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gy ro em yn em Essay Question
Directions: The diagram below represents a very complicated but necessary process that cells must go through in
order to produce proteins. Using your knowledge of what we talked about in class. identify the various parts of
the process that is complete~ to perform such a task. If you have read these instructions. draw a snowman at e
bottom right of this page for two extra points.

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What process makes structure B? ::\'.( OJ\~(_J \\'W--/(\

c. f\\)l'f;\)S
D. ho D£lds

E. ±RN~
What is the set of three bases on the bottom of letter E called?
F. ~\\(jt(rt\cf
What _are the name of the bonds that hold F together?
G. f \tl't10tY~ ,~.
-\"'f \'n ('\f
What process occurs at s!'ructure G? WC! [\:)\C\r] Qf l
2. A short mRNA sequence is shov.m in the box below.


a. Using the information in the table below. determine rhe amino acid iequence t har h coded for by this mRNA
sequence in th~ box above. ✓

\f\t, - ,' ~ I\, ' { , ~ r . T,J(

b. Determine the ONA sequence /rom which rhis mRNA iequence wai rransaibed.

. ✓
c., Using lhe.infQrmatron on your genetic cock whttl o: chort. derermrne r~ fitff foor amino ad ds c~d fo, in
each of the foflowing situorions.

• Situation I : A mutation In fhe ONA W-"QUMCt" from part fb) chang~ rhe tiidh baJe (read felr ~o ,;ghO ro
• cytosinecc,~ rrnC.;
,. 1,\.1ll l , r -1 r:\ "',~(,. ro-rJ
- /
New DNA Strand

mRNA S1rand flt). JI;\-\) ( j I \ h (\ 1_fiJ

Amino Acids \'(\('-;'c - ..f ( - I\~ Ol\l\ ] Y

• Sifuation 2: A mulation 1n rhe ONA ~ ftom part (b) dtolere, rhe 1iic1h baJe.

New ONA Strand T~- b \ , -,7 ' f, r _;__,A\ - f( ~

mRNA Strand ti) '(.l - ~ , , t hl Jl ) C\ ~I

Amino Acidsu }ft'( .; --:~ ( - I:') .( ;\~

d. In which ,11oot1on frc,m p;ort (<J ii the phen,,iype (pr,,iein) of the 01g•nllffl ltk,Jy to th tE,pl•in yo,,,
.:,nswer ~r,,,> I

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