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“Soft Drink Industry”
Session : 2019-2020

Submitted to:- Submitted by:-

(LECTURER, BBA DEPT.) Class: BBA 6TH semester
Roll no:30607
Reg. no.- 1611340830
Univ. Roll no.:-


NH-3, N.I.T, Faridabad

I had an impression in my mind that the report which we are going to undertake would only be a
mire perquisite to entire into a corporate world. But when it came to end, only then I understood
that, what it is like be professional person. How important this project is for all students who are
doing their graduate degree in Bachelor Business Administration.

I learned a lot from this experience, many aspects were aspects were totally new to me and it
look great deal of efforts to understand them but now I am finished with this project, I can say
that the two months which I spent at Escort Limited, Faridabad gave me knowledge and
professional attitude for whole life. Seniors and colleague, I worked with, all were very generous
and helpful. They never let me left that I was not an employee there. Moreover they inspired me
lot in many predicaments.


To begin with I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all the employees of SOFT
DRINK INDUSTRY. Under whose guidance and enlightening pathfinder navigation, I am able
to complete this project. In particular I would like to thanks all my colleagues at my job
place for their co-operation and contribution. I am very thankful to Ms. Jyoti malhotra.
D.A.V. CENTENARY COLLEGE NH-3, N.I.T, Faridabad, faculty guide, my
project Officer in charge, and other staff members, colleagues and friends for their
encouragement, support, guidance and for undergoing management project and preparing the
project report.



















Retailing includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final
consumers for their Personal non-business use. A retailer or Retail Store is any business
enterprise whose sales volume is primarily from retailing.

Type of Retailers:-
(i) SPECIALITY STORES: - such stores carry a narrow product line with a deep
assailment within that line. E.g. Apparel stores, sporting good stores, bookstores etc.

(ii) DEPARTMENTAL STORES:- They carry several product lines- typically clothing,
home, furnishing and house hold goods- with each line operated as a separate department
managed by special buyers or merchandisers.

(iii) SUPER MARKETS:- Super markets are relatively large, low cost, low margin, high
volume, self service operations designed to serve the consumer’s total needs for food,
laundry and household maintenance products. Usually they Earn a operating profit of
only about 1% on their sales and 10% on their net worth.

(iv) CONVENIENCE STORES: -Such stores are relatively small stores seven days a week,
and carry a limited line of high turnover convenience products. Their long hours and their
use by consumers mainly for fill in purchases make them relatively. High price
operations. They fill an important consumer need and people seem willing to pay for the

Retailing Scenario - International

Retailing globally is far more organised than in India today. Up to 80 % of all retail sales in the
United States is controlled by the organised retail sector. The corresponding number in Western
Europe is 70 %, in Brazil and Argentina it is 40 %, in Korea and Taiwan it is 35 %. Organised
retailing in Asia remains poor with its contribution being paltry 20 % in Malaysia,
Thailand & China. India is too very unorganized in the retailing business.
Secondly most developed economies have an increasingly large share of service sector in the
over-all composition of GDP & Retail sector forms a very strong component of the service

Thirdly employment opportunity offered by organised retail is immense. It has the potential to
offer hundreds of thousands of jobs & careers. According to U.S. Dept of Labor, more than 22
million Americans are employed in retailing industry in more than 2 million retail stores. In
short, as long as people need to buy, retail will generate employment.

Competition today is more challenging than ever before. Intense competition will continue to
redefine the industry. And intelligent retailers will position their business for an even more
competitive marketplace. Add to it the most demanding customer of all time and one can see;
retailers who fail to respond to these challenges will be facing disaster.
Globally organized retailing has brought tremendous benefits for the consumer and has actually
helped the consumer to be the King.

Retail Marketing Mix

Product Branding Price
Packaging Cost of goods
Product Design Business Expenses
Assortment Gross Margin
Services Profit
Promotion Distribution
Advertising Logistics
Personal Selling Store Location
Sales Promotion Site Evaluation
Public Relations Transportation
Visual Merchandising Storage of goods
Source: -Ron Hasty, James Reardon - Retail Management The implementation of such a retail
strategy mix benefits consumers and producers and yields economic utility.

 It has been seen that retailing is a vital and involuntary action performed by the living
structure of the market economy (as opposed to the case in a barter economy).
 In a barter economy, bane; transactions take place between consumers themselves.
 Consumers interact directly whereas in a centralized market economy, transactions taking
place at a larger scale (both in terms of volume and variety) necessitate an interface
between the manufacturers and final consumers.
 we reinforce the fact that retailing is not a new deal. his industry is extant as an interface
between production and consumption, from times immemorial, benefiting us - consumers
or producers in the various ways discussed above.
 Our study concentrates on organized retailing, which consists of retail industry ping
malls, super markets, chain stores, and like. In the last few years a shift has occurred in
India from individual retail outlets owned separately and managed distinctively to
professionally managed retailing.
 This is an industry, which has now started attracting better investments and talent.
 Things changed primarily because of the rising expectations of Indian consumers and the
corporate responding quickly.
 Today the industry (in India) seems to be functioning somewhere between the accelerated
development and maturity stages, with high growth rates, intense competition and
moderate profitability.


 The key to success is identifying a superior value-promise and who is in a better position
to do it than retailers.

 Retailers are the closest to the point of purchase and have access to a wealth of
information on consumer retail industry ping behaviour.

 Retailers have some unique advantages for managing brands such as continuous and
actionable dialogue with consumers, control over brand presentation at point-of-sale,
control over retail industry ping environment, display location/adjacencies, and signage.

 They have used this advantage with tremendous success.

In the last two lessons, we have seen the meaning of retailing, functions and importance of
retailing, and the overview of retailing. Further we have also seen various types of In - store and
non- store retailing in general and department stores chain stores and franchise in particular. In
this lesson we will look into the function of strategy, elements of retail strategy, and achieving
competitive advantage and positioning. Function of a strategy The primary purpose of a strategy
is to provide a method, route, way or channel with the clean direction to follow in managing a
business over the planning period. A successful strategy should satisfy three requirements.

I. First, a strategy must help to achieve coordination among various functional areas to the
II. Second, strategy must clearly define how resources are to be allocated. At any level of
the organisation, resources are limited. Strategy entails allocating resources to achieve the
goals set with in the time frame.
III. Third strategy must show how it can lead to a superior market position. A good strategy
takes cognizance of existing and potential competitors and their strengths and
weaknesses. Retailers classified by marketing Strategies. Whatever its form of
ownership, a retailer must develop marketing mix strategies to succeed in its chosen
target markets.
IV. In retailing, the marketing mix emphasizes product assortment, price, location, promotion
and customer services designed to aid in the sale of a product. They include credit,
delivery, gift wrapping, product installation, merchandise returns, store hours, parking
and- very important personal service.

We will now describe the classification of retail stores, paying particular attention to the
following three elements of their marketing mixes:
• Breadth and Depth of Product assortment
• Price Level
• Amount of customer services.
Type of Store Breadth and Depth of Assortment Price Level Amount of Customer Services
Department store Very broad, deep Avoids price competition Wide array Discount store Broad,
Shallow Emphasis’s low prices Relatively few Limited-line store Narrow, deep Traditional type
avoid price competition Vary by type Specialty store Very narrow, deep Avoids price
competition Standard Off-price retailer Narrow, deep emphasis’s low prices Few Super Market
Broad, deep Low prices Few Convenience Store Narrow High prices Few Warehouse Club Very
broad Low prices Few Stores of different sizes face distinct challenges and opportunities.
Buying, Promotion, Staffing and expense control are influenced significantly by whether store's
sales volume is large or small. Size of a retail business creates certain merits and demerits which
we have already discussed. Considering these factors, large stores ordinarily - but not always -
have a competitive advantage over small stores.


Selected bases for Evaluation Who has the advantage
• Division of labour and specialization of management Large-scale retailers-their biggest
• Flexibility of operations - Product selection, store design, services offered. Small retailers -
their biggest advantage.
• Buying power Large retailers buy in bigger quantities and thus get lower wholesale prices.
• Access to desirable merchandise Large retailers promise suppliers access to large number of
• Development and promotion of retailer's own brand. Large retailers.
• Efficient use of advertising, especially in city-wide area. Large retailers' markets match better
with media circulation.
• Ability to provide top quality personal service. Small retailers, if owners pay personal attention
to customers.
• Opportunity to experiment with new products and selling methods. Large retailers can better
afford the risks.
• Financial strength Large retailers have resources to gain some of the merits noted above.
• Public image Small retailers enjoy public support and sympathy. Small retailers face a variety
of difficulties and many fail. The strong economy during the second half of the 1990s helped
small merchants hold their own, however. In fact the number of failures was lower than last
decade and just below the level at the start of the decade.

How do small retailers succeed?

They understand their target markets very well. Then, in seeking to satisfy their consumers, they
need to differentiate themselves from large retailers. Here are two possible avenues not just to
survival but to success. Many consumers seek benefits that small stores often provide better than
large stores. For instance, some people seek high levels of retail industry ping convenience.
Small outlets located near residential areas offer much convenience. Other consumers desire
abundant personal service. A small store's highly motivated owner-manager and customer-
oriented sales staff may surpass a large store on this important retail industry ping dimension.
Numerous small retailers have formed or joined contractual vertical marketing systems. These
entities called voluntary chains or franchise systems - give members some of the advantages of
large stores, such as specialized management, buying power and a well-known name.


Total operating expenses for retailers average 28% of retail sales. In comparison wholesaling
expenses run about 11% of wholesale sales or 8% of retail sales. Thus roughly speaking,
retailing costs are about 2 l/2 times of the costs of wholesaling when both are stated as a
percentage of the sales of the specific type of middlemen. Higher retailing costs are the result of
dealing directly with ultimate consumers-answering their questions, showing them different
products and so on. Compared to wholesale customers, ultimate consumers typically expect more
convenient locations with nicer decor, both of which drive up retailers' costs. Also relative to
wolesalers, retailers typically have lower total sales and lower rates of merchandise turnover.
Retailers buy smaller quantities of merchandise, again compared to wholesalers, so their
overhead costs are spread over a smaller base of operations. Furthermore, retail sales people
often cannot be used efficiently because customers do not come into stores at a steady rate.
Another competitive advantage of retailers will be how they create physical facilities which
represent the distribution element of a retailer's marketing mix. Some firms engage in non-store
retailing by selling on hire or through catalogs or door to door, for example-but many more firms
rely on retail stores. Firms that operate retail stores must consider four aspects of physical

LOCATION:-It is frequently stated that there are three keys to success in retailing: Location,
Location, Location! Although overstated, this axiom does suggest the importance that retailers
attach to location. Thus a stores site should be the first decision made about facilities.
Considerations such as surrounding population, traffic and cost determine where a store should
be located.

SIZE:- This factor means the total square footage of the physical store, not the magnitude of
the firm operating the store. These are much different factors. A firm may be quite large with
respect to total sales, but each of its outlets may be only several thousand square feet in size.

DESIGN:-This factor refers to a stores appearance, both interior and exterior over its

LAYOUT:- The amount of space allocated to various product lines, specific locations of
products and a floor plan of display tables and racks comprise the store's layout. As would be
expected, the location, size, design and layout of retail stores are based on where consumers live
and how they like to go about their retail industry ping. Consequently, the bulk of retail sales
occur in urban, rather than rural, areas. And suburban retail industry ping areas have become
more and more popular, where as many down town areas have declined.
The first part in competitor analysis is to determine how competitors are attempting to achieve
their objectives. This question is addressed by examining their past and current marketing

Many authors have attempted to explain the concept of strategy. At the retail level, a marketing
strategy can be thought of three major components: target selection of customers, core strategy
(i.e. positioning and differential advantage), and implementation (i.e. supporting marketing mix).
The first major component is the description of the market segment(s) to which competing
brands are being marketed. Market segments can be described in various ways. Since few brands
are truly mass marketed, the key is to determine which group each competitor has targeted.
The second strategy component is what is called the core strategy. This is the basis on which the
rival is competing, that is its key claimed differential advantage(s). Differential advantage is a
critical component of strategy because it usually forms the basic selling proposition around
which the brand's communications are formed. It is also called the brand's positioning. The final
strategy component of competitors that must be assessed in the supporting marketing mix. The
mix provides insight into the basic strategy of the competitor and specific tactical decisions.
These decisions are what customers actually see in the market place. In fact, customers are
exposed to price, advertising, promotion and other marketing mix elements.

An important task is to access the technological strategies of the major competitors. This can be
done by using the following framework of six criteria.
1. Technology selection or specialisation.
2. Level of competence.
3. Sources of capability: Internal vs External
4. R&D investment level.
5. Competitive timing: Initiate vs Respond
6. Retail policies
These decisions generally lead to better understanding of retailers' competitors.
Following is the Format of for Competitive Retail Analysis Competitor A Competitor B Place:
Distribution method Distribution coverage Promotion: Total effort (Rs.) Methods Advertising:
Strategy Media Timing Price: Retail To Trade Technological strategy Product: Quality Features
Benefits Target Segment:
 Who
 Where
 When
 Why


We now have three sets of information about the competitors in the retail category. First, we
have assessed how are they going to fulfill their objectives. Second we have made a judgment
about their current retail marketing strategy. Finally, we have some idea about their resources
and how they compare to ours. The final step is to put it all together and answer the question:
What are they likely to do in the future? In particular, we are interested in their likely strategies
over the subsequent planning horizon, usually a year. The competition does not come right out
and indicate what strategies they will pursue. In that case, subjective estimates can be based on
the information previously collected and analysed. One way to approach the problem is to
emulate what forecasters do with historical data. With historical observations on both a
dependent variable (in our context, a competitor's strategy) and independent variables useful to
predict the dependent variable (the reasonable variables), the forecasters might do one of two
things: i. First, the forecaster might assume the trend will continue, that is suppose that the only
relevant information is the historical pattern of past strategies. For example, if a retail store has a
track record of positioning with a high-quality, high-price program, are called extrapolate into
the future and assume the trend will continue. ii. Second, if a retail brand has been appealing to
increasing mature consumers, a manager might assume, it will continue to do so. An alternative
way for the forecasters to proceed is to try to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between
the resource variables and the strategy, in other words, to link changes in resources or abilities to
the strategies to
be pursued. Another approach to forecasting competitors' possible actions is to simulate them.
One can take existing data already collected, have different managers play the roles of the retail
managers for the competitors, and develop competitor action scenarios. Summary Competitive
analysis is an important component of strategy development. Here retail positioning also play a
vital role in the development of competitive strategy. Many approaches have been discussed and
this lesson provides a framework that integrates several of these. The key ingredient in this
lesson is evolving retail strategy and how it should be used to achieve competitive advantage
over its rival retail industry.


We are by now aware that excellent companies take an outside - inside view of their business.
These companies monitor the changing environment continuously adapt their businesses to their
best opportunities. In the last three lessons we have seen general over view of retailing, types of
retailing including non-store retailing and the strategy adopted by retailers. To the company's
marketers falls the major responsibility for identifying major changes in the environment. The
retail environment, in particular, in constantly spinning out new opportunities, in bad as well as
in good years. The general marketing environment also spins out new threats-such as an energy
crisis, a sharp rise in interest rates, a deep recession-and firms find their markets collapsing.
Recent times have been marked by many sudden changes in the marketing environment, leading
Drucker to dub it an Age of Discontinuity and Toffler to describe it as a time of Future Shock.
Retail marketers need to continuously monitor the changing scene. They must use their
intelligence and marketing research to track the changing environment. By erecting early
warning systems, retailers will be able to revise marketing strategies in time to meet new
challenges and opportunities in the environment. What do you mean by retail environment? A
retail marketing environment consists of the external actors and forces that affect the retailers
ability to develop and maintain successful transactions and relationships with its target
customers. We can distinguish between the retailers' micro environment and macro environment.
The micro environment consists of the actors in the retailer's immediate achievement that affect
its ability to serve its markets: Suppliers, intermediaries, customers, competitors and publics. The
macro environment consists of legal, social, economic and technological forces. We will first
examine the retailers micro environment and then its macro environment.
Every retailers' primary goal is to profitably serve and satisfy specific needs of chosen target
markets. To carry out this task, the retailer links himself with a set of suppliers and a set of
intermediaries to reach its target customers. The suppliers /
intermediaries / customers chain comprise the core marketing system of the retailer. We will now
look at the forces which after the retailers micro environment.

Suppliers are business firms and individuals who provide resources needed by the retailer. For
example a retail store must obtain various products from different suppliers so that as and when
customers come and ask the products, he will be in a position to sell them on time.
Developments in the 'suppliers' environment can have a substantial impact on the retailer's
marketing operations. Retail managers need to watch price trends of their key inputs. They are
equally concerned with supply availability. Supply shortages and other events can prevent
fulfilling delivery promises and lose sales in the short run and damage customer goodwill in the
long run. Many retail industry‘s prefer to buy from multiple sources to avoid depending on any
one supplier who might raise prices arbitrarily or limit supply. Retail purchasing agents try to
build long-term trusting relationships with key suppliers. In times of shortage, these agents find
that they have to 'market' their retail industry to suppliers in order to get preferential supplies.

Intermediaries are firms that aid the retail chain market in promoting selling and distributing its
goods to final buyers. Large business organizations might hire agents to find retailers in various
South Indian cities and pay commission to these agents based on their success. The agents do not
buy the merchandise - they direct retailers to
buy and sell ultimately to the consumers. Physical distribution firms assist the retailer in stocking
and moving goods from their original locations to their destinations. Warehousing firms store
and protect goods before they more to the next destination. Every retailer has to decide how
much storage space to build for itself and how much storage space allotted for different
merchandise. Marketing service agencies-marketing research firms, advertising agencies, media
firms and marketing consulting firms - assist the retailer in targeting and promoting its products
to the right markets. The retailer has to review the products sold periodically and must consider
replacing those that no longer have demand in the market as expected. Financial intermediaries
include banks, credit companies, insurance companies and other companies that help finance
firm and / or insure risk associated with the buying and selling goods. Most retailers and
customers depend on financial intermediaries to finance their transactions.

CUSTOMERS: A retailer links himself with suppliers and middlemen, so that he can efficiently
supply appropriate products and services to its target market. Its target market may be
individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption.

COMPETITIRORS: A retailer rarely stands alone in its effort to serve a given customer
market. His efforts to build an efficient marketing system to serve the market are matched by
similar efforts on the part of others. The retailer's marketing system is surrounded and affected
by a host of competitors. These competitors have to be identified, monitored and outmaneuvered
to capture and maintain customer loyalty. A basic observation about the task of competing
effectively can now be summarized. A retailer must keep four basic dimensions in mind, which
can be called Four CS of market positioning. He must consider the nature of the customers,
channels, competition and his own characteristics as an organization. Successful retailing is a
matter of achieving an effective alignment of the organization with customers, channels, and


Various elements such as demographic, legal, social, economic and technological variables affect
an organization and its marketing efforts. It is now recognized by all that even a well concerned
marketing plan may fail if adversely influenced by uncontrollable factors (demographic, legal
etc.). Therefore the external macro environment must be continually monitored and its effects
incorporated into Retailer's marketing plans.
The External Environment of Retail Marketing Demographic Environment Technological
Environment Social Environment \_L/ Uncontrollable Variables Political / Legal Environment
Economic Environment \
The first environmental fact of interest to retailers is population because people make up
markets. Retailers are keenly interested in the size of the population, its geographical
distribution, density, mobility trends, age distribution and social ethnic and religious structure.
Demographic structure is seldom static for long and changes in its composition often test the
residency of a marketing firm. Further, these changes influence the behaviour of consumers
which, in turn, will have a direct impact in the retailer's business. The ripples of these changes
will reach the organisation forcing it to alter or amend the existing marketing practices in vogue.
In short, Retail firms, will have to continuously measure the changes - qualitative as well as
quantitative - that are taking place in the population structure. To avoid negative consequences
brought on by active consumer groups, a retailer must communicate with consumers, anticipate
problems, respond to complaints and make sure that the firm operates properly.


Retail marketing decisions are substantially impacted by developments in the political / legal
environment. This environment is composed of laws, government agencies and pressure groups
that influence and constrain various organizations and individuals in society. Legislation
affecting retail business has steadily increased over the years. The legislation has a number of
purposes. The first is to protect from each other’s. So laws are passed to prevent unfair
Competition. The second purpose of Government regulation is to protect consumers from unfair
retail practices. Some firms, if left alone, would adulterate their products, tell lies in their
advertising, deceive through their packages and bait through their prices. Unfair consumer
practices have been defined and are enforced by various agencies. The third purpose of
Government Regulation is to protect the larger interest of society against unbridled business
behavior. The retail marketing executive needs a good working knowledge of the major laws
protecting competition consumers and the larger interests of society.


In recent years, the concept of social responsibility has entered into the marketing literature as an
alternative to the marketing concept. The implication of socially responsible marketing is that
retail firms should take the lead in eliminating socially harmful products such as cigarettes and
other harmful drugs etc. There are innumerable pressure groups such as consumer activists,
social workers, mass media, professional groups and others who impose restrictions on
marketing process and its impact may be felt by retailers in doing their business. The society that
people grow up in shapes their basic beliefs, values and norms. People live in different parts of
the country may have different cultural values - which has to be analyzed by retail business
people/firm. This will help them to reorient their strategy to fulfill the demands of their
consumers. Retail marketers have a keen interest in anticipating cultural shifts in order to spot
new marketing opportunities and threats. Several firms such as ORG MARG etc.
offer social / cultural forecasts in this connection. For example, marketers of foods, exercise
equipment and so on will want to cater to this trend with appropriate products and
communication appeals.

Retail markets consist of purchasing power as well as people. Total purchasing power is a
function of current income, prices, savings and credit availability. Marketers should be cognizant
of major trends in the economic environment. The changes in economic conditions can have
destructive impacts on business plans of a firm. Economic forecasters looking ahead through the
next decade are likely to find their predictions clouded by the recurrent themes of shortages,
rising costs and up and down business cycles. These changes in economic conditions provide
marketers with new challenges and threats. How effectively these challenges could be converted
into opportunities depend on well-thought-out marketing programmes and strategies. Further, no
economy is free from the tendency of variation between boom and depression, whether it is a
free economy or controlled economy. In any event, economic swings affect marketing activity,
because they affect purchasing power. Retail marketing firms are susceptible to economic
conditions, both directly and through the medium of market place. For example, the cost of all
inputs positively respond to upward swing of economic condition - which will affect the output
price and consequently affect the sales. The effect on consumers also influences the marketing
through changes in consumer habits. This is an indirect influence. For example, in the event of
increase in prices, consumers often curtail or postpone their expenditures. Conversely, during
time of fall in prices, consumers are much less conscious of small price differences and would
buy luxury and retail industry ping products.
The most dramatic force shaping people's lives is technology. Advances in technology are an
important factor which affect detail marketers in two ways. First, they are totally unpredictable
and secondly, adoption of new technology often is prevented by constraints imposed by internal
and external resources. At the same time, it should be remembered that technological progress
creates new avenues of opportunity and also poses threat for individual firms. Technology has
helped retailers to measure the products with modern weighing machines. Earlier, they have used
balances which could not measure the merchandise correctly. With the help of weighing
machine, products can be measured with the result customer satisfaction can be enhanced. In the
following areas where technology have been extensively used. 1. Packing of the products 2.
Printing the name of the retail industry on the product visibly 3. Modern refrigerators where
merchandise can be used for a long time and 4. Billing. Technological change faces opposition
from one group of people-telling that it may lead to retrenchment of employees. But in the long
run, this argument may not sustain, retail marketers need to understand the changing


As the corporate – the Piramals, the Tatas, the Rahejas, ITC, S.Kumar’s, RPG Enterprises, and
mega retailers- retail industry, Crosswords, retail industry per’s Stop, and Pantaloons race to
revolutionize the retailing sector, retail as an industry in India is coming alive. Retail sales in
India amounted to about Rs.7400 billion in 2002, expanded at an average annual rate of 7%
during 1999-2002. With the upturn in economic growth during 2003, retail sales are also
expected to expand at a higher pace of nearly 10%. Across the country, retail sales in real terms
are predicted to rise more rapidly than consumer expenditure during 2003-08. The forecast
growth in real retail sales during 2003- 2008 is 8.3% per year, compared with 7.1% for consumer
expenditure. Modernization of the Indian retail sector will be reflected in rapid growth in sales of
retail industry , departmental stores and hypermarts. Sales from these large-format stores are to
expand at growth rates ranging from 24% to 49% per year during 2003-2008, according to a
latest report by Euro monitor International, a leading provider of global consumer-market
intelligence. A. T. Kearney Inc. places India 6th on a global retail development index. The
country has the highest per capita outlets in the world - 5.5 outlets per 1000 population. Around
7% of the population in India is engaged in retailing, as compared to 20% in the USA. In a
developing country like India, a large chunk of consumer expenditure is on basic necessities,
especially food-related items. Hence, it is not surprising that food, beverages and tobacco
accounted for as much as 71% of retail sales in 2002. The share of food related items had,
however, declined over the review period, down from 73% in 1999. This is not unexpected,
because with income growth, Indians, like consumers elsewhere, have started spending more on
non-food items compared with food products. Sales through supermarkets and department stores
are small compared with overall retail sales. Nevertheless, their sales have grown much more
rapidly, at almost a triple rate (about 30% per year during the review period). This high
acceleration in sales through modern retail formats is expected to continue during the next few
years, with the rapid growth in numbers of such outlets due to consumer demand and business
potential. The factors responsible for the development of the retail sector in India can be broadly
summarized as follows:
• Rising incomes and improvements in infrastructure are enlarging consumer markets and
accelerating the convergence of consumer tastes.
Looking at income classification, the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER)
classified approximately 50% of the Indian population as low income in 1994- 95; this is
expected to decline to 17.8% by 2006-07.
• Liberalization of the Indian economy which has led to the opening up of the market for
consumer goods has helped the MNC brands like Kellogs, Unilever, Nestle, etc. to make
significant inroads into the vast consumer market by offering a wide range of choices to the
Indian consumers. • Shift in consumer demand to foreign brands like McDonalds, Sony,
Panasonic, etc.
• The internet revolution is making the Indian consumer more accessible to the growing
influences of domestic and foreign retail chains.

Reach of satellite T.V. channels is helping in creating awareness about global products for local
markets. About 47% of India’s population is under the age of 20; and this will increase to 55%
by 2015. This young Population, which is technology-savvy, watch more than 50 TV satellite
channels, and display the highest propensity to spend, will immensely contribute to the growth of
the retail sector in the country. As India continues to get strongly integrated with the world
economy riding the waves of globalization, the retail sector is bound to take big leaps in the
years to come. The Indian retail sector is estimated to have a market size of about $ 180 billion;
but the organised sector represents only 2% share of this market. Most of the organised retailing
in the country has just started recently, and has been concentrated mainly in the metro cities.
India is the last large Asian economy to liberalize its retail sector. In Thailand, more than 40% of
all consumer goods are sold through the super markets and departmental stores. A similar
phenomenon has swept through all other Asian countries. Organised retailing in India has a huge
scope because of the vast market and the growing consciousness of the consumer about product
quality and services. A study conducted by Fitch, pects the organized retail industry to continue
to grow rapidly, especially through increased levels of penetration in larger towns and metros
and also as it begins to spread to smaller cities and B class towns. Fuelling this growth is the
growth in development of the retail-specific properties and malls. According to the stimates
available with Fitch, close to 25mn sq. ft. of retail space is being developed and will be available
for occupation over the next 36-48 months. Fitch expects rganized retail to capture 15%-20%
market share by 2010. A McKinsey report on India says organised retailing would increase the
efficiency and productivity of entire gamut of economic activities, and would help in achieving
higher GDP growth. At 6%, the share of employment of retail in India is low, even when
compared to Brazil (14%), and Poland (12%).

Retail industry in India is expected to rise 25% yearly being driven by strong income growth,
changing lifestyles, and favourable demographic patterns.It is expected that by 2016
modern retail industry in India will be worth US$ 175- 200 billion. Indiaretail
industry is one of the fastest growing industries with revenue expected in 2007 to
amount US$320 billion and is increasing at a rate of 5% yearly. A further increase
of 7-8% is expected in theindustry of retail in India by growth in consumerism in urban
areas, rising incomes, and a steep rise inrural consumption. It has further been predicted that the
retailing industry in India will amount to US$21.5 billion by 2010 from the current size of US$
7.5 billion.Shopping in India has witnessed a revolution with the change in the
consumer buying behaviour andthe whole format of shopping also altering. Industry of retail
in India which has become modern can beseen from the fact that there are multi- stored malls,
huge shopping centres, and sprawling complexes which offer food, shopping, and entertainment
all under the same roof. India retail industry is expanding itself most aggressively; as a result a
great demand for real estate is b e i n g c r e a t e d .

Indian retailers preferred means of expansion is to expand to other regions and to increase the
number of their outlets in a city. India retail industry is progressing well and for this to continue
retailers as well as the Indian government will have to make a combined effort. It is expected that
India may have 600 new retail outlet till 2010.

Driven by changing lifestyles, strong income growth and favourable demographic patterns,
Indian retail is expanding at a rapid pace. Mall space, from a meagre one million square feet in
2002, is expected to touch 40 million square feet by end-2007 and an estimated 60 million square
feet by end-2008, says Jones Lang LaSalle's third annual Retailer Sentiment Survey-Asia.
Alongside, Indian cities are witnessing a paradigm shift from traditional forms of retailing into a
modern organized sector. A report by Images Retail estimates the number of operational malls to
more than double to over 412 with 205 million square feet by 2010 and further 715 malls by
2015, on the back of major retail developments even in tier II and tier III cities in India.
The challenges facing the Indian organized retail sector are various and these are
stopping the Indian retail industry from reaching its full potential. The behaviour pattern of
the Indian consumer has undergone a major change. This has happened for the Indian consumer
is earning more now, western influences, women working force is increasing, desire for luxury
items and better quality. He now wants to eat, shop, and get entertained under the same roof. All
these have lead the Indian organizedretail sector to give more in order to satisfy the Indian
customer.The biggest challenge facing the Indian organized retail sector is the lack
of retail space. With realestate prices escalating due to increase in demand from the Indian
organized retail sector, it is posing achallenge to its growth. With Indian retailers having
to shell out more for retail space it is effecting there overall profitability in retail.

Trained manpower shortage is a challenge facing the organized retail sector in India. The Indian
retailers have difficulty in finding trained person and also have to pay more in order to
retain them.This again brings down the Indian retailers profit levels.The Indian government
have allowed 51% foreign direct investment (FDI) in the India retail sector toone brand shops
only. This has made the entry of global retail giants to organized retail sector in Indiadifficult.
This is a challenge being faced by the Indian organized retail sector. But the global
retailgiants like Tesco, Wal-Mart, and Metro AG are entering the organized retail sector in India
indirectlythrough franchisee agreement and cash and carry wholesale trading. Many Indian
companies are alsoentering the Indian organized retail sector like Reliance Industries
Limited, Pantaloons, and BhartiTelecoms. But they are facing stiff competition from these
global retail giants. As a result discountingis becoming an accepted practice.

Goods are displayed in a rustic manner in Marrakech's souk (market)

Fresh produce markets have existed since ancient times. Pictured, La Boqueria market in

Retail markets and shops have a very ancient history, dating back to antiquity. Retailing involves
the process of selling consumer goods or services to customers through multiple channels of
distribution to earn a profit. Retailers satisfy demand is identified through a supply chain.
Retailers typically make a variety of strategic level decisions including the type of store, the
market to be served, the optimal product assortment, customer service, supporting services and
the store's overall market positioning. Once the strategic retail plan is in place, retailers devise
the retail mix which includes product, price, place, promotion, personnel and presentation. In the
digital age, an increasing number of retailers are seeking to reach broader markets by selling
through multiple channels, including both bricks and mortar and online retailing. Digital
technologies are also changing the way that consumers pay for goods and services. Retailing
support services may also include the provision of credit, delivery services and a range of
supporting services.

The term "retailer" is typically applied where a service provider fills the small orders of a large
number of individuals, rather than large orders of a small number of wholesale, corporate or
government clientele. Shopping generally refers to the act of buying products. Sometimes this is
done to obtain final goods, including necessities such as food and clothing; sometimes it takes
place as a recreational activity. Recreational shopping often involves window shopping (just
looking, not buying) and browsing: it does not always result in a purchase.

Retail shops occur in a diverse range of types and in many different contexts - from strip
shopping centres in residential streets through to large, indoor shopping malls. Shopping streets
may restrict traffic to pedestrians only. Sometimes a shopping street has a partial or full roof to
create a more comfortable shopping environment – protecting customers from various types of
weather conditions such as extreme temperatures, winds or precipitation. Forms of non-shop
retailing include online retailing (a type of electronic-commerce used for business-to-
consumer (B2C) transactions) and mail order.


Phoenician merchants traded across the entire Mediterranean region

Markets have existed since ancient times. Open air, public markets were known in ancient
Babylonia and Assyria. These markets typically occupied a place in the town's centre.
Surrounding the market, skilled artisans, such as metal-workers and leather workers, occupied
premises in alley ways that led to the open market-place. These artisans may have sold wares
directly from their premises, but also prepared goods for sale on market days. In ancient Greece
markets operated within the agora (open space), and in ancient Rome the forum. In antiquity,
exchange involved direct selling, merchants or peddlers.

The Phoenicians, noted for their seafaring skills, plied their ships across the Mediterranean,
becoming a major trading power by 9th century BCE. The Phoenicians imported and exported
wood, textiles, glass and produce such as wine, oil, dried fruit and nuts. Their trading skills
necessitated a network of colonies along the Mediterranean coast, stretching from modern day
Crete through to Tangiers and onto Sardinia The Phoenicians not only traded in tangible goods,
but were also instrumental in transporting culture. The Phoenician's extensive trade networks
necessitated considerable book-keeping and correspondence. In around 1500 BCE, the
Phoenicians developed a consonantal alphabet which was much easier to learn that the complex
scripts used in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Phoenician traders and merchants were largely
responsible for spreading their alphabet around the region. Phoenician inscriptions have been
found in archaeological sites at a number of former Phoenician cities and colonies around the
Mediterranean, such as Byblos (in present-day Lebanon) and Carthage in North Africa.

In the Graeco-Roman world, the market primarily served the local peasantry. Local producers,
who were generally poor, would sell small surpluses from their individual farming activities,
purchase minor farm equipment and also buy a few luxuries for their homes. Major producers
such as the great estates were sufficiently attractive for merchants to call directly at their farm-
gates, obviating the producers' need to attend local markets. The very wealthy landowners
managed their own distribution, which may have involved exporting. The nature of export
markets in antiquity is well documented in ancient sources and archaeological case studies.
Markets were also important centres of social life.

The rise of retailing and marketing in England, the United States and Europe has been
extensively studied, but less is known about developments elsewhere. Nevertheless, recent
research suggests that China exhibited a rich history of early retail systems. From as early as 200
BCE, Chinese packaging and branding was used to signal family, place names and product
quality, and the use of government imposed product branding was used between 600 and 900
AD. Eckhart and Bengtsson have argued that during the Song Dynasty (960–1127), Chinese
society developed a consumerist culture, where a high level of consumption was attainable for a
wide variety of ordinary consumers rather than just the elite. The rise of a consumer culture led
to the commercial investment in carefully managed company image, retail signage, symbolic
brands, trademark protection and sophisticated brand concepts.

Northampton market, established in 1255, is one of the oldest produce markets in England.

Savitt has argued that by the eighteenth century, American merchants, who had been operating as
importers and exporters, began to specialize in either wholesale or retail roles. They tended not
to specialize in particular types of merchandise, often trading as general merchants, selling a
diverse range of product types. These merchants were concentrated in the larger cities. They
often provided high levels of credit financing for retail transactions.

Josiah Wedgewood was one of the English entrepreneurs who held expansive displays in his
private home or in rented premises

Cox and Dannehl suggest that the seventeenth century's shopper's experience was very different
than in later periods. The trappings of a modern shop were entirely absent from the sixteenth and
seventeenth century store. There were no counters, display cases, chairs, mirrors, changing-
rooms, etc. The opportunity for the customer to browse merchandise, touch and feel products
was not available until the eighteenth century. Outside the major metropolitan cities, few stores
could afford to serve one type of clientele exclusively. However, gradually retail shops
introduced innovations that would allow them to separate wealthier customers from the "riff
raff." One technique was to have a window opening out onto the street from which customers
could be served. This allowed the sale of goods to the common people, without encouraging
them to come inside. Another solution, that came into vogue from the late sixteenth century was
to invite favoured customers into a back-room of the store, where goods were permanently on
display. Yet another technique that emerged around the same time was to hold a showcase of
goods in the shopkeeper's private home for the benefit of wealthier clients. Samuel Pepys, for
example, writing in 1660, describes being invited to the home of a retailer to view a wooden
jack. The eighteenth century English entrepreneurs, Josiah Wedgewood and Matthew Boulton,
both staged expansive showcases of their wares in their private residences or in rented halls.


Department stores, such as Le Bon Marché of France, appeared from the mid nineteenth century

The modern era of retailing is defined as the period from the industrial revolution to the 21st
century. In major cities, the department store emerged in the middle of the 19th century, and
permanently reshaped shopping habits, and the definition of service and luxury. A number of
department stores opened across the USA, Britain and England from the mid nineteenth century
including; Harrod's of London in 1834; Kendall's in Manchester in 1836; Selfridges of London in
1909; Macy's of New York in 1858; Bloomingdale's in 1861; Sak's in 1867; J.C. Penney in 1902;
Le Bon Marché of France in 1852 and Galeries Lafayette of France in 1905. Other twentieth
century innovations in retailing included chain stores, mail-order, multi-level marketing
(pyramid selling or network marketing, c. 1920s), party plans (c. 1930s) and B2C e-commerce

During this period, retailers worked to develop modern retail marketing practices. Pioneering
merchants who contributed to modern retailing pratice and retail marketing methods include: A.
R. Stewart, Potter Palmer, John Wanamaker, Montgomery Ward, Marshall Field, Richard
Warren Sears, Rowland Macy, J.C. Penney, Fred Lazarus, brothers Edward and William Filene
and Sam Walton. For example, Edward Filene, a proponent of the scientific approach to retail
management, developed the concept of Automatic bargain Basement. Although Filene's
Basement was not the first ‘bargain basement’ in the U.S., the principles of ‘automatic mark-
downs’ generated excitement and proved very profitable. Under Filene's plan, merchandise had
to be sold within 30 days or it was marked down; after a further 12 days, the merchandise was
further reduced by 25% and if still unsold after another 18 days, a further markdown of 25% was
applied. If the merchandise remained unsold after two months, it was given to charity. Filene was
a pioneer in employee relations. He instituted a profit sharing program, a minimum wage for
women, a 40-hour work week, health clinics and paid vacations. He also played an important
role in encouraging the Filene Cooperative Association, "perhaps the earliest American company
union". Through this channel he engaged constructively with his employees in collective
bargaining and arbitration processes. Montgomery Ward is credited with developing catalog
sales and mail-order systems. His first catalog which was issued in August 1872 consisted of an
8 in × 12 in (20 cm × 30 cm) single-sheet price list, listing 163 items for sale with ordering
instructions for which Ward had written the copy. He also devised the catch-phrase "satisfaction
guaranteed or your money back" which was implemented in 1875.


Retailers make many strategic decisions - store type, market served, product assortment and
customer services

The distinction between “strategic” and “managerial” decision-making is commonly used to

distinguish "two phases having different goals and based on different conceptual tools. Strategic
planning concerns the choice of policies aiming at improving the competitive position of the
firm, taking account of challenges and opportunities proposed by the competitive environment.
On the other hand, managerial decision-making is focused on the implementation of specific

In retailing, the strategic plan is designed to set out the vision and provide guidance for retail
decision-makers and provide an outline of how the product and service mix will optimize
customer satisfaction. As part of the strategic planning process, it is customary for strategic
planners to carry out a detailed environmental scan which seeks to identify trends and
opportunities in the competitive environment, market environment, economic environment and
statutory-political environment. The retail strategy is normally devised every 3- 5 years by the
chief executive officer.

The strategic retail analysis typically includes following elements:

The retailer also considers the overall strategic position

* Market analysis:- Market size, stage of market, market competitiveness, market attractiveness,
market trends.
* Customer analysis:- Market segmentation, demographic, geographic and psychographic
profile, values and attitudes, shopping habits, brand preferences, analysis of needs and wants,
media habits.
* Internal analysis:- Human resource capability, technological capability, financial capability,
ability to generate scale economies or economies of scope, trade relations, reputation,
positioning, past performance.
* Competition analysis:- Availability of substitutes, competitor's strengths and weaknesses,
perceptual mapping, competitive trends.
* Review of product mix:- Sales per square foot, stock-turnover rates, profitability per product
* Review of distribution channels:- Lead-times between placing order and delivery, cost of
distribution, cost efficiency of intermediaries.
* Evaluation of the economics of the strategy:- Cost-benefit analysis of planned activities.
The retail strategy, including service quality, has a significant and positive association on
customer loyalty. A marketing strategy effectively outlines all key aspects of firms' targeted
audience, demographic and preference. In a highly competitive market, the retail strategy sets up
long-term sustainability. It focuses on customer relationships, stressing the importance of added
value and customer satisfaction.

The retail mix

Once the strategic plan is in place, retail managers turn to the more managerial aspects of
planning. A retail mix is devised for the purpose of coordinating day-to-day tactical decisions.
The retail mix typically consists of six broad decision layers including product decisions, place
decisions, promotion, price, personnel and presentation (also known as physical evidence). The
retail mix is loosely based on the marketing mix, but has been modified in line with the needs of
the retail context and is often called the 6 Ps of retailing.


The primary product-related decisions facing the retailer are the product assortment (what
product lines, how many lines and which brands to carry); the type of customer service (high
contact through to self-service) and the availability of support services (e.g. credit terms, delivery
services, after sales care). These decisions depend on careful analysis of the market, demand,
competition as well as the retailer's skills and expertise.
Product assortment

A typical supermarket carries an assortment of between 30,000 and 60,000 different products

The main characteristics of a company's product assortment are: The term product assortment
refers to the combination of both product breadth and depth.

(1) the length or number of products lines the number of different products carried by a store
(2) the breadth refers to the variety of product lines that a store offers. It is also known as product
assortment width, merchandise breadth, and product line width.
(3) depth or number of product varieties within a product line the number of each item or
particular styles carried by a store
(4) consistency how products relate to each other in a retail environment.

For a retailer, finding the right balance between breadth and depth can be a key to success. An
average supermarket might carry 30,000 - 60,000 different product lines (product length or
assortment), but might carry up to 100 different types of toothpaste (product depth). Specialty
retailers typically carry fewer product lines, perhaps as few as 20 lines, but will normally stock
greater depth. Costco, for example, carries 5,000 different lines while Aldi carries just 1,400
lines per store.

Discount grocery retailer, Aldi, has successfully trimmed the number of product lines it carries to
about 1,400
Large assortments offer consumers many benefits, notably increased choice and the possibility
that the consumer will be able to locate the ideal product. However, for the retailer, larger
assortments incur costs in terms of record-keeping, managing inventory, pricing and risks
associated with wastage due to spoiled, shopworn or unsold stock. Carrying more stock also
exposes the retailer to higher risks in terms of slow-moving stock and lower sales per square foot
of store space. On the other hand, reducing the number of product lines can generate cost savings
through increased stock turnover by eliminating slow-moving lines, fewer stockouts, increased
bargaining power with suppliers, reduced costs associated with wastage and carrying inventory,
and higher sales per square foot which means more efficient space utilisation.

When determining the number of product lines to carry, the retailer must consider the store type,
store's physical storage capacity, the perishability of items, expected turnover rates for each line
and the customer's needs and expectations.

Self-service is a more cost efficient way to deliver goods.



Big Bazaar is a new shopping outlet cum shopping mall in the city of Rourkela. New Big
Bazaar’s Rourkela store in Odisha is the latest entrant in the market making the Future Value
Retail (Future Group retail chain) hit the 100th cities goal across India.

Big Bazaar shopping mall was launched as the first retail chain and fourth new outlet of Future
Group to have its presence in the Steel City of Rourkela, Odisha. The new shopping mall was
opened in the month of December 20, 2014.

Big Baazar Rourkela is among fourth new shopping outlet of Future Group, there are three Big
Bazaar outlets in the state of Odisha two in Bhubaneswar,one in Cuttack and one in Keonjhar .

Big Bazaar Pvt., Ltd operates a hypermarket that offers fashion and general merchandise such as
home furnishings, utensils, crockery, cutlery, sports goods, electronics, toys, footwear, men's and
women's apparel, accessories such as sunglasses, watches, and handbags, luggage, fruits,
vegetables, and stationary products. The company sells its products through its retail stores
located nationwide. Big Bazaar Pvt., Ltd was founded in 2001 and is based in Mumbai, India.
The company operates as a subsidiary of Future Retail Limited.


The largest retailer of india - big bazaar is now the only modern retail chain to be present across
more than 100 cities big bazaar to celebrate the 100th city goal with big bang – to offer extensive
discounts across categories ~ national, 20th december 2014: big bazaar, india’s largest
modern retailer is set to break all records. It is now present across more than 100 cities in india.
Big bazaar’s rourkela store in orissa is the latest entrant in the market making the retail chain hit
the 100th goal. Now, big bazaar reaches out to every consumer’s home from agartala in east to
bhuj in west, from zirakpur in north to palakkad in south. Within the span of last 3 months, big
bazaar opened 17 new stores across the country, adding cities like jharsugda, bhopal, varanasi,
bokaro etc. In its kitty. In over a decade now big bazaar has the change the way people shop in
india. Since its inception, big bazaar has been a front runner in industry for creating occasions of
consumption for indians.

Shopping days which were created by big bazaar like “sabse saste din”, “maha bachat”,
“wednesday bazaar”, and “monthly bazaar”, have now become an industry norm. The attractive
deals that range across product categories coupled with the best of quality, have always delighted
millions of indians. To celebrate this 100th city milestone, big bazaar is all set to present “100
cities celebration” from 24th december 2014 to 04th january 2015 at all big bazaar outlets. “100
cities celebration” offers up to 50% off in various product categories – like kitchenware, home
furnishings, fashion apparels, electronics and many more categories. On this landmark
occasion, sadashiv nayak, ceo big bazaar says “it is the belief in our indian roots which has made
this journey extremely fruitful. Each & every store of big bazaar was given birth after in-depth
research about its vicinity – seamless understanding about prospective consumers culture, style
of living, needs etc. Our strategy has been to understand the art of doing business in india, while
putting in the best practices in science of retailing. This has helped us customize a complete
experience for our customers. We are glad and thankful for making big bazaar one of the most
reliable & trustworthy brand in india.”

Big bazaar today has emerged as a community centre that has dedicated itself to the service of
customers irrespective of socio-economic positions. Big bazaar has enabled every indian to have
equal standard of living, so much so that consumers from every strata of society shop at big
bazaar. From fashion to food to home, big bazaar ensures that every category has the best of
variety of offerings. That’s not all! Big bazaar today has a loyal customer base of over two and a
half crore. These

Customers are part of various loyalty programs of big bazaar like, payback, t24 mobile and big
bazaar profit club that offer them more out of every rupee that they spend in our stores. Along
with bringing in modernization in business, big bazaar’s roots are imbibed deep down to indian
culture. Every employee of big bazaar believes in seva, that has become everyone’s way of life.
Be it a customer, colleague, society or community, big bazaar is forefront in facilitating a free
helping hand in every way possible. Big bazaar will roll out a marketing campaign to celebrate
the 100th city milestone. From tvc to print to outdoor, the “100 cities celebration” of unmatched
deals and exhaustive offers will make its way in to your home soon. Join us in our celebration
from 24th december onwards.

About big bazaar, Big bazaar is the flagship hypermarket retail chain from future group, having
over 184 stores across the country. With its motto of “making india beautiful”, big bazaar ensure
s that all the products are of good quality and offered at the lowest prices. Promising 'more for le
ss', big bazaar, offers lakh massmarket product ranges that are sought by a majority of indian con
sumers. It also offers a host of valueadded services. The special discounts and promotional offers
, which are available at regular intervals, make the format very unique and distinct. The consum
er experiences a new level of standard in price, convenience, comfort, quality and store service l


Big bazaar is a hypermarket chain owned by the Pantaloon Retail India Limited, withcurrently
more than 50 outlets in metros, medium, and small cities. Big Bazaar combinesthe look and feel
of Indian bazaars with aspect of modern retail like choice, convenience,and hygiene.It works on
the same economy model like Wal Mart, and has had considerable success inmany Indian cities
and small towns.The idea was pioneered by entrepreneur Kishore Biyani, the head of Pantaloon
RetailIndia Limited.Big Bazaar is not just another hypermarket. It caters to every need of your
family. WhereBig Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the
Indiancustomers.At Big Bazaar, you will definitely get the best products at the best prices -
that‟s what they guarantee. With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the
doorsinto the world of fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings,
utensils,crockery, cutlery, sports goods and much more at prices that will surprise you. And thisis
just the beginning. Big Bazaar plans to add much more to complete your
shoppingexperience.Living up to its motto of “Isse sasta aur accha kahin nahi”, all products in
Big Bazaarwill be available at prices lower than the MRP, often up to 60% discount. In addition
tothis, various offers, discounts and promotions will be regularly held at the store. Theconsumer
will experience a new level of standard in price, convenience and comfort,quality, quantity, and
store service levels. BIG BAZAAR in its true hypermarket modelwill offer all of the above for
both leading brands as also for its private labels.

2001:- Three Big Bazaar stores launched within a span of 22 days in Kolkata, Bangalore and

2002:- Big Bazaar - ICICI Bank Card is launched. Food Bazaar becomes part of Big Bazaar
with the launch of the first store inMumbai at High Street Phoenix.

2003:- Big Bazaar enters Tier II cities with the launch of the store in Nagpur. Big Bazaar
welcomes its 10 million-th customer at its new store in Gurgaon.

2004:- Big Bazaar wins its first award and national recognition. Big Bazaar and Food
Bazaar awarded the country‟s most admired retailer award in value retailing and
food retailing segment at the India Retail Forum. A day before Diwali, the store at Lower Parel
becomes the first to touch Rs 10million turnovers on a single day.

2005:- Initiates the implementation of SAP and pilots a RFID project at its central warehouse in
Tarapur. Launches a unique shopping program: the Big Bazaar Exchange Offer, viting
customers to exchange household junk at Big Bazaar. Electronic Bazaar and Furniture Bazaar are

2006:- Mohan Jadhav sets a national record at Big Bazaar Sangli with a Rs 1,37,367shopping
bill. The Sangli farmer becomes Big Bazaar’s largest ever customer. Big Bazaar launches Shakti,
India‟s first credit card program tailored for housewives. Navaras – the jewellery store launched
within Big Bazaar stores.

2007:- The 50th Big Bazaar store is launched in Kanpur. Big Bazaar partners with to launch India's most popular shopping portal. Big Bazaar initiates the Power
of One campaign to help raise funds for the Save the Children India Fund. Pantaloon Retail wins
the International Retailer of the Year at US-based National Retail Federation convention in New
York and Emerging Retailer of the Yearaward at the World Retail Congress held in Barcelona.
2008:- Big Bazaar becomes the fastest growing hypermarket format in the world with thelaunch
of its 101st store within 7 years of launch. Big Bazaar dons a new look with a fresh new section,
Fashion@Big Bazaar. Big Bazaar joins the league of India’s Business Super brands. It is voted
amongthe top ten service brands in the country in the latest Pitch-IMRB international survey.

2009:- Big Bazaar opens its second store in Assam at Tinsukia. Big Bazaar initiates Maha
Annasantarpane program at its stores in South India –a unique initiative to offer meals to visitors
and support local social organizations. Big Bazaar captures almost one-third share in food and
grocery products soldthrough modern retail in India.

2010:- Future Value Retail Limited is formed as a specialized subsidiary to spearhead the
Group’s value retail business through Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar and other formats.

Big Bazaar wins CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards for the third consecutive year.Adjudged the
most preferred Most Preferred Multi Brand Food & BeverageChain, Most Preferred Multi Brand
Retail Outlet and Most Preferred Multi BrandOne Stop Shop.
Big Bazaar connects over 30,000 small and medium Indian manufacturers andentrepreneurs with
around 200 million customers visiting its stores.


Wednesday Bazaar
Big Bazaar introduced the Wednesday Bazaar concept and promoted it as “Hafte KaSabse Kimti
Din”. It was mainly to draw customers to the stores on Wednesdays,
when least number of customers is observed. According to the chain, the aim of theconcept is "to
give homemakers the power to save the most and even the stores in thecity don a fresh look to
make customers feel that it is their day".
Maha Bachat
Maha Bachat was started off in 2006 as a single day campaign with attractivepromotional offers
across all Big Bazaar stores. Over the years it has grown into a 6days biannual campaign. It has
attractive offers in all its value formats such as BigBazaar, Food Bazaar, Electronic Bazaar and
Furniture Bazaar - catering to the entireneeds of a consumer.

Big Bazaar, Wazirpur

Big bazaar Wazirpur is the first discount hypermarket that has opened at a station. Bigbazaar,
wazirpur started operating around two years back on 22 of July 2005. Big Bazaaris proud to be
the first to offer a never-before shopping experience to the metrocommuters.Big Bazaar,
Wazirpur is the 4th Big Bazaar in National Capital Regions and around 20th in the country. Big
Bazaar, Wazirpur also has Food Bazaar within the store.The total area of Big Bazaar, Wazirpur
is 48,641 Sq. Feet in which 60% is the sellingarea, 25% is for the back areas and 15% is for the


Administrative Process

Stock Transactions

Sales Process

Cashiering & Check out Process

HR & Welfare

Facilities Management

Visual Merchandising & Display

Marketing & In Store Promotions

IT & Systems

Customer Service


These stores are friendly neighborhood stores, which have been offering customized services to
their customers. The stores, which have contributed to this study, were in different areas, of
different sizes and had been in existence for different time periods, right from 4-5 months to 18-
20 years.
The information gathered through the interviews is given below-
 The product range varied from store to store due to the constraint of space. but all of them
stocked the well-known brands, which had greater demand among customers. However,
most of them wanted to increase the variety of products available in their store.
 In addition to groceries, many of them sold other items like stationary, imported food
articles, audiocassettes, cold drinks, ice creams etc.
 All of them said that they had a higher percentage of regular customers than walk-in
customers. The regular customers were from the nearby areas, but some of the stores
claimed to have customers from far off areas too. New customers are usually generated
through word-of-mouth.
 The owners decided on which brands to stock according to the preferences of their
customers and estimated the amount of goods to stock according to their periodic sales
 Most of them expressed a desire to expand their stores if given the opportunity to do so;
however, they lacked finance and space to expand. Some of them believed that a
VISHAL MEGA MART located on the main road would have more sales. The
remaining said they were satisfied with their business volumes and in addition, they did
not have the time to look after a bigger store.

 When asked about why their regular customers chose to visit their store. most VISHAL
MEGA MART owners listed availability of good quality and fresh products. customer
 prices and owner-customer relationship as the primary reasons for their customers’
 All these stores provided free home delivery to their customers and had a credit period
ranging from 15 to 30 days.
 The threat of supermarkets was perceived differently by different stores. Though all of
them felt that supermarkets would adversely affect their business, most of them still
believed that the effect would be marginal. The reasons for this were the ones listed
above under reasons for customer loyalty.
 On an average, these stores remained open from 8 in the morning to 11 in the night. Most
of them also remained open on Sundays, at least for half a day. There were some, which
remained open even on holidays.


Historically speaking in terms of its origin, earlier vishal mega mart selling every range of
products based on the income of the people in that area.. The second step in vishal mega mart
ping came when people started desiring vishal mega mart s that met their multiple needs under
one roof. This resulted in the development of vishal mega mart ping malls.
A ‘vishal mega mart used to have the central space around which all the functions used to
happen. The building used to have a bowl like structure with major activities happening in the
centre. The centre used to have ‘no-salesman’ fast moving consumer products and around it used
to be the galleries in which other goods were sold. The whole building used to be designed in
such a way that all the vishal mega mart s around the central area looks in that space and all the
movement used to happen from within that central space.
In india,bazaars. Have paved way for customers across all segments. With the change in demand
and the westernization, people in india want an additional or modified package of facilities in the
market. People want to enjoy the magic of the movies entertainment to come hand in hand with
retailing and eating out in a centrally air conditioned ambience in a market holding futuristic
design to the vishal mega mart pers providing not only a vishal mega mart ping pleasure but a
memorable experience. The vishal mega mart is providing that experience to its users.
“any business that directs its marketing efforts towards satisfying the final consumer based upon
the organization of selling goods and services as a means of distribution”

The success of the retail stores, therefore, depends on customers’ reaction to the retailing mix
which influences the profits of the store, its volume of turnover, its share of the market, its image
and status and finally its survival
There are three main phases in the life of a retailing institution. These are: -

 Innovation ( entry )
 Trading up
 Vulnerability.
In the entry stage, a new retailer enters with new price appeal, limiting. In the entry stage, a new
retailer enters with new price appeal, limiting product offerings, sparton stores & limited
services. Its monopoly power over the others is its price advantage, which means that it offers
products at low prices so as to get a competitive edge over its competitors.
The company is into the business of retailing. The company has 24 retail outlets across india and
is planning to add 26 retail outlets (25000 to 50000 sq ft.)Upto this financial year. The strength
of the company more than three thousand. The co. Has aggressive growth targets & has a vision
to become a rs 1500 crore co. By end 2010.the co will become a public ltd co. By the end of this
financial year and has immediate plans to start its operations in china, europe & us. The company
is looking for manager in retail/stores industry.
In order to get an idea of the magnitude of the issue we are dealing with, we look at the
international scenario. During 1992, the largest 100 retailers in the world generated over $1.1
trillion in revenues.
Retailing is the second largest industry in the world, one of the largest employers of the world
and an index of economic growth. In india there are about 5 million retail outlet varying in sizes
and nomenclatures. India has the highest number of retail outlets per capita in the world but has
the lowest retail space per capita in the world (2 ft / person). Out of
These 5 million outlets 96% are smaller than 500 sq. Ft. In area 3. There are about 3 million
outlets in india’s 3700 designated towns and more than 6,00,000 villages. About 350 million
people live, within one-minute walk of these retail vishal mega mart s. According to retail
census conducted by market researcher org-mark, rs.4,79,568 crore worth of products were sold
through theses million retail outlets manufacturers owned and retail chain store are springing up
in urban areas to market consumer goods to the middle class in a much similar style as malls
around the globe. At present about 8% of the indian population is employed in the retailing
industry as against 20% in usa. As india moves towards the service oriented economy, a rise in
this percentage is expected. The number of the retail outlets is growing at about 8.5% annually in
the urban areas and in towns with population between 1,00,000 to i million; the growth rate is
about 4.5%.



India represents an economic opportunity on a massive scale, both as a global base and as a
domestic market. Indian Retail sector consists of small family-owned stores, located in
residential areas, with a VISHAL MEGA MART floor of less than 500 square feet. At present
the organized sector accounts for only 2 to 4% of the total market although this is expected to
rise by 20 to 25% on YOY basis.
Retail growth in the coming five years is expected to be stronger than GDP growth, driven by
changing lifestyles and by strong income growth, which in turn will be supported by favorable
demographic patterns and the extent to which organized retailers succeed in reaching lower
down the income scale to reach potential consumers towards the bottom of the consumer
pyramid. Growing consumer credit will also help in boosting consumer demand.
The structure of retailing will also develop rapidly. VISHAL MEGA MART ping malls are
becoming increasingly common in large cities, and announced development plans project at least
150 new VISHAL MEGA MART ping malls by 2008. The number of department stores is
growing much faster than overall retail, at an annual 24%. Supermarkets have been taking an
increasing share of general food and grocery trade over the last two decades. However,
Distribution continues to improve, but it still remains a major inefficiency. Poor quality of
infrastructure, coupled with poor quality of the distribution sector, results in logistics costs that
are very high as a proportion of GDP, and inventories, which have to be maintained at an
unusually high level. Distribution and marketing is a huge cost in Indian consumer markets. It’s
a lot easier to cut manufacturing costs than it is to cut distribution
and marketing costs.
Also, government has relaxed regulatory controls on foreign direct investment (FDI)
considerably in recent years, while retailing currently remains closed to FDI. However, the
Indian government has indicated in 2005 that liberalization of direct investment in retailing is
under active consideration. It has allowed 51% FDI in “single brand” retail.
The next cycle of change in Indian consumer markets will be the arrival of foreign players in
consumer retailing. Although FDI remains highly restricted in retailing, most companies believe
that will not be for long. Indian companies know Indian markets better, but foreign players will
come in and challenge the locals by sheer cash power, the power to drive down prices. That will
be the coming struggle. This report discusses the scenario of organized retail industry in India
and the opportunities available for companies based on key statistics.


Future Group is an Indian private conglomerate, headquartered in Mumbai. The company is

known for having a significant prominence in Indian retail and fashion sectors, with popular
supermarket chains like Big Bazaar and Food Bazaar, lifestyle stores like Brand Factory, Central
etc. and also for having notable presence in integrated foods and FMCG manufacturing sectors.
Future Retail (initially Pantaloons Retail India Ltd (PRIL)) and Future Lifestyle Fashions, two
operating companies of Future Group, are among the top retail companies listed in BSE with
respect to assets, and in NSE with respect to market capitalization.

On May 2012, Future Group announced 50.1% stake sale of its fashion chain Pantaloons to
Aditya Birla Group in order to reduce its debt of around ₹80 billion (US$1.2 billion). To do so,
Pantaloons fashion segment was demerged from Pantaloons Retail India Ltd; the latter was then
merged to another subsidiary—Future Value Retail Ltd—and rechristened Future Retail Ltd.

 Future Group is a corporate group and nearly all of its businesses are managed through its
various operating companies based on the target sectors. For e.g., retail
supermarket/hypermarket chains Big Bazaar, FBB, Food Bazaar, Food Hall, Hometown
etc. are operated through its retail hand, Future Retail Ltd, while its fashion outlets Brand
Factory, Central, Planet Sports etc. are operated via another of its subsidiaries, Future
Lifestyle Fashions. With these many fashion outlets and supermarket, the group also
promotes respectively, its fashion brands like Indigo Nation, Spalding, Lombard, Bare
etc., and FMCGs like Tasty Treat, Fresh & Pure, Clean Mate, Ektaa, Premium Harvest,
Sach etc. It also has operating companies to cater specifically to internal financial
matters and consulting within its group of companies.

 On November 21, 2014, Future Consumer Enterprises Ltd. acquired the 98% from Actis
Capital and other promoters. With that, Nilgiris is a fully owned subsidiary under Future
Consumer Enterprises Ltd(FCEL).
Future Group's operating companies sorted by targeted markets


 Future Retail Ltd

 Future Lifestyle Fashion Ltd
 Future Consumer Enterprise Limited

Financial Services

 Future Capital Holdings (for internal financial services)

 Future Generali Life Insurance
 Future Generali General Insurance
 Future Ventures

Other Services

 Future Innoversity
 Future Supply Chains
 Future Brands
 Future Learning

Future Group retail services sorted by operating companies

 Food Bazaar
 FBB (Fashion @ Big Bazaar)
 HomeTown
 E Zone
 Foodhall
 (e-retailing)
 Easyday
 Big Bazaar
 Nilgiris 1905
Future Lifestyle Fashion Ltd

 Central
 Brand Factory
 Planet Sports
 I AM in

Future Consumer Enterprise Limited

 KB's

Products brands under Future Group in India

Fashion and Lifestyle

 Indigo Nation
 Scullers
 John Millers
 All
 Rig

Integrated Foods and FMCG

 Tasty Treat
 Fresh & Pure
 Ektaa
 Premium Harvest
 Mera Swad
 Pratha
 Punya
 Sach
 Kosh
Joint Venture Partnerships
Generali Group

Generali is an Italian insurance company, having business in India through a joint venture with
Future Group under the brand name Future Generali Insurance. Future Generali operates in India
having through two primary legal entities namely Generali India Life Insurance Co. Ltd.(Life
Insurance) and Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd.(Non-Life Insurance). Since 2013, Future
Generali held talks of a possible merger with Larsen & Toubro Ltd to form a general insurance
company but a year later, on 22 April, Future Group backed out of merger leading to premature
closure of the talks.

Staples Inc.

Staples Inc. a United States-based office supply retailer, has a presence of over nine cities in
India under the joint venture with Future Group. As of April 2013, Future Group has 60% stake
in the partnership.


Skechers entered India through a JV with Future Group in 2012.


French fashion Celio entered Indian markets in 2008 through a 50:50 joint venture with Future
Group's then Retail hand, Pantaloons Retails India Ltd (now Future Retail Ltd). On November
2013, Celio hiked its stake in the joint venture to 65%


C&J Clark International Ltd. is a UK-based footwear and accessories retailer. The Future Group
has entered into a 50:50 joint-venture (JV) to form 'Clarks Future Footwear Ltd'. The JV
launched its first (1,600 sq ft.) stand-alone store in Connaught Place, Delhi on 19 April 2011.
The brand seeks to gain a share of the premium segment in this category.


When we talk of research methodology, we not only talk of the research methods but also the
comparison of the logic behind the methods, we used in this context of our research study and
explain why we are using a particular method or technique and why using the others. Research
methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a
science of studying how research is done systematically. In this, we study the various steps that
are generally adopted by researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind

“The present study is based upon the case study method of research to investigate procedures at
micro level”.

As the study is analyzing probing in nature, thus, entirely based on the secondary data gathered
through the annual reports of Retail industry. Therefore it provides a historical perspective of

After the technician attends to the demanded repairs the technical advisor to confirm whether the
defects have been resolved shall do a road test. After completion of road test by the technical
advisor and final inspection by final. Inspector the vehicle should be handed over to the washing
supervisor. The washing supervisor shall get the vehicle thoroughly washed. The job card shall
be closed by the supervisor and handed over to the front office staff, who shall prepare Performa
invoice. The front office staff shall inform customers for vehicle readiness and delivery time.
The details of the calls made to customers shall be maintained in the “informed when service was
complete register.” The customer should also be informed through SMS.
The objectives of the study are:
 To identify change in consumer behavior, i.e., preference of the small retail store over the
supermarket or vice versa.
 To identify the retailer’s point of view regarding change in sales volumes and type of
services offered in this respect.
 Finally to relate the above findings so as to get a comprehensive picture of where the
small retail store is today and where it is headed.
 The study would try to answer the objectives pointed above and see if the architecture
of Big Bazaar has regionalized.

Marketing research is the systematic and objective investigation analysis of information to the
identification and solution of any problem in field of marketing very broadly the function of
market research includes description and explanation and evaluation of more narrowly the
function of marketing research within a company is to provide the information and analytical
inputs for effective working.
The purpose of methodology section in the report is to describe the research process that is
followed by doing main part.
The research design plays a pivotal role in the quality and context of data in making any project
report. The type of research design chosen is seen to have a learning on all aspects of report


PRIMARY RESEARCH:-Primary data was collected through questionnaires, which were tilled
by customers and through interviews taken of kirana store (small retail store) owners and
supermarket owners/managers.

SECONDARY RESEARCH:-Secondary Data sources comprised of newspapers, books from

the library, other periodicals as well as the Internet.
DEFINE POPULATION:- The customer of Faridabad; keep in view the conservation and
space coverage.

SAMPLING UNIT:- A single section selected to research and gather statistics of the whole.
For example, when studying a group of people, a single person could be a sampling.

SAMPLE METHOD:-“Learning about the problem area and beginning to focus on specific
areas of study by discussing the problem with informed sources within the firm (a process often
called situation analysis) and with knowledgeable others outside the firm (the informal

One of the important things to do is review the existing situation to determine how things came
to be that way - this is an important part of the Exploratory Research and is one of the reasons
why companies hire outside agencies or the same work did by Summer Trainees.

SIZE OF SAMPLING:- Sample size for the research is fixed. It counts to 100. It includes
both corporate offices and institutes. The sample size includes 55 institutes and 45 corporate
houses located at different locations of Delhi and NCR.


I. For all practical purposes, the scope of the study of Big Bazzar has been delimited to
Delhi and NCR.
II. The study of older shopping places will not be exhaustive and will be done essentially to
see the continuous process of shopping as an activity.
III. To obtain an understanding of prevalent shopping trends, user habits as a basis for
IV. The definition of rationalization is defined which is taken as the basis for this study.
1) High ratio of male & female customers:


Big Bazaar 48 52
Vishal Mega Mart 34 66
Future Group 28 72





40 Male



Big Bazaar Vishal Mega Mart Future Group

All supermarkets are high ratio of female customers are more than female and this figure shows
that more and maximum purchasing and self-employed handling own.
2) High percentage of businessman in male customers:


Big Bazaar 44%
Vishal Mega Mart 38%
Future Group 18%



44% Big Bazaar

Vishal Mega Mart
Future Group

This analysis shows that about the occupation of the male customers of retail industry to increase
Big Bazzar.
3) High number of young-family people:

Big Bazaar 52%
Vishal Mega Mart 25%
Future Group 23%



Big Bazaar
Vishal Mega Mart
Future Group

There are also 52% of customers belonging to the percentage in Big Bazaar.
4) Maximum visit of customers to the store:


Big Bazaar 44%
Vishal Mega Mart 30%
Future Group 26%

40% 44%
25% 30%
Big Bazaar Vishal Mega Mart Future Group

This analysis shows that maximum visit of customers to Big bazaar store.


Big Bazaar 46 54
Vishal Mega Mart 15 85
Future Group 34 66

Big Bazaar Vishal Mega Mart Future Group

Big bazaar frequency increase 46% in females customer and male customer 54% in increase
6) Purchase of apparels:-

Big Bazaar 50%
Vishal Mega Mart 30%
Future Group 20%







Big Bazaar Vishal Mega Mart Future Group

50% purchase apparels once in Big Bazaar & 30% more than Vishal Mega Mart.
7) Reason for purchasing apparels from Retail industry:-

Big Bazaar 55%
Vishal Mega Mart 25%
Future Group 20%


Future Group

Vishal Mega Big Bazaar

Mart 55%

The other group of people who’s percentage is around 55% prefer buying clothes from BIG
BAZAAR because of the various discounts & offers available at the store. This analysis shows
that reason for buying the appearls and according to the maximum analysis
8) Billing experience:-
Big Bazaar 42 58
Vishal Mega Mart 51 49
Future Group 56 44






Big Bazaar Vishal Mega Mart Future Group

42% of the customers experienced various problems regarding billing at Big Bazaar store and
rest 58% did not experience any billing problem at Big Bazaar.
9) Experience with Customer Service Desk(CSD)

Big Bazaar 33 67
Vishal Mega Mart 40 60
Future Group 25 75

40 YES

30 NO

Big Bazaar Vishal Mega Mart Future Group

In Big Bazaar, 67% of the customers have not visited the customer service desk but the other
Big Bazaar 65%
Vishal Mega Mart 15%
Future Group 20%



Big Bazaar
Vishal Mega Mart
Future Group

65% of the customers were satisfied with CSD since their complain was heard & solved also.
The response time at CSD ranges from BIG BAZAAR.

Big Bazaar offers a wide variety of products of different prices and different qualities satisfying
most of its customers.

Prices and offers in Big Bazaar have been one of the main attractions and reasons for its
popularity. The price ranges and the products offered are very satisfying to the customers.

Considering the fact that there are huge middle class families in India, Big bazaar has had a huge
impact on the middle class section of India, the prices, variety and sales strategy has helped in
getting the middle income groups getting attracted towards Big Bazaar.

The store layout and the assortment of goods is not the best at Big Bazaar, Customers find it hard
to find what they require; this leads to dissatisfaction of customers.

Big Bazaar is not acclaimed for high class service. The staffs recruited is not very well trained
and the billing queues take a long time to move, this irritates customers which makes them visit
the store more seldom.

The customer get all kind of products in the Big Bazaar, i.e. they are following good
merchandising mix, but in some section like apparels they have to keep different brands in order
to attract more customer.

Word of mouth publicity played major role in making Big Bazaar so popular where as media is
used to communicate new offers at the store.

Customers are not aware and hence don’t avail value added services provided by the store.

Customers are more satisfied with the merchandising present in the food bazaar and household
utensils section.
 Customer service Desk board should be brought down to the line of sight so that
customers can view it and keep it in mind.

 A board or something should be there at the CSD to highlight its different functions.
Customers should be aware of all the facilities being provided as it acts as a plus point.

 We should keep all the schemes and discounts updated within the system so that we can
minimize the wrong billing and hence the cash refunds.

 Customer’s phone calls are not attended immediately, that is the reason why customers
don’t call much. Customer’s phone calls should be taken seriously because it is one of the
important services we provide. Our seriousness can increase the number of phone calls.

 CSD staff should strictly follow the rules and regulations in case of exchanges. We
should exchange only up to 4:00 pm. There should be no exchanges on Saturdays and

 CSD should be involved in its primary functions i.e. handling customer queries rather
than in billing. If we shift CSD to a place which is near the cash counters we can reduce
the number of bill that is being made from the CSD counter.

 Customers should themselves be able to differentiate between a cash counter and CSD.
There should be a different Uniform for the CSD staff and different outlook of CSD

 Space of the CSD counter should also be increased and if possible there should be at least
one more computer system so as to counter the long queues.

 We should provide free home deliveries to those customers who purchase food items in
bulk. This would also help to counter the competition of Subhiksha.

 Philip Kotler for Marketing Management

 Boyd for Marketing Research
 Kinner Taylor for Marketing Research
 Redding ton, VISHAL MEGA MART ping centre
 hatpin/’MallsHistoiy.

Business Today


Internal company data Employees of the store and the sales staff

1) How often do you come to retail industry?


2) How often do you purchase apparels from retail industry?


3) Why do you buy clothes from retail industry?


4) Kindly rate the following according to your preference?


5) Have you faced any problems while billing? If yes, what’s the nature of problem?

6) Would you like some new merchandise or brands to be introduced in the apparels section of BB?
7) How do you find the sales staff assistance?

8) Have you ever visited Customer Service Desk (CSD) at retail industry?

9) If for a complaint, what was the reason?


10) What was the response time at CSD?



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