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English, please!

Teacher ’s Guide

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English, please! 1
Student’s Book
English, please! 1 fue diseñado en el marco de los
Convenios de Cooperación 127 de 2012 y 751 de 2013 suscritos
entre el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, el British Council
y la Fundación Empresarios por la Educación

María Fernanda Campo Saavedra

Ministra de Educación Nacional

Julio Salvador Alandete Arroyo

Viceministro de Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media

Mónica Patricia Figueroa Dorado

Directora de Calidad de Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media

Judith Yeni Jimenez Torres

Gerente Proyecto de Fortalecimiento al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras

Equipo Técnico
Ministerio de Educación Nacional
Sindy Moya
Carola Gomez Medina
British Council
Katie Potts
Camila Murcia
Fundación Empresarios por la Educación
Sandra Patricia Corzo Delgadillo
Especialista académico
Jan Van De Putte

Nathalie Ruge, Maya Briggs, Helen Speranza, Luzkarime Calle, Yuddy Pérez, Paola Urueña,
Larissa Tatiana Rico, Nancy Echeverri, Nancy Paola Riascos, María Isabel Gutiérrez, Oscar Hernán
Montoya, María Alejandra Roa, Frank Giraldo, Lizbeth Arévalo, María Eugenia Oviedo Bocanegra.
Consultores académicos
NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education)
Thom Kiddle, Simon Smith, Rod Bolitho
Ilustraciones y Fotografías
Carátula: David Osorio; Imágenes del libro: P. 199
Coordinación editorial
Ideas Maestras - Ana Julia Mora Torres
Diseño: Paola López Mora. Diagramación: Leidy Sánchez, Diana González Molina.
Edición: Beatriz Henao Zapata, Juanita Navarro Páez, Aylin Aldana.

© Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 2013

ISBN 978-958-691-563-2
Calle 43 No. 57-14 Piso 5. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia
Citación: Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2013). English, please! 1. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia
Impreso por Imprenta Nacional de Colombia
Disponible en:
© MEN Colombia

Todos los derechos reservados

Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, el registro o la transmisión
por cualquier medio de recuperación de información, sin autorización
previa del Ministerio de Educación Nacional.
Bogotá D. C. – Colombia

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“Nuestro propósito es formar ciudadanos competitivos, capaces de
interactuar con el mundo, a través de una lengua extranjera”.

La inversión social a través del acceso a una educación pertinente y de calidad es una
prioridad del Gobierno Nacional. En el Plan de Desarrollo 2010–2014 se considera el
dominio de una lengua extranjera, particularmente el inglés, como un vehículo para
lograr una mayor competitividad del país. Por eso, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional
trabaja en la internacionalización de la educación, como una importante oportunidad de

la agenda internacional del país.

En la política sectorial 2010-2014 “Educación de Calidad, el Camino para la Prosperidad”,
del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, consolidamos una importante estrategia, el
Proyecto de Fortalecimiento al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras,
que busca garantizar que nuestros estudiantes desarrollen mejores competencias
comunicativas en una lengua extranjera durante todo el ciclo educativo, para convertirse
luego en ciudadanos que logren insertarse mejor en el mundo globalizado en que vivimos
y contribuir a mejorar las condiciones de competitividad de nuestro país.

necesario fortalecer los ambientes de aprendizaje de lengua extranjera en el país, lo que

implica impactar todos los aspectos del ciclo del mejoramiento de la calidad educativa.
cuatro ejes (formación
y acompañamiento a docentes, aspectos pedagógicos, evaluación y seguimiento,
y fortalecimiento institucional), que se constituyen en una guía orientadora para la
formulación de proyectos pertinentes y sostenibles, tendientes a mejorar las condiciones
en que nuestros niños y jóvenes aprenden a interactuar en una lengua extranjera.

• Formación y acompañamiento a docentes

El docente, como actor primordial que orienta el mejoramiento de las competencias
de los niños y jóvenes, debe contar con un nivel adecuado de una lengua extranjera
y apropiar prácticas de aula efectivas. De ahí la importancia de ofrecer esquemas de
desarrollo profesional continuo, que respondan a las necesidades reales de los docentes

programas diferenciados, que contemplan no sólo la fase de formación, sino también la

de acompañamiento a la implementación. En esta línea, para el Ministerio de Educación
es igualmente prioritario asegurar la calidad de los nuevos docentes, por lo que de forma
paralela a la formación de docentes en servicio, se adelantan y direccionan proyectos
de fortalecimiento a los programas de licenciatura y a los ciclos complementarios de las
Escuelas Normales Superiores.

• Aspectos pedagógicos

el diseño e implementación de herramientas pedagógicas y materiales didácticos que

buscan mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje para los estudiantes y facilitar la labor de
enseñanza del docente. Las acciones de este eje se apoyan en el resultado de la formación
y están encaminadas a transformar las prácticas de aula, asegurando la apropiación de
los estándares de competencias y el uso efectivo de material pedagógico.
© MEN Colombia

Al respecto, el Ministerio de Educación ha dado el paso siguiente a la creación de los

Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Inglés, adelantado proyectos de desarrollo de
material propio. Como English, Please!

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• Evaluación y seguimiento
Asegurar la pertinencia de las estrategias y la sostenibilidad de los proyectos requiere
de un proceso continuo de seguimiento, que inicia con el análisis del contexto y las

la generación de herramientas de medición de impacto. Las acciones de este eje soportan

entonces el proceso de toma de decisiones.
Por un lado, el Ministerio de Educación ha encaminado sus medidas en este eje al
aseguramiento de la calidad, a través del análisis de resultados del componente de
inglés de las Pruebas SABER en los niveles del ciclo educativo en que se evalúa esta área;
y, por otro lado, al seguimiento al impacto generado por los procesos de formación, a
través de la prueba diagnóstica que toman de manera voluntaria los docentes desde el
año 2008.

• Fortalecimiento institucional
Estamos convencidos de que las estrategias concebidas en cada eje serían acciones aisladas
si no se desarrollaran dentro de instituciones (Secretarias de Educación, Instituciones
de Educación Superior y Escuelas Normales Superiores) que hayan tomado la decisión
autónoma y consciente de movilizar a sus comunidades educativas hacia el logro de los
objetivos propuestos en el proyecto. Por eso, las acciones que el Ministerio adelanta
en este eje buscan generar capacidad instalada y fomentar condiciones institucionales
adecuadas para que los proyectos se vuelvan efectivos y sostenibles gracias a la
participación decidida de toda la comunidad educativa.

evidenciado que así como es indispensable desarrollar acciones particulares en cada

una de estas cuatro líneas, también es esencial articular coherentemente las acciones
entre ejes, para garantizar un fortalecimiento integral de los procesos de aprendizaje y
enseñanza de la lengua extranjera.

English, please!

Para el Ministerio de Educación Nacional es un orgullo presentar a la comunidad educativa

English, please!, un proyecto que se enmarca en el eje de aspectos pedagógicos y, a
partir del cual se busca que los docentes y estudiantes del país cuenten con materiales y
recursos didácticos más pertinentes para sus aulas y contextos escolares. Este material
pretende apoyar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de inglés de estudiantes que
cursan grados 9, 10 y 11 en las instituciones educativas públicas del país.
El proyecto se ha construido a partir del diseño de un programa modelo de inglés de
alta calidad, mediante el cual los docentes puedan transformar su práctica en el aula
y garantizar resultados en los procesos de la enseñanza y aprendizaje de inglés como
lengua extranjera.
En el Ministerio de Educación Nacional creemos que interactuar en inglés es una
competencia básica para que nuestros estudiantes se comuniquen mejor con el mundo y
para que puedan tener más oportunidades de progreso personal y profesional; condiciones
que, sin duda, redundarán en el desarrollo de Colombia.

María Fernanda Campo Saavedra

Ministra de Educación Nacional

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English, please!

Estimados docentes y estudiantes

El Ministerio de Educación Nacional en el marco del Proyecto de Fortalecimiento

al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras se complace en entregarle
English, please!, una estrategia creada para que los jóvenes colombianos
alcancen mejores niveles de inglés y logren así acceder al mundo globalizado,
identificándose con jóvenes de otros países y contextos, y reflexionando sobre
otras culturas, sociedades y estilos de vida. Esta serie se constituye en un
importante avance para promover en los jóvenes colombianos conciencia
intercultural a través del aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa.

English, please! es una serie de alta calidad desarrollada para los grados 9°,
10° y 11° mediante la cual los docentes pueden transformar los procesos de
enseñanza y aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera y garantizar mejores
resultados. Su sílabo está orientado a los niveles A1 y A2 con exposición
progresiva hacia niveles superiores (B1), especialmente en las habilidades
receptivas. Este sílabo es comunicativo y se organiza por macrotemas (Topic
based syllabus) que permiten un trabajo interdisciplinar con Educación para la
Sexualidad, Educación para el Ejercicio de los Derechos Humanos, Educación
Ambiental y Educación para el Desarrollo de Competencia para la Ciudadanía.

English, please! Está alineado a los Estándares Básicos de Competencias

en Lenguas Extranjeras: inglés (Guía 22) y a los estándares transversales de
competencias ciudadanas con un sílabo cíclico que promueve el desarrollo
de las habilidades de forma integrada para que los estudiantes mejoren su
dominio de la lengua a través del descubrimiento y del uso de estrategias de
aprendizaje efectivas. En la serie, se privilegia el desarrollo de proyectos y la
evaluación mediante portafolios. Su estructura sugerida refleja la organización
del año escolar en las instituciones educativas oficiales, trabajando un módulo
de tres unidades por bimestre con una intensidad de 3 a 5 horas semanales.
Aun así, se espera que los docentes apropien y adapten el plan de estudios a
su contexto particular.

El material comprende el texto del estudiante, la guía del docente, un CD con

actividades de audio, y un componente virtual de ejercicios complementarios
disponible en El Ministerio
de Educación Nacional le apuesta a este nuevo proyecto pensado, diseñado y
creado por docentes de inglés colombianos de diferentes regiones del país y
dirigido a contextos escolares variados con un interés particular en la inclusión
y la diversidad. Siendo un material que surge de un proceso de investigación
riguroso, se evidencia una pertinencia y aceptabilidad alta dentro de las aulas
colombianas en las cuales fue piloteado. English, please! es una apuesta
pedagógica que le presenta a los docentes un repertorio amplio de opciones
adaptables a los diversos contextos nacionales que busca transformar las
prácticas docentes, y las creencias sobre el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa
en Colombia.

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The methodology in English, please!
The English, please! series has been designed and written by teachers from a range of education
institutions across Colombia. The key principles which underlie the approach and methodology of the
activities, lessons, modules and units are:

▪▪ A topic-based approach to the language ▪▪ A noticing approach to language development

syllabus ▪▪ Integration of language skills
▪▪ Learning outcomes based on project ▪▪ Development of learning strategies
work and language use ▪▪ A portfolio approach to recording and
▪▪ Learner autonomy through self-assessment awareness of language progress
and reflection ▪▪ Alignment to national and international
▪▪ Integration of transferrable skills standards

1 A topic - based approach to the language syllabus

A topic-based approach takes themes and topics, rather than language structures, as the starting
point of syllabus design. This aims to provide all learners with a specific and meaningful context
in which to learn language and content. It also gives students the opportunity to learn cross-
curricular content, i.e. content from different school subjects for English language learning. The
macro topics for the English, please! series are educational topics - Teenagers, Globalisation,
Lifestyles and Health, and The Environment - rather than “pop” culture topics, and aim to
challenge learners to see the English language as the means rather than the end of learning.

2 Learning outcomes based on project work and language use

The project work in English, please! (one project per module) provides learners with an end
product to see evidence of their own learning, and teachers with a way to assess progress which
moves away from traditional testing. Project work is learner-centred, motivational, develops
learner autonomy and creativity, integrates the four skills, and involves authentic tasks and

3 Learner autonomy through self-assessment and reflection

In addition to the learner autonomy developed through project work, English, please! invites
learners to set goals at the beginning of each module, and assess their achievement of these goals
at the end of the module. Through self-assessment of the key learning outcomes, and reflection
on the transferrable skills used in a module, English, please! helps learners take responsibility for
their own learning.

4 Integration of transferrable skills

Transferrable skills are the abilities and practices learners develop outside the classroom which
support their learning, and the skills they develop inside the classroom which are relevant to other
curriculum subjects and aspects of their personal life. Examples of transferable skills developed
throughout the English, please! series are team work, communication skills, organisational skills,
problem-solving, analytical skills, and proofreading and editing skills.

5 A noticing approach to language development

A ‘noticing approach’ – paying attention to, and having an explicit focus on, language forms
as they occur in graded language input – helps learners internalise language rules, rather than
treating grammar and vocabulary development as decontextualised topics for memorising and
controlled production. It can help learners notice how language is typically used, become aware
of their own use of the target language, give relevance to language points so they recognise them
again when they meet new texts, and help them make discoveries and generalisations about how
language is used. Consequently, learners and teachers are invited to explore the texts in English,
please!, through guided and supported activities, to notice how grammar and vocabulary gives
meaning to language.

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With an explicit focus on how the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing are used in
combination when we communicate, the English, please! series gives balanced coverage of
the four skills, and also encourages learners not to see the skills in isolation from each other.
Skills are integrated throughout lessons, in project and portfolio work, and in self-assessment of
learning outcomes.

Learning strategies are the techniques individual students use to help themselves learn. Learning
about learning is part of the education process and also help learners in other areas of life.
English, please! promotes meta-cognitive strategies, such as planning, peer and self-evaluating
and monitoring language use; cognitive strategies used in actually ‘doing the learning’, such as
guessing words, repeating, learning things by heart, and working out rules; and social strategies,
such as working with others and asking for help.

In a portfolio approach to collecting, recording, presenting and assessing their own language
in action, learners and teachers can move away from a traditional approach to testing which
prioritises test preparation and devalues actual language work done inside and outside the
classroom. By creating a language portfolio in each level of English, please!, learners take pride
in the language they encounter and produce, and also have a concrete body of work in which
they can see their own progress and select pieces for teacher and peer assessment.

The Ministry of National Education established the teaching-learning standards for foreign
languages (to know what is to be learned and for the learner to know what he/she is able to
learn and able to do with what he/she knows). The standards correspond to levels A1-B2 of the
Common European Framework and include five areas: receptive skills (listening and reading), and
productive skills (writing, spoken monologue, and spoken conversation). The English, please!
series uses the MEN’s Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés
(Guía 22) as a guideline for the syllabus. All the modules and lessons in the series are aligned to
the corresponding standards for each skill.

The series comes in three levels, each with a The following is a visual representation of
Student’s Book, Teacher’s Guide and accompanying the structure of the modules
audio CD and On-line Workbook.

Each level contains four modules. Each module Exploration of topics,

is centred around a different topic on which INTRO language outcomes and
students will complete a project. The modules project
start with an introductory section where students New content
explore the topic, the expected language learning UNIT
Progress on project
outcomes and the project. After that there are 1 (Lessons 1 to X)

three units with a number of lessons. The first


two units explore different subtopics in more UNIT New content

Progress on project
depth, provide students with activities to acquire
(Lessons 1 to X)
the necessary language and let them work on
aspects of the project. The third unit presents a Review and recycling of
review of the language aspects, gives students the content
opportunity to finalise their project and present Completion and presentation
it, and to think back and assess their achievement 3 of project
Self-assessment of language
with regard to the module’s expected language outcomes and project work
learning outcomes.


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In this section, the students explore the topic, the expected language outputs and the project for the
module. It serves the purpose of a “Get Ready” section (see below), but for an entire module. Students
also get the opportunity to start organising their project (see Learning outcomes based on project work
and language use above) and organising their portfolio. It is important for students and teachers to connect
this section with the Self-assessment section of the final unit in the module.

There is a wide range of activity types within

lessons, but you can expect to find the following
sections throughout each unit:

In these activities, students are invited to think

about the topic of the lesson, and prepare for some
of the language they may need to use. This section
provides opportunities for teachers to elicit or teach
vocabulary, initiate discussions, invite students to
share opinions and bring in their knowledge of the
world they live in. Some of these activities may be
supported by use of learners’ L1, as the purpose
is to generate interest in, and awareness of, the
topic. (See Topic-based approach above).

These sections may involve using the skill in

isolation, or in combination with another skill (see
Integration of the four language skills above). For
receptive skills activities, teachers need to decide
whether to pre-teach any of the vocabulary in
the texts, or whether other pre-listening/reading
activities are appropriate to predict context or
content. For speaking activities, teachers will
need to decide on the focus of the activity, e.g.
fluency development or a focus on accuracy, and
instruct/model as appropriate while setting up the
activity. Teachers can also draw attention to Useful
Language boxes and other language content to
support the speaking activity, and encourage use of
English. Teachers will also need to decide the best
interaction patterns for the activity and when to
monitor and correct students’ language. In writing In Focus on Language sections, students work out how language
activities, students practise planning, editing and works by analysing examples of English in context (see Noticing
revising their writing through a process approach, approach above). They discover the language forms and the rules
which teachers will need to guide and support. for themselves with guidance from the teacher. It is important
Teachers need to decide on how much input, that the teacher guides students to notice and then discover how
modelling and feedback to give for writing tasks, language works. Teachers should try to avoid giving grammar rules
and also what form of presentation is appropriate before the activity; draw attention to, and give further examples
– e.g. classroom display, portfolio collection, related to the topic and in context; and give explanations after
or contribution to project work. (See portfolio students have worked independently and with classmates.
approach and project work above).


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Although this is presented as the final activity of each of the modules, students and teachers are
encouraged to refer to it on a regular basis as they advance throughout the module. Finally, at the end
of each module, it is important to dedicate some time to a formal reflection on the individual and group
achievements (see Learner autonomy through self-assessment and reflection above). Self-assessment
should be complemented by the final submission of student’s portfolio and the teacher’s assessment of it
(see portfolio approach to recording and awareness of language progress above).

Pronunciation sections invite learners to develop

their receptive awareness of different features
of pronunciation, or to have controlled practice
of their spoken production. Teachers should
draw attention to sounds / features which may
be difficult for learners due to their L1, and give
both individual and choral practice. Teachers
should also revisit these features when they arise
in listening texts or learners’ own language use.

Learning strategies are part of developing

autonomous learning (see Learning strategies
above). The tips included in the lessons provide
students with opportunities to improve their
awareness of how they learn best. Teachers
should explain why these tips are important and
useful and refer to them throughout the course.
Teachers could also invite learners to talk about
what strategies work best for them, and to reflect
on how successful they have been (see Learner
autonomy above).

This part of the lesson is for learners to work

Vocabulary activities help learners develop understanding and on their projects. One of the aims of project
use of key vocabulary from the texts and functional language work is for students to develop teamwork skills
for productive use. Teachers should consider different ways (see Transferrable Skills above). For this to be
to help students understand new vocabulary such as using successful, students should work in small groups,
pictures from the lessons; flashcards; realia; translation; roles should be assigned and clear tasks and
games, pelmanism, bingo, crosswords, word snakes; vocabulary deadlines should be given. The teacher’s role
charts in the classroom; and further practise with the online as monitor is important to make sure students
activities. are working on the activities suggested for the


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Teenagers 2
Our Cultural

Unit 1 Family Unit 1 Stereotypes and Identity

L1. Family Members .................................... 12 L1. Different Places, Different People ............... 56
L2. What Type of Family is Yours? .................. 16 L2. Defining and Challenging Stereotypes ........... 60
L3. What does Family Mean to You? ................ 21
L3. Expressing My Identity ............................. 65

Unit 2 Friends and School Life Unit 2 Cultural Expressions

L4. My Dream School .................................... 27 L4. Dancing is Part of Our Culture .................... 71
L5. How does it Make You Feel? ........................ 29 L5. Could You Live Without Music? .................. 77
L6. What Kind of Friend are You? ..................... 35 L6. The Magic of Storytelling ........................ 82
L7. A Comic View of My Friends ........................ 37

Unit 3 Around My World Unit 3 Our Culture, Our Identity

© MEN Colombia

L8. Family Life ........................................ 41 L7. Colombia is Culture, Colombia is Passion ....... 89
L9. I Am Who I Am ....................................... 45 L8. Is it Because I am Colombian?..................... 93
L10. Self Assessment .................................... 49 L9. Working on Colombian Culture .................. 95
L10. Self Assessment .................................. 99

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and Health 4
Thinking Green

Unit 1 Food and Nutrition Unit 1 Making My Community Green

L1. Food in Colombia .............................. 104 L1. Green Areas in My City ....................... 158
L2. Types of Food ................................... 109 L2. Water Resources .............................. 162
L3. Eating Habits “You Are What You Eat” ...... 114 L3. Living with Animals ........................... 166
L4. News from Nature ............................. 170

Unit 2 Lifestyle Habits Unit 2 Taking care of the Earth

L4. Green Lifestyles ............................... 121 L5. The Earth is Sick .............................. 174
L5. Don't Worry, Be Happy ........................ 128 L6. A View from the Future ....................... 178
L7. Looking for Alternatives ...................... 181
L6. Leisure Activities Then and Now ............ 133
L8. Not Too Little to Help .......................... 184

Unit 3 Eating and Lifestyle Habits Unit 3 Environmental Campaigns

Around The World and School Projects
© MEN Colombia

L7. Lifestyles Around the World .................. 141 L9. Enviromental NGOs and City Projects ........ 188
L8. Health Campaign for Your Community ..... 150 L10. Environmental School Projects ............... 191
L9. Self Assessment ............................... 152 L11. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle........................ 193
L12. Self Assessment ................................. 196

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Module 1 > Unit 1

Module 1:

Module Overview
The main theme of the module
is related to the identity of
teenagers in three different
spheres of their lives: family,
school and friends.

Student Portfolios Introductory Lesson:

Module Project
What will we do in English?
Students should keep all written/artistic
Students will work in groups
work produced in a portfolio. You should Each module in the course book begins
and each group will have a
inform them at the beginning of the term with a 1-hour introductory lesson, which
representative for each team.
how many pieces of work will be formally aims to arouse interest and motivation
Work on the project is assessed and explain that students for the topics that will be covered and
ongoing throughout the module. will be responsible for selecting their the Module Project. It also serves the
Students will accumulate “best” work for assessment (see Unit 3). purpose of familiarising students with
products that can go in the However, it is important to stress that ALL the course book layout.
magazine through their work work should be handed in. If some work is
on the module topics. There produced in groups, it will be necessary to
are also lessons specifically IN THIS MODULE, YOU WILL…
take a copy for each individual’s portfolio.
dedicated to working on (3-5 minutes)
Portfolio Assessment: Apart from the
the Project, where students Begin by reading through the
formally-assessed pieces of written
will divide into their Project unit descriptors with students.
work, you may wish to set up other
groups and work autonomously If necessary, use Spanish to help
criteria for assessment of student
according to teacher-approved students understand what the
portfolios. For example:
© MEN Colombia

plans. module is about and what students

▪▪ Is the portfolio complete? will be doing. You could ask one
Refer to the self-assessment on ▪▪ Is it presented in a tidy and
projects on page 44 for ideas or two questions to develop
organised way? students’ interest, for example:
and rubrics on how to assess the ▪▪ Is it handed in on time?

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Module 1 > Unit 1

What different types of families Do you agree or disagree with the ▪▪ Get feedback from one or
are there? What kind of problems following statements? two pairs.
are there at school? What kind of
friend are you?
▪▪ Read through the statements with Answers:
the whole class.
Unit 1: Family
▪▪ Look at the first statement with
-A typical family in Colombia is
LOOK AHEAD (8-10 minutes) the whole class. Ask Do you agree
Mum, Dad and two kids.
or disagree. [Note: you may wish
-Families are stressful.
This Look Ahead section is 1) for students to point out to your students that
to familiarise themselves with the in English we say: I agree NOT I Unit 2: Friends & School Life
contents of the module by scanning the am agree.] Write the following -School years are the best years
units for specific information;and 2) to example of a language frame of your life!
activate prior knowledge on the topics of on the board: Creating a school -Violence has no place at
family, school and friends with the agree magazine is interesting. school.
/ disagree question. -We agree because we can do -It is easy to say “no” to a
different activities. friend
Which Unit do the statements belong to? -We disagree because it is a lot of
Unit 3: Around My World
This is a very quick exercise that could work! -Creating a magazine will be
© MEN Colombia

be done in pairs or with the whole ▪▪ Get students to work in pairs. They interesting!
class. Students need to match the should read the statements and -Working in groups is fun!
statements from the previous exercise decide if they agree or disagree
to the relevant Unit, bearing in mind with the statements.
the title of the unit.

EP1-TG-M1.indd 9 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

You will also… (3-5 minutes)

Draw students’ attention to the
visual detailing language skills.
You can go through this fairly
quickly, just reading aloud the
skills-based work students will
be doing, or allowing students to
read it for themselves.

Poject School Magazine

(15-20 minutes)
a. 7
The aim of this introduction to b. 3
c. 2
the project is to familiarise ss. d. 8
with vocabulary and features e. 5
of magazines. Before this f. 6
g. 9
introduction, you will need to h. 1
bring enough magazines for ss. to i. 4
look at (or ask ss. to bring them)
and explore magazine features
▪▪ Do the matching exercise in
pairs on different parts of a
magazine to familiarise ss.
with the parts of a magazine
and vocabulary related to
magazines. Conduct feedback.
▪▪ Ask ss. to find two examples of
each of the types of content.
Conduct feedback to make sure
they understand each item.
▪▪ Elicit one or 2 more examples
of each with the whole class.
Write any new vocabulary on
the board. E.g. Visuals: graphs,
polls, pie charts, drawings,
photographs; Interviews,
surveys, quizzes: Interview with Portfolio (8-10 minutes) 1. How many different types of family
an interesting family, survey on do you know?
▪▪ Explain the concept of portfolio work. 2..What do you think are the most serious
what friendship means to you. ALL work must go in the portfolio, but
Articles & Features: stories, problems for students at your school?
only a specified number of pieces will
letters, poems, reports, film 3. What kind of friend are you?
be assessed.
reviews, opinion columns or ▪▪ Tell them how many pieces of work ▪▪ In a second column or circle, put the
blogs; Advertising: school will be formally assessed at the end title What I want to talk about and ask
supplies, schools sports, after of the term. ss. to answer these questions:
school clubs, interest groups, ▪▪ If you have any time left, ask students 1. What topic related to family do you
fundraisers. to decorate their portfolios, ensuring want to talk about?
▪▪ Hand out the magazines that their names, class number and any 2. Write two school problems you want to
and tell ss. to look at their other information you think relevant talk about.
magazines and find examples are on the front cover. 3. What is one thing you can learn about
of each of the items. ▪▪ Tells ss. their first piece of work for the your friends and friendship?
▪▪ Make it very clear who the portfolio is: Before, Now and After. ▪▪ Tell ss. to draw another column / circle
audience is, i.e. who will read with the title: What I learned. Tell them
the magazine so ss. know Self-assessment
not to fill in this part now. Tell them you
who they are writing for and
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ Draw a chart or another graphic will give them their work back at the
make appropriate decisions end of the module so they can complete
organiser(mind map) for them to
on style. Is it only for students this part regarding the topics of family,
complete. Put the title What I already
or teachers and family or school and friends.
know in one column /circle and ask
community members as well?
the ss. to answer these questions:


EP1-TG-M1.indd 10 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1


The theme in this unit is families.
The idea is for students to be able
to talk about their relationships
with their families. Students are
introduced to different types of
family and encouraged to say what
kind of family their own is. The
aim is for students to recognise
that there is a wide range of
family structures nowadays in
Colombia and the “normalcy” of
the nuclear family is actually not
that “normal”.


Lesson Topic Time Language Focus Output

Introductory What will we do in
1 hour
Lesson English?
• Present Simple (be)
Lesson 1 Family members 2 hours • Speaking: say who your family members are
• Possessive’s’
• Speaking: class survey
Types of family
Lesson 2 & • Present Simple • Writing & Speaking: describe your family
Creating a magazine: 3 hours
Project (1) • Vocabulary • Mind-map of magazine contents
first decisions
• Decisions
Lesson 3 What does family mean 3 hours • Vocabulary • Speaking
to you? • Questions • Collage: what family means to me
© MEN Colombia


EP1-TG-M1.indd 11 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

mother (mum)
Lesson 1: aunt
Family Members granddaughter


The main emphasis of this father (dad)
lesson is on building vocabulary son
and confidence. Students will grandfather
probably already know some grandson
vocabulary of family members brother
such as mother, father, brother, nephew
sister, but will be unfamiliar
with other items, such as aunt, Both
uncle, niece, nephew etc. Drilling grandparents
any new language is extremely grandchild /
important as this will give grandchildren
students the confidence to carry cousin
out the lesson tasks in English.
IMPORTANT: Ask students to bring
photos of their extended family to
class before the lesson. They need
photos to do Ex.13.

Get Ready!
1. Brainstorm (3-5 minutes)
The purpose of the brainstorm
is to discover how much family
vocabulary students already
know. Draw the brainstorm
circle on the board, and elicit
one or two examples from the
whole class. Give them a strict
time limit (1 minute) to try to decide if these words are female, ▪▪ Elicit more family words for extended
remember all the words they male or both. (10-15 minutes). family that your students may need
associate with family. This for describing their own families.
brainstorm activity should be ▪▪ Tell ss. to identify the family E.g., how do you say “cuñado”
done individually. After one members in this word cloud. The
(brother-in-law) Be prepared to
minute, stop the class. purpose of this activity is to expand
answer students’ questions and write
students’ family vocabulary from
2. Share your mind-map with a the new vocabulary on the board.
the previous two activities. Here,
partner. (5-8 minutes) ▪▪ Drill the pronunciation of the words
also, they can check the spelling of
in the word cloud. Use choral
▪▪ Organise students in pairs. their words. Keep students in their
drilling, get students to repeat each
▪▪ Explain the activity pairs. Conduct feedback and elicit
word several times, especially the
clearly, with an example other vocabulary if necessary, e.g.,
more difficult words to pronounce:
on the board. Ask the pairs What is the female form of grandson?
daughter, aunt, uncle, niece.
to share the words they Granddaughter. What is the male
Emphasise the stress in the words
have on their mind-maps form of stepdaughter? Stepson. What
grandfather, grandmother, stepmother
and categorise them into is the plural for niece and nephew?
(stress on 1st syllable).
FEMALE, MALE, BOTH. Nieces and nephews.
▪▪ After the students have ▪▪ Be sure to correct common mistakes: Extra activity: There is a family members’
© MEN Colombia

finished, check the my fathers, (my parents); ‘relatives’ word search activity at the end of the TG
answers with them. are ‘parientes’. You can point out with an answer key. You could do it at this
parents is a false cognate. It means point or at the end of the unit or module
3. Identify the family members mother and father, not parientes. as a review.
in this word cloud. Then


EP1-TG-M1.indd 12 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

▪▪ Draw students’ attention

to the Useful Language box
and make a comparison
between the English
and Spanish structures.
The objective is to draw
attention to the difference
between Spanish and
English, and to the way
we use apostrophe ‘s, in
▪▪ Give more examples with
the whole class.
▪▪ b. Who is it? Explain what a
riddle is (adivinanza). Then
go through the example and
make sure ss. understand it.
6. Look at these sentences and
make a rule about the use of
“is” and “are”.
▪▪ Students work in pairs.
Later, ask the class to tell
you what words should go
in the blanks to create the
language rule.
▪▪ Have students write the
language rule in their
are notebooks, with one or two
7. Work with a partner. Write
Michael’s and Lauren’s
relationships with their
family members.
Tell ss. to work in pairs and
FOCUS ON PRONUNCIATION Tell them to look at the symbol and write Michael’s and Lauren’s
practice pronouncing the words. relationships with their
4. Practice saying the members of ▪▪ You can create a “Phonics Board”
the family. family members.
in the classroom and have students
add symbols and sounds as they Extra Activity: If you think your
▪▪ The purpose of this activity is for study them throughout the course. students need more practice
students to get familiar with the using is/are or possessive ‘s,
schwa sound /ə/ at the end of ask them to continue working
words. Tell ss. another sound that in pairs. Student A should give
is difficult is th -/ð. 5. The Williams Family Tree a clue from the family tree
▪▪ Have students listen to the (10-15 minutes) and Student B has to guess the
pronunciation of the family person. For example:
members. Don’t focus their
▪▪ Ask ss. to look at the family tree
and then the two examples. Ask ss. A: She is Joe’s mother.
attention to the schwa symbol or B: Lola.
to point to Lucy and Lilly. Then ask:
sound yet. B: They are Lily’s brothers.
Is this true? Is Lilly Lucy’s mother?
▪▪ Tell them that there are A: Peter & Steve.
▪▪ Do the same with the second
differences between the American
example. Ask students if there is ▪▪ Demonstrate this activity with
and the British pronunciation of one student.
another way to say this sentence
© MEN Colombia

the –er ending sound. Have them

(Sarah and Lauren are Kevin’s ▪▪ Ask another pair of students to
listen again and try to imitate both demonstrate another example.
sounds. ▪▪ Do not let this activity go on
▪▪ Draw students’ attention to the too long.
Improve your Pronunciation table.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 13 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

a. 3
b. 3
c. 4
d. one half sister
e. one niece
f. 3
g. Fabiana
h. Blanca, Jaime, Gustavo, Rosalba Answers:
i. She is not in the photo. a. Auxiliary verbs are different
because questions a-f are in
present simple using do and
questions g-I are present
simple verb to be;

b. does for she, he and it; do for I, you, we and they

SPEAK (5 - 10 minutes)
The purpose of the activity is for
students to be able to personalise
the language they have learnt by
talking about their own families.
▪▪ You can pre-teach prepositions of 10.
Now you practise. Ask about your
8. Read the text and answer place if necessary (at the back/ classmate’s family.
these questions using at the front of the photo; in front
information from the text. of me, behind me, next to me, to ▪▪ As a preparation for the activity
the left , to the right). write a list of the names of the
▪▪ Tell ss. to look at the people in your family, like this:
photo and read the FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (10 minutes) a. Demonstrate this activity by
description. Have them writing on the board the names
answer the questions. 9. Look at the questions in Exercise 8. of members of your own family.
Check they have Ask students to guess who they
▪▪ Have ss. look at the questions in
understood the different are. Say These are members
ex.8 and the examples in the box.
family relationships. of my family. Who is e.g.,
Give them a couple of minutes
Also, emphasise the Juliana? Make ss. ask you yes/no
to answer the questions. Conduct
question forms for asking questions: Is she your daughter/
brief feedback.
about family members. sister/cousin?
▪▪ Go through the table and make
They will need these b. If they can’t guess, draw a
sure ss. understand they have to
for exercise 10. Elicit quick family tree to show the
ask and answer questions. Tell
the meaning of half relationship and elicit the word.
them to use the questions in the
© MEN Colombia

sister,half brother, half c. Ask students to make a list of

bubble to ask for some more
sibling (a sister/brother/ the names of their own family
sibling who has either the members in their notebooks.
They don’t have to ask the same
same mother or the same They should write people who
questions for all the members. Ask
father as you). are couples together on the same
them to mingle.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 14 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

▪▪ Tell ss. to show their partner their ▪▪ PREVIOUS PREPARATION REQUIRED ▪▪ Ask students to work with
lists. Tell them to ask and answer Ask students to bring in photos the same partner from the
questions about each other’s of their families, magazines they previous lesson.
family. Try to have ss. work with a can cut up or printouts from the ▪▪ Student A should show Student
different partner for this activity. Internet, coloured pens, crayons, B his/her photos and say, eg,
Have the ss. guess the relationship, glue, scissors, etc. You will need to Look at this photo. Here are
or simply ask the question “Who provide them with poster-sized paper my grandparents. Can you
is...?” and tape to paste their work up remember their names?
around the walls of the classroom.
▪▪ ▪▪ Student B should say “Yes,
I remember. Their names
▪▪ This activity is a group activity. students that they will be responsible
are...” or “No, sorry. I can’t
Students create a collage by for selecting the best collage and/or
selecting the most representative piece(s) of writing to go in the School
photos of each member of the group. Magazine. The collage that is selected
Tell them to include the information should be photographed.
(who, when, where) next to each
photo. Ask them to draft and PORTFOLIO
proofread their texts before they ▪▪ Try to display students’ work for a
© MEN Colombia

actually write them on the collage. while on the walls of the classroom. In
a subsequent lesson, ask students to
take down their work and make sure
they keep it in their portfolio.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 15 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

Lesson 2:
What Type of Family is


The focus of this lesson is on
different types of family, e.g., READ (25 minutes) 3. Match the type of family, the photo and
nuclear families, single parent ▪▪ It is important for students to try to the description. (10-15 minutes)
families etc. The reading activity read in English without looking up
provides students with “lexical every word they don’t know in their ▪▪ First, ask students to look at the
chunks” or expressions they dictionaries. Begin by asking students pictures of families. Ask general
may need in order to describe to put away their dictionaries. questions like: Where do you think these
their own families and their ▪▪ Use L1 if necessary. families are from? Do they look happy?
relationship with their families. 2. Look at the information about ▪▪ Tell ss what their task is: To match the
The purpose of this lesson is for families in Colombia. Is it true description, the picture with the type
students to realise that there is about your family? of family.
no stigma attached to not being ▪▪ Do the example as a class. Read
part of a “nuclear” family. ▪▪ Elicit from ss. where you
usually read or see this type of Description 1 aloud to the class. Ask
information in a magazine, in a students to identify any words they
GET READY (10 minutes) know, especially family words.
newspaper, or on the news. Go
through each one with them and ▪▪ Draw a table on the board, like the one
1. Talk to a partner and elicit and check the meaning of on page 17.
ask and answer the each item. ▪▪ Ask students if they can guess which
© MEN Colombia

questions. ▪▪ Ask them to say if it is true for picture matches description 1 (a).
▪▪ In pairs, ask them to ask them and encourage them to
▪▪ Tell them that they were able to
and answer the questions use the vocabulary in the Useful
answer even though they didn’t need
that relate to the charts. language box.
to understand all the words.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 16 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

5 2 7


6 3 4


Description Words I Know in English Words that look Unknown Word

like Spanish
1. Mum dad sister brother usual, normal, argue (discutir),
child normal parents (check family close to (cer-
meaning for parents, point cano con)
out again it is a false cog-
nate. It is not parientes,
but mum and dad).

▪▪ Explain that even if we don’t know every word, we can still get a good
idea of the meaning, by using pictures, cognates and other clues. There
are many words that are similar in English and Spanish. Do NOT explain any
unknown words at this stage.
▪▪ Ask students to work individually. Tell them to make a similar table in their
notebooks and complete it. Then match the description, the picture and the
type of family.
▪▪ When most of the class has finished, ask them to check their answers with a
© MEN Colombia

partner. Check answers quickly with the whole class.

▪▪ Ask for ss opinions on Description 5. Read “I guess we’re the most usual
kind of family”. Ask: Is this true? What is the most “usual” kind of family in
Colombia? Accept answers in Spanish. Allow some discussion.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 17 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

we’re really close
love us all the same
annoys me sometimes
we get on well
raised me
half brother

4. Write a word or phrase from the 5. Check your answers with a partner.
descriptions that means.
▪▪ Ask students to check with a partner
▪▪ Explain to ss. their task is to find a when they finish.Finally, check with
word or phrase from the descriptions the whole class. Congratulate your
that means a- j. Explain that the students on how much they have
final column refers to the number of been able to understand without
words in the expression they have to using dictionaries.
find in English. Do the first one as an
example for the whole class.
▪▪ This activity guides students to 6. Improve your pronunciation.
discover meaning without using
dictionaries. With the help of the
▪▪ Listen to the people describing
their families.Play the sound clip.
Spanish translation, and because the
Pause after each expression. Ask
texts are short, they should be able
students to repeat. Use choral
to find the expressions, through a
and individual drilling.
process of elimination, guesswork
and the words they already know in
▪▪ Ask ss. if they noticed how some
words are stressed. Read the Improve
© MEN Colombia

your English Pronunciation box.
▪▪ Ask students to work individually. Say
Emphasise that stress patterns are
that if they really don’t know/can’t
the music of English. Listen to (a) and
find any of the expressions, to leave
(b) again, and look at which words
it blank and come back to it later.
are stressed.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 18 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

s she

▪▪ Play (a) again. You can clap the stressed words so students can really hear it. My Family
▪▪ Try this webpage for more information on sentence stress: http://www. My family is similar to the extended
family in picture___. My parents
are divorced and I live with my
mum and my little brother, Julio.
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (3 minutes) He annoys me sometimes.
7. What is similar and different in the underlined words? My dad got married again and he
has two kids with his new wife, but
This is a quick exercise just to remind ss.of the use of “s” for present simple he loves us all the same.
third person verbs. They should know the rule. Have them complete the rule and I am very close to my mum but I get
check. on well with my stepmother too.

SPEAK (15 mintues)

8. Ask and answer questions about your family type. Describe your relationship with
your family. Use the bubbles below to help you.
▪▪ Ask students to practise. Have them ask and answer questions about their
family type. Tell them to use the bubbles and boxes. Model this with a
© MEN Colombia

student first. Then have them work in pairs.

▪▪ As an extra activity you can ask them to do a writing activity, describing
their family using the words and phrases from the lesson. Here is a model
you can give them.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 19 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

a. What type
of family are
you from?

Let’s Work Together (45

Ss. conduct a class survey to ▪▪ Demonstrate the question and Then total the answers to their
find out what types of family answer with one or two students. second question. Tell them to draw
are the most common in the Mime writing their answers on a chart with the results. They can
class. Carry out a class survey your paper. use examples in the Get Ready
by doing the following: section on how to show results in
▪▪ Ask them to write a second question
▪▪ Pre-teach the question they want an answer to. Tell them a chart.
they will ask: What type of that for practical reasons, it is easier ▪▪ Conduct class feedback. Make sure
family are you from? Drill the to give options to students so they to ask each group for feedback on
question, until students feel can’t count responses. a different family type. E.g., Ask
comfortable saying it. ▪▪ Ss. need to organise themselves. Group A: In our class, how many
▪▪ Write the possible answers Each member of the group has to people are from a nuclear family?
on the board: (elicit from interview different classmates. All Ask Group B: How many people are
students) classmates need to be interviewed. from a single mother family? etc.
1) Nuclear family This is a mingle activity. Ss need Each group should have the same
2) Single parent family to stand up and move around the answers, so you may find some
3) Extended family (living class, asking their questions. disagreement if mistakes have
with grandparents, other been made with adding up. Try not
▪▪ When they are back in their to let the feedback go on too long.
© MEN Colombia

groups, ask them to total the
4) Adopted family
number of people in the different ▪▪ Conclusions: Ask groups to reach
5) Big family a conclusion on the most common
types of families.
6) One child family type of family in their class.
7) Other (say what type)


EP1-TG-M1.indd 20 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

Answers Exercise 3

Positive concepts:
■ people who give
you advice
■ people you feel
comfortable with
■ people you spend
a lot of time with
■ support and
■ being tolerant
■ people who love
■ people who are
always there for

Negative concepts
■ problems
■ arguments and
■ an invasion of
■ aggression and
■ stress!
■ rules, rules and
more rules!

Lesson 3: Ask questions such as: Do teenagers normally See if you can guess the
have good relationships with their parents? meaning of unknown
What does Family Mean to You? What are some problems they may have? vocabulary. Remember that
there are many words that
are similar in Spanish and
LESSON OVERVIEW (2 hours 30 minutes) FOCUS ON VOCABULARY (3 minutes)
In this lesson, students are provided
with vocabulary and expressions to be 1. What does the word ▪▪ Give students a sentence
able to describe their relationships with “family” mean to YOU? Tick the stem on the board … For
their families, responding specifically to words or phrases that are relevant to me, family is …
your concept of family.
the question What does family mean to ▪▪ Ask students to share the
you? They listen to three native speakers words/expressions they
answer three questions. There is a focus on ▪▪ Ask students to work individually. chose with a partner, using
vocabulary and expressions related to the There are no “correct” answers for
the sentence stem.
topic. By the end of the lesson ss. will talk this activity as it is very personal.
▪▪ Tell them if there are any words/ ▪▪ Together, they should try
about typical family problems and work on to work out the meaning
their school magazine. expressions they don’t understand
to just ignore them for the of any expressions they
GET READY (15 minutes) moment. don’t understand.
© MEN Colombia

Ask students if they can describe the families 2. Share your concept with a
on the left (eg, happy, loving, they do things partner. Say “For me, family is …”
together) and the families on the right (e.g., . Are there any words you don’t
fighting, arguing, bad relationships). understand?


EP1-TG-M1.indd 21 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 1

Tapescript 3
Frank: Okay, Carlos. Who do you live
Carlos: I live with my mum, my
brother and my father but my
father and my brother they
normally travel a lot, so I just stay
with my mum all the time.
Frank: Okay, Tarek. Who do you live
Tarek: I live with my grandma, my
granddad and my aunt.
Frank: Radha, hello. Who do you live
with, Radha?
Radha: Well, currently I’m living with
my mum and two of my younger

3. Which words/expressions T

are positive concepts?

Which are negative
concepts? Write them in
your notebook.
▪▪ Remind students to take Radha Carlos Tarek
care with spelling when
they copy the expressions.
▪▪ Conduct a brief feedback
session around the class.
Drill the pronunciation of
any expressions students
have problems with. Some
common pronunciation
problems are: T
- love: the vowel sound R
should be pronounced
the same as in “UP”, not
- comfortable: has 3
syllables: COMFOR-TA- Tell them not to panic if they don’t In (b) my mum, sisters. In (c)
BLE. The first syllable is understand all the words. 1.Read the grandma, granddad, aunt.
pronounced to rhyme with topic with them. 2.Look at the pictures ▪▪ Play Audio 3. Pause after Carlos has
“UP” not “OF”. and elicit information from them. 3.Read finished speaking. Ask students if they
- arguments: has 3 the question with them. 4.Make sure heard the key words they had identified.
syllables AR-GU-MENTS. they understand the task. ▪▪ Continue playing the audio.
The second syllable is
4. Listen to Carlos, Tarek and Radha ▪▪ Check quickly to see if students got
pronounced “GYU”, not
talking about their families. the correct answers.
Tell ss. now they will listen 3 times. b. How do Carlos, Tarek and Radha
LISTEN (30 minutes) answer this question: What does
The first time they listen, they can
This is the first listening students will note down their answers in their family mean to you?
do and the tasks have been made notebooks. The second time they can ▪▪ Before playing Audio 4, ask students
deliberately simple: for each of the check answers with a partner and a to read through the summaries and to
three sections, they just have to third time to confirm answers. identify key words. Remind students
identify who says it. The idea here is that these are summaries and not
a. First, listen to them talk about
to build students’ confidence when exactly what they will hear. Key words
who they live with. Write C (Carlos),
listening. could be: Box 1: support group, best
© MEN Colombia

T (Tarek) or R (Radha).Who says this?

Before ss. listen, go through the friends, always there for me. Box 2:
Listening Tips. Explain this in L1 ▪▪ Ask them to identify Key Words blood ties, mum, dad, brother, cousins,
if necessary. Go through the steps that they already know. classmates, love and support. Box 3:
with them with this listenng. For example, in (a) key words support network, comfortable.
would be mum, brother, father.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 22 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2

Tapescript 4
Frank: Okay. And what does family
mean to you?
Carlos: Well, family … besides people
who are - you know - your mum,
your dad, your brothers, your
sisters, aunts, cousins …it’s also
people who are there for you,
C people who love you and they
support you. Pretty much, it’s
people who love you and they’re
always there to give you advice.
Frank: So you’re saying that it’s not
only about blood ties?
Carlos: Yeah, it’s important to know
that … we also spend time in a
school a lot, and in other places
and … other classmates they’re
your family too because they’re
the people you spend a lot of time
Frank: What does family mean to you,
Tarek: Family is a support network of
people who are always going to be
there for you when you need them,
when you have any problems. You
feel comfortable approaching them
does and talking about your life.
Frank: Okay. Radha, what does family
mean to you?
Radha: Well, to me it’s kind of like a…
support group, in some ways. It’s
a support group as well as… in my
case it’s like a big part of my best
friends because that’s what I find
in most of my family. I always find
support and stuff and well, they’re
▪▪ Play Audio 4 all the way through ▪▪ Tell students you will play the audio always there for me, actually, and
without stopping. twice. The first time, they should just … yeah, well, I don’t know. To me
try to answer Excercise 4c. This audio that’s what family would be.
▪▪ Ask students if they managed to do
the task. Ask if they would like to is much longer than the other two, so
hear it again. Play the audio again if tell ss this is longer and they have to
necessary. listen until the end. If necessary, you
▪▪ Check answers quickly by asking, for can stop it the second time after each
example, Who says “Family is like a person has spoken.
support group?” Who says “Family is ▪▪ Let them check their answers with
more than just blood ties”? a partner and listen one last time
c. How do Carlos, Tarek and Radha before getting feedback.
answer: Do you get on well with your SPEAK
family? Who says this?
6. Read again the problems that Carlos,
▪▪ Before playing audio 5, ask students Tarek and Radha have with their Tapescript 5 on next page
to read through the task and identify families.
key words. This time, ask them if
they can identify key words on their Conduct a brief class discussion. Get
© MEN Colombia

own. They should also read through opinions from different students.
the Useful Vocabulary box which Encourage ss. to answer using the
gives them some key expressions in language frame.


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Module 1 > Unit 2

Tapescript 5
Frank: Okay. And Carlos, do you get
on well with your family?
Carlos: We definitely have a very
special tie between us. Even though
we’re all far away and we’re always
used to being not close together,
when we are together it’s always
like a lot of support and respect and
love. Of course, we have our fights
over things like messy rooms, and
washing dishes, and things like that,
but other than that, it’s all great.
Frank: Okay, Carlos. Thank you very
much. And Tarek, do you get on well
with your family?
Tarek: Generally, I do, but I think
there are some times when they
expect a little more of me than I’m
willing to give, especially in like
the social side of things. My family
are very close but I like to be on my
own, especially when I’m at home, I
like to be in my room doing my own
things. So there’s always problems
with that because they say that I
always go home to eat and sleep and
that’s it. And I don’t talk to them, I
come home late, leave the next day
and don’t spend enough time with
them. And I don’t tell them about
my life. Because they all talk to
each other about their lives, but I
don’t like to.
Frank: Okay, Tarek, thank you very
Tarek: Thank you.
Frank: Okay, Radha. Do you get on
well with your family?
Radha: Yes, I do. Actually. Of course,
some more than others, in different
Frank: Can you tell us a little bit 8. Talk to your partner about your family ▪▪ Model the exercise with one of the
more? students before they work in pairs.
relationships. (...)
Radha: Well for example, with my
Dad, we haven’t exactly lived with ▪▪ Explain to ss. they will speak to a LET’S WORK TOGETHER (30 minutes)
him a lot and so, with him it’s partner about their family relations.
actually difficult. Tell them to use the bubbles and ▪▪ Explain that this is a group activity.
The year that I lived only with him, Useful Language box to help them. They have to organise themselves and
actually helped me grow a lot. the way they will work to produce
The questions are the same questions
It helped me to become more
they will ask in their interview. Who an interview page for their school
autonomous and everything.
Because my mum, she’s more like, do you get on well with in your magazine.
you know, she always wants you to family? Who are you close to? What ▪▪ Tell them that in groups they have
be under her skirt and she always problems do you have at home? What to prepare an interview about family
wants to be involved in EVERYTHING. annoys you or upsets you? What does for the school magazine. They have
I mean it’s a good thing that she family mean to you? to interview several people so each
always wants to be there, but ▪▪ Set this speaking activity up carefully. group member should interview a
sometimes it’s a bit suffocating Before getting students to speak to different person. Some topics they
because sometimes she can each other, read through and drill the can ask about are: a) who they live
underestimate you. Sometimes she with, b) their family, c) who they get
pronunciation of the expressions in the
thinks you can’t do things on your
© MEN Colombia

Useful Language box. on well with, d) what family means

own… so with her it’s a bit difficult.
Frank: And your sisters? ▪▪ Remind students also of the to them and e) what typical problems
Radha: I get along with them great, expressions in Vocab Activity 1. they have at home. But tell them
actually I don’t really have any ▪▪ Ask them to just think quietly for a they are also free to ask different
problems with them. few minutes about what they want to questions about family.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 24 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2

* The CHAIR is responsible for

making sure every member of the
group has a chance to speak and
making sure that the group stays
focused on the topic.
* The SECRETARY is responsible
for keeping notes on any decisions
made. Emphasise the importance
of writing decisions in a folder/
notebook for their team. These
notes can be in Spanish.
* The PRESENTER is responsible
for presenting the group’s work to
the whole class. Presenters should
use poster paper and write large
enough so the whole class can
* The TIMEKEEPER is responsible
for ensuring that decisions are
made within the time limit
b. Give each group a few
minutes to elect these important
c. Each group has to compare
their notes and decide on the best
cover page, name and slogan.
Set a time limit of 7 minutes.
Allow discussion within groups in
▪▪ Monitor the groups to make sure
they are on task, but do not
intervene in their discussions.
▪▪ Give the groups a warning when
they have only 1 minute left.
Stop the discussions strictly in
accordance with the time limit
▪▪ Encourage them to present their ▪▪ Ask the ss. to design the front cover of you set.
interview in a visually attractive format the magazine, including the name of ▪▪ As a whole class, ask the
for the magazine. They should look at their magazine, a slogan and the layout presenters of each group to
examples from magazines. Tell them of the front cover on poster-sized paper. present options to the whole class
to choose an interesting title for their (15-20 mins.) in order to reach final decisions
magazine interview page and also visuals ▪▪ Tell ss. to paste their work on the wall. on: a) the name of the magazine;
related to the interviews. Tell them to walk around and take notes b) a slogan for the magazine; and
on the ideas and designs they like most. c) the layout of the front cover
LET’S WORK TOGETHER (60 minutes) (5-10 mins.) design. (10 mins.)
▪▪ Ask ss. to organise themselves in their ▪▪ Voting should be done quickly with
▪▪ The aim of this Let’s Work Together is to groups. Tell them each member will a show of hands. Do not allow
make decisions regarding the name of the disagreement or discussion of the
have a specific role and responsibility.
magazine, a slogan, and front cover design options presented by each group.
Tell them to make decisions as follows:
by the end of this session. Another aim is As far as possible, allow the
(15 mins.)
for ss. to learn to work in groups, assign Presenters to lead the vote – try
a. This is the first time students will
roles and responsibilities, and achieve not to get involved yourself.
work in their Project groups. Ask them
group objectives. You also need poster- ▪▪ The Secretaries of each Project
to appoint a CHAIR (GROUP LEADER), a
sized paper, markers and tape or blu-tak to Team should keep a note of
© MEN Colombia

paste them on the walls. the final decisions made by the

TIMEKEEPER. Explain that these roles are
▪▪ Remind them of the magazine features in
not fixed for all project work, but can be whole class.
lesson 1. Review the items and vocabulary ▪▪ Congratulate the class on
re-elected for each project class. Each
from that lesson. finishing an important stage
time they work in their Project Teams,
the first thing they should do is elect in the creation of their school
people for these roles. magazine.

EP1-TG-M1.indd 25 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2


The theme in this unit is friends
and school. The idea is for
students to be able to talk about
some school situations that are
not as pleasant as they would like
them to be. Also, students are
encouraged to talk about their
dream school and the ways to
overcome school issues. The aim
is for students to think critically
about their school context.


Lesson Topic Time Language Focus Output

Subject vs verb
Lesson 4 My dream school 2 hours Will Writing: Manifestos about your dream school
Lesson 5 & How does it Vocabulary: Adjectives to Writing: A poem
3 hours
Project (2) make you feel? express feelings Project: Designing the front cover of the magazine
Wh- & Yes/no questions
What kind of Speaking: Asking and answering questions
Lesson 6 2 hours Vocabulary
friend are you? Writing: A survey
A comic view of
Lesson 7 2 hours Vocabulary Writing: A photo story or comic
my friends
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EP1-TG-M1.indd 26 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2


2. Speak to a partner. Which
of the ideas do you think
are most relevant in YOUR
school? Rank them 1 to 5,
from the most relevant to
the least relevant. (3-5 min)
▪▪ The purpose of this
activity is to have students
▪▪ Without focusing too much on analyze the situations
Lesson 4:
grammar, you can ask students and relate them to their
My Dream School school context.
the following questions to raise
awareness on how the statements ▪▪ Ask students the question:
LESSON OVERVIEW “Is # 3 necessary in this
have been written (language):
The emphasis of this lesson is mainly on school?” Repeat the same
- Look at the characters’
promoting students’ critical thinking skills as process with the others.
statements. Is the dream school real
they learn new language. Students will have ▪▪ Pair students up. Ask
or imaginary? - What verb do we use
the chance to talk and write about their them to do activity
to show this?
ideal school. In order to do that, they will SPEAK. Give them the
- In each case, there is an affirmative
discover the use of will and won’t. Some of instructions in English.
and a negative sentence.
the discussion might happen in Spanish, but Focus their attention to
- How do we construct the
make sure you encourage students’ use of the Useful Language box.
affirmative sentences?
English at all times, providing the language Tell them they can use the
- Which word do you need to make a
support they might need. expressions in the box to
negative sentence?
interact in English. Give
GET READY ▪▪ The idea is for students to use some them three minutes for the
oral language and activate possible
1. Match the pictures below with what discussion.
vocabulary and grammar. Give them
© MEN Colombia

the characters are saying. (8-10 min) ▪▪ Ask volunteers to give

2 minutes to do the exercise. Ask
their answers. Encourage
▪▪ Ask students to describe the pictures. individuals to give answers.
the use of English
You can ask them questions about ▪▪ There are suggested answers, and give feedback on
the pictures to help them produce however, they may vary. pronunciation.


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Module 1 > Unit 2


3. Underline the subjects
and circle the verb phrases
in the sentences 1 to 5.
(2-3 min)
▪▪ The purpose of this
activity is to help
students gain awareness
of the different parts
of speech; in this case,
subject and verb.
▪▪ Ask a volunteer to read
the Useful Language
box. After the student
has read, give students
a simple statement
(perhaps about a dream
school) and ask them
to identify subject and
verb; the idea is for
students to be prepared
for the next activity.
4. Look at the sentences
below. What is the
difference between the two
of them? (1-2 minutes)

Elicit from a volunteer what

they think the difference
between them is. Once
they have said it, write a
reminder on the top of the
board: will not = won’t.

5. Write statements following Provide them with as much LET’S WORK TOGETHER (15 minutes)
the example. Imagine the support as they need for building
statements will be part their sentences coherently. ▪▪ Have students read the meaning of
of your dream school. (5 ▪▪ Tell sudents to brainstorm the manifesto. Ask instruction-checking
minutes) situations that they would like to questions. For example: Are you going
change in their school and write to include opinions in your manifesto?
Let the students do the Yes. What kind of sentences are you
about their dream school.
exercise by themselves. going to include in your manifesto?
Monitor to check students
▪▪ Have students look at the
examples in the textbook. You Sentences with will e.g. We will all
are on task. live in harmony).Will the manifesto
can do a number of things with
WRITE the examples in step # 6, which be about rules in your house? (No, It is
depend on your group: about school situations)
6. Work with a partner - Review the grammatical ▪▪ They have 15 minutes to write
and write four more the manifesto, putting their ideas
construction of the statements.
statements for YOUR together.
- Ask students to react to the
dream school. You can use
statements: Do you agree or ▪▪ Provide students with feedback on
a combination of negative language and on meaning. Encourage
and positive statements. them to use their own ideas, rather
- Ask students to say whether
© MEN Colombia

than those stated in the examples in

▪▪ The purpose of this they are relevant or not for
their school. the textbook.
activity is to help
students develop their ▪▪ As a way to support students, you ▪▪ When students are reading each others’
can collect ideas from them and manifestos, ask them what they think
writing skills.
write them on the board. about the documents.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 28 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2


1. Read the poems. Then,

match them with the
corresponding pictures.
▪ ▪ Use this activity to try
to relate the content
of the poems to
students’ personal lives.
Remember to encourage
comprehension rather
than just guessing. Have
students support their
answers with parts of
the texts.
▪▪ Have students look at the
pictures and elicit as much
language as possible. You
can do this by:
- Asking display questions:
Is it a boy or a girl? Does
s/he feel happy or sad?
- Asking authentic
questions: What do they
In this case, students will be ▪▪ Expand the topic by asking students do? What do you think
encouraged to react to what they are to think of their dream country. This
happens to them?
reading. They can do this either in might lead them to other specific
▪▪ Students have probably
Spanish or in English. Set a time limit vocabulary but encourages meaningful
worked on learning how
for this activity. language use.
to make questions in
▪▪ From the manifestos on the wall,
as a group, make one manifesto for
▪▪ Read your own statements for a dream English. If this is so, think
school. Students listen to you and write of the questions which
the magazine. Ask students for the
down what they hear. This gives them could be asked about
reasoning behind their choices.
the chance to listen to more language these poems.
OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES: and respond to in your opinions. ▪▪ The poems students
will read are about
▪▪ Ask students to speak the manifesto school issues. Students
with intonation. You can record these Lesson 5: should focus on the
and play them in other lessons as a
way to remind students of their dream
How does it Make You Feel? message of the poems
and they should not feel
LESSON OVERVIEW constrained by language
▪▪ Collect student errors from the This lesson focuses on understanding and details. For example, lips
© MEN Colombia

manifestos and share them with the writing a poem. Students will be exposed is not an important word
group so that everyone benefits. to authentic language related to feelings, in the second poem.
and they will learn adjectives to describe Just as in the previous
▪▪ Conduct a discussion: Are these exercise, students must
feelings and emotional states.
statements possible in your school? focus on messages.
What is needed to get there?


EP1-TG-M1.indd 29 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2

c b, a
a c,b, a

2. Read the poems again.

Complete the following
statements with A, B, or C.
(5 minutes)
▪▪ In this exercise, students
will focus on more
specific aspects of the
poems. Elicit five words
for you to translate.
Since this is a reading
comprehension activity,
they should not focus on
grammatical issues.
▪▪ Ask students to focus on
the example and infer what
they are going to do. You
can elicit the instructions
instead of giving them.
2. c
▪▪ Give students five minutes 3. a
to do the task. They can 4. e
use the dictionary for this. 5. b.
▪▪ Ask volunteers for
answers. If you consider
it necessary, ask students
why they made the
choices they made. ▪▪ Ask for volunteers or choose ▪▪ Group students, making sure there is
▪▪ Hint: Don’t tell students students randomly. In question one for each poem. Have them report on
there are statements a, they can answer in English. the poem they read and monitor their
for which more than one Feedback given to students in participation and use of English. Go
option is possible. This this case should be on content around the classroom to see if students
can emerge as they do not on use of language. are on task.
the task. ▪▪ Question b can be answered in 5. Poets use language to communicate
English as well. Remember they ideas and feelings. The poems you read
3. Now choose ONE of the should use the language chunks
poems and read it again have different messages. Look at this
presented in the coursebook. part from the poem Why me?
to yourself. Answer
▪▪ Finally, question c can be
these questions in your
answered in L1.
▪▪ This activity helps students understand
notebook. (5-10 minutes) the purpose of texts.
▪▪ Since students are going OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: ▪▪ Ask ss. to give their opinions. There
to read one of the poems ▪▪ For this activity, students need is no correct answer. Ask them to
of their choice, they support for their speaking say why. They can use L1 to give
should feel fine about it. production. Ask them to focus on the their reasons and you can help them
express these in English.
© MEN Colombia

However, try to have an Useful Vocabulary box. Explain the

equal number of students box and practise pronunciation and ▪▪ Hint: Always give students a reason
for each poem. This is intonation of the phrases. for reading. You can tell them to
important for optional read the instructions and answer
activity below. the question: How many parts of the
body can you find in the poem?


EP1-TG-M1.indd 30 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2


7. Now you are going to write

your own poem. (15-20 min)
p p
▪▪ This may be the first
n n time your students have
n n written a poem in English.
p p Be sensitive to this and
n p
encourage their creativity.
▪▪ Direct students to the
choices for their poems.
▪▪ Direct students to the
frames given to them (This
poem is about my…). That
will become their first line.
▪▪ Guide students through
the other questions and
5.a. These are some statements taken from ▪▪ It is always a good idea to frames. At this point,
the three poems. Match statements 1 to give them examples that are they can use the simple
5 to the purposes a to e. (3-4 min) connected to the content of the sentences they have just
lesson. written.
▪▪ Ask students to analyze the example ▪▪ IMPORTANT: If you notice
(1) and say why they think that is the ▪▪ Direct students to the
examples to make sure all of that students are having
answer. a hard time organizing
▪▪ Explain the activity. Tell students that them understand what to do.
Ask students to do the task and their ideas, help them
they need to match the sentences make choices and keep
with the purpose of the writer. focus only on what they have
to do: Underlining and circling sentences to simple
▪▪ Have students share their answers with language. The point of
a partner and discuss any differences. adjectives.
the poem is to express
Then, check as a whole class. ▪▪ You can display the poem on a something in English.
piece of cardboard on the board ▪▪ Once they have completed
WRITE and have different students all the frames, ask students
6. Look at the poem below. (1-3 min) stand up and circle/underline to complete them with
the adjectives according to the more simple sentences
▪▪ Remind students what an adjective is. instructions, using different color
You can write a simple sentence on the in exercise d. They can
© MEN Colombia

markers. use them anywhere their

board and tell them to point to the
adjective (e.g. In my school, there are a poems; this should be done
lot of patient and nice teachers). so the spirit of student
choice is kept.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 31 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2

Congratulate students on writing a poem.Give students feedback on language.
When you give the poems back, tell students to revise their poems. Keep feedback
positive and constructive whenever possible. Tell students to put both versions in
their portfolio.
Students should be invited to perform their poems for the class. If they are
willing, they should be given time to practice and to check pronunciation of
individual words, using the dictionary indicated.


1. Which job belongs to which team? Write E (Editing), DP (Design &

Production) and A (Advertising).
▪▪ Ask students to work in pairs. The Spanish is given, so they will have no
© MEN Colombia

problems understanding the language. In their notebooks, ask them to

write just the number of the sentence and the abbreviation for the team.
▪▪ Conduct a quick feedback session with the whole class.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 32 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2

2. Put each team’s jobs in the correct order. 3. It’s time to choose your team.
▪▪ Put each team’s jobs in the correct order. Keep the students in pairs. Ask them Read the short descriptions
to make a three-columned table in their notebooks and to write the complete below and make a decision.
sentence in the correct column. There may be some differences of opinion about ▪▪ Either put students in
the correct order and this is perfectly acceptable. Below are answers according groups or invite them to
to how the project has been designed. form their own groups.
▪▪ Tell them that within their
groups, each member will
have a special responsibility
Editing Team Design & Production Team Advertising Team
and they will choose which
Create a design for the team they would like to be
Decide what type of articles/ Plan an advertising
magazine, including front cover part of: Editing, Design and
content you want in the magazine. campaign.
etc. Production or Advertising.
Motivate your classmates to Decide what photos or images Get sponsors for the ▪▪ Tell them to draw a chart
contribute to the magazine. should go with the articles. magazine. in their notebooks with
the names of the group
members and the teams
© MEN Colombia

Create posters to
Select/Write the content articles. Print the magazine.
advertise the magazine. they belong to. Ask ss. to
Carry out presentations give you a copy of their
Edit the content so it is in perfect charts.
Distribute the magazine. which promote the


EP1-TG-M1.indd 33 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 2

Tapescript 6
Laura: You have to look at this
quiz they’ve got in my mum’s
Mike: Yeah, go on! What’s it about?
Laura: Well, the title is “Are you
a good friend?” Are you brave
enough to try?
Mike: I have to go out in a minute.
How many questions are there?
Laura: Only five. Number one. How
many friends do you prefer to
have? A. one or two B. three to
five. C. about ten D. as many as
Mike: Well, let’s think about that one.
I would say I have about 3 or 4
good friends and I’m pretty happy
with that. Next?
Laura: Right. Number 2. When was
the last time you forgot a friend’s
birthday? I never have…This year…
Once many years ago…I do it quite
often…Those are the choices.
Mike: Definitely … first answer for me.
Laura: Oooh! You liar! You forgot mine
and that was only 6 months ago.
Mike: [laughs] Hmm, I forgot about
that. I forgot Jamie’s and Helen’s
this year too.
Laura: Ha! No doubt what answer I’m
going to put for that one! Number
three. Have you ever called a
friend of yours at 3 in the morning
just to chat? And the choices are
… never, once or twice, quite
often … and the last one is … night
time is for sleeping. And that’s
definitely the one you should pick,
Mike: No way! I’ve spoken to Helen
till the early hours on many
occasions … last year when she had Laura: So ... that’s answer C? 4. It’s time to PLAN. Here are some of
all those problems at school… it Mike: That’s what I said! The answers are the the decisions you need to make and
was me talking to her every night same! I will listen to them, but also give
actions you need to take. Organise
for a week. advice, so it’s really the second answer.
the information in your teams and
Laura: Okay, okay I was just teasing Laura: Okay, last question.
Mike: I’m happy to hear it. complete the chart for your team.
you. I think we can put you down
for “often, don’t you think? Laura: How often do you think about your ▪▪ Tell ss. before starting work on
Number 4. Do your friends come to friends? Throughout the day… Every day… the magazine they need to plan.
you when they want cheering up, Rarely … Only when you need them.
Explain they have to work in teams
some good advice, or someone to Mike: This is officially the worst magazine quiz
and make decisions by the end
listen to them?
Mike: What a terrible question! Those Laura: C’mon Mike. This is the last question. of the lesson on the points. Tell
last two options are pretty much Mike: I think about all of you every waking them they have to present their
the same, don’t you think? moment of every single day. All day! Every plans to the class at the end, so
Laura: Look! I don’t write the day! That’s my answer. Now, I have to go they need to organise their ideas
questions. C’mon. Just give me out. I’ll see you tonight. and presentation so it is clear for
an answer. I think you’re getting Laura: Give me a serious answer or I can’t get everyone.
nervous. You’re giving all the the proper results. ▪▪ Once the teams are ready, guide
wrong answers. Mike: Well, I’m going to have to leave without them through the planning stage.
knowing whether I’m a good friend or not.
© MEN Colombia

Mike: Very funny! Okay – I’d say Help students with language when
people come to me more often See you at 7.
Laura: All right. Bye!
necessary. They can discuss in
when they’ve got a problem as
they know I’ll give them good
Spanish but their final products
advice. should be in English. Make notes of
what students decide.


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Module 1 > Unit 2

4. Listen to the conversation

again and circle the word
they use. (5 minutes)
▪▪ Notice that this time they
will need to follow speech
and focus on a word only.
This will help them feel
more relaxed during the next
2 listening.
▪▪ Play the listening one more
1 man and 1 woman.
time and elicit answers
from students.
5. Listen to your teacher and
write down the questions
X X you hear under the correct
category. (5-10 minutes)
▪▪ Students should feel
comfortable listening to
your voice in English. They
will write the categories in
their notebooks and leave
six lines to write the Wh
and Yes-No questions.
▪▪ Tell students you will
dictate the complete
questions, one by one. They
should listen to the entire
question and write down
what they hear.
▪▪ After you have dictated all
six questions, elicit them
from students one by one
to check.
▪▪ These are the questions you
will dictate:
- Do you study in a rural or
urban school?
- Who is your best friend?
Lesson 6: LISTEN
- How many friends do you
What Kind of Friend are You? 2. You are going to hear some people have?
talking. Listen and answer these - Do you have many friends?
LESSON OVERVIEW questions. (3-5 minutes) - What do you like to do at
The focus of this lesson is on friendship. weekends?
Students will be exposed to language Tell students to focus on the 4
- Do you have a best friend?
that will serve as model for their questions (a to d). Make sure they
output task: They will write a survey understand the questions, as this
and ask and answer questions orally, will help them focus while listening.
which will also support work on falling Check answers with the class. ▪▪ The purpose of this activity
is for students to get familiar
and rising intonation in wh- and yes/no 3. Listen again and tick the specific with the difference in
questions. topics they talk about. (3-5
intonation between wh- and
yes/no questions.
▪▪ Ask students to look at the topics ▪▪ For the pronunciation activity,
1. Answer these questions with a in the box. Elicit the meaning students first listen to you and
partner. (2-4 minutes) of words and provide them with then repeat the questions.
translations or definitions for
▪▪ Ask students to work in pairs to ▪▪ Have students do this activity
© MEN Colombia

words they do not know.

answer the questions. in their notebooks.
▪▪ Draw their attention to the
▪▪ Collect answers and give
feedback. ▪▪ Encourage them to write one
Useful Language box. Tell them question for each pattern.
to use the expressions in the
See next page
box in their answers.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 35 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 3

▪▪ They should be about
friendship and, hopefully,
including the auxiliary do.
However, this should not be a
▪▪ Students will work in pairs
asking and answering their
▪▪ Draw students’ attention
to the Improve Your
Pronunciation box to check
their comprehension of
YES/NO and WH- question
intonation patterns.

For support, you can do a number
of things you consider effective
for this class:
▪▪ Ask students to ask you the Answers:
questions and tell them to Do you have
focus on how you answer many friends?
them. Who is your
▪▪ In pairs, give them some best friend at
sample answers for them to
Where do you
associate to the questions in like to go with
their notebooks. your friends?
▪▪ Record your voice, giving the
answers for the six questions
you dictated. Students listen
and associate the answers they
hear to the questions they
wrote. Their answers don’t
have to be elaborated as they
are practicing questions.

FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (8-10 min) ▪▪ Tell them to look at the order of the ▪▪ Help them focus on the topics that are
questions in exercise 7 if they need recommended in the textbook, but also
So far, your students have help. topics they would like to include in
been exposed to language ▪▪ Then, pair them up to complete the their survey. This is known in Colombia
implicitly; they have not studied rules. Provide help if needed, but as a chismógrafo.
grammatical structures. However, remember that students should do most ▪▪ Tell students to look at the quiz
they are already incorporating of the work, so that they can practice example to get an idea of what they
grammatical elements in the noticing of the language form. are expected to produce. Also, remind
their language knowledge (or ▪▪ This activity should not take very them that the listening activity was
reinforcing some they already long as the only problem is the based on a similar quiz.
know). missing auxiliary ‘do’. This is a ▪▪ Monitor whether students are actually
mistake many Spanish speakers creating questions by themselves
8. Unscramble the following make. Give students two minutes and not merely repeating the ones in
words to form questions. to find the mistakes and correct the notebook. If they are doing so,
(...) the questions. Then, ask them to ask them to write new questions by
▪▪ The purpose of this activity compare answers with a partner. themselves.
is to have them notice how WRITE (8-10 min) SPEAK
questions are formed.
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ Ask students to work 9. Work with a partner and design a 10. Work with another pair and ask your
individually to unscramble survey about friendship. questions to one of them.
the words and form ▪▪ Students will work in pairs to design ▪▪ Group students in fours so they
questions. six questions about friendship. can ask and answer each others’


EP1-TG-M1.indd 36 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 3

▪▪ Tell students to look at the

images. Ask them to answer
the question orally: What do
you think the lesson is going
to be about? Then ask them
to write their ideas in their
2. Work with a partner. (...).
▪▪ Pair students up. Try to
vary the interaction and
grouping patterns.
▪▪ Ask them to tick as many
things as they want in
Activity 2.
▪▪ To support vocabulary, you
can redirect students to
the images or show some
images you may have at
school. It’s not necessary to
translate words or phrases
such as speech bubbles.
In fact, they can easily be
drawn on the board.
▪▪ In this activity, there are
no wrong answers. Students
can tell you in Spanish why
they made their choices.
3. Answer the questions with
your partner.
▪▪ Tell students to either write
their answers following the
chunks provided (Yes, I like
comics because…) or directly
▪▪ Finally, tell students to keep their Lesson 7: use oral language to do so.
surveys in their notebooks and put ▪▪ Make sure they use the Useful
A Comic View of My Friends Vocabulary box. They can
a copy in their portfolios. This is a
product you might want to consider look up the meaning of words
for assessment. LESSON OVERVIEW in a monolingual or bilingual
dictionary, or you can elicit
▪▪ If there is time, have students The focus of this lesson is on problems, such the meaning from students
walk around the classroom and as peer pressure, in friendship. Students will themselves.
ask questions to one, two or more read a comic strip and develop the strategy
individuals. This will give students the of guessing meaning from context. They will READ
needed practice to develop their oral also create their own comic strips about 4. Read the photo story. What is
fluency in English. a problem in friendship that is relevant to the topic presented in it?
their lives.
Use the images to explore
GET READY language by asking display or
referential questions as you
1. Look at the images. (...) (2-4 think necessary. Some ideas
minutes) are: What are they doing?
▪▪ The purpose of this activity is to Are they doing something
© MEN Colombia

activate students’ prior knowledge wrong? What is wrong? Is this

on the topic of comics and relate it something you would like to
to the topic of friendship. have in your dream school?


EP1-TG-M1.indd 37 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 3

5. What should Jay do?

Choose the best piece of
advice for her. (10-15 min)
▪▪ Individually, students
will choose the best
advice for Jay. A number
of options are possible
(or all of them!). Some
options, however, are
more logical than others.
The idea here is that
students demonstrate
that they understood the
language in the photo
story and react to it either
in English or Spanish
(preferably the former).
▪▪ Do not focus too much
on the grammar of this
exercise. Address quickly
the use of should to give
recommendations and
6. Read Part two of the Photo
Story and answer these X
questions below.
Ask students to react to the
story. Does this happen at
their school? The story can
help students remember - In the sentence where it appears, 8. Jay talked to the school psychologist
ideas from the lessons about does the word have a negative or a about her problem. This is what she
their dream school. positive connotation? told her: (...)
- How do the characters’ faces ▪▪ Tell students to read what the
help you? psychologist said to Jay. Ask them if
7. In the context of the photo - What words in the a to c options they agree with her.
story: have the same meaning in English ▪▪ Tell them to go over a and b
and Spanish? individually. Monitor their work and
▪▪ In this activity, students - Which option is more obvious for provide help as needed.
will be practicing a the context of the story? ▪▪ Pair students up to do exercise c.
learning strategy, which is ▪▪ Give students five minutes to do Make sure you give an example
guessing the meaning of the multiple-choice vocabulary before they start working by
words based on context. exercise. themselves. Ask a volunteer to read
To familiarise students
▪ ▪ At the end of the exercise, the first problem: “I don’t have any
with this strategy if they friends”
collect answers from students
do not know it, work
through an example. Help
and ask them what strategies ▪▪ Write “What should Jay do?” on
they used to understand the
© MEN Colombia

students with clues such the board. Elicit answers from the
words. Finally, encourage students. Answers may include:
as the ones below:
students to continue using - She should join a sport.
- What kind of word is
strategies for understanding
it? Is it a verb, noun, - She should go out more.
vocabulary without using Spanish
pronoun, or adjective? - She should start talking to their
as a first resource.
classmates more.

EP1-TG-M1.indd 38 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 3

3. In pairs design your photo

story or comic for your
Magazine Project.
▪▪ Students will now start
writing their own comic
strips or photo stories.
Encourage them to do a
good job and help each
other with language and
design issues (drawing, for
▪▪ Help students with the
speech or thought bubbles
(statements that will be
written in the bubbles).
Guide them to use
language they have studied
in other lessons. This is
the perfect opportunity
for students to go back
over what they have
learned with you and use it
creatively. If they are stuck
on words, they can write
them in Spanish and then
translate them into English
with the help of a bilingual
▪▪ The whole design and
writing of the comic strip
depends on several factors
such as how students are
doing with the module so
far, the project, or the
LET’S WORK TOGETHER 2. Take notes about the materials and present lesson. However,
1. Watch a video about how to create steps. You will need this for the next
it’s important to tell
a comic script. Watch and answer activity. (5-10 minutes)
students that the comic
these questions in your notebook (10 ▪▪ The second time they watch and strip / photo story is a
minutes) listen to the video, you can facilitate product to be evaluated
▪▪ The first activity that students will the task by asking students to and used in the magazine.
do while watching the video is visual predict how they will complete the If there is no time to
rather than oral. In other words, spaces. This is, of course, another design the comic strip /
they will not necessarily have to learning strategy which you can photo story in its entirety
understand what they hear to answer emphasize in the lessons you teach. in this lesson, then ask
the questions. However, they will be ▪▪ Collect answers from students and students to focus on what
exposed to English, which can help make sure they understand how to the characters will say
them for the next task. make a comic strip or photo story. only. The design aspect,
▪▪ students can do later as
For question b, you probably need ▪▪ As a way to consolidate the outside-class work or in
to ask students to think back to the listening task, you can tell students
characteristics they studied at the another lesson.
that they will design their own
beginning of lessons 8 and 9. comic strip or photo story. You can ▪▪ Once students have finished
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ Play the video and let students answer ask them the questions below: their comic strip / photo
as you wish: individually or in pairs. story, they can share it
- What characters would you like
▪▪ Link to the video: http://www.ehow. to include? with others and read and
com/video_6198364_make-own- - How many panels will you design comment on each others’
cartoon-comic-strip.html as a group? comic strips.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 39 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 3


Unit 3 is a review of the
topics, language and skills
covered in module 1. The
unit is divided into 3 lessons,
approximately 6 hours
each. Lessons 8 and 9 are
review lessons and lesson
10 is project work and
self-assessment. Lessons 8
and 9 aim at consolidating
students’ skills and reinforce
knowledge of topics covered
in this module. In Lesson 10
students do project-related
activities so they have time
to complete their project
and present them during this


Lesson Topic Time Language Focus Output

Lesson 8 Family Life 4 Simple Present Writing a paragraph about family
WH questions Project decisions on: resources, magazine
content, and ads campaign

Lesson 9 I Am Who I Am 4
Lesson 10 Project Work / 3
Self Assessment hours
© MEN Colombia


EP1-TG-M1.indd 40 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 3

▪▪ Ask one of the students to read

statement “a” aloud. After
finishing, ask the whole class
to identify the image that best
matches the statement. Ask
students to identify key words
in each statement.
▪▪ Tell students to match the other
d/c a e images and descriptions. When
a. There are
they finish, check the exercise
three people in and ask students to tell you the
this family. key words in each statement.
b. I think they are
mother, and READ (40 minutes)
two children: a
daughter and a
b d/c f 3. Read the text “My Older
son. Brother”.
c. They are a
single parent ▪▪ If you have a brother, show
family. students a picture of him.
d. They get Talk about him. Describe him
along so well
physically and his personality.
because they
support each Tell them to identify positive
other and they and negative characteristics of
look happy your brother.
▪▪ Tell students to answer 5
questions about brothers and
sisters. (a-g). Answers may
vary. Then, ask them to ask
those questions to two more
classmates: Do you have brothers
or sisters? Are they younger or
older than you? What do they
do? What do they do in their
free time? What do you like
and dislike about siblings? How
well do you get along with your
siblings? Would you like to have
LESSON 8: Family Life 1. Look at the picture and answer the ▪▪ Tell students to write two things
LESSON OVERVIEW questions. they and their classmates like
and dislike about siblings.
The focus of this lesson is on recycling Individually students should give you
vocabulary about family issues. Students the answers to questions a-d. These ▪▪ Write the title of the text on
will be exposed to different activities questions are relatively easy in order the board. Ask students to
which will contribute towards the design to raise students’ confidence before predict what the text is about.
of the output task: writing about their own the main task of this lesson. Ask Write those predictions on the
families. In addition to this lesson there is students to match the pictures with the board. Tell students to read the
project work related to Phase 2. descriptions in the sentences below. text individually and compare
Clarify the link with the previous GET what they find in the text and
GET READY (20 minutes) their predictions.
READY activity.
▪▪ Show images of different groups of ▪▪ Ask students to read the text
people. Include various types of family, 2. Match the images with the again taking into account
groups of friends, groups of professions. statements below.
the terminology they do not
▪▪ Ask students to classify those images ▪▪ Ask students to mention some family know and help them clarify
into groups. Tell students to come up characteristics from the images in unfamiliar words.
with words for each group. the exercise. Eg: What kinds of family ▪▪ Ask students to read and
▪▪ Focus on the family group. Elicit are in the different pictures? Can identify the sentences that:
© MEN Colombia

vocabulary related to families: you mention the different family describe the characteristics of
a. What are some different family types? members in each picture? What kind the older brother, the activities
b. What members are there in a family? of relationship do you think they have? the older brother does and the
c. What are some characteristics of Encourage students to speak in English things Santiago likes and dislikes
parents, siblings, and children in the even if they need to use some words in about his brother.
family? Spanish.

EP1-TG-M1.indd 41 23/12/13 13:04

Module 1 > Unit 3

4. Are the sentences T(True)

or F(False)? Tick the correct
This activity is designed to
check reading comprehension. x 5
If students understand the text
correctly; they will tick the x 3
statements without difficulty and
fairly quickly. Suggest to students
that they should try not to look 2
back at the text while ticking the
correct statements.
5. The questions below are all
jumbled up. Put them in the Answers:
correct order. Then answer a. How old is
them. Andrés?
b. What are
▪▪ Be ready to review how to Andrés
organise a WH question. Help x
c. What
your students by eliciting or more does
showing them a clue in each Andrés
sentence, i.e. that the first enjoy?
d. What does x
word in each sentence is
Andrés and
the one which begins with a his friends
capital letter, in this case it is do?
the “WH” question word.
▪▪ Use the QUASM formula to x
remind students about the
way questions are made:
What does Santiago think
about his family?
-Question: Who, what, when,
where, etc.
-Auxiliary: do, does.
-Subject: person (Santiago)
-Main verb: think, play, sleep,
▪▪ Before students start writing, -Does your brother sleeps 10 hours This strategy will help them to
go through the example given every day? (incorrect) understand the conversation. You can
in the Student’s Book with -My father don’t take a nap after also suggest focusing on how many
the class. Elicit or remind lunch (incorrect) people are interacting.
students about the need to
use ‘s’ at the end of the verb LISTEN (30 minutes) ▪▪ Talk with your students and share
in the third person singular ideas about what they understood.
6. Discuss with your classmates and Next time ask students to complete
of the present simple. Focus teacher.
on the words in bold and ask the exercise in pairs.
students if they remember If appropriate, provide students a ▪▪ Encourage students to keep a record
how this rule works. model for speaking by talking about of the activity as it will be helpful for
▪▪ Tell students you will read your own family experiences. This future exercises.
some statements and strategy should also increase students’
8. Circle the option which completes the
they will stand up if the confidence to speak about their own
sentence according to the audio text.
statements are correct, families.
and raise their hands if Ask students to listen to a
7. Listen to the conversation conversation about families. Ask
the statement is incorrect
between Santiago, his teacher and
regarding the use of the them to read the statements before
classmates. (...)
© MEN Colombia

third person singular. Some listening. Check vocabulary and

statements could be: ▪▪ Ask students to read the statements practise pronunciation. Play the
-The teacher get up early in before starting the audio.The first audio three times. Tell students not
the morning (Incorrect) time you play it, ask them to pay to answer the questions the first
-Does your mother work attention to the context of the time they listen. the questions.
every day? (correct) recording.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 42 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 3

Tapescript 7
parents family
live problem T: Hi class
annoy name SS: Good morning teacher
T: Well, who can tell me what date it is
today? Yes, Elizabeth please tell me
Elizabeth: Today Monday February 4th
T: Well done Elizabeth Today is February
4th and according to our schedule…
today we have a short test.
SS: ohh nooo
T: don’t be worried you already know
the topic and it’s easy
Santiago: Jaa claro no ve que es sobre
lo de la familia cierto teacher
T: Santiago, you’re right but remember
this is an English class so please try
to speak in English
Santiago: bueno teacher
T: But before the test we are going to
practise speaking about our families
and some of the questions I ask will
Answers 11: be in the test so pay attention
1. you would - Stefanie: teacher can we take notes?
would you
2. annoying me -
T: Of course and you can also use your
annoys me notes in the exam. Ok… Ok let’s
3. will to respect - start… First question what does
will respect family mean to you?
4. you have any- Karen: teacher my family is everything
thing - Do you
in my world. I can’t imagine being
have anything
5. What are there without my family.
any - are there T: well done Karen let’s look at the
any second question. How do you get
6. should to help - along with your family? Please
should help
7. should no -
should not Samuel: My friends and I get along
8. should get well really well.
on - should get T: Samuel could you check your answer, I
on well am asking about families so again How
do you get along with your family?
Samuel: uhmm pues I don’t get along
Tell them to try to understand the ▪▪ Ask students to read the words. Elicit well with my family, es que peliamos
general idea of the audio text. The from them examples or definitions of mucho teacher
second time they listen, tell them each of the words to clarify meaning. T: Well done thank you, third question,
to answer the questions and let Use concept questions to check who do you live with?
them listen a third time to confirm understanding of the words. Tell them Santiago: Teacher me please
T: Ok
their choices. to give examples of each of the words.
Santiago: At home, there are only a few
▪▪ Tell students to complete the of us: my mother, my brother, my
WRITE (1 hour 15 minutes) statements with the appropriate word. grandma, and me.
9. Unscramble the words in the box. Monitor while they write. T: Very good thank you for your answer
next question, who in your family do
▪▪ Ask some volunteers to read the
Ask students to divide into groups you get on with best? Why?
statements aloud.
of three. Tell them to unscramble Elizabeth: My brother and I have a very
as many words as possible in one 11. There are ten language mistakes in special relationship. I love him loads!
minute. Check words, clarify the following interview about study T: and the last question before the quiz.
Please, talk about one member of
vocabulary and ask students to time. Find them and correct them.
your family.
use the words in context by asking
Ask students to read the conversation Stefanie: Teacher me please
questions such as: T: Ok Stefanie
about study time and identify 10
-How old are your parents?
© MEN Colombia

language mistakes. Tell them to pay Stefanie: My aunt is the prettiest

-What annoys you about your family? woman in the world, I love my family
attention to questions, the way we
-Which type of family do you have? T: Thanks Stefanie but now the review
give recommendations, the expressions
time has ended, please everybody
10. Look at the word cloud. Put the we use to talk about ideal situations. take a piece of paper and write
words in the correct space to Ask them to identify the lessons where these questions.
complete the statements. these language topics are presented.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 43 20/12/13 17:10

Module 1 > Unit 3

12. Use the words in the box

above to write a short
paragraph talking about
your family.

▪▪ Before asking students to

write, draw a mind map
about good friends.
▪▪ Ask them to brainstorm ideas
about the topic.
▪▪ Tell them to identify the
most important idea from the
brainstorming, some details LET’S WORK TOGETHER (60 minutes)
and the conclusion. Support
them by asking leading 1. Work in your teams. Your teacher will give you a plan to carry out
questions such as: what is Phase 2 of the school magazine project.
the most important aspect we Tell ss. it’s time to act and present some of the actions they need to take
want to highlight? what are for launch day. Give each team their tasks from page 53 of the TG. Tell
some examples that support them to complete the chart. Page 53 of the TG has a short description of
the most important aspect; their tasks.
what can we conclude about
good friends based on the EDITING TEAM:
examples or description? Before asking students to write the Editor’s Letter, show them a model
▪▪ Clarify the characteristics of to work on. Remind students to keep in mind a paragraph structure
each part of the paragraph. including: date, greeting, body, conclusion, closing and signature while
▪▪ Ask students to write the they are writing. It can be as long as they want. Work with the team
paragraph about their checking and editing magazine content.
families using first a mind
map, identifying the most DESIGN TEAM: Work with the team to make the decision about financial
resources needed for the magazine and also about the final layout and
© MEN Colombia

important idea they want to

highlight and the details that distribution of information in order of importance inside the School
support that main idea. Magazine.
▪▪ At the end, ask them to write
the conclusion.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 44 23/12/13 13:08

Module 1 > Unit 3

Lesson 9:
I Am Who I Am

GET READY (15 minutes)

1. Talk to a partner.
Discuss the questions. You can
bring some phrases related to
the pictures to paste on the
board and help students make
sentences to talk about the

READ (30 minutes)

2. Read the story.

Depending on the economic situation of your particular school:
▪▪ Ask students to read the
extract from the text once.
a. Students can ask other students for money to get raw material to produce ▪▪ Encourage students to guess
the project. The idea is students can show a draft of the School Magazine the meaning of any new
and offer a copy of it to their classmates in return those students will words in the four readings,
receive a copy of the final version of the School Magazine. and/ or ask guiding
questions for them to guess
b. Students can talk with parents and different members from the school
the meaning.
community to offer them the opportunity for their announcements to be
included in the School Magazine in return for sponsoring the project. ▪▪ Also, tell the students to
check the Useful Language
c. Students can speak to the principal about the aims of the project in order
box to look for the meaning
to persuade them to provide resources to print the magazine.
of words as well.
d. Before the printing stage, students can make a list of people interested in ▪▪ Write the 5 W’s of a story:
buying the magazine. Students can borrow money for printing and after who? what? when? where?
selling the magazine they can recover their costs. why? to help students get
the main idea of the text.
© MEN Colombia

ADVERTISING TEAM: Work with the team checking and editing the ads ▪▪ Ask them to tell you the
promoting the School Magazine before students paste them around the words and phrases from
school. Make sure this team has a space to work and the resources they the text that answer those
need (Projector, microphone, speakers…) for the project launch and also questions.
do not forget to enter the presentation in the shool schedule.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 45 20/12/13 17:11

Module 1 > Unit 3

3. Answer the questions.

▪▪ Tell your students to
read the four open
questions. Tell them to
answer according to their
personal point of view. ▪▪ Advise learners to focus their ▪▪ Remind them of the purpose
▪▪ Encourage your students answer on the idea of stopping of giving advice and the
to justify their answers by discrimination at school. meaningfulness of giving good
providing an example of ▪▪ You can also suggest to your students advice to others.
some personal experiences. that they create a short role-play ▪▪ Tell some volunteers to read their
This can be done orally. using Ramiro’s situation in which choices aloud.
they provide a solution to his school
▪▪ Discuss Ramiro’s school problem.
5. Read the recommendations again
problems with your and tick what you think is the best
students. Use these 4. Imagine you are the girl, Diana. reaction for Ramiro. (10 minutes)
questions to discuss the You want to give him some advice
Ask students about their answers.
issues with students: to help him. Choose three good
Use a short oral survey to identify
Are Ramiro’s classmates’ recommendations.
what the most common answers
conscious of the
▪▪ Tell students to get in pairs. Tell among the students. The teacher can
consequences of their
them to play roles: one is the person ask: How many students consider
comments? Is there any
who gives the recommendation that recommendation “a” is a good
real reason to start a school
(Diana) and the other one is the one? How many of you think that
fight against classmates?
person who receives it (Ramiro). Ask recommendation “b” is a good one?
© MEN Colombia

Why? What kinds of thing

them to select three good pieces If appropriate, recreate the role-play
make us act differently
of advice. Tell them to consider the from the previous exercise by using
from others when facing a
reasons why they selected those the suggested answers.
situation similar to the one
Ramiro experienced?


EP1-TG-M1.indd 46 20/12/13 17:11

Module 1 > Unit 3


▪▪ Continue with the same
strategy you were using in
previous project class lessons.
6. Select one dialogue from a-f in the 8. Write the 3 most common problems Keeping the same structure
previous exercise. Practise the teenagers have at school and at will help students to develop
dialogue and act it out to the rest of home. Give 2 recommendations for the presentation in English as
the class. each problem. much as possible.
Tell the students that they can do this ▪▪ Ask students to select three ▪▪ Take one copy of EDIT TEAM,
practice in pairs. They can use the problems they have either at DESIGN TEAM and ADVERTISING
answers they consider appropriate. school or at home. Tell them to TEAM PLANS to give them to
write recommendations using a students. Phase 3 plans are on
different expression from the page 50-51.
7. Look back Exercise 5. Which are ▪▪ Take some time during the
Useful Language box.
some expressions you can use to
make recommendations? Write them
▪▪ Ask some volunteers to read the class to help each team work
problems and recommendations. on their plan. Ask everybody
in your notebook.
Ask the rest of the class to in the groups if they know
say if the recommendation what their responsibilities
▪▪ Ask students at look at exercise are going to be on the school
was appropriate or not. If not,
5 and underline the expressions magazine launch day.
ask them to make a different
that can be used to express ▪▪ Make sure that at the end
recommendations. Write them on
© MEN Colombia

of the class all groups have

the board. You can also highlight the everything they need ready to
expressions used to thank people launch the school magazine
after receiving those pieces of next class.
advice. Practice pronunciation of
those expressions with the students. See next page


EP1-TG-M1.indd 47 20/12/13 17:11

Module 1 > Unit 3

▪▪ EDIT TEAM: Students should give you the final school magazine draft before
printing, reviewing spelling, typing mistakes and punctuation. Students can
send the final version to the design team after you have checked it.
▪▪ DESIGN TEAM: The Design team is now waiting for the edit team’s final
revision. Although the school magazine structure and organisation is
a decision that comes from learners, take a look at the design and if
necessary, give suggestions on how to improve the magazine design. When
students get your approval, they can print the magazine and make the
▪▪ ADVERTISING TEAM: Take time to listen to students’ presentation, giving
them positive feedback. Walk through the school with the advertising team
to take a look at how the ads were distributed around the school and check
the messages students used to promote their magazine.

2. Next project class is the Launch Day of your School Magazine. Use the plan
© MEN Colombia

above to make sure you and your group are ready for this important day.
Tell ss. to use the chart on p.48 to get ready for launch day.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 48 20/12/13 17:11

Module 1 > Unit 3

Lesson 10:
Self Assessment (50 minutes)

1. Assessment of your English skills.

The statements are based on the specific skills students should have developed
during this module. Ask students to be honest with their answers. Talk to them
about the advantages of the assessment and how it can help them to reinforce
the areas in which they have weaknesses and to recognize their strengths.

2. Think about your English study skills.

Allow students to think about the strategies they can use to improve their English
skills. Suggest that they think about the learning strategies they use to work
effectively when learning English.
© MEN Colombia


EP1-TG-M1.indd 49 20/12/13 17:11

Module 1 > Unit 3


1. Look through your portfolio. Students should follow the 3. Now you need to select your best
Use this checklist to make procedure below to revise their pieces of work.
sure all your work is work and check mistakes.
complete. If you worked Guide students throught the process
with a group, you may have Students’ work will be assessed
according to the pieces of work of polishing their portfolio before
to get a copy of your group submitting it. If necessary, give them
work. they chose.
suggestions to make it look more
Use guiding questions to help organised.
Students have collected a lot students choose their best pieces
of material (outputs – final of work:
pieces of work in each lesson) 5. Present your portfolio to your
throughout this module. ▪▪ Did you enjoy doing this work? teacher.
Their work has already been ▪▪ Did you learn anything new?
checked in previous lessons. ▪▪ About yourself or about someone Make sure your students know exactly
In this stage students will else? what you expect from them. Give
▪▪ How do you feel about this piece
© MEN Colombia

choose “X” (The teacher will them the assessment criteria before
determine how many outputs of work? they submit their portfolio, so that
to assess) pieces of work to ▪▪ Does it make you feel proud? they know what to include, modify,
present in revised form. ▪▪ Did you do a little bit extra than and improve in it.
what the teacher asked for?


EP1-TG-M1.indd 50 20/12/13 17:11

Module 1 > Unit 3

3. Project assessment (60 minutes)

▪▪ In this section students will analyse and assess the experience of doing the
project. In this space you and your class will evaluate their performance and
progress on the project work.
▪▪ The section is divided into two stages: individual work first, and group work second.
Encourage students to read each of the questions carefully and to be honest when
giving their opinions. Allow students to take their time to give their answers.
▪▪ Individual stage: Each student should complete the survey alone. Allow students
to answer in Spanish if they cannot express their opinion in English. Ask for
volunteers to talk. Encourage the rest of the class to share, discuss and reflect
on the opinions they hear.
▪▪ Group stage: Ask students to organise themselves in their Editing, Design and
Advertising project teams. If you consider the groups are too big, break them
down into smaller groups of three to four people.
▪▪ Use guiding questions such as: What could be better in the next project? How can
we improve in terms of language learning? What can we do to work better as a
© MEN Colombia

team in the next project?

▪▪ At the end of this activity provide a short summary of the most relevant ideas
and a conclusion. Ask students to keep the project summary and the conclusion
in their portfolios.


EP1-TG-M1.indd 51 20/12/13 17:11

Module 2

Module 2
My Cultural Heritage

Module Overview (5 min).

Welcome to MY CULTURAL HERITAGE module. This module will look at how people
see each other and will guide students through the concept of stereotypes and
identities as well as some cultural expressions such as dance, music and storytelling.
Introduce Module 2 My Cultural Heritage by focusing on the content cover page
and explaining the topics students will learn about. You can start using the pictures
on the cover page to talk about culture (What are they doing? Where are they
from? What dance are they doing? What elements of culture can you identify in the
picture? What’s the traditional dance in your region?). Ask questions about the title
of the unit (What does it refer to? What do you think the module will be about?).
© MEN Colombia


EP1-TG-M2.indd 52 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2

Look Ahead
This activity is for students
to explore the content of the
module and to think about their
positions when talking about
some of the topics covered in
Module 2.
▪▪ Have pairs read the
statements and decide
if they agree or not with
each one.
▪▪ Ask students to scan
the module and find
out which unit each
statement belongs to.
▪▪ Review as a class.

Overview chart
Units and lessons Topics Output
UNIT 1 (9 hours) Stereotypes and Identity
Lesson 1 Different Places, Different People A poster
Defining and Challenging Stereotypes
Lesson 2 A post for a bulletin board

Lesson 3 Expressing my identity. A booklet

UNIT 2 (9 hours) Cultural Expressions

Lesson 4 Dancing is Part of Our Culture A poster or a video
Lesson 5 Could You Live Without Music? Opinion paragraph
Lesson 6 The Magic of Storytelling Visual representation of a story.
© MEN Colombia

UNIT 3 (12 hours) Our Culture, Our Identity

Lesson 7 Colombia is Culture, Colombia is Passion A blog entry
Lesson 8 Is it Because I am Colombian? Project
Lesson 9 Self-Assessment


EP1-TG-M2.indd 53 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2

You will also… (5 min) Project (15 min) Portfolio (5 min)

▪▪ Write the following sentences
on the board:
▪▪ This exercise is designed to introduce ▪▪ Ask students to remind you what a
the project to students. portfolio is (Module 1). Encourage
- I think ... is going to be
▪▪ Go over the information about the them to have attractive and well-
project, offering clarification if designed products in their portfolio and
- I think ... is going to be
needed. Remember this project is to keep it updated.
aimed at developing different team ▪▪ Ask students to answer the questions
▪▪ Ask students to read the working skills; so try to take advantage on a piece of paper.
information in the diagram and of all the activities to promote ▪▪ Encourage them to share their answers
complete each statement. participation, discussion, decision with a classmate.
▪▪ Review as a class. Have making, roles and tasks, assignments, ▪▪ Ask some volunteers to share their
volunteers share their etc. answers with the class.
information with the class. ▪▪ The success of this activity depends ▪▪ Tell students to keep their answers as
▪▪ As they share their on the motivation and interest their first product in their portfolio.
information, elicit and/or tell of students. Encourage them to
the class about some learning participate actively in the preparation,
strategies that they might design and delivery of the product they
will create.
© MEN Colombia

find useful when working on

the activities students think ▪▪ Have students work in groups and
might cause them problems decide on roles and responsibilities for
(predicting, understanding the project.
using context…)


EP1-TG-M2.indd 54 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1


In Unit 1 students are
exposed to different ideas
on cultural identity and
stereotypes. They are
going to study how people
from different places see
themselves and how they
would like to be seen
by others. Students will
also challenge their own
beliefs about stereotypes in
Colombia and in the world.

The aim is for students to

acknowledge their own
identity and the cultural
differences they will face
in Colombia and around
the world. The unit covers
9 hours of teaching time.
Each lesson covers 3 hours
and each lesson provides
practice and work on
products related to the
module project.


Lesson Topic Time Language Focus Output

adjectives A poster of a
Different Places,
1 3 hours - Words to express Colombian region
Different People
opinion, agreement
or disagreement
A post for a
Giving advice using
Defining and bulletin board
should and shouldn’t
2 Challenging 3 hours with suggestions
synonyms and
Stereotypes to challenge
© MEN Colombia

3 Connect oradd
Expressing My A booklet about
3 hours information and
Identity Colombian Identity
express contrast


EP1-TG-M2.indd 55 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

Lesson 1:
Different Places, Different
People United Kingdom Switzerland Mexico United States

This lesson introduces the China France Cameroon Austria
concept of cultural identity and
gives examples of how some
people describe themselves
and their culture. Students
will end the lesson designing
a poster showing their own
cultural identity. In terms of
skills, students will learn how well-organised
to identify specific details in X

a listening text and how to X

organise their ideas for writing a X X

GET READY (10 min) X X

1. Describe three people in

the picture using words
from the vocabulary box. 2. Write the name of the country for ▪▪ Tell them to concentrate only on
This exercise is a warm-up each flag. Use the words below. important words and to try to write
down everything they understand; even
activity to prepare students ▪▪ Ask students to identify the flag if they only understand a few words.
for the topic. Therefore, there and write the name of the country
are no right or wrong answers. Those words will help them get a
as shown in the example.
general idea of the listening.
▪▪ Start by referring students ▪▪ While checking answers, ask
to the vocabulary list. students what they know about 3. Listen to people talking about
Work on pronunciation each country (Where is it located? themselves. Tick the words you
and meaning of all the What do you know about people hear.
adjectives in the box. from there?...)
▪▪ Remember to stop the audio and
▪▪ Ask students to look at break it down into small sections if
the pictures and try to LISTENING TIP (3 MIN) your students find it very difficult
describe 3 people using to understand.
the words in the box. ▪▪ This tip will help you reduce your ▪▪ Explain to the students that they
Read the example and students’ anxiety when listening.
remind students to use are going to listen to some people
Before the listening exercise, explain
“I think...” since most of talking about themselves. Let
the listening tip to your students.
students listen to the audio and
© MEN Colombia

the descriptions will be Encourage them not to try to

subjective. ask them to tick the words they
understand every single word in the
▪▪ Check answers with the hear, taking into account names,
listening text.
whole class. nationalities, and adjectives
(descriptive words).


EP1-TG-M2.indd 56 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

Tapescript 8
My name is (1) Connie and I am from (2)
Switzerland. I speak German, French,
Italian and Romansch. People percieve
the Swiss as quiet, honest, usually
5 Austria well (3) organised. Sometimes a bit
boring but talkative. People from other
countries can perceive the Swiss as (4)
(3)well-organised calm
My name is Jude Tadeus (5) Vega.
narrow- minded.
King is my family name. I am from
(6) Cameroon. We speak French and
English and 250 other local languages.
Cameroonians are usually open to
6 China 3 differences, very (7) welcoming and
Luc peace lovers. A general stereotype of
France most African countries is that black
nice people are (8) difficult and that we
are good talkers. They think we try to
influence other people with our powers
of persuasion.

My name is (9) Luc. I am from (10)

2 Cameroon France. French people are often very
4 Mexico Vega. friendly and (11) nice. Some people
think that the French are (12) dirty
and that they smell bad. However,
(7) welcoming
we are proud of our cultural
(16) passionate short My name is (13) Moraima. I am from
Chihuahua (14) Mexico. People from
Mexico are generally really happy. We
like to celebrate with our families.
I think Mexican food is fantastic and
you can find it all over the world. The
4. Read the texts and write the 6. Listen and fill in the gaps to perception that other people have
country in the title. (10 min) complete the texts. (10 min) about Mexicans are that we are (15)
short, (16) passionate, we all wear big
▪▪ Ask students to scan the texts and Play the audio again. Tell students hats and we live surrounded by cacti.
find key words that help them that this time they will focus their
identify the country each person is attention on the missing words in My name is Bernhard, I am from
from. Ask some volunteers to share the texts to try to identify them. Austria, from a small town of 4500
their answers and to support them Tell your students that some missing people. I speak German. I think that
with the specific words from the words are names, nationalities, Austrians are conservative, (17)
text. or adjectives. Give students some formal, laid-back and (18) calm.
time to compare answers with a People from other countries generally
classmate before you check them associate Austria with music, history
5. Listen again and number the texts. and tourism.
(10 min) with the whole class.
My name is Chow Wan. I am
▪▪ Tell students to focus their from China. The Chinese can be
attention on the order in which hardworking and (19) serious people.
each person speaks. Play the audio We don’t usually like to make jokes.
again if necessary. People think that we are boring and
▪▪ Give students some time to (20) traditional. As with other young
© MEN Colombia

compare answers with a classmate people, Chinese teenagers want to

before you check them with the show who they are. We are original.
whole class.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 57 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1


7. Classify the adjectives from

the texts into these three
honest - peace lovers laidback - bad - lazy quiet - conservative
friendly - good talkers original - talkative
Based on the previous activity,
ask students to identify and
classify the adjectives in
the text in one of the three
columns: positive, negative,
neutral. Go over the example descriptions
and explain the three Verb to be
categories. It would be good if before
you provide them with other
examples. Have students
compare their answers with tolerant
a classmate before you check an organized person
them with the whole class. African people


The focus of this section is using

descriptive adjectives to talk about
identities. Remember the course
book has been designed to help
students discover grammar (Noticing
approach). Allow students to work
on their own, compare ideas with a
partner and finally check as a whole
class. Guide students to notice or
find out how descriptive adjectives
are used.

8. Look at the sentences and

work on the activities below.
▪▪ In this exercise students
will discover the language ▪▪ Monitor students’ work, offering
10. Write a short paragraph to describe
focus of the lesson. Give content and language support. After
young people in your city. Use adjectives
students some time to they finish, ask them to share their
from this lesson. (20 min)
answer the questions paragraphs in groups and then, ask
based on what they are ▪▪ In this exercise, students will some volunteers to read their own
discovering. produce their own language paragraphs.
▪▪ Check answers as a class. based on the topic, vocabulary
Don’t lecture them about and language studied so far. Ask PRONUNCIATION
the form and use of students to look at the prompts
descriptive adjectives. given in the box and start writing 11. Practise the pronunciation of the
Extra explanation should their own paragraph. words.
be given only if you ▪▪ Encourage them to use their
notice they have language dictionaries if necessary, and to a. Listen, repeat and practise saying
difficulties in exercise 8. look at the texts in exercise 4 the words with the /u:/ sound.
as examples to write their own
▪▪ The purpose of this activity is to
9. Find the mistakes in the paragraphs. Remind them to read
practise the pronunciation of the
use of adjectives in the the information in the Useful
long vowel sound /u:/.
sentences and correct them. Language box in case they have
▪▪ Encourage ss to read the
© MEN Colombia

questions related to the use of

▪▪ Have students find and descriptive adjectives. pronunciation tip and explain
correct the mistake in each them the usual spelling of the
sentence. Ask volunteers to words with this long vowel sound.
explain their answers.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 58 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

b. Do you agree or disagree

with your partner’s opinion?
Use the expressions below to
express your opinion.
▪▪ Tell your students that
when you talk to other
people about different
topics, you can express
your opinion and also
agree or disagree.
▪▪ Draw students’ attention
to the box with the
expressions and work
on pronunciation and
meaning with them.
▪▪ Encourage discussion
among them. Walk around
the room monitoring
their work and offering
language help if needed.
▪▪ Ask some volunteers to
share their opinions and
discuss with the whole


▪▪ In this section, students

will produce their own
language based on the
topic, vocabulary and
language learnt in the
lesson. Ask students to
work in their project
teams and choose a region
in Colombia they would
▪▪ Play the audio and have ▪▪ Ask students to read the like to describe. Make
students listen to the words instruction and check if they
it clear they should not
and practise saying them. understand the activity.
tell the other groups the
▪▪ You can play the audio and ▪▪ Read the example and ask region they have chosen
pause after every word and ask some questions to check because the groups will
them to repeat each one. students’ comprehension (Who have to guess and find
is the person talking about?, out which region they are
b. Which word does not have the What does he/ she think describing.
/u:/ sound. about “Santandereanos”?
▪▪ Give the groups some time
▪▪ Have students work this Which words did he/she use to
to brainstorm and organize
activity in pairs. Check answers describe them?)
their ideas before they
as a whole class emphasizing ▪▪ Tell your students to plan work on the poster.
the pronunciation of the words their ideas first. Ask them to
that do not have the long /u:/ ▪▪ Have students work on
write their ideas on a piece of
sound, since most learners tend their posters and display
to mispronounce them. them on the classroom
▪▪ Encourage students to use walls.
12. Share with a parner. language to speak even if they
▪▪ Ask students to walk
© MEN Colombia

need to stop and plan again

a. Talk about how you see people around the room and try
what they are going to say.
from the different regions to guess the region each
Colombia. group described.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 59 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

Lesson 2: GET READY (20 min) ▪▪ This is a warm-up exercise to

introduce the concept of stereotype
Defining and Challenging 1. Answer the following questions.
in context. Go over the vocabulary in
the box before students work on the
▪▪ Draw students’ attention to the
LESSON OVERVIEW picture on beside the text. Ask ▪▪ Ask students to underline the words
students to create an identity for and expressions they are familiar
the girl (name, age, place where with while they read and listen to the
The aim of this lesson
she lives, place where she studies, poem.
is to enable students to
grade) and write all the information ▪▪ Ask students to tell you what the
recognise similarities as well
on the board. poem is about and how the author
as differences in cultures.
feels. Encourage them to support
Students will learn and use ▪▪ Ask students to work in pairs their answers with information from
more adjectives to describe to answer the questions. Check
the text.
people and they will have the answers as a whole class. Encourage
chance to think about different participation and discussion about
stereotypes. By the end of this
3. Work with a partner. Answer the
why she could be stereotyped.
following questions:
lesson, students will be able
to identify stereotypes and to LISTEN AND READ (20 min)
© MEN Colombia

give advice on how to challenge

▪▪ Have students work in pairs. Give the
students some time to think, share
them. 2. Read and listen to the poem. How ideas and take some notes about the
does the author feel?


EP1-TG-M2.indd 60 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

Being friendly or
happy happy
Someone who is
very confident,
lively and likes
social situations
Calm and not worried

Not depending on the

other people

Calm or relaxed



▪▪ It also provides students

with the opportunity to
think and share their
▪▪ Write these sentence starters on the ▪▪ Encourage them to look up the knowledge and perceptions
board to help students express their new words in the dictionary. about the different
ideas: “I think the author…”, “I think ▪▪ Work through the first exercise characteristics of people
the message of the poem is…”, “I with the whole class as an from different regions
like… because…”. example. of Colombia, as well as
their perceptions about
▪▪ Monitor students while they work, 5. Work with a partner. Complete stereotypes in the country.
offer content and language support these sentences using some of the
when needed.
▪▪ Before students start
adjectives given in the chart. (15 their speaking task,
▪▪ Ask some volunteers to share their min) remind them that there
answers with the rest of the class. are different strategies
Have students identify and complete
to facilitate speaking
FOCUS ON VOCABULARY the sentences with the adjectives
production. Ask them to
given in the chart. Then, ask your
4. Use your dictionary to complete the look at the speaking tip
students to share which of the
vocabulary chart. (15 min) provided in the box.
previous characteristics apply to
▪▪ Give students some time
▪▪ Ask the ss to look at the table them.
to read the questions,
with the vocabulary to describe 6. Talk with a partner. (15 min) plan and organise. Then,
characteristics of people. ask them to share their
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ The main purpose of this speaking

▪▪ Tell them that they need to find activity is to stimulate students’ ideas and practise their
the meaning, the synonym or the creativity and active language use. speaking. Check answers
opposite to the given words. with the whole class.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 61 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

They don’t like people make generalizations or judgements based on the way they look and their lifestyles.

READ 8. Look for the bold words in the text.

Match them with their meanings.
7. Read the following text and
answer the question: What do the ▪▪ Ask students to scan the text
teenagers in the text think about and identify the words that are
stereotypes? (20 min) highlighted. Write them on the
▪▪ Have students read the different ▪▪ Ask students to read the reading
opinions young people have about tip and explain the importance
stereotypes. Encourage your of understanding the meaning of
students not to stop at the words unknown words by looking at the
they may not know, but try to context in which they are used.
get a general idea of the short
▪▪ Encourage students to read
paragraphs provided.
the texts again, paying special
▪▪ Ask students to support their attention to the context in
answers with information from which the highlighted words are
the text. used and match them with their
© MEN Colombia

corresponding meanings.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 62 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1


they all steal, carry knives and they are trouble makers.

teenagers are positive people and do

amazing things.

In my opinion

should stop

I think

▪▪ Give students some time

to answer the questions
individually based on what
they are discovering. Then,
give them the chance to
▪▪ Give students some time to check ▪▪ Allow students to work on their own, compare answers with a
answers with a classmate before compare ideas with a partner and
you check them with the whole finally check as a whole class.
▪▪ Check answers as a class.
10. Complete the sentences from the 12. Talk with a classmate
9. Read the text again and answer texts about Joshua, Dean and Fay. about stereotypes of
these questions. (15 min) (15 min) young people in Colombia.
▪▪ Tell your students to read the
questions and take some time ▪▪ Ask students to find the sentences ▪▪ Make sure students work
to think, plan and organise their in the text in exercise 9 and with a different classmate
answers. Then, encourage them to complete the sentences. Write this time. Encourage
participate in a group discussion. them on the board and underline students to speak about
the answers (in my opinion, stereotypes focusing
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (20 min) should stop, shouldn’t believe, on the use of different
and I think) expressions to give
▪▪ The aim of this exercise is to help opinions and should to
students learn how to give opinions 11. Answer the following questions. give advice.
and suggestions. Remember the
▪▪ In this exercise students will ▪▪ Monitor students while
© MEN Colombia

course book has been designed to help they talk. Give them
discover the language focus of the
students discover grammar (Noticing individual support with the
approach). language they might need
to complete the task.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 63 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

LET’S WORK TOGETHER 1. Work on the following activities ▪▪ Monitor students’ work, making
(30 min) with your project team. sure they are all using a graphic
organiser to plan their post.
▪▪ The purpose of these written a. Have students work in their
exercises is to consolidate project teams and choose a
understanding of students’ region or region in Colombia 2. Write your opinions and suggestions
whose people are stereotyped about stereotyping. Post your
concepts of stereotypes and to
(Pasto, Pereira, Atlantic opinions and advice on the Bulletin
encourage them to challenge
Coast…). Clarify there also Board. Be ready to present them to
those stereotypes.
positive stereotypes that the group.
▪▪ Tell your students that they
are going to create and
they can challenge. For ▪▪ Ask students to write their opinions
example: not only Paisas are and suggestions, check spelling and
decorate a bulletin board
hardworking in Colombia. punctuation and have them ready
with different opinions and
b. Before asking students to to be posted.
pieces of advice to challenge
stereotypes in Colombia and work on exercise b. go over ▪▪ Encourage your students to
to foster respect for people’s the writing tip. Explain to decorate their bulletin post and
differences and lifestyles. your students that organising then, work with the whole class to
information graphically will create the bulletin board together.
© MEN Colombia

help them when writing.

Then, ask them to look at the
graphic organisers provided
in the book, draw them in
their notebooks and plan their
writing there.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 64 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

61 22
Africa English

13 8


1 Bengali

--- --- 4
--- --- 3
--- --- Portuguese

Race, color, height, size,

languages they speak, etc.
8 (Ni-hao, hello, etc.)
8 different nationalities, see table.

Lesson 3: Make them aware of the fact that ▪▪ Draw the chart on
Expressing My Identity the title and the pictures can help the board, encourage
them predict the information they students to listen for the
LESSON OVERVIEW will find in the video. specific information they
▪▪ Have students work with a need.
In this lesson students will express and ▪▪ Ask some volunteers to
describe identity and cultural aspects classmate and predict what the
answers to the questions could be. complete the chart on the
of their country. Students will also board.
identify and use some connectors to add Ask some volunteers to share their
information and to express contrast. predictions with the whole class.
▪▪ Play the video to be found on 3. Answer the following
questions: (15 min)
com/watch?v=FtYjUv2x65g ▪▪ Have students work in
1. Look at the title and the picture ▪▪ Tell students to check their pairs and discuss the
below from the video “If the world answers. questions about the
were a village of 100 people”. video.
LISTEN ▪▪ Check answers as a whole
(15 min)
2. Watch the video again and complete
▪▪ Show the picture of “If the World
© MEN Colombia

the chart. (10 min)

Were a Village of 100 people” or
show a frozen image of the video. ▪▪ Ask students to complete the chart
Go over the listening tip with your as they listen.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 65 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

A: Thanks. I know that people from ▪▪ Ask students to read the
4. Role play. Choose two China are very honest. statements and predict if they are
people from the video and true or false before they read.
B: Thank you James. I have to go.
get to know each other. (15 ▪▪ Ask students to read and confirm
min) their predictions.
A: Bye Wai.
Ask students to work in pairs ▪▪ Have students work in pairs to
and create a dialogue based READ check their answers and to correct
on the prompts given. the false information.
5. Answer these questions with a
A possible dialogue: partner. (10 min) ▪▪ Check answers with the whole
A: Good morning. Ni-hao. class.
Encourage students to work with a
B: My name is Wai. How are partner on the pre-reading questions Answers
you? about Turkish people. Expand this c.Turkish food is varied and delicious.
A: Fine thanks. My name is exercise providing students with
some extra information about Turkey. d. In general, they don’t read much.
Jason. I am from the Young people prefer reading on the
USA. Where are you Answers may vary.
6. Read what Mehmet says about e.People from the countryside especially
© MEN Colombia

B: I am from China. The are not attached to religious rules.

people from his country. Are the
United States is a very
sentences below true (T) or false
big country. People there
(F)? Correct the false information
are very creative.
(15 min)


EP1-TG-M2.indd 66 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1



FOCUS ON VOCABULARY 8. Talk to your partner. What do you

know about these cultures: Chinese,
7. Read the text again and complete Africans, Europeans, Argentinians?
the crossword. Match the definitions ▪▪ Have students work in pairs. Ask
with the highlighted words in the them to choose a culture and talk
text. Use a dictionary if necessary. about the things they know about
(20 min) them. Model the activity with a
▪▪ Ask your students to work in pairs. student: “I know the Chinese are
Ask them to read the definitions very smart. They like to eat rice
carefully and to try to find a word and they speak Chinese.”
in bold in the text that could mean
the same. Remind them of the 9. Listen and repeat the words with
importance of understanding the the sound /i:/
context in which the word is used.
▪▪ Practise the pronunciation of the
words given with the CD and point
out to the students some common
words that have this vowel sound.
© MEN Colombia

You can give some examples from

the pronunciation tip.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 67 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

piece pizza

Add information

Contrast idea

Add information






10 - 11. BUT, AND, ALSO.

▪▪ Practise the pronunciation
of the words in the
▪▪ Give students some time
to work on the exercise.
Have them share answers ▪▪ Go over the box with the 13. Complete the following sentences
with a classmate. Then, students and ask them to analyse with but, and or also. (10 min)
play the audio again for the sentences taken from the
students to confirm their previous text. Encourage them to ▪▪ The purpose of this activity is
answers. answer the following questions for students to consolidate the
▪▪ Encourage students to individually: What differences do appropriate use of the words to
practise the pronunciation you find in the sentences? What are connect ideas BUT, AND, ALSO by
of the words in the the functions of the words AND, completing five sentences.
sentences. BUT, ALSO?
▪▪ Ask your students to go over
12. Look at these sentences the box again and next to each
from the text. Complete sentence to complete the chart,
14. Write 5 sentences about Turkish
the chart with the and Colombian people. Use the
writing whether the words
function of the underlined ideas below. Remember to use
“and, but, also” are used to add
words (add information or “and” “but” and “also”. (15 min)
information or contrast ideas. For
contrast ideas). example; I am from Turkey and ▪▪ This exercise is for students to
▪▪ The purpose of this activity I speak Turkish and English (add practise the language of the
is to give students the information). lesson. Give them some time to
© MEN Colombia

opportunity to discover ▪▪ Monitor students while they are think and organise their ideas.
grammar without working on the exercise. Then, ask ▪▪ Have students compare their
an explicit grammar them to compare their inferences answers in pairs and then check
explanation from the and ideas with a partner, and finally answers with the whole class.
teacher. check answers with the whole class.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 68 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 1

▪▪ Useful language in case they need ▪▪ Ask students to write a similar LOOK BACK
any extra help. Avoid giving extra text to Mehmet’s text, but about
explicit grammar explanations. Colombia.
▪▪ The aim of this activity is to
give students the chance to
Ask students to give you extra ▪▪ Tell them they can use all the review and reflect on what
examples to help the students who language studied in the lesson. they have learnt in this unit.
have not understood yet.
▪▪ Students need to be aware that ▪▪ Ask students to take
the reader of the text is a person some time to complete
Possible answers:
from another country. Make sure the chart and then, share
People from Turkey speak Turkish
students use adequate sentence the information with a
and Kurdish, but Colombians speak
structure, connectors and classmate.
People from the Coast speak fast, ▪▪ Ask some students randomly.
but people from the Paisa Region LET’S WORK TOGETHER Take advantage of this
speak slowly. Assign pairs to start designing a booklet. opportunity to help students
Turkish people and Colombian people to recognise their favourite
like to watch TV. ▪▪ Read the instructions with your students learning style and to think
and make sure they all understand them. about learning strategies
15. Write a short text about Colombia. ▪▪ Encourage your students to use sentences that could be helpful to learn
© MEN Colombia

and pictures that are very representative English.

You can use the expressions and
of Colombian culture.
vocabulary given in the text about
Mehmet “Who we are – What we do”. ▪▪ Monitor their work, offering language
Explain to a foreigner: (20 min) help when they need it.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 69 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

The theme of this unit is
culture. Students will be able
to talk about their cultural UNIT THEME
traditions as regards dance, The theme in this unit is
music and storytelling. This Stereotypes and Identity.
unit introduces different types Students will be able to
of dances, music and stories talk about their cultural
and encourage students to differences regarding
express their opinion about personal characteristics.
them. The aim of the lesson They will also express their
is for students to recognise opinion of different people
different cultural backgrounds and they will be aware
and identify their own cultural about cultural differences.
values in order to share them
with others.


Lesson Topic Time Output
Dancing is part How to
1 3 hours adjectives.
of our culture paragraph
Like, hate,
love, enjoy +
Could you live Paragraph
2 3 hours ing
without music? Expressing an
The magic of
3 3 hours Irregular verbs Short story
© MEN Colombia

Past simple


EP1-TG-M2.indd 70 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

3. Listen to music for the

dances in the pictures.
Write the number next to
the picture in the order you
hear them.
▪▪ Ask students to listen to
the music of the dances,
ask them to write down
the number in which each
dance appears.
belly dance ballet
4 2 READING (8-10 minutes)
Warm up, pre-reading activity

4. Classify each dance into

these categories:“Urban
street dance” or “Ballroom
salsa dance”
6 tango 1
▪▪ Tell students to read
the names of the dances
and decide if the dances
belong to the Urban street
dance category or to the
Ballroom dance category.
cumbia dragon dance
5 3
Answers: hip-hop, reggaeton
and breakdance belong to
the Urban street dance
category. salsa, the waltz
and tango belong to the
Ballroom dance category.

5. Read the ads, then answer

the questions.
▪▪ Refer students to the
school dance ads. Have
students discuss which
Lesson 4: ▪▪ Explain to students that they will look school they would like to
Dancing Is Part of Our Culture at some pictures and they have to write attend and which dances
down the names of the dances below they would like to learn.
each picture. Ask students to share
Possible answers: what they know about the
In this lesson students will identify the dances and where they
They are dancing a traditional dance.
names of some dances of the world. They come from.
They are dancing to music from
will also learn about dances from their
different parts of the world. Possible answers:
regions and give their opinions about
them. In addition, students will practise Do you know how to dance
how to give instructions to teach a
2. Answer the following questions. any of these dances? Yes, I
Colombian dance. ▪▪ Ask students to work in pairs to know how to dance Bolero,
answer the questions you move your feet and
GET READY (3-5 min) hips, and you dance with a
Possible answers: partner.
1. Look at the pictures and match -Where do these dances come from?
them with the names of the dances. Belly dance is from Arab countries, Which dance would you like
ballet is from Europe, etc. to learn to dance? I’d like to
▪▪ The purpose of this activity is to learn to dance Hip Hop.
-Which dances do you dance with
© MEN Colombia

activate the vocabulary to be used

a partner? Which dances do you Where do these dances come
relating to different dances from
dance in a group? from? Reggaeton comes from
around the world.
Belly dance is danced alone or in a Puerto Rico, the Waltz comes
▪▪ Elicit what the lesson is about group. from Austria, the Lambada
(dancing). Salsa is danced with a partner. comes from Brazil, etc.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 71 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

Tapescript 14
Carlos: Hi, Claudia. You look happy.
Claudia: I am! Carlos, I’ve got some
great news! exciting
Carlos: Oh, what?
elegant expressive
Claudia: Well, you want to keep fit.
Right? energetic graceful

Carlos: Yes, definitely. boring

Claudia: There´s this (1) amazing
dance school for all of us to keep
Carlos: That sounds (2) exciting !
Would you like to learn to dance
Claudia: I don’t think so. I think amazing
merengue is (3) boring and
too slow. You only move your boring
feet and arms from side to
side, back and forth. I want to energetic
learn to dance something (4)
energetic. graceful
Carlos: Let’s see… what about
learning to dance mambo, you
sway your hips while moving
forward and backward, I think it
is (5) graceful. elegant
Claudia: So do I! I think the mambo
is a very (6) expressive dance
but I want to learn something
modern. Ermm …..What dance
do you think Danny would like
to learn?
Carlos: He loves jumping, bouncing
but he doesn’t know how to
make a spin. He also loves
listening to Daddy Yankee and 50
Cent, so I think any urban street
dance is good for him. 6. Choose the adjectives that match 7. Read the dialogue and complete
each description. it with one of the adjectives from
Claudia: Do you? I think he would
be more interested in learning
Exercise 6.
something (7) elegant like the ▪▪ Guide students through the
waltz because he is going to a 15 completion of this exercise. Read ▪▪ Ask students to work in pairs to
birthday party in a months time. each sentence and help students read and complete the dialogue
Carlos: I don’t think he likes any match the descriptions with the using the correct adjectives.
ballroom dancing. correct adjectives. Make sure Remind students to read the
Claudia: Well, then we all go for students understand what each dialogue again after they have
urban street dancing. You know adjective means. used all the adjectives to make
some people say that urban sure it makes perfect sense.
street dancing is great to keep OPTIONAL GAME
fit. 8. Listen to the dialogue and check
▪▪ Give students small pieces of your answers.
Carlos: Oh, really? So what are
paper and ask them to write
we waiting for? Have you got a
phone number or website?
sentences about one dance using ▪▪ Tell students that this time they
the adjectives they have learned. will listen to the dialogue. Remind
Claudia: Sure, I’ve got the phone
Put the sentences in a bag. them that this listening exercise
▪▪ Then, ask students to take papers is to confirm their answers and to
© MEN Colombia

Carlos: Let’s give them a call. from the bag and guess who wrote make changes if necessary. This
it. means they should focus on the
▪▪ Check whether their guesses are specific information they need,
right or wrong. which is the adjectives they used
to complete the dialogue.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 72 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

Tapescript 54

Dances from the world

Claudia wants to learn to dance an energetic dance.
A popular dance rhythm from
She doesn’t like Merengue because she thinks it is a boring dance.
Argentina. The basic Tango move is
c. Carlos wants to learn to dance Merengue and Mambo, but a two-step side to side step with the
then Claudia convinces him to learn urban street dances. partner held close.
Because Danny loves jumping and bouncing. A popular dance rhythm from Austria.
The basic Waltz move is a four-step
She thinks Danny would like to learn to dance an dance.
elegant dance like Waltz.
A popular dance rhythm from Brazil.
It is a non-partnered dance. The basic
move involves a straight body and the
bending of one knee at a time.
A popular dance rhythm of Latin
America. It is a partnered dance.
The basic move involves forward and
backward steps and swaying of the
A modern dance rhythm from The
USA. It is a non-partnered dance.
The basic move is free and includes
physical movements.
A popular dance rhythm of Latin
Dominican and Haitian folk origin, it
is characterized by a sliding step.
A popular dance from Latin America.
It is characterized by movements of
the hips according to the beat.
▪▪ Ask students to prepare a similar Bolero:
dialogue following the speaking It is a dance from Spain. Dancers
▪▪ Listen to Track 54 for additional move their feet. It is danced with a
information about dances. frames. Circulate and provide any
necessary help. partner, standing close to each other.
Hip Hop:
9. Answer the following questions. ▪▪ Students then act out the dialogues It is a street dance from The USA. It is
in front of the class. Remind danced alone or in a group.
▪▪ Give students a few minutes to students that when acting out a
answer the questions in pairs. Check dialogue it is important to keep in
answers with the whole class. mind the place where they are and
how the speaker feels.
SPEAK (8-10 minutes) ▪▪ It is also important to use gestures,
expressions and the proper
10. Work in pairs. Student A is Claudia. intonation.
Student B is Carlos. OPTIONAL ACTIVITY
▪▪ Stronger students: students can
▪▪ Read through the expressions write their own dialogues using the If students have access to
presented in the Useful Language expressions in the box and act it out the Internet or camphones or
box and make sure that students in front of the class. mobile phones, ask them to
understand them. Ask students ▪▪ Weaker students: can act out the
© MEN Colombia

record their dialogues.

to check the intonation of every dialogue in exercise 3a.
expression. Direct students’
attention to the ads on page 25
and ask them to choose other two


EP1-TG-M2.indd 73 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

Tapescript 15
Dialogue 1
A: Listen to this song. I love it!
B: It’s the first time I’ve heard this
kind of music. What’s it called?
A: It’s the Lambada, from Brazil. It’s
very easy to dance.
B: Really? It sounds difficult to me!
I’m not that good at new dances.
A: So, what kind of music do you like
to dance to?
B: Oh, I love breakdance. It’s a lot of
A: Breakdance? Wow, breakdancing is
much more difficult than dancing
boring, easy, fun, difficult
the Lambada. And the Lambada is
difficult, fun
fun, too!
B: It sounds pretty boring to me. Hip
Hop is more interesting.
A: Well, maybe, but the Lambada is
smoother and livelier than hip hop.
B: Well…each to his own!
A: Hi, Megan. What did you do last
B: I went dancing with my sister.
A: That sounds fun! Where did you go?
interesting boring, elegant, original,
B: We went to a Latino bar.
exciting, horrible graceful, slow
A: Really? What kind of music do they
play there?
B: Well, they play a little bit of more difficult
livelier smoother
everything, but mostly Caribbean. more boring than
A: Ah! I don’t really like Caribbean more boring less original
more elegant graceful
music. I prefer dancing the bolero
more interesting exciting
and the Waltz.
B: Really? The Waltz? Oh my God, the
Waltz is soooo slow. I think the
Waltz is a lot more boring than
the lambada and less original than LISTEN (8-10 minutes) ▪▪ Stronger students: After listening,
Reggaeton, for example. students could identify each
A: No way! The Waltz is much 11. Listen to four teenagers’ opinions adjective and complete the
more elegant and graceful than about dances. Write the adjectives sentences.
Reggaeton. Reggaeton just isn’t they use to describe each dance. ▪▪ Weaker students: The recording
music to me. It’s all about sexual could be played through once
lyrics and sexual movement. It’s
▪▪ Explain to the students that they more and then paused after each
are going to hear four teenagers
horrible! line, allowing students time to
comparing four different dances.
B: That’s not true! Reggaeton can note down their answers. Remind
- Elicit what dances teenagers
have nice lyrics, too. And it is students they must pay attention
like/don’t like.
definitely more interesting and to the key words to complete the
- Predict possible adjectives
exciting than the Waltz. chart.
related to each dance.
A: Sure! If you say so….! Anyway, I
▪▪ Play the first part of the FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (10-15 minutes)
still think that dancing Reggaeton
is nowhere near as beautiful as recording. pause it and go 12. Listen again and complete the
dancing a Bolero. through the first adjective with sentences.
B: Ok…Let’s do something. Next the students. Ask them what form
the adjective has. Play the rest Since stronger students will have
weekend, you come to the Latino
of the recording for students to already completed this exercise, ask
© MEN Colombia

bar with me and I’ll show you!

complete the chart. Check the some of them to say their answers
A: OK. It’s a deal!
answers. Play the recording again aloud and explain them. Allow the
to clarify the meaning of any new rest of the class to complete the task
adjectives. while the answers are being given.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 74 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

To make the comparative

form of adjectives ending
with consonant-vowel-
consonant like big,where
it is necessary to double
the last consonant (big-

15. Write 3 sentences

comparing two dances.
Ask students to share their
SPEAK (8-10 minutes)
16. Work in pairs. Tell your
partner about the
comparisons you wrote.
Draw students’ attention to
the expressions in the Useful
Language box. Make sure
they understand the meaning
of each expression.
Optional activity: Ask
happier students to write down their
noisier opinions about the dances
(one must be true, and two
more interesting must be false). Ask students
more beautiful
more exciting to form pairs and read their
more attractive
opinions aloud. They should
take it in turns to guess
worse which opinion is true.
PRONUNCIATION (8-10 minutes)
17. Listen to Ana and Kate
talking about a dancing
reality show. Circle the
words that are stressed in
each sentence
13. Read the following sentences and Possible answers:
answer the questions. b. We add –er. ▪▪ Write a sentence comparing
c. It is necessary to change letter y to i two dances on the board
▪▪ Give students a few minutes to when making the comparison. as an example. Ask the
read the sentences on their own. d. The adjective graceful has 3 syllables, students to identify the
▪▪ Ask one student to read the first so we add the word more before the stressed syllables and
question: Are these sentences adjective. underline them on the
describing or comparing? e. Good and bad. board.
▪▪ Draw students’ attention to the ▪▪ Ask students to listen to
words in bold and explain that 14. Complete the table. the dialogue and mark the
we use adjectives and adverbs ▪▪ Ask students to complete stressed syllable in each
to compare two or more objects, the comparative form of the sentence. Check in pairs
people, places, animals or things. adjectives in the table. Copy the before a whole class check.
▪▪ Remember the course book has table on the board and ask them ▪▪ Focus on the pronunciation
been designed to help students to provide more adjectives to of than /ðən/. Explain to
discover grammar (Noticing fill the table. students that than in its
approach), so allow students to ▪▪ Explain that the adjectives good weak form is unstressed.
read the rest of the questions in and bad are irregular, and their Students repeat the
© MEN Colombia

pairs and answer them. Check form changes totally when we sentences paying attention
the answers with the whole class. are comparing: good-better / to the schwa /ə/ sound.
Make sure students understand bad-worse. Play the recording again
how comparatives are formed. and ask the students to
Give students extra exercises if ▪▪ Give students this additional repeat the sentences.
needed. information:


EP1-TG-M2.indd 75 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

1 back to back 4 dinos



3 cuban 2 side to side


after that

WRITE ( 15-40 minutes)

18. Look at the pictures. What
are they dancing?
This section ends with a
writing task. Ask students
to look at the pictures and
predict what the people in
the picture are dancing.

19. Read Danilo’s instructions

on basic salsa steps. Write
the name of each step
below each picture. 21. Write the words Danilo used to Remind students that this kind of
sequence the instruction. paragraph consists of a series of
Ask students to read
connected steps. The steps must be
the article on Danilo’s Ask students to look for the words logical and organized in chronological
instructions on how to that Danilo used to sequence the order.
dance Salsa. Students instructions. He used: first, then,
should identify the steps second, third, after that. ▪▪ Ask students to outline the
and write the names of chronological order in which steps
Give students some more examples
the steps below each occur in the dance chosen.
that they might use for their
picture. Check the students’
final task: at the beginning, next, ▪▪ Ask students to check sequential words
finally,etc. and thath their steps are connected.
20. Read the text again and LET’S WORK TOGETHER (30-40 min) ▪▪ Ask students to work in pairs. One
number the pictures in student will read the paragraph while
A friend is visiting Colombia next
exercise 18 the other student acts it out. Then
month. He/she wants to learn how to
students change roles to check whether
▪▪ Ask students to write the dance a Colombian dance.
the sequence of movements is clear
numbers in the order in
▪▪ Tell students they will choose a and make any appropriate corrections.
which Danilo explained
traditional Colombian Dance and write ▪▪ Tell students they also need to create
© MEN Colombia

each step.
a paragraph to explain to a friend the a poster or a video explaining the basic
▪▪ Ask students to compare
basic steps of this dance. steps of the dance. Remind students to
their answers and to read
add a picture of their posters to their
the text again and check ▪▪ Explain to students that they will
portfolios, or a copy of the written
their answers. write a process (or how-to) paragraph.
instruction for the dance.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 76 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

Lesson 5: ▪▪ Pre-teach any vocabulary related -salsa / satisfying /

Could You Live Without Music? to emotions (amazed, annoyed, sensational / sentimental /
confused, depressed, excited, sound / sing / singer / single
interested, bored, moved). / stereo
▪▪ Elicit words that start with the -inspired / important /
In this lesson students will express their letters of the words MUSIC. incredible
opinions and feelings regarding music. -carnival / cassette / CD /
They will use descriptive adjectives to
▪▪ Write some of the adjectives classical
on the board. Ask students to
describe their feelings. They will also
complete the activity individually.
practise long vowels. The aim of this SPEAK (10-15 min)
They can use their dictionaries.
lesson is to enable students to recognise
the types of music they like or do not like ▪▪ Have volunteers share their 2. Walk around the classroom
and express their opinions about music in answers orally with the class and ask your classmates the
their regions. orally. Write new vocabulary on the following questions.
GET READY (8-10 min)
Answers may vary Ask students to draw the
Associating music and feelings.
-moved / magic / marvellous / chart in their notebooks and
1. Write a word that you associate meaningful / melody / microphone/ answer the questions. Then,
© MEN Colombia

with music that starts with each of motivating tell them to interview three
the letters. -unbelievable / unforgettable / upbeat classmates and write down
/ urban / useful / their answers in the chart.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 77 20/12/13 20:00

Module 2 > Unit 2

3. Report your findings to the ▪▪ Draw students’ attention to the table ▪▪ Read the adjectives to the right of
class. Use the expressions in that contains some ways to express each expression in the table. Then use
the boxes to help you. feelings. First, ask students to look at the example that is under the table to
the happy and sad faces in the table. explain how to use those expressions and
Ask students to make groups
Ask them what they think three happy adjectives.
of four to report their
findings. Tell them to join faces means. Read the expression next to ▪▪ Tell students to write sentences in their
some students different from the three happy faces and explain that notebooks following the example given.
the ones they interviewed. the expression is used when someone
really enjoys something. That is why it
is represented with three happy faces. READ (20- 30 min)
(10-15 minutes) Then, ask them what two happy faces
means and read the expression next to 4. Read what these people say about
▪▪ Draw students’ attention to the them. Continue until they have told you music. What does music make them
Useful Language box to notice what all the faces in the table represent feel?
the structure of the statements and they clearly understand what each
they will use. expression means. ▪▪ Tell students they will read about a
▪▪ Ask a few volunteers to ▪▪ Ask them what they notice about the
group of youngsters describing what
share their information aloud music makes them feel. Have them
verbs in each sentence. Ask them which
© MEN Colombia

using the right structure. read the four texts and say if they
verbs end in -S and elicit the rules for
For example: I enjoy dancig agree with any of them.
third person singular (he/she/it).
Merengue. I hate dancing


EP1-TG-M2.indd 78 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2

▪▪ X

▪▪ X

▪▪ X

▪▪ X

▪▪ X

▪▪ X

▪▪ Draw students’ attention to the 5. Read the texts again. Choose

reading tip. Ask one volunteer to the best answer to the following
read the first part of the tip. questions.
Ask one volunteer to read the second
▪▪ Remind students their purpose for part of the tip.
reading this first time is to discover
what music makes these teenagers ▪▪ Explain that this tip is very
feel. Pre-teach the vocabulary important because it helps readers
presented in the Useful Vocabulary locate specific information more
box and make sure students quickly.
undesrtand their meaning. These ▪▪ Use question a as an example.
expressions are really important a. Whose hooby is listening to music?
to uderstand some of the ideas Students should locate the word
presented in the texts. “hobby” in the question, then look
▪▪ After that, tell students to read the for it in the text and and select the
texts and identify information that correct answer. Tell students to use
can tell them the way music makes this strategy to select the answers
some teenagers feel. for questions b,c, d,e and f. Check
© MEN Colombia

answers with the whole class.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 79 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2

motivated, inspired, entertained


(20-30 min)
6. Read Paul’s opinion again.
▪▪ Have students focus on
Paul’s text again.
▪▪ Ask students to look for the
answers to the questions in bored

the text.
▪▪ Help students notice the
difference between being fascinated

inspired and something amazing

inspiring. Give these
examples: I feel inspired
when I hear beautiful depressing
music. / Listening to
beautiful music is inspiring.

7. Analyze the following annoying annoyed

sentences. What’s the
difference between the two
sets of sentences?
▪▪ Remember the course book relaxed relaxing
has been designed to help
students discover grammar
(Noticing approach).
Allow students to read the
sentences on their own,
discuss their ideas with a
▪▪ -ing adjectives: the commonest -ing 8. How do YOU feel about music? (10
partner, and finally check
adjectives are: amusing, surprising, minutes).
with the whole class.
shocking, frightening, interesting,
▪▪ Guide students to find out ▪▪ Have students complete the
tiring, boring, annoying, exciting,
the difference between questions in the questionnaire
adjectives ending with individually. Check the answers
▪▪ -ed adjectives: the commonest –ed
with the whole class. Clarify
-ing and adjectives ending
adjectives are: delighted, surprised,
with -ed. Grammar the meaning of the adjectives if
shocked, frightened, interested, tired,
explanations and rules students have problems.
bored, annoyed, excited, relaxed.
should only be used when ▪▪ Then, have students answer the
necessary to clarify and OPTIONAL TASK: questions about themselves. They
make sure all students Write these sentences on the board and can share the answers with their
have understood. Refer have students find the mistakes: partners or as a whole class.
to the language notes for
-Salsa music is bored. (boring)
additional examples. Ask LISTEN (10-15 minutes)
-The movie 2012 was very excited.
students to take notes
(exciting) 9. Listen to the words and identify the
in their notebooks. Give
-I am interesting in learning to dance pronunciation of the long vowels.
students extra exercises on
breakdance. (interested)
the topic if needed. ▪▪ Play the recording for students
© MEN Colombia

-“Cien años de soledad” is an

to see the difference in the
Language notes: interested book. (interesting)
pronunciation of the words: Bert,
A lot of adjectives are made
bought and Bart.
from verbs by adding -ing
or ed:


EP1-TG-M2.indd 80 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2


(20-30 min)

1. Answer the questions.

Allow students a few minutes
to answer the questions.
2. Use your answers to write a
short paragraph. Use words
and expressions from the
texts on pages 32 and 33.
▪▪ Explain that those
questions are the basis
or ‘map’ to create a
paragraph like the ones
they read on pages 32 and
33, where some teenagers
described the way music
made them feel. Tell
them to go back to those
pages to choose some
words or expressions they
might want to use in their
▪▪ Remind students that to
write an opinion paragraph
they need to write a
topic sentence (either
you agree or disagree
with the issue), reasons
or supporting details and
a concluding sentence
(summarize the main idea
or point of view).
▪▪ Then, have them think
about the reasons why
they feel that way and
ask them to start writing
▪▪ Brainstorm useful
▪▪ Drill the long vowels in isolation (/ɜ:/ 10. Circle the word that has different expressions for giving
/ɔ:/ /ɑ:/) and write them in three vowel pronunciation. opinions studied in the
columns on the board. If you think it previous lessons.
will help your students, you could elicit Ask students to listen to the words in ▪▪ Ask students to connect
a few other groups of three words from each set and identify the word that their ideas to write down
the box. has different vowel pronunciation. their paragraph.
▪▪ Ask students to complete the task and Check answers as a class. After
compare their work with a partner. students have completed the task, 3. Read your classmates’
ask some volunteers to read aloud the paragraphs. Write comments
▪▪ Explain to students how the sound is three words in each set that have the about their opinions.
pronounced to make sure they clearly
same vowel pronunciation.
identify the difference in the vowel ▪▪ Display students’
sound and according to that, decide ▪▪ Draw students’ attention to these paragraphs in the
which words have similar vowel rules: classroom or in the hall.
pronunciation. /ɜ:/ = wor, ur, ir Give each student four
/ɔ:/ = or, war, aw, al, au or five small pieces of
/ɑ:/ = ar, alm paper for them to write
Cut up pieces of paper with a word from
comments about their
the box with each one. Students should
friends’ opinions. Draw
© MEN Colombia

place them under the right heading

students’ attention to
depending on the vowel pronunciation.
the model presented in
Prepare this activity as a competition
the coursebook. Remind
among groups to see which group can finish
students to add this work
to their portfolios.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 81 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2

Lesson 6: Suggestion: Show flashcards

The Magic of Storytelling or images that help students
understand the questions in the
LESSON OVERVIEW quiz better.

In this lesson students will learn about ▪▪ Tell students to check the Useful
myths and legends in Colombia. They Vocabulary box to help them
will listen to short stories related to understand the questions.
traditional Colombian culture, identify ▪▪ Ask students to give a point for
main ideas in a short story and talk about each positive (YES) answer they
the past. had.
▪▪ Go over the Your score rubric and
GET READY (10-15 min) ask students to interpret their
score. Tell them to share their
1. Do you believe in the supernatural? interpretations with a partner.
▪▪ Ask students to match the words ▪▪ Ask some students to share their
with the pictures that show: a score with the class and tell them
ghost, a haunted house, a vampire, whether it matches the truth about
© MEN Colombia

a fairy, an elf, and a unicorn. them.

▪▪ Go over the questions and the new
vocabulary with the students. Ask
them to answer the questions.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 82 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2

Tapescript 19 A
There was a fisherman named Saulo
who was born in Plato, Magdalena.
Every day after finishing his fishing
he used to spy on women while they
were bathing in the river. One day he
saw a beautiful woman called Roque
Lina. Saulo was convinced he had to
marry her. However, Roque’s father
was opposed to the relationship,
so one day while Saulo was having
coconut rice and rum in a restaurant
nearby the river, he decided that the
only way to be with his love was to
become an alligator.

Tapescript B
At the beginning of time there
was no land and no people. There
was only KS’A’WWALA or the Great
Spirit. KS’A’WWALA lived with other
4 1
spirits, but one day KS’A’WWALA and
the other spirits decided to create
some more. They created the spirit
of plants, the spirit of animals and
minerals, and the spirit of the human
being or NASA.

Tapescript C
2 3
Once upon a time in mid-winter when
the snowflakes were falling from the
2 3 sky like feathers, a beautiful queen
1 4 was sitting next to a window that
had a frame of black ebony. As she
was looking through the window,
she pricked her finger and drops of
red blood fell into the snow. The
red colour looked so beautiful on
the snow and the queen thought to
LISTEN (15-20 min) (fisherman, alligator, spirit, queen, herself: “If only I had a child as white
blood drops, snow, ebony, paw, as snow, as red as blood and as black
2. Read the literary clip box. Can you jaw) as ebony”.
name examples of each kind of
story? Tapescript D
4. Which of the stories is a: Once a lion was sleeping when a
▪▪ Ask volunteers to read the literary little mouse began running up and
clip and provide examples for each
▪▪ Play the CD and ask students
down upon him. This soon wakened
to decide whether the listening
kind of story the Lion, who placed his huge paw
extract is a myth, a legend, a fairy
Myth: How Elephant got its Trunk. upon him, and opened his big jaws to
tale, or a fable. Ask students to
Legend: La Llorona or The Weeping swallow him. “A thousand pardons, O
explain their answers in their own King”, cried the little mouse. “Forgive
words. me this time. Let me live and I shall
Fairy tale: Cinderella.
Fable: The Boy Who Cried Wolf. ▪▪ Suggestion: Go over the concepts never forget it. Who knows what I
and examples of the 4 types of may be able to do for you some day”.
3. Listen to four extracts from literature in the box (literary clip)
short stories. Number the stories
according to the order you hear SPEAK (8-10 min)
them in. 5. What legends about scary creatures
▪▪ Show students the pictures, ask are there in your region?
© MEN Colombia

them what they see and what they

think they will hear about.
▪▪ Pre-activity: Ask students whether
they know any legends about scary
Suggestion: Introduce key
creatures in their city or region.
vocabulary that students might
need for the listening task


EP1-TG-M2.indd 83 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2

Tapescript 20
While she was drowning her sons she
realised what she had done and tried
to save them, but they were gone.
The next day people found her floating
in the river. She had killed herself.
They wrapped her in white clothes and
buried her next to the river.

Not long after the burial, people

started hearing sounds of moaning
and crying like someone sayng “ My
children”. People have reported that
some children started to disappear
after that.

“Oh, Granny, that’s really spooky!

There are no weeping women around
here, hahahaha!” Catalina simply
laughed at her Granny’s story.

“Well, something is for sure. If

you hear the cries of a woman at
night, get inside the house because
Maria may be around trying to
catch children.” Her granny warned

The next day Catalina went for a walk

along a lonely road near her granny’s
cottage. It was a windy, cold, moonlit
night and suddenly Catalina began F
to hear to the sound of the wind T
whistling. As she paid more attention F
to the sound she could hear a loud T
cry in the distance. A cold shiver went T

down her spine. She was terrified!

“That’s Maria”, she thought, “She is
coming for me”. She turned around
and ran like a bee, but suddenly… SPEAK (8-10 min) 7. Read and listen to the first part of a
6. Predict scary legends.
▪▪ Pre-teach this vocabulary: drowned
▪▪ Ask students to look at the picture (ahogó), dragged (arrastró),
and predict what it is about. grabbed (agarró), buried (enterró),
Show the picture of the woman to found(encontró) saved (salvó).
students. Ask them how they feel ▪▪ Remind students that in Spanish
about the image. the form of these verbs changes
▪▪ Ask one volunteer to read the depending on the subject. For
listening tip. Explain that making example: They buried her: Ellos la
predictions helps them focus their enterraron. / She drowned them:
minds on a specific topic and helps Ella los ahogo. / Students will
them recall what they may already write down their predictions and a
know about it. possible end.
▪▪ Ask students to look at the picture ▪▪ Ask students to listen carefuly to
and think about legends they have the first part of the story. Since
heard where a woman is the main this first part also appears in the
character. Accept all answers. coursebook, tell students to read
© MEN Colombia

along and try to understand how

the story of the weeping woman
starts. Ask students to predict what
they think will happen next.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 84 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2

Q3: d, e and f. They have a

question mark (?) They begin
with an auxiliary or a WH-
Q4: Verb WAS. (Verb to be in
past tense)
Q5: b. want d. like f. live
Q6: You need the auxiliary
Did for other verbs appart
R from TO BE.
▪▪ Once students give some
answers, you can reinforce
R the structure of negative and
I interrogative sentences in
I the past.

12. Look at the story again

and write the Simple Past
form of the following
verbs. Write (R) if the verb
is regular, and (I) if it is

LISTEN (15-20 min) Answers

▪▪ Ask students to do this
activity based on the
8-9. Listen to the rest of the story. Were Q1: The sentences are describing events story. Ask students to
your predictions right? in the past. First, because the sentences write the past tense
were taken from a legend that was told
▪▪ Play the rest of the audio and ask in the past, and second, because of some
form of the verb and
students to confirm their predictions identify whether the
verbs that appear in past form like was and verb is regular (R) or
written on the table.
▪▪ Play the audio again and ask
Q2: There are some verbs ending in –ed.
irregular (I)
students to answer True (T) or False ▪▪ Draw students’ attention
(F) to the statements about the ▪▪Some verbs like smiled, grabbed and to the Useful Language
story. dragged end with -ed. box to see other
▪▪Students may also say that in the verbs examples of regular and
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (15-20 min) grabbed and dragged one consonant is irregular verbs.
10. Look at these sentences from doubled or repeated. Answers
A Scary Story and answer the a. arrive - arrived (r)
11. Now, look at these sentences, and
questions below. b. sit - sat (i)
answer the questions below.
c. ask - asked (r)
▪▪ Remember we are using a noticing Answers d. dress - dressed (r)
approach, and therefore you should
© MEN Colombia

Q1: c. There are no negative auxiliaries e. live - lived (r)

allow students to answer the
or words (not) or contractions (‘t) f. say - said (i)
questions on their own and then
Q2: a and b. They have negative g. see - saw (i)
check their answers with the whole
auxiliaries (wasn’t, didn’t- meaning was
class. Provide any assistance or
not and did not.)
give explanations when needed.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 85 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2

didn’t agree

bathed was went


READ (15-20 min) 14. Answer the questions to retell the PRONUNCIATION (15-20 min)
story in your own words. Use the
13. Complete the legend of El words in the Useful Vocabulary box.
15. Listen to the pronunciation of the
Hombre Caimán. Put the verbs in past. What is the final
verbs in parentheses into ▪▪ Tell students they will retell the sound?
the simple past. story in their own words.
▪▪ Play the audio for students to
▪▪ Before they start ▪▪ To do this, they will use a flow listen to the verbs in simple past.
completing the legend chart that contains questions they Ask them to repeat each word,
explain to students that need to answer in the right order. giving special emphasis to the
they will use regular Explain that by answering the pronunciation of the final sound.
verbs, irregular verbs questions, they will be explaining
the most important details in the
▪▪ Help students notice the
and the verb to be. pronunciation of regular verbs
▪▪ Remind them to re-read ending in -ed.
the paragraph when ▪▪ Draw their attention to the Useful
they have finished and Vocabulary box and tell them those 16. Put the verbs in the right column
ask themselves: Does are key words taken from the story according to the final sound: /d/,
it sound right? Did I that will help them retell it. /t/, or /id/.
use the correct form of ▪▪ Explain that there are also some ▪▪ Ask students to draw a three-
© MEN Colombia

each verb? Check their sequencing words that will help column table in their notebooks.
answers as a class. them organise the events they Read each word again and ask
retell in a chronological order. Read students to write each word
the words and make sure students where it belongs depending on
clearly understand what each word the pronunciation of its final
means. sound.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 86 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 2

- liked /t/ (1) ▪▪ Explain that those questions

/d/ /t/ /id/ - believed /d/ (2) can be used to interview their
dressed - stopped /t/ (1) relatives and to keep track of
liked - kissed /t/ (1) the key information they need
pushed - dated /id/ (3) to be able to share their story
asked with the rest of the class
LET’S WORK TOGETHER ▪▪ Remind students they will have
When students have completed the (30-40 min) to translate the questions into
table, ask them to read the words Spanish for their relatives, but
aloud to review their pronunciation. Our Literary Heritage then, they will have to use all
▪▪ This task is very helpful to raise the language they have learnt
17. Tick 1, 2 or 3 according to the final awareness of the oral tradition and to to put the story into English
sound. promote small group work. and be able to retell it to their
▪▪ Explain to students that each ▪▪ Make sure students select an adequate
number stands for a different short story (myth, legend or scary ▪▪ Ask students to decide what
ending sound. 1 stands for the story) and that it was told by a relative they will include in the visual
/d/ ending sound, 2 stands for (parents, gradparents, aunts, uncles, and the way they want to
© MEN Colombia

the /t/ ending sound and 3 stands etc.). present it. Ask them to be
for the /id/ ending sound. ready to tell the story to the
▪▪ Ask students to pronounce the ▪▪ Ask students to re-read the questions class using the visual they
they used to retell the story in exercise
verb in the past form in each set have created.
and select the correct final sound.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 87 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3


The theme of this unit is
Colombian culture. Students
will be able to talk about some
festivities in different regions
in Colombia, characteristics
of Colombians and some
international even. This
unit reviews different topics
previously taught and gives
instructions and guidelines for
the project work.


Lesson 7:
Lesson Topic Time Language Focus Output Colombia is Culture,
A blog entry Colombia is Passion
Colombia is culture, Reviewing through
7 2 hours “Colombian Culture is
Colombia is passion. reading and writing
Is it because I am Reviewing through Game: “The Cultural In this lesson students
8 2 hours will read and write about
Colombian? listening and speaking Heritage Quest”.
Colombian culture, and
Regular / irregular
Language Revision. 2 hours Review identify some cultural
verbs – Past simple.
elements and regional
9 A video, a comic festivities. Students will
Project work: strip, a drama or a write about Colombian
5 hours All unit language
Colombia is passion. collage to represent culture expressing their
Colombian culture. opinions about a reading
© MEN Colombia

Language focus: Project individual and related to cultural aspects.

Frequency adverbs group assessment.
10 Self Assessment 1 hour
and quality Language and study
descriptors. skills assessment


EP1-TG-M2.indd 88 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3

▪▪ Before reading: Tell

students that they will
read a short text about
▪▪ Ask them to read silently
and compare their
definition of culture with
what is in the text.
Did they find any new
words? Which ones?
▪▪ After reading: Ask
volunteers to give
examples of Symbols,
Heroes, Rituals, and
Values of specific cultures.
For example:
Culture: Wayúu
Symbols: mochilas, mantas
Heroes: The woman plays
an important role, shamans,
putchipu (portadores de la
palabra y resolvedores de
Answers may include the flag, the
anthem, some landmarks conflictos)
Simon Bolívar, the president, soldiers, parents, Rituals:
teachers, grandparents, famous people
Funeral: 2 burials, women
Weddings, funerals, celebrations,
carnivals, festivals have to bathe the dead.
Family, solidarity, love, empathy Weddings: the man has to
pay for the woman.
Values: They defend and
transmit moral, spiritual,
and ethical values from
WARM-UP SPEAK generation to generation.
Write the word CULTURE on 2. What does culture mean to you?
Urban 4. Complete the following
the board and have students
come up with words that
Literature ▪▪ Students will work in pairs to answer diagram about the culture
Theatre the questions. Address students’ of Colombia or your region.
they associate with culture,
Unique attention to the “Useful Language
and that start with each of
Reading box”. Go through the Useful
the letters as an acronym.
For example:
Expression ▪▪ Tell students that they can take Vocabulary box with students
down notes of their answers. and ask them to say any
▪▪ Ask students to share their answers other similar words they
as a whole-class activity. Write key might know.
GET READY words on the board. ▪▪ Ask students to work
1. Draw pictures or write ideas that OPTION: Write the sentence stems on the in groups of three to
represent your culture. board and ask volunteers to complete complete the diagram
them. about Colombia or any
You can have students work in small subculture in the country.
Examples: Culture is… ; Cultural
groups to brainstorm ideas about how
to represent culture.
elements include…; Some elements of ▪▪ Walk around the classroom
culture are…
© MEN Colombia

and help students with

OPTION: Have students do the vocabulary when needed.
brainstorming/pictures on A0, A1, A2 READ AND WRITE
▪▪ Ask them to use their
pieces of paper (pliego, medio pliego, 3. Read the following text about dictionaries to find
un cuarto) and display them around culture. unknown words.
the classroom walls.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 89 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3


La Feria de Manizales 3

READ (30 minutes) 6. Read the following text.

5. Match the regions with the numbers ▪▪ Before reading: Elicit information
in the map. about the festivals and regions
using the pictures. Ask students to
▪▪ Pre-reading: The focus of this say what they know about those
activity is to become familiar with
the names and pronunciation of
the regions in English. Drill the ▪▪ Ask students to draw a two-column
vocabulary emphasising the stress chart in their notebooks. Read
on each word. the first paragraph aloud. Draw
students’ attention to words like
- CarIBbean Region
Manizales, bullfighting, and coffee
- AndEAN Region contest. Explain to students that
- PaCIfic Region by locating some specific words,
- Amazon Region they might get a better idea of
what the whole text is about and
- LLAnos OrienTAles or
therefore completing the task will
OriNOquia REgion
be easier.
© MEN Colombia

TEACHING TIP: Relate the content ▪▪ Ask one student to name the
of the English class to other areas festival that goes with the
of the curriculum to increase description. Tell students to write
students’ motivation! its name on the left under the
heading “ FESTIVALS”.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 90 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3

Las fiestas de San Pacho

El Festival del Burro (The Donkey Festival)

Festival de la Cultura Wayúu 5

Festival Internacional del Joropo 2

▪▪ Instruct them to continue reading This is an opportunity for students to

independently and write the names of practise the use of the Simple Past.
the festivals in the chart. When they 2. Ask students to list other festivals they
have completed with the left-hand know that were not mentioned in the tex.
column, tell them to fill the right-hand Tell them to write a short paragraph like
column with the name of the region the ones on page 92 and 93 to describe
where that festival is celebrated. the most important characteristics of
Check students’ answers with the that festival.
whole class. 3. Ask students to select two of the festivals
they have read about and compare them
▪▪ Pre-teach this vocabulary: using adjectives ending with -ed and
▪▪ heritage (herencia), parade (desfile/ -ing. Ask some volunteers to read their
desfilar), contest (concurso), dress up statements aloud.
(disfrazar), settlement (acentamiento),
TEACHING TIP: Help students use reading
handicraft ( manualidad).
strategies when approaching a text:
▪▪ Students will individually write the - PREDICTING: Using images, titles, and
names of the festivals. subtitles to anticipate the content of a
© MEN Colombia

- SCANNING: Reading a text quickly to find

OPTIONAL TASKS: specific information and/or details.
1. Ask students to think about a festival - SKIMMING: Reading a text to find the main
they have attended. Ask them to recall ideas and get an overall impression of the
who they were with, what they did, content of the text.
what they ate, what they saw, etc.

EP1-TG-M2.indd 91 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3

8. Write true (T) or false

(F) next to the following
sentences about the text.
▪▪ Students will answer the T
True and False questions
based on the reading. T

9. Answer these questions in

your own words. Use the
Useful Language box to help
▪▪ Have students work in small
groups. The purpose of
this exercise is to develop
higher-order thinking skills,
by asking students questions
that involve making
inferences and reading
between the lines.
▪▪ Draw students’ attention to
the Useful Language box.
Elicit some sentences from
volunteers before students
start working in small
groups. You can ask them to
write their answers down as
Possible answers
a. Yes, because the author
speaks using “we” in the
first paragraph
b. The author wrote this
article in order to
promote Colombian
festivals; in order to
inform people around the
world about Colombian
culture; in order to show
positive characteristics Some nice blogs that you can show to Suggest using different brainstorming
of Colombian society. your students, or have them explore techniques: free-writing, clusters, mind
The author wrote the at home are: maps, lists of ideas, etc.
article to persuade / to blogs/learningenglish/ - List of adjectives: This can be done
invite people to visit our - as a whole-class activity. Have students
country. culture-cuts-blog write adjectives on pieces of paper and
c. Some elements presented - http://enjoy-learningenglish. display them all on a classroom wall for
are: music, dancing, everyone to be able to use them.
clothing, religion, - - Research: Students should include
traditions (rituals), etc. blog/2012/07/what-does- information about their own regional
They are all positive. colombia-mean-to-you-a-colombia- culture and two others.
▪▪ Tell students that they will be writing
▪▪ So, as homework, you can ask students
do some research about two other
a blog entry about the culture of
▪▪ Ask students to say what a blog Colombia. They can see some examples
regions, cities, or tribes in Colombia and
is. They can do it in English or in bring the information to class.
of entries in the blogs suggested above.
▪▪ Students might need close guidance TEACHING TIP: Are you a technology lover?
▪▪ The word blog comes from
through the process of writing. Help ▪▪ Use technology in the classroom any
the term “Web log”. A blog
© MEN Colombia

them go through each of the steps time you can, your students will love it!
is a website that consists of
suggested in the students’ book: If you are truly technology lover, here
a set of entries or “posts”,
- Brainstorming: Have students write are some ideas for you:
typically displayed in reverse
as many ideas as they have about ▪▪ Create a class BLOG or a class
chronological order.
the elements of Colombian culture. FACEBOOK page.
▪▪ Use videos in your class.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 92 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3

▪▪ You could also write these

sentence starters to guide
the students:
- I think ... is...
- In my opinion, ... is...
▪▪ Have students use the
adjectives in the box to
describe them.
▪▪ Any free answers from
students should be
accepted here.
LISTEN (20 minutes)
2. What are some negative
opinions that people have
about Colombians?
Tell students they will be
listening to people talking
about Colombia. Have them
talk about question 2 in
Answer 3:
James has the Possible answers
most negative
opinion about
- Colombia is a violent
Colombia country.
because of - Colombian people are
his father’s
previous bad drug dealers.
M experience in - It is not safe to visit
P the country.
- Foreigners are kidnapped
J in Colombia.
4. Listen again. Match the
opinions a-h with each
person. Write D (Diana),
P (Philippe), M (Maria) or
J (James) next to each
▪▪ Use web chats, text messages, etc. GET READY! (20 minutes) opinion.
with your students in class. 1. Look at the photos. Which
▪▪ Explore new (educational) sites ▪▪ Explain to students that
adjectives can you use to describe as they listen, they need
and tools: (interactive the people in the photos?
presentations), to write the first letter of
(collective mind maps), camtasia ▪▪ Start revising the vocabulary in the the name of the people
studio (videos using your desktop), box. You can use a guessing game to talking. Have students
voice thread (discussions using text, recycle previous vocabulary learnt read all the sentences
voice, and video), and introduce new words for the before they start listening
(digital bulletin board). task: educated, ignorant, tolerant, to the text. You might
intolerant, open-minded. want to do the first one or
Lesson 8: ▪▪ Have students look at the pictures two with them.
Is it Because I Am Colombian? and say if they recognize the people ▪▪ Ask a volunteer to read
in them. Ask them to talk to the the Listening Tip box.
LESSON OVERVIEW person next to them about what they Have students tell you
This lesson will focus on the stereotypes know about these people. the key words in each
that Colombians usually get from people ▪▪ You may want to write these sentence. Ask them to
around the world. Students will listen to questions on the board, to give you synonyms or
generate students’ participation:
© MEN Colombia

different people expressing opinions about definitions for these

Colombians and they will orally express Who are they? What do they do? adjectives.
their own opinions about it. Why are they famous?
Tapescript 22 on
next page


EP1-TG-M2.indd 93 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3

Tapescript 22

Diana 17, Colombian, born in

Bogotá, living in Europe.

“I think most people think that as

we live in South America we are all
indigenous and we haven’t had the
chance to learn to read and write,
but that’s not true. In Colombia
most people are educated. In fact,
92% of young people know how
to read and write, and do basic
Maths operations. Then Colombians
are very intelligent and not at all

Philippe 18, French, living in


“I’m French, living in Colombia, and

I have seen many movies that give
the wrong impression of Colombians.
In the films, Colombians are always
cocaine traffickers, aggressive, rude
people from a dangerous country
but that’s not true!. Colombians
are very friendly and helpful. They
also love chatting, they say hello
to their neighbours, taxi drivers,
street vendors, strangers on the bus,
almost anyone and anywhere if time
allows and they feel safe doing it”.

María 19, Colombian living in Cali.

“Well, I think we have a strong spirit

and we all hope to have peace one
day. We are also focused and we
love working. We also love telling
SPEAK (15 minutes)
jokes about any subject; we laugh
5-6. Talk to a partner
▪▪ Have students work in groups
about almost anything, even about ▪▪ This activity is a post-listening of four. Give a marker to each
our lives and the situation in our activity. Have students work in student and a dice to each group.
country.” pairs to say whch opinions from
the listening they think are true or ▪▪ Each student throws the dice
James 15, American living in the once. The student with the
false about Colombians.
USA. highest number starts the game.
▪▪ They can add their own opinion as
“I have never been to Colombia
well. ▪▪ Students take turns to throw the
but my father says it is a dangerous dice and move the appropriate
place to visit. My father went PORTFOLIO (5 minutes): number of spaces. Then, they
to Colombia once and he had a Remind students to keep their portfolio answer the corresponding
bad experience. He says people updated and include activities that helped question.
aren’t very tolerant. They don’t them learn something new.
like waiting in a traffic jam. They
▪▪ Walk around the classroom to
are impatient and rude with other LET’S WORK TOGETHER (1 hour) monitor students’ work. Pay
attention to pronunciation and
▪▪ Pre-teach: Dice, marker, move sentence construction. Give
© MEN Colombia

forward, miss a turn, go back, feedback as needed.

throw again, start again. Option: Give a small present to
- It’s your / my turn. the winner of each group.
- Throw the dice.
- Move... spaces


EP1-TG-M2.indd 94 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3

a. She is looking for
b. She has a map.
c. Answers may
vary: She is
confused, she
is lost, she is
scared, etc.
d. Answers may
vary: ask for
directions, find a
policeman, etc..

noticed spent
decided found


passed fell

Lesson 9: ▪▪ Ask students to predict from the ▪▪ Regular verbs: NOTICE,

picture how the girl might be TRY, DECIDE, USE, PASS
Language Revision
feeling and why. Ask students to ▪▪ Irregular verbs: SPEND,
answer questions in exercise 1 and BECOME, FIND, LEARN,
LESSON OVERVIEW compare their answers. TELL, BE, FALL
This language revision will focus on the
2. Read the text quickly and fill in the ▪▪ Ask students to read the
use of verbs in the Simple Past, making
blanks with the correct form of the text. Ask students in
suggestions and finishing the sequence of
verb in brackets in the past tense. pairs or small groups to
a story. During the lesson students will
complete the text with
read, write, listen and speak about a ▪▪ Before reading, elicit the meaning correct verb tense. Check
love story. of the word “unknown”. Pre-
verb tenses with the
teach other useful words: bench,
GET READY (20 minutes) whole class.
hardware store, human smugglers.
1. Look at the photo and answer the Ask students to read through the OPTIONAL ACTIVITY:
questions. text quickly once and tell you what
the topic is. Ask students to suggest
▪▪ Draw students’ attention to the
Reading Tip box and encourage ▪▪ Discuss questions on Exercise 1. Ask ways to help the girl to get
the use of predicting as a reading students to check whether their back to her country or to
© MEN Colombia

comprehension strategy. predictions were right. help Raul to convince the

▪▪ Ask students to look at the pictures ▪▪ Go to the list of verbs in brackets girl to stay with him.
and say where they think the girl in in the text. Ask students to list
the picture comes from. regular and irregular verbs.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 95 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3

Answers 3:
a. He met her on
Tapescript 23 a bench outside
the hardware
store where he
Raúl: I remember my first date b. Raul couldn’t
with Lian really well. understand Lian
because she didn’t
Susana: How interesting! Were speak Spanish.
c. Raul found a 1
you excited? person who spoke 3
Raúl: I was feeling more nervous d. She entered to
Colombia illegally 4
than excited. I knew Lian because she
liked walking around and wanted to make
the American
sitting quietly on a chair in dream true.
the park but I didn’t know e. He used
drawings to
where else to take her. communicate with
Susana: So what happened?
Raúl: I invited her to go up to
Monserrate with me. At first,
nothing happened. We went
up in a cable car. I had a list
of romantic ways to declare
my love to her but the list
was in my pocket and I
couldn’t remember anything
so I kept quiet during the trip
up the hill.
Susana: How embarrassing! X
What happened next?
Raúl: It got even more
embarrassing. I got her an
orange juice from a street
vendor and I decided to be X
funny. So I put the ice on a
tray and carried it to Lian
with one hand like a waiter.
Then, I tripped over and I 4. Put the events in the correct ▪▪ Ask students to talk about the
threw the juice all over Lian. order. question.
She was really shocked. You can write a table on the board
▪▪ Ask a student to read the reading for students to write the possible
Susana: Oh no! What a disaster! tip. Tell students that identifying
consequences of both options:
Raúl: I took her home- and I the main parts in a story will help
never had the courage to tell them to understand the plot and ▪▪ Students can work in pairs to
they will be able to retell the complete the table with suggestions
her that I loved her but one
story using their own words. for Raúl.
day Lian…
▪▪ Students read the text carefully 6. Give Raúl five recommendations
and put the events in a-d in the about what he should do in either of
order they happen in the story. the two scenarios.
▪▪ Check students put the events in
the right order and ask volunteers ▪▪ This section aims to practise the
to paraphrase the story using modal verb should and imperatives
3. Read the text again and to give suggestions.
answer the questions. those lines.
WRITE (20 minutes)
▪▪ Read through the example sentences
▪▪ Ask students to read the with the class.
questions first and then go 5. Do you think Raúl should give up ▪▪ Ask the students to quickly find
© MEN Colombia

back to the text and aswer (darse por vencido) and let Lian more examples of should and
the questions. travel to the United States or shouldn’t to give advice to someone.
declare his love to Lian and ask her
to stay in Colombia?
▪▪ Ask students to share their ideas in


EP1-TG-M2.indd 96 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3

Sugested answers
Picture 1: They were on the
street. Lian was looking at
Raul from a distance.
Picture 2: Raul and Lian tried to
talk / tried to communicate.
Picture 3: Lian gave Raul a piece
of dessert.
Picture 4: Lian wanted to kiss
Raul, but he didn’t kiss her.
Picture 5: Raul kissed Lian on her
Picture 6: Raul gave Lian a ring.

11. Tell your version of the

story of Lian and Raul’s
second formal date to
another group. Use the
pictures, your notes from
exercise 10, the word
bank and the sequence
expressions in the box to
help you.
▪▪ Ask students to order the
LISTEN (20 minutes) 8. Listen to the dialogue again and sequence of events to
choose the best answer. describe how Lian and
7. Raúl decided to declare his love to
Lian. ▪▪ Play the recording one more time for Raúl’s second date went.
students to answer the questions. You may ask students
▪▪ Explain to students that Raúl and ▪▪ Ask students to read all the to complete the story
Lian have already had their first with some additional
statements and underline key
date. events. Students work
words. Then, while listening to the
▪▪ Remind students that Raúl and Lian
conversation, ask students to pay in groups to retell the
do not speak the same language. story of the second date
attention to the words that transmit
Ask them to write ideas about how to each other. Students
the same ideas.
things worked on their first date. compare similarities and
SPEAK (50 minutes)
▪▪ Elicit information about what differences between both
happened and what went wrong on 9.-10. Look at the picture of Lian and stories.
in their first date. Raul’s first date. ▪▪ Tell students they can
▪▪ Have students work in pairs and use the expressions in the
simulate Raúl’s and Lian’s first
▪▪ Ask students to work in pairs to
describe the pictures in exercise Useful Language box to
date. They will write the words tell the story.
9. Then, have students answer the
each of them said based on the
questions in exercise 10. ▪▪ Have students present
© MEN Colombia

information in the listening. the story on a poster.

▪▪ Ask students to focus on the
▪▪ Ask students to work in pairs.
Students describe the pictures to They can draw a comic
sequencing words used in the strip with some pieces
each other and identify each picture.
dialogue and tick them. Explain of dialogue from the
Ask students to answer the questions
any unknown words. characters.
about the pictures.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 97 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2 > Unit 3


COLOMBIA IS PASSION. (5 hours) Steps 1- 2 (1 hour 50 minutes)
Get ready (10 minutes) 1. How to present. Choose one of these mediums to present your project outcome.
▪▪ Tell students to discuss and decide what they are going to do to present their
▪▪ Go over the instructions. Have product: a video, a comic strip, a drama, a map/ collage. Have a volunteer read
a volunteer read the steps to
what each one of these products involves and make sure students understand
follow in this section.
what they have to do.
▪▪ Ask students to work in groups
and check the tasks they have 2. Action plan
included in their portfolios ▪▪ Ask students to agree on details to complete their product: roles, responsibilities
and choose the ones that will and deadlines.
help them develop the final
▪▪ Monitor groups’ work and make sure everyone is working actively to develop the
product for the project. It is
very important to clarify that
students can take ideas from Steps 3- 4. Prepare & rehearsal time (1 hour)
the tasks they had already
completed in the portfolio,
▪▪ Monitor students’ work. Provide them with help when needed. Check any
pronunciation difficulties and get the attention of the whole class attention
but for the project they have
when you find common issues that could help everyone.
to develop one of the products
© MEN Colombia

suggested there to show 5. Time to present ( 2 hours)

something about their regional
culture compared with another
▪▪ Agree on a schedule for students to present their products. Make sure there
is enough time for each group to present and have general feedback after the
culture or subculture in the


EP1-TG-M2.indd 98 20/12/13 20:01

Module 2

▪▪ Direct students’ attention to the box. ▪▪ Go through each column in

1. ASSESSMENT IN YOUR ENGLISH SKILLS Explain that they are not going to the chart and ask students
(1 HOUR) evaluate how well they do a task, but what things they consider
▪▪ Look back over the module. What have how often they practise a strategy and could be included there.
you learned? Tick the appropriate box. how it has helped them succeed or not Make sure they understand
▪▪ Direct students’ attention to the at an activity. what they have to do in this
box. Point out that it is divided into ▪▪ Have a volunteer to read the tip and section.
skills-reading, writing, speaking and ask them to think of other strategies on ▪▪ After students have
listening. Students should tick the box how to improve their learning process. completed their individual
that describes how well they can do ▪▪ Ask volunteers to share their answers self-assessment, invite
each task. and new strategies to improve and give them to get together
▪▪ Highlight the importance of being general feedback encouraging students with their project
honest and realistic. Tell them this to continue using the strategies that team and do the same
activity is not going to be assessed, but work for them. activity to determine the
explain its importance. ▪▪ Focus on their main needs to give them achievements of the team
contextualised feedback and advice. and identify aspects to
2. ASSESSMENT OF YOUR ENGLISH improve. Make sure that
3. PROJECT ASSESSMENT they make respectful
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ First individually, then with your comments. Put-downs are

▪▪ Study skills help you improve in any not allowed. Advise them
group, assess your performance in
school subject. Put some study skills not to concentrate on
the Project work. Write as much as
into practice. Tick ( ) how often you mistakes or complaints but
use these study skills. on ways to improve.


EP1-TG-M2.indd 99 20/12/13 20:01

Module 3

Module 3

Module Overview
Welcome to the lifestyles and Health module. In this module students will learn about
different eating habits, leisure activities, and lifestyles around the world. They will
also explore the concept of a healthy and green lifestyle. The chart on the next page
summarises the unit topics, lesson topics and students’ production or output throughout
the module.
Introduce MODULE 3 Lifestyles and Health by focusing on the content cover page. Explain
what topics will be covered. You can start asking questions about what they already know
about lifestyles using the pictures on the cover page.
© MEN Colombia


EP1-TG-M3.indd 100 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3

Overview chart

Units and Lessons Topics Output

UNIT 1 (9 hours) Food and Nutrition
Lesson 1 Food in Colombia and around the World Poster
Lesson 2 Types of Food Radio Announcement
Lesson 3 Eating habits - We are What we Eat Leaflet

UNIT 2 (9 hours) Lifestyles Habits

Lesson 4 Greener Lifestyles Leaflet
Lesson 5 Don’t Worry. Be Happy Radio announcement
Lesson 6 Fitness and Leisure Poster

UNIT 3 (12 hours) Eating and Lifestyle Habits around the World
Lesson 7 Lifestyles around the World Project
© MEN Colombia

Lesson 8 A Health Campaign for your Community Project

Self Assessment


EP1-TG-M3.indd 101 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3


Read out the project topic for the module, emphasising ▪▪ At the end of each lesson, they will
the aim of the project a campaign and the products produce a text which will go into their
the students will present (a leaflet, poster, and radio portfolio. At the end of the module, they
announcement). will have 6 pieces of work (output) in
their Portfolios and 3 products for their
Elicit from ss. what a campaign is and what is involved
Health Campaign Project.
in a campaign. A campaign is a series of actions
▪▪ Remind the students to answer
intended to achieve political or social change. Give
the questions on a different piece of
examples from Colombia and any local or regional
paper. Cali, El Vivo Bobo for road rules; the
▪▪ Tell the students to find or draw a
Desenchúfate TV campaign to have young people go
picture to represent lifestyles and health
to sleep early; the Ni Uno Menos Education campaign
and to keep it as the first piece of work
to have all children studying. The Plan Colombia
in the portfolio.
Segura- Policia Nacional raising awareness of teen safety
issues; El Plan Nacional de Vigilancia Comunitaria por
Cuadrantes regaining, improving and maintaining safety
© MEN Colombia

in the communities. La campaña “A que te cojo ratón”

MEN a través del Programa Nacional de Uso de Nuevas
Tecnologías para el desarrollo de competencias TIC.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 102 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1


In this unit the students will learn
about popular dishes in Colombia,
the ingredients used to make
them, the types of food that are
considered healthy or unhealthy,
and some other key information
about food and nutrition. The unit
covers 9 hours of teaching time.
Each lesson is 3 hours.


Lesson Topics Time Language Focus Output

– Any
Food in A poster about an
Lesson 1 3 hours -Countable and
Colombia international dish
A radio
Lesson 2 Types of food 3 hours -Imperative forms
about a healthy
© MEN Colombia

-Quantifiers A leaflet about

3 hours
Lesson 3 Eating habits -Adverbs of eating habits in
frequency your class


EP1-TG-M3.indd 103 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

Lesson 1:
Food in Colombia

GET READY (10 minutes)

This is a warm up activity. Ask the
students about their eating habits,
e.g. What is your favourite food?;
What do you eat in the morning?
Do you watch TV while you eat?,

1. What time do you have these


Use a clock or watch to

show them that they have
to complete the sentences
with a specific time /hour.
Ask volunteers to read the
sentences out. Model some
examples of saying the time.
Let them ask the questions to
their classmates.

2. Do you have this food or

drink for breakfast, lunch
or dinner? Write B for
breakfast, L for lunch or D
for dinner.
▪▪ Start by asking the students
to look at the pictures
and answer if they eat the
food in the pictures for
breakfast, lunch or dinner.
▪▪ Practise the pronunciation
of these words with the
students. Ask them to listen
to you and repeat.
▪▪ After the students have SPEAK (20 minutes) ▪▪ Then draw an orange and write this
completed this task and sentence: I have an orange for breakfast.
The aim of these activities is to practise
practised the pronunciation ▪▪ Ask the students to notice the
speaking and the new vocabulary needed
of the vocabulary, ask a difference between these two
during the lesson. Model how to read the
few volunteers to share sentences. After they have shared
dialogue. Model the correct intonation
their answers. Remind them what they think, explain that the
and pronunciation by role playing the
there are no right or wrong article “an” is used when the word that
dialogue with a student.
answers in this exercise. follows starts with a vowel. E.g. an
E.g. I have some beans for apple, an egg, an arepa, etc.
lunch. I have some cheese
4. Practise the dialogue with a ▪▪ But the article “a” is used when
for breakfast. I have some the word that follows starts with a
bread for dinner. ▪▪ Let the students practise reading the consonant. E.g. a tomato, a pear, a
dialogue with a partner. Ask one or two sandwich, etc.
3. Write any other food you pairs to read the dialogue aloud. ▪▪ Ask the students to give you other
would like to add to the list. ▪▪ Point out to the students that the examples. They may decide to use the
answer to the question “What do you vocabulary from exercise 2.
This activity contextualises and usually have for breakfast?” includes ▪▪ Explain also that the article “the” is
personalises the vocabulary “a glass of orange juice”. Draw the never used with names of food.
© MEN Colombia

students are learning. Ask the glass on the board and write this E.g. I eat the rice and the beans.
students to brainstorm the food sentence: I have glass of orange juice INCORRECT
they usually eat. for breakfast. I eat rice and beans. CORRECT


EP1-TG-M3.indd 104 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

Tapescript 24

Hello friends,

My mother usually goes to the

supermarket on Sundays. She buys a lot
of things for me. When she gets home,
she puts everything in the fridge or
in the cupboards. She puts cold food,
many fruits and drinks in the fridge.
There is some fruit in the fridge now:
there are a few apples, many bananas
(they are yummy), and there are
some pears and tangerines which are
my favourite. But, there aren’t any
strawberries because I don’t like them.
There is also some milk and some
yoghurt. There is some ham, chicken
and pork, but there aren’t any salami.
In the cupboard, there is some rice and
spaghetti. There is some bread and
some muffins too. She buys the things I
U C U love and the food that is healthy to us.

▪▪ Ask the students: Can I say one

C U U water? one rice? How can we
count water or rice? Listen to
their answers. If necessary,
explain that these items are
uncountable and that we need to
count the containers instead, or
just use “some” with them. E.g.
a glass or a bowl of water/some
water: a bowl of rice/some rice.
▪▪ Also explain to students that
5. Make similar dialogues about your clarify and make sure all the students even if they feel they can count
breakfast, lunch and dinner with a have understood. You can use Spanish bread, they don’t say I have two
classmate. if your students have difficulties breads, but I have two loaves
understanding the language focus. Extra (pan completo) of bread or two
Give the students 3 minutes to exercises on this topic can be used if slices of bread.
create their own dialogues. Model an needed for further practice. ▪▪ Ask the students about the food
example first. Monitor and help where in the first picture and make
necessary. After the students have sure they understand why it
practised their dialogues ask four 6. Look at the pictures and decide can or cannot be counted. E.g.
volunteers to act out their dialogues. which food can be counted and three fruits or some fruit? The
which cannot be counted. Write C for right option is “some fruit”.
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (20 minutes) countable and U for uncountable. Make sure students notice that
Remember the textbook has been ▪▪ Bring realia into the classroom to no “s” is added to the word
designed to help students discover teach the concept of countable and fruit.
grammar (the Noticing Approach). Have uncountable nouns. Bring 3 apples, ▪▪ Explain that sometimes fruit
students work individually. rice, beans, bread, 2 mangoes, a can be countable, especially in
Then they compare ideas with a partner glass of water. Show the objects to American English. E.g. Fruits
and finally check as a whole class. them. are a good source of vitamins.
© MEN Colombia

Guide the students to notice or work ▪▪ Start by counting the apples and ▪▪ Give them time to complete the
out how language works. Explanations writing how many there are on the rest of the task on their own.
should be only used when necessary to board. Do the same with each item. Check their answers.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 105 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

LISTEN (10 minutes)

7. Listen to Daniel talking

about the food his mother
buys. (...)
▪▪ Ask the students to read
the text silently once.
Read the text and ask them
to repeat it after you.
Check the vocabulary in
each sentence. Play the
recording three times: few
the first time for them to fruits, bananas
get the general idea; the countable

second time for them to

complete the exercise; and The uncountable nouns use "are"
a third time to check and and the countable nouns use "is"
The uncountable nouns use "aren't"
confirm their answers. and the countable nouns use "isn't"
▪▪ The purpose of this task is
just to find the differences
between the audio to
the written text. Do not
1 1
provide any grammar 2 2
explanations about the 1 2
2 2
words selected. 1 2
1 3
8. Answer these questions. 2

Remember this course book

has been designed to help
students discover grammar
the students these questions
and encourage them to think
about their answers. Grammar
explanations should be given
only if they are necessary.
9. Go back to the words you
identified in exercise 7...
4 and 5. There is also a milk. Milk is Extra Activity:
Answers uncountable so the correct statement You could use pictures for the students
1. She puts cold food, many is there is some milk. to find the differences and of SOME and
fruits and beverages in the 6. There is some meat, chicken and pork. ANY.
fridge. The word “many” is not The word meat includes chicken and
pork. The correct statement is ham, IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION
necessary there because it is (30 minutes)
not used with the other items chicken and pork.
(parallelism). 7. There isn’t no salami. Double 11. Listen to the words and write the
2. There are some fruit in negation. The correct statement is number of syllables you hear.
the fridge now. The right there isn’t any salami.
8. There is a bread. Bread is ▪▪ Play the CD. Ask the students to
expression will be there repeat each word and clap their
is some fruit in the fridge uncountable. The correct statement
is there is some bread. hands to help them identify the
now. Remind students that number of syllables in each word.
fruit can be both countable 10. Describe what you see in the fridge. ▪▪ Explain to the students that to decide
and uncountable, but that how many syllables there are in each
it is normally uncountable, This activity is intended to increase
the students' vocabulary on the topic word, they have to pay attention
especially in British English, to the pronunciation of each
of food and to provide some extra
© MEN Colombia

although you can say a piece word rather than to its spelling.
of fruit. practice in the use of countable and
uncountable nouns. Go through the answers with the
3. There aren’t no strawberries. whole class.
Double negation. The correct Ask the students to write sentences in
statement is there aren’t any their notebooks describing what they 12. Underline the stressed syllable.
strawberries. see in the fridge. Draw their attention Explain that in a word with two or
to the examples in the book. more syllables, one syllable is stressed

EP1-TG-M3.indd 106 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

16. Here is some information

about traditional
Colombian foods. Match
the pictures with the
▪▪ The aim of this activity
is to describe typical
dishes in different parts
of Colombia. After talking
about food in general, the
students will be able to
describe Colombian dishes.
Exploit the vocabulary
in the lesson. Ask the
b d a c students if they have
travelled to different cities
or if they know what food
people eat in different
Colombian cities.
▪▪ Ask the students to look
at the pictures (or bring 4
pictures to class).
- Focus on the pictures
and elicit information
before they read.
T - Ask them to a text
about the dishes before
they read.
- Then, get them to
compare their own
texts with the text in
the book.
- Tell them to underline
the vocabulary they
may not be familiar
with in the text.
- Tell them to guess
the meaning of the
and the other syllables are unstressed They switch roles so that the other words they underlined
or weak. Use the word apple as an students has a chance to describe his/ using the context and
example. Ask the students to underline her fridge too. pictures.
the stressed syllable in each word. Go
through the answers with the whole 14. Write five names of your favourite 17. Are these statements
class. food. (...) true or false?

13. Draw some food in a fridge and ▪▪ Get students to practise the Ask students to answer
compare it with a partner’s fridge. pronunciation of their words. Monitor true or false to the
while they work. Help them clap the statements based on the
Ask the students to draw two fridges information they just read.
number of syllables if needed.
on a piece of paper, one on the left
and one on the right.
▪▪ Ask for some volunteers to write 18. Read about Tamales. (...)
their words on the board.
Tell them to draw food inside the ▪▪ Ask the students to practice the Ask the students to read
fridge on the right making sure their pronunciation of those words in the information in the
partners do not see their pictures. groups. Focus on the number of box and then use it to
When they have finished, ask them syllables and the stress of the word. complete the paragraph.
to work with a classmate. One
READ (10 minutes)
student describes his/her fridge
© MEN Colombia

while the other draws the food in 15. Answer these questions.
the left fridge. After they have
This is a pre-reading activity. Give
completed their descriptions, they
the students a couple of minutes
compare their pictures and identify
to discuss these questions with a
any differences between them.

EP1-TG-M3.indd 107 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

WRITE (20 minutes)

19. Write about a typical

Colombian dish.

▪▪ Tell the students they

will write about a typical
Colombian dish. Tell them
the purpose of this writing
task is to create a class
recipe book. Remind the
students that writing is a
process and they should
plan their writing.
▪▪ Tell the students the
prompts are there to help
them plan their writing
task. Monitor and help
them while they write.
▪▪ Tell the students to edit
and proofread their
writing, to check their
punctuation – they can look
at the box as a reference.
▪▪ Collect all the students’ work
to create the recipe book.
Create a recipe corner in the
classroom. Ask the students
to show their products.
- savoury: made with salt
rather than sugar (opposite
of sweet).
- boiled Corn dough: masa de
maíz cocinado.
- black pudding: type of
sausage made by cooking ▪▪ Tell them to look for key
blood or dried blood with a
1-5. Select a famous dish from around
the world. information about it.
filler until it is thick enough - Where is it eaten?
to congeal when cooled - What are its ingredients?
(morcilla). ▪▪ Arrange the students into groups so
that everybody participates and has ▪▪ Look for the flag (its colours and design).
- capers: alcaparras. ▪▪ Describe what it tastes like (delicious,
- tasty: having a good flavour. a specific role within the group.
▪▪ Set a time limit for this activity (2 whether it is savoury or sweet, etc.).
Delicious. Ask the students to brainstorm different
hours) and provide the students
LET’S WORK TOGETHER with a checklist for the task (see words to describe the taste of the food.
attachment). Ask the students to Some words are: delicious, sweet;
(40 minutes)
select the dish to be shared. savoury, crunchy (crujiente), creamy,
In this section in the lesson, ▪▪ Monitor them constantly to support tough (duro), spicy (picante), greasy
the students work on output the groups when help is needed. (grasoso), bitter (amargo). Provide this
tasks for their projects. Most of ▪▪ Remind them they can improve on list of words to the students.
the activities are designed for their work by revising it and editing it. ▪▪ Put everything together on the poster:
them to work in groups so it is ▪▪ Create an International Dishes corner a picture of the dishes, the flag of the
important to promote teamwork. to display their posters. country and the short description.
For the writing activity it would EXTRA INFORMATION (FOOD POSTER)
© MEN Colombia

Keep them if they are needed for the

be very helpful for the students
to use a mind map to organise
health campaign. ▪▪ In any of the activities you may display
▪▪ Ask the students to select a dish. the students’ posters.
their ideas before writing.


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Module 3 > Unit 1

food they like the most and

ending with the food they like
the least.
2. Complete these sentences.
Ask the students to look at the
pictures again and complete
these two sentences about
food that is good and not good
for them.

3. Read the two definitions

crisps, hot dog, below. Complete each
lollipops, fizzy
drink, fruit loops
definition with either junk
strawberries, pineapple, yuca, lettuce, tortillas
food or healthy food.
▪▪ Explain the meaning of
healthy and unhealthy or
ask them to look them up.
Junk food Healthy food You can reinforce their
knowledge by saying that
junk food is an informal
term for food that is of
little nutritional value.
▪▪ Tell the students there
are studies that say that
unhealthy food alters brain
activity in a way which is
similar to addictive drugs
like cocaine or heroin (Paul
Johnson, Paul Kenny 2008).
Prompt the students to give
more examples of healthy
and unhealthy foods. Read
the good and bad fats box
and check the students
understand the difference.

▪▪ Take a look at the following web pages - Use eye-catching fonts: create your SPEAK (20 minutes)
where you can find some examples: own fonts for poster design but don’t 4. Choose 6 types of food from
- use too many different fonts on a the list below and ask 5 of
resources/9121 poster – it will look messy. your classmates if they eat
- Don’t make one part of the poster too them and how often.
- http://www.vincentpanzeca.
‘heavy’ with information. Decide on
com/55631/310378/brandingprint/ ▪▪ Explain what a survey is and
where to write the text and where to
street-food-around-the-world what their task is. Read the
put the pictures.
- examples of questions and
▪▪ There are some tips to design an effective PORTFOLIO write them on the board.
poster to share with your students: Ask a volunteer to read the tip in the portfolio Model the examples with
box. Remind the students to do it. a student. Then organise
- Getting your audience’s attention:
make your poster stand out. the students into groups.
- Choose photographs or other visual Lesson 2: Monitor them as they do
materials to include in your poster. Types of Food their surveys. Encourage
Use an interesting question or title to the students to interact in
get people’s attention. GET READY (15 minutes) English.
- Keep it simple: don’t use a lot of ▪▪ Elicit the use of yes/no
© MEN Colombia

1. Look at the pictures. (...) questions and the use of

text, use prompts to help you. Use Tell the students to look at the pictures
colour and visual elements. Provide a the adverbs of frequency
in the book and make a numbered list studied in the previous
webpage for people who want more in their notebooks starting with the
information! lesson.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 109 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

Tapescript 26
Plate= New symbol for Healthy Eating
Goodbye pyramid, Hello plate!
The food Guide Pyramid was the
model for healthy eating in the
United States. But the USDA, the
agency in charge of nutrition suggests
a new symbol: a colourful plate –
called My Plate-. The pyramid had
six vertical stripes to represent the
five food groups and oils: green for B A
vegetables, red for fruits, orange for
grains, purple for meat and beans,
yellow for oils, and blue for dairy.
The “MyPlate” graphic is a circle
divided into 5 sections: 1 for D
vegetables, 1 for fruits, 1 for grains,
1 for proteins, and 1 “cup” on the
right side for dairy. Half of your plate
should be vegetables and fruits: 60% Grains Fruits
Proteins Dairy
in veggies and 40% in fruits. About
Proteins Vegetables
one quarter of your plate should be Proteins
grains and one quarter protein. Proteins/Dairy Grains
Each section is a different size and
colour coded: green for veggies, red
for fruits, orange for grains, purple
for proteins, and blue for dairy.


5. Why is food important for
your body? Match the food Meat is important because it has Remind the students they can identify
group with the reasons. proteins. Build on students’ vocabulary. the number of syllables a word has by
Be sure to point out that because is a clapping their hands. They also have
▪▪ Ask the students why they linking word. Other linking words you to identify which syllable is stressed
think food is important. can point out are and, since, but, for in each word. Tell them it is important
Ask what they think about example, for instance etc. to know this in order to improve their
healthy and unhealthy speaking and to identify words more
eating. Write their 6. Which food group do these foods easily during listening tasks.
responses on a web graph belong to? proteins, vegetables,
grains, fruit or dairy for each example. Len - tils Man - goes
on the board. If they need
Straw - be - rries Pe - pper
more prompting, ask them ▪▪ This exercise reinforces the Whole - wheat bread
if they eat 3 meals a day vocabulary studied in activity 5. Ask
and if they eat at specific the students to complete the chart LISTEN
times of the day. Ask what in pairs or in groups and report their
they eat and if they think it ▪▪ This listening is divided into two parts:
results to the class. the first is about the characteristics of a
is healthy or unhealthy.
▪▪ Get the students to report their food pyramid and a MyPlate symbol.
▪▪ Go through the 5 food groups answers to you so that they can
and ask the students to give ▪▪ The second part is identifying food items
practise the pronunciation of the
© MEN Colombia

examples of each. Ask why and organising them into a five food
words. group box. You can do the listening in any
milk / meat / eggs / oranges
are good for the body? Give 7. Divide the food words into syllables order.
students some examples: and identify where the stress happens.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 110 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

Tapescript 26
Here’s a reminder about what’s
included in the five food groups:
X vegetables, fruits, proteins, grains,
and dairy.
Vegetables: Dark green vegetables
like broccoli, spinach, and lettuce
provide different nutrients. Orange
and red vegetables like yucca,
carrots, and pepper provide your
body with vitamins, minerals and
Fruits: pineapples, strawberries,
pears, melon, oranges, mangoes.
Help your body to get fibre,
potassium, vitamins, and
Proteins: Beef, chicken, fish, eggs,
nuts, black beans, peas, lentils, and
veggie burgers. Protein builds up,
maintains, and replaces the tissues in
chicken cereal yoghurt spinach strawberries your body.
fish rice cheese lettuce pears Grains: Bread, cereal, rice, tortillas,
eggs tortillas soy milk yucca melon and pasta. Whole-grain products such
nuts pasta
carrots oranges as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal,
black beans oatmeal pepper mangoes and brown rice are recommended
peas - lentils brown rice because they have more fibre and
help you feel full.
veggie whole-meal
bread Dairy: Milk, yoghurt, cheese, and
fortified soy milk. With MyPlate,
the dairy circle could be a cup of
milk, but you also can get your dairy
servings from yoghurt or cheese.
Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy most
of the time.
Adapted from
▪▪ Just be sure to pause between one ▪▪ Ask a volunteer to draw those words
listening and the next. Another on the board. Ensure they understand
suggestion is to do the first part as these words before they do the
▪▪ Draw “My Plate” on the board
individual work and the second as a listening.
(see picture on next page) and
whole class activity.
9. Listen to the person talking about allow students to draw it in
8. Read the title “Food Pyramid MyPlate. Write the words in the their notebooks. Listen
Becomes a Plate” and predict what correct food group. to the recording again to see
the text will be about. Then answer how this picture matches the
these questions. ▪▪ Draw the students attention to the information they just heard.
LISTENING TIP. Ask them to start
▪▪ Write the title on the board and finding words from the list that they
ask the students to guess what READ (10 minutes)
already know and to put them where
the listening is going to be about. they belong in the chart. Explain 10. Talk with a classmate: Do
Underline the two words: PYRAMID that after doing that, it will be easier you have good eating habits?
and PLATE and ask them to say what for them to focus on the words they If so, give some examples.
the relationship between these two don’t know where to place. Play the
words and the word FOOD is. Then This is a pre-reading activity.
recording several times for them to
encourage them to give the right Ask the students to discuss the
complete the chart and a last time to
© MEN Colombia

answer. questions with a partner. It will

check their answers.
help them prepare for the task
▪▪ Pre-teach these words before the that comes later.
listening: stripe, graph, circle, half,
one-quarter, section, and portion.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 111 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1


11. Match the 6 nutritional tips

with the correct title. d a

Explain that the title under b

each picture corresponds to
a healthy recommendation. f
Get the students to look at
the titles and the picture
that goes with them. Then
they need to read the
descriptions and match them
with the titles.
In this section, the language
focus or grammar of the lesson
is presented to the students.
Remember to allow them to
explore the language in use and
guide them to discover the rules
(the Noticing Approach).

12. Look at these nutritional

tips. What are they? (...)
▪▪ Ask the students to read
both statements and 13. Answer these questions. Answers:
decide if they are talking b. Eat slowly, chew your food many
▪▪ Tell the students to answer times. Don’t eat fast.
about an obligation the questions by analysing the
(something that people c. Use a smaller plate. Don’t eat big
sentences used in exercise 12. portions.
have to do), a prohibition
(something people are
▪▪ After having done the analysis with d. Replace sodas with juice or water.
the students, tell them that these Don’t drink sodas!
forbidden to do), or advice
sentences are called imperatives
or recommendations
and that we use them to give 15. Listen and check your answers.
(something people should
recommendations or advice. Let the students listen to the
Answers: complete sentences for them to
▪▪ Ask students to think about
a. No confirm their answers or to make
this expression: “Enjoy
your food”. Ask them if b. Infinitive without to corrections if necessary.
they think you are giving a c. Don’t 16. Practise reading the sentences. Pay
recommendation, expressing attention to the pronunciation of the
an obligation or prohibiting 14. Complete the sentences using don’t /s/ before a consonant.
something. Then, encourage and an expression from the box.
Draw the students’ attention to
© MEN Colombia

them to identify how we give Ask the students to read the example words like smaller and slowly.
recommendations. That is, given (a), and then complete the Use the IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH
using the imperative form. three other statements. PRONUNCIATION box to explain how to
Check the useful language
pronounce these words appropriately.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 112 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1


17. Role-play: These students

have some food-related
problems. Give them some
▪▪ Draw the students’
attention to problem 1,
which is already complete.
Tell them they will work
in pairs to complete the
task for problems 2, 3 and
4. Both students should
read the problem and work
together to give some
appropriate advice. Allow
them some time to practise
their role play. Tell them
they are free to decide how
to present it.
▪▪ TIP: they can do it as
a radio programme,
by phone, or just as a
conversation between
friends. Remember to listen
out for pronunciations


(40 minutes)
▪▪ Go over the steps described
in the course book. Remind
the students to keep in mind
their audience, the purpose
of the announcement and the
specific information it needs to
have. Tell the students that a
frame or model script has been
provided for them to fill in the
information. Let them work
Grains: breads, tortillas, pastas (noodles, Oils: olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, ▪▪ Monitor their work and provide
spaghetti, etc.), cereals, and rice. butter, soft tub margarine without trans assistance or give suggestions
Vegetables: broccoli, tomatoes, green fats, and others. when needed.
beans, peas, carrots, and many, many Milk: milk, yoghurt, cheese, and some
others. milk-based desserts such as pudding and PORTFOLIO
© MEN Colombia

Fruits: apples, peaches, pears, blueberries, ice cream. ▪▪ Ask a volunteer to read the tip
strawberries, raspberries, bananas, Meat and beans: meat, poultry, fish, dry in the portfolio box. Remind the
oranges, and many more. beans, eggs, and nuts. students to do it.
Taken from


EP1-TG-M3.indd 113 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

Green salad Roast chicken Fish

Chicken rice Roast beef Lasagna

Lesson 3:
Eating Habits “You Are
What You Eat”
Spaghetti Pizza Burger and chips
GET READY (10 minutes)
Ask the students if they understand
the title of the lesson “You are
what you eat”. Ask them what food
they usually have for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner. Revise some of
the food learnt in Lesson 1.

1. What are the dishes below?

Unscramble the words.
Ask the students to look at
the pictures and guess the LISTEN (10 minutes) ▪▪ The first time ask the students not to
write anything. Tell them to just listen
names of the food in them. 3. Listen to what Colin eats every day. and see how much they understand.
Ask them to use what they Then match the food to the correct day.
have learnt about food in After they listen, ask them how many
the previous lessons to try ▪▪ Before listening, tell the students to or which food items they heard.
to complete this task. Give read the title and predict what food ▪▪ The second time, ask the students to
them some time to put the COLIN eats on Sundays. Revise the match the two columns. Get them to
letters in the right order days of the week. Remind ss that share answers with a partner.
to make the names of the days of the week begin with capital ▪▪ Tell them to listen a last time to
dishes. Check their answers letters. This is important because in check their answers. Give feedback
as a whole class. Spanish capital letters are not used on students’ participation and to
for days of the week. encourage the ones that felt the
2. Ask and answer these ▪▪ Tell the students they need to match activity was challenging.
questions with a partner. the days of the week with the food
Questions a and b are given Colin eats. Draw their attention to SPEAK (20 minutes)
for students to practise the Listening Tip. Ask one student to
using the vocabulary. Have read it aloud. Practise the correct 4. Are your eating habits similar to
pronunciation of the dishes they Colin’s? Do you eat the same thing
© MEN Colombia

the students practise the

questions and answers in will hear during the listening task. every day? Say what you eat during
pairs. Tell them to use Play the CD about three times for the week.
complete sentences. students to do the matching task.
▪▪ Read the example aloud.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 114 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

Tapescript 28
What does my family eat every
b week? We are quite boring I’m
c afraid. We don’t vary our meals
much. We always have Sunday roast
either at home or out. During the
week we eat a lot of meat- I’d say
we have meat about four days a
week. Let me see if I remember …
as I said before it’s roast on Sunday.
I think Monday is always cold meats
like ham or salami. On Tuesdays,
it’s Italian night -we usually have
spaghetti or lasagna or something
like that, and Wednesdays – I
can’t remember what happens on
Wednesday but I think it is green
salad and roast beef. On Thursday,
my mother usually gets paid– so
we always go out for a mixed grill
on Thursday nights as a sort of
treat. Friday is usually fish and
chips, which is our favourite food
of the week. And on Saturdays,
because my mother works all week,
Saturday is cleaning day at home
so we always have something quick
and easy to make like sausage and
mash. And then of course it’s roast
again on Sunday…

How often you do something

▪▪ Give assistance or provide

explanations when needed.

▪▪ Ask the students to practise reading Explanations should be only used when ▪▪ Give the students these
necessary to clarify and make sure all the additional examples: They
it as well. Make sure that students
students have understood. rarely have sausage and eggs.
understand the vocabulary. Give
/ I often eat soup during
them some time to write about their You can use Spanish to explain what
the week. / I always have a
eating habits in their notebooks you want them to do if they are having
Sunday roast.
before sharing their ideas with their difficulties understanding the language
classmates. Then, ask some volunteers focus. Use this as a last resort. They should ▪▪ Point out that frequency
to read their paragraphs. be encouraged to discover the answers on adverbs are normally placed
before the verb.
▪▪ Take notes of the important mistakes their own. Extra exercises can be provided
or good examples of language you want if needed for further practice. ▪▪ Take advantage of the
to give feedback on. At the end of the opportunity to remind students
activity, talk about them and give clear 5. Read again the example on exercise to use “on” before days of
examples and suggestions. 4 and answer these questions. the week: I never eat chicken
on Saturday. / We always eat
▪▪ Ask the students to read the
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (20 minutes) sancocho on Sundays.
example again and find certain
Allow the students to work on their own, words. Allow them to find ▪▪ Ask the students to write down
then compare ideas with a partner and the answers to the questions five types of food and ask a
© MEN Colombia

finally check as a whole class. Your role is independently. Guide them to classmate how often they eat
to guide the students to notice or find out discover how frequency adverbs are them. Monitor their work.
how language works. used and how to decide which one Make sure they use frequency
needs to be used. Avoid lecturing adverbs like always, often,
them on grammar rules. some times, rarely, and never.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 115 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

SPEAK (20 minutes)

6. Look at this weekly menu

planner. How often do
Andrea and Luis eat those
▪▪ Elicit the name of the
foods they see in the menu
▪▪ Read the example and draw
the students’ attention to
the box. Point out that they
only eat donuts once a week.
Explain that since it appears
only once the right frequency
adverb to use is rarely.
▪▪ Draw the students’ attention
to the breakfast column. Ask
them what they notice. Help
them make a sentence like
this: Andrea and Luis always
eat arepa for breakfast.
▪▪ Give the students a few
minutes to continue writing
sentences describing what
they see in the menu
▪▪ Monitor while they work.
Give them time to practise FOCUS ON PRONUNCIATION (10 minutes) 8. Write 5 examples of words that
the dialogues and then ask contain the /ei/ sound and 5 that
four volunteers to act out 7. Listen to your teacher saying the contain the /ai/ sound.
their dialogues. days of the week. Pay attention to
the last syllable. Ask the students to add examples of
▪▪ Help students by asking How
words that have either the /ei/ sound
often do Andrea and Luis eat ▪▪ Let the students listen to the correct or the /ai/ sound. Tell them to write
fish? and so on. pronunciation of the days of the week. the words in their notebooks.
Possible answers: Remind them that even though they
- Andrea and Luis never eat
end with letters “ay”, the sound they 9. Say the following words. Are they in
make is /ei/. Other words like price, correct column? If they are in the
vegetables as a snack.
like, fry, etc have the /ai/ sound. correct column put a tick ( ). If they
- Andrea and Luis always have
scrambled eggs and arepa for ▪▪ Look for more information on these are in the wrong column put a cross (x).
breakfast. useful websites: Get the students to practise and
- Andrea and Luis seldom - monitor while they work. Help them
/ rarely eat sancocho for activities pronounce the words more accurately
lunch. - if necessary.
- Andrea and Luis usually eat - FOCUS ON VOCABULARY (20 minutes)
© MEN Colombia

soup and rice for dinner. uk/activities/phonemic-

- Andrea and Luis often have chart#comment-17303 10. Do a quick survey about your
ice-cream as a snack. classmates eating habits.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 116 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

- 40 out of 40 students eat rice

everyday. That is the same as

saying: All of my classmates
eat rice every day.
√ - 16 out of 40 students like
x vegetables. That’s the
b e
same as saying Some of my
√ classmates like vegetables.
√ - 3 out of 40 students never
eat fast food. A few of my
classmates never eat fast
f d
▪▪ Let them continue writng
their sentences based on
your examples. Ask some
a c volunteers to tell the class
their findings.
12. Match the pictures with the
▪▪ This matching activity
helps students to improve
vocabulary and connect
pictures with chunks of
▪▪ Ask the students to look at the
pictures and match them with
the statements. Ask them to
review the experience they
had when they were reporting
▪▪ Give the students 5 minutes to do ▪▪ Give them time to discover the the results of the surveys in
the survey. Ask the students what rules. If they need more examples, exercise 11, and how they
type of questions they will use in this write some on the board, in context. used numbers to decide which
exercise. Write them on the board. Explanations should be only used frequency adverb needed to
Help them with hints or write the when necessary to clarify and be used. Monitor students’
first question. make sure all the students have work and provide assistance
understood. You can use Spanish when needed.
▪▪ Ask them to write the other
questions. Examples might be: Do where they have difficulties ▪▪ The focus here is the use of
you eat rice every day? Do you like understanding the language focus. quantifiers. We use quantifiers
vegetables? Do you eat fruit every This should be used as a last resort. when we want to give
day? Do you eat fast food? Do you eat Extra exercises can be provided if someone information about
beans? Do you eat chocolate bars? needed for further practice. the number of something: how
much or how many. Sometimes
▪▪ Focus on the difference between we use a quantifier in the
never and always. 11. Report the results of your survey.
place of a determiner: Most
▪▪ Allow the students to work on their ▪▪ Write down the number of students children start school at the
own, then compare ideas with a in the class. Then, ask the students age of five.
partner and finally check as a to use that number to write
▪▪ When we use quantifiers, the
© MEN Colombia

whole class. sentences describing their findings.

verb is used in its plural form:
▪▪ Guide them to notice or find out For example, if the class has 40
None of the students eat
how language works. students, they could say:
breakfast at 5am.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 117 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1



13. Read the information about
students eating habits in
the pie chart. Write True
or False next to each
▪▪ Reading figures and visual
organisers is a way of
transferring information
from the maths class
into English. If they work
together, this True/False
activity will be easier.
▪▪ Ask the students to pay
close attention to the
information presented in
the pie chart to mark the
statements True or False.

14. Look at the statements and

the bar chart below. Match
a beginning from the first
column with an ending from WRITE (15 minutes) ▪▪ This is a freer activity since it doesn’t
the second column to make have any frames to be completed.
statements based on the
15. Complete the sentences with
information in the chart.
information about your family’s LET’S WORK TOGETHER (40 minutes)
Tell the students that eating habits.
This section has been designed to promote
information can be presented
▪▪ Explain to students that they will team work. Arrange groups in a way that
using different graphs, like the
talk about their families. everybody gets involved and has a role
pie chart from the previous
▪▪ Read the language frames with the within the groups. Set the time limit for
exercise and the bar graph
students to check the vocabulary. this activity and provide students with
they will use in this exercise.
Before asking them to write their a checklist to monitor the tasks. (See
Draw their attention to the
sentences, ask them to brainstorm attachment). Monitor them continuously
total number of students in
names of food: grains, vegetables, to make sure they are developing the
the class to make it easier for
liquids, fast food, and healthy food activities suggested for the section.
them to use the apropriate
to activate prior knowledge and Support the groups when they need help.
provide vocabulary support for Finally, tell the students to keep their
-50/50 students=all work in their portfolios.
their writing. Set a time limit of 10
-42/50 students=most minutes. Monitor them as they work. This activity is divided into steps because
© MEN Colombia

-25/50 students=several Provide help when needed. it is part of the project.

-12/50 students=some ▪▪ Tell the students to write two
sentences, similar to the previous
▪▪ After organising the groups, tell them
-8/50 students=a few that the purpose of this activity is to
ones, about any friends, classmates,
develop a leaflet.
or relatives.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 118 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 1

1. We read the instructions for
the task. Yes No
2. We understood the task.
Yes No
3. We assigned roles.
▪▪ Bring examples of different leaflets ▪▪ Give them 10 minutes to mingle and Yes No
that you have collected so that they carry out the questionnaire they have
can see the different types of leaflet designed. 4. We selected one of the three
that they can design. meals. Yes No
▪▪ Ask the students to use any graphic
▪▪ Remind the students of the topic for organiser (pie chart or a bar chart) in 5. We wrote the questions in
the leaflet, which is Eating Habits. order to show their results. group. Yes No
▪▪ Tell them in advance to bring pictures ▪▪ Tell the students to select the pictures 6. We showed the questions to
of food. they will use in their leaflet. Tell them the teacher.
to create a collage. Yes No
▪▪ Tell them to create the leaflet using 7. We interviewed 10 classmates.
any of the models you have brought to Yes No
▪▪ Ask each group to select one of the meals the classroom. The more leaflets you 8. We followed the steps in the
to develop the project. (2 minutes)
bring the better and easier it will be guide.
▪▪ Ask them to read the 5 interview for the students to have more variety Yes No
questions. Ask them to create 5 similar and sources to design their own
questions on the topic (meals) they leaflet. PORTFOLIO
have selected. (15 minutes) Ask a volunteer to read the tip
▪▪ Monitor while they are working (1
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ Tell the students that you will check hour). in the portfolio box. Remind
their questions (in groups) before they students to do it.
ask them to their classmates.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 119 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2


In Unit 2, the students will learn
about different lifestyle habits.
The topics include health, the
environment and leisure time
activities. The Unit covers 9
hours of teaching time. Each
lesson takes 3 hours.


Unit 2 Topics Time Language Focus Output

-Future tense
Lesson 4 Greener lifestyles 3 hours Alternative lifestyles leaflet

Don’t worry, be -Superlative form A radio announcement about

Lesson 5 3 hours
happy of adjectives teenage problems

Leisure activities 3 hours -Used to for past A poster on leisure activities in

Lesson 6
© MEN Colombia

now and then habits Colombia now and in the past


EP1-TG-M3.indd 120 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2

(1.2) one point two
kilograms of rubbish / One
point three (1.3) billion
tonnes of food waste /
Thirty-six point five (36.5)
billion pesos.

3. Tick what is true for you.

▪▪ Ask a volunteer to read the
information in the Useful
Vocabulary box. Correct
and drill any pronunciation
issues you can identify.
▪▪ Ask the students to work
individually to choose the
correct option for them.
▪▪ Have volunteers share their
answers with the class.
▪▪ Get students into groups
to calculate the average
Lesson 4: 2. What do these numbers refer to: amount of rubbish
Green Lifestyles 1.2, 1.3 and 36.5? produced, money spent
and food wasted per group
▪▪ Use the pictures in the book to and report back to the
THEME OVERVIEW pre-teach the following vocabulary: class or do this as a whole
Lesson 4 introduces the topic of green rubbish, tonnes, spend money, waste. class activity. Discuss the
lifestyles. The students will discuss the results; ask the students for
topics of food waste, consumerism and ▪▪ Ask the students to read the boxes
opinions on the topics.
the problem of rubbish. individually and then share ideas
with a partner. EXTRA ACTIVITY:
Encourage the students
GET READY (15 minutes)
▪▪ Ask the students to share their ideas
to keep a waste diary or
with the class. Summarise their ideas.
spending diary for one
1. Do you find this information surprising? ▪▪ Drill the pronunciation of numbers. week. Ask them to note
▪▪ Introduce the ideas of rubbish, down how much food
▪▪ Put up important words for
food waste and compulsive they waste / rubbish they
the unit around the room and
spending using the pictures to elicit throw away in one week/
corresponding pictures. Ask the
information from the students. how much money they
students to describe the pictures
© MEN Colombia

spend. Then, as a class,

▪▪ Ask the students for their opinions. using the words around the room.
analyse the findings and
They can use L1 to answer this find ways to reduce their
question. spending or waste.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 121 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2

(35 minutes)

4. Match the pictures with the

texts. f

▪▪ Encourage the students

to use the vocabulary in
the activity when giving e
answers to these questions
about their personal lives.
Ask the class questions
a d
about the pictures. b
E.g. Do you know what
Mercadolibre is?
▪▪ This is similar to Ebay in
English-speaking countries.
h c g
This is a Latin American
online market where
people can sell, buy or
swap (permutar) used or
new items or services. Ask
them: Do you swap used
things with friends-music
CDs or DVDs, video games?
How do you come to school?
By bike, by bus, on foot.
What does your family do
with organic waste? Do they
recycle things (plastic bags,
bottles, containers:..) ?
▪▪ Encourage the students to
work individually to match
the pictures with the texts.
Tell them not to worry
about new words as you
will clarify them later.
▪▪ Have the students compare
answers in pairs. Then,
check as a whole class. Pay ▪▪ Ask them to agree as a group on 6. Listen to 3 people talking about
special attention to words the best idea to reduce food waste, the things their families will do to
that may be difficulty spending and the amount of rubbish change their lifesytles. Match the
for the students: budget they produce. families with the pictures.
(presupuesto), piggy ▪▪ Tell them to report back using: We Play the recording. Then, ask them
bank (alcancía), compost think the best way to … is… to compare answers in pairs. Finally,
heap (apiladero de abono
▪▪ Compare the answers from the check the answers as a whole class.
orgánico). Use the pictures
different groups.
in the book to teach them. 7. Listen again. Which family will do
▪▪ As a class decide on the best ways
▪▪ Get students to work in to reduce food waste, spending and
the things in the table? (...)
small groups to answer
the questions. Monitor the
amount of rubbish. ▪▪ Ask the students to read the
▪▪ Write up the class ideas on a poster sentences. Make sure they
groups to ensure they are
for the classroom. understand any vocabulary that
speaking and encourage
might be hard such as: throw away
them to use the vocabulary. LISTEN
and second-hand furniture.
▪▪ Give them language frames
to answer: The ideas we 5. Look at the pictures below. What ▪▪ Ask them to predict which
do you think the listening will be statement corresponds to each
© MEN Colombia

liked most are... because...

about? family before the listening and
then have them confirm their
▪▪ Elicit information from the students predictions after they listen.
using the pictures.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 122 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2

P: Well, first, we’ll grow our
own organic food. We’ll grow
vegetables and fruit. We’ll buy
some hens to get eggs. We love
scrambled eggs for breakfast!
I: But what will you do about other
items you can’t grow?”
P: Well, it’s quite easy actually.
x We’ll exchange our organic
vegetables or fruit for essential
items we need. I think we’ll be
x able to swap the eggs from our
x chickens as well.
I: That’s interesting. There are also
many benefits with this lifestyle
x change.
P: Yes, there are health benefits
x that come with organic food,
x ethical benefits as well and
x monetary benefits. We’ll save
money…we’ll save about £100 a
x week on food.
I: Well good luck on your new life
Paul. The Adani family have
decided to make a lifestyle
change by recycling as much as
possible. Hello Marie, can you tell
us why your family wants to make
this change?
M: Hi Isabel, well I think we all need
to reduce our ecological footprint
and this begins at home. Our
goal is to reduce our rubbish to
less than 100 grams per week. So
hopefully we’ll be totally waste-
This is a long listening with 3 free in 2 years’ time.
interviews. You can play the Tapescript 30 I: Wow, totally waste free. Is it
recording right through or do one possible to produce no rubbish at
Who needs supermarkets? Getting rid of
conversation at a time. Play the all?
waste. Living for free.
recording at least 3 times. Get the M: We will certainly try. There are
I: Today we will speak to 3 people who
students to check their answers in many ways to reduce waste…first,
have made some drastic changes
pairs before correcting them as a we’ll try to recycle everything we
to their lifestyles. We’ll speak
class. can. We’ll recycle bottles, we’ll
to Paul Gómez, Marie Adani and
8. Discuss these questions. Julia Gibbons. Hi Paul. Now as I
recycle paper, containers, bags,
▪▪ Organise the class into small understand it, the Gómez family will
groups and get the students to the We’ll only buy products with
live for a year without shopping at
questions.Write these prompts on the recyclable packaging. We won’t
supermarkets. My first question is
board for to use to their opinions: buy any plastic products. For
- The ___ family wants to change organic waste we’ll have a
P: Good morning Isabel. Well, I guess
their compost heap. We’ll install solar
we want a change. We’re tired of
lifestyle because.... panels for electricity.
spending money on things we don’t
- A benefit is .... I: Well there are certainly a lot
need. Also, there are so many frozen,
- The change I really like is... of benefits with this lifestyle
processed and genetically modified
© MEN Colombia

- I think / I don’t think I can change... change. What are some benefits
foods on supermarket shelves.
▪▪ Go through the questions with the We don’t know what we’re eating
for your family?
whole class. Ask volunteers to share anymore.
their ideas. Continues on next page
I: So what is your plan?


EP1-TG-M3.indd 123 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2

Tapescript 30
M: I guess the most important one
is we’ll reduce our ecological c
footprint –so we are helping
protect the environment and f
we’ll save money at the same
time. a
I: Well I wish you and your family all
the best Marie. Our 3rd family is
Julia and Bill Gibbons. They’ll try
to live without spending a penny.
They’ll begin by throwing away
their credit cards. Hello Julia,
why will you make this drastic
lifestyle change? will not- won't
J: Well my husband Bill and I want will - 'll / will not - won't
to stop spending money. We buy
Question word + will + subject + verb + complement
and buy and buy, and most of
the time things we don’t need.
And then we spend all our time
working to pay off our credit
I: How will you live without
spending any money?
J: There are so many ways to live
for free. For example, we’ll get
second-hand furniture from friends
and family... erm... We’ll carry
out household repairs like rewiring
fuses and plumbing. For food,
supermarkets give away food that
expires so we’ll get our food free.
I’ll swap things on e-bay.
I: Well that sounds very interesting.
J: Yes, it does. We’ll see how we
go. I think we’ll see the benefits
immediately…no more spending,
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (40 minutes) ▪▪ Then, do feedback with the whole
class and:
no more debts, no more stress. 9. Match the questions with the answers.
I: Well, good luck! a. Make sure the students understand
▪▪ Have the students do the exercise the tense here is future.
Adapted from: Families Living and Loving individually and then ask them to
b. Clarify that the auxiliary verb here
Green Alternative Life Styles February 9, compare answers with a classmate.
is WILL and that it is necessary to
2010 Bonnie Alter online@http://www.
▪▪ Check the answers as a whole class. use the main verb in the infinitive form without to.
10. Look at the sentences in exercise 9 c. Check the negative form: won’t
and answer the questions.
d. Verify contractions: will—’ll and
▪▪ Don’t tell the students any rules will not—won’t
here. Ask them to look at the e. Check the structure for questions:
sentences in the previous exercise Wh + will+ subject+ verb+
carefully to be able to answer the complement?
questions. If you think this might be
hard for your students allow them to 11. Write what these people will and
won’t do.
© MEN Colombia

work in pairs.
▪▪ Set a reasonable amount of time for Ask the students to complete the
the task and monitor the students sentences using the information in
as they work. the pictures.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 124 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2

a. We will grow our own
organic food. We’ll
b. They will grow vegetables
and fruit. They’ll
c. He will also exchange eggs
for other products. He’ll
d. I will not throw away food.
I won’t
e. We will not spend money
on repairs. We won’t
f. They will have a compost
heap for organic waste.
13. Will you do these things in
the future? Tick Yes or
No. Complete the answers
about you, then ask a
Tell them to write one affirmative IMPROVE YOUR PRONUNCIATION classmate.
sentence and one negative sentence in ▪▪ Draw the students’ attention to the
the future tense. Improve your Pronunciation box. ▪▪ Ask volunteers to read the
Accept answers that make sense. Below ▪▪ Ask a volunteer to read the explanation questions and make sure
are some simple answers. in the box. everyone understands
them. Drill pronunciation.
Answers ▪▪ Play the recording and ask the students
to repeat the contractions. ▪▪ Monitor the students to
-They’ll ride their bike; they won’t take ensure they are using
the bus. ▪▪ Drill individually and chorally. Correct English to complete the
-He’ll make a budget; he won’t spend any pronunciation issues you identify. information in the table.
money on unnecessary things.
-She’ll eat small portions; she won’t 12. Write the contracted form in each 14. Report your answers to the
waste food. sentence. class.
EXTRA ACTIVITY for students who need ▪▪ Have the students work individually ▪▪ Ask the students to report
extra practice or who finish quickly: on the exercise. back about their classmate.
You can ask the students to come up with ▪▪ Ask volunteers to read their Remind them of possessive
some more examples. sentences. adjectives in the box.
They can go to exercise 4 for more ideas.
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ Correct any pronunciation issues at They will need to change

Ask them to draw two pictures and to the end of the exercise. the possessive adjective
write the corresponding affirmative and when reporting on their
negative statements. classmates.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 125 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2

An attractive
title A call to


Information or
facts (reasons)

A catchy
message Benefits


LET’S WORK TOGETHER (40 minutes) 3. Design a leaflet to promote an alternative

lifestyle for people in your neighbourhood.
1. Look at the leaflet below and answer ▪▪ Go through the steps with the students.
the questions Explain that writing is a process. It is very
important that students learn to plan their
▪▪ Discuss the questions as a whole class.
writing. Tell the students that part of
Ask the students to express their
the planning process is answering these 3
ideas freely. Allow them to use L1 if
- Purpose: Why are you writing? (To inform
2. Identify these parts in the leaflet. people of the benefits of an alternative
▪▪ Ask volunteers to read the list of parts lifestyle).
in the leaflet. Make sure everyone - Audience: Who are you writing for? (Your
understand them all. neigbourhood).
▪▪ Ask the students to work in pairs to - Genre: What type of writing is it?
identify the parts in the leaflet.See (Leaflet-informative).
the speech bubbles above for the ▪▪ Emphasise the importance of revising
© MEN Colombia

answers. and proofreading their work. Remind the

▪▪ Go through the answers as a whole students. These are important study skills
class. and they will be asked to practise the skills
and assess their use of them.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 126 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2

There are some interesting websites for students.
- EcoJoven ( is a web site belonging to
the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) aiming to strengthen leadership and
youth empowerment in the Americas, by leveraging from the new technologies and
forms of communication.
- Freeganism ( are people who employ alternative strategies
for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal
consumption of resources. Freegans embrace community, generosity, social concern,
freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism,
moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed.

- Freegans and freegansim:
- Anti-consumerism. A Freegan story:
© MEN Colombia

- How to be a freegan:

- How to reuse household items:


EP1-TG-M3.indd 127 20/12/13 23:06

Module 3 > Unit 2

Lesson 5:
Don’t Worry, Be Happy

The topic of lesson 5 is happiness,
well-being and health. Pre-teach
these words. Students will read a
text about the happiest countries
in the world and then will look
at some teen health issues and

GET READY (15 minutes) F


1. Draw a mind map.

▪▪ Do this activity before
students start working on
the activities in the Student's
Book. Draw your own mind
map on the board. Then,
ask the students to think of
the things that make them
happy. Ask them to draw
their own mind maps in their
▪▪ Ask them to share ideas in ▪▪ Use a new page in your notebooks READ (30 minutes)
pairs and then with the class. and draw a circle in the middle of
▪▪ Ask them to look at the Reading tip: ask a volunteer to read the
the page, draw arrows from the
pictures and elicit the information in the box. Tell students that
circle to boxes around the circle.
following vocabulary: playing this strategy will help them to understand
Now write things that make you
a musical instrument; better when reading. Read the title
happy in the boxes. You can write as
playing the drums/bongos/ and ask students what the cognates are
many things as you want. You have 3
the guitar; dancing; day (planet and results). Ask them to predict
trips to the river/ to the what the reading will be about.
▪▪ Ask them to share their mind map
countryside/ to the beach; with a classmate and then get
playing a sport/ soccer/ feedback. Remember to get students
3. Read the World Happiness Report.
volleyball/ basketball / to ask How do you say …in English? ▪▪ The text is about the results of
roller skating; spending for words they don’t know. the happiest country for 2012.
time/ getting together with
Explain that every year, different
the family... 2. Choose 3 words from the list organizations do surveys on the
▪▪ Extra idea: You can use below that you think are the most happiest country in the world. See
exercise 1 as a listening important for your well-being. this web page for more information:
exercise by asking students
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ Make sure the students understand

to listen and follow these
the words. Then, ask them to ▪▪ Ask the students if they think
instructions. (We are going to
chose the most important for them people in Colombia are happy. Ask
draw a mind map).
and think of reasons why. them to say why.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 128 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2


Encourage them to do
as much as they can and
to avoid worrying about
unknown words.
▪▪ Go through the
information in the box
with the whole class.
Clarify any doubts the
students may have and
▪▪ Have the students read the Answers check for understanding.
sentences a,b,c. Make sure they a. - 3 (happiest countries) Allow them to paraphrase
understand them. - 151 (countries surveyed around the the ideas or use L1 if
▪▪ Ask them to work individually to world) necessary.
write true/ false and then compare - 5 (top 5 countries in the list)
answers with a classmate. Experienced well-being 7. Go back to the World
b. Happy
▪▪ Check the answers with the whole Planet =
X Life expectancy Happiness Report. Write
class. down the words that you
Index Ecological fotprint
do not understand and look
4. Read the World Happiness Report them up in your dictionary.
5. Tick the correct answer. Use the tips in the box to
again and answer the questions.
Tell the students that another way help you.
▪▪ Ask the students to read questions a to work on vocabulary is to find
and b first and then scan the text to synonyms for words. Ask them to find Bring enough dictionaries
find the answers. Tell them to take the words in the reading and look at from the library to do this
notes in their notebooks and compare the context to understand them. activity or ask students to
their answers with a classmate. bring theirs from home. Have
© MEN Colombia

6. Look at this online dictionary entry the students work in pairs to

▪▪ Then, have the students to think do this exercise. Then, ask
and answer these questions.
about question c and encourage volunteers to read out their
them to share their ideas. Accept ▪▪ Ask the students to work in pairs to answers.
any students’ answers here. answer the questions.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 129 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

Tapescript 32
Planet Index Results for The World’s 7.3 2.5
Happiest Countries For 2012. For 75.2
the second time, Costa Rica with
6.4 1.8
a population of 4,652,459 people
tops the Happy Planet Index with
the following results: Experienced
Well-being at 7.3; Life expectancy at
79.3 years and its Ecological Footprint
adding up to 2.5 global hectares
(gha) per capita. Vietnam with a
population of 91.519.289 now has a Costa Rica
life expectancy of 75.2; Experienced Costa Rica
Well-being: 5.8 and a remarkable Costa Rica
Ecological Footprint of 1.4 global Belize
hectares (gha) per capita. Colombia
with a population of 45.310.700 has
a well-being rate of 6.4. The country
has taken well-being seriously. In
Bogota, a program in 2004 called
Planning for Happiness, was one of
the first examples of a government
explicitly looking to improve people’s
experienced well-being. Colombia’s
Footprint is almost within one-planet
living at 1.8 global hectares (gha)
per capita. Life expectancy is higher
than the European countries of Latvia
and Bulgaria . Of course instability
and inequality are still problems for
the country. Adapted from: http://www.

▪▪ Play the listening up to 3 times. ▪▪ Ask the students to compare their

FOCUS ON LANGUAGE answers in pairs and then get
(40 minutes) 9. Fill in the gaps using information feedback from the whole class.
from the box in Exercise 8.
8. Listen to the statistics from ▪▪ Go through the rules and ask the
the Happy Planet Index. ▪▪ Ask the students to read the students to give you extra examples
information in the box and complete on how to use them with other
Complete the chart with the
the sentences with the country that adjectives.If necessary, provide
numbers you hear.
corresponds. them with some other adjectives to
▪▪ Draw the students' practise. For example: sad, young,
attention to the chart ▪▪ Get the students to compare
answers in pairs and then check with healthy, low, high, fit, fat, friendly.
before they listen. Ask them
the whole class.
what information they have 11. Think about things that make
to listen for in the chart. Colombia an outstanding country
Explain the abbreviations 10. Look at the sentences in exercise in South America. Write three
(LE-Life expectancy, etc.). 9 and answer the questions. sentences using superlative form.
Read the Listening Tip box
on stress in numbers with ▪▪ Don’t spend time explaining the Ask the students to work individually.
the students. Do this as a rules to the students. Allow them Tell them that they can use the
© MEN Colombia

review exercise and remind to work individually to find out adjectives they worked on the previous
students of the stress the answers for the questions by exercise or any other ones. Accept any
patterns. analysing the sentences. correct sentences students write.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 130 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

Tapescript 33
The most recent health indicators
for young people in Colombia set off
alarm bells. Young people make up
20% of Colombia’s population. A study
recently carried out on Colombian
adolescents say the biggest health
problems are related to alcohol 45% ,
smoking 35.5%, substance abuse 18.8%
(marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy),
malnutrition 12.6% Obesity11.8% and
eating disorders 5.4%.
Adapted and translated from: http://

12.6% 35.5% 45%

18.8% 5.4% 11.8%

LISTENING (45 minutes) ▪▪ Explain that malnutrition is a problem ▪▪ Bulimia is repeated binge-eating
caused by an unbalanced diet. Refer (a feeling that they can’t stop
12. Read the graph: “Causes back to Unit 1, Lesson 2 – the body or control their eating) followed
of mortality for Colombian
needs proteins, minerals, good fats and by episodes of crash diets,
adolescents” and answer the
vitamins to function properly. Substance lots of exercise, and purging
abuse- you can ask what drugs are most (deliberate vomiting).
In this activity, the students practise commonly consumed (marijuana, heroin, ▪▪ The students listen and
describing statistics from a graph cocaine, crack (similar to bazuco); complete the chart in pairs or
showing the causes of mortality obesity is caused by a junk food diet and groups.
among Colombian adolescents. sedentary lifestyle (this is one of the
Check they understand the useful topics of lesson 6).
language in the box and encourage 14. Discuss these questions
▪▪ Elicit different types of Colombian junk with a classmate.
them to it in the activity.
food to review unit 1. Eating disorders
(trastornos alimenticios) - anorexia and Ask the students to work
13. Listen to the report on Colombian
bulimia are the most common. Ask ss. if individually. Then, check
adolescents and health. Write the
they know what they are. the answers with the whole
numbers you hear.
▪▪ Anorexia when a person has a distorted
▪▪ Explain they will hear statistics on
© MEN Colombia

body image and an irrational fear of

health issues for young people in
becoming overweight and as a result of
dieting, weighs less than 15% or more
below their ideal weight.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 131 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

15. Listen to the radio

announcements and
match the titles with their
corresponding image.
▪▪ Elicit information from the b c a

pictures. Ask the students to

predict what the listening is
going to be about.
▪▪ Have the students listen to
the recording and ask them
to match the pictures with
the titles.

16. Listen again and complete

the chart with the
information you hear.
▪▪ This listening is long and
the information might be a
little hard for students to
understand. If so, you need
to break it down to make it
easier for students.
▪▪ Direct the students’ attention
to the first picture in the
table. Read the first row
(Problem) and have students
predict what the problem
might be. Listen to any ideas
they come up with. Do the
same with the other rows
(Solution and Call for Action).
▪▪ Draw the table on the board.
Play the first part of the
listening: “Smoking wars
on Colombian teens”. Stop
Answers Action: Call your school today. Ask
after each item required in
a. Problem: For many Colombian them to join with the American
the table: problem, solution
teenagers substance abuse is a serious Academy of Family Physicians
and call for action. Ask the
danger to their health. 8.9% consume and Tar Wars in the fight against
students to paraphrase what
marijuana, 4.5% cocaine, 2,2% ecstasy tobacco.
they hear and write the
information in the table. and 2.0% other pills. c. Problem: TV and video games are
Solution: To inform our communities fun, but they don't do the body
▪▪ Encourage the students to any good.
by promoting healthy, active lifestyles
make predictions for the
and remove threats to our well-being. Solution:: You can have just as
second picture. Play the
Action: Learn more about much fun and get healthy by
second part of the listening
Colombia Active and other public getting active. Playing outside can
and ask them to complete
health activities at be just as much fun and is even
the information in the better for you!
table. Ask them to compare
b. Problem: Too many children start Action: Only you can move you.
answers with a partner. If
smoking even before they reach high One hour of activity a day, every
necessary, play the recording
school. day.
again. Do feedback with the
whole class. Solution: Family doctors, nurses, and 17. Discuss with a classmate.
© MEN Colombia

educators go into classrooms to teach

▪▪ Work on the third picture ▪▪ Ask the students to talk about
kids about the dangers of tobacco. It
following the instructions problems young people have in
shows them how tobacco companies
given for the second one. their city and possible solutions.
are really selling their products


EP1-TG-M3.indd 132 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

Lesson 6:
Leissure Activities Now
and Then
Lesson 6 is about activities teenagers
engage in in their free time. It
explores the issue of sedentary
lifestyles. Students will read a text
about routines, sports and hobbies,
interview their classmates, and
listen to a couple speaking about
lifestyles today and in the past.
GET READY (20 minutes)
1. What do you do in your spare
time? (...)
▪▪ This is a warm up activity
watch TV go cycling
surfing to prepare students for the
exercise the net lesson. Ask the students
to raise their hands if they
usually listen to music, do
sports, watch TV, etc.
▪▪ Ask the students to stand up
and find out the number of
students who do the activities
in exercise 1. Remember
to give them the language
frames to ask and answer
these questions, eg Do you…?.
Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Let
students report their findings
to the class using the language
b c a frames given in the task.

2. Look at the pictures (...)

Ask the students to work
individually and then compare
▪▪ Write these prompts to help your ▪▪ Explain the model they have to their answers in pairs. Check
students express their ideas: We complete for their announcement as a whole class.
think that the most common problem includes writing and part of the
young people in this city have is... A writing process is focusing on these 3 - 4. Match the pictures with
solution for this problem could be... 3 questions: the statements.
Purpose: Why are you writing? To
LET’S WORK TOGETHER (50 minutes) inform people of a health issue and
▪▪ Ask the students to match
the pictures with the
ask them to learn more about it.
▪▪ Explain the speaking activity. activity. They can practise
Audience: Who are you writing for?
▪▪ Stress the importance of an audience the vocabulary of sports
Your school community. and leisure activities by
and purpose when producing
language (oral or written). Genre: What type of writing is it? playing charades. Ask them
Radio announcement-persuasive. to form groups.
E.g. their message will be different if
it is for the principal and teachers of ▪▪ Read the tips. Remind them of the ▪▪ Ask one person from each
the school or if it is for their peers. radio announcement they did in group to perform one of the
Unit 1 and that this will go in their activities. The other students
▪▪ Elicit ways it will be different from the group guess what it
portfolio. Remind them that one
(register-formal or informal language; is. Remind them to change the
part of the final project is a radio
© MEN Colombia

use of slang; greetings and leave personal pronoun for he/she/

takings…). you depending on the person
who is acting out. Example:
“You are doing aerobics”.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 133 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

Tapescript 34
Smoking Wars on Colombian teens
Too many children start smoking
even before they reach high school.
That’s why the Colombian Parents
Association offers Smoking Wars, a
a national program that’s anti- i
tobacco and pro-health. Smoking f
Wars sends family doctors, nurses, g
and educators into fourth and fifth k
grade classrooms to teach kids about b
the dangers of tobacco. It shows e
them how tobacco companies are c
really selling their products. Smoking
Wars has reached nearly two million
school children. Has it reached
yours? Call your school today. Ask
them to join with the Colombian
Association of Family Physicians,
Schools and Parents in the fight
against tobacco.
Adapted from:

Get active
Sure, TV and video games are fun,
but they aren’t doing the body any
good. You can have just as much
fun—and get healthy by getting
active. Warning, Warning! Activity
levels are seriously dropping. Sure,
computer gaming is fun. You get
to jump super high, run crazy fast,
and jump into sweet new worlds—
but that’s only on screen. Playing
outside can be just as much fun—and
is even better for you! So start
getting active and practising your
dance moves and you’ll always be a 5. Put the activities in exercise 4 into ▪▪ Tell them that they have to
winner. Only you can move you. One the correct column. do something similar in their
hour of activity a day. Every day. notebooks. They have to read the
Adapted from: http://www.healthystudy. Ask the students to work individually story and then draw the actions in
org/files/Communications/2-D/B7-03- to put the activities into the correct the order they happen.
1_7F_PAScripts_061507.pdf columns by deciding what sports ▪▪ Allow the students to share their
and activities people do alone, in drawings in small groups. Then,
Colombia Act Now groups or in teams and which are draw a timeline on the board and
For many Colombian teenagers just exercises. This will help them ask volunteers to come to the
substance abuse is a serious danger to infer the grammar rule later in the board, mark and write the activities
their health. The statistics are alarming language focus. on the timeline.
for Colombians between the ages of 10- ▪▪ As an extra activity, they can
24 years old. 8.9% consume marijuana,
READ (15 minutes) create a zig-zag book, a comic
4.5% cocaine, 2.2% ecstasy and 2.0%
other pills. That’s why Colombia Act
story, or a play. Encourage them to
Now is starting a health campaign. Our 6. Read the story of Carlton De be creative and put captions under
goal is to inform our communities by Groot. Draw his daily activities in each drawing.
promoting healthy, active lifestyles chronological order.
© MEN Colombia

and remove threats to our well-being.

Learn more Colombia Active and other ▪▪ Get the students to look at the
public health activities at www.colombia picture below the text before working on the reading activity.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 134 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

FOCUS ON VOCABULARY (10 minutes) 8. Now look at the activities in exercise

4. Say which sports use “play” “go” Useful Vocabulary
7. Find all the sports and activities and “do” and explain why.
in the text. Then organise them in ▪▪ With ball games (e.g.
the chart below. (...) Ask the students to go back to exercises soccer) and board games
3 and 4. Now, ask them to tell you what (e.g. Monopoly), we use
▪▪ Ask the students to identify the these activites and verb have in common. the verb play.
sports and activities and the verbs Elicit the rules. See the information in
which go before the sport or the Useful Vocabulary below: ▪▪ With sports and games
activity. which end in –ING (e.g.
sailing), we use go.
▪▪ Ask the students to read the Answers
statements with examples of the ▪▪ With all other activities
- Play: soccer, pool, wheelchair (e.g. aerobics) we use do.
use of PLAY/DO/GO. Let them basketball, board games, American
work individually or in pairs to football, computer games.
identify the verbs. Ask them to
draw the table in their notebooks - Go: swimming, cycling, climbing,
and complete it. Then, ask running, sailing.
volunteers to report to the class.
- Do: pilates, aerobics, karate.
© MEN Colombia

Reinforce the rules by eliciting

some more examples from the
students with their own leisure
and fitness activities.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 135 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

9. Read the text again. (...)

Ask the students to identify
the language mistakes to
reinforce the use of verbs
PLAY/DO/GO with certain
activities and sports.
a. When he plays cards he
loves winning.
b. He goes swimming at the
local pool.
c. At ten thirty he does an
hour of yoga and then
before lunch he goes
running for half an hour.
d. He plays tennis with his
brother and then he goes
e. After a very big dinner, he
does karate for an hour.


PRONUNCIATION (20 minutes)
▪▪ Ask a volunteer to read the
tips in the box. Explain them
and play the recording. Ask
the students to repeat the
SPEAK (25 minutes) Prompt them to use these questions:
▪▪ Now, repeat the sentences How often do you…? When was…?
and clap your hands when 11. Survey: Who is the fittest person in
When do you…?
saying the stressed words. Ask your class? Ask different classmates
the students to repeat the and write their answers in your ▪▪ Give the students some time to
sentences and clap their hands notebook. organise their notes.
as they do this. ▪▪ This section is designed to get the ▪▪ Write these sentences starters on
students to interact with each other. the board to help the students
10. Practise the pronunciation Give clear instructions. Set a time report their findings:
of these sentences. (...) limit for the activity and monitor
the students as they interview their *(Name of student) walks more
▪▪ Ask the students to work than a kilometre (frequency
individually on this exercise. classmates.
Play the recording so that ▪▪ Remind students that we don’t use
they can check their answers THE with time expressions. Example: *(Name of student) last went
and then get them to WRONG: I went swimming the last week. (activity) (frequency expression).
compare in pairs. CORRECT: I went swimming last week. *Name of student eats junk food
© MEN Colombia

▪▪ Play the recording again and ▪▪ Ask the students to stand up and ask
check as a whole class. Use these questions to their classmates. (frequency expression).
clapping again when checking Remind them of the order of adverbs *Name of student last (activity) in
the answers. of frequency and expressions of time. (past frequency expression).


EP1-TG-M3.indd 136 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

Tapescript 37

Lifestyles have changed a lot; I mean,

today there are a lot of comforts that
people didn’t have in the past. For
example, a long time ago, my mum
used to walk for long hours to get to
school, but now I just walk to the bus
stop on the corner to get the bus.
When my mum was a child, children
used to play board games for hours,
whereas, nowadays, children love
playing on computers or video games
at home. Some years ago, people used
to spend time visiting their friends
or families every weekend. Now,
teenagers go to shopping centers and
chat with friends using electronic
devices all the time.
• in the past
• for hours
• every weekend

In the past, young people used to spend

X X their free time with their families.
X Nowadays, teenagers rarely spend time
with their families. For example, in my
spare time, I usually have lunch with
my friends at a restaurant and then we
spend the rest of the day together. In
summer, we always go to the swimming
pool, sunbathe and play with our
friends. In the past, young people used
to be very active, most of them loved
doing exercise. Now, teenagers are not
very active. They don’t do exercise very
often, they prefer watching TV, chatting
12. Make a dialogue about what you ▪▪ Drill the correct pronunciation of the online or just listening to music.
like to do in your spare time and expressions and correct any issues
how often. (...) you identify.

▪▪ Ask them to invent a dialogue asking ▪▪ Explain the listening task: they have 14. Listen again and tick the
and answering some of the questions to circle the adverbs of frequency activities you hear.
in the previous activity. You can use and expression of time in the list as
they hear them. Ask volunteers to read the
this as an extra activity to give prizes activities in the list. Drill
or participation points. ▪▪ Play the listening more than once for accurate pronunciation.
▪▪ Every time students have a speaking if necessary. Get the students to Get the students to work
activity, help them with their individually and then compare individually and then compare
pronunciation. Here, show your answers in pairs.Check as a whole answers in pairs. Conduct
students the importance of sentence class. whole class feedback.
stress. ▪▪ After checking the exercise remind
the students that: 15. How have lifestyles
LISTEN (15 minutes) ▪▪ *Frequency adverbs usually go changed? Put the activites
before the main verb. Example: I in Exercise 14 in this box.
13. Listen to two teenagers speaking usually go hiking once a week. ▪▪ Get the students to work
© MEN Colombia

about their current and past

lifestyles. Which expressions
▪▪ *Time expressions usually go at individually and then
the beginning or at the end of the compare answers with a
from the list did they use?
sentence. For example, He went partner.
▪▪ Ask volunteers to read the
▪▪ Ask volunteers to share their
jogging this morning. Nowadays,
expressions in the list.
children love playing video games. answers.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 137 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2


16. Listen again. Who says the

statements below? Write
W for Wendy and C for

▪▪ Ask volunteers to read the

activities in the list. Drill
for accurate pronunciation.
▪▪ Ask the students to work ▪▪ Ask the students to compare their LET’S WORK TOGETHER (40 minutes)
individually and then answers in small groups. Go through
compare answers in pairs. the questions with the students and 1. Research time: look for information
clarify any doubts they may have at about leisure activities in Colombia
▪▪ Do feedback with the this point.
whole class. and organise them using this chart.
18. Write sentences about your leisure ▪▪ Draw the table on the board. Elicit
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE time activites now and in the past. some information from the students
(30 minutes) and ask a volunteer to write that
▪▪ Go through the example with the information in the table.
whole class. Highlight the use of
17. Read the sentences in present simple for leisure activities ▪▪ This section has been designed for
the previous exercise and the students to work in groups. They
they do now and and used to for
answer the questions. can develop team work skills by
activities they did in the past.
▪▪ As this section is aimed taking roles. For big groups, organise
▪▪ Ask the students to write their own them into small groups of 3 or 4.
at helping the students examples. Monitor and help them
discover how language Allow them time for research and
with any new vocabulary they might
works, don’t give them any provide ways for students to record
their findings.
© MEN Colombia

explanations at this stage.

▪▪ Have volunteers to read their
Allow the students to read
sentences for the class.
the sentences and work
out the rules individually.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 138 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 2

▪▪ The students complete the table on ▪▪ Check the instructions are

Colombian recreational activities. clear for everybody and ask the
Apart from providing team work students to start working in their
skills, this section also offers the groups.
opportunity for the students to
develop researching skills.
3. Remember.
▪▪ If is possible, ask them to go to a ▪▪ Ask volunteers to read the tips in
computer lab or the library to look this section.
for this information. ▪▪ Remind the students to use the
2. In groups, create your own poster on tips in the USEFUL LANGUAGE
leisure activities in Colombia. box to help them while doing the
▪▪ Ask the students to work in groups
to analyse one recommendation box
▪▪ Monitor their work and provide
them with any support if
and then explain it to the rest of the
▪▪ Monitor them while they prepare PORTFOLIO
their explanations; also ask them
© MEN Colombia

questions to check if they have ▪▪ At the end of the lesson, remind

understood what to do. them to put their work in their


EP1-TG-M3.indd 139 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3


Unit 3 is a review of the topics,
language and skills covered in
module 3. The unit is divided
into 2 lessons, of approximately
6 hours each. Lesson 7 is a
review and lesson 8 is project
work and self-assessment.
In Lesson 8 the students do
project work related activities
so they have time to complete
their project and present it
during this time.


UNIT 3 (12 hours) Eating and lifestyle habits around the world
Lesson 7 ( 6 hours) Lifestyles around the world Project
Lesson 8 ( 6 hours) A health campaign for your community Project
Lesson 9 Self-assessment


EP1-TG-M3.indd 140 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

carrots, fats, diary, Disease, well-being, recycling,

fibre, grains, lasagna, fitness, leisure, sports, carbohydrates, fats,
beans, pear aerobics, swimming obesity, budget,
vitamins, vegetables

5 4 6

3 2 1

Here are some of the words:

side: acompañamiento
raw: crudo
Lesson 7: You can work on this as a class or wrapped in seaweed: envuelto
Lifestyles Around the World have students work in pairs. en algas
chopsticks: palitos chinos
Suggested activity (25 minutes): Hot
communal platter: plato
LESSON OVERVIEW seat. Divide the class in teams and
Lesson 7 begins with a vocabulary review have one student from each team sit
meat stews: guisos de carne
of the module. Throughout the lesson, the facing the class. The teacher writes a
sunset: puesta del sol
4 skills activities recycle language from word on the board. The student must
units 1 and 2. There is a reading on eating guess what it is. The team members ▪▪ Ask the students to match
habits around the world; a listening about help by defining the word (but without the pictures with the texts.
modern lifestyles; a speaking competition saying the word). Points are given Explain vocabulary when
about favourite dishes; and writing an for each right answer. At the end the needed.
e-mail about Colombian eating habits and group with the most points wins. ▪▪ Compare these habits with
leisure activities. Colombian habits.
2. Look at the pictures. Examples:
GET READY (5 minutes)
▪▪ This activity prepares students for - Colombians eat pizza,
1. Which words do you associate with the reading text. hamburger, chicken,
© MEN Colombia

food, with health or both? ▪▪ Take advantage of this activity fritanga (empanada, papa
to elicit and/or pre-teach any rellena) with their hands.
Ask the students to find words in the
vocabulary they might find difficult Colombians eat tamales off
Wordle and categorise them under
in the text. plantain leaves, etc.
the 3 headings.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 141 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3


3. Which countries are these continents in? 4. Read about eating habits around the
▪▪ The aim of this activity is to
contextualise the texts that the students
▪▪ Start this reading activity by going over
the reading tip with your students.
are going to read. Encourage them to
Review the term “cognate”, use the
use their prior knowledge and check
word “principal” as an example.
answers as a whole class.
▪▪ Ask the students What are the 7 ▪▪ Do the first text as an example with
the whole class. Ask the students to
continents? (Asia, Africa, North
underline familiar words and possible
America-includes the countries of
cognates. Then ask some comprehension
Central America-Nicaragua, Mexico,
questions (e.g. When do people from
Belize, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras,
Nepal eat meat curry and fried rice? Do
Guatemala- South America, Antarctica,
they usually have breakfast?, Do they
Europe and Australia (Oceania).
use knives, forks and spoons to eat?) Ask
▪▪ Ask them what they know about the the students to support their answers
food in these countries. with the information from the text.
▪▪ Ask if they think their food and habits ▪▪ Set a time limit (5 minutes).
© MEN Colombia

are similar to Colombia’s.

▪▪ Ask some questions to check the
meaning of any unknown vocabulary.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 142 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

Some people/
Typical Nepalese families do not cultures eat with
People eat staple food. have breakfast. their hands, others
People use different utensils Meat is not traditional in all the don´t.
to eat. countries. They have different
times to eat.
People eat raw food in some
countries such as in Japan where
people eat raw fish (Sushi)

ACTIVITY IDEAS: Assign different

▪▪ Ask the students to match the texts with the pictures. Check answers as a whole texts to the students and do the
class. Ask the students to support their choices. activity as a jigsaw reading. Get
the students into groups A, B,C and
5. Read the texts again. Find similarities and differences in eating habits D. Ask each group to look for three
between the countries. eating habits in the country they
read about. You can ask them to
look for specific information such
▪▪ Tell the students to find similarities and differences in eating habits. Monitor while
as: How many meals do people
they work. Tell them to pay attention to the type of food and food groups people
have? What’s the staple food
in those countries eat as well as the utensils they use to eat and any special
in the country? What are some
dishes. This will help them identify similarities and differences.
ingredients to prepare that staple
▪▪ You can help your students use learning strategies by underlining similarities and food? What do people use to eat?
differences with different colours. You can also help them by drawing a table on What are some special dishes
the board like this: of the country? Encourage them
to take notes. After they have
Time when they eat finished, group them in a way that
Country Food Utensils Special dishes
breakfast, lunch, or dinner each group has a student with one
of the texts.
© MEN Colombia

Ask the students to share their

information and complete the
chart in groups.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 143 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

Answers Ex 6:
a. False, because
they use knives,
forks and spoons
to eat. True
b. False, tortillas True
are the most
common food
in Costa Rica,
Honduras, El
c. False, rice is not
a staple food in X
Central America. X
f. False they use X
chopsticks to eat.
g. False, Nepalese
families don’t
have breakfast.

b c a

Meals are usually served on a communal platter /

People eat Injera at every meal
beans, corn, rice, wheat, flour.
pork, goat, chicken, beef, lamb, veal, chicken.
fish, meat curry, nuts, eggs.

6. Read the texts again. Are these ▪▪ Ask the students to circle the odd
statements true or false? one out in each set. Take advantage
of this activity to tell them that
Tell the students that after reading learning words in lexical groups can
the text they will decide if the help them to enrich their vocabulary
statements are true or false. Ask
them to read aloud the part of the 8. Match the dish with the ingredients.
text that supports their choice.
Ask the students to match the food
with the ingredients. Tell them to look
FOCUS ON VOCABULARY at the texts in Exercise 4 as reference.

7. Look at these groups of words. 9. From the text, give examples.

Choose the word which is different
in each group. ▪▪ This activity focuses on vocabulary.
Its main purpose is to help the
▪▪ The aim of this activity is to students connect what they have
promote the odd one out within learnt in unit 1 and the information
© MEN Colombia

lexical sets. Its purpose is to help they have in the texts.

students identify and learn words in ▪▪ Ask the students to look for
lexical sets. examples of each category.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 144 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3



a e c

e e b

c b a

c e d

d b e c

g a h f

▪▪ Check answers as a whole class. ▪▪ Start by asking students what staple

Encourage the students to give you food is (principal food or ingredient in
examples of Colombian food habits a country's diet). Ask students to do
that could go in each category. the matching activity, then compare
answers with a classmate and finally
10. Complete the words with the share answers with the whole class.
names of these staple foods. ▪▪ Ask the students to brainstorm
some characteristics of these staple
▪▪ Ask the students to complete the foods, and mention some foods that
name of the foods. are made from the staple foods in
▪▪ You can play hangman to help the box. This provides them with
students practise the spelling and vocabulary and helps to reinforce
complete the words. After they their knowledge about food.
complete the names, say them and
ask them to repeat. 12. Modern lifestyles and health: match
the words with the pictures below.
11. What food is made from this staple
© MEN Colombia

foods? Ask the students to match the

pictures with the words in the box.
▪▪ The focus of this activity is staple This will prepare them for the


EP1-TG-M3.indd 145 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

Tapescript 38
I don’t think it’s difficult to keep
fit and healthy nowadays. We can X
exercise or do lots of fun and X
exciting outdoor activities. I go
climbing mountains or cycling with
my friends. I also know a lot people X
who spend their free time watching
TV or playing computer games and
if you like that, that’s ok. There’s X

also a lot of criticism about diets X

and food. I don’t know, I think
there’s more variety of food today:
there are organic or GM vegetables; X
home-made or fast food, home-made X X
meals or microwave frozen TV meals.
There are still loads of traditional X

restaurants where we can eat or X

there are fast food places. And in
the future, there’ll be more variety
of food and we’ll find new ways of
keeping fit. There won’t only be
fast food to eat and we won’t stop
playing sports or being active. I think
we’ll have more choice and it is up
to the individual to decide how they N Y
want to live.

Pedro N Y

A big risk to living a healthy life is D N

our sedentary lifestyle. A lot of teens
prefer to spend their free time in front
of a computer rather than to take a
walk or play a sport. I see my kids
spend entire days playing computer
games, chatting on the Internet or
on Facebook. So they are moving less
and sitting a lot more than before and
this doesn’t help them keep fit and
13. Listen to two people talking about to share their notes with a classmate
modern lifestyles, health and and then to listen to the second speaker
healthy. A lot of today’s teenagers will
eating habits. and work on exercise 13b.
probably have more problems because
of their diet and lifestyle. ▪▪ Explain that they will listen to 2 a. How old do you think Jenny and
people talking about lifestyles today. Pedro are? Why?
Our eating habits are also a bigger
problem today. As we become busier ▪▪ Play the recording once for the Encourage the students to answer in
at work or school, we don’t have time students to get familiar with the English. However, if you notice they
for cooking and eating properly. We topic and the listening task. Ask them are struggling with the language, let
turn to fast food or microwavable food to predict the age of the speakers. them use L1 to answer the question.
and GM food which aren’t very good Encourage them to pay attention to The important thing here is that the
for us. Fast food and frozen TV dinners what the speakers say and their tone students are able to guess their ages not
are easy and convenient for busy of voice. only because of their voices, but also
parents, so they become a big part of ▪▪ Explain the listening task in 13.b. the tone and content of what is said.
our diet. Who know what the future They have to tick who (Jenny or c. Look at the ideas in the table. (...)
will bring. Maybe things will get better Pedro) mentions these things in their
or maybe they’ll get worse. Answers:
conversation. Go through the list - Food: organic food genetically
with them to check they understand
© MEN Colombia

modified food (in listening) frozen

the vocabulary. food, microwavable food.
▪▪ To facilitate the task, stop the recording - Fitness: outdoor activities, climbing
after the first speaker, ask the students mountains, cycling.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 146 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

short answer to disagree.

Also, the intonation is
different. If the statement
is affirmative, we use an
affirmative short answer
to agree and we use a
negative short answer
to disagree. Here again,
intonation is different.
- We probably won’t play
any outdoor sports in the
I agree: No we won’t.
(intonation drops at the
I don’t agree: Yes,we will!
(intonation rises at the
- We will all be unfit.
I agree: Yes,we will!
Are you
(intonation drops at the
Are you end)
Are you I don’t agree: No we,
Do you
won’t. (intonation rises at
Do you
the end)
Do you
do you ▪▪ First ask students to read
Do you the statements and write in
Will you their notebooks A for agree
Do you and D for disagree. Then
Will you
go around the class and
have a student read out
a statement and another
student say if they agree or
not using the appropriate
- Indoor activities: chatting on ▪▪ The statements are in the future short answer.
the Internet, watching TV, using tense. Ask the students these
SPEAK (20 minutes)
Facebook. questions to review: Are these
sentences in the present, past or 16. Interview your friends
d. Do Jenny and Pedro agree with
future? (Future); How do we know using the “Find someone
these statements?
they are in the future? (because of who…” game.
Explain the task and ask them to the use of the auxiliary will); How
▪▪ The students review
answer in pairs. Play the recording do we make negative statements
and practise asking and
a final time for them to check their in the future? (won’t + verb); What
answering questions in
answers and get feedback. is the contracted form of will?(‘ll);
English. First allow them
Look at the question. How is it
to complete the questions
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE different? (inverted order- auxiliary
using the correct auxiliary.
+ subject + verb).
14. Discuss these ideas with a If they have questions, they
classmate. Do you agree or disagree 15. Say if you agree or disagree can go back to unit 1 and 2
with them? using short answers. Look at the where they studied these
examples. questions.
▪▪ Get the students to practise giving
▪▪ Remember to reinforce
their ideas. Remember we say: I ▪▪ Ask the students to work out the
© MEN Colombia

agree NOT I am agree. OR I don’t the quantifiers when they

rule using the examples there.
agree / I disagree NOT I am not report their findings to the
▪▪ RULE: If the statement is negative, class. They can go back to
agree. Make sure you correct the
we use a negative short answer to Unit 1, Lesson 3.
studentsand point this out.
agree and we use an affirmative


EP1-TG-M3.indd 147 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

17. Play the Ambassador

Nomination Game.

▪▪ This game encourages students to

speak. Explain that this game is
called “Ambassador Nomination”.
Ask them if they know what
an ambassador is. Explain that
the role of an ambassador is
to represent their country in a
foreign (another) country.
▪▪ Assign roles to the students:
Ambassadors - their task is to
take the role of ambassadors of
different regions in Colombia
and talk about the food and
lifestyles. Jurors- will be on the
Jury and choose the winner- the
best regional representative.
▪▪ Divide the class into jurors and
ambassadors, or make small
groups of students who then
choose a representative for the
final, which you can then do as
a class.


18. Read Aisha’s email. Write a

response to her email. Answer
her questions about Colombia.
Then ask her 3 questions about
lifestyles in Ethiopia.
▪▪ Go through the writing task
with the students. Remind them
there are 2 parts to the task:
1) to answer all the questions
Aisha asks about Colombia and
2) to ask her 3 questions about QUESTIONS
▪▪ Ask the students these A B C D
questions to check they Give one reason
Ask your classmate
understand the task: What do why it is important How often do you What are 2 ways you
1 what he/she usually
to eat fruit and play sports? can reduce waste?
you have to write? An e-mail- has for breakfast.
Who do you have to write it to?
What do we call words What are the names Ask your partner What are 3 common
To Aisha. Where is she from?
2 that are similar in of 2 red fruit? Spell what they have for health problems in
Ethiopia. What do you have English and Spanish? them. lunch on Sundays. Colombia?
to write? The answers to her What are the What are 3 different Why it is important What are 3 ways to
questions. And what else do 3 superlative of: big, ways people eat to have a balanced reduce your ecological
you have to write? 3 questions happy, sustainable food? diet? footprint?
to Aisha about Ethiopia. What are 3 activities What are the
What are 3 ways to What are the 5 food
▪▪ Ask the students what we need 4 you do in your free different parts of a
keep fit or in shape? groups?
to include in an email? Subject, time? leaflet?
greeting, body (here, answering Name 2 foods from Name 2 foods from
Describe a healthy Describe a typical
Aisha’s questions and in a new 5 the grains and the fruit, vegetable
example of “My Plate”. Colombian dish.
paragraph asking 3 questions) protein food groups. and dairy food groups.
© MEN Colombia

and an ending. How does Aisha

begin and end her email? Hello
/Love, Aisha.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 148 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

Review Game
Play this game as a final review in
your class.
The last activity is a Blockbusters
game to review the Module.
Explain the instructions:
Questions are on:
Content, language or vocabulary
from the topics of MODULE 3.
Material required: Blockbusters
grid, question and answer sheet for
the teacher.
How to play the game:
Draw the grid on the board. Divide
your class into two teams. One
team needs to connect the top
of the grid to the bottom. The
other team needs to connect the
left-hand side of the grid with the
right-hand side.
The squares contain the questions.
Teams take it in turn to select
a square, the teacher asks the
question for that square, and a
member of the team answers.
The winning team is the first to
complete the connection.
Online version:http://www.

A1 B1 C1 D1
A2 B2 C2 D2
A3 B3 C3 D3
A4 B4 C3 D4
A5 B5 C5 D5

It provides your body Answers can vary -By buying
What do you usually have for I play sports …once a week,
1 with vitamins, minerals less, by swapping used items,
breakfast? twice a month…
and fibre. by having a compost heap…
Strawberries, 3 health problems are: eating
What do you have for lunch on
2 Cognates watermelon, apples, disorders, obesity and smoking.
cherries… (drug abuse)
Because the body needs
Biggest, happiest, most With cutlery, chopsticks, Varied. By recycling, reusing
3 different things from different
sustainable and their hands and reducing waste.
foods like vitamins and energy.
Title/ heading,
messages, pictures, Answers will vary. Exercise, Fruit, vegetables, grains,
4 Answers may vary
contact information, outdoor activities, walking proteins and dairy.
call for action.
Answers may vary. But must
include a food for each
© MEN Colombia

5 Answers may vary. Answers may vary. Answers may vary.

group: fruit, vegetables,
grains, proteins and dairy.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 149 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

Lesson 8:
Health Campaign For Your

This and the following lesson
are designed for the students to
work exclusively on the project
and self-assessment. They will
present their projects and at the
end, the students will assess their
progress with a self-assessment

GET READY (10 minutes)

1. Read the leaflet on healthy
2. Work in groups and answer these ▪▪ Each output has to be revised by
Go through the model of a questions. the group members before the
health campaign with the final draft is made. Decide on the
students. Remind them of the Ask the students to look at the
logistics and timeline of the project.
different parts of a leaflet leaflet and answer the questions. Get
Here you will have to decide which
and review the vocabulary. feedback as a class.
lessons are used for each product.
Answers: E.g. How many copies of the leaflet
a. Healthy lifestyles. LET’S WORK TOGETHER (6 hours) they will need or how copies will be
b. It helps reduce the risk of ▪▪ Explain to the students that they made; where will they display their
will work on their health campaign posters; when and where they will
disease, it makes your body
project for the rest of this lesson. make their radio announcements.
strong and makes you feel
better; They give your body
One important aim of the project ▪▪ Also decide when the students have
is for students to learn to work in to hand in the portfolio and do their
vitamins and energy, they groups and be responsible for their self-assessment.
prevent diseases; It helps the own work. Peer assessment plays a
planet and helps you save and big role here as they are expected to
enjoy the wonders of nature. correct and edit each other’s work.
© MEN Colombia

Remind them to produce 3 pieces of

c. Be active, eat a balanced
work for the project (a leaflet, radio
diet, reduce your ecological announcement and poster).


EP1-TG-M3.indd 150 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3 > Unit 3

▪▪ Explain the instructions for the

peer editing to the students.
In exercise 5.a. guide them
through the task of assigning
In 5.b. explain the chart-
there are 3 aspects they will
be editing- content, language
and punctuation. Monitor the
students closely to ensure they
work together to assign roles
and then edit their work. Tell
LET’S WORK TOGETHER 4. Radio announcement – Checklist them you will check their work
before they write their final
Tell the students to work on their
1. Read the project description again. draft.
radio announcement. Tell them to
Read the project description with the look at the checklist to help them ▪▪ Launching of the campaign.
class. Divide the class accordingly into organise their work. Organise the launching of the
groups. When they have finished they can go health campaign. Organise
back and tick off the things they have time within the lesson for the
2. Leaflet – Checklist done. Focus on the tips again and tell students to be able to show
Tell the students to work on their the students. it is very important for their work. They can do a
leaflet. Tell them to look at the them to practise. You can tell them to presentation or it can be done
checklist to help them organise their record it for their portfolio if this is a in groups where students
work. When they have finished they possible option. walk around and look at each
can go back and tick off the things other’s work. If possible, get
5. Peer editing the students to make copies
they have done.
▪▪ This is a skill we want students. to of their leaflets to give out
3. Poster – Checklist develop in all their classes Tell them. to classmates and use the
Tell the students to work on their that editing will help them improve P:A: system at the school to
© MEN Colombia

posters. Tell them to look at the their work. Explain that Peer Editing make their announcement.
checklist to help them organise their is looking at each other’s work and Find another time when the
work. When they have finished they giving feedback on it. Remind them. students. can make their
can go back and tick off the things that this is an important part of the announcements in public.
they have done. project process.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 151 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3

SELF-ASSESSMENT ▪▪ Go through the charts with them. Tell them that this self-assessment focuses on
three aspects: their English skills, study skills and performance in the project. You
▪▪ This self-assessment section may need to help them with the vocabulary. Then give them time to read it and fill it
allows the students to reflect out individually. Then ask them to work in groups, share their opinions and report to
on their learning process. the rest of the class.
It is important for them to
identify what they are good 1. Assessment of your English skills. (10 minutes)
at and identify areas where
they need to improve. Monitor Ask the students to check the overview at the beginning of this module. Ask for
them while they are working. volunteers to read each item for the four skills. Now, ask them to look at these
© MEN Colombia

Stress the importance of being statements, which are the same as the ones in the overview. Tell them they are
honest and realistic. going to assess their progress using 3 can do descriptors: I can do this easily; I can
do this with help; I need to work on this. Explain these descriptors in Spanish if
they don’t understand.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 152 20/12/13 23:07

Module 3

2. Assessment of your English study skills. (10 minutes)

Throughout the module, the students have practised some learning strategies.
Tell your students that now they are going to assess their use of those strategies
according to how often they use them: always, sometimes or never.

3. Project assessment. (10 minutes)

Ask the students to work individually on the part: ME. Ask them to write about their
© MEN Colombia

performance in the project. Ask them to work in the same groups they worked in
for the project. Tell them that now they will assess the performance of the group.


EP1-TG-M3.indd 153 20/12/13 23:07

Module 4

Module 4:

Module Overview
Welcome to the Thinking Green
module. In this module, we
will work on Colombian natural
resources and environmental
issues, alternatives to help our
environment and projects and
organisations that are working
to help our planet. The aim of
this module is to raise students’
awareness of our natural
resources, problems related
to natural resources, and how
we can help. The chart below
summarises topics, lesson topics
and students’ production (output)
of the module.

Overview chart

Units and Lessons Topics Output

Lesson 1 (2hrs) Green areas in my city A leaflet
Lesson 2 (2hrs) Water resources A poster
Lesson 3 (2hrs) Living with animals A discussion
Lesson 4 (2hrs) News from nature A bulletin board
Project (1 hr.)
Lesson 5 (2hrs) The Earth is sick Role play, poster / or song
Lesson 6 (2hrs) A view from the future Banner or poster
Lesson 7 (2hrs) Looking for alternatives TV advertisement
Lesson 8 (2hrs) Not too little to help Collage or comic strip
Project (1 hr.)
Lesson 9 (2hrs) Environmental NGO’s and projects A letter
A research report / proposal for
© MEN Colombia

Lesson 10 (2hrs) Environmental School Projects

a new PRAE
Review (1 hr.) Exercises to revise language and topics
Project (6hrs) Project work An environmental fair
Assessment (1 hr.) Self-Assessment activities


EP1-TG-M4.indd 154 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4

Introduce Module 4 Thinking Green by ▪▪ What do you find similar in the three Check answers with the class
focusing on the content cover page and pictures? (Possible responses: green, OR have class feedback. Have
explaining the topics students will learn the earth, people with the earth in volunteers share the information
about. You can start asking questions their hands). from their charts with the class.
about the title of the unit (Why “thinking ▪▪ What do you think we are going to talk As they share their information,
green”? What does it refer to? What do about? (The environment). elicit and/or tell them some
you think the module will be about?) Use ▪▪ Have students read the topics of each learning strategies that they might
the pictures on the cover page to elicit unit and predict what they will study. find useful when working on the
from students what they already know ▪▪ Check the answers with the whole class. activities students think might
about our natural resources and possible cause them problems. (predicting,
After the students read the information
issues related to them. understanding using context…)
in the diagram, draw the chart below on

This section gives students a general

overview of what they are going to study I think… is going to be I think… is going to be
throughout this module. interesting… difficult
▪▪ Give students the chance to check Speaking
© MEN Colombia

the unit and get a general idea of the

topics covered.
▪▪ As a warm-up ask students to look Listening
at the three pictures and ask: What Project Work
do you see in the pictures? (Possible Discover and use
responses: hands, the earth, trees,

EP1-TG-M4.indd 155 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4


The aim of this activity is to
brainstorm and activate students’
previous knowledge about this
topic.Elicit from ss. what a
portfolio is. Tell them their first
task for their portfolio is the
‘Your turn’ activity. Write the
questions on the board and tell
ss. to answer them.
Additional information: *Natural
resources are materials available
in the natural environment,
sometimes referred to as
primary resources. Examples of
natural resources include water,
air, plants, animals, etc. In
Colombia, there are many natural
resources: petroleum (Casanare),
natural gas(César), coal(La
Guajira, César), nickel(Córdoba),
rubber (Putumayo), gold
(Tolima, Valle, Chocó) silver
(Bolívar) emeralds (Boyacá)
water (Amazon, Magdalena,
Atrato, Cauca, Orinoco), salt (La
Guajira), etc. Natural resources
may or may not be renewable,
which means there is always
a possibility that the universe
will run out of certain kinds of
natural resource at some point.
Taken from: http://answers.ask.
*Many components of the
environment are in extreme
danger; some of the problems we
are facing are: global warming,
deforestation, air and water
▪▪ The success of this activity depends on the motivation and interest of students. Encourage
them to participate actively in the preparation, design and delivery of the fair.
pollution, overpopulation,
littering, species extinction,
▪▪ Have students work in groups and decide on roles and responsibilities for the fair.
destruction of natural habitat,
▪▪ Promote discussion and decision making among the class.
and destruction of biodiversity. Remind students of the importance of having beautiful and well-made products to show
Adapted from: http://science. in the fair. Tell them to keep it in mind every time they have to work in the “Let’s work together section” of the unit.
Wrap-up the introduction of the module by asking students which learning strategies
(study skills) they think they will need in order to do well in this module. Write them
THINKING GREEN PROJECT on the board and elicit and/or give examples of possible activities where they can be
This exercise is designed to useful. Focus on: complete assignments (doing homework will benefit their learning
introduce the project to students. and they will master doubts new material in terms of language and content), ask for
Go over the information from clarification in class (it’s very important to ask and clarify any misunderstandings in class.
the box offering clarification if These doubts might later lead to hinder or might cause fossilisation understanding or
needed. Remember this project to of an error), use new vocabulary (since a lot of the words in the module will be new
is aimed at developing different up students, encourage students to use new words in context), use a dictionary to look
for new words (using a dictionary is a great strategy to check the meaning of unknown
© MEN Colombia

team working skills; so, try to take

advantage of all the activities to words), and speak English in class (This is the only place and time students will have to
promote participation, discussion, practise their English. Encourage them to communicate their ideas in English. Make sure
decision making, roles and tasks they understand this is also a strategy good learners use). Students will be asked about
assignments, etc. the use of these strategies in the self-assessment section of this module.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 156 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1


In Unit 1 students are exposed
to different ideas on making a
community green. They are going
to learn about green areas both
abroad and in Colombia. Water
shortage and contamination,
mistreatment of animals and
news of natural disasters are also
topics covered in this unit.
The aim is for students to
acknowledge what is happening to
the planet and the environmental
situation in Colombia. The unit
covers 9 hours of teaching time.
Each lesson covers 2 hours. The
last hour should be used to work
on the project.


Lesson Topic Time Language Focus Output

Green areas Leaflet to promote green
1 2 hours There’s / there are
in my city areas in Colombia
Design a poster about
Uses of Verb +ing forms after
2 2 hours abuses of water at school,
water prepositions & gerund patterns
and ways to stop them
Class discussion expressing
Living with
3 2 hours Present simple passive voice opinions for / against
different topics
News from Environmental news bulletin
4 2 hours Present perfect to report news
nature board
© MEN Colombia

Project Reciclying of previous Environmental fair stage 1

1 hour
work language items Getting ready for the fair


EP1-TG-M4.indd 157 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

Lesson 1: (2 hours)
Green Areas in My City

This lesson introduces the concept
of green areas and gives examples
of these places both abroad
and in some cities in Colombia.
Students will end the lesson by
designing a leaflet promoting
green areas in our country.

GET READY (10 mins)

Ideally students should use
English in this section but if
their language level is not good
enough to do so, they should be
allowed to answer in Spanish but
they should to write or express
their final ideas in English.You
can brainstorm vocabulary by
Answers (4)
showing a poster or drawing a a. C
green area and elicit vocabulary Answers (5) b. N
c. M
such as: grass, trees, flowers, a. Music, partying,
d. N
green areas, grass,
fresh air, birds, etc. neighborhood parks.
b. Green areas,
Tapescript 39
c. Music.
Green areas in Norwich d. There is/there
So, there are lots of different are
green areas in Norwich, ah e. “There is” is used
with uncountable
probably the main one that
nouns while “There
people know about is Chapelfield are” is used for
Gardens which is very near the countable nouns.
centre of the city.
Chapelfield Gardens is a very
pretty and traditional park.
A lot of people just walk
through it on their way to the
city but we also have a lot of
celebrations there. There’s explain to students what a green area LISTEN (10-15 mins)
live music or free concerts means. This information does not
appear in the student textbook.
3-4. Sarah lives in Norwich, UK. Listen
and partying at weekends and
to her talking about green areas in
during other festivals. Answers
In Norwich, there’re lots of small
her city.
a.Green areas or green spaces are the
neighbourhood parks, where ‘green lungs’ of our towns.
▪▪ Use the pictures here to elicit
people just take their dogs for a information from students about
b.Green areas provide: fresh air, a
walk and catch up with friends. these specific green areas. These
place to relax, socialise, play, meet
For example, Mousehold Heath is are green areas in Norwich, a city
with friends, a place for families to
a big park land on the north side located on the Norwich is on the
of the city. There’s a lot grass take their children or pets.
East of England.
c. Answers will vary.
and fresh air there.
d. Sample answers: trees, grass,
▪▪ Before starting the listening
As you can see, there’s a great task, pre-teach this vocabulary:
variety of green places in Norwich. flowers.
garden, heath, grass, fresh air,
e. Sample answers: walk, do exercise,
1. Work in pairs. Read the meet and chat with friends, take the
neighbourhood, partying.
questions and make some dog for a walk, etc.
▪▪ This vocabulary can be pre-taught
notes. by sticking some pictures and word
Ask students to answer the cards on the board and asking
2. Share your ideas with the rest of
© MEN Colombia

questions in pairs. Monitor students to match them.

the class.
and support if necessary. ▪▪ Tell ss. to read the statements
Read the additional Encourage students to participate before they listen. This will
information (next page) to using their notes on the questions. prepare them for the listening.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 158 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

There’s a park near the school.

In the park, there are trees and
flowers. There’s grass and fresh
▪▪ Encourage students to share
Answers (7) ideas with the class in English.
a. There’s
b.There is a
d.There is
6-7. Listen to how we say
these phrases. Notice the
▪▪ Make students aware of
the use of contractions to
make speech sound natural.
Have them listen and drill
as many times as necessary
to pronounce the words
appropriately /correctly.
▪▪ Focus on the form There’s
[ðeərz] that is the
contracted form of there is
[ðeər ɪz].

8. This is a plan of Simón

Bolívar (...)

▪▪ Tell ss. to look at the

map and ask them if they
have heard of have been
to Bolívar Park in Bogotá.
Elicit the meaning of the
key and tell them to give an
example. Then, ask them to
tell you what there is in the
Park and what you can do.
▪▪ Play the audio more than once if - A countable noun (or count noun)
After a couple of examples,
necessary. is a noun with both a singular and a
plural form, and it names anything (or have them work in pairs to
TIP anyone) that you can count: trees, practise using there is/are
This learning strategy helps students houses, etc. using the park map. Monitor
use structures and forms in Spanish to - A non-countable noun (or mass noun) them while they speak.
understand how English works. Ask them is a noun which does not have a plural Extra activity. For more
to compare the form used here there form, and which refers to something speaking practice, use 2
is / there are with the form we use in that you could (or would) not usually different maps of How many
Spanish to express existence (haber). count: water, air, garbage, etc. parks are there? and have
Point out that English has both singular students ask and answer
and plural forms for hay -there is a park:
▪▪ Check meaning and form for there’s questions about their parks:
and there’re:
hay un parque /there are many green
- To express existence.
zones in Norwich: hay muchas zonas corporacion/boletin/img-
- There + is + uncountable nouns /
verdes en Norwich. boletin/0069-mapa-1.jpg
countable singular nouns http://transeunte2.files.
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (5-10 mins) - There + are + countable plural nouns
5. Work individually. ▪▪ Ask students to tell you about a green parque-del-cafe.jpg
© MEN Colombia

area near their school and give you

▪▪ Revise this metalanguage with more examples of the use of there is
students before doing the activity: or there are or negative forms: there wp-content/uploads/2012/04/
- Noun: It’s a word used for naming isn’t, there aren’t any.... mapa-jardin.jpg
a person, animal, place, thing, or
abstract idea.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 159 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

There’s fresh air everywhere.

a. The park is in the Marroqin neighbourhood in Cali.
There are lots of trees which
are home to a lot of animals and
You can walk and enjoy watching wild amphibians, swim in
there’s a wide variety of birds
the lake and have parties in the hall play in the playground.
living there such as parrots, owls,
eagles and other native species.
There are lots of paths too. Answers (10):
There’s also a lake to swim in, a. playground
b. green lung
a hall to have parties in, and a c. lake
playground for children. d. have fun
e. Wild
f. Native species

There’s fresh air

Students will produce
their own answers but
these are some sample
Green Areas Information answers: Because I can
relax, play with my
Green areas or green spaces are the friends and do exercise.
‘green lungs’ of our towns and cities.
They contribute to improving people’s
physical and mental health by providing
areas for informal recreation - walking,
cycling, sitting, sociallising and
children’s play areas - and ‘breathing
spaces’ to take time out from the
stress of modern life. They bring the
countryside into our towns and cities, READ (30 mins) 11. Work with a partner to talk about
and make it accessible from our these questions.
‘backdoors’. Green spaces also create 9. Read about an ecopark in Cali. Then Encourage students to use
safe and attractive places where people answer the questions below.
want to live and businesses invest. vocabulary in the previous activity
to answer these questions.
Green spaces are multi-functional; Ask students if they know what an
they are used in many different ecopark is. Elicit vocabulary from TIP
ways. They include not only areas
them. Don’t present the vocabulary in
to which the public have physical 12. Share your ideas. (...)
bold in the box.
access, but also visual access, for
example, in the way green areas
provide settings for buildings, 10. Complete the sentences here using ▪▪ This tip is a learning strategy to
communities and everyday activities. the words in italics in the reading. help students develop social skills
and team work. Explain to students
These areas include: parks, gardens,
playing fields, children’s play areas, ▪▪ Allow students to work on their how working with others helps
woods and other natural areas, own and then compare with a them develop communication and
grassed areas and cemeteries. Some partner. Finally, check the words negotiation skills. It also prepares
of them also have paths, disused with the whole class. them for real life situations in
railway lines, rivers and canals. which they need to be willing to
© MEN Colombia

Adapted from: http://www. give and receive feedback.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 160 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

LET’S WORK TOGETHER (40-50 mins) ▪▪ Students are asked to look up Clarify any doubts
information about a park or green areas regarding the use of there
▪▪ In order to promote team work, in Colombia. Take is/ there are that students
arrange the groups combining mixed
some time to read and research the may still have.
ability students.
topic before class so you can provide
▪▪ You need to decide how students will students with the support they need. 4. Take turns to present your
do the research here. leaflet to people from other
▪▪ Will they bring information from home groups in your class.
(previously set as homework) and then bonita/177.html Monitor while students present
discuss it in groups? - their leaflet to the class. Make
▪▪ Will they be given the chance to go to conspintores.asp?idartista=7527 notes on their performance,
the computer labs for research? strengths and weaknesses.
3. Use recycled materials and other Lead collective feedback at
▪▪ Monitor students permanently while resources to make your leaflet the end of the activity.
they are working in class to support
colourful and attractive.
students with any language or
vocabulary they may need. ▪▪ Monitor and help students while
they are designing their leaflets.
© MEN Colombia

1-2. Work in groups. Find out information Ask them to use recycled materials
about a park or green area in or any other resources. Remind
Colombia and complete this table in students to use the language box as
your notebook. a reference to develop the task.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 161 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

Lesson 2: 2. Do the quiz.

Water Resources
Use this quiz to assess students’ prior
LESSON OVERVIEW (2 hours) knowledge and raise discussion on
This lesson will help raise awareness on the responsible use of water. Accept
the uses and abuses of water and what all answers as long as students are
they can do to improve the situation. able to support their answers. Some
pictures have been included to help
Good websites for teachers: http://water. students understand the meaning of
org/water-crisis/water-facts/water/; http:// new words. Give extra explanations if needed.

GET READY (10-15 mins)

READ ( 10 mins)

1. Discuss in pairs: 3. Describe the pictures in pairs. What

do the pictures say about water?
Give them a few minutes and then Are these situations common in your
© MEN Colombia

get feedback from the whole class. neighbourhood, village or region?

▪▪ Tell ss to describe the pictures in
pairs, what the pictures say about


EP1-TG-M4.indd 162 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1



▪▪ Ask if these situations are common in 4. How big is the water crisis? Read
their neighbourhood, village or region. this information.
▪▪ Tell them to use the vocabulary in the
box to help them and to complete the
▪▪ Read the following text aloud.
Stop after each fact to give
sentences. Point out that these are
students time to reflect on it.
examples. When you get feedback,
Allow students to express their
make sure they use complete
opinions on the crisis.
▪▪ Make sure students understand the ▪▪ Go through the glossary with
vocabulary in the box and provide
them with any other words they may
need to talk about the pictures. 5. Answer true (T) or false (F) using
information from the text.
Tell students that supporting their
The teacher is a role model for students. choices and answers is a habit they
Read the text twice and allow students should develop. This helps them
to read the text twice as well. Explain become more conscious of the way
© MEN Colombia

that to fully understand a text it is they are learning. Tell students it

important to read a text more than is important to explain the answers
once; by rereading a text students can they choose and not just select them
discover new information or clarify randomly without any reasoning.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 163 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

6. Put the 10 letters from the

bank in the empty boxes to
form a message related to v R
water conservation. Cross T
out the letters in the letter Y E
bank as you use them. R C T
▪▪ After students have
discovered the message,
invite them to reflect
on it. The purpose of
this activity is to make
them more aware of
the importance of 3 5
water and our role in its
conservation. Draw a chart
like this on the board to
summarise the message:
1 2 4

• Enough water for

• Fix leaks home chores
• Take short • Potable water to
showers drink
• Reuse • Clean habitat
water for plants and
animals wasting, washing, exercising, using, taking

without, after, like, against, avoid

▪▪ Ask ss. to discuss in pairs 3
ways to save water and 3
ways in which water saves
us. Get feedback and
write up this chart on the
board. If they don’t have
these answers, elicit them
and write up any new
words on the board (leaks,
reuse, recycle, home
chores, habitat). 8. Look at the pictures again and read FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (10-15 mins)
sentences 1, 4 and 5. Are people
READ (15 mins)
using water responsibly? Why? Use
▪▪ Remember the textbook has been
designed to help students discover
7. Read about the ways people clues from the texts.
grammar (noticing approach). Allow
use water. Then match the
pictures with the uses of
▪▪ Ask students to go back and students to work on their own,
read the sentences and use the compare ideas with a partner and
vocabulary learnt on page 162 finally check with the whole class.
▪▪ Students work individually to support their ideas. Students’ Guide students to notice or find out
to match pictures and answers could include these ideas: how language works. Explanations
sentences and then In picture number 1, the little girl should be only used when necessary
compare answers with is using water responsibly because to clarify and to make sure all
a partner. Teacher leads she is trying to use a reasonable students have understood. If ss.
feedback with the whole (small) amount of water. She is need more practice, make sure you
class. not wasting it. In picture 4 the give them examples in context and
▪▪ Revise the vocabulary cleaner uses a mop and a bucket. on the same topic.
from Exercises 2 and 6: It means he avoids wasting water ▪▪ Use the Useful Language to clarify
fix a leak, tap, toilet and is reusing the water to what gerund forms mean.
© MEN Colombia

flush...). E.g.: leak, tap. mop the entire floor. In picture

Ask students to read the three, children are using water 9-11. Write the verbs that end
information here and give responsibly because they are using with ing in each sentence.
their opinions about this buckets instead of a hose which
fact. would use more water.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 164 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

Make sure the students know how

to change them into gerund by
erasing the letter “e” and adding
“ing” at the end of the word.
After students have finished,
call on some of them to read the
complete sentences aloud.

Answers (13): WRITE (15 mins)

a. taking
b. to recycle Read the instructions with the
c. to turn off
d. wasting
class. Make sure they are clear
e. to use / to wash about their task. They have to
f. promoting
g. wasting
write a message to help people use
water more efficiently. Tell them
the message includes giving tips.
Tell them the number of tips they
have to write (3 to 5). Tell them to
use the pictures to help them with
some ideas but encourage them to
use their own ideas as well.


(25-30 mins)
▪▪ This section is designed to
promote teamwork. Arrange
groups so that everybody
has a role and participates
in the groups. Monitor them
throughout to support them
when help is needed.
▪▪ Before this lesson starts,
remind students to bring
materials for the posters.
In order to promote team
work, arrange the groups
combining mixed ability
/ mixed language level
▪▪ Use the information here to 13. Use the gerund ( or infinitive students.
clarify the concept of verbs and form (to ...) of the verbs to ▪▪ Revise the Useful Language
prepositions to students. complete the sentences. and Remember boxes with
▪▪ Ask students to give you examples students before they start
Tell ss. after I ‘enjoy’ and ‘avoid’ designing their posters.
of verbs and prepositions and add
others you consider they will need
they need to use -ing form of the ▪▪ Ask students to distribute
verb. Monitor their work and then the work in groups evenly,
for the exercise below. There are call on students to go to the board
some in the Useful Language box. so that everyone in the
and write their examples. group has a specific task.
- A verb is a word that expresses
action or state of being. For ▪▪ Monitor students while
14. Timothy wants to help people they go around the school
example: be, throw, cut, save, etc.
use water efficiently giving some to collect information.
The verb is the heart of a sentence:
tips. You have to help him write a Check that they are using
every sentence must have a verb.
message (...) language forms properly.
- A preposition is a word that shows Give support when needed.
the relationship between a noun Tell ss. they have to use the
or pronoun and other words in a infinitive form (to + verb) or the ▪▪ Listen and make notes on
sentence. For example: by, at, for, gerund (verb + ing form) to complete students’ presentations of
© MEN Colombia

without. the sentences. their posters. Give feedback

on their performance,
Notice that the verbs in the bank are strengths and weaknesses.
given in the base form. Lead collective feedback at
the end of the activity.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 165 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

kill painful trophy

prize horns cut-off

dead strength

Lesson 3:
Living With Animals
SPEAK (10 mins) ▪▪ Allow students to discuss this in
LESSON OVERVIEW (2 hours) Spanish if needed but have them
This lesson will help students
2. Work in pairs. Answer the questions. write their ideas in English.
to become aware of animal ▪▪ Practise pronunciation before ss. ▪▪ Check students understand the
cruelty and abuse. Students will begin ex.2. words: bullfighting, to be for and
also learn useful expressions to against. Give language support so that
▪▪ Read the Improve Your English students can explain their answers.
express their points of view on Pronunciation box and elicit
controversial topics. examples for each intonation E.g.: Examples for 2.c (abandoning
pattern (1,2,3). Then model each dogs and cats in the street; bull
GET READY (10 mins) of the patterns with the example fights-bulls are treated badly; circus
and drill with ss. animals- the animals are kept in
1. Work in groups to complete cages; zoos - animals are kept in
the questions. ▪▪ Use some bullfighting pictures to cages and they are not free.
Ask students to answer the elicit information from students.
questions in pairs. ▪▪ Ask students for their personal 3. Label the pictures with the
Tell them to match the opinions on the topic corresponding words from the box.
pictures of Colombian ▪▪ Pre-teach the idea of being FOR or
animals with the names. Allow students to work individually in
© MEN Colombia

AGAINST an opinion.
Then have them answer b. the matching exercise and then ask
Get feedback. them to compare their answers with a
partner. Then, check the exercise as a
whole class.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 166 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1


READ (20 MINS) 5. Read the posts again and decide if

the following statements are True
(T) or False (F).
4. Read the posts on a discussion board
about bullfighting. Decide who is Have students read the text again and
FOR or AGAINST bullfighting. work on exercise 5 individually. Then,
ask students to check their answers
▪▪ Ask students questions about the with a classmate. Finally, check the
format of the reading: What kind of
answers and ask students to read the
text is it? Discussion Board.
part of the text where they can find the
Where can you find these texts? (on
information to support their answers.
the internet). What are they about?
(discussions about controversial
6. Who do you agree with? Why? Write
the sentence that best describes his/
▪▪ Give students time to read and
her position.
check answers individually.
Encourage them to focus on the ▪▪ Encourage students to think
general idea of the message instead critically and take a position on
of worrying about understanding the topic. Encourage students to
© MEN Colombia

every single word. give their reasons in English.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 167 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

Tapescript 43 e
Charlie: Do you know what I f
don’t like about the zoo and b
about the circus? The animals
are locked in cages. It’s sad.
They never feel the earth
under their feet. It’s not a
natural environment.
Joshua: You are right, but on the
other hand, the animals there
receive shelter, food, and
veterinarian care services.
Charlie: Well, I guess the circus
animals do teach people
about what animals are C
capable of. C
Joshua: But wild animals such
as lions, tigers and elephants
are also kept in tiny spaces C
and under very inadecuate
Charlie: That’s true. And I also C
think that the animals are J
trained to perfom tricks. They
are sometimes dangerous. J

Joshua: I think there is evidence

that animals enjoy performing
in places like circuses.
Charlie:That could be, but I
would say that animals are
forced to travel long distances NO
in those cages and sometimes
they end up getting sick. Built, trained
Joshua: That’s true. But, what Past participle
about the kids. Circus To be
animals are an opportunity
for children to view and
appreciate the animals. If
they don’t have a circus or
a zoo, they don’t have that ▪▪ Ask students to discuss the questions You can also tell them to take notes while
opportunity. listening so they can work on the exercise
in small groups and then share
Charlie:Well, I guess you could
their ideas with the whole class. later.
say there are good things
and bad things about keeping Encourage discussion. Ask students
animals at zoos or in circuses. to support their answers. 9. Listen to Charlie and Joshua talking
▪▪ Help them to produce complete about the pros and cons of circuses
sentences and encourage them having animals in their acts.
to use the words in the Useful ▪▪ Tell them their task is to listen and
7. Match the words with the Vocabulary box. say which of the statements Charlie
definitions. You can use your or Joshua said.
LISTEN (20 mins)
dictionary. ▪▪ Ask students to read the sentences
Use the picture here to elicit before listening.
▪▪ Ask students to work information from students about circuses
individually and then ▪▪ Ask students to work on the task
and what they think of the circuses. individually and then compare their
check their answers with a
partner. Finally, check as LISTENING TIP answers in pairs.
a whole class. Focus on the importance of reading the ▪▪ Play the recording again and ask
instructions and the questions to get the students to check again in pairs.
© MEN Colombia

8. Work in pairs. Answer the

following questions.
general idea of the reading and predict ▪▪ Finally, check the answers as a
what it is going to be about. whole class.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 168 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

▪▪ Tell them to follow the steps.

▪▪ Guide your students in this
process step by step.
▪▪ Work on the expressions
given in the boxes. Teach and
practise the pronunciation of
the expressions so ss. can use
them during the discussion
▪▪ Monitor students while they
speak. Encourage the use of
English and correct or help
them when necessary.

1-5. Decide.
▪▪ Check Useful Vocabulary
box with the whole class
and make sure students
know how to use the
phrases learnt.
▪▪ Monitor students while they
work on their own. They
choose a topic and then
they take a position on the
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE (10-15 mins) participle. Revise the verbs list topic. Encourage the use of
Remember the textbook has been designed with them here. the passive voice to write
to help students discover grammar (Noticing ▪▪ For answer (e) check the forms of the the three arguments to
Approach). Allow students to work on verb to be: is / am / are and when support their opinion.
their own, compare ideas with a partner to use each one of them, reminding
and finally check as a whole class. Guide them of singular/plural forms. 6. Now it is time to organise
students to notice or find out how the your ideas.
11- 14. Check students are using the
language works. Explanations should only
correct pattern for the passive
be used when necessary to clarify and to Tell ss. it is now time
voice. If not, help them and make
make sure all students have understood. to organise their ideas.
notes on the main problems. As
Give students extra exercises if needed. Make it very clear how
you get feedback, clarify problem
areas. Ask volunteers to write their they need to present their
10. Look at some of the arguments for sentences on the board and check work. Whether it be a
and against bullfighting and animals presentation or a written
them with the whole class.
in circuses. Answer the questions. flyer, they need a title,
LET’S WORK TOGETHER introduction, body and
▪▪ Ask students to read and answer ▪▪ Tell ss. they will work in their project conclusion. If they chose a
the questions based on what they presentation, they will need
© MEN Colombia

groups and choose either to write a

discover. to give the presentation on
leaflet or to prepare a presentation
▪▪ For answer (d) check they know
on animals for their stand at the the Fair day. Keep a record
that the verb form is called past of those ss.
Environmental Fair.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 169 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

d a b C

Lesson 4:
News From Nature


This lesson will familiarise students
with issues related to natural
disasters and other issues that
are causing serious problems to
the planet. They will learn about
environmental news topics and
produce a simple news article.
▪▪ Ask students for the Spanish
equivalent of these words. You
can use the question: How do
you say ___ in Spanish? For
example: contest-contestar, X X
arms-armas, bombs-bombas,
mines-minas, etc. Remind
students about the use of
cognates. Also explain there
are false friends or false
cognates. These are words
that look the same but have 2. Discuss with a partner: What do - rush: fiebre, avalancha
different meanings (library- you know about these topics in - debris: residuos
biblioteca, not librería; Colombia? - increase: aumento
actually-de hecho, not - demise: disminución
Ask students what they have heard
in the news about these topics. This
▪▪ Tell students that when READ (20 mins)
discussion can be held in Spanish if
reading, it is important to students do not have the language to 3. Read the following newspaper
ask themselves: does it make do it in English. Students can discuss headlines. Work with a partner and,
sense? How is this word these issues even if they don’t watch from each text, select one or two
related to the topic? the news. key words that summarize the text.
Use the first one as an example.
GET READY (10 mins)
USEFUL LANGUAGE Read the instruction aloud and explain
1. Work with a partner. If students do not understand the the activity using the example.
Match the words with the
meaning of the new words provided in
corresponding photograph.
the Useful Vocabulary box, give them the 4. Select the best answer to the
Check the matching exercise. corresponding translation: following questions.
Work on meaning and - phenomenon: fenomeno, evento o
© MEN Colombia

Explain to students that they will learn

pronunciation of the words: situación a test taking strategy. When taking a
drought [drawt], debris [‘debri - phenomena: fenomenos, eventos o test, students should read the question
or deibri] mining[mainiŋ] situaciones very carefully.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 170 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

▪▪ The answer is not given to you

explicitly in the text; we know
that the article is about a
Caribbean city; therefore, we
should eliminate Bogota and
Medellin and circle Cartagena
as the right answer.

8. Work with your teacher and

your classmates to complete
the information about the
article you have just read.
Explain to students that
knowing the structure or
features of a text is extremely
helpful to summarise it. It
gives them specific traits to
focus on and allows students
to use a helpful frame to
discuss its content. Students
should be able to notice that
they fully understand what
the article was about after
identifying and completing this
key information.
Then they should read all the answers READ (15 mins)
and eliminate the ones they are sure Answers:
are incorrect. For example, in the
6. 7. Read the box below and say what
the parts of a newspaper article are. -Headline: The El Niño
first question, students know that the
phenomenon will bring drought in
article refers to climatic changes, not Tell students that they will read
to people, so they should eliminate a newspaper article. Explain that
a. They also know that El Niño and La newspaper articles have a lead that -Byline: Agencia de Noticias UN
Niña refer to both drought and rain so gives them a general idea of what the
-Who: The Hydrology Meteorology
they should eliminate c and circle b as article is about and the rest of the
and Environmental Studies
the right answer. article gives them specific details. Tell
Institute (IDEAM)
students by reading the headline and
5. Work in pairs. Describe the pictures. the lead they can understand the main -What: Report that water sources
Then, answer these questions. idea of a news article. Also explain that and storage will begin to decrease
the next text is a summary of the main and we might see water rationing.
Tell ss. to look at the pictures. Elicit
ideas of a news article.
from them the different weather in -When: August and September of
each picture. Then have them work in TIP this year.
pairs to discuss the questions.
▪▪ When you infer information from a -Where: In the whole country
© MEN Colombia

Check if they understand: weather

text, you have to use what you already
(clima) wet (lluvioso), dry (seco), Why: Because of the global
know about the topic and what the text
sunny, (soleado), tornado (tornado). phenomenon El Niño, which means
says to make a logical guess.
very dry weather.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 171 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 1

has endured
have caused

have been

All of them use have or has


9. Complete the following have risen

sentences with information have dried up
from the text. have caused
has affected
Tell students that sometimes
have lost
when they read a text, they has been
have to analyse information
in depth to find answers, but
there are some other texts
in which the information is
so explicit that they only
have to go over the text and
spot what they need, which
is the case in the following

Since the present perfect is a
difficult meaning to understand,
it would be useful to give
students some examples of the
use of present perfect in Spanish
for them to analyse how it works
in English and the role of “have/
has” plus the past participle form
of the verb. Check meaning and
form of this tense. Make sure
students understand the use
of it, asking them to give you
Las fuertes lluvias han causado muchos accidentes.
examples. (See the example on
the right). Hard rains have caused lots of accidents.

12. Complete these sentences

using have + a verb from LET’S WORK TOGETHER LOOK BACK
the useful language box. (45 minutes) ▪▪ The aim of this activity is to give
Give students the In this section students will produce their students the chance to review and
opportunity to practise the own news article based on the topic, reflect on what they have learnt in this
strategy with these past vocabulary and language learnt in the unit.
participle forms. Remind lesson. ▪▪ Ask students to take some time to
them that at the back of the complete the chart and then share the
book there are more past ▪▪ Guide your students in this process information with a classmate.
participles as a reference for step by step. Provide scaffolding
for the activity by showing the 2 ▪▪ Ask some students randomly. Take
them to use when needed. advantage of this time to help students
Refer your students to the models.
▪▪ Look at the examples on page 170 and to recognise their favourite learning
online component for further
© MEN Colombia

the models here for the language to style and to think about learning
practice on reading about strategies that can be helpful to learn
how to save our planet Earth. use in your article.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 172 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2


In this unit students reflect on
some environmental issues in
Colombia and their possible
consequences in the future if we
don’t help. They will also think
about possible alternatives and
valuable tips to help the planet.
The aim is for students to discuss
national and local environmental
issues and to promote ways to
help. The unit covers 9 hours of
teaching time. Each lesson covers
2 hours. The last hour should be
used to work on the project.


Lesson Topic Time Language Focus Output

The Earth is Present Progressive
5 2 hours Role Play, Poster or Song.
Sick Imperatives
A View from
6 2 hours Will for predictions Small Banner or Poster
the Future
Looking for Comparative forms ( more/
7 2 hours TV Advertisement
Alternatives less)
Not Too
8 Little to 2 hours Will for promises and decisions Collage or Comic Strip
© MEN Colombia

Project Recycling of previous language Environmental Fair stage 2.

1 hour
Work items Organising the stand


EP1-TG-M4.indd 173 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2

Lesson 5:
The Earth Is Sick

This lesson starts the unit by
raising awareness of the main
environmental issues in the world.
Students will watch and discuss a
video which shows how humans are
destroying forests, water, air and
Answers (2):
animals on the planet. They will also • Water: streams,
start thinking of possible ways to beach, rivers,
throw rubbish,
help the earth. The pronunciation ocean, tap,
pollute, waste,
section of this unit focuses on stress contaminate
and how it changes meaning. • Forest:trees,
cut down,
Ideally students should use English
• Air:smog,
to talk /discuss but if their language pollute, con-
level is not good enough to do so,
• Animals:hunt,
they should be allowed to do this in habitat, kill
Spanish but ask them to give you the
final answers in English.


1. Look at the 2 images.

▪▪ Ask students to look at the 2
pictures and list as many words
as possible.
▪▪ Ask students to list only
the words related to
landscape forms, animals and
environmental problems.
▪▪ Ask students the following
questions in order to help
students describe the situations
that harm the environment in
the pictures:
-What is happening in the ▪▪ Give students some time to read and
3. Work in pairs to discuss these
picture? understand the title. Encourage them
-Who’s doing the destroying? to share their predictions using the
-Does this happen in your city? ▪▪ Have students look at the picture vocabulary studied in activity 1.
-What happens when we destroy and read the caption. Ask what “get
nature? When we pollute rivers? well soon” means. Check if they 5. Watch the video to confirm your
know when it is used (usually to wish predictions. Were they right?
2. Write the words below in the a person who is sick to get better
corresponding category. Use ▪▪ See Transcript on page 177.
your dictionary if necessary.
▪▪ Have students discuss what the ▪▪ Link:
▪▪ Give students enough time to picture means. Encourage them watch?v=3zyizEz9XUs
find out the meaning of all the to share their opinions on the two ▪▪ Take into account that even though
words and to classify them. questions. Check answers as a class. this is a video, the input is reading.
Make sure they all know what Give students some time to read and
the words mean. They will use READ understand the message.
them throughout the whole ▪▪ Have students watch the video and
lesson. 4. This is the title of the video you are
going to watch. What do you think it confirm their predictions. Don’t
▪▪ To check their answers, you play the whole video at once; it
will be about?
© MEN Colombia

can draw the same chart on can be overwhelming for students.

the board and ask students to ▪▪ The aim of this pre-reading exercise Stop the video after some messages
complete it. Ask the group for is to help students learn to make are displayed and ask questions
feedback. predictions before a listening and/or to help students with general
reading task. comprehension.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 174 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2

▪▪ Have students watch the

video and write what the
author was trying to express
Varied answers
with them.
▪▪ Check answers as a
class. Students can write
any sentence using the
vocabulary studied from
simple sentences to complex
sentences depending on
We’re cutting trees Streams and rivers are People can’t breathe because their level. Praise all the
polluted the air is polluted
sentences. Correct form and
If you are working without the
video, ask students to imagine
Animals can feel things, We can make a difference where the author would use the
just like humans pictures and why. Ask them to
write what the caption of the
image would be.

7. Read the interview a child

has with an adult (...).
▪▪ Tell students to read the
conversation individually.
▪▪ Ask two students to play
the role of these two
▪▪ Say the following
statements to check
understanding and ask
students to say True or
False according to the
conversation they just
The conversation is
between mother and her
daughter. Mother and girl
▪▪ Ask students to confirm their EXTRA ACTIVITY are talking about pollution.
predictions. The mother is really
If you do not have the resources to play
▪▪ Students might need some help with the video, do the activity as a reading. worried about the planet.
the following vocabulary: Speck (a Use copies of the script and have The girl is complaining
very small spot or mark); surrounded students work on the same exercises of about the impact people
(to be all around something or predicting and confirming predictions. have on the planet.
someone); take back (to return for You can ask them to read individually ▪▪ Ask students to identify the
exchange); tap water (water drawn or to follow the reading while you read main problems described in
off through taps from pipes in a the script aloud. Make sure you stop and the interview.
house, as distinguished from distilled explain as suggested above. ▪▪ Ask students to read each
water, mineral water, etc.); blame of the problems described
(to say or think that something or 6. Look at some images from the video. in the conversation and say
someone is responsible for a bad Write some words describing what if they agree or disagree
situation); speak up (to say what the video says about each topic. with the opinions given
you think instead of saying nothing); by the mother and the
pledge (to promise seriously and ▪▪ Before students watch the video daughter.
publicly to do something); crumble again, ask them what they can ▪▪ Ask students to give
(to break into very small pieces). relate the pictures to. (Possible examples to support their
© MEN Colombia

Make sure you stop the video, answers: topics in the video/reading: ideas.
ask questions and reinforce the deforestation, pollution, animal ▪▪ Focus on the Useful
meaning of the words by providing abuse, and alternatives). Language box to help
explanations and examples. them to agree or disagree.
Practise pronunciation.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 175 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2

9-10. Complete and match.
▪▪ Remember the coursebook
has been designed to help
students discover grammar An action that has
a longer duration.
(Noticing Approach) Ing
without an explicit
grammar explanation.
Allow them to work on
their own, compare ideas
with a partner and finally
check as a whole class.
▪▪ Ask students to think
about the general message
of the video. Tell them
to complete sentences are polluting
about the message of the
are killing
video and then, give their are throwing
opinions about the best are wasting
thing to do (advice) about are forcing
some situations in the are being
video. Encourage students are using
to refer to the vocabulary
section of the lesson if they
need to.
8. Read the sentences in e
the previous exercise and d
answer the questions.
Have students read the
examples and answer the
questions. Do not give a
lecture on grammar rules.
Help them notice the main a. Giving advice
b. Imperative
structure of the sentences
without giving grammar
explanations. Focus on the use
and function of the sentence
rather than on the form. ▪▪ Have students share their examples ▪▪ Tell students to close their books. Say
WRITE with a partner. the sentences given in the exercise
▪▪ To review as a class, have several and ask them to identify the stressed
12. Look at the pictures and students share an example with the word in each of the statements.
write what they would tell us class. ▪▪ Write on the board the statements,
if they could speak. highlighting the stressed word in each
▪▪ Have students practise using one. You can either write the word
the language they have ▪▪ Be sure students listen once before in capital letters, circle the word or
discovered. they listen and repeat the sentences. underline it.
▪▪ Model the first example ▪▪ Focus and help them notice the ▪▪ Ask students to listen and repeat.
for them. Ask them to give differences in meaning depending on Tell them to open their books and
you more options. (Possible the word they stress. compare with the statements and
answers: You’re killing ▪▪ Have them practise with a partner choices written on the board.
me. Don’t pollute; You’re and come out with a different ▪▪ Ask students to get in pairs in order to
contaminating my water. sentence where the meaning changes practise stress. Tell them to say the
Don’t throw paper on the depending on the stress. statements from exercise 10, varying
ground…) ▪▪ Check the different examples as a the stress.
▪▪ Encourage students to work class. ▪▪ Ask for some volunteers to read the
© MEN Colombia

individually and to produce statements aloud.

13. Listen to the different stress of the
their own sentences using same sentence. Then, listen and
the vocabulary studied in the repeat.


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Module 4 > Unit 2

Can you even imagine?

Many people around the world
don’t even get to drink clean water,
and in most cases die from it.
And us Americans complain
about tap water?
Because you don’t know
what will come tomorrow.
Humans aren’t the only species on
this planet,
What about the animals?
Animals can feel things, just like
humans can.
Is that not obvious?
We could so easily have a balanced
of animals, humans, and nature.
why must we kill, not care, destroy,
and be nothing but disastrous to this
Can we blame mother earth for being
It’s very important though, that you
speak up.
Stand up for what you believe in.
And do whatever you can to make a
because together we CAN make a
difference. (5)
Pledge to this Earth, that we are so
▪▪ In this section students will produce We are a speck in this universe
lucky to live on,
their own language based on the topic, On one little planet, we call earth.
To start caring about it, and
vocabulary and language learnt in the That we’ve managed to corrupt.
everything on it.
lesson. At one time, everywhere was surrounded with
before it’s too late.
▪▪ Guide your students through this beauty.
We don’t have forever, you know.
process step by step to provide the Let’s take a look at what we’ve done;
You can sit around and watch this
right scaffolding for the activity. What we can’t take back.
▪▪ Help them to express their ideas in Beautiful forests such as this one
Crumble to pieces, or you can say
simple but accurate language. Become this, for our own selfish purposes.
You’re going to do something to help,
▪▪ Work on the language given in the Streams and rivers
But then never do,
boxes if they need additional help with We pollute with our litter.
OR, you can get active and find
vocabulary or language. Yes, at one time this was all trees.
ways to benefit you, your life,
▪▪ Monitor while students are talking This is a beach in Haiti.
And this world.
to encourage the use of English and THERE IS NO TAKING THIS BACK.
Start questioning things. Go outside.
to correct and / or help them when 70% of our Earth is the Ocean.
Remember what it feels like to be
necessary. And this is what we’ve done to it (2).
© MEN Colombia

Give students a copy of the rubric What about our air supply?
chart on page __ for them to complete That can’t last forever either. Transcripted from: http://www.
during each presentation. Sure can’t. Welcome to Smog Days. ( 3)


EP1-TG-M4.indd 177 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2

Lesson 6:
A View from the Future

This lesson is based on a
post written on a Lookbook
(Facebook) wall by a humanoid
from the future. Students will
read and listen about the possible
consequences our world will face
if we do not take some action
now. Students will review and
practise the pronunciation of
contractions with will, and they
will use the language learnt to 3

write some things they are willing

to do in order to save the planet


1. Look at the words. 4

▪▪ Ask students to identify the

words in the Tagxedo.
▪▪ Tell them to identify positive 1

and negative words.

▪▪ Ask students to select
individually 5 words that can
describe our planet in the
3. Lily X5 is a humanoid. The message is NOTE
▪▪ Practise pronunciation and
not in the right order. (...) Trash = rubbish = basura
meaning of the words. US UK
▪▪ Ask students to read the heading here
2. Share your ideas with the and ask questions to verify they have 5. Read Lily’s message again and answer
class. understood it. the questions.
▪▪ Sample questions: What kind of ▪▪ Ask students to work in groups, read
▪▪ Ask students to share their person is Lily?
thoughts about the future of the message again, and answer the
When was she born? What is her questions. Check answers with the
our planet.
message about?
▪▪ Write the main ideas given
▪▪ Then, ask students to read and
whole group asking them to support
by students on the board and their answers with details from the
organise the text. text.
ask the whole class for their
opinions about them. 4. Listen to LilyX5 reading her message. ▪▪ Ask students to work on the Useful
Vocabulary box individually without
READ Have students listen to the message using dictionaries. Have students
and check their answers. Stop the
▪▪ Use the picture here to elicit audio after each paragraph and ask
compare in pairs and finally check
information from students vocabulary with the whole class.
comprehension questions to ensure a Work on pronunciation of these
about the reading
© MEN Colombia

general understanding of the text.

▪▪ Ask students: What does the words.
girl look like? Where do you Answers: ▪▪ Ask students to give you simple
think she lives? The paragraphs are in this order: 3, examples using the words. Help
2, 4, 1 students to communicate their ideas


EP1-TG-M4.indd 178 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2

Paragraphs 3 - 2 - 4 - 1
▪▪ Ask students to read
the report written by
Fernando and tell them
to see if Fernando agrees
with their ideas (the ones
breathe you wrote on the board).
▪▪ Ask a volunteer to read
the report aloud and tell
wear a mask him to stop after reading
dirty each sentence of the
report. Ask the other
students to say if the
statement read is also
mentioned on the board.
▪▪ Ask students to identify
5 language mistakes in
the following report from
a ninth grade student.
Monitor while they are
▪▪ Check their answers
and write the correct
statements on the board.
▪▪ Ask these questions to
them: Which type of
statements are they?
(predictions) / Do we use
predictions to talk about
past experiences, routines
Answers (9): or possible situations in
a. We’ll the future? (possible
b. won’t situations in the future)
c. you’ll
d. will not
9. Listen to the sentences.
Circle the words you hear.
▪▪ Ask students to brainstorm
some things that will
a. Water, fresh air, flower, trees, birds
happen to Earth if we
7. Read the last section in Lily’s message flying, Earth, sky
don’t take care of it.
on her Lookbook wall. b. Drink, breathe, have, see, will be.
Write those ideas on the
c. Will , won’t
▪▪ Remember the textbook has been d. Won’t
designed to help students discover ▪▪ Highlight the word “will”
e. Future
grammar (Noticing Approach) and tell students to pay
without an explicit grammar attention to the two
8. Think about the future of our planet. ways of pronouncing it
explanation from the teacher. Ask
Identify 5 language mistakes in the
students to work on this section (contracted and long
following report from a ninth grade
individually, then compare ideas form).
with a partner and finally check as ▪▪ Practise with more
a whole class. ▪▪ Ask students to think about the sentences without writing
▪▪ When analysing the sentences future of our planet. them on the board.
together, revise the meaning of ▪▪ Elicit from them predictions about ▪▪ Tell students to listen
this metalanguage: nouns, verbs the Earth. to the sentences and
and auxiliaries. ▪▪ Write their ideas on the board, circle the words they
© MEN Colombia

Remind students they have already highlighting the word “WILL” to hear. Ask them to
studied WILL in Module 3. help them notice the uses of this notice the difference in
word. pronunciation when the
word “will” is contracted.


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Module 4 > Unit 2

10. Work in groups. What will
life be like in 25 years’
▪▪ In this exercise, students
will produce their own
language based on the
topic, vocabulary and
language learnt so far in the
▪▪ Brainstorm ideas with the
class about the different
topics here. Example:
- Transportation: cars,
spaceships, trains, etc.
- Food: genetically modified
food, fruit with added
vitamins, etc.
- Clothing: intelligent
clothes, mimetic materials,
▪▪ Ask students to use the
language (will/ won’t) and
vocabulary from the lesson.
▪▪ Monitor while students are
talking to encourage the
use of English.
11. Write a comment in
response to Lily’s message
on her wall. Write about
things you will do to
improve the environment.
▪▪ Students will write using
the language previously
learnt. Brainstorm ideas as
a whole class.
▪▪ Provide students with any ▪▪ Start brainstorming ideas with the whole Finally, students will find out if they
other vocabulary required. class. are eco-friends or not and make a TV
▪▪ Monitor their writing, ▪▪ Ask students to go back and revise both advertisement to promote the use of
offering help and Language and Vocabulary boxes in this environmentally friendly products.
correcting mistakes when lesson. Check language forms (will/
necessary. won’t) to reinforce their use.
▪▪ Ask students to check ▪▪ Refer students to Module 3 for the steps 1. Match the products with the
their work in groups, to work on a poster (Unit 1 Lesson 1) pictures.
paying special attention to ▪▪ This activity aims to activate prior
▪▪ Monitor them throughout.
the pronunciation of the knowledge from students about
contractions of WILL. the names of products. Encourage
▪▪ Ask some students to Lesson 7:
students to use their dictionaries to
read their sentences Looking for Alternatives look for the word.
aloud and check meaning
and pronunciation of LESSON OVERVIEW ▪▪ Ask students to look at the words in
the box. Practise pronunciation of the
contractions. This lesson provides students with new
ideas about helping the planet. Students
LET’S WORK TOGETHER will listen to a radio talk show about ▪▪ Tell students to match the name
© MEN Colombia

environmentally and non-environmentally of these products with the correct

▪▪ Have students working with picture.
different classmates this time friendly products and they will compare
to reinforce social interaction some of those products.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 180 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2

d e a c b
Tapescript 48
Reporter: This is Teens Talk and
today, our Street Talk segment is on
How environmentally-friendly are
plastic cup you as a consumer. What products
do teens buy or use and why? Let’s
hear what they had to say:

Teen 1: Me, environmentally-

friendly? Let’s see, well, what do I
buy, mmm.. what I do buy now are
eco-bulbs. I know my parents still
buy conventional bulbs because
they’re cheaper but they’re worse
for the environment. Ecobulbs,
on the other hand, may be more
expensive but they last longer than
6 conventional bulbs so I end up
1 saving and helping the planet.

Teen 2: I think I’m environmentally-

friendly… well… sometimes. I
2 hate plastic! I try to avoid buying
5 anything plastic, especially plastic
cups. They are everywhere because
they’re cheap and disposable- so
no washing is needed. But I prefer
recycled paper cups any day- they
are actually more expensive but
x they’re biodegradable, -which
x x x means they need less time to
x x x decompose and are less harmful for
the environment.

Teen 3: Well, I’m not really

LISTEN environmentally-friendly. I don’t
think too much about what I buy
columns on the board with the
1-4. Environmentally and non- and how it affects the environment.
headings: environmentally and non-
environmentally friendly products. It’s terrible, I know but my mum is
environmentally friendly products. Bring
▪▪ Elicit and introduce the vocabulary really conscious when she shops.
two sets of cards to class.
from excercise 3; they will need to She checks products to see if , you
The first set should have the words written use it for the entire lesson. know, if they’re toxic or natural
on the cards, and the second exercise with ▪▪ Environmentally friendly products: or if the packaging is paper or
the corresponding pictures of the words. eco cleaners, paper bags, shopping plastic. Like some detergents- she
Give each student a card and ask them to bags, recyclable products, etc. hates the more concentrated ones,
move around the classroom looking for their ▪▪ Non-environmentally friendly which may be more effective but
match. Once they find it, they paste word products: detergents, plastic they are normally more toxic and
and picture in one of the two columns. products, sprays, conventional hazardous as well. She usually buys
Depending on the number of students, you bulbs, etc. eco-cleaners because they are less
can have more sets of cards and do the ▪▪ Elicit from students what vox pops toxic and healthier and better for
activity as a competition in groups. are. (This is when a reporters ask the environment.
Some common environmental products are different people on the street the
products created to reduce the impact on same questions to get an idea of
▪▪ Stop it after some
© MEN Colombia

the environment and to pollute less while public opinion on a particular topic).
non-environmentally friendly products are ▪▪ Don’t play the whole recording at interactions and ask
those that cause more pollution and more once because it can be overwhelming questions to help students
damage to the environment. for students. with general comprehension.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 181 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2


Answers (6):
a. Conventional bulbs
b. Recycled paper cups
c. Eco-cleaners
Remember the textbook has been
designed to help students discover
grammar (Noticing Approach).
Allow students to work on their
own, compare ideas with a partner Answers (7):
and finally check as a whole a. Cheaper, more
expensive, healthier,
class. Guide students to notice kinder
or find out how language works. b. Making comparisons.
Explanations should only be used
when necessary to clarify and Than.
to make sure all students have
understood. Give students extra
exercises if needed.

7. Work in pairs. Read the

sentences in exercise 5
above and answer the
▪▪ Ask / remind students what
an adjective is before they
start this section. worse
- Adjective: a word better
that modifies a noun or
a pronoun by describing,
identifying, or quantifying
words. An adjective usually
precedes the noun or the
pronoun which it modifies.
For example:
-Big animals
-I live in a calm
8-10. Comparatives. SPEAK
-Colombia is a beautiful
country. Draw students’ attention to these 13. Here is the survey that Gregory White
adjectives and their irregular forms. Ask -president of the Friends of the Earth
-I use ecological bulbs at
them to give you some examples using Club-recommended on his website.
them. ▪▪ In this section, students will
-Adjectives here are: big,
calm, beautiful, ecological. produce their own language based
12. Look at the bar chart about the on the topic, vocabulary and
-Ask students to work on products my neighbours use. language learnt in the lesson.
the questions individually, Complete the statements with the
compare with a partner correct words. ▪▪ Do a guessing game (E.g.
and finally check with the Pictionary) to recycle the
whole class. ▪▪ Describe your neighbours to vocabulary studied in the lesson.
your students. For this activity ▪▪ Model the activity by drawing the
-Don’t explain
to be successful, it is important survey on the board. Do the survey
comparative forms.
to mention that you have 10 with a student and write the
Use the questions
neighbours. information on the table.
here to guide students
▪▪ Ask students to look at the chart
to understand how
about the products your neighbours ▪▪ Monitor while students are
© MEN Colombia

comparatives are formed. working on the activity. Note down

For more information, see ▪▪ Tell them to complete the mistakes.
chart on next page. statements with the correct words.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 182 21/12/13 15:37

Module 4 > Unit 2

▪▪ Correct them during the feedback at

the end of the activity. The information here will be useful when checking students have understood
▪▪ Check the pie chart with students and how to use comparative forms.
elicit the meaning of the expressions. 1. One syllable adjectives form the comparative by adding –er.
Remind them if necessary they used E.g. Cheap- Cheaper
these expressions in module 3.
2. Two-syllable adjectives that end in –y by adding -er.
▪▪ Remind students to use the pie chart E.g. healthy – healthier
(most, some, none) and information in
3. Adjectives that end in –e form the comparative by adding -r.
the table to complete their reports.
E.g. Nice- nicer
▪▪ Give students a copy of the rubric
4. Adjectives with more than two syllables form the comparative with
chart on page 52 for them to complete
during each presentation
E.g. Expensive- more expensive.
▪▪ Irregular adjectives.
Arrange groups so that everybody has a role Good - better bad - worse
and participates in the groups. Encourage ▪▪ Remember to use the word than when comparing two things:
language use and remind students of the E.g. Eco bulbs are cooler than conventional bulbs.
© MEN Colombia

comparative forms if they have forgotten ▪▪ Less is used to express little or not very significant difference.
them. Monitor them throughout to make E.g. As they decompose in shorter time, paper cups are less harmful.
sure they are doing the activities suggested
for the section.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 183 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 2

Answers will vary. Students can draw

whatever they want related to the ways
they can help to save the planet.

Lesson 8:
Not Too Little to Help
This lesson aims to make students
realise everybody can help
to protect the earth. Starting
with the fable titled “Not Too
Little to Help”, students will
reflect on their roles to help the
environment. They will listen
3 a.That no
to Lily X5 again. This time she
matter how old
is giving some advice to help us we are, there is
take care of our planet. Taking still something
into account her pieces of advice, that we can do
students will come up with to help others.
Students can be The Earth
promises to help the environment. young, but there
are many ways in
GET READY which they can
help others that
1. Read the title of the lesson they might see mIs
again. Think about what it as bigger, more
means. Draw a picture in experienced or
more important
your notebook to represent than them.
it. Share your drawing with
a partner.
The title of this unit invites
students to think of the many
ways they, as teenagers, can
help the Earth. They can
guess from this activity that
they are going to explore
ways in which they can get
involved in the protection of ▪▪ Read it aloud to your students, being ▪▪ Get students use expressions from the
our environment. careful to change your intonation to Language Box in order to share their
describe how powerful the lion felt, ideas from exercise “a”.
how helpless he thought that the little
2. Read this short fable titled mouse was at the beginning, and how
“Not Too Little to Help” the traits of both characters changed Ask students if they can think of more
written by Aesop. Try to at the end of the narrative. words with a silent e ( extreme, note,
connect this fable to the code, shoe, calculate, reserve…).
issue of taking care of the
3. Work with a partner to answer
these questions. LISTEN
Allow discussion in Spanish, but make 5. Listen to Lily X5 giving some advice
▪▪ Fables are very useful because sure they write their answers in to help save the planet. Tick the
they use fun, entertaining English. Check answers as a class. advice you hear.
stories to teach a lesson that
can be applied to our daily
4. Think of ways to save the earth. ▪▪ See next page for Tapescript
lives. This one can be taken ▪▪ Tell students to match the pictures ▪▪ Ask students to read the ten pieces
as an allegory where the lion of advice that Lily X gives in her
with actions to help Earth.
is the Earth and the little speech before listening to the text.
▪▪ When you check the answers, use
© MEN Colombia

mouse represents each child That will give them clues to listen
some expressions from the “Useful for specific information and prepare
who, although small, can Language Box” to highlight some
be extremely helpful when them for the vocabulary that will
ways to make suggestions. Ask appear during the listening activity.
needed. students to notice the expressions
you mention.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 184 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 2

Tapescript 50
Dear friends,

I am glad you decided to start
acting. I know you think there is
nothing you can do to help, but
that’s not true. You can still make a
X difference. If you don’t do anything
now, the Earth will die. There is still
time. Do not think you are too little
to help. Actually, there are some
simple things you can do now that
will have a big impact on our Earth’s
future. Here is some advice for you.
Save energy by switching off the
lights and fans when you are not
using them.

Separate bottles and cans from the

rest of the trash. Recycle cans and
plastic bottles at home. You can
exchange these materials for money
at a recycle center in your city.

Use water efficiently. Take short

showers and turn off the tap while
you are brushing your teeth or
washing the dishes.

Finally, try to keep your community

clean. You can carry your rubbish
home instead of littering. Set an
example for others to follow.

Will you follow my advice? Will you

listen to the pleas of a dying Earth?
Will you please do something now?
The Earth will be thankful.

6. Match the pictures with the FOCUS ON LANGUAGE LET’S WORK TOGETHER
predictions. There are 2 extra
predictions which do not match any
7. Talk to a partner and answer these Give students the opportunity
questions. to select the kind of activity
of the situations.
they feel more comfortable
The use of “will” is not new for
▪▪ Ask students to look at the with. If they are kinaesthetic or
students. Here they use it to express
pictures and describe what is visual, they will enjoy cutting
conditional (If I recycle, I will reduce
happening. Elicit vocabulary used and pasting paper to make an
the trash I produce) and to make
in the previous lesson. Focus attractive display. If they are
promises ( I will recycle cans and
on the words: water, garbage, verbal-linguistic, they will enjoy
plastic bottles).
trees. Tell them to talk about any putting dialogues and messages
of the situations which is also Answers together to convince others to
similar to their contexts (cities, a. It refers mainly to consequences save the planet.
neighbourhood, school, etc.). that will be evident in the future Monitor them Environmental
if we don’t do anything now. The Fair to make sure they are doing
▪▪ Tell them to read the predictions use of “if” suggest that there is still the activities suggested for the
and match them with the correct something to do to avoid a terrible section and support them when
situation. There are extra future(will). help is needed.
predictions which do not match any
© MEN Colombia

b. The second question asks me to NOTE

of the situations. make a promise to change the future Trash = rubbish = basura
of our planet.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 185 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 2

fair? (To make the school community look at the pictures to get some ideas,
LET’S WORK TOGETHER aware of some environmental issues However, value and accept any ideas
THINKING GREEN PROJECT and to invite them to become green), the group comes up with, remember
how are we going to do this? (By the project should be based on their
▪▪ This lesson is designed to showing them our products and decisions.
give you and your students reflections about environmental
some time to organise and LOOK BACK
issues), what decisions did we make
make group decisions for the last time we worked on our project? The aim of this activity is to give students
Environmental Fair. (Have students write their answers in the chance to review and reflect on what
▪▪ Remember this project the table) they have learnt in this unit.
is aimed at developing ▪▪ Arrange groups so that everybody has
different team working skills; a role and participates in the groups.
▪▪ Ask students to take some time to
so, try to take advantage of complete the chart and then, share the
Encourage them to choose a topic
all the activities to promote information with a classmate.
they feel good about, even if you
participation, discussion, have not studied it (you will study
▪▪ Ask some students randomly. Take
decision making, roles and advantage of this moment to help
Environmental up and organizations
tasks assignments, etc. students to recognize their favourite
in Unit 3) ideally, each group should
▪▪ Start asking some questions have a different topic to make the
learning style and to think about
© MEN Colombia

about the activity: What are learning strategies that can be helpful
fair more interesting.
we preparing? (an NGOs), to learn English.
▪▪ Promote discussion and decision
what is the purpose of the making among the class. Have students


EP1-TG-M4.indd 186 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3


In this unit students will learn
about organizations that develop
projects to solve environmental
problems, and to raise awareness
about the need to protect the
place where we live. Students
will read and analyse texts about
NGOs in Colombia and PRAES
(Proyectos Ambientales Escolares)
that are being held at different
schools in our country. Students
will also have the chance to
work on practical activities to
review all the language they
have learned during the entire
module. Furthermore, they will
get together to finalise details
for the presentation of their


Lesson Topic Time Language Focus Output

Letter inviting local
Environmental Verb +ing forms after
NGOs to visit schools and
9 NGOs and City 2 hours prepositions & gerunds
asking about teenagers’
Projects. Present perfect to report news
Either a research and
report about school PRAES
10 2 hours Present simple passive voice that already exist, or the
School Projects
development of a proposal
for a school PRAE
Recycling of previous language
11 Review 1 hour
Recycling of previous language
© MEN Colombia

12 Project 6 hours Environnmental Fair

Project individual and
Frequency adverbs and quality group assessment
Self-Assessment 1 hour
descriptors Language and study skills


EP1-TG-M4.indd 187 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3

Green Hope
Lesson 9: G: To stop deforestation
P: Protection of the
Environmental NGOs and Amazonian forest
City Projects Natura
G: To contribute to the
LESSON OVERVIEW conservation of biological
diversity in Colombia and
In this lesson students will read to search for sustainable P: Restoration and conservation
about NGOs in Colombia. They alternatives to the use of of the Jaboque wetland as a
will identify the main goals they natural resources protected green area in our
have and the projects they are Pro Aves
currently working on or have G: To study birds and conserve
worked on that have been very their habitats
important for a community. They P: Artificial nests
will also learn about an NGO in
England and will compare some
information about both countries,
Colombia and the UK.
1. Look at the pictures. (...)
Read this additional
information in advance in
order to be able to explain
to students what an NGO
is and what it does. This
information does not appear
in the textbook.
A non-governmental agency (NGO)
is an organization that operates
without funding from the state.
Environmental NGOs are dedicated
to preserving land, cleaning up
environmental hazards (dangers),
or education. In many cases, READ Students can read in pairs so that
the environmental NGO is a non-profit they can help each other understand
organization, which operates solely on 2. Read a brief description of these the text.
donations from the public or simply environmental NGOs and fill in the
a group of volunteers. They often chart. LISTEN
perform such tasks as planting trees Explain that good readers set a 3. Charlotte works at “The Green House
to preserve forests or constructing purpose for reading, based on what Trust”, an environmental NGO. (...).
wildlife habitats to protect they know about the genre, what
endangered species. They might also they learned about the text from
▪▪ This is a predicting activity that
set aside time to pick up trash from will help students approach the
the GET READY section, and what
roadways, clean up debris from lakes listening task. Have students read the
they expect to find out. Students
or streams, or educate other groups instructions and ask some of them to
have already looked at the logos of
on the importance of these actions. explain what they are going to do.
each NGO and have brainstormed
An environmental NGO may be a possible goals each one has. Have
▪▪ Clarify that not all the sentences are
charitable organization, where funding mentioned in the listening. They need
students set a purpose to read this.
may come from private donations or to try to guess which ones are going to
Encourage them to take a look at
fundraising campaigns. Leaders of be mentioned.
the chart to get an idea of the kind
the independent organization might of information they need to look for. 4. Listen to PART 1 of Charlotte’s
© MEN Colombia

solicit donations in person or via the Read the information about Green presentation. Answer these questions
Internet. They might also conduct Hope and fill in the first line as an
telethons or other special events to example for students to continue
▪▪ The same way students set a clear purpose
do this. to read a text, they should set a purpose
to approach a listening activity.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 188 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3

Tapescript 51
Hello! My name is Charlotte and I
work for a NGO called The Green
House Trust which is located here in
Norwich, England. I’m the Building
Manager so I look after the building
and after the people and the visitors
who come here. Norwich is a very
old city and lots of the buildings
were built at a time when we did not
really understand what humans were
doing in relation to the environment
and climate change in particular.
c. Because it
was built a So our building is very inefficient in
long time
ago at a time Building Manager terms of energy. We have bought and
when people It is located in Norwich, England renovated our very old building in
were not
concerned The NGO shows people how to alter their buildings to a way that meets the needs of the
protecting the reduce the amount of energy that they use twenty first century. People come
Because we can also learn to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and stop wasting resources. to the building and we show them
and saving
energy. how they can alter the buildings
where they live so that they can
reduce the amount of energy that
they use, and reduce their bills.
It is important to help people to
understand why we have to reduce
the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
Bumble grow food, cook
especially in the developed world
bees, honey food, organic where we are wasting resources in an
production growing, learn unprecedented way.
Economic cost, about organic
Tapescript 52
pollinate flowers food, plant
and vegetables. flowers. One of the projects that we are working
on at the moment is related to bumble
bees because they are in decline. In
this country they have never been
particularly important because they
don’t produce honey. We only have
a small variety of bees that produce
▪▪ Ask students to look at the questions ▪▪ Graphic organisers are a very honey so all the scientific evidence is
so that they know which specific useful tool to synthesise relevant based around bees that are obviously
of use to human beings. Wild bees
information to listen for. Also, encourage information from a text and to take
whether they produce honey or not are
them to note down the key words they notes. Completing a graphic organiser
important to the pollination of flowers
hear. Explain that the audio has 2 parts. is a lifelong skill that helps students and all the vegetables that we need to
The questions in this exercise are based to develop better study habits. After live on. So by protecting bees you are
only on PART 1 of the recording. reading the tip, direct students’ not just looking after nature but also
attention to the box on the right and previewing the economic impact of
5. Listen to PART 2 of Charlotte’s ask one student to read the words suddenly having to pollinate our own
presentation. Complete the answers aloud. Learn about organic food and fruit and vegetables without the help
in the following diagram. Use the organic farming: Organic food refers of the bees which would put a huge
words in the word bank. While you to meat that comes from animals that economic cost on the environment. So
we talk to people here about what they
listen, decide where each word are given no antibiotics or growth
can do in their gardens, for example
belongs: on the project side (left) or hormones, and fruits and vegetables
planting flowers to encourage the bees.
on the teenagers side (right). that are produced without using the
most conventional pesticides and Continues on page 191
▪▪ Tell students that they will now listen fertilisers.
to PART 2 of the audio and complete ▪▪ Organic food is produced by farmers
© MEN Colombia

the diagram. Draw students’ attention who emphasise the use of renewable
to the word bank and clarify any resources and the conservation of soil
unfamiliar words. and water to enhance environmental
quality for future generations.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 189 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3

6-7. What happens with bees

and pollination in our
country? Read this short
article to find out. Answer 7
Both countries
Ask students to read the short have done little
text to understand more about research on bumble
pollination. Then ask them bees because they
do not produce
to relate what is happening honey. Both
with bees in Norwich to countries need to
what is happening with bees understand how
in Colombia. Use the chart important bees are
for pollination. It is
presented underneath the text
necessary to raise
for students to understand bees so they can
how one situation causes pollinate our fruits
something else to happen and vegetables
and how it becomes a cause or we will have
to pollinate
and effect chain. Have our own fruits
students answer the question and vegetables
about bees in England and in ourselves.
8. Answer these questions
about yourself. Then,
interview two different
partners to complete the
▪▪ The purpose of this
activity is to have students
interact with their
partners and discuss what
they have learned about
NGOs in this lesson.
▪▪ Have students work
individually to complete
the ME column. Then,
have them walk around
and find two partners
to interview in order to
complete the table. Once students have answered the Another option is to make posters
▪▪ Option: You can arrange questions, use an activity named “stroll, displaying their proposals for NGOs
the classroom in a semi- pair, share”. Students walk around the in their areas. Before students begin,
circle with chairs facing classroom while listening to soft music. review the parts of a letter, including
one another and have When the music stops, students pair up date, salutation, body, closing,
students rotate and switch and the information they have share signature. Ask students to follow the
partners as you clap. This with a partner. model provided in their books.
can add variety to the
If they researched the same NGO, they
activity. Lesson 10:
just make comments on it and compare
LET’S WORK TOGETHER the information they have. Repeat the Environmental School Projects
procedure about four to five times to
1. Research an NGO in your allow students to interact with different
city. Answer the following LESSON OVERVIEW
questions. In this unit students will read and hear
3. Choose one NGO and write a about PRAES (Environmental School
Ask students to research
letter telling them how much you Projects) held at different schools in
NGOs in their cities or in
appreciate what they are doing for Colombia.
Colombia and answer the
the environment. Throughout the lesson, they will use
© MEN Colombia

graphic organisers to summarise the

Ask students to work in small groups
information provided in the texts and
2. Talk to your partners and of three, maximum four, to write a
will become more aware of activities
share the information you letter addressed to one of the NGOs
that schools are carrying out to promote
collected about the NGOs. asking how to get involved.
environmental respect.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 190 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3

Tapescript 52
Certainly here at the Green House,
young people have come to us and not
only do they discover about growing
food but they can learn to cook food
and become a part of the process of
working in the kitchen and serving
people in the café. But in their own
lives they’ve gone off to local farms
to grow food and then of course
you get involved in understanding
what’s happening to the food and the
difference between organic food and
organic growing and those intensive
agricultural practices that are part of
the problem.

b. To include environmental
education in the curriculum
for pre-school, elementary
and high school.
c. Diagnose an environmental
problem in the community
and make a proposal
to improve the current
GET READY ▪▪ Ask students to focus on the
1. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. Ask them to read and 3. Read the text again. Think
questions. analyse them well before reading of the Environmental
Take advantage of this section to elicit the text. Revise how to set a project that the school
information from students. purpose for this task. community is running
Ask questions to make them conscious Example: I know this is an at Presbítero Bernardo
of the importance of having these kinds informational text about PRAES, Montoya High School in
of campaigns in schools. Motivate them so I am going to read it to find out Copacabana.
to take an active role by sharing their what PRAES are, why schools do
Guide students through the
comments with the class. them and how we can participate
completion of the diagram
or get involved.
READ by inviting them to go back
▪▪ Remind students that they don’t and mention the problem
2. Read the text. Then, answer the need to know all the to understand described in the text. Give
questions. a text. Make sure that they do not them time to fill in the top
use the dictionary for every word in
▪▪ Use the pictures here to elicit box. Ask them to list some
the text. proposals mentioned in the
ideas from students.
text and give them time to
▪▪ Check the vocabulary in the Useful Answers
© MEN Colombia

fill in the box on the right. Do

Vocabulary box to prepare for the a. Environmental School Project
the same with the Strategies
reading. (acronym PRAES for Spanish version
box and the Results box.
(Proyectos Ambientales Escolares)


EP1-TG-M4.indd 191 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3


4-7. Eugenia is a school teacher

in Colombia. Her son Gabriel
studies in the same school that
she works at. (...)
▪▪ The listening task here has
been divided into three
sections to allow students to
focus on one set of specific
information at a time.
▪▪ Get students to work with
a partner and look up the
meaning of words they don’t X
know. The purpose of this
pre-listening activity is to
pre-teach some vocabulary X
from the listening that
students might find difficult. √
Have students work in pairs
to share their knowledge of
the vocabulary and find the
meaning of unfamiliar words.
▪▪ If you feel that students
might need extra help with
other words, pre-teach that
vocabulary as well. For
example: reforest, reuse,
look after. Explain that the
prefix re means again, so
reforest refers to plant trees
again and reuse refers to
using items again.
▪▪ Give students more examples
for them to explain their
meaning. You might include
words like: reread, redo,
reorganise, etc.
▪▪ Play the recording more than
once, if needed, or divide with them to check pronunciation. ▪▪ Allow them to go around the school
the listening into sections. Clarify any unfamiliar words. Then, asking people questions.
▪▪ Tell students that reading the have students work in groups. ▪▪ Promote team work (E.g.: A student
questions and predicting the Monitor while students are talking asks in English while another translates
answers before a listening to encourage the use of English. into Spanish, and another one makes
activity is an effective Don’t interrupt them while they are notes).
strategy that will help them speaking.
▪▪ Note down common mistakes and lead
▪▪ Remember to monitor students while
prepare for the task. doing the activity and provide any
a feedback session at the end of the
SPEAK support needed.
▪▪ Use the rubric chart proposed at
8. Discuss these questions in the end of the book to record your
groups. observations. Lesson 11:
▪▪ Encourage students’ Language Revision
reflection in this section.
Give students time to read ▪▪ Check the activities as a whole class LESSON OVERVIEW
the questions and brainstorm and make sure they understand the
These exercises review essential content
ideas individually. Focus steps to follow.
© MEN Colombia

and skills in the unit and provide further

their attention on the Useful ▪▪ Then, organise the groups, taking practice. They evaluate students’ readiness
Language box. Go over into account students’ interests in for assessment and enable them to confirm
the language in the box environmental issues. their achievement of the unit’s goals.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 192 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3

Tapescript 53
Environmental School project
Eugenia: The project at school has
been divided mainly in two different
projects. One of them is reforesting
the stream. We’ve been planting trees
on the side…oh on each side of the
stream. For this, ah, kids had to work
first preparing the seeds and having
the little plants in a greenhouse.
Afterwards, they had the opportunity
to plant each tree and look after it.
Students in this project were very
enthusiastic because they had the
opportunity to see their tree grow.
The other part of the project was
recycling. For this recycling we had
a contest and each class had, ah,
each classroom had three different
rubbish bins. One of them was green,
the other one, mmm blue for plastic
and we had a grey one for paper. Eh,
kids were happy to participate in this
contest because they were supposed
to win, ah, I don´t remember, ah it
was probably some cinema tickets, or
something like that for all the class.
What they did was that if they
recycled, if they placed the rubbish in
the appropriate bin, then, they would
win. Ah, transition kids used to go to
check if the recycling they were doing
was appropriate, and if they were
separating things in the right way.
The other part is that this year, ah,
kinder students, the ones who were
participating in the recycling process
last year, continue working in this
campaign and now they are using the 3
Rs, so we will have one of the students
telling us what these three Rs are about.
GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS answers (e.g. Is recycling enough
to make our planet green? How can Gabriel: Reuse, reduce and recycle
▪▪ Have students work individually and with plastic we made a pencil
a single person protect animals in
to complete the exercises, or, to case, a flower and instruments in the
danger of extinction? etc.). Encourage
save time, you may ask students to music, music class, so we want that
students to give complete answers
complete the exercises as homework you do it and probably you can do it, if
using the vocabulary studied in the you want, with bottles.
and go through the answers quickly
unit. Provide help when needed.
next class. Eugenia: Thank you very much!
▪▪ Move around the room to offer help 2. Read “the Three Rs of Trash” and Gabriel: Thank you very much!
as needed. Go through the correct answer the questions. Eugenia: Ok, the nice thing about this
answers as a class. Remind students that it is not project is that kids have been engaged
▪▪ Note any areas of difficulty and provide with every single thing we’ve done
necessary to understand every word
at school and these little children
additional instruction and practise as in the reading to understand it. are also asking people to reduce,
necessary. Have students look at the pictures reuse and recycle at home. They’ve
and tell you what they mean been doing the campaigns with their
and what they remember about parents, ah, with their classmates at
1. Discuss these questions with your recycling. Encourage them to use school because normally the little ones
partner. the vocabulary related to recycling. are the ones who are more interested
© MEN Colombia

Have students scan the text for the in looking after the planet. Thank you
Use these questions to promote very much!
specific information asked in the
critical thinking. Ask follow up
questions. Go through answers as a
questions depending on students’


EP1-TG-M4.indd 193 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3

3. Read and answer the

Remind students that it is
not necessary to understand
every word in the reading
to understand it. Encourage
them to read without looking
up every unknown word in a
Ask them to skim the text
(read it fast to get the
general ideas).
▪▪ Ask students to write the
main ideas. Check as a
▪▪ Read the questions with
students and make sure
they understand all of
▪▪ Have students read the
text again and answer the
questions. Tell them to
underline ideas from the
text that can help them to
answer the questions.
▪▪ Have students check their
answers with a partner light soon put
▪▪ Check answers as a class. law bed no near
Encourage students to see boy cat about
support their answers with air not hit last
information from the text. run day tour now
4. Look back at the text on
page 193.
▪▪ This exercise requires
students to revisit 5. Talk to your partners about the ▪▪ Begin by drawing some symbols on
the text on page 193 information in the reading. Use these the board. Have students think of
and encourages the questions and answers to help you. example words for each symbol.
comprehension of main Vary the interaction pattern for this ▪▪ Make copies of IPA symbol cards and
ideas. activity by asking students to find words.
▪▪ Tell students to pair up, another partner to work with. Tell Give 1 card to each student. Ask
read the three sections students to ask and answer questions students to walk around the room
in the text and come up about what they found interesting, trying to match words and symbols.
with sub-headings for boring, applicable, etc. in the text. ▪▪ Ask students to show the pairs and
each of them. Encourage them to come up with practise pronunciation with the
▪▪ Then, tell them to make more questions to ask their partners. group.
notes of key words in each
▪▪ After students have reviewed the
of the sections. (Words 6. Each word in the box has a different sounds, pair them and ask them to
that contain very important vowel sound. Match the words in
information about the work on the exercise in the textbook.
the box with a vowel sound in the
topic). This will help them chart below. ▪▪ Check answers as a class.
summarise each section
▪▪ The objective of this activity is
© MEN Colombia

easily. Ask students to use

some of those words or to review all the sounds studied
their synonyms to write throughout all the modules.
their summary sentences.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 194 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Unit 3


▪▪ Students will finalise details
about the fair and present
it to the rest of the school.
During this lesson students will
work in small groups to select
the products they will display
and complete the setting up
of their stands. Students will
demonstrate what they have
learned in creative ways.
▪▪ Remember this project is
aimed at developing different
team working skills.
▪▪ Check each group. Encourage
them to be creative. Have
students look at the pictures
to get some ideas. However,
value and accept any ideas
the group comes up with and
remember the project should
be based on their decisions.
▪▪ Your role here is to be an
OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: A LOTTO ▪▪ The player with the matching symbol observer. Monitor students’
PRONUNCIATION GAME on his/her board should ask for the work throughout and give
▪▪ Divide the students in your class into card and cover the symbol with the them support when help is
groups of four. word card. needed.
▪▪ Copy one set of WORD CARDS and one ▪▪ Then it is the next player’s turn to take ▪▪ Check the products they will
set of LOTTO BOARDS for each group. and pronounce a word card. display on their stand. Correct
▪▪ Make copies of the pictorial rules sheet ▪▪ The player who covers all his symbols any language mistakes their
and give one to each group. first is the winner. products may have before the
▪▪ Monitor the activity to check and fair.
▪▪ Give out a set of lotto boards and a set
of word cards to each group. help students with mispronunciation ▪▪ Help students rehearse what
mistakes. they are going to present on
▪▪ They should take a board each and the stand. Check and correct
place the word cards face down in the ▪▪ When a student claims to be the
winner, ask him/her to pronounce the form and pronunciation.
words again. Encourage students to prepare
▪▪ The objective of the game is for notes on cards to help them
students to cover all the symbols on ▪▪ Look at the answer boards for correct remember key points they
their lotto boards with matching word answers.
want to share about their
© MEN Colombia

cards. stands.
▪▪ The first player takes a word card, ▪▪ Take photos or video record
pronounces the word and shows it to the event.
the group.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 195 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4

Remind students they need
to acquire the habit of
stopping, assessing their
work and improving it. At
the end of each module
they should be able to
mention what they learned
well and what they still
need to practise. They will
also verify if the frequency
in the use of some learning
strategies is linked to their
success in certain areas.
Explain these descriptors
in Spanish if they don’t
Throughout the module
students have practised
some learning strategies.
Tell your students that now
they are going to assess
their use of those strategies
according to frequency:
Always, Sometimes, Never.

It is important to tell students that self-assessment is a life-long strategy that leads us
to success, in the sense that we learn from our mistakes and find ways to improve our
work. Here students will reflect on the language they learned during the module and
the how they used learning strategies taught.
This section is aimed at providing students with some reflections about their learning
process throughout the module

▪▪ Highlight the importance of being honest and realistic. Tell them this activity is
not going to be assessed, but explain its importance.
▪▪ Direct students’ attention to the second box. Explain that they are not going to
evaluate how well they do a task, but how often they practise a strategy and
how strategies have helped them succeed or not in an activity. Ask volunteers to
share their answers and give general feedback encouraging students to continue
using the strategies that work for them.
▪▪ Focus on their main needs to give them contextualized feedback and advice.
© MEN Colombia


EP1-TG-M4.indd 196 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4


After the fair, take some time to reflect on and evaluate the activity. Allow students
to complete the first part individually. Remind them that the purpose of this self-
assessment is to plan to do things better next time. Encourage them to start thinking
about what they did to help the group. E.g.: “Think about your individual role in the
group and check how well you completed your assignments. Did you bring the required
products with the corresponding corrections? Did you participate actively in the
decoration and setting up of the stand? Did you practise before the fair what you had
to present? Did you speak to your audience clearly and with confidence?”
Ask students to brainstorm ideas for future fairs or project displays.
After students have completed their individual self-assessment, invite them to
get together with their project team and do the same activity to determine the
achievements of the teams and identify aspects to improve. Make sure that they make
respectful comments. Put downs are not allowed. Advise them not to concentrate on
© MEN Colombia

mistakes or complaints but on ways to improve.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 197 21/12/13 15:38

Module 1


Leader Group: Team Members:

Task Detail Deadline

a. Look at the first draft of the magazine produced by the Design Team
b. Assign different people in the group to check each page.
c. Proof-reading
Final check Check spelling Magazine.
Check for typing mistakes
Check punctuation.
All corrections should be finished by the end of the class.

Task: Next a. Assign responsibilities and prepare to: take pictures, make a video, take notes and
project class interview some people (students, teachers, principal, etc.), to have enough content
for the school magazine.

Leader Group: Team Members:

Task Detail Deadline

a. Revise your first complete draft.

b. Assign different people in the group to check each page. Check:
Page numbers
Font size and type for headings, titles, captions are correct
Final check on design
Fit on page.
Images are not distorted.
Any other problems
All corrections should be completed by the end of the class.

a. Make sure you have everything you need to produce the magazine:
Enough paper.
Final check on resources
b. Double check with class how many copies you need to produce.

Task: Next project class Bring the required number of printed copies of the magazine.

Leader Group: Team Members:

Task Detail Deadline

a. Practise your presentations.

Finalise oral presentations
b. Ask members from the other groups and your teacher to listen to you.
for Launch Day
c. Improve your presentation based on their feedback.

Implement poster a. Continue putting up your advertisements.

campaign b. Make sure everybody knows what their roles are on Launch Day.
© MEN Colombia

a. Prepare for your oral presentations of the magazine.

Task: Next project class
a. Put up final advertisements.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 198 21/12/13 15:38

Module 1

Group Chair: Team Members:

Task Detail Deadline
Editor’s letter This
a. Decide on content for Editor’s letter: Who are we? Where did the idea for the
should address the
magazine come from? What do we want to achieve with our magazine?
main objectives of the
b. Write, edit/revise first draft of letter. Ask your teacher for help.
c. Produce final version and give it to Design Team.

a. Topic 1 Text type 1: Liaise with author. Check if there is anything you don’t
understand. Revise/edit content item.
Magazine Content
b. Do the same with Topic 2 Text type 2
c. Give each item to Design Team as it is finalised.

a. All content must be finalised and checked, including Editor’s Letter.

Task: Next project class b. All finalized content must be given to Design Team before next Project Class (Design
Team to set deadline)

Group Chair: Team Members:

Task Detail Deadline
a. Paper
Production resources
b. Printing
What will you need to
c. How many copies will you need?
print your magazine?
d. Financial resources (speak to your teacher)

a. Make any changes to skeleton design based on feedback from the class.
b. Start putting finalised content items in their correct places in the magazine.
Magazine Design c. Make sure you have all the visuals you need.
d. Start putting visuals into correct places in magazine.
e. Speak to Advertising team. Insert sponsored ads.

Task: Next project class a. Magazine first draft must be ready for final editing before next Project Class.

Group Chair: Team Members:

Task Detail Deadline
Getting sponsors
Talk to Design Team. Explain who your sponsors are and what they want.

Create poster and other a. Produce posters keeping in mind:main message (check spelling!), images,
adverts. space, font and colour choices
According to your previous plan. b. Look for the most visited places in your school and paste posters there.

Prepare presentations for a. Decide who, how, when and where the school magazine will be presented
Launch Day b. Decide, prepare and practise what you will say on the Launch Day
Where will your distributors presentation.
stand? c. Create a schedule to advertise the magazine orally during breaktime, in
Will you go round all the addition to the posters.
classes? d. Create a roster for distribution of the magazine for LAUNCH DAY and the
© MEN Colombia

When? Break times? week after.

a. All posters must be ready.

Task: Next project class b. First stage of poster campaign should be started.
c. Oral presentations and distribution roster must be ready.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 199 21/12/13 15:38

Module 1


Family Find













▪▪ Aunt ▪▪ Father ▪▪ Nephew

▪▪ Brother ▪▪ Grandfather ▪▪ Niece
▪▪ Children ▪▪ Grandson ▪▪ Siblings
▪▪ Cousin ▪▪ Kids ▪▪ Sister
▪▪ Dad ▪▪ Mother ▪▪ Son
▪▪ Daughter ▪▪ Mum ▪▪ Uncle
© MEN Colombia


EP1-TG-M4.indd 200 21/12/13 15:38

Module 1


Family Find Answer Key

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12













▪▪ Aunt (H7) ▪▪ Father (J11) ▪▪ Nephew (F10)

▪▪ Brother (B1) ▪▪ Grandfather (B2) ▪▪ Niece (I8)
▪▪ Children (L12) ▪▪ Grandson (A1) ▪▪ Siblings (E3)
▪▪ Cousin (E4) ▪▪ Kids (B8) ▪▪ Sister (A12)
▪▪ Dad (D3) ▪▪ Mother (G6) ▪▪ Son (D10)
▪▪ Daughter (K5) ▪▪ Mum (C9) ▪▪ Uncle (C3)
© MEN Colombia


EP1-TG-M4.indd 201 21/12/13 15:38

Module 4 > Resources
Unit 3


Give students a task to do while the others present their products. Ask students to draw a basic rubric chart to complete
during each presentation. Create one with them or use the one below.

Excellent Good Needs work

• Good and practical recommendations.
• Clear message.
• Use of vocabulary studied in the unit.
• Use of imperatives.
• Use of stress to emphasise meaning.
• Nice and clean presentation.
• Eye-catching product.

Encourage constructive feedback after each presentation starting with what the group did very well and finishing with some
helpful advice to take into account.


Give students a task to do while the others present their products.
Ask students to draw a basic rubric chart to complete during each presentation. Create one with them or use the one below.

Excellent Good Needs work

• Good environmentally friendly product.
• Clear description of the product.
• Good comparison with a non-environmentally friendly product.
• Use of vocabulary studied in the unit.
• Use of comparatives appropriately.
• Nice and creative presentation.
• Eye-catching product.

Encourage constructive feedback after each presentation starting with what the group did very well and finishing with some
helpful advice to take into account next time.


Use the rubric provided to record your observations and lead a feedback session at the end of the lesson.

 Discussion Rubric Excellent Good Needs work

• Appropriate comments.
• Respectful answers to other students comments.
• Use of vocabulary studied in the unit.
Active Listening
• Appropriate posture and behaviour, which demonstrate respect
© MEN Colombia

and attentiveness to others.

Encourage constructive feedback at the end of the session starting with what the group did very well language which the students
used well, interesting ideas discussed in the groups...) and finishing with some helpful advice to take into account next time.


EP1-TG-M4.indd 202 21/12/13 15:38

English, please! 1
Teacher’s Guide

Ilustraciones y Fotografías:

P 27, P 29, P 45, P 84: Danilo Ramírez; P37, P 38, P 97: David Osorio L.; P 91, P 134: Nora
Múnera J.; P 53, P 161: Lina Vélez O.; P 59, P107, P 128, P 161: Susana Tamayo A.; P 77, P83, P 91 P 107, P122,P
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Créditos finales

Agradecemos la participación de las siguientes secretarías de educación,

instituciones educativas, maestros de inglés y estudiantes, durante el proceso de
pilotaje del material, cuyos aportes contribuyeron a lo que es hoy English, please 1!

Secretaría de Educación de Armenia

Institución Educativa Bosques de Pinares
Institución Educativa Camilo Torres
Institución Educativa Ciudadela del Sur
Institución Educativa Normal Superior Quindío
Institución Educativa Teresita Montes
Institución Educativa CASD
Institución Educativa Ciudad Dorada
Institución Educativa Los Quindos

Secretaría de Educación de Quindío

Institución Educativa Jesús María Morales
Institución Educativa Jesús María Córdoba
Institución Educativa La Mariela
Institución Educativa Luís Arango Cardona
Institución Educativa Luis Eduardo Calvo Cano Sede Francisco Londoño de Circasia
Institución Educativa Luis Eduardo Calvo Cano de Circasia
Institución Educativa Santa Teresita de Pijao
Institución Educativa Instituto Pijao

Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá

Institución Educativa Colegio Cundinamarca
Institución Educativa Carlo Federici
Institución Educativa Colegio San José Norte
Institución Educativa Colegio Débora Arango

Secretaría de Educación de Barranquilla

Institución Educativa Humboldt
Institución Educativa Madre Marcelina
Institución Educativa María Cano
Institución Educativa Evardo Turizo
Institución Educativa Colegio Mayor
Institución Educativa Jorge N Abello
Institución Educativa Nueva Granada
Institución Educativa Campito

Fundación Universidad del Norte por su acompañamiento al pilotaje

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