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Q 1: Find the customer with the highest overall profit.

What is
his/her profit ratio?
Step 1: Open the superstoreus2015 excel data set
Step 2: Drag Orders sheet to sheet area
Step 3: Go to sheet 1 and add Customer name as rows and profit as column
Step 4: Sort the data by clicking on Profit label on bottom

Step 5: To calculate profit Ratio

Profit Ratio= (Sum([Profit])/Sum([Sales]))
This formula needs to be entered as tooltip or label
Click on Analysis>Create Calculated Field and enter the formula
Q2: Which state has the highest Sales (Sum)? What is the total
Sales for that state?

Step 1: Open the superstore excel data set

Step 2: Drag Orders sheet to sheet area
Step 3: Go to sheet 2 and add Sum(Sales) as rows and State or province as
Step 4: Sort the data by clicking on Sales on bottom.

Step 5: To calculate profit Ratio

Profit Ratio= (Sum([Profit])/Sum([Sales]))
Q 3: Which customer segment has both the highest order
quantity and average discount rate? What is the order quantity
and average discount rate for that state?

Step 1: Open the superstore excel data set

Step 2: Drag Orders sheet to sheet area

Step 3: Go to sheet 2 and add Customer Segments as column
Step 4: Add Measure names
Step 5: Double click on measure names and tick only discount and quantity
ordered now

Step 6: Select line from drop down list of marks

Q 4: Which Product Category has the highest total Sales? Which
Product Category has the worst Profit? Name the Product
Category and $ amount for each.

a. Bar Chart displaying total Sales for each Product Category

Step 1: Open the superstore excel data set Step 2: Drag Orders sheet to
sheet area Step 3: Go to sheet 2 and add Product Category as column and
Sum sales as rows

Step 4: To calculate profit Ratio

Profit Ratio= (Sum([Profit])/Sum([Sales]))
Step 5: Drag calculation to Marks
b.Add a color scale indicating Profit

Step 1:Add profit from Measures to marks

Step 2: Go to sum(Profit) from the marks and click it and click on the color
c. Each Product Category labeled with total Sales and Each
Product Category labeled with Profit

Step 1:Move the cursor to the bar window will appear.

Q 5: Use the same visualization created for Question #4.What
was the Profit on Technology (Product Category) in Boca Raton
(City) ?

Step 1: Drag City in filter and select city Boca Raton from the list
Apply a filter for Technology

Step 1 : Drag Product Category in filter and select Technology from the list
Q 6: Which Product Department has the highest Shipping Costs?
Name the Department and cost.

a. Packed bubble chart showing each Product Department as a

colored bubble

Step 1:Drag product category to column and sales to rows

Step 2: Select packed bubbles
b. Use Shipping Cost to display the size of each bubble

Step 1: Add shipping cost from measures and take the cursor to the bubble
Q 7: Use the same visualization created for Question #6. What
was the shipping cost of Office Supplies for Xerox 1905 in the
Home Customer Segment in Cambridge?

Step 1: Filter product category and apply filter as office supplies

Step 2 : Apply City filter
Step 3 : Apply customer segment as office suppliers and city as Cambridge
Output :
Q8. Find the profit ratio of customer in Bonnie potter

Step 1:Filter product category as technology

Step 2: Filter customer name as Bonnie potter
Q.9 Find profit ratio of all customers having city Acton.

Step 1: Filter city as Acton

Step 2: Add sum(sales), City and profit to measures

Q10.Prepare a report showing sub category wise sales

Step 1:Add Product sub category to rows and add sales

Step 2: Select text option from sales

Q12) Report showing statewise sales

Step 1: Open Sample-Superstore Subset excel data set.

Step 2: Drag orders sheet to the sheet area.
Step 3: Drag ‘state from Dimensions to rows and ‘sales’ to the marks
Q.13 What is the percent of total sales from the Home Office

customer segment in July 2012.

Step 1: Open Sample-Superstore Subset excel data set.

Step 2: Drag orders sheet to the sheet area.

Step 3: Apply Filter ‘Home Office’ on Customer Segment and drag

Customer Segment and ‘(Order Date)’ to the Column.

Step 4: Apply table calculation on SUM(Sales) for percent of total sales for

the respective customer segment.

Step 5: Drag modified SUM(Sales) to the Row.

Step 6: Apply filter on Year and month.

Q.14. Find the top 10 Product Names by Sales within each region.
Which product is

Step 1: Drag Region to Column and Product Name to Row.

Step 2: Drag a Sales measure to the text label. So for getting the Top 10
“product name” by sales, we need to add the “Product name” on Filter

Step 3: Right click on Product name and select filters

Step 4: Select by field top 10 and apply

Q.15 Find the Country-Wise Sales.

Step 1: Open County_Sales excel data set.

Step 2: Drag Longitude to Column and Latitude to Row.
Step 3: Drag SUM(Sales) and County to Marks.
Step 4: Use geographical map under Show Me to display the obtained data.
Q.16 Make hierarchy with Sales.

Step 1: Drag Longitude to Column and Latitude to Row.

Step 2: Under Dimensions, choose hierarchy. Add Country ->State ->
City -> Postal Code under hierarchy.

Step 3: Drag SUM(Sales) and Hierarchy to Marks.

Q.17 Find Profit Ratio.

Step 1: Drag Country and SUM(Sales) to Marks.

Step 2: Apply Table Calculation on Sales as ‘% of total Sales’ and ‘Table

Step 3: Apply it and click ok

Q.18 Find Sales in California.

Step 1: Drag Country, Sales and SUM(Sales) to Marks.

Step 2: Apply Filter on State, Select Caifornia.
Q.19 Find the Product name Xerox 1967 profit ratio.

Step 1: Create a Hierarchy for County, State, City, Post Code.

Step 2: Drag the Hierarchy to Marks.
Step 3: Add filter to Product Name : Xerox 1967
Step 4: Add new calculated field CountryPR with the formula :
Step 5: Drag Product Name to Marks.

Q.20 Find technology product which unprofitable state is
surrounded by profitable states.

Step 1: Drag Sum(Profit), Country, State.

Step 2: Apply Filter on Category: Technology.

Step 3: Under marks->Label, check show marks label.

Q.21 Which state has the worst Gross Profit ratio on envelopes in
Corporate customer segment that were shipped in 2015.

Step 1: Apply Filter on Sub-Category : Envelopes, On Customer Segment:

Corporate, on YEAR(Ship Date) : 2015.

Step 2: Drag Gross Profit to Marks.

Step 3: Drag Country and State to Marks.
Q.22 Find the highest salary of employee.

Step 1: Drag Name to Column.

Step 2: Create calculated field ‘AGG(SalMax)’ as : MAX(Salary).

Step 3: Drag AGG(SalMax) to Row.

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