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Actions to increase knowledge about age-related

fertility decline in women

Désirée García, Amelia Rodríguez & Rita Vassena

To cite this article: Désirée García, Amelia Rodríguez & Rita Vassena (2018): Actions to increase
knowledge about age-related fertility decline in women, The European Journal of Contraception &
Reproductive Health Care, DOI: 10.1080/13625187.2018.1526895

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Actions to increase knowledge about age-related fertility decline in women

ee Garcıa, Amelia Rodrıguez and Rita Vassena
Eugin Clinic, Barcelona, Spain


Objective: There is a strong body of published data corroborating the current lack of awareness Received 22 February 2018
of age-related fertility decline (ARFD), but few studies have evaluated specific interventions aimed Revised 23 August 2018
at increasing ARFD knowledge. Here, we review the literature examining the instruments devel- Accepted 17 September 2018
oped and the educational interventions performed to date. Published online 23 October
Methods: We carried out a narrative review based on a literature search in PubMed, Web of
Science, PsycINFO and Scopus between January 2010 and December 2017. KEYWORDS
Results: The instruments available comprise websites, paper brochures, slide presentations and Age-related infertility;
tailored information, mainly developed with the input of university students. The eight interven- educational interventions;
tions reviewed include surveys before and/or after a specific intervention, with and without a con- fertility awareness; fertility
trol group, in randomised and non-randomised designs. Overall, the interventions were effective in knowledge;
increasing ARFD knowledge and lowering the desired age for childbearing in the short term. health promotion
These results were not always maintained, however, in the long term, possibly due to a lack of
perceived risk of future infertility among those studied.
Conclusion: Further interventions need to be targeted to both young people and health care pro-
viders, and should be as personalised as possible. A greater number of validated instruments are
also needed to reliably measure the effectiveness of any intervention.

Introduction for childbearing [22,23] and increased risk of involuntary

childlessness [24]. The age of the subfertile population and
Despite a general awareness of age-related fertility decline
the demand for ART are also increasing [25].
(ARFD) in the population, specific facts about ARFD in
Despite the large number of studies highlighting the
women (e.g., when female fertility starts to decline) are less
lack of accurate fertility knowledge among the general
well known. On the one hand, the general population [1,2]
population, and its consequences, few instruments have
and university students [3–5] have been shown to be gen-
been developed and even fewer interventional studies pro-
erally unaware of ARFD. On the other hand, health care
posed to date. The objective of this narrative review is to
professionals have both limited knowledge [6,7] and scarce
describe relevant published studies and provide input for
resources [8] to discuss ARFD with their patients.
future interventions.
The most significant decrease in fertility occurs in
women from the mid- to the late 30s [9–11], age over 35
being the main risk factor for infertility [12]. Unfortunately, Methods
while university students recognised that age over 40 was
a significant infertility risk [13], age over 35 was barely rec- The publications included in this review were selected by
ognised as such [13,14]. searching for studies evaluating fertility knowledge pub-
A woman’s degree of fertility loss before reaching her lished in PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO and Scopus,
40s is evident through both natural and medically assisted and further complemented by a selection of interventions
reproduction [15–17]. Half of all women are sterile by their performed to increase ARFD knowledge and the instru-
mid-40s [17] and unable to give birth to a genetically ments used in those interventions. Relevant publications
related child, even through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) [16]. included: (1) articles that evaluated interventions aimed at
Moreover, there is an overconfidence in the population of increasing fertility knowledge, particularly ARFD knowledge
what assisted reproductive technologies (ART) can achieve and (2) articles that described the development of the
when it comes to having a child at an older age [18,19]: instruments used in the previous studies. This review was
pregnancy chances are often overrated, gamete donation is performed in January 2018 and covers the period from
usually unknown and there is a general overoptimism January 2010 to the end of December 2017.
about late childbearing.
An immediate consequence of erroneous perceptions
about fertility and age is a false idea of control over one’s
own reproduction [20], enhanced by an overconfidence in We describe the development and use of three instruments
the success of ART at any age [21]. Insufficient fertility available online (FertiSTAT, Your Fertility and My Fertility
knowledge has been associated with delayed intended age Choices) and eight interventional studies [26–33], five of

CONTACT Rita Vassena Clınica Eugin, Travessera de les Corts 322, 08029 Barcelona, Spain
ß 2018 The European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health

which were randomised controlled trials (RCTs) [27,29–32]. by a telephone interview with 462 women and men of
A comparison of the three instruments developed is pro- reproductive age, Hammarberg et al. [1] devised the web-
vided in Table 1, whereas the main characteristics of the site of the same name ( The website
interventional studies are presented in Table 2, and their includes information on four factors affecting fertility (age,
outcomes and results summarised in Table 3. BMI, smoking and menstrual cycle) and provides printable
materials for both lay people and health care professionals.
The online format was especially appreciated by the
FertiSTAT youngest participants (age 18–24) and by men, while
In 2010, Bunting and Boivin [34] developed FertiSTAT (fertis- women aged 35–45 preferred to speak directly to a health, the first online tool for evaluating infertility risk fac- care professional. The usefulness of this site was supported
tors (including age, lifestyle and medical conditions) in by a recent qualitative investigation on information-seeking
women and heterosexual couples, providing personalised behaviour among reproductive-age people [18] and by an
advice on how to protect one’s fertility. FertiSTAT evaluates anonymous survey addressed to nurses working in primary
22 items with regard to age, time trying to get pregnant, health care [8]. Although its efficacy in increasing fertility
reproductive history and lifestyle. The infertility risk factor knowledge has never been evaluated in the context of an
evaluation gives a score accompanied by personalised advice; interventional study (namely an RCT), this is the most com-
ARFD after the age of 34 years is also always pointed out. plete and updated online material of the three evaluated
FertiSTAT was used in the International Fertility in this study.
Decision-Making Study (IFDMS) [35,36], which aimed to
evaluate the role of fertility knowledge using the Cardiff
My fertility choices
Fertility Knowledge Scale (CFKS) and infertility risk factor
awareness in the decision-making process to have a child, Daniluk and Koert [39] developed the Canadian educational
and what to do in case of infertility. The IFDMS is the larg- website My Fertility Choices ( to
est non-interventional study in number of participants and address the knowledge gaps found in their previous inves-
countries involved ever performed with the objective of tigations and the finding that women and men expect to
evaluating fertility knowledge, including 10,045 partici- become parents significantly later in life than they believe
pants, both men and women trying to have a baby, from is ideal (5.6 years of difference for women and 7.3 years for
79 countries. Among the high-risk factors evaluated were men) [21,40]. The authors developed this website in order
‘being aged between 35 and 39 years old’, ‘being aged to help couples and individuals to make fertility choices
between 40 and 44 years old’ and ‘being aged over 45 and to provide information about family-building options,
years old’. Overall, the mean fertility knowledge score was fertility testing, fertility treatments and fertility preservation.
56.9%, ranging from 14.1% in Turkey to 79.0% in New This material was used in a further study described in the
Zealand. The authors observed that people overestimated next section [28].
natural fertility, making it hard to regard infertility as a risk
of delaying childbearing. Of note, ‘being aged over 45
years old’ was correctly identified as the main infertility risk
Non-randomised interventions
factor, but ‘being aged between 35 and 39 years old’ was In 2013, Wojcieszek and Thompson [33] performed the first
the least recognised risk factor. Fulford et al. [36], in a fol- interventional study evaluating the effectiveness of educa-
low-up study of the same cohort, found that intentions to tional interventions in increasing fertility knowledge. These
take action to improve fertility among women younger authors analysed exposure to an online information bro-
than 35 years depend on three factors: fertility knowledge, chure about ARFD, delayed childbearing and IVF effective-
infertility risk and feeling of vulnerability to infertility. ness (vs. a brochure about home ownership) among
FertiSTAT also inspired the risk evaluation form used in university students in Queensland, Australia. They carried
the Fertility Assessment and Counselling clinic (an inde- out a non-randomised controlled trial (computer-generated
pendent unit of the Fertility Clinic of Copenhagen) in a alternate allocation) and performed a pre-test/post-test
programme for improving fertility prediction and protec- comparison between groups. They found that exposure to
tion [37]. In this programme, fertile women and men a brief brochure significantly increased participants’ fertility
received free individualised reproductive counselling. and infertility knowledge (þ71%) and IVF knowledge
Although it was not offered in the context of a research (þ61%) (p < .001), and moderately decreased the desired
study measuring the effect of any intervention, the initia- age for having the first and last child (0.83 and 1.24
tive was considered useful and was reported to increase years, respectively; p < .001). These findings were valid at
fertility knowledge in most individuals attending the clinic least in the short term, since the post-test was adminis-
between 2011 and 2014 [37]. Moreover, the prediction of tered immediately after exposure.
longer time to achieve pregnancy obtained in the Fertility In 2014, Daniluk and Koert [28] evaluated the effective-
Assessment and Counselling clinic could be used by fertility ness of the exposure to the My Fertility Choices website,
experts to counsel individuals on how to implement their presented above, on increasing fertility and ART know-
reproductive life plan (see below) [38]. ledge. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated
immediately and 6 months after, using the Fertility
Awareness Survey [21,39,40]. The intervention was shown
Your fertility
to be effective in increasing overall knowledge and advanc-
In 2013, in the context of the Australian public education ing childbearing ideals in the short term but the improve-
‘Your Fertility’ campaign, and from the answers obtained ment was not maintained in the long term; for example,
Table 1. Comparison of online instruments for fertility education.
Publication year/
Instrument (website) last update Authors/owner Country Format Main topics Target audience Aim Strengths
FertiSTAT ( 2010 [34]/ NA Laura Bunting and UK Online questionnaire Infertility risk factors: Women and couples To calculate an individ- Provides personalised
Jacky Boivin/ (infertility risk fac- age, lifestyle, med- planning to have ual’s or couple’s evaluation and
Cardiff University tor assessment) ical conditions children now or in FertiSTAT score advice
the future To give advice on how Supported by the
to protect fertility School of
Psychology of
Cardiff University
Available in English
and Portuguese
Your Fertility 2013 [1]/ 2018 Karin Hammarberg, Australia Online information pro- Fertility factors: age, Women, men, couples To promote awareness Variety of content in
( Tracey Setter, vided as text, fig- weight, smoking, and health care of factors that influ- accessible language
Robert J. Norman, ures, videos and alcohol, timing, professionals ence fertility so that Variety of materials
Carol A. Holden, animations other factors individuals and cou- (text, videos, anima-
Janet Michelmore Online questionnaires ples can make tions)
and Louise Johnson/ (fertility knowledge, informed and timely Assessment tools with
Fertility Coalition fertility potential, decisions regarding personalised advice
ovulation calculator) childbearing and to Expert information and
Specific materials for prevent infertility personal stories
professionals (webi- and involuntary Supported by the
nar, sheets, childlessness Australian govern-
presentations) ment
Updated contents
My Fertility Choices 2013 [39]/ 2015 Judith C. Daniluk and Canada Online information pro- Fertility information Women and men of To provide decision- Concise and clear infor-
( Emily Koert/ vided as questions Readiness for child- all ages making resources to mation
Judith C. Daniluk and answers bearing make the best fertil- Easy to navigate web-
by topic Decision making ity choices site
Relationships To provide current Expert information and
information about personal stories
fertility testing, fer- Supported by the
tility preservation, Canadian govern-
infertility treatment ment and the
and family-build- University of
ing options British Columbia
NA: not applicable.

Table 2. Main characteristics of interventional studies included in the review.

Study (range and/or Intervention Length of Response
Study Year Country Study population size Women n (%) Men n (%) mean ± SD) Design performed Instrument follow-up rate
Wojcieszek and Thompson [33] 2013 Australia Male and female 137 93 (67.9) 44 (32.1) 191 ± 3.2 Pre-/post-interven- Online brochure Questionnaire par- Immediately Not given
university tion survey tially based on after exposure
students Not RCT the Swedish

Stern et al. [31] 2013 Sweden Female univer- 299 299 (100) 0 23 ± 2.4 Pre-/post-interven- Tailored oral and Questionnaire par- 2 months 88%
sity students tion survey RCT written tially based on
information the Swedish
Williamson et al. [32] 2014 Canada Childless women 69 69 (100) 0 21 ± 3.7 Post-intervention Slide presentation Questionnaire spe- Immediately Not given
survey only RCT cifically after exposure
designed for
the study
Daniluk and Koert [28] 2015 Canada Childless men 199 151 (75.9) 48 (24.1) 18–35 (28) Pre-/post-interven- Online brochure Fertility Immediately after 55%
and women tion survey (My Awareness exposure and 6
Not RCT Fertility Survey months later
Garcıa et al. [29] 2016 Spain Women in an 201 201 (100) 0 18–35 (23.5 ± 4.6) Pre-/post-interven- Tailored oral and Questionnaire par- 1–3 months 93.9%
oocyte dona- tion survey RCT written tially based on
tion information the Swedish
programme Awareness
and on Bunting
and Boivin [13]
Maeda et al. [30] 2016 Japan General popula- 1455 729 (50.1) 726 (49.9) 20–39 Pre-/post-interven- Online brochure CFKS Immediately 67.8%
tion Medical tion survey RCT (Japanese after exposure
professionals version)
Conceiç~ao et al. [27] 2017 Portugal Male and female 173 140 (80.9) 33 (19.1) 20.2 ± 4.9 Pre-/post-interven- Video Questionnaire par- Immediately 93.9%
university tion survey RCT tially based on after exposure
students the Swedish
Anspach Will et al. [26] 2017 USA Male and female 53 47 (88.7) 6 (11.3) 20–40 Pre-/post-interven- Slide presentation Questionnaire spe- Immediately 81.5%
medical stu- tion survey cifically after exposure
dents and Not RCT designed for
health care the study

Table 3. Outcomes and results of interventional studies.

Study Year Main outcome Results
Wojcieszek and Thompson [33] 2013 Fertility knowledge Fertility knowledge: increase
IVF knowledge IVF knowledge: increase
Desired age for childbearing Desired age for childbearing: decrease
Stern et al. [31] 2013 Fertility knowledge Fertility knowledge: increase
Desired age for childbearing Desired age for childbearing: decrease
Williamson et al. [32] 2014 Fertility knowledge Fertility knowledge: increase
Intended age for childbearing Intended age for childbearing: no change
Daniluk and Koert [28] 2015 Fertility knowledge Overall knowledge: increase in short term, no
ART knowledge change in long term
Desired age for childbearing Specific ARFD knowledge: increase in short term,
higher increase in long term
Desired age for childbearing: decrease in short
term, no change in long term
Garcıa et al. [29] 2016 Fertility knowledge Fertility knowledge: increase
Intended age for childbearing Intended age for childbearing: no change
Maeda et al. [30] 2016 Fertility knowledge Fertility knowledge: increase
Psychological burden Psychological burden: increase
Conceiç~ao et al. [27] 2017 Fertility knowledge Fertility knowledge: increase
Anspach Will et al. [26] 2017 ARFD knowledge ARFD knowledge: increase
Social egg freezing Social egg freezing: increase

the ideal age for a woman to have her first and last child intervention and considered that midwives should routinely
(initially 26.9 and 40.3 years) dropped 1 and 1.5 years discuss a reproductive life plan with their patients.
immediately after the intervention (to 25.9 and 38.7 years; A second RCT was carried out by Williamson et al. [32].
p < .001), but returned to pre-intervention values after 6 In this study, childless women at a Canadian university
months (27.2 and 39.9 years). Although more questions campus were exposed to a slide presentation about fertility
were correctly answered by more than half of participants (vs. alcohol consumption in the control group) and its
immediately after the intervention than after 6 months (14 effect on their fertility knowledge was evaluated in a post-
vs. four correct answers), respondents presented higher test-only design. Participants exposed to the fertility pres-
results at follow-up, with evident differences between the entation obtained a fertility knowledge score of 3.8 vs. 1.7
sexes. For instance, the sentence ‘There is a progressive in the control group (p < .001). In particular, 100% of
decrease in a woman’s ability to become pregnant after women in the fertility information group correctly identi-
the age of 35’ was correctly rated as true immediately after fied the biologically optimal age for childbearing (20–25
the intervention by þ6.6% women (p ¼ .024) and þ6.2% of years), compared with 88.2% in the control group (p ¼ .04);
men (p ¼ .37) vs. þ14.8% of women (p ¼ .003) and 6.9% and 88.6% vs. 32.4% (p < .001), respectively, correctly iden-
of men (p ¼ .33) after 6 months. These results suggest, first, tified the age when female fertility starts to decline (32
that most participants could remember the brochure’s years, among the options 16, 28, 32 and 40). The intended
information for a short while but, afterwards, it was not age at first birth was, however, not significantly different
always retained (learnt). Second, they suggest that fertility between groups. Williamson and Lawson [20] further
studied young women’s intentions to delay childbearing,
information should be provided differently to women and
concluding that the perception of control of fertility was
men, since retention noticeably depends on personal rele-
mainly founded on a false perception of long-lasting fertil-
vance and need.
ity and significantly contributed to their intentions to
delay motherhood.
RCTs Garcıa et al. [29] carried out an RCT in Spain. It com-
prised three arms (no intervention, untailored written infor-
Stern et al. [31] carried out the first RCT evaluating the mation and tailored oral and written information) in a
effectiveness of educational interventions in increasing fer- population of healthy women aged <36 years (oocyte
tility knowledge in young women attending a health centre donors) from different backgrounds, more representative of
for contraceptive counselling in Sweden. In addition, oral reproductive-age women than selected populations of uni-
and written information based on the reproductive life versity students. The effect of the intervention was eval-
plan were provided in the intervention group (vs. informa- uated in a follow-up visit on average 2 months later. The
tion about folic acid intake in the control group). The tailored intervention resulted in an increase (þ25%) in fer-
reproductive life plan is a counselling tool used in the deci- tility knowledge compared with baseline that was signifi-
sion-making process of childbearing in relation to personal cantly higher than that of the control group (p < .001). The
goals during one’s lifetime, using a set of questions about tailored intervention also resulted in a reduction of 2.1
having or not having children, and giving advice on the years in the intended age for childbearing reported at
family planning methods to be used accordingly [41]. Stern baseline, although this result was not statistically signifi-
et al. [31] demonstrated that the tailored oral and written cant. In particular, correct answers to the questions related
information provided to participants had a positive effect to ARFD in women increased by þ28.9% (best time for
on their reproductive knowledge (p < .001) and childbear- childbearing before age 25; p ¼ .045), þ32% (marked fertil-
ing intentions (p < .05) 2 months later. Specifically, þ27% ity decrease at age 35; p ¼ .031) and þ62.8% (identification
acknowledged a marked fertility decline at age 35, and pre- of >35 years old as a strong infertility risk factor; p < .001).
ferred age at last child was lowered by 1 year on average. The authors concluded that the oral tailored intervention
Moreover, the majority of women appreciated the was effective in increasing ARFD knowledge, while written

standard brochures, although somewhat effective, did not Discussion

elicit sufficient interest if not accompanied by individual-
Findings and interpretation
ised information.
Maeda et al. [30] carried out an RCT evaluating the What information should be provided?
immediate effects of providing an online brochure about Considering the gaps in knowledge found in the literature,
fertility in a representative sample of 20- to 39-year-old any instrument used in educational interventions about fer-
Japanese men and women. The authors also evaluated for tility should include the following information related to
the first time the psychological burden of the intervention. reproductive ageing: the decrease in fertility with age in
The RCT had three arms: information on fertility, informa- both women and men, the specific age intervals when the
tion on folic acid intake and information on financial and most important changes in women occur, the success rates
social support. The brochure about fertility addressed the of different ART techniques at different ages, and the need
ARFD thorough the paragraphs entitled ‘Both men and for donated gametes in ART at older ages.
women are affected by reproductive ageing’, ‘What is the It is important to point out, however, that ARFD is not
ideal age for women to conceive and give birth?’ and the only factor preventing women from conceiving, and
‘What is “ageing” of the ovum?’ The effect of the interven- we have found other important gaps in fertility knowledge
tion on fertility knowledge was measured by the Japanese in our literature review. Therefore, the inclusion of informa-
version of the CFKS [35], while the effect on anxiety was tion about modifiable lifestyle factors such as alcohol con-
measured by the Japanese version of the State-Trait sumption, smoking and sexually transmitted diseases in
these materials is also desirable. Good examples of instru-
Anxiety Inventory (STAI) [42] and by the question ‘How do
ments comprising a variety of fertility-relevant factors are
you feel about the brochure just presented?’ rated on a
the previously described FertiSTAT, My Fertility Choices and
five-point Likert scale. The intervention resulted in a signifi-
Your Fertility.
cant increase in fertility knowledge of þ15.1% in women
(p < .001) and þ10.3% in men (p < .001). The authors con-
cluded that fertility information, even when neutral in its How should information be provided?
presentation and evidence-based, increased knowledge but Participants in the focus group of the study by
also induced anxiety among the reproductive-age popula- Hammarberg et al. [18] investigating fertility knowledge
tion. The authors suggested that educational interventions and information-seeking behaviour among people of repro-
should be performed earlier, in younger generations who ductive age reported that the most effective ways to edu-
had time enough to make informed decisions about their cate reproductive-age people about fertility should be
reproductive health. through primary health care providers (especially general
Conceiç~ao et al. [27] performed an RCT among male practitioners), mass media and social media. The focus
and female university students in Portugal. This study com- group especially valued printed information (posters, bro-
pared the short-term (10 min later) effect of exposure to an chures) available at clinics; we draw attention to those
educational video about reproductive health and infertility materials easily accessible online. In light of the studies
compared with no exposure. The effect of the intervention reviewed, instruments such as FertiSTAT, Your Fertility and
was measured using a questionnaire based on that of My Fertility Choices seem appropriate means to spread fer-
tility knowledge.
Lampic et al. [3]. The authors observed a significant
In addition, interventions should be targeted to their
increase in ARFD knowledge in the intervention group
audience, wherever possible, since tailoring to the intended
regarding identification of the most fertile age and the age
target produces the greatest effects [29,31,37]. It is essen-
when there is a slight fertility decrease (þ6.92; p < .001),
tial to mention that individuals’ intentions to take action to
which was not observed in the control group. Participants
protect their fertility rely on their reproductive knowledge
in both arms, however, gained knowledge on the age
and their real and perceived infertility risk [36]; thus, per-
when a marked fertility decrease occurs: þ7.35 years sonalised risk assessment for infertility is more likely to
(p < .001) and þ2.61 years (p < .001), respectively. The result in a behavioural change compared with general
authors hypothesised that the presence of several ques- information [43,44]. Health care professionals need to
tions in the test about women’s age might have influenced increase their knowledge to provide their patients with
the answers also in the control group. realistic information. For instance, health care professionals
can make use of online courses [45] and evidence-based
online instruments [18] such as Your Fertility.
Intervention in health care professionals It is worth mentioning that some studies, although not
Finally, in 2017, Anspach Will et al. [26] carried out an inter- comprising an intervention, induced participants to ask for
ventional study among, for the first time, medical students more fertility information [21,46–48]. This suggests that
sometimes a survey can itself mediate an intervention.
and health care professionals in Connecticut, USA. The
intervention consisted of a slide presentation about ARFD
and social egg freezing. The presentation lasted 45 min and When should education be provided?
was followed by 15 min of questions. The pre-test/post-test Reproductive education is essential in counselling patients
comparison immediately after the intervention showed a with childbearing intentions [49]. As seen in the IFDMS
significant improvement in overall score in the six ques- [36], women <35 years were more likely to intend to take
tions (þ23.5%; p < .001) and in two specific questions action when they were both knowledgeable and felt vul-
about ARFD (þ31.9%; p < .001). nerable to infertility, while there was no such association in

older women. Some authors recommend the early 20s for Conclusion
providing information about the risks and benefits of
We have shown that educational interventions using online
delaying childbearing [20,50,51], while others suggest intro-
instruments, paper brochures, slide presentations and vid-
ducing discussions about fertility protection even earlier in
eos can increase ARFD knowledge, especially when infor-
life [30,52–55]. Early education could also prevent the asso-
mation is personalised to the participants. A greater
ciated psychological burden of the provision of ARFD infor-
number of validated instruments are needed to reliably
mation at an older age [30]. measure the usefulness of the interventions, which should
be targeted to specific populations such as young people
and health care professionals.
Which instruments can measure improvement?
Validated instruments are needed to reliably measure fertil- Disclosure statement
ity knowledge before and after interventions and then
assess their efficacy. In the studies included in this review, No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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