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Unlike cellular communication, D2D communication allows direct data trans-

mission between nearby user equipment. In overlay D2D communication, a
part of cellular resources is dedicated to D2D communication. It eliminates the
interference between D2D and cellular communication. For overlay D2D, one
critical issue is to minimize the number of resource blocks(RBs) required for
D2D communication. The resource allocation algorithm LIFA(Largest Aggre-
gated Interference First Algorithm) enables maximum spatial reuse in OFDMA
(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) systems.


1 Introduction 4
1.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Classification of D2D Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.1 Inband D2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.2 Outband D2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 D2D Implementation Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Literature Survey 7
2.1 Resource Allocation Schemes For D2D Communication . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Advantages of Semi-Distributed Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Resource Blocks and It’s type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Steps in Semi-distributed resource allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Resource Allocation for Overlay D2D Communication . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.1 Brief description of the algorithm(LIFA) : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 Software/Tools Requirement Specification 12

4 Project Planning 13

5 Block Level System Design 16

5.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.2 Notations Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5.3 Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.4 Assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5.5 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.6 Flow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

6 Block Level Results Analysis 23

6.1 Implementation of Sub-Block I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.1.1 Formulas and Notations Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.1.2 Description of Sub-Block I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.2 Results and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

7 Inference and future Planning 32

7.1 Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
7.2 Future Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Chapter 1


1.1 Definition
• In a cellular network user data is transmitted via base station when one user
device is communicating with another device.

• When communicating devices are relatively close to each other, it could be

sensible to have direct communication link instead of conveying data via
base station.

• Device to device communication in cellular networks is defined as direct

communication between two mobile users without traversing Base station.

• D2D Communication can occur on cellular spectrum(INBAND) or unlicensed

spectrum (OUTBAND).

1.2 Classification of D2D Communication

1.2.1 Inband D2D

• Motivation for choosing inband communication is high control over cellular
(licensed) spectrum. Interference in the unlicensed spectrum is uncontrol-

Figure 1.1: D2D communication classification

• Inband communication is further divided into underlay and overlay cate-


Overlay and Underlay

• UNDERLAY :In underlay mode cellular and D2D communication share same
radio resources. It can enhance spectrum efficiency of cellular networks by
reusing spectrum resources.

• Here one of the issues is to effectively control D2D to cellular and cellular to
D2D interference.

• OVERLAY :In overlay mode dedicated frequency resources are allocated for
D2D communications and remaining part is allocated for cellular communi-

• Here there is no interference issue between D2D and cellular communica-

tions. However one issue is optimized resource allocation ratio.

1.2.2 Outband D2D

• Motivation behind using outband D2D communication is to eliminate inter-
ference issue between D2D and cellular network.

• On other hand out-band may suffer from uncontrolled nature of unlicensed


Controlled and Autonomous Mode
• In case of Controlled Mode control of the second interface is given to cel-
lular network. But when D2D control is done by users then it is called Au-
tonomous mode.

• It should be noted that only cellular devices with two wireless interfaces
(ex:LTE and WiFi) can use outband D2D and thus users can have simulta-
neous D2D and cellular communications (however there is no possibility of
simultaneous D2D and cellular communications in case of inband communi-

1.3 D2D Implementation Challenges

• Interference Management : When inband is used for D2D communication
user equipment can reuse up-link or down-link resources in same cell. There-
fore, it is important to design D2D mechanism such that D2D users do not
disrupt cellular services.

• Power Allocation : In inband D2D communication, transmission power sho-

uld be properly regulated so that the D2D transmitter does not interfere with
cellular user equipment communication while maintaining SINR require-
ment of D2D receiver.

• Resource Allocation : In inband D2D communication, interference can be

effectively managed if D2D users communicate over resource blocks that are
not used by nearby interfering cellular user equipment’s.

• Summary: In this chapter, we studied about the definition, classification and

implementation challenges of D2D.In the next chapter there will be breif de-
scription on literature survey on resource allocation in D2D communication.

Chapter 2

Literature Survey

2.1 Resource Allocation Schemes For D2D Communica-


• Resource Allocation Schemes are categorized into Centralized scheme and

the Distributed Scheme.

• Centralized Scheme : In the Cellular Network using Centralized Scheme,

the BS(Base Station) fully controls the resource allocation for both UE(user
equipment) and D2D links. This requires the BS to know channel qualities of
all relevant links.

• Distributed Scheme : In the Cellular Network using Distributed Scheme ,the

resource allocation for the D2D communication is controlled in each D2D link
(in a distributed way).

• In Semi-Distributed Scheme, the BS allocates Resource Blocks (RBs) to D2D

links in a centralized manner, while the Modulation and Coding Scheme
(MCS) and the transmission power of D2D links are distributively decided
by the device of each D2D link.

2.1.1 Advantages of Semi-Distributed Scheme
• The computational overhead on BS is distributed to D2D links.

• Since BS requires only to know the path-loss of all relevant links, the channel
reporting overhead is reduced.

• Since BS broadcasts only the RB allocation results, the control overhead on

BS is lower than that of centralized scheme.

2.2 Resource Blocks and It’s type

• Resource Block: A unit of resource consisting of 12 sub-carriers in frequency
domain and 1 time-slot (0.5 ms) in time domain.

• Time is divided into frames (made up of 10 sub-frames, each sub-frame con-

sist of 2 time-slot) which is made up of time-slots. Each time-slot consists of
one or multiple OFDMA Symbols.

• BS allocates RBs to UE and D2D links and we can categorize the RB into
following types.

• UE-RB : This type of RB is allocated to only one UE link. A UE transmits a

signal to the BS in an up-link UE-RB.

• D2D-RB : Only D2D links use this type of RB. One or more D2D links are
able to simultaneously use one D2D-RB as long as mutual interference to
each other is limited.

2.3 Steps in Semi-distributed resource allocation

• STEP 1 (Resource request from D2D link) : The D2D link controller (device
which initiates D2D communication) calculates the RBs and required trans-
mission power for D2D link. This information (D2D resource request) is then

Figure 2.1: Device-to-Device communication in Cellular network

sent to the BS via up-link control channel.

• STEP 2 (RB allocation) : The RB allocator in the BS receives the resource re-
quests from all D2D links and allocates the RBs based on some algorithm, [In
our case Largest aggregated Interference First Algorithm (LIFA)].

• STEP 3 (Distributed D2D link control) : The devices in each D2D link re-
ceive the D2D resource grant, from which they find out the set of allocated
RBs and the maximum allowed transmission power. The D2D link controller

for each D2D link distributively decides the transmission power for each al-
located RB under the condition that the transmission power is kept under the
maximum allowed transmission power.

• STEP 4 (UE Scheduling) : For each UE-RB, the UE scheduler selects one UE
link, allocates the transmission power and decides an appropriate MCS level
for that link (Same as Traditional UE Scheduler).

• In case of Overlay D2d communication only first three steps are carried out,
since in overlay mode UE links are allocated separate set of RBs and it will
not share RBs with D2D links.

2.4 Resource Allocation for Overlay D2D Communica-

• One critical issue in Overlay D2D is to minimize the number of RBs required
for D2D communication with a reliability constraint.

2.4.1 Brief description of the algorithm(LIFA) :

• Here a single-cell LTE network consisting of eNB(evovled Node B) and sev-
eral D2D UEs (L= number of D2D links in the cell) is considered.

• To reduce the control signaling overhead, the eNB adopts semi-distributed re-
source allocation. Each D2D transmitter has two control links, one with eNB
for resource scheduling and the other with its associated D2D receiver for
link measurement.

• Minimum number of RBs required for Overlay D2D Communication is di-

rectly related to the D2D request size and spatial reuse of RB and we should
allocate the link that does not co-exist with others easily first.

• Here first, aggregated interference il generated by link l to others is calculated.
A large value indicates that it is not easy for the link to coexist with others.
Let l* denote the link selected for resource allocation.

• Based on this il order of resource allocation is determined. For each iteration

reliability metric of each candidate RB for target link l* is calculated.

• Order of RB assignment to link l* is determined based on values of reliability

metric. If there is no RB to accommodate the target link,a new RB is allocated
for that link.

• This algorithm uses two strategies to solve the allocation problem. First, it
allocates RB for link with can’t coexist with others. Second, it allocates RBs
according to reliability constraint.

Figure 2.2: Network Topology

• Summary: In this chapter,A breif description of categories, steps in resource

allocation and The algorithm (LIFA) for resource allocation in overlay D2D
was given.resource blocks and it’s type was also dicussed.

Chapter 3

Software/Tools Requirement

• Implementation of the algorithm and simulations were performed using MAT-

LAB (Version:2018a) software.

Figure 3.1: MATLAB (Version:2018 a)

Chapter 4

Project Planning

• Entire project work is divided into two phases (Phase I and Phase II). Project
plan for these two phases is represented using Gantt Chart given below.

Figure 4.1: Project Plan (fig.a)
Figure 4.2: Project Plan (fig.b)
Chapter 5

Block Level System Design

5.1 Block Diagram

Cell creation and Calculation

iag ,J θn
calculation of Ptx , of Reliability Allocation of RB’s
iag . Margin θ n .

The Euclidean distance between lth link transmitter to kth link receiver is
calculated ∀ k,l ∈ L.
The maximum transmit power of link l and the aggregated interference il
generated by link l to others is calculated ∀ l ∈L.
The aggregated interference il is sorted in descending order and index
vector J for the same is obtained.

• The algorithm selects one link at a time in the order specified by index vector
J to which the RBs are allocated in each iteration as explained below.

Let l* be the link selected for RB allocation.
The reliability metric θ n is calculated for all n ∈ Nrequired .
Nrequired is sorted in ascending order and the corresponding index vector
I is obtained according to θ n .

First ql* RBs are allocated to link l* if their reliability margin ¡=0.
If reliability margin of selected RB is positive, it indicates the RB can-
not accommodate the link l* . Then a new RB is allocated to link l* and thus
Nrequired = Nrequired +1

5.2 Notations Used

γth SINR [Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio] thresh-

L Set of Indexes for D2D links.
ql Number of RBs required per Transmission Time Inter-
val for D2D link l.
dk,l Distance between transmitter of D2D link k and re-
ceiver of D2D link l.
pl Maximum allowed transmit power per RB for D2D
link l.
Gn Group of indexes for D2D links allocated in RB n.
Nrequired Number of RBs required for overlay D2D.
Nrequired Set of indexes for RBs required for overlay D2D.

5.3 Inputs
SIR threshold: γth
Reliability threshold: η
Parameters of network: ql , dk,l |k,l ∈L
Number of RBs per TTI: N

5.4 Assumption
The available RBs are sufficient for all D2D requests to focus on minimization prob-
lem (i.e., to minimize the number of RBs used for overlay D2D).

5.5 Problem Statement

Given the inputs,Allocate the RBs to the all d2d links.
with the constraint Minimize Nrequired subject to,
1) Gn is a feasible for all n∈ Nrequired .
2) sufficient number of of RBs are allocated to each d2d link (i.e, allocated RBs to link l ≥ ql ).

5.6 Flow Chart

The flow chart of the resource allocation algorithm LIFA ,which is the solution
to the above problem statement is given below:


Obtain ql
for all l∈L

Initialization :
Nrequired =maxl ∈ L {ql }
Gn =φ

Determine the aggregated

interference il generated
by link l to other links

Sort il in descending order and

obtain index vector J of sorted il



m←m+1 m≤L STOP


l∗ ←− J(m)
Nrequired ←{1,2,3,....,Nrequired }
Initialize: n=1

Calculate Relia-
n∈Nrequired ? bility metric θ n


Sort θ n in ascending order and

obtain index vector I of sorted θ n .
Initialize: q=1


3 q ≤ ql ? q←q+1


false Nrequired ←−Nrequired +1

θ n ≤0
GNrequired ←−GNrequired {l∗ }


Gn ←− Gn {l∗ }

Summary:The block diagram representation of LIFA algorithm was shown in sec-
tion 5.1 and each block was briefly explained. The major notations used on the Al-
gorithm were defined in section 5.2. The inputs to the algorithm and assumption
made to implement LIFA was given in the subsequent sections. The problem state-
ment for resource allocation in overlay D2D was defined and the solution to the
problem statement (LIFA algorithm) was described using The flow chart .Imple-
mentation of first sub-block and analysis of it’s results is discussed in the following

Chapter 6

Block Level Results Analysis

6.1 Implementation of Sub-Block I

INPUT : Number of D2D Links (L)

Creation of cell and Calculation of PL,Ptx

and [D]

Ptx , [D]

Calculation of i ag and getting sorted i ag

Sorted i ag ,J

OUTPUT : Sorted i ag and its Index vector J

L = Number of D2D links in the cell.
PL= Row vector consisting of path loss all D2D links.
Ptx = Row vector consisting of maximum allowed transmit power of all links.
[D]= Matrix consisting of distance from all D2D transmitters to all receivers.
i ag = Row vector consisting of aggregated interference of link l to other links,
Sorted i ag = i ag sorted in descending order.
J= Index vector consisting of indices of sorted i ag .

6.1.1 Formulas and Notations Used

• Calculation of Distance Matrix: Here Dl,k (Element of [D]) denotes the dis-
tance between D2D transmitter of link l and D2D receiver of link k,.
Dl,k = ( xr,k − xt,l )2 + (yr,k − yt,l )2 , ∀ l and k ∈ [1, L].

(xt,l , yt,l ) and (xr,k , yr,k ) : Co-ordinates of transmitter of link l and receiver of
link k, respectively.

• Calculation of Path Loss: Here PLl (element of PL) denotes the path loss of
link l (channel between transmitter and receiver of link l).

PLl = 40 ∗ log10 ( Dl,l [km]) + 30 ∗ log10 ( f c [ MHz]) + 49 , ∀ l ∈ [1, L].

Dl,l [Km] : Distance between transmitter and receiver of link l in Km.
f c [ MHz] : Carrier frequency in MHz = 2000 MHz(2 GHz).

• Calculation of Maximum Allowed Transmit Power: Here maximum trans-
mit power vector Ptx is calculated using path loss vector (PL) and distance
matrix ([D]).
Pl = P0 [mW ] ∗ PLel , ∀ l ∈ [1, L].
PLl : Path loss of the link l.
P0 : Cell specific parameter in dBm = -78 dBm.
e : Cell specific path loss compensation factor = 1.

• Calculation of Aggregated Interference: Here il (element of i ag ) is the aggre-

gated interference generated by link l to others in the cell.

il = ∑ Pl ∗ Dl,k
, ∀ l ∈ [1, L] , k 6= l.
k =1

Pl : Maximum allowed transmit power of link l.
Dl,k : Distance between transmitter of link l and receiver of link k.
α : Path loss exponent= 4.

6.1.2 Description of Sub-Block I

• Resource allocation algorithm(LIFA) is divided into various sub-blocks and

block level representation of Sub-Block I is given above. Description of the
Sub-Block I is as follows:-


Input to the Sub-Block is number of D2D links in the cell. Function of the
first part of the block is to create all cell of predetermined radius(500m) and
deploy D2D transmitters and receivers uniformly within the cell with eNB

(Base Station) at the center of the cell. The receiver associated with the trans-
mitter of link k was randomly placed at a distance Dk,k , where Dk,k is uni-
formly distributed between 1m to 30m.

Once links are deployed in the cell, distance matrix is calculated. Using this
distance matrix path loss of each link is calculated which is used to determine
the maximum allowed transmit power of each link. Hence, outputs of this
part of the sub-block are path loss and maximum allowed transmit power
vectors and distance matrix (PL, Ptx and [D]).


This part of the Sub-Block will calculate the aggregated interference from link
k to all other links (except link k) in the cell using the results from previous
part i.e, Ptx and [D] . Once the aggregated interference for all links is calcu-
lated, obtained row vector is sorted in descending order to get sorted Ptx and
corresponding index vector J.
Hence final output of the Sub-Block I is Sorted Ptx and corresponding index
vector J.

6.2 Results and Analysis

• Sub-Block I was implemented(Coded) in MATLAB 2018a, with number of

D2D links in the cell L=35. Corresponding results are as follows:

Figure 6.1: Cell with Uniformly Distributed D2D Links.

Figure 6.2: Distance Matrix ([D] in m).

   
68.07 0.1016
   

 85.78 

 5.996 

 73.21 

 0.3322 

   

 60.17 

 0.01648 

 85.44 

 5.546 

   

 86.77 

 7.538 

 73.53 

 0.3576 

   

 53.05 

 0.003201 

65.17  0.05218
   
  
   

 72.39 

 0.2748 

78.48  1.118
   
  
   

 65.42 

 0.0552 

78.7  1.175
   
  
   

 81.43 

 2.203 

62.87  0.0307
   
  
   

 53.79 

 0.003792 

67.33  0.08567
   
  
   
PL(db) =  68.45  Ptx (mW ) =  0.1109 
(35×1)  (35×1) 
   
72.99  0.3152
 
  
   

 75.9 

 0.6163 

49.69  0.001477
   
  
   

 65.44 

 0.0554 

83.4  3.471
   
  
   

 38.69 

 0.0001173 

85.88 
 

  
   

 81.87 

 2.437 

   
 75.27   0.5333 
   

 78.03 

 1.006 

   

 63.89 

 0.03886 

 74.25 

 0.4219 

   

 86.48 

 7.054 

 77.1 

 0.8133 

   

 76.32 

 0.6789 

 63.53 
 29 
 0.0357 

75.28 0.5345
   
0.1016 0.0008269
   

 5.996 

 0.0004109 

 0.3322 

 0.0002436 

4.32 10−6
   

 0.01648 

 5.546 

 7.374 10−7 

5.298 10−7
   

 7.538 

 0.3576 

 4.428 10−7 

3.443 10−7
   

 0.003201 

0.05218 2.11 10−7
   
   
1.745 10−7
   

 0.2748 

1.118 1.355 10−7
   
   
6.552 10−8
   

 0.0552 

1.175 4.708 10−8
   
   
4.649 10−8
   

 2.203 

0.0307 3.298 10−8
   
   
2.957 10−8
   

 0.003792 

0.08567 2.379 10−8
   
   
2.064 10−8
   
i ag (mW ) =  0.1109  Sorted i ag (mW ) =  
(35×1)  (35×1) 
   
0.3152 1.543 10−8
 
   
1.113 10−8
   

 0.6163 

0.001477 1.111 10−8
   
   
1.107 10−8
   

 0.0554 

3.471 7.201 10−9
   
   
   

 0.0001173 

 5.362 10−9 

5.17 10−9

  
   
   

 2.437 

 2.274 10−9 

1.368 10−9
   
 0.5333   
   

 1.006 

 1.35 10−9 

1.039 10−9
   

 0.03886 

 0.4219 

 8.376 10−10 

4.506 10−10
   

 7.054 

 0.8133 

 3.48 10−10 

2.132 10−10
   

 0.6789 

 0.0357 
 30 
 1.176 10−10 

0.5345 7.362 10−11
 
 

 26 

 25 

 

 20 

 14 

 

 10 

 31 

 

 30 

6 
 

 

 32 

13 
 

 

 28 

5 
 

 

 34 

11 
 

 

 23 

7 
 

 
J =  1 
(35×1) 
 
27 

 

 22 

15 
 

 

 35 

19 
 

 

 33 

12 

 

 9 
 
 18 
 

 16 

 

 29 

 24 

 

 3 

 4 
 

 17 

 8  31
Chapter 7

Inference and future Planning

7.1 Inference
• Till now we have finished project work for Phase I i.e., we have implemented
Sub-Block I of the algorithm that we are trying to implement(LIFA) in MAT-
LAB and analyzed the results. Brief description of project plan we followed
for Project Phase I is given Below.

7.2 Future Planning

• For the next phase of project work we will implement remaining sub-blocks
in MATLAB and combine results of all sub-blocks to get overall result of the
algorithm and finally analyze the results.

Figure 7.1: Project plan followed for phase I
Figure 7.2: Project Plan for Phase II

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