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Oleh : Hendry

Logistic Regression

Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Cases N Percent
Selected Cases Included in Analysis 30 100.0
Missing Cases 0 .0
Total 30 100.0
Unselected Cases 0 .0
Total 30 100.0
a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total
number of cases.

Dependent Variable Encoding

Original Value Internal Value

tidak sakit 0
sakit 1

Block 0: Beginning Block

Iteration Historya,b,c

-2 Log Coefficients
Iteration likelihood Constant
Step 0 1 41.589 .000
a. Constant is included in the model.
b. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 41.589
c. Estimation terminated at iteration number 1 because
parameter estimates changed by less than .001.
Classification Tablea,b


sakit Percentage
Observed tidak sakit sakit Correct
Step 0 sakit tidak sakit 0 15 .0
sakit 0 15 100.0
Overall Percentage 50.0
a. Constant is included in the model.
b. The cut value is .500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

Step 0 Constant .000 .365 .000 1 1.000 1.000

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.
Step Variables rokok 16.133 1 .000
0 usia 3.197 1 .074
Overall Statistics 19.266 2 .000

Block 1: Method = Enter

Iteration Historya,b,c,d

-2 Log Coefficients
Iteration likelihood Constant rokok usia
Step 1 19.957 -5.160 2.928 .087
1 2 17.249 -8.685 4.230 .155
3 16.779 -10.799 5.051 .196
4 16.750 -11.454 5.324 .209
5 16.750 -11.509 5.348 .210
6 16.750 -11.509 5.348 .210
a. Method: Enter
b. Constant is included in the model.
c. Initial -2 Log Likelihood: 41.589
d. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because
parameter estimates changed by less than .001.
Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

Chi-square df Sig.
Step 1 Step 24.839 2 .000
Block 24.839 2 .000
Model 24.839 2 .000

Model Summary

-2 Log Cox & Snell Nagelkerke

Step likelihood R Square R Square
1 16.750a .563 .751
a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because
parameter estimates changed by less than .001.

Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

Step Chi-square df Sig.

1 6.475 8 .594

Contingency Table for Hosmer and Lemeshow Test

sakit = tidak sakit sakit = sakit

Observed Expected Observed Expected Total
Step 1 3 2.975 0 .025 3
1 2 3 2.902 0 .098 3
3 3 2.798 0 .202 3
4 3 2.442 0 .558 3
5 1 2.103 2 .897 3
6 1 1.335 2 1.665 3
7 1 .213 2 2.787 3
8 0 .055 1 .945 1
9 0 .149 5 4.851 5
10 0 .028 3 2.972 3

Classification Tablea


sakit Percentage
Observed tidak sakit sakit Correct
Step 1 sakit tidak sakit 14 1 93.3
sakit 2 13 86.7
Overall Percentage 90.0
a. The cut value is .500
Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

rokok 5.348 1.845 8.403 1 .004 210.286
1 usia .210 .098 4.602 1 .032 1.233
Constant -11.509 4.814 5.716 1 .017 .000
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: rokok, usia.

Correlation Matrix

Constant rokok usia

Step Constant 1.000 -.793 -.985
1 rokok -.793 1.000 .725
usia -.985 .725 1.000

Step number: 1

Observed Groups and Predicted Probabilities

8ô ô
ó ó
ó ó
F ó ó
R 6ô ô
E ó ó
Q ó só
U ó só
E 4ô sô
N ó só
C ót s ssó
Y ót s ssó
2 ôtt t s s ssô
ótt t s s ssó
óttttt tt t st ts s ts ssó
óttttt tt t st ts s ts ssó
Predicted òòòòòòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòòòòòòôòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò
Prob: 0 .25 .5 .75 1
Group: ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Predicted Probability is of Membership for sakit

The Cut Value is .50
Symbols: t - tidak sakit
s - sakit
Each Symbol Represents .5 Cases.

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