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Toward a Contingency Model of Strategic Risk Taking

Author(s): Inga Skromme Baird and Howard Thomas

Source: The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Apr., 1985), pp. 230-243
Published by: Academy of Management
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C Academy of Management Review, 1985, Vol, 10, No. 2, 230-243.

Toward a Contingency Model

of Strategic Risk Taking
Ball State University
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

A model of strategic risk taking incorporating environmental, indus-

trial, organizational, decision maker, and problem variables is
presented. The model is intended to be both a preliminary conceptual-
ization of strategic risk taking and a stimulant for future research on
risk taking in strategic management decisions. Relevant research from
a number of disciplines is summarized, and the potential impacts of
particular variables on the propensity to take strategic risks are

If you can make one heap of all your winnings making. Moore and Thomas (1976) describe the
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, Rolls Royce decision to accept the ill-fated RB-211
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
jet engine contract with Lockheed as an instance
And never breathe a word about your loss;
... Yours is the earth, and everything that's in it, in which managers were unsure how to incorpo-
And-which is more-you'll be a Man, my son. rate situational risk into their strategic plans.
Rudyard Kipling Strategists know that corporate disasters can
The image of the corporate executive as a bold, occur if risk is handled improperly.
risk-taking wheeler-dealer is part of the folklore The process of handling risk appropriately has
of American business. The names Durant, Ling, been problematic and also has received attention
and Lear conjure up pictures of strategists will- recently. Loomis (1979) demonstrates how ITT's
ing to make one heap of all their profits and risk management became so seduced by the immense
it on one project, one idea, one foray into the size of a Quebec forest that it quickly decided to
stock market. Yet when Sloan (1965) describes invest in a multimillion dollar project to build a
William Durant as a gambler, there is a clear note large scale chemical cellulose mill there. Before
of disfavor in his words. Although Durant's risk the decision was made, no formal analysis was
taking had built General Motors into a $575 mil- performed to trace the eventual consequences of
lion enterprise, Sloan viewed Durant's behavior the strategy. ITT committed quickly and intui-
as clearly inappropriate for the more risk-averse tively, ignoring an awesome collection of techni-
and conservative management style characteris- cal risks concerning plant operations, market risks
tic of a large corporation. of chemical cellulose, and political and labor risks
In recent years, interest in the importance of in French-speaking Quebec. Subsequently, these
risk taking in strategy has grown tremendously risks were fully examined but at too late a stage
(Bettis, 1983). Strategists' risk propensities are to avoid a $600 million loss on the project.
considered important influences on corporate Tully charts the decline of Dome Petroleum, a
strategy. Ted Turner's risk-taking nature is viewed major Canadian oil company, because of exces-
as responsible for Turner Broadcasting's heavy sive informality in risk handling. Senior manage-
borrowing to finance entry into the new field of ment pursued the continued acquisition of oil
24-hour cable news programming (Huey, 1980). resources and demonstrated an "escalating com-
Concern is also expressed regarding how to mitment" to this acquisition strategy. In the cor-
include risk considerations in strategic decision porate growth process, Dome's leverage ratio shot


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"up to 6 to 1" and apparently no one asked the decision makers as they interact with particular
basic 'what if' questions-what, for instance, if oil decision situations. What is clear, however, is
prices don't keep rising?" (1983, p. 91). that because of the nature of strategy, risk is
It is apparent, therefore, that many questions embedded in most long-range decisions. Yet risk
about risk need to be addressed in strategy. Are may be ignored or misunderstood by strategists
there times in a corporation's life cycle when who have received little systematic help in under-
risk taking is common-for example, when either standing risk from the field of business policy.
growth or innovative change is sought? Business Risk is typically defined in texts (Knight, 1921)
Week ("Biotechnology's New Strain," 1983) as a condition in which the consequences of a
reports that venture capitalists are seeking to sup- decision and the probabilities associated with the
port entrepreneurial, risk-taking activity by young consequences are known entities. Yet in making
emergent companies, particularly in the areas of strategic decisions, planners rarely, if ever, even
R & D and new-product growth. However, older know all the possible results that might occur, or
companies also realize that to maintain growth the probabilities of their occurrence. Theorists
they must attempt to capture the risk-taking entre- speak of this condition as uncertainty. Condi-
preneurial spirit, so they are setting up smaller, tions of uncertainty exist when problem struc-
wholly owned R & D outfits. In contrast, are there ture (Mason & Mitroff, 1981), consequences, and
environments that virtually guarantee the down- probabilities are not fully known. There remains
fall of a corporate gambler? Additional questions considerable overlap within strategy literature in
involve identifying variables that influence the the usage of the terms "risk" and "uncertainty."
direction of various corporate strategists' risk- Various authors have presented alternative con-
taking styles. By examining potentially impor- ceptions of risk. Many conceive of risk as ex-
tant variables, it may be possible to understand pected value, encompassing both the outcomes
why strategists and corporations behave as they of a decision and some representation of the
do. Eventually guidelines may be developed for probability of the outcomes (Nickerson & Feehrer,
corporate strategists to follow in formulating risk 1975). In other studies (Sjoberg, 1980; Vlek &
policies. Stallen, 1980), outcomes and probabilities of loss
This paper discusses strategic risk and proposes are suggested as separate proxies for risk. Vari-
a conceptually based model of strategic risk tak- ance or dispersion of outcomes also has been a
ing that can be used to understand the nature of common surrogate for risk in both finance and
strategic risk and to formulate strategic risk psychological literature (Libby & Fishburn, 1977).
policies. Variance implies incomplete information and
often is used alone as an objective measure of
Strategic Risk
inability to predict outcomes. When utilized with
In consciously developing courses of action to the mean to determine the efficient frontier in
achieve goals, strategists must structure ambigu- portfolio theory, it may also capture the outcome
ous situations in a manner that enables them to element of risk.
reach a decision. Some decision makers con- In strategic decisions a condition of risk usu-
sciously acknowledge the potential risks of fail- ally exists because these decisions, by definition,
ure to meet target goals and choose to bear or not involve uncertain outcomes that in the long run
bear the risks associated with their available are important to firm survival (Mintzberg,
strategic alternatives. Others refuse to deal with Raisinghani, & Theoret, 1976) and about which
risk and define their choice situation as fully cer- complete information is unavailable (Ansoff,
tain even when it is not. The level of risk present 1965). In this paper, corporate strategic risk tak-
and the risk-handling behavior of the strategic ing is conceptualized very broadly. It is defined
decision maker in formulating intended strategy as corporate strategic moves that cause returns to
(Mintzberg, 1978) often may be critical to strate- vary, that involve venturing into the unknown,
gic success. Also, the emergent pattern of real- and that may result in corporate ruin-moves for
ized strategies perhaps can be understood only which the outcomes and probabilities may be
by studying the risk-taking propensities of the only partially known and where hard-to-define


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goals may not be met. All of these elements are in space), level of information about the risky
relevant to strategic risk taking in some context activity, magnitude of impact and group/indi-
or another. The drawbacks of settling on a single vidual factors. Although their work was under-
faceted definition of risk taking are illustrated by taken mainly in the area of hazard management
examining a series of RCA's gambles ("RCA May and societal risk assessment, it may be useful to
Have Run Out," 1982). RCA simultaneously categorize strategic risk in terms of these charac-
undertook entry into video discs, acquisition of teristics. For instance, use of a magnitude of
CIT Financial Corporation, and improvement of impact classification was suggested by Hofer and
operations in its base businesses of consumer Haller (1980). They focused on the differences
electronics and NBC. Each of these gambles is of between asset protection risk and profit/cash flow
a different type-venturing into the unknown with risk in evaluating strategic options for multina-
video discs, committing too large a portion of tional corporations. By using a classification
corporate assets to a division with poor odds of scheme (see Table 1), strategists will be more
contributing significantly to profits (CIT), and bor- aware of the situational elements that put them
rowing heavily, which could jeopardize profit in a risk position.
goals. Only a broad definition of strategic risk
taking can encompass the riskiness of three such
Risk in Strategy Formulation
diverse moves. By preserving a wide definition,
it will be possible to explore what industry and A method of characterizing strategic risk is use-
firm characteristics relate to types of risk taking. ful only to the extent that it is incorporated into
An additional problem of defining risk is iden- the strategy formulation process. However, risk
tified by Fitzpatrick (1983). In his review of work has rarely been addressed as a specific area of
on political risk in international business, he study in strategy formulation. Some explicit atten-
found that although the common thread underly- tion to the role of risk in strategic planning is
ing definitions of political risk is uncertainty or given by Gluck, Kaufman, & Walleck (1980). They
environmental discontinuity, most definitions identified four phases in the development of stra-
and assessment techniques are event-centered tegic management within a firm. By Phase 3,
rather than process-centered. Underlying ongo- externally oriented planning, the alternatives to
ing environmental processes often are ignored in be considered are offered with accompanying
risk assessment. This indicates the importance risk/reward profiles for various objectives. How-
of developing a dynamic approach to strategic ever, top managers soon learn that important
risk. choices are being made by planners and manag-
Eventually strategic management will need to ers far down in the organization's hierarchy with-
refine its risk definition and develop a more com- out top level participation. This indicates a need
plete classification system of risks that relates to progress to Phase 4, in which strategically man-
meaningfully to handling strategic problems. aged companies value entrepreneurial drive
Risky situations vary. Actions classified as risk throughout the organization, set ambitious goals
taking also vary. It is necessary to examine the (which may require risk taking for accomplish-
common elements used by strategists, beyond ment), and are aware of the need for trade-offs in
expected value, to aid comprehension of the risk negotiating objectives. This rnodel encourages
parameters they must contend with in each deci- strategists to examine the implicit risk policies
sion situation. that are bound to their phase of strategy formula-
Viek and Stallen (1980) from a psychological tion and the nature of the goals they have set. It
perspective and Rowe (1977) from a cost-benefit suggests relationships between planning meth-
perspective propose that the various aspects of ods and risk taking, but does not offer a full treat-
risk can be grouped into the following categories: ment of the risk-strategy issue.
voluntariness of exposure, controllability of con- In the past, concern with levels and types of
sequences, timing of unpleasant consequences risk often has been incorporated into the strategy
(discounting in time), locus of unpleasant conse- formulation process in a number of simplified
quences in social-geographical space (discounting ways. Hertz (1979) and Hertz and Thomas (1983b)


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Table 1
Important Elements of Strategic Risk

Indicators for Acceptance

Relevant Dimensions of Strategic Risk Source

Voluntariness of exposure Importance of intended benefits larger Rowe (1977)

Fewer comparable options Vlek & Stallen
Correction of selected action is easier (1980)
Personal influence on the decision

Controllability of consequences Outcomes can be contained, Vlek & Stallen

corrected, or reversed (1980)
Elster (1979)

Discounting in time Intended benefits obtained sooner, Rowe (1977)

undesired consequences delayed Vlek & Stallen

Discounting in space Benefits accrue here, risks faced Rowe (1977)

by competitors or others Vlek & Stallen

Knowledge of risky situation Knows more about benefits, less Vlek & Stallen
about risks (1980)

Magnitude of impact More likely to be "high probability"/ Vlek & Stallen

small loss than "low probability"/ (1980)
high loss

Group/individual factors Group, organizational, or individual Vlek & Stallen

norms that favor risk acceptance (1980)
Janis (1972)
Staw (1981)

identified five ways financial decision makers sis as part of a managerial debate involving
handle uncertainty: (1) by attempting to obtain conflicting viewpoints and assumptions. Ulvila
more accurate forecasts; (2) by making empirical and Brown (1982) show how risk profiles were
adjustments of factors such as returns to account used by the AIL Division of Cutler-Hammer Ltd.
for risk elements; (3) by revising cutoff rates, usu- to evaluate the options in the potential purchase
ally raising rate of return standards for risky of a weapons system patent.
projects; (4) by using estimates of best, probable, Exhibit 1 presents a more complete treatment
and worst cases to indicate ranges of outcomes; of the major steps necessary in dealing with risk
and (5) by considering selected probabilities on in developing strategy. Three main aspects of risk
one factor. In a similar vein, Mascarenhas (1982) handling are presented: risk identification, risk
shows five common risk-coping devices used in estimation, and risk evaluation (Rowe, 1977). Risk
ten international projects. identification concerns the reduction of descrip-
Hertz and Thomas's treatment of risk in policy tive uncertainty in regard to the risk situation.
decisions involves the use of risk-based profiles Here, attention is directed towards defining the
involving cumulative probability distributions of problem and assessing the influence of the human
different return criteria calculated for various element in the decision-making process. Risk esti-
alternatives under all probable ranges of variables. mation involves reducing measurement uncer-
When these profiles are available for strategic tainty and addresses the difficulties in estimat-
analysis, along with a stated corporate risk pol- ing relevant values, facts, and uncertain events.
icy (Hertz, 1968; Hertz & Thomas, 1983b), strate- Risk evaluation concerns those strategic actions
gic decisions may be made using the risk analy- leading to either risk acceptance or rejection and


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Exhibit 1 factors influencing this conceptualization have
Common Concerns in Handling Strategic Risk been studied by numerous disciplines.
The elements of expected value calculations-
probabilities and outcomes-influence individual
I. Risk Identification Phase risk perception and acceptance (Nickerson &
Uncertainty about problem identification Feehrer, 1975). However, Libby and Fishburn, in
What is the extent of risk faced? their review of studies of managerial risk taking,
What are available options? conclude that executives use a more complex
How large, and immediate, are the outcomes result- model to conceptualize risk. Usually
ing from the impact of risk?
risk is combined with return in a hybrid model
Can the risk be controlled/reversed/avoided?
that combines compensatory and noncompensa-
Risk perception by individuals and organizations tory decision rules. A model in which risk first
plays a role as a ruin constraint and then interacts
How do individuals and groups conceptualize risk?
with the mean as a tradeoff parameter defined as
What aspects of the problem seem most relevant?
target semivariance is most supportable (1977, p.
II. Risk Estimation Phase 289).

Assessment uncertainty about problem structure They conclude that portraying managerial concep-
What is the role, and quality, of expert judgment? tualization of risk as the probability of below-
How can the elements and causes of risk be better target return or some other below-target parame-
identified? ter would seem to offer the most promise for
How can probabilities of uncertain events be assessed? understanding executives' decisions. Individuals'
Uncertainty about values consideration of only the negative consequences
Whose values are important? at stake in a risk situation also may influence
How can such values be assessed? risk perception (Slovic, Fischoff, & Lichtenstein,
Will one set of values tend to dominate? 1981).
How can individuals be better handled in the man-
agement of the risk process?
Risk perception has emerged as an area of con-
cern in marketing. Uncertainty, decision con-
III. Risk Evaluation Phase
sequences, and information are viewed as criti-
Decision regarding risk bearing
cal to risk perception. Uncertainty in the pro-
What are the important variables that affect strategic cesses of identifying goals and assigning them
risk taking? importance and in determining the effort neces-
Processes for assessing the solutions to handle sary to achieve goals and the current level of goal
strategic risk
attainment is one facet of risk perception (Bauer,
What is the role of formal analysis? 1967; Cox, 1967). Other elements involve the con-
What is the role of debate and dialogue in risky
sequences of success or failure in meeting the
Are analysis and risk debate interlinked in strategic
goals and the amount of information available
risk situations? about a decision situation (Cox, 1967; Slovic et
al., 1981).
to assessing the quality of those actions. Con- Information's importance also is studied by
ceptually, these processes overlap and together Amariuta, Rutenberg, and Staelin (1979). They
provide a basis for risk assessment. find that more knowledgeable executives do per-
Risk Identification ceive less political risk in Eastern Europe but
also more clearly recognize complications in
In the risk identification phase, the classifica- doing business with Eastern European enter-
tion scheme shown in Table 1 may aid strategists prises. Information's presence as an element in
in depicting the extent of risk faced, the nature of perceived uncertainty was noted by Duncan
the outcomes involved, controllability of the risks, (1972). Although the managers in his study had
and so on. This will be associated with risk per- enough information to estimate probabilities in
ception by individuals and organizations. As out- decision situations, they were unsure of how
comes are discussed, managers may or may not accurate their estimates were. Lack of informa-
conceptualize the decision as a risky one. The tion appeared to be an element in risk perception.


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Duncan's research also reinforces the idea that addresses the first problem and traces the effects
the amount of possible loss is important in per- of situational factors on corporate risk taking.
ception of risk or uncertainty. Models of Corporate Risk Taking. Two other
models of corporate risk taking have been de-
Risk Estimation veloped. Bettis (1982), following earlier work by
Rumelt (1974) and Montgomery (1979), attempts
As the risk identification phase proceeds, effort
to treat risk considerations in modeling corporate
also is expended in risk estimation. In strategic
strategy. He uses a simultaneous equation ap-
decisions, the negative value of various signifi-
proach that treats risk as an endogenous variable.
cant outcomes may differ from person to person
This model involves the following two equations:
and problem structure may cause assessment
Firm Performance = f (Industry Characteristics,
difficulty. Investigation into the nature of risk
Strategy, Risk)
faced and the usefulness of experts in mitigating
Risk = f (Strategy, Industry
risk or assessing it more effectively must proceed.
Techniques for conducting and interpreting
Risk is measured in terms of the standard devia-
probability assessments are fraught with prob-
tion of return on assets; plant investment is used
lems (Moore & Thomas, 1975; Tversky & Kahne-
as a measure of industry characteristics; and strat-
man, 1974; Wallsten & Budescu, 1983). For in-
egy is measured by classifying firms in terms of
stance, high severity, rare event situations pose
Rumelt's (1974) diversification strategy taxo-
particular problems for decision makers because
nomy. Bettis's initial results clearly demonstrate
lack of frequency information makes conventional
the critical necessity of including risk variables
forecasting methods ineffective (Selvidge, 1972).
in the context of strategy analysis models.
Tools used to help forecast rare events include
Salter and Weinhold (1979), in their studies of
fault trees (Fischoff, Slovic, & Lichtenstein, 1978)
diversification and acquisition, identified three
and external calibrations involving a compari-
models providing risk perspectives for the diver-
son between the rare event of interest and an
sification decision. These models vary according
unrelated reference event (e.g., is it more likely
to the level of analysis and the principal risk
that a catastrophic flood will occur than 10 heads
measure. The strategy model functions at the
on 10 tosses of a coin?).
operating or strategic business unit (SBU) level
Subjective expected utility (SEU) models also
and adopts the total risk measure suggested by
have been suggested as a means to deal with risk
the judgmental approaches of the Hertz (1968)
estimation (Slovic, Fischoff, & Lichtenstein, 1977).
and Hertz and Thomas (1983b) type. The product/
SEU models assume that people behave as though
market portfolio model (Wind & Mahajan, 1981)
they maximize the sum of the products of utility
operates at the corporate level and focuses on
and subjective probability estimates rather than
business portfolio risk in terms of the ability to
more objective, actual outcomes and probabilities.
sustain long-term growth and attain a stable,
Although this model is sufficient to explain
successful cash flow profile. The risk-return model
behavior for simple gambles, Slovic et al. (1977)
analyzes the firm from the capital market level
conclude that the theory is insufficient to explain
and assesses the market-related systematic risk
decisions under risk in more complex situations.
(or beta) measure. Salter and Weinhold (1979)
It also offers no way to resolve questions as to
argue that these three risk models provide com-
whose utility is most important in making strate-
plementary perspectives on the creation of value
gic decisions.
and complementary criteria for analyzing corpo-
rate strategies.
Risk Evaluation
Managerial Risk Taking. Risk taking by manag-
Eventually the corporation moves into the risk ers has been dealt with by several authors. Amihud
evaluation phase. It must decide how much risk and Lev (1981) advance a risk-reduction "man-
it is willing to bear and must arrive at a method agerial" motive for conglomerate merger. They
for assessing solutions in light of the risk policy. argue that managers, as opposed to investors,
The model of strategic risk taking that follows engage in conglomerate mergers to decrease their


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largely undiversifiable "employment risk" (i.e., describes a company's current risk posture and
risk of losing their jobs, professional reputation, predicts the outcome of its risk evaluation. How-
etc.). They support their hypothesis through two ever, the model also may be used to suggest
empirical studies. changes in corporate risk practices as the envi-
Managerial motives in strategic risk taking also ronment changes. Eventually, it may be possible
are suggested by the work of Staw (1981) and to use this as a framework for answering norma-
Tversky (1978). Staw argues that managers, be- tive questions about more or less effective matches
cause of individual self-esteem needs and strong between risk taking and environmental variables.
group norms for rationality in decision making, This last use of the model should be attempted
feel the need to justify their decisions. These jus- only after the basic relationships are more ade-
tification forces can lead to the risky behavior of quately understood and the important variables
escalating commitment in order to satisfy require- identified.
ments of both "retrospective rationality" (the It is hypothesized that major variables in the
appearance of competence in previous actions) external and internal environment of the organi-
and "prospective rationality" (the need to address zation impinge on the strategists, whose resul-
future-oriented probabilities and values). Tversky tant risk estimates are seen as interacting with
points out that recent experimental studies have the nature of the strategic problem under consid-
shown a managerial tendency towards risk eration to determine the willingness of the firm
seeking when either ruin or extensive loss is to accept the risk of that strategy (see also Table
likely to occur-this risk-seeking tendency can 1). The important variables are classified into five
also reinforce the tendency to escalate commit- categories. The level of risk accepted by a firm
ment to a costly and perhaps unsuccessful course (the risk evaluation) is determined by summing
of action. the risk indicators of each ring (Figure 1) into a
These models that incorporate risk issues in total score for that firm's decisions. Thus,
strategic planning and management all offer some
ideas of use to decision makers and theoreticians.
R = Er + Ir + r + Pr + DMr
However, their contributions to a general model
where R5 = strategic risk taking
of strategic risk taking are fragmentary and typi-
Er = general environmental risk
cally directed toward other ends. Therefore, a
need appears to exist for a structure that will
Ir =industry risk indicators
enable more adequate assessment of strategic risk
taking. Such a structure will be developed by
r organizational risk indicators
r= problem risk indicators
drawing multiple frameworks and concepts for
viewing risk from such disciplines as economics,
DMr= decision maker risk indicators
organizational behavior, management science,
and cognitive psychology. However, risk taking Similarly, it may be possible to envision an
is conceptualized differently in many of these axis on each ring of the model with increasing or
disciplines, so their findings may be only gener- high risk-taking likelihood on one pole and
ally applicable to corporate strategic risk taking. decreasing or low risk propensity on the other.
Also, most studies have been done with individu- Each ring, then, can rotate in relation to a particu-
als rather than corporations as subjects. Therefore, lar strategic decision, and the resultant action
in order to apply some findings to a model, the vector represents the sum (giving equal weights
corporation must be treated as a rational unitary to each ring) of the tendencies from each ring.
actor (Allison, 1971). Alternatively, differential weights could be ob-
Contingency Model of Strategic Risk Taking. A tained by using a relatively simple type of multi-
preliminary model for simplifying the decision attributed procedure as suggested by Edwards
regarding strategic risk taking is presented in Fig- (1976). Also, Saaty's (1980) analytic hierarchy
ure 1. The theoretical background underlying the process could be used to derive relative weights
model and an extensive literature review is devel- based on the implicit hierarchies involved in the
oped in Baird and Thomas (1984). This model underlying risk factors.


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Figure 1
Contingency Model of Strategic Risk Taking

\~~~~~~ /
Environment + + -
Risk Risk
Averse Taking

Keys to Va
Environmental Variables Organizational Variables Decision Maker

Economy Organizational values Self-confidence

Governmental regulation Organizational life cycle Knowledge
Technological change Structure Biases, heuristics, preferences
Cultural values Incentives
Wealth Strategic Problem
Industry Variables Market share
Information system Reversibility and controllability
Public-profit Outcomes
Group involvement in strategy formulation
Capital intensity Probabilities
Industry life cycle Variance of outcomes
Competition Framing


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Within each ring or category, a number of vari- creasing, society places high value on risk taking,
ables contribute to the overall risk impetus of the economy is booming, and technological change
that ring. The component variables for each cate- is rapid.
gory are listed in Table 2 along with the direc- Within several of the categories, there will be
tion of the hypothesized relationship and research rather high interdependence with other variables
or published opinion source to support the hypo- in the same ring. For example, within the indus-
thesis where available. Again, the variables with- try ring, there is likely to be a high positive corre-
in each category are assumed to contribute equally lation between the number of competitors and
to the risk-bearing stimulus for each of the five the intensity of competition; between capital
groups (although, as stated above, this obviously intensity, degree of vertical integration, entry/exit
can be varied). For instance, the tendency toward barriers, and stage in industry life cycle. At this
risk taking would be greatest in a general environ- point in the model development, it seems more
ment in which government regulation is de- important to disaggregate the broader categories

Table 2
Hypothesized Effects of Variables on Risk Taking

Direction of
Variables Takinga Source

External Environment - General

Government regulation Shah & LaPlaca, 1981
Cady & Hunker, 1982
Social value on risk taking +
Economy + Shah & LaPlaca, 1981
Technological change + Grey & Gordon, 1978
Cooper & Schendel, 1976
Fusfeld, 1978

Ratio of public/private sector
firms Brown, 1970
Number of competitors + Bain, 1968
Competitive rivalry + Porter, 1980
Number of suppliers + Porter, 1980
Number of customers + Porter, 1980
Scherer, 1980
Capital intensity - Shepherd, 1979
Vertical integration - Lenz, 1980
Capacity utilization rate - Porter, 1980
Mobility barriers - Caves & Porter, 1979
Life cycle - Fox, 1973
Hofer, 1975

Life cycle, age - Cooper, 1979
Size (sales or assets) - Beaver, Kettler,
& Scholes, 1970
Financial strength - Arrow, 1965
Profitability, return +,- Markowitz, 1959
measures Hertz & Thomas, 1982
Bowman, 1980
Organizational slack + Carter, 1971
Industry leadership Shah & LaPlaca, 1981


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Table 2 (continued)

Direction of
Variables Taking" Source

Incentive pay + Dickson, 1978

Divisionalized structure Armour & Teece, 1978
Market share Schoeffler, Buzzell, &
Heany, 1974
Anderson & Paine, 1978
Aggressive goals + Grey & Gordon, 1978
Group decision making + Myers & Lamm, 1976

Decision Maker

Self-confidence + Schaninger, 1976
Experience, knowledge + Funk, Rapoport, & Jones,
Preferences, biases, heuristics - Slovic, 1972b; Hogarth &
Makridakis, 1981


Complexity Vlek & Stallen, 1980

Ambiguity Vlek & Stallen, 1980
Rate of change of problem elements Beach & Mitchell, 1978
Importance of benefits + Vlek & Stallen, 1980
Ruinous losses Libby & Fishburn, 1977
Reversibility + Elster, 1979
Controllability + Vlek & Stallen, 1980
Remote losses + Vlek & Stallen, 1980
Probability of loss Slovic, 1967
Framing -t,- Tversky & Kahneman, 1981

aThe plus and minus signs indicate the direction

direct relationship so that as the variable increase
competitors increases) the degree of risk taking a

into a large number of variables that can be mea- because it may be possible to examine risk taking
sured and understood individually than to per- by firms exhibiting similar clusters of variables-
form a crude form of factor analysis and concen- for example, compare the risk taking by old, large,
trate on the combination or interaction of a divisionalized firms with that taken by young,
smaller number of variables. As the relationships small firms with a single powerful entrepreneur
are tested empirically, some variables will emerge in charge of strategy formulation.
as more important than others. However, at Interaction effects may exist not only within
present, the variables receive equal, independent each category, but also between categories. These
weights. Implicitly, this results in a greater influences are particularly strong in the industry,
weighting on clusters of associated variables organizational, and decision-maker categories. For
because their hypothesized effects on risk taking example, a strong influence toward risk taking in
are exerted in the same direction and are assumed a particular industry may have an important effect
to sum into what may effectively be a single, on the risk-accepting tendencies of companies
broader and more powerful influence on strate- within that industry. Similarly, an important
gic risk bearing. An additional result may be that influence on individual decision makers may be
using the model becomes somewhat simpler the risk-taking or risk-averse nature of the partic-


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ular company milieu in which the manager has sus on risk taking may be achieved. Kogan and
been socialized and presumably wishes to retain Wallach (1964) and Janis (1972) document in-
a job. Therefore, the equations for the industry, stances in which group processes influence risk
company, and decision makers probably are of taking. Methods of strategy formulation must be
the following form: assessed for their effect on corporate risk taking.
Such formal analyses as risk analysis (Hertz &
Ir = f(xi * *, Xing Er) Thomas, 1983b), decision analysis (Keeney, 1982;
Or = f(xol *. *,xon Ir' DMr, Pr) Moore & Thomas, 1976; Raiffa, 1968; Ulvila &
DMr= f(Xdml ...* Xdmn, Or' Pr) Brown, 1982), and cost-benefit analysis (Mishan,
where Er denotes environmental risk 1972) attempt to assess and understand risk
level through the application of analytical approaches
Ir denotes industry risk level and formal principles of rationality. Typically,
Or denotes organizational risk proponents advance such analyses because they
level are comprehensive, logically sound, practical,
DMr denotes decision-maker risk grounded in scientific method, open to evalua-
level tion by others, and widely used (Keeney, 1982;
Pr denotes problem risk level Ulvila & Brown, 1982). Yet reference to Table 1
and xij, j = 1, . , n are industry-specific shows that many problems in applying analyti-
risk variables cal approaches for risk handling can occur through
xoj, j = 1, .. ., n are organization- overly narrow problem definitions; through reli-
specific risk variables ance on judgment and subjective assessment for
Xdmj, j = 1, .. ., n are decision-maker- interpreting the facts of a problem; through impre-
specific risk variables. cise specification of values and goals; through
the strong assumptions of human rationality
The model of strategic risk taking presented inherent in the approaches; and through the focus
here has been developed to stimulate research on sensitivity analysis as a means of assessing
toward an enhanced understanding of the rela- decision quality.
tionships between factors external and internal Unfortunately, the major drawbacks of such
to the firm and the resulting willingness of the analyses are their lack of openness and explicit
decision makers to pursue risk-seeking or risk- recognition of the different value systems implicit
averse strategies. Because the relationships are in strategic decisions. Commonly, criticism of
so numerous and complex, an attempt has been analytic results is not encouraged; and the role of
made to disaggregate the global concepts into dialogue and debate (Hertz & Thomas, 1983a;
narrower, more discrete, and testable units. How- Mason & Mitroff, 1981; Sjoberg, 1980) in assess-
ever, interrelationships between these units have ing and handling risk often is downgraded. If
also been hypothesized as an attempt to move analytic approaches are to work in strategic risk
toward synthesis of research findings. The need analysis, then greater use must be made of struc-
to incorporate both corporate and environmental tured debate approaches (Mason & Mitroff, 1981;
characteristics into a model of risk taking is high- Schwenk & Thomas, 1983) in risk debate in order
lighted by the following statement regarding to ensure that different groups do not distort and
IBM's strategy in the computer industry: "When twist analytic results to justify their own
the dominant company's advantage wanes, seem- positions.
ingly perilous, tradition-shattering change can be
the course of least risk" (Petre, 1983, p. 82).
Handling Strategic Risk: Formal Analyses and
Risk Debate. Numerous variables that affect risk Risk taking by individual decision makers is
evaluation have been incorporated into the model extremely complex. Risk taking by organizations
presented in Figure 1. Corporate strategy is rarely as they formulate and realize strategies is even
formulated by a single individual, however, and more complex. Typically, in the past this topic
attention also must be paid to how group consen- has been handled by ignoring it (at least in the


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area of strategy research) or by extrapolating prin- and other business fields. It is anticipated that
ciples from human research to organizations' the model will stimulate research regarding the
behaviors. The appropriateness of generalizing presence and importance of risk in strategic deci-
findings from individual to group to organiza- sions and the process of risk perception by
tional levels of risk taking must be addressed strategists.
when identifying critical research gaps in strate- Once this groundwork is laid, identification of
gic risk taking. However, if risk as a variable or important variables that may influence selection
area of study critical to understanding strategic of a risk policy may proceed. After these vari-
management is ignored simply because it is too ables are identified and explored, the next step
complex to be understood easily, the field of would be to determine the nature of the relation-
strategic management may be left floundering in ships between the individual variables and risk-
its attempt to understand, predict, and influence taking behavior as well as interaction between sev-
firm performance without an important concept eral variables and risk postures. However, the
for its use. critical step on which this paper focuses is the
The proposed model of risk taking represents development of a method for making the com-
an attempt to formulate a framework that will plex topic of strategic risk more comprehensible
serve as a basis for examination of normative and by delineating some parameters of that risk. By
descriptive strategic risk taking. It highlights the presenting a model and hypothesizing about the
need for additional work concerning the defini- nature and direction of risk-taking relationships,
tion of strategic risk and clarification of the con- interest in and attention to the area of strategic
cept as it is pursued by researchers in strategy risk can be stimulated.


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Inga Skromme Baird is Assistant Professor of Manage-

ment at Ball State University.

Howard Thomas is Professor of Business Policy and

Strategic Management at University of Illinois at


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