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03695135 04/24/2049 10:37 AM RF:§13.00 OF:$0.00 Page: 1 of 1 NOTICE OF MUNICIPALTAX LIEN TTY OF LoutsviLE, coLoRADO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE [NAME OF TAXPAYER: A's Market LICENSE NUMBER:_06132 “Typels of Taxes) Ove: Municial Sales Tax Assessment Perods__Noverber §, 2018 through December 31,2018 amount of Taxes) Due: $49,000.00 Penal: $_4g0000 Interes: £__ns0 ‘Total Amount Due: $_ 54,635.00 Accrual Oate of Taxes, Penalties and interest: January23,2019 Pursuant to Seton 320.460 of te Louie Municipal Code (the “Code the Cy of Lviv, clams a frst and prior en or the fll amount ofthe foregoing taxes, penalties, and Interest imposed by Chapter 3.20 ofthe Code, onthe real and tangible personal property ofthe Taxpayer. This len shall take precedence onal such property over other Kes and Choims of whatsoever Kindo nature exept at preesistngcaims or Bers ofa bone fide mortgagee upon real property, ‘ose rights Rave atached prior to the log of Us Note as provided in sid Section 3.20460, Such amounts were [ssessed by Notice of Final Determinatin, Assessment and Demand for Payment dated January 23, 2019, which Notice ‘became final due and payable on January 23,2019, ‘Said len shall apply without limitation to af goods, merchandise, furniture, fixtures, tools, equipment, inventory, and ‘other tangible personal propery, and all cash, bank accounts, and accounts receivable, owned by or used in the conduct ‘ofthe business bythe above-named Taxpayer, located a o associated with the premises at 785 £, South Boulder Ra. ‘ovis, Colorado 80027 Sud lien does not apply to real property leased to Taxpayer. Business atures used by Taxpayer at such address may be subject to ditralnt and sale unless exempt, as further stated in Chapter 3.20 ofthe Lousvike Municipal Cade. Financia. off} “ile,__fIANCE DECTOR STATE OF COLORADO} COUNTYOF BOULDER} Care e perro ‘Notary Pub 03698692 02/21/2019 08:53 AM RF:813.00 0F:$0.00 Page: 1 of 1 ‘econ recorded oss Caety Colada, Recorded a5 eee, NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL TAX LEN CITY OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (WAM OF TAXPAYER: Aelia’ Mart In LUceNse NUNMBER:_05332 “Type(s of Toes) Ove: Municipal Sales Tae Assessment Prod: Januar 12019 thouah Jagr 27,2019 ‘Amount of Taxes) Ove: $24,500.00 Penalties: $2480.00 Interest $285.00 Total Amount Ove: $27,195.00 ‘Accral Date of Taxes, Penalies and Interest; February 20,2019 Pursuant to Section 320.460 of the Louisville Municipal Code (the "Code") the City of Lovsvle, claims 2 fst and prior en, forthe fall amount ofthe foregoing taxes, penalties, and interest imposed by Chapter 3.20 ofthe Code, onthe real and tangible personal property of the Taxpayer. This len shall ake precedence on all such property over other Hens nd ‘aims of whatsoever kind or nature, except 3 to pre-existing aims or Hens ofa toma fide mortgagee upon res property, “whose rights have atached prior to the fling ofthis Notice as provided in sid Section 320.460. Such amounts were ‘assessed by Hotce of Final Determination, Astessment and Demand for Payment dated February 20, 2019, which Novice became fina, due and payable on February 20,2019, ‘Said lien shall apply without liitation to all goods, merchandise, ferntur, fixtures, tools, equipment, Inventory, and ‘other tangible personal propery, and all cash, bank accounts, and accounts receivable, owned by or used in the conduct ‘ofthe business by the above-named Taxpayer, located ator associated withthe premises at 785 €. South Boulder Rd. Louis, Colorado 80027, Soi len does not apply to rea property leased to Taxpayer. Busines tures used by Taxpayer at such address may be subject to distrant and sale unless exempt, as futher stated in Chapter 3.20 ofthe Lousvile Municipal Code. fnancioF we oy ek J: Gre_snunce oecron STATE OF COLORADO.) dss COUNTY OF BOULDER) sf = Subscribed and sworn before me this ZI" ay of february 201% by SEN ines my band an ffl seat os aoe My commision expes:_JEL 4 wa oi ota Pubic 5

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