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The 5-Step Plan That Healed
My Autoimmune Disease
Insights from an Autoimmune Survivor

ou’re probably reading this because you or someone you know has an
autoimmune disease. Chances are you’ve seen multiple doctors, and some of
them couldn’t figure out what was wrong with you. Perhaps you’ve been
diagnosed with different diseases several different times, and every health professional
you’ve seen has told you that there is no known cause and cure and the best they can do
for you is manage your symptoms with medications. The outlook seems so hopeless.
This is the plight of literally millions of autoimmune sufferers.

Then, you see a guy on a website that says he reversed his autoimmune disease in five
simple steps and you think, really? Could it be true? No doubt autoimmune diseases can
be very complicated, however the truth is once you understand what’s causing them and
the steps which can reverse it, there is hope.

I can say this from personal experience since my own life has been deeply effected by
autoimmune diseases. There have been six people in my family who have had an
autoimmune disease. My mother almost died of autoimmune liver disease in the year
2000 but was saved by a last minute liver transplant. Thank God! However shortly after
that, my grandmother (my mother’s mom) also started showing similar signs of liver
failure. Grandma was also diagnosed with autoimmune liver cirrhosis, but due to her
age and because she had seen what my mom went through, she wasn’t going to get a
liver transplant. Sadly, Grandma died in 2002.

Ten years later in 2012 some of mom’s old liver failure symptoms started reoccurring.
The dreaded news came. The autoimmune liver disease was back and moving faster
than before. Mom put up a good fight, but in 2013 she died due to autoimmune hepatitis
(liver cirrhosis).

In the wake of my mom’s death, a friend encouraged me to get some testing knowing
that autoimmune diseases can have a genetic link. This seemed like a good idea because
as early as 29 years old, I started to see abnormal liver enzyme fluctuation, particularly

with the same enzyme my mother always had trouble with. I had slight jaundice
symptoms and a terrible skin fungus infection that was rapidly growing on my body. I
had allergic reactions to several different foods and would get headaches and sometimes
terrible migraines after eating them. I had digestion problems and also struggled with
bouts of fatigue.

Between all the symptoms I was experiencing and the test results I got back, the verdict
was clear. I had the exact same disease as mother and grandmother had died from. I was
stunned. Mom had just died five months ago, and here I was realizing that I had the
same disease.

Thankfully, we had recently become friends with a health professional that also had an
autoimmune disease herself and had discovered how to reverse it. She took my wife and
I under her wing and walked us through the process. I had to drastically change my diet
overnight. We spent several weeks learning how to stop the autoimmunity, repair the
years of damage, and cleanse my body of the agitating toxins that were causing my
issues. With her help, we put together a customized program for me which I faithfully
self-administered at home. Within months I stopped experiencing many of my
symptoms and felt better than I had since my teens. I had blood work and a liver
ultrasound done, and the test results came back showing that I had almost no
inflammation in my body and my liver looked healthy. And one of the best results was
that I felt great!

I was so grateful to God that my autoimmunity had stopped, however it would still be
another two years before I would see a complete elimination of all of my symptoms. This
is what a lot of autoimmune sufferers don’t realize. It’s one thing to stop the
autoimmunity and it’s another thing to overcome all of the health problems that may
have tagged along with it. The truth is, it was a long and sometimes difficult road. My
wife and I learned a lot during those years though through researching, experimenting,
praying, and hoping against hope that one day I could live a normal life again. It was all
well worth it because here I am today 100% free from literally every single autoimmune-
related symptom I had experienced. And hopefully, my long hard road can make your
road a little shorter and easier.

What I would like to do in this eBook is in a condensed manner share a broad overview
of the five step plan I used which healed my autoimmune disease. You’ll learn the basics
of this protocol and then if you want the fine details and the practical ways to put it into
practice, you can move on to our full ebook “How I Reversed My Autoimmune Disease.”

I have a lot of confidence in these steps since every individual I have personally seen
who has followed them without deviation has improved. Also as I comb through the

scientific literature I find confirmations over and over that any truly successful protocol
to reverse an autoimmune disease will be based on the principles in these five steps.

With that said, let’s cover them.


1. Remove harmful foods and toxins
2. Heal the leaky gut
3. Nutrify
4. Cleanse/detox
5. Remove chronic stress

The Main Issues Making People Sick

I love simplifying things. The two main physical issues leading to illness are toxicity
and deficiency. The beautiful thing about these five steps is that they address and
correct both of these problems. A sick body is deficient in nutrients and it’s abundant in
harmful toxins. To put it in the most simple terms possible, in order to heal the
nutrients need to go in and the toxins need to come out.

At this point, I want to briefly mention that there are secondary issues that often occur
as a result of living for years in the high-toxin low-nutrient lifestyle. These can include
various kinds of infections, gut bacteria imbalances, and genetic factors. These
are big topics all in themselves and for the sake of trying to keep it simple, I’m not going
to address them here. But again, I go into those pretty throughly in the prior mentioned
eBook. Having said that, let’s now dive into step number one.

1. Remove damaging foods and toxins

This is half of the healing process right here. You have to put a cap on the toxic inflow.
The faucet of toxins needs to be turned off. Anything short of this, and you can forget
about healing. The reason why so many people get stuck and discouraged in attempting
to heal is because they are not successful at this step. Instead of figuring out what
exactly is generating the autoimmune response, they start trying some expensive
supplements or a slightly more nutritious diet.

The importance of this step is made more clear by the research on the causes of
autoimmune diseases. What you see pop up over and over again is that environmental
toxins interacting with a genetically susceptible person is the engine causing this
autoimmune crisis.

The crucial autoimmune formula is:

genetic predisposition + toxins = autoimmune disease

Notice from the Mayo Clinic:

“It’s likely that lupus results from a combination of your genetics and your
environment. It appears that people with an inherited predisposition for
lupus may develop the disease when they come into contact with something
in the environment that can trigger lupus.”1

“Type 1 (Diabetes) is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic

susceptibility and environmental factors, though exactly what many of
those factors are is still unclear.” 2

The CDC has same message:

“What are the risk factors for RA? Researchers have studied a number of
genetic and environmental factors to determine if they change person’s risk
of developing RA.” 3

Other peer-reviewed research journals are finding the same thing:

“Genetic and epigenetic factors interacting with the environment over

time are the main causes of complex diseases such as autoimmune diseases.”4

So here’s the obvious question for you. What are the specific toxins you have been
exposed to which have contributed to your autoimmune disease? Take a look at this list
of the most common toxins which can trigger an autoimmune disease.

• Genetically modified foods (especially GMO corn, soy, and canola)




!4 Barragán-Martínez, Carolina et al. “Organic Solvents as Risk Factor for Autoimmune Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-
Analysis.” Ed. Sudha Chaturvedi. PLoS ONE 7.12 (2012): e51506. PMC. Web. 27 Feb. 2018.

• Pesticide-laden produce
• Wheat/gluten
• Dairy
• Medications
• Alcohol and tobacco
• Mercury and other heavy metals
• Chemicals in personal care and cleaning products
• Infections (viral, bacterial, and fungal)
• Mold
Each one of these factors is important as each has the potential to be the main issue
generating your autoimmunity. While it may seem overwhelming, that you’re just
swimming in a sea of toxicity, be encouraged. I found it easiest to start general category
of toxic food. This approach was a blessing for me since the main trigger of my
autoimmunity was toxic food. My personal experience is what we’re consuming is a
main factor in the majority of autoimmune cases.

However the big question is what are the main triggers for you? It could be a food
allergy like wheat or dairy. It could be a severe heavy metal poisoning, or a lyme
infection. For others it’s stress. Typically everyone has several factors playing into their
illness yet there usually seems to be just one main culprit that’s the key to dealing with
the others.

2. Heal the leaky gut

Stopping the damage is half the battle. Now it’s time to start healing the damage that’s
already there.

One of the places that takes the biggest beating with autoimmune diseases is the small
intestine. Consider this quote from a best-selling author on autoimmunity, Dr. Sarah

“A leaky gut (and gut dysbiosis) has been found, in every autoimmune
disease in which its presence has been investigated.” 5

5 Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D. Lifestyle and Autoimmune Disease (AHS14)

Yes, every autoimmune disease! Therefore, leaky gut is probably a factor in yours. So
how does one heal a leaky gut? Here’s a list of the natural remedies I used to heal my
leaky gut.

• Aloe
• Turmeric
• Onion, potato, ginger soup
• Coconut
There are more remedies than these, but these are the ones I focused on. The good news
is that it doesn’t take some expensive supplement like bone broth to heal the leaky gut.
These are foods which are cheap and preparing them is really quite simple.

The key to doing step #2 successfully has a lot to do with whether you did the first step.
All the natural remedies in the world won’t help if you are continuing to ingest foods
that are damaging the gut. Once step #1 is down, within a few short months of doing the
remedies in step #2 your gut can be in really good shape.

The foods that are the most damaging to the gut are GMOs, wheat/gluten, and dairy
products. Stress can also damage the small intestine all on its own, and we will get into
that more in step #5. Therefore avoiding these foods and reducing the stress load is part
of healing the gut.

Lastly, the final key to successfully completing this step is consistency. You want to take
theses gut healing remedies as often as possible. I was administering these remedies
several times a day.

3. Nutrify
We already talked about how deficiency is a big part of why people get sick. Studies
consistently find that autoimmune sufferers are notoriously depleted in key vitamins
and minerals. Here are several possible reasons why:

• They’re eating a lot of junk foods instead of eating nutrient-dense food.

• There’s a bad bacteria overgrowth eating up nutrients before they can be absorbed.

• Genetic mutations are inhibiting the enzymes to make these nutrients fully
available to the body.

Step #3 is all about reversing these situations and nutrifying the body.

How do we do this? One of the best ways to get high levels of the best quality nutrients is
juicing. Even with eating a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, many of our
commercial agriculture soils are depleted in nutrients which means we need to find
ways of getting more concentrated nutrition in our diets. The benefits to juicing can be

• Rapid healing for different parts of the body

• Calming of inflammation
• Helps neurological disorders
• Helps with sleep
• Helps with depression
I’ve found that the body really responds when you give it lots of plant-based nutrition.
The idea is simple. The body has been damaged from years of autoimmune activity, so
we need to give our enzymes (which are our body’s workers) the right building materials
to repair the damage. Here’s one of the best recipes for nutrients:

4 midsize leaves of swiss chard, kale, or collard greens
1/2 bunch of parsley
2 cups cabbage
1/2 cucumber
4 celery stalks
6 carrots
I tried many different kinds of fresh juice recipes which were so tasty and refreshing. I
juiced 3x/day for 1 week, 2x/day for 1 week, 1x/day until I was better.

4. Cleanse/detox
Not only do we want to give the body high amounts of good nutrients, but it is also very
important to cleanse out the years of toxic buildup in our body. The reason why this step
is necessary is because after ingestion, toxins can get stored in the organs or fat cells of
our bodies. Toxic buildup is responsible for many of the problems we experience in

Toxins can hide in the gut by encasing themselves under a protective sheath called
biofilm. They can hide in fat cells, in organ and muscle tissues, or even in fecal matter

that’s plastered inside the walls of the colon. Pretty gross. They can cause bad bacteria
overgrowth leading to nutritional deficiencies and neurological issues like depression,
anxiety, and insomnia. They can disrupt our endocrine system causing hormonal
imbalances. By hiding in certain tissues, these toxins can even be the underlying cause
as to why the immune system is attacking certain body parts. We want that stuff out of
there, and to do this they need to be dislodged, bound, and eliminated by a thorough

A good detox program will flush your bowels, detox you at a cellular level, and will
provide tons of much needed nutrition. If you do it right you can eliminate toxins that
have been causing your problems for decades.

Cleansing can be done with a combination of fasting, fresh juices, various herbals
to aid the liver and kidneys, and other natural aids to bind and flush out the toxins.
For example, something as simple as the juice of a fresh lemon followed by activated
charcoal every morning will do a lot to eliminate and remove stored toxins. This is the
recipe I use:

• Juice of 1 fresh lemon followed by (or taken with) 3 cups warm water
• Followed by 1 Tbs activated charcoal mixed with 1 cup water
There are also things you can use to pull out toxins hiding in your tissues, detox your
cells and even cross the blood-brain barrier to pull out chemicals and heavy metals from
the brain that are causing inflammation!

The benefits of doing a good cleanse are unparalleled. This is the step where we’ve seen
the most drastic changes in people’s health. Tumors shrink, blood sugar levels drop,
chronic headaches go away, energy returns, depression is reversed, stomach pain
subsides, inflammation calms down, eczema disappears, and the list goes on. When
administered properly a good cleanse is like hitting the reset button on your body. Also
if fresh juices are taken every hour or two, you actually don’t even feel that hungry while

Because this step is so powerful, there are many important details involved in it. For this
very reason, the chapter on step #4 is the largest chapter in our eBook “How I Reversed
My Autoimmune Disease.” Key factors need to be considered such as which herbs are
the best to use, what detoxing schedules are best, and what to do if you experience the
common die off effects of cleansing.

Generally there are two types of cleanses that can be done. There are short intense 10-
day type cleanses, and there are the long-term more gentle cleanses. Which should you
do? I recommend doing both. This is what I did. Cleanses can be strenuous on the body
so prior to a cleanse you want to make sure you have a good basis of nutrition, and have
been eating a good whole foods plant-based diet for several weeks. After beginning a
long-term gentle cleanse, I geared up for an intense 10-day cleanse. I completed the 10-
day cleanse and then went back to the long-term gentle cleanse schedule until I was
completely healed.


The 10-day cleanses are short and can be very intense. The pros are that they can do a
tremendous amount of cleansing in a very short amount of time. The cons are that they
are not something you can do on your normal work schedule but will necessitate taking
time off since it will typically keep you doing treatments every hour or two. You may not
want to do your first one all by yourself. The reason is because when you’re doing it
right, a good cleanse will dislodge hidden toxins. When these re-enter the blood stream,
it’s common for people to get “die-off” symptoms of feeling sick, headaches, rashes, and
low energy.

Because of this I recommend going to a lifestyle center that assists with the 10-day
cleansing process. My wife and I did one together a few months after I got the news
about my autoimmunity. These centers are great because the staff are right there to
hand you drinks, monitor your situation, and help alleviate any die-off symptoms. It
would have been challenging to do it on my own. However, if you have a supportive
family member who is willing to help administer the 10-day cleanse it would make doing
your first one at home more doable.

The long-term gentle cleanse has many of the same elements of the 10-day cleanse, but
not as many drinks and supplements and with a lot more time in between taking them.
The great thing about the gentle cleanse is that it allows you o continue the cleansing
process but on a smaller scale and without many of the intense die-off symptoms.

It’s also on a schedule which allows for normal life to happen. Unless you are super
toxic, it’s possible for most people to continue work, school, etc. while doing a gentle

A gentle cleanse can be done leading up to a 10-day cleanse and then continued for the
next several months after a 10-day cleanse.

One consistent theme you will see in those who have had their autoimmune diseases
reversed is that it was an ongoing process of months or even years. If someone is
claiming reversal in the form of days or weeks due to some new supplement or special
protocol, prepare to be disappointed. Just mentally prepare yourself for a journey of
months or years. However, the good news is that based on the many people I know who
have reversed their autoimmunity with this protocol there is an end to the tunnel.

5. Remove chronic stress

Short-term stress the body can deal with, but ongoing chronic stress is a killer. If there is
a major ongoing stressor it has the potential to undermine many of the good effect of the
first four steps. In fact, stress alone has the ability to make the gut leaky. Removing
chronic stress is the last step in the autoimmune healing process, but this doesn’t mean
that you should wait until steps one through four have been accomplished before
removing it. On the contrary, the sooner chronic stress can be eliminated or alleviated
the easier the other four steps will be.

Incidents like a car accidents, skiing/snowboarding injuries, injuries at work, etc. can
act as the final straw that triggers autoimmunity. I have an aunt whose lupus symptoms
started right after she fell from a kitchen countertop.

Additionally, it’s possible that certain symptoms being blamed on an autoimmune

disease like headaches, muscle pains, and digestion problem could be the result of an
old injury that’s reducing blood supply or nerve flow to your gut or brain. In these cases,
correcting old skeletal or muscular injuries through physical therapy may help alleviate
some autoimmune symptoms.

Emotional stress is usually the form of stress that is most relevant to step #5. There is a
powerful relationship between emotional/mental stress and your physical state of being.
As a Christian motivational speaker, I find that emotional stress is a significant factor
contributing towards making and keeping people sick.

Dr. Eric Berg, a well-known author and doctor who has treated hundreds of people with
autoimmunity, has an interesting observation when he asks his patients when their
autoimmune symptoms started. He says:

“… they always tell me that it happens after a stress event.”

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did a study on childhood trauma
with 17,000 Kaiser Permanente healthcare members called the ACE (Adverse Childhood
Experiences) study. From this study they developed a test to determine your level of
childhood trauma.

The interesting thing is that a high ranking score on this test has actually been proven to
correlate with an increase in chronic disease. As a matter of fact for every 1 point
increase in the ACE score, the risk for developing an autoimmune disease like type 1
diabetes, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis goes up by 20%! An ACE score of only 2 or
more increases the chances of being hospitalized for an autoimmune disease by
70 to 80%. I highly recommend taking this test. You can find it online.6

Even if you don’t have a high ACE score and had a good childhood, it is still very
common for people with autoimmunity to have their symptoms begin with an emotional
trauma experienced during their adult years.

Take a look at this list of common stress events that trigger autoimmunity and think
about your own situation. Ask yourself if any events like these surfaced when you started
experiencing your autoimmune symptoms:

• loss of a loved one

• divorce
• raising a difficult child
• overwork
• loss of a job
• stressful job
• financial hardships
• pregnancy or delivery
• abusive relationship
• rape
For me, I received confirmation of my autoimmunity shortly after my mom died, which
was an extremely stressful time as I spent months taking care of her while she was on


hospice. Thankfully I have healed from that event since then, and correspondingly my
health has improved.

As you saw in the just mentioned list, pregnancy can be one of these triggering stress
events. This could be due to the stress of pregnancy or of the delivery itself. As a matter
of fact, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis occurs in 3-5 out of every 1,000 pregnancies and Graves’
disease occurs in about 1 out of every 500 pregnancies. These high numbers bring out
the fact that someone can be coping with existing environmental autoimmune triggers
but when a stress event occurs, that taxes the body’s resources and pushes it over the
edge into a full-blown chronic illness.

Here are several proven stress relievers that will lighten the load and enable you to deal
with the stress of life in a healthy way.

Exercise regularly: Make sure you sweat and get your heart rate up for 30
minutes or more at least 5 times per week.

Take hot baths: Add some epsom salt (magnesium is calming). Many persons
are low in magnesium and this is a good way to absorb more.

Get at least 8-10 hours of early sleep each night: Sleep, especially the
hours before midnight, is when the body repairs itself. Every hour before
midnight is worth two after midnight, so a good sleeping schedule we follow is
aiming to be in bed by 8pm and sleeping from 8:30pm to 5am or later if you feel
you need the extra sleep while healing.

Cut down your hours at work: Eliminate unnecessary spending to enable

yourself to do this financially.

Cut down school: What good is a degree with out your health? Take 1 or 2 less
classes next semester and focus on your healing.

Lastly, in the natural health world you often hear about treating the root cause. This
principle applies to the spiritual as well as the physical arena. A large degree of the
stress we experience has more to do with how we are responding to the stressors
rather than the stressor itself. Having a stressful job, marriage, or children is never easy,
but our response to those things is the determining factor that move the overall stress
dial up or down.

We may not be able to change current circumstances, but we can change how we
perceive them. Looking at circumstances from the right perspective will cause you to

relate to it as a benefit and not a loss. I believe that this is possible for you with even
your difficult circumstances. I have found that to truly accomplish this change takes
deep spirituality. It’s a spiritual matter and involves spiritual power. It was opening my
heart to God and giving Him a chance that has successfully enabled me to really
understand devastating circumstances as benefits. I believe having this perspective
made my healing go faster and much more bearable.

Let’s do quick recap of the five steps:

1. Remove damaging foods and toxins

2. Heal the leaky gut

3. Nutrify

4. Cleanse/detox

5. Remove chronic stress

So there you have it. Now you understand the basics of the autoimmune reversal
protocol. My final thoughts on the five-step protocol is that these steps need to be done
simultaneously and consistently. It can take time to figure out which toxins are involved
in your particular autoimmune situation or how to nutrify, cleanse, and remove stress.
Therefore it’s takes faith and determination to see this process through. Chronic
illnesses are just as much emotional challenges as they are physical challenges. Your
faith and persistence will be tested and probably already has. Embrace the opportunity
to grow and move forward with hope knowing that myself and many others have
reversed their autoimmune diseases using these five principles.

How do you determine what the main issues are in your situation?

1. Look at your family history

Does your family have a history of:

• Certain diseases?

• Unhealthy lifestyles?

• A tendency to certain negative emotions?

• Genetic mutations?

2. Look at your history

When was your illness at its worst?

• After eating a certain kind of food?

• After living at a particular place?

• While working at a certain job?

• After being in a certain stressful situation?

• After being around certain chemicals?

• Have you had exposure to chemicals, viruses, molds, or heavy metals?

3. Test

If you have good insurance you can get some of these things tested through a
knowledgable doctor. You can test for:

• Food allergies (especially IgA in the stool rather than the blood)

• Mold infections

• Fungal infections

• Gut infections

• Heavy metal poisoning

• Chemical toxicity

• Genetic mutations

Or if you’re like me when I started dealing with my autoimmunity and don’t have the
budget to do many tests, you can just start doing general cleanses like we talked about in
step #4.

The biggest issue is actually doing something about it. You’d be surprised how many
people learn this information and don’t do anything with it, especially the “small” things

like getting enough sleep, water, and sunshine. To me, it really brings out the truth that
spiritual healing has to go along with the physical healing.

But what I find is that the people who are determined and don’t give up, who are strict
in pursuing healing, are the ones who get better. Really it takes faith and
determination to heal from an autoimmune disease. The good news is that you don’t
have to do it alone. God will help you if you just ask Him.

I trust this eBook has been helpful for you and has provided you with hope as well as the
basic overview of what is involved in reversing an autoimmune disease.

If you’re ready for the next step and would like to learn more about the topics like:

• How do you shop and cook without GMOs, gluten, and dairy?
• How are genetics playing a factor in my autoimmune disease and how to fix it?
• How do I know if I have an infection along with my autoimmune disease?
• How do you treat common autoimmune related infections like Lyme, SIBO, and
H. pylori?

• What tests can I use to find out what toxins are making me sick?
• What are the specific gut healing recipes you use?
• What are actual steps and daily schedules of the 10-day cleanse and the gentler

• Which herbal supplements should you use?

• What lifestyle center are available to do the 10-day cleanse?
• What do you do to get self-control and will power?
Then take a look at our full 179-page eBook How I Reversed My Autoimmune Disease
and The Autoimmune Manual that comes with it. Included are all of the details about
how to put these five steps into practice and how to heal from your autoimmune disease.


May you be blessed in your pursuit of health,

Gabriel and Jennifer Arruda


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