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About Political

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah Swt due to all of His grace and blessing
upon us all. Sholawat and salam may everlastingly upon our adoration, Great Prophet
Muhammad Saw who had guided us from darkness into shining bright path.
To the honorable ladies, gentlemen, and audience,
Not long, we are all as Indonesian citizens will be holding a five-yearly democracy party or well-
known as General Election to elect the representatives of people who will be sitting on the chairs
of DPR (People’s Representative Council), DPRD (Regional People’s Representative Council),
and DPD (Region’s Representative Council). After that, we will be electing the national leader.
There are various political advertisements either above the line or below the line ones that almost
everyday terror us to elect the candidates. Unfortunately, we are frequently confronted to the
reality regarding the lack of information and references of the figures of those people’s
representatives. As a result, we are frequently offended by ambiguous stigmas and dualism
between electing and non-electing.
To the priding ladies, gentlemen, and audience,
If you are mistaken once in electing our representatives and then in the next five years we are the
one who will be the victims. They could be more sweet-mouthed in saying their promises on
their campaign but after getting what they want they will forget everything they have promised,
even for the Chief of the Team Success. They are really ingratitude. They only think about their
stomach and private needs. Therefore, do not get yourselves mistakenly elect those people’s
There are few tips you can do to elect the people’s representatives so that you won’t be mistaken
in electing, as follows:
Research and observe the track records of your people’s representative candidates. Check them
out through internet about everything they have said, done, their personality background,
educations, achievements, or their group or political affiliations. If they are well-known already,
usually they would have their personal website/blog so that you will be eased in obtaining
adequate data and information regarding those candidates.
But if they rarely have contact with media worlds, either printed or electronic ones, including
internet, you can do it offline. It will need extra time, like asking to the neighbors who lived
around their houses, their school friends, collages, or even their rivals.
If you have enough time, you could have your time to discuss together with the candidate
directly. You can start out from the topics which have become their concerns (you can get this
from posters, street banners, or their other campaign attributes which are frequently stated only
as slogans without any concept), up to the issues which have become your own concerns.
You also need to assure in the processes above, whether the candidate you are going to elect are
FAST people (FAST : fathanah, amanah, shiddiq, tabligh) which means intelligent, trustworthy,
truthful, and informative, or other positive natures besides those four. The ideas from the
candidates who are worthy electing should be the ideas which are rational and educating,
maturing, and responsible. They don’t offer the money, take down others’ dignity by doing black
campaign, and promise paradise sayings that might disappoint in later days. Afterwards, you can
come into the conclusion about if they are worthy electing or not.
After you are convinced enough with your candidate, moreover you can carry out “political
contract” with the candidate you choose. Make some permanent commitments for either short or
long term.
Although the processes of campaign have been going, there is no late word for finding out. Make
a list of candidates in your place and follow the tips above soon. The more you know and gather
valid information about the candidates, the better it will be for the determination of the
candidates you will elect.
I wish everything I have said could bring benefits for all of us. I wish we all can have those
people’s representative who are trustworthy, responsible, pure-hearted, and take the side of
righteousness. I say my apology for my entire words.

Assalamu Alaikum wr.Wb
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan
segala rohmat, taufiq, dan hidayahnya kepada kita sekalian.
Solawat serta salam mudah-mudahan tetap tercurahkan kepada junjungan Nabi besar kita
Muhammad SAW yang telah menunjukkan kita dari jalan yang gelap gulita menuju jalan yang
terang benderang.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu dan para hadirin semua yang saya hormati.
Sebentar lagi, kita semua bangsa Indonesia akan menggelar hajatan demokrasi lima tahunan atau
yang popular dengan sebutan Pemihan Umum untuk memilih para wakil rakyat yang akan duduk
di lembaga DPR, DPRD, dan DPD. Setelah itu kita pun akan melangkah ke tahap pemilihan
kepemimpinan nasional.
Berbagai iklan politik, baik above the line maupun below the line, hampir tiap saat menteror kita
untuk mau memilihnya. Sayangnya, kita seringkali dihadapkan pada kenyataan akan miskinnya
informasi dan referensi tentang figur-figur calon wakil rakyat tersebut. Alhasil, kita pun terserang
stigma ambigu dan dualisme antara memilih dan tidak memilih.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu dan para hadirin semua yang saya banggakan.
Sekali salah dalam memilih wakil kita maka 5 tahun kita menjadi korban. Bisa jadi ketika
berkampanye mereka begitu manis mengumbar janji namun setelah jadi lupa segala yang
diomongkannya. Bahkan kepada tim suksesnya pun lupa. Sungguh tidak tahu balas budi. Ia
hanya mementingkan perut dan keperluannya sendiri. Karenanya jangan sampai kita salah
memilih wakil kita nanti.
Ada beberapa tips yang bisa kita lakukan untuk memilih wakil kita jangan sampai salah
keputusan, antara lain :
Riset dan selidiki track record caleg pilihan Anda. Cek di internet, apa saja yang sudah ia
katakan, lakukan, latar belakang pribadi, pendidikan, prestasinya, atau afiliasi kelompok atau
politiknya. Kalau sudah terkenal biasanya ia punya website/blog pribadi, sehingga kita akan
mudah mendapatkan data dan informasi yang cukup tentang caleg itu.
Tapi kalau ia tidak pernah atau jarang bersentuhan dengan dunia media, baik cetak, elektronik,
maupun internet, lakukan secara offline. Memang butuh waktu ekstra, misalnya dengan
bertanya2 kepada tetangga yang tinggal di sekitar rumahnya, teman- temen sekolahnya,
koleganya, atau bahkan pesaing-pesaingnya.
Kalau ada kesempatan, ajak si caleg berdiskusi secara langsung. Mulailah dari tema- tema yang
menjadi concern-nya (Dapat Anda lihat dari poster, spanduk, dan atribut kampanyenya yang lain
—yang seringkali hanya slogan tanpa konsep), hingga berkaitan dengan isu-isu yang menjadi
kepentingan Anda sendiri.
Pastikan juga dalam proses di atas, apakah ia orang yang FAST (fathanah, amanah, shiddiq,
tabligh), atau tidak, dan lain-lain. Gagasan dari caleg yang layak pilih adalah gagasan yang
rasional dan mencerdaskan, mendewasakan, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabk an. Ia tidak
menawarkan pembagian uang, tidak merendahkan martabat orang lain dengan black campaign,
serta tidak memberi janji surga yang mengecewakan di kemudian hari. Setelah itu, simpulkan
dari situ apakah ia layak pilih atau tidak.
Setelah cukup yakin dengan pilihan Anda, lebih jauh lakukan “kontrak politik” dengan caleg
pilihan Anda. Buat komitmen permanen, untuk jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang.
Meski proses kampanye sudah berlangsung, tidak ada kata terlambat untuk mencari tahu.
Buatlah daftar para caleg yang ada di tempat Anda. Segera lakukan tips di atas. Semakin banyak
Anda tahu dan mengumpulkan informasi valid tentang para caleg itu, maka itu semakin baik
untuk penentuan caleg pilihan Anda.
Semoga apa yang saya uraikan tadi dapat bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Dan semoga kita
diberikan wakil-wakil rakyat yang amanah, bertanggung jawab, punya nurani dan berpihak
kepada kebenaran. Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan.
Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb.

About Global Warming

Good morning to my respected teachers and friends. In this occasion, I would like to convey my
speech on Global Warming. There are several environmental issues increasing as the impacts of
global warming. Our daily activities are responsible for the increasing temperature of the earth,
there are many factors which cause global warming however the main causes are known as the
Green House Effects. Greenhouse effect is caused by the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide,
chloro-fluoro carbon, methane, nitrous oxides, etc. Our daily activities are generating the
greenhouse effects, those greenhouse effects are being collected in the atmosphere then it forms a
cover for earth which absorbs the sun rays. The absorbed heat remains in the lower circle of
biosphere so it increases the temperature level, the more greenhouse gases trapped in the
atmosphere the more heats gets trapped . The glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud
forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. Global warming is not only harmful
for human but also flora and fauna. Global warming cause acid rain which is very destructive,
burn the forest life and it wipes out the whole forest and its living. Meanwhile the temperature
rise affects agricultural crops, forests, marine life, and any other.
My friends,
Global warming is a huge and global problem, it cannot be solved by several groups or countries,
the global efforts are very needed to reduce the global warming effects. As we know there are
three specific ways to lessen the global warming effects, those efforts are called as 3R. 3R means
Reduce, Re-use, and the last one is Recycle. Reduce refers to the waste, as a smart generation we
should lessen the usage of plastic, Styrofoam, and any other industrial packaging because it
donates into greenhouses effect. The second one is reuse, we can change our habits positively by
choosing the reusable products instead of the disposable ones. The last one is recycle which
means that we need to recycle things that are recyclable such as newspaper, glasses, aluminum
cans, etc. The experts stated that we can save approximately 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide
emission every year if we start to recycle half of the household wastes.
My dearest friends,
Eliminating the global warming effects may seem impossible but if we do it together I am sure it
will reap the fruit. As a student, we have learnt so much that global warming is a serious matter
and it is threating the human race. Let us save the world from more greenhouse gases. Do it now
and do it from the small things such as implementing the 3R way of life, save the electricity by
turning the light off while sleeping, turn on the air conditioner wisely and try to lessen the
harmful gases emission. The way to lessen the harmful gas emission can be done by minimize
driving a car, riding motorcycle or any other transportation means. By lessening the frequency to
ride transportation means, we can save the world and we can be healthy too. Those small things
will be a big matter if we do it together. That is all from me, thank you very much for your kind
attention. See you!

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