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Civil Engineering Department


The Thesis Titled "Behavior of Multistoried RC Framed Buildings with Open
Ground Floor under Seismic Loading", Submitted by: Sharany Haque, Roll No:
040404307F, Session: Apri1/2004; has been accepted as satisfactory in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Civil

Engineering (Structural) on 8th August, 2007.


Dr. Khan Mahmud Amanat Chairman

Professor (Supervisor)
Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Muhammad 'zikaria

Professor and Head Member (Ex-Officio)
Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed

Professor Member
Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Dr. Sohrabuddin Ahmad
House #61 IB, Road # 6A
Dhanmondi RIA, Dhaka-1209

It is hereby declared that except for the contents where specific reference have been
made to the work of others, the studies contained in this thesis is the result of
investigation carried out by the author. No part of this thesis has been submitted to
any other University or educational establishment for a Degree, Diploma or other
qualification (except for publication).

Signature of the Candidate

') be tao..., f:la~"e

(Sharany Haque)






1.1 General

1.2 Objectives of the Present Study 2

1.3 Methodology and Scope of the Study 3
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 4


2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Masonry Infill in RC Building 6
2.3 Computational Modeling of Infill Panel 10
2.3.1 Equivalent Diagonal Strut Approach 10
2.3.2 Continuum Approach 14
2.4 Effect of Earthquake on Buildings with Soft Story 16
2.5 Building Codes and Historical Review Of Works 20
2.5.1 Structure without Considering Soft Story 20
2.5.2 Structure Considering Soft Story
2.6 Remarks 24


3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 Software Used For Analysis 25
3.3 Description of Elements 25
3.3.1 Frame Element for Beam and Column 25
3.3.2 Mass Element 26
3.3.3 Shell Element for Slab 27

3.3.4 Spring -Damper for Infill 28
3.4 Choice of the Model to Develop Masonry Infill 29
3.5 Loads on Structure
3.6 Equivalent Static Force Method (ESFM) 31
3.7 Modal Analysis
3.8 Dynamic Response Method 33
3.8.1 Response History Analysis (RHA) 33
3.8.2 Response Spectrum Method (RSM) 33
3.9 Method of Modal Combination 36
3.10 Reference Model for the Present Study 38
3.11 Analysis of Reference Model 39
3.12 Comparison of Mode Shapes 40
3.13 Comparison of Member Forces 41
3.14 Remarks 42


4.1 Introduction 43

4.2 Structural Parameters of Different Models 43

4.3 Parameters of Models of Buildings 44

4.3.1 Effect of Variation ofInfill Density on

Period of Vibration 46

4.3.2 Effect of Variation ofInfill Percentage on

Story Sway 49

4.3.3 Effect of Variation ofInfill Percentage on

Base Shear 50

4.3.4 Effect of Variation ofInfill Percentage on

Force and Bending Moment 52

4.3.5 Effect of Variation ofInfill Percentage 011

Design Steel Requirement 55

4.4 Remarks 57

5.1 Introduction 58
5.2 Remedial Measures Suggested From the Present Study 58
5.2.1 Magnification of Base Shear 58
5.2.2 Isolation ofInfill 60
5.3 Detailing for Ductility 63
5.4 Some Other Retrofitting and Remedial Measures 66
5.4.1 Confined Masonry Construction 66
5.4.2 Provide Shear Wall 66
5.4.3 Dissipating Bracing 68
5.4.4 Base Isolation 69
5.5 Remarks 69


6.1 General 70
6.2 Findings in Brief 70
6.3 Recommendations for Safeguarding Buildings with
Soft Ground Floor 71
6.4 Scope for further study 72



Thanks to Almighty Allah for His graciousness, unlimited kindness and with the
blessings of Whom the good deeds are fulfilled.

The author wishes to express her deepest gratitude to Dr. Khan Mahmud Amanat,
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka, for his continuous
guidance, invaluable suggestions and affectionate encouragement at every stage of
this study.

A very special debt of deep gratitude is offered to the author's parents, husband and
sister for their continuous encouragement and cooperation during this study.

In urban areas of Bangladesh it is a very common practice to keep the ground floor
of multi storied buildings open for parking facility. These buildings-are generally
designed as RC framed buildings without considering the masonry infill
contribution. Conventional practice is to consider the masonry infill as non structural
element. But in reality masonry infills make the structure stiffcr; resulting stiffness
irregularity, in buildings with open ground floor. In this thesis, an extensive
computational study has been conducted to find out the nature of buildings with
open ground floor and to determine the seismic vulnerability of such a building.
A numerical investigation has been performed to evaluate the naturc of RC framed
building with open ground floor, i.e. soft story building. Several soft story buildings
with variation of number of floors, number of span, number of bays, floor panel size,
percentage of infills etc. are considered during the investigation. The infills are
modeled as equivalent diagonal strut. Beams and columns are modeled using three-
dimensional frame element and floor slab using shell element. Loads considered
during analysis are dead load, live load, wind and earthquake load. Bangladesh
National Building Code (BNBC, 1993) is followed in the analysis. Earthquake load
is studied with both equivalent static force method and response spectrum method.
The time period, force, bending moment, sway pattern as well as stecl percentage of
the same buildings is also evaluated and compared using equivalent static force
method and response spectrum method.
It has been found from analysis that natural period of the building decreases with
increasing amount of in fill as found from dynamic analysis while conventional
Equivalent Static Force Method (ESFM) does not show any variation in period with
varying amount of infill. Presence of infill in upper stories makes those floors much
stiffer compared to ground floor. As a result the upper floors behave togethcr in a
rigid manner causing excessive sway at ground floor level. This soft story behavior
is clearly identified in dynamic analysis in prescnce of infill while conventional
static analysis cannot predict such behavior. It has been found from analysis that the
design base shear is significantly increased due to presence of structurally active
infill as compared to static analysis. This clearly indicates that the ground floor
columns in buildings with soft story are, in general significantly under-designed for
earthquake loading. As such the possibility of collapse of such buildings by soft
story mechanism is very high during earthquakes.
Based on the findings of the study suggestions are made to safcguard buildings with
open ground floor form soft story collapse. Two alternative suggestions arc made,
namely, a) base shear amplification for design of ground floor columns at design
stage and b) Isolation of infill form the frame elements at construction phase to
make them structurally inactive. It is expected that these suggestions would be
useful for safeguarding buildings with open ground floor and human life.




In recent years, structural engineers are giving increasing attention to the design
of buildings capable of withstanding earthquakes. A great deal of time and effort
are going into the development of improved methods of design. This has led to a
bctter understanding of earthquakes and the forces they exert on buildings. New
concepts are developed concerning the earthquake resistance of buildings as
determined by their ability to absorb the energy input from the earth vibration.

The selection of the appropriate configuration of the structural system, on which the
actual seismic performance of the buildings mainly depends, is onc of the most
important subjects in seismic design. Nevertheless, little attention is generally paid
to the appropriate configuration of structure in seismic design and, in spite of its real
importance, only few of the recent design codes underline thc problcm (Eurocodc 8,
2003). Hence, the problem has not been given due consideration in the current
professional practice, starting from the first steps of the architectural design, when
the morphology of the building is defined. This implies that often the structural
system is not designed as an effective earthquake resistant system integrated in the
behaviour of the whole building. This situation can have serious consequences under
earthquake force. Buildings with open ground story may face such typc of problem.

The RC framed structures where the ground floor is left open without any partition
walls (of either masonry or RC) between the columns are called open ground floor
buildings or soft story buildings. These types of buildings have masonry infill in the
upper floor whereas ground floor is kept open for parking facility or for other
purpose. From functional point of view, providing such facilitics is esscntial. Thus
the problem lies with the interaction of masonry infills on the upper floors that
makes those floors much stiffer rendering the ground floor 'soft'.

In addition to functioning as partitions, the infills also serve structurally to brace

the frame against horizontal loading. It is well recognized (Smith and Coul,
1991, Smith 1962) that this infill contributes to the lateral load rcsistance

mechanism of the building that is seldom considered in design practice. The wall
braces the frame partly by its in-plane shear resistance and partly by its behavior
as a diagonal braeing strut in the frame. Their presence in the structure reduces the
sway against lateral load. Presence of infill also modifies the vibrational
characteristics of a building frame. Infills influence the natural period in two ways:
(a) their mass contributes to the total weight of the building which tends to increase
the period and (b) their in-plane rigidity increases the stiffness of the structure
causing some reduction in the period of vibration. In conventional structural analysis
of framed structures practiced in Bangladesh, these effects of infills arc generally not
considered though open story buildings are very common. Conventional analysis
techniques, either static or dynamic, generally do not consider infill as structural
element. Thus the actual behavior of structures is different than those predicted by
conventional analysis. This practice is very risky in seismic point of view. Presence
of walls in the upper story makes them much stiffer than the open ground floor.
Thus they move almost together as a single rigid block. As the columns in the open
story are usually not strong enough in resisting sideways shaking from the
earthquake, they get severely damaged, subsequently leading to the collapse of the
superstructure. It is thus cssential that the function of infill as a structural element be
recognized in the design practices and due modification in the building design
procedure be adopted to safeguard human lives.


The objective of the present investigation is to study the seismic vulnerability of

multi storied RC framed buildings having open ground floor behaving as a soft
story. This thesis highlights the importance of explicitly recognizing the presence of
the open ground floor in the analysis of the building. The error involved in modeling
such buildings as complete bare frames, neglecting the presence of infills in the
upper story, is brought out through the study of a series of buildings with different
amount of infills. This thesis argues for immediate measures to prevent the
indiscriminate use of soft ground floor in buildings, which are designed without
regard to the increased displacement, ductility and force demands in the ground noor
columns. The objectives of this study, more specifically, are as follows:

1. To develop finite clement models of a series of buildings including

infills on the upper floors keeping the ground floor free of in fills

11. Analyze these buildings using conventional Equivalent Static Force

Method (ESFM) as well as Response Spectrum Method (RSM)
following Bangladesh National Building Code (BNGC) in addition to
other loads like dead load, live load and wind load.

111. To investigate the effect of various amount of infilled panels ranging

from ten percent to ninety percent of the total frame panels filled by
infills keeping the ground floor open.

IV. To assess the sway pattern and time period of buildings with and
without considering the effect of infil!.

v. To make a comparison between the two methods; Equivalent Static

Force Method and Response Spectrum Method available in BNBC,
1993 for calculating the earthquake force.

VI. To investigate possible structural behavior of ground floor columns

under seismic loading (as a soft story) in presence of infill on upper

VII. To measure the required steel percentage in the ground floor columns
with and without considering different amounts of infill in the upper

VIII. To determine possible remedies if the vulnerability of such buildings,

due to earthquake loads, is significant.


The present research topic has been undertaken to study the behavior of multi storied
RC framed building with open ground floor. The total study shall be done following

To carry out a systematic computational investigation 3D model of multi storied

buildings will be developed by using finite element software with beams and
columns as frame elements, slab as shell element and infill as mass element and

as diagonal struts. To predict the appropriate nature of such buildings, thc same
models shall be analyzed without infill and with various perccntagcs of infill.
Ground floor shall be kept open; no in fill shall be present there. These models
will be subjected to all type loads, i.e. live load, dead load, wind and earthquake
load. Earthquake load will be analyzed by Equivalent Static Force Method and
Dynamic Response Spectrum Method of BNBC (1993). Buildings with rcgular
frames shall be studied only. Material shall be assumed linearly clastic and
isotropic. Study shall be concentrated on the behavior of ground floor columns


Chapter I introduces the reader with the thesis work. Review of codes and theories
for measuring the soft story effect are described in Chapter 2. The effect of infill to
the stiffness and parameters of infill are also described in Chapter. 2. Chapter 3
illustrates the methodology for modeling the building frame with and without infill
by using a finite element program. Chapter 4 presents a detail analysis of results and
comparison of results in a graphical form. Investigation conducted in this chapter
leads to a recommendation to reduce the open ground floor effcct. In chapter 5,
some remedial measures, based on the findings of the study, are proposed for
such buildings. The conclusions made from the study are presented in Chapter 6.
This chapter also recommends future work or extension of this work.

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* . .. y.:..... CHAPTER 2
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Bangladesh is experiencing a rapid pace of urbanization. Already, the

country has got a huge urban population that creates a tremendous pressure
on human shelter, especially in big cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, etc. As a
result, a lot of multistoricd buildings are built in order to fulfiil the demand.
Most of the multistoried buildings are found to have open story at ground
level. This is primarily being adopted to accommodate parking or reception
lobbies in the ground story. Commonly the upper stories have brick infill
wall panels. This causes stiffness irregularity in vertical direction leading to
the development of soft story mechanism. The Bangladesh National Building
Code (BNBC, 1993) classifies a soft story as one whose lateral stiffness is less than
70% of the story above or below. This classification renders most buildings, with no
masonry infill walls in the ground story, to be "buildings with soft ground floor." A
typical soft story of a building is shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1 A Building with soft ground floor

Soft-story has long been recognized as an unfavorable feature for building

structures. During earthquakes, particularly, soft story is likely to create negative
effects such as stress concentration and alteration of dynamic properties of

buildings. Due to the stiffening effect of masonry in the upper floors, most of the
deflections occur in the ground floor columns, which result in the failure of the
ground floor columns. For this reason soft ground story is of great conccrn from
earthquake point of view.


Masonry infill (MI) elements are used extensively as infill wall panels in reinforced
concrete and steel frame structures. Masonry infill fulfill architectural and other
functional requirements, such as forming a significant portion of building envelop,
partitioning, temperature and sound barriers, while also providing adequate
compartmentalization against fire hazard. Lack of knowledge on its performance
under seismic loading has discouraged engineers from relying on the interaction of
infills with the enclosing structural system. Therefore, it has become a common
practice to ignore the participation of infills in resisting lateral loads. Research has
shown the beneficial effects of the interaction between masonry inf:lls and structural
elements for seismic perfonnance of existing frame buildings. Researchers have
concluded that proper use of infills in frames could result in significant increases in
the strength and stiffness of structures subjected to seismic excitations (Klingner and
Bertero 1978, Mehrabi et al. 1996, Bertero and Brokken, 1983). However, the
locations of in fill in a building must be carefully selected to avoid or minimize
torsional effects as well as soft story effect. Architectural restrictions have to bc
considered when assigning these locations.

Masonry infill walls confined by reinforced concrete (RC) frames on all four sides
playa vital role in resisting the lateral seismic loads on buildings. The behavior of
masonry infilled frames has been extensively studied (Smith and Coul, 1991; Murty
and Jain 2000; Moghaddam and Dowling 1987 etc) in allempts to develop a rational
approach for design of such frames. It has been shown experimentally that MI walls
have a very high initial lateral stiffness and low deformability (Moghaddam and
Dowling 1987). Thus introduction of MI in RC frames changes the lateral-load
transfer mechanism of the structure from predominant frame action to predominant
truss action (Murty and Jain 2000), as shown in Fig. 2.2, which is responsible for
reduction in bending moments and increase in axial forces in the frame members.

(a) IIrt'DUm illa Ilt frame act ion (b) Prt..'dOIlliIl1IlIl [rus:-, ~Iclil\:l

Fig. 2.2 Change in lateral load transfer mechanism due to masonry inlills
(Murty and Jain 2000).

The high in-plane rigidity of the masonry wall significantly stiffens the otherwise
relatively flexible frame. The result is, therefore, a relatively stiff and tough bracing
system. The wall braces the frame partly by its inplane shear resistance (Fig. 2.3)
and partly by its behavior as a diagonal bracing strut.

She~r deform~tion
of infills

Frame bearing
on infill

Fig. 2.3 Interactive behavior of frame and infill


in compresslon

Wlndward ~
columns in EqUlvalent
tenSl0n diagonal

Fig. 2.4 Analogous braced frame

The frame of Fig. 2.4 shows such mode of behavior. When the frame is subjected to
horizontal loading, it deforms with double-curvature bending of the columns and
beams. The translation of the upper part of the column in each story and the
shortening of the leading diagonal of the frame cause the column to lean against the
wall as well as to compress the wall along its diagonal. It is roughly analogous to a
diagonally braced frame, shown in fig 2.4

The potential modes of failure, of the wall arise as results of its interaction with the
frame are given below:

I. Tension failure of the tension column due to overturning moments.

2. Flexure or shear failure of the columns.

3. Compression failure of the diagonal strut.

4. Diagonal tension cracking of the panel and

5. Sliding shear failure of the masonry along horizontal mortar beds

The above failure modes are shown in Fig. 2.5 and 2.6.

The "perpendicular" tensile stresses are caused by the divergence of the compressive
stress trajectories on opposite sides of the leading diagonal as they approach the

middle region of the infill. The diagonal cracking is initiated at and spreads from the
middle of the infill, where the tensile stresses are a maximum, tending to stop near
the compression comers, where the tension is suppressed.

Length of

-- ----
h Shear cracking

Compressive. crush,ng

Fig. 2.5 Modes of infill failure

Shear cracking

Tensile cracking Shear cracking

Fig. 2.6 Modes of frame failure

The nature of the forces in the frame can be understood by referring to the analogous
braced frame shown in Fig. 2.4. The windward column or the column facing
earthquake load first, is in tension and the leeward column or the other side of the
building facing earthquake load last, is in compression. Since the infill bears on the

frame not as a concentrated force exactly at the corners, but over short lengths of thc
beam and column adjacent to eaeh compression comer, the frame members are
subjected also to transverse shear and a small amount of bending. Consequently, thc
frame members or their connections are liable to fail by axial force or shcar, and
especially by tension at the base of the windward column.


Modeling of RC structures as well as infill panels are based mainly on finite

element methods and sophisticated material models. The modcling of infill
panel with reinforced concrete frame can be broadly categorized into two
approaches: a) equivalent diagonal strut approach and b) continuum approach.

2.3.1 Equivalent Diagonal Strut Approach

The first published research on modeling of infill panel as an equivalent

diagonal strut was by Holmes (1961). He proposed a method for predicting the
deformations and strength of infilled frames based on the equivalent diagonal
strut concept. He assumed that the infill wall acts as a diagonal compression
strut, as shown in Fig. 2.7(a), of the same thickness and elastic modulus as the
infill with a width equal to one-third the diagonal length. He also concluded
that, at the infill failure, the lateral deflection of the infilled frame is small
compared to the deflection of the corresponding bare frame.


Fig. 2.7(a) The diagonal Fig. 2.7 (b) Material modeling of

compression strut of masonry infill masonry infill as diagonal strut


Smith (1962) conducted a serics of tests on laterally loaded square mild steel frame
models infilled with micro-concrete. Monitoring the model deformations during
the tests showed that the frame separated from the infill over three quarters of the
length of each frame member. These observations led to the conclusion that, the
wall could be replaced by an equivalent diagonal strut connecting the loaded

Mainstone (1971) presented results of series of tests on model frames with infills
of micro-concrete and model brickwork along with a less number of full-scale
tests. He found that factors such as the initial lack of fit between the infill and the
frame and variation in the elastic properties and strength of the infill can result in a
wide variation in behavior even between nominally identical specimens.

Saneinejad and Hobbs (1995) proposed a method of analyzing masonry infilled

steel frames subjected to in-plane loading. The method utilized the data generated
from previous experiments as well as the results of a series of non-linear FE
analyses. The proposed method accounts for both the clastic and plastic behavior
of infilled frames and predicts the strength and stiffness of the infilled frames. The
method also accounted for various parameters like different wall aspect ratios and
different beam to-column stiffness and strength.

.J ,--,,-_-,-_~_--,-~!L
-.. r--"

.-_ ••.• ----- .•• - -.---,

\1\lI\l •• : ,
Ir:nl1l: ' ,
- -
~\l:l:-'O:l1 Y I l'"
1llIillIKI~H:l : I:

! I
~--_ .. _-------~~:
h ,. ~I

Fig. 2.8 (a) Masonry inlilled frame sub-assemblage in masonry inlill panel

--i 1

Fig. 2.8 (b) Masonry infill panel in frame structure

Madan et al. (1997) further extended the work of Saneinejad and Hobbs (1995)
by including a smooth hysteretic model for the equivalent diagonal strut. The
proposed analytical development assumes that the contribution of masonry
infill panel as shown in Fig. 2.8(a) to the response of the infillcd frame can be
modeled by replacing the panel by a system of two diagonal masonry
compression struts as shown in Fig. 2.8(b).

. 1.'[,. r
J == . m III \\'here
t' m m r-l+ c


r= E III

E -E.;~cc
"I .


[ ....

Fig. 2.8 (c) Constitutive model for masonry in fill panel by Madan ct. al. (1997)


Vm --------------


u U
"1 U

Vn, JR
,I Ii

Fig. 2.8 (d) Strength envelope for masonry infill panel by Madan et. at. (1997)

The stress strain relationship for masonry in compression as shown in Fig.

2.8(c) is used to determine the strength envelope of the equivalent strut. The
individual masonry struts are considered ineffective in tension. But the
combination of both diagonal struts provides a lateral load resisting mechanism
for the opposite lateral directions of loading. The lateral force-deformation
relationship for the structural masonry infil1 panel is assumed to be a smooth
curve bounded by a bilinear strength envelope with an initial clastic stiffness
until the yield force Vy, and there on a degraded stiffness until the maximum

force V"" is reached shown in Fig. 2.8(d). The corresponding latcral

displacement values are denoted as "yand "", respectively.

Considering the masonry frame of Fig. 2.8 (d), the maximum lateral force V",.

and the corresponding displacement """ in the infil1 masonry panel (Madan et

a!., 1997) are

. ~'O.83ti' (2.1 )
- J
J: '"
cose" -------


in which t = thickness of the infill panel; I' = latcral dimcnsion of the in!il! panel;
f, = masonry prism strength; c' = corrcsponding strain; () ~ inc! ination of the

diagonal strut; v = basic shear strength of masonry; and Ad and Ld = area and
length of the equivalent diagonal struts rcspectively. These quantities can be
estimated using the formulations of the "equivalent strut model" proposed by
Saneinejad and Hobbs (1995). The initial stiffness Ko of the in fill masonry panel
may be estimated using the following formula Madan et al. (1997),


The degradation of strut stiffness from Ko to K, was assumed to be a bilinear

curve by Madan et al. (1997). A more rational degradation path would be a

smooth curve shown by the heavy solid line in Fig. 2.8 (d). The form of the curve
is suggested as given below,

(Ko -K,)u
V =- .---- .+ K u (2.4 )
[1+{Ko -K, u},]y, ,

where, v = V Ko -K, (2.5)

o Y K

2.3.2 Continuum Approach

In the period of very early ages of studying infill panels, cxperimental work
was Conducted by Thomas (1953) and Wood (1958) in the United Kingdom
and test result; provided ample testimony that a relatively wcak infill can
contribute significantly to the stiffness and strength of an otherwise flexible
frame. Sachanski (1960) performed tests on model and prototype infilled
frames. Based on his test results he proposed an analytical modcl in which he
analyzed contact forces between the frame and the infill by assuming their

mutual bond to be replaced by thirty redundant reactions.

Riddington and Smith (1977) conducted an extensive series of plane stress

finite element analyses of laterally loaded infilled frames. Mallick and Severn

(1967) introduced an iterative technique whereby the points of separation


between the frame and the infill, as well as the stress distribution along the
length of contact between the frame and the infill, were obtained as an integral
part of the solution.

Barua and Mallick (1977) used FE to analyze infilled frames and their
technique was similar to the method proposed by Sachanski (1960) except that
a finite element technique was used to determine stiffness coefficients of the
boundary nodes of the infil!.

Liauw and Kwan (1983, 1985) developed a plastic theory of non-integral

(without shear connectors) infilled frames in which the stress redistribution
towards collapse was taken into account and the friction is neglected for
strength reserve. The theory was based on the findings from non-linear finite
element analysis and experimental investigation.

Liauw and Lo (1988) conducted a series of tests on a number of small-scale

models of micro concrete infilled steel frames.

Dawe and Charalambous (1983) presented a finite element technique where

standard beam and membrane elements were used to model the frame and the

infill wall, respectively.

Mehrabi and Shing (1997) developed a cohesive dilatants interface model to

simulate the behavior of mortar joints between masonry units as well as the
behavior of frame to panel interface, and a smeared crack finite clement
formulation has been used to model concrete in the RC frame and masonry
units in the infill panels.

Seah (1998) suggested an analytical technique, III which the steel frame was
modeled using elastic beam-column elements connected with nonlinear
rotational, shear, and nominal springs.

Ghosh and Amde (2002) verified the design of infilled frames to resist lateral loads
on buildings in terms of their failure modes, failure loads and initial stiffness using
procedures proposed by Riddington (1984) and Pook and Dawe (1986). This
verification is made by comparing the results of the analytical procedures of the

prevIOus authors with those of a new finite element model for installed !1'ames,
which are verified using experimental results.

Continuum approaches are good for studying the behavior of infill itself and
requires a significant computational time. For this reason such models are not
suitable for studying overall structural behavior of a building where infill is only a
component. On the other hand, diagonal strut approach requires very little
computational time and therefore suitable for studying overall structural behavior
of a building. For this reason in the present study continuum approach is not used.


Open ground story buildings are inherently poor systems with sudden drop 111

stiffness and strength in the ground story. In the current practice, stiff masonry walls
Fig. 2.9(a) are neglected and only bare frames are considered in design calculations

tnfilf \'\/a Us not


'!l'B II!l

t!VS I1Jli!I
considered in

r_=_::_=_:"1- ••••_..•••._~_..•••.•'I
'~=~JC" -----
TEn G:I rmt If ttIl tel 'El!iI1DI

:~_~.,. 1I51l1UJ'1mE

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.9 Open ground story building a) actual building b) building being
assumed in current design practice

The mode shapes and the corresponding contribution of different modes depend
upon the amount and location of infills in the frame because of their high initial
stiffness, as shown in Fig. 2.10, where a single frame of the ten-story building is

,.- •,"
'"" "'" -"'"
, full)'
"" , Storey ~~u ,, :"5
S!{)I~Y l'>
r- ,,
, ~ f(\rce
.", fon;t:
•... ---
"<i " . -"
'" ,',
, '" '" "i
'"-",. ~':i.
,,... - --

" "
"i "i
'<i .~

'""i •••" "i " "'" " !"

, .........•..••.... ~',~
"" "i
(a) (b)

Fig. 2.10 Effects of masonry infills on the first mode shape of a typical frame of
a ten story RC building a) Displacement profile b) Fully infilled frame c) Open
ground floor frame (EER1, 2001)

In the case of a fully infilled frame, lateral displacements are unifonnly distributed
throughout the height as shown in Fig. 2.10(a and b). On the other hand, in the case
of open ground floor buildings, most of the lateral displacement is accumulated at
the ground level itself because this floor is the most flexible due to absence of infills
(Fig. 2.10 c). Similarly, the seismic story shear forces and subsequently the bending
moments concentrate in the open ground story, instead of gradually varying as in
fully infilled frame (Fig. 2.10 c and b).

The presence of walls in upper stories makes them much stiffer than the open
ground story. Thus, upper story move almost together as a single block and most of
the horizontal displacement of the building occurs in the soft ground story itself. In
common language, this type of buildings can be explained as a building on
chopsticks. Thus, such buildings swing back-and-forth like inverted pendulums
during earthquake shaking (Fig. 2. I 1), and the columns in the open ground story arc
severely stressed. If the columns are weak (do not have the required strength to resisl
these high stresses) so that they do not have adequate ductility, they may be severely
damaged which may even lead to collapse of the building.

-._-~. ::':L.-J:r
.:'D-'":• m - •

•• ..... _ .. -



.,,' ..


Fig. 2.11 Soft story building act as an inverted pendulum

Open ground-story buildings have consistently performed poorly during

earthquakes across the world, for example, during 1999 Turkey, 1999 Taiwan,
2001 Bhuj (India) and 2003 Algeria earthquakes, San Fernando 1971 etc. a
significant number of buildings with soft story have collapsed. Alarming
amount of damage to the buildings with open basements for parking has bcen
reported during the Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994, as well as
Great Hanstin Earthquake of Kobe 1995. Typical examples of such collapses
arc shown in Fig. 2.12 through 2.15.

Bangladesh and its neighboring areas passed through a number of earthquakes

measuring greater than 7.00 on the Richter scale and in recent years several
earthquakes with magnitude 4.0 to 6.0 were recordcd (Ahmed, 2005). The
history of the region indicates that there is a strong possibility of major
earthquakes occurrence that could cause extreme devastation. In fact, with most
of the buildings constructed without regard to seismic resistance, a moderate
earthquake could be fatal in populated, unplanned cities like Dhaka. At the
backdrop of earthquake vulnerability of structures, the construction of buildings
Fig. 2.12 Soft story collapse of the ground floor of a departmental store; Kobe,
1995 (EERI, 2000)

Fig. 2.13 Large deflection in soft story due to earthquake; Bhnj 2001 (Gulkan et
Fig. 2.14 Sway mechanisms are often inevitable with soft story ground floors;
Izmit, Turkey 1999 (EERI, 2000)

Fig. 2.15 Failure because of the effect of soft story mechanism; Los Angles, 1994
(EERI, 2000)

with soft ground story is considered to bc even more hazardous. This particular
hazardous construction cannot be avoidcd because of compelling planning and
utility requirements. As such developing an improved seismic design for such
building structure would ensure a higher degree safety against seismic hazard.

Total seismic base shear as experienced by a building during an earthquake is

dependent on its natural period; the seismic force distribution is dependent on
the distribution of stiffness and mass along the height. In buildings with soft
ground story, the upper story being stiff, undergoes smaller inter-story drift.
However, the inter-story drift in the soft ground story is large, which in turn, leads
to concentration of forces at the connections of the story above accompanied by
large plastic deformations. In addition, the columns of the soft stories dissipate
most of the energy developed during the earthquake. In this process the plastic
hinges are formed at the ends of columns, transforming into the soft story
mechanism. When this occurs in a lower story, the collapse is inevitable.

Therefore, the soft stories deserve a special consideration in analysis and

design. The basic assumption in static analysis is that only the first mode of
vibration of buildings governs the dynamics and the effects of higher modcs arc not
significant; therefore, higher modes are not considered in the analysis. Thus,
irrespective of whether the building is regular or irregular, static analysis cannot
adequately capture the true behavior of multistory buildings; the design forces for
the members in buildings may be grossly underestimated. However, several
uncertainties and approximations are involved in dynamic analysis (DA) in
describing the true dynamic loads, estimating the actual material and sectional
properties, etc. Therefore, DA must be used with great caution. Bangladesh National
Building Code (BNBC, 1993) has divided Bangladesh into three seismic zones
depending upon the seismic hazard associated with different regions and
recommends different analysis formula depending upon height, location (zone) and
configuration of buildings.


2.5.1 Structure without Cousidering Soft Story

Building codes specify design and construction requirements, which are

intended to protect buildings from major structural damages and the public
from loss of life and injury. These requirements are based to a large extent
on past earthquake experience and judgment. Because of differences in the
magnitude of earthquakes, geological formations, types of construction, and
other factors, the philosophy of seismic design among different countries of
engineers varied in different aspects.

Various national codes can be broadly grouped in two categories of those that
consider or do not consider the role of MI walls while designing RC frames. A very
few codes specifically recommend isolating the MI from the RC frames such that the
stiffness of MI does not play any role in the overall stiffness of the frame (NZS-31 0 I
1995, SNIP-II-7-81 1996). As a result, MI walls are not considered in the analysis
and design procedure. The isolation helps to prevent the problems associated with
the brittle behavior and asymmetric placement of MI. Another group of national
codes prefers to take advantage of certain characteristics of MI walls such as high
initial lateral stiffness, cost-effectiveness, and case in construction. These codes
require that the beneficial effects of MI are appropriately included in the analysis
and design procedure and that the detrimental effects are mitigated. In other words,
these codes tend to maximize the role of MI as a first line of defense against seismic
actions, and to minimize their potential detrimental effects through proper selection
of their layout and quality control.

Most national codes recognize that structures with simple and regular geometry
perform well during earthquakes, and unsymmetrical placement of MI walls may
introduce irregularities into them. These codes permit static analysis methods for
regular short buildings located in regions of low seismicity. However, for other
buildings, dynamic analyses are recommended, in which it is generally expected but
not specifically required that all components imparting mass and stiffness to the
structure are adequately modeled. Most codes restrict the use of seismic design forcc
obtained from dynamic analysis such that it docs not differ greatly from a minimum

value that is based on the code-prescribed empirical estimate of natural period. This
restriction prevents the design of buildings for unreasonably low forces that may
result from various uncer1ainties involved in a dynamic analysis.

Natural period of vibration is an important parameter in the building code equations

for determining the design earthquake force by any kind of equivalent static force
method. Natural periods of vibration of buildings depend upon their mass and lateral
stiffness. Presence of non-isolated Ml walls in buildings increases both thc mass and
stiffness of buildings; however, thc contribution of lalter is more significant.
Consequently, the natural periods of an Ml-RC frame are nonnally lower than that
of the corresponding bare frame. Therefore, the seismic design forces for MI frames
are generally higher than those for the bare frames. Although, all national codes
explicitly speeify empirical fOffi1ulaefor the fundamental natural period calculations
of bare RC frames, only a few spccify the fonnulae for Ml-RC framcs.

Sevcral codes-IS-1893 (2002); NBC-lOS (1995); NSR-98 (1998); Egyptian code

(1988); Venezuelan code (1988); Algerian code (1988); ESCP-I (l983)-suggest
using an empirical formula given by Eqn 2.6 to calculate the natural period of MI-
RC frames, To in sec.

T = 0.09h
where h is the height of the building (in meter) and d the base dimension of building
(in meter) at the plinth level along the considcred direction ofthc latcral forcc.

For To estimation, French code (AFPS-90 1990) recommends using the most
unfavorable of Eqn. 2.6 and the following equation that is specified for masonry

T = 0.06...!:.- ~ (2.7)
In Eqn. 2.6 and 2.7, total base width of buildings is used to calculate To' which may

not be appropriate. For example, d will be cqual to thc total basc dimension for all
the frames in Fig. 2. I6 irrespective of the distribution of MI in the frame. However,
for frame in Fig. 2.16c, it is more appropriate to consider d' as the effective base

width, rather than total width d of the building. Therefore, Eqn. 2.6 and 2.7 may not

estimate correct To values for different frames shown in Fig. 2.16.

(<I ) \0) 1\.'1

Fig. 2.16 Differcnt arrangcmcnts of masonry infill walls in RC framc

Amanat and Hoque (2006) studied the fundamental periods of vibration of a series
of regular RC framed buildings using 3D FE modeling and modal eigenvalue
analysis including the effects of infill. It has been found that when the models do not
include infill, as is done in conventional analysis, the period given by the analysis is
significantly longer than the period predicted by the code equations justifying the
imposition of upper limit on the period by the codes. However, when the effect of
in fill is included in the models, the time periods detennined from eigenvalue
analysis were remarkably close to those predicted by the code formulas. It is also
observed that the randomness in the distribution of infill does not cause much
variation of the period if the total amount of infilled panels is the same for all
models. It is also observed that varying total amount of infilled panels causes some
changes in the determined period. Based on the findings of the study, some
guidelines arc suggested for determining the period. The findings of the study have
showed a practical way to detem1ine the fundamental period of RC frames using

rational approaches like modal analysis, and eliminate the necessity of imposing

code limits as mentioned earlier.


2.5.2 Structure Considering Soft Story

Vertical irregularities are introduced into MI-RC frames due to reduction or absence
of MI in a particular story compared to adjacent stories. In general, this gives rise to
mass, stiffness, and strength irregularities along height of buildings. A few national
codes penalize beams and/or columns of the irregular stories, as they arc required to
be designed for higher seismic forces to compensate for the reduction in the strength
due to absence of MI in the irregular stories.

The Indian seismic code (IS- I893 2002) requires members of the soft story (story
stiffness less than 70% of that in the story above or less than 80% of the average
lateral stiffness of the three stories above) to be designed for 2.5 times the seismic
story shears and moments, obtained without considering the effects of MI in any
story. The factor of 2.5 is specified for all the buildings with soft stories irrespective
of the extent of irregularities; and the method is quite empirical. The other option is
to provide symmetric RC shear walls, designed for 1.5 times the design story shear
force in both directions of the building as far away from the center of the building as

Costa Rican code (1986) reqUlres that all structural-resisting systems must be
continuous from the foundation to the top of buildings, and stiffness of a stmy must
not be less than 50% of that of the story below.

Arlekar, Jain and Murty (1997) highlighted the importance of explicitly recognizing
the presence of the open ground story in the analysis of the building. The error
involved in modeling such buildings as complete bare frames, neglecting the
presence of infills in the upper story, is brought out through the study of an example
building with different analytical models.

Nagae (2006) studied six storied reinforced concrete building and focused on
seismic response of the soft ground floor based on the results on dynamic response

Huang (2005) studied the structural behaviors of low-to-midrise concrete buildings

of various configurations with emphases on dynamic properties, internal energy, and
the magnitude and distribution of seismic load. Several idealized models were made

to represent different structural configurations including pure frame, frames with

fully or partially infilled panels, and frames with a soft story at the bottom level, and
comparisons were made on the fundamental periods, base shear, and strain energy
absorbed by the bottom level between these structures.

Mezzi (2004) illustrated soft story is very dangerous from a seismic'point of view,
because the lateral response of these buildings is characterized by a large rotation
ductility demand concentratcd at the extreme scctions of the columns of the ground
floor, while the superstructure behaves like a quasi-rigid bod)'. A solution was
proposed for the preservation of a particular architectonic double soft-story

Fardis and Panagiotakos (1997) studied through numerical analyses thc effects of
masonry infills on the global seismic response of reinforced concrete structures.
Response spectra of elastic SDOF frames with nonlinear infills show that, despite
their apparent stiffening effect on the system, infills reduce spcctral displacements
and forces mainly through their high damping in the first large post-cracking

M. Helen Santhi, G. M. Samuel Knight (2005) studied two single-bay, three-story

space frames, one with brick masonry infill in thc second and third floors
representing a soft-story frame and the other without infill were designed and their
1:3 scale modcls were constructed according to non-seismic dctailing and the
similitude law.

Rodsin (2005) evaluated the potential seismic performance of building with soft
story in an area of low to moderate seismicity regions (such as Australia) by a
displacement-based method involving a push-over analysis.


This chapter summarizes the theoretical and cxperimcntal rcsearch work conducted
in the area of masonry infilled buildings with soft ground floor. It is widely
recognized nowadays that soft ground floor buildings significantly alter their
seismic response.



This chapter describes the finite element modeling of reinforced concrete building
with soft story and with the masonry infil!. Selection of element type for modeling
buildings including slab, beam, column, and in fill is described. Effect of infill is also
compared with bare frame.


A number of good finite element analysis tools or packages are readily available in
the civil engineering field. They vary in degree of complexity, usability and
versatility. Such packages are ABAQUAS, DIANA, ANSYS, ET ABS, STRAND,
ADINA, FEMSKI, and STAAD etc. Some of these programs are intended for
special type of structures. Of all these, the package ANSYS has bcen proved to be
relatively easy to use considering its detailed documentation, flexibility and
vastness of its capabilities. The version of ANSYS that has becn used for this
research work is ANSYS 10.0.


3.3.1 Frame Element for Beam and Column

For modeling beams and columns used element IS an elastic, uniaxial, 3-

dimensional element which can withstand tension, compressions, torsion and
bending. The element has two nodes with six degrees of freedom at each node;
translations in the nodal x, y, and z axes and rotations about the nodal x. y. z axes.
The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this element arc
shown in Fig. 3.1. The element is defined by two or three nodes, the cross-
sectional area, two area moments of inertia (1" and lyy), an angle of orientation (8
or v) about the element x-axis, and the material properties.

K (Optional)

,, ,,
,, ''
,, ,
, ,
, '
,, '
I' 6
If node K is omitted and 6-0 ,
the element I' axis is parallel
to the global X-I' plane.

,--------------- -


T1.T5 CD I T4. TB

I' 11'1'

I"-TKY --.

Fig.3.1 3-D clastic beam clement

3.3.2 Mass Element

All real structures potentially have an infinite number of displacements.

Therefore, in dynamic analysis a computer model is created with a finite number
of massless members and a finite number of node (joint) displacements that will

simulate the behavior of the real structure. The mass of a structural system,
which can be accurately estimated, is lumped at the nodcs. So in dynamic
analysis placement and total value of mass is a very important parameter. The
vibration of structure depends largely on mass element. Mass element is a point
element used as a structural mass on each nodal point of the formulated. The
node of mass element has got six degrees of freedom: translations in the nodal x,
y and z directions and rotations about nodal, x, y and z axes (Zienkiewicz, 1993).
The geometry, node locations, and coordinate system, for typical mass element
are given in Fig.3.2. The vertical walls, widely used as partition walls in betwcen
rooms of frame structure, are considered as mass elements. So mass elements
actually represent the vertical wall loads at each nodal point of the frame
structure. Also the loads of floor finish (F.F) are included as mass at nodal

z Z 1\1
;,[ :-.t z
Ixx. \'y. liZ
X :
.- ~'. " ..- .....
' ..- ..

Fig.3.2 3-D structural mass clement

3.3.3 Shell Element for slab

Shell element has been used for slab. It withstands both bending and membrane
forces. The clement is capable of taking both the inplane and normal loads. The
element has six degrees of freedom at each node; translations in the nodal x, y
and z directions and rotations about the nodal x, y and z axes. Stress stiffening
and large deflection capabilities are included. The geometry, node locations, and
the coordinate system for this element are shown in Fig.3.3. The element is
defined by four nodes, thickness and orthotropic material properties. For building
the model, the shell element is used as thick plate clement. The curvature of the

shell element is considered as zero. The effect of both bending and membrane
stiffness is considered. So the shell elements will respond like plate clement
which will represent the slab of the frame structure.





(irianq,;k1r Op!IOI':

Fig. 3.3 Elastic shell clement

3.3.4 Spring -Damper for infill

Spring damper element is used to model struts representing intllls. The element
has longitudinal or torsional capability in one, two, or three-dimensional
applications. The longitudinal spring-damper option is a uniaxial tension-
compression element with up to three degrees of freedom at each node;
translations in the nodal x, y and z directions. No bending or torsion is

considered. The torsional spring-damper option is a purely rotational element

with three degrees of freedom at each node; rotations about the nodal x, y and z
axes. The longitudinal spring-damper option is adopted for modeling the infills
as diagonal struts with damping set to zero. The geometry, node locations, and
the coordinate system for this element are shown in Fig.3.4.

)--->y --. - .- -- - "-
- .-
- - - I

N:>tc- l'.vo-dlffil:n:>ional olement!. nlJ!it lie in tht: i Y pt3ne

Fig. 3.4 Spring Damper


There are several analytical models of infill available in the literature, which can
be broadly categorized as (a) continuum models and (b) diagonal strut models
described in the previous chapter. For the type of work presented in this paper
the diagonal strut model of Saneinejad and Hobbs (1995) has been found to be
more suitable. This model has been successfully used by Madan et al. (1997) for
static monotonic loading as well as quasi-static cyclic loading. They have also
successfully verified the model by simulating the experimental behavior of tested
masonry infill frame sub-assemblage. The initial stiffness Ko of the inflll

masonry pancl is calculated using the formula gIven by Madan et al. (1997)
which is discussed in article 2.3.1 of this thesis.


To find the behavior of multistoried RC framed building with open soft ground floor
six basic load cases are considered as DL, LL, EL in x and z directions and WL in x
and z directions. Here x-z plane is the horizontal plane in global co-ordinate system.
These load cases are combined according to BNBC, 1993. The combined load cases

• 1.4D+1.7L

• 0.75[1.4D+1.7L+1.7(I.lE)] (Equivalent Static or Response spectrum)

• O.75[ I.4D+ 1.7L-1.7(1.l E)](Equivalent Static or Response Spectrum)

• 0.75[1.4D+1.7L+1.7W]

• 0.75[l.4D+1.7L-1.7W)]

Here D stands for dead load, L for live load, E for earthquakc load and W for wind
load. As wind and earthquake loads are applied in two directions so there is a total of
nine combined load cases.

Dead Load: Dead load is the vertical load due to the weight of pcrmanent structural
and non structural componcnts of a building. For the present study only self weight
of beams, columns and slabs are considered as dead load case of the structurc.

All vertical loads except self weight of beam, columns and slab are applied as mass
on the structure. Total vertical load applied on the structure is 1.4364e-3 N/mm' and
2.394e-3 N/mm2 for floor finish and partition load (infill) respectively. A uniformly
distributed load of 14.608 N/mm is applied on the grade beam representing the load
of soil. These two loads are applied as mass of the structure and applied at the nodes.

Live Load: Live load (LL) considered in the analysis is the load due to fixed servicc
equipment etc. Total live load applied on the structure is 1.9152e-3 N/ mm2

Wind Load: Design wind load is calculated from sustaincd wind pressure '1, on a
building surface at any height z above ground as (BNBC, 1993):

'1, = CeCJCZVb' (3.1 )

'1, = Sustained wind pressure at height z, kN/m'

C, = Structure importance coefficient

Cc = Velocity to pressure conversion coefficient

Cz= Combined height and exposure coefficient

Vb = Basie wind speed, km/h

From the above Eqn. design wind pressure, p" is calculated as followed

p, = CGCp'1, (3.2)

p, = Design wind pressure at height z, kN/m2

Cc = Gust coefficient

Cp = Pressure coefficient

'1, = Sustained wind pressure, kN/m2

total wind force is calculated by proj ected area method using the formula:


F2 = Total wind force, kN

P2 = Design wind pressure, in kN/m

A, = Projected frontal area, m2

Earthquake Load: Earthquake load is applied and analyzed in two methods.

Equivalent static force method as static analysis and response spectrum method as
dynamic analysis. These are discussed in detail below.


This method is used for calculation of seismic lateral forces according to BNBC,
1993. This edition formulated identical approximate formula for calculating period
of structure. The empirical relationship for base shear calculation is



Z = Seismic zone coefficient

1 = Structurc importance coefficient

R = Response modification coefficient for structural system

W = Total seismic load

C = Numerical coefficient given by the relation

C = 1.255 (3.5)

T = Fundamental period of vibration in sec

5 = Sitc coefficient for soil characteristics

For regular concrete frames, period T may be approximated as

T = 0.073(h,,)Y. (3.6)

Where, h" = Height of structure above base in meter


Modal analysis helps the determination of the vibration characteristics of

structure. It is an essential pal1 of any elastic dynamic analysis process. it is used
to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure or its
components. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure arc
important parameters in the design of a structure for dynamic loading conditions.
They are also required for spectrum analysis or mode superposition harmonic or
transient analysis. Modal analysis is done as a linear type analysis. Any
nonlinearity such as plasticity and contact (gap) elements are ignorcd even if
they are defined. There are several mode extraction methods: Subspace, Block
Lanczos, Power dynamics, Reduced, Unsymmetric and Dampcd. In this analysis
Block Lanczos method (Wilson, 2002) is used to cxtract the modc. The modes
that are considered, at least 90 percent of the pal1icipating mass of the structure is

included in the calculation of response for each principal horizontal direction. To

review mode shapes in the postprocessor the modes must be expanded. In the single
point response spectrum the modal expansion can be performed after the spectrum
analysis based on the significance factor.


The dynamic response method confonns to the criteria established is BNBC. The
mass and mass moment of inertia of various components of a structure required for
dynamic analysis should be calculated based on the seismic dead load W. The
ground motion representation should be one having 20% probability of being
exceeded in 50 years and may be one of the following:

3.8.1 Response History Analysis (RHA)

In this method the structure is subjected directly to base excitation and a full
transient dynamic analysis is done. In RI-IA, modal analysis is done to determine the
response of a structure to earthquake induced ground motion, identical at all support
points of the structure. RI-IA should be developed based on the geologic, tectonic,
seismologic and soil characteristics associated with the specific site. The spectra
should be developed for a damping ratio of 0.05 unless a different value is found to
be consistent with the expected structural behavior at the intensity of vibration
established for the site. The time dependent dynamic response of the structure shall
be obtained through numerical integration of its equation of motion. Ground motion
time history developed for the specific site should be representative of actual
em1hquake motions for the directions under considerations. Response spectra from
time history either individual or in combination, should approximate the site specific
design spectra. But this procedure requires an enormous amount of data about
previous earthquakes which is beyond the scope of this thesis.

3.8.2 Response Spectrum Method (RSM)

RJ-IA procedure provides structural response as a function of time, but structural

design is usually based on the peak values of forces and deformations over the
duration of the earthquake induced response. For single degree freedom system the
peak response can be detennined directly from the response spectrum for the ground

motion without carrying out a response history analysis. But for multiple degrees
freedom system the peak response determined directly from the response spectrum
for the ground motion is not identical to the RHA result. For this reason response
spectrum analysis procedure is for structures excited by a single component of
ground motion; thus simultaneous action of the other two components is excluded
and multiple support excitations is not considered. In absence of a site specific
response spectrum the normalized response spectra given in Fig. 3.5 should be used
in the dynamic analysis procedure. The analysis should include peak dynamic
response of all modes having a significant contribution to total structural response.
Peak modal response should be calculated using the ordinates of the appropriate
response spectrum curve which corresponds to the modal periods. Maximum modal
contributions should be combined in a statistical manner to obtain an approximate
total structural response. This is used in the present analysis. Response Spectrum
Method is universally accepted method (Wilson (2002)) for design of structure
based on dynamic analysis. A few important aspects of Response Spectrum Method
are described below.




o i
o 0' to 1.5 '.0 25 '0
Period. T lsl

Note: (1) S., SpeCHal acCClef~l;on

.9: Acceioral,on due to gravity
z: Soismlc lone cocllicicnt
(21 For Slrllclurcs on $0.1 TyPe S~. refCI 10 Sec 25.7.1[0) .

Fig. 3.5 Normalized Response Spectra for 5% Damping Ratio


• Number of modes: All significant modes must be included in the analysis of

response spectrum. The modes that are considered, at least 90 percent of the
participating mass of the structure is included in the calculation of response
for each principal horizontal direction. To review mode shapes in the
postprocessor the modes must be expanded. In the single point response
spectrum the modal expansion can be perfonned after the spectrum analysis
based on the significance factor.

• Combination of the modes: The peak member forces, displacements, story

forces, shears and base reactions for each mode shall be combined using
established procedures in order to estimate resultant maximum values of
these response parameters. When three dimensional modcls are used for
analysis, modal interaction effects shall be considered when combining
modal maximum. Different mode combination methods for single point
response spectrum analysis; such as Square Root of Sum of Squares (SRSS),
Complete Quadratic combination (CQC), Double Sum (DSUM), Grouping
(GRP), Naval Research Laboratory Sum (NRLSUM). Among all these
methods CQC method is found suitable for the analysis. The reason IS

described in article 3.9.

• Scaling of results: Where the base shear for a given direction determined by
response spectrum is different form the base shear obtained by equivalent
static force method it shall be adjusted which is tenned as scaling of results.
Scaling of base shear is done according to Bangladesh National Building
Code (BNBC, 1993). Base shear of response spectrum is scaled so that this
is equal with base shear found from static analysis. As all corresponding
parameters including deflections, member forces and moments changes in
proportion to the adjusted base shear, scaling is done for 0% infill only. And
for other percentage of structurally active infill the same scale factor is used
to study effect of infil!.

Two types of response spectrum analysis are possible: a) single-point response

spectrum b) multi-point response spectrum.

Single-point response spectrum

In a single-point response spectrum (SPRS) analysis, one response spectrum curve

was specified at a set of points in the model, such as at all supports, as shown in
Response Spectra Fig 3.6 (a). SPRS is used in this analysis.

Multi-point response spectrum

In a multi-point response spectrum (MPRS) analysis, it is possible to specify

different spectrum curves at different sets of points, as shown in Response Spectra
Fig 3.6 (b).

/1 '

• I 1,,".-;;

'7' 1
( ": '1/\
'I 7/

a) single point response spectrum b) multiple point response spectrum

Fig. 3.6 Single point and multi point response spectrum (s=spcctral value;


The most conservative method that is used to estimate a peak value of displacement
or force within a structure is to use the sum of the absolute of the modal response
values. This approach assumes that the maximum modal values, for all modes, occur
at the same point in time. Another very common approach is to use the Square Root
of the Sum of the Squares, SRSS, on the maximum modal values in order to
estimate the values of displacement or forces. The SRSS rule for modal combination
developed in E. Rosenblueth's Ph.D. thesis (1951) is


the peak response in each mode is squared, the squared modal peaks are summed.
and the square root of the sum provides an estimate of the pcak total responsc. This
modal combination rule provides excellent response estimates for structures with
well separated natural frequencies. This limitation has not always been recognized in
applying this lUIe to practical problems, and at times it has been misapplied to
systems with closely spaced natural frequencies such as piping systems in nuclear
power plants and multistory buildings with unsymmetric plan. For three dimensional
structures, in which a large number of frequencies arc almost identical, this
assumption is not justified.

The relatively new mcthod of modal combination is thc Completc Quadratic

Combination (CQC) method (Wilson, Kiureghian and Bayo, 1981) that was first
published in 1981 is applicable to a wider class of structures as it overcomes the
limitations of the SRSS rule. It is based on random vibration theories and has found
wide acceptance by most engineers and has been incorporated as an option in most
modern computer programs for seismic analysis. The peak value of a typical force
can now be estimated, from the maximum modal valucs, by the CQC method with
the application of the following double summation equation:


each of the N' terms on the right side of this equation is the product of the pcak
responses in the i th and the n nth modes and the correlation coefficicnt Pi" for

these two modes; Pi" varies between 0 and 1and Pi" = 1 for i = II . Thus Eqn. 3.8 can
be rewritten as


to show that the first summation On the right side is identical to the SRSS
combination rule ofEqn. 3.7.


For a parametric study, a reference model of a 6-storied building of 6 x 6 bay

was analyzed by ANSYS. The plan layout of the reinforced concrete moment
resisting frame building with open ground story and un-reinforced brick infill walls
in the upper story, chosen for this study is shown in Fig. 3.7. The building is
deliberately kept symmetric in both orthogonal directions in plan to avoid torsional
response under pure lateral forces. Further, the columns are taken to be square to
keep the discussion focused only on the soft ground floor effect. The building is
considered to be located in seismic zone II and intended for residential use. The
values of important parameters of the reference model are listed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Values of parameters of the generalized reference model

SI. No. Parameters Values

Modulus of elasticity of concrete 2xlO' N/mm'
2 Density of concrete 2.4 xl 0.9 toni mm3
3 Size of comer column 300 mm x 300 mm
4 Size of interior column 425 mm x 425 mm
5 Size of edge column 350 mm x 350 mm
6 Size of beam 400 mm x 300 mm
7 Number of story 6
8 Height of each story 3000 mm
9 Number of span and bays 6x 6
10 Width of each bay 5000 mm
11 Thickness of slab 125 mm
12 Amount of infill (percentage) 50% of the panels
13 Thickness of infill 250 mm
14 Acceleration due to gravity 9810 I11m/sec'
15 Floor dead load (floor finish etc.) 1.4364e-3 N/mm2
16 Floor live load 1.9152e-3 N/mm2
17 Partition wall load 2.394c-3 N/mm2
18 Load on grade beam 14.608 N/mm
19 Equivalent strut stiffness, Ko 211367 N/mm

The 3-D Vlew, plan and elevation of the prototype model without and with
considering the presence of infill are shown in Fig. 3.8 and 3.9.


The analysis of the reference model is performed by ANS YS. The results
including the frequencies, mode shapes, forces and reactions of the reference
model are recorded. Actually, the total number of mode shape is equal to
number of (D.O.F). In mode shape lateral sway is considered and the time period
corresponding to that mode shape is taken. Sufficient modes arc extracted to get
more accurate results. Reference model for study without and with structurally
active infill are shown in Fig. 3.8 and 3.9. Two interior, two edge, and one corner
column is taken to view the effect on varying parameters of soft story building.
The locations of these columns are shown in Fig. 3.7.

x x


I": "

'f'. ,
c ","


1'.,. " ; 'I'" .. ' .

-. , .'
"- "-

',,' ,,, ,,. "'- t-.... .,

I c 1
, .•.. •..... "
V --... I
@ ,',
I' I ;, ;", V
V ,".~

. I'

'i ".~,

f, .. -.

.. G
~ ."
.1 "
.' ",
, , t' ;, ',' '.'/' " 0 ,
" - I"

Fig, 3,7 Locations of the five columns of which soft story effect is viewed for
6 span 6 bay building
a) 3-d view

+-- Column

-- l------- Grade beam

+-- Short col.

b) Front view

Fig. 3.8 Reference model for study (without infill)

a) 3-d view

b) Front view

Fig. 3.9 Reference model for study (with infill)



The first few mode shapes for models considering and without considering the
presence of infills shown in Fig. 3.10. The frequencies of first three modes are
th th th
close. Again 4 , 5 and 6 modes are close and so on. So only the different
modes are shown. As some modes are similar and are closely spaced so CQC
method is used for combination of these modes. In the first mode it is seen that
deflection is gradual throughout the story when considering model without infil!.
While considering 50% infill shows much deflection concentrated more in the
ground soft story than the other stories. Also in thc second mode the ground soft
story shows sharp change than the ground story of the bare frame. The first mode
of analysis is the predominant mode of the structure. This mode shape shows
highest deflection in ground floor with infil!. This is due to the pendulum effect.
Presence of infill in the upper story incrcases the stiffness. As a result the whole
structure behaves like a rigid body except the soft story so the major deflection is
concentrated in the ground floor.

For higher modes the mode shape with infill differs from the same without infil!.
This is an indication that dynamic behavior of a building is different in prcscnce
of structurally active infil!. In dynamic analysis infill is applied in the modcl as
mass at node. This mass alters the behavior of the structure.

Frequencies of the models with infill are much higher than frequencies without
infi!!. In the first mode it is almost 80% higher. In case of mode 4 this is morc
than double. These mode shapes are plotted in Fig.3.10 to Fig. 3.13. As
frequency is lower in bare frame so time period is longer in this case. As the
total weight of thc structure is less for bare frame so period of vibration is longer.
And for the same reason period of vibration for model considering infill is
= =
= =



a) Mode I (without infill) Frequency 0.754961



b) Mode I (50% infill) Frequency 1.278

Fig.3.10 (a-b) Mode 1 of reference model without and with 50% infill



a) Mode 4 (without infill) Frequency 2.336



b) Mode 4 (50% infill) Frequency 4.807

Fig.3.]] (a-b) Mode 4 of reference model without and with 50% inlill
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




a) Mode 7 (without infill) Frequency 4.104



b) Mode 7 (50% infill) Frequency 7.438

Fig.3.12 (a-b) Mode 7 of reference model without and with 50% infill

a) Mode 12 (without infill) Frequency 6.12


b) Mode 12 (50% infill) Frequency 8.213

Fig.3.13 (a-b) Mode 12 of reference model without and with 50% infill
I / / 1//
, 1/ / 1/
1/ / ./
, 1/' /. 1/
.. .. ..-
! !A .... //
- L - L- L- L- L- L- L-

a-I axial force a-I axial force


.. / ./
/ /'

"" /.
.. ..

" "

rL 1L I
- L-
'-- - -
a-2 shear force b-2 shear force

~l----~ ~ ~- - /
l- ,

/ ..- ..-
r " .'
/' .- .. ./

.- /

I I l I GF

L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Short col.

a-3 bending moment b-3 bending moment

Fig.3.14 Moment and force diagram for a center frame of 6 storied building
for response spectrum loading; a(I-3) for without infill; b(I-3)for with 50%


Shear force, axial force and bending moment diagram for a center frame of 6 storied
building are shown in Fig. 3.14 a(l-3) and b(l-3). Comparison of frames without
infill and with 50% infill is presented here for response spectrum load case only.
These diagrams reveal the nature of forces and moments developed in the columns.
The findings from these figures can be summarized as follows.

Axial Force Diagram: For the case of frame without infill, the axial force is very
nominal. But for 50% infill, it shows that there is a prominent effect of infill for
earthquake loading. The reason is that floor finish and partition load is applied on
the structure as mass and infill is placed as diagonal strut. So this diagonal struts
increases the axial force. As earthquake loading is applied laterally so values of axial
force is not much.

For 50% structurally active infill it is found that in case of floor above ground floor
axial force is higher than ground floor. It is duc to the rcason that in ground floor the
load transfer is predominant as frame action but for upper floor case load transfer is
predominant as truss action. So there is a combined effect duc to presence of infill.
Due to this mixed frame action for presence of infill makes the axial force of the
first floor higher. This mixed frame action is described as Murty (2005) and shown
in Fig. 3.15.

Fig. 3.15 Mixed frame action in soft ground floor and truss action in upper
floors (Murty, 2005)

Values of Shear force and bending moment is much higher for response spectrum
loading. For this reason mixed frame action does not show any effect for shear force
and bending moment.

Shear Force Diagram: For shear force, the diagram shows major change in force in
upper stories due to presence of infil!. In upper stories the shear force decreases and
almost becomes zero while in ground floor the shear force increases. Fig. 3.14 gives
shear force 66257N for model without infill in a ground floor column whereas for
the same column with 50% infill this value is 111003N.

The infill makes the structure stiffer to deflect. As shown 1Il the mode shape I
deflection is concentrated in the open ground floor only. Presence of infill stiffens
the upper stories which makes deflection concentration and so shear concentration in
the open ground floor.

Bending Moment Diagram: Bending moment increases in the first ground floor
whereas reduces in upper floors after placement of infil!. Infill is placed as diagonal
strut which stiffens the structure. As a result bending moment decreases in those
stories where infill is placed.

As shear force increases in the open ground floor due to presence of infill in upper
floors, consequently bending moment shows same pattem of change. Due to
pendulum effect deflection is concentrated in ground floors so the moment is also
concentrated. In ground story where bending moment is 0.15e+9N-mm for bare
frame this value is 0.2e+9N-mm for 50% infill for the same column.


This chapter describes the total analysis procedure of the present study starting from
software used, elements used for Finite Element Modeling to the applied loads and
load cases for observing the effect of soft ground floors. Finally parameters of
reference models are described and analyzed with some mode shapes of the
structure. Typical force and moment diagrams arc also placed for response spectrum
loading to observe the proper scenario of the model with and without intil!.



Seismic behaviors of buildings with soft story is examined and comparcd from both

the static and dynamic points of view with varying paramcters in the present study.

Procedure and methodology to construct finite element model and analysis of thc
building structure are described in the previous chapter. The model is analyzed with
varying paramcters; rcsults of which are prcsented in this chapter. Proper care has
been takcn in selecting such elements so that they can adcquately reflect thc
properties of actual building. Several idealized models were made to represent
different structural configurations including pure frame, framcs with fully or
partially infilled panels with a soft story at the bottom level, and comparisons were

made on the fundamental periods, axial and shear force, bending moment, design
force and moment.


Base shear of building during earthquake is dependent on its natural period; whereas
the time period of a building is basically a function of its mass and stiffness. Thus
any structural or building parameter that changes the stiffness of mass shall have

influence on the period as well as base shear. In the present study the main varying
parameter is percentage of infil!. Presence of infill changes the mass and stiffness.
So it has an effect on time period and also on base shear which is shown later.
Amanat and Hoque (2006) showed that randomness in the distribution of infill docs
not have a significant effect on the period; instead it is the total amount of infill thal
matters. According to this only varying pereentagc of infill effective as bracing is
considered for parametric study.

As the total design of building is considered is the present analysis so with the

change of building height, floor height, span length, bay width, number of floor; the

column size changes. For this reason parametric study is not possible. So scveral

buildings with different amount of infills are studied which shows almost same
effect of infill on each building. Amanat and Hoque (2006) explained that varying
the floor height, span length, bay width has no effect on presence of infill; i.e.
parametric study of these parameters show same effect regardless infill percent. So
buildings with varying number of story are the only parameter for which the effect
of in fill is to be examined. With change in story number the column size also
changes as design requirement. So effect of column stiffness as well as column size
is not considered for this study.

The values of parameters of reference model have been described in the article 3.10
in Table 3.1. The reference model is for 6 storied building, models of buildings for 9
and 12 stories are studied with different infill percentages to view the soft ground
floor effect.


A total of 3 buildings are studied to examine the effect of infill. For each building
the columns are designed considering all design loads. Considered load cases are
dead load, live load, earthquake and wind load. The column design is so done that
the steel percentage is around 1.5 to 2 percent for bare frame. And then infill is
placed as diagonal strut model to view the effect. The in fill percentages arc 10%,
30%, 50%, 70% and 90%. Various parameters of these buildings arc given a tabular
form in Table 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.

Infill and mass locations are so placed to avoid accidental torsional effects following
Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC, 1993). According to BNBC to avoid
accidental torsion the vertical lateral load resisting clements should be parallel to or
symmetric about the major orthogonal axes of the lateral force-resisting system. The
placement of infill with various percentages is shown in Fig. 4.1. By observing the

mode shapes it can be observed that torsional effect does not come in the present
study. Each in fill is applied as mass on the structure and the in fill effect is placed as
diagonal strut.

rntin 30%
rntin 10%

D00 0 0001
Intin 50% rntin 70%

0 [D
0 0 000
0 D 0 0 00
0 0 00 0
0 0 D0 D
rntin 90%

Fig. 4.1 Position of in fill for 6 span 6 bay building


Table 4.1: Parameters for 6 storied building

Number ofbayxspan

Number of story 6
Width of spanxbay (mm) 5000x5000
Height of story (mm) (I" floor to top
floor) 3000
Height of grade beam (mm) 1500
Beam size (mmxmm) 400x300
Comer column size (mmxmm) 300x300
Edge column size (mmxmm) 350x350
Interior column size (mmxmm) 425x425
R value 8
No. of mode extracted 12
Slab thickness (mm) 125

Table 4.2: Parameters for 9 storied building

Number ofbayxspan
Number of story 9
Width ofspanxbay (mm) 5000x5000
Height of story (mm) (I" floor to top

Height of grade beam (mm) 1500

Beam size (mmxmm) 400x300
Comer column size (mmxmm) 325x325
Edge column size (mmxmm) 375x375
Interior column size (mmxmm) 475x475
R value 8
No. of mode extracted 18
Slab thickness (mm) 125

Table 4.3: Parameters for 12 storied building

Parameters Values
Number ofbayxspan 6x6
Number of story 12
Width of spanxbay (mm) 5000x5000
Height of story (mm) (1" floor to top

Height of grade beam (mm) 1500

Beam size (mmxmm) 400x300
Corner column size (mmxmm) 350x350
Edge column size (mmxmm) 425x425
Interior column size (mmxmm) 550x550

R value 8
No. of mode extracted 24
Slab. thickness (mm) 125

4.3.1 Effect of Variation of lnfill Density on Period of Vibration

For studying the effect of infill density on vibration 6 models are considered per
building. These models represent 6,9 and 12 storied building with 6 bay, 6 spanned
frames with different amounts of structurally active infills; e.g. 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%,
70% and 90%. The time periods of vibration of the models are found by modal
analysis method. For each model twelve different mode shapes are observed. Some
of the modes are shown in the previous chapter. It is found that in all the models of
this group, first mode shows the lateral sway and first mode is the dominant mode.
So the time period corresponding to the first mode is considered. The period of
vibration of the same models are also calculated by empirical formula as in BNBC.
The time period of both modal analyses method and BNBC empirical method are
plotted against infill density, for six storied building in Fig. 4.2, for nine storied
building in Fig. 4.3 and for twelve storied building in Fig. 4.4.

~ Modal Analy.;is
- BNBC Empirical Eqn.

---_._--- --- ._--------_ ..._- ..

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Infill (%)

Fig. 4.2 Variation of Natural time period with in fill for 6 storied building

~ Modal Analy.;is
- BNBC Empirical Eqn.

0.5 -

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Infill (%)

Fig. 4.3 Variation of Natural time period with in fill for 9 storied building

~ Mxlal Anal )Sis
- BNBCEmpiricalEqn.

"0 I .5

0.5 .

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
blfill (%)

Fig. 4.4 Variation of Natural time period with infill for 12 storied building

From Fig. 4.2 to Fig. 4.4, the following observations have been made about the
variation of time period with the variation of infill density. Also a comparison
between the results of modal analysis and empirical formulae has been made.
The findings from the figures are:

• For modal analysis the time period decreases with the increase of number
of structurally active infilled panels. When infill is incorporated in the FE
analysis the period becomes shortened due to added stiffness form the
infill acted as equivalent diagonal struts. The code formula (BNBC, 1993)
do not show any change with change in pcrccntage of infill. According to
code building height is the only dependent factor for time period so time
period is same irrespective of infill percentages.
• By observing the graphs it is found that for bare frame time period IS

almost double for modal analysis than in BNBC empirical equation.


• It is observed that when amount of infill is 50% or more, the time period
is close to the value given by code (BNBC, 1993). Code equations are
developed in thc basis of time periods of rcal structures observed during
earthquakes. Since at 50% of infill, the analysis gives similar values for
period, it can be directly inferred that, in real RC structures, probably
about 50% of the infills are structurally active. Therefore, dynamic
analysis for design may be based on this much amount of infill.

4.3.2 Effect of Variation of lnfill Percentage on Story Sway

Two lateral forces are considered in the analysis. One wind force and the other is the
earthquake force. Story sway compared here, is the sway due to the effect of
earthquake. It is found that sway due to wind is not dominant so this is not shown

Earthquake load is applied in both z and x axis. Sway is plotted for the building for
the combined load case of only in one direction. It can be easily realized that sway
pattern in the other axis is same as this axis as the building is same in both the two
directions. Two load cases are considered for earthquake. Sway for Equivalent Static

Force Method (ESFM) is shown in Fig. 4.5 for six storied building, in Fig. 4.7 for
nine storied and in Fig. 4.9 for twelve storied building. The same are shown in Fig.
4.6, Fig. 4.8 and in Fig. 4.10 respectively for Response Spectrum Method (RSM).
Findings from the graphs are stated below:

• The infill act as equivalent diagonal strut which is responsible to increases

the story stiffness. Both for ESFM and RSM lateral sway is the highest for

frame with 0% infill and it reduces gradually with the increase of infill due to
increased stiffness of the story for the presence of in fill.

• Displacement profiles for both ESFM and RSM have a sudden change of

slope at first floor level. The inter-story drift demand is largest in the ground
story for all the models for both ESFM and RSM. The abrupt changes in the
slope of the profile are due to the stiffness irregularity between the ground
floor and upper floors.

....•..•No lnfill
2 .
-.!r- 10% Infill

....•... 30% Infill

-e-- 50% Inml

-G-70% lnfill

. -90%lnfil1
o 10 20 30 40 '0
Story Sway (mm)

Fig. 4.5 Story sways for different infill percent by ESFM (6 story building)

. 4

3 .

-+- No Infill
2 -6-10% Infill

--- 30% Jnlill

1 . -e- 50% lnfill

-8-70% lnfill

o 10 20 30 40 '0
Story Sway (mm)

Fig. 4.6 Story sways for different infill percent by RSM (6 story building)


C 5
'" 4

3 •..•.••No Inlill
__ 10"10 Infill

2 --30% Infill
-G- 50% Jnfin
-e-70% Infill
-9O"1u Infill
o 10 W ~ ~ SO ~ W W
Story Sway (mm)

Fig. 4.7 Story sways for different infill percent by ESFM (9 story building)


C 5

-b- IO%lnfil1
2 ...•..•30% lnfill
-e- 50% 1nfill
-e-- 70''/0 Infill
- 90"/0 Inlill

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 lID
Story Sway ~mm)

Fig. 4.8 Story sways for different infill percent by RSM (9 story building)



4 -+-No Infill
--6- Hl'/o Infill
--3C1'/o Infill
2. -e- 50'''10 Infill
-B- 7(]'1o Inftll

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Siory Sway (mm)

Fig. 4.9 Story sways for different in fill percent by ESFM (12 story building)




ci 8

4 -+-No Infill
___ lO"/olnfill

-e- 50"10 Infill
-a-70% Infin

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9<J 100 110

Story S......:l)'(0101)

Fig. 4.10 Story sways for different infill percent by RSM (12 story building)

• For ESFM, lateral sway is almost same for first soft story irrespective of
presence of structurally active infill in the upper stories. In the case of RSM
lateral sway of ground soft story increases with the increase in infill
percentage in the upper stories; on the other hand, sway in upper stories
decreases with increase of infill. ESFM is static analysis; the dynamic inertia
force is not considered in this case. But RSM considered dynamic inertia
force. The whole building sways like an inverted pendulum with maximum
sway concentrated in the soft ground story. The ground story columns act as
the pendulum rod while the rest of the building acts as a rigid pendulum
mass. As a consequence, large movements occur locally in the ground story
alone, thereby inducing large damage in the columns during an earthquake.
As RSM considers dynamic inertia force so this pendulum effect is
considered here, this is reflected in the nature of the graph.

• For 6 storied building ESFM shows 8mm sway for 50% intill of soft ground
floor while it is I6mm for RSM. For 9 storied building these values are
1Omm and 18mm respectively and for 12 storied building it is also 9 mm and
20 mm respectively. So it is found that dynamic method increases the sway
than static analysis due to the consideration of pendulum effect.

4.3.3 Effect of Variation of Infill Percentage on Base Shear

The base shear given by Response Spectrum Method (RSM) for di fferent amount of
infill are plotted in Fig. 4.11 to 4.13 for six, nine and twelve storied buildings
respectively. From the following figures it is observed that:

• For 50% infill and higher, the base shear is almost 1.5 times larger than that
of frame without infill for six storied building. Whereas these values are
double or more for both nine storied and twelve storied building. The reason
is that base shear depends on mass and stiffness of the structure. The infill of
first floor to top floor, acts as diagonal strut, increases the stiffness of the
structure. As a result the base shear increases.


~ --- ~ ~
~ 1.5
~. ~
~ I

o 10 30 50 70 90
Infill ('Yo)

Fig. 4.11 Base shear for different infill pereent by RSM (6 story building)

- -

3 -
2.5 -
b 2
~. -
..c: 1.5 -


o 10 30 50 70 90
Infill ('Yo)

Fig. 4.12 Base shear for different infill percent by RSM (9 story building)

4 ,.--
3.5 -
*~ 3
(S ,.--
.: 2.5

2 ~
V> 1.5
o 10 30 50 70 90
lnfill ('Yo)

Fig. 4.13 Base shear for different infill percent by RSM (12 story building)

• The reasons of increase in base shear are infill adds mass to the structure.
Due to this added mass the inertia of the total structure increases. As infill
acts as diagonal strut the stiffness of the structure with infill is larger than
that of the structure without infil!. Since the ground floor is kept open so the
upper floors act like a rigid body. The major deflection of the structure is
concentrated in the ground floor columns in the presencc of active infill in
the upper floors. Due to this reason the base shear of the structure increases.

4.3.4 Effect of Variation of Infill Percentage on Force and Bending Moment

As stated in article 3.5 there are a total of four basic loads (like dead load, live load,
wind and earthquake load) and nine combined load cases considered in the analysis.
All these load cases are applied in the structure and resulting forces and bending
moments are compared. Envelops for axial force, shear force and bending moment
in both directions are plotted for the five columns C, E. 1, Eo, 10. Locations of thesc
columns are shown in Fig. 3.7 of the previous chapter. These envelops arc plotted
for both equivalent static force method and response spectrum method with 0%,

10%, 30% and 50% infill. As infill with higher percentages shows the same pattern
of results so these are not shown here. But it can be expected that it will show the
same type of envelops. For large number of results all envelops are not included
here. Envelops of six storied buildings are shown below.

Bending Moment and Shear Foree Envelop

These shear force envelops are shown in Fig.4.l4 (d), Fig.4.l5 (d), Fig.4.l6 (d),
Fig.4.l7 (d), Fig.4.l8 (d) and bending moment envelops in Fig.4.l4 (a, b), Fig.4.15
(a, b), Fig.4.16 (a, b), Fig.4.l7 (a, b), Fig.4.18 (a, b). The findings from these figures

• In case of frame without effective infill force envelop (bending moment and
shear force) decreases gradually from ground story to top story. In this type
of frame shear force and bending moment envelop gives almost same value for
both static equivalent method and response spectrum method. This is due to
the scaling of base shear done according to code (BNBC, 1993). Though the
time period is two times longer for modal analysis but due to this scaling all
the forces and moments in ground floor columns remains same. This justifies
the acceptability of equivalent static method for design of earthquake when
there is no infill (structurally active) in the structure as conventionally done in
the design of buildings.

• As infill is applied to the model, forces (bending moment and shear force)
reduces drastically from I" floor to top noor both in equivalent static analysis
and response spectrum analysis. As an example, in first noor of column i
(interior; Fig. 3.7) reduction of bending moment is almost 40% after applying
50% infill than in bare infill frame in RSM method for six storied building.
The introduction of walls in the upper stories increases the stiffness of the
stories and consequently reduces the force in those columns. As the force is
distributed in proportion to the stiffness of the members, the force in the
columns of the upper story, for all the models (except frame with no infill), are
significantly reduced due to the presence of brick walls. The intill act as
diagonal strut takes care of most of the shear force. As a result the shear force
and bending moment decreases in the upper stories due to presence of intil!.

This is also the reason to decrease the force envelop as infill is applied to the

The bending moment and shear force (strength) demands are severely higher
for ground story columns, in case of the soft ground floor buildings. As found
in the sway pattern of the buildings from Fig. 4.5 to Fig. 4.10 major deflection
is concentrated in the ground story. So accordingly the bending moment is
higher as well as the shear force. If the condition of 50% infilled frames is
compared with bare frame the soft ground floor gives 48% higher valuc in
response spectrum method for column i of six storicd building. Whereas this is
almost 45% higher in case of comer column c.

• As ground floor shear force and moments become highcr and thcse values are
lowered in first floor due to presence of infill so the difference of inters tory
moment and forces are very large. As an example for case of 6 storied
building, 50% infill of column i (see Fig. 3.7), response spectrum gives shear
force and bending moment almost three times higher in soft ground floor than
in first floor.

Axial Force Envelop for design

The axial force envelops are shown In Fig.4.14 (c), FigA.15 (c), FigA.16 (c),
FigA.1 7 (c), FigA.18 (c). The findings from these figures are:

• Axial force decreases gradually from ground story to top story. This envclop
shows no change on increase in infill.

• All the five columns of all model buildings considered, shows thc same pattern
of axial force envelop. So it can be concluded that infill has no effect axial

• Load case I (1.40+ 1.7L) governs the axial load envelop. That is why there is
no effect of infill on axial force envelop. As infill reduces lateral force so infill
has no effect on axial force envelops.

• For the same reason also axial force envelop gives same value 111 static
equivalent method and response spectrum method.
, ,h
,- - ---------- --I
EZ7JE '1Y. Slatlc

," mJResponsc
, d

, , d



• 0 , 0 ,,
(a) Infill 0%

'" ['"" " ~ ' _ s ';;;--;--1

," Ic::JR
J ,d

, , d

." G F

• 0 , 0 2 ,
M men I

(b) Infill 10%

, h ----"---~~
""'IE q , - S I a. lie

," "" SR
eel r 1I m
~ J ,d
~ , , d


• m .. ,
1 0
( N .m
, ) . 1 0 '
, 0 ,,
(c) Infill 30%

" "" E q , - S f-;-;i~ :1

," c:JR
eel rum
~ J ,d

~ , • d



M • m
1 0
" ( N
.m m ) 1 o '
2 0 ,,
(d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.14(a) Design moment envelop (mJ of column i for 6 storied building

.\ t h CZJRespons~
S CClrum
J ,d
;;: 2 n d


o 1 0 2 0 2 ,

(a) Intill 0%

, ,h
;<;.:>,': ~-V.SI"li~

, <h II22JRcsponse I
J ,d ":."')',:':,'-'.,"'.:.,.;.:.,.:;.',

2 , d


I 0
me" I
2 0
2 ,

(b) Infill I 0%

, <h rEZ<ZlE qv. SIalic

4 <h IL::JR espon~c

~cClru m

~ J ,d
i 2 , d
G f
0 2 0 2 ,
Mom I cOn I (N • m IS). I 0 1

(c) Inti1l30%

, <h

, <h

~ ' d
i 2 , d

0 , 0 2 0 2 ,

(d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.14(b) Design moment envelop (mxJ of column i for 6 storied building
, ,h ImJE qv. SIalic

, ,h r::s::JRcsponse
................... :.;:.::-:,:-
S eelru m
~ J r d

..: 2 II d


G ,

o 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 , , 0
Axial Force (N )-10

a) Infill 0%

" .<:.:::.:>:~<:.:....,

4 "

£ ' d

~ 2 " d

G ,
1 0 I 5 2 0 2 l 0
Axial Force (X )-10

b) Infill 10%

, 'h IZZIRespOll5C
S e, I r 1I m
£ l ,d

~ 2 " d

G ,
1 0 I 5 2 0 2 , l 0
Axi.1 Force(N )-to

c) Infill 30%

'" ':::.:>;::<:~.>:.:':

J ,d

2 " d



1 0 1 5 2 0 2 , l 0
Axj.ll Foree (1\ )-)0

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.14 (c) Design axialforce envelop U) of column i for 6 storied building
, <h l~!WJ~~---------------I,,,,,,iii'E:qq~.-;-:.~sS;'~.~,~,~,"l
• <h r.;:;:]R~'ponle
I •.•.•.•.••.•.•.•.•.•.•.••
, Sec t r II m

, ) ,d
,.. ••.•/,>0/< '.';:)'.i
1 " d

1 .1

0 F

1 0

a) Infill 0%

, ••
• •• G:JRc.pon

) , d

" 1 " d

0 F

1 0

b) Infill 10%

Ih lZ':ZJE'Iv.Static

• ,h CJRe'pon ••.
S ectrum

~ ) ,d

" 1 " d

I .,

0 F

1 0
Sbe.r Forc~ (N)"
o • 1 ~ 1 0

c) Infill 30%

<h E<Zi::lEqv.St.lic

• •• CDR

c tr
1I m_
0 ) , d
1 " d

1 0

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.14 (d) Design shear force envelop (Ix) of column i for 6 storied building

, <h CJRe.I'''n.~

i ' d
~ , • d


1 0
, 0 ,,
a) Infill 0%

, d

, • d

I "


o I 0 I 5 2 0 2 ,

b) Infill 10%

•• i::::JRe'pon."

2 • d

I "


M m •• n t (N -"
2 0 ,,
c) Infill 30%

• d

I. t
:i 1.1.::.:I::-:I::.:.I:~:I:.:~I:-;:I:<I::Ii":;I:.:~I:.::f~:>~: ~'l

a F

o I 0 , 0 2 ,
M 0 III •• n t ( N -m

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.15 (a) Design moment envelop (m,) of column e for 6 storied building

2 , •
, . c:;:]R

1 "


o I 0 I 5 2 0 2 ,
Mom "ot (N -m m )'") 07

a) Infill 0%

3 "
c:::JR "'pon

2 , •



o 2 0 2 ,

b) lnfill 10%

1h ~E 'Iv. Stal~

• 'h I:Z1Re'pon ••.

S ,""tru m

J "

2 , •



2 0 2 ,

c) Infill 30%

W::IE 'Iv. Static




, h

.. CZlR"'pon'"
S •• C I rUin


o 1 0 2 0 2 ,
Mom.nt(N .m

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.15 (b) Design moment envelop (mx) of column e for 6 storied building
" WhlEqv.Slalic

, c:::JR e'pon.e
" S eclrum

, ,"
~ , d

G ,
,, 3 0

a) Infill 0%

" q v S I •• t i" I
•" e'pOl1.~
, " C I rum

3 , d

~ , , d

0 ,
1 0 I ~ 2 0 l , l 0
Axial Force (N )-10

b) Infill 10%

." l2:;]Re'pon,e

l "

, , d

I "

G ,

o 1 0
I .5
Forc" (N
2 0
,, 3 0

c) Infill 30%


S o!:lrum

, , d

G ,

o I 0
Axial F"rce
I 5
2 0
,, l 0

d) 10011 50%

Fig. 4.15 (c) Design axial force envelop (1,) of=lumn e for 6 storied building

• oh

.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~: ... :~,,:,,:S,'",'~~'<'~
.:~~' :.~:s.~
~:.. , v


, 0 ,
• ;";<:-:::'1
:':('.~ :':.:':-:':-:':.:':.:':.:~. =<:.::

"' !::::::~::::::':::,::):::.: :'::'::':.:<::-:>:::::),:1

I .,

0 F
o , 0

a) lnfill 0%

, h IZ<ZIE qv. S I.ti~

, h t::JRt.pon.o:'

~ ., S eetru m

l , .,


o 15 , 0
h •• rFo~eO •• (I' )'"10.

b) lnfill 10%

tz:zIEqv. tat I e

lDRe'p'n •••
I ••


, 0

c) Infi1l30%

oh EZ<ZIEqv Stalic

oh c:::::IRe.pon."
, ,,

, , .,

I .,

, 0
h ., • r F 0 Ir eO" (;. ) .• I 0 .1 S

d) lnfill 50%

Fig. 4.15 (d) Design shear force envelop (Ix) of column e for 6 storied building
<h IZ<ZIEqv SI'lic

• <h r:::::J R •••"

0 n " •••

~ ' d

~ , , d

0 F

, 0 l ,

a) Infill 0%


• <h c;:JRe'ponl'"

~ ' d
~ , , d

0 F

M omleOnt(N.mlmS)"IOl
l 0 ,,
b) Infill 10%

<h c:'Z'J E 'I v St. t i •..

lh l3ZIR ""po n Ie
S e.: t rum

g "
~ , , d

" ::.,.:<:.: ....

0 F

o l 0

c) Infi1l30%

<h iZ'ZIE'tv S I. tic

<h c::JR e'ponoe

S eerlum
, , d

~ , , d

I "

o F

o l 0 ,,
d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.16 (a) Design moment envelop (m,) of column c for 6 storied building
, 'b
:11:"'1;.:;.:1: :I~:.I': I:~.I'
k: :.:':.:':.:':.:::~:?:.:':/
j~'1 ~c
~;~:~:~:~' S " e c t r II m

~ 3 " >: .::<:).:<

[Y: ..•.....
, • d
I 01


Mom (10°" t (N . m lm~)" I 0 1

, 0 ,,
a) Infill 0%

, 'b lif4i~if4if---------------l"i"",;;;;"iEE:q;-:""i,~.:7',,~,;-
I::< •...•.yi ...
." 1 :: :.::::.\ r::::z R t! I Jl 0
n , e

3 "

," ,
1 • I


M m
I 0
t! n t
1 5
(N.m ln )"'IO'
, 0 ,,
b) Infill 10%

. " lZmEqv.Static

" cr::JR e'p"nfe

, S eclrum

~ 3 "

~ ," ,
1 01


, 0 ,,
c) Infill 30%

<b ~Eqv.Stltic

• I h I.:::'nR "'ponle
S ectru m

, , .,
~ 3 "

1 01


, 0 ,,
d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.16 (b) Design moment envelop (mx) of column c for 6 storied building
, 'h ~EqY Slll.~jc

• 'h c:::JR c'ponl"

S .,,,trum
, ,d

, , d

1. ,

o r
AI~i.l Fo~;., (S ).21°0'
,, , 0

a) Infill 0%

," J<ZaEqv Static

• 'h r:::::lRe'poaIC
, S e" t r Il m

z , d

~ , • d

o F

I 0
1 ,
Foro,:o: (N
2 0
,, , 0

b) Infill 10%

ezo:IEqv Sl&lic
." c:JRe,ponsc

z , d
S ",,,trum

~ , , d

1 "

a r ;.:";-::.::-,>:,.:" ....•.•. :.::<>: ":<:.

o I 0
2 0
,, , 0

c) Infill 30%


• <h C::JRe.pon.e
S ecltum
, d

, , d


a r

I a
Axial Fore.,
I ,
2 0
,, , 0

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.16 (c) Design axial force envelop (fy) for column c for 6 storied building
• <h
51 t: c I r II m

, ", .

G f

..., !
I 0 I j
Shear For"" (N )*10 , 0

a) Infill 0%

." l~~~'---------------l'=:;;;;'E~q="~.~S;=;'~'~I~i~'C=
.C:':i'.::.:.::i EZlRe.pon.e

, .,
3 .,
.1'>:& '.':/<1
1 • ,
. U,.,:'i.',.", ::., I
G f
..L' :.ii:.,:,.,:'.':., '.', .

b) Infill 10%

, <h

••• ~R "'pon.c
S eClrum
, .,
3 "
0 f

I 0 I j
, 0
Shear rorc" (N )*10

c) Infill 30%


." [ZJRe'pon • .,
S cefrum
, , .,
~ 3 "

1 .1

0 f

, 0

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.16 (d) Design shear force envelop (Ix) of column c for 6 storied building
, 'h

, d

2 " d

I. ,

G f

2 0 2 3

a) Infill 0%

3 ,d
" £Z:JRe'pon
SOl Clrum

~ 2 , d

I .,

G f

I 0 2 0 2 3
Moment(N .m

b) Infill 10%

" S
•• elrum

, d

2 " d

I " ':';':"';';-:.:"'-:":"":.:":.:":.: .

G f
,>:>: ,',.',.-,.-,.".,:,.,:>: '.".".":>.'< ,>:.,' ., "."., ,., :>,<, :,,:,,:,.,:,.>,:,,:,.:,.,,>:\.:.:::< ".,:'<,.,:":':::.,>'::::::><,
I 0 2 0 2 ,
Mom8nt(N .m

c) Infill 30%

" l:::::3R •.• pon •••
S •• c t r II m

~ 3 ,d

~ 2 • d

I .,

G f

0 I 0 2 0 2 ,
M m •• n t (N • m m~) ~ I 0 1

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.17 (a) Design moment envelop (m,) of column io for 6 storied building
• ,h IZ:JRe'pon,,,

~ ' d

~ 2 " d

1 .,

0 F

2 0 2\

a) Infill 0%

IZZlEqv Stalie

• lh c:JRe'pon.e
;.',.:,:::":.;,:.:",-:.:.:":.:.,.,.;'.-. Seelfom
, d

2 " d

1 "

o F

o 2 0 2 ,
M omleOnl(N.mlm~).lO'

b) Infill 10%


• lh c:JRelpon •.•
S ectru m
o , d
~ 2 " d

1 "

o F

1 0 1 S 2 a 2 ,
m .• nt(N.m )-10'

c) Infill 30%

,h tz:2:IEqv.Statie

lh ORe'ponle
S cclrum

~ ,d
~ ," d
:.? :"=.' .~;:<
0 F

o 1 0 , 0 2 \

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.17 (b) Design moment envelop (nix) of column /0 for 6 storied building
." "
' d

£ 2 " d

1 ••
a f

I 0 I 5 2 0 2 , , 0
Axial fQTCe (N )"10

a) Infill 0%

c::lR"'pon, •.
" S.. c I [ U III

~ ' d
~ 2 " d

0 f

0 I 0 1 5 2 0 2 , , 0
Axill For.: •• (:-.I )'"'0

b) Infill 10%

, <h

2 " d
, h

"'.:",.:";.,":.;":.::." :.~;.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:,:.;.:

•• "Irum


1 ••

o f

o 1 0 I S 2 0 2 , , 0
Axial Forc •• (N ).'0

c) Infill 30%

~Eqv SIalic
, r;;::;JR"'pon •••
" S "" t r U ,n

). , d

~ 2 " d

1 • 1

a f

2 , , 0

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.17 (c) Design axial force envelop (1,) for column iofor 6 storied building
J ,d

r:::IR r'pon.e
S eclrum

, , d


,, ) 0

a) Infill 0%

," CZlRe.pou.c
S eClrum
, d

, " d

1-. t


, 0 I , 0
Shear Force (N )'"10'

b) Infill 10%

" lZZIEqv."

." ClRe.pon.r
S reteu m
0 J ,d

~ , " d

I .,

1 1 , 0
ShellfFo rCO" (N)'"IO.

c) Infill 30%

. " IZIZIEqv. Static

" CZlR
<) n."

~ ' ,d
~ , " d

, .,

, 0

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.17 (d) Design shear force envelop (Ix) of column iofor 6 storied building
• t h ClRe.poll.'lI'
l ,d

, • d

, • t


o t 0 2 0 , l
m •• r (N • m lm~ ) .• I 0 '

a) Infill 0%

••• c::JRe'pol\.~
S pc,; t r 1,I m
, d
i'<'.,>, <,<"",><" I
, " d
.'>"."", "'.',.,»,,"'.. "'<'<.1
o F
::,:":.:";(:.:":.:':<" .•..,.-......•......•. :.:'~: .:< ..:<.;.:;.••.•..
o 2 0 ,,
b) Infill 10%

, t h

••• cmRII"pon.c

i J ,d

£ 2 " d

I. ,

, 0
, 0 ,,
c) Infill 30%

• 'h
I. <,."",.",<,.., .. !:::JRe.po
.•• c

, d

2 " d

, • t

,",<:<:,::;":>;:,<",>:>,:,.;- ...'.. "
o , 0 ,,
d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.18 (a) Design moment envelop (nI, ) of column eo for 6 storied building
WJEqv Static

'<h IZ::JR "'pon.\!

S ".:: Ir u m
, d

2 • d

I "

" ,
Mom 1 "On t (N • m I .5). 1 0 1
2 0 ,,
a) Infill 0%

•• !?mEqv. SIalic

• 'h l::JRe'pon'e
S Il " " t rum
, d

, • d

o f

o , 0 ,,
b) Infill 10%

•• [IDJEqv Stalle

••• I::ZIR
fetru m
0 , d
~ 2 • d

0 f

2 0 2 ,

c) Infill 30%

•• ro<lE'Iv S fat;c

••• E:ZIR

~ ' d

~ 2 • d

I .,
0 f
Mom I.On t (N • m 1 .5). I 0 7
, 0 ,,
d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.18 (b) Design moment envelop (mr) of column eo for 6 storied building

• <h tr::JR.'pon ••

i., ' d

~ , , d

a F

AI~i.1 fo~;e (N ).2,°0,
,, 3 0

a) Infill 0%


E::::IRe.pon ••

I 0
1 S
force (N
2 0
,, 3 0

b) Infill 10%

<h l:lrnE 'lv. Static

CZlR,e'pon ••
• <h
~ , d

, , d

I .,
0 F

o ,, 3 0

c) Infill 30%

<h IZ'ZIE q v. S !"Iic

• <h E:lRe.pon ••

, S celru m

~ , d

I .,
0 p

,, 3 0

d) Infill 50%

Fig. 4.18 (c) Design axial force envelop U;'> for column eo for 6 storied building
3 "

S ,clrum

, .,
3 "


o F

o I 0 I .5 2 0 , 3 3 0
Shear Force (N )'"10'

a) Infill 0%

." :II'.:I>;:I';>I::I::~I;~'I'/I>:'I'>:;I:~:I:"~":~.'
_ t::, :.,":.:) .:~.,:
-------------l~:;.~.~:2:::~;~:=:~:::~i~,~ Sec t r U III

~, " k:~,::.:?:.:.

,"' 1.'<:;:(;/'.")"".")/1
" ke.',"'.".' ".,> '."i.'
o F

o , 0

b) Infill 10%


3 "

," ,
J • J

o F

o , 0

c) Infill 30%



0 ~

3 .,
," ,
." o F

o , 0

d) 10011 50%

Fig. 4.18 (d) Design shear force envelop UJ of column eo for 6 storied building

4.3.5 Effect of Variation of Jnfill Percentage on Design Steel Requirement

From the above findings of forces and moments, the soft ground floors of the five
columns i, e, C, io, eo (see Fig, 3.7) are designed by using biaxial bending method.

Table 4.4 Required steel for design of columns with various percentage of infill
(6 storied) (for locations of columns see Fig. 3.7)

Required Required Required Required Required

steel for steel for steel for steel for steel for
column i(%) column io column e column eo column c
(%) (%) (%) (%)
-- --- - -- -- --

0 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.89
10 2,21 1.26
I 3,78 L 2.52 2:771
I! 1.39 1.90 I
30 3.79 , 1.89 2,84 I 1.26 3.70 1.39 4.62 ,, 1.85 3.79 1.26
- -- ----- ,
50 3.47 I 1.58 3.16 II 1.26 4,16 1.39 3.70 I 1.39 3.79 1.26
- , ,
70 3,16 1.26 2.84 1.26 4,16 1.39 3.70 , 1.39 3,79 1.26
I-- -
90 3,16
I 1.26 2.84 I 1.26 - 'DOl 1.39

3,70 I 1.39 3.79 I 1.26

The steel percentage for the columns is calculated for each load case and the highest
steel percent is taken as design steel. These steel percentages are plotted in graphical
form in Fig. 4.19 to Fig, 4.23 and given in a tabular form in table 4.4,
5 ,--
o Eqv. Stalic I
o Response Spectrum I

~ 3


" 2 1 -
- -

~tDJ 0 10



- --r


Fig. 4.19 Design steel percentage with different in fill (column i of sofl G F) fOl'6
storied building
o Eqv. Static

o Response Spectnun
- -

- - - ~

:nt o 10 30

Infill (%)
50 70 90

Fig. 4.20 Design steel percentage with different in fill (column io of soft GF) for

6 storied building

5 ,
- o Eqv. Static

o Response Spectnun
- -
~3 I
><ij 2
8 -
- - - -

o -

o 10 30 50 70 90

Infill (%)

Fig. 4.21 Design steel percentage with different infill (column e of soft GF) for

6 storied building
o Eqv. Static
- o Response
- -

- - -

o '-
o 10 50 70 90
!nfill (%)

Fig. 4.22 Design steel percentage with different infill (column eo of soft GF) for
6 storied building

o Eqv. Static
o Response Spectrum
- - - ~
"" 3
.;;; 2
•.. -

- - - ;- ~

0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
0 10 30 50 70 90

!nfill (%)

Fig. 4.23 Design steel percentage with different infill (column c of soft GF) for
6 storied building

The findings from these figures are:

• The static equivalent analysis and the response spectrum analysis require
same percentage of steel in all the five columns if no infill is considered.
This justifies the applicability of equivalent static force method for design of
earthquake for structure without any structurally active infill.

• As soon as infill is applied, steel percentage increases in response spectrum

and static equivalent method. As shown in design force and moment envelop
the shear force and bending moment increases due to the presence of infill.
As design force and moment increases, so design steel is ,also increased.
Comparing with 0% infill case, the requirements of steel in response
spectrum method is almost double and some where more than double if infill
is considered.

• If the static equivalent analysis and the response spectrum analysis are
compared for frame with infill it is found that static analysis gives stcel
percent which is 50% lower than response spcctrum analysis. Response
spectrum considers dynamic movement of the structure due to earthquake.
So the pendulum effect is considered in RSM which increases the
requirement of design steel in response spectrum method.

• Another finding is steel demand increases for some columns even with
Equivalent Static Force Method (ESFM) when amount of infill is increased
from 0% to 10% or 30%. In all cases the base shear is same thus the column
moment can bc expected to be same. A probable reason for increasc in stcel
demand is that when infill is inserted in the model they act as diagonal struts
and exerts a high magnitude of force at the beam column joint in the
diagonal direction which locally increases the axial force in the column and
thus steel demand. When amount of infill is increased beyond 50% tbe
magnitude of the diagonal force decreases since same latcral force is sbared
by a higher number of diagonals causing a reduction in tbe axial force in
columns and hence steel area.


This chapter has described the parameters of different models of buildings. The
change of time period, base shear and sway patterns with different infill percentages
for both Equivalent Static Force Method (ESFM) and Response Spectrum Method
(RSM) have been discussed in this chapter. Also the axial force, shear force and
bending moment envelops for the models analyzed are shown in this part of the
thesis. Finally this chapter has illustrated the effect of infill percentages on design
steel requirements. From the findings of this chapter some conclusions can be made
and some remedial measures can be proposed which are described in the next



The results of the previous chapters support the facts that buildings with soft ground
story are highly vulnerable against earthquake. Therefore appropriate preventive
measures should be taken. Such measures can be taken at design phase, construction
phase or afterwards in the form of retrofitting. Based on the findings of the previous
chapters we are now in a position to provide some guidelines both at design phase
and at construction phase, which are described below.


Buildings with open ground floors are essential features of the modern apartment
construction. Therefore preventive or remedial measures against soft story failure
must ensure the intended function of the open ground floor space. Keeping this in
mind; the following measures can be suggested to enhance the safety of the structure
against earthquake of such buildings.

5.2.1 Magnification of base shear

From the present study it is found that base shear increases remarkably with increase
in structurally active infill percentages in upper stories. This increment in base shear
plays a key role for the building to collapse. The base shear of the buildings studied
is shown in chapter 4 in Fig. 4.11 to Fig. 4.13. From this observation a suggestion
can be made about the magnification of base shear for the design of columns of open
ground floor. The total increased base shear can be taken as design base shear to
design the ground floor columns. The base shear of 6, 9 and 12 storied buildings
plotted in Fig. 4.11 to Fig. 4.13 are replotted below in Fig. 5.1 to Fig. 5.3 in a
normalized form by dividing the VRSM values by VSTATIC value. Thus the normalized
values may be considered as multipliers to increase the VSTATIC value to take into
account the effect of infil!. Designers generally do not consider infill effect in design
purpose. So the values of Fig. 5.1 to Fig. 5.3 can be taken as magnification factor for
the base shear found for the frame by conventional equivalent static analysis. This
magnification of load is for the design of ground floor columns only.

1.5 .

0.5 .

o 10 30 50 70 90
Infill (%)

Fig. 5.1 Normalized VnsMlVsTATlC for 6 storied building


;:: 1.5



0 10 30 50 70 90
Infill (%)

Fig. 5.2 Normalized VnsMlVsTATlC for 9 storied building

3 r-----.-------
2.5 .


o 10 30 50 70 90
Julill ('Yo)

Fig. 5.3 Normalized VRSMlVsTATIC for 12 storied building

-=-~-.:=~:::.=- ==-;~--==:::.=-t~- fJ
~-~-=-=i~--= ~=[------~-
---:--- -
~ 2.5 ==j== ==1=-_.. ~__~. _-.~~
-- i --
-'-. ,-.- --1-
---i------- -:-_.
I -
--f----- -~-- --1------+-- -'--
--'==.= -"-J-
I !
- :T
Suggested factor for design


Factor from analysis

~;~~l~:::._~ i

4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of Storey

Fig. 5.4 Suggested magnification factor, P for design purpose of soft ground
floor columns

The envelop plotted in the previous chapter shows that infill reduces force and
moment in the upper stories. So the column design without considering infill effect
gives safer result in the upper stories according to the present study. Form Fig. 5.1 it
can be observed that dynamic base shear (VRSJ1) can be as high as 1.75 times of the
static base shear for six storied building. For the nine storied building (Fig. 5.2) VRSM

is about 2.25 times of the VSTATIC and for twelve storied building (Fig. 5.3) VRSM is
close to 2.5 times of the static value. In all cases dynamic base shear VRSM usually
maximizes at about 50% or 60% infill after which there is no significant
magnification. We can plot the story wise maximum value of the magnification
factors( normalized base shears) as shown in Fig.5A by the dotted line. Here we may
denote the maximum magnitude of multiplier as

(5.1 )

we can thus consider flo as a multiplier for VSTATfC to take into account for the effect

of infill. In order to use the multiplier for design purpose we may increase it by 10%
for additional safety (Gael and Chopra 1997, Gael and Chopra 1998). Thus we
denote the finally suggested multiplier as

fl = Uflo (5.2)

and the curve for fl is shown in Fig. SA by the solid line.

Thus the design procedure would be to detemline VSTATIC on the basis of

conventional Equivalent Static Force Method (ESFM) and analyze the structure for
shear, axial force, moment in the conventional manner. Then at the time of load
combination we apply the factor fl obtained from Fig. SA to get the design forces

and moment for ground floor columns as follows.

• Service load: D+L+ fl xE

• Factored load: a) 0.75 (lAD + I.7L+ flx1.7 xl.lE)

the above combination shall replace the conventional combination related to

earthquakes for the design of open ground floor columns. It should be kept in mind

that combinations related to other types of loading (wind load) should also be
considered in the design process of ground floor columns.

5.2.2 Isolation of Infill

Presence of infills makes the upper floors of buildings much stiffer against lateral
sway rendering the ground floor soft. Collapse of buildings due to soft ground story
can be avoided if we can render the infills as structurally inactive. This can be
achieved if we can prohibit the frame infill interaction. lnfill interacts with frame
elements when the structure tends to sway under lateral load. If there is sufficient
gap between the frame elements and the infill so that infill does not come in contact
with the frame even when the maximum sway occurs, then the infills would not
become structurally active. Such isolation of infill from the frame elements would
thus prevent the rigid body like motion (pendulum effect) of the upper floors and the
building frame would behave like an ordinary flexible frame without any soft story.

I ,

,; 4

2 -

--- No In fill

o 10 20 30 40 50
Story Sway (mm)

Fig. 5.5 Gap Width Taken for Building


In this manner, masonry infill walls would not affect the frame performance and
frame displacements arc not restrained. Another advantage of the isolated masonry
infill is that the walls remain undamaged, thereby reducing post-earthquake repair
costs. From the point of view of controlling weather conditions inside the building,
the gaps need to be sealed with an elastic compressible material (like cork sheet). In
Fig. 4.5 to Fig. 4.10 the sway pattern of the 6, 9 and 12 storied buildings are plotted.
From the figures the total width of the gap can be estimated. The gap of column and
masonry wall of story may be equal to or greater than the drift demand of the
respective story for structure with no active infill (Fig. 5.5). From Fig. 4.5 to 4.10
the drift demand is calculated for buildings of 6,9 and 12 storied buildings with no
active infills, and these are listed in a tabular form in table 5.1.

From table 5.1 it can be observed that drift demand arc highest at lower 110arlevels
and in all cases this is about Ilmm or 12mm. We are intending to fill this gap with a
soft material like cork sheet and wire mesh is used as in Fig. 5.6 so that proper
finishing of wall and frame by plastering can be done easily without affecting the
function of the gap. We must ensure that even after the maximum sway, the cork
sheet remains sufficiently soft so that no interaction between wall and frame can be
developed. We can achieve this if we increase the gap than above requirements.
Therefore it is suggested to provide a gap of about 20mm between the infill masonry
and the frame element (column and beam). A conceptual detailed sketch of this gap
is shown in Fig. 5.6.

The present study has been conducted for seismic zone II (BNBe, 1993) for zone
coefficient 0.15. For seismic zone]]] (zone coefficient 0.25) the same problem shall
occur and the buildings will be more vulnerable in earthquake. Fornl the present
study we can suggest the remedial measures for the soft storied buildings in zone III.
The base shear magnification will be same as that of the buildings of zone II. The
base shear in zone]]] will give higher absolute magnitudes than in zone II if no infill
is considered in the analysis. As soon as infill is applied the base shear increases in
same proportion like the models in zone II. The relative increase in base shear will
be the same and thus the magnification factor shall be same for both zones II and III.
So the same magnification factor can be used for the two zones (Fig.5A). Another
remedial measure suggested was isolation of infill from the frame elements. As the

zone factor is higher for zone III so it can be concluded that the sway of the building
will be higher in zone III. So the gap required between infill and frame elements will
be higher. The suggested gap for zone III is 30mm and the gap should be sealed with
elastic material like cork sheet and wire mesh should be used to facilitate plastering
as shown in Fig. 5.6.

It should be kept in mind that the above suggestions for providing gap needs further
study before it is implemented in practice. It is certain that providing gap shall
render infill structurally inactive. However an additional problem may anse
regarding the stability of the wall itself during earthquake shaking. Since the wall is
separated from the frame it may easily fall down if shaking occurs in a direction
normal to the plane of infill and may cause damage to life and property. Therefore
some means must be developed so the wall remains in place during earthquake

Table 5.1 Drift Demand for 6, 9, and 12 storied building

Drift Demand for Drift Demand for Drift Demand 1'01'

six storied nine storied twelve storied

Story No. building (mm) building (mm) building (mm)
11.097 Il.l94 10.309
2 10.483 11.439 11.482
3 9.331 11.012 11.619
4 7.564 10.061 11.079
5 5.385 8.87 10.299
6 3.014 7.503 9.408
7 5.958 8.438
8 4.232 7.39
9 2.499 6.244
10 4.982
11 3.603
12 2.312
Gaptt -jtGap

-, X

Typical Elevation

G"p -+.;- G;,O) -1:1' /- Cork $hc(: CO(~.Shc<l~-", ;:"-,f.- Gap h~~W;l
:'------1 i
J ._.-:-.: ' ..
// '\." I. r;=----

'.-.-;io~ '

~: I\,'!

_e_.,..1 ,
.__; • I-
I . I •
I I!

-:1' 5" 'f- '~ \';I(~ i'.tCSI't

Section X-X

Cork Sheet

Fig. 5.6 A conceptual detailing of gap for isolating infill



Whether base shear magnification method or infill isolation method is adopted as

described earlier, it is essential that the detailing of column reinforcement In
accordance with standard code, to ensure ductile column behavior, be followed.

Columns contain two types of steel reinforcement, namely: (a) long straight bars
(called longitudinal bars) placed vertically along the length, and (b) closed loops of
smaller diameter steel bars (called transverse ties) placed horizontally at regular
intervals along its full length. Columns can sustain two types of damage, namely
axial-flexural (or combined compression-bending) failure and shear failure. Shear
damage is brittle and must be avoided in columns by providing transverse ties at
close spacing. Closely spaced horizontal closed ties help in three ways, namely (i)
they carry the horizontal shear forces induced by earthquakes, and thereby' resist
diagonal shear cracks, (ii) they hold together the vertical bars and prevent them from
excessively bending outwards (in technical terms, this bending phenomenon is
called buckling), and (iii) they contain the concrete in the column within the closed
loops. The ends of the ties must be bent as 135 hooks (Fig. 5.7). Such hook ends

prevent opening of loops and consequently buckling of concrete and buckling of

vertical bars. Designing a column involves selection of materials to be used (i.e.
grades of concrete and steel bars), choosing shape and size of the cross-section, and
calculating amount and distribution of steel reinforcement. The first two aspects are
part of the overall design strategy of the whole building. The Indian Ductile
Detailing Code IS 1893-2002 requires columns to be at least 300mm wide. A
column width of up to 200mm is allowed if unsupported length is less than 4m and
beam length is less than Sm. Columns that are required to resist earthquake forces
must be designed to prevent shear failure by a skillful selection of reinforcement.

The Indian Standard IS 1893-2002 prescribes following details for earthquake-

resistant columns:

(a) Closely spaced ties must be provided at the two ends of the column over a length
not less than larger dimension of the column, one-sixth the column height or

(b) Over the distance specified in item (a) above and below a beam-column junction,
the vertical spacing of ties in columns should not exceed D/4 for where D is the
smallest dimension of the column (e.g., in a rectangular column, D is the length of
the small side). This spacing need not be less than 75mm nor more than 100mm. At
other locations, ties are spaced as per calculations but not more than D/2.

(c) The length of tie beyond the 1350 bends must be at least 10 times diameter of
steel bar used to make the closed tie; this extension beyond the bend should not be
less than 75mm.

Construction drawings with clear details of closed ties are helpful in the effective
implementation at construction site. In columns where the spacing between the
comers bars exceeds 300mm, the Indian Standard prescribes additional links with
1800 hook ends for ties to be effective in holding the concrete in its place and to
prevent the buckling of vertical bars. These links need to go around both vertical
bars and horizontal closed ties (Fig. 5.8); special care is required to implement this
properly at site.

Tile ends artie:> are

bent at 135 ,:.Such ties
do not open during
Ties with
strong e artll q/Jake 10 times
ends bent at 135"
~ sllaking. diameter
of tie


Fig. 5.7 End bent of ties (Murty 2005)


In the construction of RC buildings, due to the limitations in available length of bars

and due to constraints in construction, there are numerous occasions when column
bars have to be joined. A simple way of achieving this is by overlapping the two
bars over at least a minimum specified length, called lap length. The lap length
depends on types of reinforcement and concrete. For ordinary situations, it is about
50 times bar diameter.

Further, IS 1893-2002 prescribes that the lap length be provided only in the middle
half of column and not near its top or bottom ends (Fig. 5.9). Also, only half the
vertical bars in the column are to be lapped at a time in any story. Further, when laps
are provided, ties must be provided along the length of the lap at a spacing not more
than 150mm.

Ex!ra Links

.. I.'
. ~••"_'~', r •

• :" L :..~. 1

~ -I - ••.

,- .'(~ 180' links around

.•. '(\':, I.., BOTH vertical bars

... ,... ~
•• .'~,:

• >r oJ '," ~ •• '"

~ 0_"••; •
and 135tl ties
•• 0'1" I '. ,. • -
ro' I, "t-; J' Jo ,'X ",
--' .• ':' r;...l"
r". ~... ': ' .• .
- .'"):

Fig. 5.8 Required extra links to keep the concrete in place (Murty, 2005)

The detailing of column is also given in BNBC, 1993 in chapter 8 in article 8.3.10.
T -T
Spacing of ties nor more tJian
At least larger of
D. hl6 and 450mm 014, but need not less tllDn
75 mm nor more than 100 mm
~- ---'-c
-:: I
. - --"~.-
i, At least larger of Spacing of ties not mOfe 111(111
I D, h/6 and 450 mm 0/4. but need not less than
i h/4 J.,-.
75 mm nor more IIJiin 100 mm
! -~.
Column .-._._--- I
'\",--' Spacing of tios
,I not lIJom til,," [>2

Lapping of
vertical bars
Spacing of ties:n IJp
length not more than
I in middJe-half smaller of 012 and
h .1I ofcolurnn 150mm
i I I
! ,
I Spacing Of tH]S
-"-,--'L.- not more lllan 0/2
i ,I
i --.-
i,, h/4 I --'+,-
At least larger of Spacing of ties not more limn
D. hl6 and 450 mm 0/4. but need nol jess lllan
• 75 mm nor morc I!~t;~;:CO mm
":._--,,,-.- -.•..-- .. - '..-
T -',--
At least largerol Spacing of lies flat more Illan
D. hiS and 450 mm 0/4. but need no/less Ulan
75 mm nor more than 100 mm
..L --"-

Fig. 5.9 Placing vertical bars and closed ties in columns (Murty, 2005)


Different retrofitting options can be hypothesized aiming at the improvement of the

seismic performance of the structural system of the buildings: both conventional and
innovative strategies can be taken into account. These are discussed as followed.

5.4.1 Confined Masonry Construction

Based on the poor earthquake performance of non-ductile RC frame buildings and

also load-bearing masonry buildings, confined masonry construction is emerging as
a better alternative for low-rise buildings in developing countries (Brzev, 2006).
Confined masonry construction consists of masonry walls (made either of clay brick
or concrete block units) and horizontal and vertical reinforced concrete confining
members provided on all four sides of a masonry wall. Vertical members, called tie-
columns, resemble columns in reinforced concrete frame construction. Horizontal
clements, called tic-beams, resemble beams in reinforced concrete frame

5.4.2 Provide Shear Wall

Shear Walls at the open story level: Once the vulncrable building with open
ground story has been identified, the foremost responsibility is to urgently improve
the safety of open ground story buildings, before the next earthquake strikes and
brings them down. One quick solution is to install masonry infill walls in the ground
story between as many columns as possible. This should be possible even when the
open ground story is being provided to offer car parking (Fig. 5.10).

r-T--'I' ---b::i-j--r-
__._, i
t-_. _._.~._.

I ! !

I \~I-;a icil-~

L4d5 i

i i! I U~!

I .:-~+-j I
: lin I I I
'----I---t--_ ..
_-- "--... ! j 4:-' Ii
-- Ufj[~~Ll,-i=1\ •...
.~ - .._,.
0~r ..

Fig. 5.10 Retrofitting scheme (a) complete open ground story (b) ground story
with inml wall; triangle indicate parking for cars (Murty et al. 2006)

RC Shear Walls to provide earthquake resistance: For selected existing buildings

and for all new buildings that have open ground stories, the stiffness and strength
irregularity in the ground story should be minimized, if not eliminated. In the ground

story, RC walls can be built in selected bays but running continuously along the full
height of the building (Fig. 5.11); the other bays can be infilled with masonry walls
or left open. Of course, in the upper stories, the other bays will be infilled with
masonry walls.

Fig. 5.11 RC Shear walls to resist lateral earthquake loads (Murty et al. 2006)

.-0 -. G•• 0 ...• 0 0, .._._-. ",.._.- 0 .._ 0

'i. . i,' " I I' ,

:,:'--+--'-~.:.. '~.' .E-:-.~~.:J=.~.~.1_.1.
,.-. -:-.~-*.~.
-.- ---'""'------

.' . J '. ~
•~ ..
t. i

1 -_.
. il
i' -..D ••.• 0

II i
.. a
~ 0.' 0

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.12 RC shear wall layout a)unsymmetric location not desirable b)

symmetric layout ahout both axes of the building and along the perimeter is
desirable (Murty, 2005)

RC walls in buildings must be symmetrically located in plan to reduce the ill-effects

of twist in buildings (Fig 5.12). They could be placed symmetrically along one or
both directions in plan. RC walls are more effective when located along the exterior
perimeter of the building: such a layout increases resistance of the building to
twisting. End regions of a wall with increased confinement are called boundary
elements. The special confining transverse reinforcement in boundary elements is
similar to that provided in columns of RC frames. Sometimes, the thickness of the
shear wall in these boundary elements is also increased. RC walls with boundary
elements have substantially higher bending strength and horizontal shear force
carrying capacity, and are therefore less susceptible to earthquake damage than walls
without boundary elements.

5.4.3 Dissipating Bracing

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.13 A Pre 1976 Building a) before retrofitting b) proposed retroJitting


Energy dissipating bracings are provided to be inserted strategically within the RC

frame mesh along the building height. The solution is such expensive as the previous
one and requires the partial evacuation of the inhabitants. The system effectiveness

is limited by the need to limit the story drift to respect the ductility availability of the
existing elements. A pre 1976 eight storied office building in New Zealand was
proposed to strengthen by this procedure which is shown in Fig. 5.13.

5.4.4 Base Isolation

It provides for the provisional supports of the elevation, the cutting of the basement
columns, the insertion of the isolating devices, the widening of the gaps among the
platform sections around the building. It is less expensive than the previous one, but
it requires the inhabitant evacuation as well.


As the vulnerable soft ground floor buildings are very common in Bangladesh, some
practical remedial procedures for these types of buildings are discussed in this
chapter. Suggestions are given based on the present analysis to prevent failure of
buildings due to soft ground floor.



In the present study an extensive computational investigation has been performed on

reinforced concrete framed buildings having masonry infilled panels in upper floor
with open ground floor to identify the possible vulnerability of buildings with son
ground floor. A comparison is presented for frames without infill and frames with
varying percentage of effective infill under seismic loading. Generally code
equations practiced in Bangladesh does not consider presence of infill. The present
study supports the fact that soft story buildings with infill in upper floors arc at high
risk under seismic loading. The open ground floor is an important functional
requirement of almost all the urban multi-story buildings, and hence, cannot be
eliminated. However, it is clear that such buildings will exhibit poor performance
during a strong or moderate shaking. This hazardous feature of RC frame buildings
needs to be recognized immediately and necessary measures to be taken to improve
the performance of the buildings. Alternative measures need to be adopted for this
specific situation. Based on the findings of the present study some proposals are
given for the remedy of such situation which can be applied during both construction
phase and design phase of building construction.


The findings of the study presented in the previous chapters are summarized below:
I. For dynamic analysis method the period is found to decrease with increase in
effective infill percentages. Whereas the code docs not show any change in
the time period with the variation of in fill.
11. The presence of structurally active infill in upper floors is the reason for the
increase in base shear of the buildings.

111. In presence of infill in upper story the sway pattern shows a major change.
The presence of infill makes the total structure rigid and as a result the major
deflection is concentrated in the ground floor.

IV. This concentrated deflection is responsible for the increase 111 bending
moment and the shear force in the ground floor columns.

v. Equivalent static force method is incapable of predicting the soft story

behavior even in presence of in fill in the analysis model.
VI. Dynamic response spectrum method can predict soft story behavior only
when structurally active infill is present in the model.

Vll. The design steel requirements of the soft ground floor columns show
considerable increase in presence of infill in upper floors.
Vlll. The findings of the study can help us to produce safe design of buildings
having open ground floors.



The behavior of RC framed buildings with open ground floor has been presented in
chapter 4. Based on these findings some suggestions are made which are elaborated
in chapter 5. Briefly speaking two suggestions are made. The first one is about
amplification of the base shear by a factor, based on the height of the structure for
the purpose of designing ground floor columns, so that these columns can withstand
the intensified earthquake force resulting fonn the shaking of much stiffer upper

The second suggestion is about deactivating the infills as a structural element by

providing sufficient gap between infill and frame elements. Due to the gap frame
infill interaction will not Occur and the structure will behave like an ordinary sway
frame. This shall prevent occurrence of soft story and the assumptions of
conventional analysis methods shall hold true for the building. Details of the
procedure of safeguarding buildings using either of the above two methods are given
in chapter 5. However it must be kept in mind that the wall must bc prevented from
falling down during shaking in the direction normal to its plane which may cause
damage to life and property.


The study presented in the investigation has been carried out for framed structures
having regular geometry. The total structure was symmetric with a limited no. of
story. The number of bay and spans was not varied. Infill was present on each floor
in the same pattern and infill was placed symmetrically to avoid torsional effect. The
stiffness of infill was same throughout the building which may not be possible in the
real building. Presence of openings for placement of window, doors etc. and
placement of utility materials like electricity, water or sewerage pipe was not
considered here in the present study. Earthquake may come in any direction but the
structures were analyzed for earthquake effects in two major directions only.
The findings of the present investigation should be interpreted with the frame work
of these limitations. It can therefore be said that more work needs to be done on this
topic to overcome such limitations. Some recommendations are listed below that
may be carried out for further advanccment of research.
1. The scope of the present investigation can be expanded by including more
stories, bays and spans under investigation.
II. The study may be carried out for different infill orientation at diffcrent story
keeping the ground story open.
Ill. Presence of openings in infill like window or door can be considered in
IV. Equivalent strut model is used in this study to represent the infil!. The
behavior of structure using other models of infills can be studicd.
v. The direction of earthquake force can be varied in both equivalent static
force method and response spectrum method.
VI. Non linear analysis can be performed to study the post peak response.
VII. More rigorous dynamic analysis based on real earthquake accelerograms
may be carried out.

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