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Danareen D. Cornejo
Harry D. Ednacot Jr.

An undergraduate thesis submitted to the faculty of the Department of Industrial

Engineering and Technology, College of Engineering and Information Technology,
Cavite State University, Indang, ​Cavite in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering with Contribution No.____.
Prepared under the supervision of Engr. Gerry M. Castillo.


Philippines also known as “Pearl of the Orient Seas” was notable for its native

beauty. The geographic location and presence of natural resources provides abundant

business opportunities. Enclosed by enormous bodies of water, fishing becomes a logical

livelihood for most Filipinos. Opening larger scale of such livelihood provides good

chance of advancement or progress but on the other hand, waste generation also


Accordin​g to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2000),

approximately 75 ​percent of world fish production ​was used for human consumption and

the remaining 25 percent ​was used to produce fish meal and oil. The life cycle of a fish

product has to ​maintain refrigerated in storage throughout the process to maintain the

quality and to prevent microbiological spoilage. For several food industries specifically in

fish processing, the main issue i​ncludes environmental impact, high consumption of

water and energy. Cleaner production application in the life cycle of fish processing was

therefore considered an important phase.

Cleaner production is the continuous application of an integrated, preventive,

environmental strategy applied to processes, products and services to increase overall

efficiency and reduce risks to human and the environment. There ​were six source

reduction techniques to prevent the generation of wastes and environmental releases and

conserves natural resources. It ​was a recommended approach to environmental

management. Environmental management system provides decision making structure for

the company to improve their strategy with their day to day operation.

The benefits of cleaner production approach ​consisted of reduction of operating

cost, ecological damage, and civil and criminal liability. Investing in cleaner production,

to prevent pollution and reduction of resource consumption ​was more cost effective than

continuing the highly expensive end-of-pipe solutions.

As a result, researchers came up with the idea of cleaner production assessment in

a fish processing industry. Carm Foods Enterprises Incorporated ​is fish trading and

manufacturing smoked and dried fish. The company caters ​to customers in the

Philippines and also exporting their products in some of US States like Saipan, Guam and


Exercising the approach at Carm Foods Enterprises ​may aid for further refinement

in producing fish product. Raising the awareness in the impact of industrial and

manufacturing processes in the environment ​aided the company to have products that

responded to gain economic and environmental benefits. The researchers’conducted a

cleaner production assessment at Carm Foods Enterprises to improve the current system

and to lessen current waste and emissions. Recommendations for further cleaner

production alternatives were established for the benefit of the enterprise.


Statement of the Problem

In general, the study aimed to conduct cleaner production assessment at Carm

Foods Enterprises, Inc.

Specifically, ​it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the status of the company in terms of cleaner production?

2. What is the current system of fish product processing at Carm Foods


3. What further cleaner production alternatives can be recommended that

benefits the production of the company?

Objectives of the Study

Generally, the study aimed to conduct cleaner production assessment at Carm

Foods Enterprises, Inc.

Specifically it sought to:

1. conduct initial cleaner production assessment and monitoring report;

2. determine and assess the current production system of Carm Foods


3. recommend further cleaner production alternative that benefits the

production of the company.

Significance of the Study

This study ​would be beneficial​ to the following:

Company​. ​Results of the study would be ​beneficial to the company in terms of

increased competitive advantage due to higher standards of the system and their product.

Employees. The study ​may promote the proper use of personal protective

equipment for their safety and health of ​the employees to their​ assigned workplace.

Consumers. This study would give ​affirmation to the consumers on the food

value regarding quality, safety and nutrition ​of the​ product.

Environment​. The study would help minimized the pollution and environmental

degradation through effective use of recycling and proper waste disposal.

Future researchers​. The result of this study may be a basis of comparison in

further studies ​that may be conducted on a more number of respondents.

Scope and Limitations

The study mainly focused on the cleaner production assessment regarding the

current system in the production of fish product processing. It includes the opportunities

of cleaner production corresponding to environmental and economic benefits. The study

was conducted at Carm Foods Enterprises Inc. located at Ligtong IV, Rosario, Cavite.

Conceptual Framework

The ​input consisted of the current fish processing of the company, utilization of

cleaner production tool from Department of Science and Technology and the aid of

environmental performance indicator assessment. The ​input generated valuable data for

the study.

The employment of descriptive analysis ​had converted the raw data to

significant information for the study. Descriptive analysis incorporates the treatment of

statistical tool such as mean and mode.

Finally, ​the output of the study consisted of the cleaner production assessment at

Carm Foods Enterprises, Inc. Cleaner production options can be distinguished and further

recommended for the betterment of the company.


Figure 1. ​Conceptual Framework of ​the Study

Definition of Terms

The following terms are essential and ​may serve as a guide for better

understanding of the study.

Assessment. ​It refers to analysis of the security, effectiveness, and potential of an

existing or planned intelligence activity.

Cleaner Production. ​It refers to the focus of management that should be on

prevention rather than on cure of avoiding environmental problems.

Emissions. ​It refers to an ​act of producing or sending out something (such as

energy or gas) from a source.

End-of-pipe. ​It ​refers to technical measures for reactive environmental

protection such as filtering plants, waste water treatment plants which serve to contain

emissions, pollutants and other polluting ​substances already occurred or arisen, or



Environmental Management System. ​It ​refers to a structured system designed

to help organizations manage their environmental impacts and improve environmental

performance caused by their products, services and activities.

Environmental Performance Indicator. ​It ​provides information about an

organization’s environmental performance.

Microbiology. ​It ​refers to the ​branch of ​biology dealing with the structure,

function, uses, and modes of existence of microscopic organisms.

Personal Protective Equipment. ​It ​refers ​to equipment worn to minimize

exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries

and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical,

mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment may include

items such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators,

or coveralls, vests and full body suits.

Product Life Cycle Management. ​It ​refers ​to a systematic approach to

managing the series of changes a product goes through, from its design and development

to its ultimate retirement or disposal.

Water Consumption. ​It ​refers to the expenditure of water that has been supplied

to satisfy the various needs of the population, industry and so on. Two main categories

are (1) household drinking and communal (2) industrial or technical water consumption.

Waste Disposal. ​It ​refers to removing and destroying or storing damaged, used

or other unwanted domestic, agricultural or industrial products and substances. Disposal


includes burning, burial at landfill sites or at sea, and recycling.


This ​chapter presents the related literature and studies ​needed in the

conceptualization​ of the study.

Cleaner Production

There ​were various extensively synonymous ideas that portray this drive towards

sustainability​. ​United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ​coined the term Cleaner

Production (CP) ​describing the ​concept. ​Meanwhile, the United States Environment

Protection Agency (US-EPA) ​termed it as Pollution Prevention (P​²), then the World

Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) ​used the term Eco-efficiency

and other ​institutions utilize terms such as waste minimisation and green productivity to

describe more or less the same concept.

In 1998, Fresner stated that cleaner production is a strategy to prevent emissions

at the source and to initiate a continuous preventive improvement of environmental

performance of organizations. In cleaner production, the focus of management should be

on prevention rather than on cure in avoiding environmental problems.

Cited in 1989 by United Nations Environment Program, the development of

cleaner production (CP) was formed. Cleaner Technology, Waste Minimization and

Pollution Prevention ​were interchangeably related to​ ​the term cleaner production​.

Cleaner production is a concept that goes beyond simple pollution control.

Specifically, CP necessitates active research and development into new systems,

processes, structures, materials and products that are more resource and energy efficient,

and empowering people. Such approaches became mandatory for businesses, institutions,

governments, and civil society to ensure ecologically, socially and economically

sustainable, consumption production and service strategies. Educational, training,

management, and technical assistance programs, accelerate the adoption of cleaner

production and sustainability by industries, governments and universities.

UNEP characterized cleaner production as​ t​ he continuous application of an

integrated preventive environmental strategy​ a​ pplied to processes, products, and services

to increase eco-efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment. Furthermore,

UNEP stated that Cleaner Production can be applied to the processes used in any

industry, to product themselves and to various services provided in society.


First, for production processes, Cleaner production results from one or a

combination of conserving raw materials, water and energy; eliminating toxic and

dangerous raw materials, and reduction of all emissions and wastes at the source. Second,

for products, Cleaner Production strategy focuses on reducing the environmental, health

and safety impacts along the entire life cycle of a product from raw materials extraction

to the ultimate disposal of the products.

Lastly, for services, Cleaner Production reduces the environmental impacts of the

service provided over the entire life cycle, from system design and use to the entire

consumption of resources required providing the services.

Cleaner Production underpins the objective of ISO 14001 that elevates a typical

way to deal with environmental management, upgrade an organization's capacity to

accomplish and measure environmental performance, and facilitate trade.

Six Source Reduction Techniques

Table 1 characterizes and provides case of each of the six source reduction

techniques. These ​were only a portion of the numerous strategies for diminishing waste at

the source. Yet, they ​were extremely noteworthy case of CP-alternatives based on

pollution prevention strategy. These exercises include great ​choices won against each

"end of pipe" option.

Table 1. ​Six Source Reduction Techniques


A method of doing more with less High volume, low pressure (HVLP)
Process by designing new systems or spray guns for painting operations;
efficiency modifying existing ones; the most centralized fluid distribution
improvements effective means of conserving systems; water flow restrictors;
materials and resources energy-saving light fixtures
Material Replace hazardous chemicals with Using water-based paints instead of
substitution less toxic alternatives of equal solvent-based paints; replacing
performance solvent degreasers with aqueous
cleaning systems
Inventory Reduce product losses due to Restricting access to supply areas;
control product expiration and maintaining accurate inventory
over-stocking records to prevent over-stocking
Preventative Includes any activity that might Routinely inspecting equipment and
maintenance prevent equipment malfunctions storage containers, fixing problems
and environmental releases immediately, following standard
operating procedures

Table 1. ​(Continued…)
Improved Keeping a cleaner shop conserves Keeping aisles clear; cleaning up
housekeeping resources and materials, prevents spills and absorbents immediately;
product losses, and prevents spills maintaining storage shelves in good
and leaks order
In-process In-process recycling is considered Counter-current rinsing in the
recycling source reduction if materials are electroplating process; water
not removed from the process recirculation; multi-pass coolant

(​i.e., waste is not generated) or if systems.

materials are redirected back into
the process

The Cleaner Production strategy applies to ​production processes consisted of

conserving raw materials and energy, eliminating toxic raw materials and reducing the

quantity and toxicity of all emissions and wastes.

Meanwhile, products refer to reducing negative impacts during the life cycle of a

product, from raw materials extraction to its ultimate disposal.

On the other hand, services refer to incorporating environmental concerns into

designing and delivering services. ​Cleaner production requires evolving mentalities,

mindful ecological administration and assessing innovation. It ​includes the fundamental

preventive natural insurance system towards sustainable production and consumption.

Scope of Cleaner Production

Figure 2 suggested the most astoundin​g need which was placed on reduce

contamination through source reduction and reuse strategies, or closed-loop recycling.

According to Waste Management Hierarchy, preventing or recycling at the source

dispenses with the requirement for off-site recycling or treatment and disposal. End of

pollutants at or close to the ​source was less costly than gathering, treating, and discarding

waste. It likewise exhibits significantly less hazard to specialists, the group, and the earth.

In addition, recovery of waste and safe disposal of waste to landfill turns into the

minimum favoured options.


​ orter, 2015)
Figure 2. ​Waste Management Hierarchy (​Source: P

Cost Benefit Analysis of Cleaner Production

According to Hedge ​(n.d), ​cost benefit shows that the firm have benefited by and

large, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative benefits are reflected in the

short payback periods; in some cases even as short as a few days to few months. There

had been no production interruptions whatsoever, in the adoption and implementation of

cleaner technologies. In all the cases, firms have implemented CT exercises during

shutdown periods and or adequate inventory was built up in a few cases where shut down

extension was anticipated.

Therefore, there were no adjustment costs incurred during the switchover to CT

measures. Best efforts to obtain imputed values were made wherever found relevant for

e.g. fabrication, use of land, manpower ​etc .​ It ​was concluded that cost benefit analysis is

a useful tool to determine the strength and weaknesses of the given alternatives for

cleaner production. The ​purpose was to determine if a decision ​that benefit may

outweighed the​ costs and by how much. ​It also provides​ a basis for comparing projects.

Benefits of Cleaner Production

Ecological advantages of CP specifically agree with economic interests. More

specifically, there ​were various advantages which result from CP activities. To begin

with, CP projects ​were valuable since they decrease working expenses. For instance, the

costs required with waste treatment, stockpiling, and disposal ​were frequently decreased

through CP programs and the funds can be utilized to counterbalance the improvement

and usage expenses of the program.

Material, energy and facility clean up expenses can likewise be diminished

through CP programs. Second, CP programs reduce ecological damage from raw material

extraction and refining operations, and the risk of emissions amid the production

procedure and amid recycling, treatment, and disposal operations. Third, CP programs

enhance organization image. For instance, representatives ​were prone to feel more

positive toward their organization when they ​perceived that administration was focused

on giving a protected workplace.

According to Noor ​(n.d.), the following are a few points of interest of cleaner

generation: Reduction of Operating Costs of CP projects can diminish material expenses

by readopting production and packaging procedures that devour less assets. Waste

administration and disposal expenses are a conspicuous and promptly measured potential

savings to be acknowledged from pollution aversion. Numerous government regulations,


for instance, mandate expensive techniques and strategies for the treatment of specific


In reduction of ecological damage, CP programs ​would give evident advantages

to the regular habitat. Air quality may increment as a consequence of the decrease of

pollutants entering the air. Additionally, water and land ​would be debased with

contaminations which may possibly spill from waste generating, transporting, storage,

and disposal activities.

About the reduction of civil and criminal liability, CP program that ​was executed

with diminished risk in light of the fact that the aggregate volume of waste ​produced was

reduced. Regardless of the fact that the waste created ​was not characterized as toxic or

unsafe, it ​may still​ in the producer's best enthusiasm to adopt CP program.

Investment in Cleaner Production

All organizations ​used assets of some kind to create items and convey

administrations for addressing needs of different organizations and/or groups. In this

procedure, a few assets stay unspent, or undesirable items get delivered as waste because

100 ​percent transformation or transfer of resources ​was at times conceivable. This waste

when released to nature causes contamination.

Truly, businesses have reacted to pollution in four ways. ​Initially, by disregarding

the issue. This generally prompts most extreme harm to the earth. This harm ​was not

restricted just to the nearby scale or neighbourhood, it can occur at the regional and in

some cases even the global scales.

The second way includes prescribing to the doctrine “the solution to pollution is

dilution"; ​i.e. b​ y weakening or scattering contamination so its belongings ​were less

hurtful or obvious. ​Next, by attempting to treat contamination through the purported

end-of-pipe methodology​. Lastly, through the counteractive action of pollution and

waste generation at the source itself.

According to COWI (2000), investing in Cleaner Production, to prevent pollution

and reduce resource consumption ​was more cost effective than continuing to rely on

increasingly expensive ‘end-of-pipe’ solutions”. CP investments provide reputational

value. Companies ​were finding that CP, eminently measurable by sustainability

indicators, can quickly lead to documented accomplishments that increase reputational

value among employees, investors, and other stakeholders.

Cleaner Production in Fish Processing Industry

Fish processing industry has come progressively into center as respects

environment protection. The ​business portrayed an expansive utilization of water and a

substantial release of organic material. COWI (2000), ​stated that in general little use of

hazardous substances ​was common in fish industry. Therefore following ​the described

Cleaner Production opportunities ​focused on reducing the consumption of resources,

increasing yields and reducing the volume and organic load of effluent streams.

It was concluded that significant environmental improvements have been obtained

for the analysed ​companies especially concerning reductions in water consumption,

wastewater emissions, and utilization of fish ‘waste’ for valuable by-products. ​Then,

more focus could be placed on the reduction of energy consumption, change of packaging

types, and environmental impacts in other stages of the products life cycle (Thrane,

Nielsen & Christensen, 2008). Furthermore, one strategy for waste reduction ​was the

recovery of marketable by-products (COWI, 2000).

Waste Consumption in Fish Processing

On average, only ​30–40 percent of the global fishery production ​was consumed

fresh and the rest 60–70 percent ​was processed for human consumption and other

purposes. Although the proportion of the total fishery production that are processed

remained relatively stable over the last decade, the total bulk of processed fishery

commodity increased due to the steady increase in the total fishery production.

Processing of large bulk of fish, shrimp and other aquatic organisms produces a

corresponding large bulk of by-products and wastes (Islam, Than & Kanaka, 2004).

Beaufort Fisheries Incorporated stated that, ​“wastewater from fish processing and

industrial fisheries ​was very diverse and varies with management and process practices.

Each plant ​was unique so generalizations about water use and wastewater characteristics

were difficult​. However, average numbers for water use and waste load appear to have

value for each industrial category”.

Water Consumption in Fish processing

In this phase, recommendations to reduce water consumption on a fish processing

industry ​were provided by the General Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines

(EHS, 2007). Through the use of these techniques, facilities may improve the firm’s

system and earn opportunities in cleaner production. Specific water consumption

recommendations for fish processing include the ​use of enough ice to secure product

quality and match ice production to requirements; improve efficiency by concentrating

activities or certain processes on fewer days per week, if the facility or process ​was not

operated at full capacity; improve the process lay out to facilitate cleaning and eliminate

wet transport of wastes, thereby minimizing water consumption; and dry clean with a

scraper or broom before cleaning with water.

​Based on Industrial Process Wastewater (Islam, Than & Kanaka, 2004) mentioned

that the use of efficient cleaning procedures must avoid recycling contact process water.

Recycling of cooling water, rinse water, and wastewater for some specific noncritical

applications may be feasible as long as hygiene considerations are observed.

Industrial Process Wastewater

Based on Environmental, Health and ​Safety (EHS) Guidelines,” fish processing

requires large amount of water, primarily for washing and cleaning purposes, but also as

media for storage and refrigeration of fish products before and during processing. In

addition, water ​always considered as an important lubricant and transport medium in the

various handling and processing steps of bulk fish processing. Detergents and

disinfectants may also be present in the wastewater stream after application during

facility cleaning activities. A range of chemicals ​was typically used for cleaning,

including acid, alkaline and neutral detergents.”

EHS recommended methods may be used to enhance the removal of solid waste

prior to ​entry in the​ wastewater stream. The following recommendations were included:

Initially, collect internal organs and other organic materials separately, for processing

into by-products according to the recommendations for solid waste management above;

then design the production line so that cooling water, storm water, and process effluents

can be kept separate to permit appropriate treatment options; conduct a dry pre-cleaning

of equipment and production areas before wet cleaning ​(e.g. rubber scraping of work

tables and plant floor before hosing​); followed by establishing procedures for the dry

removal of offal, using dry vacuum systems where feasible; ​then fit and use floor drains

and collection channels with grids and screens, and / or traps, to reduce the amount of

solids entering the wastewater.

Equip the outlets of wastewater channels with screens and fat traps to recover and

reduce the concentration of coarse material and fat in the combined wastewater stream;

then avoid submersion of open products (​e.g​. fillets) in water, as soluble protein may leak

out and enter the wastewater effluent stream; ensure that tanks are effectively bundled

and provide overfilling protection on storage tanks.

Lastly, choose cleaning agents that do not have adverse impacts on the environment

in general, or on wastewater treatment processes and sludge quality for agricultural

application. Optimize their use through correct dosage and application. Avoid cleaners

that contain active chlorine or prohibited, banned, or restricted chemicals.


This section presents the discussion of research design, sources of data, research

instrument, participants of the study, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of


Research Design

The study used a descriptive type of research method. It involves series of

interview and observation with the owner and on the working place. Researchers

analyzed and evaluated the assessment regarding cleaner production at Carm Foods

Enterprises, Inc.

Sources of Data

The researchers utilized a preliminary cleaner production assessment report

adopted from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). The report had been

utilized to analyze the status of cleaner production options and to measure and document

through the use of environmental performance indicators. Other sources ​include b​ooks

and articles found on the internet regarding cleaner production assessment.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used a preliminary cleaner production assessment report as a

reliability method of gathering data. The researchers conducted a series of interview and

observations inside the Carmfoods Enterprises, Inc, Interview was conducted to the

production manager and researchers monitored the current performance and the status of

the production system.


Research Instrument

The data were collected with the used of the research instruments from

Industrial Technology Development Institute - Department of Science and Technology

(DOST). Part I consisted of the worksheets with company profile, process, raw

material/production and accounting information. Company profile includes the

company’s organizational chart, mission and vision, quality policy and environmental

policy. Part II involves process information consisted of plants layout, process flow

diagram and operating conditions. Raw material/production includes raw materials and

output production data, production schedule, equipment lists and specifications and waste

data such as wastewater, solid, hazardous and air.

Data Analysis

In breaking down the data, the study utilized a descriptive analysis. The analysis

was employed to convert gathered data in cleaner production assessment report to

information. Furthermore, raw data from the interview had been included ​in the​ analysis.

Statistical Treatment

The following are the statistical formula used in the analysis of data gathered by

the researchers:

Descriptive Statistics:


∑ xi
x= i=1


x̅ = mean
x​i​ = total observation
n = number of observation

The mean refers to measure of central location of data, often called average.


The mode of a set of data is the value (s) that occurs most often.


The chapter focuses on the results and discussion of the conducted assessment at

Carm Foods Enterprises, Inc. Sections concerns in the primary information of the

company, the process flow in the production area, assessment of cleaner production and

the conceptualization of cleaner production options.

Background Information

Table 2 shows the background information regarding the company. Carm Foods

Enterprises had been operating for about 46 years. The enterprise mainly aims to vend

their products locally in Cavite areas and internationally in Saipan, Guam and Hawaii.

Table 2. Company ‘s Background Information

Company Name Carm Foods Enterprises Incorporated
Facility Address 203, Capt. Joaquin M. Soriano St. Ligtong Rosario,
Contact Person Carolina B. Abaño
Email Address
Number of Employees 50
Regular 35
Contractual 15
Target Market

Domestic Along Cavite Area

International Saipan, Guam and Hawaii

Furthermore, Carm Foods is a small business in accordance to Eastman (2010)

who categorized its class according to number of employees. Small business range from 1

to 99 employees and the firm have 50 employees, therefore it is affiliated with the scope.

The company consists of 35 regular and 15 contractual workers.

Table 3 shows the total land area measures 9922 square meter. The plant area had

been specifically computed as 5000 square meter.

Table 3. Company Land Area

LAND AREA SIZE (in m​2​)
Total 9922
Plant 5000

Table 4 reveals production schedule at Carm Foods Enterprises. Operation

schedules were 12 hours a day and 6 days a week. Mrs. Carolina B. Abaño, the company

manager, identified summer season to be production peak months.

Table 4. Production Schedule of Carm Foods

Daily 12 hours
Weekly 6 days
Days per year 288 days per year
Production Peak Months Summer Season

Process Flow

Figure 3 shows the current process flow for dried fish at Carm Foods. The

company utilizes the traditional way of preparation for dried fish. Process begins with the

unloading and receiving of the fish. It involves the receiving of packaging materials and

mixing salt and ice to the fish. This process preserved the freshness of the fish. The

temperature for this preliminary stage of preparation must not exceed -18°C. Critical

control point must be applied in this part. Fish ​may be subjected to be processed, de-icing

or thawing ​would be the next process. Acceptable temperature in the process ranges from

4°C or below. After thawing, the fish ​would be weighed and sorted according to sizes.

The next process consisted of butchering and washing by removing of the unwanted

parts of the product and cleaning it. Afterwards, it ​would be put on a container with ice.

The butchered and cleaned fish ​may undergo splitting process where it ​would be split and

put in a brine solution. Brining will take 10-15 minutes and be ready for rinsing and

draining. Inclusion of salt in the fish ​may make​ the water and blood to be extracted.

The ​output may be layered afterwards in a wooden plate subject for drying for one

to two days. Carm foods usually do traditional drying under the sun but in special cases,

the company utilizes an oven when drying under the ​sun would not be available. The

drying process ​would be very essential to remove the moisture and prevent the rapid

growth of microorganism. Air cooling ​would be next to drying, it involves dissipating

heat from the product. Afterwards, the fish ​would be ready for sorting and weighing

followed by packing. Vacuum sealed laminated bags or styrotray with plastic food wrap

serves as the packaging material.

The packed outputs ​would undergo chilling once again to preserve its quality

and freshness until it is ready for casing or packing in master cartons for bulk orders and

mass distribution. It ​would be finally stored at the storage for another critical control

point. Storing the product at a blast freezer in -18°C and below ​would preserve the

product and prevent growth of microorganism. Transport and distribution ​may be the

final part of the process flow where it would be delivered and sold to the customers.

Figure 3. Process Flow Diagram for Dried Fish


Table 5 shows the perception of manager in accordance to observe level of

current situation in every criterion. The manager ranked the following criterion as

follows: 5 – very high, 4 – high, 3 – moderate, 2 – low and 1 – very low.

The company values the health and safety of employees, customer satisfaction

and corporate image receiving a high perceived level of 5 from the manager. Criteria

regarding worker relations and community relations receives a rate of 4 having a high

perceived level that the company grant importance in the former and latter.

Environmental awareness and environmental regulation compliance of the company was

on moderate level. The company has least knowledge and prioritization in terms of

environmental issues. The investment risk garnered a moderate level in view of the fact

that a family owned the business.

Table 5. Perceived Level of Current Situation


Corporate image 5

Customer satisfaction 5

Community relations 4

Health and safety of employees 4

Worker relations 4

Environmental awareness 3

Environmental regulation 3
Investment risk 3

Facility Walkthrough

The assessment tool comprises of seven concerns which regards to the

management support, raw material storage and handling, water usage, energy

consumption, production, waste management and community integration. Elicit

information ​would be analyzed to assess possible cleaner production concepts. Answers

to the following yes or no questions were discussed in this phase.

First, for management support, positive response was acquired to the following:

1ncentive programs for promoting good housekeeping, proper training to employee.

Employees are educated and encourage applying source reduction techniques then

periodic sessions regarding source reduction techniques. Job function description was

also included.

Overall, the management support has high value in providing indispensable

factors for the employees to keep a good housekeeping and have process efficiency


Second, in terms of raw material storage and handling, the following statements

has received affirmative responses: inspect raw materials before accepted, clean and

organized raw material storage area; appropriate environmental conditions for raw

materials, proper storing of raw materials, proper labeling of containers. no signs of

leaks, spills and emissions, practice of First-In-First-​Out, efficient and organized

inventory of raw materials, proper handling of raw materials and inspection of raw

materials prior to use.

Carm Foods inspected raw materials before being accepted and accumulated in

the clean and organized storage area. Raw materials ​were stored in a blast freezer where

it was properly stored to stop or prevent the growth of microorganism. Fishes ​were sort

according to each type and placed in proper area. There ​were no signs of leak, spills and

emissions in raw materials that make it safe to be processed. Carm Foods practice

First-in-First-Out (FIFO) since food products ​were prone to expiration. The ​company has

an efficient and organized inventory of raw materials and rarely experienced rotting of

raw materials in storage. Handling of raw materials was properly manage and inspected

prior to use due to the sorting process.

On the negative side, wearing and using personal protective equipment (PPE) in

the production area were not strictly supervised. Upon observation, workers wear shirts,

hairnets and boots (worn at wet area only) but other important PPE such as facemask and

rubber hand gloves were not present. Production workers done the job manually and may

cause health hazard to the consumers.

Third, for water usage, Carm Foods utilized pump and gravity in transferring

water. The method for usage of water were continuous flow and by batch. Water

consumption was not monitored for each operation. The scenario may cause water loss

control and hidden opportunities to save cost in water consumption. In terms of cleaning,

management employs hosing floors instead of dry cleaning.

Leaks or spills ​were not present in the production area; the management in any

case invest​igated possible problems urgently. Water has been recycled in washing

process if the quality of water can still clean another batch of fish.

Fourth, concerns about energy consumption of the company. Below were explicit

statements gathered from the assessment tool that the firm practices:

a) Encouraging employees in suggesting energy consumption reduction

b) Switching off lamps/equipments after work

c) Use of energy saving bulbs or fluorescent tubes

d) Avoids unnecessary air conditioning

e) Temperature settings adjusted for minimum energy use

f) Close windows while air conditioning

g) Avoids refrigerators and freezers exposure to heat

h) Knowledge about the cost of energy consumption

Management ​encourages employees to make suggestions that could lead to

reduction of energy consumption. One of their advocacies to conserve ​energy includes

turning off electrical equipment when not in use. The company incorpora​ted the use of

latest lighting system that ​used energy-saving bulbs and fluorescent tubes ​for energy

efficiency and cost saving. The management identified two rooms that uses air

conditioning and affirmed that ​it may not be a problem. Temperature settings ​were

adjusted to the necessary extent of comfort. Confidently, the area with air conditioning

was a closed room. Refrigerators plays a vital role in preserving the fish products and

equipments were located safely away from heaters and sunlight.

Two questions in the assessment tool regarding energy consumption receive a

negative response from the manager of Carm Foods. ​First, that the firm does not

practice any ways to re-use energy. The management anticipates high cost of equipment

for re-usable energy technology. Carm ​Foods did not trace how much energy ​was

consumed in specific production areas and/or single manufacturing steps. The company

has no ways to determine the energy consumption at this scrutinize level which leads to

undetermined opportunities for cleaner production. However, the management estimated

to pay an average of 150,000 pesos to 160,000 pesos a month for the electrical


Fifth, have to do about the management and activities in the production area. The

following were positive response acquired from the cleaner production assessment in


a) Standard procedures being followed

b) Efficient layout of production

c) No bottlenecks in the production

d) No signs of spills, leaks and emission

e) No wasted raw materials

f) Equipments working efficiently

g) Periodic preventive maintenance of the equipment

h) Equipments operating at their designed capacities

The management has strict guidelines and standard procedures being followed by

production workers to ensure the safety and quality of the food product. In terms of

physical production layout, each ​facility used in certain ​process has connection with

others. A U-shaped layout has been observed where succeeding process ​would be

performed in the nearby facility. Layering and drying process ​was the only facility that

has been isolated from other process since it was performed in an open area not located

inside the building. ​There were no observed bottleneck operations even the drying

process needs one to two days. The wide plant area of Carm Foods ​has accommodated

succeeding fishes to be dried. Raw materials ​were not being wasted; it has

undergone inspection to assure the quality of raw materials.

Contradicting the positive response in the previous statements, Rejects were

present in the production due to several reasons. If the product found out to have foreign

element, it ​would be subjected to rejection. Products with foreign elements such as hair

strand wo​uld be subjected to re-cooking while other types such as maggots,

microorganism growth contamination and rotting ​would be rejected totally for human

consumption. Raw materials ​were only wasted when already processed and there has

been an interaction with foreign elements such as flies and maggots. The primary

emission during the production was the smoke from cooking and the waste water from

cleaning. The management claimed the waste water to be organic and not harmful to the

environment. Major equipments such as freezer ​were working efficiently but the vacuum

sealer has idle time since not all products ​were​ needed to be vacuum sealed.

Sixth, covers the waste management generation from the production. The

following has a positive response from the management:

a) Proper waste segregation

b) Proper waste recycling

c) Proper waste disposal


d) Having an air pollution control device

e) Having a waste water treatment plant

Carm Foods have proper waste segregation. Wastes from butchering the fish were

recycled. The waste parts were given to other company that produces fish meal. The

company has disposed waste properly but not treating it. Generation of hazardous waste

were present due to smoking and cooking process but monitored by a pollution control

observer. The plant has a wastewater treatment plant however, not in use due to high cost

of operation.

Lastly, about the community integration, the following statement was affirmative

response from the firm in connection with the people that surrounds:

a) Protection measures being carried out over the smell inside and outside the


b) Firm’s invite the local community to visit the plant

c) Neighbors informed of the existence of evacuation plans that may be needed

d) Firm’s encourage employees to make suggestions that could lead to better

relations with the community

The company ​did not measure noise level in the sense of not having a machine or

equipment that pro​duced too much noise. In terms of smell, company ​did not have

program regarding identification of smelly places. Due to the location and nature of

business, people widely understand the fishy smell in the area. Still, Carm Foods ensures

that there ​would be​ no foul smell due to decaying or decomposing raw materials.

The company had invited local community to visit the plant. However,

management ​did not seek opinions and activities of environmental groups. In terms of

community safety, the company informed the neighbors what to do when accident arise.

The ​firm was confident about the safeness of neighboring individuals with the fact that

the main plant ​was isolated from residential houses. Management encourages employees

to suggest for the company and community welfare since most of them ​were relatives of

the owner.

Figure 4 shows the causes of opportunity loss at Carm Foods in current

production systems. The diagram involves five major concerns that ​receive negative

response from the assessment tool. Below the concerns were the reasons or the causes for

the company to have opportunity loss in producing fish products. The concerns and

causes had been discussed individually.

Community Integration

Measurement of noise level were disregarded since the company operates

manually. In terms of odor or foul smell, the community expected the fishy smell since

Rosario was known for fish products. The company ​does not focus in programs for

identifying smelly places. Moreover, the company does not seek opinions from

environmental groups, neglecting the possible improvements that ​may bring impact to the

company as well as the environment.

Energy Consumption

The company had not been re-using the consumed energy. Management

anticipates the high cost of generating re-usable energy systems. Furthermore, the energy

consumption at different ​process was neglected. Possible technological improvements or

energy saving strategies had not been identified ​and received low attention ​from Carm


Figure 4. Fishbone ​diagram regarding the opportunity loss at Carm foods in current
production system

Production Area

Fish products that ​were found out with maggots, molds or hair strand ​would be

rejected. Maggots ​were formed with direct contact ​from flies while in drying procedure.

Flies lay eggs in the dried fried which sooner be hatched and become maggot. Molds

were formed due to ​moisture not removed during the drying process. Microorganism

grows vast in moistur​ized area. Both maggots and mold were biological agents that

cause a product to be rejected. Another ​cause for rejection was the contamination of food

product via hair strand.

Raw Material Handling and Storage

Upon researchers’ observation and assessment​, absence of face mask and rubber

hand gloves was noted. The mask and gloves were essential in manual jobs ​of producing

food products to prevent contamination. However, monitoring and supervision of wearing

PPE were not managed well due to other ​responsibilities of the manager that needs to

prioritize.​ Manager main ​function includes receiving of payments.

Waste Management

The company generates smoke from burning woods for cooking and smoking

purposes. The generation of smoke can be harmful to the environment as time pass by.

Waste has been segregated and disposed properly ​although the waste treatment has

remained unpracticed. ​Waste treatment should be practiced before disposal. This finding

was supported by Ansgar (2015), stated that ​poor waste treatment can cause huge

environmental problems, with a significant impact on society and waste valuable


Cleaner Production Alternatives

This ​section reveals possible cleaner production alternatives upon the evaluation

and data interpretation. Root causes were identified by combining the expounded data

regarding the process flow, facility walkthrough and fishbone diagram. Table 6 shows the

proposed CP ideas ​that would impact the current production ​process in achieving cleaner


Introduction of Solar Drum Dryers

Biological agents such as flies were present around the drying area. To combat the

scenario, solar drum dryers as shown in figure 5, can prevent the contact of bio-agent as

well as optimizing the speed for drying process. Solar drying can replace the method for

sun drying for standard dehydration process.

Advantages of solar drum dryers can be summarized as follows:

1. It increases the rate of drying in having lower humidity, air motion and higher


2. The dryer has enclosure that protects the products being dried from dust,

insects, birds and animals.

3. The higher temperature avert insect and faster drying rate reduces the risk of

spoilage by microorganisms.

4. The solar dryer requires only a small drying area.

5. Dryers are waterproof and food ​would not be in contact with water when it


6. The solar drum dryers can be constructed from local available materials and

relatively low cost.

7. Completing drying allows prolongs the shelf life of the product.

Figure 5. Solar drum dryer made from oil drum, wooden frame and plastic sheeting
(​Source:Fisheries Technologies for Developing Countries, 1988)

However, there were some barriers in adopting solar drum dryers. Below were the

following reasons:

1. Solar dryers have often been too expensive or initial investment capital or loan

facilities were unavailable.

2. Poor training of local entrepreneurs and technicians were provided.

3. Solar dryers have often required too big changes from traditional method.

4. Built not for long term use.

5. There can be lack of incentive in improving the quality of product when

customers ​were​ willing to pay for discolored or damage foods.


Conversion of Fish Waste to Biofuel

Fish waste can be converted into biofuel energy by extracting fish oil from the

removed internal parts of the fish. The fish oil combined with alcohol ingredient ​would

produce biodiesel. Biodiesel can be used to sustain energy needed for transportation or

delivery of products in different area. Biodiesel was nontoxic and biodegradable while

petroleum diesel was not. Moreover, Traviss (2012) viewed biodiesel as a “green”, more

environmental alternative fuel with respect to measure reductions of particulate matter in

tail pipe emissions.

Table 6. Cleaner Production Alternatives

bio- solar drum NT
logical dryer √
fish waste convert to NT
biofuel √ √
hazardous use IMC
smoke biomass
from briquette √
not using solar-powe NT
renewable red ice √ √

energy maker
CP Classification: Improve Operating Conditions​ (IOC)
Product Change​ (PdC​) Improve Technology (​IT​)
Input Material Change​ (IMC​) New Technology​ (NT)
Good Housekeeping Practices ​(GHP​) Reuse (​RU)
Improve Equipment/Layout ​(IEL​) Reclamation (​RC)

The idea behind was to convert the fish byproducts to a renewable source of

energy that can support company processes such as transportation and delivery of

products. Engine change to adapt the biodiesel fuel was rarely needed. Diesel engine

trucks may utilize biodiesel ​however; consulting a mechanic was more preferable

regarding the issue. A shown in Figure 6, a biodiesel processor that converts fish oil

extract to biofuel by combining other chemical such as methanol, methoxide and water.

The biodiesel produced may be sold to diesel consumers and have the company gain

additional profit from fish wastes instead of selling their fish waste to company that

converts it to fish meal.

Figure 6. BioPro190 Automated Biodiesel Processor

​(Source: Utah Biodiesel Supply, 2005)

Integrating Biomass Briquette

Hazardous smoke from burning wood ​can be lessened through substituting

biomass briquette. Biomass briquette can be stored conveniently and have lower price

compared to raw woods utilized in smoking and cooking fish. Average price of briquettes

was ₱7,000 per ton compared to wood that averages ₱15,000. Figure 7 shows the

appearance of a biomass briquette. The material was mainly ​composed of green waste

and organic material.

Figure 7. Biomass Briquette ​(Source: ​McDougal, Eidemiller & Weires, 2010)

Inception of Solar Ice Maker

Renewable energy comes from the generation of energy in sources that have no

finite end or energy that can be recycled (Mason, 2017). Solar powered ice maker as an

alternative to the regular ice maker that the company used. The machine can accumulate

solar energy ​during the day and produce liquid ammonia. ​At night, accrued liquid

ammonia ​would be wielded to produce ice. Figure 8 displays a simple blueprint of a sola

ice maker and ​Figure 9​ shows a typical solar powered ice maker in the field.

Figure 8.​ ​Simple Solar Ice Maker Blueprint (​Source:Fisheries Technologies for
Developing Countries, 1988)

Figure 9.​ Solar Ice Maker (​Source: Energy Concept providing practical solutions
to pressing energy problems, 2013)

Cost – Benefit Analysis of Alternatives

Table 7 reveals the cost – benefit analysis of the alternatives. This part includes a

research assumption in the cost of alternatives and possible benefits that the company

may render during a year at Philippine currency. The fourth column shows the probable

break-even point after the implementation of an alternative. Payback time was computed

as monetary cost over monetary benefit and rounded up to the nearest month.

The assumption ​of three solar drying machines was established at cost of

₱300,000 pesos each. The price was gathered from the average price range of solar panel

that can support 2000 watts of power in fish drying process. Solar drum dryers were

found to have recovered the cost in purchasing a machine at 9 months. The alternative

has the highest monetary benefit than the other. Solar dryers were ideal for peak

production periods but risky during rainy season. Moreover, the machine cost was high

but the most profitable investment.

Next on the top alternative is biomass briquette. Briquettes price ranges from

₱4,000 to ₱10,000 ​per ton. With the assumption of ​one ton briquette ​would be consumed

and average price ​would be ₱7,000 monetary cost ​would be ₱84,000. Monetary benefit

was computed by the price of total sack of wood consumed in a year subtracted from the

monetary cost of the substitute. The cost was very less than the first alternative however;

the profit was lower than the solar drum dryers. Payback ​would be expected with 10

months. The alternative was ideal since cooking process was essential in the production.

Third option in ​terms of payback time ​would be the BioPro 190 Automated

Biodiesel processor. Return of investment analysis from Utah Biodiesel Supply was

utilized to come up with the following assumptions. Machine price was ₱500,000 having

variable cost of ₱30,000 for chemicals to be mixed with the fish oil extract from fish

waste. Having a monetary benefit of ₱370,000 from the ROI analysis, it was concluded to

receive the payback at 17 months.

Lastly, purchasing two solar-powered ice maker would cost a total of ₱298,000

and yield a benefit of ₱150,000. Monetary benefit was formed in the context of estimated

cost consumed in making ice using electrical ice makers. A 24 month payback time was

expected in investing to this kind of machine.

Application of Six Source Reduction Techniques

Six source reduction techniques involves a greater scope in Cleaner Production

concept through process efficiency improvements, material substitution, inventory

control, preventative maintenance, improved housekeeping and in-process recycling. This

section further interprets the data gathered from the facility walkthrough ​and knowing

what area does cleaner production alternatives fall on.

Table 7. Cost – Benefit Analysis of Alternatives

Expenses Cost MONTHS)
3 Solar Drum machine price 900,000 1,250,000 9
Dryers total 900,000

BioPro 190 machine price 500,500 370,000 17

Automated variable cost 30,000
Biodiesel total 530,500

Biomass Briquette 12 tons 84,000 100,000 10

total 84,000

2 Solar-Powered machine price 270,000 150,000 24

Ice Maker variable cost 28,000
total 298,000

For process efficiency improvement, fishes were washed by batch in a tub. After

cleaning, water ​would be disposed. Implementing dry cleaning through pressure air

cleaners may eliminate the need for consuming water. In material substitution, biomass

briquette was an alternative. Briquettes cost and emits carbon dioxide less than lumbers

for cooking process. Carm Foods practices FIFO that defines a right inventory control

especially for fish products. Employees accomplished preventative maintenance by

following the rules of switching off appliances when not in use. To improve

housekeeping, dry cleaning may be suitable in the floor of production area. ​Floors on the

facility remain wet due to hosing floor method of cleaning. Bacteria and other

microorganisms have fast​ growth in wet areas.

In terms of in-process recycling, waste water treatment were good options as well

as the extraction of fish oil from by-products. Fish waste ​were transferred in other

company that produces fish meal. Instead of giving to other company, Carm Foods can

extract oil and convert it to biodiesel.

Facility Layout

This area ​focused on Carm Foods facility layout and work flow in accordance of

the process of manufacturing dried fish. The succeeding figures 10, 11 and 12 reveals the

current facility layout of the company. Figure 10 displays the facility layout at ground

floor, ​Figure 11 in the second floor and ​Figure 12 at the third floor. Below are the

following steps the management employs to produce the dried products that ​would be

included in the layout:


Step 1: Unloading / Receiving

Step 2: Thawing & Weighing / Sorting

Step 3: Butchering / Washing

Step 4: Splitting

Step 5: Brining

Step 6: Draining and Layering

Step 7: Drying & Air Cooling

Step 8: Sorting / Weighing

Step 9: Packing

Step 10: Chilling

Step 11: Casing or Packing in Master Cartons

Step 12: Storage and Transport / Distribution

Ground floor activities at ​Figure 10 involve the set of steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11

and 12. Step 6 and 7 were located at the third floor as shown in ​Figure 12 since the

process was more about sun drying.


Figure 10.​ Carm Foods Facility Layout (Ground Floor)

Fishes were layered and dried under the sun. Eliminating the moisture from the fish was

necessary in dried products. Products to be processed in the third floor were transferred

via dumb waiter or manual transport. Lastly, step 10 or chilling process takes place at the

second floor (Figure 11) where blast freezers were located.

Another facility to be observed at Figure 10 (ground floor) was the waste water

treatment facility. Carm Foods Enterprises have the available facility for waste water

treatment. The manager stated that the hindrance in continuing the usage of the facility

was the high cost of bacteria needed to treat the wastewater. Having a low cost substitute

for the bacteria would generally benefit the company ​to lessen the cost for water

consumption and have their investment at use. The facility promotes a great opportunity

for cleaner production to be introduced in the current production system.

Figure 11.​ Carm Foods Facility Layout (Second Floor)


Figure 12.​ Carm Foods Facility Layout (Third Floor)

To extend the study regarding the possible solution and alternatives for cleaner

production, identification of priority area was established. Table 8 shows the rated

priority criteria that determined ​the section of the facility ​that needed attention for

improvement. The section was divided according to processes or steps done in the area.

Homologous activities were assessed jointly. The following criteria have been rated by a

relative weight of ​one (1 - relatively unimportant), ​two (2- important) and three (3-very

important)​. The activities or steps have been rated with accordance to the criteria by 0

(none), 1(very low), 2 (low), 3 (medium), 4 (high) and 5 (very high).


Table 8. Identification of Priority Area Matrix

1,2,3 4,5 6,7 8,9, 10 11,12

By-product Recovery 3 5 3 1 1 1 1

Hazard Reduction 3 3 2 5 3 2 3
Hazardous Waste 3 3 2 2 3 3 2
Potential to Remove 2 3 4 5 3 0 1
Product Efficiency 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Product Quality 2 4 3 4 4 4 4
Reduction in Operating 2 4 3 4 3 4 3
Regulatory Compliance 3 5 4 4 4 4 3

Waste Reduction 3 5 3 3 3 0 4

Table 9 shows the result of the prioritization matrix. The rated score of the area

from each ​criterion was multiplied to the given relative weight. The scores in each

section were total to determine the priority area. Section having the steps 1, 2 and 3 was

identified for top priority for improvement. The section involves unloading or receiving

process, thawing, weighting, sorting, butchering and washing activities. Followed by

draining, layering, drying and air cooling processes that have been determined ​would be

the second priority. Section that includes splitting, brining, sorting and weighing have

received the same scores making them at the third priority area. The least ​area prioritized

was the chilling activity.

Table 9. Sum of Priority Rating Scores


1,2,3 4,5 6,7 8,9, 10 11,12

By-product Recovery 15 9 3 3 3 3

Hazard Reduction (Safety) 9 6 15 9 6 9

Hazardous Waste Reduction 9 6 6 9 9 6

Potential to Remove 6 8 10 6 0 2
Product Efficiency 6 6 6 6 6 6
Product Quality Improvement 8 6 8 8 8 8

Reduction in Operating Cost 8 6 8 6 8 6

Regulatory Compliance 15 12 12 12 12 9

Waste Reduction 15 9 9 9 0 12

Total 91 68 77 68 52 61

Priority Rank 1 3.5 2 3.5 5 4

The recommendations and suggestion such as conversion of fish waste to

biodiesel fuel ​would be feasible to solve problems regarding input by-products in the top

prioritization area. Solar drum dryers were an alternative solution in second prioritization

area specially for drying process and protection from microorganisms. Biomass

briquettes on the other hand ​would be beneficial at the third level of priority since

advantages of briquettes were mainly subjected for the brining process. Investment to

solar-powered ice maker was risky knowing that chilling process receives the least score

prioritized. However, ice maker was beneficial in receiving process and butchering. This

process needs inputs of ice to preserve the freshness of fish while being processed.

Further study and consideration may apply in the scenario.




Carm Foods Enterprises, Inc. established in 1971 ​has been in the industry for 46

years. The company can be categorized as small business with total of 50 employees.

Production starts and ends from 8 a.m. up to 8 in the evening. Weekly schedules were

from Monday to Saturday.

The company values most the customer satisfaction and the corporate image.

Health and safety of the workers, workers relations and community relations comes

afterwards. The perceived value for the environmental awareness and regulation were

observed to be in moderate level.

The management support provides good housekeeping through incentive

programs and proper training. Employees ​were encourage and educated in practicing

source reduction techniques through periodic sessions provided by the management.

Knowing the job function of each worker helps the management to have good


Management practices FIFO to prevent products being expired at the storage.


Every raw material has been inspected upon receiving and placed in the blast freezer

when it ​was not ready for processing. The growth of microorganism was prevented in

this procedure.

Water is being transferred through pump and gravity. It ​was used to clean floors

by continuous flow and clean butchered fishes by means of two washing tubs. They

recycle water in cleaning the fishes if the water can still clean another set of fishes.

The company consumes a lot of electrical energy in production. The average

monthly bill ranges from 150000 pesos to 160000 thousand pesos. Carm Foods does not

reuse energy and no reusable energy technologies.

The layout of the production area was significant in every process steps.

Standards and procedures provided by the management were followed. ​Equipments’ were

working efficiently and operated in their designed capacities.

In terms of waste, Carm Foods level at waste management hierarchy falls on the

third level of recycling the internal organs of the fish products by making fish meals.

However, wastewater from washing the butchered fish falls on landfill level.

The company well operates within the community. No negative reports or

feedbacks were observed. The fishy smell becomes normal part of the residence at

Rosario since fish products were the local top products.

To prevent or solve some issues gathered and resulted in the study, cleaner

production ideas were formed. To combat the contamination of dried products, solar

drum dryers were recommended. To solve issues regarding fish waste, extracting fish oil

and conversion to biodiesel was suggested. Hazardous smoke from burning wood may be

lessen through substitution of biomass briquettes and beneficial to the company in terms

of savings. Furthermore, researchers ​enlisted the solar-powered ice maker which utilizes

the renewable source of energy from the sun to produce ice necessary for fish



The following are the conclusions drawn from the findings:

1. Incorporating the six reduction techniques, management can have process efficiency

improvement through new methods of cleaning fish through using of air pressured

cleaners in cleaning fish to reduce the usage of water. Material substitution was not

emphasized since no hazardous chemicals or preservatives involves in the process.

Inventory control was achieved through FIFO method. The ​company provides

inspection for the equipment to prevent and seek if there ​were leaks, spills or harmful

emissions. The management support for good housekeeping was strong through

encouragement and educating activities provided to workers. Carm Foods processes

in-process recycling of water to lessen the consumption of water but ends up to

disposal to the river.

2. Carm Foods Enterprises, Inc. utilized the traditional method in dried fish processing.

The waste from the process ​were the water with blood and fish oil, internal organs of

the fishes, smoke from cooking, and contaminated processed fish product.

3. In accordance to the cost – benefit analysis performed, purchase of solar drum dryers

was the most beneficial due to early payback period and high monetary benefit

returns. Consideration of peak season strongly ​suggests purchasing a solar powered

machine however rainy season ​would be a barrier for the type of equipment. Another

alternative from the option that becomes ideal was biomass briquette. The cost of

briquette was attainable than 10 solar drum dryers. Biomass briquette has rapid

payback period but less monetary benefits compared to solar drum dryers.


Based on the above summary findings and conclusions, the following

recommendations ​were​ made:

1. Provide a monthly accreditation of workers or group of workers that helps the

company to achieve less cost in production.

Workers were motivated in participating to things where they can have benefits.

The management must emphasize on how much does a certain process cost them and try

monitoring how much do they save when employees initiate to participate in having a

cleaner production, doing more to what is less. This results to individual involvement in

programs that may benefit the company. Starting from good housekeeping to generation

of ideas how to clean fish with less water consumption.

2. Improve technologies and adopt new technologies


Technology changes rapidly and investing to new technology and equipment

would ​aid Carm Food to produce product ​with less waste. Cleaner production can be

achieved by reusable and renewable energy sources.

3. Seek opinions of environmental groups

Environmental groups have ideas or concepts on how to produce a product with

risk in the environment. Acknowledging techniques and strategies of environmental

sector may aid the company to maximize productivity and eliminating the waste


4. For Future Researchers

Further research to complement the study is the inclusion of scientific data and

analysis of the state of inputs in ​every process. The author ​recommends studying other

types of processed fish products since they have different waste.



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