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Krazip plug-in

Krazip Overview
Krazip is a simple CruiseControl plug-in for sending live build result whether it pass, failed or fixed to IRC channel. It's developed on CruiseControl
version 2.8.4 and use external irclib.jar for IRC communication library.

Krazip Installation on CruiseControl 2.8.4

To install Krazip on a CruiseControl server you need a following

CruiseControl binary distribution version 2.8.4

Krazip library
IRClib library

To install Krazip please follow steps below.

Go to lib folder in CruiseControl main folder.

You will see a lot of jar files insides.
Copy Krazip and IRClib jar files into the folder

You are done! (Please continue on configuration below)

Krazip Configuration (config.xml)

First of all, because Krazip is not a bundled plug-in with CruiseControl. Therefore, you need to register it within config.xml file. Please see the
example of plug-in registration below.

<plugin name="krazip" classname="net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.publishers.KrazipIRCPublisher"/>

Here you go. Now the plug-in is registered. Now, next step is to configure the Krazip it self for IRC host address, channel etc.

Krazip is the plug-in for sending build result. Thus, It's a publisher plug-in. We will put the Krazip configuration element in <publishers> element.
Please see below for more details.
<krazip host=""
resulturl="http://localhost:8080/cruisecontrol/buildresults/${}" />
<artifactspublisher dest= "artifacts/${}" file=

There are some attributes you can config for Krazip.

host - address for IRC server

port - IRC port number (Default 6667)
channel - IRC channel for sending the build result
resulturl - This address will be appended with log address automatically. (

Example of full config.xml configured with Krazip (Used sample CruiseControl project "connectFour")

Example of message for this configuration if build is OK : "Build completed successfully for project "someProjectname" Please see more
details at _[|#]"_


<plugin name="krazip" classname="net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.publishers.KrazipIRCPublisher"/>

<project name="connectfour">
<currentbuildstatuslistener file= "logs/${}/status.txt"/>

<antbootstrapper anthome= "apache-ant-1.7.0" buildfile="projects/${}/build.xml"
target="clean" />

<modificationset quietperiod="15">
<!-- touch any file in connectfour project to trigger a build -->
<filesystem folder= "projects/${}"/>

<schedule interval="30">
<ant anthome= "apache-ant-1.7.0" buildfile="projects/${}/build.xml"/>

<merge dir= "projects/${}/target/test-results"/>

<krazip host=""
resulturl="http://localhost:8080/cruisecontrol/buildresults/${}" />
<artifactspublisher dest= "artifacts/${}" file=


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