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Verbs followed Verbs followed by Verbs followed by Verbs followed by –ing or to

by-ing to infinitive Object+ infinitive infinitive with a difference in
with to meaning
Appreciate Agree Allow Can’t
Anticipate bear/stand/hate/like/love/prefer
Eg. I prefer to work on a
computer than to write by
hand( specific situation)
I can’t bear listening to her
complaining all the

Consider Appear Ask Remember/forget

Eg. I remembered/forgot seeing

you somewhere before.(that I
have seen you)
Did you remember/forget to
lock the door?

Delay arrange Cause Regret

Eg. I regret going to the party

last night (be sorry about a past
I regret to have to tell you that
your car has been
deny Ask Command Stop
I stopped drinking coffee
because it kept me awake at
night.(stop something you do)

We stopped to have a coffee on

the way home.(stop in order to
do something)

Detest Attempt Encourage Try

Try studying at different time of
day-it might suit you better.(do
an experiment)

Try to study at regular times(

make an effort)
Dislike Bear Expect
Enjoy Begin Forbid
Escape Care Force
Fancy Choose Get
Feel like Consent Hate
Finish Decide Help

Forgive Determine Instruct

Give up Expect Intend

Imagine fail Invite

Involve Forget Leave
Keep Like
Look forward to
Miss Happen Mean
Mention Hate Oblige
Mind Help Order
Postpone Hesitate Permit
Practise Hope Persuade
Prefer Intend Prefer
Put off Learn Recommend
Recommend Like Remind
Recall Love Request
Recollect Manage Teach
Report Tell
Resent Mean tempt
Risk Offer Trouble
Suggest Prefer Want
It’s no use/good Prepare Wish
It’s (not) worth Pretend warn
There’s (no) point Promise
in Propose
Can’t stand/help Refuse
Be/get used to Remember
Be/get Seem
accustomed to Start
Have difficulty in Swear
In favour of Try

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