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14/12/2017 315 Excavadora 3ZM00001-UP (MÁQUINA) ACCIONADA POR 3054 Motor (SEBP2354 - 15) - Documentación

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Bienvenido: urbaliapanama
Modelo: 315 EXCAVADORA 3ZM
Configuración: 315 Excavadora 3ZM00001-UP (MÁQUINA) CON EL MOTOR

Pruebas y Ajustes
Número de medio -SENR6284-00 Fecha de publicación -22/12/1994 Fecha de actualización -14/12/2010


Prueba y ajuste

Este manual contiene información sobre los procedimientos de solución de problemas de los sistemas
hidráulicos en las excavadoras 315. Para la resolución de problemas de los componentes del motor, consulte el
módulo Operación de los sistemas, Prueba y ajuste, Motor básico de componentes del motor 3054, SENR5816.

Procedimientos de comprobación
En cada procedimiento de verificación, se supone que el funcionamiento del motor es normal a menos que se
especifique lo contrario.

Sistema de control electrónico

El monitor y el controlador electrónico son los principales componentes del sistema de control electrónico. El
monitor y el controlador electrónico tienen una función de autodiagnóstico. Las comprobaciones de
autodiagnóstico del monitor, el controlador electrónico y la línea de comunicación entre ellos son los primeros
pasos para resolver los problemas del sistema electrónico.

Los indicadores de alarma de acción en el panel del monitor alertan al operador de un problema en el sistema
electrónico. El programa de servicio del controlador "Modo de datos" también se puede utilizar para identificar
los problemas (consulte la sección de este módulo "Modo de datos"). Si el programa de servicio se activa
durante el funcionamiento de la máquina, los problemas que son monitoreados por el sistema de monitoreo se
indican en la pantalla de caracteres. Si el programa de servicio se activa cuando se detiene la operación de la
máquina, todos los problemas existentes y problemas pasados (problemas que no se corrigieron) se indican en la
pantalla de caracteres. Para activar el programa de servicio del controlador "Modo de datos", consulte el
formulario "Modo de datos" SENR6155

Referencia: para obtener información sobre el funcionamiento del "Modo de datos", haga referencia a: "Sistema
de operación, prueba y ajuste, motor y sistema de control electrónico de la bomba", Formulario SENR6155.

Pruebas operacionales… 1/56
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Si la pantalla del sistema de control de la unidad de potencia electrónica indica que está funcionando
correctamente, entonces realice las pruebas de funcionamiento. Opere la máquina, siguiendo los procedimientos
descritos en la sección "Prueba y ajuste del sistema hidráulico". Compare los resultados de las pruebas
operacionales con las especificaciones para determinar el alcance del problema. En las pruebas de
funcionamiento, es importante determinar si la fuerza hidráulica o la velocidad del implemento son suficientes o
no para un problema que se extiende a toda la máquina o solo a una operación específica.

Si hay fallas en los circuitos entre las bombas principales o piloto y las válvulas de control, el rendimiento
general de la máquina disminuirá. Este tipo de problema en el sistema hidráulico no es detectado por las
funciones de autodiagnóstico del sistema de control electrónico descrito anteriormente (ninguna indicación de
alarma de acción en la pantalla de caracteres). Para detectar tal problema, es necesario verificar las
características de flujo de las bombas, la presión de alivio principal, la presión del piloto, etc.

La presión del aceite hidráulico puede permanecer en los sistemas

hidráulicos de esta máquina después de que se hayan detenido el motor
y la bomba. Se pueden causar lesiones graves si esta presión no se libera
antes de realizar cualquier servicio en los sistemas hidráulicos. Para
evitar posibles lesiones, consulte la sección Liberación de presión en el
sistema hidráulico antes de aflojar, apretar, quitar o ajustar cualquier
accesorio, manguera o componente. Cuando sea posible, la cubeta debe
bajarse siempre al suelo antes de iniciar el servicio. Cuando sea
necesario que la pluma esté en la posición elevada mientras se realizan
las pruebas o los ajustes, asegúrese de que la pluma, el brazo y la
cuchara tengan el soporte correcto. Siempre mueva la máquina a un
lugar alejado del recorrido de otras máquinas.

Durante el diagnóstico del sistema hidráulico, recuerde que la temperatura, el flujo y la presión correctos del
aceite son necesarios para un funcionamiento correcto. La salida de la bomba (flujo de aceite) es una función de
la velocidad del motor (rpm). La presión del aceite es causada por la resistencia al flujo de aceite.

Controles visuales
Una inspección visual del sistema es el primer paso para solucionar un problema. Haga la inspección con el
motor apagado y los implementos bajados al piso.

1. Verifique el nivel de aceite en el tanque hidráulico. Lentamente afloje la tapa de presión del tanque hidráulico
y libere la presión antes de retirar el tapón de llenado / ventilación.

2. Retire el elemento filtrante y verifique que no haya material que pueda indicar daños en un componente.

3. Inspeccione todas las líneas y conexiones por daños o fugas.

4. Inspeccione el varillaje de control en busca de componentes doblados, rotos o dañados.

Controles durante la operación

Las comprobaciones durante la operación se pueden usar para encontrar fugas en el sistema. También se pueden
usar para encontrar una válvula, bomba, motor o cilindro que no esté funcionando correctamente. La velocidad… 2/56
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del movimiento de la barra o el par en un motor se puede usar para verificar el estado de los cilindros, motores y

Pruebas operacionales
NOTA: Para las especificaciones dadas en "Pruebas operacionales", una especificación "NUEVA" es el
rendimiento que se puede esperar de una máquina nueva. Una especificación de "RECONSTRUCCIÓN" es el
objetivo de rendimiento que se debe usar después de reconstruir los componentes de un sistema. Una máquina
que rinde más allá de las especificaciones de "Límite de servicio" debe ser revisada por mantenimiento o ajuste
incorrecto, desgaste de los componentes o falla.

Las especificaciones figuran en los cuadros para una máquina equipada con un brazo de 5100 mm (16 pies 9
3 3
pulgadas), un balancín de 2600 mm (8 pies 6 pulgadas) y un cucharón SAE de 0,65 m (7/8 yardas ).

NOTA: El interruptor selector de modo de potencia debe colocarse en la posición MODE III y el interruptor
selector de modo de trabajo debe estar en la posición MODO PRIORITARIO DE LA PLUMA, a menos que se
especifique lo contrario, durante las pruebas.

Preparaciones de prueba operacional

1. Verificar velocidad del motor:

Excavadora sin carga a alta velocidad en vacío, 2180 ± 80 rpm

* 1: transcurridos 3 segundos desde que se haya colocado el marcado rápido del motor en la posición "10".

* 2:
dentro de 3 segundos después de que el interruptor de marcado rápido del motor haya sido colocado en la
posición "10".… 3/56
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2. Aumente la temperatura del aceite hidráulico a: 55 ± 5 ° C (131 ± 9 ° F)

NOTA: Mueva completamente la palanca hacia adentro y hacia afuera varias veces hasta que se alcance la
temperatura normal del aceite hidráulico.

3. Asegúrese de que la configuración de la presión de la válvula de alivio esté configurada de acuerdo con las

Referencia: Haga referencia a la sección en este módulo "Válvulas de alivio", "Especificaciones".

Prueba de viaje directo

Determinar si hay una desviación hacia la derecha o hacia la izquierda durante el recorrido directo puede
identificar un problema con los motores de desplazamiento o las bombas principales.

Examen de preparación:

1. Configure la velocidad del motor y aumente la temperatura del aceite hidráulico a la temperatura de
funcionamiento normal.

Referencia: Haga referencia a la sección "Preparación de las pruebas de funcionamiento"

2. El terreno de la prueba de viaje debe ser duro y lo más nivelado posible, y de al menos 25 m (82.5 pies) de

3. Dibuje una línea recta de 25 m (82.5 pies) en la tierra de prueba de viaje como línea de referencia.

4. Coloque la máquina de modo que una pista esté en línea (paralela) con la línea de referencia. Coloque la
máquina en la posición de prueba de viaje como se muestra en la ilustración.

5. El cubo debe estar vacío.

Procedimiento de prueba:… 4/56
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1. Arranque el motor y coloque el interruptor selector de modo de potencia en la posición MODO III. Coloque el
dial de velocidad del motor en la posición "10" y el interruptor de velocidad de desplazamiento en la posición
ALTA (de conejo). Mueva la máquina accionando ambas palancas de viaje al mismo tiempo.

2. Los primeros 5 m (16.5 pies) son para una ejecución preliminar.

3. Mida la desviación del recorrido desde la línea de referencia.

NOTA: El siguiente cuadro representa la desviación de viaje de la línea de referencia:

NOTA: Si la desviación de recorrido de la línea de referencia supera la especificación, es posible que los
motores de desplazamiento y las bombas principales necesiten un ajuste.

Prueba de componentes:

Para determinar si los motores de desplazamiento necesitan ajuste, realice el siguiente procedimiento:

1. Arranque el motor y coloque el interruptor selector de modo de potencia en la posición MODO III. Coloque el
dial de velocidad del motor en la posición "10" y el interruptor de velocidad de desplazamiento en la posición
ALTA (de conejo). Mueva la máquina accionando ambas palancas de viaje al mismo tiempo.

2. Los primeros 5 m (16.5 pies) son para una ejecución preliminar.

3. Mientras está en viaje directo, extienda el cilindro del cucharón.

Si el desplazamiento hacia adelante ya no se desplaza hacia un lado, el problema es con las bombas de
desplazamiento, los motores o el giratorio. Si la máquina continúa desplazándose mientras extiende el cilindro
del cucharón, entonces verifique el ajuste de las bombas principales, del eslabón giratorio o de las válvulas de

Prueba de viaje en terreno llano

Examen de preparación:… 5/56
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1. Configure la velocidad del motor y aumente la temperatura del aceite hidráulico a la temperatura de
funcionamiento normal.

Referencia: Haga referencia a la sección "Preparación de las pruebas de funcionamiento"

2. El terreno de la prueba de viaje debe ser duro y lo más nivelado posible, y de al menos 25 m (82.5 pies) de

3. Dibuje una línea recta de 25 m (82.5 pies) en la tierra de prueba de viaje como línea de referencia.

4. Coloque la máquina de modo que una pista esté en línea (paralela) con la línea de referencia. Coloque la
máquina en la posición de prueba de viaje como se muestra en la ilustración.

5. El cubo debe estar vacío.

Procedimiento de prueba:

1. Arranque el motor y coloque el interruptor selector de modo de potencia en la posición MODO III. Coloque el
dial de velocidad del motor en la posición "10" y el interruptor de velocidad de desplazamiento en la posición
ALTA (de conejo). Mueva la máquina accionando ambas palancas de viaje al mismo tiempo.

2. Los primeros 5 m (16.5 pies) son para una ejecución preliminar. Mida el tiempo requerido para que la
máquina viaje los 20 m restantes (66 pies) en cada dirección (hacia adelante y hacia atrás).

3. Mida la desviación del recorrido desde la línea de referencia.

4. Repita el procedimiento anterior con el interruptor de velocidad de desplazamiento en la posición BAJA


NOTA: La siguiente tabla representa el tiempo (en segundos) que debe transcurrir para completar la prueba de
20 m (66 pies):… 6/56
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Velocidad de desplazamiento (prueba opcional)

NOTA: Si no se puede encontrar una toma de tierra adecuada (como se indica en el Paso Nº 2 en "Preparación
de la prueba" para "Recorrer en el nivel del suelo"), se debe realizar la siguiente prueba como sustituto:

Examen de preparación:

1. Configure la velocidad del motor y aumente la temperatura del aceite hidráulico a la temperatura de
funcionamiento normal.

Referencia: Haga referencia a la sección "Preparación de las pruebas de funcionamiento"

2. Coloque la máquina en un terreno nivelado.

3. Levante una pista para la prueba como se muestra en la ilustración.

4. Ponga una marca en un zapato de la pista elevada.

Procedimiento de prueba:

1. Arranque el motor y coloque el interruptor selector de modo de potencia en la posición POWER MODE III.
Haga funcionar la pista elevada con el dial de velocidad del motor en la posición "10" (ALTO IDLE) y el… 7/56
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interruptor de velocidad de desplazamiento en posición HIGH (conejo).

2. Mida el tiempo requerido para que la pista realice tres giros completos (revoluciones) en cada dirección
(avance y retroceso).

3. Repita el procedimiento anterior con el interruptor de velocidad de desplazamiento en la posición BAJA


Deriva en una pendiente

La medición de la deriva de la máquina en una pendiente determinará si es necesario controlar el freno de


Examen de preparación:… 8/56
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1. Coloque la máquina en una pendiente de 12 °. La superficie de la pendiente debe ser dura y lisa.

2. Coloque los implementos en la posición que se muestra en la ilustración.

3. El cubo debe estar vacío.

Procedimiento de prueba:

1. Pon marcas en ambas pistas y tierra para indicar su posición relativa a la pendiente.

2. Detenga el motor y espere tres minutos (usando un cronómetro).

3. Mida (con una escala) la distancia que las pistas se han movido en la pendiente.

Velocidad de oscilación y más swing (en el nivel del suelo)… 9/56
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La medición de la velocidad de oscilación y el balanceo excesivo de la máquina determinará si es necesario

verificar el motor de oscilación y / o la válvula antirreacción.

Examen de preparación:

1. Configure la velocidad del motor y aumente la temperatura del aceite hidráulico a la temperatura de
funcionamiento normal.

Referencia: Haga referencia a la sección "Preparación de las pruebas de funcionamiento"

2. Coloque la máquina en una superficie nivelada como se muestra en la ilustración.

3. Coloque dos marcas, una encima de la otra en ambas carreras internas y externas del rodamiento oscilante
para indicar la relación de dos posiciones.

4. El cubo debe estar vacío.

Procedimiento de prueba (sobre swing):

1. Arranque el motor y coloque el interruptor selector de modo de potencia en la posición POWER MODE III.
Coloque el dial de velocidad del motor en la posición "10" (ALTO IDLE).… 10/56
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2. Mueva la palanca de control de oscilación a la posición DERECHA o IZQUIERDA hasta que la máquina
complete una operación de giro de 360 °. Regrese la palanca de control de oscilación a la posición NEUTRAL al
final de la operación de oscilación de 360 ° y mida la cantidad de oscilación excesiva midiendo la distancia entre
las marcas en el rodamiento oscilante.

NOTA: Use un punto de referencia que sea visible desde el asiento del operador como un indicador de cuándo
detener la rotación de 360 °.

Procedimiento de prueba (velocidad):

Mueva la palanca de control de oscilación a las posiciones IZQUIERDA o DERECHA y mida el tiempo que
lleva completar una operación de giro de 180 °.

Velocidad de giro y deriva (en una pendiente)

La medición de la velocidad de oscilación en una pendiente determinará si es necesario verificar el motor de

oscilación y / o la válvula antirretorno. La medición de la deriva del columpio en una pendiente determinará si es
necesario controlar el freno de estacionamiento oscilante.

Examen de preparación:

1. Coloque la máquina en una pendiente de 12 °.… 11/56
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2. Coloque los implementos al máximo alcance y llene la cubeta con tierra. El cucharón debe colocarse sobre el
suelo para despejar cualquier obstrucción.

Procedimiento de prueba (velocidad):

1. Detenga la máquina en una pendiente de 12 °. Coloque la estructura superior en un ángulo de 90 ° con

respecto a la estructura inferior, como se muestra en la ilustración.

2. Mida el tiempo necesario para balancear la estructura superior 90 ° en el sentido contrario a las agujas del
reloj. Haga lo mismo para un giro de 90 ° en el sentido de las agujas del reloj.

Procedimiento de prueba (Drift):

1. Stop the machine on a slope of 12°.… 12/56
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2. Place the upper structure at a 90° angle to the tracks as shown in the illustration.

3. Put marks on the inner and outer races of the swing bearing.

4. Stop the engine.

5. Leave the machine in this position for three minutes, and measure swing drift on the circumference of the
swing bearing.

6. Rotate the upper structure 180° from the original position as described in Step 1.

7. Repeat Steps 2 through 5.… 13/56
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Cylinder Drift

Test Preparation:

1. Set engine speed and increase the hydraulic oil temperature to the normal operating temperature.

Reference: Make reference to the section "Operation Tests Preparation"

2. Place the machine on level ground as shown in the illustration.

3. Fill the bucket with soil.

Test Procedure (For Boom And Stick Cylinders):

1. Fully extend the bucket cylinder.

2. Fully retract the stick cylinder.

3. Raise the boom until its upper surface becomes parallel to the ground.

4. Measure the boom and stick cylinder's length from pin to pin.

5. Stop the engine.

6. Leave the machine in this position for three minutes, then measure each cylinder's length from pin to pin for

Test Procedure (For Bucket Cylinder):… 14/56
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1. Fully extend the bucket cylinder.

2. Raise the boom high enough until the stick is perpendicular to the ground.

3. Measure the bucket cylinder's length from pin to pin.

4. Stop the engine.

5. Leave the machine in this position for three minutes, then measure the bucket cylinder's length from pin to pin
for drift.

Cylinder Operating Speed

Test Preparation:

1. Place the machine on level ground.… 15/56
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2. Bucket must be empty.

Test Procedure (Boom Cylinders):

1. Fully retract bucket and stick cylinders.

Extension test;

Measure the time required for the boom cylinders to reach full extension position starting with the bucket on the

Retraction test;

Measure the time required for the bucket to come in contact with the ground from the full extension position of
the boom cylinders.

Test Procedure (Stick Cylinder):

1. Position the upper surface of the boom parallel to the ground and fully extend the bucket cylinder.

Extension test;

Measure the time required for the stick cylinder to reach full extension position from full retraction position.… 16/56
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Retraction test;

Measure the time required for the stick cylinder to reach full retraction position from full extension position.

Test Procedure (Bucket Cylinder):

1. Position the upper surface of the boom parallel and the stick perpendicular to the ground.

Extension test;

Measure the time required for the bucket cylinder to reach full extension position from full retraction position.

Retraction test;

Measure the time required for the bucket cylinder to reach full retraction position from full extension position.… 17/56
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Control Valve Shift Pressure Test

The control valves spools must shift at the proper pilot supply pressure. Proper shifting prevents interaction
between the main control valves, the stick II and boom II valves, insures controllability, and makes certain the
main control valve spool is shifting completely.

This test provides a means for checking the main control valve for the correct shift actuation pressures.

Check control valve shifting pressure.

a. Place the machine on level ground and stop the engine.

b. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section in this module, "Release Of Pressure In The
Hydraulic System".

Main Control Valve

(1) Stick II control valve. (2) Bucket control valve. (3) Boom I control valve. (4) Attachment control valve. (5) Right travel control valve.
(6) Left travel control valve. (7) Swing control valve. (8) Stick I control valve. (9) Boom II control valve.

c. Install a swivel tee fitting into the pilot signal line of the circuit being tested.… 18/56
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d. Connect a 4000 kPa (580 psi) gauge to the tee.

Pump Compartment
(10) Tap (rear pump). (11) Tap (front pump).

e. Install 60 000 kPa (8700 psi) gauges at tap (10) and tap (11) on the front and rear pumps.

Main Control Valve

(12) Elbow. (13) Line (swing brake pilot signal).

f. If testing the travel circuit, block the tracks to prevent movement. If testing swing, prevent the swing parking
brake from releasing by disconnecting the pilot signal line (13) from elbow (12) and plug. Leave line (13) open
to the air.

g. Increase the hydraulic system temperature to the normal operating temperature.

h. Slowly move the pilot control of the circuit being tested and observe when the pump supplying the flow to the
circuit begins to show an increase in pressure or when the implement begins to move.

i. When the pump pressure begins to increase or the implement begins to move, check the pilot signal pressure to
the main control valve.

j. If checking boom RAISE pilot supply pressure, continue to move the pilot control lever while watching for the
pressure to increase at the rear pump tap (10). The instant there is an increase in pressure at the rear pump, check
the pilot signal pressure to the main control valve.

k. If checking stick OUT pilot supply pressure, continue to move the pilot control lever while watching for the
pressure to increase at the front pump, check the pilot signal pressure to the main control valve.

l. Continue to move the pilot control lever until the implement has reached maximum travel position (tracks
blocked to prevent movement or swing brake release signal disconnected).

m. Return the pilot control lever to its NEUTRAL position.

n. Slowly move the pilot control lever of the circuit being tested in the direction of the bottomed implement.… 19/56
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o. The instant the pump reaches main system relief pressure [23 000 kPa (3350 psi) swing, 31 400 kPa (4550
psi) implement, or 34 300 kPa (5000 psi) travel], check the pilot signal pressure of the circuit being tested.

Expected Result:

* At approximately 700 kPa (100 psi) pilot signal pressure the pressure should begin to increase at gauge
of the pump supplying flow to circuit being tested or movement of an implement may be seen (initial
movement of the boom LOWER, stick IN, and bucket CLOSE functions may not cause an increase in
pump pressure because gravity will cause them to move).
* If boom RAISE or stick IN or OUT is the function being tested, at approximately 1100 kPa (160 psi)
pilot signal pressure the pressure should begin to increase at the second pump.
* At approximately 2200 kPa (320 psi) pilot signal pressure the pump(s) should be at system relief
pressure indicating the main control valve spool has completely shifted.

Swing Motor Case Drain Test

Internal leakage of the swing motor (case drain leakage) can be an indication of the condition of the motor.
Excessive case drain leakage could lead to swing control, speed, and force complaints.

Check swing motor case drain leakage.

Swing Gear
(1) Mark (upper structure). (2) Mark (lower structure). (3) Mark (lower structure).

a. Place the machine on level ground and position the upper structure straight ahead so a bolt in the upper
structure is aligned with a bolt in the lower as shown.

b. Place mark (1) at the bolt in the upper structure.

c. Place mark (2) on the lower structure so that it is midway between the second and third bolts. Place mark (3)
on the lower structure so that it is midway between the third and fourth bolts of the lower structure.

d. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section in this module, "Release Of Pressure In The
Hydraulic System".… 20/56
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Main Control Valve

(4) Elbow. (5) Line (swing parking brake signal).

e. Disconnect pilot signal line (5) from swing brake control housing elbow (4) and cap line (5). Leave elbow (4)
at the swing brake control housing open.

Swing Motor
(6) Line (swing motor case drain).

f. Disconnect swing motor case drain line (6) from the motor and block the line.

g. Connect the vinyl hose to the swing motor case drain port and place the other end in a suitable container.

h. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to the normal operating temperature.

i. Move the swing pilot control lever to the full LEFT or RIGHT swing position.

j. Measure the case drain leakage for 15 seconds while holding the swing pilot control lever in the full swing
position (at swing system relief pressure).

k. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section in this module, "Release Of Pressure In The
Hydraulic System".

l. Reconnect swing parking brake pilot signal line (5) to the swing brake control housing elbow (4).

m. Move the upper structure so that mark (1) is aligned with mark (2) on the lower structure.

n. Repeat Steps d, e, i, and j.

o. Repeat Steps k, and l.

p. Move the upper structure so that mark (1) is aligned with mark (3) on the lower structure.

q. Repeat Steps d, e, i, and j.

r. Calculate the average the three case drain measurements. (Add the three case drain measurements and then
divide them by 3. Multiply the result by 4 to determine the amount of case drain flow per minute.)… 21/56
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Expected Result:

The average of the case drain measurements should be 15 liter/min (4.0 U.S.gpm) for a new motor, 17 liter/min
(4.5 U.S.gpm) for a rebuilt motor and a service limit of 20 liter/min (5.3 U.S.gpm).

Travel Motor Case Drain Test

Internal leakage of the travel motor (case drain leakage) can be an indication of the condition of the motor.
Excessive case drain leakage could lead to travel stall at high drive pressures.

Measure travel motor case drain leakage.

a. Place the machine on a level surface and stop the engine.

b. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section in this module, "Release Of Pressure In The
Hydraulic System".

Travel Motor
(1) Line (travel motor case drain).

c. Disconnect drain line (1) from the connector at the travel motor being tested and install a plug (9/16-18UN) in
the open end of drain line (1).

d. Connect one end of the vinyl hose to the connector at the motor and place the other end into a suitable

e. Start the engine.

f. Set the engine speed dial at position "10" and the power mode selector switch in MODE III position.… 22/56
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g. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to the normal operating temperature.

2. Install the 5P-6214 track block assembly to prevent the track being tested from moving.

i. Move the travel pilot control pedal (lever) of the travel to be tested to the full FORWARD position.

j. Hold the travel pedal (lever) at the full FORWARD position for 15 seconds and measure the amount of case
drain oil.

k. Remove the 5P-6214 Track Block Assembly and move the machine FORWARD 1/8 turn (45°) of the track

l. Repeat steps h through j.

m. Remove the 5P-6214 Track Block Assembly and move the machine FORWARD another 1/8 turn (45°) of the
track sprocket.

n. Repeat steps h through j.

o. Calculate the average of the three case drain measurements. (Add the three measurements and divide by 3.
Multiply the results by 4 to determine amount of case drain per minute).

Expected Result:

The average of the case drain measurements should be 20 liter/min. (5.3 U.S.gpm) for a new motor, 23 liter/min.
(6.1 U.S.gpm) for a rebuilt motor and a service limit of 26 liter/min. (6.9 U.S.gpm).

Release Of Pressure In The Hydraulic System

Release the pressure in the implement hydraulic circuits (boom, stick, and bucket) before any hydraulic lines or
components are disconnected or removed.

1. Fully retract the stick cylinder rod.

2. Adjust the position of the bucket so that it will be flat on the ground when the boom is lowered.

3. Lower the boom until the bucket is flat on the ground.

4. Shut off the engine and put the hydraulic activation control lever in the UNLOCK position.

5. Move the control levers for boom, stick, and swing to all FULL STROKE positions. This will release any
pressure that might be present in the pilot system.

6. Slowly loosen the air vent plug on the hydraulic tank and release the pressure.

7. Tighten the air vent plug on the hydraulic tank.

8. The pressure in the hydraulic system has been released and lines and components can be removed.

Release Of Air From Main Pumps

When the main pumps have been serviced or the hydraulic oil replaced, remove air from the hydraulic system as
follows:… 23/56
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No attempt should be made to start the engine until the main pumps
have been filled with hydraulic oil, or serious damage can be caused to
hydraulic components.

Pump Compartment
(1) Air vent plug.

1. With the engine stopped, disconnect hose (1) from the top of the main pump. Leave the hose disconnected for
several minutes until the main pumps are filled with oil. Connect hose (1) to the top of the main pumps and start
the engine in low idle and fully raise the boom and hold it in this position.

2. Stop the engine and slowly lower the boom until the bucket is on the ground. This pressurizes the hydraulic

3. Slowly loosen hose (1) until oil flows out of the hose opening. This is an indication that the air has been
released from the pump.

4. Tighten the air vent plug to the specified torque.

Pressure Adjustment
NOTE: A new or rebuilt machine must perform according to New or Rebuild specifications. A machine that
performs beyond Service Limit Specifications must be checked for improper adjustment, wear, or damage of
relief valves or pumps.… 24/56
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Hydraulic Component Layout

(1) Right travel motor. (2) Pilot oil manifold. (3) Main control valves. (4) Swing motor. (5) Boom. (6) Cab. (7) Left travel motor.… 25/56
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Adjustment Procedures

NOTE: Values given above are approximate. Use a pressure gauge for adjustment.

Relief Valve Adjustment Preparation

Pump Compartment
(1) Tap (power shift pressure). (2) Tap (front pump). (3) Tap (rear pump).

1. Place the machine on level ground and stop the engine.

2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system according to the section, "Release Of Pressure In The Hydraulic

3. Connect 60 000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge to either the main pump tap (2) or tap (3).

4. Connect a 4000 kPa (580 psi) pressure gauge to tap (1).

5. Start the engine and move the stick IN and OUT to its FULL TRAVEL position. Do this operation several
times until the hydraulic oil temperature reaches 55 ± 5°C (131 ± 9°F).

6. Place the power mode selector switch in MODE III position.… 26/56
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7. Place the engine speed dial at position "10". Make sure that engine speed under a no load condition is 2180 ±
80 rpm and the AEC switch is in the OFF position. (Read rpm after an elapse of 3 seconds once the speed dial
has been placed in position "10".)

Pilot Relief Valve Adjustment


Pump Compartment
(1) Tap (power shift pressure). (2) Tap (front pump). (3) Tap (rear pump).

Pilot Oil Manifold Compartment

(25) Tap. (pilot pump delivery pressure). (26) Screw. (27) Locknut. (28) Pilot relief valve.

1. Place the machine on level ground and stop the engine.

2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section, "Release Of Pressure In The Hydraulic System".

3. Connect a 4000 kPa (580 psi) pressure gauge to tap (25).

4. Start the engine and move the stick IN and OUT to its FULL TRAVEL position. Do this operation several
times until the hydraulic oil temperature reaches 55 ± 5°C (131 ± 9°F).

5. Place the power mode selector switch in MODE III position.

6. Place the engine speed dial at position "10". Check that engine speed under no load is at specified rpm with
AEC switch in the OFF position. (Read rpm 3 seconds after the speed dial switch has been placed in position

NOTE: See the section, "Operational Test Preparations" for the specified engine rpm for dial position "10".

NOTE: Normal operations (see characteristic curve) of the engine and pumps are necessary for the pressure
adjustment. If the results of the pressure adjustment are not correct, then the engine and pump characteristic
curve needs to be checked.

Adjustment Procedure… 27/56
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1. Loosen locknut (27) of pilot relief valve (28).

2. Turn screw (26) until the pressure gauge at tap (25) reads 3450 ± 200 kPa (500 ± 30 psi)

Reference: Turning screw (26) clockwise increases the pressure and turning screw (26) counterclockwise
decreases the pressure.

Tighten locknut (27) to a torque of 16 ± 1 N·m (12 ± 1 lb ft).

NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustments on pressure rise.

Temporary Setting Of The Main Relief Valve Pressure

NOTE: The purpose for "Temporary Setting Of The Main Relief Pressure" is done so implement line relief
valves and travel relief valves can be adjusted.

Top Of Main Control Valves

(4) Plunger. (5) Locknut. (6) Adjuster. (7) Locknut. (8) Main relief valve.

1. Place the machine on level ground and stop the engine. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the
section, "Release Of Pressure In The Hydraulic System".

2. Slowly move the bucket control lever to the BUCKET OPEN position (full cylinder rod retraction).

3. Check to be sure the main relief valve pressure setting is 31 400 ± 490 kPa (4550 ± 72 psi). See the section
"Main Relief Valve Adjustment".

NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustments on pressure rise.

4. Loosen locknut (5) and turn plunger (4) clockwise until it bottoms out. Tighten locknut (5).

5. Loosen locknut (7) and turn adjuster (6) clockwise a quarter turn. Tighten locknut (7).

Swing Crossover Relief Valve Pressure Check… 28/56
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Swing Motor Compartment

(21) Crossover relief valve (right swing). (22) Crossover relief valve (left swing).

Main Control Valve Compartment

(23) Elbow. (24) Pilot line (swing parking brake).

Pump Compartment
(1) Tap (power shift pressure). (2) Tap (front pump). (3) Tap (rear pump).


1. Place the machine on level ground and stop the engine.

2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section in this module, "Release Of Pressure In The
Hydraulic System".

3. Attach a 60 000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge to tap (3).

4. Engage the swing parking brake as follows:

a. Disconnect pilot line (24) from elbow (23).

b. Install a cap (716-20HD) on elbow (23). Leave the end of pilot line (24) open to the air.

5. Start and run the engine at high idle (2180 ± 80 rpm). Place the power mode selector switch at MODE III

6. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to 55 ± 5°C (131 ± 9°F).

Check Procedure

1. Slowly move the swing pilot control lever to the FULL RIGHT SWING position and check the pressure of
relief valve (21) at tap (3).

NOTE: Check to be sure that the swing parking brake is correctly engaged while the swing control is being
activated.… 29/56
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2. If the pressure reading is not 23 000 ± 980 kPa (3350 ± 140 psi), replace with a new relief valve.

3. To check the relief valve for left swing, slowly move the swing pilot control lever to the FULL LEFT position
and check the pressure of relief valve (22) at tap (3).

4. If the pressure reading is not 23 000 ± 980 kPa (3350 ± 140 psi), replace with a new relief valve.

5. After pressure check, disengage the swing parking brake as follows:

a. Stop the engine and release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section in this module, "Release The
Pressure In The Hydraulic System".

b. Remove the cap (716-20UN) from elbow (23).

c. Connect pilot line (24) to elbow (23).

Adjustment Of Line Relief Valve Pressure


Pump Compartment
(1) Tap (power shift pressure). (2) Tap (front pump). (3) Tap (rear pump).

1. Start the service program "Calibration Mode" and keep the power shift pressure constant at 2250 kPa (325
psi). Read the pressure gauge attached at tap (1) to monitor the power shift pressure.

NOTE: For further information of "Calibration Mode", see the section in this module "Calibration Mode".

NOTE: During line relief adjustment, do not turn the engine OFF to prevent a change in power shift pressure.

2. Use the pressure gauge at tap (2) to read the line relief pressure for boom and bucket circuits. Use the pressure
gauge at tap (3) to read the line relief pressure for stick circuit. For line relief pressure settings for the implement
circuits see the section, "Pressure Adjustment, Specifications".

NOTE: After adjustment of the line relief valves, return the main relief pressure to its normal setting.… 30/56
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Main Control Valve Compartment (Viewed From Machine Rear)

(9) Screw. (10) Locknut. (11) Line relief valve (boom cylinder head end). (12) Line relief valve (bucket cylinder head end). (13) Line
relief valve (stick cylinder rod end). (14) Line relief valve (stick cylinder head end).

NOTE: Rod end line relief valves of boom and bucket are located under the main control valves.

NOTE: All of the line relief valves are identical in construction and operation. To adjust the line relief pressure,
loosen locknut (10) and turn screw (9). Turning screw (9) clockwise increases the pressure and turning screw (9)
counterclockwise decreases the pressure.

Adjustment (Stick Cylinder)

1. To adjust the pressure in the stick cylinder rod end, move the stick control lever to FULL STICK OUT (rod
retracted) position. Check the pressure in the stick cylinder rod end at tap (3).

2. Return the stick control lever to the NEUTRAL position. Loosen locknut (10) and turn screw (9) until line
relief valve pressure at tap (3) reads 33 300 ± 1470 kPa (4850 ± 215 psi). Turning screw (9) clockwise increases
the pressure and turning screw (9) counterclockwise decreases the pressure.

3. To adjust the pressure in the stick cylinder head end, move the stick control lever to FULL STICK IN (rod
extended) position. Check the pressure at tap (3).

4. Return the stick control lever to the NEUTRAL position. Adjust the line relief valve pressure in the same
manner as the stick rod end.

NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustment on pressure rise.

Adjustment (Bucket Cylinder)

1. To adjust the pressure in the bucket cylinder head end, move the bucket control lever to FULL BUCKET
CLOSE (rod extended) position. Check the pressure in the bucket cylinder head end at tap (2).

2. Return the bucket control lever to the NEUTRAL position. Adjust the line relief valve pressure in the same
manner as described for the stick cylinder.

3. To adjust the pressure in the bucket cylinder rod end, move the bucket control lever to FULL BUCKET
OPEN (rod retracted) position. Check the pressure at tap (2).

4. Return the bucket control lever to the NEUTRAL position. Adjust the line relief valve pressure to 33 300 ±
1470 kPa (4850 ± 215 psi) using the same procedure as that described for the stick cylinder.

Adjustment (Boom Cylinder)

1. To adjust the pressure in the boom cylinder head end, move the boom control lever to FULL BOOM RAISE
(rod extended) position. Check the pressure in the boom cylinder head end at tap (2).

2. Return the boom control lever to the NEUTRAL position. Adjust the line relief valve pressure in the same
manner as described for the stick cylinder.

3. To adjust the pressure in the boom cylinder rod end, move the boom control lever to FULL BOOM DOWN
(rod retracted) position. Check the pressure at tap (2).

4. Return the boom control lever to the NEUTRAL position. Adjust the line relief valve pressure to 33 300 ±
1470 kPa (4850 ± 215 psi) using the same procedure as that described for the stick cylinder.… 31/56
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NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustments on the pressure rise.

NOTE: If an appropriate location is not available for full retraction of the boom cylinder, reverse the line relief
valves of the head end and rod end by switching the valves. Adjust the pressure of the line relief valve now
attached in the head end. Once adjusted, return the respective relief valves to their original positions and cancel
the function of the service program "Calibration Mode". Refer to the section in the module, "Engine And Pump
Electronic Control System, Calibration Mode Stop Procedure".

NOTE: After adjustment of the line relief valves, return the main relief pressure to its normal setting.

Travel Crossover Relief Valve Adjustment

Sprocket (Left Track)

(15) Sprocket. (16) Stopper.

Travel Brake Valve (Left Track)

(17) Screw. (18) Locknut. (19) Crossover relief valve (reverse left travel). (20) Crossover relief valve (forward left travel).

Pump Compartment
(1) Tap (power shift pressure). (2) Tap (front pump). (3) Tap (rear pump).


1. Start Service Program "Calibration Mode" and maintain power shift pressure at 2250 kPa (325 psi). Read the
pressure gauge at tap (1) for the power shift pressure settings.… 32/56
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NOTE: During this test, to prevent a change in power shift pressure do not turn the engine start switch to the
OFF position.

2. Block forward left travel, by putting stopper (16) in position on the gear of sprocket (15), as shown above.

Adjustment Procedure

1. Slowly move the left travel control lever to FULL FORWARD position and check the pressure of crossover
relief valve (20) at tap (3).

2. Return the control lever to the NEUTRAL position and adjust relief valve pressure to 36 300 ± 1470 kPa
(5250 ± 215 psi). To adjust crossover relief valve (20), loosen locknut (18) and turn screw (17) until the pressure
gauge at tap (3) reads 36 300 ± 1470 kPa (5250 ± 215 psi).

3. Tighten locknut (18) to a torque of 44 ± 5 N·m (33 ± 4 lb ft).

NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustments on pressure rise.

4. Position stopper (16) to block reverse left travel.

5. Slowly move the left travel control lever to FULL REVERSE position and check the pressure of crossover
relief valve (19) at tap (3). Adjust the pressure of crossover relief valve (19) in the same manner as described for
crossover relief valve (20).

6. Adjust the pressure of crossover relief valves of right travel motor in the same manner as described for the left
travel motor. Use the pressure gauge at tap (2) to read the pressure.

7. After completion of adjustment, stop the function of the service program "Calibration Mode". Refer to the
section in the module, "Engine And Pump, Electronic Control System, Calibration Mode Stop Procedure".

Main Relief Valve Adjustment

NOTE: Pressure adjustments to the main relief valve should be done by first adjusting the travel operation of
the main relief valve and then adjusting the implement operation of the main relief valve. Any adjustment to the
travel operation of the main relief valve will change the pressure setting to the implement operation of the main
relief valve.

NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustments on pressure rise.

Top Of Main Control Valves

(4) Plunger. (5) Locknut. (6) Adjuster. (7) Locknut. (8) Main relief valve.… 33/56
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Pump Compartment
(1) Tap (power shift pressure). (2) Tap (front pump). (3) Tap (rear pump).


1. Place the machine on level ground and stop the engine.

2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section, "Release Of Pressure In The Hydraulic System".

3. Attach a 60 000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge to tap (2).

4. Start the engine and place the engine speed dial at position "10" with the power mode selector switch at
MODE III position.

5. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to 55 ± 5°C (131 ± 9°F).

Adjustment Procedure (In Travel Operation)

Sprocket (Left Track)

(15) Sprocket. (16) Stopper.

1. Block forward left travel by putting stopper (16) in position on the gear of sprocket (15).

2. Slowly move the left travel control lever to FULL FORWARD position and check main relief valve pressure
at tap (3).

3. Return the control lever to the NEUTRAL position.

4. Loosen locknut (7) and turn adjuster (6) until the pressure gauge at tap (2) reads 34 300 ± 490 kPa (5000 ± 71
psi). Tighten locknut (7) to a torque of 29 ± 2 N·m (22 ± 1 lb ft).

Reference: Turning adjuster (6) clockwise increases the pressure. Turning adjuster (6) counterclockwise
decreases the pressure.

NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustments on pressure rise.… 34/56
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Adjustment Procedure (Implement Operation)

1. Slowly move the control lever to FULL BUCKET OPEN (bucket cylinder full retraction) position and check
the main relief valve pressure at tap (2).

2. Return the control lever to the NEUTRAL position and adjust main relief valve pressure to 31 400 ± 490 kPa
(4550 ± 72 psi).

3. To adjust, loosen locknut (5) and turn plunger (4) until the pressure gauge at tap (3) reads 31 400 ± 490 kPa
(4550 ± 72 psi). Tighten locknut (5) to a torque of 29 ± 2 N·m (22 ± 1 lb ft).

Reference: Turning plunger (4) clockwise increases the pressure. Turning plunger (4) counterclockwise
decreases the pressure.

NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustments on pressure rise.

Adjustment Of Automatic Travel Speed Travel Change Valve


1. Reset main relief valves. Refer to the section, "Main Relief Valve Adjustment".

2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section, "Release Of Pressure In The Hydraulic System".

Pump Compartment
(1) Tap (rear pump).

3. Install 60 000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge at tap (1) of the rear pump.… 35/56
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Pilot Oil Manifold Compartment

(2) Tap (pilot pump delivery pressure).

4. Install 4000 kPa (580 psi) pressure gauge at tap (2).

Travel Motor (Left Track)

(3) Signal line.

5. Disconnect signal line (3) from the travel motor. Install a tee on the port that the signal line was removed from
and connect signal line (3) to tee. Attach a 4000 kPa (580 psi) pressure gauge to the tee.

6. Start the engine and raise the hydraulic oil temperature to 55 ± 5°C (131 ± 9°F).

7. Place the power mode selector switch in POWER MODE III position and maintain the maximum no load
speed at 2180 ± 80 rpm with the AEC switch in the OFF position.

Sprocket (Left Track)

(4) Sprocket. (5) Stopper.

8. Block the forward left travel by putting stopper (5) in position on the gear of sprocket (4), as shown above.

9. Place the travel speed control switch in HIGH (rabbit) position.

10. The pressure gauge at tap (2) should read 3450 kPa (500 psi).

Adjustment Procedure… 36/56
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Pilot Oil Manifold Compartment

(6) Automatic travel speed change valve. (A) Viewed from A side.

Automatic Travel Speed Change Valve (Viewed From A Side).

(6) Automatic travel speed change valve. (7) Screw. (8) Locknut.

1. While reading the pressure gauges connected to the tee in signal line (3) and to tap (1), slowly move the left
travel control lever/pedal to the FORWARD position. When the pressure at tap (1) reads 31 700 ± 980 kPa (4600
± 140 psi), the pressure gauge connected to signal line (3) should reduce to 0 kPa (0 psi).

NOTE: These pressures indicate that the automatic travel speed change valve has caused the travel motor to
shift to low (turtle) speed.

2. Slowly return the left travel control lever/pedal to the NEUTRAL position.

3. If the pressure gauge connected to signal line (3) does not read 0 kPa (0 psi) at the time the system pressure at
tap (1) reads 31 700 ± 980 kPa (4600 ± 140 psi), then adjust automatic travel speed change valve (6) as follows:

NOTE: Always make final pressure adjustments on pressure rise.

a. Loosen locknut (8) and turn screw (7) until the pressure gauge connected to line (3) reads 0 kPa (0 psi) when
the pressure gauge at tap (1) reads 31 700 ± 980 kPa (4600 ± 140 psi).

b. Tighten locknut (8) to a torque of 16 ± 1 N·m (12 ± 1 lb ft).

NOTE: Turning screw (7) clockwise increases the pressure. Turning screw (7) counterclockwise decreases the

4. Repeat Step 1.… 37/56
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5. Slowly move the travel control lever/pedal towards the NEUTRAL position until the pressure gauge at tap (1)
decreases to 13 700 ± 490 kPa (2000 ± 71 psi). Now the pressure gauge connected to signal line (3) will read
3450 kPa (500 psi).

NOTE: These pressures indicate when the automatic travel speed change valve causes the travel motor to shift
to high (rabbit) speed.

Pump Flow Tests

Controller Compartment
(1) Controller alarm lamp. (2) Controller.

Right Console
(3) Monitor. (4) Monitor panel.

NOTE: Before starting pump flow tests, check the action alarm indicators on controller (2) and monitor panel
(4). If the action alarm indicators indicate a normal condition, then perform the operational tests.… 38/56
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NOTE: If operational tests (for example, cycle times) indicates that a slow implement problem is common to
the circuits of one pump, then the problem is most likely in the hydraulic system. The "Pump Flow Tests" should
then be performed.

NOTE: If the operational tests indicate an implement speed problem common to both pump circuits, then the
engine, fuel, or working altitude may be the problem.

Main Pump Constant Horsepower Control Test… 39/56
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Illustration Of Flow Meter Tool Layout (Constant Horsepower Control Test) (Main Pump)
(1) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter). (2) O-ring seal. (3) Sleeve. (4) O-ring seal. (5) Nipple. (6) Coupler. (7) Coupling. (8) Sleeve. (9)
Hose. (10) Elbow. (11) O-ring seal. (12) Plug. (13) Tee. (16) Outlet line (front pump). (17) Outlet line (rear pump). (14) Front pump. (15)
Rear pump. (18) Makeup line. (19) Swing motor.

Preparation (Front Pump)… 40/56
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Circuit Diagram For Flow Test (Under Constant Horsepower Control) (Front Pump)
(1) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter). (12) Plug (front pump delivery line). (16) Outlet line (front pump). (17) Outlet line (rear pump).
(14) Front pump. (15) Rear pump. (18) Makeup line. (19) Swing motor. (21) Main control valves. (22) Pressure gauge. (23) Tap (front
pump). (24) Tap (power shift pressure). (25) Tap (rear pump). (26) Engine. (20) Multitach.

Pump Compartment
(9) Hose. (12) Plug. (14) Front pump. (15) Rear pump. (16) Outlet line (front pump). (23) Tap (front pump). (24) Tap (power shift
pressure). (25) Tap (rear pump).… 41/56
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Swing Motor Compartment (Top View)

(13) Tee. (19) Swing motor.

Flow Meter
(1) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter). (9) Hose. (20) Multitach. (27) Valve (flow meter).

To prevent personal injury or equipment damage from failure of the

flow meter or associated circuit components because of blocked pump
flow, make sure before starting the engine that the flow meter valve is
fully open (turned counterclockwise).

1. Position the machine on level ground and stop the engine.

2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section, "Release Of Pressure In The Hydraulic System".

3. Install the following tools in accordance with flow meter tool layout illustration and circuit diagram:

a. Disconnect outlet line (16) from front pump (14).

b. Install plug (12) and O-ring seal (11) to the end of outlet line (16).

c. Disconnect makeup line (18) from the connector of swing motor (19).

d. Install tee (13) and two O-ring seals (11) to the connector. Connect makeup line (18) and O-ring seal (11) to
tee (13).

e. Connect portable hydraulic tester (flow meter) (1) between front pump (14) and tee (13).

f. Install pressure gauge (22) at power shift pressure tap (24). Install pressure gauge (22) at front pump tap (23).
Tap (24) is used to measure the power shift pressure. Tap (23) is used to measure the front pump delivery

NOTE: A 60 000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge can be used in place of pressure gauge (22).… 42/56
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g. Install multitach group (20) on engine (26). This is used to read engine speed.

4. Start the engine and place the power mode selector switch in MODE III position.

5. Place the engine speed dial at position "10" and maintain the maximum no load speed at 2180 ± 80 rpmwith
the AEC switch OFF. (Read the rpm three seconds elapsed time after the engine speed dial has been placed in
position "10").

6. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to 55 ± 5°C (131 ± 9°F). To increase the oil temperature, move the stick
in and out its full travel several times.

Preparation (Rear Pump)

Pump Compartment
(12) Plug (rear pump outlet line). (15) Outlet line (rear pump). (17) Rear pump. (26) Tap (rear pump).

Perform the same preparation as that described for the front pump flow test under constant horsepower control
except Step 3. Use the following procedure in replacement for Step 3, for the rear pump (15):

a. Disconnect outlet line (17) from rear pump (15).

b. Install plug (12) and O-ring seal (11) to the end of outlet line (17).

c. Disconnect makeup line (18) from the connector of swing motor (19).

d. Install tee (13) and two O-ring seals (11) to the connector. Connect makeup line (18) and O-ring seal (11) to
tee (13).

e. Connect flow meter (1) between rear pump (15) and tee (13).

f. Install pressure gauge (22) at power shift pressure tap (24). Install pressure gauge (22) at rear pump tap (25).
Tap (24) is used to measure the power shift pressure. Tap (25) is used to measure the rear pump delivery

NOTE: A 60 000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge can be used in place of pressure gauge (22).

g. Install multitach group (20) on engine (26).

Test Procedure

NOTE: Perform the front and rear pump flow tests one at a time.… 43/56
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To prevent personal injury or equipment damage from failure of the

flow meter or associated circuit components because of blocked pump
flow, make sure before starting the engine that the flow meter valve is
fully open (turned counterclockwise).

To prevent personal injury and/or equipment damage from failed lines

or components while the flow meter is returned to the open flow
position after a flow test, slowly open the flow meter valve and monitor
pump flow at the same time to make sure flow increases. If pump flow
does not increase as the flow meter is opened, shut the engine off and
determine what is causing the pump not to upstroke.

1. With the engine running, start the service program "Calibration Mode" and maintain the power shift pressure
at a constant pressure of 1850 ± 50 kPa (270 ± 7 psi). The power shift pressure is readat tap (24), using pressure
gauge (22).

NOTE: During this test, do not turn the starter switch to the OFF position to prevent any change in power shift
pressure. See the section "Calibration Mode Stop Procedure".

NOTE: To start service program "Calibration Mode" see the section "Calibration Mode Start-Up" in the manual,
"Engine And Pump Electronic Control System, System Operation, Testing And Adjusting".

2. Slowly turn valve (27) of portable hydraulic tester (1) clockwise and record pump flow at each of the
following pressure points. Use pressure gauge (22) at tap (23) or (25) for this pressure reading.

P-Q Characteristic Curve… 44/56
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NOTE: Flow specifications given above are based on an engine speed of 2100 rpm. To get more accurate test
results, each of measurements should be corrected by calculating as follows:

Flow corrected = (Flow measured /mu/ 2100) ÷ rpm measured

1. Any flow readings must be done only in upstroke.

2. The pump flow changes approximately 5.5 liter/min (1.5 U.S. gpm) for each 98 kPa (15.5 psi) of power shift

Negative Flow Control Test… 45/56
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Ilustration Of Flow Meter Tool Layout (Negative Flow Control Test) (Main Pumps)
(1) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter). (2) O-ring seal. (3) Adapter block. (4) O-ring seal. (5) Nipple. (6) Coupler. (7) Reusable
coupling. (8) Sleeve. (9) Hose. (10) Elbow. (11) O-ring seal. (12) Plug. (13) Tee. (14) Front pump. (15) Rear pump. (16) Outlet line (front
pump). (17) Outlet line (rear pump). (18) Makeup line. (19) Swing motor.

Preparation (Front Pump)… 47/56
14/12/2017 315 Excavadora 3ZM00001-UP (MÁQUINA) ACCIONADA POR 3054 Motor (SEBP2354 - 15) - Documentación

Circuit Diagram For Negative Flow Control Test (Front Pump)

(1) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter). (9) Hose. (12) Plug (front pump delivery line). (14) Front pump. (15) Rear pump. (16) Delivery
line (front pump). (17) Delivery line (front pump). (19) Swing motor. (20) Main control valves. (21) Negative flow control line. (22)
Pressure gauge. (23) Tap (front pump). (24) Pilot oil manifold. (25) Tap (rear pump). (26) Tap. (27) Tee. (28) Test hose. (29) Plug. (30)
Pressure gauge. (31) Engine. (32) Multitach. (33) Negative flow control line.

Pump Compartment
(9) Hose. (12) Plug. (14) Outlet line (front pump). (21) Negative flow control line (front pump). (23) Tap (front pump).… 48/56
14/12/2017 315 Excavadora 3ZM00001-UP (MÁQUINA) ACCIONADA POR 3054 Motor (SEBP2354 - 15) - Documentación

Illustration Of Tool Layout (Negative Flow Control Test)(Main Pump)

(24) Pilot oil manifold. (26) Tap. (27) Tee. (28) Test hose. (29) Plug. (30) Pressure gauge. (36) Coupler. (37) Nipple. (38) O-ring. (39)
Coupler. (40) Elbow (to negative flow control port).

Portable Hydraulic Tester (Flow Meter)

(1) Portable hydraulic tester (flow meter). (22) Pressure guage. (32) Multitach. (34) Valve (flow meter).… 49/56
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Swing Motor Compartment

(9) Hose. (13) Tee. (18) Make up line. (19) Swing motor.

Pilot Oil Manifold Compartment

(24) Pilot oil manifold. (26) Tap. (35) Pilot relief valve.

1. Position the machine on level ground and stop the engine.

2. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. See the section in this module "Release Of Pressure In The
Hydraulic System".

3. Install the following tools in accordance with flow meter tool layout illustration and circuit diagram:

a. Disconnect outlet line (16) from front pump (14).

b. Install plug (12) and O-ring seal (11) to the end of outlet line (16).

c. Disconnect makeup line (18) from the connector of swing motor (19).

d. Install tee (13) and O-ring seal (11) to the connector. Connect makeup line (18) and O-ring seal (11) to tee

e. Connect portable hydraulic tester (1) between front pump (14) and tee (13).

f. Disconnect negative flow control line (21) from front pump (14) and install plug (29) in the open end of
negative flow control line (21).

g. Install tee (27) to elbow (40).

h. Connect hose (28) between tee (27) and tap (26) of pilot oil manifold (24).

i. Install pressure gauge (22) at front pump tap (23). A 60 000 kPa (8700 psi) pressure gauge can be used in
place of pressure gauge (22). Tap (23) is used to measure the front pump delivery pressure.

j. Install pressure gauge (30) to tee (27). A 4000 kPa (500 psi) pressure gauge can be used in place of pressure
gauge (30).… 50/56
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k. Install multitach group (32) on engine (31).

4. Start the engine and place the power mode selector switch in MODE III position.

5. Place the engine speed dial at position "10" and maintain the maximum no load speed at 2180 ± 80 rpm with
the AEC switch OFF. (Read the rpm three seconds elapsed time after the engine speed dial has been placed in
position "10").

6. Increase the hydraulic oil temperature to 55 ± 5°C (131 ± 9°F). To increase the oil temperature, move the stick
in and out its full travel several times.

Preparation (Rear Pump)

Pump Compartment
(9) Hose. (12) Plug (rear pump outlet line). (15) Outlet line (rear pump). (25) Tap (rear pump). (35) Negative flow control line (rear

Perform the same preparation as that described for the front pump flow test under constant horsepower control
except Step 3. Use the following procedure in replacement for Step 3, for the rear pump (15):

a. Disconnect outlet line (17) from rear pump (15).

b. Install plug (12) and O-ring seal (11) to the end of outlet line (17).

c. Disconnect makeup line (18) from the connector of swing motor (19).

d. Install tee (13) and O-ring seal (11) to the connector. Connect makeup line (18) with O-ring seal (11) to tee

e. Connect portable hydraulic tester (1) between rear pump (15) and tee (13).

f. Disconnect negative flow control line (33) from rear pump (15) and install plug (29) in the open end of
negative flow control line (33).

g. Install tee (27) to elbow (40).

h. Connect hose (28) between tee (27) and tap (26) of pilot oil manifold (24).

i. Install pressure gauge (22) at rear pump tap 925). A 49 000 kPa (7100 psi) pressure gauge can be used in place
of pressure gauge (22). Tap (25) is used to measure the rear pump delivery pressure.

j. Install pressure gauge (30) to tee 927). A 4900 kPa (700 psi) pressure gauge can be used in place of pressure
gauge (30).

k. Install multitach group (32) on engine (31). This is used to read engine speed.… 51/56
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Test Procedure

NOTE: Perform the front and rear pump negative flow control tests one at a time.

To prevent personal injury or equipment damage from failure of the

flow meter or associated circuit components because of blocked pump
flow, make sure before starting the engine that the flow meter valve is
fully open (turned counterclockwise).

To prevent personal injury and/or equipment damage from failed lines

or components while the flow meter is returned to the open flow
position after a flow test, slowly open the flow meter valve and
moneases. If pump flow does not increase as the flow meter is opened,
shut the engine off and determine what is causing the pump not to
upstroke.nd determine what is causing the pump not to upstroke.

1. Place the power mode selector switch to MODE III position.

2. Place engine speed dial at position "10" and maintain the maximum no load speed at 2180 ± 80 rpm with the
AEC switch in the OFF position. (Read the rpm three seconds after engine speed dial has been placed in position

3. Incraese the hydraulic oil temperature to 55 ± 5° C (131 ± 9°F).

4. Slowly turn valve (34) of portable hydraulic tester (1) clockwise until the pump delivery pressure setting is
6850 kPa (1000 psi).

5. Adjust pilot relief valve (35) of pilot oil manifold (24) until pressure gauge (30) connected to tee (27) reads
2350 kPa (340 psi).

6. Record the negative control flow at each of the following pressure points:… 52/56
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P-Q Characteristic Curve [Negative Flow Control at 6850 kPa (1000 psi) Pump Delivery Pressure]… 53/56
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Pump Flow Adjustment

If the flow measurements are out of specification, adjust the flow using the following procedures:

NOTE: Any flow variation per one turn of a setscrew should be used as a guide only. Always use a portable
hydraulic tester to adjust the pump flow.

Flow Adjustment Under Constant Horsepower Control

Main Pump
(1) Setscrew. (2) Locknut. (3) Setscrew. (4) Locknut. (5) Locknut. (6) Setscrew. (7) Setscrew. (8) Setscrew. (9) Setscrew.

Flow adjustment procedure for the front and rear pumps under constant horsepower control is the same.
Setscrew (3) and (8) are for the lower pressure range where the first stage spring in each pump regulator
activates. Setscrews (1) and (9) are for the higher pressure range where the second stage spring in each regulator

Front Pump Adjustment

1. Loosen locknut (4).

2. Turn setscrew (3) until adjusted to the correct specification. Turning setscrew (3) 1/4 turn clockwise increases
the flow rate approximately 10.7 liter/min (2.8 U.S.gpm) at a system pressure of 13 700 kPa (2000 psi) and 17
700 kPa (2550 psi) where the first stage spring activates.

3. Tighten locknut (4) to a torque of 155 ± 20 N·m (115 ± 15 lb ft).

4. Loosen locknut (2).

5. Turn setscrew (1) until adjusted to the correct specification. Turning setscrew (1) 1/4 turn clockwise increases
the flow rate approximately 4.8 liter/min (1.3 U.S.gpm) at a system pressure of 23 500 kPa (3400 psi) and 29
400 kPa (4250 psi) where the second stage spring activates.

6. Tighten locknut (2) to a torque of 16 ± 2 N·m (12 ± 1 lb ft).… 54/56
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Rear Pump Adjustment

To adjust the rear pump flow under constant horsepower control do the same at that described above using
setscrews (8) and (9).

Maximum Flow Adjustment

Maximum flow adjustment procedure for front and rear pumps is the same. Use setscrew (6) for the front pump
and setscrew (7) for the rear pump.

1. Loosen locknut (5).

2. Turn setscrew (6) until adjusted to the correct specification. Turning the setscrew 1/4 turn clockwise decreases
flow rate approximately 3.0 liter/min (.8 U.S.gpm).

3. Tighten locknut (5) to a torque of 130 ± 10 N·m (95 ± 7 lb ft).

Negative Flow Control Adjustment

Pump Compartment
(43) Locknut. (44) Setscrew.… 55/56
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Rear Pump (Viewed From Drive Shaft Side)

(45) Setscrew.

Negative flow control adjustment procedure for front and rear pumps is the same. Use setscrew (45) for the front
pump and setscrew (44) for the rear pump.

1. Loosen locknut (43).

2. Gire el tornillo de fijación (44) hasta que se ajuste a la especificación correcta. Girando el tornillo de fijación
1/4 de vuelta en el sentido de las agujas del reloj aumenta la velocidad de flujo aproximadamente 7.8 litros / min
(2.1-USgpm) a una presión de control negativo de 2450 kPa (355 psi).

3. Apriete la contratuerca (43) a un par de apriete de 16 ± 2 N · m (12 ± 1 lb ft).

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