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 Political science is a social science discipline that deals with systems of

government and the analysis of political activity and political behaviour.

 It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics which is commonly
thought of as the determining of the distribution of power and resources.
 It is engaged in revealing the relationships underlying political events and
conditions, and from these revelations it attempts to construct general principles
about the way the world of politics works

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 The term politics originated from ancient Greek word ‘Polis’ means a city-state.
 Primarily, the Sophists (Protagoras and Gorgias in particular) deal with political
 Socrates, Plato and finally Aristotle (the Father of Political Science) extended the
concept as the scientific study of the various problems concerning state and

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Early Concept
 Garris opines –
‘Political science deals with the origin, development, purpose and all political
problems of the state’.

Modern Concept
 Laswell says –
‘Political science as an empirical discipline, (as) the study of the shaping and
sharing of power and a political act (as) one performed in power perspectives’.

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 Political science is the scientific study of state and power.
 Political science investigates human political behaviour and motives.
 Political science explains causes and consequences of political activities of
human being as a member of society.

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 Political science studies politics;

 It is scientific;
 It is possible to study politics separated off from economics, sociology,
psychology and history;
 It, as a discipline, advances the cause of democracy.

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 Political science is a social science.

 Political science is a special branch of social science.
 Political science is an empirical science.
 Political science is a value free and objective science.
 Political science is an abstract science.

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 Study of State and Government
 Study of Political Associations and Institutions
 Study of National and International Problems and Prospects of Political Issues
 Study of Human Being as a Political Being
 Study of Past, Present and Future Development of State

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 State  Globalization
 Government  Constitution
 Political Culture  Political Institutions
 Political Modernization  Political Parties
 Political Movement  Election
 Political Ideology  Human Rights and Violation
 Political Beliefs  International Politics
 Political Knowledge
 Civil Society
 Citizenship

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 Nation  Political Socialization

 Nationality  Political Power
 Sovereignty  Authority
 Liberty  Political Elites
 Equality  Political Struggle
 Law  Political Development
 Local Government 
 Public Opinion
 Political System

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 Similarities
 Characteristics
 Methodological

 Dissimilarities
 Characteristics

 Methodological

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 Influence of Economics on Political Science and Issues

 Economic Welfare and Welfare State

 Economic Problems and Politics

 Economic Condition and Politics

 Modern/Civilized Society (Wealth and Property)

 Industrial Revolution

 Capitalism

 Wealth and Political Influence

 French Revolution

 Individualism, Socialism, Communism

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 Influence of Economics on Political Science and Issues

 Production, Market and Colonialism

 Trade and Foreign Affairs

 Financial Aid and Mutual Political Alliances

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 Influence of Political Science on Economics and Issues

 Government Policies and Economy
 Tax

 Import and Export

 Exchange Rate

 Banking System

 Postal and Telegraph Facilities

 Communication Facilities

 Infrastructure

 Permit

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 Influence of Political Science on Economics and Issues

 Government’s Control over Production, Distribution and Consumption

 Impose of Sub-charge to Facilitate Indigenous Industries

 Address Labour – Employee relations

 Socialism and Central Economic Activities

 Actions to Minimize Price Hike and Inflation

 Agricultural Issues and Government Initiatives

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