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English Test

Name: _____________________________ Date: _________

1) Write what these words mean in Spanish:

A scalpel:
A box of matches:
A torch:
A first aid manual:

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct verb

swab, sterilize, apply, immobilize, immerse, remove, check, puncture

Don’t ____________ burnt clothing

____________ the victim’s head

____________ with iodine or rubbing alcohol

____________ the needle with alcohol

____________ the victim’s pulse

____________ ointment and cover with a bandage

Don’t ______________ large burns in cold water

Don’t squeeze the blister, _____________ with a needle and apply alcohol

3) Complete the sentences with the imperatives:

1. ________________ upstairs. ( go)

2. ________________ in this lake. (not swim)

3. ________________ your homework. (do)

4. ________________ football in the yard. (not play)

5. ________________ your teeth. ( brush)

6. ________________ during the lesson. (not talk)

7. ________________ the animals in the zoo. (not feed)

8. ________________ the instructions. (read)

9. ________________ late for school. (not be)

10. ________________ your mobiles. ( switch off)

4) Translate into SPANISH and choose between HAVE or FEEL

1. Back ache: Dolor de espalda/ Have 6. Sore Legs
2. Fever 7. Stomachache
3. Sick 8. Rash
4. Good 9. Cold
5. Headache

5) Finish the dialogue.

Doctor: Hello, How are you?

Patient: I feel sick…
Doctor: What’s the matter?
Patient: I have…_____________________________________________________
Universidad de Magallanes Patricio Escalona Ojeda
Escuela Tecnológica English Language Teacher
Técnico en enfermería
Ingles II

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