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Ramos, Jelly C.

Group 3/ CE-4203 29 January 2019

Technical Report No. 1

Components of Transportation System

Flow as one of the Components of transportation System


 To understand the definition of flow and its importance and

function as one of the four core components of transportation
 To provide illustrations to emphasize important points related to the


I. Flow of Transportation
a. Origin
b. Intermediary Locations
c. Destination
II. Flow of road transportation
a. Meaning
b. Characterization of traffic flow


I. Flow of transportation

Origin Intermediary
Location Destination

Origin. The point where the actual transportation of goods or

people starts.
Intermed iary Location. Place that links the origin and destination of

Freight intermediaries link the international supply chain by

facilitating market access for exporters. The use of freight
intermediaries allows a firm to enter foreign markets without specific
operational knowledge or experience in those markets.
Logistics Intermediary. A party who arranges shipping, warehousing,
distribution and other goods movement on behalf of goods
providers and shipping companies.

Destination. Place that receives people and cargos as it travelled

along the network of transportation.

II. Flow on road transportation (Traffic Flow)

Flow is one of the most transportation parameters. Flow is the rate at

which vehicles pass a givn point on the network.

a. Meaning

Traffic flow is the study of interactions between travellers and

infrastructures (including highways, signage, and traffic control devices),
with the aim of understanding and developing an optimal transport
network with efficient movement of traffic and minimal traffic congestion

b. Characterization of traffic flow

12 vehicles/mile length Free flow

12-30 vehicles/ mile length Stable

30 vehicles/mile length Unstable

Greater than 67 vehicles/mile length Breakdown

185-250 vehicles/mile length Jam Density

The purpose of a transportation system is to coordinate the
movement of people, goods and vehicles in order to utilize routes
most efficiently therefore the concept of flow in transportation is
very efficient and significant.
For transportation to take place, four core components are
essential. These are modes, infrastructures, networks and flows. This
technical report tackles flow as one of the component of
transportation system. Flow is defined as movements of people,
freight and information over their respective networks. Flows have
origins, intermediary locations and destinations. An intermediary
location is often required to go from an origin to a destination. For
instance, flying from one airport to another may require a transit at
hub airport.

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