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Master Plan and Pre-Feasibility Studies

Every project needs major plans. The development of such water resources
structures needs a master plan and pre-feasibility studies for it to function fittingly.
Master Plan is a plan formulated to exploit the opportunities for single and
multipurpose water projects. In a River Basin Development Master Plan consist of
components comprising Water Resource Planning, Regional Planning and Land use
planning. In a typical River Basin master plan is consist of grouping of experts such as
natural resources which unders geology, wildlife, fishery, energy and forestry. In Water
resources grouping experts, it consists of climatology, hydrogeology, irrigation and
drainage, dams and hydropower, dam geology and WR development planning. In socio-
economy, it consists of regional planning, economy and institutions, urban development
planning, demography, environment, soil conservation and health. In agriculture, consist
of livestock, land use planning and soils survey. In Technical support groups, it consist
of GIS, Surveying and drafting and laboratories (soil, water quality, etc).

Water Resource Development Stage

Water Resource Development Stage is a feasibility study. It was reported by the

presenter that feasibility studies is necessary to for the aimed benefits to be acquired
fittingly. It is as important as master planning. It has stages consist of Genesis on
needs, framework planning, masterplan and pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies,
detailed engineering, project execution and operation and maintenance. It serves
numerous benefits such as it improves project team’s focus, identifies new
opportunities, provides valuable information for a go/no decision and narrow the
business alternatives, identifies a valid reason to undertake the project, enhances the
success rate by evaluating multiple parameter, aids decision-making on the project and
lastly it identifies reasons not to proceed. It compromises types of feasibility studies
such as technical feasibility. It is the assessment that focuses on the technical
capabilities. And other feasibility types are economic feasibility, legal feasibility,
operational feasibility and scheduling feasibility.
There is also tests of feasibilities. However there are also constraints to be
analyzed too such as internal projects constraints, internal corporate constraints and
external constraints.

Detailed Engineering

Engineering is everywhere and it has existed since ancient times. Engineering is

the application of knowledge in the form of science, mathematics, and empirical
evidence, to the innovation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of
structures, machines, materials, devices, systems, processes, and organizations as
according to the definition given by Wikipedia. Every project that needs critical thinking
is applied with engineering laws and ways. All investigations of infrastructure project is
in need of engineering aspects for its functionality for the development of

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