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NAME: _____________________________________________________ DATE: ___ / ___ / _______

Put the words in the table in the correct category.

Steak Potato Butter Margarine Mushroom

Onion Lettuce Pasta Bean Lemon
Strawberry Salt Oil Garlic Ketchup
Pear Pepper Tea Fish Rice


Make these sentences true for you

1. I love ___________________________________________________________________.
2. I eat ____________________________________________________________ every day.
3. I don’t often eat __________________________________________________________.
4. I sometimes put _________________________________________________ on my food.
5. I really hate ______________________________________________________________.

Complete the following sentences with a / some / any.
Julie: Hi! I’m at the supermarket. Have we got _________ bread?
Jack: Yes, we’ve got _________ bread, but we haven’t got _________ butter.
Julie: OK. So we need _________ butter. Is there _________ milk?
Jack: No, there isn’t. And we need _________ meat and _________ eggs.
Julie: Right. Have we got _________ fruit?
Jack: We’ve got _________ big bag of oranges, but we haven’t got _________ apples.
Julie: OK, I’ll get _________ more fruit. And _________ cheese.
Jack: And please bring _________ big bottle of water, too! See you soon!

Write the past simple tense of the following verbs.

Infinitive Past Simple Infinitive Past Simple

Listen Send
Know Stop
Make Speak
Bring Sleep
Study Buy
Do Have
Wake up Leave
Drink Like
Read get
Go Be


Complete the following email with the past simple tense.

Hi Angie
How are you? It _______ (be) Carl’s birthday on Saturday and we _______ (have) a big party for him
at my flat. My sister and I _______ (spend) all afternoon cleaning and then we _______ (eat) lots of food for
the party. Carl ______________ (not/know) about it, so it _______ (be) a big surprise for him! There
_______ (be) about forty people there and I _______ (wear) my favourite dress – you know, the long green
one. Everyone _______ (give) Carl cards and presents, and it _______ (be) a very special evening for him, I
think. He _______ (like) the DVD player that you _______ (send) him. I’m glad I ______________ (not/buy)
the same.
On Sunday Carl and I _______ (go) to his parents’ house for lunch in his new car. The food
_______(be) fantastic and I _______ (eat) too much as usual! His parents are Portuguese, as you know, and
all his family _______ (speak) Portuguese at the table – I ______________ (not/speak) very much! Then I
just _______(sit) in the garden, _______ (have) a glass of wine and _______ (read) my book. It _______ (be)
a very good weekend. Write soon!


P.S. – _______ you _______ (send) me an email last week? I ______________ (not/get) one!

Choose one option, A or B, and write a text (about 100 words).

A – Write a dialogue between a waiter/waitress and clients at the restaurant.

B – Write a short text about what you did last weekend.





















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