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Silver Lakes Garden Club Meeting Minutes

February 27th, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 4:03 pm in the lovely setting of Peggy Shereda's patio by
Margaret Weber, Co-Chr. 23 members were present plus BOD liaison, Robert Raake. 7
members were excused. Minutes from the meeting on February 13th, having been distributed
via email were approved with one correction. Motion, Diane Schmaus, second, Dee Vito.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Chautzie Wood reported that from February 14th, 2019 to February
27th, 2019, our income was $865.50. (tickets to Kathleen Hawryluk's event and bake sale
2/19/19) Expenses were $1,034.53 (supplies for our educational workshops, 2019 raffle winner
events purchased, ant stakes and K. Hawryluk's fee) Ending balance as of 2/27/19, $9,371.19.
Our final payment for the entrance center island improvement is $3,750 and will be paid next

Watering Schedule: Chautzie reported that the hanging ferns under the waterfall at the DCH
have been wired in place and their metal hooks replaced. She reminded the membership of our
new fertilizing system and if team leaders note the fertilizer is running low, please notify
Chautzie, Peggy or Margaret. Darlene Neff stated that the gardenia nearest the golf course at
the Happy Valley Pool seems to be struggling. Discussion ensued over the cause: water needs,
sun requirements, proper fertilizer, ? plant root bound. Peggy and Margaret will research this
issue and report back. Gloria Padula noted that the bougainvillea on the left wall at the entrance
to the DCH appears to be dying. Peggy and Margaret will check with Tim on this matter. Peggy
reported that three plants have been purchased from a member in our community; one has been
placed at the Happy Valley Pool, one will replace the bougainvillea at the Diamond Pool and
the third may replace the yellow oleander at the Diamond.
Education: Kathleen Hawryluk's Floral Design workshop on February 26th was well
received and we sold 97 tickets. Gail Miller showed our membership the two new books that
have been purchased to add to our gardening area of the library: The Unexpected Houseplant
by Tovah Martin and Hardy Succulents by Gwen Kelaidis. Our membership educational event
will occur on Thursday, March 14th with lunch at The Dock at 11 am followed by a tour of the
Conservancy of Southwest Florida with an included boat excursion at 1 pm. Gail has secured a
date for our membership to enjoy a docent guided tour of the Palm Cottage in March 2020.
Social/Membership: Kathy Bisonic reported that Margie Mikel has resigned from the
Garden Club as she and her husband are leaving our community. It was clarified that Maggie
Spiers is no longer on our membership list. We are aware of people interested in membership
and Kathy will contact them to fill these openings.
Memorial Walkway: Karen Hagen and Gloria Padula have three requests for bricks and are
hoping for a total of five before the end of our season to place an order. It was mentioned that
someone inquired if they might purchase a brick for their own yard and it was agreed this
would be honored.

Robert Raake reported that improvements to the landscaping around the Gate House and in
the banked garden adjacent to the front entrance of the Silver Club House should be completed
by March 18th. Painting, blind replacements and overall improvements to the Gate House...paid
for by the BOD... will occur also to complete the aesthetic effect.

Becki Vettiner updated the membership on plans for our January 18th,2020 event. Our theme
will be, “Let Us Entertain You.” We are looking to offer a dual entertainment presentation: one
hour with Debi Guthery and one hour with a mentalist/magician. Dominique Palacios will head
up Broadway themed decorations. Jo Baum and Joan Anderson will look into catering options.
A suggestion was made that we consider providing a snack/appetizer prior to dinner.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, March 13th 2019 at 4 pm in the Silver Club House.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Jo Kolde

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