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Dr Shivani Sachdev Your 

Responsibilities of Surrogate Mother

A surrogate choose surrogacy to give the most incredible gift to another family. Every
surrogate’s journey is different from each other and there are many responsibilities of a
surrogate mother. Here are some important points, a surrogate keeps in her mind.

Taking Care of Her Health: First and primarily, health is essential for a surrogacy process. A
surrogate need to eat healthy and nutritious foods, do exercise, and get plenty of rest
throughout the pregnancy. There are many resources dedicated to health and wellness during
pregnancy and doctors or surrogacy specialist can also provide with additional information,
resources and advice to surrogate. The health of new born baby depends on surrogate’s health.

Keep in Touch with Surrogacy Expert: Surrogacy experts are there to be a resource for
information and support. Thus, a surrogate must keep them informed throughout the
pregnancy and never hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns

Capturing Every Moments as A Documents: Many intended parents create a baby book to
help them tell their child’s story. A surrogate mother is an important part of that story, so she
should take plenty of pictures throughout the pregnancy to capture life with family and
document the progress. She may also keep a journal, take notes or write a letter to the baby to
give the intended parents the option of including the story from your perspective, as well.

Involving with Intended Parents: Intended parents are generally keen and excited to know
how a surrogate mother is feeling. They want to receive any and all updates from surrogate
about the pregnancy. A surrogate mother should involve them in the pregnancy as much as
she is comfortable.

How A Surrogate Can Help Prepare the Baby to Go Home with His or Her Parents?

Some tips to help prepare the baby for the emotional transfer during pregnancy are as follows:

Introduce the baby to the intended parents’ voices: Babies’ sense of hearing plays a
large role in prenatal bonding, play recordings of the intended parents talking or reading
books to the baby so he or she can get used to their voices.
Familiarize the baby with the sounds of home: Even before he or she is born, a surrogate
need to familiarize baby with home sound or music.She can play songs, artists and genres
that the intended parents enjoy so that baby can recognize and be comforted by the music
after birth.
Afford a transitional element: The baby also begins to recognize surrogate mother’s scent
before birth. To make baby comfortable with that scent, even after a transition to his/her
new family, surrogate mother can sleep with a blanket or a stuffed toy and send it to the
new home with the baby.

A surrogate mother’s final goal is to prepare the baby in favour of his or her intended parents.
It is a big task, but above simple performances can make all the difference and help confirm
that the surrogacy is a success for everyone involved.

Surrogacy: Moral and Ethical View

 February 27, 2019  admin  surrogacy  pregnancy, Surrogacy Expert, surrogate mother

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