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The ELL Standards Province of BC

The ELL Standards are detailed descriptions of characteristics that K-12 ELLs exhibit at various
stages of language acquisition. The ELL Standards has 3 sets of Language Matrices (also
known as Rubrics) for Reading (and viewing), Writing (and representing), and Oral
Language, each for Primary (K-3), Intermediate (4-7), and Secondary (8-12). There are 5
levels of language proficiency: 1. Beginning, 2. Developing, 3. Expanding, 4. Consolidating
and 5. Bridging.
The document also provides additional information regarding assessment, ELL supplemental
funding, the need of an AIP, the multiple factors considered when assessing an ELL and a
glossary of Terms.
It is very well and favourably organized into 5 proficiency levels. Because there are so
many differences between each of our ELLS, this organization clearly shows the differences at
each level of language proficiency, which is better suited in preparing an individualized learning
plan for each ELL. It is well detailed, so there is no ambiguity whatsoever in which level the
learner is in a stage of acquisition. Oral Language is separated into Receptive and Expressive
Language, each with very well detailed and useful descriptors.
The ELL Standards B.C. is very practical. It is a document of great value that one will refer to
often. Each common descriptor so vividly reveals the varying level of ability to make it so very
clear to the Teacher/Administrator. This is exactly what we desire and need! For instance, in
Primary (K-3) Oral Language Receptive, one can read through the 5 Levels of Language
Proficiency, to read this example of the descriptors: 1. Beginning “Understand a limited
vocabulary of ‘survival’ & words related to familiar objects and actions”, 2. Developing
“Understand some vocabulary including common words & some descriptive words,” 3.
Expanding “Understand more vocabulary including common & descriptive words, multiple
meanings of some familiar words & some subject-specific words,” 4. Consolidating “Understand
a range of vocabulary including common, descriptive, subject-specific, & academic words, &
familiar words with multiple meanings” and 5. Bridging “Understand a broad range of vocabulary
including descriptive, subjet-specific, & academic words.”
The ELL Standards is a very thorough and useful resource. It is not just helpful for ELL
Specialists. This document would be very insightful for Pro-D sharing of a School Staff to help
gain understanding of their individual ELLs and collaborate in discussions of ELLs. The ELL
Standards are of great importance for determining the acquisition level of an ELL and setting up
their learning program. It is also a very useful tool for writing an IEP, writing Report Cards and
discussing ELLS with Administrators. Other pertinent information in this document is helpful in
regards to assessment, ELL supplemental funding, the need of an AIP, and the multiple factors
considered when assessing an ELL.
This document provides deep understanding of each ELL that a Teacher needs to help them in
their learning and success.
English Learning Standards Province of British Columbia Link:


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