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Log Interpretation

Interpretation is defined as the action of

explaining the meaning of something.

Log Interpretation is the explanation of logs ρb, GR,

Resistivity, etc. in terms of well and reservoir
parameters, zones, porosity, oil saturation, etc.
Log interpretation can provide answers to
questions on:
Why Run Logs
The Reservoir
Requirements of a reservoir

To form a reservoir needs


1. source of organic material

(terrestrial or marine)
2. a suitable combination of heat,
pressure and time
3. an oxygen free environment
4. suitable basin
Reservoir Geometry
Reservoir elements

The major elements of a reservoir are :

• permeable rock  stores the

• source rock  produces
• impermeable rock  traps
• trap  captures fluids
Reservoir Rocks
The Earth
The Earth 2
Plate Tectonics 1
Compressional Features
Tensional Features
Ocean plate - Ocean Plate
Ocean plate - Continental plate
Continental - Continental
Rocks General

There are three major classes of rock:

(e.g. Granite).
(e.g. Sandstone).
(e.g. Marble)
Igneous Rocks
Comprise 95% of the Earth's crust.
Originated from the solidification of
material from deep inside the Earth.
There are two types:
Volcanic - glassy in texture due to fast
Plutonic - slow-cooling, crystalline
Igneous Rocks and Reservoirs

Igneous rocks can be part of reservoirs.

Fractured granites form reservoirs in some
parts of the world.
Volcanic tuffs are mixed with sand in some
Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic rocks formed by the

action of temperature and/or pressure
on sedimentary or igneous rocks.

Examples are
Marble - formed from limestone
Hornfels - from shale or tuff
Gneiss - similar to granite but
formed by metamorphosis
Sedimentary Rocks

The third category is Sedimentary rocks. These

are the most important for the oil industry as it
contains most of the source rocks and cap rocks
and virtually all reservoirs.
Sedimentary rocks come from the debris of older
rocks and are split into two categories

Clastic and Non-clastic.

Clastic rocks - formed from the materials of older
rocks by the actions of erosion, transportation
and deposition.

Non-clastic rocks -
from chemical or biological origin and then
Depositional Environments

The depositional environment can be Shallow or

deep water.
Marine (sea) and lake or continental.
This environment determines many of the
reservoir characteristics
Depositional Environments 2

Continental deposits are usually dunes. A shallow

marines environment has a lot of turbulence hence
varied grain sizes. It can also have carbonate and
evaporite formation. A deep marine environment
produces fine sediments.
Depositional Environments 3
The depositional characteristics of the rocks lead
to some of their properties and that of the
reservoir itself.

The reservoir rock type clastic or non-clastic.

The type of porosity (especially in carbonates) is
determined by the environment plus subsequent

The structure of a reservoir can also be

determined by deposition; a river, a delta, a reef
and so on.

This can also lead to permeability and

producibility. of these properties are often
changed by further events.
Depositional Environment 4

The environment is not static. Folding and faulting change

the structure.
Dissolution and fracturing can change the permeability.

Sediments settle to The bottom of

sedimentary basin.

As the sediments accumulate the

temperature and pressure increase
water from the sediments.
Sedimentation 2

Sedimentary muds become

sedimentary rocks.
Calcareous muds become limestone.
Sands become sandstone.
Another effect involves both the
grains in the matrix and the fluids
reacting to create new minerals
changing the matrix and porosity.
Fluids can also change creating a new
set of minerals.
This whole process is called
Clastic Rocks
Clastic rocks are sands, silts and shales. The difference is in the
size of the grains.
Depositional Environment - Delta

Sediments are transported to the basins by

A common depositional environment is the
delta where the river empties into the sea.
A good example of this is the Mississippi.
Rivers Some types of deposition
occur in rivers and sand
The river forms a channel
where sands are deposited
in layers. Rivers carry
sediment down from the
mountains which is then
deposited in the river bed
and on the flood plains at
Changes in the environment
can cause these sands to be
overlain with a shale,
trapping the
reservoir rock.

Carbonates form a large

proportion of all sedimentary
They consist of:
Carbonates usually have an
irregular structure.
Carbonate types
Chalk is a special form of limestone and is formed from the skeletons of
small creatures (cocoliths).

Dolomite is formed by the replacement of some of the calcium by a lesser

volume of magnesium in limestone by magnesium.
Magnesium is smaller than calcium, hence the matrix becomes smaller
and more porosity is created.
Depositional Environment Carbonates

Carbonates are formed in shallow seas containing features such

Rock Properties

Rocks are described by three


1. Porosity - quantity of pore space

2. Permeability - ability of a formation

to flow

3. Matrix - major constituent of the

Definition of Porosity
Porosity Sandstones

The porosity of a sandstone depends on the packing arrangement of

its grains.
The system can be examined using spheres.
Porosity and Grain Size

A rock can be made up of small grains or large grains but have the
same porosity.

Porosity depends on grain packing, not the grain size.

Permeability Definition

The rate of flow of a liquid through a formation depends

The pressure drop.
The viscosity of the fluid.
The permeability.
The pressure drop is a reservoir property. The viscosity is a
fluid property.
The permeability is a measure of the ease at which a fluid
can flow through a formation.
Relationships exist between permeability and porosity for
given formations, although they are not universal.
A rock must have porosity to have any permeability.
The unit of measurement is the Darcy.
Reservoir permeability is usually quoted in millidarcies,
Darcy Experiment
The flow of fluid of viscosity m through a porous medium
was first investigated in 1856 by Henri Darcy.
He related the flow of water through a unit volume of sand
to the pressure gradient across it.
In the experiment the flow rate can be changed by altering
the parameters as follows:
Permeability and Rocks

In formations with large grains, the permeability is high and

the flow rate larger
Permeability and Rocks 2

In a rock with small grains the permeability is less and

the flow lower.

Grain size has no bearing on porosity, but has a

large effect on permeability.
Reservoir Rocks

Reservoir rocks need two properties to be successful:

Pore spaces able to retain hydrocarbon.
Permeability which allows the fluid to move.
Clastic Reservoirs

Sandstone usually has regular grains; and is

referred to as a grainstone.

Determined mainly by the packing and mixing of

Determined mainly by grain size and packing,
connectivity and shale content.

Fractures may be present.

Carbonate Reservoirs

Carbonates normally have a very irregular


Determined by the type of shells, etc. and by
depositional and post-depositional events
(fracturing, leaching, etc.).

Determined by deposition and post deposition
events, fractures.

Fractures can be very important in carbonate

Cap Rock
A reservoir needs a cap rock.

Impermeable cap rock keeps the fluids trapped in the

It must have zero permeability.
Some examples are:
Evaporites such as salt or
Zero-porosity carbonates.
Source Rocks
Hydrocarbon originates from minute organisms
in seas and lakes. When they die, they sink to the
bottom where they form organic-rich "muds" in fine
These "muds" are in a reducing environment or
"kitchen", which strips oxygen from the sediments
leaving hydrogen and carbon.
The sediments are compacted to form organic-rich rocks
with very low permeability.
The hydrocarbon can migrate very slowly to nearby
porous rocks, displacing the original formation water.
Temperature Window

If the temperature is too

low, the organic material
cannot transform into
If the temperature is too
high, the organic material
and hydrocarbons are
Hydrocarbon Migration

Hydrocarbon migration takes place

in two stages:
Primary migration - from the
source rock to a porous rock.
This is a complex process and not
fully understood. It is probably
limited to a few hundred metres.

Secondary migration - along the

porous rock to the trap. This occurs
by buoyancy, capillary pressure
and hydrodynamics through a
continuous water-filled pore
It can take place over large
Rock Classification
Reservoir Structure
There are many other types of structure.
The criteria for a structure is that it must have:
Closure, i.e. the fluids are unable to escape.
Be large enough to be economical.
The exact form of the reservoir depends on the depositional
environment and post depositional events such as foldings and
Traps General
Structural Traps
The simplest form of trap is a dome.
This is created by upward movement or folding of underlying sediments.

An anticline is another form of simple trap. This is formed by

the folding of layers of sedimentary rock.
Fault Traps
Faults occur when the rock shears due to stresses. Reservoirs often
form in these fault zones.
A porous and permeable layer may trap fluids due to its location
alongside an impermeable fault or its juxtaposition alongside an
impermeable bed.
Faults are found in conjunction with other structures such as
anticlines, domes and salt domes.
Salt Dome Trap

Salt Dome traps are caused when "plastic" salt is forced upwards.
The salt dome pierces through layers and compresses rocks above.
This results in the formation of various traps:
In domes created by formations pushed up by the salt.
Along the flanks and below the overhang in porous rock abutting
on the impermeable salt itself.
Stratigraphic Traps
Reservoir Mapping

Reservoir contours are usually measured to be below

Mean Sea Level (MSL).
They can represent either the reservoir formation
structure or fluid layers.
Cobble encrusted with halite evaporated from
the Dead Sea.

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