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what it is scouting
Scouting or the Scout Movement is a movement that aims to support young people in their
physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play roles in society, with a strong focus
on the outdoors and survival skills.

what kind of people do it

A scout (in some countries a boy scout, girl scout or pathfinder) is a child, usually 10–18 years of
age, participating in the worldwide Scouting movement. Because of the large age and
development span, many Scouting associations have split this age group into a junior and a senior

how it is done
Biasanya dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga mudah untuk di laksanakan oleh para
anggotanya seperti bekerja sama, sikap saling menghargai, dan bersaing sehat.

Usually done in everyday life so easy to be carried out by its members such as working together,
mutual respect, and compete healthy.

and explain why you think it is interesting

Karena dari scout saya mampu menemukan jati diri saya sebagai seseorang yang harus bisa
memberi manfaat kepada orang lain baik dilingkungan terdekat atau yg terjauh.
Because of the scout I can find my identity as someone who should be able to give benefits to
others either nearest or farthest environments.

apa itu
Orang seperti apa yang melakukannya
bagaimana hal itu dilakukan
dan jelaskan mengapa menurut Anda ini menarik

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