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Bene Good Benefactor, Benefit,

Circum Around Circumference

Equi Equal Equidistant

Extra Outside Extra-curricular, Extraordinary

Intra Within Intramural

Inter Among Intersect, Intercontinental

Intro Into Introduce

Mal Bad Maltreat

Multi Many Multi-national, Multimillionaire, Multi-purpose

Mis Badly, Wrong Misunderstanding, Mistranslate, Mistake

Non Not Non-existent

Syn Together With Synagogue

Pre Before Prehistoric, Premarital

Poly Many Polygon

Post After Postgraduate, Post-war, Post-revolutionary

Dis Opposite of Disagree, Disappear

In (ie, il, not, in, towards Irregular, Insignificant, Imposibble

Pro Before, in favor, Prophet, Propel, Pro-labor

moving forward

Sub Under, below, lower Subway, Submarine, Subdivision, Subhuman

in rank

Super “Above”, “Over” Superpower,

Hyper Over, More Hyperactive,

Hypo Under, Beneath, Hypodermal


Trans Across, beyond Transcontinental

Un Not, the opposite of Unclear

Com, con With, together Companion, Contact

Ex Out of, former Export, Ex-mayor

De Down, away Descend, Deport

Re Again, Back, Anew Retype, Replace, Rewind

Anti Against, reverse, Antipater, Antigen

prevents, cures,


A, an Of, off, not, Without Amoral, Akin

Greek and Latin Roots Meaning Examples

Capt Take, hold, seize Capture, Captive Cede,

Cess Yield, give away Concede, recede

Chron Time Chronology, chronic

Cred Believe Credit, credible

Culpare Blame Culpable

Cosm World, universe Cosmic, cosmos

Dem People Democracy, endemic, pandemic

Dic, dict Speak, say Dictator dictate

Duc, duct Lead Induct, conduct

Fac, fec Do, make Factory

Gamos Marriage Bigamy

Geo Earth Geographic, geocentric

Graph Write Graphic, graphology

Metron Measure Metronome, geometry

Mit, miss Send Remit, dismiss

Logos Study of, science of Biology, astrology

Pon, pos, posit Place Postpone, position

Ped Foot Pedestrian, biped Phobia Fear Hydrophobia

Por Carry Portable, transport

Psyche Mind, life, soul Psyche, psychology

Pyr, pyros Fire Pyrotechnic, anti-pyretic

Scrip, script Write Scripture, inscribe

Spec Look Spectator, inspect

Stat Stand, put in place Statue, stature

Vers, vert Turn Versatile, convert

Vid, vis See Video, visualize

Voc, vok Call Invoke, vocation

Vol Wish Voluntary, benevolent

Terra Earth Terrain, terrestrial

Part of
formed by

-ment Act of, state of Noun Enjoyment

-ness Firmness

-ity Act of, state of Noun Propensity

-sion –cion Diversion
-ian One skilled in Noun Pediatrician
-ly In manner of Adverb Politely
-able Worthy of, capable of Adjective Adorable
-ible Sensible
-ful Characterized by, full of Adjective Deceitful,
-ous tremendous,
-ic, -ty, -y atrocious,
Toxic, handy
-less Without Adjective Senseless
Ize, ise To do, to perform Verb Apologize
Yze Chastise
-or A person who Noun Actor
-ess Preacher, actress
-ee Honoree,

-ist Pharmacist

-ian A person who Noun Custodian

-ant Assistant
-ove Commodore

-yer lawyer

1. Chauvinsim- exaggerated or aggressive patriotism.

2. Malapropism- the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding

one, often with unintentionally amusing effect, as in, for example, “dance

a flamingo ” (instead of flamenco ).

3. Forum- A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue

can be exchanged.

4. Gerrymandes- is a practice intended to establish a political advantage for a

particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries. The resulting

district is known as a gerrymander.

5. Gargantuan- tremendous in size, volume, or degree

6. Namby- is a term for affected, weak, and maudlin speech/verse. It originates

from Namby Pamby (1725) by Henry Carey. Carey wrote his poem as a

satire of Ambrose Philips and published it in his Poems on Several


7. Pamby- early 19th century; earliest use found in Lord Byron (1788–1824),

poet. Shortened from namby-pamby.

8. Cabal- a secret political clique or faction.


January Janus Two-faced god Wulf-monath or The bitter cold made

looking to the wolf month wolves forage for
past and the food in the villages.
February Februaria – Thong (februa) Sprote Cabbage sprouting
goddess of beating of barren Kalemonath month
women by two
young men
March Mars The God of war HilydMonath
April Aprilis It means “open” Easter Monat Easter Month
May Maius The mother of the Thrimilice Between sunrise and
god Hermes. sunset
June Junuis The murderers of Sere Monath Dry-Mouth
Julius Caesar
July Juluis Juluis in his The original name fifth month in the
early Roman
honored was quintilis
August Sextilis The original Augustus Caesar
name was clarified and
sextilis, sixth completed the
month in the calendar reform of
early Roman Julius Caesar. In the
calendar. process, he also
renamed this month
after himself.
September September seventh month in septembre September had 30
the early Roman days, until Numa
calendar when it had 29 days,
until Julius when it
became 30 days
October October ME OE from octobre October has always
Latin October, had 31 days.
eighth month in
the early Roman
November November ME OE from Novembre Novembris had 30
Latin November, days, until Numa
ninth month of when it had 29 days,
the early Roman until Julius when it
calendar, from became 30 days
novem NINE long.
December December Middle English decembre December had 30
Decembre from days, until Numa
OF and Latin when it had 29 days,
December, tenth until Julius when it
month of the became 31 days
early Roman long.
calendar (decem
TEN + membri
from mens
MONTH + ri
How to write a Concept Paper?

1 Grab your reader’s attention. Concept papers are meant to persuade sponsors, convincing them to
fund or adopt your idea. This means it’s critical to “hook” them right at the beginning.

For instance, you could start off your paper with an attention-grabbing statistic related to your project:
“Every year, 10.5 million pounds of food go to waste due to one common pest: rats.”

2 Explain why you are approaching this sponsor. After getting your reader’s attention, the introduction
to your concept paper should then describe how your goals and the sponsor’s mission mesh. This tells
the sponsor that you’ve done your homework and are serious about approaching them.

3 Describe the problem your project addresses. The next section of a concept paper will devote a few
sentences or short paragraphs to the specific purpose of your project. Describe the problem you want to
solve, and illustrate how you know it exists.

4 Put the problem in context to explain why it matters. Show how your project relates to current issues,
questions, or problems. Statistics and other numerical data can help build a convincing case for why
your problem matters. Some readers might also be moved by narratives or personal stories, so consider
including those as well.

5. A Rationale

You explain here the reasons why you need to undertake that thesis proposal of yours. You can ask
yourself the following questions:

What prompted you to prepare the concept paper?

Why is the issue of such importance?
What should you be able to produce out of your intended study?

6. A Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is simply your guide in working on your idea. It is like a map that you need to
follow to arrive at your destination. An excellent way to come up with one is to do a mind mapping

That brings up another thing, what is mind mapping anyhow?

A mind map is simply a list of keywords that you can connect to make clear an individual issue. It is our
subconscious way of analyzing things. We tend to associate a thing with another thing. This relates to
how we recall past experiences. In computers, we have the so-called “links” that connect commands in a
computer module to make an application program work. How does mind mapping work?

3. Your Hypothesis
Once the idea of the conceptual framework is quite clear to you, then you may write your hypothesis. A
hypothesis is just your expected output in the course of conducting your study. The hypothesis arises
from the conceptual framework that you have prepared.


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