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homework 2

Due: Wednesday February 13, 2019 11:59 PM (EST)

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Q1 (3 points)

Let f : ℂ → ℂ , differentiable at the origin, f (0) = 0 , and satisfy f (2z) = 2f (z) for all z ∈ℂ . Prove that
there exists c ∈ℂ such that f (z) = cz for all z ∈ℂ .

Q2 (3 points)

Compute ∫ γ xdz , where: i) γ is a straight line segment from 1 to i . ii) γ is the arc of the unit circle from 1 to i .
Is this a violation of Cauchy's theorem? Here, x is the real part of z .

Q3 (3 points)
Compute ∫ γ 1/(4z − 1)dz where γ is the unit circle.

Q4 (3 points)
Compute ∫ γ exp(2z)/(z + 1) dz , where γ is the circle |z| = 10 .

Q5 (3 points)
Let γ be the square (diamond) with vertices at − 2, − 2i, 2, 2i . Determine ∫ γ (z/(z − 1)) dz .

Q6 (3 points)

Let f be entire and satisfy lim|z|→∞ f (z)/z = 0 . Show that f (z) is constant.

Q7 (3 points)

Let a, b ∈\R , with a > |b| . Evaluate ∫ 0 dt/(a + b sin(t)) by considering an integral around the unit
circle, z = exp(it) , writing sin(t) = (z − 1/z)/(2i) , and using Cauchy's theorem.

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