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A study on consumer preference in selecting mobile

phone in tirupur (south)

Section A: Personal Information

1. Name:

2. Gender

Male Female

3. Marital Status
Married Single

4. Age Group
10 – 20 20 – 30

30 – 50 50 & Above

5. Occupation
a) Self Employed
b) Professional
c) Salaried
d) House wife
e) Student
f) Others

6. Education Level
a) University degree & above
b) High School
c) Elementary Level
d) Illiterate

7. Income Level (per month)

A. < 10000
B. < 30000
C. < 50000
D. Greater than 50000
Section B: About mobile phones
8) Which mobile phone you are using.

A. Samsung

B. Oppo

C. Vivo

D. Lenovo

E. Redmi

F. Asus

G. others

9) Please write the model of your phone

(example: mi 5 pro, galaxy j7 max etc.)

10) How long you are using the mobile phone

A. Less than 1 year
B. 1 – 2 years
C. 2 – 4 years
D. Above 4 years

11) What are the reasons for using the above mentioned model.
A. photo taken only
B. Just to talk on it
C. Use GPRS function
D. Receive Email & SMS
E. Down Load Files
F. Others (Specify)

12) How often do you change your mobile phone

A. Less than 1 year

B. 1 – 2 years
C. 2 – 4 years
D. Above 4 years
13) What phone Accessories do you have ?

A. Screen protectors
B. Bluetooth Head Set
C. USB Data Cable
D. Memory Card (SD Card)
E. Chargers & power adapters
14) Latest Mobile facilities which you are aware of:-

(Can tick multiple boxes of the facilities you know.)

A. 5g support

B. fast chargering

C. double camera

D. finger print

E. processer


15) What is your favorite brand in Mobiles?

(Please choose your 3 favorite brands in order of preference from the brands in the
table below. 1-most favorite,2-average, 3-least favorite.)
1 2 3

A) Samsung

B) oppo

C) vivo

D) Lenovo

E) redmi

F) asus

G) Others specify the brand.

16) Why you like the brands you chose above?

(Please indicate the important of below factors when you choose the brands. 1-very
important, 2-somewhat important, 3-neither important nor unimportant, 4-less important,
5- unimportant.)
1 2 3 4 5
A) Advertisement

B) Appearance

C) Price

D) Functions

E) Quality

F) Brand Image

G) Service

H) Recommended by friends

I) Others

17) Do you prefer phones to be

A) Slim or medium or thick

B) Light or medium or heavy

C) Small or medium or large

18) What would you be willing to pay for a mobile phone

< 10000

10000 to 20000

20000 to 40000

Any amount
19) Do you think prolonged use (use under long period) of mobile
phone would cause health problem e.g. cancer
A. Yes B. No C . No Comment

20) Where did you often see the mobile advertisement?

A) TV advertisement B) News Paper

C) Magazine D) Online

E) Outdoor F) Radio

G) Others Please specify

21) Consider the TV advertisement you like – what brand is it

A) Samsung B) Oppo

C) Vivo D) Lenovo

E) Redmi F) Asus

G) Other

22) Which of the following would impress you the most?

(Please indicate the important of below factors when you choose the brands. 1-very
important, 2-somewhat important, 3-neither important nor unimportant, 4-less
important, 5- unimportant.)

1 2 3 4 5

A. display

B. design

C. Color
D. processer

E. Camera quality

F. Cost of the product

G. Others

H. Recommended by
a. Friends

I. Others (Specify)

23) After seeing the advertisement above did you like the mobile brand from then
on. (Briefly Explain the reason in the below box)

Yes No

24) What changes do you want the manufactures to make in their brands.

25) Are there any general comments you would make about what you like/dislike
about mobile phones? (This could be pricing, location of sales, reception, colour,
Memory, or anything else.)

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