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Lesson Plan

Class: Bsc Nursing 3rd YEAR

Submitted To: Submitted By:
Name of the teacher : Ms. Simranpreet Kaur
Topic : prostate cancer
Group: Bsc Nursing 3rd Year
Duration : 01 hour
Venue: Bsc Nursing 3rd year class room
Method of teaching: Lecture cum discussion
Teaching Aids: LCD

General objectives: On the completion of teaching session, students will acquire topic.

Specific objectives: On the completion of teaching session, students will able to do.

 Define prostate cancer.

 List the etiology and risk factors of prostate cancer.
 Classify the types of prostate cancer.
 Explain the pathophysiology of prostate cancer .
 Identify the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer .
 Mention the diagnostic evaluation of prostate cancer.
 Discuss the Management of prostate cancer .
 Draw a Nursing care plan for patient with prostate cancer.
Sr Contributory Time Content Teaching/ learning activity A.V aids Evaluation
no objectives
1 To establish 1 min. Introduction about self
rapport among the My name is
2 To access the 1 min Question Teacher is asking the Teacher is asking
previous  What is prostate cancer ? questions and students are the questions and
knowledge of  What are the causes of prostate giving their point of view. students are giving
group. cancer ? their point of view

3 Understand INTRODUCTION Teacher is introducing the How can you

3 the concept of 2 min Prostate cancer is the most common topic and students listen PP PPT and LCD explain the
prostate cancer in men other then non melanoma carefully prostate cancer ?
cancer. skin cancer and the second most
common cause of cancer death in
American men older tghen 55 year of
age about one in five men in united
state develop prostate cancer.
4 To introduce the 2 min. Definition Teacher is defining the topic LCD and Chalk Define prostate
topic. It is the malignant tumor of the prostate and students listen carefully. board cancer

5 To explain the 5 min. Causes Teacher is explaining the LCD and chalk What are the
causes of causes of prostate cancer board causes of prostate
prostate cancer 1. Exact etiology is unknown cancer?
2. Men with family history of
prostate cancer
3. Aging above 65 years of age
4. Race African American
5. Dietary risk high in saturated
animal fats
6. Vitamin D deficiency
7. Increased level of testosterone
8. STD
9. Environmental and occupational
risk factor fertilizer.
Teacher is explaining the LCD, PPT Describe the
6 To explain the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF pathophysiology of prostate pathophysiology of
pathophysiology PROSTATE CANCER cancer prostate cancer?
of prostate
cancer Due to any etiological factors

Tumors develop in the outer aspect of

prostate gland

It grows slowly and spread by direct

extension to the seminal vesicles, urethera
and bladder walls

Cancer then spreads through the

lymphatic system through regional lymph

It then spreads via the veins to the pelvic

bones, spine, liver and lungs

7. To explain the 3 min Clinical manifestations Teacher is explaining the LCD and chalk What are the
clinical clinical manifestations of board clinical
manifestations of  Dysuria prostate cancer manifestations of
prostate cancer  Hesitancy prostate cancer?
 Dribbling
 Frequency
 Urgency
 Hematuria
 Nocturia
 Urinary retention
 Interruption of urinary stream
 Pain in the lumbosacral area that
radiates to the hips or legs

To explain the WHITMORE-JEWETT Teacher is explaining the LCD and chalk How many stages
8 stages of prostate STAGING OF PROSTATE stages of prostate cancer board of prostate cancer?
cancer TUMOR
Stage A: Clincally Unrecognised
A1- <5% prostatic tissues neoplastic
A2->5% prostatic tissues neoplastic, all
high grade tumors
Stage B: Clinically intra capsular
B1- nodule less than 2 cm and
surrounded by palpably normal tissue
B2- nodule > 2cm or multiple nodules
Stage C: Clinically extra capsular,
localised to peri prostatic area:
C1- minimal extra capsular extraction
C2- Large tumors involving seminal
vesicles and adjacent structures
Stage D: Metastatic Disease
D1- pelvic lymphnode metastasis or
urethral obstruction causing
D2- distant metastasis to bone, viscera
and other soft tissue structures.

9 To enlist the 3 min Assessment and diagnostic findings Teacher is explaining the LCD and chalk Enlist the
assessment and  Digital rectal examination to diagnostic test board diagnostic test.
diagnostic test assess the shape size and
symmetry of the prostate tissue
 Prostate specific antigen (
normal 0-4ng/ml) which is
elevated in prostate cancer
 Biopsy of prostate tissue to
confirm the diagnosis
 Trans urethral ultrasound to
measure the size of prostate
 CT scan & MRI to rule out
possible metastasis of cancer

10. To explain the 15 min Treatment Teacher is explaining the LCD and chalk What is treatment
treatment of treatment of prostate cancer board for prostate
Stage A & B
prostate cancer cancer?
watchful waiting with annual
PSA and DRE examination

radical prostaectomy: this involces

removal of the entire prostate gland,
seminal vesicles and part of the bladder
Radiation therapy: Both external
beam radiation and brachytherapy are
done to detsroy the tumor cells.

Stage C:
radical prostaectomy: this involces
removal of the entire prostate gland,
seminal vesicles and part of the bladder
Radiation therapy: Both external
beam radiation and brachytherapy are
done to detsroy the tumor cells.
Hormone Therapy: this is focused on
reducing the tumor growth by androgen
ablation. Androgen ablation is produced
by leuteinizing hormone releasing
hormone agonists which includes
leuprolide, goserelin & triptorelin
Androgen receptor blockers like
flutamide, nilutamide and bicalutamide
are administered that blocks the
circulating androgens.
Orchiectomy : Bilateral orciectomy is
the surgical removal the testes done in
combination with prostatectomy
Stage D:
Hormone Therapy: this is focused on
reducing the tumor growth by androgen
ablation. Androgen ablation is produced
by leuteinizing hormone releasing
hormone agonists which includes
leuprolide, goserelin & triptorelin
Androgen receptor blockers like
flutamide, nilutamide and bicalutamide
are administered that blocks the
circulating androgens.
Orchiectomy : Bilateral orciectomy is
the surgical removal the testes done in
combination with prostatectomy.
Chemotherapy: drugs include
mitoxantrone, cyclophosphamide,
idarubicin, epirubicin, estramustine &

Nerve sparing prostatectomy: here
the nerves that are responsible for
erection are spared and only the
prostate gland is excised.
Cryo surgery: it is the surgical
technique that destroys the cancer
cells by freezing the cancer tissue. A
trans rectal ultrasound probe is
inserted to visualise the the prostate
gland, the probescontaining liquid
nitrogen are then inserted in to the
prostate to freeze and destroy the
prostate tissue
11 To summarize the 1 min Summarization of the topic Teacher is summarizing the LCD
topic In this topic I have discussed about the topic of cataract and students
cataract, its causes, sign and symptoms and are listen carefully
treatment of prostate cancer
12 To recapitualize 4 min Recapitualization Teacher is asking the LCD
the tpoic  Define prostate cancer questions and students
 List the etiology and risk factors answering properly
of prostate cancer
 Explain the patho-physiology of
prostate cancer
 Identify the signs and symptoms
of prostate cancer
 Mention the diagnostic
evaluation of prostate cancer
 Describe the Medical
Management of prostate cancer
 Discuss the surgical
management of prostate cancer

13 To tell about the 1 min Reference Teacher is telling the

reference related Brunner and suddarth’s medical references to the students.
the prostate surgical nursing, 10th edition, 1761-
cancer 1764.

BT Basavanthappa, medical surgical

nursing, 2nd edition, jaypee publisher,

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