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OAM Third Quarter Exam

Which of the following does not form part of an organization’s micro-environment?

The correct answer is: Statute legislation

Maslow suggests that human needs are arranged in a series of levels, a hierarchy of importance. Which
of the following statements are relevant to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory?
The correct answer is: All of the given options.

The most effective leader is one who:

The correct answer is: has the leadership style most appropriate to the situation and the employee

When call center managers spend much of their time monitoring customer calls and giving employees
feedback about how to improve their dialogue with customers in the future, these managers are using
__________ skills.
The correct answer is: Technical

Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational goals is the process of:
The correct answer is: Leadership

Which is a characteristic for organization?

The correct answer is: all of the given options

Scientific management is based on the assumption that:

The correct answer is: The scientific observation of people at work would reveal the one best way to do
the task.

Which of the following best describes Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

The correct answer is: It is a highly flawed model, although it does recognize that people are motivated

This is something that at some time in the future may destabilize and/or reduce the potential
performance of the organization. The correct answer is: Threat

It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs into outputs.
The correct answer is: Operations management

Who is father of scientific management?

The correct answer is: Frederick Winslow Taylor

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a bureaucratic organization?

The correct answer is: Change
Which approach to the study of organizational behavior emphasizes the formal structure, hierarchy of
management, the technical requirements and the assumption of rational behavior?
The correct answer is: The classical approach

Which of the following is not a commonly used term to describe an element of the business
environment? The correct answer is: Extrinsic environment

A successful person in which of the following positions may be promoted to a management position?
The correct answer is: All of the choices may lead to successful management positions

Which of the following is an example of the Hawthorne experiments?

The correct answer is: All of the given options

Checking progress against plans.

The correct answer is: Controlling

Which of the following is a strength for an organization?

The correct answer is: Low labor turnover

_____ in businesses and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to
accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively.
The correct answer is: Management

Which of the following is most closely associated with Henry Fayol?

The correct answer is: Classical Management School

Supervisory management spends most of his/her time:

The correct answer is: Directing and controlling

Strategic planning is done by:

The correct answer is: Top managers

Which of the following would be included in the "controlling function”?

The correct answer is: Measuring results against corporate objectives.

One of the earliest and most enduring descriptions of managerial roles comes from:
The correct answer is: Henry Mintzberg

The application of scientific principles to management is called:

The correct answer is: Scientific management

Which of the following is not a measure of a manager’s effectiveness?

The correct answer is: Speed of promotion through the organization

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which is the highest level of need?

The correct answer is: None of the given options
Individuals in organizations who direct the activities of others.
The correct answer is: Managers

Humanistic realities were originally advocated by:

The correct answer is: Maslow

Which of the following does not form part of a firm’s macro-environment?

The correct answer is: internal environment

Mintzberg classified the activities of monitoring, disseminating and being a spokesperson as part of a
manager’s ____ role. The correct answer is: Informational

The main schools of management thought are:

Select one:
The correct answer is: Classical, human relations, systems, contingency.

Effectiveness is synonymous with ____.

The correct answer is: Goal attainment

Which one is not interpersonal managerial role?

The correct answer is: Spokesperson

In the twenty-first century the four functions of management are:

The correct answer is: planning, organizing, controlling, and leading employees

What are the major functions Henry Fayol delineated for managers?
The correct answer is: Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating & Controlling

Which of the following is an opportunity for an organization?

The correct answer is: Establishing Internet sales

Fayol's functions of management include:

The correct answer is: Planning, commanding, organizing, coordinating, controlling.

The systems approach _____?

The correct answer is: Encourages managers to view the organization both as a whole and as part of a
larger environment
Distinguishes a managerial position from a non-managerial one.
The correct answer is: Coordinating and integrating others’ work

It is directing the work activities of others.

The correct answer is: Leading

Modern managers are: The correct answer is: All of the given options.
Systems theory holds that:
The correct answer is: The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Manage the activities of other managers.

The correct answer is: Middle managers

The three main types of managers include:

The correct answer is: general, functional, and front-line managers

Which of the following is not an example of bureaucratic functioning in organizations?

The correct answer is: Advertising and marketing brochures

Which of the following is not an assumption of Theory Y?

The correct answer is: Primary motivators are fear and money

Internal Consists of the trends and events within an organization that affect_____.
The correct answer is: All of the given options

It combines tech with business to get people the information they need to do their jobs
better/faster/smarter. The correct answer is: Management Information System

Which of the following is a Threat for an organization? The correct answer is: Economic downturn

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