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EPIDIMIOLOGY insoluble in water. However, in bile it

is made soluble by association with
Gallstones are extremely common and
occur in all societies and races, in bile salts and phospholipids which
young and old people, and in both form micelles and vesicles.
sexes. The prevalence increases with Cholesterol will precipitate out when
age and occurs in 10-15% of the adult there is an imbalance between the
population. The prevalence is also concentrations of cholesterol against
influenced by gender and is 3x more bile salts and phospholipids.
common in females.
The concentrations of cholesterol,
The prevalence of gallstones is also phospholipids and bile salts in bile can
influenced by ethnicity, and is common be represented on triangular co-
in certain South American countries, in ordinates as shown in Figure 1 below.
Scandinavia, and in Red Indian
Americans. Gallstones are uncommon
in rural African populations.

Gallstones can occur in anybody, and

therefore the “5 F’s” (fat, fair, fertile,
forty) is not entirely true.

Gallstones are composed mainly of
cholesterol, bilirubin and calcium salts.
The majority of gallstones (75%) are
cholesterol stones. Non-cholesterol
stones are categorized as either black
or brown pigment stones. Black
pigment stones consist of bilirubin and
large amounts of mucin glycoproteins.
Black pigment stones occur commonly Bile, which contains high
in patients with chronic haemolytic concentrations of cholesterol and
conditions and in cirrhosis of the liver. lower concentrations of phospholipids
Brown pigment stones are thought to and bile salts, is said to be lithogenic
be related to worm infestation. About bile. In contrast, bile with low
15% of gallstones are calcified enough concentrations of cholesterol and high
to be seen on an abdominal x-ray, and concentrations of phospholipids and
of these two-thirds are pigmented bile salts is said to be non-lithogenic
stones. Calcification that is visible bile.
only on the rim of the stones are
usually cholesterol based stones. ASYMPTOMATIC GALLSTONES
Most patients with gallstones have no
Cholesterol stones form when the symptoms. Increasingly, asymptomatic
concentration of the cholesterol in the stones are discovered incidentally
bile exceeds the ability of bile to hold it during investigations for other
in solution. Bile consists of water, conditions. This is as a result of the
cholesterol, bile salts and increased use of abdominal imaging,
phospholipids (lecithin). Cholesterol is such as ultrasonography, for non-
specific abdominal symptoms.
The stone eventually disimpacts
resulting in resolution of the
inflammatory process and fibrosis. As
a result of repeated attacks of biliary
colic, the gallbladder eventually
becomes chronically scarred.

The patient typically presents with

biliary colic which consists of colicky
pain in the right upper quadrant
radiating to the tip of the scapula. The
pain can be extremely variable with
regard to site, severity, duration,
The majority of asymptomatic stones radiation, and associated symptoms.
will remain so throughout life. Usually, the pain is in the right upper
Approximately, 2% of patients with quadrant, but can be epigastric or peri-
asymptomatic gallstones will develop umbilical. It may be mild dyspepsia,
symptoms per year. Furthermore, but could be severe pain requiring
patients present initially with minor morphine for relief of pain. The
symptoms rather than a serious duration of the pain varies from
complication. minutes to hours and it usually
radiates to the tip of the scapula. The
In view of the fact that only a small patient may complain of associated
proportion of asymptomatic gallstones symptoms such as nausea and
become symptomatic, and that the vomiting.
patients develop minor symptoms
before complications, the policy is to THE DIAGNOSIS OF GALLSTONE
treat asymptomatic gallstones DISEASE
conservatively. The investigation of choice for
suspected gallstone disease is the
SYMPTOMATIC GALLSTONES abdominal ultrasound scanning. The
(Chronic cholecystitis, biliary colic) sensitivity and specificity of
ultrasonography in the detection of
This is the most common mode of gallbladder stones exceeds 90%.
presentation of symptomatic
gallstones. The gallstone impacts in Abdominal x-ray is not particularly
the cystic duct or Hartman’s Pouch useful in the detection of gallstones
causing colicky abdominal pain and since only 10% of gallstones are
inflammation in the gallbladder wall. calcified. Oral cholecystography
requires the patient to take oral
contrast material the night before.
This test is cumbersome and
unreliable, and is hardly performed
since the advent of ultrasonography.
The liver function tests are usually

Cholecystectomy remains the
treatment of choice for symptomatic
patients with gallstone related
problems confined to the gallbladder.
Cholecystectomy can be performed as
an open operation requiring an upper calcified and in the presence of a
abdominal laparotomy. However, it is functioning gallbladder. It is also
now routine to perform only applicable to small gallstones,
cholecystectomy as a laparoscopic since large stones take too long to
operation. Both methods require a dissolve. Medical dissolution
general anaesthetic. With either therapy is contraindicated in
procedure, the surgical objectives are patients with severe symptoms, in
the same, namely, to eliminate the pregnancy, in patients with liver
gallbladder, to eliminate the disease, and in patients with
gallstones, to exclude stones in the severe atherosclerosis. The
biliary tree and to ensure that the bile disadvantages of dissolution
ducts are not damaged. therapy are that it takes
approximately 2 years to achieve
The procedure involves dissection in complete dissolution, and
Calot’s Triangle, ligation and division recurrence of the gallstones after
of the cystic artery, ligation and stopping treatment.
division of the cystic duct, and removal
of the gallbladder from the gallbladder
bed. 2. Contact Dissolution Therapy
This involves the percutaneous
Although intraoperative insertion of a catheter into the
cholangiography is no longer gallbladder and irrigation with
performed routinely, the option should methyl terbutyl ether which rapidly
always be available. All surgeons dissolves the gallstones. The
performing cholecystectomy should be disadvantages again, include the
skilled in cholangiography and recurrence of gallstones after
interpreting the result. The incidence stopping treatment, and problems
of asymptomatic common bile duct related to the spilling of the solvent
stones detected on routine operative into the duodenum.
cholangiography is 5-10%.
Intraoperative cholangiography is also 3. Extracorporeal Shockwave
useful in clarifying the biliary anatomy. Lithotripsy
This involves the use of computer
focused shock waves produced by
electromagnetic or ultrasound
There are other non-surgical treatment sources to fragment gallstones.
options for gallstones. However, it is The fragments then either pass
important to emphasize that these are down the common bile duct, or can
not alternatives for symptomatic be dissolved using oral dissolution
gallstones. Surgery remains the therapy. The selection criteria are
treatment of choice for patients with
symptomatic gallstones.

1. Medical Dissolution Therapy

Gallstone dissolution can be
achieved by expanding the bile
acid pool. Treatment with
chenodeoxycholic acid or
ursodeoxycholic acid will result in
dissolution of the gallstones.

This treatment is only applicable to

cholesterol stones which are non-
the same as for medical dissolution peritonitis), or into an adjacent
therapy. viscus (causing a cholecysto-
enteric fistula).
The disadvantages are related to
severe pain as a result of the The treatment of acute cholecystitis
passage of stone fragments down consists of resuscitation, analgesia
the common bile duct and and antibiotics. However, the definitive
recurrence of the gallstones after treatment consists of cholecystectomy,
stopping treatment. which can be performed either:

1. Elective cholecystectomy
After resolution of the acute
In acute cholecystitis a gallstone inflammatory process, the
becomes impacted in the cystic duct or patient is discharged and
Hartman’s pouch and there is readmitted 6-12 weeks later for
inflammation and infection in the an elective cholecystectomy.
gallbladder wall. The symptomatology
consists of severe colicky abdominal 2. Early cholecystectomy:
pain in the right upper quadrant which
Cholecystectomy is performed
radiates round to the tip of the
on the first elective operating
scapula. There is associated nausea
list after admission to hospital.
and vomiting. On examination the
The advantage of the latter
patient is pyrexial, there is tenderness
includes a shorter total duration
and guarding in the right upper
of the illness, a shorter hospital
quadrant and Murphy’s sign is
stay, and decreased costs.
The morbidity and mortality of
early and elective
The investigation of choice is the
cholecystectomy are similar.
ultrasound which will show the stones
in the gallbladder, the stone impacted
in the cystic duct, the thick walled
gallbladder and the point of maximal (Stones in the common bile duct)
tenderness. The abdominal
radiograph may show the gallstones if Choledocholithiasis occurs in 10-15%
they are radio-opaque. There is of patients with gallstones. Stones in
usually a leucocytosis of between 10 the common bile duct usually originate
and 15,000. The liver function tests in the gallbladder, although there is an
are usually normal. entity of primary duct stones.

The natural history of acute

cholecystitis includes:

1. In the majority of instances the

stone will disimpact and the
inflammatory process will
resolve with resultant fibrosis.
2. Formation of an abscess
(empyema) of the gallbladder;
these patients are extremely ill
with high spiking fevers, rigors,
and a leucocytosis >15,000.
3. Perforation of the gallbladder
which can be either localized,
free (causing generalized
Approximately 10% of stones in the
common bile duct are asymptomatic
and are detected incidentally at the
time of performing an intra-operative
cholangiogram. The symptomatology
of choledocholithiasis consists of
biliary colic, jaundice and fever/rigors.
Courvoisier’s Law states that
obstructive jaundice and a palpable
gallbladder cannot be due to

The liver function tests show increased

serum bilirubin, serum alkaline
phosphatase and serum gamma GT
levels. The abdominal radiograph may
show gallstones if they are radio-
opaque. The ultrasound will show the
stones in the gallbladder, the dilated
common bile duct, and stones in the
common bile duct. The investigation
of choice in choledocholithiasis is the
ERCP, which is both diagnostic and
therapeutic. If stones are found in the
common bile duct, a papillotomy or
sphincterotomy can be performed and
the stones removed by means of
balloons or baskets.

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Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

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