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Directions: Answer the following honestly. Rest assured that the data gathered will remain confidential.

Name: _____________________________________________________(optional)
Age: __________________
Sex: __________________
Parents Occupation: __________________________ Mother __________________________ Father
Educational Attainment of Parents:
Elementary Under Graduate
Elementary Graduate
High School Under Graduate
High School Graduate
College under Graduate
College Graduate
Post Graduate

Family Monthly Income: ( ) 1000-5000 ( ) 5001-10,000 ( ) 10,000 above

Average daily allowance: ( )10-20 ( ) 21-30 ( ) 31-40 ( ) 41 above

1. What strand will you take up in Senior High school?

( ) GAS ( ) ABM ( ) STEM ( )TVL ( )HUMSS
2. Are you the one who decides what strand you will choose? If no, who?
( ) YES ( ) NO ___________________________________(Specify)
3. Why do you choose such strand?
( ) It is my passion ( ) It is my childhood fantasy ( ) I followed my friends
( ) It is my Parents will ( ) This is cheaper ( ) the only strand offered in our school
4. Is the strand you choose in line with your skills and talents?
( ) YES ( ) NO
5. Do you have any idea about the strand you choose?
( ) YES ( ) NO

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