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1.1 Statement of the problem

We the grade 11 students conducted this research for us to determine the

positive and negative attitude of the grade 11 students.

1.2 Objective of the study

 To identify the positive attitude of grade 11 students.

 To identify the negative attitude of grade 11 students.
 To determine the reason why student doing this to their teachers.

1.3 Importance of the study

The importance in doing this study is to know more about the positive and
negative attitude of every student in grade 11. And this study can be used
by the following in terms of
1. Teachers- to know more about the attitude of their students
2. Students- identifying the positive and negative attitude they have.

1.4 Scope and delimitation

This research focusing on the grade 11 Jupiter only. And it aims to determine the
attitude of 20 students of the said section.

We are also given a chance to know more about the student at Rizal Region
National High School Senior High School and we are allowed to take more ideas
to knowing their attitude at the selected student of grade 11.

1.5 Definition of terms

Senior high school

-senior high school institution in the new curriculum in the Philippines. Most
countries have system of this formal education which is commonly compulsory
this institution decide for teaching to mold to be facing college life.
-Is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values.
And it maybe taken by anyone. They are our second parents.

Positive attitudes
-is the guide to leading a positive life. At is something that goes deeper and has
an effect beyond surface cheer.

Negative attitude
-a negative attitude is a disposition, feeling, or manner that is not constructive,
cooperative, or optimistic.

SHS students


positive negative



The chapter describe about the Literature Review about the positive and negative attitude
of grade 11 students. Study found out that most of student had a positive attitude in having
conversation to their teachers. This study is to investigate the ability of the jigsaw
cooperative method in developing positive attitude. Since effective research is based
upon past knowledge, this review helps to eliminate the duplication of what has been
done, and provides chances for framing relevant hypotheses and helpful suggestion for
significant observation.

This chapter considers theoretical background relating to attitude as the concept and
reviews some of the few empirical studies identified by the researchers. The researchers
have the considered the concept attitude, the formation of attitudes, and factors w/c give
rise to the attitudinal chance. Attitudes are positive or negative evaluation of objects of
though attitude has three components (in some cases four (4) a cognitive component: an
effective component and a behavioral component. But according to Olson and Zamma
(1993), not all attitudes contain all the three components.

The cognitive component of an attitude consists of the beliefs that people hold about
the object of attitude. With regard to the effective component of an attitude, it is made up
of the emotional feelings stimulated by an object of thought.

Lastly, behavioral component attitude consists of predispositions to act in certain

ways towards an attitude object. Attitudes are considered as a powerful structure which
has strong impact on human behaviors (Kagitsibasi2013: Myer,2005). According, it is
reported that positive attitude towards teaching affects behaviors of teachers, success of
students and developed of students’ personality in a positive way (ryilmaz,2011).
Therefore, if teachers are trained as they have positive attitude towards the profession
fondly and they take the responsibilities required for the teaching profession in a better
way (Celiko7&Cetin 2004).


This chapter covers the research design, and methodology, including data collection.
Methodology used in the study is described in this study. Methodology is important, because it
provides perspective on the problem being studies. Research findings can collect through the
following methods and patterns w/c will be used to answer the hypothesis.

Specially, the research design of our research entitled “Determining the positive and
negative attitude of grade 11 students to their teachers” is described.

In this chapter, we discuss the design and methodology required to identify the positive &
negative attitudes of grade 11 students.

Research Design

- A survey research is conducted in this study. The survey design is used to collect data
for describing the information gathered to the selected participants. That will fortunately answer
the query in this study. In this study, the information is collected through questionnaire
distributed to each participant that is being prepaid by the researchers. This is choosen to meet
the objectives of the study. Another thing that the researchers design is to observed the
students while their teachers.

The study employed a descriptive analysis design to investigate the attitude of students
towards their teachers. The main feature of this type of survey is that it describes the current
state of a phenomenon. It involves the collection of data in order to test hypothesis or answer
research concerning the current State of the subject under study. It main purpose is to observe,
determine the positive and negative attitudes. This design makes use of various data collection
a technique, such as questionnaire and observations. This type of research is important
because it makes use of usual aids such as charts and graphs to assist the researcher in
understanding the data distribution.
Data Collection

A. Primary data
Primary were gathered and collect data. The data are collected through a
questionnaire. This data was collected and analyzed by the researchers.

B. Questionnaires
A list of questionnaires is prepared by the researcher and was prepared by
observation based on our research studies about student attitude. The respondents
must be honesty and care in answering the question that the researchers prepared.

C. Secondary Data


Is important because it provides perspective on the problem being studies. Research

findings collect through the following methods and patterns.

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