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not congruent There iire organs

With the same structural organization

but radically different developmental
pathways: there are structurally iden-
tical body parts which use different
genetic iroformation for their tkvelop-
men: and structrlraily itlentical
organs do not need to have a common
phyiogenetic origjn’ (Ref. 21, p. 274).

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‘sameness’ sho be viewed as prob-
lematic, rather, bould be vie:tred as
revealing the cof;:ext dependence and
hierarchical nature of homology. The hom-
ology concept can become more inclusive,
and can potentially accommodate both
historica and biological perspectives when
rooted in a hierarchical approach, which
Ehab Aboubeif is at the proposes that the above ‘aspects of same
Dept of Ecology and Evolution, ness’ be analysed simultaneously within a
State University of New York. Stony Brook, NY i 17943245. USA ( phylogenetic IrameworP.

ecent advances in developmental gen- the historical and biologicali (see Ref. 12
etics have led to the fascinating dis- for review). The historical homology con-
covery that the molecular mechanisms cept places importance on phylogeny and is expressed at several levels of biological
controlling embryonic devefopme~t are evof~t~o~ary history as a primary guide organization (i.e. genes, gene expression
universally conserved across all metazoai. in determining and explaining homology patterns, embryonic origins, and morpho-
It was the initial characi.erization of regula- (e.g. Reb B-16) (Table 1). Conversely, the logical structures) has recently received
tory genes controlling the development of biological bomolog] concept defines bom- much attention%10.1”IQ?-?l.The recognition
body form in Drosophila?that prompted a ofogy on a mechanistic basis (i.e. develop- that homology can exist independently at
search for their counterparts in other taxo- mental mechanisms) independent of phy- each of these levels has allowe
nomic groufGj.4. Since this initial search, logenyl:-2’) (Table 1). gration of developmental genetic data into
many comparative studies ha aled The controversies arising between a meaningful framework for the analysis
that these regulatory genes ghfy these two concepts can be attributed to of homologyx-l”~“‘. However, this class of
conserved through evofutionar and the fact that they implicitly emphasize dif- data must be placed within the context ol
may play a key role in ferent aspects of ‘sameness’ZI: the comparative metho&;J1 Ji.?‘ it pro-
metazoan body plans’. vides an explicit methodology to deter-
from this field have not only advanced our ‘With growing kPWWledgr the itIt31 Of mine homology at several hierarchical lev-
understanding of the gap between geno- sameness beramr morr refined by els of biological orgarrization”~.
type and phenotype, but have also pro- the realization that there are various Using the comparative method, the
vided a new bridge to study the con- aspects to if. :I * same structural or- homology of a trait can be recognized u
nection between development and ganizatio,i . . . . the same developmental postuiori based on a phylogenetic analy-
evolution”,’ origin . . . . the same developmental sis incorporating many other characters
The successful integration of these constraints . . . . the same (genetic) (excluding the characters that are being
fields via ~evefo~me~taf genetics, how- information . Most difficulties with tested)l~.l”. The first step in ~cfe~t~~yi~g
ever, depends on articulation of a clear the homology concept are because a homologous trait at each level of the
understanding of homology, one of the these various aspects of sameness are biological hierarchy is to formulate a
most crucial and controversial coflcepts
in comparative biology. The concept of
homology ultimately guides the obser-
vations, interpretations and conclusions
drawn from any cross-taxonomic com- Homology
concept Deflwtlon Cause
parison of the roles of regulatory genes.
Thus, to use developmental genetic data HIstorical ‘AttrIbutes of two organisms are homologous Ph~lcgenetlc
in order to understand the evolutionary when they are dewed from an eqwalwl &SCWX
chardcterlstlc Of the mt!l;‘W allCi.5in!
and developmental origins of traits, the
(Ref. 13, p. 4651.
relationship between this class of data
BIologIcal ‘Structures from two lndlwduals are De:elopmenta! To explain patterns III
and the concept of homology must be
homologous if thw share 1 T:! O! mechanisms the mechanistic origin
establishedk-l~‘. and evolut!On 01
developmental constraints. caused by locally
acting self regulatory mechamsms of organ
d$ferentiatlon. These structures are character&.
developmentally mciwlduaked parts of
ern concepts of homof- the phenotype’ (Ref. 19. p. 62).

ogy, the two most prevalent to emerge are I I

Copyright 0 1997. Elsevier Science Ltd. Nl rights reserved. OlGY-S3~7/Y7/bIi.OU PII: Sl)ltiY-Tr.?,li(97)(11125-7
TREE vol. 12, no. 10 October 19.97
_________ --

1 underlying i~mologous structures. This

approach is demonstrated i:z Fig. 1, in
which three (of many possible) hypotheti-
cal scenarios are presentedI”. Comparative
data from four distinct biological levels --
genes, regulatory gene expression patterns.
embryonic origins and morphology - are
mapped onto a hypothetical phylogeny for
eight taxa &belled A-H). Although these
scenarios may seem simplistic at first,
they serve as an initial template for inter-
preting the more complex situations found
in nature.
In the first scenario (Fig. la), homology
occurs at all four levels of biological organ-
ization in all taxa. This correspondence be-
tween genotype and phenotype reflects a
deep evolutionary canseavation al::d inte-
gration of the phenolypic, developmental,
and genetic features of the trait. Integr&ion
of these hierarchical traits imposes a con-
straint on their evolution, but at
time it makes the evolution of
systems possible. in other words, if key
regulatory genes act as genetic switches,
then m(~d~ftcat~o~of these switches via mu-
tation may cause development io proceed
in a different, but harmonious channel. As
a consequence, coorc!inated charages m
the phenotype :l+?nme possible’xJ’i.
This may expiain the phenomenon of
tra~~sf~r~~atiooal homology, in which hom-
ologous morphological structures have
become either transformed or elaborated
in particular evolutionary lineages to per-
form different or more complex func-
tions. A ~r~~~~~~s~~lg example of this sce-
naricj may come from developmental and
gc*netir investigations of the transfor-
mation from fish fins to tetrapod limbs:“.

in both fin and lim

as MSX,Distul-less,
studied in a comparative context in the
hopes of ~o~e~sta~di~g the mechanisms
Rg. 1. Three hypothetical scenarios. The boxes represent traits derived from several levels of the biological responsible for this important evolution-
hierarchy: gene structures(G), ge ie expression patterns (GE). embryonic onglns [EQl. and the morphologl ary transformation.
cal structure (M). These hterarchlcal traits are mapped onto a lhypothebcal eight taxon phylogenebc tree
Raxa labelled A-H). (al represents a scenario of developmental mtegrabon of the mrpped characters, while
The secord scenario (Fig. 1b) reveals
(b) represents a scenano of developmental opportunity; (c) represents a scenano of natural selectlon marn- that the gene structure and regulatory gene
tainmg the morphological trait In spite of the hxabon of new developmental and gene: IC bases, or of morph?. ion patterns are ~io~ologo~s in all
static developmental constraints e morphological structure and em-
origins, however, have three inde-
L J pendent evolutionary origins (lineages A,
E and F). This scenario is interesting, as
hypothesis of homology based on similar- hypothesis of the taxon in question, the ~l~~o-~~~moi~~go~s mor~l~(~~ogicalstructures
ity criteria (e.g. the structural detail and are being controlled by an ancient and
position of ~i~~~pf~~~l~~gica~ frat~res)~~ jx. gulatory genes and
The traits of interest arc rhen mapped eve~o~met~taf path-
onto a phylogenetic tree. Consequently, ich has ~radi~io~al~y
the ~lierarc~~~c~~ traits will ei Y covary evof~tio~:~(‘,represents
with the phylogeny. support the nat- ‘developmentail ~~~~ortul~ity’ in that
or monophyletic clades defined ologous regulatory devefo~menta~ genes
in the tree, or they will not, in which can be ~~~~~$~~i~~~y co-opted to f~~~c~~~~~
case the homology hypothesis wii; be the origin of new traits through evolution-
falsified. This method can provide insights re-
The power of this appj oath depends gardingthe proximate (developmental and irical example of this scenario
on the robustness of the phylogenetic genetic) and ultimate (eV5luiionary) causes comes from a recent study on the origin
and evolution of animal appendages:‘“. The mate causes underlying the origins of mor- ofan eye ii] a common ancestor of artbar+
authors compared and mapped the moP- phological traits (Fig. 1), which implies pods and vertebrates. He concluded that
ecular mechanisms underlying appendage that there may be no real distinction be- the genes controlling eye develeprnent in
formation across SIX animal phyla, and tween the biological and historical hom- these morpb~log~ca~~y different structures
examined the expression patterns of the ology concepts (Table 1). The biological may be hon~uPogous but the structures in
homeobox gene Disk&less (Dtt) and its ver- homology concept can be subsumed into which they hre expressed are not.
tebrate homologue D/X. The results of this the historical at the level of developmen- More generally. there are three impor-
study reveal a situation of developmental tal mechanisms, This ~rnp~ica~~o~,how- tant points to consider before accepting
opportunity (Fig. 1b), in which a homolo- ever, will become clearer as future studies the hypothesis that arthropod and verte-
gous regulatory gene (i.e. DWDlx) is ex- are conducted at a variety of taxonomic brate ologous. First, the phe-
pressed along the proximo-distal axes of levels to determine the frequencies and nome co-option provides the
non-homologous appendages; developing conditions under which each of the three most Lanation to account for
vertebrate limbs, polychaete annelid para- scenarios in Fig. 1 occur. the 0 aat homologous regu-
podia, onychophoran lobopodia, ascidian Another important implication is that latory genes, swh as POX-~and eyeless, are
ampullae, and echinoderm tube feet. The a trait representing one leve! of the bio- expressed in i;on-homoiogous morpho-
expression of Dlt/Dlx in these six coelo- logical hierarchy cannot serve as an infd- logical structures”,Y.‘x. When studying the
mate phyla is most likely due to the inde- lible proxy for the determ~~at~o~ of hom- molecular evolution of regulatory genes,
pendent co-option of DlI/Dtx several times ology at other levels:“. The homology of their biochemical and developmental func-
in evolution. morphological structures. embryological tion must be considered separately. The
The third scenario (Fig. Ic) is inversely traits, as well as developmental genes and biochemical function of POX-~and eyeekess
related to the previous one, as the mor- pathways, must be determined individ- are as general transcription factors (which
phologi.:al structure is homologous in ail ually through their mapping on a phylo- bind and activate downstream genes), but
taxonomic groups, but the other levels of genetic tree. TiCi is justified, as MtiiYPerand their devehpmenfal function is their spe-
biological organization are noi. Thus, differ- WagnerlC’ have recently shown that genes cific involvement in eye morphogenesis.
ent develnpmentai snd gefietir processes and developmental patterning mechanisms The key point is that the biocheroica! func-
are controlling homologous morphologi- tend to evolve independently of morpho- tion of these genes is highly conserved
cal structures. These hierarchical patterns logical characters. through evolutionary time, while their de-
may iinply a role for Fatural selection in vef~~me~taf function is relatively free to
rnai~~ta~ni~~gthe mo vary. This inherent property of develop-
spite of the fixation ental regulatory genes allows them to
tal and genetic bases. Alternatively, this Devefo~me~ta~ genetic data. when ~~de~e~de~t~y co-opted to iunction in
e interpreted as evidence viewed within a hierarchical framework. structures which clearly have independent
Por the presence of ‘morphostatic devel- provide a powerful means of elucidating evolutionary origins, and provides further
constraints’ (sensu Wagner”), the conceot of homology. This view, how- caution against using shared patterns of
tions to phenotypic vari- ever, has yet to be widely accepted, result- regulatory gene expression as evidence oi
ing in controversy surrounding the role morphofog~ca~ homology.
of developmental genetic data in assess- Second. the orthologv and ancestral
maintain phenotypic ing homology. The controversy primarily kmctions of the PUXand eyeless genes must
would allow for the evolution of interacting stems from the fact that many investiga- be determined before 3aking any claims
;,ytems that tend to channel off the effects tors now interpret shared patterns of regu- of homology between vericbrate and in-
s. or alterations in develop- latory gene expression as evidence of mor- vertebrate eyes. Gene tree anz?lysrs must
se+ I.33.35 phological homology (e.g. Refs 38-40). be used to establish the orthology (gene
many dot Jmented cases The recent debate on the evolution of eyes copies derived from speciation) of Paand
of homologous morph will elucidate the problems associated eyeless genes because sequence and func-
that possess variable with ignoring the hierarchical a tional similarity can often be misleading+‘,zi”.
Refs 3439 for review). The palkern for- iavour oi this current trelrd. However, one must take into account the
ate between Getui@l and Dick- comp~~cat~on~that there are two copies of
inson”” on the h logy of a~h~o~od and the ~r~so~t~~t~ eyeless gene, qxtess and
vertebrate eyes stimulated by the dis- &in ofeyeless+, and nine copies ot the ver-
covery that the eyeless gene of ~~os~~~~la tebrate FUXgenes (Pau i-9)1’. TQ infer the
is ~o~o~~go~s to the
timing and embryonic origins are reflected
in the long-germ band (segments estab-
lished after the ~~ast~derm stage) versus morphogenesis, leading Wiri.?g taxa on a metazoan phy!ogeny.
short-germ band (segments estabhhe:: Lz- is colleagues to conclude that Finally, there is a large body of
fore the bfastoderm stage) mode of instct se Pux-6 is involved in the genetic m(~~pholog~cat and embryological evi-
development. These differences are also contra! of eye morphogenesis in both dence s~~~~)~~t~~~ the independent evofu-
reflected at the molecular level, in which ~~a~~~~~a~sand insects, the traditional view tionaay r~igir;s of arthropod and vcrte-
the developmental pair-rule gene, eoen- that the vertebrate eye brate eyesfN,J!‘. Take!? together, these
skjpe~!, and the segment eye of insects evolved ar~~i~e~ts support a scenario of develop-
engrc&c!, play si~n~~~ca~t~y to be reconsidered’ mental Q~~~~~t~~~~y(Fig. lb). UM a
in patterning of Ihe segments. ~~ck~~~~~~~rejected this c~~c~~s~~~,and proper hierarchical analysis is ~~er~~~~I~~e~
argued that the roles of these Senes in eye on all the existing data, I agree with
development should be termed homoio- Dickins&” that there is no IP~SOEI to re-
~~o~poratfn~ developmental genetic gous only if other evidence s zsts that evaluate the traditional view that the
an orthologous antecedent of h eyeiesess vertebrate eye and the compound eye of
yield insight into the proximate and dti- and Pw-6 functioned in the development insects evolved independently.

TCEE vol. IL?, IZCI IIJ (Prlobcr 1’9.9;

phasized the importance of
the concept of homology by stating that
‘Homology is the central concept for ffll of
biology’ (Ref. Xl. p. 268). This vital, yet con-
troversial, concept is the common ground
for the fields of developmental genetics
and evoiutionarp biology. DeveiopmcntaP
genetic data, when analysed within a phyltb
genetic framework, are a powerful tool for
understanding the hierarchical nature of
homology, as well as L!Wdevelopmental
and evolutionary origins of traits. The com-
parative analysis of traits derived from
several levels of biological organization
has the potential to reveal scenarios of de-
velopmental integration, opportunity and
constraint. That this approach can reveal
insights regarding the proximate and uiti-
mate causes underlying morphok~gical
traits, suggests the possibility of resolving
iiiCK.iHii coiilioveraies surrounding ihe
concept of homobgy. Furtl-nermorc. tlac
inconclusiveness of using shared patterns
of regulatory gene expression to determine
morphological homology emphasizes the
value of employing robust phylogenies to
reconstruct patterns of evolution at dif-
ferent biological levels. These are exciting
times as new advances in molecular and
developmental biology are bridging the
gap between genotype and pbenot) pe. By
integrating these new advances with a
hierarchical concept of homol~9gy, we are
provicling a framework for the study of
development and evolution


Jeff Levinton, Greg Wray, Mike* 1Mi

and Giinler Wagner for stinbulatirtg
discussion 011 this topic.. ;IIKI for tlll*i,
insightful comments on c~illticr drafts
of this manuscript. I also thank my
colleagues at the Max-Planch-Ullstit~lt~,
for Biophysical Chemistry. Goettiugrrl.
Germany; Urs Schmidt-Ott. Julia
Forjanic, Marcos Gonzales-Gaitarl. Felix
Loosli, and three anonymous rcbvne,$fers
for improving the overall quality 06 thcl
manuscript. This work was supportct8
by a graduate fellowship frortn tht, I:oIM~~
pour la Formation de Cherclaeurs et
I’Aicte a la Kecherche (KM) frc)lll ttltu
Quebec government.

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