f3 c5 7.Ab5+ game, Black might have settled for
Ad7 8.a4 4)f6 9.~e2 0--0 10.fxe4 20 ... ~e5 21.Elxc3 ~d4+ 22.~fl f5
~a5 1l.Eta3 cxd4 12.4)f3 dxc3 23.Elg3+ ~f8 24.1.th6+ ~e7=; 20 ... Jlc6
13.e5 4)d514.Ad3 4)b4 21.Elxc3 ~e5 22.Elg3+ 'it'f8 23.lth6+
~e7 24.Elg7+ 'it'd8 25.~dl+ ~d5
26.~al e5 27.4Jxf6~c5+ 28.~hl 'it'c8
29.~dl ~d4 30.Elg8+ ~c7 31.~xd4
exd4 32.ltf4+ 'it'b6 33.h4 4Jxc2
34.h5 +- . 21.Etb3 b5 Once again, Black
can force a draw with 21...f5 22.~h5
fxe4 23.'l1¥g6+ ~h8 24.~h6+=.
22. ~g4+ ~f7 23.Aa3 b4 24.4)d6+
Easier is 24.Elxb4 4Jxb4 25.4Jd6+ 'it'e7
abc d e f g h 26.ltxb4 +- . 24 ... ~f8 Black survives
with 24 ... ~e7 25.Elxb4 ~c5+ 26.~hl
White can count on the dark-square 'it'xd6 27.Elb3 ~xa3 28.Elxa3 4Jc6+.
bishop, but there are additional assets, 25.Etxb4 4)e7 26.Etf4 ~b6+ 27.Etf2
the insecure e5-pawn, the Ela3, and the 4)bc6 28.~h5 +- ~g8 29.~f7+
possibility of 0-0+. In the ~g8, the ~h830.~xf6+ 1-0 .


(190) Wademark - Lyrberg instead shut down the long diagonal

Stockholm 1991 with 18.d5 cxd519.obd4 f!ac8 20.~d2
Trompowski Attack [DOO] 'l11h5 21.f!xc8 obxe3+ 22.'iftf2 obg4+
23.'iftg3 f!xc8=.IS ••• ~h519.4)g3 No
l.d4 ~f6 2.j'tg5 d5 3.j'txf6 exf6 better is 19.'iflg3 obxe3 20.obxe3 f!xe3+
4.e3 c6 5.c4 dxc4 6.Axc4 j'td6 21.'iftf2 f!xe2+-+ .19... ~e5+ 20.~f2
7.~c3 0-0 S.~ge2 ~d7 9.13c1 f5 ~d3+-+ 21.~gl ~g6 22.~xf5
10.0--0 ~f6 11. ~c2 ~xcl 23.~xg6 hxg6 24.f5 gxf5
25.j'tc2 g6 26.e4 f4 27.13xf4 13adS
2S.e5 c5 29.13fl 13xd4 30.~c3 13d2
31.j'te4 ~e2+ 32.~cxe2 Axe4
33.~xe4 13xe2 34.~f6+ ~fS
35.~xeS ~xe8 36.13c1 13xe5 37.a4
a6 3S.axb5 axb5 39.~f2 ~d7
40.13al ~c6 41.13a6+ ~d5 42.g4
13e4 43.~f3 13b4 44.13f6 13b3+
45.~f4 13xb2 46.~g5 13e2 47.13xf7
abcdefgh 13e60-1

Black initiates the sacrifice here with a (191) Van der Wiel- Kortschnoi
light-square bishop, which is itself Amsterdam 1991
blocked by the f5-pawn, and with the French Defense [CI4]
rather slow plan off!e8-e6. In the 'iflg3
line, Black's lack of control over f3 aided l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4.j'tg5
the defense, but White missed 18.d5 j'te7 5.e5 ~fd7 6.j'txe7 ~xe7 7.f4
with good drawing chances. 0-0 S. ~d2 c5 9.~f3 ~c610.0-0-0
1l•.• j'txh2+ 12.~xh2 ~g4+ 13.~g3 ~b611.dxc5 ~xc512.Ad3 Ad7
In the 'iftg1Iine, Black infiltrates quickly
with 'l11xf2 and obxe3 because White 8
cannot defend with obf3 or reach the 7
b8-h2 diagonal. 13.'iftg1 ~h4 14.f!fd1 6
'l11xf2+ 15.'ifth1 obxe3-+; 13.'iflh3 5
f4 -+ opening the diagonal for the light-
square bishop. And not 13 ... ~g514.g3
when, with no black e4-pawn, there's
no mate with 'l11h5-h2.13 •.• ~g514.f4
~g6 15.~f3 13eS 15 ... obh2+ offers
nothing more than a perpetual, 16.'iflf2 abc d e f g h
obg4+ 17.'iftf3=, since 17.'iftg1Ioses to
17 ... obxe3 -+ and accepting the ex- Another theoretical discussion out of
change cedes the advantage to White. the opening that involves the sacrifice.
16.~dl b5 17.j'tb3 Black is fine after This position is very close to Sax-
17.~d3 ~e6 (not 17 ... ~b7 Timman (see game 181) wheretheini-
18.~xf5+- )18.'l11xc6 'l11h5 19.'iftg3 tial position involved an additional
g5 +. 17.•• Ab71S. ~c5? White should move pair, 'iftb1 and f!ac8. The success

Sacking the Citadel

of the sac is somewhat in doubt here ~xb4 20.4:Jxa4 Axa4 21.'it'bl Axc2+
because White has only one additional 22.~xc2 '§'xc2 23.'it'xc2 .§.cS+ 24.~bl
asset, the secure e5-pawn, although .§.c6 25.g3 a5 26.4:Jf3 a4 27 ..§.d3 §.b6
there is certainly some hope that the 2S ..§.e2 a3 29.b3 §.c6 30.§.ee3 ~a5
.§.dl or the 4:Jc3 will be able to take part. 31.§.e2 .§.c3 32.§.ed2 §.xd3 33.§'xd3
Once again, all ofthe defenders selected ~b5 34.4:Jel ~c5 35.4:Jc2 a2+ 36.'it'b2
the ~gS line, which appears to offer ~f2 37.§.dl d4 3S.§.xd4 al ~+
decent chances at equalizing or better. 39.~xal ~xc20-1 Belic-Elschner, Ger-
In Sax-Timman, Black could not consider many 1999.16.'~h7+ ~fB17.Elhe1
.§.fcS because the .§.as had already ar- ~b4117 ... 4:Jc418.~hS+ 'it'e719.~h4
rived there. 13.Axh7+ ~xh7 §.hS (better, perhaps, to repeat with
14.4)g5+ ~gB In the 'it'g6line, White 19 ... ~fS=) 20.4:Jh7+ f6? (20 ... 'it'eS
triumphs easily as in Sax-Timman given 21.4:Jf6+! gxf6 [21...~e7 22.4:Jfxd5++- ]
the placement of the black queen on c5, 22.~xhS+ ~fS 23.~xfS+ 'it'xfS 24.exf6
subjecting it to a fatal fork. 14 ... 'it'g6 ~gS 25.§.d3 'it'h7 26.f5 d4? [26 ... §.dS]
15:~'d3+ f5 (not the king retreats: 27.§.h3+ 'it'gS 2S.§.e4 1-0 Polgar,S-
15 ... ~h5 16.~h3+ ~g6 17.~h7#; Somlai, Budapest 1991) 21.exf6+ 'it'dS
15 ... ~h6 16.~h7#) 16.exf6+ 'it'xf6 22.fxg7+ +- 'it'c7 23.gxhS~ 1-0
(16 ... ~h5 17.g4+ ~xg4 IS ..§.dgl + Nielsen-Ulibin, Mamaia 1991. lB. ~hB+
'it'xf4 19.~f3+ ~e5 20.4:Jf7+ .§.xf7 ~e7 19. ~h4 ~dB 20.4) xe6+ ~cB
21.~g3+ ~xf6 [21...~f5 22.~g5#; 21.a3 ~e7 22.4)g5 f6 Black is fine af-
21...~d4 22.~f4#] 22.~g5#) ter 22 ... lte6=. 23.e6 White has a tan-
17.4:Jce4+ forking the queen. In the gible advantage after 23.exf6 ~xf6
~h6 line, White wins quickly despite 24 ..§.xeS+ AxeS 25.4:Jxd5 4:Jxd5
the absence of the dark-square bishop 26.§'xd5ltd7 27.~hS+ ~c7 2S.~xaS
thanks to 'i!Yd3 and a quick mate with ~xf4+ 29.§.d2 ~xg5 30.~fS±.
~h3-h7. 14 ... ~h6 15.~d3 .§.hS 23 ...fxg5 24.exd7+ ~xd7 25.~xg5
(15 ... g6 16.~h3+ ~g7 17.~h7#; Elxe126.Elxe1 a6 27.f5 ~b8 28.Ele6
15 ... f5 16.~h3+ ~g6 17.~h7#) ~a7 29.Elg6 EleB Or 29 ... .§.fS-+.
16.4:Jxf7+ ~h5 17.g4+ ~xg4 (17 ... ~h4 30.Elxg7 Ele1 + 31.4)d1 ~eB 32.f6
IS.~g3#) IS.~g3+ ~f5 19.~g5#. ~e4 33. ~d2 4)c4 34. ~f2+ 4)e3 0-
15.'~d3 Elfe815 ... .§.fcS!? 16..§.hel (too 1 34 ... 4:Je3 hitting both the rook and c2
slow. Black still survives after the faster 35.~d2 4:Jxdl-+.
16.~h7+ ~fSI7.~h5 AeSlS.f5 'it'e7
[or by eliminating the key e-pawn (192) Rea-Savage
IS ... 4:Jxe5 19.'§'hel ~f2 20.fxe6 .§.xc3 Philadelphia, 1991
21.bxc3 4:Jbc4 22.e7+ ~xe7 23.4:Jh3 Old Indian Defense [A54]
~xg2 24.4:Jf4 f6 25.~xe5+ fxe5
26.4:Jxg2= when Black has sufficient 1.d4 4)f6 2.c4 d6 3.4)£3 4)bd7
activity to hold] 19.~h4 ~d7 20.fxe6+ 4.4)c3 e5 5.e3 Ae7 6.Ae2 0-0 7.b4
fxe6 21.~g4 ~e3+ 22.~bl ~xe5 c6 B.O-O Ele8 9.c5 a5 10.cxd6 Axd6
23.'§'hel ~f5 24.~xf5 exf5 25.4:Jxd5 1l.b5 e412.bxc6 bxc613.4)d2 4)b6
4:Jxd5 26.'§' xd5+ 'it'c7:;:) 16 ... 4:Jb4 14.4)c44)xc415.Axc4 -
17.~h7+ ~fS IS.a3 4:Ja4-+ 19.axb4


queen moves permit ~xg4 20.Axf7+

~xf7 (20 ... ~xf7 21.~xg4) 21.§.xf5+
~xf5 22.~xg4±. 18.EIhl If White at-
tempts to eliminate the e-pawn and run
the king to safety with 1B.<£lxe4 §.xe4
19.'it'f3 ~e7 20.~e2 c5-+ Black's su-
perior development and central control
give him a winning advantage. The im-
mediate threat is cxd4 and, if 21.Ab2,
Black has §.xe3. 18••• ~d6+ There's a
faster win with 1B ... h4+ 19.E!.xh4 ~d6+
20.f4 (not 20.~h3 <£lxf2 #) 20 ... exf3+
The exchange of knights on c4 has 21.'it'xf3 (21.'it'h3 ~h2#) 21...~f6+
taken White's light-square bishop off (gaining an entry on f2) 22.~e2
e2 where it would have prevented <£lg4. (22.~g3 ~f2+ 23.'it'h3 <£lxe3+ -+)
Now, Black can count on the e4-pawn 22 ... ~f2+ 23.~d3 and now all of
and the light-square bishop to assist Black's pieces join in. 23 ... Af5+ 24.e4
the attack. White's <£lc3 cannot reach E!.adB-+. 19.f419.'it'h4 g5+ 20.~xg5
f3 and the dark-square bishop is impris- (20.~xh5 ~h6#; 20.~h3 <£lxf2#)
oned by the e3-pawn. White correctly 20 ... ~f6+ 21.~xh5 ~h6#. 19•••exf3+
plays into the 'it'g3 line, when Black 20. <iff xf3 Of course, both king retreats
must avoid the ~d6 line owing to the are quickly mated: 20.~h4 g5+
activity of White's Ac4. 15 ... Jl.xh2+ 21.~xg5 (21.~xh5 ~g6#) 21...~f6+
16.<iffxh2 4)g4+ 17.<iffg3 The'it'glline 22.~xh5 ~h6#. And it's mate in four
leads to the traditional mate in five. after 20.~h3 <£lf2+ 21.~h4 g5+
17.'it'gl ~h4 18.§.e1 ~xf2+ 19.'it'h1 22.~xg5 (22.'it'xh5 ~g6#) 22 ... ~g6+
~h4+ 20.~gl ~h2+ 21.~f1 ~hl+ 23.~f4 (23.'it'h4 ~g4#) 23 ... ~g4#.
22.'it'e2 ~xg2#. 17..•h5 (a) 17 ... ~g5 20 ... ~f6+ 21.<iffe2 21.'it'g3 (the entry
1B.f4 (lB.Axf7+ 'it'xf7 19.f4 ~h6. By square combined with the attacks on e3
playing ~h6 first and then returning to to overwhelm the king) 21...~f2+
g6, Black avoids f5 and a possible ex- 22.~h3 <£lxe3+ -+. 21. .• ~f2+
change sacrifice on f5: 20.§.h1 ~g6 22.<iffd3 o1lf5+ Somewhat more accu-
21.~b3+ Ae6 22.~b7+ 'it'gB-+) rate is 22 ... E!.xe3+ 23.Axe3 Af5+
18. .. exf3 (The queen cannot retreat to 24.<£le4 Axe4+ (inviting the king into
g6 because f5 leads to an exchange sac- the middle of the board) 25.~c3
rifice on f5 or the loss ofthe <£lg4) 19.e4 (25.~xe4 ~xe3+ 26.~f5 g6#)
(19.'it'xf3 §.xe3+ 20.Axe3 ~xe3#) 25 ... ~xe3+ 26.~b2 E!.bB+ 27.Ab3
19 ... <£le3+ (walking into a self-pin, but <£lf2 -+. 23.e4 EIad8 -+ 24.o1lxf7+
Black is winning quickly in all lines) <iffxf7 25.<iffc4 Jl.e6+ 26.<iffc5 <iffg8
20.'it'xf3 Ag4+-+ wins the queen, or 27.~f3 ~xd4+ 0-1 It's mate in three
20.'it'f2 <£lxd1 + captures the queen with with 27 ... ~xd4+ 2B.'it'xc6 E!.d6+ -+.
check, or 20.'it'h2 ~xg2 #; (b)
17 .. .'\£fd6+?! 1B.f4 ~g6 enters the very (193) Poso - Koskela
line above that Black worked to avoid Helsinki 1991
(lB ... exf3+ 19.'it'xf3;!;) 19.f5 Axf5 Nirnzo-Indian Defense [E51]

Sacking the Citadel

1.d4 4)f6 2.e4 e6 3.4)c3 Ab4 4.e3 20 ... \fIxh7 To win, Black needed to
0-0 5.4)f3 d5 6.a3 Ae7 7.e5 c6 capture the bishop with either 20 ... 'it'h8!
8.Ad3 4)fd7 9.0-0 e5 10.4)xe5 21.4Jf3 ii1xf2+ 22.\t>hl 'it'xh7 23.ii1e2
4)xe5 1l.dxe5 Axe5 12.b4 Ae7 ii1g3 24.l'!fl l'!f5-+ or 20 ... ii1xh7
13.Ab2 4)d7 14.4)e2 f6 15.exf6 21.4Jf3 Ae6-+. 21.~e2+ \fIg8
4) xf616.4)d4 Ad617..§.el 22.4)f3 ~h6 Black can win forcefully
with the exchange sacrifice: 22 ... l'!xf3!
23.gxf3 4Jh2 24.i£1c3 4Jxf3+ 25.'it'fl
(25.'it'g2 ii1h3#) 25 ... d4 (closing the
diagonal) 26.exd4 Ah3+ 27.'it'e2l'!e8+
(forcing the king into the center)
28. 'it'd3 Afl + (a bishop offer that aims
to open the e4 entry square for the
queen) 29.l'!xfl (29.\t>c2 ii1xf2)
29 ... i£1e4+ 30.'it'c4 i£1e6+ 31.'it'd3
(31. \t>c5 ii1d5 #) 31... i£1e2 #. 23.e4
abc d e f g h Ae6 24.~d2 Better is 24.ii1c5=.
24... ~h7 25.Ad4 And here, White
Black relies here on two additional as- should try 25.ii1d4+. 25 ... dxe4
sets, the light-square bishop and the 26.4)g5 ~h2+ 27.\fIfl Ae4+-+ 0-
l'!f8 on an open file, a key consideration 1
given White's ability to play 4Jd4-f3. In
the \t>gl line, the ii1h4 threatens both (194) Lehti - Vaatainen
ii1h2 and ii1xf2. White lashes back with Vantaa 1991
his own sacrifice on h7, which would Sicilian Defense [B33]
be successfully parried by declining the
offer with ... \t>h8 or with ... ii1xh7. In- 1.e4 e5 2.4)f3 4)c6 3.d4 cxd4
stead, White errs by capturing with the 4.4) xd4 e5 5.4)f3 4)f6 6.4)c3 Ab4
king, and is lucky to triumph in a sloppy 7.Ad3d58.exd54)xd59.0-04)xe3
finish. 17... Axh2+ 18.\fIxh2 4)g4+ 10.bxc3 Axc311 ..§.bl ~e712..§.b3
19.\fIgl In the 'it'g3Iine, Black achieves Ab4 13.a3 Ad6 14.Ae4 4)d8
a quick mating net with either 19 ... 4Jxf2 15. .§.d3 Ac7 16.a4 ~b4 17.4)xe5
or 19 ... 4Jxe3. 19.\t>g3 4Jxf2 (19 ... 4Jxe3 Ae6 18..§.d4 ~a5 19.4)f3 0-0
20.fxe3 ii1d6+ [the check cannot be
blocked, and the l'!f8 controls the f-file. 8
With even more help from the light- 7
square bishop, it's mate in two.] 21. 'it'h4
ii1h2+ 22.\t>g5 ii1h6#) 20.Axh7+ \t>h8
21.ii1h5 i£1d6+ 22.\t>h4 when it's mate
in two: 22 ... g5+ 23.\t>xg5 (23.ii1xg5
i£1h2#) 23 ... i£1f6#.19 ... ~h4Threat- 3
ening entry on h2 with l'! xf2 # to follow, 2

as well as i£1xf2 winning the Ab2.

20.Axh7+ Or 20.4Jf3 i£1xf2+ 21.\t>hl abc d e f g h
i£1xb2 picking off the undefended piece.


When, as here, the sacrifice occurs dur- 27.'iiYxf7+ +-. 24 .•• .Q.f5 On 24 ... 'iiYxg5
ing the middlegame, there is far more 25 ..ile7++- wins the queen. 25 •.Q.b4
likelihood that both sides will have ac- g6 26.4)h7+ ~e6 The other king
tive pieces. White can rely upon the moves are quickly mated: 26 ... ~g7
dark-square bishop and the actively 27.~h6+ ~hS 2S.4Jf6#; 26 ... ~e5
placed Eid4, but Black also has active 27.Eiel+ 'it'd5 28.'iiYf3++-. 27.Etel+
bishops and obviously firm control over .Q.e5 28. ~g5 ~c7 29.Etd4 1-0 It's
the key f5-square. In the 'it'g6 line, the mate in three: 29 ... Ae4 30.Eidxe4+-.
black Ae6 prevents ~g4 but White has
Eid4-h4 and ~h5, driving the black king (195) Harris - Trimpi
into the center where Ab2-a3 closes the Corr 1991
net. 20.Jtxh7+ ~xh7 21.ldg5+ ~g6 French Defense [C 19]
In the ~gS line, Black's defense with
... Af5 or ... ~f5 is foiled by the immedi- l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 .Q.b4 4.e5 c5
ate Eid4-h4 when Black can delay but 5.a3 Jtxc3+ 6.bxc3 4)e7 7.a4 4)bc6
not prevent mate. 21... ~gS 22. ~h5 with 8.4)f3 ~a5 9.Jtd2 Jtd710.Jte2 f6
three possibilities: (a) 22 ... EieS 11.0-0 f xe5 12.dxe5 0-0 13..Q.d3 c4
23. ~h7 + 'it'f8 when 24.Aa3+ +- elimi-
nates any possibility of escape; (b) 8
22 ... Af5 23.Eih4+-. The immediate 7
rook swing focuses the attention on h8 6
rather than h7; and (c) 22 ... ~f5 23.Eih4 5
Axh2+ 24.'it'hl +-. Once again, with a
killing rook swing. 22.Eth4! The idea
of a kingside pawn storm fails: 22.h4
EihS 23.g4 Eixh4. 22 .•. Etg8 On
22 ... 4Jc6 23.'iiYh5+ 'it'f6 (not 23 ... ~f5
when White mates in two moves, abc d e f g h
24.4Je4+ [24.4Jh7+ g5 25.'iiYxg5#]
24 ... g5 25.~xg5#) The knight check Ironically here, Black encourages the
centralizes the knight and forces the sacrifice with ... c5-c4. For additional
king into a powerful attack from the assets, White pits the dark-square
dark-square bishop: 24.4Je4+ 'it'e7 bishop and e5-pawn against Black's
25.Aa3+ 4Jb4 26.4Jc5 (avoiding the active EifS. In the ~gS line, Black can
exchange of queens and subjecting the post the active rook on f5 to delay the
4Jb4 to a second attack) 26 ... 'iiYb6 attack, but the white pawns can trap the
27.4Jxe6 ~xe6 (27 .. .fxe6 28.Eixb4+-) rook and arrange a central breakthrough
2S.Axb4+ with a crushing attack. on f5 and e6. 14 . .Q.xh7+ ~xh7
23. ~h5+ ~f6 White wins with care- 15.4)g5+ ~g8 In the 'it'g6Iine, White
ful play against 23 ... 'it'f5 24.4Jf3+ g5 is committed to 'iiYg4 despite Black's
(24 ... ~f6 25.Ag5+ ~f5 26.4Jd4+ ~e5 ability with ... 4Jxe5 to capture the e5-
27.Ae7+ +-) 25.Axg5 +- when it's pawn and to gain time on the queen.
mate in five. 24.Jta3 Most accurate is The line after 19.'iiYxg7 is instructive.
24.Eie4 g6 25.~h7 'it'e7 (25 ... EieS Black would be forced to give up his
26.Ab2+ +-) 26.Eixe6+ 4Jxe6 queen for a rook and two minor pieces,

Sacking the Citadel

but the white kings ide provides White and opens e5 for the bishop. 26 ... Axe6
with highly favorable chances in the 27.Ad4 <;t>e7 28.~xg7+ <;t>d6 (28. .. 'itldS
endgame. 15 ... <;t>g6 16.~g4 4Jxe5 29.4Jxe6++-) 29.4Jxe6 and the rest is
17.~g3 4J5c6 (17 ... 4J7c6 IS.f4 4Jf7 just another fun mating exercise:
19.4Jxe6+ <;t>f6 20.f5 ~xe6 2l.fxe6+ 29 ... 4Je7 30.Ac5+ <;t>c6 (30 ... 'itld7
'itlxe6 22. ~g6+ [winning the knight with 31.~xe7+ <;t>c6 32.4Jd4#) 31.4Jd4+
interest] 22 .. .'~d7 [22 ... <;t>e5 23.El.ael # <;t>xc5 32.~xe7+ <;t>b6 33.~b4+ <;t>c7
or 22 ... 'itle7 23.El.ael + 'itld7 34.~c5+ <;t>bS 35.~d6+ ~c7 36.El.eS#.
24.El.xf7++-] 23.El.xf7++-) 18.4Jxe6+
'itlf7 19.~xg7+ (offering the knight, (196) Gazi - Jurcisin
which Black must accept) 19 ... <;t>xe6 Trencin 1991
(19 ... 'itleS 20.~xfS#) and now, the French Defense [C06]
tough decision for White, is which rook
to place on el? 20.El.fel + Best, to pre- 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£ld2 .£lf6 4.e5
serve the possibility of placing the .£lfd7 5.Ad3 e5 6.e3 .£le6 7 ..£le2
on the open b-file. (20.El.ael + 'itld6 ttb6 S..£lf3 f6 9.exf6 .£lxf610.0--0
[20 ... <;t>f5 21.~g5#] 21.~g3+ <;t>c5 Ad611.Ete1 0--0 12..£lf4 .£le413.g3
22.Ae3+ [22.~e3+ <;t>d6 23.~g3+=] exd414.exd4 Ab415.Axe4 Axel
22 ... d4 23.Axd4+ 4Jxd4 24.El.xe7 4Jf3+
25.gxf3 El.gS 26.El.g7=) 20 ... <;t>d6 8
21.~g3+ <;t>c5 22.El.abl 4Jf5 23.El.b5+ 7
~xb5 24.Ae3+ 4Jxe3 25.~xe3+ 'itld6 6
(25 ... d4 26.cxd4+ 4Jxd4 27.axb5 El.aeS 5
28.~a3++-) 26.~g3+ <;t>c5 27.axb5
<;t>xb5 28.~d6 El.adS 29.h4± with, yet
again, a high favorable endgame.
15 ... <;t>h6. White should delay the dis-
covery by playing 16.~g4+- when
4Jxe6+ will come with the threat of abcdefgh
~xg7. 16.'~h5 Etf516 ... El.fcS17.~f7+ With the Ae4 en prise, the decision to
<;t>hS 18.El.ael (with the idea of a rook initiate the sacrifice was an easy one
swing to h3) IS ... ~eS (but once the here, but it comes nonetheless after an
bishop leaves its defense of e6, the apparent exchange sacrifice. White can
knight can eye it) 19.~fS+ 4JgS count here on two additional assets, the
20.4Jxe6+- . 17.tth7+ lit'fS1S.tthS+ dark-square bishop and the 4Jf4 which
.£lgS19.f4 .£lee7 20.g4 Etf7 21.Etae1 powerfully assists the queen in reach-
tte5+ 21...g6 does not prevent the ing h5 in the <;t>h6 line. In the <;t>gS line,
breakthrough with 22.f5 gxf5 23.4Jxf7 the 4Jf4 delivers the mate if the El.f8 re-
'itlxf7 24.gxf5 4Jxf5 setting up an obvi- treats to dS. And so, once again, Black
ous exchange sacrifice to enable the e5- must defend with El.f5 when the knight
pawn to run. 25.~h7+ <;t>fS (25 ... <;t>eS delivers the breakthrough on e6.
26.~xgS+ <;t>e7 27.~g5#) 26.El.xf5+ 16.Axh7+ lit'xh717..£lg5+ lit'gS The
exf5 27.e6+-. 22.Ae3 tteS 23.f5+- knight on f4 plays the same support role
Etxf5 24.gxf5 .£lxf5 25.Etxf5+ exf5 here as would a knight on g3. 17 ... 'itlh6
26.e6 1-0 26.e6 threatens the bishop 18.~h5#. lS.tth5 Etf5 The best re-


sistance comes from IS ... ~xf2+ but 'l11g3 and Ab2 obviously combine for
White is not obligated to accept the mate on g7 if the <tlf6 moves, and so
offer: 19.~g2 §f6 20.'l11h7+ <it'fS the sacrifice begins with two additional
21.'l11hS+ rtJe7 22.'l11xg7++- winning assets, the strongly posted Ab2 and
the rook outright. And not IS ... §dS the §f1, under attack but able to swing
when the <tlf4 assists the mate in two quickly into the attack via f3. In the
19.'l11f7+ <it'hS 20.<tlg6#. 19.~eS+ 'tJgSline, the immediate 'l11g3-h4 threat-
Missing the quickest path with ens mate, giving White the additional
19.'l11h7+ rtJfS 20.<tlgxe6+ Axe6 time to swing the §f1-f3-h3 with a win-
21.<tlxe6+ 'tJe7 (21...rtJf7 22.'l11xf5+ +-; ning advantage. lS.Axh7+ Cjffxh7
21...<it'eS 22.<tlxg7++-) 22.'l11xf5+-. 16.4)gS+ CjffgS The white 'l11g3 is al-
19 ..• EtfS 20.~g6 EtfS 21.4)fxe6 ready well-placed to discourage both
,1},xf2+ 22.Cjffg2 EtxgS No better is the <it'h6 and 'tJg6 lines. 16 ... 'tJh6
22 ... Axe6 23. 'l11xe6+ +-. 23. ~eS+ 17 ..1lxf6Axf61S.'l11h4+<it'g619.'l11h7#;
Cjffh7 24.4) xgS+ Cjffh6 2S.g4 It's mate and 16... rtJg6 17.<tlxe6+ +- winning the
in ten says Fritz 12 after 25.'l11gS. queen. 17.~h4 eS Black must find
2S ... ,1lxg4 26. ~xa8 ,1lxd4 27. ~hS+ some way to stop the threat of .1lxf6.
Cjffg6 28.~eS+ Cjffh6 29.4)e6+ Cjffh7 Black's best try appears to be 17 ... d4
30.4)fS+ CjffgS 31.4)d7+ Cjffh7 trading the pawn for open lines.
32.4)xb6 ,1lxb6 33.,1ld2 4)d4 IS.Axd4 e5 19..1lxe5 §eS 20.§f3 .1le2
34.Etfl4)e23S.EtfSl-O with the idea of responding to §h3 with
<tlh5 21..1lxf6 .1lxf6 and now the king
(197) De Smet - Szylkrot has its escape route 22.§h3 'tJfS
Correspondence 1991 23.<tlh7+ <it'e7 24.<tlxf6 gxf6 25.'l11f2
Bird's Opening [A02] .1la6 26.e4 ±. Less accurate is 17 ... §eS
IS.§f3 .1le2 19.§h3 <tlh5 20.§el +-.
l.f4 b6 2.b3 ,1lb7 3.,1lb2 4)f6 4.e3 IS.Etf3 ,1lc819.g4 Axg4 On 19 ...'l11d7
e6 S.4)f3 ,1lb4 6.Ae2 4)c6 7.0-0 0- White breaks through with 20.§g3 d4
o S.a3 Ae7 9.4)c3 a6 10. ~el as 2l.fxe5+-. 20.fxeS 4)hS The mate
11.~g3 dS 12.4)bS 4)a713.4)xa7 threat on h7 permits White to ignore
Etxa714.,1ld3,1la6 20 ... .1lxf3 or 20 ... .1lh5 with 21.exf6+-.
21.~xg4 AxgS 22.~xhS Ah6 Ifin-
8 stead 22 ... g6 23.'l11g4 .1lh6 the mobile
7 pawn provides a timely shot, 24.e6+-.
6 23.Etg3 Cjffh7 24.Etfl +- cS 2S.e6 f6
25 .. .fxe6 26.§xfS 'l11xfS 27.'l11g6+ and
both retreats cost a bishop, 27 ... 'tJgS
(27 ... 'tJhS 2S. 'l11xh6+ +-) 2S.'l11xh6.
26.~g6+ CjffhS 27.Eth3 d4 2S.Etf4
Ete7 29.Etfh41-0 Black prefers resign-
ing to allowing the exchange sacrifice
abcdefgh on h6, 29 ... 'l11c7 30.§xh6+ gxh6
31. 'l11xh6+ +- .
This sacrifice occurs with Black's knight
on f6, a highly unusual occurrence. The

Sacking the Citadel

(198) Weijers, F - Lutgens, WE 22.exf6 e.p. is check with the ~f1 hold-
Correspondence 1992 ing the f-pawn. 20 ... ~g6 21.~d3+ f5
French Defense [C02] (21...~h5 22.~h7+ ~g4 23.~f4+ ~g3
24.4Je4+ dxe4 25.~xg7+ +-) 22.exf6+
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 4)c6 ~h5 23.~h7+ ~g4 24.§.f4+ ~g3
5.4)f3 Ad7 6.Ae2 cxd4 7.cxd4 25.~c2+-. 21.~c2 21.~g4 (with the
Ah4+ S.4)c3 4)ge7 9.0-0 0-0 idea of~f4) 21...g6 22.~f4 ~g7 23.h5
10.Ae3 4)f511.~cl4)xe312.fxe3 ~g8 (not 23 ... gxh5 opening the g-file
~cS 13.Ad3 ~e7 14.Ahl Axc3 for 24.~g3+-) 24.~h4 §.c7 25.§.f3
15.~xc3 4)b416.~xcS ~xcS17.a3 (the threat of a rook swing requires ac-
4)c61S.h4.1le8 tive defense) 25 ... 4Jxe5 (25 ... 4Jd8
26.§.h3+-) 26.dxe5 §.c1 + 27.~h2 §.c4
28.~g3 ~f8 29.4Jxe6 ~h6 30.4Jf4+-.
21. •.g6 21...f5? (now the en passant
capture hits the queen) 22.exf6 Ag6,
(the white queen turns into a marauder)
23.~xc6+-. 22.~f6 Not 22.~f2 ~g7
23.~f4 4Jd8 24.h5 (but Black has the
time to repost the bishop on the key
bl-h7 diagonal) 24 ... ~b5 25.§.f3 Ad3
26.h6+ ~h8-+ . 22 .•• ~d7 Or 22 ...~c7
abc d e f g h 23.~f2 4Jxe5 24.dxe5 ~xe5 25.g4
~c7 -+. 23. ~f2 4)dS 24.h5 ~c1 +
White's additional assets are the secure 24 ... ~a4 25.~f4 ~dl + 26.~f2
e5-pawn the ~f1 on an open file. The (26.~h2 ~xh5+) 26 ... ~xh5 when
notable concern for White is the ab- White has a remarkable rook sacrifice
sence of the dark-square bishop and the that nets the queen. 27.§'xg6+! ~xg6
h4-pawn which prevents the usual (27 ... ~xg6 28.~f6#) 28.4Jxe6+ ~h7
~g4-h4 maneuver in the ~h6 line. In 29.4Jf8+ +-; 24 ... ~xg5 25.~f4+ ~xh5
the ~h6Iine, White's attack is winning 26.~h2+-, aiming for '<fth3 and g4#.
but requires more precision than White 25.~h2 ~g7 26.~f4 26.~f4 is
offered. 19.Axh7+ ~xh7 20.4)g5+ strong, but best is 26.h6+! +- when
~h6 The toughest defense because Black has four choices:
White does not have a dark-square
bishop and because the white h-pawn 8
prevents ~g4-h4. In the ~g8Iine, Black 7
must use time with ... ~d7 or .. :~c7 to
create luft for his king on e7. The result
is that White can infiltrate quickly with
~h7+ and ~xg7+, when black is pow-
erless to prevent the promotion of the 3
h-pawn. 20 ... ~g8 21.~h5 ~d7 (creat- 2
ing luft on e7) 22.~h7+ ~f8 23.h5 ~e7
24.~xg7 ~d8 25.h6+-. The ~g6line abcdefgh
is destroyed by 21.~d3+ since 21...f5
Position after 26.h6+ (analysis)


(a) 26 ... ~fS 27.h7 ~g7 when a mate in But here, with the dark-square bishop,
four starts with a spectacular rook sac- Black cannot seriously consider the
rifice: 2SJhg6+! fxg6 29.hS~+ ~xhS '<t>h6 line. In the game, Black tries the
30.~fS#; (b) 26 ... '<t>xh6 and the same '<t>gS line, which succeeds for White
rook sacrifice is in play: 27.§xg6+! despite the possibility of ... 4Jf6 because
~xg6 (27 ... fxg6 2S.~h4+ '<t>g7 the ~h5 attacks both h7 and f7.
29.~h7+ '<t>fS 30.~hS+ ~e7 31.~f6#) 14.Axh7+ 'it'xh7 lS . .£lgS+ 'it'gS
28.~f6+ ~h5 29.4Jh3+-; (c) 26 ... '<t>hS Black lines involving .ilxg5 simply open
when the rook sacrifice is now on f7: the h-file with effect. 15 ... .ilxg5
27.§xfl 4Jxfl (27 ... Axfl 28.~f6++-) 16.hxg5+ ~g6 (The retreat with
28.~f6++-; and (d) 26 ... 'it'gS 27.h7+ 16 ... ~gS leads to an interesting vari-
'it'g7 (27 ... 'it'hS 28.§xg6 fxg6 29.~fS#) ant of the traditional mate in five:
and once again, the sacrifice is on g6: 17.~h5 f5 lS.g6 ~fS 19.~hS+ '<t>e7
2S.§ xg6+ ~xg6 29. ~f6+ '<t>h5 20.~xg7#) 17.~h5+ '<t>f5 while the
30.hS~+ '<t>g4 31. ~h3 #. 26 •.. Elc7 advance to f5 allows a mate in five:
27.h6+ White wins easily with lS.g6+ '<t>e4 (lS ... ~xf4 19.4Jc3 with
27.~h4+-. 27••• 'it'hS 2S.Elxe6 Miss- g3#; lS ... ~f619.~g5#) 19.~f3+ '<t>f5
ing the right sacrifice: 28.§xg6+- fxg6 20.Ae5+ '<t>xg6 (20 ... '<t>g5 21.~h5#)
29.~fS#. 2S •• :~xe6 29•.£lxe6 .£lxe6 21.~h5 #. In the '<t>g6Iine, an immedi-
30..~f3 Yz-Yz ate h5 drives the black king to the f-file
when White can easily mount the pres-
(199) Stisis - Burmakin sure. 15 ... 'it'g616.h5+ (or 16.~g4+-)
Ajka 1992 16 ... ~f6 (16 ... '<t>f5 17.g4+ '<t>xf4
Caro-Kann Defense [B 14] lS.4Jh3+ ~e4 19.4Jc3#) 17.~f3 g6
lS.Ad2+ '<t>g7 19.~xfl++-. 16.~hS
1.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.exdS cxdS 4.c4 .£lf6 .£lf6 Black can occupy the key diago-
S . .£lc3 e6 6 . .£lf3 .1le7 7.cS 0-0 nal with 16 ... Ad3 but White forces
S ..1ld3 b6 9.b4 as 10. .£la4 .£lfd7 through with the capture on f7.
1l.h4 bxcS 12.bxcS Aa6 13•.1lf4 17.~xf7+ 'it'hS and then on e6
Ele8 18.4Jxe6+- with an attack on the queen
and support for the mate on g7. The
8 bishop capture leads to the same mate
7 as after 15 ... Axg5: 16 ... Axg5 17.hxg5
6 f5 18.g6 '<t>fS19.~hS+ ~e7 20.~xg7 #.
5 17.~xf7+ 'it'hS lS.hS ElfS Or
lS ... AfS 19.h6+-. 19.~g6 ~eS
There's no meaningful defense in
19 ... Ad3 20.~xd3 ~eS 21.h6 g6
22.4Jb6 +- . 20..£l xe6 ~xg6 21.hxg6+
'it'gS 22..£lxfS .£lc6 22 ... .ilxfSloses to
abcdefgh 23.4Jb6 §a7 24 ..ilxbS+-. 23 . .£le6
.£lb4 24.()....6....() .£ld3+ 2S.'it'c2 .£lxf2
We have observed that the h4-pawn can 26..£lc7 Ela7 27..£l xa6 Elxa6 28.Elbl
be a liability when it blocks 'l1fg4-h4. .£lxh129.Elb8+ AfS 30..£lb61-0

Sacking the Citadel

(200) Kasparov - Fritz 2 Computer the usual knight sacrifice) 17.~h7+

Cologne 1992 'ittxg5 (it's mate in six) IB.h4+ 'ittg4
Caro-Kann Defense [B 15] 19.~xg7+ 'it'f5 (19 ... 'itth5 20.~g5#)
20.~g5+ 'it'e4 21.0-0 1.ta6 22.1:':lxf4+
l.e4 c6 2.~c3 e6 3.d4 d5 4.e5 ~d7 1:':lxf4 23.~xf4#. 16... 13xf417.~xf4
5.f4 Ab4 6.~f3 ~e7 7.a3 Axc3+ ~g618.~f7++- \tIh719.~g3~h4
8.bxc3 0--0 9.Ad3 b6 20.~xh4+ ~xh4 21.0-0 ~f5
22.~d6 Aa6 23.13xf5 exf5 24.e6
8 Ae2 25.13el Ah5 26.e7 Ae8
7 27.~ xf5 g6 28.~d6 \tIg7 29.h4 \t'f6
6 30.g4 13b8 31.\tIf2 a5 32.\tIg3 a4
5 33.g5+ \tIg7 34.h5 gxh5 35.\tIh4 b5
36.~xe8+ 13xe8 37.\tIxh5 \tIf7
38.\tIg4 13xe7 39.13xe7+ \tIxe7
40.\tIf5 \tIf7 41.\tIe5 \tIg6 42.\tId6
\tIxg5 43.\tIxc6 \tIf4 44.\tIxd5 \tIf5
45.\tIc6 \tIf4 46.d5 \tIe31-O
abc d e f g h
(201) Fiorito - Lida Garcia
It is refreshing to see a human, albeit Buenos Aires 1992
the world champion, use the sacrifice Sicilian Defense [B82]
to defeat a strong computer. For
Kasparov, the white position involves l.e4 c5 2.~c3 e6 3.~f3 a6 4.d4
two additional assets, the secure e5- cxd4 5.~xd4 ~c7 6.f4 d6 7.Ad3
pawn and the dark-square bishop. In ~f6 8.~f3 ~c6 9.0-0 b5 10.\tIhl
the 'it'g6 line, as played by the com- Ae7 11. ~el 0-0 12.a3 13e8 l3.e5
puter, Kasparov won convincingly by ~d714.~g3 ~c515.f5 dxe516.f6
steering the position into a won Axf617.j},g5 AdS 18.AxdS ~xdS
endgame, but he misses a prettier and
quicker win, a mate in nine according to
Fritz 12, with 16.~h4!. 10.Axh7+
\tIxh711.~g5+ \tIg6 In the 'ittgBline,
with the black knights on d7 and e7, the
capture on f7 and 4::lxe6 ends the game
quickly. 11...'ittgB 12.~h5 1:':leB
13.~xf7+ 'it'hB14.4::lxe6+-. In the 'itth6
line, ~g4 and then f5 activates the dark-
square bishop. 11...'itth6 12.~g4 1:':lhB
13.f5+-. 12.~g4 Also winning is
12.~d3+ 4::lf5 (12 ... f5 13.~g3 ~eB abcdefgh
14.4::lxe6+ 'it'f715.4::lxg7 1:':lgB16.4::lxeB
1:':lxg3 17.4::ld6++-) 13.g4 f6 White can rely upon two additional as-
14.4::lxe6+-. 12 ..• ~xe5 l3.fxe5 f5 sets, the 1:':lf1 and the 4::lc3, btlt White is
14.~g3 f415.~g4 \tIh616.Axf4 already down a pawn at the time of the
Most accurate is 16.~h4+! 'it'g6 (with sacrifice, Black's king rook has already


vacated f7, while the 4Jd8 and Yffc7 are (202) Al Modiahki- Handoko
both defending f7. Black defended cor- Doha 1992
rectly with 'it>g8, when White, playing Petroff Defense
aggressively, triumphs with help from
Black. The key line with 23.i£1h8+ once 1.e4 e5 2.4)f3 4)f6 3.4) xe5 d6 4.4)f3
again involves an endgame in which 4)xe4 5.d4 d5 6.Ad3 j},d6 7.0-0 0-0
White has a persistent edge thanks to 8.c4 c6 9.cxd5 cxd5 10.4)c3 4) xc3
the passed kingside pawns. 19.j},xh7+ 1l.bxc3 Ag4 12.E!b1 b6 13.E!b5
~xh7 20.4)g5+ ~g8 In the 'it'h6Iine, AC714.h3 a615.hxg4 axb5
White quickly forces the black king to
capture the 4Jg5 when the activity of
the Elfl-f3 eases the finish. 20". 'it'h6 8
21.Yffh4+ 'it'g6 22.i£1h7+ 'it'xg5 23.h4+ 7
'it'g4 24.Yffxg7+ 'it'xh4 25.Elf3+-. With 6
the white queen already on the g-file, 5
'it'g6 steps into a nasty discovered
check and mate. 20".'it'g6 21.4Jxe6+
'it'h6 22.Yffxg7+ 'it'h5 23.Yffg5#.
21.'~h4 f5 21...f6 invites a rook sacri-
fice on f6 22.i£1h7+ 'it'fB 23.Elxf6++-.
22. 'lth7+ ~f8 23.E!xf5+ Opening the abc d e f g h
d5-square for the knight fork. Somewhat
less forcing is 23.i£1h8+ 'it'e7 24.i£1xg7+ The sacrifice is problematic when the
'it'd6 25.Elad1 + 'It'c6 when the black initiator has only one additional asset,
king reaches the queenside: 26.i£1g6 in this case the dark-square bishop. In
Elf8 27.4Jd5 i£1b7 28.Yffh6 Elg8 29.i£1f6 the 'It'g8 line, the g4-pawn prevents the
4Jd7 30.4Je7+ 'it'b6 31.'lii'h6 Elxg5 white queen from reaching h5, forcing
32.Yffxg5 i£1c7 33.Elxf5 ~b7 (33".exf5 White to try i£1d3. The result is that the
34.4Jd5+) 34.Elf2 but White, with the white queen must enter the kings ide on
connected kingside passers, once again h7, giving the black king an opportu-
has a highly favorable endgame. nity to run to and hide on b7.
23 ...exf5 24.'lth8+ 24.4Jd5 Yfff7! and 16.Axh7+ ~xh717.4)g5+ ~g8 The
Black emerges with a rook and two 'It'g6 line turns the g4-pawn into the
pieces for the queen: 25.4Jxf7 4Jxf7 second asset, and White wins quickly
26.4Jc7 Ele6 27.4Jxe6+ (27.4Jxa8 Elh6) with i£1d3+. 17 ... 'lt'g6 18.i£1d3+ f5
27 ... ~xe6:j:. 24••• ~e7 25.4)d5+ ~d6 19.Ele1 +- with the unstoppable threat
Correctly avoiding 25 ... 'lt'd7 of Ele6+. If instead Black tries to run
26.'lii'xg7+ +-. 26.'ltxe8 ~xd5 with 18".'ittf6 19.i£1f5+ 'It'e7 20.Ele1 +
27.E!d1 + ~c4 28.E!xd8 Ad7? Nec- 'It'd6 White can continue with the im-
essary was 28 ... b4! 29.a4 pressive 21.Ele6+! 'It'd7 (not 21...fxe6
b3+.29.'ltf7+! 4)e6 Or 29 ... 'lt'd4 22.i£1xe6#) 22.Elf6+ 'It'e8 (22".'itte7
30.4Je6+ 4Jxe6 31.Elxd7+ +- . 30.E!xd7 23.Elxf7+ Elxf7 24.i£1xf7+ 'it'd6
1-0 25.'lii'e6#) 23.Elxf7 +-. 18.'ltd3 E!e8
18".g6 White simply swings the queen:
19.Yffh3 +- when ". i£1xg5 will be needed

Sacking the Citadel

to prevent mate. 19. ~h7+ <if}f8 where White's accurate play with 23.e6
20.~h8+ <if}e7 21.~xg7 <if}d7 is instructive. 18.Axh7+ <if}xh7
22.4)xfi ~e7 23.jtg5 ~f8 24.~h7 19.4)g5+ <if}g8 In the 'it'g61ine, ~d3+
<if}c6 25. ~g6+ <if}b7 26. ~f5 ~g8 Or comes with check, limiting Black's op-
26 ... 4Jc6. 27.~xd5+ <if}a7 28.laal tions. Blocking the check with f5 or 4Jf5
Black is secure after 28.a4 bxa4 29.Elal once again makes the g-pawn a useful
4Ja6-+. 28 ••• laf8 The best defense is asset. 19 ... 'it'g6 20.~d3+ when all of
28. .. 4Ja6 29.a4 b4 -+. 29.a4 b4 30.a5 Black's responses fall short: (a) 20 ... 4Jf5
~xfi 31.axb6+? White's best chance 21.gxf5+ exf5 22.~g3+- threatening
is 31.~xf7 Elxf7 32.axb6+ 'it'b7 33.Elxa8 4Jxe6 and mate; (b) 20 .. .f5 21.exf6+ 4Jf5
.1lxb6 34.Ela2 bxc3 35.d5 4Ja6+. is again hopeless 22.4Jxe6 (decimating
31 ... <if}xb6 32.~xfi White had to try the defense) 22 ... 1.txe6 23.gxf5+ 1.txf5
32.~c5+ 'it'b7 33.~xb4+ 'it'c6 and (23 ... 'it'f7 24.fxe6+ 'it'xe6 25.~f5+ 'it'f7
White's attack is out of fuel, 34.d5+ 'it'd7 26.fxg7+ +- ) 24.~xf5+ +- with mate in
35. ~b5+ 'it'c8 -+ . 32... laxal + 0--1 a few. As we have frequently seen, the
king capture on g5 after 21.exf6 runs
(203) Vogel- Pohl into a mating net: 21...'it'xg5 22.1.td2+
Correspondence 1993 'it'xg4 (22 ... 'it'h4 23.~h7+ 'it'xg4 24.h3+
French Defense [C 15] 'it'g3 25.Elb3#) 23.h3+ 'it'h4 (23 ... 'it'h5
24.~h7#) 24.~h7+ 'it'g3 25.Elb3#; (c)
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 Ab4 4.a3 20 ... 'it'xg5 (even the bishop gets to join
Axc3+ 5.bxc3 dxe4 6.f3 c5 7.labl the attack) 21.1.td2+ 'it'xg4 (21...'it'h4
4)c68.Ab5 Ad79.~e2 ~a510.fxe4 22.~g3#) 22.~g3+ 'it'h5 23.~g5#;
~xc3+ 1l.Ad2 ~xd412.4)f3 ~d6 and (d) 20 ... 'it'h6 with a nice mate in
13.0--0 4)ge714.Ac3 0--0 15.e5 ~c7 two: 21.~h7+ 'it'xg5 22.~h5#. In the
16.Ad3 4)f517.g4 4)fe7 'it'h6 line, ~d3 leads to mate in every
line despite the placement of the dark-
square bishop on c3. 19 ... 'it'h6 20.~d3
and now: (a) 20 ... 'it'xg5 21.1.td2+ 'it'xg4
(21...'it'h4 22.~g3#) 22.~g3+ 'it'h5
23.~g5#; (b) 20 ... Elh8 21.4Jxf7#; (c)
20 ... 4Jg6 21.~h3+ 'it'xg5 (21...4Jh4
22.~xh4+ 'it'g6 23.~h5#) 22.~h5#;
(d) 20 ... g6 21.~h3+ 'it'xg5 22 ..1ld2#;
and (e) 20 ... 4Jf5 21.~h3+ 'it'xg5
22.~h5#. 20.~d3 4)f5 20 ... g6 pre-
abc d e f g h venting the mate, but White has a simple
queen swing to the h-file 21.~h3+-;
Once again, a well played correspon- 20 ... 4Jg6 (preventing ~h8, but the
dence game. White's e5-pawn is sup- white rook can reach f7 with support)
ported by the dark-square bishop on 21.~h3 Elfe8 22.~h7+ 'it'f8 23.Elxf7#;
c3, both rooks are active, and even the 20 ... f5 21.exf6 4Jf5 White barges
g-pawn provides an assist against f7- through with an exchange sacrifice. If
f5 or 4Jf5 and by supporting ~h7-h5. instead 21...g6, White wins easily by
In the game, Black entered the 'it'g81ine, taking the knight, advancing the f-pawn


to f7, or with 'ii¥h3. 22.~xf5 exf5 decides correctly on the ~g3Iine, where
23.'ii¥h3+-. 21.gxf5 exf5 22.~h3 Black is aided by the fact that the queen
~feS 23.e6 23.'ii¥h7+ ~fS 24.e6 trans- cannot be dislodged from the g-file, giv-
posing to the game. 23 .•• j},xe6 ing Black the time required to bring up
24.~h7+ CitlfS 25.j},xg7+ Citle7 the rooks. Note also the importance of
26.4) xe61-0 The capture of the knight the weakness of the white e3-pawn af-
exposes the king to devastating checks: ter White plays f4. 13 •.• Axh2+
26 ... ~xe6 (not 26 .. .fxe6 27.~e5++-) 14.Citlxh2 4)g4+ 15.Citlg3 In the ~gl
27.~bd1 (with the idea of 'ii¥xf5) line, the placement of the unanchored
27 ... 4Jd4 2S.~xd4 cxd4 (2S ... ~gS+ white queen permits the attractive
29 ..ilg7) 29.'ii¥xf5+ ~e7 30.'ii¥xf7+ 17 ... 'ii¥x4Jg3. 15.~gl 'ii¥h4 16.4Jg3
~dS31.~xd4++-. (16.~f1 'ii¥xf2# or 16.g3 'ii¥h2+ 17.~f1
'ii¥xf2 #) 16 ... 'ii¥h2+ 17.~f1 'ii¥xg3!
(204) Staflin - Ahlander lS.fxg3 4Jxe3+ -+. 15.~h3 'ii¥d6
Stockholm 1993 (15 ...'ii¥g5 is less accurate because, af-
Trompowsky Attack [DOO] ter 16.f4, Black would need to move the
queen rather than bringing a rook to the
1.d4 d5 2.j},g5 4)f6 3.j},xf6 exf6 e-file ) (a) 16.f4 ~ aeS (demonstrating the
4.e3 j},d6 5.c4 dxc4 6.j},xc4 0-0 advantage of playing ... 'ii¥d6 rather than
7.4)c3 c6 S.4)ge2 4)d7 9.0-0 f5 ... 'ii¥g5. Black threatens ... 'ii¥h6, ...'ii¥g6,
10.~c2 4)f611.~fdl j},e612.~b3 and ... ~xe3) 17.e4 (17.~d3 'ii¥h6+
j},xc413.~xc4 lS.~g3 g5 19.fxg5 'ii¥xg5 20.~f3
(20.~h3 ~xe3+ 21.~xe3 4Jxe3-+;
8 20 ... ~xe3+ 21.~xe3 'ii¥xe3#) 17 ... 'ii¥g6
7 lS.4Jg1 'ii¥h5+ 19.~g3 'ii¥h2+ 20.~f3
6 fxe4+ 21.~xg4 (21.4Jxe4 'ii¥h5 -+ )
5 21...h5+ (this time, it's a white king
forced out into a mating net) 22.~g5
(22.~f5 'ii¥g3-+) 22 ...'ii¥g3+ 23.~xh5
(23.~f5 'ii¥g4#) 23 ... g6+ 24.~h6
'ii¥xf4 # ; (b) 16.g3 'ii¥h6+ (the weakness
on f2 is telling) 17.~g2 'ii¥h2+ with
a h c d e f g h lS ... 'ii¥xf2#; and (c) 16.4Jf4 g5-+ or
16 ... 4Jxf2. 15 .•• ~g5 16.f4 ~g6
Black prepares the sacrifice here by ex- 17.Citlf3 White can seek safety for the
changing on c4, bringing the white queen, 17.'ii¥b3 4Jxe3+ 18.~f2 §feS,
queen to c5 where it will be vulnerable but Black will now have time to aug-
to discoveries by the 4Jg4. The black ment the pressure on the e-file: 19.93
rooks reach the semi-open e-file to as- ~e7 20.~h1 ~aeS 21.~ae1 c5 (open-
sist, but when the sac occurs, Black can ing the a8-h 1 diagonal for the queen)
point to only two single potential addi- 22.~gl (22.dxc5 'ii¥c6-+) 22 ... cxd4
tional assets, bringing up a rook and 23.4Jb5 ~e4-+. 17..• ~h5 lS.4)g3
the advance of the f-pawn. The attack On 18.~g3 Black infiltrates patiently
succeeds but indeed, the lines are with lS ... 4Jxe3 19.'ii¥d3 ~aeS 20.~f2
tougher than usual. In the game, White 'ii¥h4+ 21.g3 'ii¥h2+ 22.~e1 ~e6-+.

Sacking the Citadel

1S•• .Iile5+ 19.Cit'f2 ~xd120.~xd1 threatens <£If4. Black overreacts to the

~ xc4 -+ 21.~ xf5 §.adS 22.g4 §.fe8 threat missing the opportunity to give
23.Cit'f3 g6 24.~h6+ Cit'g7 25.g5 f5 back the material with ... <£IxeS.
26.§.c1 ~d2+ 27.Cit'f2 §.d5 2S.§.c2 16.j},xh7+ Cit'xh7 17.~g5+ Cit'g6 In
~e4+ 29.Cit'f3 §.e7 30.b3 §.a5 31.b4 the'it>gB line, White can only draw be-
§.b5 32.a3 a5 33.§.a2 §.eS 34.~b2 cause, with the <£Ie7, it matters that the
§.as 35.bxa5 ~c3 0-1 f4-pawn is blocking the bishop's access
to g5. 17... 'it>gB1B.'itihS .§.feB19.'itixf7+
(205) Simon - Recktenwald (with the dark-square bishop unavail-
Fischbach 1993 able to the attack, White cannot make
Sicilian Defense [B47] significant progress after 19.'itih7+ 'it'fB
20.'itihB+ <£1gB 21.<£Ih7+ 'it'e7 22.'itixg7
1.e4 c5 2.~f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.~xd4 [22.fS? 'itixeS+ -+ ] 22 ... <£IxeS 23.'itixeS
a6 5.~c3 ~c7 6.f4 ~c6 7.~f3 Ac5 [23.fxeS 'itixc3+ 24.Ad2 Af2+ 2S.'it'xf2
S.e5 d5 9.~a4 ~a5+ 10.c3 Aa7 'itixd2+ 26.~g3 ~c6:j:] 23 ... .§.cB
11.b4 ~c7 12.~b2 ~ge713.j},d3 24.Ad2 f6+) 19 ... 'it'hB 20.'itihS+ 'it'gB
Ad714.a3 §.dS15.~e2 0-0 21.'itif7+=. 17 ... ~h6 (the dark-square
bishop is buried here, but the white
8 queen has effective access to the h-file)
7 1B.'itid3 .§.hB (the rook is anchored, but
6 the rook move leaves f7 undefended;
5 on 1B ... g6 19.'itih3+ ~g7 20.'itih7# or
1B ... <£IfS/1B .. .fS allow 19.'itih3+ 'it'g6
4 <-,..... .
11. ....
20.'itih7 #) 19.<£Ixf7+ ~hS 20.'itig3+-.
1S.f5+ 1B.fS is far superior to the alter-
natives: (a) 1B.'itig4? <£IxeS 19.fxe5
'itixeS+ -+ sealing out White's dark-
abc d e f g h square bishop; (b) 1B.h4? fS 19.hS+
~h6-+ when the black king is fully safe;
This position demonstrates that and (c) 1B.'itid3+? <£IfS 19.94 <£Ice7
Vukovi6's hypothesis regarding the 20.'itih3 .§.hB-+ when the anchored
need for at least two additional assets rook prevents progress. 1S..• ~ xf5 Not
does have its limitations. White can 1B ... exfS? When White activates the
point to a secure eS-pawn, the dark- <£Ib2-d3-f4. 19.<£Id3 <£IxeS 20.<£If4+
square bishop, the '§'hl-fl, and even ~xgS (avoiding 20 ... 'it'f6 21.<£Ih7# and
the possibility of the <£Ib2-d3-f4. But 20 ... 'it'h621.'itihS#)21.<£IxdS++- (the
Black's activity matters. Here, Black can unusual discovered check wins the
point to two active knights, pressure queen). 19.~d3 j},e3? Unnecessary
from the <£Ic6 and 'itic7 on the eS-pawn, panic. Black is fine, and perhaps win-
and the very active Aa7. And the fact is ning, after 19 ... <£IxeS! 20.<£IxeS+ 'it'f6
that the <£Ib2, the Ael, and the king's (aiming for relative safety on e7) 21.c4
rook are inactive. In the game, Black may Ad4 with more interest in the <£Id4 than
even be better in the ~g6line. White's the rook (not 21...'itixeS? 22.'iJh7++-)
only hope there is an immediate fS, when 22.Af4 llc3+ (too greedy is 22 ... ~xa1
<£Id3 guards the eS-pawn again and 23.<£Ig4+ 'it'g6 [23 ... 'it'e7 24.11xc7 +- ]


24.Jlxc7 +-) 23. ~tf1 ~e7 24.4Jgf3 White has driven the knight off f6 and
(24.4Jg6+ fxg6 25.Jlxc7 4Jg3+ 26.~gl Black is not well poised to retake f6 or
4Jxe2 #) but now, Black gains enough to give back a piece on e5. White has
for the queen. 24 ... Jlxa1 25 ..£lg6+ fxg6 the secure e5-pawn, the dark-square
26.Jlxc7 .§.cB-+. 20 . .Q.xe3 .£Jxe3 bishop, and also the 4Jc3-e4, while
21. ~xe3 f6 22•.£Jf4+ ~f5 Once again, Black can point only to the itYcTs de-
the knight is poison: 22 ... ~xg5 fense of the f7-square. In the game,
23.itYg3+ ~f5 (23 ... ~h6 24.'li¥g6#) and Black tries ~g6 when White can choose
it's mate in five with 24 ..£lg6 .£lxe5 25.~ between three winning options.
0+ .£lf3+ 26 ..§.xf3++-. No better is 12•.Q.xh7+ ~xh713 ..£Jg5+ ~g6 In
22 ... ~h6 23.itYh3+ ~xg5 24.'li¥h5+ the ~gB line, with the black queen
~xf4 25 ..§.f1 + ~e3 26.itYe2#. 23.g4+ guarding fl, White's win comes from
The fastest path is 23.'li¥d3+ <it>g4 .£le4-f6 rather than 'li¥h 7 +. 13 ... ~gB
(23 ... <it>xf4 24.itYg3+ ~f5 25.0--0+ <it>g6 14.itYh5 .§.eB 15 ..£lce4 (15.'li¥h7+ ~fB
26 ..£lxe6+ +- ) 24 ..£le4 +- with mate in 16 ..£lge4 ~e7 17.a3 Jlxc3 1B.Jlg5+
four. 23 ... ~xg4 Obviously not ~d7 [lB .. .f6 19 ..£lxf6+-] 19 ..£lc5#)
23 ... ~xg5 24 ..£lxe6++-. 24.~f3+ 15 ... .£lc416.'li¥h7+ ~f817.itYhB+ ~e7
~xg5 And not 24 ... ~f5 25 ..£lxd5+ +-. 1B.'li¥xg7 ~d7 (18. .. .§.f819.a3) 19 ..£lxf7
25. ~h5+ Missing a mate in two: .§.e7 20 ..£lf6+ 4Jxf6 21.exf6+-.
25 ..§.gl + ~h6 (25 ... <it>h4 26.itYf2# or 14. ~e4+ There are other paths to the
25 ... ~f5 26 . .£ld3#) 26.'li¥h5#. win. 14.itYg4 f5 15.'li¥h4 transposes to
25 ... ~xf4 26.0-0+ ~e3 27.~f3+ the game, or 15.'li¥g3 'li¥d7 16.itYh4+-
~d2 28.E!.a2 "" 1-0 or even 14.'li¥d3+ f5 15.'li¥h3. 14...f5
And of course, the king retreats meet
(206) Podzielny - Freese mate. 14 ... ~h5 15.'li¥h7+ ~g4 16.f3#
Correspondence 1993 or 16.h3# or 16.itYh3# and 14 ... ~h6.
Queen's Gambit Accepted [D24] 15.'li¥h7#.15.~h4 ThreateningitYh7#
and taking advantage of the black
l.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3 ..£Jf3 .£Jf6 4 •.£Jc3 rook's inability to fight for the h-file.
e6 5.e3.Q.b4 6 ..Q.xc4 0-0 7.0-0 c6 Less convincing is 15.exf6+?! ~xf6 (ob-
8.~e2 .£Jbd7 9.e4 .£Jb6 10..Q.d3 viously not 15 ... ~h5 16.itYh7+ ~g4
~c711.e5 .£Jfd5 17.f3 #) 16.itYh4 ~e7 17.4Jh7+ ~eB
1B ..£lxfB ~xf8 19.'li¥hB+ ~f7 20.4Je4
8 Jle7 2Ulg5=. 15... .£Jf616.exf6 gxf6
7 The verdict is the same if Black cap-
6 tures first on c3. 16... Jlxc3 17.bxc3 gxf6
5 1B ..£lxe6 Jlxe6 19. 'li¥h6+ ~f7
20.'li¥h7+ +-. And not 16 ... Jld6 17.g4
fxg4 1B.fxg7 itYxg7 19.'li¥xg4+- (a
knight to e4 is next). 17..£J xe6 ~h7 On
17 ... Jlxe6 the black queen falls:
1B.'li¥h6+ ~f7 19.'li¥h7+ +-. 18..£Jxf8+
abc d e f g h .Q.xf819.~xh7+ ~xh7 20.E!.el +-
.Q.d7 21..Q.f4 .£Jc4 22.b3 .£Jb2
23.E!.e3 ~g6 24.E!.bl.Q.a3 25.E!.g3+

Sacking the Citadel

r:l/f7 26.Jlc1 EleS 27.Ele3 ElgS 17.g4*] 17.'t1i'c2 f5 IB ..£1xe6++-)

2S.Jlxb2 f4 29.Jlxa3 fxe3 30.fxe3 16.'t1i'c2+ (even more accurate than the
Jlf5 31.e4 Jlh3 32.g31-0 immediate discovery) 16.. .f5 The king
retreats are suicide: 17.exf6+ '<fi>xf6
(207) McMahon - Deery (17 ... 'itth5 IB.g4+ ~xh4 [IB ... '<fi>xg4
Correspondence 1993 19.'lfrg6+-] 19.'lfre4+-) IBAJce4+
Caro-Kann Defense [D47] 'itte7 (IB ... ~g6 19.h5+ '<fi>xh5
[19 ... E!.xh5 20 ..£1g3+ +- ] 20 ..£1g3+ ~g4
1.c4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4.e3 21.'t1i'dl++-) 19.Axb4+ .£1xb4
~bd7 5.~f3 e6 6.Jld3 dxc4 7.Jlxc4 20. 't1i'c5+ +- showing offthe versatility
j'tb4 S.O--O 0--0 9.Ad2 ~b610.Jld3 of the queen on c2. Also winning is the
j'td711.e4 'lP/c7? 12.e5 ~fd5 immediate 15.'lfrc2+ f5 16.exf6+ ~xf6
17 ..£1ce4+ '<fi>g6 IB.h5+ +-
8 (Nimzowitsch). 15 .•• f5 15 ... f6
7 16 ..£1xe6+ walking into a self-pin
6 16... 'ittf7 which White breaks with a the-
matic knight sacrifice on e6. 17. 't1i'xg7 +!
'<fi>xe6 IB.exf6 (opening the e-file for the
rooks) IB ... .£1xc3 19.E!.fel+ '<fi>d6
20.'t1i'g3++- when White can win the
black queen or pursue Fritz 12's mate in
10. 16.'lP/g3 'lP/cSI6 .. .f4 17.Axf4 't1i'cB
abc d e f g h (retreating outside the reach ofthe dis-
coveries) 18..£1xe6+ 'ittf719.'t1i'xg7+ (of-
A position that is nearly identical to the fering a second piece) 19 ... '<fi>xe6
last game, save the addition of a move 20.'lfrg6+ .§.f6 (the king dare not retreat
pair, Ad2 and Ad7, and more impor- to e7 allowing White's dark-square
tantly the white queen on dl rather than bishop to develop actively) 21.exf6
e2. As is clear, the additional moves do .£1xf4 22.E!.fel+ ~d6 23.'lfrg3+-.
not alter the conclusion in the 'ittg61ine, 17.~ xe6+ r:l/f7 IS. 'lP/xg7+! r:l/xe6
although the black rooks now commu- 19. 'lP/g6+ ~f6 20.exf6 j'txc3
nicate, permitting Black to defend suc- 21.Elfe1 + r:l/d5 22.Ele5+ r:l/d6
cessfully with E!.hB. Indeed, with just a 23.bxc3 Better is 23.'t1i'g3! E!.xf6
small change, the white queen no longer 24.E!.xf5+ with a crushing attack:
has immediate access to d3 or e4. The 24 ... 'itte7 25.'t1i'g7+ ~e6 26.'t1i'xf6*.
most efficient win now is 15.h4 al- 23 ••• ElgS 24.'lP/f7 Or 24.'t1i'h5 .£1c4
though 15.'lfrg4 as played in the game 25.Af4 .£1xe5 26.~xe5+ ~e6
is sufficient. 13.j'txh7+ r:l/xh7 27.E!.el+-. 24 ••. 'lP/fS 25.'lP/b3 r:l/c7
14.~g5+ r:l/g6 In the 'ittgBline, White 26.Af4 r:l/cS 27.f7 White also breaks
wins with either a rook swing after f4 or through with 27.E!.ael E!.g4 2B.f7 E!.xf4
with .£1e4-f6. 14 .. .'it'gB 15. 'lfrh5 E!.feB 29.E!.eB+ 'ittc7 30.E!.xfB E!.xfB 31.d5 +-.
16 ..£1ce4+- (16.'t1i'xf7+ ~hBI7.f4+-). 27 ••• Elg7 2S.Jlh6 2B.E!.a5+-, threat-
15.'lP/g4 The most efficient path is ening 't1i'xb6. 2S •.. 'lP/xf7 ~9.Axg7
15.h4! threatening h5+ 15 ... E!.hB (on 'lP/xg7 30.Elael r:l/c7 31.a4 ElgS 32.g3
~cS 33.f4 ElhS 34.c4 'lP/g4 35.c5
15 ... f6 16.h5+ 'itth6 [not 16 ... 'ittf5


!!g8 36.a5 !!g7 37.!!bl ~xf4 that the black king may be able to reach
38. ~xb7+ ~d8 39. ~b2 ~g4 4O.a6 safety on e7) 16.liJe4! (opening lines
f441.!!f1 !!g8 42. ~d2? Overlooking for the dark-square bishop) 16 ... dxe4
42.1'!e4+-. 42 ••. fxg3 43.h3 ~xh3 (16 ... 'i!te7 17.~g5+ f6 [17 ... 'i!tfS
44. ~g2 ~h6 45.!!f3 Jth3 46. ~c2 IS.i£thS#] IS.~xf6+ 'it'f7 19.i£txg7 #)
Jtft 47.!!ee3 !!h8-+ 48.~xfl 17.i£thS+ 'i!te7 IS.Ag5+ f6 19.Axf6+
~hl + 49.~e2 !!h2+ 50.~d3 !!xc2 gxf6 (19 ... 'i!tf7 20.i*xg7#) 20.i*xf6#.
51.!!f8+ ~d7? 52.!!f7+ ~d8 12.4)g5+ ~g6 In the 'it'gSline, White
53.!!f8+ ~7 54.~xc2 ~h2+ 55.~b3 correctly captures on h7 and inserts a
g2 56.!!f7+ ~b8 57.~c4 gl~ c-pawn push before Ag5 in order to
58.!!b7+ ~a8 59.!!d3 ~c2+ 0-1
limit Black's counterplay. 12 ... 'i!tgS
13.i£th5 1'!feS 14.i£th7+ ~fS 15.c4
(208) Kuper - Urbanczyk
(15.i£thS+ liJgSI6.liJh7+ ~e717.Ag5+?
Gennany 1993
French Defense [C 19] f6 IS.i£txg7+ 'it'dS 19.Axf6+ liJxf6
20.i£txf6+ 'it'c7-+) 15 ... liJb416.i£thS+
l.e4e6 2.d4d5 3.4)c3 Ab44.e5c5 5.a3 liJgSI7.liJh7+ 'it'e71S.~g5+ f619.liJxf6
Jtxc3+ 6.bxc3 4)e7 7.a4 ~a5 8.Jtd2 liJxc2+ 20.'it'f1 liJe3+ 21.'i!tgl liJf5
4)bc69.Jtd3 Jtd710.4)f30--0 22.liJxeS+ 'i!tf7 (22 ... 'i!txeS 23.i£txgS #)
23.liJxg7 liJxg7 24.Af6 liJxf6
25.i£txaS+-. 13.h4 13.i*g4? f6 (forc-
ing the knight to move before White
can bring up reinforcements) 14.c4
~b6 (Black is happy to invite the queen
to g7 after liJxe6, accepting the self-pin
on the knight) 15.liJe4+ ~f7 16.exf6
dxe4 17.i£txg7+ 'i!teS IS.Ah6 i£tb4+
19.'i!tdl1'!xf6 20.i*hS+ liJgS 21.i*xgS+
'i!te7 22.~g7+ (it's too dangerous to
abc d e f g h capture the rook because of 22 ... i*b2)
22 ... 1'!f7 23.Ag5+ ~eS 24.i*gS+ 1'!fS
White has the most common pair of 25.i£tg6+ 1'!f7=. 13 .•• f6 (a) 13 ... f5
additional assets, the secure e5-pawn 14.h5+ 'it'h6 15.c4 (White ought not
and the dark-square bishop. Black's rush the discovery) 15 ... i£ta6 (not
position is notable for the liJe7 and the 15 ... i£tb6 16.1'!bl +-) 16.liJxe6+ f4
~a5, which generates pressure on c3 (16 ... 'i!th7 17.h6 g6 IS.liJxc5 +-)
and opens the d8 escape square for the 17.liJxc5 (showing off the knight's
king. In the 'it'g6 line, White takes ad- reach) 17 ... i*xc41S.liJxd7liJxd419.c3
vantage of the 1'!hl to continue with liJb3 20.liJxfS1'!xfS 21.1'!a21'!f5 22.i*e2
h4-h5. 1l.Jtxh7+ ~xh7 11...'i!thS liJxd2 23.1'!xd2 i£txc3 24.1'!h3 i£tc1 +
12.liJg5 (much better than retreating the 25.1'!dl i*c7 26.'i!tf11'!xe5 27.i£tb2±.
bishop) And now, 12 ... g6 13.~f3 with (b) 13 ... 1'!hSI4.i£tg4 (we have seen, the
theideaof~h3.13 ... liJf514.~xg6'i!tg7 queen move to g4 is often stronger af-
15.~xf5 1-0 Haddad-Moosavi, Iran ter h4. Efforts to dislodge the queen
1997. Or 12 ... liJgS 13.~xgS 'i!txgS now meet with h5+) 14 ... liJf5 (14 .. .f5
14.~h51'!feS 15.i£th7+ 'it'f8 (it appears 15.h5+ ~h616.liJxe6+ +- and 14 .. .f6

Sacking the Citadel

15.h5+ 'it'h6 16Ajxe6+ +-) 15.h5+

'it'h6 (15 ... fixh5 16.~xh5#) 16.4Je4+ 8
(aiming at f6 once the king retreats to 7 11!""'~~,.'l'&"
g8) 16 ... ~h7 17.h6 ~gS (17 ... g6 6
lS.4Jf6#) lS.4Jf6+ 'it'f8 19.hxg7+ +-. 5
14.h5+ White can also play 14.c4 4Jb4
15.h5+ ~h6 (15 ... 'it'f5 16.~f3#)
16.4Je4+ 'it'h7 (16 ... g5 17.hxg6+ 'it'g7
[17 ... 'it'xg618.~g4++-] 18.~h5 fihS
19 ..~.h6+ 'it'gS 20.4Jxf6#) 17.4Jxc5 ~cS
lS.h6+-. 14••• ~h615.~xe6+ ~h7 abc d e f g h
16.c4 ~a617.~xc5 ~xc418.~xd7
E!fd8 More aggressive play with elude the 4Jd2, which can enter the po-
lS".4Jxd4 is easily repulsed by 19.c3 sition only via f3, and the h-pawn and
4Jb3 20.~b1 + 'it'hS 21.h6+-. 19.h6 fih1 which enters the fray only after a
~xd4 20.hxg7+ ~xg7 Not 20".'it'gS capture on g5. In the dangerous ~g6
21.~h5+-. 21.exf6+ White can end line, the key to the white attack is the
the game more quickly with a rook sac- immediate advance of the f-pawn, which
rifice: 21.fih7+ 'it'xh7 22.~h5+ ~g7 requires Black to return the 4Je5 or face
23.~h6+ +-. 21 ... ~f7 22.c3 Easier is ~d3 and a pretty checkmate. Even with
22.fih7+ ~e6 with a nice knight sac to the return of the piece, the position
remove the queen from the defense. morphs into a very attractive key hunt.
23.4Jc5+ ~xc5 24.fxe7 figS 25.~e2+ 13..1lxh7+ ~xh714.~g5+ ~g6 In
4Je5 26.fih6+ +- . 22 ••• ~e4+ 23. ~f1 the ~gSline, Black can survive by sac-
~g6 On 23,. .fihS, 24.~h6 +- . rificing the 4Je5 for White's g6-pawn.
24.E!h7+ ~e8 25.f7+ ~xd7 25".'it'e7 14".~gS 15.~h5 ~xg5 16.hxg5 f6
allows mate in two: 26.fS~+ ~e6 17.g6 4Jxg6 lS.~xg6 ~eS 19.~f5 ±.
27.~f6#. 26.f8~+ ~c8 27.~f7 Without a dark-square bishop or a
~ge7 28. ~e2 ~c2 29. ~ee6+ 1-0 knight that can reach f4, White must
try a kingside pawn storm in the ~h6
(209) Kopec - Desforges line. 14".'it'h615.f4 4Jd716.4Jdf3 fihS
Quebec 1993 17.g4 fiaeS lS.fidg1 4Jc5 19.4Jxt7+
Torre Attack [D03] ~xt7 (giving up the knight to enable
the rolling of the pawns) 20.g5+ ~h7
l.d4 ~f6 2.~f3 e6 3.Jl.g5 d5 4.e3 21.g6+ ~xg6 (for the queen, Black
-'1,e7 5.~bd2 0-0 6 ..1ld3 b6 7.~e2 gains a rook and two pieces) 22.fixg6
-'1,b7 8 ..1lxf6 -'1,xf6 9.0--0--0 ~c6 'it'xg6 23.4Je5+ ~xe5 24.fig1 + ~t7
10.c3 ~e711.h4e512.dxe5 ~xe5 (D) 25.fxe5 'it'gS 26.b4 4Je6 27.~g4
fih6 +. 15.f4 E!h8 Saving the knight.
Black's development seems well 15.,,4Jd7 opens the unopposed bl-h7
equipped to defeat the sacrifice here. diagonal for the queen. 16.~d3+ ~h6
Black has control over e5 and the cen- (16 ... ~h5 17.g4+ 'it'xg4 lS.fidg1 +
ter, but Black cannot reach f6 with a 'it'h5 19.~h7#) 17.~h7#; 15".~xg5
knight or easily control the key b1-h7 16.hxg5 fihS 17 .fxe5 ~xe5 lS.4Jf3
diagonal. White's additional assets in- ~e4 19.fidfl +- and the king is fatally


exposed. 16.fxe5 Axg5 The toughest

defense is 16 ... itxe5 17. 'l>¥d3+ 'it'h6 8
(17 ... f5 IS:4::ldf3 §afS 19.94 'it'h6 7
20.gxf5 ~f6 21.§dgl d4 22.e4 itf4+ 6
23.'it'bl +- with 4::le6 and §g6 to fol- 5
low) 18.~f5 itf6 (IS ... §afS 19.4::ldf3
Jlf6 20.~f4+-) 19.'l>¥f4 itxg5
20.hxg5+ 'it'g6 21.4::lf3 f6 22.gxf6 gxf6
(22 ... ~xf6 23.4::le5++-) 23.§dfl ~d6
24.~g4+ 'it'f7 25.4::lg5+ 'it'e7 26.§xhS
§xhS 27.4::le4+- threatening both the abc d e f g h
queen and 'l>¥g7+. 17.~d3+1 f5 Even
without the 4::lg5, the king retreats are reach the h-file. Still, the quick idea of
quickly punished. 17 ... 'it'h5 18. ~f5 +- §h3-hS more than compensates for the
and 17 ... 'it'h6 IS.hxg5+ 'it'xg5 19.4::lf3+ position of the white queen. Short de-
'it'g4 20.§dfl +-. IS.exf6+ Ii!txf6 fended accurately with the 'it'gSline, but
19.E!.hfl + li!te6 20. ~f5+ Ii!td6 the two major pieces enter the position
21.~c4+ Ii!tc5 21...'it'c6 walks into quickly and with great effect.
22.'l>¥xd5#. 22.b4+ Ii!tb5 Black must 20.Axh7+ Ii!txh7 21.~g5+ Ii!tgS In
tread carefully into this king hunt: the 'it'g6line, §g3 quickly ends the dis-
22 ... 'it'xc4 23.~d3# and 22 ... 'it'c6 cussion. 21...'it'g6 22.§g3 (all of the
23.~xd5#. 23.~a3+ li!ta4 1-0 The king moves are murdered, as is 22 ...itxd2
hunt is over. It's mate in two: 23 ... 'it'a4 23.4::lxe6+ +-. Or 21...'l>¥xg5 when White
24.~c2+ 'it'xa3 25.~b3# or 23 ... 'it'a6 can avoid giving up the exchange with
24.~d3+ b5 25.~xb5# or 23 ... 'it'c6 22.§h3+ 'l>¥h6 23.itxh6+-. 22.E!.h3
24.~xd5#. Threatening §hS+ 22 .•• E!.eS 23. ~f3
~d7 Preventing the obvious mate. Not
(210) Kasparov - Short 23 .. jixd2 24.'l>¥xf7#. 24.~h5 Ii!tfS
London rapid 1993 25.~h7+ li!te7 25 ... 'it'gS welcomes the
Queen's Gambit Accepted [D46] knight sac on f6, 26.4::lf6+ 'it'fS (26 ... gxf6
27. ~hS # ) 27.Jlg5 +- 'it'e7 walking into
1.l~)f3 d5 2.c4 e6 3.d4 ~f6 4.~c3 a lovely double discovered check:
dxc4 5. ~a4+ ~ bd7 6.e4 a6 7.Axc4 2S.4::lxd5+ 'it'fS 29.~hS. 26.Ag5+ f6
c6 S. ~dl Ae7 9.0-0 0-0 10.a4 b6 27.~xf6 1-0 27.4::lxf6 gxf6 and it's
1l.Ad3 Ab712.e5 ~d513.~xd5 mate in three with 2S.itxf6+ 'it'fS
cxd5 14.Ad2 a5 15.E!.cl ~bS 29.'l>¥hS+ 'it'f7 30.'l>¥g7 #.
16.Ab5 ~a617.~b3 E!.cS1S.E!.c3
~c719.Ad3 Ab4 (D) (211) Hoffman - EscandeU Mari
Villa Ballester 1993
Even in a rapid game, the world cham- Queen's Pawn Game [EI4]
pion recognized that the sacrifice would
be fully sound. White has the secure l.d4 ~f6 2.~f3 e6 3.e3 b6 4.Ad3
e5-pawn and the dark-square bishop, Ab7 5.0-0 c5 6.c4 Ae7 7.~c3 cxd4
but the white queen cannot instantly S.exd4 0-0 9.d5 Ab410.~e4 ~ xe4
1l.Axe4 ~a6

Sacking the Citadel

26 ..£Jxf5 Etf7 27.f4 Ete8 28.fxe5

8 §.xe5 29 ..£Jg3+ The quickest path is
7 29 .~h6 'it'xh6 30 ..§ xf6+ +- . 29 ..• ~g6
6 30.Etxf6+ §.xf631.~xe51-0
(212) Fournier - Lorin
Correspondence 1993
Queen's Pawn Game [005]

l.e3 d5 2.d4 .£Jf6 3 ..£J£3 e6 4.j}.d3

abc d e f g h c5 5.c3 .£Jc6 6 . .£Jbd2 j}.d6 7.0-0
cxd4 8.exd4 0-0 9.Etel ~c710.'~e2
White initiates the sacrifice after a §.e8 1l. .£Je5 j}.xe5 12.dxe5 .£Jd7
knight exchange on e4 that removes 13..£Jf3 .£Jc5
Black's ~f6. White does not have an
eS-pawn and indeed, can point only to 8
the dark-square bishop as an additional 7
resource. The 'it'g6 line offers the best
chance, though Black fails to find the
best defense with IS .. .'lil'e7, when White
can pick up an exchange but Black's
position would be tough to crack. 3
12.j}.xh7+ ~xh7 13 ..£Jg5+ ~g6 2

Without control over d6, the usual mate

in five is not available but the 'it'g81ine abcdefgh
nonetheless leads to a knight fork that
nets the black queen. 13 ... 'it'g814.'lil'hS One of Black's defenses against the
.§e8 IS. 'lil'xf7+ 'it'h8 16.'lil'hS+ 'it'g8 sacrifice is the idea of running his king
17.'lil'h7+ 'it'f818.i£1h8+ 'it'e719.'lil'xg7+ to the queenside. As you will see here,
'it'd6 20.~f7++-. 14.~d3+ 14.'lil'g4fS it does not always provide sanctuary.
IS.'lil'g3 transposing 14••• f5 15.~g3 White can point here to three additional
~f6 Black can limit the damage by assets, the eS-pawn, the dark-square
moving the queen out of the reach of bishop, and the active .§el. But Black
the knight. IS ... 'lil'e7 16.~xe6+ 'it'h7 has already vacated the f8 escape
(16 ... ~f717.'lil'xg7+ 'it'e818.i£1g6+ 'lil'f7 square and the 'lil'c7 is already defend-
19.~xf8+-) 17.~xf8+ .§xf8 18.~gS ing f7. In the ~g81ine, Black succeeds
i£1e2 19.a3 ~d2 20.~xd2 'lil'xd2 in running the king to c6, but White, in
21.b4±. 16.a3 Missing a simple maneu- this wonderfully played correspon-
ver with 16.~xe6 dxe6 17.~gS++­ dence game, blasts open the queenside
with a skewer of the king and queen. with c4 and an exchange sac.
16 .•• .Q.c5 17.b4 Once again missing 14.j}.xh7+ ~xh715 ..£Jg5+ ~g8 In
17.~xe6.17 ... j}.d418..£Jf3 +- j}.xal the ~g6 line, White can make progress
19.j}.g5+ ~f7 20.j}.xd8 j}.f6 with 'lil'g4 because the ~c8 is impeding
21.j}.xf6 gxf6 22.~d6 Etad8 support for '§h8. 15 ... ~g6 16.i£1g4 f5
23..£Jd4 ~g6 24.h4e5 25.h5+ ~xh5 (16 ... ~xeS 17 ..§xeS i£1xe5 18.~f3+ +- )


17 .'~g3 'itfe 7 IS. 'itfh3 <£Ixe5 19.§. xe5 An interesting, well-balanced position
<£Ie4 20.'itfh7+ 'it'f6 21.<£If3 (with the in which White's additional assets, the
idea of §.xe4 and .>lg5+) 21...'itfc5 e5-pawn, the dark-square bishop, and
22 ..>le3 'itfa5 23 ..>lf4 +- . 16. ~h5 .£IdS the rooks, both of which can enter the
16 ... b5 (an interesting attempt to cre- game quickly, are somewhat offset by
ate a safe haven for the king on the activity of the <£Id5 and the black
b7)17.'itfh7+ 'it'fS lS.'itfhS+ 'it'e7 queen and the exposure of the white
19.'itfxg7 'it'd7 20.<£Ixf7 (not 20.'itfxf7+ king. Optimistically, Black defends with
§.e7) 20 ... <£Ie7 (and not 20 ... §.e7 the 'it'g6Iine, where White's correspon-
21..>lg5) 21.<£Id6 §.gS 22.'itff7 Aa6 dence play is precise and impressive.
23 ..>lh6 making room for §.adl. 15.Axh7+ ~xh716. .£Ig5+ ~g6 In
23 ... 'it'c6 and White can now demon- the 'it'gS line, Black can play 17 ... <£If6,
strate that even on the queenside, the using the threat of'itfxe5 and a perpetual
attack can continue: 24.b4 <£Id3 25.§.e3 check in the center to bring the knight
§.g6 26.§'xd3 §'xh6 27.c4! bxc4 28.§.a3 to the key defensive square. 16 ... 'it'gS!?
.>lb5 29.§.a5 <£If5 30.'itfxc7+ 'it'xc7 17.'itfh5 <£If6 (17 ... §.feS1S.'itfxf7+ 'it'hS
31.<£Ixf5 exf5 32.§.xb5+-. 17.~h7+ 19.'itfh5+ 'it'gS 20.0-0+-) lS.exf6
~f8 18. ~h8+ ~e7 19. ~xg7 ~d7
'itfe5+ 19.'it'd1 when: (a) 19 ...'itfd5+
20. .£Ih7 ~c6 21 . .£If6 13e7 22.c4
20.'it'e1 'itfe5+=; (b) It's unwise to try
.£Id3 Opening the center with 22 ... dxc4
for more with 19 ... 'itff5?! 20.§.xc3 with
invites 23. 'itfg4 +-. 23.cxd5+ exd5
the idea of§.h3. 20 ...'itfg6 21.'itfxg6 fxg6
24.Ad2 .£Ie6 25. ~g3 .£Iee5 26.b4
22.f7+ when the threat of mate on the
.£Ixel 27.13xe1 Jle6 Not 27 ... <£Ie6,
h-file requires 22 ... §.xf7 23AJxf7 'it'xf7
2S.§.c1 +. 28.bxc5 +- ~d8 29.13c1
24.§.f1+ 'it'gS 25.a5+-; or (c)
~c7 30.Aa5+ 1-0
19 ... 'itfd4+ 20.'it'e1 'itfe5+=. 17.h4
(213) Winckelmann - Von Zitzewitz Threatening rather than playing 'itfg4.
Correspondence 1994 Black is happy to give back an exchange
French Defense [CI5] after 17.'itfd3+ f5 lS.exf6+ 'it'xf6
19.<£Ih7+ 'it'e7 20.<£IxfS §.xfS-+. And
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£Ic3 Ab4 4.a3 no better for White is 17.'itfe4+ f5
Axc3+ 5.bxc3 dxe4 6.f3 c5 7.Jlb5+ lS.exf6+ 'it'xf6 19.<£Ih7+ 'it'f7 20.0-0+
Ad7 8.a4 .£If6 9. ~e2 ~a5 10.13a3 'it'gS -+. 17 ••• f5 Aiming to prevent
cxd411.fxe40--0 12..£If3 dxc313.e5 'itfg4, and the alternatives get crushed:
.£Id514.Jld3.£1a6 (a) 17 ... <£Ic5 lS.'itfg4+-; (b) 17 ... <£Ie7
lS.h5+ 'it'h6 (lS ... 'it'f5 19.0-0#) and
once again, development is superior to
a quick, exchange-winning discovery.
19.0-0 <£If5 20.g4 'itfc5+ 21.'it'g2 'itfc6+
22.'it'h2 with a safe haven from the
checks. 22 ... <£Ih4 (22 ... <£Ie7
23.§.xc3+-) 23.'it'g3+-; and (c) 17 .. .f6
lS.h5+ 'it'h619.'itfd3 (aiming at both g6
and h7) 19 ... f5 20.'itfg3 +- when the
<£Ixe6 discovery now contains the
abcdefgh added threat of'itfxg7 #. 18.h5+ ~h6

Sacking the Citadel

19..£)xe6+ ~h7 20.h6 Settling for the

exchange solves Black's defensive 8
woes. 20.{)xfS+ .E'!xfS 21.h6 g6 22.0-0 7
f4-+. 20 ..•g6 Black survives the cap- 6
ture on e6: 20 ... .ll.xe6 21.hxg7+ ~xg7 5
22 ..E'!h7+ (better than 22.~h5 .E'!hS
23 ..ll.h6+ .E'!xh6 24.~xh6+ 'It'f7
25.~h7+ 'It'fS [25 ... 'lt'eS 26.~hS+ 'It'd7
27.~xaS ~c5 -+] 26.~hS+ ~e7
27.~xaS ~b6 with a devastating attack
2S ..E'!al {)ab4-+) 22 ... 'lt'xh7 23.~h5+ abc d e f g h
'it'g7 24 ..ll.h6+ ~hS 25 ..ll.e3+= with a
perpetual. 21..£)g5+ ~hS 22.e6 ~c7?! More than two additional assets are re-
Black misses 22 ... .E'!aeS= pinning the quired if Black can control the b1-h7
pawn and 23.~e5 .E'!f6 24.{)f7 'It'h7 diagonal. White can count here on the
25.{)g5 is a perpetual. 23.exd7 ~xd7 e5-pawn, the dark-square bishop, and
24.§.xc3 ~xa4 Taking the knight with the .E'!f1 on an open file. Black's light-
24 ... {)xc3 invites 25.~e5+ 'It'gS square bishop can easily reach f5 and
26.h7++-. Or the obvious attempt to the black queen can take d3. Nonethe-
pin the queen with 24 ... .E'!feS 25 ..E'!e3 less, White triumphs in the 'it'gS line
.E'!xe3 (25 ... {)xe3 opens the long diago- with .ll.a3, attacking the .E'!fS, and with
nal for the bishop: 26 ..ll.b2+ 'It'gS an exchange sacrifice on the 1.tf5, acti-
27.h7+ ~xh7 2S ..E'!xh7 {)xg2+ vating the .E'!a1 powerfully on the f-file.
29.'lt'f1 +-) 26 ..ll.b2+ 26 ... 'lt'gS 27.h7+ 16.J1.xh7+ ~xh717..£)g5+ ~gS In
~xh7 2S ..E'!xh7 .E'!xe2+ 29.~xe2 .E'!eS+ the ~g6 line, White can reach the g3-
30. 'it'f2 +- with overwhelming threats square with 18.~el. 17 ... 'lt'g6 18.~e1
on b7 and g7. 25.~e5+ .£)f6 26•.£)e6 (not 18.~c2+ when Black can block the
§.aeS 27.0--0 ~e4 2S.~xe4 .£)xe4 diagonal: IS ... f519.exf6+. The removal
28. ..fxe4 29.{)xfS +- with .ll.g5 to follow. of the e5-pawn permits Black to sup-
29.'£) xfS.£) xc3 30.Aa3 .£)b8 31.§.f3 port 10 ... .ll.f5 20.~f2 {)Sd7=) lS .. .f5
.£)e2+ 32. ~f2 .£)d4 33.§.h3 .£) be6 19.exf6 gxf6 20.{)e4 {)Sd7 21.~g3+
34 . .£)xg6+ ~h7 35 . .£)fS+ §.xfS 'it'f7 22.'liYh4 +-. The bishop will also
36.J1.xfS .£)xc2 37.§.b3 b6 3S.§.b5 enter the fray on a3. 1S.~h5 ~d3
~gS 39.§.xf51-0 19.J1.a3 1--0 Black resigns in view of
19 ... .ll.f5 20 ..E'!xf5 ~xf5 21..E'!f1 +- (the
(214) Ruiz - Perez Perez queen can no longer defend f7)
Guines 1994 21...~g6 22.~xg6 fxg6 23 ..E'!xfS#.
Alekhine's Defense [B03] Even better was 19 . .E'!xf7! .E'!dS
(19 ... .E'!xf7 20.~xf7+ ~hS 21.~fS#)
1.e4 .£)f6 2.e5 .£)d5 3.d4d6 4.c4.£)b6 20 ..E'!f3+- .
5.f4 dxe5 6.fxe5 c5 7.d5 e6 S ..£)c3
exd5 9.cxd5 c4 10 . .£)f3 J1.b4 (215) Krouzel- Dufek
1l.J1.xc4 0-0 12.J1.b3 a5 13.0-0 Correspondence 1994
Axc314.bxc3 a415.Ac2 ~xd5 Semi-Slav Defense [D44]


l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.4)c3 e6 4.4)f3 4)f6 ing both ili'h4 and ili'h7. White, of
5.Ag5 dxc4 6.a4 Ab4 7.e4 .1lxc3+ course, could also play lS.ili'h3 enter-
S.bxc3 ~a5 9.e5 4)e410.Ad2 4)xd2 ing line (a) below. Black has three re-
11. ~xd2 c512.Axc4 4)c613.0--0 0- sponses: (a) lS ... ~xg5 19.~h7 ~xc3
o 14.~e3 4)e715.Ad3 4)d5 20.h4+ ~f4 (20 ... ~g4 21.f3+ ~g3
[21...~f4 22.~e4+ ~g3 23.~g4#]
22.'l*xg7+ ~xh4 [22 ... ~f4 23.'l*g5#]
23.'l*g4#) 21.fiae1 +- bringing both
rooks and the kings ide pawns to bear
against the naked king; (b) lS ... fihS
(White wins the rook outright and can
also continue quickly to mate) 19.4:lxfl+
~h5 20.4:lxhS+-; and (c) Desperate
play that does not meaningfully impede
the attack. lS ... 4:lf6 19.ili'h4+ 4:lh5
abcdefgh 20.g4 g6 21.gxh5 gxh5 22.~hl+-.
lS.~h3 laeS After lS ... fidS White
In most of these positions, the addi- demonstrates the power of a patient
tional assets are conventional and easy buildup: 19.~h5 'l*c7 20.dxc5 b6
to identify. White relies here upon the 21.'l*h7+ ~f8 22.'l*hS+ ~e7 23.ili'xg7
secure e5-pawn, a mobile center with fifS 24.c4. Using even the doubled
c4 and d5, and the rooks' ability to reach pawns to drive off the knight, opening
open files. In the ~gSline, White is able the f6-square for the queen. 4:lc3
to sustain the attack upon the black king 25.~f6+ ~d7 26.4:lh7 +-. 19. ~h7+
when it reaches e7 by pushing the cen- 'ifjlfS 20.~hS+ 'ifjle7 21.~xg7 lafS
tral pawns and, in the line with Rather than defend, Black can go on
21...'l*xc3, blowing up the black center the attack with 21...ili'xc3 22.4:lxf7
with an additional exchange sac. ~xd4 and the queen seems safe from
16..1lxh7+ 'ifjlxh717.4)g5+ 'ifjlgS In the discoveries: 23.fiad1 ili'f4 24.4:ld6+
the ~g6 line, the white queen has im- ~dS 25.4:lxb7+ Axb7 26.ili'xb7 ficS but
mediate access to g3, which threatens a in these lines, all exchange sacrifices are
discovery that can net the unanchored interesting. 27.fixd5+ exd5 2S.'l*xd5+
.§fS. 17 ... ~g6 18.~g3 (lS.'l*d3+ f5 ~e7 (not 2S ... ~c7 when it's mate in
[lS ... ~xg5 19.'l*h7+-] 19.'l*g3 ili'xc3 four: 29.~xc5+ ~b7 [29 ... ~d7
20.4:lxe6+ [winning the rook outright] 30.~d6#] 30.fib1+ ~a6 [30 ... ~aS
20 ... 'l*xg3 21.4:lxfS+ ~f7 22.hxg3 31.'l*d5+ fic6 32.ili'xc6#] 31.~b5 #)
~xfS=) lS ... 'l*xc3 19.4:lxe6+ ili'xg3 29.ili'd6+ ~fl 30.e6+ +- picking off the
20.4:lxf8+ (without ... f5, the king can- queen! 22.c4 4)c3 23.d5 exd5
not retreat to f7 to attack the 4:lfS) 24.lafel Ag4 25.M6+ 'ifjle8 26.4)h7
20 ... ~g5 (20 ... ~h6 2l.fxg3+-) 2l.fxg3 4)dl 27.laf11-0
Af5 22.g4 ~xg4 (22 ... ~xg4 23.fixfl)
23.fia3 +-. It is dangerous, of course, (216) Granados Gomez - Sole
to step into a discovery or here, a dis- Fabregat
covered double check, but White has Spain 1994
better with 17 ... ~h6 IS. ~e4 threaten- Torre Attack [D03]

Sacking the Citadel

1.d4 4)f6 2 ..1lg5 e6 3.4)f3 J1.e7 swing a rook to g3 or h3. 24 ..§.f1 .§.e7
4.4)bd2 d5 5.e3 c5 6.c3 4)bd7 25.~h6+-. 24.'it!/g6+ ~h8 25.E!fl d4
7 ..1ld3 b6 8.0-0 .1lb7 9.4)e5 4)xe5 26.e41-O
10.dxe5 4)d711 ..1lxe7 'it!/xe712.f4
c413..1lc2 b514.4)f3 0-0 (217) Gonzalez Freixas - Fayne
Correspondence 1994
8 Sicilian Defense [B22]
6 1.e4 c5 2.c3 4)f6 3.e5 4)d5 4.4)f3 e6
5.d4 cxd4 6 ..1lc4 4)c7 7.cxd4 d5
8 ..1ld3 .1le7 9.4)c3 4)c610..1le3 0-()
1l.E!c1.1ld712.h4 f513.exf6 .1lxf6
abc d e f g h
The sacrifice works quite easily here
thanks to the secure e5-pawn and the
.§.f1 swing to g3 and h3. In the absence 3
of a white dark-square bishop, Black 2

selected the 'it'h6 line, when the rook

swing to h3-h7 forces Black to sac with abc d e f g h
~xg5, when White wins most efficiently
by declining the queen sac. 15.J1.xh7+ Having exchanged the e5 pawn on f6
~xh716.4)g5+ ~h6 In the 'it'g8line, in order to open the diagonal for the
there's simply no response to ~h5 be- i.td3,White has two additional assets
cause the black ~e7 blocks the king's in the position, the dark-square bishop
escape route. 16 ... 'it'g8 17. ~h5 +-. In and the h4-pawn. In the 'iftg8 line, the
the 'iftg6 line, the .§.f1 reaches g3 with advance of the h-pawn to g6 forces Black
effect.16 ... 'it'g6 17 ..§.f3 f6 18.~c2+ f5 to cede the knight, and White has time
19 ..§.g3 <£1c5 (White nets the queen af- to activate both rooks on the h-file.
ter 19 ... 'it>h6 20.~f2! .§.h8 21.<£1f7!) 14..1lxh7+ ~xh715.4)g5+ ~g8 In
20.<£1xe6+ 'it'f7 and White crashes the 'it'g6 line, the pawn advances to h5
through with 21.~xf5+ 'it'g8 (21...'it'e8 immediately, forcing the king to h6 and
22.<£1xf8+-) 22.<£1xg7 .§.xf5 enabling ~d3 with the threat of both
23.<£1xf5+ +-. 17.E!f3 g6 18.E!h3+ ~g6# and ~h7#: 15 ... 'it'g6 16.h5+
~g719.E!h7+ ~g8 20.'it!/g4 'it!/xg5 'it'h6 (not 16... 'iftf5 17.g4 # or 17.~f3 #)
21.'it!/h3! More accurate than 21.~xg5 17.~d3 i.txg5 (17 ... ~e8 18.~h7#)
'it'xh7 22 . .§.f1 .§.ae8 23 . .§.f3 .§.h8 18. ~g6 #. The immediate exchange on
24 ..§.h3+ 'it'g7 25.'§'xh8 '§'xh8 26.~e7 g5 gives Black the opportunity to sac-
Ac8= when Black is holding the fort. rifice a knight for the g6-pawn, but
21. •• 'it!/h5 22.E!xh5 gxh5 White's attack crashes through thanks
23. 'it!/ xh5 +- f6 After the rook retreat to the activity of the .§.cl. 15 ... Axg5
23 ... .§.fe8 White has plenty of time to 16.hxg5+ 'it'g8 (unwise is 16 ... 'iftg6


17.iifh5+ ~f5 18.g4#) 17.iifh5 4Je7

18.g6 4Jxg6 19.iifxg6 iiff6 20.iifh7+ 8
~f7 21.4Je4 dxe4 22 ..§.xc7 ~e7 7
23. iifh5 +-. In the ~h6 line, White 6
plays iifd3 first and then h5, bringing 5
the .§.h1 into the game. 15 ... ~h6
16.iifd3 g6 17.h5 4Je7 18.hxg6+ ~g7
19.'§'h7+ ~g8 20.4Jf7+-. 16.~h5
j},xg5 Capturing on g5 is unpalatable,
but the alternative retreat with 16 ... .§.e8
meets 17.4Je2! e5 18.~f7+ ~h8 abc d e f g h
19.dxe5 when (a) 19 ... 4Jxe5 permits an
attractive mate in four: 20.~h5+ ~g8 White has no practical choice other
21.iifh7+ ~f8 22.~h8+ ~e7 23.~c5 #; than the sacrifice because Black other-
(b) 19 ... .§.xe5 with a similar mate: wise will capture the white d-pawn.
20.iifh5+ ~g8 21.iifh7+ ~f8 22.iifh8+ White can count on the dark-square
~e7 23.~c5#; and (c) 19 ... ~xe5 when bishop and the .§.e3, but the weakness
the .llc5+ comes first: 20.~h5+ ~g8 of the white d-pawn and the activity of
21.iifh7+ ~f8 22 ..llc5+ 4Je7 23.~h8#. the .§.f4 cannot be overlooked. In the
17.hxg5 4Je7 Trying to prevent the ~g8 line, Black's best hope, Black

advance of the pawn with 17 ... .§.f5 meets misses the opportunity to equalize with
18.g4+-. 18.g6 4Jxg619.~xg6 4Je8 18 ... ~xd4. 16.j'txh7+ Cit>xh7
20.Elh7 ~f6 21.~h5 g6 22.~h2 17.4Jg5+ Cit>g8 In the ~g6 and ~h8
Elf7 23.Elh6 Elc8 24.Cit>d2 a6 lines, the .§.e3 swings immediately to
25.Elhl Cit>f8 26.Elh8+ Cit>e7 27. ~g3 h3 threatening ~h5 and a mating net.
~f5 28.j},g5+ 4Jf6 29.Elxc8 j'txc8 17 ... ~g6 18 ..§.h3 '§'xd4 (capturing the
30.~c7+ j'td7 31.~c5+ Cit>d8 knight offers no hope: 18 ... ~xg5
32.Elh8+ j'te8 33.~d6+ Eld7 19.~xf4+ ~xf4 20.~h5+-) 19.iifh5+

34.~b8+ Cit>e7 35.~xe8+ Cit>d6 ~f6 (19 ... ~f5 20 ..§.f3+ ~e5 21.4Jf7+
36. ~f8+ Ele7 Both king retreats meet ~e4 22.~g6#) 20.~e3 ~e7 21.~f7+
an immediate end: 36 ... ~c7 37.~c5# ~d6 (21...~d8 22 ..§.h8++-) 22.~f8+
and 36 ... ~c6 37.~c5 #. 37.Axf61-O ~c7 (22 ... ~d7 23.~xg7+ ~e7
37... ~f4+ 38.~e2 +- and Black quickly 24.4Jf3+-) 23.iifxg7+ ~b8 (reaching
runs out of checks. the safety of the queens ide, but Black
is completely tied up) 24 ..§.h8 +- ;
(218) Ginsburg - Lindner 17 ... <it>h8 18..§.h3+ <it>g8 19.iifh5 ~f8
Mannheim 1994 20.~xf4 +- picking up the rook with-
French Defense [C06] out letting up on the attack. 18.Elh3 e5
Black survives with 18 ... ~xd4! 19.1txf4
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4Jd2 4Jf6 4.e5 ~xd1+ 20 ..§.xd1 e5 21..§.h4 exf4

4Jfd7 5.j'td3 c5 6.c3 4Jc6 7.4Je2 22.'§'xd5=. 19.Elh8+! Cit>xh8 20.~h5+

~b6 8.4Jf3 f6 9.exf6 4J xf6 10.0-0 Cit>g8 21.j},xf4+- ~xd4 Black can
j},e7 1l.4Jf4 cxd4 12.cxd4 0-0 defend f7 with 21...4Jd8 but White can
13.Elel Ab414.Ele3 4Je415.j'txe4 then use the conventional attack on h7
§xf4 to expose the black king in the center,

Sacking the Citadel

22.~h7+ 'it'fS 23.~h8+ 'it'e7 24.~xg7+ the ~e7 blocks the king's escape)
'it'e8 (not 24 ... 'it'd 6 25 .Axe5+ +- ) 20.fxg5 Axe2 21.g6 fxg6 22.~e3 ,ilxdl
25.~xe5+ +-. 22.tH7+ <\!jIhS 23.~xc5 <tlxe5 24.f!xdl ±. In the 'it'h6
23"~e8+1-O line, the queen's ability to reach h3 de-
cides quickly. 18 ... 'it'h6 19.~h3+ 'it'g6
(219) Millier-Meizer 20.~h7 #. 19.f5+! A pawn sacrifice that

Gennany 1994 makes room for <tlf4+. Black survives

French Defense [CI4] the alternatives: (a) After 19.~g3 f5
White can win back the exchange
20.<tlxe6+ 'it'f7 21.<tlxfS (there's no way
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.f3 ~f6 4.~e3 e6
to pursue the attack after 21.~xg7+
5.Ag5 Ae7 6.e5 ~fd7 7.Axe7
'it'xe6-+) 21...f!xfS but Black is suffi-
~xe7 S.~d2 0-0 9.f4 e5 10.~f3
ciently active after 22.~f3~; (b) White
~e6 1l.dxe5 ~ xe5 12.0-0-0 a6
gets nothing more than a perpetual af-
13.<\!jIbl b5 14.Ad3 b4 15.~e2 a5 ter 19.~h3 f!h8 20.f5+ making room for
16.~e316.Axh7+ 'it'xh717.<tlg5+ 'it'g8
the knight: 20 ... exf5 21.<tlf4+ 'it'xgS
18.~e3 f6-+ 16••• Aa6 (there'S no mate after the capture ofthe
knight on g5) 22.~g3+ 'it'h6 23.~h3+
8 'it'g5=. 19 .••exf5 (a) 19 ... 'it'xfS invites
7 a rook to enter the fray, 20.f!hfl + 'it'g6
6 (it's an obvious mate in three after
5 20 ... 'it'g4 21.~g3+ 'it'hS 22.<tlf4+ 'it'h6
23.~h4 #) 21.<tlf4+ Bringing up another
piece and inviting the capture on g5:
21...'it'fS (21...'it'xgS and it's mate in
three with 22.~g3+ 'itth6 23.~h3+ 'ittgS
24.~h5#) 22.<tlfxe6+ Axfl 23.~h3+
abc d e f g h 'it'xe5 (23 ... 'it'g6 24.~h7#) 24.'lil'g3+
'it'f6 (24 ... 'it'fS 2S.f!xfl + 'ittg6 26.<tlxf7+
White carefully prepares the sacrifice 'it'h7 27.'lil'xg7#) 2S.f!xf1+ 'ittg6
with 16.~e3, since the immediate sac- 26.<tlxf7+ 'itthS (26 ... 'it'h7 27.'~xg7#)
rifice on move 16 gives Black an extra 27.<tlf4#; (b) 19 ... 'it'hS when it's mate
tempo to defend. The sacrifice relies in three with 20.g4+ 'ittxg4 (20 ... 'it'h4
upon an interesting pair of additional 21.~h3+ 'it'xgS 22.'~hS#) 21.~h3+
assets, the secure e5-pawn and the 'it'xg5 22.f!dgl#; and (c) 19 ... 'it'h6
<tle2-f4 (not <tlg3 since the queen can- 20.f6 +- since capturing the f-pawn with
not reach h5). Black tries the 'it'g6Iine, 20 ... gxf6 invites a mate in four with
when f5 and <tlf4 should have decided 21.<tlxe6+. 20.~f4+! <\!jIh6 Capturing
the game, but White missed a nice mate the knight on g5, 20 ... 'ittxgS, invites
21.<tlxdS winning the queen or pursu-
in three on move 21. 17.Axh7+<\!jIxh7
ing mate with 21.<tle6+ 'it'hS 22.~f3+
IS.~g5+ <\!jIg6 In the 'it'g8 line, Black
'it'g6 (22 ... 'it'h6 23.~h3+ 'it'g6 24.g4
can sacrifice the queen relying upon
fxg4 2S.~xg4+ 'it'h6 26.~xg7+ 'it'hS
Axe2 to achieve a nearly equal material 27.<tlf4+ 'it'h4 28.~g3#) 23.~g3+ 'it'hS
balance with three minors for the queen 24.<tlxg7+ 'it'h6 2sAJxfS+ +-.
and pawn.18 ... 'it'g8 19.~h3 ~xg5 (af- 21.~h3+ 21.~g3 when it's mate in
ter 19 ... f!fd8 20.~h7+ 'it'f8 21.~h8# three: 21...~xgS (21...g6 22.~h4+ 'it'g7


23.'~h7#) 22.'~h3+ ~h5 23.~xh5#. Black has familiar additional assets, the
21 ..• ~xgS!= 22.~hS+ 22.~g3+~h6 secure e4-pawn and the light-square
23.~h3+= with a perpetual. 22 .•• ~xf4 bishop. The 'it'gl line is especially in-
23.Ethe1! With the idea of g3 #. Black teresting because the white king can
survives miraculously after 23.Elxd5 escape via dl. Black misses the oppor-
ElhS 24.~f3+ ~g5 25.~e3+ f4-+. tunity for a well-timed 23 ... c4 prying
23 ..• 4)e4! 24.EtxdS! Avoiding the open the center. 17..•Axh2+ 18.~xh2
tempting 24.~f3+? ~xe5 -+.
4)g4+ 19.~gl In the ~g3 line, ... i;;Yd6+
24•.. Eth8? To survive, Black must find initiates familiar lines and also threat-
24 ... EladS 25.g3+ 4Jxg3 26.hxg3+ ens ... c5 picking off the unanchored
'it'xg3 27 .Elgl + 'it'f4 2S.i;;Yh2+ 'it'e4
Ad2. 19.~g3 ~d6+ 20.f4 (White must
29.~g2+ 'it'f4 30.i;;Yf2+ ~e4 3l.~g2+=.
block the check because 20.'it'h4 i;;Yh2+
2S.g3+ 4)xg3 26.hxg3+ ~xg3
21.~g5 h6# and 20.'it'h3 i;;Yh2#)
27.~xfS White misses the surgical
27.Ele3+! ~f4 2S.i;;Yf3+ 'it'g5 29.i;;Yg2+ 20 ... exf3+ 2l.~xf3 (2l.~h4 walks into
'it'h5 30.Elh3+ +-. 27 .•• Ae2 On mate: 21...i;;Yh2+ 22.~g5 h6#) 21...c5
27 ... ~a7, 2S.Elddl +- or 2S.~g5+. 22.Elfdl EldS 23.Elac1(23.4Je2 b5-+
28.Etgl + ~h4 29. ~f4+ The quickest with the idea of Ab7+) 23 ... b5 24.axb6
mate begins with 29.Eld3+- since the Ab7+ 25.'~e2 i;;Yh2 26.Elfl (26.Elgl
Ad2 must remain to prevent ~g4 # . Axg2 -+ ) 26 ... cxd4 27.exd4 Axg2 -+.
29 ••• ~hS 30.e6+ gS 31.EtdxgS+ In the ~h3 line, Black breaks through
~h6 32.Etg6+ It's mate in two with ei- with the customary ~g4 threatening
ther 32.~h4+ or 32.Elh1+ Ah5 i;;Yh4.19.~h3 i;;Yg5 20.Elhl 4Jxf2+
33.Elhxh5#. 32 ••. ~h7 33.~h6# 1-0 21.'it'h2 ~h6+ 22.'it'gl i;;Yxhl+-+.
19 ••• ~h4 20.Etfel ~xf2+ 21.~hl
(220) Timmins - Stenzel ~h4+ 22. ~gl ~h2+ Black can seize
New York 1995 control over the d-file with 22 ... c5!
Dutch Defense [A41] 23.4Je2 EldS 24.Ad5 ~h2+ 25.~fl
i;;Yhl + 26.4Jgl c4. Winning a piece.
l.d4 4)c6 2.4)f3 d6 3.c3 fS 4.4)bd2 27.i;;Yxc4 4Jf6-+. 23.~f1 ~hl+ Black
4)f6 S. ~c2 eS 6.dxeS dxeS 7.e3 e4 is more easily winning after 23 ... c5
8.4)d4 4)eS 9. ~b3 Ad6 10.4)c4 24.4Je6+ Axe6 25.Axe6 ElhdS with
4)xc411.Axc4 ~e712.AbS+ ~f8 useful control over the d-file: 26.Ad5
13.a4 c6 14.Ac4 g6 Is.Ad2 ~g7 i;;Yh4 27.'it'e2 Elxd5 2S.~xb7+ (not
16.aSa617.0--0 28.~xd5 EldS-+) 2S ... ~hS 29.i;;Yxd5
EldS 30.c4 Elxd5 3l.cxd5 i;;Yf2+ 32.'it'dl
8 i;;Yxg2-+. 24.~e2 ~xg2+ 2S.~dl±
7 EtdS 26. ~c2 Better are 26.i;;Yb4 +- aim-
ing at e7, and 26.i;;Yb6 with the idea of
i;;Yc7. 26 .•• cS 27.Ete2? Missing
27.'liYb6+- hitting the rook as well as
4 the c5-pawn. 27••• ~g3 28. ~b6? White
3 misses a successful infiltration with
2 28.4Je6+ Axe6 29.Axe6 ElabS 30.c4
4Je5 3l.~b6+- and the white pieces
abc d e f g h
come alive. The bishop will reach c3,
the queen has access to useful try

Sacking the Citadel

squares, and ~b1-d1 is playable ifBlack the queen on f7. 15.t,?tg4 There's no
moves the 4JeS. 28 ••• t,?td6!29.t,?txd6 defense after IS.~d3+! (a) IS ... mS
Etxd6 30.~b3 ~e5 0-1 16.g4+- exploits the pin on the
unanchored rook; (b) IS ... e4 16.~h3
(221) Sutter-Mulcahey Black cannot prevent the entry on h7.
Correspondence 1995 16... ~xe617.~h7+ ~f6 and it's mate in
French Defense [C06] four: 18.~hS g6 (IS ... 'ot'fS 19.94+ ~f6
20.~f7#) 19.~hS+ 'ot'fS 20.g4+ ~xg4
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5 21.~h3#; and (c) And again the king
~fd7 5.j}.d3 c5 6.c3 ~c6 7.~e2
cannot escape the check from the ~d3.
j}.e7 8.~f3 0-0 9.0-0 t,?tb6 10.b3 f6
IS ...'ot'hSI6.~h3+~g617.~h7#. Also
11.~f4 f xe5 12.~ xe6 Etf6
winning is IS.h4 ~xe6 16.hS+ ~h6
(16 ... 'ot'f617.~f3#; 16 ... ~fSI7.~f3#)
17.4Jxe6+ 'ot'h7 18.~g4 ltf619.~g6+
7 'ot'gS 20.~eS+ ~h7 21.g4+-.
6 15 ... ~f8 16.h4! ~ xe6 Black can
5 avoid mate only by tossing away the
4 rook: 16... ~fS 17.4Jh7+ ~f7 (17 ... ~xh7
3 18.~xg7#) 18.~xfS++-.17.h5+ 1-0
2 Forcing the black king into a crushing
discovery: 17 ... ~h6 IS.4Jxe6+ ~f4
abc d e f g h

White no longer has his eS-pawn in this (222) Steingrimsson - Johannesson

French, but the king's knight has re- Gausdal1995
markably reached e6,joining the dark- French Defense [C06]
square bishop as the additional assets.
Black can point to the active ~f6, at- l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.e5
~fd7 5.c3 c5 6.Ad3 ~c6 7.~e2
tacking the unanchored knight, and sig-
nificant pressure upon the center, es- cxd4 8.cxd4 t,?tb6 9.~f3 f6l0.exf6
~xf6ll.0-0 Ad612.a3 0-0 13.M
pecially the white d-pawn. In the 'ot'g6
line, the 4Je6 shields the white queen e5 14.t,?tb3 ~h8 15.dxe5 ~xe5
on g4 giving White time to play h4-hS.
Once White drives the king to h6, the
discovery exposes a mating attack on
g7. 13.Axh7+ ~xh714.~fg5+ ~g6
In the 'ot'gS line, the 4Je6 becomes a
marauder, capturing on f8 and deliver-
ing a fork, without Black being able to
capture it. 14 ... 'ot'gS lS.~hS 4JfS (the
rook is no help: IS ... ~h616.~f7+ 'ot'hS
17.~xg7#) 16.4JxfS+- ltfS (captures
on f8 meet mate) 17.4Jd7 +- Eliminat-
ing the ~f6 and providing the entry for


Black's French Defense has succeeded.

Following the e5-pawn break, Black's 8
light-square bishop has jumped to life. 7
Black's additional assets include that 6
bishop as well as the Elf8 on an open 5
file. In the ~gl line, Black must return
the material with Axg7+ because move-
ments ofthe Elfl to create an escape for
the white king run into a timely Elxf2+.
17...Jlxh2+ 18.<ifj>xh2 ~g4+ 19.<ifj>g1
In the <;t>g3 line, Black can exploit the abc d e f g h
active placement of the ~b6 and the
Elf8 with 18 ... <£\xf2! 19.~g3 <£\xf2! White's e5-pawn sets the sacrifice in
20.Axg7+ ~xg7 21.~b2+ Elf6 22.~d2 motion by driving off the <£\f6. In addi-
~d6+ -+ and Black has a winning sim- tion to the e5-pawn, White can count
plification after 23.<£\f4 Elxf4.19••• ~h6 on the dark-square bishop. Black selects
20.Jlxg7+ 20.Elfc1 walks into a simple the ~g6 line, where White must select
mate in five: 20 ... ~h2+ 21.~fl ~hl+ between ~c2, avoiding the tempo-win-
22.<£\gl Elxf2+ 23.~el ~xgl + 24.Afl ning ... <£\e5, and ~d3, which provides
~xfl #. 20 ... <ifj>xg7 21. ~e3+ Reaching access to g3. 12.Jlxh7+ <ifj>xh7
the key diagonal. 21 ... <ifj>gS Better to 13.~gS+ <ifj>g6 In the ~g8 line, Black
stop the checks with 21 ... Elf6 22.~c7+ loses quickly because it isn't possible
<;t>h8+ when the Ela8 will more quickly to sacrifice with <£\f6 to bring the Ac8-
reach g8. 22.~e7 <ifj>hS 23.~d4 f5 because the f6 pawn is attacking the
23.~g3~ 23 .•• !U4 24.~f3 JlfS ~e7. 13 ... ~g8 14.~h5 Eld8 (14 ... <£\f6
2S.JlxfS ElxfS 26.Elfe1 White holds 15.exf6+- M516.fxe7) 15.~h7+ 'itlf8
after 26.~c3+ <;t>g8 27.~d4=. 16.~h8#. 14.~d3+ 14.~c2+ is more
26... ElhS! -+ 27.<ifj>f1 Elh1+ 2S.~g1 accurate, avoiding Black's tempo gain-
~a6+ 29.Ele2 ~h2+ 29 ... Ele8 when ing <£\xe5. 14 ... f5 15.exf6+ ~xf6
White cannot defend with 30.Elael 16.Ad2 g6 (16 ... <£\e5 17.f4 <£\ec6
4::lh2+. 30.<ifj>e1 Elxg1+ 31.<ifj>d2~h6+ 18.Elae1+-) 17.Elael <£\e5 (17 ... ~g7
32.f4 Elxa1 33.Ele7 Ela2+ 34.<ifj>e1 18.Ele6#) 18.f4+-. On 14.~g4? Black
~e6+0-1 gains a critical tempo with 14 ... <£\xe5.
14...fS 1S.exf6+ <ifj>xf6 Not 15 ... ~h5
(223) Smejkal- Hucula 16.~h7#.16.Jlf4?!Themostaccurate
Correspondence 1995 path is 16.Ad2 <£\e5 17.~g3 <£\xc4
English Opening [A22] 18.Elfel taking control over the open
file, 18 ... ~d719.Ele4, and now prepar-
1.e4 ~f6 2.~e3 eS 3.e4 AeS 4.~f3 ing Elf4 and Elael. 19 ... ~d5 (not
~g4 S.d4 exd4 6.~a4 d6 7.h3 ~f6 19 ... <£\xd2 20.Elf4+ <;t>e5 21.<£)f7+ ~d5
S.eS ~e7 9.~ xeS dxeS10.Jld3 0-0 22.~g5+ ~c6 23.<£\e5+forking the
11.0-0~fd7 queen) 20.<£\h7+ ~f7 (20 ... 'itlf5
21.~g4#) 21.~f3+ To win the Elf8 out-
right. 21...~f5 (21...Af5 22.Ele7+ +- )
22.Elf4+-. 16•.. ~eS Black needed to

Sacking the Citadel

take command over the open file with the 1"Iel, and the dark-square bishop.
16... 1"IeS=.17.~h7+ White wins more In the <it'gSline, Black can reach the b 1-
easily with 17.itlg3 1"IeS 18.1"Ifel +-. h7 diagonal but only at the cost of
17 .•• <it>f7 Too easy is 17 ... <it'e6 1"Ixd7, when White threatens 1"Ixg7.
IS.Axe5 <it'xe5 19 .l"lfe 1 + +- . 18:~'g3 25 ..a.xh7+ <it>xh7 26.~g5+ <it>g8 In
E{e819.E{ae1 ~bc6 20.Axe5 ~xe5 the ~g6 line, White succeeds with the
21.f4+- ~f3+ 22.~xf3 ~xe1 conventional ~g4 with the discovery
23.E{xe1 E{xe1+ 24.<it>f2 E{e3 and double attack on g7. 26 ... ~g6
25.~d5+ .a.e6 26.~xb7 E{e8 27.~g4 e5 28.4Je6+ (walking into the
27.~xc7+ <it>g6 28.~g5 Ag8 usual self-pin) 2S ... ~f7 29.~xg7+
29.~c6+ <it>h5 30.~f3 E{e2+ 31.<i!}f1 <it'xe6 The retreat is usually impossible,
g6 32.~xc5+ <it>h6 33.~xd4 E{2e4 but the 1"IfS here has an anchor
34.~h8+ Ah7 35.~f6 E{xc4 (29 ... <it'eS 30.~g6+ 1"1f7 [not 30 ... ~e7
36.~g51-0 31.Ag5++-] 31.itlgS+ ~e7 [31...AfS
32.4JxfS 1"IxfS 33.1"Ixe5+ ~dS
(224) Pisa Ferrer - Jose Abril 34.Ag5 #] 32.Ag5+ <it'xe6 [32 ... 1"If6
Spain 1995 33.itlg7+ ~eS 34.~xf6+-]
Sicilian Defense [B50] 33. itlg6+ +- ) 30.dxe5 +- Ae7
31.itlg6+ when it's mate in five. 27. ~h5
1.e4 c5 2.~f3 d6 3.c3 ~f6 4.Ac4 ~c2 28.E{xd7 E{xf2 Black's mate
~c6 5.d3 e6 6.0--0 .a.e7 7. ~e2 0--0 threats are easily parried. 2S ... ~f5 29.f3
8.E{d1 a6 9.a4 E{b8 10.Ab3 b5 (White has threats against the Ad6 and
1l.axb5axb512.d4cxd413.cxd4d5 the e6-pawn) 29 ... 1"If6 30.1"Ixd6+-.
14.e5 ~e4 15.~bd2 f5 16.exf6 There's no point in 2S ... ~xd2
~xf6 17..a.c2 .a.d6 18.~b3 ~c7 29.~h7#. 29.E{xg7+! <it>xg7
19.E{e1 ~b4 20..a.b1 ~c4 21.~d1 30.~xe6+ <it>g8 There's a pretty open-
~e4 22.~bd2 ~xd2 23..a.xd2 .a.d7 board mate in two after 30 ... ~f6
24.E{a7~c8 31.Ag5+ <it'f5 32.g4#. 31.~g5+ <it>f7
32.~g7+ <it>e8 33.~c7+ 1--0 Black re-
8 signs rather than face 33 ... ~dS
7 34.1"IeS#.
(225) Pearce - Goosey
Correspondence 1995
Ruy Lopez [C8t]
1.e4 e5 2.~f3 ~c6 3.Ab5 a6 4 ..a.a4
~f6 5.0--0 ~ xe4 6.d4 b5 7.Ab3 d5
abc d e f g h 8.dxe5 .a.e6 9. ~e2 .a.e710.E{d1 0--0
1l.c4 bxc4 12.Axc4 .a.c5 13..a.e3
Unusual combinations of additional Axe314.~xe3 ~b815 ..a.b3 4Ja5
assets naturally tend to occur when the 16.4Jbd2 ~a7 17.4Jd4 4Jxd2
sacrifice is undertaken in the 18.~xd2 ~b619.Ac2 <:5 20.4Jf3
middlegame rather than the late open- 4Jc4 21.~e2 ~xb2 22.E{ab1 ~c3
ing. Here, White can count on the 1"Ia7, 23.E{b3~a5


(226) Forgacs, - Frank

Hungary 1995
Sicilian Defense [B43]

l.e4 e5 2./ilf3 e6 3.d4 exd4 4./il xd4

a6 5./ile3 b5 6 ..Q.d3 .Q.b7 7.0-0 d6
S.Cit'hl/ilf6 9. 'l!'/e2 Ae710.Ag5 0-0
1l.f4 'l!'/b612./ilf3/ile613.e5/ild7

abcdefgh 8
Coming out of a Ruy Lopez, it's the Ruy
bishop that initiates the sacrifice. Black
grabs the b-pawn, permitting White to
gain time on the queen with E!b1-b3
prior to sacrificing. The result is that 3

White has two obvious additional as- 2

sets, the e5-pawn and the E!b3. In the
~gS line, the white queen and knight abc d e f g h
infiltrate effectively, with help in some
lines from the E!b3 swinging to the In this Sicilian, White has driven off the
kingside. 24.Axh7+ Cit'xh7 25./ilg5+ 4Jf6 with e5. White therefore has the
Cit'gS In the ~g6 and ~h6 lines, White e5-pawn as an additional asset, but the
wins quickly because the queen and second asset is unclear given the
E!b3 combine for quick mates. 25 ... ~g6 strength of the ilb7. When the sacri-
26.4Jxe6 fxe6 27.~g4+ ~h7 (not fice occurs, Black has only the E!f8 de-
27 ... ~f7 2S.E!b7+) 2S.E!b7 E!gS fending on f7. In the ~g6 line, as
29.~h5#; 25 ... ~h6 26.4Jxe6 fxe6 played, Black misses the best defense
27.E!h3+ ~g6 (or 27 ... ~g5 28.~h5+ with 17 ... f5. 15.Axh7+ Cit'xh7
~f4 29.E!h4#) 2S.~h5#. 26.'l!'/h5 16./ilg5+ Cit'g6 In the ~gSline, the ~h5
Elfb8 27.'l!'/h7+ Cit'fS 28./ilxe6+ Cit'e7 will be able to capture on f7, with 4Jxe6
On 2S ... fxe6 the rook swings to the and f5 to follow. 16 ... ~gS17.~h5 E!feS
kingside where it works very well with 18.~xf7+ ~hS19.~h5+ ~gS 20.~h7+
the active queen. 29.E!f3+ ~eS ~fS 21.4Jxe6+ ~f7 22.4Jg5+ ~fS
(29 ... ~e7 30.~xg7+ ~dS 31.E!fS#) 23.f5 +-. In the ~h6 line, White has
30.~xg7 +-. 29.'l!'/xg7 Elxb3 30.'l!'/f6+ ~g4-h4, forcing Black to play E!hS,
Cit'd7 31.'l!'/xf7+ Cit'e632.axb3/ilxe5 again relinquishing control of f7.
33.'l!'If6 'l!'/e3 34./ild4+ Cit'b7 35.'l!'/e7+ 16... ~h6 17.~g4 E!hS lS.4Jxf7+ ~h7
Cit'eS On 35 ... ~b6 36.~d6+ is crush- 19.4Jg5+ ~g6 (19 ... ~gS 20.~xe6+
ing. 36./ile6 'l!'/a5 37./il xe5 'l!'/e7 ~fS 21.~f7 #) 20.~xe6+ +- .17.'l!'/g4!
3S. 'l!'/eS+ 'l!'/dS 39. 'l!'/e6+ Cit'bS 17.~d3+? 4Jf5-+ since the g-pawn is
4O.'l!'/xe5+ 1-0 pinned. 17.•• dxe5? Best is the conven-
tionaI17 .. .f5 18.~g3 dxe5 when White
cannot find an advantage. 19.4Je2

Sacking the Citadel

(19.Ehdl 4:)f6 20.Eid6 exf4 21.Eixf4 agonal and the potential defense of f7
4:)h5 ending White's attack. 22.Eixb6 with the Eia7. In the 'itJg6Iine, 20.~e4+
4:)xg3+ 23.hxg3 ~c6:j:) 19 ... ~c6 is somewhat more efficient for remov-
20.Eiadl ~xg2+ relieving the pressure. ing even the possibility of .. .f6 as a de-
21. ~xg2 ~xg2+ 22.';t>xg2 4:)d5:j:. fense. Note the nice mating attack after
18. .£)xe6+ +- ~f619.fxe5+ ~xe5 20.~e4+ ~xg5. 18..11.xh7+ ~xh7
20.Etael+ ~d6 21.tU4+ ~c6 19..£)g5+ ~g6 In the 'itJg8 line, with
22..£)d4+ Fastest is 22.Eidl!. 22 ••• ~c5 the ~e7 clocking any possible escape,
23.b4+ ~xb4 24 . .£)dxb5+ .11.e4 Black must return the piece, but White's
25.~xe4+ ~c5 26.~d4+ ~c6 quick entry with f7 and the subsequent
27. ~d6+ Missing 27.Eie6+ to open the activity to the Eiel-e6 decides
f-file. 27 ... fxe6 28.~d6+ ~b7 easily.19 ... <;!tg8 20.~h5 4:)5f6 21.~xf7+
~h8 22.exf6 4:)xf6 23.Eixe6 Eixe6
29.~xd7+ ~b8 30.Eixf8+with mate next
move. 27 •.. ~b7 28.~xd7+ ~b8 24.4:)xe64:)h7 25.4:)f4 ~e4 26.~h5 Eid7
27.Eiel +-. In the ~h6 line, ~g4-h4
decides quickly because the black rooks
cannot reach h8.19 .. :;t>h6 20. ~g4 4:)7f6
(227) Flaga - Karklins
21.exf6 4:)xf6 22.~h4+ <;!tg6 23.Eie5 +- .
Chicago 1995
20.~e4+1 20.~e4 is fastest, but the
Queen's Gambit Accepted [D28]
other tries also win. 20.~g4 f6 (20 .. .f5
21.~h4+- and there's no way to pre-
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e3 .£)f6 4 ..11.xc4
vent ~h7.) 21.4:)xe6+ ~h7 22.4:)e4+-
a6 5 . .£)f3 c5 6.0-0 e6 7.~e2 b5 And 20.h4 f5 21.exf6 gxf6 22.4:)xe6+-
8 ..11.d3 .£)bd7 9.a4 b410.Etdl Jtb7 with ~d3+ or ~g4+ next. 20•.•f5 Com-
1l. .£)bd2 .11.e712.b3 Eta713 ..11.b2 plex but hopeless is 20 ... <;!txg5
~a814.e4 0--0 15.Ete1 Ete816.Etacl 21.~h7+- cutting off the king's re-
M817.e5.£)d5 treats. 21...4:)5f6 22.f4+! ~xf4 (22 ...<;!tg4
23.~h3+ ~xf4 24.Eic3 bxc3 25.4:)e4
4:)xe4 26.Ei xe4+ Axe4 [26 ... <;!txe4
27. ~f3+ <;!txd4 28.Axc3 #] 27.Ac1 # )
23.exf6 4:)xf6 24.~h4+ <;!tf5 (24 ... 4:)g4
25.Eie5 ~xg2 26.~g3 #) 25.Eie5+ <;!tg6
26.Eig5#. 21.~h4 .£)5f6 22.exf6
.£) xf6 23 . .£)df3 More accurate is
23.4:)c4! with the idea of 4:)e5+.
23 •.. Jtxf3 24•.£)xf3 Jtd6 25.dxc5
Jtc7 26.~g5+ ~f7 No better is
abc d e f g h 26 ... ~h7 27.Axf6 gxf6 28.~xf6+- with
4:)g5 or Eixe6 next. 27 ..£)h4 Slightly
White has firm control over e5, but faster is 27.c6!. 27 ... Jtd8 28.~g6+
Black's knights are poised to retake f6. ~f8 29 . .£)£3 ~d5 30.c6 Etc7
In addition to the e5-pawn, White has 31..£)e5 .£)e4 32.Etedl ~xb3
several additional assets, the active 33..£)d7+ Etxd7 34.Etxd71-O Black
rooks and the dark-square bishop, but can only delay the mate after 34.Eixd7
Black, in addition to the knights, has Eie7 35.Eixd8++-.
well organized control over the long di-


(228) Baburin - Peric 22.{Je4#) 22.~xg7+ ~h5 23.g4+

France 1995 {Jxg4 24.~xf7+ +-; or 22 ... \t>h4
Queen's Gambit Accepted [D26] 23.~h6+ {Jh5 24.Ag3#; 22 ... \t>f5
23.g4+ {Jxg4 24.~xg4#; (c) king re-
1.d4 dS 2.e4 dxe4 3 ..£)f3 eS 4.e3 .£)f6 treats are again quickly mated, 20 ... ~h5
S.Axe4 e6 6 ..~e2 a6 7.dxeS AxeS 21.~h7+ \t>xg5 22.{Je4#; and (d)
8.0--0 .£)bd7 9.e4 'lfJe7 10.eS .£)g4 20 ... ~h6 21.~h7+ ~xg5 22.{Je4# or
1l.Af4 bS 12.Ab3 Ab713 ..£)bd2 22.{Jf3 #. In the \t>h6 line, Black must
0-0 14.h3 .£)gf6 IS . .§ae1 'lfJb8 counter the threat ~g4-h4 by retaking
16.Ae2 .§e817.Ah2 .£)dS the f6-square with a knight, when the
capture on f6 exposes the ~b8 to at-
8 tack. 19 ... \t>h6 20.~g4 {J7f6 21.exf6
7 {Jxf6 22.{Jxf7+ \t>h7 23.~h4+ \t>g8
6 24.Axb8+-. 20.'lfJhS .£)f8 Capturing
the e-pawn provides no relief: 20 ...{Jxe5
21.Axe5 ~xe5 22.~xf7+ \t>h8
23.{Jde4 (holding the {Jg5 and threat-
ening ~xb7) 23 ... .E!c7 24.~h5+ \t>g8
25.~h7+ ~f8 26 ..E!xc5 +-. 21.'lfJxf7+
<it>h8 22.'lfJhS+ Fastest is 22.{Jde4+-
abcdefgh with the idea of 23.{Jf6. 22 .•. <it>g8
23. 'lfJf7+ <it>h8 24 . .£)de4 'lfJa7
The e5-pawn has eliminated a knight on 2S •.§xeS White's continuation is win-
f6, but once again, Black is organized ning, but even more forcing is 25.{Jf6
for a return there. In addition to the e5 {Jxf6 26.exf6 when the threat on g7 re-
pawn, White has the {Jd2-e4, the .E!c1, quires Black to act in desperation with
and the odd-looking dark-square 26 ... Axf2+ 27.~hl Axg2+ 28.\t>xg2
bishop on h2 which, given the place- ~xf7 29.{Jxf7+ \t>h7 30.{Jg5+ \t>g6
ment of the black queen, offers signifi- 31.fxg7 +-. 2S ••• .§xeS 26 . .£)xeS
cant help when the e5-pawn is able to 'lfJxeS 27.'lfJxb7+- 'lfJe8 28.'lfJf7
capture on f6. In the ~g8Iine, the queen .§b8 29.Jtg3 .§b7 30. 'lfJhS+ <it>g8
arrives on h5 with two threats. With the 31 . .§d1 g6 32.'lfJg4 .£)e7 33. .£)e4
f8-square already vacant, Black can 'lfJe2 34. .§d8 <it>g7 3S. 'lfJh4 .£)dS
defend with ... {Jf8, but White's attack 36 . .§xf8 <it>xf8 37.'lfJh8+ <it>e7
succeeds with the additional asset, {Jc3- 38.Jth4+ gS 39.Axgs+ <it>d7
e4-f6. 18.Axh7+ <it>xh7 19. .£)gS+ 40.'lfJd8+ 1-0 It's mate in two with
<it>g8 In the ~g6Iine, the ability of the 40 ... \t>c6 41.~d6#.
lth2 to attack the ~b8 eliminates .. .f5
as a reasonable defense.19 ... ~g6 (229) Kunz - Langreder
20.~d3+ and now (a) 20 .. .f5 21.exf6+ Correspondence 1996
~xf6 (21...~xg5 22.Axb8+-) French Defense [CI5]
22.{Jde4+ ~e7 23.Axb8+- winning
the queen; (b) 20 ... ~xg5 cannot sur- 1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3 . .£)e3 AM 4.a3
vive in the presence of so many addi- Axe3+ S.bxe3 dxe4 6.f3 eS 7.AbS+
tional assets. 21.~h7 {J5f6 (21...{Jxe5 .£)e6 8.'lfJe2 .£)ge7 9.fxe4 exd4

Sacking the Citadel

10•.£lf3 0-0 1l.e5 ~a5 12.0-0 ~xc3 (21...ii¥xe5 22.gxf5+ 'ittf6 [22 ... exf5
13.Ad2 ~xc2 14.Ad3 ~c5 23.§xc6++- ] 23.ii¥h4 'itte7 24.4Jf3++-
15.Elac1 ~xa3 since 24 ... ii¥f6 runs into 25 ...I1g5)
22.§c7 ..I1d723.§xb7+-.19.~e4+0r
19.§xd3+- eliminating the pawn and
threatening a patient attack with §g3.
19 ... ii¥a6 20.4Je4 f5 21.exf6 §xf6
22.§g3+ 'ittf7 23.ii¥h5+ 4Jg6
24.4Jxf6+-. 19 .•• .£lf5 20.Elg3 f6
21 ..£lxe6++- <it>f7 After 21...'itth7 it's
mate in three with 22.ii¥xf5+ 'ittgB
23.§xg7+. 22.~xf5 Axe6 23.~g6+
<it>e7 24.~xg7+ Or 24.§xd3 ii¥b2
abc d e f g h 25 ...I1e3+-. 24 .•• Elf7 24 ... ..11£7 invites
25.exf6+ when the king is too exposed
In this French, Black has invested con- to survive. 25 ... 'ittd7 26.ii¥g4+ 'ittc7
siderable time eliminating the white 27 ...\lf4+ 'ittb6 28.§b1 + 'itta6 29.ii¥d7 +-
queenside pawns and indeed, at the time and there's no safe way to defend b7.
of the sacrifice, White is already four 25.exf6+ <it>d7 26.~g6 ~fS
pawns down. For compensation, White 27.Elxd3+ <it>cS Black needs safety on
has important additional assets in the the queenside, not 27 ... 'itteB 28.§e3+-.
e5-pawn, the dark-square bishop, and 2S.~e4 Elxf6 29.Elxc6+! bxc6
the rooks, both on useful open files. In 30.~xc6+ <it>bS 31.~b5+ <it>cS
the 'ittg6 line, the §f1-f3 swing enters 31... 'ittc7 involves the dark-square
the attack with tempo. 16.Axh7+ bishop in the attack 32 ...I1a5+ 'ittcB
<it>xh717..£lg5+ <it>g6 In the 'ittgBline, 33.ii¥c6+ 'ittbB 34.~c7#. 32.Elc3+
White plays the lovely 1B.§c3 prevent- <it>dS 33.Ag5 +- ElcS 34. ~e5 El xc3
ing the black queen from reaching the 35.Axf6+ <it>d7 36.~xc3 ~d6
b1-h7 diagonal. 17 ... 'ittgB1B.§c3 (not 37.~d4 ~xd4+ 3S.Axd4 a5 39.h3
18.ii¥h5? ii¥d3-+ reaching the key di- <it>d6 4O.<it>f2 a4 41.Ab2 <it>c5 42.g4
agonal) lB ... ii¥xc3 (not 1B ... dxc3 <it>d6 43. <it>g3 <it>e7 44.h4 <it>f7 45.h5
19.ii¥h5 §dB and now the black queen <it>gS 46.g5 <it>h7 47.g6+ <it>h6
cannot reach d3. 20.ii¥xf7+ 'itthB 48. <it>h41-0
21.ii¥h5+ 'ittgB 22.ii¥h7#) 19 ...I1xc3 f6
20.exf6 §xf6 (20 ... gxf6 21.ii¥h5 fxg5 (230) Korneev - Piskov
22.ii¥xg5+ 'itth7 23.§xfB+-) 21.ii¥h5 Linares 1996
§xf1+ 22.'ittxfl ..I1d7 23.ii¥f7+ 'itthB French Defense [C06]
24 ...I1b4 4Jxb4 25.ii¥xe7 ..I1b5+ 26.'ittg1
4Jd5 27.ii¥xb7 +-. lS.Elf3 d3 The at- l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 ..£ld2 .£lf6 4.e5
tempt to exchange queens with 18. .. ii¥a6 .£lfd7 5.Ad3 c5 6.c3 .£lc6 7 ..£le2
runs into 19.ii¥e4+ 4Jf5 (19 .. .f5 when cxd4 S.cxd4 f6 9.exf6 .£lxf610.0--0
the black king is hopelessly exposed Ad6 1l . .£lf3 ~c7 12.Ag5 0-0
after 20.exf6+ 4Jf5 21.fxg7 'ittxg7 13.Elcl Ad714..£lg3 ~b615.Axf6
22. ii¥g4 §f6 23.4Jxe6+ 'ittf7 Elxf6
24.§xf5+-) 20.g4 ii¥b5 21.§g3 4Jxe5


19.~h7+ ~fS 20.~hS+ 'it'e7 21.'lii"xaS!

§fS (21...~xb2 22.§bl ~d2 23.4:)f3
§xf3 24.gxf3 b6 25.~g2±) 22.~xb7
§bS 23.'lii"a6 §b6 24.~e2 Jlxg3
(24 ... 'lii"f6 25.4:)f3 §xb2 26.§c2 §xc2
27.'lii"xc2 e5 2S.~h7 e4 29.4:)h4+-)
25.hxg3 ~f6 26.~e3 §xb2 27.4:)xe6
§xa2 2S.4:)f4+ 1-0 Ledger-Hawes, St
Helier 2002.

abcdefgh The best defense may be IS ... §f4!?

holding control over the f-file and aug-
A theoretical duel in which both sides menting the pressure upon d4. 19.~h7+
have some claim. White can count here ~fS 20.'lii"hS+ 'it'e7 21.~xg7+ (spum-
upon the 4:)g3 and §c1 as additional ing the rook since §fS would trap the
assets, while Black can point to the §f6, queen) 21...~dS 22.4:)h5 ~xd4
significant pressure upon d4, and the 23.4:)xe6+ Jlxe6 24.'lii"xb7 §bS 25.~xc6
absence of an e5-pawn. All but one of §b6 26.~aS+ §b8 27.~c6=. 19.~h7+
the defenders selected the 'it'gS line, ~f8 20.{\f5! Less compelling was
when White, with careful and ferocious 20.~hS+ ~e7 21.~xg7+ Jlf7 22.4:)xf7
play, prevailed in every game. §xf7 23.4:)f5+ exf5 24.§fel + 'it'd7
16.Axh7+ ~xh717.{\g5+ ~g8 The (missing 24 ... Ae5! returning a piece to
'it'hS line, rarely mentioned because it block the file and to gain time to acti-
often results in a quick checkmate on vate the §as. 25.~g5+ [25.§xe5+
h7, is playable here owing to the §f6- 4:)xe5 26.~xe5+ ~d7 27.~xd5+
h6. 17 ... 'it'hS 18.'lii"d3! (White cannot ~eS-+] 25 ... ~f8 26.dxe5 'lii"xb2=)
make progress after IS.'lii"h5+ §h6 25.'lii"xf7+ 4:)e7 26.~e6+ ~dS 27.a3 a5
19.4:)f7+ 'it'h7 20.4:)g5+=) IS ... g6 (after 2S.h4 §a6 29.~f7 'lii"b5 30.~f8+ ~d7
18. .. §h619.4:)f7+ ~gS 20.4:)xh6+ gxh6 31.§cSl-O Frolov-Weiss, Schwabisch
the white queen gains an effective en- GmUnd 1994. 20 .•. E!xf5 21.{\xe6+
try square 21.'lii"g6+ ~fS 22.4:)f5 exf5 ~e7 Another game tried 21...~f7
23.'lii"xd6++-) 19.4:)3e4(openingh3 for 22.~xf5+ ~gS with patient maneuver-
the queen) 19 ... ~g7 20.4:)xd6 4:)xd4 ing until White could safely bring up
21.§fel (White can reach an even po- the rooks 23.4:)g5 4:)e7 24.~e6+ ~hS
sition with 21.'lii"e3 'lii"xd6 22.'lii"xd4 e5 (24 ... 'it'fS 25.4:)h7#) 25.'lii"h3+ ~gS
23.'lii"e3 d4=) 21...e5 22.§xe5 §xd6 26.~h7+ 'it'fS 27.4:)e6+ (27.~hS+ 4:)gS
23.§e7+ 'it'gS 24.§cel §fS 25.4:)e6? 2S.4:)e6+ ~f7 29.§fel +-) 27 ... ~f7
(25.§le6 4:)f5+) 25 ... 4:)f5 26.§xd7 2S.§fel with ~xg7 to follow.l-0
§xd7 27.4:)xfS 'it'xfS 2S.g4 4:)e7 0-1 Dearing-Mah, Yerevan 1997. 22.~xf5
Maksimenko-Nosenko,Alushta 1999. In {\xd4 In Rausis-Namyslo, Meisdorf
the 'it'h6 and ~g6Iines, White mates in 1996, Black tried 22 ... Jld7 pinning and
one thanks to the assist from the 4:)g3. soon winning the knight, but after
17 ... ~g6 or 17 ... 'it'h6 IS.~h5 #. 23.§fel Jle5 24.'lii"g5+ ~xe6 White
18.~h5 Ae8 IS ... ~xd4 when now maintains a strong initiative and can
White can safely capture the §hS. now push the unopposed kings ide

Sacking the Citadel

pawns. 2S:i£rg6+ 'lIe7 26:i£rxg7+ 'lidS

27.dxeS+- 4Je7 2S.e6 AeS 29:i£reS 8 Il~,f._'~
ElcS 30.h4 Elc6 31.hS 'ltfc7 32.'ltfgS 7 1~~;NI.I"~.:8

'ltfd6 33.h6 Ag6 34.'ltff6 'lIc7 3S.'ltfg7 6

'lIb6 36.Elxc6+ bxc6 37.h7 Axh7 5
3S:i£rxh7 'ltfb4 39.Eldl 'lIc7 40.'ltfh2+ 4
~cS 41. 'ltfhS+ 'lIc7 42. 'ltfd4 'ltfxd4
43.Elxd4 'lId6 44.Ela4 'lIxe6 4S.Elxa7
d4 1-0. Black also wins the 4Je6 after
22 ... g6 23.'ltfxdS Af7 24.Elfel AeS
2S.dxeS (2S.Elxc6 'ltfxc6 26.'ltfxeS +- ) abc d e f g h
2S ... Axe6 but once again White's extra
pawns provide a long term advantage. Black's very poor queenside develop-
26.'ltfd6+ 'lIf7 27.Elc3 EleS 2S.Elf3+ ment and the inactivity ofElfS suggests
'lIg7 29:i£rd2 EldS 30.'ltfgS 'ltfaS success for the sacrifice, which can
31.'ltff6+ 'lIh7 32.Elfe3 'ltfdS 33.h3 ElgS count on the Elfl, the dark-square
34.'ltfh4+ 'lIg7 3S.'ltfgS ElfS 36.Elg3 MS bishop, and even the active Elbl as ad-
37.e6 EleS 3S.Elge3 Elxe6 39.El xe6 ditional assets. But Black is not with-
Axe6 40.'ltfxdS .llxdS 41.b3 'lIf6 42.f3 out resources, notably the 4Je7 and the
4Jb4 43.Ele2 Ac6 44.'lIf2 4JdS 4S.Eld2 light-square bishop taking aim on the
~eS 46.g3 4Jc3 47.h4 4JdS 4S.Ele2+ key fS-square. In the 'lIg6 line, Black
'lIf6 49.g4 4Jf4 SO.Eld2 AdS S1.'lIe3 misses the best chance with IS .. :~c6,
'lieS S2.Elh2 Af7 S3.'lIf2 'lId4 S4.Elhl an attempt to place the queen eventu-
'lieS SS.Elel+ 'lIf6 S6.'lIg3 4JdS ally on the key b I-h7 diagonal.
S7.Ele2 'lIg7 SS.a3 'lIf6 S9.gS+ ~g7 13.J'txh7+ lit'xh714.Jilg5+ lit'g6 In
60.b4 'lIfS 61.EleS a6 62.f4 4Je7 63.hS the 'lIgSline, Black's only defense with
gxhS 64.fS 4Jc6 6S.ElcS AeS 66.'lIh4 ... .llfS gets ripped by ElxfS.14 ... 'lIgS
4Jd4 67.g6 Ad7 6S.f6 .llg4 69.Elc7 IS.'\li'hS AfS 16.ElxfS+-; 14 ... ~h6
4Jf3+ 70.'lIg3 4JgS 71.Ele7 Ae6 walks into a crushing discovery:
72.'lIh4 4Jf3+ 73.'lIxhS 4Jd4 74.g7+ IS.4Jxf7+ ~g616.4JeS+ 'lIh717.'\li'hS+
~gS 7S.EleS+ 1-0 Libiszewski- 'lIgSlS.ElxfS+ 'lIxfS 19.'\li'f7#. 15.h4!
Housieaux, Val d'!sere 2004. 23.Jilxd4 White cannot make meaningful progress
~xd4 24.lafe1+ 1-0 After 24 ... ~dS after IS.'ltfd3+ fS 16.'\li'g3 f4 17.~xf4
2S.'ltfe6 hits both bishops at the same 4JfS IS.'ltfh3 4Jh6 19.'ltfd3+ ~fS
time. 20.'\li'g3=. 15 ... Jilf5 Black cannot af-
ford to cede control over the f7-square.
(231) Fernandez - De Waard IS ... ElhS 16.Elxf7 Elxh4 17.Elxe7+-;
Correspondence 1996 IS ... 'ltfc6! (activating the queen while
French Defense [CI5] keeping it out of the reach of the dis-
covered check) 16.hS+ ~h617.'ltfd3 fS
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Jilc3 Ab4 4.a3 IS.4Je6+ ~h7 19.4JxfS+ 'lIgS 20.4Jg6
Axc3+ 5.bxc3 dxe4 6.f3 ~d5 7.lab1 4Jxg6 21.hxg6+-. 16.h5+ lit'f6 Black
b6 8.c4 ~b7 9.d5 exf310.Jil xf3 Jile7 dare not walk into 16 ...'lIh617.'ltfg4 f6
11.Ad3 exd5 12.0--00--0 18.ElxfS+- .17.~d4+ Fritz 12 notes that
17.'ltfe2 starts a mate in 15. 17•.. lit'e7


18.'li'/e5+ \tIdS After lS ... .J:te6 the organize the .J:tb2-cl. 20 ... ~h6 21.~g4
knight simply falls, 19 ..!''!.xf5 +-. e5 (21...f6 22.'l£th4+ ~g6 23.4Jxe6+-)
19.{) xf7+ -.§ xf7 20.Jtg5+ .§f6 22 ..§cdl 4Jxc2 23.Ac1 f5 24.4Je6+
20 ... .§e7 21..§xf5 +- strips off the rook's ~h7 25.'l£th5++-. 21.'li'/g4 Too slow is
defender. 21.Jtxf6+ gxf6 22. 'li'/xf6+ 21.h4? 'l£tc6-+. 21 ••• f5 22.'§xe6+!
1-0 Black cannot defend adequately on Much less active is 22.'l£th4 e5 23.4Je6
e7 after 22 ... 4Je7 23.'§bel 4Jbc6 "Ytie7 (Black is able to use the .§fS to
24. ~f8+ ~d7 25 ..§f7 +- . defend d8) 24.4Jf4+ ~f7 (24 ... e xf4
25 ..§xe7) 25.'l£th5+ ~gS 26.4Jg6 'l£tf6
(232) Dimitrov - Yepes Martinez
27 ..J:txe5 .J:tf3 2S ..J:txf6 .J:txh5 29 ..J:txdS
Terrassa 1996
.§xdS 30.4Je7+ .J:txe7 31..§xe7 .§d2':F.
French Defense [C07]
22 ••• .§f6 23.~h4 .§xe6 24.{)xe6
Jte7 24 ... 'l£te7 25.4JxdS+- wins the
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.{)d2 c5 4.exd5
'li'/xd5 5.{)gf3 cxd4 6.Jtc4 'li'/d6 7.0- rook outright. 25.{)f4+ \tIf7 26. 'li'/h5+
o {)f6 S.{) b3 {)c6 9 ..£'1 bxd4 .£'I xd4 \tIgS 27.{)g6 'li'/d6 27 ... .J:td6 2S.c4
10.{)xd4 a611.b3 'li'/c712.Jtb2 Jtd6 (with the idea of c5) 2S ... 4Jxa2 29 ..§dl
13.{)f3 0-014.'li'/e2 b515.Jtd3 {)d5 bxc4 30.bxc4 4Jb4 31.c5 'l£txc5 giving
16.g3 Jtb717..§fe1 .§adS1S..§ac1 up the defense ofthe .§dS 32.'l£thS+ ~f7
{)b4 33. "YtixdS +- . 2S. 'li'/hS+ \tIf7
29.'li'/xg7+ \tieS 30 . .§e1 Jte4
8 31.{)xe7 'li'/xe7 32.~xe7+ \tIxe7
33.f3 33 ..J:ta3 +- picks up the knight.
33 .•. .£'1 xc2 34..§e2 {)d4 35.Jtxd4
.§xd4 36.fxe4 fxe4 37.\tIf2 \tIe6
3S.\tIe3 \tIe5 39..§d2 1-0
3 (233) Wells - Dumitrache
2 Balatonbereny 1997
Semi-Slav Defense [D46]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.{)c3 c6 4.{)f3 {)f6
Black's ... 4Jb4 impels White to under- 5.e3 {)bd7 6.Jtd3 Jtd6 7.0--0 0--0
take the sacrifice, which counts here on S.e4 {)xe4 9.{)xe4 dxe410.Jtxe4
the .§el and the Ab2 as additional as- .§eS 1l..§e1 c5
sets. In the ~g6 line, White succeeds
because .. .f5, Black's only defense af- 8
ter ~g4, permits the immediate entry of 7
the white rook on e6. 19.Jtxh7+ 6
\tIxh7 20.{)g5+ \tIg6 In the ~gSline, 5
White wins very quickly thanks to the 4
assist from the dark-square bishop's
support on g7. 20 ... ~gS 21.~h5 .§feS
22.~h7+ ~fS 23.~xg7+ ~e7
24.~xf7#. In the ~h6 line, the threat
of~g4-h4 gives White the time to re- abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

In this Semi-Slav, Black will be able, in 'lii'xe5 23.'lii'f7+ 'it'h6 24.4::If3+ +-. Aim-
some lines to play ... 4::If6 defending h7, ing to dull the impact of White's dark-
and the f1fB is already off fB. Still, White square bishop with 16 .. .f4 (opening the
has additional assets in the f1e1 and e4-square for the knight) 17.'lii'h5+ 'it'f6
the dark-square bishop. In the 'it'g6Iine, 1B.4::Ie4+ 'it'e7 19.dxc5 ~c7 20.b3 +-.
White finds the remarkable and original 17.~h5 f418.Ete5! ~d719.Axf4
resource, g4 (rather than 14.'lii'g4 f5 Axe5 The attempt to run with 19... 'it'e7
when the queen cannot remain on the meets 20.dxc5 ~c7 21.f1ae1 +-.
g-file) which replaces an e5-pawn in 20.Axe5+ Cit'e7 21.4)f7 More accu-
preventing a subsequent .. .f5 by Black. rate is 21.dxc5 'it'dB 22.4::If7+ 'it'e7
12.Axh7+ Cit'xh713.4)g5+ Cit'g6 In 23.~g5+ 'it'xf7 24.'lii'xg7#. 21 ... ~a4
the 'it'gB line, Black cannot simulta- 22.Ad6+ Cit'd7 Avoiding 22 ... 'it'f6
neously defend the f7 and h7 entry 23.g5+ 'it'f5 24.4::Ie5 +- with 'lii'g4 #.
points, and ... 4::If6 gets overloaded by a 23.~xc5 e5 24.d5 Fastest is 24.'lii'c7+
pretty f1e4 rook swing. 13 ... 'it'gB 'it'e6 25.dxe5 +- with 4::Ig5# to come.
14.'lii'h5 'lii'f6 (White triumphs easily 24 ... 4)e6 25.4) xe5+ Cit'd8 26.Ac7+
after either 14 ... ~xh2+ 15.'it'h1 or 1-0 Starting a pretty mate in three. 26 ...
14 ... 4::If6 15.'lii'xf7+ 'it'hB 16.f1e4+-) 4::Ixc7 27.4::If7+ 'it'd7 28.~d6#.
15.'lii'h7+ 'it'fB 16.4::Ie4 'lii'g6 17.'lii'xg6
fxg6 (17 ... ~xh2+ 1B.'it'xh2 fxg6 (234) Vavrak - Kopera
19.dxc5+-) 1B.4::Ixd6+- with Ag5 on Zilina 1997
the next move. 14.g4! A wonderful Queen's Gambit Declined [D37]
pawn advance anticipating .. .f6 after
~d3+. Also: (a) Less compelling is l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.4)f3 4)f6 4.e3 Ae7
14.h4!? f5 (14 ... f1hB 15.f1xe6+ fxe6 5.Ad3 0--0 6.0--0 4)bd7 7.4)c3 dxc4
16.~d3+ 'it'f617.~f3+ 'it'g6 [17 ... 'it'e7 8.Axc4 b6 9.e4 Ab7 10.Etel Ab4
18.~f7 #] 18.~f7+ 'it'h619.4::Ixe6+ +-) 1l.Ad3 c5 12.e5 4)d5 13.4) xd5
because without an e5-pawn 15.h5+ Axd5
cannot drive the king to h6. 15 ... 'it'f6
16.~e2 'lii'e717.~d3 ~dB1B.d5±; or 8
(b) But not 14.~g4? f5 15.'lii'h4 because 7
Black can challenge the queen with an 6
anchored 15 ... f1hB -+. 14 •.. 4)f8 5
14 ... f1fB 15.'lii'f3 4::Ib616.h4 f5 17.h5+
'it'f61B.gxf5 exf5 19.~g2 +- aiming for
the g6-entry square and, after 4::Ih7 or
4::Ie4, Ag5+ winning the queen.
15.~d3+ f515 ... 'it'f6 gives White the
chance to mate quickly: 16.'lii'f3+ 'it'e7 abc d e f g h
(16 ... 'it'g6 17.'lii'xf7+ 'it'h6 1B.~h5#)
17.~xf7#. 16.~h3 Cit'f6 Alternatives In this Queen's Gambit Declined, White
fare no better: 16 ... fxg4 17.~xg4 'lii'e7 can count on three additional assets,
18.~e4+ 'it'f6 (18. .. 'it'h619.4::If7+ 'it'h5 the secure e5-pawn, the -dark-square
20.4::Ixd6 ~xd6 21.'lii'g2+-) 19.~f3+ bishop, and the f1e1, while Black can
'it'g6 20.h4 e5 21.dxe5 ~xe5 22J'he5 point only to the active Ad5. The f1fB


has not yet created an escape square, 4)e6 11.0-0-0 4)b6 12.Ad3 Ad7
the.ilb4 is attacking the ~e1 which will 13.<ifjlb1 (for 13 ..ilxh7+ see game 191)
not long remain there, and the 4Jd7 can- 13..• 4)a5
not safely return to f6. In the ~g6 line,
h4 followed by the rook swing is most
efficient. Note that the ~g4 try is eas-
ily repulsed. 14.Axh7+ <ifjlxh7
15.4)g5+ <ifjlg6 In the ~gBline, White
has the usual checkmate in five moves.
15 ... ~gB 16.~h5 ~eB 17.~xf7+ 'it'hB
18.~h5+ ~gB 19.~h7+ 'it'fB 20.~hB+
~e7 21.~xg7#. 16.h4! White gains
back only an exchange after 16.~g4 f5
17.~g3 (17.exf6 4Jxf6= 1B.~g3 4Jh5) abc d e f g h
17 ... ~e7 1B.~d1 (lB.~e3 ~xg5 -+)
1B ... c4 19.4Jxe6+ 'it'h7 20.4JxfB+ The sacrifice occurs here in a position
~xf8=; 16.~d3+ f5 17.~g3 transposes that is nearly identical to van der Weil-
to the 16.~g4 line (or White can try Kortchnoi save for the addition of an
17.exf6+ ~xf6 18.~e2 ~c7 19.dxc5 extra move pair, 'it'b1, 4Ja5, which
bxc5 20.4Jh7+ 'it'f7 21.4Jg5+ [21.4JxfB should work in White's favor given the
~xf8+] 21...~f6=).16 •.. Eth8There's additional security for the white king
no help in first securing the queen with and the removal of the ~e3+ resource.
16... ~e7 17.~c2+ f5 1B.exf6+ 'it'xf6 In the game, another theoretical debate
19.4Jxe6 .ilxe6 20 ..ilg5++-. 17:~d3+ ensues in the 'it'gB line, where White
Better is 17.~e3! ~xh4 18.~g3 ~cB retains a significant and perhaps win-
19.4Jf3+ +- winning the rook. ning advantage despite Black's success
17••. <ifjlh5 Black ought to have played in migrating his king to the queenside.
17 .. .f5 1B.exf6+ ~xf6 (not 1B ... ~h5 14.Axh7+ <ifjlxh715.4)g5+ <ifjlg8 In
19.4Jxe6 .ilxe6 20.~xe6+-) when the ~g6Iine, White can drive the black
White gains the advantage with king to f6 when a knight fork again nets
19.4Jxe6 followed by .ilg5+. 18.g4+! the queen.15 ... 'it'g6 16.~d3+ f5
<ifjlxg419.4)xf70rsimply 19.~e3with 17.exf6+ ~xf6 (not 17 ... ~h5 1B.g4+
the ideaof~g3.19 ••• .Q.xe120:~g6+ 'it'xg4 19.~hg1 + 'it'xf4 20.~g3+ 'it'f5
<ifjlf3 21. ~g3+ <ifjle4 Black can delay 21.~df1 + ~g6 22.~d3+ 'it'h5
the mate by a move with 21...~e2 23.~h7#or 17 ... 'it'h6 1B.~h7#)
22. ~e3+ 'it'd1 23 ..ild2+ ~c2 24. ~c3 #. 1B.4Jge4++-. 16.~d3 Etfe8 Four
22.4)d6+<ifjlxd423.~e3# 1--0 games tried 16 ... ~feB! 17.~h7+ 'it'fB
IB.~hB+! ~e7 19.~xg7! (permitting
(235) Madl- Pinterne Kovacs the king to run to d8) 19 ... 'it'dB
Budapest 1997 20.4Jxf7+ ~c7 21.4Jd6 (with a lock on
French Defense [CI4] the key d6-square) 21...a6 (see below
for 21...4Jac4) 22.~d3 (22.4JxeB+ ±)
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)e3 4)f6 4.Ag5 22 ... 4Jac4 23.4Jxc4 (23.4JxeB+ ±)
Ae7 5.e5 4)fd7 6 ..Q.xe7 ~xe7 7.f4 23 ... 4Jxc4 24.f5 ~gB 25.~h7 ~hB
0--0 8.4)f3 e5 9.dxe5 ~xe510. ~d2 26.~g7 ~agB-+ 27.~f6 ~b4 2B.b3

Sacking the Citadel

4Ja3+ 29.'it>b2 f1.fS 30.~g7 f1.hgS 18.~hS+ 'it>e719.~xg7 'it>dS! 20.4Jxf7+

3l.fxe6 4Jc4+ 32.'it>bl 4Ja3+ 33.'it>b2 'it>c7 21.4Jd6 4Jac4= 22.4Jxc4 (22.f5
4Jc4+ 34.'it>al 'it>bS 35.~xd7 4Jxe5 peters out to a perpetual after 'it>bS
36.4Jxd5 ~c5 37.~h7 4Jxd3 38.~xd3 23.4Jxc4 4Jxc4 24.~xd7 ~b4 25.4Ja4
f1.xg2 39.e7 f1.eS 40.4Je3 f1.f2 41.~dS+ 4Ja3+ 26.'it>al 4Jxc2+ 27.<it'bl 4Ja3+)
~cS 42.~d6+ ~c7 43.~xc7+ 'it>xc7 22 ... f1.gS-+ 23.~h7 4Jxc4 24.4Jxd5+
44.4Jd5+ 'it>d6 45.c4 b5 46.4Jc3 f1.xe7 exd5 25.e6 f1.adS 26.g3 ~b6 27.h3 4Je3
47.cxb5 axb5 4S.4Jxb5+ 'it>c5 49.4Jc3 2S.exd7 4Jxdl 29.f1.xdl ~e6 30.~d3
'it>d4 50.4Jdl f1.d2 51.h4 f1.ee2 52.a4 f1.xd7 31.~c3+ 'it>bS 32.f1.el d4 33.~d2
f1.h2 53.f1.fl f1.xh4 54.4Jb2 'it>c3 55.f1.f3+ ~g6 34.f1.e5 d3 35.f5 dxc2+ 36.~xc2
'it>b4 56.4Jd3+ 'it>xb3 57.4Jb2+ 'it>c2 ~f6 37.~e4 f1.gdS 0-1. IS ... exf5
5S.'it>a2 f1.b4 59.'it>a3 f1.xb2 60.a5 f1.b5 19.~hS+ <i!te7 20.~xg7 gfS After
61.'it>a4 f1.dd5 62.f1.f2+ 'it>d3 0-1 20 ... Ae6 21.4Jxe6 'it>xe6 White should
Hamid-Karthikeyan, Chennai 2004. In tum down the check on f6 in favor of
Resika-Hanley, Budapest 2002, Black the rook sac on f5: 22.f1.hfl f1.f8 23.f1.xf5
aims to force the exchange ofthe 4Jd6. 4Jac4 24.f1.f6+ 'it>e7 25.e6+-. 21.e6
21... 4Jac4 22.4Jcb5+ but with this Axe6 22.ghel <i!teS 22 ... 'it>dS
check, White maintains control over the 23.f1.xe6+-. Capturing the rook leads
key square. 22 ... 'it>bS 23.4Jxc4 f1.e7 immediately to a brutal knight fork.
(23 ... ~xc4 24.4Jd6 ~b4 25.a3 ~xf4 23.Jclxe6 fxe6 24.gxe6+ <i!tdS
26.4JxeS AxeS 27.f1.hfl +-) 24.~fS+ 25.g xb6 1-0 Removing the defender
4JcS 25.4Jcd6 f1.eS 26.~f7 f1.e7 27.~fS ofthe d5-pawn. 25 ... axb6 (or 25 ... ~xb6
f1.eS 28.~f61-0. 26.f1.xd5+ 'it>eS 27.~d7 #) 26.f1.xd5+.

In Grabics-Matveeva, Istanbul 2000, (236) Kovacevic - Nikolac

White again played IS.~hS+! 'it>e7 but Medulin 1997
deviated with 12.~h4 trying to prevent Queen's Indian Defense [EI4]
the king from escaping via d8. 12 ... f1.hS
(better to create tuft on f8 with 19 ... f1.gS) l.d4 Jclf6 2.Jclf3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.e3 Ab7
20.4Jh7+ 'it>eS 21.4Jf6+ gxf6 22.~xhS+ 5.Ad3 Ae7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Jclc3 d5
~f8 23.~xf6 4Jac4 24.f1.d3 ~b4 25.b3 S.b3 c5 9.Ab2 cxd4 10.exd4 Jclc6
4Ja3+ 26.'it>b2 Ab5 27.f1.g3 4Jd7 1l.gc1 gcs 12.gel geS 13.cxd5
2S.f1.gS+ 4Jf8 29.f1.g7 f1.cS 30.~xf7+ Jclxd514.Jclxd5 ~xd515.Ae4 ~d6
'it>dS 31.~f6+ 'it>eS 32.~f7+ 'it>dS 16.d5 exd517.~xd5 Jcla51S.gxcS
33.~f6+ (33.f1.g3±) 33 ... 'it>eS 34.~f7+ gxc8
Yz-Yz . The aggressive looking 18.4Jce4
dxe4 19.4Jxe4 permits White to park a
rook on d6: 19 ... ~c6 20.f1.d6 ~b5 but
White could find no way to make fur-
ther progress 21.~hS+ 'it>e7 22.~h4+
'it>fS 23.~hS+ 'it>e7 24.~h4+ 'it>f8 Yz-
Yz, Glek-Morozevich, st. Petersburg
1998. 17. ~h7+ <i!tfS IS.f5! In Tong
Yuanming-Ulibin, Beijing 1996, the im-
mediate queen check only encouraged
the king to run quickly to the queenside. abc d e f g h


The center has blown open and Black, (237) Hellsten - Jakobsen
with 17 ... <£\a5, appears to be encourag- Gistrup 1997
ing a trade Of queens. The unusual po- N imzo-Indian Defense [E 11 ]
sition has all the features of a custom-
ary sacrifice. The knight can reach g5 1.d4 .£lf6 2.c4 e6 3 . .£lf3 Jlh4+
and the ~d5 has ready access to h5 4 ..£l1xl2 0--0 5.a3 Ae7 6.e4d5 7.cxd5
and immediate access to f7. 20.<£\g5 is exd5 S.e5 .£lfd7 9.Ad3 c5 10.(H)
playable because the Ae7 is over- .£lc6 ll.§.el a5 12.Ac2 cxd4
loaded. To avoid ~xf7+, Black selects 13..£lh3 §.eS14..£lhxd4 .£lc515.h3
the 'it'h6 line, where the threats on e6 ArS
and g7 overwhelm Black after ~f7.
19.Jlxh7+ <t>xh7 20..£lg5+ <t>h6 The 8
'it'gS line leads to a mate in two owing 7
to the quick entry on f7 and the activity 6
of the Ab2. 20 ... 'it'gS 21.i!'fxf7+ 'it'hS 5
22. ~xg7 #. In the 'it'g6Iine, i;j-xf7 forces
the black king out in the open when
White's two additional assets, the Ab2
and the fie1, help to decide in White's
favor in the myriad lines. 20 ... 'it'g6
21.~xf7+ 'it'xg5 (21...'it'h6 22.~xg7+ abc d e f g h
'it'h5 23.<£\e6+-) 22.~xg7+ 'it'h5
(22 ... 'it'h4 23.~h7+ 'it'g5 24.h4+ 'it'g4 White undertakes the sacrifice immedi-
25.f3+ 'it'g3 26.~g7+ 'it'xh4 27.~g4#) ately following Black's retreat of the
23.~h7+ 'it'g5 (23 ... i!'fh6 24.g4+ 'it'g5 bishop to fS, giving White the oppor-
25.fie5+ +-) 24.h4+ 'it'g4 (24 ... 'it'f4 tunity safely to bring the <£\f3-g5. White
25.~h5+-) 25.f3+ 'it'g3 26.~g7+ can count on four additional assets, the
'it'xh4 27.~g4#. 20 ... .ilxg5 (dropping e5-pawn secured by the fie1, the dark-
the queen) 21.~xd6+-. 21.~xf7 square bishop, and the <£\d4, which pre-
<t>xg5 2l...~g6 (the dark-square bishop vents Black from defending with Af5.
and the rook enter the position quickly) In the 'it'g6 line, White wins as in the
22 ..ilxg7+ ~xg7 23.fie6+ 'it'xg5 game with <£\d4-f3 with the idea of <£\h4.
24.~xg7++-. 22.~xg7+ 1-0 The ex- 16.Axh7+ <t>xh717..£lg5+ <t>g6 In
po sure of the black king permits White the 'it'gS line, White must first trade the
to prevail easily in every line: (a) knights on c6. The immediate i;j-h5 in-
22 ... 'it'h5 23.~h7++- i!'fh6 24.g4+ 'it'g5 vites Black to sacrifice his queen on g5
25.fie5+ +- winning at least the queen; and then pick up the loose <£\d4.
(b) 22 ... 'it'h4 23.~h7+ 'it'g5 (23 ... 'it'g4 17 ... 'it'gS ls.<£\xc6! (1S.i!'fh5 i*xg5!
24.f3+ Axf3 25.gxf3+ 'it'xf3 26.i;j-e4 #) 19.Axg5 <£\xd4) lS ... bxc6 (lS ... i!'fd7
24.h4+ 'it'f4 (24 ... 'it'g4 25.f3+ Axf3 ... i;j-h5 i;j-f5 19.<£\d4+-) 19.~h5+-.
26.gxf3+ 'it'xf3 27.i!'fe4+ 'it'g3 lS•.£ldf3! A very instructive maneuver
2S.fie3 #) 25.~h5 +- with Ae5+ next; with the idea of <£\f3-h4+. The alterna-
(c) 22 ... 'it'f5 23.h3+-; and (d) 22 ... i;j-g6 tive lS.h4 is also winning. Note that
23.fie5++- . with the bishop on fS, Black cannot play
fihS to prevent h5. lS ... <£\xd4 (IS ... ~e7

Sacking the Citadel

19.'liYc2+ lLle4 20.!he4+-) 19.h5+ (set-

ting up the king for a disastrous dis- 8
covered check) 19 ... 'i!th6 (19 ... 'i!tf5 7
20.g4#) 20.lLlxt7+ (winning the queen) 6
20 ... 'i!th7 21.lLlxd8 '£)db3 22.'l!i'c2+ +-. 5
And avoiding 18.'l!i'c2+?! lLle4.
18•.• ttd718 .. .f5 moves the f-pawn but
leaves the f7 -square undefended
19.1Llh4+ 'i!th6 20.lLlt7+ +-. 19•.£lh4+
19.1Llh4 forces the king on to a danger-
ous dark square, but also effective is abc d e f g h
19.~c2+ f5 20.lLlh4+ 'i!th6 21.e6 (since To relieve some of the pressure on the
the black f-pawn can longer capture on position and with the aim of weakening
e6) 21... 'l!i'c7 (now it's mate in three) White's kingside, Black played .llxc3 but
22.lLlxf5+ 'i!th5 (22 ... ~g6 23.lLle7+ 'i!th5 continued weakly, likely unaware that
[23 ... ~h6 24.~h7#; 23 ... 'i!tf6 the sacrifice was in the air. White can
24.lLlxd5#] 24.'l!i'h7#) 23.lLlg3+ 'i!th4 rely here upon the active rooks and the
(23 ... )f;h6 24.lLlf7#; 23 ... ~xg3 dark-square bishop, albeit on c5.
24.'l!i'h7#) 24.lLlf3#. 19 ••• ~h6 White's play in the 'i!tg8 line is quite
20•.£le6+ The immediate discovery is nice to review, with the well timed cap-
effective, but the fastest path starts with tures on d6 and the queen's powerful
20.~c2+-. 20... ~h7 21.tth5+ ~g8 entry to e4. 15.Axh7+ ~xh7
22 . .£lg5+- .1ld6 23.tth7+ ~f8 16..£lg5+ ~g8 In the )f;g6Iine, White
24. tth8+ ~e7 25.exd6+ ~d8 Hope- has 'l11g3 which cannot immediately be
less for Black is 25 ... 'i!txd6 26.!he8+-. assailed. 16 ... 'i!tg6 17.'liYg3 Ag4
26.§xe8+ ttxe8 27..£lxfi+ 1--0 Black (17 ... lLlf5 18..£)xe6+ lLlxg319.lLlxf8+ +-)
resigns rather than face the infusion of 18 ..llxd6 cxd6 19.Eixd6+ 'l!i'xd6
white forces. 27 ... )f;d7 28.~xg7 lLle6 20.~xd6+ 'i!txg5. Black has no choice
(forcing the queen to move, but there but to capture the knight but 21.f4+
are plenty of useful entry squares) prevails in every line: (a) 21...)f;h5
29.~f6 lLlcd8 30.lLle5+ 'i!txd6 22.~d5+ )f;h6 23.'l11g5++-; (b)
31.Ae3+-. 21...~h4 22.~d3 f5 (22 ... Eih8
23.h3+-) 23.~g3+ )f;h5 24.h3+-; and
(238) Hamilton - Marsden (c) 21...'i!tf5 22.~d7++-. 17.Axd6
Correspondence 1997 cxd618.§xd6 ttc719. tte4 §fe8 On
Scotch Game [C43] 19 ... g6 White infiltrates quickly with
20.'l!i'h4 Eife8 21.'l11h7+ 'i!tf8 22.Eiexe6,
1.e4 e5 2 ..£lf3 .£lf6 3.d4 exd4 4.e5 taking advantage of the unanchored
.£le4 5.ttxd4 d5 6.exd6.£l xd6 7..£lc3 ~c7: 22 .. .fxe6 (22 ... Eixe6 23.lLlxe6+
.£lc6 8. ttf4 Ae6 9.Ad3 Ae7 fxe6 24.~xc7+-) 23.~xc7+- .
10.Ae3 Af6 11.0-0-0 tte7 20. tth7+ ~f8 21. tth8+ White should
12.§he1 0--0 13.Ac5 Axc314.bxc3 exploit the pinned Ae7 with 21.Eid5 +-.
ttd7 21 ••. ~e7 22.§dxe6+ fxe6 23. ttxg7+
~d8 24..£lxe6+ §xe6 25.ttg8+ ~e7
26.ttxe6+ ~f8 27.§e31--O


(239) Fuerlinger - Kranewitter )!fe7 24.~xg7 #. 20.exf6 ~d3 21.fxg7

Austria 1997 'it'xg7 22.4)xe6+ fxe6 Black might as
Semi-Slav Defense [D47] well capture the knight since 22 ... )!fg8
23.lLlxc5 +- picks up the bishop and
1.4)f3 d5 2.d4 e6 3.e4 4)f6 4.e3 e6 22 ... )!ff6 23.§cel fxe6 24.Ag5+ )!fg7
5.1t,d3 4)bd7 6.0-0 1t,e7 7.4)e3 (24 ... ~f5 25.g4#) 25.Ah6++-.
dxe4 S.1t,xe4 b5 9.Ad3 Ab710.e4 23.1t,h6+ 'it'gS There's no mating net
b4 11.4)a4 0--0 12.e5 .£\d513.1t,d2 after 23 ... ~f6 but White can pick up
EteS 14.Ete1 e5 15.dxe5 4)xe5 the loose piece on b7: 24.~g5+ )!ff7
16.4) xe51t, xe5 25.~g7+ )!fe8 26.~xb7+-. 24.~g5+
'it'f7 25.~g7+ 'it'eS 26.Etxe5 Etxe5
8 27.~xfS++- 'it'd7 2S.~xe5 ~g6
7 29.Etdl+ 1t,d5 30.~xa7+ 'it'dS
6 31.~g7 ~e4 32.Ag5+ 'it'c8 33.Etc1 +
5 'it'bS 34. ~e7+ 'it'aS 35. ~eS+ Over-
looking a mate in four with 35.~a5+
)!fb8 36.~b6+ Ab7 37.§c8+ ~xc8
38.~d8#. 35 ... 'it'a7 36.1t,e3+ 1-0

(240) Stark - Becker

abcdefgh Pinneberg 1997
Ruy Lopez [C89]
We have often seen the importance of a
loose black piece on the c5-square so 1.e4 e5 2..£\f3 4)e6 3.1t,b5 a6 4.1t,a4
that discovered checks by the knight in 4)f6 5.0--0 b5 6.1t,b3 Ae7 7.Ete1
the ~g6 line will net that piece. Here, 1t,b7 S.e3 0--0 9.d4 exd4 10.exd4
White has the e5-pawn, the dark- 4)a511.Ae2 d612.4)bd2 d513.e5
square bishop, and the §c1 as addi- 4)d714.4)f1 e515.dxe5 Axe5
tional assets. In the )!fg8Iine, Black sac-
rifices the lLlf6 in order to move the
queen to the bl-h7 diagonal, but White
once again exploits the inadequately
defended Ac5. 17.1t,xh7+ 'it'xh7
lS.4)g5+ 'it'gS In the )!fg6 line, White
can sacrifice the exchange on c5 and
then pick up the unanchored §c5.
18 ... )!fg6 19.§xc5 §xc5 20.~bl + f5
21.exf6+ ~xf6 (21...~h5 22.~h7+
~g4 23.f3# or 23.h3# or 23.~h3#) abc d e f g h
22.lLle4++-; 20 ... )!fh6 21.~h7#;
20 ... ~h5 21.~h7+ )!fg4 22.~h3# or White's capture on c5 entices the Ae7
22.f3 # or 22.h3 #. 19. ~h5 4)f6 Creat- to recapture, setting up the sacrifice.
ing tuft with the rook permits the usual White can count here on multiple addi-
mate in five: 19 ... §e8 20.~xf7+ )!fh8 tional assets, the e5-pawn, the dark-
21.~h5+ ~g8 22.~h7+)!ffS 23.~h8+ square bishop, the active §el, and even

Sacking the Citadel

the ~f1-g3. In the 'it'g8 line, as played

in the game, Black must sacrifice his 8
queen or bishop to delay the usual mate 7
in five. 16.Axh7+ ~xh7 17.4)g5+ 6
~g8 In the 'it'g6 line, 18.'~d3 (or
18. i;k2+) lead to an instructive mate in
four with the l"1e1-e6 providing the
finale.17 ... 'it'g618.~d3+ f5 (18 ... 'it'h5
19:~'h7+ ~g4 20.h3# or 20.~h3#)
19.exf6+ ~h5 (19 ... 'it'xf6 20.l"1e6#;
19 ... ~h6 20.~h7#) 20.~h7+ 'it'g4 abc d e f g h
21.h3# or 21.~h3#. Also winning is
18.~g3 +- with the threat of~h5. But We have seen that the Greco Sacrifices
not 18.~g4? f5 19.~g3 (19.e xf6 that occur in the middlegame tend to be
~xf6:n 19 ... ~e7=. 18:~h5 Axf2+ especially complex. Here, White can
Creating luft with the rook once again count on the two very active rooks and
enables the mate in five. 18 ... l"1e8 ~d2-f3. Note, however, the awkward

19.~xf7+ ~h8 20.~h5+ ~g8 21.~h7+ placement of the white queen, and
~f8 22.~h8+ ~e7 23.~xg7#. Black's possible counter with ~c2 or
19.~hl E!e8 Black's best remaining ~d3 taking command over the key b 1-
chance was sacrificing the queen with h 7 diagonal. The 'it'g6 and 'it'h6 lines
19 ... ~xg5 20.Axg5 and then picking both cede the l"1f8 with mating attacks
back the exchange: 20 ... Axe1 21.Af6 that involve White's three major pieces.
gxf6 (21. .. ~xf6 22.exf6 gxf6 23.~g4+ 24.Jlxh7+ ~xh7 25.4)g5+ ~g6 In
~h7 24.l"1xel+- with the ideaofarook the ~g8 line, 28.l"1xf8 gives the queen
swing to h3 or bringing the knight to an opportunity to enter the attack on
f5) 22.~g4+ ~h7 23.~xd7 +- with d6 with tempo. 25 ... 'it'g8 26.l"1xf8+ 'it'xf8
many threats. 20.'li:\txf7+ ~h8 27.~d6+ ~g8 (27 ... ~e7 28.~xe7+
21.'li:\th5+ ~g8 22.'li:\th7+ ~f8 'it'g8 29.~f7+ 'it'h8 30.~f8#)
23.'li:\th8+ 1-0 It's mate after 23 ... 'it'e7 28.~xd5+ ~e6 29.l"1xe6+- with a dis-
24.~xg7#. covery that covers the back rank. In the
~h6 line, 25 ... 'it'h6 26.l"1xf8+- (once
(241) Bastian - Dittmar again, the rooks and queen combine to
Gladenbach 1997 provide an easy mating net) 26 ... ~xd2
French Defense [C02] 27.l"1h8+ 'it'xg5 28.~g3+ Ag4 (28 ... 'it'f6
29.l"1f8#) 29.h4+ 'it'f6 (29 ... 'it'f5
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 e5 4.e3 4)e7 30.l"1f8+ ~g6 31.~xg4++-) 30.l"1f8+
5.4)f3 4)ee6 6.dxe5 4)d7 7.Af4 ~g6 31.~xg4++-. 26.E!xf8 'li:\txd2
Axe5 8.Ad3 f6 9.exf6 'li:\txf6 27.'li:\td6+ ~xg5 There are no saving
10.Ag5 'li:\tf711.Ae3 Axe312.fxe3 variations with the king surrounded by
'li:\th5 13.4) bd2 4)e5 14.Ae2 0-0 the three major pieces. After 27 ... ~h5
15.0-0 'li:\th6 16. 'li:\te2 a5 17.e4 b6 the rooks and queen are joined by the
18.'li:\tb5 Jld7 19.'li:\txb6 'li:\te3+ advancing kingside pawns: 28.l"1h8+
20.~hl E!ab8 21.'li:\te7 E!xb2 'it'xg5 (28 ... 'it'g4 29.h3+ 'it'xg5
22.exd5 exd5 23.E!ael 'li:\txe3 30.~g3++-) 29.h4+ 'it'f5 (29 ... 'it'g4


30:~g6+ +- ) 30.1"Ih5+ ~g4 31.~g6+ on the rook already offfS and the ~c7
~f4 32.~g5 #. Black can return a piece defending f7 laterally. The black king is
in order to eiiminate one of the white therefore able to escape to the
rooks, 27 ... <tJe6 2S.1"I xe6+ Jlxe6 queens ide, but White's queenside
29.~xe6+, but only one rook sand pawns and the passed h-pawn help to
queen are needed for the mate. 29 ... ~h5 decide in White's favor. 18.j'txh7+
(29 ... ~xg5 30.~f5+ ~h4 [30 ... ~h6 ~xh7 19.4)g5+ ~g8 In the ~h6Iine,
31.1"IhS#] 31.g3#) 30.~h3+ ~g6 White has ~g4 with two powerful
(30 ... ~xg5 31.1"If5+ ~g6 32.~h5#) ideas, ~h4 and f5 empowering the Ad2.
31.~f5+ ~h6 (31...~h5 32.1"IhS#) 19 ... ~h6 20.~g4 <tJd4 (20 ... <tJe7
32.1"IhS#. 28.~g3+ Jtg4 29.h4+ ~h5 21.1"Ie3 <tJf5 22.1"Ih3+ ~g6 23. <tJge4# )
30..§h8+ ~h6 31..§e5+ With a forced 21.f5 +-. In the ~g6 line, the white
win, but faster is 31.~f4 with the idea queen can settle on g3, when the dis-
of~g5#. 31. .. 4)xe5 32.~xe5+ covered capture on e6 facilitates <tJc3-
~xh4 33..§xh6+ gxh6 34.~xb2 4)e4 d5.19 ... ~g6 20.~g4 f5 21.~g3 ~d7
35.~h21-0 (21...~e7 exposes the queen to a dis-
covered attack from the 1"Ie1: 22.<tJxe6+
(242) Mrva - Rigo ~h6 23.<tJxc5 Jlxc5 24.1"1 xe7 +- )
Prievidza 1998 22.<tJxe6+ ~h7 (22 ... ~h6 23.~g5+
Sicilian Defense [B56] ~h7 24.~h5+ ~gS 25.<tJg5 g6
26.~xg6+ ~g7 27.1"IxeS+ +- winning
l.e4 c5 2.4)f3 4)c6 3.d4 cxd4 the rook) 23.~h4+ ~gS 24.<tJg5 g6
4.4)xd4 4)f6 5.4)c3 d6 6.f4 ~b6 25.<tJd5 ~g7 26.Jlc3+-. 20.~h5
7.4)0 e6 8.j'td3 j'te7 9.a3 a6 4)d8 20 ... <tJd4 aims to prevent 2l.f5
10. ~e2 0--0 1l.j'te3 ~c712.0--0 b5 but 21...<tJxf5 meets 22.1"Ixf5 exf5
13.~hl Ab714.Ad2 .§fe815..§ael 23.~h7+ ~fS 24.~hS#. 21.~h7+
4)d716.e5 4)c517.exd6 Axd6 Most accurate is 21.f5! e5 (The tempt-
ing 21...~c6 meets 22.1"If3 ~b6 when
8 White blows open the kingside with
7 23.f6 gxf6 24.<tJh7 +-) 22.~h7+ ~fS
6 23.f6 gxf6 24.1"Ixf6 1"Ie6 25.1"If2 ~eS
26.b4 <tJa4 27.<tJxa4 bxa4 28.<tJxe6 fxe6
29.~g6+ ~d7 30.c4+-. 21. .. ~f8
22. ~h8+ White probably ought to
settle for 22.f5 e5 23.Jle3 ±. 22 ••• ~e7
23.~xg7 ~d7 24.h4 4)a4 25.4)xa4
bxa4 26.4)h7 ~c8 27.4)f6 .§e7 Pas-
abcdefgh sive is 27 ... 1"IfS 28.c4±. 28.c4 +- ~c6
The c-pawn is immune, 2S ... ~xc4
In this Sicilian, the exchange of pawns 29.1"Ic1 +-. 29.c5 Ac7 30.h4 .§d7
on d6 brings Black's bishop on e7, en- 31.Ae3 e5 32.f5 Better is simply
abling the sacrifice. White relies upon 32.<tJxd7 ~xd7 33.f5 +-. 32 .•• .§d3
numerous additional assets, the rooks, 33.h5 ~b5 34. ~g5 ~c4 35 •.§cl
the <tJc3-e4 or d5, and the dark-square ~a2 36•.§fel ~b2 37•.§cdl .§xdl
bishop. In the ~gSline, Black can count 38..§xdl ~e2 39. .§gl ~b8? Black

Sacking the Citadel

cannot now stop the white h-pawn. IS.~g4 ~xb2 Trying to give back a
Black is fine after 39 ... {)c6 40.~g8+ piece with 18 ... {)e5 19.~h4+ ~g6
Jld8 41.Jlg5 ~d3=. 4O.h6 .£lc6 41.h7 20.{)e2 (aiming to play {)f4) 20 ... §f5
~a7 42..£lgSI-0 21.§xf5 exf5 22.{)f4+ ~f6
23.{)xd5+ +- winning the queen.
(243) Malac - Andersen 19.~h4+ ~g6 20.~h7+ ~xg5
Correspondence 1999 21.~xg7+ ~h5 Not 21...~h4
French Defense [C06] 22.~g4# 22 ..£lxd5 exd5 23.~h7+
~g5 24.h4+ ~g4 25.~xd7+ ~xh4
On 25 ... ~h5 White has 26.~xg6 ~b6
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 •.£ld2 .£lf6 4.e5
27.~xd5~xh4 28.g3 +-. 26.~xd6
.£lfd7 5.Ad3 c5 6.c3 .£lc6 7 ..£le2
~h5 27. ~xd5+1 ~h6 Other king re-
~b6 S •.£lf3 cxd4 9.cxd4 f610.exf6
treats fare no better: 27 ... ~g6 28. ~d6+
.£lxf6 11.0-0 Ad6 12 . .£lc3 Ad7 ~h7 29.§abl §xfl + 30.§xfl ~c2
13.j},e3 .£lg414.h3 .£lxe3 15.fxe3 31.§f3+- or 27 ... ~h4 28.~d6 +-.
0-0 2S.~e6+ ~h5 On 28 ... ~g5
29.§ac1 +- with the idea of §c5+.
29.E!ac1 White can also overwhelm
with 29.§f5+ §xf5 30.~xf5+ ~h6
31.~e6+ ~h7 and now the other rook
joins the attack, 32.§fl +- . 29 ... E!xfl +
30.E!xfl .£lxd4 31.~f7+ ~g5
32.~f6+ ~h5 After 32 ... ~g4 it's mate
in two with 33.~g6+ ~h4 34.§f4#.
33.g4+ ~xg4 34.E!f4+ ~h5
35.E!h4# 1-0
abc d e f g h
(244) Kravtsov - Likov
Here, a position type common to the Novosibirsk 1999
French but with a white pawn on e3 King's Gambit Declined [C30]
rather than e5. White has additional
assets in the §fl and the {)c3. In the l.e4 e5 2.f4 Ac5 3•.£lf3 d6 4.c3 Ab6
game, Black tries to exploit the absence 5.d4 .£lf6 6.Ad3 .£l bd7 7 ..£la3 exd4
of the dark-square bishop by selecting S.cxd4 0-0 9.0-0 E!eS 10.E!el c6
the ~h6Iine, when ~g4-h4-h7 forces 11 ..£lc4 Ac7 12.e5 dxe5 13.fxe5
the black king to capture the {)g5 and .£ld5
Black, with more careful play, can ex-
pect a perpetual. 16.Axh7+ ~xh7
17..£lg5+ ~h6 In the ~g8Iine, White's
control over f7 decides quickly.
17 ... ~g8 18.~h5+-. In the ~g6Iine,
White prevails efficiently with 18.{)f7,
activating the major pieces. 17 ... ~g6
18.{)f7 §xf719.~g4+ (the queen check
picks up the §f7 with threats on d7 and
g7) 19 ... ~h7 20.§xf7 .\li8 21.§xd7 +-.
abc d e f g h


Out of a King's Gambit declined, White 20 ... 4)xf6 21.4)xh7 f!el+ 22.<it>f2
has an unusual array of additional as- 4)e4+ 23.<it>xe1 ~xh4+ 24.<it>e2
sets, the dark-square bishop, the secure -'\.xh2 25.4)f8 4)g3+ 26.<it>d3 ~e4+
e5-pawn, the fiel, and the interesting 27.<it>c3 4)e2+ 28.<it>b3 4)xd4+
.£\c4. In the game, Black selects the ~gB 29.<it>a4 b5+ 30.<it>a5 bxc4 31.Af4
line, counting on getting a knight back -'\.xf4 32.f!h1+ Ah6 33.f!xh6+ gxh6
to f6, but the queen again arrives at- 34.4)g6+ ~xg6 35. ~xg61-0
tacking two focal points on f7 and h7.
White finishes with the nice fie4 rook (245) De Lagontrie - N egele
swing, taking full advantage of the over- Correspondence 1999
loaded .£\g6. 14.Axh7+ <it>xh7 French Defense [COO]
15.4)g5+ <it>g8 In the 'ifig6line ~g4 is
foiled because Black can force a knight
back to f6. After 16.~d3+ f5, the dis- 1.e4 e6 2.4)f3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4 cxb4
covered check leads to a wonderful mate 5.a3 4)c6 6.axb4 Axb4 7.c3 Ae7
on the retreating king. 15 ... 'ifig6 8.d4 f6 9.Ad3 fxe5 10.dxe5 ~c7
16.~d3+! (not 16.~g4 .£\7f6 17.~g3 11.~e2 Ac512.0-0 4)ge713.Aa3
'£\h5 -+ ) 16... f5 (Of course, the king re- b6 14.Axc5 bxc5 15.4)a3 0-0
treats are crushed 16 ... 'ifih5 17.~h7+ 16.4)b5 ~d717.~e3c4
[or 17.~h3+ ~g61B.~h7#] 17 ... ~g4
18.~h3#) 17.exf6+ and the en passant 8
discovered check wins in all lines: (a) 7
17 ... 'ifixf6 (the rook leads the attack on 6
the open file) IB.fifl + ~e7 (IB ... .£\f4 5
19 ..Ilxf4+-) 19.fif7#; (b) 17 .. .'it'h5
IB.~h7+ (1B.g4+ 'ifih6 [IB ... ~h4
19.~h3#; IB ... 'ifixg4 19.~h3#]
19.~h7# or 19.'£\f7#) IB ... ~g4
19.~h3#; and (c) 17 ... 'ifih618.~h7#.
16.~h5 +- 4)7f6 Black's best defense abc d e f g h
is 16 ... .£\fB when, as in the game, the
queen enters on f7: 17. ~xf7 + 'ifihB We have seen many possible perpetual
18.~h5+ 'ifigB 19.fifl (seizing control checks throughout the book, but nor-
over the f-file and with the idea of elimi- mal draws are possible too. In this case,
nating the .£\f8) 19 ... .Ile6 20 ..Ild2 ~d7 White's additional assets are the e5-
21.fixfB+ ~xf8 (21...fixfB 22.~h7#) pawn and the odd .£\b5-d6. Black cor-
22.fifl + 'ifie7 23 ..£\f7 (aiming for d6) rectly selects the ~g6 line, where mate-
23 ... EifB (23 ... ~cB 24.'£\fd6 .Ilxd6 rial reduces quickly to an interesting but
25 ..£\xd6 ~bB 26.fif7+ 'ifidB even endgame. 18.Axh7+ <it>xh7
27 ..£\xeB +-) 24 ..Ilg5+ .£\f6 25.exf6+ 19.4)g5+ <it>g6! In the ~gB line, the
gxf6 26 ..Ilxf6+ ~eB 27 .'£\fd6 # . white queen enters on h3, giving Black
17.~xf7+ <it>h8 18.f!e4! Af5 plenty of time to organize the defense,
19.f!h4+ -'\.h7 20.exf6 The simplest but White can still blast through with
path is 20.~g6 ~gB 21.'£\xh7 +- pick- f4-f5. 19 ... ~gB 20.~h3 fieB 21.~h7+
ing up the piece and the attack will rage. 'ififB 22.~hB+ .£\gB 23.f4+- 'ifie7

Sacking the Citadel

24.~xg7+ 'it'dS 25 ..£l£7+. The ~h6line With the black .Ile7, White must pre-
fails miserably given the queen's start- pare the sacrifice with oilg5. Generally,
ing position on e3. 19... ~h6 20 ..£lxe6+ the sacrifice challenges the defense, but
'it'h7 (20 ... 'it'g6 21..£lxfS++-) here, White's additional assets are the
21..£lxf8+ +- winning the queen in ad- secure e5-pawn the ~el, which does
dition to the rook. 20. ~g3 Jilf5 not have an obvious path to the g- or h-
21.Jilxe6+ Not 21.~g4 .£lxe5+ when files. In the game, Black correctly se-
the queen cannot remain on the g-file. lects the ~gS when the needed rook
21. •• Jil xg3 Black can also achieve swing can be foiled with the queen sac-
equality without capturing the queen: rifice (~dS-g5) on g5. Black's defense
21...'it'£7 22 ..£lxfS ~xf8 23.~f4 .£lxe5
is slow, permitting the .£lfl-e3-g4 and
24.~xe5 ~xb5 25JHdl .£le7=.
both rooks to prevail. 19.Ag5 Axg5
22.Jil xfS+ <itlh6 23.Jil xd7 Jile2+
20.Axh7+ <itlxh7 21.Jilxg5+ <itlgS In
Black holds after 23 ... .£lxfl 24 ..£lb6 ~ bS
(not 24 ... axb6 25.~xaS+-) 25 ..£lxcS the 'it'g6 line, White breaks through
~xb5 26.'it'xfl .£lxe5 27 ..£le7= aiming
because, after .. .f5 and the en passant
for .£lf5-d4. 24.<itlhl Axd7= 25.e6 capture, the ~el gains sway on e6.
AeS Not 25 ... .Ilxe6 26.~fel +- pick- 21...~g6 22.~c1 (a useful preliminary

ing up a piece. 26.Jilc7 E!dS 27.E!fel maneuver because the ~c1 can capture
Jil xc3 2S.e7 E!c8 The pawn is immune. on c8 if Black retreats the bishop there)
After 2S ... .£lxe7, 29.~xe7 .Ilg6 30.~e3 22 .. .'~b6 23.~g4 f5 24.exf6 .£lxf6
.£le4 31.~h3+ .Ilh5 32.'it'gl .£lf6 25.~xe6 oilcS 26.~xcs ~bxcS 27.~xb6
33 ..£le6+- with f3 next. 29.Jilxe8E!xe8 axb6 28.~h4 +- . Less compelling in the
30.E!a6 <itlg6 31.E!xc6+ <itlf7 32.E!c7 'it'g6line is the immediate 22.~g4!? f5
a5 33.h3 YZ-YZ 23.exf6 .£lxf6 24.~ xe6 ..Ile2 25.f3 oilxfl
26.~xf1 ~c2 27.~xf6+ ~xf6 when
(246) Kazhgaleyev - Yandemirov White is still winning after 28.~el. The
Linares 1999 ~h6 line loses quickly to the familiar
Siciilian Defense [B50] idea of~g4-h4, 2l...~h6 22.~g4 .£lxe5
23.~xe5 f6 24.~h4+ 'ittg6 25.~h7#.
1.e4 c5 2.Jilf3 d6 3.Ac4 Jilc6 4.0-0 22.E!e4 Not 22.~h5 oild3 with control
Jilf6 5.d3 e6 6.Ab3 Ae7 7.c3 0-0 over the key diagonal. 22 ... g6 Black
S.E!el d5 9.e5 Jild710.d4 b5 1l.a3 should avoid capturing the rook be-
cxd4 12.cxd4 b4 13.Jilbd2 Aa6 cause after 22 ... dxe4 23.~h5 the black
14.Jilfl bxa315.bxa3 Jila516.Ac2 queen and bishop cannot reach an
E!cS17.g3 ~c71S.Abl E!b8
open bl-h7 diagonal, 23 ... ~feS
24.~x£7+=. Instead, Black could gain
an advantage after 22 .. .f6 23 ..£lxe6 ~c6
7 24 ..£lxfS because the rook is still hang-
6 ing: 24 ... dxe4 25.d5 (25.~c1 ~b5
5 26.a4 ~b7 27 ..£lxd7 ~xd7 2S.exf6
4 .£lc6"i') 25 ... ~b5 26.a4 ~b7 27 ..£lxd7
3 ~xd7 2S.e6 ~eS +. But the simplest
2 defense is 22 ... ~dS! 23.~h5 ~xg5
24.~xg5 dxe4+ gaining more than
enough material compensation for the
abc d e f g h


queen sacrifice. 23. ~g4 f5 Too ambi- <£lf6. For the sacrifice, White has as ad-
tious. Better simply to return the ex- ditional assets the e5-pawn and the two
change with 23 ... 'lil'dB 24.<£lxe6 "it1e7 rooks. In the game, Black selects the
(not 24 .. .fxe6 when White mates quickly ~gB line, a wise choice because the
with the queen and active rook king's rook has already vacated fB and
25.'lil'xg6+ ~hB 26."it1h5+ ~g7 the ilYc7 stands ready to defend f7.
27.Elg4+ +- ) 25.<£lxfB <£lxfB 26.Elee1 =. Black should be satisfied there with
24.exf6 ~xf6? Spuming the far better 1B ... <£lxe5 when White has nothing
24 ... <£lxf6 perhaps because White en- better than a perpetual check.
ters the position powerfully on e6, 16.Axh7+ <itlxh717..£lxg5+ <itlgS In
25.'lil'xe6+, but after 25 ... Elt7 White the ~g6 line, White is able to maintain
can't maneuver a rook into the action: the queen on g4 or g3 when the discov-
26.Elf4 (26.Elc1 <£lc4 27.Elf4 AcB ery with <£lxe6 exposes the usual double
2B.~xf7+ ilYxf7 29.<£lxf7 ~xf7=) attack upon g7 and a mating net if the
26 ... Elb6 27.~xf7+ 'lil'xf7 2B.<£lxf7 black king captures the <£le6. 17 ... ~g6
~xt7=. 25.~xe6 ~bfS 26.~ae1 ~c2 1B."it1g4 (not 1B.h4? 'lil'xe5 19."it1d3+ [or
27.~6e2 ~f5 28.~h4 ~6f7 29..£le3 19.ilYg4 "it1f5 20."it1g3 ElgB-+]
1-0 The white knight reaches g4 and 19 ... ~f5) 1B ... f5 19."it1g3 f4 20."it1g4 +-
h6 very quickly. 29 ... ~f6 (Black cannot and there's no way to force the queen
afford to sacrifice the queen 29 ... .ilxe2 off the g-file. Black can now try: (a)
30. <£lxf5 gxf5 31. <£lxt7 +- ) 30. <£lg4 +- . 20 ... <£lxe5 21.Elxe5 "it1xe5 22.<£lf3+ +-
winning the queen; or (b) 20 ... ElgB
(247) Sermek - Sale 21.<£le4+ ~f7 (21...~h7 22.'lil'h5#;
Belisce 1999 21...~h6 22."it1g5+ ~h7 23."it1h5 #) and
Sicilian Defense [B22] the discovery results in a powerful
knight on the sixth rank: 22.<£ld6+ ~e7
l.e4 c5 2.c3 .£lf6 3.e5 .£ld5 4 . .£lf3 (22 ... ~fB 23."it1xf4+ ~e7 24."it1t7++-)
d6 5.d4 cxd4 6.cxd4 .£lc6 7.Ac4 e6 23.'lil'g5+ ~fB 24."it1xf4+ ~e7 25.ilYt7+
S.O--O Ae7 9. ~e2 0--0 10.~el Ad7 ~dB 26."it1xgB++-. In the ~h6 line,
1l..£lc3 .£l xc3 12.bxc3 dxe513.dxe5 'lil'g4-h4 wins unambiguously because
~c714.Ad3 ~fdSI5.Ag5 Axg5 the knight fork on f7 protects the e5-
pawn.17 ... ~h6 1B."it1g4 <£lxe5 (after
8 1B... ElhB 19.<£lxt7+ ~h7 20."it1h5+ ~gB
7 the rook loses its anchor, 21."it1xhB+
6 ~xf7 22."it1xaB+-) and another ex-

change sacrifice exposes the black
queen: 19.Elxe5 "it1xe5 (19 .. .f5 20."it1h4+
~g6 21.Elae1 +-) 20.<£lxf7+. IS.~h5
AeS The simplest path to equality is
lB .. .<£lxe5= when White has three tries:
(a) Sacrificing the exchange provides
abc d e f g h only a quick perpetual check: 19.Elxe5
ilYxe5 20."it1xt7+ ~hB 21."it1h5+ ~gB
In this variation of the c3 Sicilian, 22.ilYt7+=; (b) The attempt to swing the
White's e5-pawn quickly displaces the rook to h3 also ends in a quick draw:

Sacking the Citadel

19.§e3 4Jg6 20.§f3 4Je5=; and (c) as additional assets. Black selects the
Black is fine if White presses quickly 'it1g6 line, when ~g4 and even §f3-g3
with 19.~h7+ 'it1f8 20.§e3 ~a5 21.~h5 prevail. White correctly declines the
~e7 22.4Jxf7 4Jc4 23.~xa5 4Jxa5 offer of 14 ... 4Jxe5 with ~h4-h7.
24.4Jxd8 §xd8+. 19.'li:\'h7+ ~fS 12.J;txh7+ ~xh7 In Heymann-Klein,
20. 'li:\'hS+ ~e7 21. 'li:\'xg7 Etd5 22.f4 Pinneberg 1996, Black declined the sac-
~dS 23.Etadl 'li:\'e7 24.Etxd5+ exd5 rifice: 12 ... ~h8? 13.Ad3 (Once again,
25.h4 f5 26. 'li:\'gS ~c7 27. 'li:\'xd5 b6 the most accurate path is 13.4Jg5 g6
2S. ~h2 ~b7 29. 'li:\'f3 EtdS 30.h5 14.§f3 with the idea of§h3 14 ... ~g7
~c7 31.'li:\'h3 Ad7 32.h6 Ae6 [too weakening is 14 .. .f6 15.§h3 fxg5
33.Ete3 EthS 34.a4 4)d8 35.Etg3 4)f7 16.Axg6+ ~g8 17.§h7 ~xh7
36.4)xe6+ 'li:\'xe6 37.h7 ~d7 Black 18.Axh7+ ~xh7 19.~h5+ ~g7
has excellent drawing chances after 20.~xg5+ ~f7 2l.f5 +- undermining
37 ... 4Jxe5 38.fxe5 ~f7 with the obvi- what remains of the black center]
ous threat of §xh7 39.'it1g1 ~xh7 15.§h34Jxe516.~e1 [aimingfor~h4-
40.~xh7+ §xh7 41.§g5 §h4=. h6] 16 .. .f6 17.~h4 fxg5 18.~h6+ ~f7
3S.'li:\'h5 ~e7 39.Etg6 'li:\'c440.'li:\'h4+ [18 ... ~f619.§f1 +- ] 19.fxe5 [removing
~fS 41.e6 Etxh7 42.e7+ ~eS the defender of the g6-pawn] 19 ... ~e8
43.EtgS+ ~d71-0 20.Axg6+ 'it1d8 21.§f1 +-) 13 ... 4Jxd3
14.cxd3 (14.4Jg5 4Jxf4 15.~g4 g6
(248) El Taher - So rial 16.~xf4 'it1g717.~h4 §h818.~g3 §f8
Cairo 2000 19.§f2 +-) 14 ... g6 15.~e1 ~g7
French Defense [C14] 16.~g3 §h8 17.§ac1 Ad7 lS.f5!?
~c5+ 19.~h1 exf5 20.~g5 Ae6
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.~g5 (20 ... ~e7) 21.~f6+ 'it1g8 22.4Je4 ~e7?
~e7 5.e5 4)fd7 6.~xe7 'li:\'xe7 7.f4 23.§xc6 ~xf6 24.4Jxf6+ ~g7 25.§c7
a6 S.4)f3 c5 9.dxc5 4)c6 10.~d3 b5 26.4Jg5 ~f8 27.§fc1 §h4 28.§lc6
4) xc5 11.0-00-0 1-0. 13.4)g5+ ~g6 In the 'it1g8 line,
White wins quickly because the ~e7
8 blocks the escape route.13 ... ~g8
7 14.~h5+-. In the ~h6 line, there is

6 once again no reasonable defense to

the ~g4-h4 idea.13 ... 'it1h614.~g4 §h8
15.~h4+ ~g6 16.~xh8+-. 14.'li:\'g4!
Also winning is 14.§f3! (with the idea
of §h3) 14 ... §h8 15.§g3 §h5
16.4Jge4+ ~h6 (avoiding 16 ... ~f5
17.~g4#) 17.~g4 g6 18.4Jf6 (threat-
abc d e f g h ening 4Jg8+) 18 ... ~d819.4Jxh5+-.

Theory in this MacCutcheon French 14.•. 4)xe5

recommends either 11...4Jxd3 or 11...b5.
By castling, Black clearly invites the Berki-Raman, Dallas 2000 tried to defend
sacrifice, which can rely here upon the with 14 .. .f6 which aims to force the 4Jg5
secure e5-pawn, the §f1, and the 4Jc3 to move. White can triumph with


15.€Jxd5! fxg5 16.€Jxe7++- winning (249) Shchekachev - Oosterom

the queen. The €Jd5 cannot be safely Amsterdam 2000
captured: 15 ... exd5 16.f5+ ,ilxf5 Slav Defense [D 15]
(16 ... 'it'h6 17:i£th4#) 17.~xf5+ 'it'h6
(17 ... 'it'h5 IS.l='if3+-) 18.~h7+ 'it'xg5 1.4)f3 d5 2.d4 4)f6 3.e4 e6 4.4)e3
19.1='if5+ 'it'g4 20.~h5#. In the game, dxe4 5.e3 b5 6.a4 b4 7.4)a2 e68.11.xe4
Black actually played 15.exf6 gxf6 (the J;te7 9.0-0 0-0 10.J;td2 a5 1l.4)c1
best defense is 15 ... l='ixf6! 16.~h4 l='ifS 4)bd7 12.4)b3 J;tb7 13.~e2 ~b8
17.~h7+ 'it'f618.l='iael ~d819.~h5±) 14.e4 e5 15.e5 4)d516.dxe5 4)xe5
16.€Jxe6+ 'it'h6 (16 ... 'it'f7 17.~h5+ 17.4) xe5 J;txe518.J;td3 4)e7
'it'xe6 [17 ... 'it'g8 IS.€JxfS +- ]
18.~xd5 #) 17.~h4+ 'it'g6 IS.f5+ 'it'D
19.~h5+ 'it'gS 20.~g6+ 'it'hS 21.€Jxd5
(and now that the king cannot move,
21.l='if3+-) 21...~f7 22.~h6+ 'it'gS
23.l='if3 €Jxe6 24.fxe6 ~h7 25.l='ig3+ 1-
Q. 14 .. .f5 15.~h4 Taking advantage of
the rook's inability to reach h8.
15 ... €Jxe516.~h7+ 'it'f617.l='iael €Jg6
IS.€Jxd5+ +- with a winning fork.
15.'~·h4 f516.§.ael 4)e417.'~·h7+ abc d e f g h
~f6 18.4)exe4+ IS.€Jgxe4+ fxe4
19.€Jxe4+ transposing to the game. The exchanges on e5 have brought the
18... dxe4 19.4) xe4+ ~f7 The knight Ae7 off its defensive perch, permitting
is immune. On 19 .. .fxe4 20.fxe5+ 'it'xe5 White to undertake the sacrifice. White
(the king enters a mating net after counts here on the e5-pawn and the
20 ... 'it'g5 21.h4+ 'it'g4 22.~g6+ 'it'xh4 dark-square bishop as additional assets.
23.l='ixe4+ l='if4 24.l='iexf4#) 21.~xe4+ In the game, Black defends with the
'it'd6 22.l='ixfS ~xfS 23.~b4+ +- spears 'it'gSline, hoping for help from the €Je7,
the queen. Zaks-Einoullaeva, Litohoto but after ~xD, White has many paths
1999 continued 22 .. .':Je7 23.~e4+ 'it'b6 to attack the trapped 'it'hS, most nota-
24.l='ixeS l='ixe8 25:~xeS e5 26.~e3 e4 bly l='iael-e3. 19.11.xh7+ ~xh7
27.~d4+ 'it'e7 28.l='ixe4 ~g5 29.~e5+ 20.4)g5+ ~g8 In the 'it'g6 line, ~g4
~xe5 30.l='ixe5 1-0. 20.fxe5 ~e8 provides White with time to bring up a
21.§.dl J;td7 22.4)d6+ ~d8 rook to e 1, and triumphs with help from
23.4)xb7+ ~e7 24.4)d6 §.ab8 another unanchored black piece on c5.
25.~h3 J;te6 26.~e3 §.xb2 20 ... 'it'g6 21.~g4 (a bit more compli-
27.~a7+ §.b7 28.4)xb7 J;txb7 cated is 21.h4 l='ihS 22.~g4 l='ixh4
29.§.f3 ~b4 30.§.b3 §.a8 31.§.xb4 23.~xh4 ~hS but the white queen

§.xa7 32.§.e4+ ~b8 Not 32 ... Jle6. finds a useful home on the seventh rank,
33.l='id6 or 32 ... 'it'b6 33.l='ibl + 24.~e4 l='ieS 25.~d3+ €Jf5 26.iii'd7 +-;
not 21.iii'd3+ €Jf5 22.g4 when Black
33.§.d8+1-O gladly gives back the piece with
22 ... ~xe5-+) 21...f5 22.exf6 l='ixf6

Sacking the Citadel

(22 ... gxf6 23.4Jxe6+ ~t7 24JHel +- ) Ae7 and to initiate the sacrifice. White
23.t:!.ael 4Jf5 24.4Jxe6+ ~h7 (24 ... ~t7 can rely upon the secure e5-pawn and
25.4Jxc5+-) 25.1tg5 t:!.t7 26.4Jxc5+-. the active t:!.al as additional assets, and
21. tth5 EtcS Black can delay the at- the fact that Black's defensive re-
tack with 21...1te4 22.4Jxe4 t:!.d8 but sources are lacking. Remarkably
after 23.1te3 +- Black dare not capture enough, three players attempted to de-
and open the f-file or retreat and face fend with the ~g6 line, which fails be-
4Jg5. 22. ttxf7+ <ifthS 23.4) xe6 White cause 21. ii¥d3 provides a second attack
can also finish off the game with a rook upon the black Aa3 and because Black
swing: 23.t:!.ael t:!.c7 24.ii¥h5+ 'ittg8 cannot survive alone on the kingside
25.t:!.e3 +- . 23 •.. ttxe5 24.Etael ttf6 when White has both ii¥h7, f4+ after
25. tth5+ <iftgS 26.4) xc5 +- Aa6 'ittxg5, and a rook to swing. 19.Axh7+
27.4)xa6 Etxa6 2S.Ag5 ttg6 <iftxh7 20.4)g5+ <iftg6 In the 'ittg8Iine,
29.ttxg6 4)xg6 3O.f4 Etc2 31.f5 4)fS White needs to arrange a rook swing
32.Ete8 Eta7 33.f6 Etf7 34.Etf2 Etxf2 because the black queen's departure
35.<iftxf2 gxf6 36.Ah6 Etc7 from d8 eliminates the usual mate in five.
37.EtxfS+ <ifth7 3S.Etxf6 Etc2+ 20 ... 'ittg8 21.ii¥h5 t:!.fe8 (21...4Jf6
39.<iftf3 Etxb2 40.j'te3 Eta2 41.h4 22.exf6 ii¥f5 23.t:!. xa3 +-) 22. ii¥xt7+
Etxa4 42.h5 Etal 43.Etf7+ <iftgS 'itth8 23.t:!.ael (23.ii¥h5+ 'ittg8 24.ii¥h7+
44.Etb7 Etfl + 45. <ifte4 Ethl46.g41--O ~f8 25.ii¥h8+ 'itte7 26.ii¥xg7+ ~d8:j:)
23 ... Ac1 24.t:!.e3+-. In the 'itth6 line,
(250) Kasimdzhanov - Lesiege 21.ii¥d3 threatens an instructive mate
Istanbul 2000 with 22.ii¥h7 ~xg5 23.f4 'ittg4
Semi-Slav Defense [D47] 24. ii¥h3.. Capturing the 4Jg5 walks
straight into a mating net with f4, h3,
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.4)f3 4)f6 4.4)c3 e6 and t:!.f3, and attempts to return the
5.e3 4)bd7 6.j'td3 dxc4 7.j'txc4 b5 material with ... 4Jxe5 are insufficient.
S.Ad3 Ab7 9.0--0 b4 10.4)e4 j'te7 20 ... ~h6 21.ii¥d3 ~xg5 (21...ii¥d5
11.4)xf6+ 4)xf612.e4 0--0 13.e5 4)d7 22.ii¥h7+ ~xg5 23.f4+ ~g4 24.ii¥h3.)
14.Ae4 EtbS 15.a3 bxa3 16.b4 a5 22.ii¥h7 4Jxe5 (22 ... t:!.h8 23.f4+ 'ittg4
17.bxa5 ttxa51S.Axa3 Axa3 24.h3+ 'ittg3 25.t:!.f3.) 23.dxe5 ii¥xe5
24.f4+ +- . More complex but still win-
8 ning is 21.ii¥g4 which does have the
7 merit of defending the knight 21...4Jf6
6 22.ii¥h4+ 4Jh5 (22 ... 'ittg6 23.4Jh3 4Jd5
5 24.ii¥g5+ 'itth7 25.ii¥h5+ 'ittg8 26.4Jg5
t:!.fe8 27.ii¥xf7+ 'itth8 28.ii¥g6 'ittg8
29.4Jxe6 t:!.xe6 [29 ... t:!.e7 30.4Jg5 t:!.ee8
31.ii¥t7+ ~h8 32.ii¥f5 'ittg8 33.e6+- ]
30.ii¥xe6+ ~f8 31.ii¥h3 t:!.a8 32.t:!.tbl
ii¥c3 33.ii¥xc3 4Jxc3 34.t:!.xb7 +- ) 23.g4
abc d e f g h g6 24.gxh5 gxh5 25.ii¥f4 t:!.g8 (25 .. .f5
26.4Jxe6+ 'itth7 27.4Jxf8+ t:!.-xf8 28.ii¥f3
White first sacrifices the dark-square t:!.f7 29.t:!.tbl +-) 26.h4 f6 (26 ... c5
bishop on a3 in order to draw off the 27.~h21tc8 28.ii¥f6+ t:!.g6 29.ii¥h8.)


27.'~xf6+ .§g6 2S.'~f7 .§hS 4Jxd3 27 ..§xa5 .§xa5 2S ..§xa5 and

29 ..§fbl +- . 21:~d3+ The active place- there's no way to safely pick up the 4Jf8:
ment ofthe-black queen on a5 enables a 2S ... '<t>xfS 29 ..§aS+- with a winning
successful defense after 21.~g4? f5 simplification.
22.'li'Yg3 (22.exf6 4Jxf6 23.'li'Yg3 ~xg5)
22 .. .f4 23.'li'Yg4 4Jf6! , since the knight (251) Avrukh -Ramesh
cannot be successfully captured, Ubeda2001
24.exf6 'li'Yxg5 -+ . 21 ... fS It will come Semi-Slav Defense [D47]
as no surprise to careful readers that
the king retreats, even the capture on 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3.'ilc3 'ilf6 4.e3 e6
g5, all encounter mating nets: (a) S.'ilf3 'ilbd7 6•.1l,d3 dxc4 7..1l,xc4 bS
21...~xg5 22.f4+ (activating the rook 8 •.1l,d3 .1l,b7 9.a3 b4 10.'ile4 as
on f3 or, after f5, on f4) 22 ... '<t>h6 11.0--0 .1l,e7 12.'il xf6+ 'il xf6 13.e4
(22 ... ~h5 23.'li'Yh7+ ~g4 24.~h3#; 0--0 14.eS 'ild71S..1l,e4 ~b616.Ags
22 ... ~h5 23.~h7+ '<t>g4 24.~h3 #; AxgS
22 ... ~g4 23.'ltYh3 #) 23.~h3+ ~g6
24.f5+ exf5 (24 ... '<t>g5 25.~g3+ '<t>h5
[25 ... ~h6 26.'li'Yh4#] 26 . .§f4+-)
25 ..§f4+-; (b) 21 ... ~h6 22.'li'Yh7+ ~xg5
23.f4+ ~g4 24:~h3#; and (c) 21...'<t>h5
22.'li'Yh7+ ~g4 (22 ... '<t>xg5 23.f4+ '<t>g4
24.'li'Yh3#) 23.h3+ '<t>f4 (23 ... ~xg5
24.f4#) 24.g3+ '<t>xg5 25.f4#.
22.'ilxe6 Van der Stricht-Marechal,
Geel 2002 continued 22 ..§xa3 'li'Yd5
23.'li'Yg3 f4 24.'ltYh4 4Jf6 25.4Jh3 4Je4 abc d e f g h
26.4Jxf4+ .§xf4 27.'li'Yxf4 ~xd4
2S.'li'Yg4+ '<t>f7 29 ..§f3+ 'itJeS 30.~xg7 In selecting sacrifices for this chapter, I
1-0. But Black had the opportunity to found relative few positions such as
improve with 24 ... 4Jxe5 25 ..§el .§f5 this where the themes and variations
26.'li'Yh7+ '<t>f6= (26 ... ~xg5 27.'ltYxg7+ are instructive and clean. White can
mates in all lines) . 22 .••13a8 23.13fbl count here on the secure e5-pawn and
Ac8 Somewhat more challenging is the ability of the rooks to swing, either
23 ....§fbS 24.4Jf4+ when Black can pick with .§adl or '§ael or with f4 and '§f3.
how he wants to lose: (a) The toughest In the '<t>g6Iine, 19.~d3+! is more effi-
defense is 24 ... ~f7 25.~xf5+ ~e7 cient than 19. 'li'Yg4 because, after
26.'li'Ye6+ ~dS 27.'ltYgS+ 4JfS 2S.4Je6+ 19 .. .f5, the ~d3 is not forced to retreat
~cS 29.4JxfS 'ltYdS 30 . .§xa3 1-0 to g3. White can therefore proceed with
Moiseenko-Novikov, Montreal 2004; (b) 4Jxe6 which decimates Black's center.
The other king retreats are easily Note that White need not fear 'itJxg5,
bombed: 24 ... '\tlh6 25.'li'Yxf5+-; (c) though the lines are complex and worth
24 ... ~g5 25.'li'Yg3+ '<t>h6 26.'ltYh4#; and a careful review. 17..1l,xh7+ ~xh7
(d) 24 ... '<t>h7 25.'ltYxf5++-. 24.13b31- 18.'ilxgS+ ~g6 In the '<t>gS line, the
o More than the bishop falls after black queen has vacated the d8-square,
24 ... 4Jxe5 25.4JxfS+ ~f7 26 ..§bxa3 but White can arrange a winning rook

Sacking the Citadel

swing. lS ... 'it'gS 19.~h5 )::(feS and knight combine for a simple mate in
20.~xt7+ 'it'hS 21.~h5+ 'it'gS 22.)::(ad1 the comer 24.~h5+ 'it'gS 25.<£lg5+-)
~a6 23.)::(fe1 +-. In the 'it'h6Iine, Black and White can offer up the knight to
has no working defense to ~g4-h4-h7. activate the rook on the seventh rank,
Defending with )::(hS is the best chance, 24.)::(ad1 ~xe5 25.)::(xd7+ ~gS
but the ~g4 and the <£lg5-t7 work to- 26.)::( xb7 +- . 22.E!ad11-0
gether harmoniously. lS ... 'it'h619.~g4
<£lxe5 (19 ... )::(hS 20.<£lxf7+ 'it'h7 (252) Baburin - Lakdawala
21.~xe6+-) 20.dxe5 )::(hS 21.<£lxt7+ San Francisco 200 I
'it'h7 22.<£lg5+ ~gS (22 ... 'it'h6 23.<£lxe6 Semi-Slav Defense [D30]
)::(agS 24.~g5+ 'it'h7 25.~h5 #;
22 ... 'it'g6 23.<£lxe6+ 'it't7 24.)::(fd1 +- ) 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.4)f3 4)f6 4.e3 e6
23.~xe6+ +- . 19. ~g4 Again, the alter- 5.4)bd2 4) bd7 6.J1,d3 b6 7.0-0 J1,b7
native 19.~d3+! offers the knight but 8.b3 J1,e7 9.J1,b2 0-0 10. ~e2 ~c7
also the quickest path to victory: (a) 1l.E!ac1 E!ac8 12.4)e5 c5 13.f4
19 .. .f5 20.<£lxe6 (aiming for <£lf4 rather dxc4 14.bxc4 E!cd8 15.f5 J1,d6
than f8) 20 ... ~a6 21.<£lf4+ 'it'h7 16.4)df3 E!fe8 17.fxe6 E!xe6
(21...'it't7 22.~b3++-) 22.~h3+ 'it'gS 18.4) xd7 4) xd719.d5 E!e7
23.)::(fe1 +-; (b) 19 ... 'it'xg5 20.f4+
(20.~h7 <£lxe5 -+ ) 20 ... 'it'h6 (20 ... 'it'h5 8
21.~h7+ ~g4 22.~h3#) 21.~h3+
7 1~~~l!ri.'!I~~~
~g6 22.f5+ exf5 (22 ... 'it'g5 23.~g3+ 6
~h5 [23 ... ~h6 24.~h4#] 24.m4+-) 5
23.)::(f4 (a calm move in the middle of
the storm, protecting d4 and readying
the entry of the other rook) 23 ... ~dS
24.~xf5+ ~h6 25.~h3+ 'it'g6 26.)::(g4+
'it'f5 27.)::(fl + 'it'e6 2S.)::(g6+ 'it'e7
(2S ... 'it'd5 29.)::(d6+ ~c4 [29 ... 'it'e4 abcdefgh
30.~f3#] 30.a4+-) with a nice mate in
three, 29.)::(xt7+ )::(xt7 30.)::(e6+ 'it'fS Even in modem chess, a speculative
31.~hS#; (c) Not surprisingly, the king attack can overwhelm a defender.
retreats are quickly mated: 19 ... 'it'h6 White's additional assets include the
20.~h7+ ~xg5 2l.f4+ 'it'g4 22.~h3#; dark-square bishop taking aim at g7, the
and (d) 19 ... ~h5 20.~h7+ 'it'g4 )::(fl on an open file, and perhaps the
(20 ... 'it'xg5 21.f4+ ~g4 22.~h3#) unusual d5-pawn, which blocks the
21.h3+ 'it'f4 (21...~xg5 22.f4#) ~b7 but has no role in preventing
22.g3+ 'it'xg5 23.f4 #. 19...f5 20. ~g3 ... <£lf6. Black is well poised for the de-
~xd4 There's no relief by activating fense, with both the )::(e7 and 'l!1c7 de-
the bishop with 20 ... ~a6 21.<£lxe6+ fending the t7-pawn, the <£ld7 able to
'it'f7 22.<£lg5+ 'it'eS 23.)::(fd1 +-. defend on fS, not f6 actually owing to
21.4)e4+ c:Jf7 21...'it'h7 22.~h4+ (hop- the ~b2 and the )::(fl. Black can also
ing for a discovery that will win the count on a counterattack upon the h2-
unanchored black queen) 22 ... 'it'g6 square. In the game, Black correctly
23.~g5+ ~t7 (after 23 ... 'it'h7 the queen defends in the 'it'gS line, when Black


can survive with ... .£leS preventing force the action with 31.~h7+ 'it'f6
White's rook swing. 20.Axh7+ \t'xh7 (31...'it'fS 32.~f5+-) 32.'it'gl .llxd5
21.4)g5+ ~S In the 'it'g6line, 22. 'ltYd3 33.exd5 'ltYd7 34.§h6+ 'it'e7 35.~e4+
or 22.'li;i'e2 leads to a straightforward 'it'dS 36.§xd6 +-. 31.~hS+ \t'e7
mate in seven thanks to the powerful 32. ~h4 Also winning is 32.4Jxf7 strip-
interplay of the assets. 21...'it'g6 ping the king's remaining defense.
22.~d3+ (22.~e2++-; 22.~g4+­ 32•.• ge233.4)e6+ +- \t'd7 34.4) xc7
.£lxh2+ 23.'it'h1 ~g3 24.~f5+ 'it'h6 \t'xc7 35.~h5 ge7 36.f5 b5 37.~h4
25.~h7+ 'it'xg5 26.§f5+ 'it'g4 ged7 38.~f2 \t'b6 39.gb3 1-0
27.~h5 #) 22 ... 'it'xg5 (22 .. .f5 23.'ltYxf5+
'it'h6 24.~h7+ 'it'xg5 25.§f5+ 'it'g4 (253) Svidler - Renner
26.~h3#; 22 ... 'it'h5 23.~h7+ 'it'xg5 Germany 200 I
24.§f5+ 'it'g4 25.~h3#) 23.~f5+ 'it'h6 French Defense [CII]
(23 ... 'it'h4 24.~h3+ 'it'g5 25.§f5+ 'it'g6
26.~h5#) 24.~h3+ 'it'g6 25.'ltYg4+ 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)c3 4)f6 4.e5
'it'h7 (25 ... 'it'h6 26.~xg7+ 'it'h5 4)fd7 5.f4 c5 6.4)f3 4)c6 7.Ae3 a6
27.§f5+ 'it'h4 28.~g5#) 26.~xg7#. In S.~d2 b5 9.dxc5 Axc5 10.Axc5
the 'it'h6 line, White breaks through 4) xc5 11. ~f2 ~e7 12.Ad3 b4
against the exposed king with 22.§f5, 13.4)e2 a5 14.0-{) Aa615. ~e3 0-{)
22.~f3, or even 22.4Jxf7. 21...'it'h6
22.§f5 .£lxh2+ 23.'it'h1 g6 24.4Jxf7+ 8
§xf7 25.§xf7+-. 22.~h5 Tempting 7
but ineffective is 22 ..£lxg7? .£lxh2+ 6
23.'it'h1 .£le5 -+. 22 ..• 4)fS Ineffective 5
is 22 ... 4Jf6 23 ..£lxf6 +- . But Black is fine
by returning a piece with 22 ... .llxh2+
23.~xh2 ~xh2+ 24.'it'xh2 4JfS
25.§fe1=. 23.§.f3 Axh2+ Better to
prevent §h3 with 23 ... .£leS 24.§efl f6
25.§xf6 gxf6 26 ..llxf6 4Jh7 (prevent- abc d e f g h
ing ~hS) 27 ..£lxe7 ~xe7 2S.4Jxh7
.£lxh2+ 29.~xh2 'ltYxh7 30.~xh7+ It is hard to imagine why Black, playing
'it'xh7 31.§f7+ 'it'g6 32.§xa7 .llf5 ~. The against one of the world's strongest
material is even, but Black's remaining players, failed to capture the .lld3 on
two pieces are active and White's move 15. The sacrifice counts on the
pawns are uncoordinated. 24.\t'h1 secure e5-pawn, the §fl, and the 4Jd2-
gd6 25.Axg7! \t'xg7 26.gcfl Af4 g3 or f4 as additional assets, while
Black has a better chance of holding by Black's position after 15 ... 0-0 is remark-
returning a piece with 26 .. .f5! 27.§h3 ably unorganized for the defense. In the
4Jg6 2S.§xh2 'it'gS;!;. 27.gh3 4)g6 game, Black tried the 'it'g6 line but re-
2S.gxf4 4)xf4 29.exf4 Overlooking signed instantly after lS.f5+, bringing
29.~hS+! 'it'g6 30.exf4+- and Black the 4Jd2-f4 with devastating effect.
cannot safely stop 'ltYh7+ and §h6#. 16.Axh7+ \t'xh7 17.4)g5+ \t'g6 In
29 .•. ge1 + 30.\t'h2 \t'fS On 30 ... §eS the 'it'gS line, the only way to prevent
with the idea of ... 'ltYxf4+, White can checkmate is to delay the inevitable

Sacking the Citadel

with ... .lld3 or with a ~xg5 queen sacri- ticular his 30th move, is notable. But in
fice. 17 ... 'it'gBl8.'l1Yh3+-. In the \t>h6 the \t>gB line, Black defends well, se-
line, White mates quickly in two moves lecting the right .§.c6 on move 30. The
with'l1Yh3-h7. 17 ... \t>h61B.'l1Yh3+ \t>g6 black king is able to escape safely to
19.'l1Yh7#. 18.f5+ 1-0 Activating the the queenside, and his queenside pres-
queen on the diagonal and initiating a sure and superior development obviates
mate in four. 1B ... exf5 19.<£\f4+ \t>xg5 White's hope of advancing the h-pawn.
(19 ... \t>h6 20.'l1Yh3+ 'it'xg5 21.'l1Yh5 #) 28.Axh7+ \tlxh7 29.4)g5+ \tlg8 In
20.~g3+ \t>h6 21.~h3+ \t>g5 the \t>g6line, the <£\g5 and '§'e1 support
22.~h5 #. White picks up only an ex- .§. xe6, undoubtedly the resource upon
change after 1B.'l1Yg3? f5 19.<£\xe6+ which White based the attack. 29 ... 'it'g6
\t>h7 20.<£\xf8+ .§.xfB=. 30 ..§.xe6+ \t>f5 (30 ... 'it'h5 31.<£\e4 dxe4
[31...<£\xe4 32.~e2+ \t>g5 33.'l1Yg4 #]
(254) Reeh - Graf 32.g4+ \t>h4 33 ..§.h6+ gxh6 34.~xh6+)
Germany 2001 31.g4 #. 30. ~d3 §.5c6! Picking the
Ruy Lopez [C90] right rook. 30 ... .§.Bc6? (the rook remains
on c5 where, in key lines, it is vulner-
1.e4 e5 2.lilf3 4)c6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4 able to capture) 31.'l1Yh7+ 'it'fB 32.~hB+
4)f6 5.0--0 Ae7 6.§.e1 b5 7.Ab3 d6 'it'e7 33.'l1Yxg7+ \t>dB 34.~fB+ 'it'c7
8.a4 b4 9.a5 0--0 10.c3 Ab7 1l.d4 35 ..§.xe6 .§.xe6 36.<£\xe6+ ~xe6
bxc3 12.bxc3 exd413.cxd4 d514.e5 37.'l1Yxc5+=. 31.~h7+ \tlf832.~h8+
4)e4 15.Aa3 4) b4 16.Ac2 c5 \tle7 33. ~xg7+ \tld8 34.4)f7+ \tlc7
17.Axb4 cxb4 18.4)bd2 4)c3 35.~g3+ §.d6 36.4)e5 No better for
19. ~c1 §.c8 20. ~b2 ~d7 21.4) b3 White is 36.<£\xd6 ~xd6 37..§.xe6 ~xg3
§.c7 22.Ad3 §.fc8 23.4)c5 Axc5 3B.fxg3.llc6-+ and the b-pawn will fly.
24.dxc5 ~g4 25.~d2 §.xc5 26.h3 36 ••• ~e7 37. ~f4 d4 38.4)c4 Etf8
~d7 27.e6 (27.Axh7+ 'it'xh7 28.<£\g5+ 39.~e5 Ad5 40.4)xd6 ~xd6
\t>g6-+) 27•••fxe6 41. ~xd4 §.g8 42.g4 \tlb7 43.Etab1
4)xb144.§.xb1 \tla845.~xb4~c7
8 46. ~b6 ~c4 47. ~e3 §.h8 0-1
6 (255) Grund - Buecken
5 Senden2001
French Defense [C02]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 4)c6
5.4)f3 ~b6 6.Ae2 cxd4 7.cxd4
4)ge7 8.4)a3 4)f5 9.4)c2 -'1,b4+
abc d e f g h 10.4)xb4 ~xb4+ 1l.-'1,d2 ~b6
12.-'1,c30--0 13.-'1,d3 4)fe7 (D)
The sacrifice is overly ambitious here.
White lacks an e5-pawn, a dark-square In the Advanced French, White quite
bishop, or a queen able to reach h5 and naturally gains a secure e5-pawn in
must rely only upon the rooks as addi- addition to the .lld3. White can also
tional assets. Black's defense, in par- point to the dark-square bishop, albeit


16.~g4 (16.'lifd3 ~xg5 [16 ... <£\f5

8 17 ..lld2 ~xd418.~h3+ ~h4 (18 ... <£\h4
7 19.f4+-) 19.<£\f3++-] 17 ..lld2+ ~h5
6 18.'lifh7+ 'i!tg4 19.h3# or 19.f3# or
5 19.'lifh3# ) 16 ... <£\f5 17 ..lld2 ~xd4
18.'lifh3+ ~h4 19.<£\f3++-. 16.~h5
lad8 The rook has no anchor on e8.
16 ... fle817.'lifxf7+ 'i!th818.~h5+ ~g8
19.~xe8#. 17.~xf7+ ~h818.ladl
Even better is 18.0--0--0 aiming for a rook
abcdefgh swing to h3. 18 ... 'lifa6 19.flhe1 ~xa2
20.fld3 'lifa1 + 21.~d2 +-. 18••• .£Jf5
on c3, and the possibility of a rook No better is 18 ...'lifb5 19.~h5+ ~g8
swing via fld1--d3. Black selected the 20.h4 (with the idea offlh3-f3) 20 ....lld7
'i!tg8line in the game, when ~h5-f7 sets 21.~h7+ ~f8 22.flh3 <£\f5 23.g4+-.
up a killing rook swing with fld1-d3- 19.1ad3 .£Jh6 20. ~g6 Also winning is
h3. 14.Jl.xh7+ ~xh715..£Jg5+ ~g8 20.flh3 ~c7 21.'lifg6 ~g8 22.flxh6+-.
In the 'i!tg6 line, 'lifd3+ brings down the 20 ••. ~g8 21.laf31-O It's mate in five
house because Black cannot meet ~h3 with 21...<£\f5 22.~f7+ (or 22.flh3 <£\h6
with flh8 and because 'i!txg5 meets 23.flxh6+-) 22 ... 'i!th8 23.flh3+ <£\h6
.lld2+ with mate to follow. 15 ...'i!tg6 24.flxh6+ gxh6 25.~h7#.
16.'lifd3+! when now: (a) 16.. .f5 17.'lifh3
'i!txg5 18.'lifh7 (isolating the king and (256) Yemelin - Goric
waiting for reinforcements) 18 ... <£\xd4 Rijeka2001
(18 ... <£\xe5 19.dxe5+-) 19 ..lld2+ f4 French Defense [C06]
(19 ... ~g4 20.h3# or 20.~h3#) 20.h4+
'i!tg4 21.'lifxg7+ ~f5 (21...~h5 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3 •.£Jd2 .£Jf6 4.e5
22.'lifg5#) 22.'lifxf8++-; (b) 16 ... <£\f5 .£Jfd7 5.c3 c5 6.Ad3 cxd4 7.cxd4
17.g4 f6 (17 ... 'i!txg5 18.gxf5+- and .£Jc68..£Jgf3.£Jb69.0--0Ae710.lael
now even the rook will join the attack) Ad711.a3 a5 12.b3 a413.b4 .£Ja7
18.'lifh3 (aiming for h5) 18 ... fxe5 14.~e2 0-0 15•.£Jf1 lac8 16.Af4
(18 ... 'i!txg5 19 ..lld2+ 'i!tg6 20.'lifh5#; .£Jc4 17. .£Je3 .£Jxe3 18.fxe3 lac3
and the knight cannot be captured 19.1aa2 ~b6 20..Q.g5 Axg5
18. ..fxg5 19.'lifh5 #) 19.dxe5 +-; and
(c) 16... 'i!txg517 ..lld2+ ~h5 (17 ...'i!tg4 8
18.'lifh3#; 17 ... 'i!th4 18.~h3#) 7
18.'lifh7+ ~g4 19.h3# or 19.f3# or
19.'lifh3#. On l5 ... ~g616.'lifg4 Black
may survive after 16 ... <£\f5 (not 16 .. .f5
17.'lifh4 <£\xe5 18.dxe5 +-) 17.<£\xe6+ IL~'X~'>,

~h7 (17 ... ~h6 18.~h3+ ~g6

19.<£\xf8++-) 18.<£\xf8+ (18.'lifxf5+? 2

~g8-+) 18 ... 'i!tg819.e6 <£\h6 20.exf7+

~xf8 21.~f4±. In the 'i!th6 line, ~g4 abc d e f g h
and 'lifd3 are equally efficient: 15 ... ~h6

Sacking the Citadel

Another sacrifice out of the middlegame.

White has a secure e5-pawn and the 8
Ela2 which can reach the f-file immedi- 7
ately or even the h-file as in the final 6
notation. In the 'it'g6 line, tfg4-h4 5
(rather than g3) provides the quickest
path, because once again 25.tfh7 'it'xg5
opens a mating net. 21.Jlxh7+ ~xh7
22.~ xg5+ ~g6 In the 'it'gS line, the
mate in five is not there owing to the
absence of the tfdS, but White has time abcdefgh
simply to play Ela2-f2 to cut off the
black king's retreat. 22 ... 'it'gS 23.tfh5 Black probably thought that he was
EleS 24.tfxf7+ 'it'hS 25.tfh5+ (White winning a pawn on c5 but once again
can also play 25.Elf2 first) 25 ... 'it'gS the c5-square is a target when the black
26.Elf2 +- . In the 'it'h6Iine, tfg4-h4 tri- piece there is unanchored. White has
umphs in part because Black cannot only the dark-square bishop and the
safely anchor the ElhS. 22 ... 'it'h6 unassuming 4Ja4 as additional assets,
23.tfg4+-. 23.~g4 White cannot but the knight on the rim plays a key
make meaningful progress after 23.h4? role in capturing on c5. In the 'it'gSline,
f5! (or even 23 ... f6 24.exf6 gxf6 we see an interesting variant of the tra-
25.tfg4 'itlh6 26.tff4 tfc7 27.4Jxe6+
ditional mate in five. In this case, White,
without an e5-pawn, does not control
tfxf4 2S.4Jxf4 .il.c6-+ ). 23 •••f5 Forc-
d6. Undaunted, White blasts through
ing the knight to move with 23 ... f6
with a pretty mate in two to end the con-
24.4Jxe6+ ~f7 25.tfxg7+ '\tlxe6
test.13.Jlxh7+ ~xh714.~g5+ ~g8
26.~xfS+- leaves the king unaccept-
In the 'it'g6 line, that 'itJc2 picks up the
ably exposed in the center. 24.~h4 loose piece, either the 4Jc5 directly or
White is also winning easily after the ElaS after 4Jc5-e4. 14 ... ~g6
24.tfg3!? ElgS (on 24 ... f4 25.tfh4) 15.4Jxc5 4Jxc516.tfc2+ 4Je417.4Jxe4
25.4Je4+ 'itJf7 26.4Jd6+ ~f8 27.tfg6+-. dxe418.'itJxe4++-. 15.~xe5 The im-
24••. ~d8 25.~h7+ ~xg5 26.h4+ mediate effort to mate on h7 meets
~g41-O The mate in four culminates 15.'itJh5 .il.b4+ 16.~d2 .il.xd2+
with a nice rook swing from a2: 27. tfg6+ 17.'it'xd2 4Jf6 -+ and the knight shuts
~xh4 2S.g3+ 'itlh3 29.Elh2#. down the attack. 15.•• ~ xe5? Black can
hold the position by maneuvering a
(257) Tahirov - Kalichkin knight to f6: 15 ... '~H6 16.'itJd3 'itJe5+
Tula2002 17.'it'f14Jf618.ElbU. 16.~h5 ~d3+
Caro-Kann Defense [B 14] 17.~e2 ~xel+ 18.~axel ~e8
19.~xf7+ ~h8 20.~h5+ ~g8
1.e4c62.d4d53.exd5exd54.e4~f6 21.~h7+ ~f8 22.~h8+ ~e7
5.~e3 e6 6.~f3 Jle7 7.e5 0-0 23.~xg7+ ~d6 24.~e4+ dxe4

8.Jld3 b6 9.h4 a5 10.~a4 ~fd7 25.~hdl# 1-0

1l.b5 bxe5 12.dxe5 Jlxe5


(258) Richter - Palac 15 ... 4Jxa2+ (not 15 ... f5 16.h5+ ~f6

Dresden 2002 17.4Jh7+ ~e7 18.~xg7+ 1":If7
Trompowsky Attack [A45] 19.~g5++-) 16.~b1 (16.~d2 ~xb2
17.4Jxe6+ ~h7 -+ ) 16... 4Jc3+ 17.~c1
l.d4 4)f6 2.Jl.g5 d5 3.e3 4)e4 4.iU4 (17.~a1 ~a5#) 17 ... 4Ja2+= with a per-
e5 5.j'td3 e6 6.4)d2 4) xd2 7. ~xd2 petual. 14 ••• f5 Black's best is
4)e6 S.4)f3 j'td6 9.dxe5 j'txe5 10.0- 14 ... 4Jxa2+! 15.~b1 (not 15.~d2 ~a5+
0-00-0 11. ~e2 4)b4 16.~e2 f6-+) 15 ... 4Jc3+ 16.bxc3
~b6+ 17.~c1 f6 18.4Jxe6+ ~f7
19.~xg7+ ~xe6+ and the ~c5 holds
the 1":If8. 15.~g3 ~f6 Black's attack
with 15 ... ~a5 16.a3 4Ja2+ 17.~b1
4Jc3+ 18.bxc3 ~xa3 fails because the
white queen on g7 defends the critical
b2-square. 19.4Jxe6+ ~f7 20.~xg7+
~xe6 21.c4 ~b4+ 22.~a2 +-.
16.4)e4+! fxe4 17.j'tg5+ ~f7
IS.AxdS EtxdSl9.h4 White can also
win by prying open the f-file, 19.f3
~xe3+ 20.~b1 ~g8 21.fxe4 d4
In this Trompowsky Attack, only one
22.1":Ihfl 4Jc6 23.1":If6+-. 19 ••• j'td6
exchange has occurred, a pair of
20.~g5 j'te7 21.~f4+ M622.g4e5
knights, and White has taken the op-
23.~g3 g6 24.f4 4)e6 25.f5 gxf5
portunity to set up the sacrifice with
26.g5 AhS 27.h5 ~gS 2S.h6 Ae6
11.~e2. In support of the sac, White
29.Etdgl f4 30.~h4 4)e7 31.g6 4)f5
has as additional assets, the dark-
32.~g5 Etd7 33.g71-0
square bishop and the 1":Idl. In the ~g6
line, Black's counterattack after 14.~g4
(259) Onocko - Duarte da Silva
4Jxa2 is useful to review. 14.h4 appears
to provide better attacking chances for
French Defense [ell]
White, but Black's counterattack should
permit him to equalize. 12.Axh7+
l.e4 e6 2.4)f3 d5 3.4)e3 4)f6 4.e5
~xh713.4)g5+ ~g6 In the ~g81ine,
4)fd7 5.d4 e5 6.dxe5 Axe5 7.Ad3
White has the mate in five made pos-
4)e6 S.Af4 0-0
sible here by the fact that the ~f4 cov-
ers the d6 escape square. 13 ... ~g8
14.~h51":1e815.~xf7+ ~h816.~h5+
~g8 17.~h7+ ~f8 18.~h8+ ~e7
19.~xg7#. 14.~g414.h4! ~b6 (pre- 6
mature here is 14 ... 4Jxa2+ 15.~b1 ~a5 5
16.~g4 f5 [not 16 ... ~f617.4Jh7+ ~e7 4
18.~xg7 ~e8 19.~g5 +- ] 17.h5+ ~f6 3
18.4Jh7+ ~f7 19.~g6+ ~e7 20.4Jxf8 2
4Jb4 21.~xg7+ ~e8 22.~g8+-)
15.~g4 (15.h5+ ~f6+) and only now

Sacking the Citadel

The position at the time of the sacrifice 17.4Je5+~h518.4Jxd5+-.13 ..£lxe6+

is identical to Borg-Veer, 1984, save for ~h7 On 13 ... ~f7 White wins by re-
the absence of a single move pair (0-0, turning the knight to g5 rather than im-
a6). The result is that the king's rook mediately capturing the E'!f8: 14.4Jg5+
will not easily join the attack, but White ~g8 15.4Jxd5 ~e8 16.~b3+-.
can still count on the e5-pawn, the 14.{)xf8+ Missing the power of the
dark-square bishop, and the 4Jc3 as return of the knight to g5, 14.4Jg5+!
additional assets. In the ~g6 line, as ~g8 (14 ... ~g6 15.4Jxd5 ~d8
played in the game, the same ~d3-g3 16.4Je6++-) 15.4Jxd5 ~e8 16.~b3
(with the check preventing 4Jxe5) ma- E'!f7 17.4Jc7 +- and both knights will
neuver prevails. 9 . .Q.xh7+ ~xh7 pick up exchanges. 14••. ~xf8 IS.0-0
10.{)gS+ ~g6 In the ~g8line, White White is winning after 15.4Jxd5 +- with
still has the usual mate in five. 1O ... ~g8 the idea of 4Jc7-e6. IS ••• .£ld4 Black
11.~h5 E'!e8 12.~xf7+ ~h8 13.~h5+ needed to activate the bishop and E'!a8
~g8 14.~h7+ ~f8 15.~h8+ ~e7 with 15 ... 4Jb616.E'!adl i.1.e6±. 16.~hl
16. ~xg7 # Shushpanova-Petrovskaya, .£lb617.a4 .£l xc218.f!adl.Q.e619.aS
Albena 2009. 11. ~d3+! Proceeding .£lc4 20..£lxdS .Q.xdS 21.f!xdS.£lb4
with check. The alternative 11. ~g4 in- 22.f!d7 .£l xaS 23.f!fdl .Q.b6 24.e6
vites the capture on e5: 11...4Jcxe5 .£lbc62S..Q.d6~e826.~xg7# 1-0
12.~g3 f5 13.4Jxe6+ 4Jg4 (with the
idea of i.1.xf2+) 14.4Jxc5 ~e7+ 15.~f1 (260) Arizmendi Martinez-Rasmussen
~xc5 16.h3 E'!h8 17.E'!gl ~xf2+ Linares 2002
18.~xf2 4Jxf2 19.~xf2 4Jf6 20.E'!adl Caro-Kann Defense [B 14)
i.1.e6 Zamarbide Ibarrea-Ojer Lora,
Orvina, 2006 YZ-YZ. In another game, Bo- 1.e4c6 2.d4 dS 3.exdS cxdS 4.c4 .£lf6
Bente, Playchess 2004, Black tried S..£lc3 e6 6 ..£lf3 .Q.b4 7.cxdS .£l xdS
11...4Jdxe512.~h4 (12.~g3 ~f5 13.0- 8 ..Q.d2 .£lc6 9 ..Q.d3 .Q.e710.0-0 0--0
0-0 i.1.e7 14.h4 i.1.xg5 15.i.1.xg5 f6 11. ~e2 .£lf6 12. .£le4 ~b6 13.a3
16.i.1.d2 g5 [16 ... ~e717.h5 ~b418.f4 .Q.d7 14.f!fdl f!ad8 lS.b4 a6
4Jg4 19.E'!h4 +-] 17.f4 g4 18.h5 ~e8 16.f!acl .£la7 17 . .£lxf6+ .Q.xf6
19.fxe5 fxe5 20.E'!dfl#) 12 ... E'!h8 18..Q.gS .Q.xgS
13.~g3 4Jg4 (13 ... ~f5 14.h4 ~b6
15.0-0 f616.E'!ael ~b417.4Jge4 dxe4 8
18.E'!xe4 ~xe4 19.~h3+ ~g6 7
[19 ... ~xf4 20.g3+ ~f3 21.g4+ ~f4 6
22.~g3#] 20.4Jxe4 i.1.e7=) 14.~xg4+­
f5 15.~g3 ~e716.h4 E'!h5 17.4Jxe6+
~f6 18.4Jxd5+ 1-0. 11 ...fS And, of
course, the king retreats are quickly
mated, 11...~h5 12.~h3+ ~g6
13.~h7#. 12.~g3 ~e7 The effort to
eliminate the white e-pawn results in an abc d e f g h
amusing cascade of captures.
12 ... 4Jdxe5 13.4Jxe6+ 4Jg4 14.4Jxd8 Two minor piece exchanges were
i.1.xf2+ 15.~xf2 4Jxf2 16.4Jxc6 4Jxhl needed here to initiate the sacrifice, in-


eluding the common .ilg5 maneuver just ous to expose the king in the center with
preceding .ilxh7 +. The result is that 29 ... 'it'xe5 30.§e1 + '<t>d4 [30 ... '<t>f5
White has only the two active rooks as 31.t:ie6+ with mate in two 31...'<t>g5
additional assets, but they prove suffi- 32.§e5+ +- ] 31.t:ixf4+ +- and mate is
cient against Black's unimpressive looming) 30.t:ig7+ '<t>e6 31.t:ig4+ '<t>e7
setup. In the 'it'g6 line, the t:ig4-g3-g4 32.e6+-. Black will be forced to cap-
maneuver permits the white queen to ture the pawn and activate the white
retain long enough to carry out the dis- rook. 27.~g6+ lit>e7 28.~g5+ lit>e8
covered check and double attack upon 29.~g6+ lit>e7 30.Etd6 Etxd6 No bet-
g7, when the white rooks can actively ter is 30 ... §f7 31.§e6+ '<t>f8 when it's
finish off the job. 19.Jlxh7+ Iit>xh7 mate in five: 32.t:ih6+ §g7 33.t:ihB+
20.?J xg5+ Iit>g6 In the 'it'gBline, there's 'it'f7 34.§f6+ '<t>e7 35.t:ixg7+ +-.
no mate in five owing to the d6 escape 31.~xd6+ lit>e8 31...'<t>f7 32.t:if6+
square, but White simply swings a rook '<t>gB (32 ... '<t>eB 33.t:ie6+ '<t>dB 34.§d1 +
to the f-file to cut off the king's flight. transposes to the game's final position)
20 ... 'it'gB 21.t:ih5 §feB 22.t:ixf7+ 'it'hB 33.t:ig6+ '<t>hB with a rook swing to end
23.t:ih5+ '<t>gB 24.§c3+- or 24.t:ih7+ the discussion 34.§c3 +-. 32. ~e6+
'it'fB 25.t:ihB+ 'it'e7 26.t:ixg7+ '<t>d6 Iit>d8 33.Etdl + 1-0 There's no ad-
27.4Je4+ 'it'd5 28. t:ie5 #. 21. ~g4 Ac- equate response to the rook check, and
tive but insufficient is 21.§c5!? f5 the .Ilc6 is pinned to the unanchored
22.t:ie5 4Jb5 23.t:ig3 t:id6= with key queen. 33 ... '<t>c7 34.t:id6+ '<t>cB
support from the 4Jb5. And not 35. t:ixf8+ +-
21. t:id3+? '<t>xg5 22. t:ih7 when the black
king can escape, 22 ... '<t>f6-+. 21 •••f5 (261) Blanco Gramajo - Salcedo
22. ~g3 f4 Running the king towards Mederos
the center encourages the advancement Correspondence 2002
of the h-pawn. Note how White prefers Nirnzo-Indian Defense [E54]
to augment the pressure rather than win
the exchange with 4Jh7. 22 ... '<t>f6 23.h4 l.d4 ?Jf6 2.c4 e6 3.?Jc3 Jlh4 4.e3
4Jb5 24.h5 '<t>e7 25.4Jh7 §f7 26.t:ig5+ 0--0 5.Jtd3 c5 6.?Jf3 cxd4 7.exd4 d5
'it'eB 27.t:ig6 t:id6 2B.4Jg5 t:ie7 29.d5 8.0--0 dxc4 9.Jlxc4 a610.a3 Jtxc3
e5 30.§el4Jd6 31.4Jxf7 4Jxf7 32.t:ixg7 1l.bxc3 ~c712.Jtd3 ~xc313.M4
e4 33.h6+-. 23.~g4 e5 24.?Je6+ ?Jc614.Etel ?Jd515.Jld6 Etd8
1it>f7 On 24 ... '<t>f6 White busts through
with 25.dxe5+ '<t>e7 26.§d6+- or 8
26.t:ixg7. 25.~xg7+ Iit>xe6 Avoiding 7
25 ... 'it'eB 26.t:ixfB#. 26.dxe5 Better to 6
activate the rooks with 26.§c5! 4JcB 5
27.ti'g6+ 'it'e7 (27 ... §f6 28.§xe5++-)
and all three majors are collaborating
2B.§xe5+ Ae6 29.d5+-. 26 ... Jtc6
Black has tougher defense with 26 ... 4JcB
27.§xd7 §xd7 2B.t:ixfB with three
pawns for the knight. 2B ... t:idB abc d e f g h
29.t:ih6+ '<t>e7 (it's much too danger-

Sacking the Citadel

Complex, unusual, and one of my per- sustaining the attack. 22.e5 Etxd6
sonal favorites. White has two addi- White should proceed patiently after
tional assets, the .E!e1 and the dark- 22 ... 4Jd5 23.'li{e4+ 'it'f7 24 ..E!f1 + 'it'g8
square bishop on d6. In the r.t>g6 line, 25.g4 ~d7 26.'li{g6 .E!fB 27.~xf8 .E!xfB
4Jg5-e4 gains a critical tempo on the 28 ..E!xfB+ r.t>xfB 29.'li{e4+- with a win-
black queen, and all of White's pieces ning endgame thanks to the kingside
contribute harmoniously in a late pawn majority and the inactivity of
middlegame with a significant material Black's minor pieces. 23. ~g3+ 'it>h7
imbalance. 16..1lxh7+ 'it>xh717.~g5+ 24.exd6 Ad7 25.Etfl EtfS 26.~f4
'it>g6 Throughout many of these lines, 'it>gS 27.g4 ~h7 2S.~d2 Etxfl+
the ~d6 simply sits there, but it also 29.'it>xfl ~f6 30.g5 ~d5 31.g6+-
plays a key role in the r.t>g8Iine, block- h5 32.h4 ~f6 33.h5 ~d5 Black's
ing the king's escape to f8 and helping position is clearly too loose after
to deliver the final blow with ~f8. 33 ... 4Jxh5 34.d5 4Je5 (34 ... e xd5
17 ... r.t>g8 18.'li{h5 when Black can try: 35. 'li{xd5+ +-) 35. 'li{e3 +-. 34. ~f2
(a) 18 ... 4Jf6 19.'li{xf7+ r.t>h8 20.~f8+­ ~dS 35.'it>e2 a5 36.~h4 ~c6
forcing an exchange sacrifice when a 37.'it>d2 ~f6 3S.~f4 'it>hS 39.'it>c1
rook swing will then end the game; (b) ~a7 4O.h6 a441.h7 ~c842.d5exd5
18 ... 'li{d3 19.~xf7+ r.t>h8 20 ..E!e4+- 43. ~e5 d4 44. ~c5 d3 45. ~e51-0
blocking the queen's access to h7 and
threatening the rook swing to h4; and (262) Kasparov - Deep Junior
(c) not 18... .E!xd6 (White mates on the New York 2003
back rank) 19.'li{xf7+ r.t>h8 20.~f8#. Nimzo-Indian Defense [E48]
Quite unromantic is the knight fork and
skewer after 17 ... 'it'h6 18.4Jxf7++- 1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.~c3 Ab4 4.e3
r.t>g6 19.4Jxd8 4Jxd8 20.'lii'g4+ r.t>f6 0--0 5.Ad3 d5 6.cxd5 exd5 7.~ge2
21.~h4+. lS.~e4! Hitting the queen, EteS S.O--O Ad6 9.a3 c610. ~c2
protecting the ~d6, and making ready
for ~g4+. If instead 18.~g4 f5-+ or
18 ... 4Jf6-+. And after 18.h4, Black can
pounce with 18 ... 'li{xd4 -+ .
IS ••• ~xe1 + Black does not have time
to retreat the queen with 18 ... 'li{a5
19.~g4+ r.t>h6 (19 ... r.t>h7 20.'lii'h5+ r.t>g8
21.4Jg5 and Black cannot defend with
... 4Jf6 because of 'li{xf7 and ~e5)
20.'li{g5+ r.t>h7 21.'li{h5+ r.t>g8 (White
resorts only now to the typical 4Jg5 abc d e f g h
maneuver after ... r.t>g8) 22.4Jg5 4Jf6
(Black cannot safely vacate the back This is Kasparov's second game involv-
rank with 22 ... .E!xd6 23.'li{xf7+ r.t>h8 ing a Greco Sacrifice against a world-
24.~f8#) 23.'li{xf7+ r.t>h8 24.~e5+­ class computer and, in this case, it's the
(but not 24.~f8? 'li{xg5). 19. ~xe1 f5 computer attempting the move against
20.f3! fxe4 21.fxe4 ~f6 21.. ..E!xd6 the world champion. The computer can
22.~g3+ +- picking up the rook and count on two additional assets, the


light-square bishop and the f1e8, but (263) Kovalev - Kochetkov

Kasparov has key assets of his own, Minsk 2003
notably the-,~k2 helping to defend on French Defense [CI4]
f2, the pressure upon h7, and the 4Je2-
g3- Kasparov correctly brings his king 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ~f6 4.j}.g5
to g3, when, after ... ~g5, f4 drives the j}.e7 5.e5 ~fd7 6.j}.xe7 tPtxe7 7.f4
black queen off the g-file. Kasparov a6 8.~f3 c5 9.tPtd2 ~c6 10.dxc5
selects a drawing line, rather than 16.g3! tPtxc5 11.0-0-0 b5 12.Cjfjlbl ~b6
perhaps to avoid a tactical bloodbath 13.j}.d3 Ad714.Ethel 0-0
against the machine. 10 ... j}.xh2+
IViljlxh2 ~g4+ 12.Cjfjlg3 There's no 8

hope for White in the ~gl line owing 7

to ~xf2 and the rook swing via e6. 6
12.'it'gl ~h4 13.f1d1 ~xf2+ 14.'it'h1 5
f1e6 -+ . The 'it'h3line walks into a game 4
ending discovery. 12.~h3 4Jxe3+-+. 3
12 .• :~g5 There's nothing for Black 2
after 12 ... ~d6+? 13.4Jf4 g5 (White
gains control over the h3-c8 diagonal)
abc d e f g h
14.~xh7+ ~f8 15.~f5+- and after
12 ... h5?, 13.f1h1 combines with f4 to
It seems tough to believe that a 2300+
shut down the attack: 13 ... ~g5 14.f4
player would castle into the attack here,
~h6 15.e4+-. 13.f4 13.~xh7+ ~h8
14.f4 ~h5 likely transposing to the especially since Black has promising
game. 13 •.• tPth5 14.j}.d2! tPth2+ moves such as 14 ... f1b8 or g6. The sac-
14 ... f1xe3+? 15.~xe3 4Jxe3 16.~d2 rifice occurs immediately after Black's
4Jxf1+ 17.f1xf1+- 15.CjfjlH tPth4 committal move, and White relies on the
16.j}.xh7+ Kasparov settles for a secure e5-pawn, the 4Jc3, and the rooks
forced draw. The only try for a win is as additional assets, while Black does
16.g3!, a tactical continuation that might have counterplay on the queens ide. In
have seemed daunting against the ma- the game, Black played ~g6, walking
chine. 16... ~h2 (not 16... 4Jh2+ 17.~f2 into the familiar 4Je4 fork. 15.j}.xh7+
4Jg4+ 18.'it'el+-) 17.f1ae1! g6 18.e4 CjfjIxh716.~g5+ CjfjIg6 Especially given
with what appears to be a winning ad- the unanchored ~c5 and White's de-
vantage. 16 ... Cjfjlh8 With better devel- lay in playing the queen to the h-file,
opment, White has a slight edge after the ~g8 line represents Black's best
16... ~xh7 17.~xh7+ ~xh7 18.f1hl+ chance because the king is able to es-
'it'g6 19.e4;l;. 17.~g3 It's too late to cape and the black attack has
play for a win with 17.g3!? ~xh7 merit. 16 ... ~g8! 17. ~d3 (the queen ob-
18.~xh7+ 'it'xh719.f1h1 + 'iftg6 20.f1h4 viously does not have direct access to
f5 21.4Jc1 (with the idea of 4Jd3-e5) hS) 17 ... f1fe8 (the queen has only one
21...4Jd7 22.4Jd3 b6 23.f1ah1 ~a6 entry on h7) 18.~h7+ ~f8 19.~h5
24.4Je5+ 4Jdxe5+ 25.fxe5 ~d3=. (19.~h8+ ~e7 20.~h4 f1h8 21.4Jh7+
17... ~h2+ 18.Cjfjlf2 ~g4+ 19.Cjfjlf3 'ifte8 22.4Jf6+ gxf6 23.~xh8+ ~f8
~h2+ Yz-Yz 24.~xf6± when White's advantage is

Sacking the Citadel

obvious and he can proceed with the esting for the brutal attack after
advance of the h-pawn) 19 ... 'it'e7 (aim- 18.'i£rxcS+.13.Axh7+ Cit'xh714.4)g5+
ing to escape to the queens ide) 20.4Jxf7 Cit'g6 In the 'it'gS line, Black can delay
(with the idea of cutting off the king's the mate in five only by capitulating
retreat) 20 ... 4Ja4 (20 ... 4Jc4 21.fS 4Jb4 with ... 4Jf6 or ... 'i£rxgS. 14 ... 'it'gS
22.f6+ gxf6 23.exf6+ ~xf6 24:i£rgS+ lS.'i£rhS+- §eS 16.'i£rxf7+ ~hS
'it'xf7 2SJ~f1 + +- ) 21.fS 4Jxc3+ 22.bxc3 17.'i£rhS+ ~gS lS.'i£rh7+ 'it'fS19.'i£rhS+
exfS 23.e6 'i£rxc3 24.'i£rh4+ 'i£rf6 2S.4JgS ~e7 20.'i£rxg7#. 15:~c2+11S.'i£rc2 is
d4 (2S ... AcS 26.§xdS+-) 26.c3;!;. more accurate because, in lines involv-
17:~d3+ f5 IS.exf6+ Cit'xf6 After the ing 4Je4+, the queen can also capture
king retreat, White must proceed care- on c5. On lS.'i£rd3+ fS 16.exf6+ 'it'xf6
fully, but the mate is still there: lS ... ~hS 17.4Jce4+ 'it'e7 White is certainly win-
19.'i£rh7+ ~g4 20.4Jf3 gxf6 (20 ... ~xf4 ning but can only capture on c5 with
21.§e4+ dxe4 22.'i£rxe4#) 21.'i£rh4+ the knight. lS.4JxcS +-; lS.'i£rg4? fS
'it'fS 22.'i£rhS+ ~xf4 23.g3 #. 16.'i£rh4 (there's no direct way to keep
19.4)ce4+ 1--0 the queen on the g-file with 16.'i£rg3 f4
17.'i£rg4 'i£rxgS -+) 16 ... §hS 17.'i£rg3
(264) Lugovoi - Kallio 'i£re7 (the queen is out of reach of the
Gausdal,2003 discoveries) lS.4Jxe6+ 'it'h7 19.4JxdS
N irnzo-Indian Defense [E51] 4JxdS 20.4JxcS 'i£rxcS and White must
settle for a perpetual with 21.'i£rh4+ 'it'gS
l.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3 -'lb4 4.e3 22.'i£rdS+=. 15 ••. f5 16.exf6+ Cit'xf6
0--0 5.-'ld3 d5 6.4)f3 4)bd7 7.a3 17.4)ce4+ Cit'e7 IS.~xc5+ Cit'eS
dxc4 S.-'lxc4 -'le7 9.e4 4)b610.Ad3 19.4)d6+ Cit'd719 ... 'it'e7 20.4Jxb7+ +-
c5 1l.dxc5 -'lxc512.e5 4)fd5 wins the queen. 20.4)df7 White also
wins easily with 20.4Jge4 'i£rc7 21.'i£rd4
8 §f6 22.AgS +-. 20 ••• ~e7 21. ~b5+
7 Cit'c7 22.Af4+ 4) xf4 White crashes
6 through after 22 ... eS 23.JlxeS+ +-.
5 23.Etc1 + Cit'bS 24. ~e5+ 1--0
(265) Thorhallsson - Balinov
Plovdiv 2003
Sicilian Defense [B27]

abc d e f g h l.e4 c5 2.4)£3 b6 3.d4 cxd4 4.4) xd4

-'lb7 5.4)c3 a6 6.-'le3 e6 7.~d2
Once again, the unanchored piece on -'lb4 S.£3 4)f6 9.a3 Axc310. ~xc3
cS should conjure up images of 4Je4+ d511.e5 4)fd712.0--0--0 4)c513.f4
forks and 'i£rc2 attacking the ~g6. For ~d7 14.4)f3 0-0 15.-'ld3 EtcS
additional assets, White has the eS- 16.Cit'bl a517.Ethel-'la61S.-'lxc5
pawn, the dark-square bishop, and a lS.Axh7+ 'it'xh7 19.4JgS+ 'it'gS
clearly useful4Jc3-e4. In the 'it'g6 line, 20.AxcS transposing. IS ... bxc5
White obviously plays 'i£rc2+ aiming at
the AcS. The game is especially inter-


(266) Roese - Coenen

Germany 2003
Reti Opening [A47]

1.4)f3 4)f6 2.b3 c5 3.,1lb2 e6 4.e3

j'te7 5.d4 0--0 6.j'td3 b6 7.4)bd2
j'tb7 8.0-0d69.c4 4)c610.~e2 ~c7
11.~adl ~fe812.dxc5 bxc513.4)e4
4)xe414.,1lxe4 4)b415.j'tbl j}.f8?

abcdefgh 8
White's capture on c5 opens the third
rank for ~c3-h3. White can count here
on the two centralized rooks and the
secure e5-pawn as additional assets. In
the ~gSline, ~h3 attacks only the h7- 3
square, giving Black a bit oftime to or- 2
ganize a defense, but White's assets are
ready to overwhelm the black kingside, abc d e f g h
with ideas such as f4-f5, Ele3-g3, and
~h7-hS-g7. 19.,1lxh7+ 'ifjlxh7 Black's 15 ... .1lfS was a clear error, tak-
20.4)g5+ 'ifjlg8 In the ~g6line, Black ing the bishop off its defense ofthe g5-
cannot safely defend with ... ElhS. square. White can rely here on the dark-
20 .. .'.t;>g6 21.~h3+-. In the ~h6line, square bishop and the Eld1, and even
~h3 comes with check and White de- the Elfl after a timely f4. In the ~g6
livers mate in two with ~c3-h3-h7. line, ~g4 is the correct path when, after
20 ... ~h6 21.~h3+ ~g6 22.~h7#. ... f5, White can win with either ~g3 or
21. ~h3 ~d8 If Black tries to run with ~h4, often a wise choice when the black
21 ... ~f8. White can break through with rooks cannot safely reach hS.
22.f5 ~e7 (the capture on f5 is too dan- 16.j'txh7+ 'ifjlxh717.~g5+ 'ifjlg6 In
gerous because White, with the rook the ~gSline, Black can delay the attack
on e I, can quickly advance the e-pawn, with .1le4, but White then has time to
22 ... exf5 23.~hS+ ~e7 24.~xg7 Elc6 bringuptheElfl.17 ... ~gSl8.~h5.1le4
25.e6+-) 23.~h4 ~eS 24.~hS+ ~e7 19.4Jxe4.:te7 20.f4 ~c6 21.4Jg5 .1lxg5
25.~xg7 ~dS and a rook swing to fin- 22.fxg5 Ele7 23.Elf4+-. After 17 ... ~h6
ish things off. 26.Ele3 +-. 22. ~h5 White wins quickly with 18.~g4 and
Eta7 22 ... ~eS 23.Elxd5 exd5 24.e6+- 19.~h4. 18.~g41 18.h4? gives Black
and Black cannot safely capture the time to play 18. ..f6-+ .18•••f51S ... ~e7
pawn owing the double attack on e6. is easily parried with 19.4Jxe6+ ~h7
23.f5 exf5 24.e6 g6 25. ~h7+ 'ifjlf8 (19 ... ~h6 walks into a mate in four
26.e7+ 1--0 Black resigns rather than 20 ..1lxg7+ ~h7 [20 ....1lxg7 21.~xg7+
face mate in three: 26 ... 'it'eS (26 ... El xe7 ~h5 22.~h7+ ~g4 23.~h3# or
27.~hS#) 27.~xf7+ 'it'd7 2S.eS~+ 23.h3#] 21.~h5+ ~gS 22.~hS#)
~d6 29.Ele6#. 20.4Jxg7 +- taking full advantage ofthe

Sacking the Citadel

.llb2. 19. ~h4 e5 20.f4 ~c8 The mate 22.~h5+ ~g8 23.~h7+ ~f8 24.~h8+
threat on g2 is trivially parried: 20 .. .'lii'c6 ~e7 25.~xg7#, and while there's no
21.e4+-. 21.e4 White also has a crush- immediate mate after 20 ... ~h8
ing attack after 21.g4. 21 ... E!d8 22.fxe5 21.4Jxf7+ +-; the fork is certainly suffi-
jlxe4 23.~h7+ <iftxg5 24.jlc1+ It's cient. 21. ~xf7+ <iftxg5 Black might as
also mate in three with 24.h4+ ~g4 well capture the knight directly, since
25. ~g6+ ~xh4 26..§.f4 #. 24... <iftg41t's 21...~h6 22 ..§.d3 merely gives White
mate in two after 24 .. .f4 25 ..llxf4+ ~g4 time to swing the rook, 22 ... 4Jxe5
26.~h3#. 25.~h3* 1-0 23 ..§.h3+ ~xg5 24 ..§.h5+ ~g4 25.h3 #.
22.E!d3 .£lxe5 23.E!g3+ It's also mate
(267) Simutowe - Alayola in five with 23.f4+ ~g4 24.h3+ ~h4
Merida 2003 25.g3+ ~xh3 26.~h5+ -+. 23 ... <ifth4
Queen's Gambit Declined [D41] 24.~xg71-O Starting a mate in seven.
Not that it really matters, but it's mate
1..£lf3 .£lf6 2.c4 c5 3 ..£lc3 d5 4.cxd5 in four with 24.~f4+ ~h5 25.~f5+ ~h6
.£lxd5 5.d4 e6 6.e4 .£lxc3 7.bxc3 26.'§'h3+ +- .
cxd4 8.cxd4 jlb4+ 9.jld2 jlxd2+
10.~xd2 0--0 1l.jle2 b612.0--0 jlb7 (268) Rahman - Shetty
13.~e3 .£ld714.E!fdl.£lf615.jld3 Calcutta 2004
E!c816.d5 exd517.e5 E!e818.~f4 Semi-Slav Defense [D46]
1 •.£l£3 d5 2.d4 .£lf6 3.c4 c6 4.e3 e6
8 5.Ad3 jld6 6 ..£lc3 .£l bd7 7.0-0 0-0
7 8.e4 dxe4 9 ..£lxe4 .£lxe4 10.Axe4
6 E!e811.Ac2 b612.E!el Ab7
abc d e f g h
This example is somewhat easier than 2

others in this chapter, but it contains

an unusual pair of additional assets, the
e5-pawn and the .§.dl. In the game,
Black tried the ~g6line where, with just Black's 12th move, 12 ... .llb7, seems
two majors, White delivers a rather oblivious to the danger, perhaps be-
simple checkmate. 19.Axh7+ <iftxh7 cause Black felt that he could count on
20•.£lg5+ <iftg6 In the ~g8line, White ... 4Jf8 or ... 4Jf6 for the defense. White
benefits from the placement of the ~f4 relies here upon two additional assets,
to unleash a slight variant on the mate the dark-square bishop and {he .§.el. In
in five, relying only on the 4Jg5 to cover the game, Black selected the ~g6 line
the e6-square. 20 ... ~g8 21.~xf7+ ~h8 where White has several paths to the


win, including g4!, threatening rather 16 ... lLle5 17.dxe5 Ae7 IS.gxf5+ exf5
than playing ~d3+. 13.j},xh7+ 'it>xh7 19.~g3 Jlxg5 but the Jlg5 is now
14.4Jg5+ ~g6 The 'it'gSline is Black's pinned, 20.h4 ~d4 21.~xg5+ ~h7
most promising continuation because 22.~xf5+ ~gS 23.Ag5 ~xe4 24.e6+-
the king's rook has already vacated f8, splitting Black's forces in half. 17.h4
and the black queen is also able via f6 c5 18.h5+ 'it>h6 19.4Je4 'it>h7
to reach the key bl-h7 diagonal. 20.4J xf6+ 4J xf6 21.gxf5 exf5
14 ... 'it'gS 15.~h5 ~f6 (15 ... lLlf6? 22. tlYxf5+ 'it>g8 23 . .Q.h6 .Q.e4
16.~xf7+ 'it'hS 17.§e3+-) 16.~h7+ 24. tlYg5 .Q.f8 25.j},xg71-0
'it'fS 17.lLle4 when: (a) Black is fine af-
ter 17 ... ~f5 IS.~hS+ (not IS.lLlxd6 (269) Eriksson - Zetterberg
~xh7) IS ... 'it'e719.~xg7 M4=; (b) Too Gothenburg 2005
dangerous is 17 ... ~xd4 IS ..l1g5 f6 English Opening [A34]
19.§adl +- with lLlxd6 next; and (c)
White wins a pawn and sustains the 1.4Jf3 4Jf6 2.c4 c5 3.4Jc3 d5 4.cxd5
the initiative with 17 ... ~g6 18.~xg6 4Jxd5 5.d4 cxd4 6.tlYxd4 4Jxc3
.1lxh2+ 19.<iTtxh2 fxg6 20.lLld6 §ebS 7. tlYxc3 4Jc6 8.e4 e6 9.j},b5 j},d7
21.§xe6+-. 15.tlYd3+ White's most 10.0-0 tlYb6 11.a4 tlYc5 12.tlYd3
accurate attack starts with 15.h4! with tlYd6 13. tlYe2 .Q.e7 14.e5 tlYc7
the idea of both h5 and ~g4. 15 .. .f5 15..Q.d2 a6 16..Q.d3 4Jb4 17.Etfcl
16.g4 ~bS 17.~e2 aiming to strip the .Q.c618.j},e40-0 19..Q.xb4 .Q.xb4
Black e-pawn and then capture on f5.
17 ... .1lh2+ IS.'it'f1 ~f619.§xe6+ §xe6 8
20.~xf5+ 'it'e7 21.~f7+ ~d6 (21...~dS 7
22.lLlxe6+ 'it'eS 23.~eS#) and now the 6
white pawns, bishop, and rook join the 5
attack. 22.e5+ bxe5 23.dxe5+ ~xe5
(23 ... lLlxe5 24.M4+ .l1xf4 25.§dl + +- )
24.lLlxe6+ ~b6 (24 ... 'it'b5 25.a4+ <iTta6
26.~xd7 +-) 25.~xd7 +-. Also win-
ning is 15.g4!? §fS 16.h4 'it'f6 17.lLlxe6
fxe6 IS ..l1g5+ +- , but not 15.~g4 f5-+ abc d e f g h
when the queen must leave the g-file.
15.••f5 With no e5-pawn, the black king The sacrifice is somewhat optimistic
has access to f6: 15 ... ~f616.~f3+ 'it'g6 here. White does have the e5-pawn, an
(but the retreat to e7 is instantly mated active §el, and the unanchored Ab4
16 ... 'it'e7 17.~xf7#) 17.~xf7+ ~h6 towards which to aim, but Black's ~e7
18.lLlxe6+ +- and the powerful discov- protects the f7-pawn laterally. In the
ered check initiates a mate in three. Of ~gSline, however, the §e4 rook swing
course, the king retreat to the h-file is drives the Ab4 to d2 where it disrupts
quickly mated: 15 ... ~h516.~h7+ ~g4 White's efforts with the threat ofAxg5.
17.f3 #. 16.g4 tlYf6 Black can try to re- Black fails to find the best defense with
lieve the kings ide pressure by giving 25 ... §adS after which the queen and
back a piece and then putting pressure rook triumph on the kingside.
on the dark squares with ... Jle7: 20..Q.xh7+ 'it>xh7 21.4Jg5+ 'it>g8 In

Sacking the Citadel

the ~g6 line, White finds the 28.'I11g5+ f6 29.exf6+ gxf6 30.~xd2=
unanchored ,ilb4 to be useful after both when White emerges a pawn to the good
~g4 and a well-timed §c4. 21...'it>g6 but Black has excellent activity after
22.~g4! (22.~d3+ f5 23.~g3 'I11e7 30 ... ~e5. White cannot meaningful
24.<tlxe6+ 'it>f7 25.<tld4=) 22 ... f5 gain an advantage with 25 ... §ad8
23.exf6 'it>xf6 (23 ... ~a5 24.<tlh7+ 'it>f7 26.~h8+ 'it>e7 27.~xg7 §f8 28.§h8
25.'I11xg7+ ~e8 26.§xc6 bxc6 27.<tlxf8 ,ild5 29.<tlxf7 §xf7 20.'I11xf7+ ~xf7
,ilxf8 28.'I11b7+-) 24.§c4+- gaining 31.§xh7 'it>g6 32.§xc7 ,ila5 and White
time against the bishop for §f4+. In the is unlikely to advance the extra kingside
'it>h6Iine, White is also able to play §c4 pawns successfully. 26.'i!\'xg5 ~gS
with tempo against the Ab4.21...'it>h6 27. 'i!\'h5 White repeats the position first
22.§c4+- g6 (on 22 ... Ae7 23.§h4+ rather than simply playing 27.§g4+-.
'it>g6 [not 23 ... 'it>xg5 24.~g4#] 27•.• ~fS 2S.'i!\'g5 ~gS 29.Elg41 g6
24.~h5+ ~f5 25.<tlxf7++- with mate 30.Elh4 EladS 31.Elfl f6 Black can-
next move) 23.§xb4 ~xg5 exposing the not successfully exchange queens with
king for a mate in three: 24.~e3+ 'it>f5 31...~e7 32.~h6+- when a capture of
(24 ... 'it>h5 25.~h3+ ~g5 26.f4#) the rook would be needed to stave off
25.~f4#. 22.'i!\'h5 ElfeS White can mate. 32.exf6 'i!\'f7 33.Elh6 .1l,e4
again count on gaining a tempo for the 34.'i!\'h41--O
attack by playing against the ,ilb4,
22 ... §fd8 23.~h7+ 'it>f8 24.~h8+ 'it>e7 (270) Zezulkin - Urban
25.~xg7 §f8 26.§dl ,ild5 27.§acl. Germany 2005
(the point. A rook is headed for the Sicilian Defense [B40]
fourth rank) 27 ... ~a5 28.§d4 ,ilc5
29.b4 Axb4 30.§f4 §ae8 31.<tlxf7 §g8 l.e4 e5 2.4)e3 e6 3.4)f3 a6 4.d4 b5
32.'I11h7 §xg2+ 33.'it>f1 +-. 23.Ele4 5.dxe5 .1l,xe5 6.e5 .1l,b7 7 ..1l,d3 f5
Ad2 24.Elh4 ~fS 25.EldI25.<tlh7+ S. 'i!\'e2 'i!\'e7 9 ..1l,e3 4)e7 10.0--0--0
'it>e7 (on 25 ... 'it>g8 26.<tlf6+ 'it>f8 [the of- Ab411 ..1l,d2 4)bc612.~bl.1l,xe3
fer of the knight cannot be accepted, 13.Axe3 4)d5 14..1l,d2 0--0 15.a3
26 ... gxf6 27.~h8#] 27.<tlxe8 [27.~h8+ Elac816.Elhe14)a517.g4f4
'it>e7 28.<tlxe8 §xe8 29.~xg7transpos­
ing] 27 ... ,ilxe8 28. ~h8+ 'it>e7 8
29.~xg7 +- with the unstoppable idea 7
of ~f6 and §d4+) 26.§d4 §ed8 6
27.§xd2 §xd2 28.'I11g5+= picking off 5
the §d2, but Black emerges with ad-
equate compensation for the pawn.
25 ••. Axg5 The toughest defense is
25 ... §ad8! 26.<tlh7+ ~e7 (or 26 ... 'it>g8
27.<tlf6+ 'it>f8 [Black must obviously
avoid 27 ... gxf6 28.~h8#] 28.<tlxe8 abc d e f g h
,ilxe8 29.~h8+ 'it>e7 30.~xg7 §d5
31.§h8 ~xe5 32.'l'iYf8+ 'it>f6 33.~xe8 In this Sicilian, Black has organized the
,ila5= and Black's activity compensates familiar counter play down the c-file.
for the material deficit) 27.§xd2 §xd2 White has prepared the sacrifice with a


g-pawn sacrifice to open the b1-h7 di- [22 ... ~h5 23.'ti11h7#] 23.'ti11h7#) 22.g5+
agonal. White can count here on the ~h5 23.itYh7+ ~g4 and now it's mate
dark-square- bishop, albeit blocked in eight, 24.f3+ ~xf3 (24 ... ~g3
along its key diagonal by Black's f4- 25.§gl + +-) 25.'ti11e4+ ~g4 26.§gl +
pawn, and the centralized rooks. In the ~h5 (26 ... ~h3 27.'ti11hl#) 27.'ti11h7#;
game, Black selected the ~h6Iine, tak- and (c) 20 ... ~h6 when White has a mate
ing advantage of the relative inactivity in two in two ways: 21.'ti11h7+ (21.'ti11h3+
of White's dark-square bishQP, but ~xg5 22.itYh5#) 21...~xg5 22.'ti11h5#.
White correctly found the winning 19 ... ~h8looks as if it might have prom-
method with itYd3-h3-h7 and the ad- ise because the white queen cannot
vance of the kings ide pawns. reach h5 directly, but White has 20.'ti11d3
18.Axh7+ \tIxh719. .£jg5+ \tIh6 In threatening mate on h7 as well as 'ti11h3+.
the ~g8 line, the mate in five morphs 20 ...'ti11xc2+ 21.'ti11xc2 §xc2 22.~xc2+-.
into a nice mate in nine because the d8- 20.Axa5 ttxa5 21. ttd3 g6 22. tth3+
square is vacant.19 ... ~g8 20.itYd3 (the \tIxg5 Black might as well capture on
capture on a5 distracts the black queen g5 in view of 22 ... ~g7 23.itYh7#.
and also enables victory: 20.Axa5 23.tth7! .§g8 24.f3 1-0 Best is
itYxa5 21.itYd3 §fe8 22.itYh7+ ~f8 24.§gl! holding the g-pawn, threaten-
23.itYg6 ~e7 24.4Je4+- with domina- ing h4#, and starting a mate in eight
tion over key entry squares) and now, after 24 .. .f3.
with the f-pawn on f4 and the white g-
pawn on g4, there's no safe way to block (271) Godnjavee - Zufie
the check. And so: (a) 20 ... §fe8 Portoro 2005
21.itYh7+ ~f8 22.itYh8+ ~e7 23.itYxg7+ Nimzo-Larsen Opening [AOl]
~d8 24.4Jf7+ (forcing the king back into
a discovery) 24 ... ~e7 25.4Jd6+ ~d8 l.b3 e5 2.Ab2 .£jc6 3.e3 d5 4.Ab5
26.itYg5+ §e7 (26 ... 4Je7 27.4Jf7# with Ad6 5..£je2 4)f6 6.Axc6+ bxc6 7.0-
a lovely smothered mate) 27.'ti11g8+ §e8 00-0 8.d3 e4 9 ..£jd2
28. itYxe8 # ; (b) To stop the attack, Black
can give back a rook: 20 ... itYxc2+ 8
21.'ti11xc2 §xc2 22.~xc2 +- with an ex- 7
tra pawn and far better development; 6
and (c) Black cannot manufacture a path 5
to the queens ide with 20 ... §f7 21.Axa5
itYxa5 22.itYh7+ ~f8 23.itYg6 §e7
24.itYh5+-. In the ~g6Iine, itYd3+ re-
quires that Black return material with
... §f5. 19 ... ~g6? 20.itYd3+ when Black
cannot block the check with .. .f5. In- abc d e f g h
stead: (a) 20 ... §f5 21.gxf5+ exf5
22 ..ilxa5 itYxa5 23.§gl; (b) 20 ... ~xg5 White's modest opening has permitted
when the normal 'ti11h7 resource fails to Black, in just nine moves, to establish
...'ti11xc2, but White has 21.h4+! ~h6 the e4-pawn and to set the sacrifice in
(21...~xg4 22.§gl + ~xh4 and now the motion. In addition to the e4-pawn,
queen will arrive on h7 with check Black can count on the light-square

Sacking the Citadel

bishop as additional assets. In the "i!'rg5#) 20 ... i;t"g5#. 19...~f7 0-1 Clos-
game, White played 'it'g3 when Black ing the net, 20.'it'h7 .Ild7 -+.
establishes the queen on the g-file and
finishes off the king in an accurately (272) Stojanovic - Vasovski
played king hunt. 9 ••• Jtxh2+ 10.~xh2 Struga2005
.£\g4+ 1l.~g3 In the 'it'h3Iine, Black French Defense [C14]
has i;t"g4 with the idea of playing .£le3+
or transferring the queen to the h-file l.d4 .£\f6 2.Jtg5 e6 3 . .£\f3 Ae7
with mate on h2. 11.'it'h3 i;t"g5 12 ..£lf4 4.Jtxf6 Axf6 5.e4 d5 6 . .£\c3 0-0
(12.dxe4 .£lxe3+ 13.'it'h2 i;t"xg2#) 7.e5 Jte7 S.Jtd3 c5 9.h4 f610.exf6
12 ... i;t"h6+ 13.'it'g3 i;t"h2#. In the 'it'gl Jtxf6
line, Black is able to barge straight
through with i;t"xf2 and .£lxe3, threat- 8
ening both the white queen and an im- 7
mediate checkmate. 1 I. 'it'gl 'lii'h4 6
12.Ele1 i;t"xf2+ 13.'it'h1 .£lxe3 -+. 5
11 ••• ~g51 with the idea of .£lxe3+. Less
convincing is 1l ... h5 when White is
happy to give back a knight: 12 ..£lf3
exf3 13.gxf3 .£le5 14 ..£lf4 Ele8+ and
not 11...i;t"d6+ 12 ..£lf4 g5 (gaining back
the knight but ceding the center) abc d e f g h
13.dxe4± 12.f4 ~g613.f513.i;t"c1 is
more prudent, safeguarding the queen In a flash back to 1895, the players reach
though inviting Black to seize the cen- the same position as De Visser-Young
ter, 13 ... .£lxe3+ 14.'it'f2 (not 14.'it'h2 (game 18). In that game, Black selected
"i!'rxg2# or 14.'it'h4 .£lxg2#) 14 ... exd3 the 'it'h6 line, a wise course given the
15.cxd3 (it's much too dangerous to absence of a dark-square bishop and
capture the knight 15. 'it'xe3 El e8+ the presence of the h4-pawn. Here,
16..Ile5 dxe217.'it'xe2 f6-+) 15 ... Ele8 Black played the 'it'g8Iine, when White,
threatening ... 'lii'xg2# 16 ..£lg3 (16.Elg1 still the victor, missed the most accu-
.£lg4+ 17.'it'f1 [17.'it'e1 "i!'rxd3 -+; rate course with 0-0-0, Elhe1, and
17. 'it'f3 i;t"xd3 #; 17. 'it'g3 El xe2 -+ ] .£lxd5. 1l.Jtxh7+ ~xh7 12..£\g5+
17 ... "i!'rxd3-+) 16... .£lxfl17 ..£ldxfl h5 ~gS For 12 ... 'it'h6 see game 18.
with an obvious advantage. The same 13.i;t"d3! Jlxg5 (13 ... g6 14.h5 +-)
idea with 13.i;t"e1 walks into 13 ... .£lxe3+ 14.hxg5+ 'ittxg5 15.'lii'g3+;!;; the 'it'g6
14.'it'f2 .£lxc2-+. 13•.• ~g5 14.~h3 line invites an mate in three because
White can safeguard the queen, but Black cannot block the check from the
Black then opens up the center with "i!'rd3+. 12 ... 'it'g613.'lii'd3+ 'it'h514.g4+.
14."i!'rc1 .£lxe3+ 15.'it'f2 exd3-+. 'ittxg4 (14 ... 'itth6 15.'lii'h7#) 15.'lii'f3#.
14••• ~h5+ 15.~g3 ~h2+ 16.~xg4 13. ~h5 E!eS 14. ~f7+ ~hS
h5+ 17.~g5 f6+ IS.Jtxf6 gxf6+ 15.dxc51? White's best is continued
19.~h6 19.'it'g6 walks into a simple development with 15.0-8-0! .£ld7
mate with19 ... i;t"xg2+ 20.'it'xh5 (20.'it'h6 16.Elhe1 .£lf8 in preparation for
17 ..£lxd5! i;t"xd5 18. i;t"xe8 .Ilxg5+


19.hxg5 'it'gS 20.dxc5 ~xg5+ pawn and the dark-square bishop. In

21.'it'b1 +- with EldS on the next move. the game, Black played ~g6, when
15.~g6 'it'gS -16.0-0-0 .£Id7 17.'li¥f7+ White has the efficient ~e4+ (or ~g4)­
'it'hS lS.Elhe1 .£IfS 19 ..£Ixd5 transpos- h4-h7 maneuver and a familiar king hunt
ing to the line just above. 15 ... ~d7 to end the game. 12.,1}.xh7+ <it>xh7
16.0-0-0 ~f8 17.~ce4 ,1}.d7 13.~g5+ <it>g6 In the ~gSline, the cus-
18. ~h5+ <it>g819.~f7 dxe4? Crum- tomary mate is in six moves, not five,
bling at a critical moment. Black holds owing to the black queen's departure
with 19 ... ~e7 20 ..£Ied6 .£Ih7 21.~g6 from dS. 13 ... ~gS14:li¥h5 EldS (there's
ElfS when the threat on f7 forces White no anchor for the rook on eS: 14 ... EleS
to deliver a perpetual check. 22 ..£Ih6+ 15.'li¥xf7+ ~hS 16.'li¥xeS+ AfS
'it'hS 23 ..£Ihf7+=. 20.~xdS +- EtexdS 17.'li¥xfS#) 15.'li¥xf7+ 'it'hS 16.'li¥h5+
21.Etd6 J1,c6 22.Ethd1 Etxd6 ~gS 17.'li¥h7+ ~fS lS.'li¥hS+ ~e7

23.Etxd6 J1,e8 24.~e2 Etc8 25.b4 19.'li¥xg7+ 'it'eS 20.'li¥f7#. In the ~h6
J1,c6 26.Etxc6 Etxc6 27.~xe4 Etc7 line, 'li¥g4 has two threats, 'li¥h4 and the
28.a3 Etd7 29.h5 Etd5 30.f4 a5 31.g4 knight discovery supporting 'li¥g7 # :
,1}.c3 32.~c4 axb4 33.axb4 J1,d2+ 13 ... ~h6 14.~g4 ElhS 15 ..£Ixe6++-.
14.~e4+ 14.'li¥g4 f5 15.'li¥h4 trans-
34.<it>h2 ,1}.e3 35.~e4 J1,d4+ 36.c3
poses to the game. But not 14.'li¥d3+ f5
,1}.f6 37.g5 J1,d8 38.<it>h3 <it>f7 39.f5
15.'li¥h3 .£If6 16.exf6 ~xf6 when White
Etd7 40.fxe6+ ~xe6 41.~f5+ <it>e7
does not have .£Ie4 double-check as in
the game. 14.••f5 Both king retreats
lose once again: 14 ... ~h5 15.'li¥h7+
(273) Arutinian - Snorek
~g4 16.h3 # or 16. 'li¥h3 #; and
Pardubice 2005
14 ... 'it'h6 15.'l1i'h7#. 15.~h4 f4
Queen's Gambit Accepted [D26] 15 ... .£If6 16.exf6 ~xf6 (not 16 ... gxf6
17.~h7#) and White has a powerful
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.~f3 ~f6 4.e3 double check. 17 ..£Ie4+ ~f7 (the queen
e6 5.,1}.xc4c5 6.~e2 a6 7.dxc5 ,1}.xc5 and knight work well together, and Ag5
8.0--0 h5 9.J1,d3 0--0 10.e4 ~b611.e5 is also in the air, 17... ~g6 IS. 'li¥g5+ ~f7
~d5 19.'li¥h5+ +- ) lS.'li¥h5+ when the knight
and queen again show offhow well they
8 coordinate: (a) After lS ... ~gS the
7 knight simply returns to g5: 19 ..£Ig5 EldS
6 when White's fastest path is 20.'li¥h7+
5 ~fS 21.'li¥hS+ 'it'e7 22.'li¥xg7+ ~d6

4 23 ..£If7++-; (b) lS ... g619.~h7+ 'it'eS

20.'li¥xg6+ +- with the rook entering on
dl if the king tries the d-fiIe; and (c)
lS ... 'it'e7 Delivering check and prepar-
ing Elc1, 19.Ag5+ 'it'd7 20 ..£Ixc5+ 'l1¥xc5
abc d e f g h 21.Eldl+ ~c7 22.Elc1 +-. 16.~h7+
<it>xg517.h4+ <it>g418.~g6+ <it>xh4
White's e-pawn has just driven off the 19.93+ 1-0 It's mate in three with
.£If6, allowing White to initiate the sac- 19 ... fxg3 (19 ... ~h3 20.'l1¥h5 #)
rifice with two additional assets, the e5- 20.'li¥xg3+ ~h5 21.'li¥g5#.

Sacking the Citadel

(274) Rendle- Guido than g6 is 16.i.tf6+-. 14.~d31 g6

Bratt02005 Blocking the queen's access to h7.
Sicilian Defense [B40] Black's two alternatives fare no better:
(a) 14 ... i.txgS IS.hxgS+ <;t>xgS exposes
1.e4 c5 2.4)0 e6 3.h3 4)f6 4.e5 4)d5 the king and White now has a mate in
5.Ah2 Ae7 6.4)c3 4)xc3 7.Axc3 0- five: 16.'ltfg3+ <;t>fS 17.flhS+
o8.Ad3 4)c6 9.h4 f510.exf6 Axf6 (17.'ltff3++-) 17 ... gS (17 ... 'it'e4
11.'li:\'e2 (1 Ulxh7+ ~xh7 12.4JgS+ 18.d3#) 18.'ltfd3+ <;t>g4 (18 ... 'it'f4
~h6-+) l l ...d5 19.'ltff3#) 19.'ltfh3+ <;t>f4 20.'ltff3#; or
(b) Moving the rook to h8 cedes con-
8 trol over f7 and only encourages
7 14 ... flh81S.4J£7++-. 15.h5 4)e7The
6 alternatives also get crushed: If Black
5 bravely captures the knight ,IS ... 'it'xgS,
16.f4+ mates quickly: (a) 16 ... 'it'xf4
17.'ltff3+ 'it'gS 18.'ltfg3+ <;t>fS 19.0-0+
'it'e4 20.flael # ; (b) 16 ... <;t>g4 17.'~f3+
~fS 18.g4#; and (c) 16 ... 'it'h6
17.'ltfxg6#. Trying to defend the g-
abc d e f g h pawn loses the queen. IS ... flg8
16.4J£7+ +-. The most logical defense
White nicely prepares the sacrifice with is probably IS ... 4JeS covering the g-
11.'ltfe2, a requirement in lines in which pawn and attacking the queen, but
the queen requires immediate access to White can capture the knight or pursue
the d3-square. White relies here upon mate with 16.hxg6+ 'it'xgS (16 ... 'it'g7
the dark-square bishop and the h4- 17.flh7+ <;t>g818.'ltfh3 4Jxg619.flh8+
pawn as additional assets. In the game, 'it'g7 20.'ltfh7 #) 17.f4+ <;t>xf4 (17 ... 'it'g4
Black tried the <;t>h6 line, undoubtedly 18.'ltfh3+ ~xf4 19.'ltfh6+ ~gS 20.0-
counting on the immediate absence of 0++-) 18.'ltfe3+ <;t>fS (18 ... 'it'g4
the dark-square bishop and the pres- 19.'ltfh3+ 'it'gS 20.'ltfhS+ <;t>f4 21.0-
ence ofthe h4-pawn, but White shows 0++-) 19.'ltfh3+ <;t>f4 (19 ... 'it'e4 20.d3+
the correct path with 'ltfd3+ and hS!. 'it'f4 21.i.td2#) 20.'ltfh6+ +-. Capturing
12.Axh7+ <if/xh713.4)g5+ <if/h6 In the knight with the bishop misses
the <;t>g8 line, 'ltfhS wins immediately White's main threat, IS ... ~xgS
because the capture on g5 once again 16.'ltfxg6#. 16.4)f7+ The fastest path
opens the h-file with effect. 13 ... ~g8 to victory is 16.hxg6+ 'it'g7 (not
14. 'ltfhS +- . 'ltfd3+ is devastating in the 16... <;t>xgSI7.'ltfg3+~fSI8.flhS+'it'e4
~g6 line because Black does not have when White has numerous mates in one:
... fS to block the attack. 13 ... <;t>g6 19.d3# or 19.'ltfe3# or 19.'ltfg4# or
14.'ltfd3+ <;t>hSlS.g4+ ~h6 (IS ... 'it'xg4 19.f3# or 19.'ltff3#) 17.flh7+ <;t>g8
16. 'ltff3 #) 16.'ltfh 7 #. The exchange on 18.'ltfh3 Axc3 (there'S nothing better:
g5 opens the h-file for the attack: 18 ... d4 19.flh8+ Axh8 20.'ltfh7#)
13 ... AxgS 14.hxgS+ <;t>g8. The retreat 19.'ltfh6+-. 16.•• E!xf717.hxg6+ 1-0
to g6 encourages 'ltfhS with a mate in Black's position crumbles after
seven. IS.'ltfhS 4Je7 when much better 17 ... <;t>g7 (There'S no point in playing


17 ... ~g5 18.~g3+ ~f5 19.§'h5+ ~e4 when Black has four defensive tries: (a)
20.~e3#) IB.§.h7+ ~gB19.gxf7+ ~fB 23 ... f6 forces the knight to move
20.Axf6+-. - 24.<£\xe6+ when now: (1) 24 ... ~f7
25.<£\xc5 bxc5 26.exf6 gxf6 (White de-
(275) Plachetka - Talla livers the key check) 27.i£1b3+ ~g7
Czechia 2005 2B.i£1xb7++-; (2) Certainly not
Queen's Gambit Declined [D61] 24 ... ~h7 25.i£1xg7#; (3)After24 ... ~h6
it's mate in three with 25.~xg7+ ~h5
1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.4)e3 4)f6 4.Jl,g5 26.~h7+ ~g4 27.h3# or 27.i£1h3#;
Jl,e7 5.e3 0-0 6.4)£3 4)bd7 7.~e2 and (4) It's also mate in three after
dxe4 8.Axe4 a6 9.a4 e5 10.dxe5 24 ... ~h5 25.<£\f4+ ~h6 26.i£1h4+; (b)
4) xe5 11.0-0 b6 12.lafdl 4)ed7 23 ... f5 24.<£\xe6+ ~f7 25.i£1xg7+ with
13.laac1 Ab7 14.~e2 ~e8 15.e4 an instructive mate in the center,
4)e5 16.e5 4)fe4 17.4)xe4 4)xe4 25 ... ~xe6 26.§.d6#; (c) With a rook
18.Jl,e3 Ae5 19.Jl,d3 Jl,xe3 swing at White's disposal, it's hopeless
20.'~xe3 4)e5 to try 23 ... ~f5 24.§.c4 <£\e4 25.<£\xe4
Axe4 26.§.xe4 ~xe4 27.i£1g5+-; and
8 (d) After 23 ... ~h6 White forces the
7 black king to capture on g5 with
6 24.~h4+ ~g6 25.~h7+ ~xg5 and now

5 it's mate in five: 26.i£1xg7+ ~h5

(26 ... ~h4 27.§.c4+ +-; 26 ... ~f4
27.i£1f6+ ~g4 2B.h3+ ~h5 29.g4#)
27.g4+ ~h4 2B.i£1h6+ ~xg4 29.h3+
~f5 30.~f6+ ~e4 31.§.c4 #. 23.laxe5
On 23.~h3 Ae4 24.§.xc5 Af5 25.g4
abc d e f g h ~e7+ Black prevents the mate on h7,
developing effectively. 23 ... bxe5 Best
The c5-square is once again important, to spurn the "automatic" recapture by
not because the <£\c5 is unanchored, but activating the queen, threatening both
because it alone provides the anchor rooks, and by returning the piece, de-
for the Ab7. White can rely here on two veloping the §.aB, 23 ... i£1xa4! 24.§.cc1
additional assets, the active rooks. In §.ad8~. 24.~h3 Jl,e4 25.4)xe4f5 On
the ~gB line, the exchange sac on c5 25 ... §.dB the exchange of rooks only
eliminates Ae4 as a defense. Black releases the pressure, and so 26.§.el
misses the opportunity to decline the f6 27.exf6 §.d5 2B.fxg7 ~xg7 29.i£1c3+
rook sacrifice, returning the piece with e5 30.<£\xc5 +- when the black majors
23 ... ~a4 and reestablishing communi- are active, but the extra white pawns
cation with the key e4-square. will triumph. 26.exf6 lad8 27.laxd8
21.Jl,xh7+ 'iflxh7 22.4)g5+ 'iflg8 In ~xd828.~xe6+ +- 'iflh829.fxg7+
the ~g6line, ~g3 provides the discov- 'iflxg7 30.~e5+ 'iflg8 31.h3 ~d4
ery with <£\e6. After <£\xc5, Black can- 32.~g5+ 'iflh7 33.~xe5 ~xe5
not counter ~b3+ picking off the 34.4)xe5 a5 35.4)b7 laf5 36.4)d6
unanchored Ab7. 22 ... ~g6 23.~g3 lae5 37.b3 lae3 38.4)e4 laxb3
39.4)xa5 lab4 40.g3 laxa4 41.4)b3

Sacking the Citadel

<i!lg6 42.<i!lg2 <i!lfS 43.4)d2 §a2 19.•.Axh2+ 20.<i!lxh2 4)g4+ 21.<i!lh3

44.4)f1 <i!le4 4S.4)e3 §as 46.h4 In the ~gl line, the queen infiltrates
§bS 47.4)g4 §b2 48.4)h2 §a2 quickly via h2 and g2 with the bishop
49.4)£3 <i!lfS SO.4)h2 §b2 SI.4)fl entering powerfully at D. 21.~gl ~h4
<i!le4 S2.4)e3 §bS S3.4)dl §b3 22.~el ~h2+ 23.<;t>f1 ~xg2+ 24.~e2

54.hS <i!lfS SS.4)e3+ <i!lgS S6.g4 <i!lf4 Af3+ 25.<;t>d2 Axdl 26.E!.xdl <tJxf2
27.~c1 <tJxdl-+. In the ~g3 line, the
S7.<i!lh3 §blS8.4)dS+<i!lf3 S9.<i!lh4
§G160.4)f6 <i!lf4 61.<i!lh3 <i!lgS Black <tJg4 becomes a marauder because the
can achieve a blockade with 61...E!.dl = E!.c4 supports ~h4 mate. 21.~g3
with 62 ... <;t>g5 next. 62.4)e4+ <i!lf4 <tJxe3! 22.f4 (22.~xe3 ~h4#; 22.fxe3
~h4 #) 22 ... <tJf5+ when the threat of
63.4)g3 §al 64.<i!lh4 §a2 6S.h6
~h4 # rules out retreats to h3 and g4:
§xf2 66.4)hS+ <i!leS 67.<i!lgS §f8
(a) 23.~h2 ~h4+ 24.~gl <tJg3 25.~e3
68. <i!lg6 <i!le6 69.h7 <i!le7 70.gS1-0 ~hl + 26.~f2 ~xg2+ 27.~el ~xb2 -+;
and (b) 23.<;t>f2 ~h4+ 24.~gl <tJg3 -+.
(276) Savoia - Kiik If instead 24.<;t>f1 E!.xf4+ -+ and 24.g3
Turku2005 ~xg3+ 25.~f1 E!.xf4+-+. 21 ... ~gSI
Nimzo-Indian Defense [E38] 21...<tJxe3 The threat of~h4# makes
the knight immune, and 22.f4 <tJxg2 +- .
l.d4 4)f6 2.e4 e6 3.4)e3 Jth4 4. ~e2 22.e4 The usual defense with 22.f4
eS S.dxeS 4)e6 6.4)f3 AxeS 7.e3 dS runs into mate in four: 22 ... ~h5+
8.Ae2 0-0 9.0-0 a6 10.§dl ~e7 23.~g3 ~h2+ 24.<;t>xg4 f5+ 25.~g5
11.a3 dxe412.Axe4 bS13.Aa2 Ab7 ~h6#. 22 ••• fS 0-1 It's mate in seven:
14.h4 Ad61S.Ab2 §ae816.~e2 23.f4 ~h5+ 24.<;t>g3 ~h2+ 25.<;t>f3
4)eS 17.4)d4 4)e4 18.Axe4 §xe4 fxe4+ 26.<tJxe4 (26.<;t>xg4 E!.xf4+
19.4)b3 27.<;t>g5 ~h6#) 26 ... ~xf4#.

8 (277) Yalov - Spasov

7 ICCF e-mail 2005
Queen's Gambit Declined [038]
l.d4 4)f6 2.e4 e6 3.4)e3 dS 4.4)£3
4 Ah4 S.exdS ~xdS 6.e3 0-07.Ad3
3 IV"""CL-K~ Ad7 8. ~e2 ~aS 9.0-0 eS 10.a3
2 Axe311.bxe3 Ae612.e4 e413.Ae2
~xe314.§bl ~aS1S.eS 4)dS
abc d e f g h
Greco Sacrifices with the black pieces 7
are rare enough, but here, Black also 6
relies on an unusual combination of 5
additional assets, the light-square 4
bishop and the E!.c4 already able to 3
move laterally. In the game, White se- 2
lected the ~h3 line when ~g5-h5 or f5
overwhelm White's defenses.
a h c d e f g h


To avoid the sacrifice after e4-e5, Black fxg6 25.4JxfS 4Ja6=. 20 •..gxf6 Trying
prudently ought to have returned the to force the 4Jg5 to retreat. The alterna-
pawn with .·.. 1.txf3. Here, White can tives permit White to activate the dark-
count on three additional assets, the square bishop on the long diagonal.
secure e5-pawn, the dark-square 20 ... 1.txd5 21.1.tb2 ~g6 22.\¥yh3 \¥Yxg5
bishop, and the .§bl. In the game, Black 23.fxg7 +- and 20 ... exd5 2l.fxg7 'it'xg7
tried the 'it'gS line, giving back the 22.1.tb2+ f6 23.g4 \¥Yg6 24.4Je6+ 'it'f7
knight on f6 in order to play \¥yf5 reach- 25. \¥Yxg6+ 'it'xg6 26.4JxfS+ +- . 21.dxc6
ing the key diagonal, but White, by .£) xc6 22.Elh5! e5 23.f4 Certainly the
playing very actively, retains a winning most tempting continuation, activating
advantage. 16.Jl.xh7+ Cit'xh7 the dark-square bishop and the .§f1, but
17..£)g5+ Cit'g8 In the 'it'g6Iine, ~e4+ better is putting the question to the
is most efficient because, after .. .f5, the queen, which must remain on the b I-h7
queen continues to attack the weakened diagonal. 23.g4! \¥Yd3 (23 ... 'lii'g6
e6-pawn. 17 ... 'it'g61S.\¥Ye4+ when: (a) 24.\¥Yxg6+ fxg6 25.4Je4 +-) 24 ..§d5
After 18. ..f5, 19.exf6+ is overwhelming \¥Yg6 25. ~xg6+ fxg6 26.4Je6 +-.
because the queen has access to both 23 ••. fxg5 24.fxe5 tNg6 25.tNg4 a6
e6 and h7: 19 ... 'it'xf6 20.~xe6#; 26.Elc5 .£)e7 27 . .1lxg5 Elac8
19... 'it'h6 20.~h7#; 19... 'it'h5 20.~h7+ 28.Elxc8 Elxc8 29.h41-0 The threat
'it'g4 2l.f3# or 21.h3# or 21.~h3#; of h5 and a discovered check forces
(b) Again, king retreats meet a quick Black to offer an exchange of queens.
mate. 18. .. 'it'h5 19.~h7+ 'it'g4 20.f3# 29.h4 c3 30.h5 \¥Ye6 3l.\¥Yxe6 fxe6 but
or 20.h3#or 20.~h3#; and (c) now White wins a piece with an easy
lS ... 'it'h6 19.\¥yh7#. In the 'it'h6 line, simplification, 32.1.txe7 c2 33 ..§c1 +- .
~g4 provides the additional option af-
ter 4Je6+ or ~g7#. 17 ... 'it'h6 18.~g4 (278) Esen - Sveshnikov
'§hS19.4Jxe6+ +-. 18.tNh5 .£)f6 The MoscowZ006
rook retreats fare poorly: (a) After Dutch Defense [A84]
lS ... .§eS, 19.'§xb7 strips the bishop
from its defense of the .§e8. 19 ... 1.txb7 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3 ..£)c3 c6 4.e3 Jl.d6
20.~xf7+ 'it'hS 21.\¥YxeS#; (b) On 5.Jl.d3 f5 6. tNc2 .£)f6 7 ..£)ge2 0-0
lS ... .§dS the rook takes the part of the 8.0-0 .£)a6 9.a3 dxc4 10.Jl.xc4 h5
queen on d8 giving White the usual 1l..1ld3
mate in five: 19.\¥Yxf7+ 'it'hS 20.\¥yh5+
'it'gS 21.\¥Yh7+ 'it'fS 22.'lii'hS+ 'it'e7 8
23.~xg7+; and (c) The rook can't hide 7
on c8: 18. .. .§cS19.~xf7+ 'it'hS 20.\¥Yg6 6
'it'gS 21. ~xe6+ +- forking the king and 5
rook. 19.exf6 tNf5 20.d5! Opening the 4
long diagonal for the ~cl. Less precise
is 20.g4 ~xb1 2l.fxg7 'it'xg7 22.4Jxe6+
with the threat of ~h6 winning the
queen, but Black can wind his way to
equality: 22 ... 'it'gS (22 ... fxe6 abc d e f g h
23.~h6+ +-) 23.~h6 \¥Yg6 24.\¥Yxg6+

Sacking the Citadel

Black neatly prepares the sacrifice with as in the game, White needs to shut
... b5, making ready to play ... c5 and as- down the long diagonal: 17.e4 c5
sisting the light-square bishop to enter 18..l1xb5 ~h2+ 19.~f3 cxd4 20.~xd4
the attack on the long diagonal. For the .§ac8 (fighting over the e4-square)
attack, Black has the light-square bishop 21..§el fxe4+ 22 ..§xe4 (capturing the
and the .§f8 as additional assets. In the knight brings on a mate in five: 22.~xg4
game, Black played the '<t'g3 line, when h5+ 23.'<t'g5 ~g3+ 24.~xh5 g6+
the black queen gains a secure perch 25.~h6.§f7 -+ ) 22 ... ~c5 -+ and Black
on the g-file, giving Black time to de- wins the battle over the e4-square.
velop the light-square bishop on b7. 15 ..•c5 Better for Black not to weaken
1l••• j},xh2+ 12.Cit'xh2 ~g4+ 13.Cit'g3 the structure but first to play 15 ....l1b7
In the '<t'gl line, the .§f6-h6 rook swing 16.d5 when both pawn captures meet a
requires White to play e4, when Black blockade with ~d4, and so 16 ... ~c5
simply drives the white king to the f-file 17.~g3 ~xd3 18.~xd3 exd5+.
where Black's king's rook can reach 16. "/kb1 White can, instead, try to ex-
it.13.'<t'gl ~h414.'§dl ~xf2+ 15.'<t'hl ploit the weakening ofthe b5-pawn with
.§f616.e4 ~h4+ 17.'<t'gl ~h2+ 18.~f1 16..llxb5 .l1b7+ 17.d5 (trying to shut
~hl + 19.~gl fxe4+ 20.'<t'e2 .§f2+ down the long diagonal) 17 ... exd5
21.'<t'el ~xgl + 22 ..llfl ~xfl#. In the 18.~b3 ~c7 (now even the knight
'<t'h3 line, ~g5-h5-h2 forces the king to plays a useful rol), 19.1.te8 (with the
the long diagonal, when the .l1b7 and threat of~xb7) 19 ... ~a6 20.1.th5 ~f6
even ~a6-c7 are useful assets. 13.'<t'h3 21..§hl g6-+ trapping the bishop.
~g5 14.f4 (14.~f4 ~h6+ 15.'<t'g3 g5 16 ••• j},b7+ 17.e4 cxd4 18.~xd4
16.~h3 ~h4+ 17.'<t'f3 ~h2+ 18.~e2 Etad819.~dxb5 Etxd3+ 0--1
~g4+ 19.'<t'el ~xg2+) 14 ... ~h5+
15.~g3 .llb7! (turning down the per- (279) Stets - Kipper
petual 15 ... ~g6 16.'<t'h3=) 16.~b3 Germany 2006
~h2+ 17.~f3 c5+ 18.d5 ~c7 and now French Defense [COO]
the knight enters the attack, adding fuel
to the attack on d5: 19 ..llxb5 ~xd5 1.e4 e6 2.d3 d5 3.~d2 ~f6 4.~gf3
20.e4 fxe4+ 21.~xe4 g5, with a crush- b6 5.c3 j},e7 6. "/ka4+ c6 7.j},e2 0--0
ing attack, 22 ..lld2 ~xf4 23.~xf4 .§xf4+ 8.0--0 c5 9.Ete1 "/kc710.~f1 c411.e5
24 ..llxf4 ~xf4+ 25.~e2 ~xe4+-+. cxd312.j},xd3 ~fd713..1lg5 j}.xg5
13... "/kg5 14.f4 It may be best here to
force the knight to move, 14.f3 ~xe3+
(walking into a self-pin) 15.~f2 ~xg2+
16.~xe3 ~xfh picking up the ex-
change, but White will now develop the
b-pawn and the dark-square bishop. The
alternative 14.e4 ~e3+ with another
discovered check - the self-pin meets a
humorous checkmate: 15.'<t'f3 fxe4+
16.~xe4e517 ..llxe3~f5#.14 ••. "/kg6
15.Cit'f3 Winning is also a challenge abcdefgh
after 15.~h3 ~h5+ 16.'<t'g3 .l1b7when,


White readies the sacrifice with II.e5, after 15 ... ~g6, White's best is 16.~c2+
when Black, to avoid the loss ofa pawn, when the king retreats to h5 and h6 walk
must exchange-on d3, bringing the light- straight into mates, leaving Black with
square bishop there. For the attack, two real choices: (a) 16... <;tJxg5 invites
White can count on the dark-square the usual mating net with 17. ~h7 <£lxe5
bishop, the <£lf1-g3, and the Elel as (17 ... ~xe5 prevents an immediate mate
additional assets. In the ~g8 line, the by tossing away the queen. 18.f4+) and
queen swings to h4, not h5, giving now White can mate: 18.~xg7+ <;tJf5
Black a chance to create an escape for 19.<£lg3+ <;tJf4 20.~f6+ <;tJg4 21.h3#;
the king and to capture the e5-pawn. and (b) 16 ... f5 17.exf6+ when Fritz12
But White's queen, knights and rook finds mates in 10 against both .. ,<;tJh6
are sufficient to blast through Black's and ... ~h5 leaving two main alterna-
center. 14..Q.xh7+ <;t>xh715.4)xg5+ tives: 17 ... ~xg5 18.fxg7 with the usual
<;t>g8 In the ~h6 line, the white queen idea of~h7, and 17 ... ~xf6 with a mate
reaches h4 directly, giving White time in five. 18.Elxe6+ ~xg5 19.~g6+ ~h4
enough to assemble a rapid mating net. (19 ... <;tJf4 20.g3+ <;tJf3 21.<£ld2 #)
15 ... ~h616.'~h4+ ~g617.~h7+ (forc- 20.g3+ <;tJh3 21.~h5#.
ing the capture ofthe knight) 17 ... ~xg5
and now it's mate in three with 18.h4+ 16. ~h4 §e8 The win is similar to the
~f4 (18 ... ~g4 19.<£lh2+ ~f4 20.g3#) game after 16 ... Eld8 17.~h7+ <;tJf8
19.'~h5 with mate next move. In the 18.<£lg3 <£lxe5 19."iJ1h8+ <;tJe7 20.~xg7
~g6 line, White can choose between <£lbc6 21.<£lxf7 <£lxf7 and White has a
two winning continuations. 16.~g4 is mate in eight with 22.<£lf5+ <;tJe8
effective because the discovered check 23."iJ1g8+ <;tJd7 24.~xf7+ <£le7
with <£lxe6 followed by "iJ1xg7 force the 25."iJ1xe6+ <;tJe8 26.~g6+ <;tJf8
king to e6 when White can force open (26 ... <;tJd7 27.El xe7#) 27.~g7+ ~e8
the e-file for the Elel. 16.~c2 also works 28.Elxe7+ "iJ1xe7 29.~xe7#.17.~h7+
because .. .f5 weakens the e6-square for <;t>f8 18.4)g3 4) xe5 19.4)h5 <;t>e7
the Elel, and because <;tJxg5 walks into 20. ~xg7 4)bc6 21.f4 4)d3 22.4)f6
another mating net. After 15 ... <;tJg6, Missing 22.<£lxf7, since winning the
16."iJ1g4+- is sufficient to win. White exchange only brings the rook power-
can keep the queen on the g-file and fully to the e-file, and 22 ... <£ld8 23.<£le5+
the knight has useful discoveries. ~d6 24.~xc7+ <;tJxc7 25.<£lxd3 +- with
16 .. .f5 (not 16... <£lxe5 17.Elxe5 +- and a simple win by advancing the kingside
the discovered checks make the rook pawns. 22 ..• 4)ce5 23.§e2 §f8
immune. ) 17. "iJ1g3 ~c4 (hoping to 24.4)fh7 ,11.a6 25.~f6+ <;t>d7
block the discoveries with ... "iJ1g4. If in- 26.4)xf8+ §xf8 27.fxe5 Or simply
stead 17 ... "iJ1b7, White can continue 27.<£lxe6 fxe6 28."iJ1xf8+-. 27••. ~c5+
with <£le4-d6) 18.f4 ~c5+, reposting the 28.<;t>h1 ~e7 29.4)h7 §c8 30.§f1
queen on e7, but 19.<£le3 ~e7 4)c5 31.~g7 <;t>c6 32.§xf7 ~h4
20.<£lxe6+ ~f7 21.~xg7+ (once again, 33.g3 ~a4 34.h3 ~a3 35.§ef2 4)e4
the knight is poison) 21... ~xe6 36.4)g5 36.Elc2 +- limits the black
22."iJ1g6+ <£lf6 23.exf6 Elxf6 queen's activity and ends the discus-
24.<£lxf5+ +- when a discovered check sion. 36 .•• ~cl+ 37.<;t>g2 4)xf2
by the other knight wins the queen. But 38.§xf2 ~xc3 39.~g6 After

Sacking the Citadel

39AJxe6+- White is three pawns to the mediately threatens ~h4, and even
good. 39 ••• ~xe5 40.~xe6+ ~xe6 White's willingness to throw back a
41.4)xe6 §.e8 42.§.f6 §.e7 43.'iflf3 rook fails quickly to the combined power
'ifld6 44.4)f4+ 'iflc5 45.§.e6 §.h7 of Black's majors. 21.'ittg3 Elh5 22.Elhl
46.h4 d4 47.'ifle4 §.g7 48.§.e5+ 'iflb4 4Jh2! 23.'ittf4 (White dare not capture
49.§.g5 §.d7 5O.4)d5+ 'ifla3 51.'iflxd4 the knight, 23.Elxh2 ~g5#) 23 ... ~g5+
'iflxa2 52.b4 'iflb3 53.h5 Ab7 54.b5 (the mating net is cast) 24.'ittxe4 Eld8
'ifla4 55.h6 'iflxb5 56.h7 §.d8 The 25.4Jd6 (25.4Je3 f5+ 26.~e5 ~e7+
pawn is immune: 56 ... Elxh7 57.4Jf6+ +-. 27.'ittf4 ~e4+ 28.'ittg3 f4# or 25 ..Ild4
57.§.h51-0 ~d5+-+) 25 ... ~e7+ 26.~f4 Elh4+
27.'ittf5 (27.~g3 ~g5#) 27 ... g6#. In
(280) Sosna - Berezjuk the 'itth3 line, the rook arrives on h5 with
Czechia 2006 check, eliminating even the possibility
Philidor's Defense [C41] ofElhl. 21.~h3 Elh5+ 22.~g3 (it's too
dangerous to capture the knight,
l.d4 4)f6 2.4)f3 d6 3.4)c3 4)bd7 22.'ittxg4 ~g5#) 22 ... ~h4+ 23.~f4
4.e4 e5 5.Ac4 Ae7 6.0--0 0--0 7.a4 when the mate in two is surprisingly
c6 8.§.el b6 9.d5 cxd5 lO.4)xd5 hard to find: 23 .. .f5 24.Axg7 ~xf2#.
Ab7 1l.b3 §.c8 12.§.a2 4)xd5 21 ••. §.h5! The rook move is more ac-
13.Axd5 Jlxd5 14.~xd5 4)f6 curate because the queen remains for a
15.~b5 d5 16.4)xe5 §.c5 17.~a6 move to prevent .Ild4. 21...~h4 22 ..Ild4
Jld6 18.Jlb2 dxe4 19.4)c4 Elh5 23.~f1 ~hl + 24.~e2 ~xg2 and
the king is escaping: 25.~d2 Eld5 26.c3
8 ~xf2+ 27.Ele2 ~f3 28.4Je3 ~f4+.
7 22.'iflf1 There's no successful defense.
6 White can avoid mate with 22.g3 ~d5
23.~b5 e3! 24.~xd5 exf2+ 25.~f1
fxel ~+ 26.'ittxel Elxd5-+ with a large
material advantage. And both 22.4Je5
and 22.Ad4 run into 22 ... ~xd4-+.
22 ... §.f5 Also deadly is 22 ... e3 when
White can pick his poison: (a) 23.fxe3
abc d e f g h and Black has mate in three 23 ... Elf5+
24.~e2 (24.'ittgl ~h4-+) 24 ... Elf2#;
Black's 18th move simultaneously (b) 23.El xe3 exposes the back rank and
places a pawn on e4 and twice attacks permits mate in two, 23 ... ~dl + 24.Elel
White's 4Je5. Once the knight retreats Elhl#; and (c) After 23.f3 the queen
to c4, Black can rely on two key addi- comes alive: 23 ... ~h4 24.~e2 ~f2+
tional assets, the e4-pawn and the Elc5 25.'ittdl (25.~d3 ~xel-+)
ready to swing. In the game, White de- 25 ... Eld5+ -+. 23.4)e3 White can in-
fended in the 'ittgl line, where playing stead try to prevent ... ~h4, but Black
Elh5 first is more accurate so that the still barges through with 23.g3 Elxf2+
black queen can eye the d4-square for 24.'ittgl ~g5-+ with ... Elf3 and ... ~c5 to
an extra move. 19••• Axh2+ 20.'iflxh2 come. 23.•.§.xf2+ 24.'iflgl ~d20--1
4)g4+ 21.'iflgl In the ~g3line, Elh5 im-


(281) Yegiazarian - Asrian g2. 20.b4 {)f2+ 21.'it'xf2 itYxg2#]

Yerevan 2006 20 ... {)e4+ [using the check to safe-
English Opening [A32] guard the queen on g6] 21.{)xe4 J1xe4
22.Ad3 [finally getting the discovery]
l.d4 {)f6 2.c4 c5 3.{)f3 cxd4 22 ... {)f2+ 23.'it'xf2 'lftxg2#) 19 ... J1xf3
4.{) xd4 e6 5.{)c3 Ab4 6. ~b3 {)a6 20.'it'xf3 (it's mate in four after 20.gxf3
7.Ad2 0-0 8.e3 b6 9.Ae2 Ab710.0-- {)xe3+ 21.\t'h3 itYg2+ 22.'it'h4 itYh2+
o Ae7 ll.gfdl gc8 12.gac1 d5 23.'it'g5 f6#) and Black must play pre-
13.a3 {)c5 14.~a2 dxc415.Axc4 cisely to sustain the attack: 20 ... {)h2+
Ad616.Ael 21.\t'e2 §fdS 22.b4 'lftg4+ 23.f3 itYxg2+
24.J1f2 itYxf3+ 25.'it'e1 {)e4 26.{)xe4
itYh1 + 27. 'it'e2 itYxe4 2S.itYc2 'lftg4+
29.'it'e1 {)f3+ 30.\t'fl §d5-+. In the
'it'h3 line, Black again sets out a mating
net after 'lftg5-h5-h2. lS.\t'h3 'lftg5
19.{)f3 itYh5+ 20.'it'g3 Axf3 21.gxf3
'lfth2+ 22.\t'xg4 f5+ 23.'it'g5 itYh6#.
18..• ~h419.b4 White cannot safely
return the knight to f3 owing to Black's
light-square bishop. 19.{)f3 Axf3
abc d e f g h 20.gxf3 itYh2+ 21.\t'fl (hoping to hide
on e2) 21...{)e5 22.b4 itYh3+ 23.'it'e2
Existing theory ofthe sacrifice suggests 'lftxf3+ 24.'it'fl (White loses a piece af-
that White ought to be fine here in the ter 24.'it'd2 {)e4+ 25.{)xe4 §fdS+
\t'glline owing to the {)d4's ability to 26.\t'c2 §xd1 27.§xd1 itYxe4+ 28.'it'b2
return to f3, the overprotection of the {)xc4+-+) 24 ... itYh3+ 25.'it'e2 (not
f2-square, and the king rook's early de- 25.'it'gl {)f3#) 25 ... itYg4+ 26.'it'fl
parture from fl creating an escape route (26. \t'd2 {)xc4+ -+ ) 26 ... {)f3 (playing
for the king via fl-e2 towards the for mate rather than the piece) 27.J1d2
queenside. But Black has four additional {)d7 2S.J1d3 {)de5 29.J1e4 {)h2+
assets, the {)c5, the light-square bishop 30.'it'e1 §c4-+ with ... §dS next.
aiming at f3 and g2, and the rooks, es- 19••• ~h2+ 20.ciflfl ~xg2+ 21.cifle2
pecially the §c8. White tried the \t'gl {)d7 22.cifld2 {)xf2 23.Axf2 ~xf2+
line in the game. There, despite the 24.j},e2 {)e5 25.gfl ~h2 26.{)cb5
king's escape from the kingside, Black Ad5 27.~bl {)c4+ 28.gxc4 gxc4
has significant resources to maintain 29.{)c3 gxc3 30.ciflxc3 e5 31.{)f5
the pressure. 16.•• Axh2+ 17.ciflxh2 ~xe2 -+ 32.{)e7+ ciflh8 33.gdl The

{)g4+ 18.ciflgl In the 'it'g3Iine, White attempt to win back material with
cannot dislodge the black queen from 33.{)xd5 meets 33 ... §cS+ 34.'it'b3
the g-file, and the J1b7's support for itYc4+ (recovering the piece) 35.\t'b2
(35.\t'a4 §c5-+) 35 ... itYxd5-+.
'lftxg2 makes the discovered knight
33... ~c4+ 34.cifld2 j},f3 0--1
checks especially brutal. lS.\t'g3 'lftg5
19.{)f3 (19.f4 'lftg6 20.'lftb1 [White can-
not ignore the discovered check be-
cause the black queen can safely reach

Sacking the Citadel

(282) Zierke - Loffier an anchor. 16.f4 After 16.'it'f3 the

Hamburg 2006 knight check wins a piece and sustains
Queen's Gambit Declined [D32] the attack. 16 ... 4:Je5+ 17.'it'e2
~xd3+ -+ (king retreats are mated:
1.d4 e6 2.~f3 c5 3.e3 d5 4.c4 ~f6 16.'it'h4 g5+ 17.'it'xg5 f6+ 18.'it'h4
5.~c3 ~c6 6.cxd5 exd5 7.Ae2 [18.'it'h5 ~h2#; 18.'it'xf5 4:Jh6#]
cxd4 8.~ xd4 Ad6 9.0-0 0-0 10.b3 18 ... ~h2#; and 16.'it'h3 ~h2#).
Ae5 11.~xc6 bxc6 12.Ab2 J'tf5 16... ~ xe3 17.'ltd2 'ltg6+ 18.~f3 d4
13.J'td3 Black wins more easily with either
18... ~xd3 -+ or 18. .. ~fe8 -+ . 19.Axf5
8 ~xf5 20.g4 E!fe8 20 ... dxc3-+ ends
7 the discussion. 21.~d1 Now, White
6 may be able to survive with 21.gxf5
5 ~h5+ 22.'it'g3 ~e3+ 23.~xe3 dxe3
4 24J:!ael ~. 21...~h4+ 22.~g3 f5
3 23.~f2 E!e3+ 24.'ltxe3 dxe3
25.~xh4 exf2 26.g5 h6 27.E!xf2
hxg5+ 28.fxg5 E!e8 29.E!afl E!e3
30.E!f3 'lte6 31.Ac1 E!xf3 32.E!xf3
abc d e f g h 'ltel+~l

White's 13th move likely sought to (283) Zumsande - Hujbert

lessen Black's building pressure by ex- Budapest 2006
changing the light-square bishops, but Sicilian Defense [B22]
the bishop move eliminated White's
ability to prevent ... 4:Jg4. That said, Black 1.e4c5 2.c3 ~f6 3.e5 ~d5 4.d4cxd4
is hard pressed to locate an additional 5.~f3 ~c6 6.cxd4 d6 7.Ac4 ~b6
asset beyond the light-square bishop 8.Ab3 d5 9.~h4 e6 10.~f3 Ae7
while in turn, White does not have 11.~c3 Ad712.~ E!c813.Ac2 a6
needed defensive resources. The ~fl 14.~h1 ~c4 15.~e2 'ltb6 16.b3
blocks the king's escape, the 4:Jc3 can- ~a3 17.Ad3 'lta5 18.~e1 ~b4
not reach f3, and the ~b2 cannot reach 19.Ad2 'ltb6 20.Axb4 Axb4 21.f4
the b8-h2 diagonal. Black chose the 0-0 22.~f3 E!c7
'it'g3 line. There ~d6+ is accurate, per-
mitting Black to interpolate 4:Jxe3 prior
to~g6.13 ...J'txh2+ 14.~xh2 ~g4+
15.~g3 In the 'it'gl line, Black has
Voellmy's mate in five:15.'it'gl ~h4
16.~el ~xf2+ 17.'it'hl ~h4+ 18.'it'gl
~h2+ 19.'it'fl ~hl+ 20.'it'e2 ~xg2#.
15... 'ltd6+! The black queen cannot
remain on the g-file, and the effort to
place it there loses the 4:Jg5. 15 ... ~g5?
16.f4 ~h5 (16 ... ~g6 17.~xf5 ~xf5 abc d e f g h
18.~xg4+-) 17.~hl +-. The rook has


White can count on the secure eS- 36.f7 Elxf7 37.Elxf7 Ae7 38.Elxe7
pawn, <£\e2-g3, and the .§.f1 as addi- 1-0 The exchange sacrifice smokes out
tional assets, out Black appears to be the black king, 38 ...'ittxe7 39.~g7+ 'ittd8
but a move or two from crashing through (39 ... ltf7 40.~f6++-) 40.~c7#.
on the queenside. Black correctly de-
fended in the 'ittg8 line, where the white (284) Fridman - Tan
queen does not have ready access to Netherlands 2006
hS. But Black erred with .§.fc8 rather than Queen's Gambit Declined [D30]
.§.e8, a move that charts Black's escape
route to the queenside. 23.-'lxh7+ l.d4 d5 2.oflf3 c6 3.c4 e6 4.e3 oflf6
~xh7 24.oflg5+ ~g8 In the <;!tg6Iine, 5.-'ld3 ofl bd7 6.0--0 dxc4 7.Axc4 b5
White breaks through quickly with 8.-'ld3 a6 9.a4 -'lb7 10.e4 ~b6
~d3-h3 because ... .§.c7 destroyed the 11.~e2 Ae712.Ae3 0--0 13.oflbd2
communication between the ~c714.e5 ofld515.Ag5 Axg5 (D)
rooks.24 ... <;!tg6 2S.~d3+ when: (a)
2S .. .fS 26.~h3+- and Black can only Black can force a knight back to f6 and
delay the mate by tossing away a rook the queen is on c7, ready to defend f7,
on h8; (b) And the king retreats meet a but White can count on three useful
very quick end.2S ... <;!thS 26.~h7+ 'ittg4 assets, the eS-pawn, the <£\d2-e4, and
27.~h3# or 27.h3#; and (c) 2S ... 'itth6 .§.a3-h3. In the game, Black defends in
26. ~h 7 #. In the 'itth6 line, ~d3-h3 the 'ittg8 line where the <£\f6 defense
mates even faster. 24 ... 'itth6 2S.~d3 g6
(2S ... .§.h8 26.<£\xf7+ 'itthS 27.~h3+ <;!tg6 8
28.<£\xh8#) 26.~h3+ 'ittg7 27.~h7#. 7
25. ~d3 Elfc8 Black needs fuji, and the 6
alternative 2S ... .§.e8! aims to create an 5
escape path for the king. 26. ~h 7 + <;!tf8
27.fS (not 27.~h8+ 'itte7 28.~xg7
ltbS-+ and the king is safe) 27 ... exfS
(even better than ...'itte7 28.<£\f4 ~h6
29.<£\xdS .§.cc8 30.~xh6 gxh6 31.<£\h7+
<;!tg7 32.<£\hf6 <£\c2 33.<£\xb4 <£\xb4 abc d e f g h
34.<£\xd7 <£\c2 3S . .§.acl <£\xd4=).
26.~h7+ ~f8 27.~h8+ No better is comes into play. Play is instructive, as
27.fS exfS 28.<£\f4 ~h6 29.<£\xdS ~xh7 White makes excellent use of all three
30.<£\xh7+ <;!tg8 3 1. <£\x c7 .§.xc7 32.<£\gS majors with the black king caught in the
<£\c2 -+ when White has won back an center. 16.-'lxh7+ ~xh717.oflxg5+
exchange but Black emerges with far 'iflg8 In the 'ittg6 line, ~d3 is more ef-
superior development. 27 •.• ~e7 fective than ~g4 because Black loses a
28. ~xg7 -'le8 29.f5 ~d8 30.oflf4! line of defense with ... <£\f6. Once again,
Ele7 31.f6 Eld7 Or 31.. ..§.ec7 32.~g8 ... 'ittxgS is inadequate owing to ~h7
'§'c2 33.<£\xf7+ +-. 32.~g8 Or with a mating net. 17 ...'ittg6 18.~d3+
32.<£\fxe6+ fxe6 33.~g8+- threatening (much less convincing here is 18.~g4
<£\xe6. 32 .•• Elc6 33.Elacl ~b5 because Black can force a knight back
34.oflfxe6+! Elxe6 35.oflxe6+ fxe6 to f6. 18... <£\7f619.exf6 <£\xf6 20.<£\xe6+

Sacking the Citadel

4:lxg4 21.4:lxc7 §ac8 22.axb5 §xc7 on gS 20 ... ~xg5 21.4:lf3+ 'it'g6

23.bxa6 Aa8 24.4:lc4±) and now, after [21...'it'f4 22.§fe1 +-] 22.4:le5+ and
18.i£rd3+, Black has four familiar Black would need to give up the queen
choices: (a) Blocking the check with on eS to prevent the mate 'it'g5 23.f4 #)
18 ... f5 weakens the e6-pawn for the 20.~g3 (with a winning simplification)
knight 19.4:lxe6 avoiding the en passant 20 ... ~xg3 21.4:lxf7+ 'it'g6 22.4:lxh8+
capture when Black can safely capture §xh8 23.fxg3+-; (b) Capturing on gS
on gS. 19 ... i£ra5 20.axb5 ~xb5 does nothing to relieve the pressure:
21.4:lc4+-; (b) After 18 ... ~h6 White 18 ... 'it'xg5 19.~h7! g6 and White has
has mate in five beginning with the mate in five. 20.f4+ 4:lxf4 21.h4+ 'it'g4
needed 19.~h7+ 'it'xg5 20.4:le4+ 'it'f4 (21...'it'f5 22.i£rh6+-) 22.§xf4+ 'it'xf4
(20 ... ~g4 21.~h3+ ~f4 22.~f3#) 23.~h6+ ~f5 (23 ... 'it'g3 24.~g5#)
21. ~h4+ ~f5 22.4:lg3+ ~g6 23. ~h5 #; 24.~g5#; and (c) Blocking the queen
(c) Running to hS with 18 ... ~h5 gives from reaching h7 weakens e6. 18 .. .f5
White an extra tempo, bringing 19. ~h7 + 19.4:lxe6+-. 18:/th5 4)7f6 Creating
with check: 19 ... ~xg5 (19 ... ~g4 luft with 18 ... §fe8 19.~xf7+ 'it'h8
20.4:lde4 +-) and it's mate in four: 20.§a3 +- invites a crushing rook
20.f4+ 4:lxf4 21.4:le4+ ~g4 22.4:lf2+ swing. 19.exf6 4) xf6 20. '/th4 gfd8
~g5 23.h4 #; and (d) After 18 ... 'it'xg5 21.ga3! c5 The toughest defense may
the mate is there, but most players will be 21...§d5 with the idea of§xg5, but
find it challenging: 19.~h7 g6 and after 22.§h3 ~f8 23.~h8+ 'it'e7
White has a mate in five: 20.f4+ 4:lxf4 24.~xg7 §xg5 25.~xg5 §g8 the
(20 ... ~f5 21.~h3 # or 20 ... ~g4 queen reenters the position powerfully
21.~h3#) 21.h4+ ~g4 (21...~f5 on cS, 26.~c5+ i£rd6 27.4:lb3 +-.
22.~h6+-) 22.§xf4+ ~xf4 23.~h6+ 22.gh3 ~8 23.'/th8+ 'l;e7 24.'/txg7
'it'g4 (23 ... ~g3 24.~g5#; ~f5 gf8 25.gel Ad5 26.gf3 White can
24.~g5#) 24.~g5#. In the ~h6Iine, also consolidate his winning advantage
§a3-h3 and ~e4-h4 are the best plans with 26.§h6 4:le8 27.4:lxe6+-.
to avoid the 4:lf6 defense. 18.§a3 (aim- 26... Axf3 27.4) xe61-0
ing for §h3) 18 ... g6 trying to create luft
(no better is 18 ... 4:lxe5 19.dxe5 g6 (285) Hoi - Pinchuk
20.§h3+ ~g7 21.§h7+ ~g8 22.~e4+­ Mecklenburg 2006
which is similar to the game save that Queen's Gambit Declined [D63]
Black has thrown back a piece on eS)
19.§h3+ ~g7 (not worth considering 1.d4 d5 2.4)f3 4)f6 3.c4 e6 4.4)c3
is 19 ... ~xg5 because White has obvi- Ae7 5.Ag5 4)bd7 6.e3 0--07.gel
ous resources: 20.4:le4+ ~f5 [20 ... ~f4 dxc4 8.Axc4 a6 9.e4 b5 10.Ad3
21.~f3#] 21.~f3+ 4:lf4 with a pretty Ab711.e5 4)d512.Jlxe7 4)xe7 (D)
mate from the pawn 22.g4#) 20.§h7+
~g8 21. ~g4 with either ~h4 or §h8 to White's opening has resulted in a trade
follow. The other obvious try 18.~d3 of the dark-square bishops on e7 and a
also succeeds: (a) 18 ... 4:l7f6 19.exf6 successful e4-e5 pawn push. White has
§h8! the best try (It's hopeless to cap- three additional assets, the secure e5-
ture with the knight 19 ... 4:lxf6 20.~h3+ pawn, the 4:lc3-e2-f4, and the §cl.
and now the king is forced to capture


8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2

abcdefgh abc d e f g h

Black selects the \t>h6line, when White, king retreat to c6 meets 4Jd4+) 23 ..§fd1 +
without a dark square-bishop, places 'it'e6 24.4Jd4+ \t>d5 when the discov-
the queen on d2 and uses h4-h5 and ery provides a mate in two: 25.4Jxb5+
the threat of the discovered check to 'it'e6 (25 ... \t>e4 26 ..§d4#) 26.4Jxc7#.
draw the black king into the open board. 15.h4 is too slow because the capture
13..1lxh7+ <it'xh714..£jg5+ <it'h6 In on e5 permits Black to relieve the pres-
the \t>g8 line, against the knights on d7 sure by exchanging queens.
and e7, White should capture on £7+ 15 ... 4Jxe5=. 15.~d3+? 4Jf5! (too dan-
and follow with 4Jxe6 threatening the gerous is 15 ... 'it'xg516.~h7 cutting off
queen and mate on g7. 14 .. .f.t'g8 the king's retreat: 16... 4Jxe5 17.dxe5
15.ii'fh5 .§e8 16.ii'fxf7+ \t>h8 .§h8 and White commences a torturous
17.4Jxe6+-. In the \t>g6Iine, Black can- king hunt: 18.f4+ \t>xf4 19.0-0+ 'it'xe5
not dislodge the white queen from the 20.~xg7+ 'it'd6 21..§xf7 .§f8 22 ..§xe7
g-file, and White can capture on e6 with 'l'ifxe7 23.'l'ifd4+ itd5 24.4Jxd5 exd5
check or take time to transfer the 4Jc3- 25.~c5+ \t>d7 26.'l'ifc6+ 'it'c8
f4. 14 ... \t>g6 15.'l'ifg4! f5 16.ii'fg3 f4 27.~xa8++- and White will also pick
(safeguarding the queen with 16 ... 'l'ifc8 up the d-pawn with check) and now
gives White the time to bring up re- there's nothing to be gained from 16.g4
serves: 17 .4Je2 [with the idea of 4Jf4] ii'fxg5 -+. 15. 'll1td21 Very tempting is
17 ... 4Jd5 [on 17 .. .f4, 18.ii'fh4 4Jxe5 15.ii'fg4 4Jg6 16.~h3+ (forcing the
19.dxe5 \t>f5 20.~xf4+ 'it'g6 21.ii'fh4+- black king to capture on g5) 16... 'it'xg5,
with ii'fh7 and h4+ to follow] 18..§xc7+- when White, without the ability to play
and Black cannot successfully capture 4Je4+ safely, cannot mate the king.
the rook) 17.'l'ifg4 and the queen can- 17.~e3+ (17.f4+ 4Jxf4 18.~g3+ \t>h6
not now be dislodged: 17 ... 'l'ifb818.4Je2 19.ii'fxf4+ ~g5 -+) 17 ... 'it'h5 18.g4+
.§f5 19.4Jxe6+ \t>f7 20.ii'fxg7+ \t>xe6 'it'h4 19.~g3+ \t>g5 20.h4+ 'it'h6 and
(20 ... \t>e8 21.4Jxc7+ +-) 21.d5+ making Black has survived the assault.
room for4Jd4+. (D) 15... <it'g6 Moving the king out of the
line of fire. Black can instead try to safe-
Now: (a) 21...4Jxd5 22.4Jd4#; (b) guard the queen with 15 ... ~e8
21...itxd5 22.4Jd4#; and (c) 21...'it'xd5 16.4Jxe6+ 'it'h7 17.4Jxc7± gaining a
22.0-0 (to bring the other rook to dl) pawn and the exchange, or 15 ... ii'fc8
22 ... ii'fe8 (22 ... c5 23.ii'fxe7 +- since the 16.4Je2 preparing a rook swing to h3

Sacking the Citadel

16... c517.§c3+-.16.h4Jclxe5After play. White can count on the §e1 and

aggressive defense with 16... .£lf6 White the already well-developed .£lf4. In the
can capture the knight or more profit- 'tlgSline, as played in the game, Black,
ably set up a mating net with 17 ..£le2 by sacrificing the exchange with
.£led5 lS.g4+- since ... .£lxg4 meets lS ... §xf4, is able to run his king to the
h5+. 17.h5+ <it>f517 .. .'<t>f6 walks into a queenside, but white two rooks, knight,
mate in two: lS ..£lh7+ r,t>f5 19.'lii'g5#. and queen combine for a pretty finale.
IS.Jclh3 Better is lS ..£le2 +- forcing 16.Axh7+ <it>xh717.Jclg5+ <it>gS In
Black to prevent ,"H4 #. IS .•• Jcld5 the r,t>h61ines, the .£lf4 supports 'iI1h5 #.
19.Jcl xd5 exd5 20. t\'f4+ <it>e6 And with the knight on f4, the black
21.Jclg5+ <it>d7 22.t\'f5+ <it>d6 On king cannot even enter the 'tlg6 line.
22 ... r,t>eS White picks back one piece IS.t\'h5 E!xf4 Black can delay the
23.~xe5+ 'iI1e7 24.~xe7+ 'tlxe7 game with two checks: lS ... .£lh3+
25.§xc7+ +- and then the Ab7. 19.'iI1xh3 'iI1xd4+ 20.'tlh1 §xf4
23.t\'xe5+ <it>d7 24.t\'f5+ <it>e7 25.0- 21.~h7+ r,t>fS 22.§xe6+-. The rook
o t\'d7 26. t\'e5+ 1-0 Also winning cannot be taken, and now the king has
easily is 26.§fe1 +r,t>dS 27 ..£le6+ +-. no escape. And after IS ... §dS White
delivers a pretty smothered mate,
(286) Pedersen - Thorstensen 19.'iI1f7+ r,t>hS 20 ..£lg6#. 19.9xf4
Oslo 2006 Jclh3+ The effort to develop simply
French Defense [C06] loses the bishop: 19 ... Ad7 20.~f7+
'tlhS 21.'iI1xd7 +-. 20.t\'xh3 Jclxd4
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Jcld2 Jclf6 4.e5 20 ... ~xd4+ 21.'tlh1 'iI1f6 22.'iI1h7+ r,t>f8
Jclfd7 5.j'td3 c5 6.c3 Jclc6 7.Jcle2 23.~hS+ 'tle7 24 ..£lxe6 (exploiting the
t\'b6 8.0--0 cxd4 9.cxd4 f610.exf6 pinned bishop) 24 ... Jlxe6 (24 ...'tld6
Jclxf6 1l.Jclf3 j'td6 12.Af4 Axf4 25 ..£lxg7 +- with .£leS next)
13.Jclxf4 0--0 14.E!el Jcle4 15.g3 25.'iI1xaS+-. 21.t\'h7+ <it>fS 22.t\'hS+
Jclxf2 <it>e7 23.t\'xg7+ <it>d6 24.<it>hl Ad7
25.Jclf7+ More accurate is 25.§ac1 trap-
8 ping the king in the center. 25 ••. <it>c7
7 26. t\'e5+ <it>cS 27.E!acl + Jclc6 Black
6 would also have to resign after 27 ... Jlc6
28.§gl +- . 2S.E!gll-O
(287) Boesenberg - Herzog
ICCF e-mail 2006
Ruy Lopez [C78]

abc d e f g h l.e4 e5 2.Jclf3 Jclc6 3.Ab5 a6 4.Aa4

Jclf6 5.0-0 b5 6.Ab3 Ac5 7.a4 Ab7
A very exciting game in which Black, S.c3 0--0 9.d4 Ab610.dxe5 Jclxe4
with the .£lf2, pressure on the white d4- 1l.Ad5 Jclc512.axb5 axlJ.513.E!xaS
pawn and the §fS, has considerable t\'xaSI4.b4 Jcla415.Ae4 Jcla7




abcdefgh abc d e f g h

Black's position has the appearance of (a) 23 ... <it>e7 24 ..ilg5+ f6 25.exf6+ r:tJd6
having rolled towards the edge of the (25 ... gxf6 26.4Jxf6+-) 26.fxg7 .ile6
board. White has a surprisingly secure 27 ..§.d1 + r:tJc6 2B.~f3+ (preventing the
e5-pawn and the dark-square bishop as king from reach b7) 2B ... d5 29.4Jf6 .§.dB
additional assets. In the game, Black 30.4Ja3+-; (b) 23 ... r:tJxe5 24.M4+ r:tJe4
unfortunately selected the ~g6 line, by 25 ..§.d1 +- with threats such as Ag3 #
comparison a cake walk because h4-h5 and 4Jg5#; and (c) 23 ... f5 24.~g6+
forces the king into a devastating dis- <it>xe5 (24 ... r:tJe7 25.Ag5#) and now it's
covered check. 16•.Q.xh7+ 'itlxh7 mate in four: 25 ..ilf4+ r:tJe4 (25 ... r:tJxf4
17..£)g5+ 'itlg6 In the <it>gBline, White 26.~g3+ r:tJe4 27.4Jd2#) 26.~g3+­
must commence with ~d3+ in order pre- with 4Jg5 # on the next free move. The
vent Ae4. White is therefore able to <it>h6 line walks into a discovery, but the
enter the black kingside only on h7, and ~g4-h4 maneuver is more accurate.
the attack proceeds more patiently, in- 17 ... r:tJh6 18.~g4+-. IS.h4 1-0 An
volving every white piece in the king early resignation rather than be sub-
hunts that follow. 17 ... <it>gBl8.~d3 (not jected to the attack. 1B.h4 prepares
18.~h5? Ae4-+ defending on the key both h5+ and ~g4: 1B .. .f5 (lB ... .§.hB
diagonal) 1B ... .§.eB (lB ... g619.~h3 +- cutting off h5 but weakening f7
with mate on h7) 19.~h7+ <it>f8 20.~h5! 19.~xd7 ~gB 20.g4+- with ~f5+ or
Ad5 (defending f7; the alternatives lose h5+ next) 19.h5+ (forcing the king onto
more quickly: 20 ... .§.e7 21.~hB# and the dark squares) 19 ... r:tJh6 20.4Je6+
20 ... g6 21.~hB+ r:tJe7 22.~f6+ r:tJfB <it>h7 21.~xd7 .§.gB and now White has
23.~xf7#) 21.4Jh7+ <it>e7 (21...<it>gB a forced mate: 22.4Jg5+ r:tJhB (22 ... r:tJh6
22.4Jf6+ gxf6 [22 ... r:tJfB 23.Ag5 +- ] 23.~xf5 g6 24.hxg6 .§.xg6 25.~h3+
23.~g4+ ~hB [23 ... ~f8 24.exf6+-] <it>g7 26.~h7+ r:tJfB 27.~f7#) 23.4Jf7+
24.~h4+ ~gB 25.i.th6 .§.xe5 <it>h7 24.~xf5+ g6 25.hxg6+ .§.xg6
26.~xf6+-) 22.~g5+ <it>e6 (22 ... f6 26.4Jg5+ <it>hB (26 ... r:tJg7 27.~f7++-;
23.exf6+ r:tJd6 [23 ... gxf6 24.~xf6#] 26 ... r:tJh6 27.~h3+ ~g7 28.~h7+ r:tJfB
24 ..§.d1 c6 25.Af4+ ~e6 26 ..§.e1 + ~f7 29.~f7 #) 27.~xg6 and Black can only
27.~xg7#) 23.~g4+ and now all of delay the mate with a check on t2 and
Black's responses bring the dark-square by tossing away his queen.
bishop and rook into the attack.

Sacking the Citadel

(288) Vass - Durica (289) Nanu - Miron

Piestany 2006 Predeal2006
Budapest Gambit [AS1] Queen's Gambit [D02]

l.d4 .£lf6 2.e4 e5 3.dxe5 .£le4 4 ..£lf3 1 . .£l0 e5 2.e3 .£le6 3.d4 d5 4.dxe5
.£le6 5 . .£lbd2 j';lb4 6.a3 j';lxd2+ e6 5.a3 Jlxe5 6.b4 Ab6 7.Ab2 .£lf6
7.j';lxd2 .£l xd2 S. tP/xd2 tP/e7 9. tP/e3 S.e4 0-0 9.e5 Ae7 10..£lbd2 tP/e7
0-0 10.0--0--0 .§eSll ..§d5 a612.e3 1l.Ab5 e5 12.Ae2 .§dS 13.0-0 d4
.§b813.j';ld3 b614..§dl.£ld815.h4 14.Ae4e415..£lxd4
8 7
7 6
6 5
5 4
4 3
3 2

abc d e f g h
Black sacrifices the d4-pawn in order to
With an enormous positional advan- play ... e4 and to dislodge the {)f3. Black
tage, it is fair to say that White did not can rely upon the e4-pawn, the light-
need to initiate the sacrifice here. White square bishop, and the {)c6 as addi-
relies on the e5-pawn and the doubled tional assets. White's knights are
rooks as additional assets, though poised to retake f3, but Black can inter-
clearly the §d6 plays a critical role in polate the knight exchange on d4 to
eliminating both the ... 'it'g6 and ... 'it'h6 prevent that defense. In the 'it'g3 line,
lines. In the game, Black defended in ... ~e5 eyes both h5 and e3 in the event
the 'i!tg8 line, when White uses the off4. In the game, White defended with
doubled rooks to sac an exchange and 'i!tgl and returned the piece by sacrific-
cut off the king's escape to e7. ing the .l1b2-e5, but Black plays very
17.Jlxh7+ <i!lxh71S..£lg5+ <i!lgS In accurately to retain the attack.
the 'it'h8 line, White can force ... g6 and 15...Jlxh2+ 16.<i!lxh2 .£lg4+ 17.<i!lgl
then blast through with {)xf7 and ~xg6. Avoiding 17.'i!tg3 when Black has a
18 ... 'it'h8 19.~c2 g6 20.§f6 {)d8 mate in five with 17 ... ~e5+ (not
21.§hl 'it'g7 22.{)xf7 {)xf7 23.~xg6+ 17 ... ~g5? when White can capture on
'it'h8 24.§f5 +-. 19. tP/e2 tP/xe5 The e4 with tempo 18.{)xe4 ~e5+ 19.f4
rook is also useful in preventing the ~xe4 20.~f3+-) and now the game
defense with 19 ... g6 20.§xg6+ fxg6 follows a familiarpattem: (a) 18.f4 exf3+
21.~xg6++-. 20.tP/h7+ <i!lfS21..§xd7 (the weakness of the e3-pawn is glar-
1-0 Resigning in light of 21...Axd7 ing) 19.'i!th4 (19.'i!txf3 ~xe3#; 19.'i!th3
22.§xd7 when the rook cuts off the ~h2#) 19 ... ~h2+ 20.'it'g5 h6# or
king's escape 22 ... {)d6 23.~h8#. 20 ... ~h6 #; (b) And both king retreats


meet a quick end. 18.'ifi>h4 ~h2+

19.'<t>g5 ~h6# or 19 ... h6#; and (c) 8
18.'<t>h3 ~h2#. 17... ~xd4! Best first 7
to capture the knight. On 17 ... ~h4? 6
White can defend by forcing a knight 5
back to f3: 18..£J4f3 exf3 19 ..£Jxf3+-.
IS •.Q.xd4 tith4 19.Jl.e5 ~xe5
20.Jl.e2 Jl.g4 21.f3 exf3 22.Jl.xf3
titg5! 23.titel gxd2 24.Jl.xg4 White
can recapture and survive: 24.~xd2
Axf3 25.l~a2 (25.l:hf3 .£Jxf3+ -+ fork- abc d e f g h
ing the queen) 25 .. .l:~d8-+. 24... ge2
25.Jl.h3 ~d3 26.titdl titxe3+ Another example with an unanchored
27.'\tIh2 ge2 28.titb3 tite5+ 29.~gl piece on c5, although White's mating
~f4 30.titf3 g5 31.~hl gfS attack is strong enough that the win of
32. titg3 ~ xh3 The first, even minor the piece is unimportant. White has an
inaccuracy. 32 ... h5 -+ overwhelms with- unusual collection of additional assets,
out risk. 33.~xh3 White returns the the e5-pawn, the .£Jf2-h3-f4, and the
favor. There's a slight bit of hope in the !!fl. In the game, Black defended with
double rook endgame: 33.~xe5 !!xe5 the '<t>h6 line, but .£Jg4-f6 opens lines
34.gxh3 f5 =+=. 33 ... ge4 34.g3 ge3 for White's major pieces to mate.
35.gg1 tite4+ 36. titg2 ~e6 37.ga2 19.J}.xh7+ ~xh7 20.~g5+ ~h6 In
gdS 3S.gf2 ~h6+ 39.~h2 ~xh2+ the '<t>g8line, .£Jg4 usefully opens the f-
40.~xh2 gxa3 41.gel gd7 file with unstoppable mating threats.
42.geS+ ~g7 43.gaS ga4 44.gb2 20 ... '<t>g8 21.~h5 !!fe8 22 ..£Jg4 .£Jxe5
ge7 45.~g2 a5 46.gxa5 gxa5 23 ..£Jxe5 ~xe5 24.~h7+ ~f8
47.bxa5 gxe5 48.gxb7 gxa5 49.g4 25.!!xf7#. In the ~g6Iine, the .£Jh3-f4
ga4 50.~g3 gf4 51.gbS h5 maneuver is devastating. 20 ... ~g6
52.gxh5 gh4 53. gaS f6 54.ga7+ 21..£Jfh3 ~xe5 22 ..£Jf4+ ~xg5
~h6 55.gaS ~xh5 56.ghS+ ~g6 (22 ... ~h6 23.~h5# or 22 ... ~f5
57.gxh4 gxh4+ 5S.~g4 h3 0-1 23.~h5+- or 22 ... ~f6 23 ..£Jd3++-)
23.~h5+ ~f6 24 ..£Jd5#. 21.~g4+
(290) Pugachov - Yurkov ~xg5 Careful readers will by now have
Vitebsky 2006 no difficulty defeating the alternative
Sicilian Defense [B42] king retreat 21...'<t>g6 22.~e4+ when:
(a) 22 .. .f5 23.exf6+ (the king is forced
l.e4 e5 2.~f3 e6 3.d4 exd4 4.~xd4 to capture on g5) 23 ... '<t>xg5 (23 ... '<t>h5
a6 5.~e3 b5 6 ..Q.d3 d6 7.0-0 ~f6 24 ..£Jxe6+- and it's mate in four)
S. tite2 Jl.e7 9.f4 0-0 10.~hl Jl.b7 24.h4+ '<t>h5 (24 ... ~xh4 25 ..£Je5+ ~h5
1l.Jl.d2 b4 12.~dl 'ltb6 13.~f3 [25 ... '<t>g5 26.~g4+ '<t>h6 27.~h4#]
~e6 14.e5 dxe5 15.fxe5 ~d7 26.~g6+ +-) 25.~h7+ (a second
16.~f2 ~e517.Jl.e3 tite71S.Jl.xe5 knight sacrifice) 25 ... '<t>xg4 26.~g6+
Axe5 ~xh4 27.!!f3+-; (b) The immediate
capture on g5 gives White a mate in
five: 22 ...~xg5 23.h4+ ~h5 (23 ... ~xh4

Sacking the Citadel

24.4Jf6+ ~gS [24 ... ~g3 2SJH3 #] sacrifice with h4 and can count on the
2S.~g4+ ~h6 26.~hS#) 24.'~h7+ secure eS-pawn, 4Jc3-e4, and the h4/
~xg4 2S.~xg7+ ~xh4 (2S ... ~hS E1.hl as additional assets. In the ~g6
26. ~gS #) 26.E1.f3 +- and there's no line, ~d3+ (or ~c2+) requires .. .fS, when
way to stop E1.h3 #; and (c) 22 ... ~hS the en passant capture forces the black
23.~h7+ ~xg4 (23 ... ~xgS 24.~xg7+ king to f6 and 4Jc3-e4+ drives the black
~h4 [24 ... ~hS 2S.E1.f4+- ] 2S.4Jf6+-) king into murderous discovered checks.
24.4Je4+-. After 21...~hS White mates 10.Axh7+ ~xh711.4)g5+ ~g6 In
in four: 22.4Jf6+ ~xgS (22 ... ~h6 the ~g8Iine, Black must capture on gS
23.~hS# or 22 ... ~h4 23.~hS#) and then push the f-pawn to stave off
23.~hS#. 22.4)f6 1-0 22.h4 is also the mate, but gS-g6 once again ends
winning, but 22.4Jf6 initiates a mate in the discussion.l1...~g812.~hS AxgS
seven: 22 ... gxf6 (22 ... E1.h8 23.~g4+ (12 ... E1.e8 13.~h7+ ~f8 14.~h8#)
~h6 24. ~hS #) 23.h4+ ~xh4 13.hxgS fS 14.g6 1-0 Perun-Erofeev,
(23 ... ~g6 24.E1.xf6+ ~g7 2S.~g4+ ~h7 Kiev2003.12:~'d3+ 12.~c2++- trans-
26.~gS+-or 23 ... ~h6 24.E1.xf6+ 'if)h7 poses to the game. With the pawn al-
2S.~hS+ ~g8 26.~gS++-) 24.E1.f4+ ready on h4, White also prevails easily
'if)gS (24 ... ~g3 2S.~g4#) 2S.E1.g4+ after 12.~g4 fSI3.hS+ forcing the king
'if)hS (2S ... 'if)fS 26.~e4# or 2S ... ~h6 on to a dark-square. 13 ... ~h614.4Jf7+
26.E1.h4+ ~g6 27. ~g4 #) 26. ~f3 +- ~h7 IS.~g6+ 'if)g8 16.4Jh6+ ~h8
with ~h3 to follow. 17.4JxfS E1.xfS 18.h6+-. 12 ... f5
13.exf6+ ~xf6 White has a mate in
(291) Ezat - Faranka four, but it's even worse after the king
Beirut 2007 retreats to the h-file. 13 ... ~h614.~h7#
Queen's Gambit [D06] and 13 ... ~hS 14.g4+ ~h6 (14 ... ~xg4
IS.~f3#) IS.~h7#.14.4)ce4+ ~g6
l.d4 4)f6 2.c4 d5 3.cxd5 4)xd5 4.e4 14 ... ~fS when it's mate in three with
4)f6 5.4)c3 e6 6.4)f3 Ae7 7.Ad3 0- either IS.4Jg3+ ~g4 (IS ... ~f6
o S.e5 4)d5 9.h4 c5 16.4JhS#) 16.~f3+ (16.~e2+ E1.f3
17.'~xf3#) 16 ... E1.xf3 17.gxf3# or
8 IS.4Jd6+ 'if)g4 (IS ... 'if)f6 16.4Jh7#)
7 16.~e2+ E1.f317.~xf3# 15.h5+ ~h6
6 After IS ... ~fS it's a pretty mate in one,
16.~h3#. 16.4)f7+ 1-0 And the
knights provide an attractive finale
16 ... ~h717.4Jf6#.
(292) Gagunashvili - Gurevich
Oak Brook 2007
abc d e f g h Semi-Slav Defense [D4S]

Black's horrible opening ceded the cen- l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.4)f3 4)f6 4.4)c3 e6
ter and permitted White to drive off the 5.e3 4)bd7 6.~c2 Ad6 7.b3 0-0
4Jf6 with eS. With the Ae7 ready to S.Ae2 b6 9.0-0 Ab7 10.Ab2 ~e7
capture the 4JgS, White prepares the I1.Etadl EtadS 12.Ad3 EtfeS


13.E!fel e5 14.cxd5 cxd5 15.dxe5 24. ~fl AeS 25.Ac1 Aa6+ 26.4Jeb5 +- .
~xe516.~d4 ~xd317. ~xd3 20 ... ~g5+ 21.<ifjlh2 ~g4+ The obvi-
ous attack with 21...ii¥h4+ 22.'it'gl4Jg4
8 walks into 23.4Jf3 +- winning a tempo
7 that will give White time to block the d-
6 pawn with ii¥d4. 22.<ifjlgl The king can-
5 not safely step forward into a possible
rook swing. 22.'it'h3 Eld6-+. 22 ••. ~h5
23.~f3 d4 24.e4 f5 25.~e2 fxe4
26.~g3 26. ii¥g5 forces the exchange
of queens: 26 ... ~xg5 27.4Jxg5 h6
2S.4Jh3 d3 29.4Jd4 g5 and White is
abc d e f g h able to challenge Black's central pawn
mass successfully. 30.f3 ±. 26 ••• ~g6
Black's sacrifice is marginal here. Two 27.~h4 e3 28.fxe3 ~h6? 28. .. ii¥g5:j:
minors have already been exchanged, is more accurate because the white
and Black must rely upon two additional knight will now reach f5 without hitting
assets, the buried light-square bishop the queen. 29.~gf5 ~g5 30.e4 ~h5
and the EleS. In the 'it'g3Iine, Black can- 31.~f41-0
not maintain his queen on the g-file and
after ... ~d6+, White can safely capture (293) Novikov - Domogaev
the 4Jg4. 17.••Axh2+ 18"~i'xh2 ~g4+ Tula2007
19.<ifjlg3! In the 'it'glline, White has al- Sicilian Defense [B29]
ready vacated the fl-square, but the
king is unable to escape safely to the 1.e4 c5 2.~f3 ~f6 3.e5 ~d5 4.~c3
queenside. 19.'it'gl ~h4 20.Eld2 ~h2+ ~ xc3 5.dxc3 e6 6.Af4 Ae7 7.Ad3
21.'it'fl ~hl + 22.~e2 ~xg2 23.4Jdl 0--0 8.h4 f5 9.exf6 gxf6
.!leS 24.Ele2 (24.4Jf3 4Jxf2 25.4Jxf2
.!lg4 26.~dl ~xf3+ 27.'it'c1 EleS+ 8
2S.'it'bl .!lf5 29.e4 dxe4 30.~e3 h5 +) 7
24 ... 4Jxf2 25.4Jxf2 Ag4+ 26.'it'd2
~xf2+ 27.Ele2 .!lxe2 2S.ii¥xe2 ~xe2+
29.'it'xe2+. Black has a rook and three
pawns for the two minor pieces.
19 ... ~e5 Black cannot maintain the 3
queen on the g-file. 19 ... ii¥g5 2

20.~f5+-. Black does not have time

for 19 ... h5 20.f4+- and without suffi-
cient assets at Black's disposal, White
can, after 19 ... ~d6+, gleefully capture In almost all of the games, the
the knight: 20.~xg4 ~h2 21.'it'f3 +-. defender's kings ide pawn structure has
20. ~d2 The retreat of the queen to e2 been pristine, at worst with a bishop
permits White later to play ~f3 holding rather than a pawn on g7. Here, the
the g-pawn. 20.~e2 ii¥g5+ 21.'it'h2 structure has been compromised, but
4Jg4+ 22.'it'gl ~h5 23.~f3 ~h2+ Black may be counting on the f6-pawn

Sacking the Citadel

to prevent the sacrifice. For additional 14 ... '<t'g7 (14 ... 'it'gS lS.~g6+ 'it'hS
assets, White has the dark-square 16.~h6+ 'ittgS17.Eih3+-) lS.Eih3+-.
bishop and the h4/Eih1, which can 14.~hS+ Iit>gS No better is 14 ... 'it'g7
swing via h3 to the open g-file. In the lS.Eih3+- withEig3tofollow.lS.~g6+
game, Black selected the '<t'g6line, when Iit>hS16..§h31-0 16.Eih3 with the ob-
White correctly ditched the .£JgS on e6 vious idea ofEig3 would require Black
and turned the attack over to the major to play actively: 16 ... Eif7 (16 ... ~dS
pieces and the dark-square bishop. 17.~h6+ 'ittgSl8.Eig3+ 'ittf719.~g6#)
10..1lxh7+ Iit>xh711..£)gS+ Iit>g6 The 17.Eig3 ~f8 lS ..1lh6+- and there's no
.£JgS is immune from capture because way to save the queen and prevent
of the opening of the h-file for White's mate.
queen and rook. 11...fxgS 12.hxgS+
(12.'l!YhS also wins trivially, but not (294) Morchiashvili - Kadimova
12.'~d3+? EifS) and now all three king Kavala2007
moves lose quickly: (a) 12 ... 'it'g7 Semi-Slav Defense [D52]
13 ..1leS+ M614:~hS+-; (b) 12 ... '<t'gS
13.'l!YhS Eif614.g6+- with mate in two; 1.d4 dS 2.c4 c6 3 ..£)f3 .£)f6 4 ..£)c3 e6
and (c) 12 ... '<t'g6 13.Eih6+ '<t'fS S . .1lgS .£)bd7 6.e3 ~aS 7.cxdS
(13 ... '<t'g7 14.~hS+- or 13 ... '<t'f7 .£) xdS S. ~d2 .1lb4 9 . .§cl 0-0
14.~hS++-)14.~f3+- withg4#.Af- 10..1ld3 b6 11.a3 .1lxc3 12.bxc3
ter 11 ... '<t'gS the open kings ide gives ~xa313.e4 .£)Sf614.0-0 .§e81S.eS
White a mate in three: 12.~hS EieS .£)dS 16.c4 .£)c7 17.,§c3 ~fS
(12 ... fxgS 13.~g6+ '<t'hS 14.hxgS#) 18.~f4 Jlb719.JldS .§axdS
13.'l!Yf7+ (13.~h7+ '<t'f8 14.~hS#)
13 ... '<t'hS 14.'l!Yh7 #. In the 'it'g7 line, the 8
'l!YhS enters with two focal points, h7 7
and f7 and Black cannot cover both. 6
11...'<t'g7 12.~hS EihS (12 ... fxgS 5
13 ..i1eS+ Eif6 14.hxgS+-) 13.~f7+
'<t'h6 14..£Jxe6 #. 12. .£) xe6! The knight
takes on e6 without check but opens
the path for the queen and rook. Also
winning is 12.~d3+ fS (The king re-
treat to the h-file of course gets a h c d e f g h
bombed. 12 ... 'it'hS 13.~h7+ 'it'g4
14 ..£Jh3+- with f3# next) 13.~g3 (and White neatly sacrifices both bishops,
there's no way to prevent the discov- the .i1gS on dS simply for clearance for
ery, since 13 ... '<t'f6 meets 14 ..i1eS+) the .£Jf3-gS. Although White loses the
13 ... .i1xgS 14.hxgS .£Jc6 lS.Eih6+ '<t'f7 bishop as an additional asset, White
16.g6+ '<t'eS 17.g7 EigS lS.~g6+ '<t'e7 can count on the secure eS-pawn and
19 ..i1gS + +- winning the queen and the Eic3-g3 or h3. In the 'it'gS line, the
more. 12 ... dxe6 13.~g4+ Iit>h7 Eic3 swings to h3 where ~t threatens
There's no escape to the queenside EihS and mate. 20.Jlxh7+ Iit>xh7
because after 13 ... '<t'f7, 14.~hS+ brings 21 ..£)gS+ Iit>gS In the '<t'g6 line, Eig3
the king back into the mating net: sets up us the powerful discovered


check, and the queen plays a useful role ready to capture the <£lfl and to give
after 22 .. .f6 23. ~e4+ forcing f6-f5 when back material with <£lxe5. In the 'it'g8
the discovered check is assured. line, as played in the game, White pre-
21...<it'g6 22.Elg3 f6 23.~e4+ (White pares 'ii¥c2 with Elc1. White's 25th, a
is also winning easily after both pretty sacrifice, shows off another as-
23.<£lxe6+ ~t7 24.<£lxfS+- and 23.exf6 pect of the positions, the versatility of
~xf6 24.<£le4+ +-) 23 .. .f5 24.<£lxe6+ the <£lg5-e6 fork when the ~c7 (or 'ii¥c5)
~t7 (after 24 ... ~h7 White ought to play is unanchored. 18.Axh7+ ~xh7
for mate with 25.~h4+ ~g8 26.<£lg5 +- ) 19.4) xg5+ ~g8 In the ~g6 line,
25.~xf5++-. 22.Eth31 g6 23.Eth8+ 20.'ii¥g4, 20.'ii¥c2, and even 20.<£lg3 all
~g7 The mating attack is easy after appear to win. Simplest, I believe, is
23 ... ~xh8 24.~h4++-. 24.Eth7+ ~g8 20.~g4, when Black cannot dislodge
25:~h41-O the queen from the g-file, and the queen
and knight coordinate the attack har-
(295) Dzhumaev - Mustafaev moniously. 19 ... ~g6 when: 20.'ii¥g4 f5
Tashkent 2008 21.'ii¥g3 f4 22.'ii¥g4 (activating the dis-
Sicilian Defense [B50] covered check) 22 ...'ii¥c8 23.<£lxe6+ 'it't7
24.Elac1 Elb6 25.~f5+ and White is
1.e4 c5 2.4)f3 d6 3.Ac4 4)f6 4.d3 clearly winning in every line: (a) The
4)c6 5.c3 e6 6.Ab3 Ae7 7.0-0 0-0 best defense is 25 .. .<it'e7 26.<£lxfS (win-
8.Ete1 Etb8 9.4)bd2 b5 10.d4 d5 ning the exchange, but the pressure is
1l.e5 4)d712.a3 b413.cxb4 cxb4 still on) 26 ... <£lxf8 (on 26 ... 'lii'xf8 White
14.Ac2 bxa315.bxa3 Aa616.4)f1 infiltrates with 27.'ii¥g5+ ~e8 28.e6 <£lf6
~c717.Ag5Axg5 29.'ii¥g6+ ~e7 and there's now time to
bring up reinforcements. 30.<£ld2 ~c8
8 31. 'ii¥f5 +- ) 27. 'ii¥xf4 +- with <£le3-f5 in
7 the air; (b) 25 .. .<it'g8 26.'lii'g6 Elf7
6 27.<£lg5 <£ldxe5 28.'ii¥h7+ ~f8 29.Elxe5
(demonstrating the importance of
24.Elac1. The <£lc6 is pinned.) 29 ... <£lxe5
30.Elxc8+ +-; and (c) 25 ... 'it'e8
26. ~g6+ (White has too many entry
squares) 26 ... 'it'e7 27.<£lxg7 'it'd8
28.<£le6+ +-. 20. 'ii¥c2+ 'ii¥d3+ is not
abc d e f g h possible, but 'ii¥c2+ does the trick. The
knight is immune, and ... f5 weakens the
White emerged from the sacrifice with a e6-square for a powerful knight fork. (a)
winning advantage but managed only 20 .. .f5 21.<£lxe6 'lii'c8 22.Elac1 ~c4
a draw, but I think that the real story 23.<£lg3 <£le7 24.Ele3 (White has too
here is the choice that White must make many additional assets. The rook is
in the ~g6 line. White can count here heading to h3) 24 ... ~h7 25.<£lh5 g6
on the secure e5-pawn, the <£lfl-g3, and 26.Elh3 'it'g8 27.'ii¥d2+- (threatening
Elel-e3, and even Elac1 as additional <£lf6+ and Elh8+) and (b) 20 ... ~xg5. The
assets. For the defense, Black stands capture is dangerous in the presence of
so many assets. 21.'ii¥h7 <£ldxe5

Sacking the Citadel

22.~xg7+ 4Jg6 (22 ... 't'f5 23.4Jg3+ 't'f4

24.~f6+ 't'g4 25.h3 #) 23.h4+ 't'f5
(other retreats permit quick mates)
24.4Jg3+ (Black would need to give up
his queen to prevent the mate) 24 ... 't'g4
25.~h6 ~e7 26.~h5+ 'it'f4 27.~f3#.

20.4Jg3!? The threat, of course, is ~h5+,

which Black must prevent: (a) 20 ... E!hS
but White can retain the queen on g4.
21.~g4 f5 22.exf6 4Jxf6 23.E!xe6 (the abc d e f g h
rook pins the knight, activating the dis-
covery) 23 ... ~d3 24.h4 4Je5 (24 ... E!bfS 25.~xf7+! E!xf7 26.4)xe6+ ~g8
25.E!xf6+ E!xf6 26.4Je6++-) 25.h5+ 27.4)xe7 4)dxe5 28.4)xa6 4)e4
'it'h6 (25 ... E!xh5 26.~xh5 #) 26.4Jf5+ 29.E!g3 White has better winning
~xf5 27.~xf5+-and the 4Je5 will not chances after 29.E!eS+ 'it'g7 30.E!xhS
long be able to defend g6; and (b) 't'xhS 31.4Jg3 4Jxd4 32.E!dl ± with a
20 ... 4Jf6 (giving back a piece in an ef- clear pawn to the good, though Black
fort to delay White's attack) 21.exf6 has the outside passer and White's
't'xg5 (the king cannot successfully run kingside pawns will be slow to push.
with 21...'t'xf6 22.~f3+ 't'e7 [not 29 ... 4)xd4 30.E!el ~g7 31.4)b4
22 ... 'it'xg5 23.h4+ 'it'g6 24.~h5+ 't'f6 E!h5 32.E!d3 4) b5 33.a4 4)e7
25.~g5# or 22 ... 'it'g6 23.~h5+ 'it'f6 34.4)g3 E!h4 35.E!bl4)e5 36.E!ddl
24.~h4 'it'g6 25.4Jh7+-] 23.~xd5+­ E!d7 37.a5 E!e4 38.4)e2 d4 39.4)f4
with 4Jf5+ next.) There's no forced mate, 4)b5 40.4)bd3 4)xd3 41.E!xd3 a6
but White's activity guarantees the ad- 42.E!el E!e3 43.~f1 g5 44.4)e6+
vantage: 22.fxg7 E!gS 23.~h5+ 'it'f6 ~f6 45.E!xe3= dxe3 46.4)e5 E!e7
(obviously not 23 ... 'it'f4 24.~h4#) 47.4)d3 E!e4 48.E!al 4)d4 49.E!bl
24.~h6+ 't'e7 escaping to the E!a4 50.f3 E!xa5 51.E!b6+ ~e7
queenside, but the g-pawn trumps. 52.E!b4 4)f5 53.E!e4+ ~f6 54.g4
25.4Jf5+ 'it'd7 26.~f6 'it'eS 27.4Jh6+-. E!al+ 55.~f2 E!a2+ 56.E!e2 E!xe2+
20.E!el There's no advantage after 57.~xe2 4)d4+ 58.~e3 4)b3
20.~e2 .§,feS 21.~h7+ 'it'fS 22.~hS+ 59.4)b4 ~e5 6O.~d3 4)d4 61.~xe3
't'e7 23.~xg7 E!fS (Black has sufficient 4) xf3 62.4)d3+ ~e4 63.h3 a5
counterplay on the queenside and cen- 64.4)e5+ ~465.~b3 ~g3 66.4)e4+
ter) 24.4Je3 4Jxd4 25.4Jxe6 4Jxe6 Yz-Yz
26.4Jxd5+ 'it'dS 27.4Jxe7 4Jxg7
2S.4Jxa6 E!b2= White has three inac- (296) Carlsen - Martinez
tive pawns for the piece, and Black has Villanueva Pelae
sufficient activity. 20 .•• E!bc8 21.E!e3 Madrid 2008
g6 22. ~g4 ~g7 23. ~h4 E!h8 Caro-Kann Defense [B 12]
24.~f4 E!cf8
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 e5 4.dxe5 e6
5.4)f3 Axe5 6.Ad3 4)e6 7.0-0
4)ge7 8.Af4 0--0 9.4)bd2 a61O.Ag3


b5 1l.a4 b4 12.4)b3 Aa7 13.Ele1 lB. ~h4 AcB Preventing the main
Ab7 threat. Not 18 ... l"l.h8 19.1"l.xe6#.
19.4) xe6 White can proceed more pa-
8 tiently with 19.1"l.ae1 or barge ahead in
7 a familiar way: 19.~h7+! 'it'xg5 (19 ...
6 'it'f6 20.l"l.ae1 ~d6 21.Ah4+-) and it's
5 mate in six: 20.~xg7+ 'it'h5 (20 ... 4Jg6
21.h4+ 'it'g4 [21...'it'h5 22.~h7+ 'it'g4
23.~xg6++-] 22.~xg6++-) 21.Af4+-.
19 ..• Axe6 20.Elxe6+ Elf6 After
20 ... 'it'f7, 21.l"l.ae1 +- forces the knight
to move when White will repost the queen
abcdefgh to h5 orh7. 21.Elxf6+ gxf6 22.~xb4
4)c6 23. ~d2 d4 24. ~d3 4) b4
Like Alekhine, Lasker, and Capablanca, 25.~c4 ~b6 26.a5 ~b7 27.-'1,d6
the young Magnus Carlsen triumphs 4)c6 2B.Ele1 +- EldB 29.Ele6 ~f7
with the sacrifice in a simultaneous ex- 30. ~e2 Eld7 31.-'1,f4 White can break
hibition. For additional assets, White through more quickly with 31.g4.
can count on the e5-pawn and Ag3-f4, 31 •.. 4)b4 32.4)c1 4)xc2 33.4)d3
though not l"l.e1-e3 or the 4Jb3. In the Ii!lg7 34.Elxa6 ~c4 35.-'1,h6+ Ii!lxh6
game, Black selected the 'it'g6Iine, when 36.Elxf6+ Ii!lg5 37.Elg6+ Ii!lxg6
Black cannot dislodge the queen with- 3B.4)e5+ Ii!lf6 39.4) xd7+ 1-0
out either hanging the knight on e6 or
the e6-pawn after ... f5. 14.-'1,xh7+ (297) Carlsen - Movsesian
Ii!lxh715.4)g5+ Ii!lg6 In the 'it'g8Iine, Moscow Blitz 2008
White can select either ~h7+, the nor- Slav Defense [D 15]
mal continuation with the black knight
on e7, or with ~f7+ because the cap-
ture leaves the e6-pawn unguarded. 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.4)f3 4)f6 4.4)c3 a6
15 ... 'it'g8 16.~h5 l"l.e8 17.~xf7+ 5.a4 e6 6.Af4 dxc4 7.e3 4)d5
(17.~h7+ 'it'f818.~h8+ 4Jg819.4Jh7+ B.Axc4 4)xf4 9.exf4 Ae7 10.0--0
'it'e7 20.Ah4+ 4Jf6 21.~xg7 +-) 4)d711.a50--0 12.Ele1 b513.axb6
17 ... 'it'h818.~h5+ 'it'g819.~h7+ 'it'f8 4)xb614.Ad3c515.dxc5 Axc5
20.4Jxe6+ 'it'f7 21.4Jxg7 +-. In the 'it'h6
line, White would simply transfer the 8
Ag3-f4 and continue normally with ~g4 7
if Black retreats the king to g6.15 ... 'it'h6
16.Af4 'it'g617.~g4+- .16.~g41 With
the bishop on g3, White cannot quickly
counter ... 4Jf5 with g4. 16.~d3+? 4Jf5
17.Af4 Ab8 18.g4 4Jxe5 19.9xf5+ exf5 3
20.~g3 4Jg4=.16 ..• 4)xe5 Moving the 2
f-pawn removes Black's only defender
of e6. 16 ... f5 17.exf6 e5 (17 ... 'it'xf6 abc d e f g h
18.l"l.xe6#) 18.Axe5+-. 17.Elxe5 f5

Sacking the Citadel

Showing off, Carlsen successfully un- 20.~ad1! ~eS 21.~e5 .llb4

dertakes the sacrifice in a blitz game 22.~de1 +- as in the game. 20 ... ~f7
counting on the ~e1 and the 4Jc3, an 21.4)g5+ ~f6 22.EIadl! t1teS On
unusual pair of additional assets. In the 22 ... ~c7 White infiltrates with 23.~h4
game, Black selected the ~g6 line and (possible since Black cannot play ... ~hS
while he could not dislodge the white and now forcing the black king to g6 to
queen from the g-file, the absence of a avoid the discoveries) 23 ... ~g6 24.~d3
white e5-pawn permitted the black king (and now the rooks come alive) 24 ... .lld6
to run to f6 and e7. Despite the time 25.4Jxe6 .llxe6 26.~ xe6+ +-. 23.EIe5
control, Carlsen finds the right path, Jlb4 24.EIdel EIa7 25. t1te3 ~g6
doubling the rooks on the e-file. 26.t1txb6+- EIb7 27.t1te3 j'td6
16.j'txh7+ ~xh717.4)g5+ ~g6 In 2S.4) xe6 j'txe5 29.4) xfS+ t1txfS
the 'ittgSline, Black cannot successfully 30.fxe5 Jle6 31.4)e2 t1tb4 32.4)f4+
defend with ...'It¥d3 because White can ~f7 33.h4 t1txb2 34.EIdl t1tb3
use 4Jc3-e4 to block the diagonal. 35.EId3 t1tc4 36.EId6 EIe7 37.~h2
17 ... ~gS lS.'~h5 ~eS (IS ... ~d3 a5 3S. t1tg3 ~gS 39.EId8+ 1--0
19.4Jce4+-) 19.~xf7+ ~hS with time
now to bring up the knight, 20.4Jce4 (298) Trent - Deslandes
'It¥d7 (it's mate in three after both Cap d' Agde 2008
20 ... 'lt¥e7 21.'lt¥h5+ 'ittgS 22.'lt¥h7+ 'ittfS French Defense [C06]
23.'lt¥hS# and also 20 ... ~e7 21.~h5+
'ittgS 22.'lt¥h7+ 'ittfS 23.~h8#) 21.'lt¥g6 l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4)d2 4)f6 4.e5
'ittgS 22.4Jf6+ +- winning the queen. 4)fd7 5.c3 c5 6.Jld3 4)c6 7.4)gf3
In the ~h6 line, with the queens facing t1tb6 s.o-o cxd4 9.cxd4 4)xd4
off, 4Jf7+ successfully wins the black 10.4)xd4 t1txd4 1l.4)f3 t1tb6
queen because ~xf7 leaves the black 12.t1ta4 t1tb413.t1tc2 t1tc514.t1te2
queen en prise. 17 ... 'itth6 lS.4Jxf7+ j'te7 15.Jle3 t1tc7 16.EIacl t1tdS
~xf719.'lt¥xdS+-. IS.t1tg4 Black sur- 17.EIc30--0 IS.EIfc11S ..llxh7+ 'ittxh7
vives handily after lS.'lt¥c2+ f5=. 19.4Jg5+ .llxg5 20.~h5+ ~gS 21..llxg5
IS .••f5 19. t1tg3 ~f6 With no way to f6 22.~h3 4Jxe5 23.~h7+ ~f7-+
move the white queen off the g-file, IS••• 4)b6
Black must move the king or safeguard
the queen. After 19 ... ~e7 20.4Jxe6+ 8
'itth6 White can profitably capture the 7
rook because 21.4JxfS ~xfS 22.~g5+ 6
'itth7 23.~h5+ ~gS 24.~eS+- also nets 5
the queen. No better is 19 ... ~h6
20.'lt¥h4+ ~g6 21.~ad1 ~eS (21...'lt¥e7
22.g4+-) when White's attack comes
fully alive after 22.g4 ~hS 23.gxf5+
exf5 24.~g3 ~c6 25.4Je6+ 'ittf7 and
the anchor on the knight results in a abcdefgh
mate in two. 26.~xg7+ 'itteS 27.~dS#.
20.4)h7+ White repeats the position In return for the sacrificed d4-pawn,
but ought to proceed now with White has readied the sacrifice and


taken control over the open c-fiIe. It is a6 8.{)f3 c5 9. ~d2 {)c6 10.dxc5
interesting to observe that the Greco ~xc5 11.0-0-0 b5 12.Ad3 b4
Sacrifice faits on move 18 with the black 13.{)e2 a514.Elhel 0-0
knight on d7 owing to 4::JxeS. For the
sacrifice, White can count on the eS-
pawn, the dark-square bishop, and the
doubled rooks, especially the §c3 ready
to swing. In the <it'gB line, as played in
the game, the §c3 swings to h3 sup-
porting ~h7 and then Af6. 19.Jlxh7+
~xh7 20.{)g5+ Jlxg5 20 ... 'it'gB
21.~hS AxgS 22.AxgS f6 transposes
to the game continuation. Having a rook
on c3 already to swing makes the <it'g6 abc d e f g h
line unpalatable. 20 ... 'it'g6 21.~c2+ fS
(the king retreat to the h-file is of course Another Classical French in which Black
too dangerous, 21...'it'hS 22.~h7+ <it'g4 seems to castle into it. The dark-square
23.f3 #) 22.exf6+ 'it'xf6 23.Ad4+ (mak- bishops have been traded, but White
ing way for the rook swing) 23 ... eS can count on a secure eS-pawn, 4::Je2-
24.§f3+ 'it'xgS (24 ... AfS 2S.~xfS # with g3, and the centralized rooks as addi-
an attractive mate) 2S.§g3+ Ag4 (not tional assets. Black in tum has gener-
2S ... 'it'f6 26.~g6# or 2S ... 'it'h6 ated some pressure upon the white
26.~g6#) 26.§xg4 <it'xg4 27.~g6+ queenside. In the game, White played
AgS 2B.h3+ 'it'h4 29.g3+ <it'xh3 the <it'gB line, when White prevails by
30.~e6+ with mate next move. preventing the black king from escap-
21. ~h5+ ~g8 In the line involving the ing to the queenside with ~h7-h5.
Ah6 retreat, White is able to assault the 15.Axh7+ ~xh7 16.{)g5+ ~g8 In
kingside owing to the rook swing and the <it'g6 line, 17.~d3 fS gives White
the extreme weakness in the dark the 4::Jxe6 fork, which is more important
squares after ... g6. 21...Ah6 22.Axh6 than winning the exchange on f8.
g6 (22 ... gxh6 23.§h3 +- ) 23. ~h3 <it'gB 16 ... 'it'g6 17.~d3+ when: (a) 17 .. .fS
24.§g3 4::Jd7 2S.AgS f6 26.exf6 §xf6 1B.4::Jxe6 ~b6 19.94+-; (b) 17 ... 'itthS
(26 ... 4::Jxf6 27.~h6 'it'f7 2B.Axf6 ~xf6 1B.~h7+ (1B.~h3+ <it'g6 19.~h7#)
29.§f3+-) 27.Axf6 4::Jxf6 28.~h6+-. 1B ... 'it'g419.~h3# or 19.h3#; and (c)
22.Jlxg5 f6 23.Elh3 Jld7 A somewhat 17 ... 'it'h6 1B.~h7#. In the 'it'h6 line,
tougher defense is 23 ... 4::Jd7 24.~h7+ ~d3-h3 is brutal. 16 ... <it'h617.~d3 g6
'it'f7 2S.exf6+-. 24.~h7+ ~f7 (17 ... §hB1B.4::Jxf7++-) 18.~h3+ 'it'g7
25.Jlxf61-O 19.~h7#. 17.~d3 Ele8 The rook must
move to create tuft for the king. If in-
(299) Pruess - Kraai stead 17 ... §dB 18.~h7+ <it'fB 19.~hS
Berkeley 2008 g6 20.~h7 4::JdxeS 21.<it'b1 'itte7
French Defense [CI4] 22.fxeS §f8 23.4::lf4 +- with 4::Jxg6+ next.
18.~h7+ ~f8 19.~h5 g6 Black
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.{)c3 {)f6 4.Ag5 needs to prevent the mate, but not with
Ae7 5.e5 {)fd7 6.Jlxe7 ~xe7 7.f4 19...§e7 20.~hB#. 20.~h6+Themost

Sacking the Citadel

efficient path here is worth a careful re-

view: 20.'lfi'hS+ 'tte7 21.'lfi'h4 'ttfS 22.f5! 8
gxf5 (22 ... 4:ldxe5 23.f6+-) 23.4:lh7+ 7
'it'gS (23 ... 'it'g7 24.'lfi'g5+ 'ttxh7 6
[24 ... 'tthS 25.4:lf6+-] 25.E1.d3+-) 5
24.~g5+ 'ttxh7 (24 ... 'tthS 25.4:lf6+-)
25.E1.d3 +-. 20••. ~e7 After 20 ... 'ttgS
it's an easy mate in two with 21.'lfi'h7+
and 22. 'lfi'xf7 "". 21. tNh4 ~f8 22.Eld3
White's most efficient win here is with
22.f5. Black cannot capture on g5 with abcdefgh
the g-pawn because, after 4:lh7 and
'lfi'g5, the rook swing provides the fin- The dark-square bishops have been
ishing touch. The capture with the e- traded in this French, but White retains
pawn encourages 4:lf4 with a double the advanced 4:ld6 and the E1.dl as an
attack upon d5. And, if Black leaves the unusual pair of additional assets. In the
f-pawn where it is, the pawn can push game, Black tried 'it'g6, when both 18.h4
through. Black's best defense is prob- with the idea h5 and 18.~d3-g3 are
ably 22.f5 4:lcxe5 when White prevails superior to the game continuation.
with 23.f'xe6 with 4:lf4 to follow. 22 •..b3 16.Axh7+ ~xh7 17.~g5+ ~g6 In
23.Elxb3 ~b4 24.~d4 tNxd4 the 'it'gS line, ~d3-h3 is
25.~h7+ ~g8 26.Elh3 ~xe5 crushing.17 ... 'ttgS lS.'lfi'd3 f5 (not
27.~f6+ ~f8 Black probably wanted lS ... g6 19.'lfi'h3+-or lS ... E1.feS when
to avoid giving up the rook with check, the queen must enter on h7, but the
but 27 ... 'ttg7 actually encourages a 4:ld6 cripples the defense 19.~h7+ 'it'fS
mating net with 2S. 'lfi'h6+ 'ttxf6 20.~hS+ 'tte7 2 1. 'lfi'x g7 E1.fS
29.'lfi'g5+ 'ttg7 30.fxe5+-. 28.tNh8+ 22.4:lge4 +- and the queen will enter on
~e7 29.tNxe8+ ~xf6 Avoiding f6) 19. ~h3 normally slow, but the 4:ld6
29 ...'ttd6 when 30.fxe5+ regains a piece holds f7 enabling a simple mate if the
and preserves the pressure. 30.fxe5+ rook retreats to e8. 19 ... E1.f7 (19 ... E1.feS
~g5 31.Elg3+ 1-031. E1.g3+ was good 20.~h7+ 'ttfS 21.~hS+ 'tte7
enough to force resignation, but 22. ~xg7 "") 20.4:ldxf7 +- and White
31.'lfi'e7+ and 31.'lfi'dS start mates in will capture on f8 after 'lfi'hS+ and then
three. reach f8 with support from 4:lh7. The
'it'h6 line runs smack into a queen-win-
(300) Antal- Balog ning discovery, 17 ... 'it'h618.4:lxe6+ +-.
Hungary 2008 18.~gxf7 White's most efficient con-
French Defense [C07] tinuation with lS.h4! threatens h5+
driving the king to h6 and a crushing
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d2 c5 4.~gf3 discovery or to f6 with a mating net.
~f6 5.exd5 ~xd5 6.~b3 cxd4 lS ... 4:lxc4 19.h5+ 'it'f6 (19 ... 'tth6
7.~bxd4 Ab4+ 8.Ad2 0-0 9.c4 20.4:lgxf7++- )20.4:lh7+ 'it'e7 21.~g5+
Axd2+ 10.tNxd2 ~b6 11.0-0-0 f6 22.~xg7+ E1.f7 23.~xf7"" )Also win-
Ad7 12.~b5 a6 13.~d6 tNc7 ning is the usual idea of 18.~d3+! f5
14.~bl ~c615.Ad3 EladS (capturing the knight again walks into


too many ready assets: 18 ... ~xg5 1.4:)f3 d5 2.c4 e6 3.g3 4:)f6 4.Ag2
19.~g3+ 'it'h6 [19 ... 'it'f6 20.4Je4+ ~e7 Ae7 5.0-0 0-0 6.d4 c6 7.b3 b6
(20 ... ~f5 21.~g5+ ~xe4 22.Eihel#) 8.Ab2 Ab7 9.4:)c3 4:)bd7 10.~c2
21.~xc7+-] 20.4Jf5++- with a beauti- §c8 1l.§fd1 ~c7 12.§ac1 ~b8
ful check that nets the unanchored 13.e4 §fd814.e5 4:)e815.cxd5 cxd5
queen) 19.~g3 f4 20.~h4 Eih8 16.Afl 4:)c7 17.Ad3 4:)f8 18. ~e2
21.~xf4 Eidf8 and the black king is too Ac6 19.4:)a4 ~b7 20.§c2 a6
exposed to survive without significant 21.§dc1 Ae8 22.h4 4:)d7 23.~g2
material loss: 22.~g3 'it'h5 23.4Jge4 4:)b8
~d8 24.~xg7 Eifg8 25.4Jf6+ 'it'h4
26.4Jxg8+- . 18... §xti 19.~d3+ §f5 8
20.g4 ~h7 With the attack on the 7
pinned rook, White is winning. Black 6
will need to retreat the king to h7, but 5
he can first try 20 ... 4Je5 21.gxf5+ 'it'h7
22.~h3+ ~g8 23.f6 (with the threat of
both f7+ and fxg7) 23 ... g6 (and the cap-
ture opens the g-file 23 ... gxf6
24.Eihgl + +- ) 24.f4 +- . 21.gxf5 exf5
22.c5 4:)a4 Challenging the powerful abc d e f g h
4Jd6 only forces it to take a more active
role on the kingside: 22 ... 4Jc8 23.4Jf7 White has prepared the sacrifice with
Eie8 24.4Jg5+ (with the appearance of some slow maneuvering, h4 and 'it'g2
the sacrifice having just occurred) in order to activate the Eic1 on the h-
24 ... 'it'g6 (24 ... 'it'g8 The king retreat to file. In support of the sac, White has
g8 encourages 25.~d5+ 'it'h8 when the secure e5-pawn, the dark-square
White can win with a rook swing or play bishop, and the doubled rooks. By con-
for mate with 26.~f7 4Je5 27.~h5+ trast, Black has massed inefficiently on
~g8 28.~h7+ ~f8 29.~h8+ 'it'e7 the queenside, and for defense on the
30.~xg7+ ~d8 31.~f6+ 4Je7 king's wing, Black has a vacated f8
32.4Je6+ +-) and the 'it'g6 line walks square for the knight, the ~e8 and ~e7,
into an open g-file, 25.Eihgl 'it'f6 and potentially the ~b7 over-protect-
26.f4+-. 23.~h3+ ~g8 Not surpris- ing f7. In the line with ~xg5, Black
ingly, 23 ... 'it'g6 walks into a mating net, worked hard to involve the ~b7 in the
24.Eihgl + 'it'f6 25.~h4+ 'it'e6 26.Eig6+ defense of the kingside, but ultimately,
~e5 27.f4# or 27.4Jc4# or 27.4Jf7#. the weakness of the e6-pawn is telling.
24. ~b3+ +- ~h7 25. ~xa4 Ae6 24.Axh7+ ~xh7 25.4:)g5+ j'txg5 In
26.§he1 ~e7 27.§d3 §xd6 the 'it'g8 line, Black has no choice but
28.§h3+ ~g8 29.cxd6 ~xd6 to capture the 4Jg5 and open the h-file.
30. ~d1 Ad5 31. ~h51-0 There's no immediate mate, but it is in-
teresting to see how quickly the g5-
(301) Burmakin - Ziatdinov pawn becomes a queen. 25 ... 'it'g8
Moscow 2009 26.~h5 ~xg5 27.hxg5 4Jb5 28.Eixc8
Catalan Opening [E08] Eixc8 29.Eihl 'it'f8 30.g6. The pawn is
immune owing to the idea of ~h8 and

Sacking the Citadel

then §h7. 30 .. .'li1c7 31.~hB+ '3;e7 not prevent ~h5 with a quick mate.
32.~xg7 4Jc6 33.§h7 '3;dB 34.'li1f6+ 27.gxf6 4)b5 28.'§xc8 .§xc8
"itlIe7 35.g7 +- and the pawn will queen. 29•.§hl+ Cit'g8 30. ~g4 ~f7 31.f xg7
In the ~g6line, ~d3+ is the most effec- 1-0
tive continuation because the black e6-
pawn is irreparably weakened after ... f5. (302) Khater - Grigorian
25 ... ~g6 and now: (a) 26.~g4 wins, Dos Hermanas 2009
but more care is required because the Trompowsky Attack [DOO]
queen does not have access to h4.
26 ...i.txg5 (the obvious try with 26 ... '3;h6 l.d4 4)f6 2.Jlg5 d5 3.Jlxf6 exf6
fails to 27.§hl and 2B.1a.c1, returning 4.e3 c6 5.c4 dxc4 6.Jlxc4 Jld6
the dark-square bishop to the key di- 7.4)e2 0-0 8.0-0 4)d7 9.4)bc3 f5
agonal) 27."itlIxg5+ '3;h7 28."itlIxdB §xdB 10.j}"d34)f611..§cl
29.§xc7~aB 30.4Jxb6+-; (b) 26."itlId3+
f5 (king retreats are quickly mated) 8
27.exf6+ ~xf6 (not 27 ... ~h5 28.~h7+ 7
'3;g4 29.f3 #) 2B. "itlIe3 when all of the 6
lines are winning for White: (1) Black's 5
toughest defense is 2B ... 4Jc6 but White
has a forced win with 29.§xc6 ~xc6
30.§xc6 Axc6 when it's mate in eight:
31.~f3+ ~g6 32.h5+ '3;h6 (32 ... ~xg5
33.i.tc1 #) 33.~d3 i.teB 34."itlIh7+ ~xg5
35.~xg7+ '3;f5 36.~e5+ ~g4 37.f3#; abcdefgh
(2) 2B ... i.td7 29.~f3+ (with threats of
"itlIf7 and h5+) 29 ... '3;g6 30.h5+ '3;h6 A snap decision in a blitz game in which
(30 ... ~xg5 31."itlIf7+-) 31.~d3 i.teB Black can count on the light-square
32.~h7+ '3;xg5 33.~xg7+ ~f5 bishop, which is itselfveiled behind the
(33 ... ~xh5 34.§hl + +-) 34.'liYe5+ '3;g4 f5-pawn, and the §fB, which needs a
35.f3 #; and (3) On 2B ... i.tf7 White has move to reach the e-file. In the game,
a quick mate with 29.~f3+ ~g6 White defended in the '3;g3 line, the
30.~xf7+ ~h6 31.h5 +-. 25 ... '3;h6 best defense. Black can sustain the
(benefiting from the buried nature of queen on the g-file, but without a pawn
White's dark-square bishop and the on e4, the white king can run to f3. Even
presence of the h4-pawn) 26. §c3 with the best defense, in which the white
(threatening ~c2 and a breakthrough king reaches the queenside, Black re-
on the h-file) 26 ... g6 27.§hl ~g7 2B.h5 tains a significant advantage.
i.tb5 (2B ... i.txg5 29.hxg6 fxg6 30.~g4 1l...Jlxh2+ 12.Cit'xh2 4)g4+ 13.Cit'g3
i.th6 31."itlIh4+- taking full advantage In the '3;glline, Black wins quickly with
ofBlack's inability to play §hB) 29.~d2 ~xf2 and 4Jxe3, hitting the queen and

§hB 30.§f3 i.teB 31.h6+ ~fB (31...~gB threatening mate in one. 13.'3;gl "itlIh4
32.h7+ ~fB 33.~f4+-) 32.h7 4Jc6 14.§el ~xf2+ 15.'3;hl4Jxe3-+. In the
33.4Je4+- with ~h6+ next. 26.hxg5f5 '3;h3 line, Black simply pushes the f4-
26 ... '3;gB 27."itlIh5+- with §hl to fol- pawn out of the way to activate the dis-
low; 26 ... '3;g6 27.§h1+- and Black can- covered check. 13.'3;h3 f4! 14.exf4


(safeguarding the queen costs the king: c8 and c7 respectively, and even this
14:~'d2 <tJxf2+ 15.~h2 fxe3 16.'li¥c2 small difference has a substantial effect
[not 16.'li¥xe3 <tJg4+] 16.. :~·h4+ 17.'it'gl upon the lines. White counts on the
~hl#) 14 ... <tJxf2+ -+ winning the same additional assets, the mobile e5-
queen.13 •.• ~g5114.f4 ~g615.~f3 pawn and the two centralized rooks. In
§e8116.e4? White panics, afraid obvi- the ~g6 line, White has 'li¥g3 because
ously of the rook capture on e3. To hold, the black queen cannot here capture on
White needed to part with his queen: g5. 19..1l,xh7+ ~xh7 20.Jilg5+ ~g6
16.~d2 .§xe3+ 17.~xe3 <tJxe3 In the ~g8Iine, White can proceed with
18.'it'xe3 ~xg2 19.~d2 ~e6 20 ..§hl ~h7 or advance the e-pawn, shattering
~g6 2Ukgl ~f6 22.'it'c1 .§e8+with the center and activating the .§el.
23 ... ~d5 next. 16.••fxe4+ 17..1l,xe4 f5 20 ... ~g8 21.~h4 (the queen does not
-+ 18.g3 fxe4+ 19.~g2 After have access to h5, but the black queen
19.<tJxe4 there's a pretty mate in one, is already defending f7) 21.. ..§fe8 22.e6
19 ... ~xe4#. 19 ..• Jile3+ 20.~g1 (22.'li¥h7+ 'it'fB 23.'li¥h8+ ~e7 24.'li¥xg7
Jilxd1 21.§fxd1.1lg4 22.~f2 e3+ (threatening both the f-pawn and 'li¥f6)
23.~g2 h5 24.d5 h4 25.dxc6 bxc6 24 ... 'it'd8 25.<tJxf7++-) and now:
26.§g1 §adS 27.§ce1 §d2 28.~h2
~h5~1 8
(303) Bodiroga - Berry 6
Dos Hermanas 2009 5
Queen's Gambit [D41]
1.d4 Jilf6 2.c4 e6 3.Jilf3 d5 4.Jilc3 c5
5.cxd5 Jilxd5 6.e4 Jilxc3 7.bxc3 cxd4
8.cxd4.1l,b4+ 9..1ld2 .1l,xd2+ 10.~xd2
~ 1l..1lc4 b612.~ .1l,b713.§fe1 abc d e f g h
Jilc6 14.§ad1 Jila5 15 ..1l,d3 §c8
16.d5 exd517.e5 Jilc418. ~f4 ~c7 (a) 22 ... <tJe5 defending the f7-pawn, but
White has 23 ..§xe5 ~xe5 24.exf7++-;
(b) 22 ... fxe6 and there's a mate in ten:
23.~h7+ ~f8 24.~h8+ ~e7 25 ..§xe6+
~d7 (25 ... 'it'd8 26.'li¥xe8#) 26.'li¥xg7+
~d8 27 ..§xe8+ ~xe8 28.~g8+ 'it'e7
29.'li¥f7+ ~d6 (29 ... 'it'd8 30.<tJe6#)
30.<tJe4+ ~e5 31.'li¥f6+ ~xe4
32 ..§d4 #; and (c) There's no mate after
22 ... .§xe6 23.'li¥h7+ ~f8 but White
gains a queen-winning knight fork
abcdefgh 24 ..§xe6 fxe6 25.<tJxe6+ +-. 21. ~g3
~e7 Black tries to safeguard the queen
This position is remarkably similar to because there's no way to move the
Flesch-Kovacs, 1969 (see game 146). queen off g3. 21...f5 22.<tJe6++- is
There, Black's rook and queen were on crushing. 22.Jile6+ ~h7 The discov-

Sacking the Citadel

ered check is overwhelming. Black's re- [White wants mate, not just the knight]
sponse hangs mate, but the alternatives 22 ... 'i'ii'c2 [not 22 ... 4Jxh7 23.~h5#] and
are little better: 22 ... 'it>f5 23.4Jxg7# and it's mate in three: 23.4Jxf8+ 'it'f5 24.g4+
22 ... 'it>h5 allows a mate in four: 23.4Jf4+ 4Jxg4 25 ..§.f3 #) 22. ~e4+ f5 (22 ... 4Jf5
'it>h6 24.'~h3+ 'it>g5 25.'~h5+ 'it>xf4 meets 23.'i'ii'xf4 with ~g4 next, and not
26 ..§.d4#. 23.'lt/xg7# 1-0 22 ... 'it>xg5 23.~xf4+ 'it'g6 24.~g5#)
and the en passant check resembles a
(304) Ernst - On rust bomb going off around the black king:
Vlissingen 2009 23.exf6+ 4Jf5 24.'i'ii'xf4+-. 21.~h5
Slav Defense [Dl6] ~c2 22.!3h31--O

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.{)f3 {)f6 4.{)c3 (305) Ganguly - Shirov

dxc4 5.a4 e6 6.e3 Ab4 7.-'l,xc4 0--0 Montcada 2009
8.0-0 {)bd7 9.'lt/e2 'It/a5 10.!3d1 Ruy Lopez [C78]
{)b6 1l.-'l,d3 c5 12.{)a2 cxd4
13.{)xb4 'It/xb414.a5 {)bd515.e4 1.e4 e5 2.{)f3 {)c6 3.-'l,b5 a6 4.Aa4
{)e7 16.e5 {)fd5 17.Ad2 White {)f6 5.0--0 b5 6.Ab3 -'l,c5 7.a4!3b8
could have undertaken the sacrifice 8.c3 d6 9.d4 -'l,b610.a5 -'l,a711.h3
right here in part because the Rook 0-0 12.Ae3 !3a8 13.{)bd2 -'l,b7
swing he sought to arrange with .§.a3- 14.Ac2 exd415.cxd4 !3e816..1lbl
h3 was in fact available earlier with .§.d4- {)e717.e5 {)fd5
h4. 17 ..Ilxh7+! 'it'xh7 18.'§'xd4+-.
17..• 'lt/b318.!3a3 'It/xb2 8
8 6
7 5
6 4
5 3
4 2
abc d e f g h

abc d e f g h In this Ruy Lopez-like variation of the

Sicilian, White has migrated the light-
In the diagrammed position, White has square bishop to the appropriate diago-
an easy win with three additional as- nal, and prepared the sacrifice with a
sets, the e5-pawn, the .Ild2, and the strong center and e4-e5. In support of
.§.a3 ready to swing. In the 'it>g8Iine, as the sacrifice, White has four additional
played in the game, the black queen can assets, the secure and mobile e5-pawn,
enter the bl-h7 diagonal on c2, but the dark-square bishop, .§.a3, and the
.§.a3-h3 trumps that defense. 4Jd2, which can choose between 4Je4-
19.Axh7+ <itlxh7 20.{)g5+ <itlg8In f6 and 4Jf3-h4. In the game, Black played
the 'it'g6 line, there's no stopping .§.h3 into the 'it>g8 line where the .§.fS has
with the idea of'i'ii'h5. 20 ... 'it'g6 21..§.h3 already vacated the fS-square .... 4Jg6
4Jf4 (Also desperate is 21...4Jf6 22.4Jh7! would shut down the white attack were


it not here for the mobile eS- 'ifj1e6-+ 45.'ifj1f2 d4 46.exd4 jtxd4+
pawn.1S.Axh7+ 'ifj1xh7 19.Jilg5+ 47.'ifj1g3 'ifj1d5 4S.Ete2 jtd3 49.Etd2
'ifj1gS After T9 ...'iftg6, ~c2+ followed by 'ifj1e4 50.b3 b4 51.'ifj1h4g5+ 52.'ifj1h5
4:Jf3-h4 seems the clearest path to the 'ifj1e3 53.Eta2 jtb1 54.Eta4 jtc3 0-1
win. (a) 20.'lifc2+ fS (20 ... 4:JfS 21.4:Jdf3
E!hS 22.g4 'lifd7 [not 22 ... .llcS 23.Ac1 (306) Kuzubov - Koerholz
'lifd7 24.E!el +-] 23.'ifth2 E!aeS Ohrid2009
24.E!gl +-) 21.exf6+ 4:JfS 22.4:Jdf3 Nimzo-Indian Defense [E28]
'iftxf6 23.g4 4:Jh6 24.E!ael ± and now
capturing the bishop on e3 opens the f- 1.d4 Jilf6 2.c4 e6 3.Jilc3 jtb4 4.e3
file for White's other rook; and (b) 0-0 5.a3 -'l,xc3+ 6.bxc3 b6 7.-'l,d3
20.'lifg4!? fS 21.'lifg3 ~cS with the aim -'l,a6 S.e4 Jilc6 9.Jilf3 JileS 10. ~e2
of forcing the queen off the g-file (less Jila5 1l.e5 d5
promising is 21...f4 22.~g4 'lifcS the
same idea, but White has 23.4:Je6+ ~f7
24.4:Jf3 a remarkable resource that pro-
tects the knight on e6 24 ... 4:Jg6
2S.4:JfgS+ ~gS 26.'liffS 'lifd7 27.'lifxg6
E!xe6 2S.4:Jxe6+- ) 22.4:Jdf3 f4 23.4:Jh4+
'ifth6 24.Axf4 4:Jxf4 2S.'lifxf4 dxeS
26.dxeS §fS 27.'lifd2 (finally, the dis-
covered check is in the air) 27 ... g6 try-
ing to create an escape square, but
2S.e6± with a clear advantage, though abc d e f g h
the final positions in the 'lifd3 line are
somewhat more compelling. 20. ~h5 There's often a price to pay for ceding
Jilg6 21.e6! Etxe6 Too weakening is the center. Perhaps sensing the danger
21...fxe6 22.'lifh7+ ~fS 23.~xg6 (cap- after l1.eS, Black lashes out with ... dS
turing the knight with a threat) 23 ... ~e7 seeking to relieve the pressure with ex-
24.4:Jde4 +- with a rook swing in the changes. For the sacrifice, White can
offing. 22.~h7+ 'ifj1fS 23.Jilxe6+ fxe6 count on the secure eS-pawn and the
24. ~xg6 ~f6 25. ~g3 'ifj1gS 26.Jilf3 dark-square bishop. The game ends
EtfS 27.Etac1 ~f5 2S.Etfe1 Etf7 abruptly because the E!fS is unable to
29.Jilh4 White can improve here with create an escape square. In the ~g6
29.4:JgS or 29.Ad2. 29 .•• ~h5 30.Jilf3 line, the immediate h4 forces Black to
e5 31.dxe5 Jilxe3 32.e6 Etf6 33.e7 counter the threat of hS, driving the
~eS 34.fxe3? White's path to an ad- black king to h6. 14 ... E!hS tenninally
vantage is 34.E!xc7 Axf3 3S.gxf3 AbS weakens the f7-square, and 14 ... 'life7,
36.E!b7 E!g6 37.E!xe3 E!xg3+ 3S.fxg3 the attempt to save the queen, only en-
with two active rooks and an immobi- courages a mating net with lS.'lifd3.
lized black queen. 34... -'l,xf3 35.Etxc7 12.-'l,xh7+ 'ifj1xh7 13.Jilg5+ 'ifj1g6
-'l,bS 36.Etc2 -'l,e4 37.Etf2 Etxf2 13 ... 'iftgS 14.'lifhS+- The rook cannot
3S.~xf2 ~xe7 39.~f4 jta7 vacate the f8-square, and Black can only
40.'ifj1h1 -'l,c5 41.~g4 d5 42.~h5 delay the mate on h7 or give up his
~f7 43.~xf7+ 'ifj1xf7 44.'ifj1g1 queen for the knight. 14.h4! Winning

Sacking the Citadel

but less impressively is 14.~g4 f5 (307) Prie - Svetushkin

15.~g3 ~e7 (Black cannot force the France 2009
queen off the g-file and so it is neces- Queen's Pawn Game [D02]
sary to safeguard the queen) 16.4Jxe6+
'it'f7 17.cxd5 (better to preserve the l.d4 4)f6 2.Af4e6 3.e3 c5 4.c3 4)c6
knight and threaten Jlg5 than to take 5.4)£3 d5 6.4)bd2 J;td6 7.J;tg3 0--0
the exchange) 17 .. J:~hB 1B ..ilg5 'l11"d7 8.Ad3 tte7 9,J~~e5 4)d710.4)xd7
19. ~f3 +- . And the queen checks also Axd7 1l.Axd6 ttxd6 12.dxc5
win: 14.~c2+ f5 (not 14 ... 'it'h515.'lii'h7+ ttxc5
'it'g4 16.h3 # or 16.f3 # or 16.'lii'h3 # )
15.h4 (not 15.exf6+ ~xf6"j: but 8
15.4Jxe6+- is satisfactory) 15 ... ~e7 7
16.h5+ (with an attack that is similar to 6
what happens in the game) 16 ... ~h6 5
17.4Jxe6+ 'it'h7 1B.cxd5+-. 14.~d3+
f5 when White will win with either
15.4Jxe6 or 15.~g3. 14.•• tte7 After
h5+, Black will be forced to play 'it'h6
enabling the discovered check. The
queen move seeks to safeguard the abcdefgh
queen from the discoveries. If instead
Black attempts to prevent the advance The final two games in the book are
ofthe h-pawn with 14 ... .§hB, White has highly unusual and well worth your
a mate in six: 15.~d3+ f5 16.exf6+ ~xf6 time. At the time of the sacrifice, White
(16 ... 'it'h6 17.h5 ~xf6 1B.4Jf7#) cannot point to any additional assets,
17.~f3+ 'it'g6 (17 ... 'it'e718.~f7+ ~d6 not an e5-pawn, not a dark-square
19.~xe6#) 1B.h5+ '§xh5 19.~f7+ 'it'h6 bishop, and not even a pawn on h4. In
20.~xh5 #. The other defensive addition, the remaining white knight,
try14 ... f5 does nothing to prevent the usually on f3, is on d2 and will have a
main threat. 15.h5+ 'it'h6 16.4Jxe6+ +- . longer journey to g5. Moreover, Black
15.h5+ <iflh6 Black obviously would appears to be well developed. Remark-
normally want to avoid the discovered able, therefore, that White won two re-
checks available after the retreat to h6, cent games from this position.
but the other king move walks into a 13.Axh7+ <iflxh7 14.tth5+ Here's
mate in one. 15 ... ~f5 16.~f3# or one of the reasons. Without the knight
16.g4#.16.ttd3ttxg5Hopingtoob- blocking the queen's access to the h-
tain enough material for the queen, but file, the queen reaches h5 in one move,
the queen capture results in a mate in forcing the black king straight back to
four. On 16 ... f5 White has a mate in two: h8. We will not have to calculate any
17.exf6 4Jxf6 18.~g6# and 16 ... .§hB other line. 14 ... <iflg8 15.4)e4 And
17.4Jxf7 #. 17.Axg5+ <iflxg518. tte3+ here's the second point. With 4Je4, the
<iflg4 No better is 1B ... ~f5 19 ..§h4 knight gains time with an attack upon
4Jxc4 20.g4 # 19.£3+ 1-0 It's mate in the black queen, speeding its access to
two: 19 ... 'it'f5 (19 ... 'it'g3 20.~g5#) g5. 15 ... ttc4 15 ... g6 is untenable be-
20.g4#. cause 16.4Jxc5 attacks the unanchored


.lld7. 16•.£lg5 With the obvious threat (308) Brechin - Shaw

on h7 and the attack upon f7 should the Edinburgh 2009
.§f8 move. 16••. ElfdS Black cannot try Queen's Pawn Game [D02]
16 ... ~d3 because e4 blocks the queen's
access to h7. 17.e4 .§fd8 18 ..§dl 'ltYc4 1.d4 d5 2.Af4 .£lf6 3.e3 c5 4.c3 .£lc6
19.~xfl+ 'it'h8 and White has time for 5 •.£ld2 e6 6 •.£lgf3 Ad6 7 •.£le5 ~
either 20.~g6 or 20.f4. 17.~xf7+ S.Ad3 ~e7 9.~ .£ld7 10•.£lxd7
Iit'hS IS. ~h5+ Iit'gS White clearly has ~xd7 1l.Axd6 ~xd6 12.dxc5
at least a draw by perpetual check. In ~xc5
two recent games, patient white attacks
garnered the full point. 19. ~f7+ 8
19 ..§dl d4 (19 ... ~xa2 20.f4 'ltYxb2 7
21.0-0 'ltYc2 22.f5+-) 20.'ltYf7+ 'it'h8 6
21.h4 ~d5 22.0-0 'ltYf5 23.~xf5 exf5 5
24.<tlfl+ 'it'g8 25.<tlxd8 '§xd8 26.exd4
.lle6 27.b3 'it'fl 28 ..§fel b5 29.'it'h2 a5
30 ..§d3 a4 31..§f3 a xb3 32.axb3 b4
33 ..§fe3 .llxb3 34.cxb4 i.1.c4 35 ..§f3 'it'f6
36 ..§f4 <tlxd4 37 ..§ee4 <tle6 38 ..§xc4
<tlxf4 39 ..§xf4 .§d2 40.g3 .§b2 41.'it'g2 abc d e f g h
g6 42.'it'f3 ~e5 43.~e3 1-0 Nguyen
Ngoc Truong Son-Kanep, Khanty- This position is nearly identical to the
Mansiysk Russia, 2010. 19 ..• lit'hS last game, save that White has castled
20.h4 Black must play actively to and Black has not yet played ... i.1.d7.
counter .§h3-g3 and h4-h5-h6. You might imagine that the difference
20 .•• .£le5 21. ~h5+ Iit'gS 22.0--0-0 would favor White, but the presence of
~xa2 23.~h7+ Iit'fS 24.~hS+ lit'e7 the bishop on d7 leaves it vulnerable.
25.~xg7+ Iit'd6 Trying to run to the 13.Axh7+ Iit'xh7 14.~h5+ Iit'gS
queenside, but the .§dl shows its 15•.£le4 g6 The key difference. In the
power. 26 •.£le4+ Iit'c6 26 ... 'it'c7 last game, the presence of the bishop
27. ~xe5++- 27. ~xe5 ~a1 + 2S.lit'd2 on d7 made ... g6 unplayable. 16.~g5
~xb2+ 29.lit'e1 b6 30 •.£ld6 ~a3 Maintaining the pin on the d5-pawn.
31.c4 ~b4+ 32.Eld2 ~c5 33.h5 Ae8 16... ~e7 17. .£lf6+ Iit'g7 Obviously
33 ... ~xd6 34.cxd5+ exd5 35 ..§c2++- not 17 ... 'it'h8 18.~h6#. And now,
34.cxd5+ exd5 35 . .£lf5 1-0 or White has nothing better but to force a
35.<tlxe8 and the h-pawn will march. perpetual. lS•.£lh5+ Iit'h7 19 . .£lf6+
Iit'g7 20•.£lh5+ Iit'h7 21 •.£lf6+ Yl-Yl

Sacking the Citadel

Chapter 7

Greco's Quiz

I recommend that readers work through the taxonomy of the Greco Sacrifice in
Chapter 5 before undertaking this 30-game quiz. It is my expectation that readers,
once fully familiar with the sacrificial themes, will be able to calculate the relevant
variations here intuitively and deeply.

Of course, you can treat the entire book as a quiz. For every diagram just prior to
the Greco Sacrifice, identify the additional assets and judge the soundness of each
ofthe main lines before looking just ahead.

You will find the solutions for each position in this quiz beginning on page 369.

#1 Unell-Judd #2 Schuett - Steiner

Aspen 1968 Germany corr 1970
Owen's Defense [A40] Ruy Lopez [C99]

l.d4 b6 2.c4 j},b7 3.Jilc3 e6 4.e4 l.e4 eS 2..£)f3 .£)c6 3.AbS a6 4.Aa4
j},b4 S.j},d3 j},xc3+ 6.bxc3 .£)e7 .£)f6 S.O-O j},e7 6.Elel bS 7.j},b3 d6
7 ..£)f3 0-0 8.0-0 dS 9.cxdS exdS 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 .£)as 10.j},c2 cS 1l.d4
10.eScS 'tNc7 12•.£)bd2 j},b7 13 . .£)fl cxd4
14.cxd4 Elac81S.j},bl dS 16.exdS
8 exd417.j},gS .£)xdS 18.j},xe7 .£)xe7
6 8
5 7

4 6
3 5
2 4
abc d e f g h 2

abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

#3 Ludvigsson - Lehikoinen #5 Spassov - Panchenko

Groningen 1970 Sochi 1980
French Defense [C 11] Semi-Slav Defense [D45]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 dS 3 . .£)c3 .£)f6 4.eS 1 ..£)f3 .£)f6 2.c4 e6 3 ..£)c3 dS 4.d4
.£)fd7 S.f4 cS 6.dxcS .£)c6 7.a3 c6 S.e3 .£)bd7 6. ~c2 jld6 7.b3 0-0
jlxcS 8 . .£)f3 0-0 9.jld3 f6 10.b4 8.jle2 dxc4 9.bxc4 eS 10.0-0 ~e8
jlb611 ..£) bS f xeS 1l.jlb2 ~e7 12.~fe1 e4 H ..£)d2
.£)f8 14.jlfl
7 8
6 7
5 6
4 5
3 4
2 3

abc d e f g h

#4 Kuzmin - Mukhin
Baku 1972 #6 Bernat - Lipnowski
Sicilian Defense [B82] Ramat Hasharon 1980
Queen's Indian Defense [EI2]
1.e4 cS 2..£)f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4 ..£) xd4
.£)f6 S. .£)c3 a6 6.f4 e6 7.jld3 'I1Ic7 1.d4 .£)f6 2.c4 e6 3 ..£)f3 b6 4.a3 jlb7
8.0-0 jle7 9 . .£)f3 .£)c610. 'I1Ie1 0-0 S..£)c3 dS 6.cxdS .£)xdS 7.e3 jle7
1V~h1 .£)d7 12.'I1Ig3 ~d8 H.fS 8.JtbS+ c6 9.Jtd3 0-0 10.e4 .£)xc3
jlf814.fxe6fxe6 1l.bxc3 cS 12.h4 cxd413.cxd4 Aa6
14.jlc2 .£)c61S.eS ~dS

abc d e f g h
abc d e f g h

Greco's Quiz

#7 Browne - Benjamin #9 Pablo Marin - Marin Corresa

Berkeley 1984 Cajas 1989
Queen's Indian Defense [E12] French Defense [COO]

l.d4 41f6 2.c4 e6 3.410 b6 4.a3 .1la6 l.e4 e6 2.f4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.4J0 41h6
5.e3 d5 6.41c3 .1le7 7.41e5 0-0 5 ..1le2 tfJb6 6.0-0 41c6 7.c3 .1ld7
8.Ae2 c6 9.0-0 41fd7 10.41 xd7 8. tfJb3 tfJc7 9.d4 cxd4 10.cxd4 41f5
41 xd711.b3 .1ld612.Ab2 f513.~c1 1l.Ae3 Ab412 ..1lf2 a613.4Jc3 0-
41f614.cxd5 Axe215.41xe2 o 14.~ac1 b5 15.a3 .1la5 16..1ld3
41fe717.41e2 Ab6


abc d e f g h
abc d e f g h

#8 Sieiro Gonzalez - Paneque

St. Spiritus 1989 #10 Jasnikowski - Votava
French Defense [C14] Warsaw 1989
Queen's Gambit Declined [D41]
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.41c3 41f6 4.Ag5
Ae7 5.e5 41fd7 6.Axe7 tfJxe7 7.f4 1.410 41f6 2.c4 e6 3.d4 d5 4.4Jc3
0-08.410 c5 9. tfJd2 41c610.0-0-0 c5 5.cxd5 41xd5 6.e4 41xc3 7.bxc3
a6 1l.dxc5 tfJxc5 12.'iIlbl 4Jb6 cxd4 8.cxd4 Ab4+ 9.Ad2 Axd2+
13.Ad3Ad7 10.tfJxd2 0-0 1l.Ac4 b612.o-0 Ab7
13.~fel 41c6 14.~adl ~c8 15.d5
8 41a5 16.Ad3 exd5 17.e5 41c4
7 18.tfJf441b2
5 8

4 7

3 6
2 5

abc d e f g h 3

abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

#11 Groszpeter - Linker #13 Sanchez Almeyra - Rodriguez

Berlin 1990 Maringa 1991
Semi-Slav Defense [D47] Nimzo-Indian Defense [CI6]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3./Z)e3 Ab4 4.e5

1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6 3.lZ)e3 /Z)f6 4.e3 e6 /Z)e7 5.Ad2 b6 6./Z)f3 0-0 7.Ad3 e5
5./Z)f3 Ae7 6.Ad3 dxe4 7.Axe4
/Z)bd7 8.0-0 0-0 9.e4 /Z)b610.Ad3 8
e5 11.dxe5 Axe5 12.e5 /Z)fd5 7
6 2

#14 Kosten - Adrian

abc d e f g h France 1991
French Defense [C 17]

#12 Sziraki - Olah 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3./Z)e3 Ab4 4.e5

Eger 1991 /Z)e7 5.Ad2 e5 6.f4 0-0 7./Z)f3 b6
Semi-Slav [D47] 8.Ad3 Aa6 Hoping to exchange
Black's bishop for the .\.td3.
1.e4 e6 2./Z)e3 d5 3.d4 /Z)f6 4./Z)f3
e6 5.e3 Ae7 6.Ad3 dxe4 7.Axe4 0- 8
08.0-0 /Z)bd7 9.e4 t1/e710.e5 /Z)d5 7
11. t1/e2 /Z) 7b6 12.Ad3 e5 13./Z) b5 6
t1/e6 14.dxe5 Axe5 Opening g5 for 5
the white knight.
abc d e f g h

abc d e f g h

Greco's Quiz

#15 Ivanov - Katrein #17 Nguyen - Rossi

Philadelphia 1991 Lyon 1995
French Defense [C05] Queen's Gambit Declined [D37]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Jild2 .£Jf6 4.e5 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3 ..£Jf3 .£Jf6 4 ..£Jc3
.£Jfd7 5.c3 c5 6.f4 .£Jc6 7 ..£Jgf3 tl,.e7 .£Jbd7 5.Af4a66.cxd5exd5 7.a3 Ae7
8.tI,.d3 0-0 9.h4 f6 8.e3 .£Jh5 9 ..£Jxd5 .£Jxf4 10..£Jxf4
tl,.d6 1l . .£Jd3 .£Jf6 12 . .£Jd2 ~e7
8 13.Ae2 Af514.0-0 h515..£Jc4 Forc-
7 ing Black into the sacrifice. More prudent
6 was I5.flc1, I5.fleI, or I5.~b3.

abc d e f g h

#16 Vajda - Titz

Eger 1993 abc d e f g h
Sicilian Defense [B22]

1.e4 c5 2.c3 d5 3.exd5 ~xd5 4.d4 #18 Khenkin - Sher

.£Jf6 5.Ae3 .£Jg4 6 . .£Jf3 .£Jxe3 Geneva 1995
7.fxe3 cxd4 8.cxd4 e6 9 ..£Jc3 Ab4 Queen's Gambit Declined [D41]
10.tI,.d3 .£Jc611.0-0 Axc3 12.bxc3
0-0 13.ciflhl b614.~bl tl,.b715.~b5 1.d4 e6 2.c4 .£Jf6 3..£Jf3 d5 4 ..£Jc3 c5
~d8 5.cxd5.£Jxd56.e4.£Jxc37.bxc3cxd4
8.cxd4Ab4+ 9.Ad2Axd2+ 10.~xd2
8 0-0 11.Ac4 .£Jc612.0-0 b613.~adl
7 Ab7 14.~f4 .£Ja5 15.Ad3 ~f6
6 16.~g3~e717.d5~ad818.e5Axd5

2 6

abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

#19 Grivas - Papandreou #21Matsuura - Capuano

Ikaros 1995 Sao Paulo 1996
Bogo-Indian [Ell] Sicilian Defense [B42]

1.d4 4:)f6 2.e4 e6 3.4:)f3 .Q.b4+ 1.e4 e5 2.4:)f3 e6 3.d4 exd4 4.4:) xd4
4.4:)bd2 b6 5.a3 .Q.e7 6.e4 d5 7.e5 a6 5.Ad3 ~e7 6.0-0 4:)e6 7.4:)xe6
4:)e4 8 . .Q.d3 .Q.b7 9.0-0 4:)d7 ~xe6 8.e4 Ae5 9. ~g4 Ad410.4:)d2
10.exd5exd511..§e14:)g512.4:)xg5 4:)f611. ~e2 0-0 12.e5 4:)e813.4:)f3
Axg5 13.~g4 0-0 14.4:)f3 .Q.xc1 Ae5

abc d e f g h
abc d e f g h

#22 Joergens - Puschkeit

#20 Remlinger - Whitaker Berlin 1996
Las Vegas 1996 French Defense [C 11]
Queen's Gambit Accepted [D26]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.4:)e3 4:)f6 4.e5
1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.4:)f3 4:)f6 4.e3 4:)fd7 5.f4 e5 6.4:)f3 4:)e6 7.Ae3 a6
e6 5 ..Q.xe4 e5 6.0-0 a6 7 ..Q.d3 b5 8.dxe5 Axe5 9. ~d2 b5 10.Axe5
8.dxe5 Axe5 9. ~e2 0-0 10.e4 Ab7 4:) xe5 11. ~f2 ~e7 12 ..Q.d3 Ad7
11.e54:)d5 13.0-00-0

8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2

abc d e f g h abc d e f g h

Greco's Quiz

#23 Annageldyev - Volzhin #25 Wochnik - Troger

Calcutta 1996 ICCF corr 1997
Queen's Indian Defense [EI2] Nirnzo-Indian Defense [E52]

l.d4 4)f6 2.4)f3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.4)c3 l.d4 4)f6 2.c4 e6 3.4)c3 Ab4 4.e3
Ab7 5.a3 d5 6.cxd5 4) xd5 7.e3 b6 5.Ad2 Ab7 6.4)f3 0-0 7.Ad3 d5
4)xc3 8.bxc3 Jle7 9.Jlb5+ c6 8.cxd5 Jlxc3 9.Jlxc3 4) xd510.Jld2
10.Jld3 0-0 11.0-0 c512.Jlb2 t\'c8 4)f611.0-0 4)a612.t\'e2 t\'c813.e4
13.t\'e2 Jlf6 14.e4 Jla6 Aiming to 4)b814.e54)e8
exchange the light-squared bishops.
15.c4 Blocking the diagonal, but giv- 8
ing Black an opportunity to exchange
7 II?'-'~.r-~
the dark-squared bishops. 15".Axd4 6
16.Axd4 cxd417.e5 4)d7 5
abc d e f g h
2 #26 Fabre Perez - Miranda
San Jose 1997
abcdefgh French Defense [C02]

l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 4)c6

#24 Andre - Carvalho 5.4)f3 t\'b6 6.Ad3 cxd4 7.cxd4
Brazil 1996 Ab4+ 8.4)c3 4)ge7 9.0-0 0-0
Sicilian Defense [C02] 10.4)a4 t\'c711.a3 Aa512.b4 Ab6
13.4)xb6 t\'xb6
l.e4 c5 2.c3 e6 3.d4 d5 4.e5 4)c6
5.4)f3 cxd4 6.cxd4 Jlb4+ 7.4)c3 8
4)ge7 8.Jld3 Jld7 9.0-0 0-0 7
8 5
7 4
6 3
5 2
3 abc d e f g h

abc d e f g h

Sacking the Citadel

#27 Dearing - Mah #29 Karpatchev - Heinemann

Yerevan 1997 Bad Zwischenahn 2006
French Defense [C06] Scandinavian Defense [BO I]

l.d4 e6 2.e4 dS 3.~d2 ~f6 4.eS l.e4 dS 2.exdS ~f6 3.AbS+ Ad7
~fd7 S.Ad3 cS 6.c3 ~c6 7.~e2 4.Ac4 bS S.Ae2 ~ xdS 6.d4 e6
cxd4 8.cxd4 f6 9.exf6 ~ xf6 10.0-0 7.~f3 Ad6 8.0-0 0-0 9.~c3 ~xc3
Ad6 11.~f3 tf/c7 12.AgS 0-0 10.bxc3 Ac611.Ad3 ~d712.Elel
13.Elc1 Ad714.~g3 tf/b61S.Axf6 Ele8 13.Elbl a6 14.a4 bxa4 lS.c4
Elxf6 Elb816.Elxb8 tf/xb8

8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2

abc d e f g h abc d e f g h

#28 Vega Gutierrez - Perez #30 Noble - Krzesinski

Gutierrez Bad Homburg 2008
La Laguna 2009 King's Gambit Declined [C30]
Petroff Defense [C42]
l.e4 eS 2.f4 AcS 3.~f3 d6 4.c3 ~f6
1.e4eS 2.~f3 ~f6 3.~xeS d64.~f3 S.d4 exd4 6.cxd4 Ab6 7.~c3 0-0
~ xe4 S.~c3 ~ xc3 6.dxc3 Ae7 8.Ae2 Ele8 9.0-0 ~xe4 10.~xe4
7.M4 0-0 8. tf/d2 ~d7 9.0-0-0 ~cS Elxe411.Ad3 Ele8
10.Ae3 c6 1l.AxcS dxcS
tf/as 13.Ad3 Ae614.a3 bS IS.h4c4 8
8 6
7 5
6 4
5 3
4 2
abc d e f g h

abc d e f g h

Greco's Quiz

Solutions to the quiz 20 ... r,!th6 21..tlg3 g6 22.~g4+-

#1 Unell-Judd 21.~h5~c2!

Additional assets: White has two, the Reaching the key diagonal. White can-
secure e5-pawn and the dark-squared not block the diagonal with 22.§e4
bishop. 1.txe4.
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
22.§xe7 Recovering the piece and
1l.Jlxh7+ \t>xh712.~g5+ \t>g6 threatening the f-pawn. 22 ••• Jld5
23.~g3 ~g6 Stopping the attack, and
12 ... ~g8 13.~h5 §e8 14.~xt7+ ~h8 now it's Black with the initiative.
when White wins easily with 15 ..tle6 24.~xg6 fxg6 25.§d7 §fd8
or 15.f4 or 15.~h5+ ~g8 16.f4. 26.§xd8+ §xd8 Placing the rook be-
hind the passed pawn. 27.~3e4 ~c6
12 ... ~h6 13.~g4+-threatening both 28.§cl d3 29.\t>f1 ~d4 30.b3 a5
14.~h4-h7, and 14 ..tle6 when the dis- 31.~d2 ~c2 32.£3 a4 33.~ge4
covery supports 15.~xg7#. Jlxe4 34.fxe4 a3 35.\t>f2 ~b4
36.§c5 ~xa2 37.§xb5 §a8 38.b4
13.~g4 ~c3 White will have to give up the
knight to stop the a-pawn. 0-1
Also winning is 13.~d3+ f5 (13 ... .tlf5
14.g4+-) 14.exf6+ r,!txf6 (14 ... r,!th5 #3 Ludvigsson - Lehikoinen
15.~h7+ [15.g4+ also mates next move]
15 ... r,!tg4 16.f3#) 15.~f3+ r,!tg6 Additional assets: White has only the
(15 ... .tlf516.g4+-) 16.~g4sinceBlack dark-squared bishop as an additional
cannot avoid a killing discovery with asset and indeed, White's center is
16 ... ~f617.~e6#. crumbling and the king is exposed.
Verdict: The sacrifice fails.
13••.f5 14.exf6 \t>xf6 15. ~e6 .... 1-0
12.Jlxh7+ \t>xh713.~g5+ \t>g8
#2 Schuett - Steiner
In the r,!tg6 line, White can win back
Additional assets: White has the active only an exchange. 13 ... ~g6 14 ..tlxe6
§e1 and the .tlf1-g3 (14.~g4 .tlf615.~g3 exf416.1.txf4 .tlh5
Verdict: The sacrifice fails. Black's light- 17.~g4 §xf4) 14 ... ~h4+ 15.g3 ~e7
squared bishop is very active and the 16 ..tlxf8+ .tlxf8 and Black, not White,
black queen can reach the key bl-h7 is on the attack.
13 ... r,!th6 walks into a potential discov-
19.Axh7+ \t>xh7 20.~g5+ \t>g8! ery after 14.f5 fIe7 15 ..tlxe6+ ~h7
16 ..tlg5+ ~g817.~xd5+ r,!th818.~f3
20 ... ~g6 21..tlg3 §h8 22.~g4 ~f6 .tlf6 19.fIh3+ ~g8 20.~b3+ §f7
23.h4+- threatening 24 ..tlh7+ and 21.~xt7+ ~xt7 22 ..tlxt7 r,!txt7 and it's
25.~g5#. Black with the advantage.

Sacking the Citadel

#5 Spassov - Panchenko

In the 'it'gS line, White has to settle for Additional assets: Black can count on
winning back an exchange. Without a the light-squared bishop, the e4-pawn,
pawn on e5, 14.~h5 meets 14 ... 4:lf6. the active E!.eS, and the 4:lfS-g6.
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
14•• :~f615.~xf8 ~xf816.t\'xd5+
Jle6 17.t\'e4 exf4 With a winning 14•••.Q.xh2+ 15.'\t'xh2 ~g4+ 16.'\t'g3
edge. 18.Eibl Eie8 19.Jlb2 t\'d8
20.'\t'fl Aa2 21.t\'xf4 .Q.xb1 There's no hope for White in the ~gl
22.~d6 Eie7 23. t\'g3 .Q.xc2 24•.Q.f6 line because the king has no escape
Eif7 25.~ xf7 t\'d1 + 0-1 path to the queenside. 16.~gl ~h4
17.Ad3 Trying to create an escape.
#4 Kuzmin - Mukhin 17 ... ~xf2+ 18.~h1 But now, with the
king unable to move, Black needs only
Additional assets: White relies on the find a check. lS ... E!.e6-+
active E!.f1 and the dark-squared bishop
as additional assets. 16.•• t\'d6+ Fastest 17.f4
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
17.~h4 and Black can choose from
15.e5 among three mates in two. 17 ... ~h2+
In order to cany out the sacrifice, White (17 ... g5+ lS.'it'xg5 ~h6#; 17 ... ~h6+
must first toss away the e-pawn. 18.~g3 ~h2#) lS.'it'g5 f6#.

17••• exf3+ 18.'\t'xf3 Once again, the

king retreats are quickly mated.
Note also the active placement of the
white queen, eliminating the 'it'g6 line
from consideration. Black is still losing
after 15 ... 4:lcxe5 16.Axh7+ 'it'xh7 18... t\'f6+ 19.'\t'e2 Eixe3+ 0-1
17.4:lg5+ ~gS lS.4:lxe6. The fork aims
to support E!. xfS and then ~xg7 # 19 ... E!.xe3+ 20.~d1 4:lf2+ 21.~c1

lS ... ~b619.E!.xfS+ E!.xfS 20.~xg7#. E!.xe1+-+

16.Axh7+ '\t'xh717.~g5+ '\t'g8 #6 Bernat - Lipnowski

Or 17 ... ~g6 when White has a power- Additional assets: White has three ad-
ful discovery, but better is mate in three ditional assets, the dark-squared
with lS.~h4+-. bishop, the secure e5-pawn, and the h4-
pawnlE!.h1. But Black is well developed,
18. t\'h4 g6 To prevent ~h 7 #. with pressure upon the d4-pawn and
the active .ila6 which can directly reach
19.~ce4 when, to prevent 4:lf6 and d3. -
~h7#, Black would have to play Verdict: The sacrifice fails.
19 ... 4:lg4.1-0

Greco's Quiz

16.Axh7+~xh717.4)g5+~g8 17.. :~·g518.f4 ~g619.~f3 exd5

opening the e-file for the rooks.
There's no point in entering the ~h6
line with the dark-squared bishop on 19 ... .£\h2+ 20.'lt'f2 .£\g4+ 21.'lt'f3=
cl. But even there, there's no win for
White. 17 ... 'lt'h6 18 . .£\e4+ ~h7 20.E!c3E!ae821.4)g3h5Pressingfor
19 ..£\g5+ when Black gets a second more than a draw.
chance to pick the ~g8 line.
21.. ..£\h2+ 22.'lt'f2 .£\g4+=
17 ... 'lt'g6 18.~g4 and only here in the
'It'g6 line is White winning. The threat 22.E!h1 4)h2+ 23.~f2 4)g4+
is h5 forcing the king to h6 when .£\xe6 24.~f3
is crushing.
Black becomes more active if White tries
18. ~h5 Ad3 Ending the attack. 0-1 for more than a draw 24.'lt'gl .£\xe3
25.~f3 .£\g4 26.'£\f1 §.e4.
#7 Browne - Benjamin
24 ... 4)h2+ Yz-Yz
Additional assets: Black can only rely
on the rooks as additional assets, al- #8 Sieiro Gonzalez - Paneque
though after the capture on d5, the open
e-file provides useful scope for the Additional assets: White has a secure
rooks. e5-pawn, but not a dark-square bishop.
Verdict: A draw. The .£\c3 does not have easy access
into the position, and the ~d2 does not
15...Axh2+ 16.~xh2 4)g4+ 17.~g3 have ready access to the h-file, result-
To survive, the king must come forward. ing in the black king's successful es-
cape to the queenside. Moreover,
In the 'It'gl line, the black queen enters Black's counter-attack is already devel-
the attack on h5 where it pressures both oping on the queenside.
h2 and f2. 17.'lt'gl ~h4 18,):"::(el. To Verdict: The sacrifice fails.
avoid mate on h2 18 ... ~xf2+ 19.~h1
but now the king cannot move, empow- 14.Axh7+ ~xh715.4)g5+ ~g81
ering §.f8-f6-h6. 19 ... §.f6 20.'£\f4 §.h6+
21.'£\h3 and it's mate in two with 15 ... 'lt'h6? 16.~d3 aiming for h7 and h3
21...§.xh3+ 22.gxh3 ~h2#. 16 ... §.h8 (16 ... g6 and it's mate in two
17.~h3+ 'It'g7 18.~h7#) 17 ..£\xf7+
In the 'It'h3 line 17. ~h3 prevents ~h4, 'It'h5 18.g4+ ~xg4 19.~g3+ 'It'f5
but encourages the rook swing to h3 20. ~g5 # when even the .£\c3 plays a
17 ... §.f6 18.'£\f4 §.h6+ 19.~g3 '£\h2 role.
(19 ... ~g5 20.'£\h3 ~g6 21.'£\f4=)
20.'£\h3 '£\xfl + 21.~xfl ~h4+ 22.~h2 15 ... 'lt'g6 16.~d3+ f5 (after 16 ... ~h5
exd5 with relatively even chances. it's mate in two. 17.~h3+ 'It'g6
18.~h7#) 17.exf6+ ~xf6 (17 ... ~h5
18..£\f7 with mate in five after 18 ... §.xf7

Sacking the Citadel

19.94+ ~h6 20.~h3+ ~g6 21.~h5+ 20. ~h3 The queen enters on h3.
~xf6 22.~g5#) 20 ••. E!fc8 21. ~h7+ ~f8 22. ~h8+
.£Jg8 23 . .£Jh7+ ~e7 With a position
16.~d3 E!fe8 17.~h7+ ~f8 common to those in which Black has a
18. ~h4 E!ec8 knight on e7. 24.Ah4+ and here, the
dark-square bishop enters the attack on
18... 4Jd4! 19.4Jh7+ ~g8 20.4Jf6+ ~f8 h4 rather than gS. 24 ..• .£Jf6
21.4Jh7+= 25. ~xg7+- Ae8 26.j},xf6+ 1-0

19.~h8+ ~e7 20.~xg7 ~d8 26.Axf6+ 'it'd7 27.4Jf8#

#10 Jasnikowski - Votava
2l.f5 exf5 22.4Jxf7+ ~c7 23.e6 Elg8
24.~h7 ~e7 25.exd7 Elaf8= Additional assets: The eS-pawn and the
active rooks.
21 ... ~e7 22.~g6 ~c7 23.h4 E!g8 Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
24. ~d3 E!ac8 25•.£Je2 ~b8 26•.£Jd4
.£J xd4 27. ~xd4 .£Ja4 28.h5 19.j},xh7+! ~xh7 20•.£Jg5+ ~g6!

28.c3 should hold. There's no mate in 'it'g8 line because

the advance of the e-pawn to e6 opens
28 ••• E!c4 29. ~d2 E!gc8 30.E!c1 the d6 escape square, but that retreat
.£Jc3+ 31.hxc3 simply permits 4Jf7 + winning the queen.
20 ... 'it'g8 21.~h4 Ele8 (So instead,
31.~al Ela4-+ Black can take advantage of the knight's
attack on d 1 by sacrificing the queen
31 ••• ~a3 32.E!ce1 E!8c5 0-1 21...~xg5 22.~xg5 4Jxdl 23.Elxdl but
even here, White has a pronounced
#9 Pablo Marin - Marin Corresa advantage.) 22.~h7+ 'it'f8 23.e6+- fxe6
24.~h8+ 'it'e7 25.~xg7+ 'it'd6 26.4Jf7+.
Additional assets: White can rely here
upon the secure e5-pawn, a dark-square 21.h4 Holding the knight and threat-
bishop with an entry on h4, a 4Je2-g3, ening hS+, exposing the king to a rook
and a Elcl ready to swing to the g- or h- swing. Not 21.~g4 ~xg5.
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds. 21 ••. .£Jxd1

18.j},xh7+ ~xh719 •.£Jg5+ ~g8 21...~e7 takes the queen out of the
reach of discoveries 22.Ele3 Elc4 23.h5+
19 ... 'it'h6 walks into a mate in two but White has time thanks to h5+ to
20.~h3+ ~g6 21.~h7#. bring up the rook. 23 ... 'it'h6 24.4Je4+
The knight blocks the rook's attack on
19 ... 'it'g6 when White prevails with the queen and prepares 4Jf6+. 24 ... 'it'h7
many ideas, including 20.~g3, 20.~d3, 25.~f5+ 'it'h6 (25 ... 'it'g8 26.4Jf6++- and
20.Elf3, and even 20.f5+. the knight wins the house; 25 ... g6

Greco's Quiz

26.4Jf6+ ~g7 27 ..§.g3+- with three at- winning the bishop while sustaining the
tacks on g6) 26 ..§.g3 Threatening .§.g6+. attack.
26 ... .§.xe4 27 ..§.g6+ 'i!th7 28 ..§.e6++-.
#12 Sziraki - Olah
Black's best defensive try is 21.. ..§.c4
22 ..§.d4 '§'xd4 23.~xd4 .§.h8 24.e6 ~f6 Additional assets: In support of the
2S.~g4 ~fS 26.hS+ ~f6 (26 ... .§.xhS sacrifice, White has the e5-pawn, the
27.~xfS+ ~xfS 28.exf7+- and the dark-square bishop, and a pesky 4JbS.
pawn will queen) 27.~d4++- and the Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
king has no good moves. 27 ... 'i!txgS
(27 ... ~e7 28.exf7+) 28.~xg7+. 15.Axh7+ Cif,>xh716.4)g5+ Cif,>g6 The
toughest defense.
22.h5+ Cif,>xh5 23.g4+ 1-0
16 ... 'i!tg8 17.~hS .§.e8 18.~xf7+ 'it'h8
#11 Groszpeter - Linker 19 ..§.d1 there's no mate in five because
the black queen is off d8 19 ... ~d7 Black
Additional assets: The advance of the must play actively to counter the game-
e-pawn has dislodged the 4Jf6 and ac- ending rook swing. 20.~hS+ ~g8
tivated the light-square bishop for the 21.~h7+ 'it'fB 22.~h8+ ~e7 23.~xg7+
sacrifice. White can rely upon the e5- 'i!td8 and now the 4JbS rears its head.
pawn, the dark-square bishop, and the The black king cannot flee to c7.
4Jc3-e4. 24.4Jf7+ The queen will have to cap-
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds. ture the knight to avoid 24 ... 'i!te7
2S.~gS+ 4Jf6 26.exf6#.
13.Axh7+ Cif,>xh7 14.4)g5+ White
wins in all lines. 14... Cif,>g6 17. ~d3+ A bit more accurate is
17.~e4+ fSl8.~h4+-.
In the ~g8 line, Black would have to
give up his queen to capture the 4JgS 17...f5 18. ~h3 f4 And it's mate in six.
or else face mate on h7 or the usual mate
in five. 14 ... 'it'g81S.~hS .§.e816.~xf7+ 18 ... 4Jf6 19.exf6 ~xf6 20.4Jc3+-
~h8 17.~hS+ 'i!tg8 18.~h7+ 'i!tf8
19.~h8+ 'i!te7 20.~xg7#. 19.~h7+ Cif,>xg5 20.h4+ Cif,>g4
21.~g6+ Cif,>xh4 22.g3+ fxg3
15. ~c2+ The correct response, taking
aim at the unanchored ~cS. 15 ...f5

lS ... ~hS when it's an easy mate in two, 23.~g5+0r23.~xg3+.1-0

16.~h7+ 'it'g417.h3# or 17.~h3#.
#13 Sanchez Almeyra - Rodriguez
16.exf6+ 1-0
Additional assets: The sacrifice occurs
16.exf6+ ~xf6 (16 ... 'it'hS 17.~h7+ here quickly out of a Winawer French.
~g4 18.~h3# or 18.h3#) 17.4Jce4+ White relies upon an e5-pawn and the
dark-square bishop.

Sacking the Citadel

Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds. #15 Ivanov - Katrein

8.Jl.xh7+! Cit'xh7 9.4)g5+ Cit'g6 Additional assets: Black has played .. .f6
to inhibit <bg5, but White can count on
9 ... «t>g810:~h5 fle8 when both queen three additional assets, the secure e5-
captures provide easy wins. 11.'l£th7 + pawn, the dark-square bishop and h4/
(11.'l£txf7+ «t>h8 12.<~Jb5 .l1xd2+ flhl.
13.«t>xd2 <bf5 14.'l£tg6 «t>g8 15.<bd6+-) Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
11...'<ftfB 12.'l£th8+ <bg8 13.<bh7+ «t>e7
14 ..I1g5++-. 10.Jl.xh7+ Cit'xh711.4)g5+ fxg5

10.h4! In the «t>g8line, the threat of~h7 forces

Black to capture the <bg5, opening the
Also winning is 1O.~g4 f5 11.'l£tg3 f4 h-file. 11...«t>g8 12.~h5 fxg5 13.hxg5
12.'l£th4 flh8 13.'l£tg4. as in the game.

10••• ~e8 Retreating the queen out of In the «t>g6line, 12.h5+ forces the king
the reach of the knight discoveries. back to the dark-square on h6 when
11.~g4 4)f5 12.h5+ Cit'h6 ~g4 and f5 overwhelm the king.
13.4)ge4+! Cit'h714.h61-0 11...«t>g612.h5+ 'itlh6 (12 ... 'itlf513.g4+
'itlxf414.<bde4# or 14.<bfl #) 13.<bxe6
14.h6 <bxh6 (14 ... g6 15.<bf6+ «t>h8 'l£te8 14.~g4 ~f7 15.f5 'itlh7 16.<bf3
16.<bxe8) 15.<bf6+ «t>h8 16 ..l1xh6+- fle817.h6+-.

#14 Kosten-Adrian The «t>h6line is Black's best defensive

try. White can win back an exchange, or
Additional assets: White sacrifices attempt more by clearing the c I-h6 di-
counting on the secure e5-pawn and the agonal. 11...«t>h612.<bxe6 ~e8 13.<bf3
dark-square bishop. cxd414.f5+ 'itlh715.<bc7~d816.<bg5+
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds. fxg5 17.~h5+ «t>g8 18.hxg5+-.

9.Jl.xh7+ Cit'xh710.4)g5+ Cit'h6 12.hxg5+ Cit'g8

10 ... «t>g8 11.'l£th5 fle8 White's dark- 12 ... 'itlg613.'l£th5+ 'itlf5 and it's mate in
square bishop does not have easy ac- three.
cess to g5, and so 12.'l£txf7+ «t>h8
13.<bxe6+-. 13. ~h5 Etf5 14.g4 4)dxe5 15.dxe5
10 ... «t>g6 11.~g4 f5 12.exf6 gxf6
(12 ... «t>xf613.'l£txe6#) 13.<bxe6+ #16 Vajda - Titz

11. ~g4 11.f5 wins too, but 11.'l£tg4- Additional assets: The two rooks. Note
h4 is faster. 1-0 that the flb5 supports the <fJg5 and is
ready to swing to the h-file.
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.

Greco's Quiz

16.-'\.xh7+! <it>xh717.4)g5+ IB.1::Iel ~h2+ 19.'it'fl ~hl #

Also interesting is the immediate 18••. hxg419.f3 g3 20. ~a4+ h5 0-1

17.1::Ih5+ 'it'gB IB ..£!g5 with the threat
of1::lhB+ drawing the king to h8. IB ... g6 #18 Khenkin - Sher
Additional assets: White embarks upon
17... <it>g6 the sacrifice with a single additional
asset, the e5-pawn, but note that the
17 ... 'it'gBl8.~h5 and with the 1::Ifl on queen rests actively on g3.
an open file, Black would have to sacri- Verdict: The sacrifice leads to a signifi-
fice the queen to continue playing for a cant and probably winning advantage
while. for White.

17 ... 'it'h618..£!xf7+ with ~h5 to follow. 19•.1lxh7+ <it>xh7 20.4)g5+ <it>g8

18.4)xf7 Etxf7 The 'it'g6 line walks into an immediate

discovery, 20 ... 'it'g6 21..£!xe6+ 'it'h5.
IB ... e5 19.~d3+ 'it'h5 (19 ... e4 The alternatives are more quickly
20.~xe4#) 20.~h7+ 'it'g4 21.~h3# mated. White now has two mates in five.
(21...'it'h7 22.~xg7#) 22.'£!f4+
19.~h5# 1-0 (22. ~h3+ 'it'g6 [22 ... ~h4 23.g4++-]
23.'£!f4+ 'it'g5 24.~h5+ 'it'xf4 25.1~d4+
#17 Nguyen Anh Dung - Rossi Ae4 26.g3 #) 22 ... 'it'h6 23. ~h3+ 'it'g5
24. ~h5+ 'it'xf4 25.§.d4+ Ae4 26.g3 #.
Additional assets: In support of the
sacrifice, Black has a light-square 21.Etxd5 Eliminating Black's defense
bishop and the h5-pawnl1::lh8. with Ae4, but giving up enough mate-
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds. rial to justify ... ~xg5. 21. .• Etxd5
22. ~h4 ~xg5 The only way to pre-
15••• .1lxh2+ 16.<it>xh2 vent the mate in the comer. 23.~xg5
4)c6 24.Etel Better, of course, is 24.f4
White's best hope is to decline the sac- when White has an advantage with the
rifice with 16.'it'hl, but 16 ... .£!g417.g3 idea ofh4-h5. 24••• 4) xe5 Yz-Yz
Ae4+ overwhelms.
#19 Grivas - Papandreou
16.•. 4)g4+ 17.<it>gl
Additional assets: The e5-pawn and the
Hopeless is 17.'it'g3 h4+ when the king two active rooks ready to swing. Note
has no acceptable moves (17 ... ~g5 also the placement of the queen on g4
IB.Axg4 hxg4 19 ..£!ce5 ~h4+ 20.'it'f4 where, with ~h5, it can eliminate lines
Ae6--+) 18.'it'f3 (lB.'it'f4 ~e4+ 19.'it'g5 other than 'it'gB.
f6#; IB.'it'h3 .£!xe3+-+) IB ... ~e4#. Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.

17•.. ~h418.-'\.xg4 16.-'\.xh7+ <it>xh717.4)g5+

Sacking the Citadel

17:~h5+ forces Black to retreat to gS. #21 Matsuura-Capuano

Additional assets: The e5-pawn and the

dark-square bishop.
17 ... 'it'h6 encourages a mate in seven Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
that shows off the power of the active
rooks. IB.~h4+ 'it'g6 19.~h7+ 'it'xg5 14.Axh7+ ~xh715.4)g5+ ~g6
20.f4+ 'it'xf4 21.§.f1 + 'it'e3 22.~h3+
'it'xd4 23. ~c3+ 'it'e4 24.§.ce 1#. 15 ... 'it'gB 16.~h5 The black rook can-
not vacate the fS-square, so that Black's
There's no point in 17 ... 'it'g6 when it's only defense here would be ~e4 de-
mate in three. 18.4Je6+ 'it'h619.~xg7+ laying the mate.
'it'h5 20.4Jf4+ 'it'h4 21.g3 #.
18.~h5 Ac8 19.~xf7+ ~h8
20.~h5+ ~g8 21.~h7+ ~f8 16.~g4? §.hB With the queen out of the
22.~h8+1-0 knight's reach, the discoveries permit
the king to reach safety on gS.
#20 Remlinger - Whitaker
Additional assets: l1.e5 drove the black
knight offf6 and readied the sacrifices, 16 ... 'it'h5 17.~h7+ 'it'g4 IB.h3# or
which counts upon the e5-pawn and 18.~h3#
dark-square bishop as additional assets.
The placement of the ~e2 provides it 17.~h3 And the black rook cannot
with access to both h5 and e4. safely reach hS. 17 ... f4 18.~h7+
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds. ~xg5 And it's mate in five. 19.h4+
~g4 20. ~g6+ ~xh4 21.g3+ 1-0
12.Axh7+ ~xh713.4)g5+ ~g6
21.g3+ fxg3 22.~xg3+ 'it'h5 23.~g5#
13 ... 'it'gB14.~h5 §.eB when White has
the mate in five. 15.~xf7+ 'it'hB #22 Joergens - Puschkeit
16.~h5+ 'it'gB17.~h7+ 'it'f81B.~hB+
'it'e7 19.~xg7#. Additional assets: Black has castled
into the attack rather than capturing the
14.~e4+ The correct choice, with a bishop on d3. For the sacrifice, White
mate in four moves. 1-0 has a secure e5-pawn, the §.f1 able to
swing, and the 4Jc3 which at very least
14.~e4+ f5 (14 ... 'it'h5 15.~h7+ 'it'g4 prevents Black from defending with
16.h3# -+;!; 16.~h3#) 15.exf6+ ...Ne4.
'it'xf6 (15 ... 'it'h5 16.~h7+ 'it'g417.h3# Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
or 17.~h3#) 16.~xe6#.
14.Axh7+ ~xh715.4)g5+ ~g6

Greco's Quiz

The ~h6 line may seem tempting be- dS. 21.'l11xf7+ '<t>h8 22.~h5+ '<t>gS White
cause White no longer has a dark- has plenty of time to activate the rooks.
square bishop, but the f-pawn holds the 23.flfd1 ~xc4 24.flac1 +-.
knight and the white queen has imme-
diate access to the key h4-square, re- Even better for Black is 19 ... '<t>h6 when,
sulting in a simple mate in two. 15 ... Kh6 without additional assets and with the
16:~h4+ ~g617.'l11h7#. e5-pawn under fire, there's no way to
sustain an attack. 20.~d2 (or 20.'l11g4
15 ... ~g8 16.'l11h4 In the ~g8 line, the when the capture on e5 permits the king
'l11e7 blocks any possible escape. to reach safety at f6; 20 ... 4Jxe5
16 ... flfc817.'l11h7+ '<t>f818.~h8#. 21.~h4+ ~g6 22.~h7+ '<t>xg5 23.f4+
'<t>f6-+) 20 ... 'l11xc4 21.4Jxe6+ ~h7
22.4Jxf8+ flxf8 when White has ob-
tained an exchange, but the black king
Best is the immediate 16.~g3 because will be fully safe on gS.
Black cannot dislodge the queen with
.. .f5-f4 or with ... 4Je4. 20.~e4+f5

16...exd517.f5+ j},xf5 Falling into a Simplest is 20 ... '<t>xg5-+ when White

mate in four. cannot manufacture a mate. 21.'l11h7
4Jxe5 22.f4+ '<t>f6.
17 ... ~xg5! 18.'l11g3+ ~h519.'l11f3+ '<t>h6
20.'l11h3+ ~g5 and White has nothing 21.exf6+ ~xg5 22.fxg7 Elf4 23.h4+
more than a perpetual. Elxh4 24. ~xe6 4)f6 25.f4+ ~g6-+
26.f5+ ~g5 27. ~d6 ~c5 28. ~g3+
18:~xf5+ ~h6 Elg4 29. ~d3 ~h6 0-1

18 ... '<t>h5 19.flf3+- #24 Andre - Carvalho

19.~h7+ ~xg5 20.Elf5+ ~g4 Additional assets: The secure e5-pawn,

21.~h5# 1-0 the dark-square bishop, and 4Je2-f4.
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
#23 Annageldyev - Volzhin
10.j',lxh7+ ~xh711.4)g5+ ~g8
Additional assets: Rather than recap-
ture on d4 or try 18.'l11e4 White embarks A poor choice. Careful readers will rec-
upon the sacrifice but can count only ognize that the 4Je7 gives White a mate
only a single additional asset, the e5- with'l11h5-h7.
Verdict: The sacrifice fails. Two games involved the ~g6 line, but
neither player with White found the sim-
18.j},xh7+? ~xh719.4)g5+ ~g6 plest line with 11...'<t>g612.4Je2-f4.

On 19 ... ~g8? 20.~h5 fleS there's no 12.4Je2! flh8 13.4Jf4+ '<t>xg5 (13 ... '<t>f5
mate because the queen has vacated 14.~d3+ '<t>xg515.4Jxe6++-) 14.4Jh5+

Sacking the Citadel

~h4 (14 ... ~f5 15.~d3+ ~g4 15•.Q.xh7+ <it7xh716.J£)g5+ 'ifjlg6

16.~h3#) 15.g3+ ~h316.-iJf4#
Or 16... ~gSI7.~h5 when Black must
(a) 12.~d3+ -iJf5 13.g4 (better is throwaway the bishop with ... oile4 to
13.~h4 §hS 14~g3+-) 13 ... -iJcxd4 prevent an immediate mate.
(13 ... oile7 14.gxf5+ exf5 15.~hl -iJb4
16.~f3 f4 17.-iJh3+-) 14.gxf5+ -iJxf5
15.-iJe2 ~a5 16.-iJf4+ ~xg5 17.'<t'hl
oile7 IS.~h3 -iJh4 19.§gl + ~h6 17. ~g4 f6 is playable because the
20.-iJg6+ oilg5 21.~xh4+ 1-0 Arlt- queen is out of reach of the knight
Kordt, Germany 2007. IS.exf6 -iJxf619.~g3 e5 20.dxe5 ~g4
21.exf6 ~xg3 22.fxg3 gxf6 The out-
(b) Also winning is 12.~g4 f5 13.exf6 side passer should suffice for the win.
(best is 13.-iJe2 with -iJf4 and ~h3+ to
follow) 13 ... '<t'xf614.§el g615.-iJxe6 17•••f5 18.t;:\'h3 J£)f6 19.exf6 Elh8
oilxe6 16.§xe6+ '<t'g7 17.oilg5 ~a5 20. t;:\'g3 <it7xf6 21. t;:\'e5+ Or simply
IS.§ael §f7 19.~h4 -iJgS 20.§le3 §fel. 21. .. <it7g6 22.J£)xe6 t;:\'d7
-iJce7 21.§h3 ~fS 22.~hS -iJf5 23.Elfc1 J£)c6 24. t;:\'g3+ <it7f6 25.Elel
23.§xg6 -iJg7 1-0 Horther-Feller, Elae8 26. t;:\'g5+ <it7f7 27. t;:\'xg7 # 1-0
#26 Fabre Perez - Miranda
12. t;:\'h5 Ele8 13. t;:\'xf7+ Missing a
forced mate with 13.~h7+ '<t'fS Additional assets: White can count on
14.~hS+ -iJgSI5.-iJh7+ ~e716.oilg5+ a secure e5-pawn and a dark-squared
-iJf6 (16 .. .f617.~xg7#) 17.oilxf6+ gxf6 bishop.
IS.~xf6#. Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.

13••• <it7h814.Eldl With the king im- 14 •.Q.xh7+ <it7xh7 15.J£)g5+ 'ifjlg8
mobilized, White has time for the rook 16.t;:\'h5 Eld817.t;:\'xf7+
swing. 14..• J£)f515.Eld3 Ele716.t;:\'g6
t;:\'g8 17. t;:\'xf5! g6 17.~h7+ is also winning, but less good,
in part because White's Jlg5 does not
17 ... exf5 18.§h3+ ~h719.§xh7+ '<t'gS attack a queen on dS. 17 ... ~f81S.~hS+
20.-iJxd5+- -iJgS 19.-iJh7+ '<t'e7 20.oilg5+ '<t'd7
21.~xg7 -iJge7 22.~xf7.
18.Elh3+ Elh719.t;:\'f6+ 1-0
17••• <it7h8 18.a4 with the idea of a rook
#25 Wochnik - Troger swing with §a3. IS.§dl is also suffi-
Additional assets: The secure e5-pawn
and the dark-square bishop. Note that 18.•. J£)f519.Ela3 J£)ce7 20.Elh3+ 1-0
Black's rook on f8 is unable to create an
escape square. 20.§h3+ -iJh6 21.§xh6+ gxh6
Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds. 22.~h7#

Greco's Quiz

#27 Dearing - Mah Quicker is 24.~h7+ ~fB 25.~hB+ <£lgB

26.<£le6+ ~f7 27.~xg7+ (Or 27.Elfel
Additional assets: White prepared the as in the game.) 27 ... ~xe6 2B.Elcel +.
sacrifice with 15 .~xf6, removing the
<£lf6 but activating the black rook. White 24... <it>hS 25.~h3+ <it>gS 26.~h7+
relies here upon the <£lg3 and Elc1 as <it>fS 27.4)e6+ <it>f7 2S.!!fell-0
additional assets.
Verdict: The sacrifice presents a tough #28 Vega Gutierrez-Perez - Gutierrez
defensive burden, but Black should be
able to hold. Additional assets: 15 ... c4 forces White
to consider the sacrifice, which relies
16.Jtxh7+ <it>xh717.4)g5+ <it>gS here upon two additional assets, the
Eldl and h4/Elh1. The ~f4 is an asset
The <£lg3 supports ~h5 # in the ~g6 in preventing the ~h6 line, but the
and ~h6 lines. 17 ... ~g6 IB.~h5#; queen has no quick access to the h-file.
17 ... ~h6 IB.~h5#; 17 ... ~hB is play- Verdict: The sacrifice succeeds.
able because Black can meet ~h5+ with
... Elh6 IB.~h5+ Elh6 19.<£lf7+ ~h7 16.Jtxh7+ <it>xh717.4)g5+ Jtxg5?
20.<£lg5+ with a perpetual. Taking the Unnecessarily opening the h-file.
exchange runs the risk of unleashing
black's superior development. 17 ... ~gB is the only defense. White
(20.<£lxh6 ~eB 21.<£lf7+ ~gB 22.<£lh6+ must then try ~e4 to sustain the at-
gxh6 23.~xh6 <£lxd4 24.~g5+ when a tack. 18.~e4 Unlike the game continu-
draw is the likely result.) ation, the queen joins the attack on e4
giving Black time for a rook retreat.
IS.~h5JteS IB ... ~xg5+ 19.hxg5 ElfdB 20.~h7+
~fB 21.~hB+ ~e7 22.~xg7 Eld5=.
Not IB ... Elh6? 19.~f7+ ~hB 20.~xd7+-
but Black can hold with IB ... Elf4! IS.hxg5+ <it>g6 and it's mate in six.
19.~h7 ~fB 20.<£lh5 ~xd4 giving back
an exchange and readying the black IB ... ~gB 19.~h4 f6 20.g6+-
king's run to c7.
19.!!h6+! gxh6 20. ~f6+ <it>h5
19. ~h7+ <it>fS 20.4)f5! The knight
must be captured to stop ~hB #. 20 ... ~h7 21.Elhl +-
20 ... Elxf5
21. ~xh6+ 1-0
20 ... ~c7 21.~hB#
21.~xh6+ ~g4 22.Eld4+ ~f5 23.~f6#
20 ... exf5 21.~hB+ ~e7 22.~xg7+ Elf7
23.Elfel ++- #29 Karpatchev - Heinemann

21.4) xe6+ Removing the Elf5 's anchor. Additional assets: White relies upon the
21...<it>f7 22.~xf5+ <it>gS 23.4)g5 dark-square bishop and the active Ele1.
4)e7 24. ~e6+ Verdict: Black should be able to draw.

Sacking the Citadel

17.j'txh7+ ~xh718.4)g5+ ~g8 #30 Noble - Krzesinski

Capitulation. Additional assets: White has two addi-

tional assets, the dark-square bishop
There's no advantage for White in the and the §fl, but neither is active. By
~g6Iine: 18... ~g619.h4 f5 =. contrast, Black's rook is already offf8,
the .llb6 is placing pressure upon the
19.~h54)e5 white d-pawn, and without an e5-pawn,
the queen can safely reach f6.
19 ... 4Jf6 An obvious try, given the ab- Verdict: The sacrifice fails in the ~g8
sence of a pawn on e5, but 20.~xf7+ line.
~h8 21.§e3 when, to prevent the mate,
Black will have to begin throwing away 12.j'txh7+ ~xh713.4)g5+ ~g6
his pieces.
Seeing that the white queen cannot
20.dxe5 j'tc5 safely play 14.~g4 or 10.~d3 owing
to the light-square bishop, but White
And now White has a pawn on e5. With has a trivial win with 14.f5.
the queen off d8, there's no mate in five,
but the position is still hopeless for 13 ... ~g8! 14.~h5 .llxd4+ 15.~h1
Black. ~f6-+

21. ~xf7+ ~h8 22.~h5+ 14.f5+ j'txf515.f!xf5 f!e4

Best is 22.§e3 threatening a swing to 15 ... ~xf516.g4+ Starting a mate in five.

h3, and if 22 ... .llxe3 23.~h5+ ~g8 16... ~g617.~d3++-
24.~h7+ ~f8 White's dark-squared
bishop reaches a3. 25 ..lla3+ 16.4)xe4~xf517.~f3+

Faster is 17.4Jg3+!

17... ~e618.4)g5+ 'itld719.~xf7+

~e7 20. ~f5+ ~c6 21.4)e6 ~f6
22. ~g4 ~d5 23.4)f4+ ~xd4
24.~hl ~f7 25.Ad2 4)d7 26.j'tc3+
~c5 27.4)e6+ ~c6 28. ~c4+ 1-0

Chapter 9

Related Literature

I had originally intended to end the This may be a basic primer aimed at
book here, but the arrival of a new book, young learners, but Chandler
JJ.xh 71 by David Rudel, convinced me emphasizes that the attacking side in
to add some final thoughts about the the 'it'g6 line has three main options,
three recent books that have dealt with ~g4, ~d3, and h4-h5. In so doing, he
the sacrifice. distinguishes the work from many
others who have preceded him. He
(1) How to Beat your Dad at Chess provides composed examples for ~g4
by Murray Chandler (Gambit Publica- and h4, though not ~d3+. He calls ~g4,
tions 1998) "the most common attacking
continuation." It is an example in which
This book is an excellent primer for White can maintain the queen on the g-
basic tactics despite my kids' complaint file after .. .f5-f4, and in which Black has
that the main premise of the book didn't no pressure at all against a secure white
work for them. e5-pawn. What is missing is an
explanation of why one move might be
Chandler's coverage spans four more accurate than the other, but there
sections, a total of eight pages in the are at least examples to get readers
book. In the first section, he introduces thinking about the differences.
the basic idea ofthe sacrifice on h7 and
illustrates in four diagrams the classic Chandler's third section covers the 'ifth6
mate in five in the 'it'g8Iine. line. Once again in composed positions,
he illustrates f4-f5 uncovering a dark-
In the second two-page section, square bishop, the idea of~g4-h4(h3)­
Chandler introduces the 'it'g6 line. Says h7#, a successful king hunt in which
Chandler fairly, "It is vital to realize that ~d3-h3-h7 forces ... 'it'xg5, and also the
White does not always have an idea of~d3, g4, h4-h5 when the dark-
immediate forced win against the 'iftg6 square bishop is gone! Altogether, this
defense. The pressure against the black is a very impressive section, especially
king can be medium tenn. You may need given the fact that most commentators
to calmly maneuver extra pieces or rarely even mention the 'ifth6 line.
pawns into the attack, almost ignoring Missing is a discussion of anchors for
the fact you are a piece down." the ... .§.h8 defense, but that does not

Sacking the Citadel

meaningfully detract from the between ~xf7 and ~h7 is often blurred
usefulness of Chandler's discussion, and indeed, even in this composed
especially considering his target position, both lines appear to work
audience. equally well here, though I acknowledge
that I would play itYh7, the most straight-
Chandler uses his fourth and final forward of the two lines. 4. ~h7+
section to provide a potpourri of related 4. ~xf7+ 'it'hB 5. ~h5+ 'it'gB 6.cxd5
themes. He uses one position each to exd5 (6 ... <£lxd5 7.~h7+ ~f8 8.itYh8+
illustrate the quick mate in the ... .llxg5 r:tle7 9.~xg7#) 7.e6+-; 4 ..• 'it'fB
hxg5 line, and two diagram to show off 5. ~hB+ 4)gB 6.4)h7+ 'it'e7 7.Jtg5+
black defenses in the ~g8 line, ... .llf5 4)f6 7 ... f6 8.~xg7#; 7 ... r:tld7
reaching the bl-h7 diagonal, and ... <£lf6 8..llxd8+- B.~xg7+-
in a position in which White has no
control over the f6-square. Fortunately, Chandler presents lI; second
composition in which the distinction is
To his credit, Chandler also invests two fully clear, a position similar to my
positions to examine the presence of a composition in section on the ~g8line
<£le7 in the ~g8 line. As is typical in in chapter 5.
practice, in one of the positions,
presented here, there really is no In a modest volume, Chandler has
meaningful difference between succeeded remarkably in presenting a
~xf7+and ~h7+. comprehensive tactical overview for
younger players. Although I miss full
l.Axh7+ 'it'xh7 2.4)g5+ 'it'gB games and a more involved discussion,
3.~h5EleB that was clearly outside the scope of
his project and I must emphasize that I
8 highly recommend his book for young
7 players. I regret that younger players
6 are rarely encouraged to play through
5 complete games, but that's a complaint
for a different venue.
(2) The ChessCafe Puzzle Book 1
by Kartsten MUller (Russell Enterprises
abc d e f g h
My chess friends and I all adore
Here is Chandler's first example in the Kartsten MUller's series of ChessCafe
~g8 line with a <£le7. He suggests that Puzzle books. The exercises are
White should tum down the usual idea challenging, and the author often adds
of~xf7 by playing ~h7. As we saw in cogent middlegame theory.
chapter nine, the theoretical distinction

Related Literature

In the first volume ofthe series, Muller to say that Muller, like Chandler, did not
became the first annotator to list at least intend to provide a comprehensive
one of the key conditions under which taxonomy of the sacrifice, but rather a
the sacrifice does not occur. To quote: series of positions to challenge his
readers. He certainly deserves praise for
"The bishop sacrifice on h7 is as old as selecting challenging games and for his
the hills. When an attacking knight can observation on the "ittxg5 capture.
land on g5 and the queen can reach the
h-file, your alarm bells should start (3) i2,xh 7! by David Rudel (Thinkers'
ringing. It is easier to give the Press 2010)
conditions when the sacrifice does not
work, first: I was nearly finished with the first draft
of this book when Rudel's book hit the
1) Black's king is on g8, White's knight marketplace. And so, readers can
is on g5 and his queen is on h5, and imagine my interest in seeing the book
1.1) Black can play .£lf6, .£lf8, .llf5, or as quickly as possible.
something like "ittc2 or ~d3 to reach h 7.
I am happy to report that his effort is
1.2) Black's king can reach f8 because significantly different than mine. What
f7 is protected. stands out most clearly is Rudel's folksy
style, with frequent references to
1.3) Black's material advantage is church matters, fast food restaurants,
already so large that he can afford "ittxg5. and even chocolate Sundays.
Fortunately, there's some good analysis
His first three points have been well too.
known since Voellmy. Remarkably,
Muller became the first commentator to Rudel, a passionate advocate of the
emphasize the usefulness of ..."ittxg5. French and Colle, spends approximately
Unfortunately, he does not provide an half of his 184-page treatment on
example of the ..."ittxg5 capture, but he combinations and maneuvers other
does provides nine examples of the than the classic bishop sacrifice. The
sacrifice, eight in quiz form. Ofthe nine, first and fourth chapters deal with
six appear in this volume as games 3, 6, bishop sacrifices on h7 in which White
8,9,62,70. He uses game 70 (Razinger- has a knight, not a pawn, on the e5-
Harum, 1933) to illustrate the mate in square. His third chapter deals with the
five in the 'it'g8line. Two of his examples double bishop sacrifice, Axh7+
do not involve .£lg5 and would followed narrowly by Axg7.
therefore not have been considered in
this book. His notes to Colle-O'Hanlon Rudel deals with the Greco Sacrifice
conclude that the 'it'g8 line is drawish, with .£lg5 and queen attack on h 7 in
but there is no analysis in the key line chapters two and five. In chapter two,
with 17.f4. In sum, I think that it is fair he examines the sacrifice as it appears

Sacking the Citadel

in variations of French Defense (five of Says Rudel, when the Elf8 is

his twelve examples are from the unconnected to another major piece,
Adanced French; another five stem White usually triumphs with 'lfi'd3-h3-
from the Winawer) in which White has h7 since Elh8 is unplayable.
pawns on d4 and e5 as well as a dark-
square bishop on the c1-h6 diagonal. When the Elf8 is connected to a major
By isolating games stemming only from piece and White has not yet castled,
the French, with black pawns on e6 and White wins efficiently with h4-h5,
d5 and with a black knight on e7, Rudel kicking the ~g6 to h6 when Black is
attempts a fine classification of the subject to effective discoveries,
sacrifice in those specific lines with especially after the preparatory 'lfi'g4
useful emphasis on the ~g6 line, but threatening 4Je6+ and 'lfi'xg7. The
readers should be careful not to apply chapter 5 taxonomy acknowledges this
these conclusions generically. finding but only when White has a dark-
square bishop.
Black should avoid castling, and White
should undertake the sacrifice, In positions with a White 4Jc3, White
suggests Rudel, when all four of the also has 4Jc3-e4-f4 says Rudel,
following conditions are set: although he adds somewhat
surprisingly that he found no
• White can play ~xh7 and tournament examples of the maneuver.
follow up safely with 4Jg5+;
• White's pawn structure When White has castled and Black's
involves pawns on d4 and e5; queen remains on d8 with
• White has a dark-square communication with the Elf8, Rudel
bishop with unblocked access recommends the maneuver with h4,
to h6; (There is a curious 'lfi'g4 and, after .. .f5, an en passant
absence of any mention of the capture on f6 and Elfel to pressure the
role of the white queen.) now weakened e6-pawn.
• Black's queen and bishop are
unable to reach the bl-h7 Rudel recommends the often played
diagonal; There is no reference 'lfi'g4 only when the dark-square bishop
to the possibility of 4Jf6 is blocked or pinned and therefore
because, in this section, Black's incapable of defending the 4Jg5.
king's knight rests on e7.
The reality is that Rudel has provided
In the ~g8 line, given the 4Je7 and the insight for a subset of one asset pair,
dark-square bishop's access to h6, the secure e5-pawn and the dark-square
Rudel notes that White can win with bishop with a black knight on e7. As
the usual combination: 'lfi'h7-h8, 4Jh7+, we have seen, this combination of
and ~g5. Of course, all ofthat has been additional assets represents the second
known since Voellmy. What is new and most common asset pair, but with the
useful is his advice in the ~g6 line. knight on e7, his findings apply to only

Related Literature

14 of the 306 games in this book, games fails even to mention the usefulness of
2,8,59,100,118,160,162,164,180,195, the en passant discovered check after
208, and 255. Only game 59 appears in .. .f5. The discussion on the 'it'h6 line
Rudel's book. fails to note that White can succeed
even with a pawn on h4 and without a
It is my belief that we are better served by dark-square bishop. And although I run
a more general approach. I briefly the risk of sounding much like Renaud
considered a separate discussion for each and Kahn, conspicuously missing is
important asset combination, but a brief any mention of Voellmy, who
look at the asset appendix should understood early on the importance of
convince everyone that such an approach many of the considerations just above,
would be horribly complex and repetitive. or even ofVukovic, with his remarkable
observation, fully applicable to the
I must add that I found his game selections positions considered by Rudel, that at
highly disappointing. Rudel appears to least two additional assets are needed
have committed his readers to a voyage for the sacrifice to succeed.
of self-discovery through quizzes
involving complete games which too often Rudel deserves significant praise. He
involve simple mistakes rather than sharp, becomes the first to devote to the sacrifice
cutting edged attacks. more than a small part in a book on tactics.
He is the second author to emphasize the
In his fifth and final chapter, Rudel importance ofh4 in the ... 'it'g6Iine. And I
attempts to provide a more generic appreciate his efforts to provide clarity in
discussion about the sacrifice. selecting among the alternative
continuations for White in that line.
The discussion is informal and
incomplete, but it does in 16 pages But the failure to mention Vukovic has
cover the main highlights, the mate five important ramifications. On page 118,
in the 'it>g8 with a list of the conditions Rudel provides his thesis:
that make it possible, White's attack
with itlxfl and .£\xe6 when Black has "Find another way to bring another
knights on d7 and e7, coverage in the piece in the battle if you cannot obtain
<;!tg6line of three alternatives iit"d3+, h4, a satisfactory advantage with just the
and itlg4, and mention of the 'it>h6 and Knight, Queen, and e5-pawn."
... ~xg5 lines.
Readers ofthis book will recognize that
There are many quibbles. His analysis this additional piece represents, with the
ofColle-O'Hanlon follows the literature e5-pawn, the second additional asset
uncritically. There's no mention of the beyond the bishop, knight, and queen.
other three white alternatives in the iit"g6 In essence, Rudel has made an e5-pawn
line, .£\g3, f5, and the possibility of rook a requirement rather than simply
swings. The discussion on ... 'it>g6 iit"d3

Sacking the Citadel

viewing it as one of many possible combinations of additional assets that

additional assets. do not include an e5-pawn still allow
the sacrifice to succeed. There is no
In his fifth chapter, Rudel provides 56 way to know, but it seems as if Rudel
examples. As in chapter two, many are subconsciously cooked his data to
mediocre games there in quiz form support his hypothesis.
simply to illustrate obvious mistakes.
Among these 56 games, 20 do not As we approach the 400th anniversary
involve an e5-pawn, and in 17 of those of Greco's discovery, it is my hope that
20 games, the sacrifice is unsound. we are achieving some clarity with
"Once the e5 pawn goes, everything regard to his amazing idea and some
changes," suggests Rudel, but our profound appreciation for his
experience here shows that contribution to the game of chess.


Sources listed chronologically

Edward Lasker, Common Sense in Chess (London, Belairs 1896).

Edwin Voellmy," Yom Rochadeangriff, Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Mittelspiels,"
Schweizerischen Schachzeitung (November and December 1911).
Eugene Znosko-Borovsky, The Art of Chess Combination (London, Chatto &
Windus 1936).
Fred Reinfeld, Colle s Chess Masterpieces (New York, Black Knight Press 1936.
Fred Reinfeld, Fifty-One Brilliant Chess Masterpieces (New York, Capitol Publishi
ing 1950).
George Renaud and Victor Kahn, The Art ofthe Checkmate (New York, Simon and
Schuster 1953).
Irving Cherney, 1000 Best Short Games of Chess (New York, Simon and Schuster
Dr. Max Euwe and H. Kramer (translated from the Dutch by W.H. Cozens), The
Middle Game, Book 2, Dynamic and Subjective Features (New York, McKay
Vladimir Vukovic, The Art ofAttack in Chess (London, Pergamon 1965).
Vladimir Vukovic, The Chess Sacrifice (London, Bell 1968).
Ken Smith and John Hall, Winning with the Colle System (Dallas, Chess Digest
Vladimir Vukovic (edited and annotated by John Nunn), The Art ofAttack in Chess
(Gloucester, Everyman 1998).
Murray Chandler, How to Beat Your Dad at Chess (Guildford, Gambit Publications
Andy Soltis, "Chess to Enjoy, The First Professional" Chess Life May, 1999, pp.12-
Gary Lane, The Ultimate Colle (London, Batsford 2001).
Valei Bronznik, Das Colle-Koltanowski System (Schwieberdingen, Schachverlag
Kania 2003).
Karsten Miiller, The ChessCafe Puzzle Book (Milford, Russell Enterprises 2004).
Vladimir Vukovic, Der Rochade Angriff(Czech Republic, Rattman 2006).
Pete Tamburro, "A 400 Year-Old Attack," Chess Life for Kids June, 2007)
David Rudel, Bxh 7! (Davenport, Thinkers' Press 2009).
Nigel Davies, "The Greek Bishop Sacrifice," Middlegame Motifs, ChessCafe web
site ( July 14,2010.

Sacking the Citadel

Historical references for Chapters I and 2

Jenny Adams, Power Play, The Literature and Politics ofChess in the Late Middle
Ages (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press 2006).
Femand Braudel, Capitalism and Material Life, 1400-1800 (London, Weidenfeld
and Nicolson 1967).
Jacob Burkhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (London, Harrap
Baldassare Castiglione Libro del Cortegiano (Book of the Courtier 1528).
Richard Eales, Chess, A History ofthe Game (Oxford, Facts on File 1985).
Dr. Max Euwe, The Development ofChess Style (London, Bell 1968).
Daniel Willard Fiske, "Introductory Sketch of the History of Chess, The Book of
the First American Chess Congress (New York, Rudd & Carleton) 1859).
Jerzy Gisycki, A History ofChess (London, The Abby Library 1922)
F. Lanier Graham, Chess Sets (New York, Walker and Company 1968).
Frank Greygoose, Chessmen (New York, Arco 1979).
Harry Golombek, A History ofChess (London, Routledge & Kegan Paul 1976).
Gioachino Greco, The Game ofChess (London 1819).
Eduard Gufeld, Oleg Stetsko, Winning with the Torre Attack (New York, Holt
Garry Kasparov, My Great Predecessors, Part 1 (London, Everyman 2003).
Alex Hammond, The Book ofChessmen (London, Arthur Barker 1950).
William Hartston, The Kings ofChess (New York, Harper and Row 1985).
Moses Hirschel, Das Schach des Herrn Gioachino Greco Calabro is und die
Schachspiel-Geheimnisse des Arabers Philipp Stamma (Zurich, Ohms
Louis Hoffmann, The Games ofGreco (London, Routledge & Sons 1900).
David Hooper and Ken Whyld, The Oxford Companion to Chess (Oxford, Oxford
University Press 1996).
Benjamin Kohl and Alison Smith, eds, Major Problems in the History ofthe Italian
Renaissance (Lexington, MA.,D.C. Heath 1995).
A.A. MacDonell, "The Origin and Early History of Chess," Journal of the Royal
Asiatic Society Jan. 1898,pp. 117-141.
Kenneth Matthews, British Chess (London, Collins 1958).
H.J.R. Murray, A History ofChess (Oxford, Oxford University Press 1913).
John Najemy, ed., Italy in the Age ofthe Renaissance 1300-1550 (Oxford, Oxford
University Press 2004).
Charles Nauert, Humanism and the Culture ofRenaissance Europe (Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press 1995).
T.S. Pattie, "An Italian Chess Player in England," The British Museum Quarterly
Vol. 33, No. 3/4, Spring, 1969 pp. 105-108.
J.H. Plumb, The Italian Renaissance (Boston, Houghton Mifflin 1961).
Anthony Saidy, The World ofChess (New York, RHM 1975).
Alessandro Sanvito, 1 codici scacchistici di Giulio Cesare Polerio e Gioacchino
Greco (Brescia, Messaggerie Scacchistiche 2008).


Colleen Schafroth, The Art o/Chess (New York, Abrams 2002).

Harold Schonberg, Grandmasters o/Chess (Philadelphia, 1.B. Lippincott 1972).
Domenico Sella, Italy in the Seventeenth Century (London, Longman 1997).
David Shenk, The Immortal Game (New York, Doubleday 2006).
"The Game of Chess, A Scene in the Court of Philip II," Harper's (January, 1852).
John White, Greco and his Manuscripts, Gioachimo Greco, 1600-1634, 300th
anniversary o/the writing o/thefirst manuscript, 1619-1919/ twenty-
one illustrations/rom the originals Philadelphia, Good companion chess
problem club, 1919).
Hans Wichmann and Siegfried, Chess, The Story o/Chesspieces from Antiquity to
Modem Times (London, Paul Hamlyn 1964).
Charles Wilkinson, Chess, East and West, Past and Present (New York, Metropoli
tan Museum ofArt 1968).
Paul Yachnin, "A Game at Chess and Chess Allegory," Studies in English Literat
UTe Vol. 22, No.2 pp. 317-330.
Marilyn Yalom, Birth o/the Chess Queen (New York, HarperCollins 2004).

Sacking the Citadel

Index of Openings
This index of the annotated games in this volume confinns that many of the sacri-
fices emanate from openings that naturally involve White pawns on d4 and e5 and

The French Defense (COO-CI9) has 98 games or 32% of the annotated games in

Queen's Gambit and the Colle also generate a fair number of the games. But it will
surprise many readers that the sacrifice occurs across a broad spectrum of open-

Numbers within the indices are game numbers, not page mumbers.

B21 141
AOI 271 B22 145,148,217,247,283
A02 197 B27265
A0376 B29293
A07 131 B32139
A13 20 B33 194
A18 154 B40270,274
A22223 B42290
A32281 B43226
A34269 B47205
A40 11,52,143,167 B50 224,246,295
A41220 B56242
A43 186 B69157
A45258 B80172
A4689 B82177,201
A47 68,78,83,266 B85 175
A54 192 COO 2,4,70,245,279
A60 151 COll,173
A8081 C02 8,59,100,102,166,180,198,241,
A8441,278 255
C03 158
B03 214 C05 101,163,187
B1287,296 C06 104,116,119,126,176,184,196,
B13 179 218,221,222,230,243,256,286,298
B14 85,199,257,260 C07149,232,300
B15200 CIO 45,72,99

Index of OpeningsBibliography

CII13,34,71,77,91,168,170.253,259 D31 103

C14 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19,25,27,29,35,40, D32 138,282
64,65,66,73,82,111,129,140,183,181, D3732,234
185,191,219,235,248,263,272,299 D38277
CI593,188,189,203,213,229,231 D4030,37,38,107
C16 160,164 D41110,146,147,267,303
CI7112,150,162 D44 215
C18 92,118,128,136,142 D45 53, 84, 90, 292
C19 195,208 D4616,88,169,210,233,268
C243 D47 94,156,159,207,239,250,251
C29 5,50,120 D4886
C30244 D49 95,97,132
C31 133 D52294
C3347 D5326,42
C41280 D55 14,17,23,43,74,127
C4244,202 D6036
C43238 D61275
C4546 D63 48, 51, 285
C5621 E08301
C637 Ell 171,237
C78 26,287,305 E12 54,174
C8049 EI4211,236
C81 125,225 E20124,178
C846 E28306
C86182 E29123
C89117,240 E38276
C90 134,254 E41 108
C99 115,135,161 E46 114
DOO 190,204,302 E50144
D02 24,31,105,289,307,308 E51 113,193,264
D03209,216 E53109
D05 55,60,62,67,69,80,212 E54 122,137,261
D06 39,98,291 E55 121
D07155 E59152
DIO 58
DB 96
DI5 153,249
D28 106,227
D30 57,75,252,284

Sacking the Citadel

Index of Asset Combinations

No additional assets: 6, 31, 34, 307, 308

One additional asset:

}\dark-(orforBlack, alight) square bishop: 13,41,43,46,56,70,75,76,88,105,109,
}\ (secure) e5 (e4)-pawn: 64,172,215,226
)\ knight (square will be noted ifnot c3): 36,42,66 (Nd6)
Kingside pawn stonn: 87

Two additional assets

}\ dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... an active rook: 16,20,28,47,60,62,
}\ dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn: 39,49,59,63,67,
}\ dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop-an h4-pawn (with a Rbi): 44,45,54,
}\ dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... an active knight: 33, 61, 136, 156, 180,
}\ (secure) e5-pawn ... an active rook: 17,30,72,94,120,166,183,185,198,225,246,
)\ (secure) e5-pawn ... an active knight: 24, 35, 52, 71, 82, 86, Il2, 129, 163, 171, 180,
}\n active rook ... a knight on c3: 48, 201, 297
}\n active rook ... a knight on g3 or on fl with access to g3: 79, 115, 135, 161,230
Two active rooks: 123,173,254,260,275

Three additional assets

}\ dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn ... an h4-pawn
(withaRbl): I, 103, 158
}\ dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn ... an active
knight: 2,90, 119, 121, 125, 155,162,167,206,207,259,264,289
}\ dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn ... an active rook:
4,8,11,22,50,53,55,78,81,89,101,107,139,159, 189,205,212,214,234,239,277,
}\ dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... an active knight ... an active rook: 21,

Index of Asset Combinations

A dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... two active rooks: 7, 38, 85,153,184,
A (secure) e5-pawn ... an active knight... anh4-pawn (with a RbI): 9,10,12,29,65,
A (secure) e5-pawn ... an active knight... an active rook: 15,25, 140, 145, 170,235,
A(secure)e5-pawn ... two active rooks: 110,146,147,157,247,265,288,303
An active knight ... two active rooks: 3,241 :
An h4-pawn (with a Rb 1) ... two active rooks: 14

Four or more additional assets

A dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn ... an active
knight ... an h4-pawn (with aRbl): 77,91,116
A dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn ... an active
knight ... an active rook: 228,237,240,244,305
A dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn ... an active rook
... an h4-pawn (with a RbI): 301
A dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn ... two active
rooks: 37, 187,203, 175,213,227,229,298
A dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... an active knight ... two active rooks:
A dark- (or for Black, a light) square bishop ... a (secure) e5-pawn ... an active
knight ... two active rooks: 177

Sacking the Citadel

Index of Players
Bold = White
Agdestein, 170 Billecard, M 19
Ahlander, B 204 Billings, S 36
Ahues, C 63 Bird,H 6
Airekoski, E 161 Blackburne, J 14
Akopov, R 179 Blackmar,A 13
Al Modiahki, M 202 Blanco Gramajo, C 261
Alapin, S 27 Boch, W 152
Alayola Montanez, J 267 Bodiroga, P 303
Alekhine, A 41, 52, 54, 65, 72 Boesenberg, E 287
Anagnostpoloulos, D 183 Borg,G 168
Ancin,A 116 Borge, N 187
Andersen, J 243 Borochow, H 48
Andreev, D 154 Boucher 47
Antal, G 300 Bozek,A 118
Antos 100 Brach, J 51
Anttila, P 161 Brechin, H 308
Apol, L 169 Brenninkmeijer, J 176
Appel,D 166 Brinckmann, A 58
Araiza Munoz, D 145 Brody 21
Arizmendi Martin, J 260 Brunner, E 67
Arje, Z 132 Buecken, D 255
Arutinian, D 273 Bueno 91
Asgeirsson, A 65 Burmakin, V 199,301
Asrian, K 281 Burn,A 13,17,31,33
Asztalos, L 66
Avrukh, B 251 Capablanca,J 40,42,48,79
Capello, G 148
Baburin, A 228, 252 Carlsen, M 296,297
Baikovicius 81 Cavalotti 10
Balanel, I 113 Champion, K 138
Balinov, I 265 Chandler, M 183
Balla,Z 43 Cheron,A 57
Balog, I 300 Christen, P 169
Bastian, H 241 Christoffel, M 96
Baumann, W 115 Cipriani, F 112
Becker, M 240 Clapperton, G 128
Benecke, H 141 Cochrane, J 3
Berezjuk, S 280 Coenen, N 266
Bernstein, 0 28, 32 Colle,E 62
Berry,F 303 Computer Deep Junior 262
Bialas, W 104

Index of Players

Computer Deep Fritz 200 Ezat, M 291

Crespi, N 10
Crosara 11 - Fahndrich 23
Crouch, C 156 Faichetto, A 45
Cruz Filho, 0 88 Faranka, K 291
Farrand,] 155
Davis,A 40 Faul59
De Geus, G 166 Fayne, T 217
De Labourdonnais, L 2 Fernandez, R 231
De Lagontrie,] 245 Ferry,R 131
De Smet, K 197 Fichtl,] 120
De Souza Mendes,] 88 Fine,R 73
De Soyres,] 9 Fiorito, F 201
De Visser, W 18 Flaga, K 227
De Waard,] 231 Flesch,] 146
Deery, T 207 Foltys,] 99
Delbner 50 Forgacs, A 226
Desforges 209 Formanek, E 140
Deslandes, P 298 Forzan 164
Dimitrov, V 232 Fournier, F 212
Dittmar, P 241 Frank,] 226
Dobosz, H 159 Freese, H 206
Dolezal,] 116 Fridman, D 284
Domogaev, S 293 Fritz,A 12
Donner,] 114 Ftacnik, L 186
Duarte da Silva, E 259 Fucak 125
Dufek,] 215 Fuderer, A 106
Duhm 35 Fueriinger, H 239
Dumitrache, D 233 Furman, S 122
Durao,] 129 Futterer 22
Durica, D 288
Dus Chotimirsky, F 68 Gagunashvili, M 292
Dychhoff 26 Galeb,A 145
Dzhumaev,M 295 Gallien, K 163
Ganguly, S 305
Ekenberg, B 85 Gazi,M 196
El Taher, F 248 Geissert, E 117
Eliskases,] 89 Geller, E 122
Eriksson,] 269 Gering 7
Ernst, S 304 Giffard, N 158
Ernst, W 81 Ginsberg, G 218
Escandell Mari,] 211 Giusti, A 112
Esen, B 278 Godnjavec, F 271
Estrin, Y 154 Golmayo,D 16
Euwe,M 96 Gonzales Freixas, A 217

Sacking the Citadel

Gonzales Rojo, E 67 Holm 44

Hucula, L 223
Goosey, R 225 Huguet Mainer, S 185
Gorenstein, R 110 Hujbert, F 283
Goric,E 256 Hulsen 23
Graf,A 254
Graf, S 89 lonescu, C 177
Granados Gomez, M 216 Ivanov, I 153
Greco,G 1
Grigorian, A 302 Jackson, L 140
Grigorian, K 159 Jacobs, B 182
Grosser, W 101 Jakobson, L 237
Grund,H 255 Jares, V 51
Guerrero, V 185 Johannesson,L 222
Guest,A 13 Jones, E 20
Guido,F 274 Jose Abril, R 224
Gunderson 59 Judd, M 24
Gurevich, D 292 Jurcisin, I 196

Hahn, E 87 Kadimova, I 294

Hall,L 93 Kadner, M 151
Hamilton, D 238 Kalichkin, I 257
Handoko, E 202 Kallio, H 264
Harms 98 Karklins, E 227
Harris, W 195 Karlsson, S 94
Harrow, M 114 Kashdan, I 60
Hartmann, K 117 Kasimdzhanov, R 250
Harum,F 71 Kasparov, G 200,210,262
Hasek, J 61 Kazhgaleyev, M 246
Havasi, K 58 Kazic,B 111
Hebden, M 182 Kemeny,E 29
Heidenfeld, W 129 Kemp 164
Heikkonen, T 160 Khater, S 302
Helling, K 60 Kiik,K 276
Hellsten, J 237 Kipper, J 279
Helwing, A 115 Klavins, J 121
Herrmann, F 98 Knox, V 162
Herrmann, L 109 Kochetkov, V 263
Herzog, K 287 Koerholz, L 306
Hirsch 142 Kogan,B 153
Hodges,A 15 Kohn, S 55
Hodgson, J 167 Koltanowski, G 78, 84
Hoffman,A 211 Kostantinopolsky, A 83
Hoffinann, A 173 Kopec, D 209
Hoi,C 285 Kopera, M 234

Index of Players

Komeev, 0 230 Lugovoi, A 264

Korchnoi, V 191 Lutgens, W 198
Koshnitsky, G 69 Lyrberg, P 190
Koska,} 76
Koskela, N 193 Mackenzie, A 36
Kotov,A 95 Madema,C 86
Kottnauer, C 95, 97 Madl, I 235
Kovacevic, B 236 Makarczyk, K 53,55
Kovacs, L 146 Malac, M 243
Kovalev, A 263 Malikov, 0 172
Kozlova, G 124 Mandelbaum 23
Kozma,} 143 Mansfield, C 56
Kraai,} 299 Marchetti, D 134
Kranewitter, N 239 Marin y Liovet, V 64
Krant,L 189 Markoff, S 103
Kranzl,A 137 Moroczy, G 19,32
Kravtsov, S 244 Marsden,} 238
Krouzel,} 215 Marshall, F 31, 33, 34, 46
Kritikhin, Y 133 Martinez Villanueva Pelai, G 296
Kuhnrich, F 139 Mason,} 12
Kulornzin, V 28 Mason, W 128
Kunz,H 229 Matrisch, G 137
Kuper,S 208 McMahon, F 207
Kuzubov, Y 306 Mejrup, S 184
Mellberg, B 108
Lakdawala, C 252 Melzer,O 219
Langreder, U 229 Michaelides, E 156
Laptev, R 187 Michel,P 82
Lasker, Em 16,34,39,77 Mihajlovic, Z 75
Lecrivain, M 2 Milotai, D 120
Lehti,} 194 Minckwitz,} 7
Leise,A 49 Minic, D 131
Leisebein, P 188 Miron,L 289
Leitner, F 100 Molina Carranza, L 42
Lesiege, A 250 Morchiashvili, B 294
Leu,M 149 Morphy, P 5
Lida Garcia, F 201 Movsesian, S 297
Likov, V 244 Mrva,M 242
Lindner, M 218 Muck,P 149
Ljapunova 124 Mueller, D 219
Loeffler, S Mueller, E 163
282 Mueller,} 126
Loose, W 90 Mufic,G 180
Lorin, F 212 Mulcahey, W 221
Lovewell 52 Mustafaev,} 295

Sacking the Citadel

Myant, M 136 Pircher, M 180

Pisa Ferrer, J 224
NN 1,38,38 Piskov, Y 230
Nanu, C 289 Piachetka, J 275
Nash, R 136 Platanov, I 130
Negele, M 245 Podzielny, K 206
Neu, K 142 Pohl, W 203
Niephaus, W 90,123 Polugaevsky, L 147
Nijboer, F 176 Porreca, G 107
Nikolac, J 236 Portisch, L 144
Nikolic, S 158 Poso, H 193
Nilsson, A 57 Pratten, W 138
Ninic,M 75 Prie, E307
Norcia, F 73 Priwonitz 70
Nonnann, C 87 Prokhorovich, T 121
Novikov, I 175 Pruess, D 299
Novikov, M 293 Przepiorka, D 53
Nuenchert, E 141 Pugachov, A 290
Pulieri, P 152
O'Hanlon, J 62 Purdy,C 69
Olafsson, F 108 Pytel, B 162
Onocko, G 259
Onrust, B 304 Quinteros, M 171
Oosterom, E 249
Radonjanin, V 184
Pachman, L 97, 99 Rahman, Z 268
Pahl50 Ramesh, R 251
Palac,M 258 Rasmussen, K 260
Panchenko, A 175 Rastrelli, A 45
Panov,V 83 Razinger 71
Paulsen, L 8 Rea,A 192
Pearce, D 225 Recktenwald, T 205
Pearsall, A 46 Reeh, 0 173, 254
Pedersen, J 286 Reid,A 155
Perez Gomar, G 54 Reilly,B 78
Perez,F 214 Rellstab, L 82
Perie, S 228 Rendle, T 274
Pestalozzi 35 Renner, C 253
Petek, P 125 Reseli, BIll
Piazzini, L 86 RiberaArnal,A 79
Pelilyan, V 179 Ricardi, P 178
Pillsbury, H 17, 24 Richter, M 258
Pinchuk, B 285 Rigo,Z 242
Pinterne Kovacs, M 235 Robbins 47
Pirc, V 107 Roese, 0 266

Index of Players

Romer,H 94 Sole Fabragat, X 216

Rossetto, H 92 Sorial, H 248
Rotlewi, G-41 Sosna, J 280
Rubinstein, S 74 Spasov,S 277
Ruiz,G 214 Spassky, B 127
Ruppe,O 101 Spassov, L 157
Spielmann, R 66,74
Salazar, C 85 Spraggett, K 165
Salcedo Mederos, P 261 Squarcialupi, D 148
Sale, S 247 Stafin, S 204
Salman, N 165 Stark, T 240
Salvioli, C 11 Staunton, H 3
Salwe,G 37 Stavrev, S 160
Sandin, S 135 Steingrimsson, H 222
Savage, A 192 Steinitz, W 6
Savoia, L 276 Stenzel, H 220
Sax, G 181 Stets, D 279
Schenzen, J 39 Stevens, B 102
Schlechter, C 30 Stisis, Y 199
Schmidt, W 126 Stojanovic, M 272
Schrader, E 29 Stoltz, G 106
Schulten, J 5 Suberville, A 134
Schuman, E 72 Subiza 91
Schuster, C 178 Sundstrom, Sutter 44
Schuster, T 123 Sutter 221
Schwarz,A 8 Sveshnikov, E 278
Seirawan, Y 171 Svetushkin, D 307
Sergeev, A 68 Svidler, P 253
Sermek, D 247 Swiderski, R 25
Seul,G 186 Szylkrot, C 197
Shchekachev, A 249 Tahirov, F 257
Shetty,R 268 Tal, M 147
Shirov, A 305 Talla, V 275
Short, N 170,210 Tan,M 284
Siegel, M 114 Tanguay, A 105
Simon,G 205 Tarjan, J 167
Simon,H 80 Taylor, J 93
Simutowe, A 267 Te Koiste, J 25
Skalicka, C 76 Teichmann, E 135
Skipworth, A 8, 20 Tereba,R 61
Sliwa,B 113,143 Teschner, R 127
Smejkal, E 223 Thompson 4
Snorek, M 273 Thorhallsson, T 265
Sobel, R 119 Thorstensen, T 286

Sacking the Citadel

Timman,] 181 Weimo,H 132

Timmins,] 220 Welin, T 174
Tokarev, V 110 Wellington, G 49
Tremblay, L 150 Wells, P 233
Trent, L 298 Wiktorczyk,] 119
Trimbom 26 Wilke 70
Trimpi, H 195 Willey, F 103
Troxler,] 77 Wilson, F 139
Tseveloidoff 119 Winawer, S 27
Turcot,] 150 Winckelmann, T 188, 189,213
Tyroler,A 43 Winter, W 63
Wolf,H 30
Uhlmann, W 104
Unzicker, W 109 Yalov, S 277
Urban,] 270 Yandemirov, V 246
Urbanczyk, C 208 Yanofsky, D 84
Yates, F 64
Vaatainen, T 194 Yegiazarian, A 281
Van der Weil,] 157, 191 Yemelin, V 256
Vasovski, N 272 Yepes ~artinez, E 232
Vass, F 288 Young,] 18
Vavrak, P 234 Yudovich, M 172
Veer, W 168 Yurkov, P 290
Vergruggen,~ 80
Vexin 4 Zaitsev, A 130
Vidmar,~ 37 Zalys, I 105
Vieweg, K 151 Zetterberg, S 269
Villegas, B 92 Zezulkin,] 270
Voge1,D 203 Zhilin, V 133
von Zitzewitz, C 213 Zlatdinov, R 301
Zierke, 0 282
Wademark, H 190 Zinski 22
Waters, W 102 Znosko Borovsky, E 56
Wedberg, T 177 Zufic,~ 271
Wegner, H 174 Zukertort,] 14
Weijers, F 198 Zumsande, ~ 283


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