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Most most Important notes, taken from some of the texts below:

The other most important notes start with ## in front of the row.
e- = electron
ev = everything
p+ = proton
mito = mitochondria
Once you read these, the first 2 are the most important, but you can do all 5, Jack suggests to read
his book as a started and then go on his forums if you have questions. Of course, he’s got a lot of blog
psots you can read to go deeper and a membership with monthly(I think) webinars.

##I think the easiest way to approach me, it cuts through the first 2-3 years of blogs , is reading the
book. And then getting on my forum and asking ppl who’ve been with me for a really long time,
specific things, they will direct you to things for your specific question. The easiest way to really pin
me down is get on my forum on the Optimal Journals, put your story down , when I know a little bit
of your context I can give you some really pointed advice, kinda like I did today. And for your
listeners, go and read the Optimal Journals on my site and be prepared to be astounded by some of
the changes that ppl have made. And sometimes when you do conventional things and they don’t
work and then you give crazy a try you start to find out that maybe crazy isn’t so crazy.

#recommends sleeping on a “”Magnetico””

##avid in – sulfur. Sulfur is important in your skin for reflecting bad frequencies of sunlight. I have a
##blogpost about that, called ?tensegrity7 – black hole sun. This is the reason all these parts, what do
you learn when you learn about quantum physics – everything is connected. There’s always a reason,
your job as a human is to make these connections. Farmed fish is better than no fish, but that is
absolutely not something I would make a staple of. It is a bridge to a better land . I am not against
DHA in supplement form, I would just tell you that if you are sick you need to eat real sea food, but
say if you’re travelling or you need a bridge, I’m okay with DHA supplement. But the key is that you
gotta keep it in cold unlit environment. Why – because DHA taken out of its biological pocket in
polyunsaturated fat, extremely sensitive to photo oxidation and T oxidation. So if you are one of
these idiots that buys fish oil from Walmart realize that’s been sitting in ?arkansaw, which is like 95
degrees , that fish oil is like eating a trans fat cheese burger from McDonalds. SelfHacked: I buy the
life extension brand, because they make sure that it’s not oxidized – but they ship it from Florida to
wherever you are. Do you know how hot it, look today is 90 degrees in the water. SelfHacked – but I
get it in the winter – right, that’s good. If you’re smart you can buy it there, but when did the French
ship wine, back to earlier talk, only when it’s cold. You need to have the same idea about DHA, but
see ppl aren’t doing that. Getting it in the winter time – that’s smart, keep it in your freezer, you’re
doing good. SelfHacked -So the capsules are dark and they test it – jack nodding. How’s that
compared to farmed fish with heavy metals and toxins? – The heavy metals - that’s a bunch of
bullshit. The evolutionary solution is built into sea food, its called Selenium. Look, if anybody should
have heavy metal toxicity it should be me(Jack). I eat more sea food than anyone else. Here’s the real
problem: heavy metals are only a problem for ppl. who have a really low redox. When you first start,
you may have some reactions when you start eating it, I did, literally within 6 weeks they were gone.
Because what happened – you start to build up your electric charge, I even started checking EKGs
and EEgs on myself and noticed a big change. When those alpha waves comes back and your voltage
changes, dude you start to become healthy. And then all the things that you worry about, remember
I say stop focusing on shit that doesn’t matter and focus in on stuff that does matter. That’s my
point. And my point is wild sea food is gonna help you. The wilder it is, the better. I am not a fan of
farmed fish, but if you’re telling me you’re using it like you’re using the supplements – a bridge to get
you through, I’m fine with it. But I’m telling you CLEARLY the staple has to be, you know – what’s in
Brain Gut 6(Jack’s blog) or in my book – The epi paleo prescription. Eat the stuff you’re designed to
eat by evolution. Vuz your brain can’t make it.

##put words in my mouth “”what I said””, I didn’t said any of that. All sea food , even bad sea food is
better than grass fed meat, that makes me an enemy of the state :D.

##You only need the blue light in the beginning of the morning. The leptin prescription tells you to go
out as soon as you wake up and let the sunlight hit your retina for 1-3 minutes.
##IR light begins charge separation of water between negative and positive. What extends the ez –
##Colen : so we want a lot of DHA, a lot of water, a lot of sun, and also you’ve mentioned leafy
greens so that the IR light can come into our tissues. - or pork. There’s other ways of getting it,
vegetables are a poor way of getting solar radiations and minerals, but are they acceptable – yes, are
they high on my list – no. Other animals to do that: eggs are great – Colen:But I’m allergic to eggs
though. - But the reason why you probably have an allergy again brings the immune system in, is
your redox is not that good. Guess what I would tell you, if you didn’t live in the city and you ate
more seafood, your allergies would magically go away.
Science is always interesting, the thing is – most of the things we believe are diseases, none of them
are fixed. All these things that you have, you know, the eczema, the a topic dermatitis, you know the
allergy to sea food, that’s one of my favorite, guess what – it all goes away, when your DC el current
comes back. There has not been an animal or a plant tested that doesn’t get better, that doesn’t
improve when the DC el current goes up. And there’s only one way to make it dude, 600 million years
is behind what I’m telling you. And you can fact check all you want, its not been replaced one time in
our kingdom.
##UV light. That’s the reason why you need IR and UV light from the sun. Guess when that
##frequency is best – 8-11 am!
##Now stop for a minute, go read my CT7 blogpost
+ you’re not connected to the earth’s magnetic field at night like most mammals are, you sleep in a
bed on the 17the floor of New York city. Well guess what – that’s another problem.
That battery charger in us is ##called the vit D lvl. When your vit D lvl is low it tells you that you are
disconnected from the sun or ##you have a problem with DHA or water or it could be all 3. That’s
where the biohack comes in. Your ##job is to figure out what’s wrong and then you slowly fix each
part of the equation and you realize what it is. People on my site have already fixed the water and
##the DHA part. The key issues is then fixing their life so they can get that battery charger a little bit
##between 8 and 11. In the summer time in the Northern hemisphere you can also get it from 4 to 7
##if you’re in the right place.
##Ubiquination 8 blog post tells you how it works.
##IF you are not designed to have a lot of sun, being Swedish, living In Sweden, you need more
DHA. What do you know Swedish ppl eat a lot of – fish, how about the inoids, what do they eat?.
##to understand water better. SO now you don’t have to read Ling and Mark Chaplet, you can go buy
Pollock’s book, he explains exactly how water works. 4th phase of water
##Ez water is the so called 4th phase of water that Pollock discovered over the last few years,
different from solid, vapor, liquid. This is an ordered phase, the molecules are not randomly oriented
as in ordinary H2O, they are actually organized in a way, so it turns our this is the water that fills our
cells. We are 2/3 water. But water molecules are so small, we need a lot to fill 2/3 of our body, so 99
out of 100 molecules in your body are water molecules.

##who make the water have been calling it rich with ez or rich with H3O2, which is ez. I’ve seen cases
##where it absolutely can reverse pathology. A guy colled me 4 yrs ago and started telling me about
##the water the family was drinking which he had learned about in the lab in which he worked and
he said you know we never have a flu or anything anymore. One of the neighbours knew s.o. who
had ##irreversible kidney pathology and she was waiting for a transplant, so she tried the water and
in ##the end of the month she went from irreversible pathology to no pathology. I saw the hospital
##records and seen the hospital records of many more ppl like that. A colleague of mine went to
visit ##the ppl who claimed had been cured and they confirmed it. This is very interesting stuff.
##put words in my mouth “”what I said””, I didn’t said any of that. All sea food , even bad sea food is
better than grass fed meat, that makes me an enemy

Dr Jack Kruse On Biohacking Your Water, EMFs, Blue Light, DHA,

Cold, Sun and Sleep
A question about Elon Musk and Warren Buffet: The good thing about Humans beings have
more mito density than every other animal on his planet and most of this density is based in
3 structures : the brain, the heart, the immune system. Why the major 3 diseases that kill
humans are heart disease, neurodegeneration and now autoimmune disease that exploded
since guys like Buffet and Elon Muska have come onto the scene in the last 50-60yrs. Buffet
isn’t healthy, he’s had quite a few medical problems in the last year that have been
documented. And Elon Musk:
I went to Tesla dealership with a trimeter and they wouldn’t even let me sit in the car. They’re
trained to answer questions about this, but were not ready for Jack Kruse. I don’t believe
biology is a fundamental science, I believe physics is a fundamental science that explains the
things that happen in biology. Food and macro aren’t important, it’s the e- and protons that
come from those foods that are. When 95 came, the internet came from hard wired to wi-fi
and that’s when all cell phones became bidirectional microwave devices. SO only rich ppl
had microwaves until the 80s. Blue light radically affects how mitochondria work.
Like a storm can interfere with some tv setting signals, so your storm around you can
interfere with your mito programming that’s running. Carbs fundamentally are a problem for
diabetics but not the problem.
Any stressor – metabolic, emotional, biologic, everything affects the paraventicular nucleous in the
brain stem. That a nucleous in the brain stem that control the sympathetic outflow. Sympathetic site
is the one we have a problem with when it comes to non native EMF. It releases calcium eflux, a
major messenger in neurons. SO you can get a chronic stress response from EMF and other stuff.
##Andro Marino - going somewhere that documents powerlines and how they affect.
Dr Becker found that bone doesn’t heal it regenerates. The only tissue left in human that still has the
same ability, found in amphibians, and it works on the photo el effect and piezoelectricity. He
proved bone is a semiconductor, which can be affected by non native el and magnetic fields. 10 yrs
ago I found everybody that walk in my clinic have some form of osteopen or osteoporosis. I was like
how can ev on the planet have this problem, even they don’t have the classic risk factors docs talk
about. It has to do with the physics of our environment. Its like a slow erosion of the mammalian
battery from a multidirectional approach.
Blue light destroys melatonin in your brain, so you lose DHA in cell membranes. Becker found that ev
animal and plant, the DC el current is direcly tight to regeneration. When you have no DHA in cell
membranes you lose voltage. Go chak an EKG and EEG, the voltage decreeses when you have
whatever stressor. Docs are doing those test, but not linking them to your environment.That linkage
is DHA. Most ppl think DHA is fish oil. It is concentrated in every eukaryotic membrane, we have 3
pounds in our central and peripheral nervous system. We’re designed to concentrate it. We don’t
make it, we have to eat it. Taking a pill doesn’t oveate that risk, it has to be in your brain. Humans
have hardly any ability to convert it from ?linoleic acid. That research has been published for 34
##years. The world experts is Michael Kroferd and Stevan Kanade. One of the only mammals that
has the ability to make a lot of DHA indogenously(say from grass) is lamb, which is part of the reason
why I eat it. Not all mammals have this ability, humans really don’t have it. Can’t eat flax seed and
make DHA. DHA is the only lipid in 600 million years of eukaryotic evolution that is able ti turn
sunlight into a DC el current and vice versa, back into sunlight. Why is this important – where is DHA
highest in humans – in your eye, not in brain, because of sunlight going through there. What sits
right above your 2 optic nerves where they cross? Optic casm, the super cosmetic nucleous –
controlling carcidian biology, requires higher lvl of DHA in your eye to run faster than all other clocks
in your body, so that biochemistry is on time in liver, feet and everywhere. Gravitational lensing:
satelites’clocks have to run 38 microsec faster than the phone clock for gps to work, because gravity
bends light, otherwise you’d be off by 10 km on the surface.
What happens if a cell gets delivery and arrival at the same time = chaos = inflammation.
Inflammation has a positive charge. Dc el current has a negative charge, which is how you get rid of
positive charge. In front of every single mammalian gene in the genome there is a circadian clock
gene, called pier 1 and pier 2, bec that supercosmatic nucleous has to yoke gene expression via those
2 clock genes. Blue light destroys DHA in your eyes, meaning the clock in your eye cannot run faster
than the one in your liver & you get diabetes. Eye hurting when looking at bright light has to do with
excessive blue light. You can live In a blue lit world if you eat like a great white shark. I operate under
blue light, but I limit my blue light exposure on days I don’t operate and I eat a lot of sea food. I do
many different things to mitigate my personal thunderstorm. When you have big risk you have to be
more aggressive.
##You only need the blue light in the beginning of the morning. The leptin prescription tells you to go
out as soon as you wake up and let the sunlight hit your retina for 1-3 minutes. It tells your brain the
sun just rose, after that it becomes an indogenous clock, it doesn’t need a constant sth?light. It’s a
one time effect. As soon as you wake up within 30 min you need to get outside naked and let the sun
hit you. Once that clock is set, the brain takes over the internal clock mechanism and then things can
happen from there. The blue light glasses during the day can make you sleepy. So I recommend no
one drives with the glasses, because it will raise your melatonin lvl, but I would only tell ppl to do
that if they have extreme blue light issues. You have to biohack your own environment.
Bright light lamp : bright light has a role, it has to be in a circadian role. Research shows these bright
lights can help, the problem is that if they are not applied properly it can throw your circadian
rhythm off. The best data out there for bright light therapy is for SAD and that’s where it plays a role.
That disease doesn’t affect many ppl. The major circadian mismatch disease we have today is
Alzheimer’s and and type 2 diabetes, also autoimmune diseases. I go after the big disease, because
it’s gonna have the biggest benefit for my species.
Any time you have an e- flow going across a membrane, like you do on the inner mito membrane ,
Maxwells has 4 equasions: as e- flow through, you develop a magnetic field at 90 degrees to that e-
flow. The 5th cytochrome, ATPase has a rotating head, and that 90 degraa angle spins that rotating
head to make ATP. What does ATP do, the biologists tell you it’s the high energy phosphate. If it were
true it breaks the 2nd law ot thermodynamics by 5 fold, shows Gilber Ling. So ATP unfolds proteins so
water can bind to them. During the day time magnetic filed strength is relatively low, because light it
present, but the native magnetic field on the earth from the Shuman’s ressonance is very low 20-100
micro teslas. At night time it increases. Becker told us in his research – the higher magnetic flux you
feel, the more sleepy you get, in other words it helps regenerate. So you want a high magnetic field
at night time, not in daytime. These are all physical forces that your biology pays attention to. How
are these things codified on your brain. The alpha wave on an EAEG, you would look for a loss on an
alpha wave voltage. Certain ppl with certain diseases all have diminished or absent alphawaves. They
also have hypoxium. From Einstein’s photo el effect we know that in order to make free radicals in
you mito, which are what make new mito, you have to have a stream ot e-, hitting some transition
?nodes. In the mouth of every cytochrome sits Iron, manganese, copper and those e- energize the d
shell e- to do what - to make free radicals. The number one free radical made in mito is called super
oxide. Free radical is called such as it has an unpaired e-. Another one is ~~hydron peroxide, third is
hydroxyl free radical. Humans have enzymes to control the first 2. It doesn’t have anything to control
the last one, so the more stress you make, hydroxyl free radicals you make, whose effect is – it
destroys cell membranes, it destroys DHA. You make super oxide from oxygen. On the inner mito
membrane iron and manganese, iron and copper hold oxygen together to make the super oxide, it
strips an e- off. Binding an oxygen to that membrane is el static – its directly controlled by el and
magnetic fields, generated within that mito. SO if you have altered magnetic or el field, can you hold
an oxygen in order to take that one e- off to make super oxide – no. This is the reason ev has type 2
diabetes, alzheimer’s , parkinsons, if you measure their super oxide lvl its absent. What means in
biology if you cannot make free radicals – you cannot make mito sth (probably new mito). That
##means htat you have to work on old mito that’s defective. ##Brain fog is the result of too much
super oxide or too little. If it’s too little it’s not going to cause the gene transcription to make new
mito. The free radical theory in biology is that all free radicals are bad and it turns out that free
radicals are good, its just that the dose makes the toxin in ev, including free radicals.
Ppl. who are below and above the normal weight are both leptin resistant. Normal ppl aren’t. 10 yrs
ago I realized I wasn’t eating as much to get as big as I was, sth. was radically changing things. I
realized really thin and fat ppl have sth in common, they all had inflammation, that means they’d lost
their negative charge. The didn’t have a DC el current. That’s where the key factor is. What we’re
really talking about is positive and negative charge. What controls the pos and negative charge ev in
the universe – the el magnetic force is the only force that controls negative and positively charged
particles. If both fat and thin ppl, losing e- , why are they different – their redox potential is different.
The redox potential in your cell tells you how much charge you can hold at a cell.
(GOOGLE REDOX-The redox potential, or more accurately the reductionpotential, of a
compound refers to its tendency to acquire electrons and thereby to be reduced. Some
readers might remember the mnemonic “OILRIG” which reminds us that “oxidation is loss,
reduction is gain”, where the loss and gain are of electrons.)
The cell is a battery, the fatter person is losing more light to their environment than the anorexic
person. The fatter person is losing it from neck down, the anorexia person is losing it in the brain. Ppl
that have eating disorders or are excessively thing for whatever reason are likely having the problem
up in their head, where’s a guy like Jimmy Moor has the problem in his liver and he keeps thinking its
carbs, but it’s not. Interviewer has noted that thin ppl have cognitive problems, while the obese ppl,
their brain works relatively well!!. The human being is a whole and we have to think that way, but we
also have to break it down into organ systems and realize that when your biology is uncoupled,
meaning organ systems no longer talk to each other, so you have to start looking at diseases and
begin to biohack. The key factor is what connects tissues so they are able to talk to each other
properly is those free radicals, unpaired e-. So if you can’t make them, that e- that gets stripped that
goes to oxygen and somewhere else , that oxygen molecule is going to your brain ,the rest of the
super oxide is in the mito in your liver. Physics says that e- up in the brain still connects to the one
that’s now in the liver mito constantly, so one e- spins up, the other one spins down. The more
entangled particles you have in your body, the more coherent you are, the better signaling is. That’s
the point , the fat person is not coherent, but their brain is still working okay, their body is not,
because the difference between their brain clock and their organ clock – pancreas, liver, are
unyoked. So when biology is uncoupled, understanding of biochemistry is wrong.
Ubiquination it the first coupled system in all of biology, it couples directly to cell cycle, then that
couples to to metabolism, which is third, food is in the third position. The single most important
physical force in the ubiquination system is light, because it controls circadian biology. In the six steps
##in the leptin prescription I do not put the word light, cuz I tell you what you need to do without
explaining it., to fix the clock timing mechanism. Every disease has to do with losing light, meaning
photons. All that was publish from 1923 until now, you didn’t hear about it because it was published
in Russia, there were wars, politics, etc. Fritz Pop in the 1970s , a physicist, went back and looked at
all the original work done by the Russians. There are books published, I went back and translated.
Every living thing on this planet releases a certain amount of biophotons. Guess what tends to leak
##more light than anything else – bacteria. What do you have in your gut – bacteria. Everybody is
looking for chemicals and this and that from the microbiome when it’s all about light!. Losing light,
because you don’t have enough e- and magnetic field to keep it in and DHA right? You’re trying to
rtain the light in your system, because quantum mechanics require you to retain E in order to use it.
SO the sun works exactly the same way, when it makes a photon from 2 protons that come close
together it retains that photon for 100 000 to a million years for one reason – strong el and magnetic
fields in the sun. So the same thing happens in us in our mito. Then when the light is released in the
mito, most ppl don’t belive mito release light, but I put you in the cold and you shiver, when you
shiver you release IR light from your mito. The frequency of IR light is different from that of UV light,
from the frequency microwaves. So you’re losing low ELF light, that what Fritz Pop in all his data has
shown. That’s what the Russians have shown. The Russians went further, showing the number one
thing that stimulates mitosis in cells is extreme low frequency photons in the UV range. They used
##onions to do it, put a piece of glass in between it. ##UV photons are blocked just by a glass. Then
they put a piece or quartz and put it between it and were still able to use one onion to stimulate
mitogenisis in the opposite onion and that was done 1923. And they kept doing research on this with
different animals. They built photomultipliers in the 1960-70s-80s when we got the technical
equipment and were able to begin to see all this light release. The general trend coming out of the
Russian data at that time was that the sicker you are the more light you released. The more well you
were, the more light you retained. Go back and read the EMF2 blog post that I wrote(bf 04.2015). It
says fat ppl lose more light to their environment, same with skinny ppl, only they lose it from their
head. They are losing all forms of light, all different frequencies. The leading researcher in the world
on biophoton study is in the Netherlands, doing now spectral analysis just like a physicist would do
on the sun. How does a physicist tell what atoms are in a star – it looks at the sun and looks for the
spectral analysis so he can tell what atoms are physically in the sun because of the spectral pattern
they release and it turns out we can do the same thing in our cells and that is what we’re looking at
right now. They’re gonna have to answer to exactly what light ppl are losing probably in the next 3-4
years, because I believe all disease are coded for by spectral release from cells. So ##should we be
getting more sun – no. Why did dermatologists tell ev who is a modern human that the sun is bad –
because all modern humans can’t capture the sun. Crazy thing about plants : they have only 3
mechanisms in which to capture the proper frequencies of sunlight. Leaves are exactly the same as
your skin, they do exactly the same thing phototrophically. So you as a modern human don’t have
sulphur in cholesterol, don’t have sulfur in vit D3, also in DHEA. You know what sulphur is important
for when it’s in those lipids? It reflects the wrong frequencies that hurt you. What does it allow you
to collect – IR and UV. UVB makes vit D3, which becomes sulfated. Why do you need IR light from the
sun – because it charge-separates water best to become a what – battery. That’s all ##Gerald
Pollock’s work. He proved that without a shadow of a doubt. IR light begins charge ##separation
##of water between negative and positive. What extends the ez – UV light. That’s the ##reason
why ##you need IR and UV light from the sun. Guess when that frequency is best – 8-11 ##!am!
Now stop for a minute, go read my CT7 blogpost and look at the circadian biology of hormone
release and you know what you’ll find – that it’s designed to be perfectly yoked to those 2
frequencies. So if you live in the city and the only time you see 8 -11 am sun is on the weekends
you’re chronically disconnected from your battery charger, almost all your life + you’re not
connected to the earth’s magnetic field at night like most mammals are, you sleep in a bed on the
17the floor of New York city. Well guess what – that’s another problem. The sun is good, but what
we have to do in medicine is explain to the dermatologists why it’s a problem. It’s because we’re not
able todo what plants can do anymore, because of our beliefs. We cover our solar panel that allows
us to get those proper frequencies. And when you cant charge your mammalian battery made out of
DHA and water, the sun is the jumper cables in this situation. The single number one way like if you
had a dead battery in your car that you would go to check. You put it on the battery and see – is it
totally dead & I need a new battery or can I just charge it. That battery charger in us is ##called the
vit D lvl. When your vit D lvl is low it tells you that you are disconnected from the sun or ##you have a
problem with DHA or water or it could be all 3. That’s where the biohack comes in. Your ##job is to
figure out what’s wrong and then you slowly fix each part of the equation and you realize what it is.
People on my site have already fixed the water and the DHA part. The key issues is then ##fixing their
life so they can get that battery charger a little bit between 8 and 11. In the summer time in the
Norhern hemisphere you can also get it from 4 to 7 if you’re in the right place. In a city with tall
building around you its pretty damn hard to get sunlight at that time unless you go to a park. So you
need to change those things about you because then you can charge your battery, then you can do
things. When yo understand the physics that ties us together you’re able then to do things behaviorly
than you normally wouldn’t do, that actually fix you. You need DHA and water for the battery and
then you need AM or evening sun in the summertime. In my redox prescription I go through 30
different lab tests that give you an idea how good or bad your battery really is. Your vit D lvl also will
do it, I put a person with low vit D 25 OH lvl, which is how we check it and I put the person on 50 00
D# once a week or 20 k/day and they ‘ve been on it or 6 months and it doesn’t come off, meaning
the battery is dead. It’s like a flower in a pot. If you put all the good stuff in, but it has 19 holes on the
bottom and everything leaks out, meaning their environment is toxic. Means that sth is destroying
DHA or sth. is allowing the water to go right through and instead of looking in biology you need to
look in your environment. I have rule in ~~in the CPC9 blog post: If you’re designed to make it
endogenously, you’re not designed to take it exogenously. So how do I make my vit D, form the
freaking sun. I understand how that battery works, I don’t care what anybody else thinks, I really

##don’t. ##Ubiquination 8 blog post tells you how it works. It’s DHA and water, you gotta have
those 2 together for the sun to begin to work. Then where you live on this planet will determine
your lvl of vit D. For example, if you live in Sweden, you’re not gonna have a high lvl of diet vit D,
ever, because the sun’s power never gets you there. When you’re at the equator, it’s gonna be
##higher. So in Sweden, where they are not designed to have a lot of sun, they need more DHA.
What do you know Swedish ppl eat a lot of – fish, how about the inoids, what do they eat? See how it
works – vit D is yoked to that damn battery and pl don’t understand it. So the less light you have, the
more DHA you need. And when you come to the equator, you can live more like a plant, like
photosynthesyst. That’s the reason why carbs don’t hurt ppl close to the equator, but when you
move further from the equator, you have a huge problem. This is fundamentally why the low carb,
high fat ppl and guys like Jimmy More aggrevate me, not understanding the physics how it works.
The thing is, our conditions on this planet, where we live, determine what we really should do. I want
you to hack your environment. Because the number one issue is your environment, it is not you
biology. The fundamental things, what organizes the matter in us, lets make it really simple – gravity
= light, el magnetic force = magnetism, Archimedes principle = water. Thos are the synnonims for
those things. What’s the spark of life , what allows those 3 things to get it spark, what’s the jumper
cable – DHA and water. What is the ultimate battery charger that’s free – the sun. The further you
are from the equator, the more DHA you need, the closer you are , the more water becomes critical,
just like it is in a plant. When you realize that those 5 pathways are how biology fundamentally
organizes in a cell, then you can begin you biohacking there. Then you really find how bad yoru
environment really is. The number 1 thing I like checking rexes, cuz I see MRI’s on every one of my
##patients, I have another blog post : The redox prescription 2 that tells you how to biohack your
own MRI. That’s how I do it. I had to go back and understand the physics of the images I was looking
at. Ppl need ot understand what is on those images, its all info about e- and protons(p+). I look at
them thermodynamically through what organizes matter – gravity is done by light, el. m. force by
magnetism, Archimede’s principle tight to water, spark of life –DHA and water. You get those 5
principles right and then you start thinking about where you live, what your life is like.
A good teacher never tells you what to see, he just points you in the right direction. I’m trying to get
ppl’s attention on the correct things and off of the wrong things.
Grass fed food and organ food don’t have as much DHA as marine do.
When you go in the cold you are not losing IR light, you are capturing IR light In water. Heat and IR
light are the same. What happens to IR light that’s released from the mito, water surrounds the mito
in a membrane called minos, what happens with water when it heats up – it shrinks, what happens
when it shrinks – it makes you mito smaller, what happens when your mito gets smaller – better e-
flow. Water chemistry links light and magnetism. Water is a natural magnetic dipole(A magnetic
dipole is the limit of either a closed loop of electric current or a pair of poles as the
dimensions of the source are reduced to zero while keeping themagnetic moment constant.
It is a magnetic analogue of the electric dipole, but the analogy is not complete.), so it aligns
within the magnetic field. The key thing is, it’s bound right around the miro and remember, water is a
##very small molecule. H2O makes up 99.9% of the molecules in a cell, because it’s small, all the
other molecules are massive. So water touches everything. What happens to water when it absorbs
heat, remember it absorbs best in 270nm range. Water then charge separates, it becomes a battery
by itself, so technically water inside your cell doesn’t need exposure to the sun, it actually can get it
directly from your mito. In that sense your mito acts like a mini sun inside your body. So when water
charge separates it makes a DC el current. That E is then transmitted to the tensegrity system, a
synonym for collagen & integrants, all the crazy things that are in a cell that gets dissipated all over
##the cell, so the E is always conserved. The cell is designed to conserve all the E that it uses, because
it constantly recycles it and that’s how it skates the 2nd law of thermodynamics. That’s what biology
fundamentally doesn’t understand.
##Life on the Edge by Jim O Cleally – covers all we talked about today.
A study in 2007 showed leaves are quantum computers. Prior to that physicists believed quantum
effects can only happen in cold dry environments. Leaves are warm and wet. Turns out warm wet
environments do support quantum physics. When you understand how a plant works and you
understand that Becker showed us that the Dc el current works with plants and animals. You begin to
understand that whole mammalian battery. You understand the water part and the sun part. Yolk it
the DHA part. But the key point in that book is warm and wet does support Jack’s believes. You need
##to understand water better. SO now you don’t have to read Ling and Mark Chaplet, you can go buy
Pollock’s book, he explains exactly how water works. The problem truly in biology: a biochemist , all
the guys that described the Creb’s cycle, how did they do it? They took a cell, homogenized it., took
all the water out and just studied the proteins, the water is the single most important part, so how
much do you really know when you took out the single most important part? Everything published in
literature’s biochemistry, not true. I’m not trying to down anybody, I’m really not, what I’m trying to
do is disturb conformity with curiosity. I want you to go fact check are read all these stuff.
CT – cold is a synonym for magnetism, fundamentally. The water in us is a liquid crystal. We are
relatively easily aligned with el and magnetic fields when you are a crystal. Crystals become easily
aligned with el and magnetic fields that are made in mito. The proof: our computer and other screens
are LED crystal display, using the exact same principles. Most of the changes in water are due to the
changes in water’s hydrogen bonding network. In cold they become more able to increase E storage,
not that they’re using it, they can store more E when water’s colder. The main reflex in mammals
that ties back to this storage ability is called the mammalian dive reflex and it’s a reflex every single
mammal has. You were 9 months in water in the mother’s belly, then the water breaks and you have
to pass through a very narrow passage, not being able to breathe, not being in water any more.
That’s when you use the mammalian dive reflex. It works on cold because when the mammal is bord
usually into water , cold water again this it and it doesn’t take a deep breath in. It still thinks it’s in
that embriotic environment. After leaving that cold wet environment that you’re used, chronic cold
exposure increase amp pathway signals and this down regulates 2 major pathways is biology: M-tour
and IGF1. Both of those: anytime they go up you die sooner. Cold is the only direct link left to down
regulate this. The problem is if you eat too much protein and are a paleo guy, NFL player,
weightlifter, you are gonna die faster. You don’t see all these great huge muscle guys at 90 yrs old,
cuz they die. NFL guys die way quicker unless they change their body types at the time they retire.
The flip side is that IGF1 is driven by carbs, so if you eat too many carbs, you eat too much protein it
has a bad effect somewhere down the path. How can you mitigate the risk, eating a higher protein
template or a higher carb template and mitigate it, assuming your environment is not toxic – cold.
And what do we know now in biology - the oldest living things on this planet happen to live in
Antarctic seas and Polar seas. Now youy know why. The other part of the equation, getting back to
the baby that craws out of a vagina. Things that love on the bottom of the polar seas – pressure is
higher, that’s how it ties to this story. That’s where Archimedes’s principle and water plays a role.
You don’t need as much oxygen when you live in those type of environments. In other words
sudohypoxia, going back to Sinclare’s paper, actually becomes a benefit, when you are pressurized.
So we lose that perception that it works on us, but it’s built into your DNA, because you are a uterian
mammal. So you can use the CT protocol to your benefit when you’re sick or ill. Most athletes now
are using it to improve their performance, but I want ppl who are sick or normal ppl to use it to
improve the ability of water in their cells to carry more e- to store them, so that when you do need
them , you can use them .
Distilled water is not sth I would go with. If you have a problem getting water in your environment.
Spring water has a higher alkaline lvl, there are websites, where you can order. Why is alkalinized
water better than anything else, back to Pollock,s work – high Ph water charge separates best. In
other words makes a bigger ez. Distilled water doesn’t have that effect, it’s dead relative to the
ability to carry E. So colder water that has a higher ph is better and guess what spring water is – it’s
affected by earth’s techtonic plates. Hydrogenating the water Jack likes, doesn’t like putting the
water in the fridge. Instead, make ice cubes out of that water and cool it with them. Also put it in a
copper pot and put it on your magnetic. Don’t sleep on the magnetic during the day, but you can use
that magnetic for sth. else. Water is a magnetic dipole. So if you make the water cold and you keep it
on it , then use it that way. Think how smart the French were, they made wine and where ould they
put it – in wine caves under the ground closer to what – magnetic field. That’s the reason why the
whine is better cuz what did it do – it lower oxidation inside the bottle. You’re trying to do the same
thing in you with your water SO get the water out of the el magnetic refridgerator, cuz it helps & it
hurts and it gets negative. SO ice cubes, put it in a big copper pot, the red light I love(applying red
light o nthe water) and put it on the magnetic too. 1 more hack – ulstrasound ez increases the ez in
water, but you gota check the EMF your ultrasound device emits. Dave Asprey sells a vibration plate.
Most of the grounding mats I’ve checked are not so high in effect. Most of them have their own EMF.
Those are just assume things in terms of upgrading- the copper pot, ice and using the magnetic. The
French burying the wine underground = getting the magnetic effect from the techtonic plates. I
would put it directly on the magnetic. I think that if you’re living in the city, it is a great hack, because
the number one effect of living in the city is it dehydrates. THae Japanese have done huge
doubleblinded control studies on water called kengen water, which is alkalinized and they’ve seen
huge effects in Japan. I told them we wouldn’t get the same effect if we did the same studies in the
US, because the mammalian battery works on water and DHA. In the US no one eats raw seafoods
like the Japanese do. The reason the Japanese have these huge benefits is because they have the
other part f the equation right., Americans are breaking that rule like crazy , they’re all dehydrated ,
but they on’t realize their real problem is the DHA side of the equation. Ironically it’s why the paleo
guys get a small little check mark from me because the main benefit from their diet is only one thing
– more DHA is going in, but not enough for the environment they allow. That kenged water is sth you
can look into. And it also shows you why evidence based medicine is broken because I just gave you
an environmental reason that what happens in Japan will not be reproduced here. And what is one
the key methods in the scientific method – it has to be reproduced. What’s the bad part, we are
making the assumption that the Japanese and US are the same. Don’t make assumptions. When I
first started Oysters I hated them and now I love them. I used to love cheesecake, now I don’t eat
cheesecake. The healthier you get, the more e- you have it changes the choices in your brain.
Can I reat fish and get away with cooking it – yes, back when I was fatass 350 pounds, I was eating
raw seafood. There is a lot of miscommunication in ancestral health, low carb high fat paleo. They
##put words in my mouth “”what I said””, I didn’t said any of that. All sea food , even bad sea food is
better than grass fed meat, that makes me an enemy of the state :D.
You need to understand that raw sea food is better, this is why Okinawans live longer that an other.
What’s the other thing that Okinawans eat beside much raw sea food – pork. What is pork

##avid in – sulfur. Sulfur is important in your skin for reflecting bad frequencies of sunlight. I have a
##blogpost about that, called ?tensegrity7 – black hole sun. This is the reason all these parts, what do
you learn when you learn about quantum physics – everything is connected. There’s always a reason,
your job as a human is to make these connections. Farmed fish is better than no fish, but that is
absolutely not something I would make a staple of. It is a bridge to a better land . I am not against
DHA in supplement form, I would just tell you that if you are sick you need to eat real sea food, but
say if you’re travelling or you need a bridge, I’m okay with DHA supplement. But the key is that you
gotta keep it in cold unlit environment. Why – because DHA taken out of its biological pocket in
polyunsaturated fat, extremely sensitive to photo oxidation and T oxidation. So if you are one of
these idiots that buys fish oil from Walmart realize that’s been sitting in ?arkansaw, which is like 95
degrees , that fish oil is like eating a trans fat cheese burger from McDonalds. SelfHacked: I buy the
life extension brand, because they make sure that it’s not oxidized – but they ship it from Florida to
wherever you are. Do you know how hot it, look today is 90 degrees in the water. SelfHacked – but I
get it in the winter – right, that’s good. If you’re smart you can buy it there, but when did the French
ship wine, back to earlier talk, only when it’s cold. You need to have the same idea about DHA, but
see ppl aren’t doing that. Getting it in the winter time – that’s smart, keep it in your freezer, you’re
doing good. SelfHacked -So the capsules are dark and they test it – jack nodding. How’s that
compared to farmed fish with heavy metals and toxins? – The heavy metals - that’s a bunch of
bullshit. The evolutionary solution is built into sea food, its called Selenium. Look, if anybody should
have heavy metal toxicity it should be me(Jack). I eat more sea food than anyone else. Here’s the real
problem: heavy metals are only a problem for ppl. who have a really low redox. When you first start,
you may have some reactions when you start eating it, I did, literally within 6 weeks they were gone.
Because what happened – you start to build up your electric charge, I even started checking EKGs
and EEgs on myself and noticed a big change. When those alphawaves comes back and your voltage
changes, dude you start to become healthy. And then all the things that you worry about, remember
I say stop focusing on shit that doesn’t matter and focus in on stuff that does matter. That’s my
point. And my point is wild sea food is gonna help you. The wilder it is, the better. I am not a fan of
farmed fish, but if you’re telling me you’re using it like you’re using the supplements – a bridge to get
you through, I’m fine with it. But I’m telling you CLEARLY the staple has to be, you know – what’s in
Brain Gut 6(Jack’s blog) or in my book – The epi paleo prescription.Eat the stuff you’re designed to
eat by evolution. Cuz your brain can’t make it.
Eating more fats to increase e- flow – fats fundamentally help, cuz when fat is broken down in your
body it is basically broken down into water and CO2, so does carbs. Wait a minute, here is the
difference – they are both expelled by sweating and breathing, which acts to cool us on the surface
and this increases the magnetic sense to your mito. Carbs don’t do that. Carbs raise the positive
charge in your body through a hormone in your brain, called neuropeptide-y and how do we know
that – if you eat carbs excessively In a mismatched environment, you’ll lower your voltage. Where
can you eat carbs – where you got sun to offset it. But ifyou live in Sweden and you think you can get
away eating a fruit diet or a reiki diet – not going to happen. You need to understand everything is
coupled and yoked. SelfHacked - I am concerned with eating a high fat diet - Ketosis is one of those
things that Jymmy Moor pulled out of his ass – you don’t need to be in ketosis. I think it’s a complete
waste of money to buy keto sticks and check your urine. Here’s the key you are going to get well as
long as you increase your DC el current and DHA does that. DHA is a fat, but the fat has to act to turn
light into the DC el current. Ppl don’t understand that DHA is NOT used as a fuel source for humans.
We reserve it and put it in our central nervous system. So that polyunsaturated fat is not equivalent
to another polyunsaturated fat. Saturated fat increases your el current flow, which increases your
magnetic ?sets. How it increases your el flow: when you break down 1 molecule of glucose you make
36 ATP, but it’s not a calories thing, its an e- thing. There’s more e- going through e- chain transport.
How do we know that – 1 molecule of saturated fat makes 140-150 ATP. SO math says if you’re
making more ATP what does that mean – you can unfold more proteins to bind more water ,
provided you can do it.
SelfeHacked – but the more calories you eat in general the more ATP you’re gonna produce , the
more e- you’re gonna have. – No, cuz you get to a point where you have to uncouple. When you have
too much E in your body your body naturally will uncouple. Why is Jimmy Moor keep eating ketonic
and he keeps getting fatter? Cuz guess what – he can’t uncouple. And I know he eats ketonic to the
max. What he doesn’t realize is that he’s breaking the other side of the battery. HE has no DHA in his
body, He’s hardly making any superoxide , he can’t entangle any e-, he can’t make new mito. SO you
know what he’s working on? – He’s working on 2005 mito. And that’s why I gotta get you off of this
fats fats fats, stop with the macronutrients. Think about it from electrons . Only thing ketosis does is
allow you to increase the magnetic sense in your mito to improve things. So what is it - it’s like
chemotherapy, its like x-ray therapy for cancer. It’s a bridge until you fix your environment. Its not a
strategy to use your whole life. It is a bridge to a bigger environmental change that you have to
create. The problem is, Jimmy is not creating that environmental change, in fact , he’s making his
environment worse and what do we see – the results. It’s very simple there’s a famous guy that you
know very well , his name’s AInstein. HE said if you keep doing the same shit over and over, and you
expect a different result, that’s called insanity. Jimmy has millions of ppl following him, he’s telling
that ketosis is the be all and end all and it’s not. The flip side – paleo guys- they all look like Adonis on
the outside, my prediction is non of the m are gonna make it to 90. The point is I have a duty to do
no harm. When I know that I know sth, I’m gonna hsare it . You can do whatever you want with that
info, but when so tells me I don’t know what I talking about I have a problem with that, esp when
they don’t know what they are talking about. If you don’t do well on a high saturated fat diet guess
what it tells you- the environment(your). The less calories you eat, the better , because it increases
the oxidative phosphorelation efficiency as well as ?autopha GNA, which is the reason we have to
sleep. Biology is paying attention to your environment and this is what ppl need to realize. The
macronutrients that you can or can’t eat is based on your environment. Can you live in a ciry and still
be relaitvely healthy, in my opinion the answer is yes. As long as you’re doing some of the things Mr
Coen(the interviewer) has shared with me he is doing. I lost my 150 pounds, its never come back. Not
only that, did I do a biohac ki n2014 to prove that I was correct , that food doesn’t matter. Yeah – I
ate rob wolf 1Rob Wolf, 2 Cris Chressors diet for 9 months and gained 42 pounds didn’t sleep on my
magnetico, didn’t do any CT, I ate exactly what they eat and gained 42 pounds. Then flipped the
switch and lost all the weight my way – eating an epi-paleo diet, getting back on the magnetic, so
what does that tell you – is food really the driver or not. Did I tell the ppl on Asprey’s event exactly
what I did, did they see me? Yeah. No matter how broken you are you can fix yourself if you
understand the contex and the metrix that matter, not the ones that don’t . Why am I being so
aggressive with you now – it doesn’t matter, food doesn’t matter, the key is DHA, DHA does matter,
it generates that DC el current. All you need to focus on is that DC el current. Make sure the clock
right here ( pointing at ~~eyes) runs faster than all the other clock in your body and guess what
magically happens.
Mr. Coen, when is the number one time, that you produce the least amount of ATP. It’s in REM sleep.
REM sleep is the single most important time for you to get well. You don’t make any ATP during REM
sleep, most ppl don’t know that.
The best research that’s been done on orexins , go read Louis Dilosea at Stanford uni, he’s the guy
that started all the optical genetics. It has been completely mis read by modern biologists and they’re
not gonna solve any problems going that way.
We all know that REM sleep is a 100 associated with wellness. Every single disease we talked about
today has deficiencies in REM sleep. Here’s the key you’re not designed to make ATP there. Where is
Gilbert Ling’s brilliance, he basically said ATP isn’t what we think it is. ATP is important , for unfolding
proteins so water can bind, not for reasons we believe. It’s not the high E phosphate bond. ATP is
not important, what is important is autophagy and the DC el current.
When we’re awake the DC current is operational in the brain, when we sleep it’s gone. And we can
measure this. What is active at night time – light. Its back to our story opticogenetics and gets back to
biophotons. What does the brain use in autophagy – it uses optical signals and that’s the key. We
know this for Becker’s original reports. When he cut the salamander’s legs off to do his studies, he
measured the dc current while they’re awake and how did he do this nice – he put the salamander
on a 4 000 gaus magnet and then amputated their leg. Soon as he put them on the magnet they went
asleep and the DC current went away. And what did he do – 3 seconds after removing the
salamander after he cut his leg off they woke right up.
We don’t believe that the e- flow causes the DC current. Becker work is really critical here. He found
the DC current was right below the ?bylon layer outside the nerve. So it’s actually in the CSF. Here’s
the key, what’s also there – that’s where DHA is. SO I believe the DC current is directly tight to DHA.
Complexity is always tight to the amount of DHA in the tissue in any part of the eukaryotic kingdom.
What does DHA fundamentally do according to Michael Crawfords work – it turns light into a DC el
current and vice versa. It does it in a quantum way. ##Quantum theory of DHA, written by Michael
Crawford and his group, a phenomenal paper, talking about that. The key is the atomic structure, but
here’s the irony, if you know anything about polyunsaturated fats, DPA, the cousin of DHA, only
differs from atomic structure by 2 protons, 2 protons and DPA has no quantum effects. But if you
look at them from a structural stand point, they look like twins. That shows you how important DHA
is and that’s the reason it has never been replaced one time and it is always found in cell membranes
of eukaryots.
##Colen : so we want a lot of DHA, a lot of water, a lot of sun, and also you’ve mentioned leafy
greens so that the IR light can come into our tissues. - or pork. There’s other ways of getting it,
vegetables are a poor way ofgetting solar radiations and minerals, but are they acceptable – yes, are
they high on my list – no. Other animals to do that: eggs are great – Colen: But I’m allergic to eggs
though. - But the reason why you probably have an allergy again brings the immune system in, is
your redox is not that good. Guess what I would tell you, if you didn’t live in the city and you ate
more seafood, your allergies would magically go away.
Science is always interesting, the thing is – most of the things we believe are diseases, none of them
are fixed. All these things that you have, you know, the eczema, the a topic dermatitis, you know the
allergy to sea food, that’s one of my favorite, guess what – it all goes away, when your DC el current
comes back. There has not been an animal or a plant tested that doesn’t get better, that doesn’t
improve when the DC el current goes up. And there’s only one way to make it dude, 600 million years
is behind what I’m telling you. And you can fact check all you want, its not been replaced one time in
our kingdom.
##Colen: So lets say I eat 15 oysters 2 times a week, I get sun from 8-11, I’m getting cold, I would get
sulfur – lets talk about the white elephant in the room that you haven’t brought up, you live in New
York city, what floor are you on now – third. So what did the ubiquination law say, the higher you are
off the ground what happens? You’re more disconnected chronically. You need to read the
##ubiquination 1 blogpost – can you live in the healthiest state in the US, Utah, and go out kill
yourself – yeah, why? Cuz you’re elevated off the planet.
Guess who else blah blah, it just happened in the media. Remember the german wings guy, he had a
bad redox to go out, why do you think he killed everybody. He was 38 000 feet above the earth, can
you have an acute psychotic break when you’re disconnected, when you don’t have any DHA in your
brain? You know, all of you guys watch and think he was craz… something had to be wrong, No. I
think he had an acute psychotic break, when he disconnected from the planet. What else do we
know? Who else goes above the earth chronically – astronauts. Look at Valery Poiklov, see what
happened to him in 437 days, guess who does all that data, the Russians again. Why do I read these
stuff? Because guess what – being in space simulates where you are right now. You technically my
friend are a city dwelling zoo animal astronat. So you can keep doing what you’re doing, but it
doesn’t mean that you are doing enough. Why?, because you’re like the flower that’s got 19 holes on
the bottom. Colen: so what youre saying is even if I eat oysters, I get sun, I get cold, I’m eating a lot of
vegetables, as long as I’m living on this EMF place on the 3rd floor – Jack: I’m saying you need to
biohack it – Colen : I’m in this place what do I do – read the redox prescription. It’s got 30 different
labs. Get all those labs, get MRIs and look, I’d love to see what your lumbar spine MRI is cuz I can tell
right away if you got fat replacement in your marrow, if you’ve got fat replacement in your muscles
at 28 yrs old, dude, and I would make you stop taking all your vit D3 and I do a tibial compression test
on you. And if you floncked I would just smile at you and say enjoy New York city bro. And you gotta
realize I’m a native New Yorker like you are, I love that city, I would never go to that city anymore.
And when I’m there I make sure I’m in and I’m out. And it kills me, because I miss the sports, the new
York times, I miss all the things about it. I mean, the reason I figured a lot of this stuff out is because
of the times I spent in the museum of natural history. That place to me is ground zero.
## how does someone find the places that are good to live at? - I did a biohacking in 2010 and I
posted it, it says Does where you live matter. You have to google it, I forgot the name. My hypothesis
was that I was gonna live above the 59th latitude in a cold deep hole. And after doing the biohack – I
was wrong. The best place that I tested in the states is here, but the best place was in the ~~Riviera
Maya, Mexico. You know what happens there, you know where the north where New Orleans is and
the south where the Riviera Maya is, what does that border on each side., the CHiksblue crater. What
is that all about? Its closer to the earth’s magma and it creates a magnetic field and.. There’s another
ABOUT WATER? Equatorial water, tropical water is warmer , sea food is not as plentiful. Sea food is
more plentiful in cold dense water. Why is the gulf of Mexico the one outlier? Because of the big
freaking hole in the ground in the gulf. – the magnetism!-now you’re getting smarter. So what
shocked me – I realized that that was the place that allows sea food, lots of it very cheap, good sun,
solid water, I don’t have to worry about all the ?aquafars going dry. This really shocked me. You
need to do a better job in your own environment. Stop assuming you can put ?spakle on your
?cordapanel and get away with it and still live on the 3rd floor in New York city. You may be the guy
that can, but you need to stop assuming that you can. Read that redox prescription, the 30 labs that
are there and I want you to read the redox 2, the one about the MRI. If you ever do get a chance to
get an MRI it’s a perfect way for you to use that as a baseline, you going forward AND YOU CAN
START TRENDING ALL THOSE LABS. That’S a biohack that I’d like to see you do, because you live in
NEW York city which I love and won’t even go back to based on what I know. And that should be an
eye opener for you.
How much iodine should someone take… or in the form of seeweed?
I’m glad you caught yourself. I generally say it’s depending on your non native EMF exposure. SO for
me, days in surgery,, I usually eat a dozen or a 2 dozens oysters. I tend to eat seeweed days that I’m
in and doing a lot of X-ray work, . The iodine equated to depends on the seaweed. Every seeweed is
different. – But what dosage do you aim for? – Here’s the problem, where I live, I don’t have a really
good access to seaweed, I have great access to seafood , so I eat the sea food and not the sea weed.
The seaweed I get when I go out and have sushi, which in Mew Orleans we have availability. But
when IK was in Nashville, I had more availability to the seaweeds and if you read my blogpost ##Brain
Gut 6, I break all the sea weeds down and tell you which one has the most . I think Dolce has the
most iodine in it, and that turns out to be one of the ones that the ppl in Okinawa eat and its one of
the reasons why I believe they don’t get breast cancer. But I don’t have a hard fast rule for that. I
base them on what I’m doing that day. Like for example, today we have the French Quarter fest and
I’m getting off this soon to go enjoy it. I’ll be going out and I’ll probably have seafood for lunch and
sea food for dinner probably. The reason why is because I’m in a city, where there’s gonna be shit
loads of other ppl using their bidirectional microwave device called cell phones. When I go back to
work, if I’m in the clinic and I’m not in surgery I don’t have to eat sea food that day. I may do a little
bit of CT , depending on how much I’m in there, but I base everything that I do on my environmental
exposure. Because my redox potential is already good. That’s the thing that I fixed, now I’m all about
managing that issue. You have to get in that mindset : I need to really establish what my baseline
redox is, my baseline mammalian battery and then, make your decisions from there.
If you’re in a good environment do you personally take any supplements? – NO. Not now, but did I in
the past – yes. , but not anymore, I don’t need it.
How do you test how oxidized somebody is, - again tha’s all laid down in the redox, but I’ll tell you
now that the number one test, the cheapest test is your vit D lvl, you’re your DHEA lvl and I would
take the ?B1 caranium lvl. I think the ?B1 caranium lvl is one of the cheapest ways to do it. I want ppl
7 to 1 or les. IF you’’re above , if youre 10 to 1 or below you’re okay, but if you’re above 15:1, or 20:1
or 25:1, you’re in trouble. Just so you know here’s some bad news for Mr. COen, I haven’t tested
anybody in this city, who’s broken 15:1. How I test- I do ?quarterly testing , ?quarterly blood draws
All the bloods that I do are published in my book. There’s a whoe chapter on testing. Those are the
things that I do. Life Extension (lab) has most of these tests, but in New York city you can’t get them
because of the laws there, most other places you can, in Jersey for example.
How do you define s.o. who has an infection vs someone who hasn’t.? I’m assuming that if you
increase you DC current, and your e- flow and magnetism, that will help combat infections? –
Correct. We see that, what do we know, ppl that get infected that are in ICUs have way worse
infections than anywhere else. But the belief in medicine is that that’s because that’s where the bad
bugs are, my belief is that’s where the bad immune systems are created from all the materials that
are in those environments.
DO you have a test to differentiate s.o. who has an infection vs s.o. who’s just got a bad redox
potential? – There’s no one test. A highly sensitive CRP is one way, but you gotta remember, there’s
no test anything in medicine that is definitive. Every test is a battery. You know, you need to have
multiple variables o see what the picture is. You’re asking me well how can I see Van GOh’s Starrry
night, if you only have white paint. It doesn’t make sense.
Order of most important to least important, they are all important:
1.carcadian rhythm
3.Blue light exposure
5.sleep. Because sleep is the outliner, if your circadian rhythm is good, you’re gonna sleep good.
7.psycological stress
8.Exercise. Last in the list.
I want you to read some of those books hat we talked about and I invited you to that fb group,
because these are all ppl. who have been following most of my stuff for 5 yrs. They were there,
where you are now – skeptics. I want you to remain a skeptic and even 3-4 yrs down the road I want
you to question everything that I tell you, because I know that our physical environment, the physics
of our environment constantly change, so I try to pay attention to those things , but I may miss this
that or the other thing. I’m not interested in being right, but in being correct. I don’t sell anything, I
do sell ideas. But I give a lot away fro free on these blogs and these podcasts. Where can ppl find you
– on my website it has a forum and it is associated with the blog The book you
can find on Amazon, it’s called the epi-paleo prescription. IF you do read it , pls leave a review. Me
next 2 books are already done, but I’m not ready to release the yet, because I’ve been doing a movie
project and we are kinda waiting on that and the name of the movie is called Supercharged. You can
find out ##about that on fb, there’s a group. I do a lot of podcasts and interviews. I think the easiest
way to approach me, it cuts through the first 2-3 years of blogs , is reading the book. And then
getting on my forum and asking ppl who’ve been with me for a really long time, specific things, they
will direct you to things for your specific question. The easiest way to really pin me down is get on my
forum on the Optimal Journals, put your story down , when I know a little bit of your context I can
give you some really pointed advice, kinda like I did today. And for your listeners, go and read the
Optimal Journals on my site and be prepared to be astounded by some of the changes that ppl have
made. And sometimes when you do conventional things and they don’t work and then you give crazy
a try you start to find out that maybe crazy isn’t so crazy.

Dr Gerald Pollack On How to Create The Perfect Water For Optimal

He is a professor at the Uni of Washington, in the bioengineering
department, on the cutting edge of researching water.
The auditor explains: “Ez water is water that is more polar, which means that there is a – and +
charge that are more separated than ordinary water, this water is more like a battery. Most of the
water in your body is made up of ez water.”
##Ez water is the so called 4th phase of water that Pollock discovered over the last few years,
different from solid, vapor, liquid. This is an ordered phase, the molecules are not randomly oriented
as in ordinary H2O, they are actually organized in a way, so it turns our this is the water that fills our
cells. We are 2/3 water. But water molecules are so small, we need a lot to fill 2/3 of our body, so 99
out of 100 molecules in your body are water molecules and that water is in the 4th phase. And the
water inside the cell is structured, it is not the ordinary H2O. This water, 4th phase has a negative
charge. While water normally has a positive charge. It is kinda like a battery. So your cells are filled
with a matrix of proteins and other macro molecules that are charged hydrophilic. And any water
next to it is going to be ordered, structured 4th phase, ez water. The cells have negative charge.,
however the reason for that is that your cell is filled with this negatively charged water. So you have
sth that’s filled with a lot of negative charges, of course it’s going to be negatively charged. What
happens to the positive charges, for a negative charges has to be positive charges as well, what
happens to those. Positive charges go out of your body for example every time you breathe, you
breathe out water vapor and CO2, so together those 2 form carbonic acid, which is rich with p+ and
those p+ get ejected. If you breathe out into some water and put a xxx(specific) paper you’d see that
the Ph value goes down. Which means you’re getting rid of p+ and you get rid of p+ in many ways.
When you pee, you gotta low Ph, getting rid of p+, when you sweat as well it is low Ph & getting rid
of p+, when you poop you get rid of positive charge, so your body is designed to get rid of that p+
charge and retain the negative charge. There’s lot of evidence now that a lot of ppl don’t eat, they
get their E without food. I’ve seen the evidence and I know it’s true. There’s this fellow in India who
said he did not eat for 65 years nor drunk anything, but it’s very humid there. Nobody believed him ,
but docs put him in a hospital for a few weeks and did tests and examined everything cardiologist,
urologist, every ologist you can think of, 15 of them, and for 10-14 days he neither drank anything or
eat anything. SO if you’re not eating , where is the E comming form. I think it is from the sun
indirectly. Effectively all the E that the plant needs all comes from the sun, so light , mostly IR light is
what builds that 4th phase, negatively charged and ~~”the region beyond is positive” so it’s like a
battery and a battery conveys E, el E. So what you get from sunlight is E. This negative charge inside
the cell is used for ev, the body needs negative charge. So we wanna keep those negative charges so
oxidants, reduction is a gain of e- and oxidation is a loss of e-. You don’t wanna lose those e-, cuz the
oxidants would tend to take away those negative charges. Antioxidants will preserve the negative
charge and you need that negative charge to be healthy. SO ez water is the most fundamental anti
oxidant in a cell. The redox potential is highly related to having enough ez water.
We took a straw with hydrophilic material, which is one that build the ez next to it, so one student
stuck one of that tubes in the water & the water was moving through the tube as if was slurping
and pulling the water through at one end of the tube. Usually you need pressure to put water
through tubes, like you heart puts pressure to move your blood. SO water is absorbing E from the
environment, including IR, UV and that E is getting converted into mechanical E, driving the flow
through the tube. SO we had the idea that this kind of E, used very well by plants, unicellular
organisms, is it possible that humans and animals too use that same kind of E, not saying that we
photosynthesisе exactly, but we do take in light E. And nature gives us 2 choices to throw it away or
use it.
I was together with a team of Russian scientists working on blood flow. It turns out in healthy ppl the
size of the capillary is smaller than the size of the red blood cells that need to pass through, so it’s
like a plumbing problem. And they calculated if the heart was doing this it would take sth like a
million times the amount of pressure that it actually generates, so it needs help. SO we knew in these
tubes in our tests light was the driving E , driving the flow through these tubes, we can even add
more light and make faster flow, so the idea was that maybe the light that we absorb is used to drive
the flow through the capillaries. So we are testing it right now. There was an israelly study studying
the blood flow in mice, after the experiment as usual the sacrificed the mice, they noticed after they
killed the mouse blood kept flowing and flowing and flowing more than an hour, while the heart
stopped working, so what was driving blood flow. And this device they used in order to monitor the
flow shines light. So I think probably that what they’re doing is using light and that light is driving the
flow in the capillaries they measure. This is a hint that we are onto sth. SO it would be interesting
that your blood flow capillary, also lymph probably, nobody knows exactly what’s driving the lymph,
they’re suggesting maybe its muscle contraction or sth, but nobody really knows, you have a 2nd
system in your body that has fluid flow and the mechanism of flow in unknown. So light can be really
really important in this.
So the blood vessels should have the same properties as those tubes you used in those studies. Yes,
hydrophilic is what counts, all hydrophilic water loving surfaces do that. And those endothelium cells
that line the capillary should be just like that.
The ez water is high viscose. You don’t want your blood to become ez , but your endothelial cells
should be ez and they can influence the flow rate.
I view the cell as a matrix of structured water. In this matrix exists all the protein, the nucleutic acid.
The ez water is more central in a cell, the proteins are sitting embedded in it.
The water is structured in a cell but not always, in the muscle cell, when it is relaxed, most of the
water is ordered, but when it contracts, the water undergoes a transition from this ordered water to
ordinary water. When the muscle stops contracting it goes back again to the ordered water, so it’s a
transition to an ez water-ordinary water – ez water again. That’s an important factor in so many
events in biology. That transition from ordered and disordered is driving so many things inside your
cells. When you study the chemistry books, eps considering they do not think of water as an
important factor, it is getting so complicated and biology can’t be that complicated. It is the same in
physics, it is as if science has gone astray.
ATP , Gilbert Ling was kind of a mentor of mine, spent many years studying the structure of water
inside the cells. He thought, I agree, that when ATP binds to a certain site it produces a hefty
negative charge, which is very important for building the structure. He is probably on to sth. So the
original idea that ATP has a high E bond has been challenged and to my knowledge nobody has ever
responded to that challenge. SO ppl think that ATP is the very basis of all of our E, but I think the
negative charge is the basis. We found that ,it you take room T water and hydrophilic surface, and
you reduce the T, once we started reducing the T a lot , this ez grew enormously when the T went
way down and then the ez turned to ice. The ez structure that we deduced is almost the same
structure as ice, all you need to do with it is add p+ and you get ice. So we found out if you wanna
freeze the water it goes from water to ez water to ice and when you melt it it goes from ice to ez
water to water.
A lot of ppl think about the glacial melt water that’s full of minerals and has health benefits and the
reason I thnk it has health benefits is because it is full of ez water. By drinking ez water you are
replacing the ez water that’s missing from your cells, which is keeping you not as healthy as you want
to be.
DO you try to drink colder water? There is a tendency for me to do it, I asked the flight attendant for
lots of ice in the water. Maybe it comes naturally, my body is craving it.
A lot of ppl approach me having different kinds of water claiming have health benefits, some are
charlatans, but some of these waters, I’ve seen the clear evidence, can reverse pathologies. Ppl give
me waters at home to drink and test. There are a few cases where I’ve seen remarkable properties of
some of these waters. When you think about drinking the kind of water that replaces the inside your
cells, that can have a huge benefit. For example we often do juicing, so you’re drinking cell water
from the plants and so. Many alternative physicians give to every patient to drink vegetable and fruit
juice. `SO some of these health waters we test contain ez water, substantial amounts. Some of the
##ppl who make the water have been calling it rich with ez or rich with H3O2, which is ez. I’ve seen
##cases where it absolutely can reverse pathology. A guy colled me 4 yrs ago and started telling me
##about the water the family was drinking which he had learned about in the lab in which he
##worked and he said you know we never have a flu or anything anymore. One of the neighbors
##knew s.o. who had irreversible kidney pathology and she was waiting for a transplant, so she tried
##the water and in the end of the month she went from irreversible pathology to no pathology. I
##saw the hospital records and seen the hospital records of many more ppl like that. A colleague of
mine went to visit ##the ppl who claimed had been cured and they confirmed it. This is very
interesting stuff.
Boiling water – I would opt out from that , because when you heat the water very complicated things
happen, more complicated that you think and I think the answer is not clear. The bubbles have a
membrane and it is ez, but it is not a yes no answer.
It’s easier to create ez water if it has minerals. Ez is best created through IR light.
What happens if you combine minerals, IR, cold. We did find if you wanna build ez water IR is the
way to do it, we also have some evidence that UV, the shorter wavelengths, they don’t necessarily
build ez very much, but they separate charges in the existing ez so you kinda recharge the battery
with that. I think the wavelengths of E that we get from the sun restore us, it’s like going into a sauna
for 20 min and feel renewed, like a new person. I think the E we got from a sauna, it contains a lot of
IR, it’s hot, it’s warm, and the water inside our bodies absorb that E and turn that water into ez. SO in
our cells all this ez water that we need in our cells for proper functioning get build up by this kind of
E, that’s why it works. You’re also sweating out the positive, so it’s a 2 birds with one stone.
Any scientist working on water would wanna use distilled deionized water, to prevent from ppl
saying the minerals in it affect the results and tests. Viktor Shalberger, famous naturalist, who
studied water for many yrs in Austria talked about dead water which is distilled water or stagnant
water and living water which is water that’s been moving around, vortexed or running around and
active flowing stream or sth like that, so reverse osmosis water is practically devoid of any of that
stuff. So in our sink water is treated with reverse osmosis and then ioned minerals have been added
##to bring it back to a more natural state. I wouldn’t drink this stuff, unless it has minerals in it. The
##minerals are great, because around every mineral you got ez water, because it is another
##hydrophilic surface. That’s why natural springs for example, which are rich with minerals are gonna
be probably most of them good for your health, because they are rich with ez water.
Is there any difference in the type of mineral for creating ez – we haven’t studied it yet, it’s a good
Even If you add minerals, the water is still not moving around , I guess you could shake it up ? – Yeah
or you can buy vortex devices. Ppl are starting to study vortexed water, there’s a lot of folklore on it
& it appears to be good for your health. We have 1 installed in our house-a copper tube and inside a
helical twist and the water goes through it bf coming. It is likely to be good for your health, but more
studies need to be done.
Adding Hydrogen to water: I’m not sure, I could imagine there could be.
Pressure is interesting, ez water is more dense than H2O, if you take H2O and pressurize it , it should
drive the water to ez. In an experimental chamber with some ez & water next to a hydrophilic
surface when you put pressure on it, it creates more ez. Bring you to the hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
You immerse your body into high pressure and high oxygen, seems to be effective not only for
treating wounds but actually for 25-30 different syndromes. They don’t know why it works, by our
##pressure experiment, as well as our finding that ##if you increase the oxygen you get more ez, it
makes sense, because the ez water is H3O2, which has more oxygen relative to hydrogen than H2O.
You put this 2 together and you get more ez and this is absolutely wonderful for your health.
Interviewer – I have an oxygen tank and I find it is very goon, just to oxygen – So that should increase
ez and it could be the mechanism.
Magnetis, magnets have very interesting effects, in my view nobody really understands how magnets
work. It’s one of those mysteries like gravitation. There are some things that don’t quite fit the
interpretations. We have founds in some cases that magnets have an effect. In water he have a blob
of negative charge and a blob of positive charge. And if we put the north pole there there, it repels
the positively charged blob and attract the negatively charged blob. If we turn the magnet around it
##has the opposite effect. Also I’m reminded of levitating frogs and magnetic fields. Annual
conference of the physics, chemistry and biology of water, now it’s in Bulgaria. 4-5 yrs ago I invited,
bec it was really cool, the guy, ~~Andre Gayan was levitating frogs in magnetic fields, and they
thought it had sth to do with the water, I invited him, but he changed fields and 2 mnths later got a
nobel prize for a ?graphean. Magnetic fields definitely have an effect on water , nobody understands
why yet.
Interviewer: Cold exposure. When you expose to cold, mito starts creating these UCPs , uncoupling
proteins and the hydrogen ions cross the mito membrane, which creates IR. DO you thing that can
create ez in the cell as well? – I think the gradient of temperature across your body interface, there’s
IR that flows as the result of that And the IR that flows from the warm to the cold is actually what
builds ez water, seems to me almost inevitable that somehow ez water is involved. There are lots of
therapies that seem to affect almost everything in your body. WE mentioned the antioxidants and
there’s aspirin, its good for reducing fever, swelling, pain, good for you heart , even cancer. In a
recent study women with breast cancer, 2 groups, 1 group took 1 aspirin a day, and it had a 50%
decreased death rate. So you can ask yourself the question, how can one substance have so many
different effects and a good candidate is water, because the only thing you have all over the place is
water. And we measured, when you put aspirin to water it creates ez. It can increase the ez volume’s
amount by up to 3 times.
We looked an anesthetics as thy block function, we studied 3 anaesthetics and all of them diminish
ez water. We’ve been studying ~~lyphosate in a roundup and that also diminishes the size ofez. It is
possible that many poisons wipe out the ezwater and you can’t function anymore so it kills you.
We’re getting into it.
How stable is the ez? I can argue on both sides. If we create ez with ~~nathion and we remove it it
looks like the ez diminishes and diminishes and eventually it fades away. ON the other hand we
investigated some waters sent to us, 1 water sat on my desk 3 months bf we tested it and it was full
of ez. It theory it can persist a long time, but we don’t know all the parameters responsible for this
persistence. The E once you got ez, required to sustain it, even amplify it is light, esp IR. So if you got
the thing the standing somewhere where there is ample IR and Ir is all over, you can expect that E is
constantly being absorbed and it should sustain that ez.
Interviewer,: there is a doc in Harvard and studies clothing that prevents IR from escaping you. It
absorbs it and releases back into the body.I am wearing now clothing with ceramic laces. – Pollok:
Some stuff are embedded from Korea and it gives out IR and it has absolute health benefits.
Other aspects of IR stimulate cytochrome C oxidase. The IR build up ez water and ez water is
responsible for everything,. The water is deeply involved in everything that’s into your body. ‘
Some times materials absorb the visible light and then reradiate IR light. Melanin is black and it
absorbs all visible wavelengths, but it generates in the IR, so it could be such clothings that help your
body build ez water.
The cell is full of proteins, they are the workers of the cell, they do everything the cell is designed to
do. For example if we have a muscle cell proteins undergo some kind of change in configuration and
that makes your muscles contract. These proteins are designed by nature to work in a ~~milliu that
has ez water, so the protein is surrounded with ez water and it does its thing with the water around
it. Without the water it faces a different environment and it can’t do it’s thing, it can’t fold or
whatever. SO you need to restore the water to put it back in its present state. That’s why full
hydration is extremely important. When ppl get gray hair they tend to be dehydrated. Ppl are almost
perpetually dehydrated so drinking a lot of water is really important. A famous book by Iranian doc
Bat Mangalesh – you’re not sick, you’re thirsty. He was a physician, when the sha was deposed, he
was supporter, thrown into prison with all the other political prisoners. As a physician he was
required to take care of the prisoners, he had nothing as his disposal but water, so he told them to
drink water. And so many of them got cured just by drinking a lot, real lot of water. When he got out
of prison he continued his research and it’s amazing. Doesn’t matter what kind of problem diabetes,
heart, kidney, just drink a lot of water. And I think we might refine that to drink a lot of water, but
good water. We are trying to define good water now, but ez water is good water.
EMF are sth to be concerned about. WE did an experiment, a Chinese student, a chamber with water
and microspheres, tiny particles. We put 2 electrodes in 2 ends of the chamber – positive and
negative, expecting that the microspheres would migrate as soon as we turn on the voltage to either
one voltage or the other. Se she comes it didn’t go to either, it went to the side. Turns out right next
to her experiment was a computer, so she unplugged it, water did as expected, she turned it on they
all move toward the computer. So these little particles are not so different to the particles, molecules
you have inside your body and they definitely respond. Also, another colleague who measures noise
in el circuits, told me that the background noise has increase 10 times over the past 10 years and you
can’t get rid of it. So all of the stuff going around with cell phones and wireless communication is rally
changing the environment enormously. Colleague in our uni ,studying cell phone and the effect of
that kind of radiation on biological tissues told me in 1- yrs cell phones will be in the same category
as cigarettes. It you haven’t looked at the evidence it is pretty easy to say it can’t be true. There was
a famous physical chemist who said planes will never fly and a few yrs later they did.
Homeopathy: Jack Bendonist, who was discredited, his results have been confirmed over and over
again by so many ppl. It is true that homeopathy works. Among many ppl he has become a hero. HE
was crucified for what he did. HE was a very prominent French ~~chemionologyst. Some of his
discoveries appeared in every textbook. A guy came to him, telling him he can dilute a substance and
get the same result. And the whole lab started focusing on that. Nature send a committee of the
editor of Nature, who was not a biologist, Randy the amazing, a magician, and a fraud buster form
the national institute of health. The first couple of days a technician did the experiment, repeated it
and got the results, then one of the committee repeated it and could not get the result, so they
concluded this must be a delusion/trick. I think there is a political issues involved in this. In their
paper they said(Nature?) that we didn’t get the result 100% of the time, however we got it often
enough to be clearly statistically significant. So the fact that 1/3 times didn’t work is not to say the
whole thing is nonsense. So the proof is in the putting and so many ppl have repeated the
experiment. This is now being studied by several groups and a world class chemist, who has a head of
a chemical institute , 3rd best institute in Russia. So it turns out if we have a molecule A in water and
you dilute it 10 times, you have 1/10th of molecule A. For the first few dilutions that does happen,
when you get to the 5th,6th or 7th, clusters begin forming and these clusters in the next dilution grow
and grow and grow and the next dilution they diminish in size and so on with each dilution and after
many more dilutions it begins to grow again. So most ppl will discredit homeopathy, because it is
based on high dilution and everybody thinks you just eliminate the molecules as you dilute. That
doesn’t happen, it’s not exactly. It turns out the shaking is absolutely critical and it turns out if you
block the electro magnetic E from the environment, light so to speak, it doesn’t happen. You get a
completely different result. So the E is important and the shaking is important. The process is much
different from what we all think. I’ve seen reports by veterinarians who use it all the time and get
positive results. The horses keep coming back so to speak. Any serious scientist will have to look
deeply into the research that’s being done and if they can find some problems with the research
that’s fine, but if they can’t, to be fair and honest about it , you need to look into that bf making a
Colloidal silver: A lot of ppl are using colloidal silver for health benefits, I suspect that what’s going
on is that those colloids, like other colloids, for ez around each particle of silver and that maybe is the
reason for the touted health benefits of colloidal silver.
Heavy metals like led, mercury, cadmium – I suspect they would absolutely wipe out ez. Haven’t
done the test yet.
Sugar builds ez. But: if you get sugar and add water you get slurry , paste. If you got sugar in your
blood you get a paste., You don’t want a paste in your blood, you want it free flowing. I think the
problem in diabetes and high blood sugar is that the blood is so thick and viscose that it can’t actually
flow to the peripheral tissues, then the tissue becomes dead.
Glass does block a lot of IR. Alexander Gurvich in Russia, was a pioneer in a lot of things including
signaling between plants. He took onion plants and you know the roots undergo mitosis and in
different plants the rates of mitosis will be different. But if you put them near each other their
mitoses synchronize. Like the women’s menstrual cycle. So he tried to see what kind of signal was
going between them. HE put glass and then he put quartz. Glass blocks UV and a lot of IR. The quartz
passes UV. SO he said the signal probably is in the UV. HE was a pioneer in that communication
between entities, including water. The communication between water is a big thing now, a lot of ppl
are beginning to study information content in water and signaling and he was the pioneer to do it.
Microwaving – it’s flipping water molecules around and we expect it to destroy any kind of structure.
What happens when you remove the microwave is not so clear , whether the structure comes back
or remains destroyed. It is on the list of need to be studied.
Ph and ez – we have studied. As ez grows, having negative charge, the region beyond that, ordinary
water, is full of protons. It turns out when you get too many p+, the ez stops growing, so it’s self
limiting. When the ph goes down of 3-4 it begins to inhibit the growth of ez, the same thing happens
with very high ez. That ph is not exact.
Interviewer: Jack Kruse mentioned putting a copper plate under your water or. In ayurvedic medicine
there’s effects of having copper utensils, having health benefits. They studied bacteria cant really
grow when it’s in copper vessel.
We have a copper of papers on metals. We found that next to some metals: copper, aluminum and
another one, ez grows. In this case the ez is positive and beyond that ez there are negative OH. I can
imagine anything that would try to live next to the copper would have difficulty bec of the + charges
that are produced in this ez, so it wouldn’t be able to survive in it. I suspect that could be related to
##Chia seeds has been used for thousands of years by athletes and we found a tremendous ez next
to each chia seed. So I kinda understand why it works so well. That might be even better than the
material we use in our lab to create ez.
Over a wide probiotic dose range the ez is expanded by over 50%. So if we have better gut flora,
when we drink water , we will make more ez bf we absorb it from our gut.
I think most of the water inside the cell is ez. However there are flows in the cell and where we have
flow, probably there is no ez. So a certain percentage of the water in the cell is flowing from point A
to B and is not ez. The more non ez, p+ you have , the less healthy you are. Because you need this –
charge, you need E to survive. Typical standard cell has a negative potential -80,,-90 milivolts , but
pathological cells have -10-15 milli volts. The reason they are not so negative I think is ez water
deficiency. You wanna rebuild it back to it’s natural state and so you get more negativity. So you
wanna get rid of all that + charged water. Your body’s equipped to do that as we mentioned earlier.
My colleagues who have studied fluoride discuss it as a poison. We do know that various salts, we
studied sodium chloride, the more you put in, the more structure you lose. Be interested to see if
fluoride has more powerful negative effect. (Note, this is not sea salt, which has minerals and should
increase the ez).
You are radiating IR to the environment so if you protect against that loss you should retain more IR
and the structure inside your cells. So cuddling is an idea to preserve the IR.
You are 100 millivolts negative compared to a stick in the earth. So you have a negative charge.
In the winter when the wind is blowing and it’s dry we get negatively charged and we discharge it
when we touch sth. that’s grounded, but that’s different kind of charge to the one in our cells. I think
this is very important for the birds flying, the earth has a negative charge, the birds get a negative
from the wind and they get a very important factor – repulsion from the earth, keeping the birds
A researcher, Rupert Sheldrik showed that pets do know when you’re coming how. He suggests there
is some kind of energy out there, any event that’s ever happened, the information is lingering. We
haven’t a clue how it works. But that’s how science improves – delving into areas unknown. He is also
studying ppl feeling when s.o. is looking at them. As scientists we need to study exactly those things
we know nothing about. That is how we advance.
Questions I am interested in that need answering: Gravity – how it works, inertia, what turns the
Earth, usually when things spin, there’s gotta be some E that keeps them spinning, so where is this E
coming from. Weather – the weather forecaster says 50% rain chance tomorrow. The forecasters talk
about pressure and T. During a thunderstorm you see flashes of lightning, so charges are really
important. And I think charges are much much more important that the physicists that study weather
actually think. So what makes weather, how is it that a cloud that’s up there, little droplets of water,
but water is heavier than air, should be pulled by gravity, how come it doesn’t rain all the time. Every
time there is a cloud how come the water doesn’t simply descent and pour water over your head.
These are the kinds of questions that arise, I have been thinking deeply about and trying to
understand in terms of charges, so there’s the future.
An Italian group has recently solidified ez water at room T, you can pick it up and feel it. Since ez
water has a regular 3D structure, it has the capacity to store information, just like a computer
memory. In the digital computer there is 0 and 1 in a particular location, while the ez offers -2,-
1,0,+1,+2 . 5 options instead of 2, that’s amazing. Ppl’s experiments have shown that the water
contains info. The most interesting experiment on that is by Luke Montenie , won a Nobel prize for
identifying HIV, he began studying water, has been able to take info from DNA, store it in water and
using just the water is able the create new DNA, which has the same sequence as the original DNA.
Annually many nobel prizers get together and share their ideas and when Luke presented this
material about water storing info, he was ridiculed by all the others, saying it’s impossible, it’s too
way out for them to think about it.
Other ppl have shown results clearly that water not only contains the info but can radiate the info to
other containers of water that are not in contact with it. The evidence is coming again and again. It is
becoming clear.
The earth has negative charge, so when you ground sth it doesn’t get 0 potential. The atmosphere is
positive, we have el field of a 100 volts per meter between the 2, so your nose is standing up 200
##volts positive compared to your toes. The earth is negative so if you connect your self to this rich
##supply of e-, you need e-, so when you connect the e- flow from the earth to your body. So if you
take off your sneakers and walk on the beach, esp a damp beach, because the conductivity is pretty
good, you’re gonna get e- from the earth. As a result you get a negative charge. That’s why earthing
is good for your health.
Interviewer: There’s a whole industry of silver laced clothing that does block EMF.
I realize that as a kid I would get berried on the beach with only me head sticking out and the feeling
was joyous I didn’t wanna get out. My body was basically surrounded with this huge charge of
negative charge and was making me feel happy, contempt.
If you blow air on anything, doesn’t matter what, so if you blow on your hear, my wife uses a dryer &
the hair is fluffy after, because the air has blown on the hair placing negative charge on the hair, so
the hair repels against itself. The same thing occurs on the hair on your body. If you expose that body
hair and air is blowing on it it gets negative charge and you need negative charge. So a friend of mine
from Equador said to me birds are getting negative charge while flying, which is why they are doing it
so much. The feathers are built like our hair. So our hair might really make us feel better, so getting
bold may really not be a good idea.
##Interviewer recap: IF you have enough ez it should help combat infections. 1st may increase blood
##flow, 2nd may increase lymphatic flow, which is essentially the highway for your immune system.
##3rd The negative charge in your body is directly antimicrobial. Oxidation reduction potential ORP
##can be used for water system monitoring to measure the disinfection potential, commonly used
##when they wanna measure the water quality. For example e.coli, salmonella and other types of
##bacteria have survival times of under 30sec when the ORP is above 660 millivolts, compared
##against over 300 seconds when it is below 486 millivolts. So when you increase the charge bacteria
##can’t survive as well. Based on my understanding ORP is determined by how much oxygen is in the
##water and oxygen is negatively charged. EZ water has more Oxygens per Hydrogen. That means
##the higher the ez, the higher the ORP. If you add ozone to your water, which I am experimenting
##with, you’re making the water more O rich and giving it more negative charge, that’s why ozone is
##such a powerful disinfectant in water systems.

The Water Conference 2017 to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria in

Ramada Hotel October 26-29, 2017
Nourish Vermont 2016 // Dr. Jack Kruse: How to Bio-Hack Your Zip
Code for Optimal Health
All 39 steps of photosynthesis are quantized = driven by light.
Every food web on this planet’s basis in photosynthesis.
Food guys talk proteins, fats , carbs. I challenge you to go find a biochemistry book and show me
where the input on the mitochondrial membrane has proteins lipid or carb transporters. It’s called e-
chain transport. That means food is about e-. In fact every food we break down is about e-. In 2005
book by Robin Shawn – the monk who sold his Ferrary(Best lawyer in New York, an asshole, gets
heart attack in courtroom, quits job, goes to Himalayans for 3 years, returns tanned, 100 pounds less
and a nice guy.) & 6 papers with instructions what to read when. Papers were about hormones,
leptin, photoelectric effect. Leptin is the master hormone in the body, controls ev other hormone in
the body. Leptin is photoelectric. Photo el effect = light only interacts with e-, it cannot interact with
protons or neutrons. That is how e- are programmed. All foods become e-. All e-, ev in the universe
are identical. What makes them different? The light that fills those e-. Guess what, your mito is
designed to decipher that rosetta stone. Carbs only are fattening when you’re missing UV light.
Why? When do cars grow, when light cycles are longest. Why carbs fatten mammals? CUz they’re
still available in the Autumn when what happens? UV light goes away. UV light isn’t present from the
time the sun rises to the time the sun sets. So why did mother mature built a system for mammals to
fatten. What is fat fundamental for, fat is a bunch of protons. I don’t think about inflammation like
any other doctor. You have 2 issues: too little e- or too many protons, that’s what makes you fat. So
here I was 360 pounds, I took my family to Europe, wanted to see Michelangelo’s David, went behind
to see his butt, everyone looks at the front. I saw a bird and sun light was coming from the window. I
asked myself what’s the difference between my fat ass and David. The environment that he lived in
500 years ago is different to the environment I live in now.
There’s 3 kingdoms of life prokaryotes, archaea(single cell, small cell organisms), eukaryotes. We are
the most complex eukaryotes. Mitochondria comes from prokaryotes into bacteria that we stole the
enzosymbiosys 600 million years ago. In 600 mil years of eukaryotic evolution from these little
?gerbills, all the way up to us, DHA hasn’t been replaced 1 time in the mammalian kingdom. DO You
know why? Because eukaryotes became complex. Everybody in the room knows the archaea,
bacteria, basically single cell, small cell organisms. We are made up of trillions of cells. Why did that
happen. DHA fundamentally turns sunlight into a DC el current.
##The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker – read it, it’s important, you’re gonna find out that ev plant
on the planet, ev animal, anything live uses the DC el current to regenerate. That was the first key to
me that I need to look deeper. What is a mito fundamentally for? It’s an environmental sensor inside
your sydoplasm. That means it’s swimming in a sea inside of you of cell water. Ev that we know in a
biochemistry book is only known when you subtract the water out and just look at the proteins. The
proteins in the Kreb’s cycle do not work the same when they are unhydrated vs hydrated. That
means most of what we believe about chemistry is absolute horse shit.
## book: Life at the Edge – Jimel Chaleally. Quantum biologist from university of Surrey. Explains to
ppl how proteins and enzymes work in a body. Turns out when proteins are unhydrated they don’t
work the way they do in life.
So I wrote all these ideas down and came the Leptin prescription and the Cold Thermogenesis
Protocol - CTP. Leptin prescription is a moniker(прозвище) for circadian biology, it’s all about light.
CT is about magnetism and increasing the magnetic effect in your mito. We have magnets in us? It’s a
different type of magnet. You have respiratory proteins in your mito. 1 through 5, and the 5th one is
called ATPA, that’s where you make ATP. It’s got a nano rotor motor, it spins at ridiculous rate.
Anything that spins makes a current and an associated magnetic field. in 2007 in Harvard uni we
proved we can measure the magnetic field from the human heart 22 ft. out of the chest, by using a
squid magnometer. We now know the same thing happens in the brain. Guess why? Where do we
reserve most of our mito? In the brain and heart. We are special kind of eukaryotеs, not all animals
keep them there.
12 years ago I spent 12 000$ photocopying all the papers that I just told you to read about and some
of these books you’re gonna hear. Now there’s books you can buy for 19-100 books.
The geometry of the respiratory proteins Is the single most important thing inside a cell. How we
control them? I used the Leptin PP and CTP to lose 77 pounds In 3 months and 133 in 11. And guess
what, I ate more and I didn’t exercise 1 bit. So it ain’t about food and it ain’t about exercise. It all
starts with food, no it starts with circadian biology. Here’s the key, if you don’t have the proper light
signals, you don’t tell the mito how to deliver e- through e- chain transport to oxygen. What’s the
fundamental reason that all of us have to breathe? Oxygen is the terminal el receptor?scepter. So
depending on how much oxygen you have, that turns out how many free radicals you make at
cytochrome 1. So guess what that means, if you’re hypoxic like my buddy Jeremy, he has cystic
fibrosis btw. Have you ever seen anybody with half a lung climb upside down a rock like you saw him
do? But guess what, he said one thing to me at a starbucks when we met: Jack I told ev doc I ever
met I believe I have the ability to breathe through my skin. Jeremy is a world class rock climber that
goes all over the world, he is a ?medal ?sculptor, knows nothing about science. IN your eye you have
a clock, which runs the super chiasmatic nucleus, which controls ev growth and metabolic program in
your body. Every single one. SO guess what, if you’re clock doesn’t tick right, in front of each human
gene, there is now 25 000, there’s been found a peripheral circadian clock that pays attention to
which clock, this one(eye). This clock has to run faster than any other. By who’s law – Ainstain’s
General relativity and special relativity mixed together, that’s how GPS works. Guess what that
program controls how e- from food are handled in you. So let me ask you a question. If the program
that controls the e- is off, you think food really matters? Think about FedEx, you have arrivals and
deliveries, ev is running great and all of a sudden one day Rubin shows up and the ppl. are interested
to talk to him and arrivals and deliveries come at the same time. IS that order? That’s chaos. The
synonym in medicine to chaos is inflammation. What does inflammation mean to Jack Kruse? Too
many protons, not enough e-. What is Ph, it’s a proton gradient. When you have too many protons in
your body water
## Gerald Pollek – the 4th phase of water
You need to understand that proton gradient in your body diminishes you ez(exclusion zone), a
battery that’s made out of red light predominantly. But guess what, after it’s made what key thing
does it do? IT excludes things all the way down to the atomic size of a proton. So I heard ppl. today
talk about toxins – bullshit, why, cuz when you exclusion zone is built inside a cell, inside a cell
membrane that’s hydrophilic because it has what – DHA. Paleos have certain things right cuz they
like grass fed meat. Grass has DHA in it and you need a cow to eat it to turn it into the SN-2 position,
meaning it makes it paramagnetic, meaning it’s drawn to el.magnetic field, the spinning ATPAs in
your 5th cytochrome and that’s how it gets in your heart and that’s how it gets in your brain. SO when
vegan ppl tell you eat a pill, it doesn’t work. The paleo community believes you can go out in the
savannah, eat animals and get a human brain. Well if that’s true then tell me why we don’t have
really smart lions. That’s right. They’re full of shit too. We are the one eukaryote on this planet that
has 3 pounds of it in the brain and it’s all through your system. When you live in a blue lit microwave
you need more of it. Blue light destroys DHA in cell membranes. What else does blue light do? Blue
light raises blood glucose. What else does blue light do? DO you know that blue light causes insulin
resistance. What’s also special about ATPAs in mito, that head rotates. Red light penetrates all the
way down 10-30 cm into your body. ATPAs are quantum nano machine that runs off of red light. The
faster you spin it, the more ATP you make & the higher oxygen tension you need. That means that it
fundamentally does the same thing as food. It increases e- chain transport. Life is how you move e-
from cytochrome 1 to oxygen. If you give someone a blocker, cyanide, it blocks cytochrome 4, you’re
dead like that. SO dead is the absence of flow of e-. That meant the 5th cytochrome can’t spin. ATP is
the high energy phosphate bond that drives all the E(energy). Gilbert Ling in 1950, tried to describe
quantum physics using words. Ling did a study and showed that if ATP was the true battery power
inside a cell or a mito, that would break the 2nd law of thermodynamics by 50 fold. That study has
been redone in 2007, it’s now 3000 fold. So along comes Pollok and shows that water in you, I don’t
care how you structure it, I care how you structure your cells with DHA, has e- added to cell
membranes in eukaryotes , make them hydrophilic. Means the ez gets bigger. You mito releases IR
light, that means it’s red. You’re designed to be an ultimate fat burner. How do we fat burn as a
human? Dr. Doug Wallace, found out all mito DNA is inherited on mother side and done all the key
work from here to forward on it. The inner mito membrane oscillates at a 100 Hz, that means you’re
the ultimate fat burner. When that membrane oscillates at a 100 Hz, the crystal lines up perfectly,
the respiratory proteins are in supreme position, located hexagonly around a lipid drop and you burn
fat. When you burn fat you make heat. Why is infrared heat sth I want you all to get. Guess what’s
special about water. Mito sits around a sea of water. What happens to water when you freeze it – it
expands. When you heat water, it shrinks. And there’s this layer around mito, called Demino’s . Why
it’s there? Cuz when you shrink water and you release IR light, guess what it does, it shrinks the
respiratory proteins, they come closer together. When you get any disease you respiratory proteins
get bigger(Proved by Doug Wallace). Every increase in you respiratory proteins by 1 ankstrum(nm)
reduces the quantum tunneling of electrons from food by a factor of 10.
Everything around us works on a fundamental principle, quantum el dynamic theory.
##Practical application: I want you to be like the snakes – ev morning, as soon as you wake up be like
the snakes – naked looking in the direction of the sun for 15-30 min, then you eat your breakfast. I
don’t care what you eat. I’d rather you eat a lot of protein and fat, cuz it will help you reverse, shrink
the problem, that’s why it’s in the protocol. Then I wanna make sure that you’re as grounded as you
can be. Every pair pf shoe I have is custom made, cuz I am connected when I’m outside completely to
the ground. For grounding, look at the inverse hall magnetic spin effect., it turns a magnetic flux, a
source of energy, to a DC el. current, the thing that regenerates. Blue light not only destroys DHA, it
ruins the melatonin cycle, which controls the distance between the respiratory proteins in the
mitochondria. It’s about light, life fundamentally is photoelectric. Technology and biology should be
photonic, not electronic. That is where the problem is. My members know we are already 120 years
into the greatest extinction. It started in Chicago when Tesla electrified the world’s fair. How Tesla
died – from neurodegeneration, he was crazy as bat shit for touching AC magnetic coils his whole life
to prove that Edison was wrong. Turns out if we are gonna use electromagnetism to power our life,
guess what’s better – the DC el. current of Edison. That is one of the fundamental changes that have
to happen.
Mitochondria also makes these things called free radicals, chemicals that have unpaired e-. That
means they have a certain spin. When your body is made up in a triplet state, you are physically as
optimal as you’re gonna be. You can look like Adonis and be built inside like Swiss cheese when you
have too much singled oxygen. When you exercise indoors in a gym around an el power grid or under
blue light, that’s precisely what happens. A guy who’s been in the crossfit games, 3 yrs ago he picked
up a weight and his thoracic spine fractured. He looked like David. Ppl said he did the lift wrong, he
wasn’t even lifting that heavy. Robert O Becker in 1960 in his book taught us that bone was
photoelectric!!! That means calcium and appetite are a p and n semiconductor. How do
semiconductors work differently than regural electricity? When you cool them , the el current gets
stronger. Take your phone, put it in the heat, you’ll get a temperature warning, but put it in the
freezer – it works like a charm. El current is different. We are built at a semiconductors. Water, when
it forms an exclusion zone is a semiconductor. You are designed to move electrons all over your
body. You are designed to be an electro magnetic repository for solar radiation. That’s the reason
why when the exclusion zone forms, after red light expands it guess what happens to the exclusion
zone. 270 nm is what it refracts at(пречупвам). What’s 270 nm – UV. Don’t be scared of UV folks.
##!!Neuropsin in our eye, the UVA receptor. Melanopsin works 435 to 46, blue light. Blue light will
raise your glucose and make you insulin resistance, even if you’re fasting, naked outside. Blue light
alone increases your respiratory proteins, ruins DHA signaling in your eye and brain. UV light makes
melatonin, a night hormone, made by the sun. When do we regenerate – during the day. All biogenic
amines – melanin, dopamine, histamine, melatonin, serotonin are made by ?aramatic amino acids.
All aromatic amino acids absorb UV light.
Doctor named ~~Carlos Dogato did study for the US military in 1960, found out when you lock ppl
from the quantum yield on sunlight you make them obedient idiots. You actually can put ideas in
their heads on the news t night to get them to do what you wanna do.
I am really a metronome. The best clinicians in us find out how to slow light down in tissues, that’s
really what I do, all based on physics. The more light you slow down in your tissue media/menia, the
more you collect, the more you absorb, your body has protein array to determine how things work in
you. In fact if you look at the visible light spectrum 260 – 800 nm. You break down each frequency,
you have 8 with 21 numbers after it in terms of frequencies. In a cell there is a 100 000 biochemical
reactions that happen per cell. Guess what controls that – quantum entanglement of photons.
What’s the key one that you release – IR light. Why am I wearing red, why do I have red shoes on?
Red builds the EZ. That’s the first way you begin to shrink your respiratory proteins. UV extends it.
You all live in the 47th latitude(Vermont). You can never get well in the same environment you got
sick in. All of you learn about Doug Wallace. He’s gonna win a nobel prize in the next 2-3 years.
SO cold increases e- flow, cuz we are built out of semi conductors. We are put on this planet to be
able to eat food in our local environment that’s quantized by the sun in that local environment.
I decided to get 2 of the most famous paleo guys, used their diets, worked out in a gym and gained
50 pounds. There is a guy, Barzelay, who studies super centurion all over the world, its always ppl
that have 20% body fat, they all think well.
If you wanna have a really nice physique at the time you die, you should’ve been a gorilla. Guess
what, their mito density is based in their muscular skeletal system. Where’s ours is brain AND HEART.
What’S the number cause of death as of 2014 Alzheimerr’s disease, it’s changing now, in my opinion
its neurodegeneration now. 1 neuron has 36 00 mito. The closer the mito are to the nucleous. The
more condensed, the better they function. Ppl with neurodegeneration – the further they are away,
not so good. The key to all mito biology is what your percent heteroplasmy rate is. If a mother work
out in blue light around el magnetic field, what would the percentage of her kid be : 25-30% or might
it be 80?% If we put that kid in blue light what happens to his mito, they spread? Autism comes out
of nowhere and nobody knows why. Doug Wallace knew. Just listen to Doug Wallace in youtube 50-
59 min. Percent heteroplasmy leads to phynotypic disease presentation with no genomic changes.
Make sure you eat food that’s designed for your local environment. It’s not just about latitude and
altitude. The single most important variable for modern humans is population density. Because when
someone lives in a blue lit microwave world there are a lot of ppl around them doing things that they
don’t know what they are dong. SO their fields are affecting you. So guess what, living in Vermont,
even though it’s a low quantum yield environment is a distinct benefit. Carbs aren’t bad, but are if
you live in a low quantum yield. And now you live in a low quantum yield world everywhere. Google
the selebasy symptom, you’ll find every kid in Asia doesn’t wanna have sex anymore. Blue light
destroys leptin, leptin is the master controller for the sex hormones. In mito you use light E to make
matter. When you slow light down, you change matter fundamentally. Water becomes ez water
when light hits it and it becomes a battery. Tap water is different, if it’s got fluoride in it , I don’t drink
it. Why is fluoride a problem, not for all the reasons you believe. It’s a dialectric blocker, it doesn’t
allow water or a material to absorb as much el.magnetic radiation as possible. SO the normal
dielectric concept for water that I drink is 80, when you have DHA in your cell membranes that you
don’t wanna eat and you’re working at night, it goes down to like 20. But when you do the right
things it can go to 160. When you’re dielectric constant is that high, you make a shit ton of DC el.
current and a shit tone of melatonin, of dopamine, so you follow trends better, ppl like you better,
you get smarter, you become introspective, you begin to pay attention to your instincts and not
others. Things that used to bother you no longer bother you.
I would never use a PEMF device, there’s a study that showed at extreme low rates that you would
get from a clock, from an MRI machine, from any kind of device that uses radio frequency, chance of
cancer goes through the roof, cuz it destroys melatonin cycles. Anything that destroys that destroys
your respiratory protein shape and it spreads out. Anything that spreads out in life loses energy.
What happens when a star loses its E, stops burning hydrogen and goes to helium all the way up to
iron. When it gets to iron what happens? It explodes, a supernova. What also happens, the yellow
star became a red giant, it gets bigger. SO what does everybody in this room believe about obesity,
that every fat person is fat because they eat too much, turns out they’re losing too much light.
Reversing Einstain’s e=mc2 showed that to me. That is what’s built into the leptin prescription, that
is what’s built into the CT protocol. That is what’s built into the quantlet. The quantlet gives you a
third eye, that’s fully protected, delivering the right frequencies, while cooling. Why is cooling so big,
when you cool a surface, you assimilate more UV light. So think about when you cry, when you cry
your cells are stressed, all stressed cells release extreme low frequency UV light, so that means you
have to replace it. So why do the tears come out, cuz they cool your cornea where neuropsin is, so
you can absorb more UV light, so you can fix your frontal lobe that you just cried about.
Wanna talk about malaria? Equatory Africans live in the strongest UV light 12 hours a day, their skin
is back to protect them from too much UV light, they don’t really have circadian biology. The Massai
drink the blood of cows, because corotenoids are natural protectors for UV light. Ben saw a small kid
with malaria, running around like Michael Jordan, not look like it has any problems at all. Malaria is
actually a help to equatorian humans. What’s in a red blood cell – porphyrins and hemoglobin. What
do porphyrins do – absorbs UV light. It’s exactly the same as what’s in a tree, the only difference , Mg
vs Iron, green vs red, e-. So why did the mosquito carrying the malaria know to bite that black kid?
Cuz he got too much UV light and insects can see UV light, so they know who to bite.
Jeremy has half a lung, so there’s not a lot of oxygen left at the end, so he doesn’t have a lot of
terminal e- that he can accept. SO if he eat a keto diet he is gonna fall apart – too much flow, not
enough oxygen = free radicals, that would destroy him. So he has to eat a shit ton of carbs and be in
the strong sun.
Seasonal affective disorder – a disease of light, usually caused by altered circadian cycles or
serotonin, melatonin, low DHA, the key thing is if you’re gonna add the light back, it’s gonna be a
short term effect, unless you add the DHA and water in the system. When you live in a microwave
world: put a piece of steak in the microwave, what does it taste like- shoe leather, it’s dehydrated. So
you gotta add seafood, the water back and take them out of the environment they got sick in. You
need to change the environment if you want to get better, that’s why cancer reoccurs.
170 000 years ago we started changing our environment. The first circadian mismatch for humans
was clothes. The second one – fire. I’m a fan of fires, but too much red light at night does destroy
melatonin. So if you get in an infrared sauna and go hot wild crazy, you screw shit up.
Other problem: if you use too much infrared too much on your body to try to shrink things down, you
can actually get fybrosis to your muscles. You have to be very careful, bec you have to understand
what the person’s heteroplasmy is.
65 mil years ago the age of mammals began. The asteroid hit and the 2 species that survived are
some dinosaurs, from which came birds, and uterian mammals. Both had mito capacity. Birds can
disconnect from the earth and fly for a long time, uterian mammals are designed to sleep for 6
months underground disconnected from the sun. You are a uterian mammal, designed to be
connected to the earth fro 6 months with no sun. You have that program built in you.
Jeremy, the rock climber is the most connected guy. He can breathe through his skin, cuz UV light on
the skin increases venus O2. Jeremy can breathe through his sin, that means you can live in a low
quantum environment if you’re willing to connect more to the earth’s magnetic flux. The program in
you uses the inverse hall magnetic spin effect, turning magnetic flux to DC el current, which is
directly correlated to your melatonin lvls, which directly correlates to your respiratory proteins.
To speed you eye clock, the way the photoelectric effect works in Vermont, you need to eat more
seafood. I think just eating grass-fed meat, while living in a low quantum yield world that’s
microwaved is not enough.
If your heteroplasmy rate is 80-90% you better get your ass in cold water. Because that’s the best
Faraday cage on the planet.
When your dopamine lvl goes really high, you begin to think a lot better and thinking counter
intuitively(to the accepted paradigm) begins to make sense.
The coolest thing about vit D is: within 7 days you can improve your optical density in your tissues
just from UV and IR light. Where you’re sick, where your problem is, that’s where it needs to be
exposed to the sun. That’s the key. And you have to be hydrated. Vit D for me is a proxy for the DC el
current. When your vit D lvl is low it means that your environment sucks.
Turned the camera for some info, said he has a blog on that: Hashimotos meets malasma, gateway
disease. When you read it you’ll shit the bed. It’s all quantum mechanics.
We broke the rules and drunk wine last night. Justo so you know, why is resviretrol good, not for
what the cardiologist is gonna tell you. It is the best fermented probiotic known to man, bec is
absorbs 312 nm light. ##John Ott – health and light. John Ott became famous for doing time light
photography for Walt Disney. He showed when you have an altered solar spectrum both in plats and
animals, you develop problems in the neuroepithelium = ubiquination, which is protein turnover. The
single most expensive thing for a cell is protein turnover. Solar light turns off protein turnover.
I have a blog how to read your own MRI, if you join my tribe. MRI is a proton shadow cast. SO the
way I read it is different and teach regular Joes to read it better than a doctor.
“WE never improve by being drunk on our success, we improve by our failures. And that tear in my
knee was the best freaking thing that ever happened to me in my life. It’s completely changed the
person that I am. When you marry that change with a guy from New York that likes to curse a lot, it’s
a lighting rod for controversy. And I like controversy. I’m just like Trump, except a different kind of
We don’t have a great test to measure heteroplasmy. But there is an indirect measure. Dr. Ted
Achoso, on my Dr. Jack Kruse fb page, 4 posts bf 07.2016, there is a youtube video 1.14 hr, there is a
test done by spectracell that measures stuff.
When mito oscillate at a 100 Hz, you are the perfect fat burner, that’s ideal for all uterian mammals.
When you can’t do that, you have to use glycolysis in the cytoplasmy. When you do that 2 things
spike : ROS & all the different steps of the Krebs cycle go through the roof. So Ted is a nutritional
mitochondriac, showed we can use that as an indirect measure.
In my whole biohacking career I’ve probably spent 250 000 $ doing tests on me. Eubin is spending 3-
4-5 000 $/month. When I wanna know, I wanna know. I don’t have to do as much anymore, cuz I
think I got it down. Now I know what’s my real problem, it’s my job. That’s why my wife wants me to
quit. I am Irish, northern European, I have freckles. Melanin actually absorbs and releases UV light, so
I have more freckles in lots more places.
I do extraordinary things the days I operate vs the days I don’t. I’m like the lady with the laptop on
here, speeding up the circadian clock in her uterus, throwing off ovulation. ?Like Magda put , the
Johtnson, you need to use the IUV store, bec infertility is through the roof. Be a fertility doc if you
wanna get the richest doc the fastest. The show in 10 o’çlock at night is what caused it. and
sunscreen, dude, do you even have to ask.
The best natural sunscreen.
You know why the autistic community and the Paleo guys think nightshades are bad? All nightshades
have ?carotenoids, they block UV light. So these are the ppl that need UV light and eat stuff that
block is. Are night shades bad – no. I eat a lot, where do I live – New Orleans, I’m always naked. It’s
the same story with the malaria and the black kids. It has nothing to do with the food, but with the
photo pigment. Where is ?carotenoids based? In the surface epithelium that blocks the quantum
yield by Snel’s law or Fermat’s principle.
There are 7 parts of the sola spectrum. The middle parts we use for the eye camera. So purple & red,
which is why you always see me wearing purple and red, are the ones that we use to signal the clock.
Blue light at night destroys melanopsin. Melanopsin is what regenerates the central retinal pathways.
In the morning when you go and be like the snakes blue light is designed to go into your pituitary
gland & turn to compound pharmacy on. Blue light in the sun is good, bec blue light has equal parts
red & blue, so the antidote is in AM sunlight, for blue light. This light has 4 times the color
temperature blue, no red no UV(?which light?). So you have to realize to optimize your eye clock you
must get AM sunlight. If you’re a shift worker, my advice is term insurance, make me the beneficiary,
its K R U S E. You need to protect, blue light is the single biggest thing that’s destroying us. Here is the
irony, what is Autism speaks – color. When you read John Ott’s book – what’s the number one

## colour of light that causes cancer in epithelial tissues- pink ##John Ott – find which book he is
talking about. Think about breast cancer. WHO 2009 what’s the number one risk factor for breast
cancer in women, low vit D level. How do you make vit D – UVB!. Got it? Still think the sun’s bad?
A blog I have – why the king of pop died from 2011-2012. Most ppl blame the gut and they have
everything wrong.
In your gut your microbiome, made up of a bunch of bacteria. A guy, Fritz Pop, biophysicist, now
dead, found utilizing photomultipliers that bacteria release 5 000 times more light than eukaryotes.
The process, the way the microbiome works in humans is-its designed to have a lightshow. That’s the
reason why the internal part of the gut has vit D receptors. You know that you don’t get any UV light
there, cuz it bounces off on the surface, but the bacteria inside you do. What is the lining of the gut
made out if? ~~Interasites, what are they loaded with, DHA. DHA turns light into a DC el current. So
someone that has a simplified gut flora, because you have to have a quantum match in the eye, skin
and gut. SO one of the things I teach my members is that one of the predictions that I made in a
recent webinar is that in my opinion within 50 yrs biochemistry will be shown to be a joke and the
single thing that’s gonna be most important is what happens at the surface. Bec this determines
what biochemistry happens before. This means, biochemical pathways , the leaver that controls
them is the light frequencies that get to them. So I explained in this talk a bit how red light has that
ability to the ATPA’s. But what is that ATPS’s do? In medicine we believe it is the high energy
phosphate bond- no. Unfolds proteins, when you unfold proteins you open up more binding sites for
water to bind to, you have m ore water, what happens when light hits it? – Bigger battery. So
fundamentally you are a Ferrary that has a really bad electrical system and you can’t turn on the T-
regulary cells in your gut. Those T-regulary cells in your gut are causing a circadian mismatch with the
malana sites on your skin. And what I’m telling you is the heteroplasmy rates on your skin and in your
interasites are the problem. So you’re the kind of person that I would take home and put you in the
Yucatan, Mexico for about 18 months, eating a high sea food diet, connected to the ground, ##going
in the water all the time. I would use on you the Fornea effect, where we make you cold, bring you
##out in the sun, kinda like hot and cold showers, what it does is any time you have a temperature
change it increases the electron flow without you having to eat any more. You’d also wind up doing
shit tons of intermittent fasting and the reason for that is Intermittent fasting is one of the key ways
for people who are food gurus to actually learn a little bit about mito., cuz that’s fundamentally how
it works. What you’re gonna find out is the more you’re connected to the earth’s magnetic field and
the more you’re connected to canabi(sun probably), the less food you have to eat. But the food that
you must eat in your condition is DHA, because you have a broken film and I mean like a screen and
you can’t tell the light show that’s going on. You can easily build the microbiome back up very
quickly, by changing some of the foods you eat, but you also have to remember that if you don’t
change the signal through your eye & on your skin, you’re lost. And you need to understand where
your disease manifests. Manifests not only on the gut surface, but also on the skin. The 4 key
surfaces that I teach ppl about are by far number on – eyes, 2 – skin, gut -3, lung surface -4. The 4
quantum surfaces that control pretty much all the biochemistry in your body. And I would tell you to
##Seems like the most important one to read##learn little bit about Fritz Pop , the book is Rolland
Van Wigk – Light Skulping life. He basically took all the data that probably cost me 10 k to photocopy,
you’re gonna sit back and go – how is no one talking about this. It’s unbelievable what’s published.
We hare more mito density than every other animal and most of it is based in the brain, heart and
immune system.

Jack Kruse
“ I ” is Jack Kruse talking ~most times about himself.

Dr. Jack Kruse / Nourish Vermont 2017

Gratitude is important, it raises our dopamine lvl.
Blue light in the antidote for vitamin A and DHA. Vitamin A is yellow, which is the complimentary
color to blue. Light frequencies control the lvl of vit A in the eye. Every opsin in the body is tight to
retinol – vit A. When you have deficiencies to vit A it is tight to obesity, blue light makes you fat,
really fat. When photosynthesis makes DHA in the seas in plankton, its mostly in SN-1 and SN3
position. When he fish eats it, it changes it to SN2. SN2 becomes planer, like semi conductive plane,
which is important to the eye. Taking algae is not enough, SN2 is the only thing that goes into the
central and peripheral nervous system of eukaryotes, which ppl are.
Sunrise has visible and infrared light, you don’t have any UV initially. Also, you don’t need your rods
and melanopsin in the morning. So they regenerate in the AM. You actually make melatonin in your
eye in the morning. The hormone of darkness is first made in the eye in the morning, when you have
a combo of UVA and infrared light, because of amino acids that absorb that.
So reconstruct my life, I stopped operating at 7 AM and started all my cases at 8:30, also the reason I
moved to the 28th latitude from where I lived, cuz UVA light shows up. So I got not so good news for
you guys in Vermont (Mid Romania to Mid Bulgaria) UVA light shows up later than it does in New
Orleans(Egypt/28th latitude), so you need more control of your life in the morning than any other
Sun set, when you don’t need colour vision, “this is the camera”, they regenerate at night time.

Nuropsin, its on the cornea of the eye and on your skin, it’s a UVA light detector. Why do we have a
UVA receptor in the eye if its really bad for us. It turns out, melatonin is considered the hormone of
darkness. Neuropsin tells the brain that UVA light is present and it can begin to make melatonin from
SUNLIGHT. It’s a night time hormone, that’s when its active. It only activates when light is not
present. Made first in the eye and then generalizes all along the brain.
It reduces energy production in mitochondria. UVA light turns down energy production. 4th
cytochrome, cytochrome-c-oxydase, turned on by red light. UV light turns it off. UV light makes in the
skin & the eye Nitric Oxide, which is why UV light lowers your blood pressure, because t causes 40-60
% of dermal pulling and it helps your heart. Also, it turns off your ability to make ATP from food
electrons. Helps against breast cancer, huge reason for breast cancer is the lack of sunlight.
Morning daylight exposure tight to better sleep – a study. Taking melatonin is a great way to ruin
your sleep, a mitochondriac will never do. Blue light, balanced by red is what turns on hormone
production. All hormones are made usually from 6 to 10, looking at circadian rhythm, in almost any
medical textbook. They are assuming you live around the 30th latitude, so its not true, its different at
different places, but it’s the key. A shocker : what turns off hormone production UVA light on the
skin, first time it shows up (in the day). ?
light is what turns off in your blood clot plasma.
We have opsins in cervical spinal cord, (which has sth to do with brown fat)
Superior cervical gangling controls cerebral blood flow.
The light that comes through at nighttime that you have to block is 400-465, that’s what my glasses
are doing right now for me, these are the bpi tints. Cuz I don’t want this indoor light signaling my
brain it’s morning at 3 pm. It would ruin my ability to sleep at night. In surgery in between cases I go
straight out to the sun. CSF, cerebral spinal fluid, is an ultra filtrate of blood plasma, made of 99.8%
water. Light + water = exclusion zone.
Using technology, you lose the alpha waves in the brain, then you have to do crazy stuff to retune the
circadian oscillator in the eye. The best way to do it is become the snakes, extremities grounded,
looking at the east in the morning. Best way to retrain the circadian oscillate, through your eye, while
being grounded.
From UV light you make a chemical that makes the hormones in the thyroid. Tryptophan, Serotonin,
Melatonin, you make all these hormones from light. Everything you hear from the functional
medicine doctors is made through your eye. If you are white skinned and burn in the sun it means
you never see UVA light. For ppl with white skin use hybrid tanning. – use infrared-A light to
precondition the system , so I could absorb more UV light, lost more weight like that. Backed up this
recently when the quantlet went live.
The story: Am sunlight, its gotta be red balanced with blue with diurnal UV(Uv shows up later, but its
## important and you gotta get it through your eye. ) !!That’s why when you see me outside, I
put the glasses down my nose, or I’ll put them on when the UV is out(meaning it’s not present
This system, the way it works has that feedback loop, the melatonin first made in the eye is
incredibly important. Balanced AM light, through the pituitary makes the chemical Beta-endorphin,
which is an opiate. We are designed by nature to be addicted to the sun and be in the sun.
Leptin is a fat hormone. UVC, which we hardly ever get only penetrates the epidermis, UVB stops at
the epidermis, UVA gets to the fat are. Infrared A penetrates 10-30 cm. It can penetrate from the
front to the spine vertebrae, So wanna avoid osteoporosis – take your clothes off.
UV light turns off the hormones in your skin. Which is why many ppl.’s hormones right now are flat
line, because the blue light has constantly turned them on & after a period of time, the compound
pharmacy in your brain turns off, it doesn’t work anymore, that’s what adrenal fatigue is, the system
can no longer turn light into the chemicals that it needs. Terminal electronic receptor in
mitochondria- oxygen.
Retinal pigmental epithelium, loaded with melanin, a UV fluorophore protein, that absorbs that 3%
of UVA that comes in and makes melatonin, dopamine. SO we can raise our dopamine by looking at
the ## sun, AM sunlight is the most important time of the day, if you miss it, there is no recapturing.
Being consistent. How consistent am I about the sun in the morning, I am a natzi when it comes to it.
Red blood cells are loaded with DHA, DHA absorbs the sunlight. The other thing in them is
porphyrins, which absorb all frequencies of UV light. So basically your red blood cell is a ferryboat for
light. Everything in the arterial wall: as blood flow goes, that ?rbc makes an electromagnetic field
around it, that em field is designed to interact with these(some) charges. What happens to be out
there – nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is released and the vessel gets bigger. So when you have a negative
charge here and a negative charge on the surface of the blood cell, the 2 repel and that’s the reason
you don’t get blood clotting and the reason when you go on an airplane you get blood clotting. That’s
the reason you die when you’re around a lot of blue light and non native EMF.
A lot of talk about cholesterol, guess what if cholesterol is not sulfated… What sulfates cholesterol –
sun liiight. Sunlight is the key. Blood plasma is 93% water.
Blood is the big thing in terms of bearing energy in it to ferry to each part of our body in different
UVA and infrared-A light are the key to regenerating every photoreceptor in your eye.
Short wavelength light – UVA light liberates nitric oxide in your skin and eye, visodilating them and
enhancing the circulation in that area, while reducing energy production. So how does the epic
##photoreceptors make up the difference. What infrared light does to CCO/cydochrome-C-
reductase – it makes ATP without any food electrons.
A 70 kg man has a requirement to make 85kg of ATP/day. You have to make more ATP than you
weigh. You get 1/3 of the electrons from food and 2/3 from sunlight. Sunlight is 42% infrared-A
So the less sun you get and the more disconnected from earth you are, the more food you need.

Me: so staying on the 5th floor could potentially be what makes me feel like shit any time I do not get
out of home in the morning(writing my book, watching this video, staying at home until 14:00, felt
like shit even at 12:00). The other option is movement, but I slightly doubt it.
You get beta endorphin from the sun, which is why you feel good on the beach. You get the same
effect when you exercise.
Cold accelerated my weight loss, it uncoupled my K-hapletate more, I released more heat from my
mitochondria, shrunk the water around my mitochondria, brought the respiratory proteins closer
together and had to eat less food.
Blue light is the biggest non-native EMF we have ,there’s others, but right now it’s blue light. I do
think in the next 18 months it’s gonna change to 5G, but we need to understand this. Porphyrins are
the retinal receptor.
LED’s – not even close to the sun’s light. Acute macular degeneration – number one reason for
blindness in America right now. I never saw a case of that in 1999. You have to have balanced AM
light, is the key.
Blue light affects the circadian oscillator in the eye. Color entrains the mammalian clock. LED light
have links to the eye. I told the opthamologists this and gave this talk, they were floored. I went into
their ancient literature and found what was there. Innovation – take things that are known and
connect them in ways ppl never hought. I didn’t discover shit, I’m just really curious.
Melatonin regenerates every single cell in the retina, first made in AM light.
When light gets changed to electromechanical wave, the wave form, the solar tone,s the acoustic
photons in the blood plasma send that signal to the superior cervical gangling and that’s what tells
your pineal gland its night time. The vibrations made by Porphyrins from your red blood cells is the
signal for melatonin release in the pineal, molecular resonance transfer, meaning there doen’t need
to be a direct connection. Connection is via light and through solar tone waves in your vessels and
that’s the key. Everything in your anterior chamber(head?) is a semiconductor – it absorbs light and it
readmits light. Inside that light that signaling tells the brain exactly what to do. Leptin absorbs light,
you can have leptin, but if you can’t do anything with the signal you get leptin resistant, which causes
## You must block blue when the sun sets. You must get UVA and infrared light thorough your eye
and through your skin every morning, if you don’t do it, you fail. You MUSt do it. AM light is different.
Sunlight when it rises is 1 800 Kelvin. At sunset it’s mostly red, but the light is bluer as the day goes
on. Whye, that’s when melanopsin works, because it pays attention to 435-465 light, which is blue.
That’s the signal. At noon in Vermont the sun is 5750 , which is what the computer screen is all the
time. Some of the newer screens – 6500. Every time you turn the computer on – it’s noon to your
brain. Kids look at a cell phone a 150 times per day, getting the noon signal. Astronauts at the
international space center see the sunrise and sunset 19 times/day. Wanna know why they all come
back and they age faster?
So what happens if you’re doing it 150 times/day and not going in the sun. Why are all these diseases
seemingly coming out of nowhere? Guess what – light. How many times have I mentioned food. This
is the key folks – Blue light. Blue light that’s man made is absolutely destroying us and it affects the
way your mitochondria can handle electrons from food. That’s where the food story comes in,
because the more those respiratory proteins get stretched out, it don’t matter what you eat. You
have to shrink those respiratory proteins closer together so they can do what they do.
There’s 2 types of blue light hazard that I wanna go into here. ! is the rodopsin mediated and then
there’s the light fusion mediated.
Vitamin A: when blue light comes in retina separates from the receptor, the opsin protein,then has
to be recycled. What happens when there is too much high energy blue, it cannon recycle fast
enough, so Vit A drops. That’s why vit A is always linke in some way, not causal, to obesity and most
mitochondrial diseases, that’s the key. The reason blue is an issue, vit A is yellow, a complimentary
colour. That means that blue light in AM sunlight is incredibly important to your vit A circle. That’s
the reason why its important, cuz blue light is what makes vit A in your brain. Blue light starts at
400nm, but the peak is 435 to 465. Thats why all my glasses block that.
What’s the key: column/cones/colons? Regenerate at night in darkness. AMD is now explosive, it’s a
blue light disease. Catarax as well. The rods regenerate in daytime. The key is AM UVA light due to
molecular resonance in terms of how its made and how it works. In AM light the key critical parts is
UVA and infrared A light to regenerate the photoreceptors. Everybody know UVB makes vit D, not
too many ppl know the effects of UVA and Nitroc oxide both in your mitochondria and on your skin.
It’s important, this also reduces blood pressure. Visible light is mostly eye camera function, that’s
why most ppl focus on it and we know so much about it. UV-a and IR-A regenerates all
photoreceptors. Red light penetrates deep into the fat layer where the arterials are. So that means it
gets down to where the arteries are. Light comes through the eye, you get the slow down effect. You
know that the retina is backwards, when you look at anatomy book, here is the back of the retina,
here is the eye ball. Why did god/evolution built it like this, cuz it needed light to slow down more to
do what it needs to do. You know where retinal detachments occur? Between the photoreceptor
here and the RPE, that’s where the blood goes. That’s why ppl become blind. Because all these things
atrophy, the photoreceptors atrophy, because there is not UVA and infrared-A light. SO think about
sunglasses and contacts. Melatonin is what regenerates every photoreceptor in your eye and you
only make it when you have UV-A and IR(infrared) light.
This is Chloroplast, this is hemoglobin
This is photosynthesis, they are exactly the same. What’s the difference. Iron in the middle and
magnesium, whats the difference between iron and Mg – electrons. 26 vs 12. Why, plants aren’t
complex, they are planted in the ground to the magnetic field, this sth. is in the sun. You are designed
to move across the magnetic fields. So you need more electrons by Einsteins law.

Light can only

interact with electrons. When you’re complex you need an atom in the middle that can absorb more
light. Guess why hemoglobin absorbs 250 to 600 and cuts off – that right there(electrons probably).
Retinal vessel and photoreceptor: When light hits the distance, which is really big, what bridges the
gap – water. Water is the perfect red light chromophore, it absorbs all the way up to 300 nm. So
when that AM light comes on it changes the density of water and makes the fluid wave go there.
Light becomes a sound wave that crashes in to the photoreceptor to help regenerate it. SO the big
difference is the velocity of the speed, the backward retina slows light down. The speed of light is
constant, but Furmat’s law shows that is not the case when it moves through your tissues. And that’s
the reason your retina is ass backwards. The majority of light that comes to earth is IR-A. If you keep
using blue light, can you work around this in a certain way. You can. The retina is the key to getting
energy to all the growth and metabolism pathways in the body. Energy and mass are both the same,
the only thing that’s different is the environment they come in.
Carcidian rhythms do actually affect everything. Mitochondria makes the seas inside of you that also
captures light (UV & IR that covers the entire solar spectrum). Around every protein you have a
hydration shell. The reason Zn and Copper are so important in enzyme function is cuz when light hits
is it makes redox pile, which makes those free electrons, which change the density of water and
that’s actually what makes the protein work, its not the mineral. The mineral affects water and water
##HYDRATION##is what drives the process. Studies now show that water around ATP’s makes ATP’s
100% efficient in red light(engine efficiency is physics). Find me any other engine on this planet
that can do that. When they remove the water from it, it’s not efficient at all.
Sth on the slide: this happened 650 million years ago, this happened at the Cambrine explosion when
all complex life came. Energy flow through plants and animals is through chloroplast and
mitochondria that both came from a symbiotic bacteria. And we changed this bacteria. It only works
with oxygen vs the other prokaryotes around the planet. But what does this absorb? This absorbs UV
light all the way up to 650, this one is optimized for blue green light. The reason why they are
coupled is through this photochemistry. This is key. Your 6th sense is your mitochondria, it pays
attention to every magnetic wave that’s present in your environment and it makes the adjustments.
Every cell in your body at night is designed to release extreme low frequency UV light. That’s
important when melatonin gets released at night. What did I tell you about UV light and melatonin?
Yeah, we can do some pretty amazing things when you look into it.

When you have a low dopamine state, the choroid in the back (of the eye), where the RP is, first
thing it happens when it loses light energy, it gets thicker. 2017 study the first change that occurs in
childhood obesity is thickening of the choroid plexus in the human retina. IS it that we haven’t
understood light, water and magnetism to the degree that we need to?
I have a big disdain to modern day research, because it’s all manufactured and it’s not based on
observations. Every nutritional study ever done on this planet has been done under blue light, so I
don’t believe a damn thing in the food literature. I believe Weston A Price and Albert Sweitzer, they
observe humans in their natural environment. That was the key to their observations and to this day
this foundation still doesn’t really appreciate what that brilliant dentist really found.
Here’s the blue light guidelines. You can see right around 1 - 435 to 465. You go to the eye doctor
and get glasses that block that at night. Every morning you get up and be like the snakes. That’s my
practical take homes from the whole talk.
This is what happens when you have too much blue light: your pupil gets big and you die. And you
usually dies first of diseases that cause the respiratory proteins to shrink out( Doug Wallace 1 on 1).
Why? XX XX(?ECT) train transport slows. The same thing happens when we give a human cyanide,
except they die right away. You can live in Vermont, if you’re doing good. But if you got AMD,
dementia and this not, you gotta move to a higher quantum yield environment and get that AM light
to save your ass through your ass and your skin. And you need to get naked, as much more naked as
you can get. Doug Wallace, the world expert mitochondriac. The solar EMF comes in, releases
calcium, goes through nitric oxide and then you make these free radicals. This is the entire pathway
of how all EMF works, the problem is we’re optimized to solar EMF, not non-native EMF, which
changes the electron spins of these free radicals and they do things differently than the normally
would do in a cell and that’s why ppl get sick from using their cell phones and EM devices, which is
why you would never catch me use a pulsed electromagnetic anything around my body.
The geometry of what’s present in a mito is 100% tight to E generation. The respiratory proteins have
to come closer together.
When that happens these IMG’s spike up and you make a shit ton of E. When you make a lot of E, the
nuclear genome gets turned off, in other words it never gets turned on, you can never get cancer. So
cancer is an epigenetic disease of light. Alexander someone. In my opinion he is leading the way and I
am following behind, putting ev(everything) together. I moved my entire family 5 yrs ago from a
northern latitude to the 28th latitude, cuz it was important for my family. Some Sarah has a disease
EM sensitivity, most ppl think it’s bullshit. I told her if she went to Mexico, at the 20th latitude and
went to the Senodays and spent time in the jungle, I thought in 3-4 weeks it would go away. I told
her the main problem was the UK’s power grid oscillates at 50 Hz. Wallace found in his research that
ev mito(mitochondria) that burns fat, fat burning is not a function of food, but of the oscillation
that’s made, oscillates at a 100 Hz. Sarah showed up 3 days in the jungle, her symptoms went away.
She’s had this for 12 years in the UK. In 3 days. That means if you live in Vermont, 4-7 days going

##down to XXX ( a sunny place) gives you 6 weeks of benefit. So if you make 3-4 trips in the winter
time, you actually may have a solution. But you have to expose yourself. To the shit that scares the
shit out of you. It’s really hard to argue with the e-mc2 and with the 1922 nobel prize, called the
photo el effect. Ground to the ground, take as much clothes as you can. A company in the UK , called
kineky, they make bathing suits that allow UV penetration so you can be naked without naked. IR-A
light can work in many ways , you can use sauna, the geothermal units you see in Iceland. That’s the
reason the Finnish and Iceland use heated pools, getting part of the sunlight they don’t get through
heating. Heat is infrared light and we don’t realize it. ##what heat?
How do clouds affect our morning routine? With clouds like this, you still get 31% of the light
through. Number one thing we do, tell me what your hapletype is, what your snips are and I’ll tell
you if Vermont is doable for you. Now it costs 69$ to get that info. I need to know your 6 77, 12 98 ,
VDR receptor, your CVS, all tight to the COMT gene, dopamine and melatonin. That’s the reason they
are all that important. That’s it. Put it on my forum and I’ll tell you. I am Swedish and Irish too, but if
you have mito diseases, Vermont may not be doable for you, if you don’t, I was able to fix my obesity
in Nashvielle, but I moved to the south to fix my wife and my daughter. My wife was a great skeptic,
wearing UV blocking glasses and punk sweater. I locked her outside with my daughter until she got
naked in the sun.
Catarax surgery: one of my members is having custom lenses made in Germany and gonna have
them implanted. The key with lense repair, right now the standard lenses in the US all block UV, both
A and B and they block 50% of the blue, that’s why the Japanese are way ahead of us. What I would
do is have lense with no UV protection at all and only block 10% of the blue, cuz I think it’s easier to
block the blue with glasses. The key thing is that 3% UV-A that gets through that’s incredibly
important for melatonin. I got ppl with caterax surgery, you still get UV light assimilation through

##your sclera of your eye. SO if you actually do a lot of sun gazing, I don’t look directly at the sun,
about 15 degrees off angle, but I’ll sit there for 15-20 minutes, it actually helps. We are using the
quantlet for ppl as well, as it puts photobombmodulation, red light through your artery. I have found
that if you absorb more IR-A light, you can absorb more UV light. So this problem becomes a very
interesting situation, at the edge of science. I would tell you hybrid tanning is a way.
James Carol, on our board at quantum dynamics, he makes Thor industry beds, tanning beds with
nothing but red light, they give photobombmodulation. They cost 40 grand, if you can get a
practitioner or as a community. So if you have a poor light environment and use these beds you can
absorb even more UV light. That is a way to biohack Vermont.

Hapletype, when you live on the equator, you’re L-0, you don’t uncouple at all, you need all of your E
to run away from things. The further you are away, that’s when you start to have problems, most ppl
in the US come from northern EU ancestry, so we all uncouple. CT(cold thermogenesis) is a magnetic
effect, but the number 1 effect that no one talks about: cold stress and heat stress release a protein
in you called HSP-70(heat shock protein 70). It’s main function is keeping the 3D architecture of
proteins perfect. Cold really works, because it keeps all the proteins that are misfolded or bent,
which are all the neuro-degenerative disorders, in better shape. So CT for neurodegenerative
disorders. And this is sth. all you in Vermont can do, cuz lake … is cold as shit. The target T is 50-55
degrees. From a slide: that superior cervical connector, when that goes there, that sends a signal
straight to your brain, you can really change and effect the proteins in your body so that when you
get little UV like we talked about , even if its 31%, it’s still helping you cuz these proteins are
optimized to absorb ev last little bit of light if you are there. So if you wear glasses and you’re
outside, this is what I do, I walk the streets of New York, glasses down.

When I need to see, I put them up. You need that stimulus through your eye, your eye is the key to
your kingdom.

What about protecting the eye from the sun, can it be damaged?
Absolutely, if you go on the equator for 12 hrs/day and you’re an Irish dude from Sweden, yeah. But
the more IR-A light you get, it protects you from UV damage. But I still agree with you, if you have an
albedo effect from the snow, there is a limit to too much. But we live in a world where it is too little.
If I was giving this talk in Equador, okay. We live in Vermont, I think it’s impossible, even with snow
from the albedo effect I don’t think you can get enough, why? Cuz you’re now a zoo animal that lives
in a non-native EMF blue lit world. Your world is lit up by an alien sun. And technology brings us
inside, not outside. Blue light, destroying DHA, ruining the eye clock, ruining the retina. Ppl getting
diabetes at 40,30 . It has been shown type 1 & 2 diabetes get exacerbated by blue light. Fritz Hollage
showed that when he took ppl’s caterax out, theyr energy went up. What do diabetics always get,
caterax, cuz they’re lacking sunlight and get too much blue. I believe diabetes is a blue light toxic
disease, not carbs disease.
The closer 2 things are together, like the closer 2 protons are together, makes energy transfer easier.
So the respiratory proteins need to come closer together to transfer electrons. Cuz what does the
electron transfer train functionally do? It ferries e-(electrons) from cytochrome 1 all the way to the
ATPA’s , eventually to oxygen, which accepts that ?terminal? electron. When it gets to oxygen it’s at
its ground state, when it comes to cytochrome 1, cytochrome 1 is the NAD positive NADH couple, it is
a fluorophore protein, it absorbs 340 nm light. So if you wanna know why e- from carbs always enter
in cytochrome-1, now you know why, cuz carbs grow when – long light cycles when what kind of
light’s out – purple light. So if you live in Vermont and you live a banana on December 31st, …. , it
spreads the respiratory proteins out when you do that &/when you are not getting the stimulus of
what through your eye when you do it – UV-A light, cuz it’s not present in Vermont on December 31st
. That is how food e- are affected by light stimulus through your eye and your skin. That’s the
carcidian mismatch. Ev that programs your mito(mitochondria) to work is sunlight.
If you use a light bulb probably Rubin’s idea of red light, or you can use an incandescent. To this day
the only fight I have with my wife is light bulbs and literally I turn them all off. That light switch every
day takes your respiratory proteins further apart.
I go to Mexico. Why do I go to Mexico, I live in the 28th latitude. I’ve been to Mexico 4 times this year
in 6 months. So if you live here in the 50th latitude you’ve got a problem and you don’t realize it. And
you keep want to turn the damn lights on. The answer is right in front of you and you and why don’t
you see it? Cuz you don’t make any dopamine. When dopamine lvls go low when you’re faced with
the answer you’re like wait a minute what did Rubin say: ev who is a biohacker wants a shortcut. You
think that you can shortcut light. Ligth is fundamental. That was the talk from Nourish Vermont 2016.
Does purple light disrupt circadian rhythm, cuz red kinda can?
From Ott’s book. There is a restaurant “star of the sea” in Chicago that had fluorescent menus, the
only way you could see the menus, he had black lights(which are UV-A lights), so Ott did a very
interesting biohack. Ott loved this place, didn’t know why, spoke to the maitre d'restaurant(Майстор
на ресторантa), he found out the restaurant was open for 25 years and not one person ever had a
sick day!!! Ott always wanted to go back to the restaurant any time he was in Chicago. Because
when you are around UV light you become euphoric, because you release beta endorphin & blood
pressure goes down due to Nitric Oxide

##!!Nitric Oxide, natural calcium channel blocker. So far and trust me I’ve been hacking this, bec this
##is a great question, I’ve told my members that in 12 years I have not found a biologic toll YET to
##UV-A light at night. I’m concerned, because neuropsin is on our skin and in our eye. In my house,
##underneath where my daughter does her homework, even when it’s dark UV-A light, UV-A light
##and an incandescent. That’s the only light that’s allowed on in my house in December when she’s
doing her homework. How serious is this? My daughter had her sweet 16 this December. She wanted
to have a party at night, I said fine, you can do it, but I have to be in control of the venue and
everything else. So she invites literally half of the high school. I have an event hall just like this, I
changed all the light bulbs out to UV-A lights and we made it a fluorescent thing , they had a
fluorescent balloons. You wanna know the crazy thing that my daughter learned? Every single kid
came back and told Kally(my daughter) they slept better that night. How do you like that? So that
made a huge impact on her friends, because then Kally explained to these 16 year olds, look, this is
how this actually works, my dad can teach this. So now they all have their screens on their phone.
It’s resonating more with the generation in high school than the old farts., cuz they are too set in
their ways to take their clothes off and go outside.
It’s a huge problem In the south, where I live, because the ladies there won’t go out without their
make-up on, that has UV protection. When it’s hot outside what do southern do, they go inside,
where to air conditioning, where there is no sun. What happens in the winter time? When it goes
below 50 they look like they are dressed for the tundra. So what did Rubin say? Humans never face a
true winter. And it’s true, they never face a true summer either. Different ZIP codes lead to different
problems. And the reason why is because the light frequencies here are different to the light
frequencies in other places. And it’s not just a latitude issue, I don’t want you to think it is a latitude
issue, because you can change your quantum yield by the clothes you wear, by the make up you put
on, by the sunglasses you wear, whether your contacts are polarized or not. And I didn’t get into all
the polarization effects , how it changes the electromagnetic wave as it spins towards your retina.
Cuz it has an effect too. And that’s called the Faraday effect, it’s an optical magnetic effect. Trust me
girl, there is a lot of fat on this bone. Ppl don’t realize how incredibly complex light is and until you
realize it you’ll really find this hard to believe.
##The lenses I have now are blue tech lenses with a BPI tint. I have the same glasses, same frame,
except they are clear lenses, those are the ones I wear when I’m working on the computer, called
blue tech without(the tint)(The clear ones that block 50% of blue light, probably). The cheapest ones
you can get are on Amazon, they’re Uvex glasses , 10-15 bucks. They are plastic, they go over your

##Get Fluorescent black lights for Arttest!!!!

Jack Kruse:

250-780 window of light that is native to the earth and we evolved on it.

Everything outside of that is non native. Amber incandescent light is good. LED light has such a
narrow unnatural spectrum of light, that the body ~ doesn’t know what to do with it.

When the sun rises in the morning there is equal amounts of blue and red light and other
frequencies. The ones that are not present are UVA and UVI that come later unless you are on the
equator. Blue light from the sun is always balanced by red in the sun. Guess what runs all the
regeneration programs in us – the RED. You are never designed to see blue by itself. Incandescent
have red in them, not a lot, not like the sun, but while we have been using them there were no
increase in spikes in mitochondrial diseases from 1879 up until 1980, as they were the primary build
we have been using. 43 % of sunlight is infrared A = it has the regeneration protocol. A whole section
on ?Pod Med , called Photobomb modulation LLLT = the science of red light.

It turns out one of those sidochromes in the mitochondria sidochrome C oxidase, has 4 absorbtion
spectrums, all in the red! The other big red chromophom in the body is water. So any time you have
blue, you have got to have red with it and sunlight never comes with blue without red. That’s how
you start to understand why modern technology destroys us. Chronic blue light has been shown to
destroy melatonin. If we don’t sleep we cant regenerate, real reason is because you’ve subtracted
the red from your life. So I teach ppl how to add back red and purple into their life. Because purple is
UV, red is the Infrared. It turns out all the modern bulbs specifically LED and Fluorescents have
subtracted out the purple and red, because they are energy efficient. BUT it costs a shit more ton to
go to a doctor after these bulbs. Ppl being penny wise and pound foolish. Food is not the top priority
for me. The top priority is getting your light environment right, because if you do that you can almost
eat shit and get away with it. But that’s how incredibly important and powerful understanding light
is. If you can get in natural light, you’ll be doing more benefits to yourself that ever imagined. Then
you fix other stuff like water and food. But the thing that matters the most is sun light!

Hierarchy of light:

LED <Fluorescent<Halogen<incandescent

LED are by far the worse, they have a big spike between the wavelength of 435 and 465, which is
what destroys melatonin.

Fluorescents have other issues, but are equally as bad.

Whats good: In my house post sunset I use fire. I am a big believer in having natural fire places, you
can put your fireplace outside and live an outdoor life.

Light : the best one is fire, as far as I am concerned. At night I use a wine bottle with lamp oil
At night time, this is what my house is lit by. We use that and candles.

I am a believer in natural light. Fire has very little blue in it, it has a ton of infrared. Red regenerates,
you have a period of time when red, even at night time, is okay. Our retinas do not see infrared light,
you have got to have an infrared camera. Turns out we can’t see UV light. There is a quantum reason,
because if you observe the frequencies of light, used for signaling, it inactivates the quantum
process. If you observe the effect, it changes the result. So nature blinded your eyes to purple and
red light, so that you can’t observe the effect. That effect is called quantum zeno effect. No matter
where you are, you can put a fire place. You can also go to home dope and get a head light (like the
ones coal miners wear) and get just a red LED on it. And I’ll be okay with that you reading on it. I just
don’t do a lot of that, unless it is winter time and it gets dark at 4:30. Even when my daughter does
her homework, we have 2 UVA bulbs, party bulbs you’ve seen that make things glow in the dark,
with an incandescent. That’s what she does her homework with.

I don’t want even an incandescent on afterwards? ?sunset? . There is still a little spike in the blue in
them. How the sun works: Once it sets, the blue goes away. Red is still present in our environment.
Where? If you pick up a rock in the desert it is still pretty damn hot. You can’t see the heat but with
an infrared camera you’d say damn, that’s hot. That infrared is still present in your environment,
because it holds it in. I’m okay with red light post sunset for 2-3 hours, but then – stop. If you do
use these bulbs, here is the switch:

Glasses with blue tech lenses. Blocking 50% of the blue while we are talking on skype.
And these are the glasses that I operate to. They block ev between 400 and 500 nano meters. SO
now technically I’ve completely eliminated all the blue. Red, green yellow still get through. But during
the day I’m not worried about that. When I am working at night I want total blue protection, bec
that’s what destroys melatonin and dopamine first in the eye and then in the brain, which are the
precursors to all the metabolic diseases. It’s a light mediated phenomenon, that affects both our
eyes and skin. Humans don’t know that much about light and quantum mechanics.

You need to learn from Jack light, water and magnetism. Then you become a mitochondriac.

EMF 250-780 is the stuff that signals your mitochondria to make water out of light. It is the reverse of
photosynthesis. This is how life transferred from the ocean to land. Your mitochondria is designed to
make water. The most important water in your life is the sunlight that builds your battery in your
body = water. EMF that signals that mitochondria is sunlight 260-780. So apple and google created
devices – not so helpful for mitochondria. So if you are doing these, you need to do a shit more.
Type of screen technology is IRIS screens – they are the best, take blue light completely away. Some
ppl. are making red screens. I now pay ppl to do my social media stuff. I’m not willing to trade dollars
or time for life. Steve Jobs dies : laptop = close to pancreas and liver. He didn’t let his children use
these stuff. The more non native EMF you have , you can’t think well. You become an obedient idiot.
You lose dopamine. When you get a low dopamine state, you get addicted to sex, porn, pedophilia,
food, whine, drugs, weed. The reason why: there is a chemical made in your brain when you are in
sunlight called pom seeds, we cleave it into 6 things. One of these is Beta endorphin, natural
dopamine, the only opiate that we know of, that doesn’t cause you to be addicted to any other
opiates. . So you go to raise your dopamine levels. That means nature build us to be addicted to
sunlight. Nature knows what she’s doing.

Another system endo – chabinoids system. SO any time s.o. says they are addicted to weed it tell him
they do not get enough sun. Because sunlight makes endo-chabinoids. Nature has figured it out, the
answer is to change your environment. Just go to freaking Hawaii and sit on a side of a volcano. Best
wi-fi is connecting wirelessly with the sun with your feet on the ground. Be like the snakes – all 4
extremities on the ground, looking to the east every morning. Turns our sunlight is much more
powerful or us as humans in the morning that any other part of the night. That turns the giant system
in your pituitary gland, what I call the compound pharmacy. More mitochondria in humans are in
heart and brain. Every cell in our body, with the exception of a couple, have 2 genomes. 1 is the
nuclear one that all know, where the genes are. The other one is the mitochondria, which you only
inherit from your mom. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, it is like the engine of a car.
The nuclear genome Is the mechanics that put the whole car together. All energy comes from the
mitochondria. My tribe looks in the mitochondria genome. The problem is ppl are looking at the
nuclear genome and the answer is cancer is a mitochondrial disease. Coming inside takes you away
from 250-780 and takes you from 430-465. That is an alien sun. When you have a low dopamine ,
you begin to see the fractal fabric of nature. SO high dopamine doesn’t allow you to see that. That’s
why we see life as a movie and when dopamine level goes low, we start to see it like isolated picture
frames. And you make bad connections because you are not putting things together.

Sun protection:

In high altitude where England and Ireland is , you never get to see much UV light. SO red hear
freckles and the type of skin there, you absorb more infrared sunlight. So if you are naked at that
attitude, it preconditions you to take in more UV light. SO I can stay in the sun all day long now and
not burn, because I do it. If you cant , you can get an infrared tanning bed – from 30 – 100 grand and
stay there for 20 minutes/day. AS soon as the sun rises, depending on the part of the year and
latitude, in the first hour there is not UV. That’s when you get 43% infrared A with no UV and you can
get naked outside, esp. if you have white skin. It is true for the last hour too. In April it goes all the
way from maybe 6 to 9 30. The best way to build tolerance to the sun is using infrared A, knowing
when it’s present and when it’s not.

The entire food web on earth is linked to photosynthesis. It is not okay eating a banana in late
December, because nature does not allow it to grow at this time of the year, it is creating a circadian
mismatch in your gut. The entire food web on earth is linked to photosynthesis. Your mitochondria
knows that and is dialed into that. So the frequencies that go through your eye and your skin, if they
don’t match with what you’re eating, it explains why your gut microbiome gets screwed up, which
throws off the software that runs the hardware in us. Going back to nature is the best supplement
we can get. I am against supplements, as there were no pills 1 thousand years ago.

Don’t have to be in nature all day, but have to be a lot.

Choga mushroom tea – helps taking in more vit D and being more resistant to sun. Where you buy it,
it is important, esp. if you get it from a hot place 20 latitude. Taking a choga from 55 latitude, eating
it in 15 doesn’t make sense.
If you make or eat the wrong thing, meaning out of season & coming from a different latitude, there
is this little thing in your mitochondria – the MCU transport, it allows too much calcium in. The
amount of calcium determines what kind of free radicals you make. That’s how this shit works. This
thing is all controlled by light. We are beings of light. I just take all the pieces together, science has
them discovered. I(Jack) haven’t discovered anything. Seasonal eating, light connected. Just shop at
the farmer’s market and whatever they give – is local.
Do not eat when the sunlight is out – breakfast – you eat like a king, lunch not so much, dinner –
less(diurnal(time of day) cycle). I am not hungry at breakfast = having a circadian light mismatch
through their eye and their skin. They are night owls. They may get up at the right time, but be in
front of the computer all day, or being in blue light a lot.
-Untented blue tech lenses – blocking 0% of blue, using them when seeing patients and working on
electronic medical record. HE takes sun breaks(like smoke and coffee breaks) a lot during the day.
At night blue tech with BPI tent.
You can also just go to Walmart, take a frame you like and tint them, knocking out the key
frequencies 436-465. If you can block from 400-500 its better.
Sunlight actually improved his eyesight. In 12 years from 7.4 to 4.25 diopters. When in a blue light,
melatonin and dopamine are made in the eye. ?Dopamine makes you stupid and obedient idiot and
elongates your eye, which sets up for retinal problems., including not enough leptin production in
the eye. The trendiest place for sunglasses in on the head.
??AM light is 1 400 – 1 600 Kelvin(f.lux) – ??is that all AM hours light?
If you are hungry at night and not in the morning, you are blue light toxic through the eyes and the
skin. SO when you are on the computer block the blue. HE has skin on top of his iphone, blocking all
the blue light. I don’t want any blue in my life, unless it’s coming from sunlight, balanced by the red
that’s present. The healing / regenerative frequencies are red and purple.
Cancer was not common until 1874. The med school I went to: and old man In 1920 told students:
this is a cancer case and I want you to see it, cuz you are probably never going to see such again in
your life. First bulb and the power grid creation was in 1879 and up to the 1920. 1900 colon cancer
was the 37 leading cause of cancer in united states. 5 generation later is number 2. The colon is
inside your gut, infrared-A light penetrates 10-30 cm, you need to get that light on your belly.
Everybody wants to blame it on the food, but I’m not that dude. Mitochondria all respond to incident
EMF, and the type they respond to the best is 280-750. GPS works by Einstain’s general and special
relativity. Garmin has a satellite 38 000 miles off the earth going around really fast. It has to run 38
microseconds faster than the chip on your phone, because certain light frequencies bend under
gravity , gravitational lensing. That means the clock that’s higher up has to run faster than the clock
here on earth, otherwise you are going to be off by a factor of 10, meaning it could be off by 100km.
Your main clock is right here in your eye called the supercosmatic nucleus, the SCN. The central
retinal pathway connects directly to the SCN( Suprachiasmatic nucleus (or nuclei), a part of the
hypothalamus in the brain.). It runs faster than the other peripheral clocks, because it has more DHA,
fish oil, in it than any other part of your brain. Fish oil in this clock turns sunlight into a higher DCL
current. SO the more current that goes through here runs this clock faster than this one
here(pointing somewhere below chest). SO if you take a laptop and put it on your lap, it speeds up
the lower clock(possibly belly clock) faster than the eye one, so ppl. become infertile, or bleed a lot,
or lack testosterone and sperm doesn’t swim. And if you do this long enough, like Steve Jobs did,
you’ll go from having fertility problems to having cancer, because the lower clock speed up. The way
we are built is : the top clock always has to run faster than any other clock. The reason is physics:
because of time dilations, because light bends over the force of gravity. And the 6 ft difference
between the toes and eye make a difference to your cells. You have a colony of a trillion cells and
100 trillion mitochondria in those cells. They all work on a central clock and a peripheral clock and
have to have a perfect timing. The only way to have perfect timing is: the clock in the eye called
optical lotus clock, it works by light frequencies. So when you are designed to ovulate occurs at
certain times of the month, because of the light frequencies and the lunar frequencies that are there,
for men sperm induction is the same way. If the timing mechanism if off ppl become infertile. So not
only the non native EMF is the problem, the single biggest reason is BLUE LIGHT, number one non
native EMF that leads to infertility. Radiation blockers on your computer: they do sth., but not
enough, because: the closer sth is to you, the worse the risk is. So in X-rays everybody knows , if you
stay at least 6 – 8 ft away, you don’t have to worry too much. The same thing is true with blue light
and non native EMF. These days, every human owns around 15 wireless devices. Sticking your phone
in your pocket is like putting your dick/vagina in the microwave oven and saying : hey, there’s no
problem. Always keeping your phone on airplane if it is on your body is the hack for it. Even if you
block the EMF from the bottom of your laptop, it is still coming from the screen, keyboard and so
many different directions, you have to have a Faraday cage around it to really do it. The best way to
mitigate the risk is making sure to computer is hardwired into the wall, not wi-fi. Anything that runs
by wi-fi, if we could see light frequencies, we could see we live in a sea of non native EMF. I will
never put anything with a wire on my head, when I talk on my phone I don’t talk with the phone on
my ear, I put it on speaker. I am not willing to put the microwave to the side of my head, what’s my
day job bro, it is on the brain surgery, what does that tell you. Talk to your local optometrist, they can
talk to their shop about doing the BPI, BPI tints. Not all blue blocking lenses are the same, we have
checked a couple that supplements shops are selling, they are not good enough. You wanna make
sure you are blocking 435-465 , but I tell my members 400-500 for nigh time, so when you are out in
LA, you really wanna knock it down, if you do that you are really helping yourself. Also, this is the one
time when I want you to be completely covered, all your body covered at night. If you go out skin
exposed to blue light, it is not as bad, as going into your eye, but it’s not good. I want you naked
when the sun is out and covered at night time to protect from blue light.
Melanopsin-blue light receptor in the eye. Neuropsin is a UVA receptor, UVA light shows up in
daylight time, is present in our skin and eye. Well if UVA light was bad for us why do we have a
receptor for it in both places? , its not. That UVA receptor actually gets stimulated by blue light. Ppl
with Hashimoto : the blue light penetrates all the way to the fat layer, the thyroid sits ½ cm below
your skin, so guess what –boom. Studies are out that show we can use red light lasers right through
the skin to reverse autoimmune conditions in the thyroid, I have ppl on my website doing this. Light
is the supplement, food technically is a light supplement and its tight to photosynthesis. You just
have to get the signaling right. When you do that, you can change everything. Infrared sauna : I love
em. You are augmenting your infrared-A that you are not getting during the day. Most saunas give
you infrared-A and infrared-B, our bodies are not optimized for infrared-B as much. We still have an
ability to do it, becaue blood/water absorbs from 600 to 3 000 and all the nm frequencies are in
sunlight. So the reason infrared saunas and those stuff works is because you are augmenting red, so
I’m a fan. The only difference is: !too much infrared in the wrong time of the day can uncouple
melatonin. So I tell ppl. if the sun sets at 5, you are good to use that until 8, then cut it off. You
want at least 2-3 hours, where it is completely dark. Neuropsin receptor in your skin – you need
that thing to quiet own. Near infrared is better than far, because it closely approximates the
sunlight. And you can make an infrared sauna more powerful by putting gold foil from a craft store
(Michael’s) & put it all over the wood out there. The reason: gold(elemental gold, not fake mylar) is
a perfect infrared mirror, which means more infrared. This is the reason the pyramids have gold
top, because it increased the effect of red light sunlight, making ppl healthier. Gold aluminum foil,
its expensive, but not too much. The flipside is that aluminum is a perfect reflector of UV light. The
best saunas are the ones in iceland, called geothermal units. Sauna, hot tub, cold tub are next level
things that work.
Ice bath: heat and cold release a chemical HSP-70 (heat shock protein), which keeps the proteins in
their body in 3D dimension perfect. All Proteins in your body are light antennas, so if you want your
light antenna to be perfectly working, it cannot move in different dimensions. SO cold can improve
your circadian biology the more you use it. Uncouple means you have a mitochondria that comes
from a high latitude. Tightly coupled are ppl that live on the equator, the have L-0, they are the
Kenyans and Ugandas. Heat works better for them, but cold works better for most ppl with
uncoupled. SO heat and cold release that protein HSP-70. So the more blue light you live around, the
more cold you need, because it improves you circadian coupling mechanism everywhere in your
body. So for ppl that want to restore their fertility ( esp from laptop in lap), placing lower half, where
your germline is in cold water and upper half in the sun is the fastest way. Its called he use of the
fornia effect, utilizing hot and cold stress to fix a circadian mismatch.
The key temperature for cold is 50-55 degrees for ppl. The research show this is the best temp for
ppl. who are starting. Once you get cold adapted you can get lower. I have a CT protocol on my page,
it doesn’t get long for ppl to adapt to cold temps 20-35 degrees. Not a fan of cryotherapy. The way
water releases heat, it is 24 times more effective than from nitrogen gas. So get a metal tub, put it on
the ground, get ice, it’s the easiest way. Cryotherapy is okay, but not as effective. Gas is gas. You are
interested in the thermal change, the only thing better than water is metal, but it’s next level and
needs knowledge.
Grounding: the easiest way is take off your shoes and get in the grass. The sun is a katode, each
planet is an anode, light comes and hits the planet and releases free electrons, the photoelectric
effect. So your feet have sweat glands and you are designed to absorb those electrons. You’re
designed best to absorb the most sunlight wirelessly when your / extremities are touching the
ground. Grounding sheets, anything you have to plug in to the power grid, absolutely will never
advocate for that. The way grounding works in biology, that’s a DC electric current, we turn sunlight
into a DC electric current. Anything that’s plugged into the power grid works on an AC electric
current, meaning that it’s modulated. Anything that’s modulated is setting you to get a dirty
electricity. I will never advocate that for that reason, no matter how much they tell you that it’s safe.
When you do your own testing, you’ll find out most of the marketing claims are full of shit.
Interviewer: I put my grounding sheets, have their wire running out my bedroom window, going into
the actual ground with about a footlong metal spike that’s in a piece of wet dirt that is always wet,
because of the ?sprinklers. Jack: if you are grounding that way, you are doing it technically the way
you are supposed to. Anything within the power grid by definition is bad. The power grid oscillates at
60 HZ in the USA, your mitochondria oscillates at a 100 Hz., the second harmonic. In Europe, the
power grid oscillates at 50 Hz. , which is why the electromechanical hypersensitivity is much more
problematic in Europe than it is in the states. But we have found out that 60 Hz oscillation tends to
link with more cancer and more autoimmune conditions. That’s the reason we get different diseases
in different parts of the world, the power grid isn’t consistent across the planet. Your real goal is in
the place that you sleep, you hire an electrician to put a kill switch right next to your bed, so that
room has no power going to anything in that room at night.
Why would living in New York on the 38th floor be worse than on the 1st floor? Any time you
disconnect from earth, you don’t have that connection to earth. So the higher you go up, the worse
the effect is. That’s the reason why ppl who fly a lot, like business travelers get pelminary embles.
Why are pilots getting sicker and sicker? They chronically disconnected and sit around all the
avionics. A blog on my site : The jetlag prescription A Mitochondriac, when they fly, take their shoes
off and put their foot directly on the metal station in front of them.
Because all the avionics on the plane have to be grounded while its flying, it turns out if you just
make contact with something metal, that’s bolted to the substructure of the plane, those metal
station where you put your feet are, that works. Def do not plug in grounding to the outlet.
Life stylist : Biomat – infrared amethyst heating pad on the plane. Jack – anything that’s infrared, as
long as it is not run off any kind of EMF, as it runs the regeneration programs, but I would always put
my naked foot on the metal bf I even use that. Infrared is always helpful, because the key red light
chromophore in every mitochondria is cydochrome-C oxydase and the other big one is blood(93%
water). In a cell 99% ot the molecules in the cell are water, because water is a small molecule, only
3 healthiest foods: varies by where you live: Coconut(in the 20s latitude, or just depending on the
season), bok choy (high on my list), oysters(single best thing that everybody should eat as much as
they can, esp. in a blue lit world, raw is better than cooked) – eating it consistently. 12 oysters = 5
pounds of grass fed liver. Oysters have everything that a mitochondriac needs.
Fish, heavy metals:
Heavy metals is a problem for ppl. with low redox, meaning your mitochondria doesn’t make enough
water, which means you’re not in the sun enough. We redox before we detox. When your
mitochondria is able to work well, you can get rid of just about everything you possibly can, including
metal mercury. So I don’t follow that part of functional medicine, their science is on a surface lvl and
they are not deep enough. Mercury in sea food is not a big issue as long as your redox is good. If you
have autoimmune conditions, or some other problems, yeah, don’t eat tuna or swordfish, eat
sardines, because the predator fish have the highest lvls. Tuna and sardines are better than the best
grass fed meat one can buy, no replacement for sea food for a mitochiondriac, esp. when you live in
a blue lit world. The more blue light and non native EMF you need, the more sea food you need. The
less you do, the less sea food you need. The reason for that is that clock in the eye, which constantly
needs DHA, esp. when it’s blue lit.
Fukushima radiation, leaking into the sea life: that’s more bullshit. Radiation is actually hormetic, a
stressor that helps(hermetic - a biological phenomenon whereby a beneficial effect (improved
health, stress tolerance, growth or longevity) results from exposure to low doses of an agent that is
otherwise toxic or lethal when given at higher doses.)
If you get out to the sun and are connected to the earth you can repair your mitochondria, so that
nothing you face, can touch you. You can eat shingle(чакъл) and put mercury on that shingle, you
know within reason, obviously not pouring mercury all over). The whole system is built in an amazing
fashion. We need to understand the key to making the whole system work is being in sunlight,
connected to the earth allows your mitochondria to make water, you make electricity from that
water, utilizing the sunlight and that is the key to charging your batter that drives your life. If that
battery fails you get sick first and then you die.
Question from the host, having too much lead in urine:
Jack: The case is the same, as just explained, with all metals, but:
If lead is not going away it is chronically in your environment, in your (the host) case, living in LA ppl
have a lot of old cars and gasoline is probably the number one thing.
3 mentors: Michelangelo, Da Vinchi , Einstein.
Books : Gerald Pollix, the 4th phase of water, Rollan Van Wick – Light sculpting life, Cosmosapiens by
John Hans, telling you exactly where we are in science today, not the stuff that most ppl believe.

AM light is the key.

#Jack Kruse . com – a blog & forum.

#DrJackKruse on fb
#book: the epipaleo prescription on Amazon.

#Invented a light and cooling device that fits on your wrist, called the quantlet.

That’s pretty much Jack.


Only 2 ways in physics to improve (blood) flow: el. Current and magnetism. We can shine red light
into your retina and that can release growth hormone.

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