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Blood Purif 2008;26:45–48 Published online: January 10, 2008

DOI: 10.1159/000110563

Pathophysiology of Salt-Sensitive
A New Scope of an Old Problem
Martha Franco a Laura G. Sanchez-Lozada a Rocio Bautista a Richard J. Johnson c
Bernardo Rodriguez-Iturbe b
Department of Nephrology, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología I. Ch., Mexico City, Mexico;
Hospital Universitario, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela;
Division of Nephrology, Hypertension and Transplantation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., USA

Key Words conditions, blockade of the angiotensin II AT1 receptors

Salt-sensitive hypertension ⴢ Angiotensin II ⴢ Microdialysis ⴢ ameliorate cortical vasoconstriction. Thus, the renal angio-
Tubulointerstitial inflammation ⴢ Renal hemodynamics tensin system in association with interstitial immune infil-
trating cells may play a pivotal role in the development and
maintenance of salt-sensitive hypertension.
Abstract Copyright © 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
It has been recognized for many years that salt intake is one
of the main environmental factors responsible for the devel-
opment of hypertension. More than 30 years ago, Guyton The association between high sodium intake and sys-
and co-workers postulated a relationship between blood temic hypertension is well known. In fact, high salt inges-
pressure and natriuresis which maintains sodium balance tion is considered one of the main environmental factors
and extracellular volume; thus an impaired ability of the kid- that influences blood pressure [1].
ney to excrete sodium requires an increase in blood pressure The prevalence of essential hypertension as well as
to increase natriuresis and correct the sodium balance, re- deleterious cardiovascular complications is higher in in-
sulting in hypertension. Currently, the mechanisms respon- dustrialized societies, in which salt intake varies from
sible for the alterations mentioned above remain under 100 to 500 mEq/day. In contrast, in societies in which in-
investigation. Among them, microvascular and tubulointer- take is !50 mEq/day, a lower incidence of systemic hyper-
stitial injury induce salt retention and development of salt- tension is observed [2]. Salt-sensitive hypertension is de-
sensitive hypertension that appears to be mediated in part fined as an increment in mean arterial pressure 110 mm
by lymphocytes and macrophages infiltrating the tubuloin- Hg when a high salt diet is ingested, after receiving a di-
terstitium that produce angiotensin II and stimulate oxida- uretic dose and/or a low sodium diet [3].
tive stress. In the post-angiotensin salt-sensitive hyperten- In this regard, salt sensitivity increases with age, being
sion model, angiotensin levels are elevated despite systemic present in approximately 50% of hypertensive individu-
angiotensin II levels being suppressed, and the local angio- als !40 years and increasing to 80% in those 160 years
tensin II levels correlate with the presence of intrarenal [3–7]. The mechanisms involved in the development of
inflammation and cortical vasoconstriction. Under these salt sensitivity remain currently under investigation. - 8/31/2013 4:28:49 PM

© 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel Martha Franco, MD, PhD

0253–5068/08/0261–0045$24.50/0 Nephrology Department, Instituto Nacional de Cardiología I. Ch.
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ity of the autoregulatory mechanism and induce arterio-
Genetic causes, transient RAS activation, lar and peritubular capillary injury. In clinical studies, up
hyperactivity SNS, hyperuricemia, reduced number
of nephrons, etc.
to 40% of patients have labile hypertension in the initial
stage, characterized by an increase in the activity of the
Transient elevation of BP sympathetic nervous system with decreased parasympa-
thetic tone [13, 14]. Under physiological conditions an el-
Reflex constriction of preglomerular vessels
Glomerular hypertension evation of blood pressure causes a reflex vasoconstriction
Transient renal vasoconstriction of preglomerular vessels response that reduces the trans-
mission of the increased pressure to the glomeruli and
Transient renal ischemia
post-glomerular capillaries. This response is observed in
Adhesion molecules the cortical nephrons, in the juxtamedullary nephrons
Proinflammatory cytokines, and in medullary vessels; however the response may not
chemotactic and growth factors
Macrophage and T-cell infiltration be sufficient, resulting in transmission of excessive pres-
sure to the glomerular and peritubular capillaries. Glo-
merular hypertension and the focal loss of peritubular
Afferent arteriolopathy
Oxidative stress capillaries favor glomerular and tubulointerstitial injury
f NO, F Ang II
[15]. In support to this hypothesis, transient stimulation
of the sympathetic system with temporal infusion with
F Vascular resistance Peritubular capillary loss Tubular
phenylephrine in rats, induced marked increase in blood
effects pressure, microvascular and tubulointerstitial lesions
and salt-sensitive hypertension [16] (fig. 1).
Sustained tendency to Na retention Despite the fact that the kidney receives 20% of the
cardiac output, in the outer medulla the oxygen tension
is low due to the countercurrent mechanism and the high
Salt-sensitive hypertension
metabolic activity of the renal tubules. Thus, repetitive
periods of vasoconstriction may induce tissue ischemia
with the overexpression of adhesion molecules and che-
Fig. 1. Pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension. The diverse
mechanisms recognized today as important in the development
mokines, resulting in infiltration of mononuclear cells
of salt-sensitive hypertension are shown (see text for details). that release oxidative molecules, decrease nitric oxide
availability and induce local generation of angiotensin II
(Ang II) [17].
In addition, liberation of cytokines and growth factors
Pathophysiology of Salt-Sensitive Hypertension induced hypertrophy of the wall of the preglomerular
vessels that, coupled with the local production of vaso-
Several hypotheses have been postulated to explain constrictive factors, may increase vascular resistance, de-
the specific mechanisms responsible of the defect in renal crease glomerular blood flow, reduce single nephron glo-
sodium excretion. These include genetic alterations [8], merular filtration rate, and stimulate sodium retention
heterogeneity in activation of the intrarenal renin-angio- with its increase in blood pressure. As blood pressure in-
tensin system [9], medullary ischemia [10], and congeni- creases, the renal perfusion pressure increases to aid in
tal or acquired reduction in nephron number [11]. In this relieving the ischemia, thereby helping correct glomeru-
regard, one study reported that patients with established lar filtration rate and the renal sodium excretion. In some
hypertension have a lower number of nephrons com- areas of the kidney the increment in perfusion pressure
pared to control subjects of the same age [12]. may not be able to relieve ischemia due to the loss of the
Recently we have proposed a pathway for the develop- microvasculature, leading to persistent salt sensitivity.
ment of hypertension that includes several of these pro- The consequence is a shift of the natriuresis curve to a
posed mechanisms. In the initial phase, the kidneys are level of higher arterial pressure.
functionally and structurally normal; however hyperac- The participation of microvascular and tubulointer-
tivity of the sympathetic nervous system or the transient stitial injury in the genesis of hypertension has been dem-
stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system induce tran- onstrated in experimental models of hypertension. For
sient elevations of blood pressure that override the capac- example, it is well known that the infusion of Ang II can - 8/31/2013 4:28:49 PM

46 Blood Purif 2008;26:45–48 Franco /Sanchez-Lozada /Bautista /

Johnson /Rodriguez-Iturbe
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induce hypertension, renal vasoconstriction, arteriolar lated to the sodium retention secondary to intrarenal
hypertrophy and injury, peritubular capillary loss and Ang II. Ang II is expressed by infiltrating T cells and
mild tubulointerstitial injury. Stopping the Ang II infu- macrophages in experimental models of hypertension
sion after 14 days results in normalization of blood pres- [24–26]. These inflammatory cells express angiotensin-
sure. However, these animals are now salt-sensitive, for converting enzyme [27], suggesting that they may be syn-
placement on a high salt diet rapidly results in hyperten- thesizing Ang II.
sion and renal vasoconstriction. A causal relationship be- Studies from Nishiyama et al. [28] in the Ang II infu-
tween functional and structural damage was demon- sion model reported that renal interstitial Ang II may
strated with the administration of mycophenolate mofetil function as a separate compartment from the systemic
(MMF) during the initial Ang II infusion, as it did not circulation. Recently we demonstrated that the intersti-
prevent the acute increase in blood pressure in response tial Ang II is increased in the post-Ang II model of salt-
to Ang II, but it did prevent the inflammatory and micro- sensitive hypertension [29]. A strong correlation was
vascular injury and the subsequent salt-sensitive hyper- shown between the level of renal Ang II and blood pres-
tension and renal cortical vasoconstriction [18]. sure and the interstitial inflammatory response; renal
Other models have also been reported in which the Ang II levels were also reduced by the MMF during the
tubulointerstitial and vascular injury are associated with prior exogenous Ang II infusion [29]. In contrast to the
the development of salt-sensitive hypertension. These in- increase in intrarenal Ang II that occurs in this model,
clude: transient inhibition of nitric oxide, systemic hy- plasma Ang II was suppressed. The strong correlation of
poxia, cyclosporine nephrotoxicity, aging and chronic interstitial Ang II, the number of Ang-II-positive cells by
proteinuria [19]. In spontaneous hypertensive rats, tubu- immunostaining, and the blood pressure suggest an ex-
lointerstitial inflammation is also involved in the devel- quisite relationship between interstitial Ang II with blood
opment of hypertension. In this model the increased af- pressure [30]. Our studies are in agreement with observa-
ferent resistance as well as tubulointerstitial inflamma- tions showing that blockade of Ang II AT1 receptors with
tion appear before the development of hypertension [20]. candesartan and MMF-induced reduction of interstitial
MMF administration decreased blood pressure only dur- inflammation have similar effects on glomerular hemo-
ing the time of administration, and it correlated with the dynamics and blood pressure [30].
decrease in interstitial macrophages and lymphocytes These studies support the role of interstitial immune
and a reduction in intrarenal oxidants. Recurrence of hy- cells in the pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension,
pertension was associated with accumulation of inflam- and may serve as potential guideline to future clinical
matory cells in the interstitium. These findings suggest studies. Recent studies in patients with grade I essential
that the increase in afferent resistance may induce persis- hypertension that received MMF for 3 months as treat-
tent ischemia which causes an accumulation of inflam- ment for psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis, showed ame-
matory cells with recurrence of hypertension [21, 22]. Ac- lioration of the hypertension and reduction of urinary
cordingly, the two most important factors that appear to inflammatory cytokines [31]. Taken together, the find-
contribute to the generation and maintenance of hyper- ings summarized above suggest that strategies directed
tension include injury to the microvasculature and the to prevent the infiltration of inflammatory cells or that
interstitial inflammatory reaction (which consists pri- are aimed at blocking intrarenal Ang II generation or ox-
marily of T cells and macrophages) [23]. idant production may be useful in preventing or treating
The mechanism by which immune infiltration con- salt-sensitive hypertension.
tributes to the pathogenesis of hypertension may be re-

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