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z,,(co) y.l(co) Thus, the BHL model predicts no effect of light

adaptation in the limit of high frequency. This is
I,(o~) I,(co) (33 qualitatively in agreement with the measurements
of the cone's impulse response by Baylor and
1 Hodgkin (1974). They found that the rising phase
+ A of the impulse response was not affected by
background level. This result is also qualitatively
1 + io~B2 in agreement with Kelly's (1972) psychophysical
data on the linearity of high frequency response in
where T = l / a
h u m a n vision. R e c e n t direct i n t r a c e l l u l a r
measurements of the frequency responses of turtle
B, = [g,2 + K2,]/[K23"K,2]
horizontal cells also confirm this prediction of the
Bz = 1/{J~2,[1 + vlo/(Kz3K,2)]} B H L theory (Tranchina, Gordon and Shapley
A = K,2/K2,.

Notice that the frequency response of the cone 6.1.3. ENROTH-CUGELL AND SHAPLEY'S MODEL OF
consists of three terms, the first two of which are ADAPTATION IN GANGLION CELLS
stages of temporal integration which are indepen- Another scheme for obtaining Weber's Law
dent of the mean level, Io. The only place where io behavior linked to dynamic changes is diagrammed
enters in the expression for the cone's light adapted in Fig. 60 (Enroth-Cugell and Shapley, 1973a). In
frequency response is in the time constant B~ in third this model for the rod-driven retinal network of the
term of equation (33). This term has the form of cat, the rod signal is subjected to a multiplicative
the frequency response of a negative feedback loop gain control at the level of the r o d - b i p o l a r
which has a gain A and time constant B2. The time synapse. In the original model it was proposed that
constant of the feedback is what is affected by mean the feedback signal which multiplied the rod signal
level in the BHL model. As Baylor et al. (1974b) was produced by the horizontal cell. Later work
demonstrated, this could account qualitatively for reviewed above indicates rather that the feedback
the effect of backgrounds on the gain and time signal may arise in bipolar cells. In any case the
course of the cone's impulse response [the Fourier formal expression of the model is:
transform of the frequency response in equation
(33)]. However, as indicated above in Fig. 53, the r(t) = P(t)/exp{H(t)/Htrig}
predicted gain vs background curve is steeper than
the real data, while the dependence of the time to P(t) = f ~ ( t - t ' ) p ( t ' ) dt'
peak of the response on mean level is too shallow. p ( t ' ) = g - ( t ' / r , ) 3 exp { - t ' / x p } (34)
In a later paper, concerning toad rods, Baylor et
al. (1980) proposed that feedback to earlier stages H(t) = f ~ r ( t - t ' ) h (t') dt'
of processing, rather than to just the last stage as h ( t ' ) = exp (--t'/TH).
in the BHL model, would provide a better fit to the
data. However, the theory of such a system has not Where r(t) is the rod signal to the bipolars, H(t)
been analyzed and would certainly be more is the horizontal cell potential (now thought of as
complicated than the BHL model. the bipolar cell's potential) and T. is the time
A very important consequence of the BHL model constant of the feedback neuron. Htri, is a critical
is that the amplitudes of responses to high temporal level this signal must exceed, Tp is the time constant
frequencies of modulation are unaffected by mean of the rod, I(t) is the light stimulus, P(t) is the
level. This can be seen in equation (33) in the limit photocurrent of the rod, ~ is the gain in the dark.
as co~oo. Then the only term which contains Io The frequency response of this model has been
approaches the value unity, and it does so at lower worked out and it is (Enroth-Cugell and Shapley,
values of co than the other terms approach zero. 1973a):

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