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Title: England´s Invasions: Characteristics of the Celts and the Romans

Thesis statement: Although there are several parameters to compare and contrast the

lifestyle of the Celtic and the Roman society, in order to make a clear understanding of

these civilization this essay will be focus on three main characteristics: social

structures, the position of women in society, and the religion professed by them.


A. The Celts

a. Social structures

b. Position of women in society

c. Religion

B. The Romans

a. Social structures

b. Position of women in society

c. religion
Celts and Romans were two societies that set the basis for England´s modern

society. The Celts were a group of warring tribes that began to arrive to England

around 700 BC. On the other hand, Romans first incursion to the isles was in 43 AD;

however, it was not until 410 AD that they decided to settle in England. Although there

are several parameters to compare and contrast the lifestyle of Celtics and Romans, in

order to make a clear understanding of these civilization this essay will be focus on

three main characteristics: social structures, the position of women in society, and the

religion professed by them.

Celts were a heterogeneous group of technical advanced tribes who probably

came from central Europe or from southern Russia, and had moved slowly though the

centuries westwards. Social structures in Celtic society were very different from what

people are accustomed nowadays. First, the basic unit of life was the clan. Second,

social cases were divided between freemen and slaves. Within the freemen, those who

were warriors occupied the highest position. Below them there were the farmers and

craftsmen whose main obligation was to provide and satisfy the tribe´s necessities. It is

important to mention that there was a third sort of supper-class of freemen: the druid,

who worked as a priest, political advisor, healer, teacher and arbitrator. Finally, the last

class consisted of servants and slaves, who were mainly lawbreaker that lost their civil

rights, and were prohibited from working in several positions. Unlike the Romans,

women in Celtic tribes occupied the same position as men; so they could own

properties, choose their husband and become leaders. As there were no gender

distinction, it was common that women fight in wars alongside their masculine

counterparts. Such was the case of Boudicca, an Iceni queen who fought with her tribe

against the Roman settlement during the years 60 and 61 AC. Regarding to religion,

Celts were pagans, and as many ancient groups, they practiced human sacrifices
during their rituals. Also, each community had its own gods and the druids normally

joined together around oaks, which was believed to be sacred.

Romans were the masters of their time. As they were mainly Conquerors, they

took possession of every land they could in order to form one of the largest empires of

the history. As well as Celts, their society had particular characteristics which differ

from other civilizations. First, social class was mainly divided into six: At the top of the

state was the imperial domus, or what is commonly known as the emperor, who was in

charge of ruling the empire. Under him were the senators, that played an important

role, being the councillors of the republic. Below them it is found the equestrians, which

included the knights or cavalry. These men were the protectors of Roman territory

against their enemies and the conquerors of new lands. Finally at the back of the social

pyramid it were found the commons, which were in charge of providing and satisfying

the necessities of society; freedpeople, or slaves who paid for their freedom, and

Slaves. Second, Unlike the Celts, women in Roman society could not occupy the same

position as men. This civilization traditionally believed that all women should be under

the control of a guardian. This might be the father, husband, a male relative, or

someone appointed by them, or by an official of the state. Consequently, females in

Rome did not have the same privileges that men had, they were not allowed to

participate in the senate and they could not reach the highest ranks. Finally, Romans

were at the beginning pagans, being some of their deities Janus, Apollo, Vesta and

Venus. However, and after persecuting Christians for many years, the emperor

Constantine announced in 313 AD that all religions were permitted. As the time went

by, the Roman Empire left his pagan roots and became Christian.

In conclusion, Celt and Roman society had particular characteristics that influent

deeply in England´s modern society. Consequently, through different parameters like

the three aforementioned, it is possible to visualize how important was the impact of

these settlements in the island, and how some features of these civilizations still remain

in today´s life.

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