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Geology and geochemistry of Tertiary basalt in south Wadi Hodein area, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt

Article  in  Arabian Journal of Geosciences · August 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s12517-012-0525-6


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2 authors, including:

Hassan A. A. Shahin
Nuclear Materials Authority of Egypt


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Geology and geochemistry of Tertiary
basalt in south Wadi Hodein area, South
Eastern Desert, Egypt

Hassan A. A. Shahin & Masoud

S. Masoud

Arabian Journal of Geosciences

ISSN 1866-7511

Arab J Geosci
DOI 10.1007/s12517-012-0525-6

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Arab J Geosci
DOI 10.1007/s12517-012-0525-6


Geology and geochemistry of Tertiary basalt in south Wadi

Hodein area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
Hassan A. A. Shahin & Masoud S. Masoud

Received: 27 April 2010 / Accepted: 24 January 2012

# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2012

Abstract Tertiary basalt is widespread in the area south of silica low-TiO2 Tertiary basalt of south Quseir and Gabal
Wadi Hodein, south Eastern Desert, Egypt. It is the youngest Qatrani through fractional crystallization of plagioclase,
unit in the basement rocks of the Central Eastern Desert olivine, augite, and titanomagnetite oxides. Tertiary basalts in
classification of El Shazly (Proc 22nd Intl Geol Congr, New south Wadi Hodein and south Quseir have nearly the same
Delhi 10:88–101, 1964) and El Ramly (Ann Geol Surv age, 25 Ma (Sherif, The Fifth International Conference on the
Egypt II:1–17, 1972), traversed all the previous succession Geology of Africa, 2007), 24 Ma (Meneisy and Abdel Aal,
of the basement rocks as well as the Nubia Sandstone of Ain Shams Sci Bull 25(24B): 163–176, 1984), and 27 Ma (El
Cretaceous age, forming sheets, small hills, ridges, and Shazly et al., Egypt J Geol 1975), respectively. Finally, the
dikes. This Tertiary basalt is strongly associated with the fractionation modeling and geochemical characteristics of
opening of the Red Sea. Geologic, petrographic, and petro- these basalts suggested their origination from one basaltic
chemical studies as well as microprobe and X-ray analyses magma emplaced in late Oligocene.
were performed on samples from Wadi Hodein Tertiary
basalt. Field and petrographic studies classified the Tertiary Keywords Tertiary basalt . South Wadi Hodein . Egypt
basalt in south Wadi Hodein into porphyritic olivine basalt,
plagiophyric basalt, and doleritic basalt. Opaque minerals
(magnetite and ilmenite) constitute 6–7.5% of this basalt. Introduction
Petrochemical studies and microprobe analyses reveal that
they are low-TiO2 basalt with low uranium and thorium Tertiary basalt occurs in several localities all over Egypt
contents, classified as being basaltic andesite to andesite, mainly at Gabal Qtrani, Cairo-Suez District, south Quseir,
originated from calc-alkaline magma, and developed in Abu Zaabal, Baharyia Oasis, East Samalut, and south Wadi
within-plate tectonic environment. Scanning electron micros- Hodein, south Eastern Desert. They have K/Ar ages be-
copy shows that magnetite and ilmenite are the prevalent tween 16 and 27 Ma (Meneisy and EL Kalioubi 1975;
opaque minerals in this Tertiary basalt. Field radiometric Meneisy and Keuzer 1974; Abdel Aal 1981a, b; Meneisy
measurements of the Tertiary basalt in south Wadi Hodein and Abdel Aal 1984; Sherif 2007). The intraplate continen-
reveals low uranium and thorium contents. Uranium contents tal basaltic volcanism is considered the youngest unit in the
range from 0.5 to 0.9 ppm, while thorium contents range from basement rocks of the Eastern Desert.
1.2 to 3.2 ppm. Fractional crystallization and mass balance Tertiary basalt in south Wadi Hodein is located in the
modeling indicate that the most-silica low-TiO2 Tertiary basalt Shalatin area, south Eastern Desert of Egypt between
in south Wadi Hodein can be derived from the relatively less- latitudes 22°40′30′′–23°09′ N and longitudes 35°18′–35°42′
E, covering about 2,157 km2 (Fig. 1). Geomorphologically,
the area is characterized by the rough Red Sea mountains,
H. A. A. Shahin (*) : M. S. Masoud moderate isolated hills, conical low hills, Wadi floors, and
Nuclear Materials Authority,
coastal plain. These Tertiary basaltic rocks have been sub-
P.O. Box 530 Maadi,
Cairo, Egypt jected to several studies mainly by Sabet (1958), El Hinnawi
e-mail: (1965), El Hinnawi and Abdel Maksoud (1968), Ghanem
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Arab J Geosci

Fig. 1 Location map of

Tertiary basalts for each of
south Wadi Hodein, south
Quseir, and Gaba Qatrani

(1972), Meneisy and Keuzer (1974), Abdel Monem and coastal plain, and he concluded that there is no evidence of
Heikal (1981), Meneisy (1990), Abdel-Meguid (1992), significant crustal contamination or a lithospheric mantle
EGSMA (1992), Sadek (2004), Obeid (2006), Sherif signature in these rocks. Also, he said that the normalized
(2007), and Abdeen et al. (2008). trace element patterns and diagnostic elemental ratios are
The most important study was given by Abdel-Meguid very similar to those of modern ocean–island basalt.
(1992) who classified the Tertiary basalt occurring in Gabal Recently, Sherif (2007) studied the petrology, geo-
Qatrani, south Quseir, and East Samalut areas into two main chemistry, and K–Ar ages of Paleogene basalts, west
types—high-TiO2 basalt and low-TiO2 basalt. Also, he Shalatin, south Eastern Desert. He concluded that these basalts
concluded that the continental intraplate basaltic volcanism are of continental origin and have two distinct volcanic phases
which produced Tertiary basalts distributed in Egypt was related to middle Eocene (50 Ma) and the late Oligocene
contemporaneous with the opening of the Red Sea and uplift (25 Ma). The present study deals with the geology, petrogra-
of Afro-Arabian dome. Moghazi (2003) studied the Tertiary phy, radioactivity, geochemistry, fractional crystallization, and
continental basalt flows from the Shalatein area, Red Sea mass balance modeling of the Tertiary basalts, which occur in
Author's personal copy
Arab J Geosci

south Wadi Hodein, south Eastern Desert, and to better under- displayed well-developed porphyritic texture with clear
stand its relation with other occurrences of Tertiary basalt black euhedral to subhedral phenocrystals embedded in
exposed along the Red Sea such as south Quseir. microcrystalline groundmass. These basaltic rocks are char-
acterized by the presence of amygdales filled by calcite. The
basaltic hills range in width from 200 to 400 m and in length
Geologic and tectonic setting from 250 to 600 m. These hills and ridges are few meters
higher than the surrounding Wadis and aligned in NW
The area of study is covered with a succession of igneous, direction parallel to the Red Sea trend. This trend of basaltic
metamorphic, and continental sedimentary rocks ranging in rocks coincides with the same trend of south Quseir Tertiary
age from Precambrian to Quaternary (Fig. 2). Wadi Hodein basaltic rocks (Sabet 1958; Abdel Aal 1981a, b).
extends for more than 50 km forming alluvial fan near the
coastal plain of the Red Sea, composed mainly of recent sedi-
ments, weathering materials of the basement rocks, isolated Materials and methodology
hills of Nubian Sandstone, and loose sand.
The basaltic rocks in south Wadi Hodein crop out as Twenty samples from the best exposures of representative
small separated hills, ridges, and dikes intruding basement basaltic rocks were collected for this study. From these, 15
rocks and Nubian Sandstone (Figs. 3, 4, and 5). They are samples were selected for thin sections to study optical
massive, greenish black to black in color, fine-grained, and mineralogy of this basalt. Backscattered electron (BSE)

Fig. 2 Geologic map of the studied Tertiary basalt in south Wadi Hodein area, after EGSMA 2002
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Fig. 3 General view for the studied Tertiary basalt in south Wadi Fig. 5 Contact between Tertiary basalt and ferruginous Nubian Sandstone
Hodein area at Wadi Hodein

imaging was used to illustrate the textural and mineralogical microscope (SEM) with BSE imaging. The microscopic
characteristics of the samples. investigation of these selected thin sections revealed that
Six representative samples were selected for geochemical the presence of three main petrographic lithotypes, namely,
analysis of major and trace elements from the collected field (a) porphyritic olivine basalt, (b) plagiophyric basalt, and (c)
samples. Major element analyses were done by using X-ray dolerite basalt. Magnetite, ilmenite, titanomagnetite, and
fluorescence method and trace elements were determined zircon are the common accessories.
using inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry at
the laboratories of the Nuclear Materials Authority. One 1. Porphyritic olivine basalt
sample was analyzed in the Centre de Recherches Petrogra- Porphyritic olivine basalt is hard, massive, black in
phiques et Geochimiques, Nancy, France using a CAMECA color, and characterized by porphyritic texture. Microscop-
SX-100 electron microprobe methods. ically, it consists of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine,
and Fe–Ti oxides. The phenocrysts consist essentially of
olivine, titanauguite, and titanite. Plagioclase occurs
Petrography as euhedral to subhedral prismatic to tabular crystals
(up to 3 mm long) (Fig. 6a). Clinopyroxene phenocrysts
More than 15 thin sections were studied petrographically (1–5.5-mm long) forming euhedral to subhedral crystals
using the polarizing microscope and scanning electron of greenish blue color (Fig. 6b, c). Some crystals
show partial alteration to hornblende. Olivine phe-
nocrysts (1–4.5-mm long) in the form of euhedral
crystals are mostly fresh and slightly show some alteration
along cracks in few crystals (Fig. 6d–f). The Fe–Ti oxides,
represented by small inclusions of magnetite and titano-
magnetite, occur in the clinopyroxene phenocrysts or as
interstitial grains. Titanite occurs as euhedral phenocryst
in the groundmass (Fig. 6g). Zircon occurs as inclusion in
the clyinopyroxene (Fig. 6h). The groundmass is crypto-
crystalline to microcrystalline and consists mainly of
plagioclase laths, clinopyroxene, and titanaugite.
2. Plagiophyric basalt
Plagiophyric basalt is hard, massive, dark grey to
black in color, and shows porphyritic texture. Micro-
scopically, it consists essentially of plagioclase and tita-
naugite, forming the phenocrysts. This type of basalt
Fig. 4 Close view for the studied Tertiary basalt in south Wadi shows plagioclase enrichment, containing an abundance
Hodein area of plagioclase phenocrysts. These rocks have been
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Fig. 6 a Photomicrograph
showing subhedral to eubhedral
tabular plagioclase crystals. b, c
Photomicrograph showing
subhedral to euhedral clinopyr-
oxene phenocryst displays
alteration in the core and
periphery. d–f Photomicrograph
showing euhedral olivine
phenocryst including black
inclusion of Fe–Ti oxides. g
Photomicrograph showing
euhedral titanite phenocryst.
h Photomicrograph showing
zoned zircon in large
clinopyroxene phenocryst




named as "high alumina basalt" by Kuno (1960), who large phenocrysts (up to 6 mm long) and the second
regarded them as products of an independent magma occurs as microlites (>0.1 mm) in the groundmass. Tita-
type. Plagioclases range in composition from labradorite naugite occurs as large phenocrysts (up to 4.5 mm long)
to bytonite and occur as two generations; the first forms forming euhedral to subhedral crystals of pink to greenish
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Fig. 7 EDX pattern and BSE of basaltic rocks in south Wadi Hodein

blue color. The groundmass is cryptocrystalline and

consists mainly of plagioclase laths, microlites of titanau-
gite, and Fe–Ti oxides.
3. Dolerite basalt Table 1 Major oxides (in weight percent) and trace elements content
Dolerite basalt is hard, massive, dark gray to black in (in parts per million) of the studied Tertiary basaltic rocks
color, fine to medium-grained, and characterized by S. no. 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a
non-porphyritic texture. Texturally, it is cryptocrystalline
in nature. Ophitic texture is dominant. Microscopically, it SiO2 53.63 58.29 58.14 61.98 54.97 61.13
consists of plagioclase commonly labradorite in compo- Al2O3 11.93 10.84 12.54 11.37 8.71 11.02
sition and clinopyroxene mainly augite and titanaugite. TiO2 1.98 1.92 1.52 1.55 1.40 1.40
Magnetite, titanomagnetite, and ilmenite are the main Fe2O3 13.98 13.58 13.98 13.18 16.77 14.78
opaque minerals. The groundmass is cryptocrystalline to CaO 8.4 5.6 4.2 2.8 11.2 2.8
microcrystalline and consists mainly of plagioclase, MgO 2 2 2 1 4 2
clinopyroxene, titanaugite, and Fe–Ti oxides. MnO 0.15 0.16 0.14 0.17 0.16 0.15
Na2O 4.94 4.94 4.55 5.17 1.14 3.78
Opaque mineral K2O 0.77 0.72 0.92 1.23 N.d 0.77
P2O5 0.26 0.52 0.16 0.28 0.06 0.20
The opaque minerals (primary) of the basaltic rocks in Wadi Trace elements
Hodein area constitute 6% to 7.5% of the rock. Primary Cr 119 102 170 44 80 73
opaques are magnetite and ilmenite. These minerals occur Co 44 44 49 50 54 48
as inclusions in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts or as Ni 61 66 150 21 36 45
fine minute patches in the groundmass. SEM and electron Cu 54 57 56 45 38 49
probe microanalyses indicate that magnetite and ilmentite Zn 123 109 106 106 137 117
are the dominant opaque and magnetite is generally more Zr 244 181 193 218 49 127
common than ilmenite (Fig. 7). Rb 18 13 19 18 u.d 8
Y 7 2 u.d u.d 25 u.d
Ba 330 351 351 457 131 285
Geochemistry Pb 22 13 19 11 15 21
Sr 444 428 380 499 46 389
The geochemistry of the studied area is focused mainly on Ga 16 18 4 20 22 22
the geochemical characterization of basaltic rocks to clarify V 272 291 326 398 261 310
their chemical composition, chemical affinity, magma type, Nb 14 10 10 19 u.d 10
and tectonic setting. The analytical data show low-TiO2
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Table 2 Electron microprobe

analyses (in weight percent) for Number SiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO Na2O K2O CaO TiO2 UO2 ThO2
the studied olivine phenocrysts
H38-1-1 0 2.065 0.527 3.582 3.522 0.195 0.075 20.818 0.019 0
H38-1-2 33.96 0.06 6.384 35.563 0.433 0 0.245 0.066 0 0.003
H38-2-1 34.232 0.081 0.578 35.447 0.402 0 0.219 0.053 0.001 0
H38-2-2 33.278 0.021 7.02 31.7 3.047 0.155 0.365 0.082 0.032 0
H38-2-3 34.79 0.031 14.07 37.663 2.051 0 0.201 0.024 0.067 0
H38-3-1 43.866 28.087 0.812 0.029 0.015 0 13.437 0.15 0.017 0.006
H38-3-2 33.212 0 15.71 31.092 2.38 0 0.383 0.053 0 0

content (1.40–1.92%), relatively high silica content (33.212– diagram suggested by Cox et al. (1979) (Fig. 8), the basalt
61.98%), high Na2O content (3.78–5.17%), low uranium samples fall in the basaltic andesite and andesite fields. While
(0–0.067), low thorium (0–0.006), and low incompatible the Zr/TiO2 versus SiO2 diagram (Fig. 9), suggested by
elements (K, Ba, Rb, Zr, and Nb) (Tables 1 and 2). Tertiary Winchester and Floyd (1977), shows that the analyzed
basalt (TB) chemical analyses for south Quseir and Gabal basalt samples fall in the andesite field.
Qatrani after Abdel-Meguid (1992) are listed in Table 3.
Alkaline affinity
Chemical classification
On the Na2O + K2O versus SiO2 diagram (Fig. 10), after
The classification of the studied basaltic volcanism is adopted Irvine and Baragar (1971), all the basaltic samples show
by plotting the analyses on the Zr/TiO2 and Na2O + K2O subalkaline affinity.
versus SiO2 diagrams. On the SiO2 versus K2O + K2O
Magma type and tectonic setting
Table 3 Chemical analyses of Tertiary basalt for south Quseir and
Gabal Qatrani, after Abdel-Meguid (1992) On the Zr–Ti/100−Sr ternary diagrams of Pearce and Cann
(1973; Figs. 11 and 12), the basaltic samples fall in the cal-
S. no. South Quseir Gabal Qatrani alkaline basalt. According to the log Zr –log Ti plot of
AMB-1 AMB-2 11-1 11-2 15-1 15-2 Pearce (1986), most of the basaltic samples fall in the
within-plate field.
SiO2 50.88 51.99 51.60 52 51.89 51.99
TiO2 2.07 2.00 2.14 2.08 2.20 2 Radiometric investigation
Al2O3 16.09 16.11 15.37 15.40 15.31 16.11
FeO 10.57 10.49 10.70 10.86 10.87 10.49 Regional field radiometric measurements, using a portable
MnO 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.16 four-channel, gamma-ray spectrometer model GS-256 were
MgO 5.31 5.31 5.30 5.43 5.40 5.31 carried out on Tertiary basalt south Wadi Hodei. Field
CaO 8.97 8.93 8.60 8.59 8.61 8.93 radiometric measurements of this Tertiary basalt reveal low
Na2O 3.03 3.27 3.09 2.99 3.03 3.27
K2O 0.82 0.82 0.92 0.92 0.85 0.82 18
P2O5 0.32 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.33 0.33
Trace elements 15
Ba 210 200 223 222 213 200 Phonolite

P-N Trachyte
Cr 94 94 96 93 90 94
P-T Benmorite
Ni 53 51 47 51 48 51 9 Rhyolite
Rb 23 29 30 32 30 29 B+T
Hawaiite Trachyandesite
6 Nephelin Dacite
Nb 17 18 20 20 18 18
B-A Andesite
Zr 200 203 221 219 208 203 3 Basalt
Y 36 35 40 41 38 35
Sr 387 349 334 341 350 349 0
35 45 55 65 75
La 24 21 27 27 20 21 SiO2
Ce 32 35 50 37 39 35
Nd 24 25 29 27 28 25 Fig. 8 SiO2 versus Na2O + K2O diagram for studied basalt, after Cox
et al. (1979)
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80 Ti/100

70 Rhyodacite-Dacite


60 Andesite TrAn


50 Sub-Ab
Bas-Trach-Neph OFB IAB
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10

Fig. 9 SiO2 versus Zr/TiO2 diagram for studied basalt, after Winchester Zr Sr/2
and Floyd (1977)
Fig. 11 Ti/100−Zr−Sr/2 diagram for Hodein basalt. Boundaries from
Pearce and Cann (1973)
uranium and thorium contents. Uranium contents range from
0.5 to 0.9 ppm, while thorium contents range from 1.2 to
opening of the Red Sea and uplift of Afro-Arabian dome
3.2 ppm.
(Abdel-Meguid 1992).

Fractionation modeling
Evolution of the tertiary flood basalt
Mass balance has been an important tool for petrological
Almond (1986a, b) proposed a tectonic–magmatic system and geochemical studies, such as mineral reactions, trace
and crustal extension began in the Late Cretaceous in Arabia element distribution, fusion, crystallization, and mixing
and northeast Africa to be responsible for the northwest (Albaréde 1995). GLG-Modes program (Ford 1995) is one
trend of the Red Sea basin. Contemporaneous with the first of the mass balance calculations, designed to calculate the
stage spreading of the Red Sea, a major period of continen- proportions of mineral phases present in a rock from chemical
tal flood basalt in Ethiopia and Yemen (Zanettin et al. 1980; analyses of the rock and the constituent minerals. The
Mohr 1983), as well as the extrusion and intrusion of basalt program solves linear least-squares mass balance equations of
flows, sheets, and dikes in the Eastern and Western Desert Wright and Doherty (1970), makes calculations, and traces the
and Sinai (Steinitz et al. 1978; Abdel Monem and Heikel composition of derivative magmas as phases are added or
1981; Abdel Aal 1988). subtracted from an initial magma. The principles of
The activities of volcanic eruption and flow of Oligocene– the calculation consider a set of geochemical analyses of
Miocene are synchronous with the opening of the Red Sea that representative whole rock samples (e.g., from a volcanic),
took place from 24.6 Ma ago (Harland et al. 1982). Tertiary
volcanics distributed in Egypt are contemporaneous with the


8 Alkaline

2 Subalkaline

35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Fig. 12 Log Ti−log Zr diagram to discriminate different tectono-
Fig. 10 SiO2 versus Na2O + K2O diagrams for studied basalt fields magmatic environment for the studied basalt. Boundaries after
after Irvine and Baragar (1971) Pearce (1986)
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Table 4 Fractionating modeling and mineral composition used in mass balance calculations (Wright and Doherty 1970) for south Quseir and south
Wadi Hodein (TB) as one system

Observed daughter Observed parent Calculated Weighted Fractionating phases (Deer et al. 1966)
(s. no. 4a) W. Hodein (s. no. AMB-2) S. Quseir parent residual
An37 Ol. Aug. Ti-Mag.

SiO2 63.82 52.02 52.09 −0.08 52.63 38.75 51.13 0.10

TiO2 1.60 0.16 2.03 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.41 26.40
Al2O3 11.71 16.41 16.48 −0.07 30.23 0.11 2.57 1.00
FeO 12.21 10.68 10.78 −0.10 0.00 24.28 11.83 71.20
MnO 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.02 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.60
MgO 1.03 5.42 5.45 −0.03 0.00 36.55 15.49 0.50
CaO 2.88 9.10 9.15 −0.05 12.62 0.19 17.26 0.00
Na2O 5.33 3.33 3.34 −0.01 4.28 0.00 0.03 0.00
K2O 1.27 0.84 0.48 0.36 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00

Note that the analyses were recalculated to 100% and the total iron is given as FeO* (total ferrous). The composition of the fractionated phases
(An37, Ol., Aug. and Ti-Mag.) are from Deer et al. (1966). Residual liquid (sample 4a)029.32%, fractionating phases070.68% (plagioclase
41.48%, olivine 6.49%, augite17.76% and titanomagnetite 4.95%). Sum of square of residuals (∑R2 ) is 0.156

which are to be tested for the validity of fractional crystalliza- south Quseir Tertiary basalts as one system, Wadi Hodein
tion processes for their evolution. and Gabal Qtrani Tertiary basalts as another separate system,
The rock with the lowest SiO2 content can be assumed to the basalts of south Quseir and south Wadi Hodein system as
be the parent rock of a sample with a higher SiO2 content one system, and Gabal Qatrani and south Wadi Hodein basalts
(the daughter rock). To test this hypothesis, a mass balance as another system.
calculation could be performed, knowing the compositions Within the basalts of south Quseir and south Wadi Hodein
of the parent and the daughter rocks and their respective system (Table 4), the observed daughter or the most composi-
modal minerals. The compositions of the fractionated tionally evolved basaltic sample (no. 4a, Table 1) can be derived
phases are chosen from Deer et al. (1966) with the guidance from the most mafic magma of the observed parent basaltic
of the normative and microscopic studies. The method tries sample (no. AMB-2, Table 3) by fractional crystallization of
to minimize sum square of the residuals (∑R2). The smaller plagioclase 41.48%, olivine 6.49%, augite17.76%, and titano-
value of the (∑R2) indicates a good fit of resulting model. magnetite 4.95% with 29.25% residual liquid (sample no. 4a).
The calculations have been performed for Wadi Hodein and The relatively small value of ∑R2 (0.156) indicates a good fit.

Table 5 Fractionating modeling and mineral composition used in mass balance calculations (Wright and Doherty 1970) for Gabal Qatrani and
south Wadi Hodein (TB) as one system

Observed daughter Observed parent Calculated Weighted Fractionating phases (Deer et al. 1966)
(s. no.4a) W. Hodein (s. no. 15-1) G. Qatrani parent residual
An37 Ol. Aug. Ti-Mag.

SiO2 63.82 53.05 53.04 −0.01 52.63 38.75 51.13 0.10

TiO2 1.60 2.15 1.98 0.17 0.00 0.00 1.41 26.40
Al2O3 11.71 15.81 15.81 −0.01 30.23 0.11 2.57 1.00
FeO 12.21 10.74 10.84 −0.11 0.00 24.28 11.83 71.20
MnO 0.16 0.17 0.15 0.03 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.60
MgO 1.03 5.25 5.25 −0.01 0.00 36.55 15.49 0.50
CaO 2.88 8.85 8.94 −0.09 12.62 0.19 17.26 0.00
Na2O 5.33 3.08 3.41 −0.34 4.28 0.00 0.03 0.00
K2O 1.27 0.93 0.53 0.40 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00

Note that the analyses were recalculated to 100% and the total iron is given as FeO* (total ferrous). The composition of the fractionated phases
(An37, Ol., Aug. and Ti-Mag.) are from Deer et al. (1966). Residual liquid (sample 4a)033.99%, fractionating phases066.01% (plagioclase
37.37%, olivine 5.40%, augite18.78%, and titanomagnetite 4.43%). The sum of square of residuals (∑R2 ) is 0.322
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Arab J Geosci

Within the basalts of Gabal Qatrani and Wadi Hodein Abdel-Meguid AA (1992) Late Proterozoic Pan African tectonic
system (Table 5), the observed daughter or the most evolution of the Egyptian part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield.
MERC Ain Shams Univ, Earth Sc Ser 6:13–28
compositionally evolved basaltic sample (no. 4a, Table 1) Albaréde F (1995) Introduction to geochemical modeling. Cambridge
can be derived from the most mafic magma of the University Press, Cambridge, p 543
observed parent basaltic sample (no. 15-1, Table 3) by Almond DC (1986a) The relation of Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanism to
fractional crystallization of plagioclase 37.37%, olivine tectonics in the Afro-Arabian dome. J Vol Geoth Res 28:225–246
Almond DC (1986b) Geological evolution of the Afro-Arabian dome.
5.40%, augite18.78%, and titanomagnetite 4.43%, with Tectonophy 131:301–332
33.99% residual liquid (sample no. 4a). The relatively small Cox KG, Bell JD, Pankhurst RJ (1979) The interpretation of igneous
value of ∑R2 (0.322) indicates a good fit. rocks. Allen and Unwin, London
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