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6/30/2015 Jawapan


SPM Fizik Tingkatan 4,5 - Untitled Kertas 2

1. (a) (i) Parallel circuit
(ii) The power circuit has an extra earth wire which the lightning circuit does not have.

(b) (i) P = VI, 2 000 = 240 I

Current, I =
= 8.33 A
(ii) The fuse used must have a current rating which is slightly higher than the normal current.
A suitable
fuse is a 13 A fuse.
(iii) Nichrome
2. (a) i. “12 V, 10 W” means when the bulb is connected to a potential diff erence of 12 V, it
produces a power
of 10 J per second.
“12 V, 10 W” bererti apabila mentol disambung kepada beza keupayaan 12 V,
kuasa dihasilkan
oleh mentol ialah 10 J sesaat.

(b) All the bulbs in (a) have the same brightness. All the bulbs in (b) have the same brightness
Setiap mentol bagi (a) mempunyai kecerahan sama, setiap mentol dalam litar (b)
juga mempunyai
kecerahan yang sama.
– The bulbs in (a) are brighter than those in (b).
Mentol-mentol dalam (a) lebih cerah daripada mentol-mentol (b).
– The potential difference across each bulb in circuit (a) is 12 V.
Beza keupayaan merentasi setiap mentol dalam (a) ialah 12 V.
– The potential difference across each bulb is circuit (b) is 3 V
Beza keupayaan merentasi setiap mentol dalam (b) ialah 3 V.
– The current flowing through each bulb in (a) is higher than the current flowing through
each bulb
in circuit (b).
Arus yang melalui setiap mentol dalam (a) adalah lebih tinggi daripada arus yang
melalui setiap
mentol dalam (b).
– In the series connection, the current flowing through all the resistors is the same. In the
parallel 1/4
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connection, the potential diff erence across all the resistors is the same.
Dalam susunan siri, arus yang melalui setiap perintang adalah sama. Dalam
susunan selari, beza
keupayaan merentasi setiap perintang adalah sama.

(c) i. 1. Each wall and the ceiling are fitted with 10 hot lamps of 500 W each, uniformly
Setiap dinding dan siling dipasang dengan 10 lampu panas setiapnya berkuasa
500 W, disusun
secara seragam.
2. So that heat is radiated uniformly the car.
Supaya haba dipancarkan secara seragam ke atas kereta.
3. The bulbs are connected in a parallel circuit.
Lampu-lampu disambungkan secara selari.
4. So that if one bulb is burnt, the others can still work/no interruptions.
Maka jika satu lampu terbakar, lampu lain masih boleh bernyala.
ii. 1. Ceiling fans are installed at the 4 corners of the room.
Kipas siling dipasangkan pada 4 sudut bilik.
2. To help circulate the hot air inside, to help in drying the paint.
Untuk membantu menggerakkan udara dalam bilik, membantu mengeringkan
cat kereta.
3. Thermostats are installed at the centre of the room to control the temperature. When
temperature reaches 600°C, half of the bulbs are switched off .
Termostat dipasangkan di tengah bilik untuk mengawal suhu bilik. Apabila
suhu mencapai 600°C,
setengah bilangan lampu dimatikan.
iii. 1. Paint is sprayed from jets kept at a positive potential, while the car body is kept at a
negative potential.
Cat disemburkan sebagai titisan bercas positif daripada jet/muncung sempit,
manakala badan
kereta dikekal pada keupayaan negatif.
2. Attraction between the positively charged paint droplets and the negatively charged
body ensures uniform painting at even sharp corners.
Tarikan antara cat bercas positif dan badan kereta bercas negatif memastikan
pengecatan seragam
berlaku, walaupun pada sudut tajam.
iv. 1. A big tray is placed below the car to collect excess paint to be reused.
Suatu dulang besar diletak di bawah kereta untuk mengumpul cat lebihan untuk
diguna semula.
2. The car is painted in thin layers, each layer is left to dry before a new layer is sprayed.
Kereta dicat lapisan demi lapisan, setiap lapisan dibiar kering sebelum lapisan
baru dicat semula.
3. (a) i. Th e resistance, R, is the ratio of the potential difference, V, to 2/4
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the current, I. i.e.

Rintangan, R ialah nisbah beza keupayaan V kepada arus I,
iaitu .
ii. The heating element has a much higher resistance that the connecting wires. The heat
per second = I2R.
Unsur pemanas mempunyai rintangan lebih tinggi daripada dawai sambungan.
Haba sesaat dihasilkan
= I2 R.
iii. The heating element is a coiled wire which has a large surface area to help dissipate heat
to the surroundings.
Unsur pemanas berbentuk gegelung maka mempunyai luas permukaan besar
untuk melesapkan haba
ke sekitar.
When the heat produced per second by the heating element is equal to the heat lost per
second from
the surface of the heating element, the temperature of the heating element is constant.
Apabila haba sesaat dihasilkan oleh unsur pemanas sama dengan haba sesaat
dilesapkan oleh unsur
pemanas, suhu unsur pemanas akan menjadi mantap.

(b) i. 1. The density must be low/Ketumpatan rendah

2. So that its mass is small/not heavy
Maka jisim kecil/tak berat
3. The melting point should be high
Takat lebur harus tinggi
4. So that it does not melt when hot.
Supaya ia tak melebur apabila panas
5. The resistivity should be high./Kerintangan tinggi
6. In order that more heat can be produced per second/Supaya lebih haba dihasilkan
7. It must be highly resistant to rust/Tahan karat
8. So that it is long lasting/reliable.
Supaya tahan lama, tahan pakai.
ii. The most suitable is S because it has a low density, high melting point, reasonably low
resistivity and is
highly resistant to rust.
Paling sesuai ialah S, kerana mempunyai ketumpatan rendah, takat lebur tinggi,
kerintangan rendah
dan tahan karat.

(c) i. 3/4
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∴ Eff ective resistance./Rintangan berkesan, R = 50 Ω V = IR, 240 = I(50), I = 4.8 A

ii. The fuse used must have a current rating which is higher than the normal current in the
circuit. 5 A
is too near to 4.8 A and 13 A is too high. The most suitable is 10 A.
Fius digunakan harus mempunyai suatu kadar arus lebih tinggi daripada arus
normal dalam litar.
Paling sesuai ialah 10 A. 4/4

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