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Y X1 X2

1 38372840 424471 2689076

2 1805427 19895 57997
3 23736129 206893 2308272
4 26981983 304055 1376235
5 217546032 1809756 13554116
6 19462751 180366 1790751
7 28972772 224267 1210229
8 14313157 54455 421064
9 159921 2029 7188
10 47289846 471211 2761281
11 63015125 659379 3540475
12 1809052 17528 146371
13 10511786 75414 848220
14 105324866 963156 5870409
15 90120459 835083 5832503
16 39079550 336159 1795976
17 22826760 246144 1595118
18 38686340 384484 2503693
19 69910555 216149 4726625
20 7856947 82021 415131
21 21352966 174855 1729116
22 46044292 355701 2706065
23 92335528 943298 5294356
24 48304274 456553 2833525
25 17207903 267806 1212281
26 47340157 439427 2404122
27 2644567 24167 334008
28 14650080 163637 627806
29 7290360 59737 522335
30 9188322 96106 507488
31 51298516 407076 3295056
32 20401410 43079 404749
33 87756129 727177 4260353
34 101268432 820013 4086558
35 3556025 34723 184700
36 124986166 1174540 6301421
37 20451196 201284 1327353
38 34808109 257820 1456683
39 104858322 944998 5896392
40 6541356 68987 297618
41 37668126 400317 2500071
42 4988905 56524 311251
43 62828100 582241 4126465
44 172960157 1120382 11588283
45 15702637 150030 762671
46 5418786 48134 276293
47 49166991 425346 2731669
48 46164427 313279 1945860
49 9185967 89639 685587
50 66964978 694628 3902823
51 2979475 15221 361536

Dependent Variable: Y
Method: Least Squares
Date: 12/10/18 Time: 13:55
Sample: 1 51
Included observations: 51

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 233621.6 1250364. 0.186843 0.8526

X1 47.98736 7.058245 6.798766 0.0000
X2 9.951891 0.978116 10.17455 0.0000

R-squared 0.981065 Mean dependent var 43217548

Adjusted R-squared 0.980276 S.D. dependent var 44863661
S.E. of regression 6300694. Akaike info criterion 34.20724
Sum squared resid 1.91E+15 Schwarz criterion 34.32088
Log likelihood -869.2846 Hannan-Quinn criter. 34.25066
F-statistic 1243.514 Durbin-Watson stat 1.684519
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
# lnY #

1 38372840 17.46286
2 1805427 14.40631
3 23736129 16.98251
4 26981983 17.11068
5 217546032 19.19792
6 19462751 16.78401
7 28972772 17.18187
8 14313157 16.47669
9 159921 11.98244
10 47289846 17.67181
11 63015125 17.95889
12 1809052 14.40831
13 10511786 16.16801
14 105324866 18.47256
15 90120459 18.31666
16 39079550 17.48111
17 22826760 16.94344
18 38686340 17.47100
19 69910555 18.06273
20 7856947 15.87691
21 21352966 16.87670
22 46044292 17.64511
23 92335528 18.34094
24 48304274 17.69303
25 17207903 16.66088
26 47340157 17.67287
27 2644567 14.78802
28 14650080 16.49996
29 7290360 15.80206
30 9188322 16.03344
31 51298516 17.75317
32 20401410 16.83111
33 87756129 18.29007
34 101268432 18.43329
35 3556025 15.08415
36 124986166 18.64371
37 20451196 16.83355
38 34808109 17.36536
39 104858322 18.46812
40 6541356 15.69366
41 37668126 17.44432
42 4988905 15.42273
43 62828100 17.95591
44 172960157 18.96857
45 15702637 16.56934
46 5418786 15.50538
47 49166991 17.71073
48 46164427 17.64772
49 9185967 16.03319
50 66964978 18.01968
51 2979475 14.90726

Dependent Variable: LNY

Method: Least Squares
Date: 12/10/18 Time: 14:01
Sample: 1 51
Included observations: 51

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 3.887600 0.396228 9.811514 0.0000

LNX1 0.468332 0.098926 4.734170 0.0000
LNX2 0.521279 0.096887 5.380274 0.0000

R-squared 0.964175 Mean dependent var 16.94139

Adjusted R-squared 0.962683 S.D. dependent var 1.380870
S.E. of regression 0.266752 Akaike info criterion 0.252028
Sum squared resid 3.415520 Schwarz criterion 0.365665
Log likelihood -3.426721 Hannan-Quinn criter. 0.295452
F-statistic 645.9311 Durbin-Watson stat 1.946387
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

Series: Residuals
14 Sample 1 51
Observations 51

Mean -1.52e-15
Median -0.053192
8 Maximum 1.215794
Minimum -0.456446
6 Std. Dev. 0.261363
Skewness 2.335727
Kurtosis 11.39191
Jarque-Bera 196.0240
0 Probability 0.000000
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

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