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ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders


Performance‑based measures and behavioral ratings of executive

function in diagnosing attention‑deficit/hyperactivity disorder
in children
Alexander Tan1,2   · Lauren Delgaty1,3 · Kayla Steward1,4 · Melissa Bunner1

Received: 16 June 2017 / Accepted: 9 April 2018

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2018

Deficits in real-world executive functioning (EF) are a frequent characteristic of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). However, the predictive value of using performance-based and behavioral rating measures of EF when diagnos-
ing ADHD remains unclear. The current study investigates the use of performance-based EF measures and a parent-report
questionnaire with established ecological validity and clinical utility when diagnosing ADHD. Participants included 21
healthy controls, 21 ADHD—primary inattentive, and 21 ADHD—combined type subjects aged 6–15 years. A brief neu-
ropsychological battery was administered to each subject including common EF assessment measures. Significant differ-
ences were not found between groups on most performance-based EF measures, whereas significant differences (p < 0.05)
were found on most parent-report behavioral rating scales. Furthermore, performance-based measures did not predict group
membership above chance levels. Results further support differences in predictive value of EF performance-based measures
compared to parent-report questionnaires when diagnosing ADHD. Further research must investigate the relationship between
performance-based and behavioral rating measures when assessing EF in ADHD.

Keywords  ADHD · Executive function · BRIEF · Ecological validity

Introduction has established that one of the most prominent deficits in

ADHD is impairment in executive functioning (EF) (Bar-
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), charac- kley 1997; Thaler et al. 2013; Willcutt et al. 2005). EF is a
terized by developmentally inappropriate levels of inat- complex cognitive process that is necessary for efficacious
tention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, is one of the most goal-oriented behavior and includes a set of separate but
commonly diagnosed disorders in childhood. Much research related cognitive abilities, such as attentional control, cog-
nitive flexibility, information processing, and goal-setting
(Anderson 2002; Di Trani et al. 2011; Gau and Shang 2010;
Alexander Tan and Lauren Delgaty have contributed equally to Johnson et al. 2001; Oosterlaan et al. 1998). In children with
this work.
ADHD, the most notable areas of EF deficits are often plan-
* Alexander Tan ning, working memory, response inhibition, and set shift- ing (Gau and Shang 2010; Pennington and Ozonoff 1996).
These deficits may become more pronounced when the task
Austin Neuropsychology, PLLC, 711 W. 38th St. F‑2, becomes more complex (Gau et al. 2009; Rommelse et al.
Austin, TX 78705, USA
2007). Deficits in EF can have a considerable impact on
Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern daily functioning across academic, social, emotional, and
Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75390,
USA behavioral domains.
3 There has been ongoing interest in the research and clini-
Pinehurst Neuropsychology, 45 Aviemore Dr., Pinehurst,
NC 28374, USA cal utility of EF measures in diagnosing ADHD in children,
4 including both performance-based tasks and behavioral rat-
Department of Psychology, University of Alabama
at Birmingham, 1530 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, ings. Although deficits in real-world EF are often a primary
AL 35294, USA concern for children with ADHD, the ability to measure these

A. Tan et al.

deficits through performance-based neuropsychological Methods

assessments has been inconsistent. One problem with assess-
ing EF is the challenge in separating domain-specific functions Participants
(e.g., memory, social–emotional, language) from actual EF
abilities (Gioia and Isquith 2004). However, Burgess (1997) This study was approved by the Institutional Review
suggests that attempts to assess EF apart from any domain- Board (IRB) at Austin Neuropsychology, PLLC, and writ-
specific functions result in inadequate assessment of daily ten informed consent was obtained from all participants.
functioning because they separate integrated abilities into The clinical group was taken from archival data from a
individual segments. As real-life situations are variable and private neuropsychology clinic. This group consisted of
complex, approaching them successfully typically requires the 42 consecutive children (57% male) aged 6–15 years who
cognitive flexibility to adapt the skills of EF in an appropri- underwent a comprehensive diagnostic neuropsychologi-
ate manner. Others have suggested that real-life deficits often cal evaluation at the private neuropsychology clinic by
remain undetected in performance-based assessments due to a board-certified neuropsychologist, which included par-
the organization, structure, monitoring, and guidance provided ent and patient interviews, multiple behavioral ratings,
by the examiner, essentially becoming the examinee’s execu- and extensive neuropsychological testing. All measures,
tive system during the task (Torralva et al. 2013). Due to these including performance-based tests and parent behavioral
constraints, neuropsychologists have encountered difficulties ratings, were individually scored and interpreted. Based
designing performance-based measures of EF that demonstrate on results from the evaluation, participants were given a
ecological validity and clinical utility. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
While some studies have demonstrated relatively robust (4th ed.; DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association
relationships between performance-based measures and eve- [APA] 1994) diagnosis of ADHD-PI (n = 21) or ADHD-
ryday abilities in children, others have failed to find significant CT (n = 21). Nineteen percent of the sample were pre-
relationships (Biederman et al. 2006; Jonsdottir et al. 2006). scribed medication to address attention symptoms at the
Alternatively, parent-report questionnaires have demonstrated time of their evaluation; however, they were asked not
clinical utility in assessing EF deficits with respect to the pres- to take the medication on the day of assessment. While
ence of ADHD. In particular, the Behavioral Rating Inven- most research protocol measures (outlined below) were
tory of Executive Function (BRIEF) has significant research included in the initial neuropsychological evaluation, if a
support for its ability to diagnose ADHD (Gioia et al. 2000; participant did not complete one or more research protocol
McCandless and O’Laughlin 2007; Riccio et al. 2006). Find- measures, they were invited back to the clinic to complete
ings regarding the predictive value of performance-based the missing measures within 6 months of their evaluation
measures of EF versus parent-report questionnaires have been so they could be included in the study. The parents of all
inconsistent (Barkley and Murphy 2010; Biederman et al. participants completed the BRIEF as part of their initial
2008; Toplak et al. 2009). These variable results demonstrate neuropsychological evaluation.
a need for further investigation into the clinical utility of EF The control group of this study included 21 HC (57%
measures in individuals with ADHD. male), aged 6–15 years, who were recruited by conveni-
To advance understanding of the relationship between per- ence sampling through the general community and archival
formance-based measures and behavioral ratings of EF and the data from the private neuropsychological clinic. Control
clinical utility of these measures in diagnosing ADHD, this group participants from the clinic underwent a compre-
study sought to further investigate whether performance-based hensive clinical neuropsychological evaluation but did not
EF tasks and the parent-report BRIEF demonstrated the same meet criteria for ADHD. Control group participants from
results in distinguishing between control, ADHD—primary the general community underwent a telephone screening
inattentive (ADHD-PI), and ADHD—combined type (ADHD- and were given the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham (SNAP-
CT) groups. The hypothesis of this study was that both types IV) 26-Item Parent Rating Scale to rule out significant
of measures would correctly identify impairments in EF where attentional difficulties or previous ADHD diagnosis. Fol-
they exist; however, it was thought that the performance-based lowing the phone screening, written informed consent was
EF tasks would be less sensitive to these differences. obtained, parents completed the BRIEF, and participants
were administered research protocol measures.
Participants were excluded from experimental and con-
trol groups if they had a General Ability Index (GAI) of
less than 90 as determined by the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children, 4th edition (WISC-IV), or the Wechsler
Abbreviated Intelligence Scale, 2nd Edition (WASI-II).

Performance‑based measures and behavioral ratings of executive function in diagnosing…

Participants were also excluded if they had any neurologi- Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning (BRIEF):
cal disease (e.g., epilepsy, traumatic brain injury), major Parent Form (Gioia et al. 2000)
psychiatric illness (e.g., depression, anxiety, bipolar disor-
der), developmental disorder (e.g., autism, mental retarda- The BRIEF was created to assess an individual’s EF dif-
tion), adjustment disorder, or oppositional defiant disorder. ficulties through rating everyday behaviors at home, at
Demographic and descriptive characteristics of clinical school, and in the community (Gioia and Isquith 2004).
and non-clinical children are presented in Table 1. Group The BRIEF is an 86-item rating scale that is completed
differences in the demographic variables were examined by the parent based on the child’s behavior over the last
with non-parametric Chi-square or a one-way analysis of 6 months. Parents are asked to respond to each statement
variance (ANOVA). No significant differences were found regarding behavior using a frequency rating of never,
in gender, age, or GAI between groups. sometimes, or always. The items are divided into eight
subscales related to executive function: Inhibit (resisting
Materials impulses), Shift (thinking flexibly and alternating atten-
tion), Emotional Control (modulate emotional responses),
As described below, various parent-rated behavioral rat- Initiate (beginning tasks), Working Memory (holding
ings and performance-based measures of executive func- information in the mind for manipulation during a task),
tion were used in this study. Because the study used archi- Plan/Organization (anticipate future events and create
val data as the primary source for recruitment, the specific appropriate steps to meet a goal), Organization of Materi-
performance-based measures used to determine EF deficits als (managing properties), and Monitor (self-check pro-
were chosen due to consistency of use across evaluations. gression through tasks). The scored report consists of T
Therefore, while behavioral ratings were able to capture scores for each subscale as well as a Global Executive
more complex aspects of executive functioning (e.g., plan- Composite (all eight subscales), a Behavioral Regula-
ning/problem-solving, set shifting, and self-regulation), the tion Index (BRI: Inhibit, Shift, and Emotional Control),
researchers were limited to performance-based EF measures a Metacognition Index (MI: Initiate, Working Memory,
that required less processing demands (e.g., working mem- Plan/Organize, Organization of Materials, and Moni-
ory, processing speed, impulsivity, and sustained attention). tor), and two validity scales (Inconsistency and Negativ-
ity). Lower T scores indicate better performance on each
SNAP‑IV 26‑Item Parent Rating Scale (Bussing et al. 2008) subscale.

The scale includes items from the DSM-IV criteria for

ADHD in two subsets: inattention (9 items) and hyperactiv- Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of intelligence, 2nd edition
ity/impulsivity (9 items). The scale also includes 8 items (WASI‑II) (Wechsler 2011)
from the DSM-IV criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder,
as this is a common comorbid diagnosis in children with This test was developed to accurately determine intelli-
ADHD. The SNAP-IV is based on a 4-point scale related to gence in individuals ranging from 6 to 90 years of age
frequency of occurrence (Not at all, Just a little, Often, and (McCrimmon and Smith 2013). The WASI-II was used to
Very often). Attention symptoms were considered significant determine the General Ability Index (GAI) for the con-
if four or more items were rated as Often or Very Often in trol subjects in an efficient manner. The Vocabulary and
any category. This measure was used to rule out attentional Matrix Reasoning subtest scores were used to determine
concerns in the control group; if symptoms were significant, each subject’s GAI score.
the participant was excluded from the study.

Table 1  Participants’ ADHD-PI (n = 21) ADHD-CT (n = 21) HC (n = 21)

demographic characteristics
Gender (male/female) 12/9 12/9 12/9
Age (year) 9.48 ± 2.56 9.48 ± 2.54 9.43 ± 2.48
WISC-IV/WASI-II GAI 104.29 ± 13.24 104.76 ± 11.04 104.70 ± 9.96

Data are mean ± standard deviation

ADHD-PI attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder—primary inattentive, ADHD-CT attention-deficit/hyper-
activity disorder—combined type, HC healthy control, WISC-IV Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Chil-
dren—Fourth Edition, WASI-II Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence—Second Edition, and GAI
General Ability Index

A. Tan et al.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children, 4th edition Conners’ Continuous Performance Test, 2nd edition, version
(WISC‑IV) (Wechsler 2003) 5 (CPT‑II) (Conners 2004)

This measure is used to determine intelligence in children This measure is used to assess impulsivity, sustained, and
who are between 6 and 16 years of age. It consists of ten selective attention. The CPT-II was administered using com-
core subtests, which combine into four factor scores and a puter software. Respondents are asked to watch the screen
Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ). The Verbal Com- as letters are displayed for 250 ms in 1-, 2-, and 4-second
prehension Index (VCI) includes the Similarities, Vocabu- intervals. Administration time is 14 min. They are asked to
lary, and Comprehension subtests; the Perceptual Reasoning press the space bar when any letter is presented except the
Index (PRI) includes the Block Design, Picture Concepts, letter ‘X’. Instead, when the letter ‘X’ is displayed, they are
and Matrix Reasoning subtests; the Working Memory to refrain from pressing the space bar. T scores based on age
Index (WMI) includes the Digit Span and Letter–Number and gender norms were obtained from the computer-gener-
Sequencing subtests; and the Processing Speed Index (PSI) ated scoring report. This study utilized the omission errors
includes the Coding and Symbol Search subtests. This study (number of times the target was presented and the subject
utilized the WISC-IV to determine intellectual functioning did not respond), commission errors (number of times the
of subjects and ensure that they met the inclusion criteria of subject responded when a target was not present), and vari-
a GAI above 90. The GAI is based on scores from the VCI ability in response rate (based on the time it takes for the
and PRI and is useful in assessing populations with ADHD, subject to react to the stimulus).
learning disabilities, or other disorders who have deficits in
working memory and/or processing speed which lower their Data analyses
FSIQ (Lanfranchi 2013).
ADHD-PI, ADHD-CT, and HC groups were equal in size
Digit Span from WISC‑IV and matched by age and gender for the analyses. There were
no statistical outliers or missing data. Next, the difference
This subtest was used to assess the working memory com- between performance-based measures and parent-report
ponent of EF and requires the participant to repeat digits behavioral ratings in assessing EF deficits in ADHD was
read aloud by the examiner in forward and reverse order. assessed. First, an ANOVA was conducted to compare dif-
Outcome was the number of correctly executed trials, and ferences in performance on EF tasks and BRIEF results
equivalent standard scores were obtained. across groups. Partial eta square (ηρ2) was calculated as an
estimate of effect size (Cohen 1988). Furthermore, the pre-
Letter–Number Sequencing from WISC‑IV dictive value of the performance-based measures and BRIEF
data was assessed using a discriminant function analysis
This subtest was also used to assess the working memory (DFA) to predict group membership in both subtypes of
component of EF and requires the participant to repeat ADHD and non-ADHD groups. In accordance with Tabach-
strings of numbers and letters in combinations. Outcome nick and Fidell (2013), DFA was preferred over a logistic
was the number of correctly executed trials, and equivalent regression due to the goal of predicting group membership,
standard scores were obtained. the dependent variable being nominal and more than two
groups, and the absence of categorical predictors. Because
Coding from WISC‑IV sample sizes produced at least 20 degrees of freedom, sam-
ple sizes were equal, and two-tailed tests were used, the DFA
This subtest was used to assess the processing speed com- was determined robust with respect to multivariate normal-
ponent of EF and requires the participant to quickly respond ity. Additionally, sample sizes were determined adequate, as
to a stimulus by copying a corresponding figure. Outcome is they exceeded the number of predictor variables (Tabachnick
the number of correct items, and equivalent standard scores and Fidell 2013). Statistical analyses were performed using
were obtained. both an alpha level of 0.05 and a Bonferonni-corrected alpha
level of 0.0025 to correct for multiple comparisons.
Symbol Search from WISC‑IV

This subtest was used to assess the processing speed com- Results
ponent of EF and requires the participant to quickly identify
whether a group of figures contains a stimulus figure. Out- It was hypothesized that both performance-based measures
come is the number of correct items minus the number of and questionnaire data would accurately identify differ-
errors, and equivalent standard scores were obtained. ences in EF among ADHD-PI, ADHD-CT, and control

Performance‑based measures and behavioral ratings of executive function in diagnosing…

subjects; however, the performance-based EF measures BRI were no longer significant on the BRIEF. Results sug-
were expected to be less predictive of these differences. gested that overall, the performance-based measures were
An ANOVA was first used to assess this sensitivity dif- less able to differentiate differences in EF between HCs
ference; results are displayed in Table 2. Out of all the and those diagnosed with ADHD compared to the BRIEF
performance-based task variables, the CPT variability in this sample.
score was the only outcome where a significant difference To further assess differences in predictive value between
was found (p < 0.05). A post hoc test revealed ADHD-CT the BRIEF and performance-based EF measures in diagnos-
subjects performed significantly worse on this measure. ing ADHD, a discriminant function analysis (DFA) was used
On the other hand, significant differences (p < 0.05) were (results presented in Table 3). All variables were entered
found on six of the eight BRIEF scales (Inhibit, Initiate, using a step-wise procedure. None of the performance-based
Working Memory, Plan and Organize, Organization of EF variables predicted group membership above chance
Materials, Monitor) and all indices (BRI, MI, GEC). Post levels. Working Memory, Inhibit, Organization of Materi-
hoc tests revealed that HCs had significantly lower rat- als, and the MI and GEC scales on the BRIEF all predicted
ings compared to both ADHD groups on all significantly group membership above chance levels. Cross-validated
different BRIEF variables except the Inhibit scale, which classification results revealed that 76.2% of the original
was found to be significantly higher in the ADHD-CT group was classified correctly as ADHD-PI, ADHD-CT, or
group compared to the ADHD-PI and HC groups. When non-ADHD. Results suggest that the BRIEF has significant
using a Bonferonni-corrected alpha level (p < 0.0025), no predictive value in eventual ADHD diagnosis, while pre-
significant group differences were found on performance- dictive value of performance-based EF measures requires
based task variables, and Organization of Materials and additional investigation.

Table 2  ANOVA results examining the effects of ADHD on EF measures

ADHD-PI ADHD-CT HC F value p value Effect size

Digit Span Backward SS 95.23 ± 19.07 98.57 ± 10.85 89.75 ± 14.99 1.719 0.188 0.055
Letter–Number Sequencing SS 96.19 ± 16.03 101.19 ± 13.59 99.25 ± 12.80 0.658 0.522 0.022
Symbol Search SS 98.33 ± 9.26 99.76 ± 12.09 99.75 ± 14.82 0.094 0.910 0.003
Coding SS 88.10 ± 16.11 96.19 ± 11.39 91.50 ± 11.59 1.670 0.197 0.054
Working Memory Index SS 95.38 ± 17.46 100.19 ± 12.67 96.45 ± 12.91 0.631 0.536 0.021
Processing Speed Index SS 92.81 ± 13.12 97.66 ± 11.05 91.10 ± 23.95 0.843 0.436 0.028
Omission T score 55.32 ± 17.67 64.78 ± 25.80 54.81 ± 26.71 1.167 0.318 0.038
Commission T score 52.12 ± 10.76 49.78 ± 13.77 49.54 ± 12.26 0.278 0.759 0.009
Variability T score 52.46 ± 9.80 59.58 ± 12.54 49.81 ± 12.26 4.657 0.013* 0.136
Inhibit T score 55.76 ± 11.01 69.85 ± 11.24 50.10 ± 9.40 19.002 < 0.001** 0.392
Shift T score 59.00 ± 12.45 54.81 ± 10.81 50.95 ± 12.53 2.327 0.106 0.073
Emotional Control T score 55.57 ± 10.87 57.09 ± 11.54 52.00 ± 12.15 1.050 0.356 0.034
Initiate T score 63.52 ± 10.83 59.52 ± 11.61 50.50 ± 8.53 8.328 < 0.001** 0.220
Working Memory T score 71.23 ± 10.18 70.61 ± 7.72 52.60 ± 9.47 27.009 < 0.001** 0.478
Plan and Organize T score 65.85 ± 8.83 64.04 ± 10.51 49.75 ± 9.04 17.516 <0.001** 0.373
Organize Materials T score 62.04 ± 8.51 58.33 ± 9.28 53.70 ± 10.97 3.865 0.026* 0.116
Monitor T score 62.71 ± 10.92 65.66 ± 8.07 47.65 ± 10.88 18.858 < 0.001** 0.390
BRI T score 57.57 ± 11.02 62.81 ± 10.88 51.30 ± 10.72 5.736 0.005* 0.163
MI T score 68.09 ± 8.88 66.85 ± 8.41 50.70 ± 8.96 24.977 < 0.001** 0.458
GEC T score 65.23 ± 8.80 66.04 ± 7.89 51.15 ± 9.34 18.888 < 0.001** 0.390

Score data are mean ± standard deviation

*Significant at p < 0.05; **significant at Bonferroni-corrected p < 0.0025
ANOVA analysis of variance, ADHD-PI attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder—primary inattentive, ADHD-CT attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder—combined type, HC healthy control, SS standard score, WISC-IV Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fourth Edition, CPT Con-
ners’ Continuous Performance Test, BRIEF Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning, BRI Behavioral Regulation Index, MI Meta-
cognition Index, and GEC Global Executive Composite

A. Tan et al.

Table 3  DFA classification: ADHD-PI versus ADHD-CT versus HC to performance-based EF test measures when diagnosing
Actual groups Number of Predicted group membership
cases The results of this study highlight past claims that reli-
ability, sensitivity, and the ecological validity of EF tasks
ADHD-PI 21 14 5 2 cannot be taken for granted and greater attention to psy-
66.7% 23.8% 9.5% chometric properties of task-based EF measures is needed
ADHD-CT 21 2 18 1 (Doyle et al. 2005). The utility of the measures used in diag-
9.5% 85.7% 4.8% nosing ADHD is constrained by its test–retest reliability.
HC 21 3 2 16 Although published clinical measures generally provide evi-
14.3% 9.5% 76.2%
dence of reasonable test–retest reliability in their manuals,
Percentage of originally grouped cases correctly classified: 76.2% few objective studies have formally assessed the reliability
DFA discriminant function analysis, ADHD-PI attention-deficit/ of EF measures. Construct validity must also be considered;
hyperactivity disorder—primary inattentive, ADHD-CT attention-def- deficits in other domains may impact EF test scores even
icit/hyperactivity disorder—combined type and HC healthy control though the impairments are not truly caused by EF deficits.
For some individuals, impairments in EF could be caused
Discussion by lower intelligence, visuospatial deficits, or symptoms
of other comorbid disorders. An EF measure’s ability to
These results are consistent with previous research that capture subtle impairments must also be considered. For
has demonstrated differences between performance-based example, the systematized testing environment that is used
measures and behavioral rating questionnaire-based data in the administration of clinical EF measures may reduce the
of EF deficits in ADHD individuals. Significantly higher severity of deficits. Finally, EF measures may be designed to
EF deficits were found in ADHD participants regardless measure simple components of EF compared to behavioral
of subtype on most BRIEF scales compared to HC, with ratings that account for observation of the complexity of
most scales belonging to the Metacognition Index. The EF, which may lead to lower sensitivity of EF measures in
exception was the Inhibit scale, a measure of inhibition capturing real-word EF deficits. Neuropsychologists must
of impulses and regulation of behavior, which was sig- confirm that tests are measuring what they are intended to
nificantly higher in the ADHD-CT group compared to measure in a reliable, valid, and sensitive way. Increasing
ADHD-PI and HC groups. These findings are consistent the clinical utility, construct validity, and sensitivity of EF
with the literature, which has demonstrated that symptoms measures will contribute to detection of real-world deficits in
of hyperactivity/impulsivity are significantly associated clinical settings, in addition to validation of parent concerns.
with the Inhibit subscale, while symptoms of inattention Another consideration is the role of EF deficits in ADHD.
are significantly associated with Metacognition Index Research has shown that a substantial percentage of youth
subscales (Gioia et al. 2002; McCandless and O’Laughlin with ADHD perform within the normal range on measures
2007). However, contrary to expectation, differences in of EF upon formal testing (Doyle et al. 2005). The literature
EF deficits noted on behavioral ratings were not found on remains inconsistent regarding this topic, and clarification is
most performance-based tasks in this sample. EF difficul- an important step toward understanding why performance-
ties described on the BRIEF such as inhibition, monitor- based EF tests may not always capture the underlying reason
ing, initiation, and working memory might be expected on for behavioral deficits in ADHD children. Normal perfor-
the CPT and WISC-IV PSI and WMI. One notable excep- mance may be explained by differences in severity of impair-
tion was CPT variability, which was significantly elevated ment, the use of compensatory neurocognitive mechanisms,
in the ADHD-CT group. This outcome is a measure of or the possibility that additional mechanisms underlie the
response speed consistency reflecting variable attention neurocognitive impairments in ADHD cases. For example,
and processing efficiency throughout the administration, recent studies have suggested that EF deficits may be only
and this finding may be reflective of higher sensitivity of one neuropsychological subtype of ADHD among others
this variable to difficulties with impulsivity in ADHD-CT. such as delay aversion and state regulation impairments,
Additionally, when all variables were entered into a DFA, supporting that multiple pathways of ADHD exist (Lambek
BRIEF scales (Working Memory, Inhibit, Organization of et al. 2010). Others have proposed that ADHD and EF defi-
Materials) and indexes (MI and GEC) were significantly cits may co-occur so frequently due to referral bias. Perhaps
better at predicting eventual ADHD diagnosis (even by the majority of subjects in neuropsychological studies of
subtype) compared to all performance-based EF measures ADHD are represented by individuals exhibiting ADHD
in this sample. Thus, present results provide support for symptoms and EF impairments simultaneously because
more predictive value of behavioral rating data compared these children display more behavior problems and are there-
fore more likely to be referred for treatment than children

Performance‑based measures and behavioral ratings of executive function in diagnosing…

without deficits in EF (Pennington and Ozonoff 1996). Thus, to findings regarding their respective value in diagnosing
future studies should further investigate underlying deficits ADHD. Future research on the sensitivity of EF measures
in ADHD. may want to consider using performance-based EF tasks
Several limitations to this study must be noted. In using a that assess higher-order EF skills. Additionally, compari-
sample from clinic archival data, results of the present study sons were not made between particular BRIEF scales and
may not generalize to a larger population. The majority of neuropsychological measures designed to reflect specifically
the sample was Caucasian, and differences were not found corresponding neuropsychological processes. Future studies
between ADHD and non-ADHD participants in grade level investigating the relationship between performance-based
or GAI. Results of the present study may not generalize to EF tasks and behavioral rating EF data should consider
lower-functioning or academically underachieving ADHD selecting clinical EF measures that correspond to specific
patients, which is more common in populations with lower EF rating subscales.
socioeconomic status. Additionally, some members of the The results of the current study suggest that the BRIEF
control group were necessarily obtained from the same scales are capturing EF deficits and predicting ADHD status
source of clinic archival data. Difficulties can arise in dis- more accurately compared to performance-based measures.
cerning group differences within a clinic-referred sample, as These findings were clear in a well-selected sample of HCs,
some children referred for suspicions of neuropsychologi- ADHD-PI, and ADHD-CT children matched for gender,
cal impairment might also display problems related to EF. age, and IQ. While these results point to differences between
Attempts were made to lower the effect of this limitation performance-based measures and behavioral ratings in cap-
by including recruits from the general community for the turing EF deficits in ADHD individuals, the underlying rea-
control group and requiring a telephone screening to rule son for these differences must continue to be investigated
out suspicions of ADHD and other exclusionary data prior (Doyle et al. 2005). Continued development of ecologically
to inclusion. Overall sample size was an additional limita- valid measures of EF will be an important supplement to
tion, and larger samples may have led to increased power in neuropsychological assessment in this population, as rat-
detecting differences between groups. Future studies should ing scales cannot be used as a proxy for performance-based
investigate these questions in a larger and more heterogene- neuropsychological measures (Salimpoor et al. 2000).
ous sample.
Additionally, the comorbidity of ADHD with learning Compliance with ethical standards 
disorders in our sample is a potential limitation, as emer-
gent research has found differences in cognitive function in Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of
children with ADHD and learning difficulties (Huang et al.
2016). While exclusionary criteria related to comorbid dis-
orders were quite stringent, comorbid learning disorders lim-
ited to dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and learning disor- References
ders—not otherwise specified (LD-NOS) were accepted to
American Psychiatric Association (1994) Diagnostic and statistical
obtain sufficient sample size. Furthermore, research suggests
manual of mental disorders, 4th edn. Author, Washington
that gender may be associated with differences in ADHD Anderson P (2002) Assessment and development of executive function
symptom presentation (Quinn and Madhoo 2014). While (EF) during childhood. Child Neuropsychol 8(2):71–82
both genders were accepted to obtain sufficient sample size, Barkley RA (1997) Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and
executive functions: constructing a unifying theory of ADHD.
participant groups were matched by gender to address this
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